M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, March 01, 1862, Image 1

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    VOL. 4.
- P , Uo,l§li ED
TERN (S: - :31 . 50 in Advaneo
Rates bf. Advertising.
Column .one year' • .....
1- ' six mnirtli - •• •
.11 . 1 'lt . • .
Ons square al? lilies ..
'WIIo-im . ii go:1r work will - ho. dOulde• the. alo,ve rates..
Two re 11110 i 11ruvitir'typei or right. lriom - nonpaiell, ift
rated a 4qoa:re.„ . . .. ..
. . .
• . j._7'"Theie"Vortnii Will ha strictly titillert:d t0..5 .. 11: .
pitsjltcp.s. .0.47c..c.t0ri).
'E., 08[001, Prp.prio.t.fir. Itil , ..;way:. Pn,. VIP . , itotel to
. now owl li:lq rope
m-oll4l.iont. 40.114.111'411 ri,pects, Cllcs6 h 0te1...
Ri.lg . w#,-Elk Pa:Slay...lt;
• •
~. . ,
Proprietoi• 11.11,4? 'sll.r.ntol. half
between .:•lmittlipert' :4111 oiolll,l. A . I.l.llVCtlit,llt
c u nion. inue 111.10 atto'citly.e aunt I.lAiziilg ittleto
- otto, and ' , •
• • .
. .
Surveyor, Di'aftunrit Convey.t, eel% and .Heal F.AUte
Agent.. Smetliport, 4 Koa, cionnty':, 19,.•
. .
• . . . . . .
• • '_. ' IVILLIA NJIIILKIIT, . •. .:
Practic4l.:llechini . .t, :%Ilillwri:lli . , 1;r-1 , 14,r-buil ler,. ,& e
Port . A Ileghvily, N.ll.ieap , io'ullty, P. , •• ': •• •
. . .
siTievinTog, intAFTSM.c. N Cllt :tplt
Estate, Agent; Ell: Co., Ppokia
011/Ipill & 1113 10
I Thomam Sfruthqr
W. 8 . : Brniv . l;ell,
1r0.4: A. ,1:
OsWAYQ. 1101JS1:,
. .
.. .
P J. il.chniht Vroptiotor.. Pore:. P. , Pliis [Dot, I- litiiiii
tsp in,Foihiitantittl onil•iioinfortithlii Ctyl,,, ~,,,1.,,,',..., at.
.tentiOrl Will 1.1., liql..ll* Slut; proprietor. to the' ii . oiliforl:
aril vista otiliisi - giiiiii43.... '• .• . • .1 i.lone ii.ISCil "
• .
Vrnnting tha "Wain Oliian. M.
MlLiAnt Triinrintnr":: The
• neil built or hrbrick,. anti k in .
The prnprinliir ilatternlOnisell' that 'h,:
sitin lintel 'in Wti , !iiiin
York. run .to and 'iron] the Tor% awl
. Erie •.', .
. .
BYRON D. HAMLIN . , ' +.-
• .
. .
.I.TTAWIRT AT LAW; .I.InI•:;hport, itrlit6tt, C4inty. Pa,.
.i , zent Ishr. .IN , qri.. Ict,:ktip4 ,V. I:ii•it linnt.i ~• Ahead,
• 4.,noclally to the tIoll:30:tion of I - I;nitw; I.:Taininloion rq;
I,lll.t.Titles; 'Paptiont nt Tatog.:iin.l all lin-iiess relit
' ting to (URI Estate: (Winn in ll.inilin It , ' ,
. . . .
S. Vorney an..l Coun:Pllor ;a,i,,,,-, smeth i .f.t. )I , Koat,
:•cwifity; P A .- .Rti4 ite,,:eiltrtf , lll•l to hi+ earofor the
coutoh, of 31 ; 1:..tn, Potter ant!. Elk will' bit' 0.6,111111 y
' attewde.l to "Otll, in the Court 11,114 e: second floor.
' --
. . ,
.. .
Z'llvaician . an l'tlurgison,. '
Sinetlipori,-l'a, "will at told to
•' - all ifrofe,4;ii3l cell a with pr'onliotbc,is. + (Mica iv :...,arl.•
. .
. . , . .
WisnleAtfe and iletal ihtalerP in StApto AIM Fancy nry
'.(lll94lB;•Carpetinit, IteAly )1:1 , 11. C.7l•l . thinz.. aril Coni , ral
Furniihint,Olim.JA,.ltoot , An ,1 Slii,,t;\Vall • Ana IV itvluir
Paper:Lookiril tila,A,s . & r,.,.' , At (ileali.,N. je, ,
. . . .. .
Attnsnai and Cnuuselinr.at
,Law, Stuntlo,ort,'N.l'Kenn Cn
Pat': 'Vill.atlinl to all 'V1,1111,04111 hii proft:.•ion in the
..!nnunties of.M'gnan, Potter ti'n.l nil:. . (mice ~ , . t. U. l i.•
. Sartivell & Brutloss' Store. . . ..
. .
cn-ner.of awl !Aborts' streets, Ararrt , , PR.
,11.tunnn.'1'ropri , ibor.: trAvvler: ar
enumzorktttion and r."1. , .)! , n ) d.' eloirges • ' •''
. • .
• .
~ . ...
. .
n;. 'LIR terse. I'mprietar,—Nlleglirity Ittriilizii, 71II.1Gista
' 110 i" Pa.' Thir how...els slta.ttrit Aunt Om. milts from
Sinethport .nti the. road 19 tikaa, ant a ill
,be found a
~" con.rualitut 0;91 , 014 - P 1 mi° . : '" " . •..
, ... _ ...
. . .
ty T. Gnikuwist. This.honp. is MI noted about . tircooi fI.
