M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, February 22, 1862, Image 4
this well )4f:' iekfit tektiffinß(4r4* e'.., ytnitit none ,ronage. Raft :„ ', out. ,tch-eft, g p. M. , _ r _ 2 . 1860. iy anua PRINT'IN'G; • RIPT/ONI *:414 tilaY l'Es° , ExpEDITIOVSLY i r ' ePE APLY Nuou AT viz - - ntp AT ~..01,UR.PIS..ind Japanned Ware,: Ste ..:;1110:0100110.,tet,HOlett'at.' .14A .S.ON'S: JoiiNsoN, • " • .•:.: . closiitiistoNraFoß.rnr , ..l3 TX OP NEW 1 Oltit ieknowledgmente: of Deed! . and " . Atatear. taateuttleista tie be eteett, and'reoarded In eald atm°, teitididtititar oath! oi a Met:asthma totrioant to at gait t i 3p Cptoroyatecee. , '&e. •:t Office it, Land Of ::111 4 141 1 At irrßilkdPl'4,l4l,Aitto Co • bANC NON An COMMERCIAL REPORTER.. rC~rclil ilea ; ioo,ooo. EDITED: BY jOHNTLIOMPSON; •• . 4 6 : . ~ : .110011tiimiterreted TinpmvsoN - ' 2. Wall 60'eet• . • ::,'24•:• .. :;_ , ,;"_:•:•4 L -, : ~I. :; :,:, ; .- • •.i • ..,•' • '.• ...,-; . : , , riiiitilia bt'Cli*i; - :. lii 3 Oiti)ici,ll7. Fiakl'n . Si • .lItlfleCAIPTlOll' IN. AniltdNG . 6; • • • it sub cribe . • • • Monthly iiVoiopi*taire 'Ahem,' who, form :I;lliibe end e.j7f~osernr. .1/111 thi miatey.lp advanee. we will . gene eshithervfrigurageti and' Deser . iptgve - 1.44 t, 01-. 'loe6ll44iibiAti ' ekiii"Cif; 70*!..... eoptimeig:the'Semi•monthly:.... 4 00 • • .10 *otitis of the,-............'. :600 y We forevard gratuitously to" atiy persori iMid of 120.0 t ~ t ho . .aboye'. rates; it t got epe time, our • American. Gold Coin . rcet .• • Afealla Addreli, , • • •• • . • •THOMPSON POTHERS, • Wan St. N.• Y.; Proprietors. Great Excitement in the South. BOUTITCAnOLIIIA IN .ARMS I .TERRIBLE THREATS OF SECEDERSI Tint 161UON IN DANGER ! THE NORTH' AND. SOUTH :•: ~•• • Meet end Shall be ReptTogether , • Woo Fain Mut be Preserved 1 ' • • ' the..oifitleig •el routOstaniee the ' imbkriber• • 11J :deem it tdo duty to ;e•7 to the cltleopos or Northern .. .lbS*4'4 l4ll k ttist.ttto old • • . Tit -Shop tOtref d ony i s2! , erziergeoelesi:Ol . tb odlee . ex 40,101104.70ue tki.oe p're.r!ar!'.l. , , . Tin , Sheet-Iron and Copper, ...004 2 2)1119 1. ..44 or etippitthis gl?rlon2t , tiiiiiilll4olVit.7oth:wttlatt haaa n olong hohi her. 'Fend shamaujate s tftiOat: " ratialt takeltitileaU a( others i , Itaviag purchaaad the Interest nf arothar,. (111. , 11' Kazan,) I au now. littlag Up'audlLlTlog up with e akiok of Stovall, frinwiwe, which.l atn bouad ta . ..aalltahaap' rot , pay. 'Gall iodate.: • GEO 0. HMOS • • '4 °, 4 Eti=4.lllollslitit pioduou!ranithing.but r-;`, 1i5110111111114101 , 0* 04411,.<,.. •; , • pßospEQ , ,rvs. •..,-;;;,.;',..--,.::, c)F.0.... . , . .. C- ,SC .ENTIFIC''.',.AMERICANi •,,,,,i,,, Tiiiiitiri.blegiiirilCAL PAPER . " 1.4.1 f1e WC .11 ! ,/ ' ' ,SEVEKTEENTHYEAR..; • $41' . 101. A** ypjumii,of this widely bireuts.ted:pa 'per.coionnlncesOn the 4th ot January. Every numbei Igintains . •sixteen• pages •91..usoful . in for • ination from Ave 6i - ten:original engnivin.i new inventions and' discoveries,.af . l of which . . irk prerered. •eiptessli for its eplurOni... ir'*SCIIitIFIC :AMERICAN is 'devoted , te • 1114 .intoii.ste 01 Selenc'e,:the . Mechanie ..:.Arte,artursetuies,''lnventions,• Agriculture, 0.: - .Connerce . and the ..Intluitrial • Pursuits . genes... And is valuable and instructiVe nut in ;the Woritsbotteintl • Manufactory, Jou t oleo in • :thilletieVoldi.the: Llbrary end tho 'Reeding To !the. Alepbeift and :Itlanutic . tu re rt , • Pio "pet'sot'..ertgaged in, any of the meihenice 4turonito. skOold think of, doing 'without Cu , ' costs but (our ,cents. • iiirlteelif nutnbir contains from six to tettongrovinge, of: