;o vi xvitipt mactiir PT lON, - ' .' _x\C ! _ .EXPEDriIOVSLY ,;1T,5 , ,, • • .-FrIIk.'SHPRNS..a ,Tu pu niteil w re, St ov . e • • itnil Tin' Ot t 41i.,. @ p.7A SycoN 'S. ExterrED kr. TnE .;:',V. '4 . 'iTol — llloN - . " , ... gq.E4;o3l-TIIE STATE OF NEW'yORIC4. .6Y. : ..: 10..:1*/,000(e:eud•'acknowledgments of Deed s ', it t rel: ~- -: , : :le er Mato be used and 'recorded in , enid te o • ''q-'4 f , k impithcor afilrmatione rureuont ti, 016 ilitits; % oooountor4 Ar.c: . • Ofileu•in Lund Of a fflik ie lllitipt: irptdiuillo4(tirdi•NclCeen Co ,da.'• .. ' • rtY:';i , 'Wi',:' '-'.', ,'. ..: .':' . .' i .. ':' ' ' • .. : ' ' ' TIIOIVIPSON'S :'4IIOIIOitANIt . ,COMIERCIAL , REPOiITEII. too 000 re. at on, :v • EDITED BY. JOHN .TIIONIPSON. 310,iiitOons.cor(ected.fq 4 . .11031rpiN BROTIIERS, , • Wall Stret. ".., "- • 'Tapia loylCnA 1 . 17 ii•altl;o•St •, , • „ 1-11911111:41W-IVIIHNONEPTI9N IN . ADVANCE; •'- '• To mall,Sel.;terjbers - • , ition 7:;u; oi 'otheili,jrho fuim Clubs and for 'money In advapee. we • ni send the Ilepor ; :111.0g100,12itar!MaIllq, And Da4criptive• List, us lot-. ' 4;l, lOf the lieetirtv; - i;no Yens: ,$8 00 this • Beird , ninutbly: . 400 hiOnthlY .... • •will;forward grataitoa,ly,to •nny person .of $26.0t the above rates, at low ail e .:timei 0 4r./A w ricroi:Oold .Cpus Ti!c -'• &Ade,. tAddleis , ' • • ' .TROMPSON , BROTHERS, Banhets,..• No. 20trali St. N. Proprietor-s.: . . '.l:--'I;•COTIRT-,P.IIOCLANATION. • .. , WHEREAS the ,Hon. Robart G. White •••••:•TV:Ptlisidant.:Judie and . the lions J. bar N. Peabody 'Associate Judgei of . the ',1;• 4Sigto,4oyer& •..Terminsr 'end :Genetul: Jiiil :..;:a,,lfellkyary;-Quarter SasSiOns of the 'Peane;. 011' CoOrt of Common. P . lpas.,fo; '• ~ ,Oilcoiiinfy Witati s o have 'hipped thPir precept; ':!•bitiOrat:dite Itettirday,.. the seventh day of htthe year of our Lord one thou.. 'tleisk.aightlitndred, and sixty.one; • and to • inc ...j . ,41(000111 ifail, bolding'a Court.Oyer and arid, G eneral ..Tail'%•Delivery, Quarter '.4sieeklitir . Of 'the Nice,. .Orphans . '' Conk and of. Common pleas, in the Borou,gh . . of -: , i..Y . ' , '.'llarrAhictrt',,;en Monday, third:of March' ~ !. ;,..jaeilii i itild l teriontititte One! week. • • • theraforithereby givsn' to ,the 'cora 4,,iiiriilitsticqs of the ~ P eace: And .Con Sta blqs :•:•;-::,-*Iiiik:uoicaunty,ihat they be then and.i. here A'. M. of other rerrientbrances,• to do Ithiii;lbitng#lloieji their 'offiee.rappertain to he thisse*ho are . bound . .:401,iipai:iici:pisiseciita the-prisoners thatare 'or ahallt?triti the jail. Of. .artid county Of MtKean, 64 . 4 lot hilitt;atitt there ,prOseeute :aguinst be:kitit: • ••• -• •• • at ',.Beriethport, this LOA day of. Fida .5..1411882, end the Bth : year of the ;:r.r• poOdonce of xho 'United St ates of • America. ' , •. JAS. E. BLAIR, Sheriff. .:-TROSPECTUS.. :SCIENTIFIC ' AMERICAN; -Nu NOT 'Mcotiitiscmi.. PARER it Tuu , WoRLD YEAR. •Volume VI.-- Kew SO:it s. . • . ..A.ineWoluede of this widely circulated pa ' *it ionitilencas ari the 4 th 01-,Fanuary. • Every monsbol,eautaina etxteen pages of useful infer" '•llllttitilaitull'iour,five to ten original engravings .' l :of,arov, inventions and discoveries; of which , prePared: expressly lor.its celumn. 'AMERICAN is devoted to '••• . ',".,;5 1 0 1 1_-iitterists of Popular Science, the Mechanic Inventions, Agriculture, ',ColtettOreitrifid the'.lndustrial Pursuits gener:. end: e valuable and, instructive , not only i?";'-•'.1111--,Illiff'!Irorkshop.and Manufactory, but also.in the Library.. and theßeadinn , " " '"'" • Mechanic. and Man u f act urerf , lhlierjutrm _eugaigett any of the mechanica ?.think, of doing without the I,..IOIO'AIIIIICAttI. it costs but four cents every ngoobao.