:41 ICEEEL WHITE FOR% An . ; LARD. VALLOW RICE, STA ROI , gotta'lNDloo , .. PFR. I 7 II , .• :glPlol2,•clitontftlifzi as,. • an:too° RAISINS, . • Ole ALL, KIND° 31' 44 • • • SU"' BBB CP ALL KIND.% OUN D . OR A I' 4 • : • ' pram .BEs, . . PeleClefl .'. the 'marker!: •• and • exam. 11 not ' to Ogic t itsimpttiilityf rid • : 7011 , tai1, . t- • • • • • ' A...13 ...411MEITNING., b . " ,tl t ? h !Y 30, 1861' •;.311t:ott;i.w.ty$TO §11 . 0 . 1Z El, ;#41.0 75 ,00.Lun.r. • • K. COMSTOCK MEC. , 'AIkiNCYUNC ES TO .HIS • ? :epld.,:foelide in McKean:County;t that hd ie '.ime 2 llll4o.,Spt in' 111 1 411(1111; with' the • ~,,:,.'t4o.6T.., A iqi BEST.. ..: ..•.• : • ,$ o, opri ft ,f,p r d ! ?tys 91!ifn%l!itiltet' . 1'..:11: . .0 . 110/1,i,' .64 liye:rB. - . .l:lYould' Say;. . ` 7, • - 411000rollort:youtetter inducement* than you illtiftuMfirt of;Aow York.::' • It' makil„ttp.fliffkronoe what you want, any 1114*.it!,kiiti GROCERi7.7 4> PROVISION'S, .11.11:af. the. OLD...KEYSTONE ..1 ihed yoo will 6e3, the article fieskendeheap L/01 13 0 0 toe tilkitir the KEYSTONE STORE ' , . his and slaty' will Cake .the lead', and , market is . • • i ' • flfoceries, and Provisions, OLD!FRIENDS• AND NEW *ON ES, and' see , me when you v.isit i•`l 'half not,hurt you, but shall certoinly i yrie do you : good., , • .• K. :CIIIIS.TOCK. :01'ean. May . 2.ild` '11161). • 5.3 . ...COURT - PROCLAMATION. - .11VH,,..0141. 14e. gbn.,'Rohert G. White Jedge, and the J, Dar , Hag atitl 1 .;,Peabody Associate Judges of the .';€kiiii.tii,ti, . E;orei.lit : Terminet and • Oeneral. Jail' Seissions the Peace,. Or cattalo( 'Cornmon . pleas for. Slteanhave bunted their precept, baring ; date,: .the . seventh day, of .. .DenetiaberlA`tbe' yeat of our Lord. - one thou ii.andrad and sixty-one; : and . to me .ditifiettii.'4o.r,oldinsg: a Court of Oyer and larininevand,Genetal Jail Delivery, Quarter the- Peace,' Orphans' Court, and . s lCisuri'.. : ol l Csitnincin Picea, , in the: torCtigh .of Sinetbisett,' , ViliMeinday; the third day of . Marelt in x and to continue one Week: . . Nottee ia.therefore hereby .given . to the Chia ners4. Justicrla.oCkthe' Peace 'and Constable militia the. entinty, that they be then and there jet AhOr proper poisons,. at 10 o'clock A. M. of fil,61:1111I's with . their records, inipisitions, reinembrances, to do 'l6site.things which their offices appertain to be alastse.:And those.who 'are bound by their rec esignisaisette.to..Orosecute the , prisoners that are or nbseß'lnsirt the jail Of , county of. AVRean, astaA . kelhin. : and ' thereto prosecute against ' lini.iiitirst2ol•lieSinsi.. • • : • Difso.-iitVilSmethpor` this 10th day of Feb raisirlit..i,llo2.;..and the 85th year of the lade. peOeice, of. the United States of America. • ' JAS. E. BLAIR, Sheriff. • • COURT OF APPEAL. • • llke:tittaigo4; . Commissioners of Me Fowl CooniVileAby inotice;• that' an' appoal *ilk tie held Ilt the . . Coionnissionero :Office; •in InUithport. on:the 2nd day of January,. 1662.. persona feeling themselvee agrinvec l • ;by Hie-. EnumeratiOn . and. Valuation of th ei r lorOD4rittloi *aid county,. for the year. . 1862, • j DAVIS • • •,• . 1 4 • r o.'o. BONA RD ' , . , • corntnisetopers. .Airatal;. ' '•'-'I3Co: , R. •• • , =EMI ark Ayer's Sarsapdrilla tit .::',':: !,.....:',' '---,:.4. . A compound: l remady,•;in'.Yldiffi ,havela•- bored'to produce Most effectual. eltcrative , that can be'ritaffe:.., - It is a concentrated extfilit ',cif 'Para, arsaparillii, so ;combined Yith.