new`machines :and iroen cannot be foond in any other pub. established luta of the. pub.. •isbiirta.to incest:: none, but original engravings, •T,04,101.4000! ttittile,firAt ,claya in. the, art, 'drawn ;•: experiinced: persona undir •:•.. ,To•thei Inientorc• - • ittgENTIFIC AMERICAN I. inClis- ertryiinsreetor, as it:nrtt only • con•deer ri mien 5. of :eeerly ' the vitiostussiii come out, but . eaeh ::•u tiiina ', t+ii Official ' Lietof the 'Claims fiorii it da St t . . u Pe t "Nreek':preyioust thut' th'e ire are eitio reCeiy iiC-saißgi : ine;yr . u!ria I s . ot . ! t ienl -..Gettpeeyi , thus se. t: hat''i`i~iranepiripe arnt urt in these 'Old reetbette,le tranifer. to At*fi:frOut.: . ”)ese jetty, iiorf'4,c r alf .:to of i , nterett: . , '4 , ' o .' 4 : .141, giye,n in 'its and the: iritetesti of the andtiteetlirlideariiitaterare mt Overlooked; all , t?i tippet tain .!ttrt - 36 - ,...thetta :publiAhP(l from anil,nraticid inferno. tjon itertaittiitg to the ..inteiperu of rnllkYrights . . pdblisheirin.. the VbtCh•intotmn ;inn they, cannot pnisiblv obtiiiir (rant any id her ~eource: S4bieete irywhich.nlanters and rrnere ;fru . 'in. tirested be found, in theSe art :item Aarinicis; moat of ;he irtiprovetrtents a n aerieulttiral impleiueute being:iltustrated:ill its Et,. " OLLEY ' S • . , mitilaserii)ers:--Tiso . boilers . a Y,ear, .ps:Ona bollar for six months. • One Dollar pays for one • .eemplete •volume'.of'4l6. pages; tt o. volumes cornpriie - one par. 'roe vol.: times. commence t . he..11 . 1.5t of ,:i.anuary -an!) . Far all. dabs:a Tyt'enty and:over, the year- . ly . Subscriptirin ls.only $1,40. can, be sent in at..different tunes and from, different. Po;t•offi , es Operimen.copies•wdi be sent gra: tis to any part of the - counCry. . .:•Western and Canadiiiii..tronry.orl'ost•offi, ,, e stamps taken at 1 . 101r': for . suliscrilieione.. Cana dian Subscribers please., to remit 25 cents' eitrd each year's . . subscriritiOn' in -pre-pay , . • ' • • .51UNNA: CO Publishers • • N0',37 . Park-rew Ne;Pr York Ai: o '`,fillwrigLts, 4tFtl Lll4#A.''l.ol',: N''l='.ERlC' N mill bp ' r"s'stie.thofa. .All th e ile d e otebonfetly'ire .t ;reY ; TERM% CLUB RATES Five . copies, for. srx•Months. - -- $1 Tencopies, for Six Mut , - • $8 TPo ropier; Twelvo- sls' Fil!Fito cnOFii.;fo'r.T* . elve Motif $22 T went y'copies!,. lor ve Months - $2B SotOfula-or.Kmg's Evil, . . • .. • eonstitatioaol :'disease a corrupti o n of the, blood, by 'which „this *fluid - 'becomes vitiated, , .weak, and p00r,..'" Wing in the 'eiretilation, pervades . the - whelp -and • may burst • out to disease on anY - part'of . it, No organ is free from its attacks, nor iS there one which it May nor desitroy.. -The scrofuloustaint isveriously caused 'by mercurial :disease, law - living,. • ordered or - unhealthy food, .iniPure Mr; filth 'and. filthy. habitsi . the' - depressing • vices, and, above all, ,by the- venereal infection. What 'over be its origin; it is hereditary con-- stituticin, descending ""front parents to children unto the third aiitifhurth generation ;" 'indeed, it seems .to' be the 'rod of Him whci Eaye,. !' 