' • from Sniottmort odttio rowl to 01,or: . l'lo,oto.;'•O'rti .
and otheLlican be aeon la oil th e shoyfoO. antic
, . .
bender in Dry Goals 1; roccries, rockr rv. thrthva'rr
flontx, Shoes, Itats,'OapA;lll;is:, Lc
1 iiit side',l -the .Public 1.1.111:,5r0,1 4 niet . 1,11y. , rt; Pa. :
. . .
.. . , „ ..
•Shippeo, M'Ktan Co., ,P.: N,.1.. PTIU',,, Proprio;or
• A convooLlioul mut well-I'aroisloM' house. ..Stro.u;;%e,7B
Mot taareler.wilign,t ,r0.,:t.,0,,,,,,,,,i,.i:Lti.m4. ,
. . . .
. E N'Onti Tit DIII,IAY, 'Vroprietor...
nt Pori: ,\ltee.tne.-31e
'Kean County. •Po. This'llotol is..ilottte,l et the ilIlle . •
. ..Olin of the ti , nethnort: a'11;1 KilegAlly ' Myer I (note. nine
'• tnilefi elint of.Sinetnuort., .
. . .
To Those Interested in Mining and
3.lineral Lands:
11 o.
- .'ilAßNOAMtrirg his srviees fir flip oxamina ,
Wry tion Lands and Ell{ cnuir
and ion to . :110 thr NALUT.!•OF
lit NE3, &e•':
wll nernamrfaini reliable information.. iteshleinie at the,
Bunker ran
seri° tot, K Co... Juno :in, •
. . •
• -. ' '• • ...S. C. HYDE, .
• ..
. • .
ATTnfYRY•AT - LAW: S , ,t)(l , llpnvt, M , Keel,, e n ., p%; • .
' Collectlonft propytly attended ttl.• ' Feb.:74, 41.
Smethpnri;lll'Rean E Prnpriefur
tl, O. Coe rt !louse. A new, hir'gef cthillTlOdi
ous and well' furnish od house,' -
. •• ' GEO.•}I..MASONi -
. .
, .
. .
Sealer in Stairs, 'lllit Ware, In oputool yore, ,k c:ovost
• .citle of the Public Sointre.,' meth port, PA., tiiiiitoin
•no irk done 'to ortirr'no the shortest, notiee;anil iu the
- , , . ...
most substantial' manlier. ' • ...• '-., . , .. '
• .. . .
. . . .
Nn. M. di. SPRAGUN. IV , i - Lllll res p ect f ully avail - in - into to the
• 'citizens' or Smethport nwl vicinity, • nit ho' fitli fittfli
~ 11.0 an . office, awl is propnred tir.ntloutto nil •l.ushlesh
- in. hit professlnn, Aetidulaitokb insertlst upon 'se.i 7
entitle principlew,.andso int t',l,6.4. , ve.thonutllrat eK
ruession rn; .co: . All Operalim or thoin Ountal surgoir
done in'ti skillful tunnuor. :. .
' . l • 101
. .. ,
Dopler in Stoves , Tin Warii, Japplined'Ware, Ai a. , west
• end or- the Publin".Sgifarn. Sinnilipurt,' Pit Custom
'mirk done'to order mane nbaytiict nouns, and In-the
•ininift nuliatitntiallniinnnr. .' . '.' ,•, ._ ,• i
. .
Attoiney and Ooa haollor at Lan•. Sid poen, Pa . .; will at—
..tend tha Courts of Phtior, .11:Kean. and' Elk cotintlea:
.' ..P.inmpt attention paid to Colleatioaa. (Mao, Baal
end Pall.illock—Second Vtoor. • .
. - - • •
106LLIIR '
EaEastSib or the Public r,lnuere, • Seeend Door
Noah or the Ammo rat: °Mee Fhnoth pert. Pa.',. Venter
In Watchen Olocics 'are' ,Fuwellery. Repaving neately,
Executed and Wurranetd. • - . • . • .
• • DR. W. Y. Tccoy;
Sin c pii):o r i., 1:';:t
..!'}" 00
1° ( 0
. _OOO
• 00
."- Retind.liee.all,lB 'peace and plenty;
• ,• and clean tlle YelloxY door ;
. While the merning
:•11 areand Ake, kitchen door;:-.
•• • Illidvvay. Pa
3V u•ntii,
: 4 01”th,410 Pa
Pitoni C ictn'• Pa"
Willi:tr. -Briautruhatin? —This mysitel ions
commander is exciting aiswicli curiosity as tq
hiis'irliereabnots as die did eight ,months .agri,
when the country , debated. - the question:of his,
existence. lie one killed'at unit umter— lie
died at Savannahhe was shot•nt -Mana's
lie was, theviciiiii'Of i a conspiracy or-a - certain
lever : 7 l"iehad beenspirtied•awayor iissasi na- ded 7 -he wad iro, longer upon the• face of the
earth. • I.maginati A e people went so fai . asdo•
deny:kis existence, 'and ia• newspaper corress .
hiiiiident•Orthe Y.iHerald,,,cit eoutse,j,de
triiled visit to Washington its the garb of-a
eat tie driver, andhis,sidisAwatit,leven.on'the
steps MI the.. State Department, dressed as'a
'beggar. The only nninifest- evidence of , his
'existence is in Shape of an linmei!sf , repO4'
abontlitilt might have. been 'Written .
by Ilse late lamented Nfr."' I.ippa'rd, and: would
make a suggestive and•-t tig chapter in one
Of our sensation ‘v,pkii ! n. was foll Owed
by an•annonircement that he bnd lect•iNlarkssas
oirsome 'Special duty ; -, to iyew .orlwtris, Ken
lucky, or• - *.somewhere. '•• He felt on a •spi , eial
tiain'and at midnighit, lle went—somewhere.