•Other. 'substances of etill . greeter alteratiye.peyer • to `e an ,elfeetive 'mitidote• rot' the . diseases'. Siii'slipartllals 'reputed to: cafe. is believed • that. suelr a;: remedy is .wanted„' by `those who suffer from Spumous coniplaints,,and . that.orio whioli will' aceiniiplish their - cure MuSe prove of Mamensd iciiiee• to r 'this large tress of our afflicted fellOw-citi2eris. -..lleiv completely. this i • compound will. do t has been Proven by.e-Per intent:on'. many of the worst eases to-be found ofthe-follb . , Serteret t N AVn • ,SaltOrei.OUS CO7ITM3 • 4INTS, '•Enirrrio:Ns AND E n.itrf..tv rt Din Ens VLocui3,' PLorenES, TUMORS, .SAY 4. • RIIHUM,. SbALD . ItRAD; ' . SY,UHILIS AND STPlliiino 'AF FECTIONS, MIRLCURJ.I. DISHASS, DRUPSY,NEU netaTe. OR: Tie Doux.oitnenx,.Eintrzr',. 'AND' „EAYSIPRI.A.S. Rose pn ST. ANTHONY'S Tine, and intleed.theyhele ciciSs• of comPlaints' arising' from -Isirearrx it ; 0 . 4 Gro , : necti pied roetboc! of 'in . .214 P, Ptp.,‘:: ePri county lit,"!trly, tind; :rind' ire' _ . . This couipOtuid will, be found.- agreat _pre- rioter if-health,' when. takeu ,in the .spring; .to expel - the . . foul humors Which .fcster 'in the blood at that *Ems* of the year. Ey.thetime... .ly expulsion of. them Many, rankling disorders •are „nipped - iii the, lid: MAiltitudea can; by' the aid of thii-remedy,.4are- themselves from 'the eriduraneo of foul eruptions and ulcerous earns, thrimg,h.which the system will strive to: rid itself . Of .corruptions,if not assisted to do this through-the natural charinels'of the body hy-..an alterative . ; medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you fitulitsimpucities bUriting throrigh the skiumpimples, eruptions, • or sores ; cleanse it when: you tint"- it -is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; .clettraie it, Whenever it is foul; And your ..feelings.will tell you . .. When; Even Where no particular disorder 'is felt, "people. enjoy-better. health,- awl live longer, :for, cleansing the blood. Keep •the blriod, healthy; and 'all is ; but with this, pabulum' of :1110 disordered; there can be AM :lasting health.:. Sooner or later .something: 'must, go Wrong,. arid. the -groat. machinery of life is disordefecl or Overthrown. • Sarsaparilla :has; and `deserves much, the rePutation,.4 accomplishing these ends. But. *the world - itis.been egregiously — deceived ;by preparations of partly•.becate the 'drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but More because Many - preparations; pretending - to be, concentrated extr . tiebi,of -it, contain but.little.of the virtue of b'arsaparilla, dr, anything' else; •ii• • • . 'Puking late.years the public Imre been mis led by large betties, pretendingto give's quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for.encdollar. Most • of these have been •finutla upon . the they not only .contain little, if. any,. Sarsapa rillailittliften no curative. properties whatev er. . Hence,: bitter and painful disappointment •haa followed the use of the.V . itriims extracts of Sarsaparilla tvhicli tlooct the Market, .until the name itself justly despised, 'and las becalm 'synonymies with imposition and. cheat. Still -*Tell this comp:put Surizaptirilla, 'and intend to supply melt a remedy as, shall rescue the name from. the' load of obloquy which rests upon it. :And we think.we have gionnd for believing it' has virtues which are irresistible by, the ordinarYrUn of the diseases it is intend ed to cure.. In order-to thet eradication.from the.systero, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to dircetiOns on the bottlo. • • . • 1 ; • •.. -- - . .I'IIErARED TA' .