1. Of the.. iiithers..upoir their 'children." ... • • Its effeate commence by deposition frOm the blood Of . corrupt or ulcerous Matter, Which, in, the ltings,liver, and internal Omani, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings'p and on • the surface,' eruptions or &Wes. * This foul doe= ruption, which.genders in the brood; depresses the energies.of life, so that. scrofulous constitu. • tions : not. only suffer from scrofulous plaints, - .134 - they have 'far less ,poWer to with- - stand the sittaeld of other ; r nand , . quently, numbers perish;.by' disorders which, although not screfulatis in. their nature; arc still, rendered fatal by title taint in:the system, Most 'of the eonsiniiptiod which de ti,viates the human family.has its origindirectly in this Scrofulous :eontamination ,• and many destructivediseases of the liver, kidneys, - braini and,..indeed, of all the. organs, arise -front -er. • are aggravated-by . the saMe cense., . One qu%r_ter of all our pet - ideate scrofulous;' their persons are'invaded by this lurking in.. feeder!, and their health is undermined by it. • TO cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative •,medieine, and in vigorate it .healthy find • • awl ; exercise. Buell:O.:medicine we earaily - in • • AYF.,II,'S . Coin - ponnd.Extract &Sarsaparilla, the most effectual . remetly:whieh ;the medical of our • .times' can , devise for this every • where preir - oiling . amt fatal malady. Itis corn- . titled from the,most activti - remedials thatßave been discovered for the expurgation ofthistiiitl disorder from the blood, and ;he rOsette of .the - .system from destructive . , consequences. . fence it Should employed (Or the cure not. only:scrofula, hitt also. titose tither affee „tiobs- which. arise from 'as Eiturrivit • and SEM AitTIiONVS : l' IRE; . Rosa,or ERYS3PLId I / 4 8, PUSTIttrB;- Bt.oicuna, Ihiirca and Botts, Tuslorts;.Thyrrat and Bsti• 11.111tInf.: Sento BEAD, ltitsciwo.ust, Rnsuisterts2t, Symittrric and IllsucuitrAL Dls aAsKs, .Dll6Pelti.-DysesrstA, I)inmiry, - and,. indeed, ALL CoNvrt,AixT4 siu&n a ran:4. VITIA. oft 142Mitn 13toott. The popular belief . impurity of the blood 'faunded in truth,, for scrofula is a deg enex talon of the blood. The partieufar purpose and virtueof this Sarsspa rilla-is:to purify and regeneratethis vital fluid,. Without n;ltich sound. health is impossible In • contaniinated,:cciiaticutione.. • • f Ayer • 's Gat antic* P il ls, • . FOR ALL THE PURPOSES . OF A FAMILY PHYSIO• . are. so composed .th a t .(II e'en se' within th e 1 range of their action can. rarely withstand - or evade them .Their'penetfating 'properties search, and cleanse,. andinvigorate escsy portion of the- human organ ism; Correctiligiti diseased action, rind mitering its healthy Nitalities. As 'a consequence of .these, praperties, the invalid who. is bowed :down ,with. pain or physical debility is astonished to find hie haelth,or energyrtatored by a remedy at once so siMple.and inviting. .. •. • • 3.\ot only do they titre the every-dap complaints 'of .ciery bodY, • but also Many formidable and dangerous. dioceses.. The agent below named is •pleased to furnish 'gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for theiruse in the following ccrnplaints: Cortire.: , 118.73, IMO ilium, Headache arising liomdisordered .Stomoeh,.Nauma Indikestion, Pant fn and Morbid Inaction of the .Botects; Flattdeimh. Lass: of 11pre-; Janndico, arid other .kindred Complaints, arising from a'low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayey's Claerry Pectoral, vou : Tur, 'RAPID corm OF Coighs, Colds, Infinenxtt, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consurnp. Lion, and for the relief of Consumptive " Patients in " advanced stages' of tho So.wide is tbe field of its usefulness and se nu- Ineroutt 'are t o cares of its eure!!, thkt almost 'every' section b', country &bounds. in persons 'pub ! licly.known, who have been restored frotn. alarming and 'oven 'desperate ':diseases of the lunge by its use. „When once tried, its - superiority over every other medicine of its kind ,is too apparent to 'escape observation, end where