'lt was - tuniored'accoriffng In the telegraiihdhat .
he Waxin command, at Yort , llehry;- bat Fort
Henry is •taiketr,•abd uo Beatirigattl 'can .he
_Then. rumor 'placed, him in .'ecirmhand
.at Fort Donnelson; IV.O captured 'the enemy
(here, but no dieunrilgatil was ortiongt
He !nay have „inn away Floyd,
,but of
thisi'we have no definite ..hhottnution.
.tirneOus• with this discovery, wri.lreat that he
has at rived at' Nashville, but that in conse
quence of the ritin,theVe was 'public
t ioh,• No public' reception! That' itself• is
suspicions, and throws could upon-, the'. whole
story: •
.consfqiiently we are iwa
,state of SIIS•
licrise as todhs whereabouts.
,Beyond:the deil s
*nit° 'announcement that he is": in ..Kentucky,'
'New Oileans;'or ''sornewhere, nothing -iv said,.
not hiog.seems to be known.
,Iffileft Viesbnrg'
at night On - ii special "'train find is said to be
somewhere! We feel like' gniiig, back to the
iginal idea, 'that- Beirtiregard is altogether
.rhyth7.-tat no such Oinieriil ever had,a being ,
-that his thovements . and r'epot
mat ions'. a ret4he work of. some, inikenious IglICOS•
SlOttiSt litre Homy' A. Wise or' extra -Big.
Smith. ThiS theory is very, •conifot table,itind
not at all,perplexing. Sn «ro Pohl, it away'
among the articles' of our. faith: 7 - Pliniyg
. .
.The grrnt -mortar fleet,. which has been in
prvpara!ion for SO ITl4l6'wo,Aks past at•thw
Kavy•Yard, is to rendezvous at koj,
West, - a tact Which:affords pretty" strong pry
samprive 'proof that 11 - lobile or riew:tilleahs
shortfy to he honored with a: visit Iron - ) Uncle.
l'he-tleet Wilr - probtthly be all at- the
'jilt - 4" by : the... lsroOlarch, , .
. . .
::Geri. Halinek, in. a•brief, 41i*qtateli to. General
McClellan, announces that
,Spiinglivld, Mo., is
again in I,Tilies sion of . the I. , 'erleral tronpe, and
that . the cavalry arc in clrisepursuft of General
P rice. . . - ..
'•'' ' ' ' -
.M. t• S S 1 - . N. G
:Nr;t:itaiottz the sugaring well ivied ;:-
.sotianliwg• the ptaeolui. deti,l, • •
;dot ionung the irkonerA . ....."'3lissing. 3
That ira9 all the niesiiiie. Snid.•
Net lisinitther.eeads'it rarer,
. Culi 1, tin:64o' heryaterul•tears; ' •
ra;lea the dear naiee she has eall4d
Por twe-aht•twenty yeate. '
,tlidleeklrl;l house•eat. .
• th . ows'es.ill j .
Neatly stliip)s ;
the in . ciruing_'dwork is dime'.
Thrthrth the )vintio'w convey that fragrance...
~ .uO):harvent'niorn;., , •
Fragment song? fcarn,dhaant rcater4,••
Andale'rustling of the Corn. •
And the rich breath of thegardetli
'ii'heralho'cohten '
the . bfu plums are turning
• 'All their red cfreek§ to the nky,,
Ei EiinS thOo.within the snnshinn,
Leaning in her chair 1 ,
'Mill soft lined npon bee forbend,•A• itlie
silver in her .h,nt. •
Ittiill to EunthipOldtia ,. .lto:Cragranoo,
OW that 11 . trre5t. Morn.
hifil be t. tioart was wet.i)in
ciatOr..noblo•brow tat first
flow he left her in thcrsping.t . iist,
heart hill of tlame~
With footstep . ,
With hislitlltithil.stipplefritine:,
How With Tear: hi: errs WO re twitoiplthr;..-
A . O he liis,.edro 1141, •'Goo,l hve,•'
Tet'~he heard him whisijir4; wily
••ds he went neke" the 'eye: - ' • ; • 2
0 ,V14. hbould 1114 , 3i11,4
•• ite WOLIN . t until l e foil;
Aw•l if Wounded. killed,
ornedbed, Would be to toil,. ••••, • •
Mist:tett, elmpe.to ch4t:hot.!
lio may eemoi . "
\V!Ilt vlcter-ertny, khoetiez,
With the olett;or of the dime !
Fn through all tlie,4ays of Aufnion, •
-. In Ilieet.enOd in the inoen. .
the 'tent hear his gnlckeninitfooti4teti
- In the ru'e' lint; of the cum.. ..
Or she w 911111.11
'R'hiln her heart goes leaping high:l
Thinking thai'Rhe here him whistling
du . thu pathway' through . the rye. •
laeatVay, thi.otigh all the 'u ttne'n,
;. Tn a loTtely . Innetnmerglade,;
In the drearriTesolatioh
That the.,Thlttle .s*m has made.
I; rust nia , n. !IR rrin '
In the eve and iti the nnori.•
In the rank g!oonvor!ho foril cares
bernoble-br,;m4l lint born:
SAtlirr.iii3.ol . lT,..ilvicEAN.:oljy..vli...,:.
.11. ....c 4T i.i.gp,Ay., - .M. RCM: • .1‘;:•150;
. .