• • • xott.:•.s ! ••c, A-1r ip • LOWELL, , porl3pttlo y Bli Alottles for ss* . ... .. .lie .• • . Ayees Crry'sPecto .. - . 0..1, :: ,has won for itself such a .renown for the eure of every variety 9f Throat and Lung Complaint,' that it is entirely iinneteSsary for' tuv to ' reeininv the evidence of its virtues, wherever it hne.been'em. ployedi . As it: ns long, been in constant use throughout this Section, we need not do more than assure, the people its quality ie'kept tip to the best it ever has been, and that . 4 -may-be relied on to Zo'for theirrelief all it has ever been found to do. AYer':o:. Cathartic :-Pil4; ' .. • 2 FOR ME CIIRE OE" Cestirepessi ,ranntlice, .12gsprpsid, Dysentery . , .'loinuch, Lryslin life; Headache. IthVnmetisni, Erupt/vile and Shin Diseasee, Liver 'qemplgint; • Vrapy, • Teller; .7:uples and s f le rattini,.. Worms, Goit,:Arcui.algia, Diniter Pill, and far Puryi/ing -the Bloodt ". • They... are sngar-ceated, adftlilit the most semi tive:cen take them :. pleasatithl.mnii they,. are. the hest aperient in the world hihthe purposes.of , a family physic. • Rriao 25 cent poi real . , - Great numbers of Clergymet4ritysiaians, States- Mtn - , and: eminent :personages, have lent' their names to eertify.thesmpar , (lleled noCturness of these remedies, but .our space hem will .Pot permit the insertion. of theM. • The 'Agents • below mimed fur nish Falls Onrisstartt N AL)INNA:d iii which i hey are given ; with also full ,thwriptions of the .nbove 'compl'aint's; and:the treatment that ithould.be fa/ • lowediortherr'enre. . • Do, not he pot Mr by unprincipled dCalerO Green other Preparations -11M' make: more y rofit Demand ../alta!ai 'and 'take, .rto others The sick Siam the test aid thsixe isTor them, and, ey should. . • All our llomedies.are for sae by . . . 11. }lumlin ' & •.smetlip6rl; C: E..•Os good .13radiatil ; 11., Doty, Port Alleghe4 and by dealers everywhere. • : • MECHANICSBURG .CABINE . T SHOE PRICES REDUCEP To Suit the Times.! ! M . . UT.: subset fiber respectfully announces to the citizens . :of M'Kean county thst.he ban taken elle- shop -for merly occupie'd by 4.,'Wriltersi,in M6chanicsbn re, and In tnanufSeturlng.awl will keep.copstantly on hand . every variety ao style of . . . . • 'CI.I ATTU!, • IiEpSTEADS, . ' BUREAUS, • ' . • -: • • TA BLEq, , LOUNOES: •.- • . . DIVAN'S, ".. - . , 011tiNIAIT,i,' . .. . , wnAT- SOTS, • •- • . ..wm.m.sTANps, . , . CORNER-STANDS, • ..' . .TET.111...1-l'lrrk.'6, : . SOYMI, - .. .' . . ... - ke..,Ac.,. - - . .. '&c., &c:,. ', • . . . . All the lkodern Styles of Furniture Dia4cigany, Black-Walnia, am (jOrTAG4 - BET) - ROOM SUITS FANCY AND ORNAMENTAL WAREIL PARLOR SUITS, :ASHOINV AS 'CAN: . IIP,' .BOUGItri‘A.I OLEA . '• The siry begt of workrt bast; been permanently en gaged, and un iucwrk'turii'ld out or this Estahltihmen 'warranted to be *bat kit. reptrtionted. '..,ll.lEl'A.lllFitriteirittoude.l tc;A;rcira h Tonsanpaile.foinui., • • COt'ilS fcwle to *Yd Ir, on tcat notice' '.1.1:111111**.or Clorr..lfittniit, : tact ;AL. nything marketableti taun•in ' The -progrifotAr, tojAr.o. y 'vitt ot '4tt nit Irrir to the vr'sottorAheeofainunitfr,Lt. c.orlt ['inhere ot colvipstron rii.. : • L' ! '~H~~i fi r ^ v~.. „i I~~A THE HORSE AND DISEASES . . • ' • • ".' • ' `BIT lENNIN.GE, y, , s. r , . ... - • P11(1iTSfl)11CW rATIII/LOCY .t"ip 01.1 , .11.11.kK sum:m:l . 