„.Fontaine from six to :1161(10jiaVings - 0( neiV)tniChines' and inven cannot he, found in,any 'other pub arr;establiatied 'rule of ,tbe pub , r iksivsrifarititieri..; , ol4 41,1'fariginal engravings, the first class :in the art,; drawn experienced . persons under •.1104V1111supervision.... . • • • To the Inventor!. • , i'lEMii~~ SCIENTIFIC 4 . IkIERICAN ie ' ;;`.indie lam! !tisto,otityinventoi, as it not: n only .ciin.; of neatly all the • - rivPn ite anti, the tetriSts• or the.. ,•tift atut•c'a pfin t n fiat t)vnlincAva; ;i - 0 )6,1: ptibtishO'Jrar.n t inn I tibn . tier,tnihinitlit . thr..in.toi - eH sof „ iII vi;r:fghts . 'ftlid'inill.•own.ets'iv.o l.l . (mind inthlistiedjii the obtliinftpikeny Other son re'p., sobjpi.te.itt rs fin!d en . t.thefs . :ero: ih tereolcif 'tsjilr.h . e . fontnl j teiti 91'd in Se.ft:3,4. r t rtcAlutricitnt•thnsf of We itniiinv'firioits in A 2 .;ic.nifursl frnfainents beiiirp;•lllustriited i ,rt, its . colutuns.. • • .•-. :•• • • , • 43i; ; EAI'Y Ti m; .•::' ,i'llOOSE: • ' %tit: Cat PA., OChaPail ..this well itgirstnd . nPd ABL 11/pvtrylii)Vg 401 11 ? pittronage, Tait otelkii.l6g" P. 11, FULLER. 'IsO, 384 y , Li:VA:t.s . ,n Yedr; 0r:.(3 0 W92.11911Ai:. pays .11? one. coinplr•te .voium6 two.-yoltinnes. - comptis.e :one a•ol• limes 'conimena" on the hril :of jailuary and . . . • . . . .. .. ~ 'rive •Coliles,:10:8 iic Montliq;:..:: Ten CopieF., for s.qx. , :i‘toOtig%. - -.- TO copies; - for...Twel ire:111" R n! tis:.:`.. l - - FiliqPri'copi;.,:c (0y Ttv..ql;;e'lqnntlig - .T'4 , eriiy Clipie; , ,:lo i '1 . , ...id ye i4r6rij h . g — :; ...:. .$2B For all dubs pfTwitnty:ind:over,.the r. Snbsi - ription;hi only : RI e!.l can I,' Sent in st Aliffnmnt from different . Specimen eQples will. be _sent'gia• tis to . nny . :part off-thn. ennui .*: . . . . Ofinnd . ioll rfopey stamim t,airen at par'for subec'riptions.. Gana 7 than etmeriliers . mill ‘pleoile to. rotnit 21 Coots . V erA on each . yeni . ''s imbkriptiOn pre'-pay Ayer'sSarsaparilla A. - coinpound remedy; hi which we. have..la bored to Produce the 'Mast effectual alterative• that can. be 'made.... It is keen centrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, E-0 ,combined 'with other snbstotines:of still. greater alterative power .'ns to afford. an citeetive- antidote fOr - thedisehses sarsaParillttis reputed to cure: 'lt, is believed that such a remedy: is wanted by. those-Who suifer.frpm. Btrumous'comPlaints, mid that ono 'which. Wilt 'laccomplish their euro must prove Of ,inirneirse .service to this: large class of our :afflicted felloW-cithi.ens. 'How completely this compound.will dolt has beemproVeo by exper ithent"on Many Of ..the Worst'eases to be, foinal of the following complaints: • • • .Scittwur.A...etwo•-•• SUltOrtlf.Dll9 POMPIAINTS, ERUPTIONS .AND EILUPTIVP;DISEASER;IJI.tEILS, PIMPLES, BLOTCRES,, TUMORS,' SALT ItILEUM, SCAM:3IIIR); , SYPHILIS A'N . p IiYP!I I EATIO AF FECTIONS,'MERCUILIXT; DISRASE; DROPS 4 r, Nsu-, rtnt,on.•oirTto DputouanuX,; Nisturv,• most& 'AND ..1"NDIO nsriox, sgitysicntAs, Itose ort.Sr. Finn, and indeed the whole .clasS COmplaints arising, from...l?Muntry .0D . This, compound will lie fotind.a -great . motet of health, when taken. in' the spring, to expol 'the foul .hutnors ‘,.which fester in :the: blood at that season of the year. By thetiree- , .ly, e;cptilsion of them Many. rankling disorders . nro nipP . ecl in the. bud. Multitudes . can, by ihnuid. of this rerneclY,..spare themselVes from ' the' endurance of ieul . eruptions and: 'ulcerous. earns, through which