....Ilia subjoined
.I.etter;'(the ,
a Alder series,) the'pert of
,a public man
uell'lmomi•n to.the whtile' country,and Who in
the present .crisis has 'signalized his deyotion
'to the, eatise . Ol'. the Unioit,.aVas on finally sent
to :us fol'oinsertiOn . Without the .srgnatare of the
tiv~iter. Though desiring, from considerations
. modesiy, to . Welfe anodynionsiy; he Was in' .
due . ed; at our r . equost, io:, iaeli.biS name to
these letters, end:thus give to them :the Weikirt
• •
Abrghan; of Ike .United
; not • adifress yoil for he
ptfrpose•of. censure: or advice..
to old belorigad to.tllO'fle. • triceratic
party of .thp. eraintry. in
aoirtinon . With. thnt 'of in • y:ptirtythrOnhora.ihe
N.orth, has . haen *a'rol nomt is'devotimt..tcl. the
Coiistitmitioli . ad it.. came train the hands of
corimpairiois,;•'anil to•thc
of the. State's re s erved" by ifiein •on the.
ricontinn:ol t : io . strtintreOt: •'• •
'Wi•_ look ,upon the structure composed, of the
States suit .this tritiou.as•otir,:teinPla . af • li,hatt)i;
of 'which the States natl the
Union, Remove' the
,pillars t,lia
rorif••Will ; remove the roof nrol file pillars
overthrown by tha'st49s.Of 11'11ot:city
ittal war, and otircoontry will be strewed with
ruCti , Ciaore, melancholy thaw .tliosa
pros.troteorittintlshatterea on the sites ar
Oenl - cities. • • •
. . .
I:uthlaes halals I. vA,seizoil'opon - and ateat-.
teloptihi; lii'refilove'ir part Of the pillars of nut
iopfide, lit ihr hnrard.of crushing them s elves
aod intvaticr — liopo.•;hl,
building anew lehiple'for them selves out of the
Thoteltthe Democratic itatty.of the. North
\vete 'al wive willing to . .inake all reasonable or.
riven Itdertible . cnncesiithisro.satisfy their allies
in the South; yet.,' as 4 body, no party is more
Ii totnit to. the C'oristittitioti and the Union.' It'
.was devoted to the. Union Which induced them
m. Make. concession after concession to ( - pact
the amiatent .aWrith.ensiona of their Sontheirr
I'rienda t vital in their wren. yva the. preser- .
vation of : theU1:11i11 and the danstiintion to the
interests and safety of...the;Scithern Mates in
particular, that .. mti . .st of them could . nnt, until
:the assault .on Fort...Strinter,.be. convinced that
the leaders of Southern neitatiOrr hair anythin;;
iii view 'beyond lUrlhec tiarantecti for their
local institutions. Under this didusion. sem . 0.
of them 'raised .their voices a'gainSt e'oercian,
and .
Dler eby • un‘crt.tingiy re . tniered ' material'
service to' the.raitse ',.rebellitan...Btit iyhen
.ernivineed,.by . rhe thunder of rebel Cant,orrand .
..the 114roes;o1Port Siziriter,lli4t.revoltition, and
rot s retiriissor : se . ciirity . %6thily the Union, ti as
t cif the Sonthern leaders;' they.dltl
'that ..' liones,t' men could do': to ret:fieli'e • their
otter,' and, nor \rithstantling theirpitliticafan- .
tagonism an .minor points', the -littivociatic.
PritY of the'.Nottli Med' aroma! your A diniii
t ,the op ly . .means of satiirig . 61,4(
i:ountry. Your armie§abounil . witllttiem,
att , tmore ready to .- sacrifice all
eyertlife its.tlf, for...the • preservation of the i
Uitieu and'the . .Conif itution,. and to them it ini
thoMz;h. but just, that' you have re- 11
cently given them a. representatlye 'ig. you r .:
lie a:raired, l sir, lhot the' Defpocratie party
of the North: nib exce'Pthon.of afew Seni ,
;traitors'. Whon' they .rePudiate,
pro‘.' , e; the '9 l , reets of the War egailisi, rebellion'
as declared by yoo io utllyour public avowals.
They rally around you w:th a devotion to' 'the .
caitSe . not 'excecilpl by any. class of you: o'rigi
nal:sopporteiSt and: they will sparOlo 'saerilic e
to rave' the. Ifoicin and the COnitittificip. In
this great obje'c't,iliey are [thready' roOselidated
with the great. mass of:the Republican party,
and will be rirnOng - the last to despair...
the s se two parties focal] present purposes .con_
stitufe — bdt .ono, which may be appropriately
ealltl the' : constittuional. 'Union
. party.. : The .
ohject:orjhis party in the pending . war. is to
preserve the hiiiion,'atid the.Cnstitution as .
is.. It is the CoUstitutioq,,end that only, yhich
makes us a nation ;,,destroy it :and the'nation
will cea so to exist, beiog resolved into thirty.
four tfidependeut. States. Lt..fighting for the
Constitution', therefore, we fight for : the life of
the nafioo, for alh : t at can give us, pCaee and.
seCuritrat home and all .that:c'ati inahie us hon-;
ore.] or respected abroad. .
The - 10,1;1min - dal principle of 'Per
that . prini;fpie • whi . elt has :eiiableit. the
Rrpuhli to extent 'itself from the Atlantic, to
the Pacific, nil i ittilotrait itit iv ha .tapacity tp
embfucecontinents . and ctinialeS tiiiettin chi
rriiition,ids' that .everything tvtiii!hrtilatas ex:
rlasively•or mainly tii.lacal'affaits"dhali be left.
tci.be regulatixt.hy..lPi;al ..aoyernments . , while
the powere 'of lief.ineral Govi;tnntent shah be
oily 2 suiltai are riignite.to promote the peace,.
happiness and
,prosperity of the.pet , Ple,.ivhat.
ever May be their peculiar customs, lairs'
domestic itistitefions. A ; n.tittatc ..upot't this
principle is' an assault upoli !be ..ConstiNtion :;.
it is iindeimitiing; ilia' found:l6;ms' of the Re..
public ; it of aftrilintP al.
most like the Go‘iernmeni:_ol,
ilfotocti tdikii crror•antl truth,
ing man . to.Worlt Oitt his own happinele in peace
by the tree exercise, of his . .ow!rppwf rs... .".
h • Ent we• ha ve,:a elass . e,f met, among, as who
are not content With' Such a Government::- - -•
They . ...itre. net ~.content .wtth the Privilege of•
shaping the laWs and institations et . .the:Ste:Le
in Whichthey iccpiding : to their own sense_
of right and. expedieney-;:htif. Wislito compel
gthcr inert and •other . communities, co;'er . whose
local aff.tirS , they have .110 rightful . control; to,
adopt their •,notions,•and,. tit torlr . regardless o
essential differences of circumst a n ce; remodel .