4N Tlle . . • VETKIIISAIII: COLL/ff.:ll Or rint.or.L.l.i.irc...oao. . ~'. • . , .I • VtI.I..T.ELL YOU or: fin, griain,, 1' [lsl:n.l9 on 1 ••••.• • • •••,' , . • . traits of tio,• orlook „breed.; or, E tt eo l oi • • • •' • ' • • nO; A miatic.AfilO:fimleY.‘oter Nut not. •• •-• • . ",, • ae's . with the„plo - i•ical , fo o rmation wl peetilutrlC.lCot 'the,tottmal. ''atof buw . . . ,•• • In .ascertain Ito :tgO, by the' tottober, 'tin4 eo"lttinn of, liin teeth ;• ilbo.trated liilltitutparottsexploite;tory'otrilvingx 1..1*. 1 1 11 4 t r iatt,, ( $ 11 3 A3 „ i , ei t o - 4 . : i, ( P i L E e n Feed lag, t i oelztfi, nil •. . . • ural• ovum •outent of how to treat ItittbA•;.litobibtt. 1. 4 , hying, .Btotabbog; Crib • 'toid•other viroo.to Willett:We . . • • sittplod. ; stint littnierOUS .explanito • . . . . . . . ' ••• '. r rh 0 I r 0 - 1 . ' 1 4 0 . itti itliit4TH ~ . .t • L o itk-et-t • WI Lit 1'13.1 . YOU Of the canon,..2",imptems, 'artit trent. , . • " • .. • fleet of t:tiokitiom. t 4 44-.3 'lhrout , Die.' , . . , t ~ .I n pep, Cat,trrh, I iilll.l44l,lh,n,hit. " • i-. "•• is'. ettehumnia, it leuriey; 131.61{1411) . 1nd ('Brunie Cut-h, hoarwo; "Ithi NWfirist.- . -liiHt. I. triliqt.4; Sore- Mouth At n•i..UlCer&, 7 • . • - •.• find - 4"ehaye.l Ti•eth," wit 11 - ether dig's.- . " . . . - • • se, .A . thCth.awl 1109pir .. elou ittory . iii . • , . . • Vlio I - I. , :f•f-.:6::0 • 1(t 'l' ELL YOU Ul syntprolllN an ,nicnt of IV eons, llota, Ceftc. Slrinigu; • • • latien Sl•inw Concretions Illintnres "- . • • .. .•I!alsy, Dlartisea. Jet:nonce, llepatirr, •• ••- . line, 111,indv.Ilrine, Elnne:i the Kid-' • . :and • • Kid-'novan Bladder,. Inflammation, ant • •,:ther•lisensin , of the Fjoinaeb, • .. • • Li ve'rY.and. Urinary Organs, •• • •• • Thfi hai•se And hi D if-iensjos. ' • • WILL Tpl.L YOU Of the eanies, ynilfoin4, and • • nioni'of Pope - Mood and po g. , Spasin, Linn Swei tie, Strairsi . Broken • ...„: • . • • 'Korea, Ind. Galls, • Vonnder; - Sole • • • '• lirnise• and Orns ; el. • OraCked. Ilnols, • ' • Canker, Thrnsh and (Thrum; '• , • also, of • MCg • riins. Vertigo. Epilepsy - , • • Stnaciai, and. nthpi diseases. of •ike ; •• ;Vent, Legs, and Head; ; ' • • . . • • 1, • fm • `rtr., imeirtr;:eti •. WILL T YOU.Ot the causes,. aymipmfria, turf. rroAt . " • merit or Poll. tilnadOrs, • •• . : rarry, Setirlitt revey, Mango, Su'rfeit, • ' . I, • oci•ed Croup . ,. •• • ". (Lille, floe IffFlllf the . Eyri and .I.leArt •, line hew Anorllltlaro.Oaatra • . . • tion,.i'lerlin, TrePi4l l l”g• • , Firiwz, Hernia'. Amputation, Tap . . . • Ong, anti other nu rgie).l operations, .; • • .• . . . . . , • I tic, I lorrit - )•rcii.ct hi - ev I) iii.i. etts - es..• . • Wl.iL''l'Er, h ;YOU - or ftarey , s method .of tstutng, llorsett., . ... , ~ boa-16 An Yrohilt, Ilniter or sttible n . .. • (nit.;;' hni.v to aesustYin 4• Ilrirse to . . . • • etz,itgge te....ii,i,, nn.lk.h..l•ts..libil Mew to . . .. ,'. . Fit;, Halide. lt)(16, nod lloshic!hitn to - - .' - • • ' Ilarni-ir,', elan. the 'form an 1 Ito or • - . • • . • •.. trA im. , . wr e. "The "whole, bring the re .... • cult or loony blialt llftern.ye.tes'itaysful. . • ' ". ~ stlntS'hf the habits, peyoliaritles,wanta . • . ~. ~,,i, ig,,•o;ne.ninsoli this n6l(l,itaulmal.' Thetbnole contains :HI payr,es."(ippyyptiatety itlnstr its& by nyltriy;ony 'hutillynit ! Yossitrings It is printed in a visa s'and - naer.typ e', a itd.