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Tbeee Terms aill bo'strietly adhered t0../11' 046i0.e6.6 .'iDlitctox.l2 HYDE HOUSE; • . . .• .. . 1.1 .060Oon Prepiletor.. Ridgway. Pa.. Vita Rani. is ' new, and furnished in modern style,'haa ample acconir namlations, and la; in a i ll,reapeate, a Fiiat'Cjass Hotel.: . .' Aidgway,.Elkco. Pa. May 0.1660 . ' ..' •.; . ' . . .. ELDRED HOTEL, • ' ' • • Joissi . Wen, Proprietor Thia bongo la 'situated 'half ,:war between. ihnethpert and Olean. • •, A convenient an oommodinna hem yattentive and obilgink attend ante, indlow,pricom., ' •• '• • • • Eldred; May 17 1860: • • •-- . .." •• . • . ' •' A. Th HAXLIN, • • ' .. - • ' . ... . . . . . Surveyor,: Draftemni. Conrdynncer..and•jeal . Estate .Agent.. Bmethpor4-41 , Koan coyok, - Pa.. ' • '.; . . . . .. . WILLIAM' WrILIII,N;. ' .• ' ; . • . Practical 'Mechanic, Millwright; bridge-builAer,, ,iC.i . • Port Alleglreoi t 'lll , Beark cotruty,.Pa: •: .1 , . • • . ' • - SURVEVOIt ; • BRAFTBM C ONV EYANC ER an d• Real ...Estate Agent;, Office, Williamsville, Ekk Co., Penn , a. • • :." . ' • .--pitrekiscks—z. • - . • Chapin &Rollo; Esqi!;.; ....... Ridgway, Pa. Tbmnas9tru therm , .. Warren,' Pa.... W. Brownell. Esq., limellinort, Itoa. A. 1...-Wlleox, Buena Vista.• P. OSWLYO HOUSE, . . E J.l3AltllLlX.Preniletor, Clere:t Pn. This' }louseis fitted 6p in subotsuthil and ctintrokshle style,' end every at• tentlon will by paid by the proprietor •to tlie. comt'ott iurt taste of hig.gilools. • , • :Juno 3.1801 POSES HOUSE, • . • Itreliktiat, the Public Scjuace; Olean. N.,5. M. MILLpt. Proprietor. The Fobes House is.entirel now ••god bditt of brick, end: fa furnished in modern -style , . .The.propietoe ilaitere himself that hisiiceilmmod. • thine are not surpaised by - any hotel in Western N York. Oarriagen run to and !rum the Note York and .Erie Bail Road. '•" • . • . • ••• 33Ltf.• BYRON D.:HAMLIN, • • . . Arroaincr .La w; smotnnoti,- wrionn . counts.-- PIC, • Agent for lifeesre. jCeritin4 (Ws - Lands . Micr's . ' eapeciAlly to the Collection of Clairoci. flrmilination n( Land Titles; Pa7rnent!.t Taxee ell business rela, :flog to;iteal Monte: .otfice In Hamlin Block.. ' E. BOUGHTON EDEED, .. . . .. . . A Vll'rtlff,alllll COUWICIIIII . At :TAM; ..Tnetlipnrt. 111 , fienn counties P. Bus wigs entrusted tu' his - care forth is .. c n u ntiei nf IllKesn',•Pottec and .Y,lk will be promptly .. Attended to i Cflienin the Court Hops°, second floor, , - L. R. Wi§l7lti • . . . . IPhalloin Surgenn, Sraelllpaj . t., Pa, alltattend all protaalionat calla with' piamptileal.; - . Olpca.in.'nrt• ' well Black, second par.' THING 8: KILLER, . . . . ichalnsale and. Reba beaters 'in ,StapW rOid Fancy Try. -Monde, Carpeting; Ready Mad.n Clothing., and General Yuri:Oiling Ganda, llonte and °hoax; Wall and Window ..' Paper, booking GI lateep &c. •At Wean. N. Y. -.. ~ JOHN. C. BACHTFS; . - • . ... . . . .. Attorney and girunselltir A t Lan: Smetlinoyt, Wllenn Cie' '.' Pa. vi'ill 4 tt6nd In all business intiti'profiesinn in the counties nriPlCenn, Potteeind Ilk. Office over C. K. Sertwell& Itrothere' Store.. . •• • •• • ••• •.. ••• •• HACKNEY HOUSE, . . . . ..-. . . . 0-3rnir orSocon,Lnivi.l.ibertv 01-Pets; .NrsPrsr , . P 1... U A. ll.utuott, rropriot.r.. Trar . slers •will . .I.lnd gootinp enrnmndations and reAvonahle'ebiLieol. • .. - • LIIRABEE.'S HOTEL, . , . . - . , . . R: T., ta time. Propritttor,:;—Alft;i4hen'y Itai,lo. Mtliftnn • 'Oo , P. • Thip r itouoti itt,'aittt.;ta4t about 'nine ,miton from Stnetliport 356 tho • -ritart. to Olean, and . will be found a co,nvinleat-stopping:plara .. • . ' ' • ~ • -- ; . . • FARISiEns , VALLEY HOTEL, • • I{♦ T. GooriWut. Thie heuenimattnateEl abnet five mile • f retro 3 , nlthport on theme' to Olv,nu. Pleamire,peitie and nth e.actnbu meenounecleteqnn t4eellortpstvotice •'. W. S.'.IIROWNLL, ' 12165.1er in Dry.o.mtl., Grocerieg: Crockery, flnidcore, -Wants, ShoeN &c. Eut.; . side ot . tlie•Publincinori,4, Smetliport,,a, , . .• . . ...' - - . . EMPORIUM. HOUSE; , ! ... - . Bhipp'en, 'l'4Vicenii Po., P....• N. L. 11YP1, rrnprio'or ..A . commodlnaa. and , nrefl 2 fneniOnd .11nnse.•'§trange .0 . . 'and travelers will Mid' ~ind nechalm4dattniio: . . . . . • •. . ''. PORT ALLEGANY HOUSE,., " .Woczals: INALI3I7',, Vroprioior, at POI , . AllOganT, Ma lt oatt (Jaunty Pa... This Ficitel insituated at the junc tion nr the Amotlipoil• and Mlagany Itivor I on ds; niup . .railemeast of SmethOoi4.' . To Those Interested in Mining and Mineral. Lands: - . . . • 'll. BARNE.3 offers,his - services tor. the .msamiria W• Lion of Mineral Lands and - Elk pnan ttss, and..vriliolsie his, npinlon ati to -the - VALUE' OF NEMEC, Ace,. ,Those enraging hie leeryiepn will receive 'AIM Unwary nn,l reliable information: Reshience at the .Bunker hill - ritines:: • , • Oor•teant, - APKean C 0.,, June 30,1809. . Sniethp9rt, Ist'Kenn eo.. 