• • ..-. • .
alt local institutions by. heir•proernsteatt iten-•
tlaid. 'A id 'by a c . oirce . rtettefforr these men'
ire 'attempting to, divert. the military power
,of the •Coontry.from it4ilelitityqo . ohject; the
preservation of the Constittit itslategritr
and divert it, to the.. .sObversion of thejunne-
. princiPle-... on whicht. is baled. . &tett
e .scheme is virtually a •eorispiraer Rgitinst.tlte,
constitution and the Dnioa:intlie*Norol,.giving
eff; , criVe•aid io'the rebellion • in• the Sout h. .1t
would present the loyal States to other/natietis:
not, as • it . pr .. eent,_ defending tin ahtabli,h(,d •
Goverurrient ai.
rtiel,v a the' t erg . Govdrn ?min i.
thee, Proles : v. l o' 44 d rjeild in L Wc;ii I d
Norlh'a!so on' ihe stormy . ocean of-revolution,
.not 'fighting for any exis.ting:Qovernment,;lnif
- one as. may. aise out.of Me . Waves
—ir may be 'Many' Wirring.states.orConfeder.,
acies, or . it military desPetisrit based on — c'en
• •.• . '•
Mir at, and stVallowin up the:whole.
• denrither ter . l Shall eatlen vor More fully
.to expose , the danger and the folly' of all. se el.
schemes. • .••.. AMOS KENDALL.
• • . .
'• kleoking into tiM; habits; modes of and.
.social-tendenciesOf Scottish people. lit. the
previous cenfur-ies,a itmith.;d dowmto
cotemporary. Writers tor'our aintiseinent,
.and'rpilection, we. are att.onis.hed,'iat the niis•.
into . which the delinentrirs of their na-
T ichaleharacteihaye fallen in, their, pe . rtraitdrit,
of its idiosyncrasy, fartMit
takes. It is stereotyped as cold and unimpas
sioned iii its. Symptliiit, impervious to _inn. 'Or
fridic,.Straight-laced and phrt'iailicril•in its
of, social erijoyment,".and saturriine' rind ascetic .
in the onitorm teiair of its way. But . this. is n
delusion. In all .theSehariJlines, this leaden
.coloring of the..piefuie,''there is •• none of the.
',.tinbearn light that .relie.v4,mid rtlrerke;'•;;
vial N'yainith to•the scottiSh character.'Fitfully
wild, joYou.s,''and playful io its %xi-tined repose,
'thonghtful and cautious Mita merriest. moments .
• it can' be grrive Wild gay,. l ivelq and • severe;
warm hearted, •arid sincere in friendship'
lii , ing'•antitliesis to. the "monntotions.ascet,i
'clam with which The world irrits
,philosophy is
content. receive Your 'member of the
Parliament HOuseovhe bad voted 'walking in a
' public ,pfMmenaile...ori •Salthath a. pioftiniii,•
the indiction of, Incar- .
r'erationof.a.hcavy line—and
,would go .to-kirk
three times on that secredilay; would dofT , his,. l
dignity, Mid litYsasid4- his puritanic, severity,
take his : t,t merill id n some 'sly,' secluded
t - trirv.rn.at I , oolli anii t 'when the cares'aJthe , tloY .
had: gone Woold'retire.to, some cherished
PanilEMonium . resi , M potations pot
! tie, deep. forthe.night; and not: - come hometlll
tr.; -, riiing. The demure and prudish derroisselic,'.
'.described by 001Cshit hAit the asSemblies, who;
t'erless of the withering effects of concealment
on.her dan t askeheek,woul t l.het- 7 dare,not,look,,
ipeakmr tell:her loVttiMight,.'whe,Mthe sun tad
gone down', and the shades of might hail .. .Well:
set im Ite.:Jimild in the
,society. of semis .boon
ninnpanions:of the stet tier sex., at seine noted
eystor - -sho;a, regaling hersell . with a feeit •of
the defigiou's bi,'anal glassl'om orbrandf
•ioddy;seii'soneir with' fret...and .easy.lest,..and
language PiMuliar:to the genius of the. 'demi
: t hen, gilding gractully on• the light, fantastic .
•toe,she p tirl ber . ilt;poir at the shrine Of Tet . rpsi...
'chore, and retired to her peaceful horn 'pry.
dory aair. ash she, had been keeping vigil with
the sain'is. Fashion bad at this time, too, sanc
tioned. with its worthless Trestign the 'very
unamia,ble. babit'of swearing: Dean Rarnsay .
giv.es us, in .his inimitable "Iterninicenee's;"
anecdote, - .by .Way' of . illustrating the
'habit. ' A Judy. %Olt - tvii's rather annoyed with
:her son for 'indulging in this profane habit,
monstratedivith hiin In Vain. She consoled
herself in her want of success by-saYirlg;
John -sWears.awfie,, but•no , doot,it is a great'
setoff in conversation:" - The frigid formality'
and Torced.:restraint observed at the • balls and:
asseriablies . in • Edingbnrgh,. were Sorely tryiUg
to the, pent-up gallantry !hat
I reasts-of the yrrie;: chevalier+ who fre:quente.d .