the, system:will 4itrive rid. itself: of corruptirms,4-ndt assisted .to Ile this: through the natural channels Of the body 'by - an alteratlye - medicine... Cleanse out: the • vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities hUrsting through the skin in pimples,' eruptions; :or.sores ; • efeanse , it 'when you fiat. it. is ob struetaand shiggiSh' in-the veins ; •cleanse it' whefiever it is foul, and your' feelings will tell you when. • 'Even whereno trarticular, disorder is NC . people enjoy betterlicalth, and -live longer, for cleansing . the blood. Keep . the blood healthy, and all is Well; :but with this pabulum of life diserdered,: there can bb -no lasting health. • sziener or later something . must go wrong, and the great ,machinery lifo'li'disordered or Overthrown.. • Sarsaparilla •has,.. and. deserves- much, the reputation, of accomplishing these . ends.: hut the 'world Ilan been..egregiously , deceived by preparations.' of it,. partly beeause.,.flie drug alone has not all the ,virtue that ls chained for it, butlnore.,tecanse Many preparatiOns, 'pretending tb ,be -toneentrated extrat,to Of• it; contain but of theyirtue - of , Sarsaparilla, or any thing 'else. • During late years the piddle haVe been mis, , ...led by largo tottlesi.pretending te.givi‘ a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one.dollar. Most of . these have bean' frauds upon The sick, fin they not Only. contain' little, if any, • tir:rsapa. idle', but often no curative properties whittl.N.-, er. Deuce, bitter and.painful diiappointmcnt has followed the use ef. the . varions extracts of: Sarsaparilla which flood' the market, until the name itself is justly despfsed, and has ,become oynonymouS with imposition and 'cheat.,' Still .we call thii compound Sarsaparilla, and:intend • to • eupply . such' a remedy no • shall, rescue, die . name - froni the' we Of. . obloquy. which .rests . upon it... And we -think we Nape ground ibr believing it-has virtues-which are irresistible • by' he ordinary run of the' iseases it is intend-• :ea •to care.'' In order to seetire their cetnidete eradication front the sYsterMthe remedy should . -"be judiciously taken according. tO . directions on the bottle: .• •• . . • • Price, sl4)er BoXtle Six Bottles tor $5 Cherry .. . . „Ayet's Pectoral, has won for itself stich. a renown for_ the . cure of 'every variety of Throat arid Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount , the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been ma ployed.. As .it has • long' been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do• more than assure the peoplo its 'quality is kept.up to the best it ever has been, and that it.may.be relied on to do for their relief , all, it hai ever been found.-t0.e,0, FOIL TILE . CUltEr or • • Costiveness; .I*spepsid, Indigestion, .Dysentery, Stomach, Eqsirclas, Headache, I?ilqs,.l?heumatism,'Eorptions and Shin Diseasmi ,Liver: Complaint, I)ropsy, Teller, 7'anzord and' Salt :41retim, !forms; Gout; Ncyrdyia, 'as 'a Dinner . rill,''and Turifyinif thd BlOod. They are .augar-cpated, so that the most revel.: titre cara take them pleasantly, and, they:are the best aperient in the world Id all the purposes of . • '• '• • _ •• P.#bo 25. cents le; .• - -Boxes for si.oo. • Great numbers of Clergytue.n.:Phyrielans, States men, and' eminent ..personages, hate. lent 'their Dames to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these Sreretecbee;init oar:space here will not permit the illiertiOn Of . them. .'r h tr. Agent" , bOOW met) fnr mlattratls,pur AattnioAN A . T.:mAritkc in wilich they are 'given; . with al des'eri pt of;the ah6v ,complainte;,ml . tho treatment that should be lowed for their curb... . • - Do not be. put oft- hv.iurprinciptcd dealers wire. 