'l.eotlong primpity attended .Fety.l.l, +61C.10, BENNETT HME, • Siiiithpori,M,Koan 00., Pa. 11. S. Meson, .Propietor ...opposite the Court House. . A now, large; oontrtiOdl, • ' sad Well l'urniehed house, ' , ' GEO. IL MASON, . . Devise In Stoves, Tin Were; Jappaned Ward; Ste.., vest • aide."or the Publto Senoie, Stnethport, Pa.. Outten, ;er.irk done to order on the" shortest notice, and In the moot 'eubstantialinanner; • . ...' .'. - ,• ' , • • • •DEATISIBY. • • • • .• • Drt.M:l - A;Eleiiatris .wauld reepectfully: announce to the oltlaeis of Ornetbpatt and vicinity, thetho hasp. fated np an &floe, and le prepared to attend to all buelnece Artlecial teeth Inaerted • upon .acl enttfic prineltifee, and he aa to , preeerre the natural .ex . pieselon'of the face., All operation° In DentatSurie re dons in a, skillful' niannen. : . " . I p t , A. J. , NOURBE Des'feria Stoves, Tin Wire; Jappaned *are, &o:, omit snd'of , the Publlo Square, SrastbpOrt;" Pa., Custom . trorlidone to . rder °aim shortest motto's, ,and in the most substantial Maolllor.' ' , .. , , ~.' • , _. OLEAN: ROUE, . . A. 114op,.Eroprietor,,Ole'ao, .N. Y.,. .oinnihimi rune to Rod from tliii.New York sod Erie Rail Road. Stageo for Bmethoort and Rem - . . . . .J..i.i.L.i, Nast Bra. o . .the P,ublic Square,, Second Door -. North of the Demoeres Office Bmetbport. Per ,. Dialer . Ds Witches Cloaks kwi .Jewellery.,, •Raperlug uestely ~.Szeautedso4' Werrpostd. ~.' , • ~ , . .. ~ • . , .. DR. W. Y. 21'00Yi Mira:EAST CORNER MAITsI'SfRZEIt, *thetli.pori,; . P4 THE PICKET HUARD., . . Ds ,111:99 If AN n tAr „, ALE..qiiief !Jiang the .Potoivitc,: l • they say, • . • yEscent,"now and thee a stray picket • ' -• • Ic shot 'as he walks . OiS his bent to,and Ito, • • lirp rifleman hid'in the thicket, • !.'- 'Nisnothlits+e,'priv,ittp.or two, nee. end then,” • •:•' .Sill net count In the news of the battle, • ' - Not an iltiCer lostonly ono of the wen • ' • Moaning out, all dinnei the death cattle," • • . • • • - 'All quiet along:the Pototrise te-night,. • . • Where the noidierste . perteefil fly Their feete.iu the.rays.ul. the eleur.autuoin • Or the I , ght ef the watch. tires are gisarnieg. treiuulous sigh, us the(; entle night-wit;d.• Through the tweet tuares softly . Is creeping; .• *Millie the stiirs'up atiore,..vrith ,Hee'psiitird=s-fee tips army is sleeping.. ' here only. the coned pr the lone'sentry , s Ai he trumps from the rock to the fountain,. And he thinks of the •twmin the low trundle bed;. • Far airay.ln'the'ctit on the mountain. ' . • ' Ilia musket falls faC6.dai k arid•grina, Gruirs gentle with trwmo'rita tender, Ac he mutters a prayer for, the children asleep., For Abair mother—may Ikeaven4eferid her: • . . . . Tt - ie moon seems to shindjuit as brightly RH thou, That night . when the love vet unspoken . • : 'Leaped up to Pm lips—when low murmured vows' • .Were'pliutged . to be ever uubroken. Then draiving hie dileire roughly °verb's eyes, ' ..Ile ditabekulT.tears.that are welllug, And, gathers his gun chiser'Up tottv:plaed it to keep down: the lAbarekwelling. . . lie passes as the fountain, the b l a s ted pine tree, . , ' • The footstep !slagging nridivoary• '• Yet noward lie goes.tbro: We broad belt or light, .• Totiard the shade if the foreet so dreary. Hark! was it thirnlght-windthat rukledtbe les;:eil • Was ittinion-tight.so wondrouSly Bashing! '.• - It looked liken rillellai• Mitry,,gocd byel” . - • And the life-bided ig ebbing end splashing. . • • . . . .. Ail quiet sioug'the Potomac to•olght, ' ' .. ' Ne,sound save the rush Of 'the river; ' • : .. • While soft falls the dew on'the face of the dead= ' The picket's oIT duty forever: .. . . . . . THE TRIUMPH OE SOUND CIAL PRINCIPLES. i • . . We take pluainre in'announcing the triunipli ; andt, pussage, thr'ough 'the Akeemply.Of •this •Stilie;•of the resolutions reported by - Mr: HO:- opal), froni•the. CoMmittee at Ways and MOring, taking steong,ground. in favor of.tbe adoption of a sound financial ,pelicy by the government.—, The discussion upon•these resolbtions has been. one of :great interest: .A..stre'nobtik effort, led on by Mr'. Speaker 13Af5torvn,.