tliein; lint it•soonfchini.e:tpression In the:nelgh 7
boring•,reStatirant 'which theyeretiredt and
and.tYat • in a. fashion, toe, quite racy of the
'soil. 'lt bore some' ailatogy'tc; Ramsay's
of A gentlerhan •pros,Osett.ihe.
health of a 'lady, upon whom he:looked as the
:paragoWo7.lOvellnOrf and , beauty,,iMkibunaPer
which he quao(.l. Another gentlernan clpl-
Jenged.the toast tiy. prepoSing'the - lridy'
own 'choice as a . .firer :specimen of nature's
'handiwork,'to witoin - 116 drank in,a larger meas
ure; td.this kreplica tion WaS.quickly put in by
t he.' first prepciser, witha.still more arnple' cup
then eame',a . inore st r irrieg'rejorrulerfrOnithe:
second, and . so on, until_ the gtand climacteric
came, wften't he . eintqiiering hero in this inglo
rious stang,lo
, saw' antagonis:t. fairlyput. ,
I 'hors di.coinbor) a'yulproltrate 'at feet'on.
floor, relintjulehing with' -his lasy.breath ,the
elaim;of,htalady love,:: for . ` whom ho foughteo
toAlie throne i)f-.bettuty.. Such was
the coarie.natuded - gallantry of . the',day - ..• Th'ere
• Lieeins' to have been . h . total'indifferenee,.if nnt •
an siVerslon, to caltiirate t Imickftenitig influence
and roiiit'erneia of social'intereourso:witli : the
The •inordinate partiality for c.leep . po,
tat ions.of the'((tnottatithi ' tteivl! was positively,
nut velum: no. rank, no station,:ne.prafea'aion
in life, was free (rim( its tyrant influence'. The
able t 4nen : •at . tim -hat; the limit profoundly
rned judges* oh.4lke henelt,'were,, Ullllogt to a
man, vitims to its wild cxcess ft - Was . nti un
common . thing to see the.; Same jovial chatta
. eninfmriip'n' . of your carousal. at 'a•taVernthe
night heret'e, the Pike upon the judgment sent:
morning, arrayed in; the' grave and fitting
accessoriesof hiti biers:and so(etrin Station; dis
rictising •justiee, with 'AuCh,dignitled 'demeanor
antr.SOartan . sveritrirla - to cenfOunii,. If :not
utterly destroy, all, previous 'associaiiiin and
trice of identityin the. man and the orgies Of
which, but a few heart( hetet : a, hehail:beetrth . e
high. priestprfestnail victitit... - Loill Newton, 'a 'cmrr
nide jiolge,'whed atuticti , neita at the br;r,Svasi.'n
six bottle .man; "dud ,tieviir could 'creiv'.
conrage to the sticking; point to attack a hetiVy
case, tuntil' alcoholiecthertooMeter indiealed
that standard of high legal acutrie'n:
'A mill-day dram of brandy
'Restoration alc.onstitntionel
The important order issued in •the , name of
ihe.•Ptesiderit; by Secretary S'rn'uTerr, will
assure!.hO'co-tuirry, r . .js;. - an ovidence . nof Vigor
and wisdom,' 'anti ' , indicates self:reliance,' the"
•• •
want of. whieli.was, one of the . most 'deplorable
signs r of the' times. !-. • . • .
a reaction and.reenntafien of the Aliso-.
iiitist doctrine's end practices, Into whietiSeo'
.rotary SlZWARD'ilrew.theGovernrrient ; and' one
of the most gratifying feature's of the tneasere
is; that t; robe kes...and rem ands..to ••bie . deties'
tliit •rneddle.'orim arid'Utischin voila official. . It
was not wit limit a - stittgale in the Cabinet that
Otis triuMpli of TAW , 'and the Constitution was.
aelrieVeti It; us iii not less tenssure.flie'C'oorilry
than; the
,triiiinplimit inarch l. .of our . armies
,against; nsUrpation'and rebellion ler the peo'
ple see in. it the assurance that. -these victories
are for there..establishment of the Constitution.
; .1 , • ••
It is worthy Of 'notice
recites. the precise ',grievances,and in dearly
the sane wetds,• that the.lnstllemocratieSrate
Convention - of this State; in its : ninth resolution
protested against; arid.reacives•the:-exception
which it indientedvii.„ri'rrests by'.tlie "
authority,--Within'theiitie of operations or the
region: tit* insurrection: The President now
cams' that -the interference with the Mails, the
establishMent of a passport ' Systen,' the - sus
pension of •tbe privilege of lorknis . 'corim; and'
the. arbitrary 'arrests, . Were . .abnormal'.acts;
justified. only by.a : vital exigency of
ta be übendoned . the fir s t
public security:: This system. of terforinitia•
tedbySP.WAO). C26}one!.f; fo'divert at ten=
thin from their an d silence criti-
Cisin and exposure', and ..abused to purnases: . of
personal yengeance, has endured
: too • Icing. • , The - country
.Will...rise..reassured; .
now that this bOrden. of ha lifted
••• • •
from its . Shoulde . rs., • • • . *.:
. . .
- . ....When' : the Denm:re:lc Convention, took
ground , in defense of individeal . . and ; con . stitti
tional rights; there were gdestions raiicd - as to
.the policy .of the course;, in the party, and
inuch.dentine 'at ion . and abuse from its
The sentiments udveneed• Were correct; it was,.
odrnitteq ; . I)t.it it was. not time for their Utter
ance! -• But When, let us aski are citiiens to
proteit. egainSt • usurpation,: except of tine of,
civil cemimitiori• and ti.logir say that :
conStitutionar immunities`are: to cease at th
first Moment of danger, is,ns Absurd es •to Ses- .
iiendthe:contrnet of inSurence in.timesol . fre ,
Mient conthigrations. was•for. just such a•
.crisisthat these guaranties were Provided.',...