(v ill be fr, warded't 6 ann address ,postage paid, no racy Ipt!of, price, ha If.hoit nd . .i.:l .00, oy, in riiith, extra. 51.:25. •- slockiv. A AT 1 4 , 13 . . , e2n'br in' • vii. by enter: 1.1%._, ..,.- A 4 I .4.114 , pyking•• " 1!, .every where, in Selling thy nltyre,, net Other 'popular work of putts. Otir.intlusenionts 'moil (awl! !1:1.1• 0 < coed 'ugly fiber.. al." Dor- single chide!! ot`tly! Ilsok:br f. dt terms to agents,. .frith other itiformetien, epplv Woe tillarres' • ' JOHN -E, .1 3 0TTER',..Publisho .• No. , 617 Snosom itreot, Vhilgildlphin. Pa. 1. - November 1501•CO.-thri.• . i • 2.1 . . . GERMAN EIIYSICIAN &: SURGEON • (PEII.3:A:i63Ir..yI.9CA.TED , AT 'OLEAN . siege leave to inform the.c.itir, ne of Smethport. and•vicitiity, that be' ~:111, 1 114ETT 110 USE, S'31E1111.011T,'• • ' On the InitsTanti Firir.E.z:Tivoi - each month'; vrberehe,ma ,be co:.sotti!' , l by tht, Tniticolar •ntt ,, ot inn Fikd to allAlisenses of the EYE, and . . .'all. CHRONIC and &och as are peculiar to 600 Muy:1;,1861.; • • • —• .• STOVES' STOVES!. Combination Briok. Oven' t'ookiiag' Stoves: .. . . A .- • J. NOtlii.§E vesnectiu!ly calls the atten ...ti.r. - lion of those.wh,tringliny Cooking Sto.'ves to the Fire BrivlCEievatert Oven Cooking tool; 'Ernst — NlE:Um:tr. at the ..Erie Co. Faitr,a.s.yoil as, at numerous State antliCotinty. Vairs throughout the United S'trtes.-: They' are the nost Ilaralle. tov6, Clin . §fpci.c:(l I Ant the only rim; ain't. is equill to tnirotil fail) l E.'omos for $l.OO WAIMA Itti Thesrj . Sts ,nt ereuity,reducec prices.."]pin supplied .with o 1 , ' COOKING, PARLOR & BOX. STOVES Slipcit7ll,4-rn: R, efyini6r.AVai;e; ttCl of all kinds done with•tlipmeh, a hif in'a saris tory mtintier, at the •loWestpmsible-prices. Odd Copper, Rao, Brass; lead, Pewter, Ott ts and in feet.everylbitez yon have . will be tote' in exchange.for."goot.ds—:even to Cash. • *. Give me a Call, at the, old stand,. , • • - ONE DOOR. WEST OP THE ASTOR HOUSE. . .Smethoort,, Jon: • 10;.1.5Gt . . • • 11.107SFE'Y . .SA...,ATFt) . . . . . . .„ , • . . .. .• . . . . , - 1 Observing•these Facts . . . . . •.• _...• . . . • ~.... That T .am per ejk ' .;._e : l,g ..• ,•• I. inanettiylotiated in r4T.;ii -..,.„" .e . • Smeth port,. .-• • ' ,-.' .:,•:•-• :.- ••"'t el-a ''''.• il ,t " 2nd. That:Ft:cop eon if, , , r(:• . 7', • ?.eVil ,F. ettibtly on hand a' gtiod . ' , -Le' t lli ' - 7.: . apply of the best gnat.: t e , ~.„::::,- kt . , , -g. ity of mativials.. Tonic. c _.- 15 . ,: -... i i ...v,p, i ~ : ; ~, &0., fur repairing tip. .e!r_,;•-• .. Y,`,,y ;•"--•• T , .„•'• - ritrionapartH 'of•tlider . tXti• .....• ..t; ',, :..- 4. ;' g.•-•-• 4 'mit ki nil 3of • . • ''"..,' - -. •••• ' kit=t , - •-•••x.. - : 1, \ • S,, IT. • H l'rlS,, 114 iiv • 'l,-f4- . . • • , and- I thin% 1 ant not lir listing •irliett 1 ',iy . that nearly five yea ea experience bas taught mo lime to ono them etnicearfolly, •rid.. ITitteliem can bo safely and soientitigally repaired at Smotisport. Ni. Matter . how- MI6 or dlllieu It the' jab,` titt 1 tun determined to keep postad up, and be (tiny pie.. Pared to meet 43vOry i!tol ank:ep.oo: - , . ' . CLOCKS,.WATCHSi , JEWELRY . &Ci . .. Repaired CLOCKS, abort notieet . tn reavenahle terms... In the Storo of A. ii. Artnatrongin. Sign of the- , 911 . 0 CLOCK-'' . . . W. 11. lIAKER.. 