„.was madeto soften them down and foweo .their. tone, and especially to get rid •of that portion of thern which disapproves'the,Poliey uf•rnakiog.o . per currency ajegai fender for the paymeitt of debt, but it'signally failed. The voice of the State of New York, as expressed by •thei''A erribly, is distinct and emphatic; • and affirm these.p . ositicins : • • . ; 'That the.piqment of. the . ititire..interest ,on'the.putiliedebt should be secured suffi cient p.iinanerit pitert ta-x; piedged to this siie- J. That sinicinz. fund, kir the 'reiniburse: rrient of the principal of the public debt, s k nßl d be 'created, pet einpit and pledged to that, r9r- 3. .111 pt the direct tax of•$20,000,000, lev ied by Cep;ress list AIie.IIST, together w . ith the duties-on importS,:houlo he.eloployed.toLlefra); lhe,c'ttr..rent'expen”s of eollerNfnent.' . 3,.. That the people 61 this Sfate are %Vining to pay, by direct taxati n h, - their share,Ol the interest of ,the public debt,, turf to stiiire, with the finaitcial:policy rerornMeoded;...b • ilievit: .that such. system. of finanee will. comMand . cenii . d,ence, and alt the it - learns needed at mere fiyorable rotes of interest, less itiTruj'a tion..ln; the, valde of stocks, and .less injury to Penidi . ',•than • the • etnissinn 01-•governtnent papi . tc• made wcomPulsaory 1001, ten4r, br the creation, Of Stocks ivithoot•specific'seeurity . lor the paymeol of interest and prioeipta; • " These proposit inns. ate .good; somei.old fashioned Pemoceatic trine; and we rejoice at their 'firm asiettioniat ,this,t time, that iteft4rtlsa:n eppealsor • insis nations' loyalty' were ogle, to swerve the mOsbers of the' house froin..their lutegrity, orinduce their .'to loWer their . tond. Financial firtnnesS•and Soundness r.c..noW es 'sehtlii•l ealeatjon of the.nation.'Mere issues ofe. • overnitient:pattereven With a legitiH •*coercion. upon 'creditors to aecept-it. will nit pay:bent of I.he.intereat and the I mate . ..tediimption of the. • prinei.pal - Must 'be pot . 'heynnif doubt, and this c3in he'ilotip•only.by . ' the imposition of a sitilicient•taX:to• meet the annual 'interest Mid make iin tit onal contributinn• to a sitihing fund to redeein the prideipal.-.:Do. this, and tbe.public Credit. will h'e maintained ; • unfit it, and the po.Yerntnent paper nod 'carry ruin 'and bankruptcy:into . all thtt business of .the eonotry.. ‘Ve rejoice one stop In' the 'right, direction. The New York •A sserdbly a•gocid atreilesei • ves the thanks of the nation.—N,,,Y......ftg4s:. Mr. Davis, successor to John Breeld nridge in ' the IT; S.Senate, athlre . ssed that, body the other day.at greed. letigily, , in.favb.c , of 'expelling Mr. Bright of , I . ntliana. Mr. .Davis extended his remarkslo alt theiopieS luvOlVed in the presfint , strtiggle, , i4Olineing . all sceerns :of erinatteipitikon in thc.seyerestterMs, and, spe . ah : .-; ing of .the . . primary catses that- haVe liroUght upon us *poi' present troubles. •closed•:.a fol lows . , tiThose fanatie;•Politienl, and soCial den - lons, the Greeleys,• .Cheeverc; and. Phillipses, who are trying to break . up in fragments, the Con stitution,. for the purpose or achleVing emend tion; have been here desecrati.n g the Smithson ian nistitate. They and that horrlble.mon ster, Greeley, have been here sneaking like wolves . alter slavery. If he had the' pewer,•he %you'd take' these fanaties t and the Worst Seeej sere, arid hang them in-pairs. 'lle fearedthat: the .SanatOr Tr . = .Massachuaettaiyrnpatizeif to mirth with:these" . men.'. .eillogY of Gen. Lyon and Gen.•Siegle, and said thathe wanted all - hrave -men to join ,in' the war for the Unioriv and to leava'out thin die cbed'antalements. . WoubnEN'T DRINKI-7-A: voltinteer, aria:mime citizens Were talking , about' the war; as, Elmira, a few : days since,' when, a difference 'having arisen, some peisons propoieci. to • settle it • by taking a . drink.; no!" said the volunteer, ""that` is not the way. to , tails: • You' antral!, the other merf , whit can poisibly leavo home,_ should at once "agree' ,to „enlist. Tbis ,War meat be, sought':out' and, settlicl , With, alFpassible dis patch: "Di . inking Won't settle it; fot . . if it would. our .of fi cers, would havvaeitled ft tong aO, SAIETripojirr;...MIi,.:EAN:.cOUNTY,:.. e 4 .i ! ;, . SAT ugpAY;.-.v...03.--.1.5'.:.156.2 A . STARTLING. PICTURE Op,. GOV , FINMENTAL . . . his „COutitry:or frietid virtue cn run •;his ey. over the'revelstiOns con. .tnined in the sitsech•Ol• Alr..DeWes;orMiiss:, iit the House.of Refiresentuti•Uos;b6Moriday- lust., without f • eelinit the. intenseSCintlignation .and alettn: Mr. Dawes dealt , with nOctiobellisheil facts; reliiitly aceertaineilthrough n cotrintitten Congress but.: the flights ,of 'the boldest fancy. are':tittne 'beside the Startling recOril of erinie Which lie drugs to, the light. • • • The lagta atatett :will arrest the attention of the most indifferent,- they will lathe . ' • public,spirit.!.and troly'loYakcitiens With the deepeSt • opprehensiott.. 