its'yirtues aye known,. the. pahlie - no longer hiSitate what • antidote to, - employ 'for the distressing, and dangerous - affections of the' pulmonary' organs ,that are incident to our climate. While, many Inferior' remedies thrust upon the `Commtinity• have failed and been discarded, this Tula gained friends by every trial,,conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro-. duced cures,:too rannerous and too .remarkabla to, botorgatten. • • •, , • • ' PREP.Alltli BY . . - • DU. J. AYER dr. CO. LOWELL, M4BB. . . SmPthportl 'C. E..Oe good, Bradford Port Allegheny and by desiete nvorpnbere., . ' , Alikcort'ehapter of I*litory. Great work pa the Horse THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES '". • . - BYT JENNINGS,,Y. s. ; ......, PBOPBBBQR Or PATItot.OOl. NU:OPKII6TtAF 8174pItrty i?r2111 •;TBTYNINANY,COLLYCU OF PIIILAUFLPOI - 0. Ail). • '••• • , . .. ... . .. wud.:ll4LLloti or the - 01.10v, Illatory atid distinctive •• truiti of the various breeds of Enron.- . .. an, •Aelatie African and Anief can tier. , IlleS. With .W 6 hilyeical . furrnation an peCtil.iari ties of the. animal. and hey .. . . . - •:.. .io, ascertain hie Age IIY , the •number. .2 • ' ,' • • and cerdition.of his teeth.; - illustrated '.. " • ', . .7 with; numerous Gavial:lstory engravings ~ .. . , • . . • . l'lt.e Itei.i•s6 Atti,Li him D h:3 irie.tSe 8 . WILL Thli...h YUU Oritreculug,•Breakink ntabling,Beed : . •'', 'tug, Urotnang,ShOeing,eand the gen. . ' : - . ' .• . ere! mana, s enienV - Of thelieree, with ' •'. . • - .nlodes'ofadminieteilng inedielne. also, • :. - how to treat liiting,.Kieltinsr. Bearing, . . ' , •'. .- . , Shying Stutilbting, Crib Biting, Ve5t— .,.... .1 , 115+:11eR9 and Other • Ilene to which lie i s subject ; .with numerous explanato... . .. ,• • . • • • y engravings. ~• , '. *-. ... . . , . . . . . . . . .• . Th (3'l Ini.Rp'.arii'l lairs Di.se. - asets!. WILL TELL l'oo . Of the causes., ',peptone,. and treat . ' •' • :'. mentor StrangNa; .litircThreat:. DI?, .• ' i''.. • :',-.•, temper, - Catarrh, Influenza, Brow:hit - le, Pneutannia, Pleurtry . . broken Wi n d • . .' • - •• :` Chrenlaleugh; Ituniane and. 'Whoa . ' ' - :. •' ' liog. L /1119>il.K. SO io . 4fililth a 64 - UlOar , ; ~ ••, 'and' decayed Teeth, whit ofheediYen, • .. ... ' . • f. . .- 1.10 . of 146..Mut.tili and Iteeptratory Or: . • • . • WILL Ti..:1,11 YOU Ut .citunes, .sysoptions .nn I.Trent • . • • "went of IVorniri, than', Colic, Strangu'.. lotion", -Stony OtineretionS,. Bantu ern,. . •., • Palsy .I)larllicee:Jatioll'ide; llerottirr. " • .• • lino, Illnudy Urinri, Stones in the hid , . • ' nays anti Bladder. Ldlninnutlign,. and • "-. -other disennes of the.slottutch, Bowels,' •. Livery and Urinary br d ane. • .• 4 • •'• Thciip T•Torse pisetaSes'.' WILL TLLL,YOU Of tho uses, slytoption.: :and tiOnt , • ~ • • . 'went of Bono Blood Lind Bog, •Spavin, luny Bono,. iiweenie, Strains Broken. '• • ' • . I{heen, Wind' (lolls, • Pounder, • Sole •. —ltrui,ouind Gravel, Cranked Goofs,. • • • 7teratithit,'Cankor Throat' and Corns;:: • ,of Alegrints, Vertigo: Eidionny, ....• 'Slas.g•••rn," and„ outlet.. diseases Of. the . • ' ' . Feat Lege r and Head . TheFT'orse'S.nd his DiSesisps' • YOU. Of. She e.lll:lll,"symli , otils, owl Trent. • 'moot of .Finlitia. poll Erll, Ul mast's, • • • '• Parry. SCR riot, tive r. M.inge, Surfeit ; ' Looked ',Tite; . POIDa' lon -Crimp, . . - • . . thills,"Dine;sen of. the Eye nod Ileart . •• ' - • kn. " ame•how to ninnaite' Orstra • , • . • t ion; I leerling, Trephinning, liowei •• • ' Inc. Fieltz, Ili •nia, AnionLo ion': Tap ; • . , Ting, and other nurePo.il aporationa. „: • Therf.orse-rend liiia • Disepse.s • W T.ELL I'ol/ . 