11..11.,-T guarantee my prices for work to be as low ac aVany Other well regulated_ and rpeponaibleahop and low• or than at many;. Please give Eno tt'eall• . ..W..11. IL'. BRICK FOR . • .Isolooo': fi qu7 t re ra ci t f e F l VA ck NrlETA ai d e kti r S o : N. F, JONES.: Srtetbpor(, A liguqt " • A Short Cltnpt rut 311140)iy, Great 'Work .ori:thOilta*e. . .11T A (1:14 E ; f..kTr:ST.INVEN ' rION Or :Tllg. A 05.) ionCil. Brick Ovens,. (or Baki.i4, Tog Other With n fiill nscporrent of Job Work, ::.i.'..COSTAA,S-..: ?., ... VERMIN:IFORMINATOn. "Only Infallible_ R,emedieg ICnown." Do.treys ;.11;ittintly EVERY FORM AND SPECIES 01, VERMIN. .Tlicle.preparntioris 9.Frpe . frorWPois4ni.r..' • ; " •tNot,tleoger(Me to the'lltimae ..“Rets 'Come qut.Oftbei.t hoe to *dim"' ' 40 years ind mori4 .i.istublistieil in N. Y. City. il.siel City Office V.vulby.L-:thll City PiisQns'and Station llousei trs&dbyL-cify Used't!yL-the:t'ityHospitals; . Vsetlihg— T the• City Hotels . cAitpr ; !St Nicholas,' .44 by—the 13aardini.Houses,•&c. Trlcri &j—more than . 50,000 Priyatp FaMilie V - Sen -Thal dui People, 'Prels, (117,1'1)m/en s.s:iy. HENRY 'R. COStAR.L.AII. the' summer-.h have been troubled with' Roaches and Mica.. I • . Was actually ashamed of .I.AMSe,. for 'the' Re . tich . es were everywhere.- I.purchased.a box of yOur Extirininator .and. tried. it, ll . nd in one . 'week .there was not a Roach or• Mouse in the House.- • . Elm St. 'HOUSEKEEPERS- , - , troUbled Wi 111 • vOmin, need be'so. no' longer,_ if..they use 4 , Cris-ran's". Exiirininatols:... We have Jised.it to our sans- Ine6otr, and 'if a box cost $5, •vve - ivould have it.' .We had tried poisons, but they eff..eted nothing; but Cclz.rr.ka's artiele'lzriocka the breath out .o 1 Rats, Mice and . Bed *pugs,' quickar . than we can write it. It.is in grerit demand 'all-Over the country:.--Ilite,i/ina ac,::•.,11e. • . MORE . GRAIN -and• : Pro*tsions - are destr . oyed annually . itt grant .County . by vermin, than weuld'pay for loos of. this Rat and Inseit Kil cdi-rei Ileraht.. • • : • . HENRY , R:. COSTARYntir Extirnaiunter is received, used, and. pronounced a 'decided success." 'We used a box of it., and the way : the Rats and Mice around our Premises ''raised' Nod," that night was a .caution to sleepers.— 'Since then not a . ,ltat or Moog° has been'. heard iri.kitehen or Magiegar.(Zela.z) Tinos. I HAVE BEEN . S . E.E4ING.L-Your Extfrmi• nafor fOr year, and.-find ita suite silo. every time, . " .• . . •. • GEo.- RosE,DruggiSt; Cardingtorr, .. .WE :ARE 'SELLINP—YoIir . .Piepanitions rapidly. . WherMier they have been used, Rots,• Mice,lßOnehe's,:nnd Vermin dis'appehr ,Ecutri. Sr. Druggists, Neu: Windsor, Md. • , To - .D Fstrov--Rats, Rioackie.s, ) //,‘c To:/istroyHi1lice, Nlolea, &c. To Destroy--Bed To posi . roy—Moths, FieSs, Ants; 8.7. c .Desii-oy—=Mostittitioes To:Denreiy—lnse'ctl on plant§ and insects PestroyLl*cton Animals, &c Tu. Des troy—Every formanclspecies of ver- "Costar's" Ea', Roach, &c., Extirmin'r„ `•Costar's" Bed-bug Extifminator. • "Rostar's" Electric Powder for Insects. IN 20, 50e. AND $l,OO BQXES4 BOTTLES AND FLASIIS- $3 and .$5 stzr,s FOR PL.S.NPA TIQNS, SHIPS, BOATS, HOTELS, &c.. 16750y./:::tierrobere.--. 7 1.)y .AIIIV 1161 osal e .D t . s in' large 'cities'...l Deater?—troevr's-Bipte-.kentr, ..&c. in . tle UniGlStates:.• • . . Wholesrae Agents in New York Bity Shie!Min, . & Co, RiSIPy•& Co 'Fa hoestock &,Co,•I Bush, Cale & Robison A. 8.& D. Sandi & Co. I M..Wprd,..Cloke & Cn WI-reeler& [dart.