'lu firtny..if 'traitors, viler 'and more. dangerous thin .alf thn.legions, • ina rote& .rebellio,p; ern.' Socking ' thel:heart'S' • blood . of. the repuldie,tand aresecretruisure . ly and' rapidly devouring the: Sources' of. Its airengl h. : We fitililiSh as much of •the 'ended', with the.otherproceetEngs ot • Congress; as we ha've.room for. this,-Werik'; but the recoid 'even thus abridged, stops ,short•none.too sbod•rat to Chaddenge,rthsolote•incredulitY.. - . The sharrieful ' retiela t fans, howe'ver;,catinot lidilbulited:; It is not the.blispring'od' partisa'n'tnalice,• but owes-' . its being to . 'men.who 'tire in : syrintathy . With,. .and stippOrters 'of theiiresent'Adininistration.•• Air. Dawes: . Reptiblican.itnerriber, arid the disceveries he has made have' been.'. extracted from tin willing, witnesses, under the penalty of . imprisonment. and the obligation offrin foath.--• The, very first war contract. into Which the Croveibment . entered was a. swindle: whether it' buys beef, horses, - artnelor'elothing for soldiers, it 'allows every purchaSe to he' tolled by a band "No as rtivertons - as 'the I - horseleeeff. • .NO wonder 'Mr. Cameron has•re: aigned.'• 'The‘whole •Administration shcfuld fob.. IoW lii, example,.. while every robber. of :the. treasury should be seized•and .Made to 'Ms:torte the prOeeeds of his knavery.—[N- Y. Argun. 11Ia. DAWES EMOAS:i . from.the fionitnitte e of Investigation - out Gov ermnbniContre'cts, 'con tinued iris remarks,: previously jfe - said that startling facts had cornerb the notice,ot the', 'Com'mittee touching the expenditure of the pub lic Money. The..yery.fitet contraet into which the uovernmen.t. entered teas : (Or' cattle, .end' that was given . not to a Man in that Hoe of lui srness',.but than old . stipeodiaty•Of Congress, who' put* in his pocket -without startine,...ffoir his.chnir, thirty•tsvo ihousand dolls's, and lhe men a•lio actually furnished Ina cattle in . u'ris ttian put: into their, pockets twenty • six_thousand plotters 'more, so that. the . eontrrict thler.wnich these twenty"-fee hundred head' of cattie'Wsire furnished to. ,the artnY was',so made. that tne profit, of :fifty,-eight thousand dollars : was, real, ited' over the- fafr. market price.' •It fake's a longer time for' cf• •thonsandhead 'of Tattle to . renal this City frOto the. State where thefare' Purchased than it. takes the army' to consuthe them.. I -ask the•House;:at this rate, to con=. sitter dew" lofig the most nrriple•pro . visioUs of the• Treasury would be,ableto meet the•sitrple mends for the, subsistence of the artriy....Pobtly 'a 'the army, is' shod. to•claY, a Million of shoes have already . , been: ii•cit'if a-, million more. tire 'being•'manufactured, and yet trpon . eveory'one.ot .these' stroes lies been . a.wastir sevehty:fiee cents. In that department of the 'efiVerame'nt, 'contracts have.been so 'Plenty that 'government. officials have:.•:gone ',blur the streets %dray the:r pockets•filled•with thern,.and of which ther•made presents torhe, clergymen ot.theit parishes; and with, .tvhicif.'were • healed, old pol it hits] . , Bores, and corfit . political fettle.7-' ,In one' legtl:7,-iii of . cavalry r a.board of ollieets .were' oblig , :t.l Co'coutleintt -453 - out Uri tie thou.:' sand hirsepurchaSed..und paid ior: „Ttle.mm ichb : I hese 'horse,s declared ;uPon' oath, that •thete wit? not °opal them-tliat,•was worth twenty dOlfersi They were blind; spay tinghbned, afilictekwiththe heaVesovith the glan•lers;atid with every disease that horse- . flesh' ie heir to. They cost the government over' 559,009', •There. are "eighty-.three rcri nu•;its' of cavalry to-day,''one: thnur:and strong. 'lt talzaAlwo hundred an d fifty thousiied,dOltars; to put obe.of tkese'regimenti 'Mt foot before it }novas., Twerify , Million : of. 