'Other . propurotiono tlicy: make:more profit 'Oil. Demand. M un'a, :and. take. no orai.;ta Tito sick .Icnttho best aid. there is for them, And:ahoide A.Wour.D.eMedies are for axle by • }J. Hamlin & Co., rriethport ; Port - Allegheuy adiLby.,-deulerri:,eyrytyllera: MEM CT, e Bilt-4.T.F.:5. 1)11 . 1)lishal:s, N0:3:7 'Park-iow.Kew York PBErnnEI. nv, CO. • LONVELL.,.:I\TASS. flyer's, . cathartic .Pills; - sliort thsipti.r of wit ? ry. ‘ • Grot the'gorse. TRE . IIO.IISEAND:'HIS'.,..DISEASES • 1.1171 , .3ENNINGS; V. S • • .• . . rltoiTi;solt ov. rlTlOl,O6' AND 111.kli7TIAR vrign.xiintcuL.LeuE Op I' II IL d • • }FILL TELL roT.l.or the Origin,' ilisitiry 111%fITICtiV 1 - trails of thardrietth of Eureps: . • f Xsiotic.Arrieen anti Amer entilliir. • t ' " .sini with the . .physical fa:in:W . oP and. • • . . • . peculiarities of the . animal. :anti how '• ••• • • to: ascertain hitittpi by: the r ' w , • , utel.ealition - of Ms 6'oo ;, illusttateir • :' • ", With nunitirous . e,splanatory engravings' • Tito t t - t•Tid his II) iseitsfes: • .- ,WILL TA:Li...TUC, Urtitielmi; '• ° ••• ' , ing;(irooming,'Slineing, apti. the gen... • • . , • eral. management - of tiro litlyse,t ',wat ,-• • t,. ittiministaring ntislitine, also, 1 , ' ' •• hoer to trait 'Biting, it irking..lleliring, • • •• . •' " Shying,. °lib Oiling, • • • • . • linistiess , uutl nilie.r:VlClD4 to whiell •.. " • ~; •ii subject;iiitli•nprieruits•6xpliumto; • •• •• • • • - • 1) - 1Holv , et- , . 1111,1.,TEL I. YOU Of: the emotes, symptoms, awl treat-. ,• ' • .inset of .Stron4les. Part Throat DIL ' .. . • •• . temper, Oattirrh,lntluenza, ilrenr'slt., . :is. Ptiouluenia; Pleurisy, Prolcoa Wind Chronic (toilet; Rearing and Whist:' • • • • ling: Lti 'IMRE; So re Ilbnifh • • • . nwl 4 cienycul Tenth,' with tit her' • P.C3 . Of the MOuth . llespiratOrY Or- - - $l5 - • $22 • • ••1-'1 .1-f Ur 1114. cattfo , s, Symptoms on I 'V rAitt; '• • • "' • ment, of Worms, flats, Colin, Strangn- • , :••••' • 'Stony Cerier'ethins,„Rupturmi, . . . Palsy, Diarlie.s.• Jan ~dire, • . llcpntir r.hoe, Bloody 'Urine, rifthies in the Kid ,. • nays and liladder: : disease's : Ml.lle Stimtell, " •". LiVery . and Oriiinry Orgaim.." • . Di',9Mi-sc , ,s • VGA. YOO Of the C111181..0, fiyinntintt, and trent- . •••• • , ":'meat of Ilene . ..lllmA and Beg, "..• • :, . Hann, 'Sweenfe, 'Strains ,Ilroken . • • If nves, Wind Galla, •, Fnunder. :Bale • • " • Didion and Gravel,. Crarceil • ' ' • ' l3aratelles, Canker, 'Nuns', and Carps; ' • ••••-• : • -alsn; or Megrims', Vertigo:. fifillein,V, titagg , m, and intlier dioearles •of Om . ‘. . . . . . . . . . ' ' • •Y.l'lle - . Fl'eirke hiltlll.ll4 1 - JiSCAll , l'lll . - \VIII. TULL, YQU Of, the. e:leeliS, symptoms, awl Treat • _ • • . • meat of Flotilla, Poll llidb lil',io ..,' • ! '.•''. '., Furey; Scailet Fevei.,•'3l,inge, Surfeit, . '• • , • ..booketF4aiv,-Illientuatimn, , C ruing, • • . . . ' Galls, Hiss t•lesof•tlie . llyn and !lent. '. • •• • . ,k.e., e.; nue .how I n niana4e,-0 intro '. , . •,' . .'' • lion, bleeding, Trelddnulicz, lloiVel • • . . :: '' :lig, Firing,•tlerni4. Aulpulation,•Tali .•• *, • ',ping, slid other'sbrgical 0 pelittlons. .... . . ..•'. ' • '1...116,11 ittu-40 flu cl.11.1H• r)it- r ti•:.lHt•s-', •' • ' . WILL l'lll.li YOU O f Itulny's method or tßm 7 n'e , lloi , e4; ...• .' : ' -how to: Approach, 11,11ter or 2 , •tablv a .. •-. Coll;: - holv•in accustom ii Hors,, to .•. - • ... } 4, 1 , , , 00 g,.,,,0,1., and I.lebts', and Icor to . . • - • .' .. hit ; Saddle, Ride: and Break hinito . • • ' harness, also.. the form,. 