0( . Iterey , s - method of tatiOng Ifel•sen •; , • how to A'nor'neell', : lfttPer or. ginids it . . . - curt"; how to etecostorn A Eloise to •• ••• • - • • • etraose mnoodswod ' o h die, and how to • , ' • .•• Itit..rindolle. Ride. and B r e:Whin, to . • Ilarnesrt..Alno, .the form nn I -lssy• of • . • • W A.a,..tary • 'Phi) whole heine the re. •• • • • . •: 'Suit of intro Ilfleen.venrs'.enrefu I . , . study of the hill to; heealle•liies.usintn . and weaknesses of this noble mil mod. 'Thn tinolr eontaltin norropi imply iliosi s o o d, by, 'coot I y one hu n dred ,cloolivinter 'printed in a• riper and nrirn lypo.otid,a ill lie forwarded loony ' , shire/IA • postn t ie•pnid; on rocuipt of To ices hull boond,.sl.oo. or, in cloth. ess - rn. 21„'. ' . • . , . . ur 1000 Fn. eon . bo.m . • er'rhy enter t; . .•• . prisreg t•I, • every where, ,id sellirns this Omer., end oilier p . opolnrirorks rlf -.Our surli oroeseeedlnely Utter. nl. For sing!" copies of the Ilr'Alt; on for term to agents, with oilier Inform:II lon,"atiply, turn r address • • • • - • JOHN E. :ITTTEIL . . No:” fit 7 Sansoin St soot, .Philadelphia, Pa. • Novombeil,), Lt.CO. om. - 24 . , • . \V. C 1.-I E R GERMAN PHYSICIAN SURGEON (enII3IANENSII.`I„LOcAT.I) AT OLEAN N. T.) • • . . . . MT.' leave 10 innirm Ole ris•of Sniethport and vicinity, that li will _be.,at the 401V,51 ~ SMETLIPORT, On the }iota. anti • ir.ieTx.v4+ s o of each month, where be•mot:be' consolftd by the alfliefed, Pertieolor nt(entionlmid . fo - all -diseii , e . s of the end bKllsi. Ahab C.HRONIC TMIS.EASES O Otid..sucb as are.p . ecbliar to boa) May.l,lBol. •* , , STOVES! STOVES!, Combination. Brie,li Oven Cooking 6toves I (TUE L.lTfgT , INVENTIOR ORTUE AGE). . .A- J-NOI)TISE-ri.spc,ctitilly'ealli,th,atten,- : ..tiln of those is isliintz new Cooking Stoves to the . Fire'ifriel ELevii . (eil OverCookini! Stove; shish look . theriasr .ntiotin at the Erie Co, Fair, as well as at.niiirn.rons u, Siate awl Coniity- Fairs ttiyoughottfAhe Unite'd Stetes. ....- , .* 'They: are the tnoSt Durable...toes . . Constructed ! And the only one that is egnattn the old lash • toned - Briar di•ens, •'• WARRAN.ED YEARS! These; Stoves.keill he sold at:grii'atlio reduced peieri..: i am•surplied with all hinds of COOKING, PARLOR ec BOX STOVES Tog...qber with a hill assortment 0.1 TIN-IV.A RE, Shoot Iron & Corper,«'.are,'&o Job Work, . a3l. lrinils,tione with ilispaiCh, and in a sibs. torv-nlanne'r, al • the' loWes: pogsihle prices. • • lead,'Petster, ()ate, and in feet eveiything pan have will be take: in exchange for' c;ooils,•-even in Cash. five trim n call, at sirie'otil gta'nd, ONE DOOR IAjTST.OE THE ASTOE .110173 E% Smell:coil; Jan: 10, 1861. . .. • - •MO.N . ..E'Y - SAVED .. - • - • 11Y .... . . • Observing these' Facts . . . .. . . • . • . . . . . .. . . . .. at. The r am per.. _ • .. ~._.... ...)r.` `11 . • ... •• -L thane! tlilocate•A ln lIDPII.. ' '''"‘..• •;..,.., tntOtl,port.• .. , /. ' ' ...1.. • •-• --'• 4.1 - .ffi . : . 'llrrt. Tlintl kespcon , ' ..* 14r '''t• • - ,e'r• . "1l , o ' :.+. ,' stantly on hatt•a good ' .of " ' L . •••‘ . • t r ...i. • t. - . ..• . k,, t •, ..,!..' - 40, ..,....upp Ty of the beat riunl r * • , r.c.:1:,,, ~,' ....c„:-.2,, Ci t :• - i ,ty of. ruaterinls. To , in. .rr's-: , ~, 1 , -,...- t ke ,0 r , i ff . 0: , for ,ppntriNt . th e • creV-t , --' ':•1 . , ' carious ' , arta of; d arts., V , '.l-4 . iti -: .. . WATCFIFS ' c o .".. '''" 4, ti.'fj.''' --).-'=.-- •:. •-' and I 010 I . ant '' :no ' t ti;actinc wt,lo A 0'...v tliat;nearlyftve rea're experience ban towel t me iIOW to WO thorn PUCI"PfNIIIIIY.... .. • • It'. t 1 arches clti ba nnfellt and nclegttflcally' repaired •nt :intelltnert.