'dollars .11.4% , C hem? :eft Penile Mon these caviilry'regirbentsbefore they. left the encampments :whery they were canine:if into service t and dirptireds and trup i Meds_ of these horses ,haverbefin 'coniletnticti , OA; batik to 'Elmira,. awl Annapolis,aqtrtb. thie'eity, lo spend the winter. Any day; luti • dreds , .. off, them can.. be seen' round • thie: e.hairicd.te tre;.s . , where they weie le'lt to 's to death. of two, litindred 'horses, ih various places . . ha ve.:. been thus left to 'dieand rift, till heGoriumt tee'..on fire Dist rict..o.f Co• Itimbia.heye Called, for a 'measure of-Itifiiilatioll trr protect thh' city from the dang'er 4p , ati-: prelienlled 'froth' these • horse '•Golgot has'. .ex•-govertior of one,'S; ate offifrett.to ail ex.jedge. of, another State five thouf.and.doll'ars .to. *et hi in perthission•to . raise one of these. tegia4nrs. of 'cavalry, and when the ex-judge broilers:Aim batik the-com . rinssion, tli . e;ex-gOyerforlt4 s i l is . .toori, At the hotel, while, another; plunder-,. er sits tit.the key-h Ole Watching Ailte.:a 'mastiff. while tint. insider •couitts up fort yt hottsand: (101 7 'ars, profit on the honeys. sin) calcaletek - thousand dollars more upon' the, accoutrepents• the'other de.fails oflurnishiogjb4P e ...g - • ;meats. •In addition to the arms in the adasi• of s'ix.• hundred thoustind,'soirliers in', the . field, th'ere are . butnerouS Outstanding cantreetst„ made with private, indiViduals , --not made upon advertisements, tint made with the knoWledge of the. made "by .ex-merobers Of • Congress,.is Ito knOw no more, of the difference" betiveen brie elase.of •arms and 'another than a MethoiliSt rninistei.... There bre outstanding ,COntracj i r (Or the:: rpantriseture .of'. Springfield musitets,•ihefirst*On'e.ef whichcannot lib de iveredin• 'months drain' tbli day: .Thereis 'a'cinifrrict '.loi'thk4upply,of one' , and ninety lhoitspnil rift its' lars.tipiece, 4hen t *snap quality of. muskets ;. are Manufactured.atkatingfield Icirt hirteen end. en'half apiece 'l • &nil aqt.fC 7 Mentiber of CongreSs.. is now.in•••MaSStiehuSies, trying to get'..nia chineerlmadfi.o,l4-hitilthe will be able to pith- , utacture..in Borne siinientlis hence, at t.venty- • onedolda'rs.apiece,:those. rifled muskets manu. fact . ured to : daiin' the armory for thirteen and half dollars; 'Providencr, before six months, will dispoSe oftitie 'war; or He will dispose of us: '`t' one bf those'neuskets thus contracted 'for, 'be. ot'the . sligheest .Service in. this 9orr geocy, beforn the .providence.c4 wh ether for good or foe evil,'will,dispose•cif •. I ask my :fritinds from the North and North- Wait howthey ettpect tohenefit b'y ati tir,inctry... at Clii6l6,,ttt,''Rocie 'lsland, and at Quincy,- . . . . when,a 'Militia arid ninety-tWo thousand "m'ui, ketslwill according tolly . !3.io'iltrjACt •be:ttgiii;cil upon..thit .. conntry, and : , that-after this wards ~ over, arid at 'such, an encirtnous price, in adili 7 . ~ tiod. to ..tt her . 'op titroqing.: contracts ler. the inantifactut,eieSurretirn`e, henee•,..9l tvOrintitulred and severity-tMtu'stliensand Enfield,lifiesi• Be sides,.;there areseeentY-five•thonaand frite.hun-• Bred and fully-Africa sets:Of harness to be 4oliv-. Bred by•and-hy, at•the . .cest - o r one Million Mlle . .' trend red trod •Seeenty-eig'at thousand fourbthi dred and fortysix.tlollars.;. rhave oft time to yromerate all these contracts. ;When wn.ep... proptialeil,lat the 'hist : cession Ordongrpss,..for , this purpoSe,,:.veenty millions of dollars, thirty-. Seven milliens and Caine'thousand:dollars. had;. heee already;pleilged to e9ntractOrs- not . for' the •po t t abase brm ars : for . the Oren itut hie s field; .• -not• to' protectthern in fighting the s ir:cnitirtry's bitetle.in this' tirett - ..ethefgetieY and peril, but. for. some feline 'ase,•for • sornelatureaccasion, or toimeetioinepresent need of the contractors, . lirlon'tknow• Which at thiainorrient... And .not only the aripropriatiort or last; session bac' been erchansted, but thirteen millions . .put,•tipon ii..... 7 the riot of the Oth d.A . prif inailtirnorc; open-. ed this ball, and:on the first. of April,;, in 411. e. . 'city of New Yo'rk', there. was.ergirnlzeda-einis of •pltiodereris of '.the treasury...:•Two milliods of...dollar:a vverekentrus:ted to a plior t urifortunete,. honest; nut .-entirely incomPetent, , editor of a paper in Newl'ink; to dispense itin the best mannertia'coulil.:." Straightway this gentleman fieganlo.purefieg'e linen pantaloons, straw hate, ..Limilim :porter;. dried, 'herrings; end, such. like provisiOns, fertile armY, till ire expanded in this . way three hitudre'd and ninety tlinusani . dollars' of the Money, and•tliett he.got scated.and quit; (Langhter.) • There.is an tipnrripriatiom also,. for the supply of wiled totl.e . ortny•.