3111 .I•lw.'nf. . • . ' . .•)I'li li a ISTY Till , w hole ileill.l . tile To. • . . . . , .. • sult of More than fifteen ro:lr.s . .e:t rt. r.ti I . . .. •• ,' .. • , ' • study of the habits, nevulhirities:wants . . ' ' ' • • • find ireakno-restif this noble dlilinttl. ..., , . . ;'. Thebook eontains*.l'pages, apprrild lately illustrited 'by: golarly'ono hundred engravhies It is printed.in- a clear and linen type, and will be forwarded to one lidd eiilie. , postage pap, on rjeeipt of prlge,balf bound,.;• l l.on, or, in cloth, extra, .0,25. •.' .. , • ' . 'r ; '. ' • • . -slooo' A V14:;11, , can !al in . - ty. by enter, .•prhnng r ,l, every- Whereiin selllngitio above, and other popular works of pure, oErdwlncernonis to all such ate eseerlingly Wier, al.. For single. copies of ilie.llook, orldr terms to agents,., :with tilher'irtfornintion, apply to-or address .", - .. ' . ' ... . . JOHN E. POTTER, Vublishor! . , L '• • . ;No: 017 Sansoni.Stisuot,•PhiLitlelphla, Pa. .. , NOveMber . 15, IrCO.:Cm.., . • • - • , ' l• 1 . • ' WAonEft, Al, D.., • , GERUAN - PHYSICIAN & .:SURGEON (PEII.3I:I:O7IV3iLY LOCATED At oLtAN.Ni Y.) . 13 ,, g4Teal;e16.inform the citizrns arSmethpart and **laity, that he ha at the 13ENNE1E'T IWUSP, S:IIE'A'IIPQII.T, . . . . . On the. tnneT. and I , trfitit"4Tit'of each month where he may , be-.coneolteil,by the afflietetl: Particular, etl'entiou Paiilto all iliaeas49 the -EYE and SKIN'.. . . CHRONIC DDIIisIi:ASES, and such as are peCuliar to both . . .11.Tuy ;: • STOVES! STOVES! Combiniktion Brick .• Oven Cooking 14oves ceilE t.'ATFST INVF.I4 ; rICN oF•TIIE . . A . .J: NOtJRSE respectfully cnifs,the. ntten-, tion of those Avishinivnew pcokingStoyeri to the Fire Brick Elevated Oven' Cooking Strive, which took itie nnintio;il at the Erie co. Fair; as well'as'at nuinntinis Statn'and County Fairs thtotighout the Vnited Str.te§. . Tj(ey - :iiiithe mest,,lhirable tunes Constructed Al lid the that is equal.tn the, old fash- ioned Ovens,:for•Baking; WAttIIANrEDI..EN: Y. .1.; A yt'S,'; . . . l'hese Stovek will, be sold at. ereatly reduced prices . .. <1 arn supplied with all kiruts.of COOKING,' ; PARLOR & BOX STOVES.! Togqtbe,i4ith•a fuli assortment of TIN-WARE, Shbet*.tron Job Work, of all kinds, done With dispatch,'nod inn satis tory, manner, at the lowest possible prices., ' Ohl Coppe.i, Btass, lead ? Pewter; Oats; and fact ei , e'rythinu; yon.have will be taken in exchange for goods—even to. Cash. • • Oive..me a call, at the Ohl siand, • . ONE DOOR WEST:OF THE ASTOR HOUSE. Smethoort,'Jan: ID, 1861. - • MONEY SAVED . , • . . . . . . . , . • • - . .. . . • . . • . Observing . thes'el acts . . . . • . . . ~ . . • . , . .... - • .., • • ..,--..- - --.: -,i3t. That .1" am per - i - V- A .. L manefdly located in •. ti,d . .....••.• 4 """ ~- . Sinetliport: : • • .sci' i - - l - 'IV --, •-•...,,cm:, . 9.0. That I keep coo ee t, Ts, ii.teeet -tf.": -.staidly oft bitted a • good cf. 1 • 1 " -- . 4 1.1 eC 5 .........V lab 'i:fiAottpply of tLit hest Oak 0 • V,- ...;.‘ , .....i e.F I - ' fq,i. ; = , f,.., til--2-Ll e k..c., for repnirina the: ' .F4 - _ l4 • *: - ' 1 . "'.. v:ariz‘7 , .•% ts , :f ii"-.- . p , 4.' -.,.,,- W r ,xT c I 1 . ES ,- , . • •••.'*.i... ,1. - :•-,.. : ,.ve ' • nod I. think I-a not be f.stirity when I city-that aoarry five yearn it.perietv..tie has tauglitzlii how to nse them auccessfully.. . i ' '• • tiet• -Wolches cite he safely Mid • aciont Malty ; repaired at klinctlipoirti .. No matter how fine .or difficult .the - ,,job, as barmdeterminucl tole iitipinested up, and be fully pre, parent to moot c c soy ousel- - - • . 