- ACKisson & Robbins. Co. ' 1). S. Barnes &.Co. Hull, Mickel & Co.: IF. C. Wells & Co. Thernas & Lnzelle, - Marsli & CO P. Orvis. r Hain Drxon & Co. Penton!, Parker &Co.'.Tripp &Co. • Dudley & I Stafrord. Conrad Fox.. • • Philadelphia, Pa. T. -W. Dyott & Co. Robt..Shn'etnaker Rt. Co 13..A.Fahnestock & Co. I French,Richdrds & Co AU the -Piiacipal' Cities and Toivns inthe • UNITED STATES. • SM_E:TI3PORTT, 7 - .5 . 01,1 by . • And-by Druugista, groCers and Retailers gen . ~-e.r.all.y in City and Country, . • : .••• p& - Country pealers*can order asrabove. ' Or address orders•direet—ferifPrices, Terrns Sze. is desired CC?: 'send for Circular to Dealers] • R; COSTAR PRINCIPAL DEPOT—*Ci. :51,0 2 BrildWay; ~Opposite ffie SC-Nicholtuf Y • Feb. 210861,-40:is. • • : :1...5 . : - C,i . o L',I,D , PHYSICIAN- AWL-SURGEON .1 Haviag riermanently locatelhiaiself at .to -- rt : r '..11 LL 1 , 7:(7 AN 1, . - he would 'repeetfillly . - ..inforrn . (hi public that is,tirepared to lietencl.to bbsinesi in,all beanclies o r. the Me t liti , el Part • jiaill'tp';'S ,, eret . I) . lseas.es, h,th mYlale and fetrnile, they will . be (tempt" itraei•ortlenee'wi , h the httanit Pot prnetlee. of.lMth En- A inerien. All P i . eret's' in( poste(' to 'tom, pinetipe, will bp .5 I Ht.? ly: Imo . , In . ot• tniiery, few, rOetilb.si enem i es ; port A Il ( 'Ll". 1 it ,' . . . . "•• • . . „.,.„ .•'- 0,. ..20„,,, ~1 ....ds Marie Suy:tr: in Au , liange hir , n.'V‘imittn,t. - il . I ;','-'3+A .N, ~. :. • .., .. ' ' ~ . .. -. ~. Sfocliallitpa.ing Cabinet Shop'.,. Sillot - ipnrt, April 1 ' - ISiil ~ . .. . • . • .} THE .40PLE'S , •. . . .•• . . A 10,11) R EN.. C KR Y 'all “!-> ali l] Cl . . . IT TELLS.YOU How lb choose- all kinds of Meats. POul; .• .' • • • , •try,and Pamir, with all the various . ind . • mostitmortsed.modes Of dressing and .. . 'cooking licif and Pork ; 'alai) the best - . '' . • , • amt ii to plest way of salting; pickling • . 310'i:tiling thg.iamit. " AT TELLS l'OU'All (heti 'various and' most approved '.• • ; diodes old rem ug, cooking,-and honing ••' .. • • -Mutton, Lamb: • VMil,..Ponitry.• awl . ' • . ,thime of all kinds, with thetditierent . • , • • hre.sings,' Gravies and Stuilinkssup . ... . • -'„ proprinte In each. •' .•, . IT TELLS 'IOU, Orion, 'to' choMseimiefin„ nod .preserve. ' ' ' . ..... .. Fill itf all kinds,'nott how. to sweeten • . • , . •it when tainted;' also; all the•variouit • • - t en-l-mi.st approved moth's of cooking., . . . ,;„. • - . will the differ:erg prestlings; &aces, and Flaywrings appropriate fit earb: • T TELLS YOU' .111 the' various .and- . innsf • np'proved Modes 'of 'preparing over fifty -different - . .t . himlartf Meat Fish. Fowl. oaine, and • • t • ' Veget W. Ffsit PS; Britt he, and StewS: i .. . ~. - • with the' 'teligho's anil Seisoiiings ap 7 • .• ' ' propritite to each, .• . LT TELLS YOU All the various sod 'most approved. •• - . . D ;do . l ai.i cubing Vegetables of : every t: ••.. •. , - deseription,•also how to prepare Pies, . • , , : . , le.:. Cars op 01111 -Curries of .001 kin to, . . .. • . • . 'Milted Meatdi. Fish. Mushroornsi &n. IT .TELLS. YOU. All the . VAriiilig• and moat approved I • - '' ' • model or. fire-paring And ''t:ooking, All . • . •• ' , - ' kindsof NAM timi Parley Pastry, 'hid . . . di nos.. Omelettes. Fritters Crikett I. on '•• . , •. . lectionery. ,Pritserves, Jellies, and • Sheol.. hitateit of dvery,thosOriptioa • IT TELL YOU 'All 'rho various and most • approved modes of making ltread.