• .. T.his eon . - t, raelpr is plaillied thipayMent tif seven dollars a eordfor•all the wood delivered 'te .. the• differ ent commando-wood. collected after the labor' of:, the soldiers themselves . h hail' cat down the' trees to .clear "the ground - or :their' 'batteries ; jot.' then' this .einatriector e.mploys .the..arrny wagons to draw it to the•several , camps, and he has no-further .t rOulde .r ban to drivw his seven (rollers for. a card, leaving fire Government to' drit w• the WOod. ' (Letigliter.),•lt "cost:' two millions of dollars eeery day to supPort:the Br iny in the field. • A hued:oil tnillions.of dollars' .have iliuS 'been expended ' since' we'inef.here: Mr the 2il 'cit De'eernher, and all' that timer tire army, has been in repose, ' Whatthe exneriditirie Will increase : to When That groat day shall arrive wirer) our eyeS .611411 be glsd•Jenert- hy . the a ight : of• the •artny. in •motion z. 1 elo not know. 'Air 7 . other hundred million; may be added.-to thise before the '4.t If dl Mirr • ch . Whattt may cost to nut' down' the 'rebellion rear'e eery lit tbl, Proe . 1 . : 6 :led, alivays,:thrit• it be : jit down el i Netually.— But, sir,. faith without, works is' de•etr; and I am' tree to . :ConfeSsi .that my faith someti foes firiti'mei.metiti• my faith in memmot my tail!) in the cause. ' When the history of these tirries . shall tra l written,. it will be a queation upon, 'whormthe'goilt Will . rest most heavy,--upori . krim Who has soospired . M4i , stroy,.orn t] pon hit. who h as proved incompetent to preauree the instiem . .. . t ions trequeuthed 'ln uS, by. nur fdth-re. - • ,It isno. wondr;ryttrat - the treasarY'. treinhles• and. stag ers, like,a stren . g,marr, with•too 'great a burillen. 'tip.in hirn. :A ,strong. more in aii .iirr.'exhatisied reeely et.' is. not. 'lnure heilidess. to-day,'tban :is the treasuty.of this :Government .b.meath - the exhausting preceyi to Whieh'At , is sritrieeted ! .--. The mighty:monarch of the forest litiusell may .held at bay the fiercest'. and inightest of his 'los','vi , hile• line vile car.couring , upbehind and iciPening• hic•fatigs, gives . litur • zi , .ratal wound ; and although he. may . iii•Oggbl 'oft ' boldly and v, l lisotly, "Oil. :tile-blood is , silently'. trickling .frOin!iiis heart, and Ire is at. lastforced to . loosen .hiS gra.sp, find lrrot.Vs. flint and falters ar il outs, The Tressury•t M uite•i' issued Mille, lace, of these . immense Out lays- 7 -withotitra revenm: from Otis .. .. 'turn .houses, from land' sales,:frein..afiii source whatever , •-are beginning IO•full in tbo,,mark,e(:- Already have 11 - 4. y. begun 'to• sell 'at six per cent.'dkeOlint at theriables.of the money chart ers*at. the very time, rep, that we here ex; habit the singular spectacle. 'of 'trend; avid of a struggle with the, Commit : tee of Ways- 'and Means}, itself,. inn un •ndriayor to liirmianil sus-' lain the•gatiernmeut bf the:country. .Already the suilertli . at cur s e of the cdfirli)•—ii , 10110- iqg•up flre riairpaite:rs . as.the shark 191.10ws the Slim, ti,aying lip:for .fair dollar's every 11 ve 'thil•• 1114 ; ot the •tvarre*§ of theesoldiers 1(44 to them . Intl: . easury,,dotett. Thave,oo desire 10..hasteil 12 0V,i...0m5:,,7(....tE e .:r01y , ,0r•t0 criticise .the :-.. act. tSleii4leis ;• hut in V fe'w (.4 • the : stu• Hitt etry tripiiii"f•the Treariuty; P. meat say . 'that f liii.44tit; •d'Oy. oCI .s i' 0: 0 . 134 the: bloti.. Whien.vi'.4l.lrtf.lint S rekellidn. to is Grid. SLx• iYittaY,s lotrger. iii. eh idbaste of things wilf•hring ,ilo.4.a.resatt•brin:. voy.'or .upoltit'i'• . it l' . 0 1 .' i/0 . ' 4511116 thatethe . hreasu'f'y o( the Waited States can triStif i 'Mlif"contioue to meet, t bI.S: is; sle ~ i•i ibiogs . sbcfy 'flAyi.doMzo'r . ; and an ignominious, Iwuce•snuStbe"Stitunitierf to, amlitic • .We see to it:, that the e .' tedit. '..01. our entintry.is - ,• sustained, • ' L'akstiii9f.ll,teio; hythe 'cons - lei km going forth 'r•Orn - t# ,fiall,twthe . e• Untry tha!, we' will treat y. " .s , ;1 7.R . i r,it,..,.tior cvnt 'l. pr., -y..t., .are . maul) eMenigni. , "•,tii,',.fireetriis:ltr?g.Acr lime it,re' -.lleld of strife..,4tit all thoie who . x..danfOff.t) '' 4 st ea ith il fisilk k ..t.he life-b lou 4 .frilm u's ,in 'the.. • nilght y • at ingil e.' PosiiESSION•• "or •RAtt,irenps .tisp Iyarle,,cliairthati.of the corrirnittee:on the: eon'illict of the war, r eported •a Wednesihy anthoriiior'thtr Piasitlerit, at anytime when the public .Services:rriey re. quire,'. to take possessioa , ril•rift, raikoeils anrt telegraph.linesi theiC..rjinployecs;' wor)cshops, and all. 