'CLOCKS WATCHS- JEWELRY &C. itlepst red. on short. nAtice•nu.' rsaronablO terms, to the riturs utA.l3 . . Armstrong's. of the .“13 f(f .W. Jr. BAK Eft. guarantee niy, priers for mirk to be am 'imr as bt 'tiny other' wi,ll rereolotc.: Snit responsible chop nod loi , - er than y.t,•znauy: ,Pleamigii. nto LL cal'' • • W.II. B. BRICK FOR SALE.. 501000 : . q ii ti r, ire ra of e la n i c iN f ic ar n s A al c i iit i s n SmpAport,..Augiot 133 1860.. Mift= `'.COSTARS" VERMIN EXTIRIVIINATORS. "Only" Infallible Reme!lies Known," Desjroys'.lxstai tly EVERY FORM AND .SPECIES OF VERMIN. -Thewe'prepOrili ions (unlike'all.others) are • 4 !free fr.bur Poistors."• • . • .“*Oi•rlu:rigerous.tir the. humntt family" come out pf their bolos to die?' 10 years and' more eitablisfied in N. : Y. City, Office Prisonsand - Staiion }louses Ussrl ty—City Oegmers;§hip's,&c Used ty—the cityllospitals, Ahn.s4Jotises, Used by— th e City: Hotel's -- cAstoi' 4SI Nicholas,' 4.c T.Tsrdhii—the Boarding Ric. Used, by— more thin 50,0 . 00 Prlv'ate Yamilie . . w&at.l46.Pqople,Pre44, e.to?l Dealirs say; COSTAR.-.- A ll the sift : nines 1 hiive:bfteo - troubleil:with: Ranches and Mien.-- Was"actnally asheimed.-of the lionsi.,• 'fer Roaches were. everywhere.' I purchasecta box :of your titirinine r tor and tried it, and in one week there, ivi - 6 . .rioCa Roach nr Mousg . - . ln the :JouN.B. 91-Elm St: • HOUSEKEEPERS—troubIed-.with vermin, he so. no :}ringer, if.. they. use , 4COs - r.ifit'a" Extirininato. -We have:used it to oar; satis faction, ,Ei4i) if •a Fox . cast . $3, we would , -have it. We - bad tried' policii4,.'hur they effected nothing.; but CO . STAICS articledinockx the breath . ,out 01 Rats, Mice and- Bed Bugs - , quic.l6:r than I.Vrite it. it is in great demand all over the coiintry.-'ilredina (C):).GaF.ett . d.• ,:' • 'y . MORE..GRA IN Provisions are destroyed annually in Grant County by vernnh.othan would pay for tons of-`this. Rat and 4nXect Rik e r . :-L-LLanctistrr Heraid. HENRY R. .COSTAR--Your Extirrnimitof is received, used, .anti pronounced' a decided .. success. .Well a. box bf it, autl the way th'e Rats' and Mice -around our premises "raised Ned;".;that. night was ,a caution to sleepers.— Since then not n Rat or Nipuse has been heart} in kitchen or cella r.'.7llir:gregae (row7).Tinuts,. I HAVE PEEN SELLING—Tear Extirmi riMor fer the la . st year, and. find. it a sine 5110 T every time. ' . . GEO. floss, Druggist, Cardington, 0 . . WE . ARE .SBLLING-4Ymir - preparations riMidly;. Wherever they have been' ased,.B.atß, Mice,'Roaches, , arid Vermin disoppear.immedi ately,..Ecar4 & StotlFFEit,.pri!ggistS,lNew Windsor, Md. • • • . :• To De,~iroy—Rats Roac.hes, &c To besiroy:—Miaq, To pis:trop—Bed:Btigs To . DeltiwyMoths- Fleas, Anti, &c 're Di3troy . 7ll.losci gs To Mstroy = lniects onplqnts-and'insects To Destivy,—lniec(s &c To Ijrs v ry rorm:and.specles, or ver "Costar's" Re, Roach, &c., Extirmin'r '.Costar's" Bed-bugExtirminator. • "Bostar's" Electric Powder for Insects. IN ZJ, Soc. AND $1 ; 00 Boxrs, BOTTLES AND FLASKS.' $3 and $5 SIZES FOR PLANTA- • TIONS, SHIPS, BOATS, HOTELS, &C. I7Sold Everywhere-4y • ' • All .Wholesale Druggists in large cities. All Retail Dealers--GrocefsStore-keepers, &c. in the United States., • Wholestilq Age*Bi,New•Yprk Bity 'Tartan, Risliry,.&'Co, Bush, Cale & RohisOn.. M, Ward,'Close & Cu. Mltisqon & Robbins. s..Ba'rnes & Co.. F. C.. Wells & Co, tazelle, Marsh & Co. Il.T)1,,cno•& Co. • rrirp & Co. , • Conrad Fox.. • •• .Shieflelin .13ros. & Co. FahnestdekiHoll &Co.' A-. 8.& D, sainli.& Co. Wheeler & Hart.' ' • . Flogannari & kuckel.