If .the Pernocratic • patty '.not speak in
defence of t heditiortf . of the citizen; for, what'
does if. it is Qilenf,..What other, voice .
will:he raised?: When the history. of this rev
olutionary• Crisis comes to be written,. the loy
alty and deyetion'ef•the•Democracy will shine.
nobly the record ; and the: salety"-of. the
Irnion and . the Constitution,' endangered . as
much by false friends is open enemies; will be
truthfully-ascribed to it., •:••'-'
Since' the acceision of. Mr. STAP:TON to the
Cabinet, ihe Adininistraiion has done morn to'
'reassure • fhe' people than •in the wholqof its
previous existence. It hen Acted with wisdom ,
ard vigrir;and
,ithas clisearded. the puerile of
ignoring the proportions wari and attempting
to “prephesy" it out of existence.. It
cored -general - exchange' o r: pr i soners has
recognized the e,aptured - privnteeers a's prlsOn- .
ei's of war; and now oPportunely concedes the
restoration of suspended constitutional rights.
Ynd at the.satrie time, llong , the'Vviiole
operations,' from Hatteras' coast to' 'West*
Missouri, thetirrily:fidvaneesAriumPharitlY,
Wish the applausetiof the people over the rest.
Window of the' Constitution, pre -'mttigled. 'the
hozzas of' vietory- from Our gallant ittrmY';'= 2 .-
Thi4 acclaniation..sseendito Heaven, ae s 'a
prayer;. to down its blesiings on a peOpie'who .
hatre hot lost (heir' love' of liherty.,--x.y.-:?
.. .. ..
i•.,;;!',-).:..ii:' , „.
- ---.--- • . - _ ,, i. :.• :i.j..
It allude taourawU,pi ? ,:dtiolOpmpfe,,
lion. Wi th't he r
policy, it ia . not Tot the 'pittriiie4liNKVlkikai;
Lion, but do.illesitatez..tbu , eeepiiio.lo44k., o r
an&ill! 4 , 014iijis
the, eseertion
That the Coahl have'.boV.V.' 0(44
Whollyr we havt!'.neven'tielfeved ; . 4 ,,.ttitt it wD)ald
have, been :red ti eed cto. sue Itikoinii.t!oldri.9itid,
clashed by !Deb forc4that the, Potottrpeould
have been, all ihe 'etroureer: - for;it4 . 't, , ,lttstitild
have. been confined - to- South . ; Caroltatlndlad
Pdissiseipp,tituCt'exas r and the , Sentlitil. ficaltine
could hilvo. Veen . 'made . tek,itupply,':.thal-A 004 to
have e.t . a inguialied
. . . „
P rem n t.. 14 Non t.:4 now "uniOsoive4l"ytpdpits...
that `ha, regrets . ..that •the • propessi,ionstot4ha • -
Pow :Conferenae, • Wore nor'accepterdo44o,r . •
would. hove .secured ea 4 be,..Beitter444,olond •
.we needed aillas,.ati,heme•an4...atottitt4 . 4l•'Ste
•..The Tar f.reiteiti.;wohoopod
•will or. 'foreignnotionSolt rii•-•Aest,44,i,ttetthao;
gnent•.'We IfireW•eweY4larittpfrrectgpftto - .
take. up one of prohiltitico,,aod•lbst.Otimlitilt • -•,
tared the South, alienated' ViioOriliO4'o.o.4tol
the trenstory:•,. Whit we.hittgis.',-,lrSig4oll4,owltt..
no w.is thi.prollar . of. free Artida'll* hyiPool4-
erncy,'no' . the,price,of EproperptiOtO.RAVlktim •
A IL thinking_ men agree thatt.lhiiiololsl44olar; •
and the. tariff is • underioing a'AggiMlllAlntingntro'
'to adapt , to'reArposeco( reyentte.;;;,;•'l,•.frAloa: .
the Cabinet was cornpoeed 'r
ofr.thdPhleago , ,Comiefitiothi:4t waapitielrstrot
Presidentinliispirange o Nooegtchillitie4ftaillge ..•
Alfr;• tistoor;ti•for hii purposit.,:„Tpa.pfgriktdant
expelled one , of the tribst.corimpb.ingl,loo.oay....
.ons,de his adytarrs, qnsiittorgi;PA4pat
riot ie- and. energetic' ,Siaterertlq:',44.*Msd#--r
ggSiteh Proof of 'the beneficent ; reatllta•,Crts•A4Kiii
f'usion of 'new tined, lido Abe,;Catlotnr+srolir„iti-
tensify'thse,iiinOrnAdesire,tbat•Put : ;expliwittrant
be speed il y l'ePeat ot : '.4, •
With, Sawartn • and Pa74lllso4:enßlnitittAnnk.
' of h•trpiei tharAtew:;te the 'Arenter,,jotrOfgomm .
and foul ed t.'.. They, : 4
.. • .
alter being •made to ;diagoritas,lbetrkili-Ostien, •
...We warned the Admintstratirm„agrit katOcrais
men, and agaimit the handed funktfmwtippiatter
gni•rificing, ono:. a rmy'br,their . Cjtn• of
On' to Richmond;•"). were iirging,;l44/0101te In •• •
dastrue.tion tiy their:insfigattun of?, ae,:tsagtatin- •
mirrection; ~ • .; re.srlps•
It .was our fortune to . L oppoiii.forotartailkaist, ,
On A we. iltderen t occasiooar.n..GntleffrOn* and ••
tried, measured
,and conagined.in4Pllo4o flits
both Abase. former candidates tit,•hialiatirty,tgorl •
placed 'the command . of, armietticirtflot;•
more anergette,or.:moreslcilleAtqlt•riirric•Alclittr: • •••
,urged ihrt.serrendirriefo,thrt i psprOrgite •
envoys for oar own and,1040144,4001p4.• •
titre: with'„Epatar4l.••• I WsolOorkalmgagirt ie.