'iippurfenrcricvs necessary 'to: their suc cessful ,operation, rend nuke, it' a , penalty of demi], on :eon t conyt• roaiti al, (or any, person .to'resiat in aity.r6inner . .the government in taking s . ijcb'possessirik,...:',The bill ccintaf6S'..a . Prociiion„ fi?r the app r oilitinent :of three...c .. otn 7 inisaioners to itsleas top amount of .damages resulting to such railrria4s oC•liriea'of,ol4oapb: thus used by the ktivernOiit, ment of ibeirOrOkifees..:2 'The poeSessioh by, 'government is fp'.'he dOti'vdretl as soon asthe publiiutc.o4 p . r . rtiTt.. •• • e .•.• . • l ' s Allfat4l L....Dickenson yes tat% ou t of; ,the vby"when he: • Intd the client ) who tremblingly .ikOd he Ooe*,,,;.the jury's oulFl . .is MY . frietid;:it said 'the Illustrions Dan;.te itiket kek. me ;. there irs . /inljonert/tiq•unie , loin to:: Gad hi.m: Turning . ' the. War to Pattisan, Ttrposet.` asSerth truth,.Warrented bWacts.'When Weclare that theenemies of tire!Deinbefatie party have souglitto,turn the exciteitnentgruW,- log out of the war .10. basest Pattisan Put-, -Poses. constantly„.insistinKihat the' "Noitheim - people should be one heart, they have labored unceasingly to pro- . deem diecortl'and Eveir man, who is Deinocret, l and :insists - upon 'Maintaining Di tfc principles, grid ,the organization which "shall rnnke these . principles,eflective,is poitnedlit ire a traitor or 'e secret syMpaihizer: with Secession .by those who:. inselently erre-. gale to'-thems,elves•all the patriotistn. 4 lit the land... Da Deinocrtit'cricsout.a.gairripefraud and eorruntion, by•tneanis• of Which :4v/wing of patriotic - corniorants. Have made 'Colliteskl for. tunes'," he is at tempting:to diStract . 444 , people. and binbarrass , the Adniinistration. l. v piiiederera roust VOt111(11-: .moss vocation. .Ty'ro henst permitted feed end fatten on :what they filch. - fritto the. Treasury without a . .whisper'bf.contletnriatiOn; leit;.forsooth; ihr•gooil cause , 'May , saffer-by their:exposure. It the'Dernocritts call a,Siata convention and,give evidence of, a detettnina , tion tn ' staod. fast to. their . prinelples; it is the , old. Breckinridge party"ati, Irealfrindble or. g,anization, watching" for. the oppnitunity of giving aid and comfort to ;. • Now . it impossible for any itripartial mind nouto.see..that the dassofineri who din these. accusations into the .public ear. are themselves doing 'their utmost to bring about the' divisiOn that.they profese to deplore.: We , warned their, men' before the last election the.tendency of their eourse; when they Aere.bpsy , acetisitig eVery Dearnie.(atic candidate for the-`Legislature or disloyalty. •We told theM that result VP the ele.tion would compel thern'to 'admit one Of ttdo either. 'that they. had , . uttered. a u and malicious slander wheu,theypharged "theDemeciatic - party with trearionable sympa;,. ;hie", or that the Majority of the.people of Pennsylvanla Were on the•side of thelouthern traitors. - The, election resulted in favor of 'the Democratic party; arid its , enemies sawthat,if .they.intick to the charge . of disloyalty, they would he piecing the. State in alalse For a brief period they refrained frond reitera;•' Ling the accusation; but, as, it heroines dent that the Democracy are daily gaining in . strength •and influence, that Republicati. ism is fast waning, 'its leaders in sheerdespe 7 .ration. are once morerrying too etiact of 'the treason dodge. • - That . v'er'y virtuous patriot, JuirreW. Pottery; WhOl cores: nothing for office, exclaims in his agnny a at the prospect of; the defeat, of those Wini* employ and pay hirir,itGod help us, if the. readherents of Breekihridge, the apologist.' of it tloyd and Thornpson, should . enabled,by means of a party , organization,.,to overthrow . the confidence of . the 'people in their public ‘• seryants and .their military 'chiefs:" The mercenary wretch .Wlio.indited this slariderous, imputation against the party that warmed him into, 'political life,' arid made. bim of . .sufficient cenieqUeece . worth purchasing by,the Republieans,•knew . tinit the men in and out of Congress :who ara.:doing.the mist tit overthrow the, 'confidence :of the people , M their public: servants'.and' their .nri/it:rey .chiers, are not of the DemocratiC Party. 'Phe Adrninistiation has been annoyed soil . embarrassed, but by whom ? :Who Plundered the T'reasiiry ? Who fir rnisherl rotten Troy isitinS.. and -defectivefire arins•to the Goverynent Whoewindied it in horse contracts Who raised. a clamor, tit‘the removiil of Fremont ? • What' class,Of Inert are new • import ening. ,and annoying 'the adriiirii. tratiori about emancipation? Who made an assault oii:Gen. 51cCi.gr.r.ax.,theorhei.day ' the Douse of Representittivei? - •Whh . ls . rturs. endeavoring IC..undermine poblic confidence in our public servants and our ridlitarir Not the Deino,cratic party. 