• NO matter how trio or difficult 'the lob. dn.t wridistrrntinert to it eep'Postsi• UN.aittl ha, fully PP.. -turret to meet every's 1 ,4•,,,,?•eana. ~ , •. : • ~ ' CLOCKS 'WA:ICUS I JEWELRY &g. • - `Repaired on abort notice no . reaniumble term': In •tbe .Store of A. 13, Arnintro,nes. Sign of the “111.(10LOOK. , . . , .•. . •' • • . • IV: If. BAKER • , . N . • n-I aParantee my prices tar work to be an• law an at any other well recu latc•l anal irqua:Walla abort led lows ui than . at many. Pluses giro me a call'. ''. IV; If, 11... 1 • .... - ' - • I • ' .BRICK. FOR SALE. first rate brick fof snle. In . 150,000 q uire of PRANK Sti ! CET.ls • • .• . F. JONES ? ; Smethpori, August .13,1860. - , cq51 . 4.2k7;. ,,.. : ....:. yEllmiN:...ExiinmiNivroß THE 7 "Only Infallible Remedies :Known." Destroys lustsintly EVEgy FORM AN'iosrEciis. VERMLIT. Theie preppiatiohs (unlike all others) are -s• Free from Poisons2. l .. • . • "Not dangerous to the human'fainily . ." come . bpl9,fAtteir.hiArs to 10 years and more , estal?listietl in N.: 'l. City .Usql by' —:-the city Post Office Used dy,- , .thetity PrisoniihndStation lious4 'UAsef:by 7 —C . ity te . a mers, ,Sh ps, &c 73 . qd /4- 7 the . City .liospitats ; . Alms-Houses, Used . by:--the City Hotels— 'Astor' 4St Nicholas,' '4.c Mid by-the .Boardiiig Uied'6y . more thin 50,000 rrivte .c 0 'Siotbhal the People; PresA:y Deal e rs toy 'HENRY the • simmer I 'have fieenfroubreq. with Ron ehes end '11;1 tee. I was actually„ of-Alyehopte, •fer.Thr . Roache's werfr evt.s'itvh . tire. -- I .purchaseti a hex ol'ytati. Extir'ininator rind tried it,..anil.in - gne week Theie• ices not n Ronh'ni s iVlousq in.the .Hointe. ..j011 1 :,t 11...OrtyaNs, Na'. 94 tiOUSEKtEPEßS—ttoubled. With: vermin, nee;l.by SO no. longer, if they use i.Cosrnies". :E,itirtnipatois. 'We have used it to out..sans- . laction,nnil if .n . 'box cnvt. $5, we would have it:-We - had tried noisorils, but they' 'eff , eterl . nothine ; 'hot,tosTin's nrtiele'knorks the bren th out•ol Rats, Mice and Bed Bugs', (piricr:r jinn . we can write it.: It i . 4 in grunt demand all oiler the rniintry:—llterlina . (U.) Gntlltt,• MORE GRA IN and Yroviiinna arr tirstro) annually in Want Coutity by 'Vermin, than 'would pay. for tons or this Rat and 'lnsert:Kit : len Lizuraster ("Wis.)" Herold.' " • ". '.HENRY R. COSTA R— . Yrinr Extirminator is, rNreiwwl,' used,, and -pronounced a deriittUl , sticcesq. WelOrti a linx.of if, anti' tha way' Th. Rats 'and Mire a round our , pretrilsrs tiraised 'Ned,"- that nivitf' was , n.rantinn to shietters,', , - . .Since.tlrrn not a Rust or Mon•ci has. barn hiut d kitChen , or ertlar.- 7 -111ip.rr,ror (Iowa) LIA:VE..BEEN SELLING—Yonr :Esti'mi• natar, fir the last year, and find it a SiIRE snot ' GRA. Rose, DrtiF:aist,C.arilinatnn, 0.. WEHATtE SELLING—Y/11m prfliiirations rapidly- Wherver. Lhei have,' }wen Mice, Roaches, and Vermin di: ; rppPnr immedi- ately. ECKEIt, &STOUFIE, Driggists, New Windsor, Md.. • • .•-• • To DeAfroy . Rats, Roaches, &c To Petivy—Alice, Moles;•.&e, To . .Desqop--.BedTltige To riestis:y 7 —Moths, Fleas, Ants, ke Te:Destivy osqilitide 'Tri Deet•oy—Trisecte;onpaante'rn nsetts To Destroy--21n.se'cis'on To' pestror . —Eyery :form ankapecfri, of ver7 USE, ONLY - "Costar's" Ea% Roach, &c.,.Extirmin'r `•Costar's i ' Bed•hug Extirminator, "Bostar's" Eiettric Powder for Insects, IN 25. 5 . 0 C. AND $l.OO BOXES, BrITTLES AND FLASKS.. $3 and SSSI7.F.SFoII PLANTA TIONS, SHIPS, BOATS, .BOTEIS, • ozr Sbld .Ereryiyhere—bY • ' : • • All : Whole:sale Drug.qists in'large'cities'. • All gi , tail.