position g lint•t4 B Adminietratitltnihat ktp •
the same groetaln, the;end::•••;.. - ',•,4.0 . 0,.. 1 , •
tiru — sTruggteu-,te — mastntr,TA - ne.a
tizend and ••• the freedom . ..of thaltrilitt,tigskisst •
. ,
the sunamary•proceedingi oll,coyernmanhnotn- •
isters ; and we.denied-rthe.right. sp(;:a,Rab.ipet
officer,..Witbout. the consent orgri . nest%
stitute a passport sy,stem e . , ; idictrinuf,t licit:Attila •
as' it was:, All. theses-things the,,;Atiotipiitita- •
t Iwo .itsell,••• a A•tist, aundeMatil„..artiltzire.7
We pleaded 1:41(' according*, lbei.reliela4be.
humanitkes . .of war , 7 :to :exchange.priioneitaige
ichee on parole, and 'exernrit l ibe,captitistaAtim
:doe tring ; -,44044:40t.
prevailed, and Weitiret gainecruktlttit„,t'..x.”
1,%0 Alava been ',denouneed)-lbreattlit4tfand
calumated for All thii, bplactiehodoggpoljt end
noisiditump-spet kers, 'for i : nearly taltilleffsiout
wo r haVe waited . . patiently. for.lftlhotiktAketteitts
ADYNTA9M,, , SI I / 4 .175
qC C U P AT I ON .-4 9r t Dmie.ikfintlAraniPshOr:',0"
- every tongue,--is sithated,onlita •,Gtspktveil . tirit
river, sixty' miles' from its mOulb, tind.
miles south-irist of • Fort ,Henry. ,vitaii4on
structedoohetime last aumner,,togethieotath
Fort Henry, to•Preyent ipc, vance.o,st,flr
ces tip the Cnthberland,as:•Foil- Henry .was
built to prevent our advanCe•hptketAeoheissee.
It is the counterpart of For I - lehr4,44ough
a.ntech larger and st roger; Ictiti4eattoth.. l oB
two forts were thesskeys.to the. re,4l . ;Otht,iptis
at Bdtyling Green erf . golhinbas .A tipd
of he i roccupation: has' been teenitibeHigt,,eyste
nation of the rebel : strong,lt#,lNltt,o%?nking
Gteen;. connpejledytt . ,Nti o .
fnom t String
Doh elson is situated . on . the, stieett,,anßl:,l',titst
,Cumberlarid.river; Where: t.hat;;;ltlrcain, , ,A.l/11 0 $'
n a edute ur gle' tit Dover. It: it' .
,a fottificynn
of eait.hl. It is
.at the infersectioh r on:,ttra
sorne . ,se,ven or eight • past rCtads, attn bat e our
nat . PS north of 'the
fat ; lip Claiksvillei."d
taut, and the site of • 'extensitia, and
rebel works, which '
they, have bein,eonftaft-.
ing lor mont hs past, to 'protect tbe.b,cidgl.cmsr
ing. the Ceinherlfind on the :CitilMed,',plo - . 4 .t. •
'NaShville. The ocCupationßr
givos us'a very stronghold on the pum4QApd..
river and is a
,base for,fattheTppeiAqelOic . ex.:
tending in time; the bbpital A,T0?814, 1 57-
The: river is navigalle fo r 5 1tiesAlRgts..
and vessels to Ntishvilie',:29,3miles . Actia,.,its
'month, and for beats ht,l.,sl,ttms,;oo.,m4hl9y
the r. Its entire lengt4 je.o4o_a. offy. t „,
trains a
a territory ,:.17i40:9„:„Kki#A4kirillf
The're are on its—borderitheleetAtypeett,
nine : - for.tei; sand two rolling
annually 44,50110.0tittisI-1y0n.c....,,,
A genileman lately:, frOnit.lchlinlot,:p'lo.l
• n
ludes the iiosition' W. 'Bias 'oteed
in :'• , .." • -A;'Li."f - '' VA
(Milan in Riebniand T lifrt
I;lotts 'is yirtunlika'prisonOsijif,his,olsin house.
SVheti• be gets t chafirie : to"s#Oikkhe. denounces
the "secession•of , Viiginin . ;lnd4llniilis , :*as a
tatal act, a -1301o0Silthlit?itiliitOation,
the ilniou.pla)leAlli,t4l:Y,4,,,e4;.l,:-.itiv"‘:
; .., Wa4b I ngtO 4kipi ' ti,le Ai-1195C coßfOitAjgd,,P! •.• ,
the ta me meet)! ; eti the,ia xie, (lir, ek tbeimplth, , ..",'
eel omit? the . :a nie - hciii• hi' the!itigpid—Liith %',::
Peet mkeiliO9' , *ri.ti :
tt 18410
s. 'olli ;iti . .?. , ic.litery ;
`eer lode cpinptide6Ci;;; ..;-•';' . 4,. .t!-45. 4 ,..i'f#1: •-
:- • , f.. , ..., i, y. .t - iy , g. , 1,5ik0r4...! . .-
....... ', ' 1'„ 'l l
''' . lje #ee'dipgk*y . ,:, i, , ,it,p,;:ro,?..e u e ~t,* .er.-
Jilieet , yeilt*,_of , ttiii:,49o,,,,l.4:titi L W ~_,,( 11c
l ;
!sold it initir4,,,:,,lictie#: , ll .. :4l : p')Fil s W°
WM. 4.. SiPIF#4I:I I iIV - gt . ,
Thi iirOliiii cost_ i:ktf 4 e(ir , ,fi'i , ii 1 .;
' • ::' , ..,v ,-.' '''.!': 5c1 , 4 ., •) . ,.:, - p . .. - ....' ..,--.,,,,,