& Co.' ',- Thomas & Fuller. P. D. Orvis. ' • Penfold, Parker & : Co. Dudley & Stafford,. 13= Philadelphia, Pa T. W. Dyott & Co.. . Robt. Shoemaker &Co 8.A. - .Fahoestock & Co. I French,Bicharils & Co All the Principal Cities.and Towns in the UNITED-.STATES: • 4 '.N:MTI - IPORT; g'"3-591,1 by • And by Druggists, (roars and Retailers gen erally'in City.and Country. . . rt - r. Country Dealers can order as above. .. Or . arldrris'orders direct—[or if• Prices, Terrod &c. desired [I .sendfor Circular'to Dealers] • , • HENRY It, COSTAR DEPor —No. 512, Broacli , ay, Opposite the St. Nicholas Hotel, Y Feb. 21, 1661.—tmos. • • , • . . . •• . • ". • .• PHYSICIAN A : ND .. SURGEON ..1-laving...perMunently located himself at' , . . • . •••• • • • • - • PORT ALLEGANY, . •• would rispeetiullY- : inform :the. public that Ens is prepared to•Mtend.to'business i•n all, branches Of •the Medical Prof.ession..: ,Particular ntten-• tion paid to §e - tret Diseases, 'both male and. 'female, theY. be - treated in acCords thelatest authorities andpractipd , of both. Eii ro'pe and . All .sl;Crets -intrusted •to him, in his practice, will be strictly kept by him, in epite - of money, law, friends, enemies, relatives or. neighbors. , • ' P,Ort.-Allegany,'Mlirch 2 . oth, 1661 K . .'...:•.: ' - ...:.IAVATN'T.ED I ..' .I . - ...5 . .... - .. • . .. .. .. ... .. . . . . . . A Boum: 200' pounds cir Maple Sugar,. in eccbangn'tor 1. 2 - Furnatut 0: ~..... " • 11. T,YIAI‘, • .•:'- ': • ' . •:11feellitigesburg Cabinet Shop. Snietliport; . - April 1, IS01; . : r : .-.-. . -..: ... :. . THE . PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK MODERN COOKERY Ili :tit its. 13rrlityAt . 6s. .CAREFULLY I:EVISE . II 1W 1i ti. HALE . . IT TELLS. OU Viii chiaisd all k i n d s f.Nlente. Pout:. ' .: ' • •• -'• try !ITO Game, with all the'yerions cod • '. • .' . l. , moot approved motles.of drelising• and .. ..•. , • i., - .. cooking Ileer'end Pork ;Alect.the best . . , aiirf.silinplest way of saltfiP; pickling' . . " ' .: - ,atabctilangf hll idilie. . ~ . . •, . -. IT TELLS YOU All'then various and Most approved • ' . • • ': • modes of dress ng..conking,:and boning . • ' ' Mutton. Lamb, .Peal, .Poultry..and .. • thi n i e of oil kinds, with tbe s difTecont : , • .. "..: . Dre , s r ings, Gravies' end ,Stullinge.ap• . '..;• praprieteto,each. :'.. •.. • . :...• . IT .TELLS'YOU flow _to 'chyme, .cleam. end preserfe .: ' •• ' • -, :. : Fieli of all. kinds; and how' to sweeten • • ' . it when tainted: also , lill the S nritins ~. . - • . .. .* • tool mr.st approved nniclest of. cook ing, •.. . ' '. '"with then life, eat Dre.ssince, Sauces, '• ' ....• l • eta Flavor' pas - appropriate to each: .• T 'TELLS YOU .111 :the ',Owls - en 1 .tenst. epprcivel .. .. '. '. Medea of itrapaiing.tiver tifte different.. . ' : . ' . binds of Meat Fish. Foivl. Gethe'.•alict . . '• • ... , Veget 'la...Soups. Prothe, snll'Steue, • . .... :, • . ' • ~. with 'the' Relislroe ancl,SeasoningJ isp• ' .: ;' ' ,:' propriate to eneli.. IT.TELI:!4 YOU'AII ' the 'various' end mast .iippcnyed • . . ~ • .ninnies of eookint! V..joltoblet of every ... description, else how to prep 16 , ilin C 1 t • • ' • -. ..11?.... C'atcllit end Carries of all kin Is,' ' • - •- - ' ' Potted 31 - eiste,•,Fi-11. 1111,1freome,. Ae, IT TELLS YOU,AI I the . Carbons - sot deist mint...veil ' ..,.. livid, , fir preparing end :eookinA 'ell . .' • ' • . kincls • of Plain and Fanc..y Pastry, ,'lid. I . .., ; • . diege..Onielett es. Frittere,Calicet. s on-:. - ~• ' leellonery. Pre'ssirs'es. ,lollies, .and • • .'