•DalerF---:Grocers—Stdre•keipers • • &cc:. in the , Dnited.Staces. • WholOsaie.,Agents in Now York Bity, , shiettoirt 'Nog, & co. liarrall, Rislpy, "q•Co F . :ihms j Oeli.l4l3ll & Co:. Bush, gale & Robison A. 13;& D. snag &Co,. I M..Waril, Close& • Co Wltee,Pr •& Hdrt... • 'NUffistnn & Heiarnan & ro: D. S. Piirnes & Co. • Hall; Rn • r1:el& Co. F..C. Thnrnla . & .• LazPjla,'Marsh, &Co P. D;Orris. • • Hall..D-xon;& Co. Penfuld,lParlier& Co.r Tripp & CO. -'• Dudley & Stafford. • Conrad Fox: •.': IMIMBE2 Philadelphia, Pa. T. SY. byott &. C 0... Rohr. Sbnemaker ACo B.A.Fahoystock Sr Co, I French,Richaids & Co the Principal Cities end Towns in the UNITED :STATES... F. , AIV4TI-TPOR,T, ~~s~rd by And by . Druelieta, GroqPrs end Betailers gen. • '; • erally in 'City , end Country, 117'COuntry Oentere'ean eriter tie above. : Or addrese orders direet•—jor it. Prices, Terme &e. is desired 11Y send for Circular to Dealers] ITEN11.1( 11. COSTAR PRINCIPAL DEP6T-L1V0.512,, Broadway, • Opposite the St. Nieluitas Hotel,'N, Y. . ' Veb. 21, 1841,42n05i • • ' • . - • . PHYSICIAN .AND . —Hayin g pet:rna n e n tlyjocated himself at • . . , . , • . PORT' ALLE:GANY,`• tgsts . eci folly •in farm the.,public.that,he is preParell !detierei to in3eines:siriall branches ot. the .Meificel : :Ptoression.•, Party•olerAtten- Ann Diseases;' bath male .6-nil leritale,-th'ey !unto] in 'aceerileneo: , i , k;i•h the.latest antboritie - anclpraeticii orhnOr',Eu rope and Ainerjca„. All' 'secrets lorrti . steo . 'ro him, iri liis . practitte, will be strictly k!pt bird ; in spite of money, law,: friends, enemies, relatives or neighbors. ' Pert 'Allegany, MitrFh 20th, 4860.: . . A 110IIT 200 pptuuls or Maple Stuo.r. oxchangoloT li Furolitil 0. : LYSIAN, !.' • • ' MOcLinicohurp qubiuot :hop'.. SmeOpPrt t :April i, 1201. .. •. ' • • THKPEOPLE'S . COOKBOOK.' MODERN C COOKERY 'IA air rarioho CAREFULLY ItEVISF:II BY MRS. S. 3; lIALE . . . . . . CT TELLS Tot yowlo clinose all•ltinds of Meats, Twin(-. :' : • '''. ' - - . try anj Gauze; with all the various rid . ,• , . • most approve,Frineles of dressing and .. ' : .. • eneking.lleef Wud Polk - ; 'also the best . ' .• , '-. sid'himplest tody of salting,. 'piskiiLlg ' .and curing the rain.,. ' IT TELLSYOU A:1 then, li..tribas and most - approved •. ' - • '. .:. mode's pt d'ress up, cookinti, aid bbni or . . '. Mutton,, bamb... Veal. Poultry. Bud -'' •-' . '.. . (tame' of alt kinds, 'with the different •. ' -:, - . ' :Dre•sllnts;.Gravids and Sltilllngstip• prnpriate to each. IT.TELLS,TOU'IIow to choose,: clenn.• ;and preserve . . 'FiSh of all kinds. end briw to sweeten t . , ' , • .it Vilell tllitlfrtl; Olen Illl•the yariOliti , • . ~. : .. and no st approvdd'tnotles of .rneking,' With the diffe.ent Dressings.' Sauces, . : ' . t • and Flavorless appropriate t o em L. 'T TELLS "YOU All flue.. various nit. 'nest' itptiroverl • ' ' ' • • :modes/ of prep:trim; over fifty different . • kinds or Meat' Piet. 'Fitwl. (tonic, hod . • • . , , yeset hit, Soups, itroths,.und Stews ; . . • • with lbw,Relishes and. ttitsoning'slap• . prupriate to enith:'''.. ' • '. '.. ' . . lI .. .TELLS 'YOU All the various and moSt., approved • ' , -1" .1 plods,/ of cookies; Vegetables of every - . , , . 1 • description, also how to prepare Pict.. • . . les. 'Catsup and • thirries 01 all kin In, ~ • • . : Potted Ments..ll•ll, /Mushrooms, ,\e' IT TELLS YOU All the ,):minus . and .most impr.,red • • . , ' mndes of fpreparins mid rook in;':ell . .. ; ' kinds Of ;Plnin and. Fancy Pastry, entl-• . '.• •. ' Aissis.,Orueleltis,'Frittets,Vakes. l vtl ''..' .. ... . 'tstclinnitt7. Preserves,. Jellies and' , • .:-.