•-Rusks, ,ftluf:t • .. : ' tins and Biscuit. the best method' of •„. . . • .', preparing Colic.o: Chocolate. and Tea. .. ' . • 2 and how to looks' Syrups, Cordials and . • . ' Winos of various kinds. . IT TELLS YOU Bow to s, t' nut sod ornament A Table; . ' . • bow to carve all kinds of Fish, Flesh .. .. . - '; or Fowl. anti in short: how to no num • ' ' • ' - , plifv ilitiiarhole art of Cooking, as to . • briog tho r chniitest•lui a ries of.the table . .- .•. within itrribtalylt renrh • • - .. '. , The honk contains lid pages- anti upwords•of twelve hundred Br:eines; ail ortilloth aro Cho' toisults of actual estperientfe: having bin folly tind careftflly tested nutter the lieromal sUperitittMce sof the writers,, It Is printed in a.clear and open type. iMllustrated i;ith aprotopeiate engritignei and will Ito forwaiged to nor address; neatly bound. and yin:if:me. paid. Lin receipt of .'the price, $l,OO, 'or in cloth, extra, 11,20. •• - . -. ;• '' . s iOOO -A yp A .con be male by en - ' 4. . . ' enterprislin men . ' where, in selling the Above work, our Inducements td alt such being Corp liberal.. .. .- . . - , . .Aim single copies of the•bpok or for terms to ngerits, with other information; apply to or hddrief 8 . JOHN E.-POTTER. Publisher: . . • 'No. (117,Sansom Str•eet,„PoilAdelphia.• Pa. ' November 15, ISilt? -fAii'.••!. , . ' ••• . • • . ' 21- ....,,'.., .il-IAg.p.TI.MES, '....:..:, MADE:_tASII. Good News for the ' tTnen3ployed: 1000 . tIkANC'ES, TO 3IAKE''MONY ONE MILLIGN DOLLARS WORTH r E 11 11)1/4.41. SILVER. P LIA.T ' ! :D '.WO. 'Fo bc. dispOs'ed, of on AN ENTIRELY NEW AND ORIOINAL J.V.L . AN ~! All persons desiroaa. at 'saniing, :an Agency NEW ENTERk"RIS, . . Should send:on their names at once, :eliclosing a. Ti cent'stamp to pay postage,.and. receive by return mail. - . • . . . a Pll &W. .I CATALOGUE Containing lnducementi, al EC. el MONETY .without risk, together with,• ' ' • •• '•'' • ' • • TAVIIitCIVTILIES ,Rekativ4 to this NOVEL,FLAN.! To insure s pionipt and : sAtisiactory dealings; diefict all.orders to • • . • , GEORGE 0.. EVANS,. . . • 43. D Chestnut at" Philadelphia. SPRING" TRADE NOW OPENED,' 4.7 H (0/111(120 NEW GOODS AT THE'ONE PRICE REGULATOR !I THE OLD PLACE, TFIE CHEAP STORE, GREAT BARGAINS CAN . 13E ;HA - 0 .AT ONE PRICE EGULATOR I We aro:Dete~inined ; to Urid ' ereell, MARK.THAT .!! OLD FRIENDS KNOW .ALL ABOUT IT. . New Ones Yost Come And Judge:For Tbeniselits.: One purchase will satisfy the most skeptical that there is only. one place to buy Ora class goods, at verylew,prices, and • that place, laShi ONE PRICE REGULATOR. The one 'pripeSystem gives the inst sitisfee- SUPERIOR GOODS, iE1y . F.A§43 . 10,-s; LOW PRICES, EVERY- THING' YOU :WANT. AT THE. ONE PRICE REGULATOR, and the grand ..mperiurn:of eveLy thing new neat and . siylish. If yon have The CASH and want to buy the-BEST , „ ; DRY GOODS, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HOUSE FURNISHING.4OOD. FIATS AND CAPS, BOOTS' ANO.'SHOtS, GO TO. THE Which:afford' ONE PRICE .REGULATOR, THERE YOU will find goods remarkable for 'astir beauty, durability, superior to - youai the lovreet passible . figure, the first time," and from that price there can be N O. D E. VI A 710 It RemeinherOna Price—Low Pfritea—New 'Stylei—Strict Integriti,,Casb. THING & MIU.R.' Ole! • April 23. DON'T MISS IT DON'T FORGET. IT. ELEGANT. STYLES. OLD FAVORITES; tow 'PRIcES.,. FANCY GOODS, CROCKEM, EVERY TYPO. miinufaiture sad L'OW,P.R3CES'• They% will be ofered Formerly,' 'C..H. THING N. S. BUTLER.