• ' , Sirent.Dielies.a every deseripticte . IT TELLS YOU All the VA rictus and 0c .. .t app eyed ' 'Modes ofineking• lireed, Rusks, Mof. 1• . • . tine and, Biscuit, the 'best nfetleid of ' 1 . '. •' • 'preparinc Cluffee, Chneolate end-Ten, ' .else how to 111,1 k e'Sv ell ps, Cordials and 'Wines of various kinds. - •. l • IT TELLS YOU llow,to set put mid ornament a Table'. .„ . •how to care.• all ki • nilgof - 11,11, Flesh. . . I . • • " :or Yowl. 101 in short. how to eh stin . . . .• •nlify the whole art of Cooki n g, at• to 1 • ' ' . briaX tilf, choices) In:Curtiee of the table • • . within, evert body's reset: . '- . , . The book contain. 11 , pag l / 9 . and onward. of twelgo hundred tlecipoi: all of ,'bleb are the ressilte of tti:tettl exPerie . nee, having been frilly .and cerefutly. tested under the ! :per..onal superinteney of the' writers. .It is. printed .iii is dear awl open type, ie.illust rated with appropriate engravings, and will be Terwarded.tci any address, neatly tinned, and postage paid,_ on receipt of the price; $1,1111,' nr ip cloth. extra, $1,25- ,". . . . . $lOOO .- . A - . YI -1 , A R" . ,c,nnfoinT•Ld,e,"y-'n whe're.:in selling' the . a • bo . ynsvori, our induc P en ' let;is tc r a n a ' l n l . Bluth being:very liberal . ... .: . Per el ogle COPle.l 'of thy : book'. or for tertosin.agenls; with Other infornilition: apply fnnr addrose :. ' : ' . - . - JOHN Er POTTElt,'l',ohli.lier..' :- • • . No. 1117 Sansoln.Street, Pnihidelphla, Pa, • • No!embOr15;1860-0m. a . - • '.' .24 ' HARD TIMES MADE..:EASY.! Good News for the Unemployed: 1000 CHANCES To MAKE. 111.09NE:Y ONE MILLION DOLLARS WORTH WATCHES,... i.- ::: JEWELRY, ANI) SILVER : :.PLATED .WA HE; To be disposed 'of on AN ENTIRELY NEW AND . ORIGINAL PLAN ! Ali persons dgsirolfs,of securing an 'Agency NEW ENTERPRISE, Should send on their at once, ehclOsing a 3 cent stamp to pak postage;. recehieil return muiL. • a PRlE.llllfili C AT ALOGUE Containing Our .indUrepletq;s., RARE MONEY rislc;-together with 21J241 1RLT:27.6W,111.21Z itelcitive to this NOVEL PLAN! • To insure prompt and satisfactor . r dealings, direct all orders, to • , GEORGE G. , EVANS; , • • • 430.0testnut•st., Philadelphia.; A . prll 11, 1861. ' • • fi,.ip k p7.o.:•••:.Tit4p,.p • •:,: .- N‘.OOAr..b:EN:EP; ' • ...:.--:.--:..::..-..: .: -...:-.-;.--„, ..: :T. .....-....: ~.: . NW:GOODS,AT f THE ON PRICE IiEREA j oR 1 1 . a T . HE..OLD . I*AcE; HE CHF.:APSTORE; GREAT BARGAINS C A IV:. ]3E 1.) : •• 4'37 •' T H E ONE PRICE EGULATOR! NVe: are.'.ls.4l' , :rnin'ed_ 'to Undersell, MARK THAT .t! OLD TRII.IDS '. IiiION ,ALL ABOUT IT Net Mnes_3;n3t.Cuinc And Judge Fur .Th !BA CE , . . One purchase salisfy the triost.stv..ptical that there is.only 'one place to buy first claAs gOods, : at very low. prices, and that, place is the ONE PRICE REGULATOR. The one . p'rtcesystem.gives ..the best .satisfae- SUPERIOR GOODS, NEW FASHIONS, T,OW-PRlcgs, EVERY:I'IIINC . YO,UWAIT TH-E, ONE PRICE REGULATOR,' and the grandEmporiuth.or evely thing new 'tient.aimtstylish. you have the CASH and Want to buy the BEST . • 2 DRY : GOODS, 6 GENTS . FURNISHING GOODS, HOUSE FURNISHOWLPOODS, HATS . :AND CABS, BOOTS AND- SLIOES, GO. TO THE afrord ONE PRICE REGULATOR, TJ Dill 7 , Y:;;V:1 wilt ,find goons remarkable *V.4). beauty,.durability, suliet:* to you at the lowest possible ifght:e, the .first_ time, and from price there can.be NODEVIAi Ms, • Remeniber—One.Price—Low Price: --YtioDD: Stylea—Striet.lntekrity—Cash. THING& MILLR. Olin: April 23. ed)g04,i&;:,, , :. , t ERE DON'T. AIISS IT. DON'T FORGET JT. ELEGANT 01:0' FAVORITES; Low' PRICES, FANCY GOODS, CRCkCKERsi, EVER .2 'L)11.%.4:0 manufactyre and LOW PRICES• They will be offered , • Formery, , C. H, THTNG N. S. 13UTI..F.St.