• Swbet Itishei of eVery deecriplie , ' IT TELLS'YOU All 'tire veriest. and .tenet two, vsd. ' mules 4..hlat ing wend:. Itlesae. nor ' . • • ,••, ' ,fins and biscuit. tie hest toe-Maid of ' . prepnring.t.loffee; Chocolate tint lea. /. . • • se I Imwto make livrtips, "Cordials and . ~. .. . • •" , Wino,' of •Varidus kinds.. • IT TELLS You . Its w to set out' sad ornameat n Tlhle. ' how to carp' eli ,k•Uils nt. Fisli, Flesh . . or F,,syl.' not in abort' how to en sites .. • - . plifY tbn whole or' of.t.l.dokles, as .to . • Amine the choicest Mei/H./sof the taide • ' .''' . ',. . . within ever- bile's reach The.Vook ,conbiles.Tl'4•psees and upwards of 'twelve hundred Recipes, nil of. nl,lth . arwthe resillts of.wetnat experience: having be'en . folly and envefult , tested under the per otml, Fu petit/tenet' of tale writers. "It is print. /I. in a clear and Open t elle) is'illo .tra tell nil, approwritte encravinSa. amt will he, fnrwar led'tri one addre.s:nwitiv hi m ,d,t no t ;;o/wase n . ',/1.1; on receipt of the.price:sl,llo, ortn cloth. extra, SI ;tn.: ' -• • ... . . 01! , , pri.111. Mi, $lOOO 'A. 11 7 -I , ;:k.it '."'" rr'' by 'il. -where, ,n - eethrig the / al one due inducements to all surh Lteintz. very lit ern.. ' - ,' ' -.-; -• • ' . wort.. sinde ,i'ehier or the 'honk. nr fnr'terms.to rcs,ents., with Other info'rm4tiroi - . npply.th n' n.l're‘s JOAN E, POTTER. Pobli.her, No _O7 F'an.oin Streot, e t iil.A•telpbia. Pa, ~ Itoveniberl3, 3800 sen, .' , ' ' . . , . .., .... I: I-lARD. TIALIf,S . -.., i ,..., : . MADE 'EASY Good News for the Unemployed .11)0p.CLIAINTCL'S 1O 31,11iE :110Z.rEY:1 ONE MILLION' DOLLARS WORTH WATfITT ES, JF W F LP Y SILVER 1 PLAT an: 11.11. E, To be disposed of on AN .ENTIRELY 'NEW AND ORIGINAL PLAN ! 1 . 11 p . erso . li6 4J4sirotis of 10. curing .an Agency N,E . W.. - EtJTER.P . RI§ . E; Shonhlrend on their .florriett nt n. 3 cent stcirmito hay pri4iitgoi.und•receive.l,ay CATALOGUE ContairVng. Our .gndueeinots RaIREIa . CE MAKE MONEN- withOui risk, toget Relative to thii ; NOVEL PLAN! To insure prompt and' satisfactory dealings, direct allorderi to , . GEORGE Ch EVANS,. . .439 Chestnut et., Philadaiphia. -Aprfl II? 1861. •• , • • , ,1k,f1,.180.. Ift A,.p:v: :•!;:','..v.:'.-0]:);.:. .4.,,:'..:i..cz1v-44*. NEW GOODS AT REGULATOR 11 THE'OLD PLACE, TII E : CHEAP . 'STOR GREAT' BARG-4INS CAN . ;13E. HAD AT TH1..2, ONE. PRICE. EGULATOR ! `S'e :iie=Date^min©d ct`o UnderHeli, MARK.THAT,:!! OLD FRIENDS KXOW ALL ABOUT IT Nov Ones 3.113 i CO11011(1 Judge For IluinseliTs . . One purehnse will !ntisfy.the most skeptic'al' Ant.thesejsonly'ene place 'to buy first class goods,_ et very low prices i and that placi.is the ONE PRICE REGULATOR. The one price system gives - the hestlsitisfac- SUPERIOR GOODS, NEW. FASHIONS, 1 . 015 PRICES, EVERY YOU NVAicT AT THE ONE PRICE REGULATOR, . • arid the'lrOidErfliporiu'm of eyevy thini• new hpitt' styl . 4: . If 'you have t6 . ..CASti and waht•to.bh . v the BEST ; ' • • PRY GOODS; GENTS . FURNISHING. GOODS, HOUSE FURNISHING ,GOODS, FIATS AND 'CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GO, TO THE 11'hich afford ONE PRICE REGULATOR, THERE YOU will lind ge s ods remarkable tot. their beatity, durabilitSr, ,superior to yoil at . the lowest figure,. the first . tirpe,.and • from that , ' price thereiceiibe ./V O,D E VIA. T 1 0N; .Remember,--One Price , —Low Prices-New THING & MUIR, '031.1 April 2S. THE ONE PRICE DON'T MIST PON'TFORbET IT. ELEGANT STYLES; OLD .FAVOKTES, LOW PRICES, FANCY GOODS, CROCKERY, EVERY THING, manufacture - and L .pitlcEs7 They Will be 9ffeyed Formerly, C. H. .THING PT. E. 'BUTLER.