'lt is net thesource from which tilh t liege annoying .anil* distracting. causes' have. proceerkil , but theY..have their : Origin in the . pdrty that arrogatesto itself all -the patiriotism , and honesty in the country,.— • And 'yet . , with . a•fiill knowledge of these facts, this piny tool, Fort Nev,.. Who lies thrown-his talents' into,• the market, endeavor's day a ispr day - to persitaile hi" reader. 4 that theDemocratic' pa: ty is 'disloyal and' disorganizing*, asid.:tha t its Perpose to divide,t he people and ultimate. ly to, destroy' the Govciornent. • • Phis miserable pa rif•sla: , g lias had The'people unilerstacid . *quite thoriinghlY it 'in'eairs—and - the Democracy of PerinsYlyania; us ho .dierish - an . abiding faith that' the great constitutional for which they eon.' tend, are necessary tn_ the shivation of, the 'are not' to 4, det«;rrerrfrom..renintain ing. their nrg.tnization by 'iloythiog [Mit the grand pendolers of the Iteptifilican:party can, s uy nr.wiite a gainstli hein.,—lPetrios . , WHAT; TILE '.DOCHLAS DEMOCHATS 4 ' THINit OF rittShOr4 Post of the . 24th, the to ling Co;!rnocratic newspaper. in . Westotti Ponnsylvanit o. tid'a firm and cOn s sistent. sup. porter of:Mr...Nei:LAS in' lb.. last Presidential . 'I b lc exctiop, af ministers a !cat )Irig.re 11_0 to John, W. Forney for his impudence in presuming to, •speali for the friends'of. Mr.' Douglas thiough the column s Philadelphia Prim, while he is in the, pay of the. Republkan party.,'foe' po.,egivesi . a sketch or thecareer of Forney; . elpv..s , that up to 'the time he quarrelled With . Nit.BUCHANAN he , was.the most obsequious and . pliant, tool of thePslave pr;vrer"• of tlie'S;utli; . declares, that Douglas' nevei'lrusie.V forne and•thit the gieat.principles ~w of, Popular Sever.- . ekinty,torhich.Douglas contended wah.u.sesl 17Y. Forney as .a , mere : preteiit; that:ife remain cut in the coitOcils of. the bonitos Detoooa IS Pnly.to.beiraY,thern; and that froth thel'inalig" , . 11antOpponent of ,Sotos-CioMaos, he .became, "that man's tool, and tvas, through his inductee , •„ • rewarded for.; his treachery.• by being .leeted • • • • •, - • , ••' clerk or the Senate of the Uniti.4lStates;• the '.Poic.Onfintis! • , "We have thriught it : necessart,to remind our renderi'of these few 'points tn,,thie triek;, btar,•Forney'S careeT, becttaselie has the', asiuranee to . epeuk inthe - rfatne" cif the. D0ng.,... Ins Democracy.' - Dia gam,' now is to a r irciuse, as much feeling as'possihle v tigainst :what he styles the Dreckinridge,A)erneeraef of :Penn. - Sylvania, and after: harping upon that 'string' for s iufTicient :tirbe;a'union ' of ihe Douglas:. , , . : 4' 1 ; , E: - ..•:,,1 - 4." 11-Ni •-•=•ttig ,:;, , ,ci... ' , - 12 -`4 , ,t7' , 1",'" 1.'`,;•4 4 p ., -. 4 .; ;;,:vit;re t nro , ', , r , to, 2 4, 4 '!ivtre.e.:Apr_44 - 4,t . ,- ;... , ,, , ..t,A1411 4 e4tint ,:1 ~ , ,..‘t, ,, ,, , ,i ' , `,11,4-tt.i , ~," _..,,,•,,, - h '' :2; ri t ii"p • ''..,,,,,;,, •.• " -I,: • •,,,-.! .., men of Tensity) veMtt With 'll,lsleistllirismilf ~ s . folio propevird,' . - POrney's joisrievivaehiwaio . / , ' , - , :'„ this grime for 'more t /lona we„eit4shd - Vil iieliefi.':',' , properly if eht ile tett;',Wel, kr, ttr. .litte ' tit "sitials'''':-.!' l .;', ~i 1 etinvem lon ' of T eeth 1/aniline' ineitta,l. ”I'''-'';:', end John 'Hiektitati- to prOnOse, 'Mil itits'irtt,)oK-- , '-'=';' t e tms as , ' they -tun , efin t ii!opi.TAtiiiiritirs4ifr4 ' l ': , dodge, ittit "it will not - sischeeit -- ",J, Otklairittire4l neY hue run his retiree(' h'eiteetir,i,iie , :feattiVikt, 4 l , l. ano t her tterriocris t I'd I he'renliti . e,ol:':'A'ltot4tefit,i,?'-', lent. We.' the'? sre . for a ' Tl: 6l 49 l i . OrthiliPifl i e s e '. ' Dettioc rats, regh idler Si ' ' Clf fatlni, ' itirtrilifl44o, ' ',.' regard to dead ieseeS, end- sitt'llieftitt,4#.ol.4 l :e ,4 '' ' ` tog the right hand or fellowehlir:iiie, 4 lfty,o l * 3 who is in.for the - suppresefoii , orthet sre)p,11100 '.., and the res tel a t ion of the iliihm;:, WM Milliglll4 it: li , '''. lion - with that polawtoos 'thitig ihotiiiiiitilieii ',.- ' no entntnuion with those ', wh e is t - l i s , i`aifl'tlx,e. , lrj,i,.".. : , vhty Is stron, , Or than their lo've;foi,itielYtiititt l f, ,- , .' The restoration 'of the,trutna it id! ' ',hailiret# l * , ' end at all costs no mat ter , vii i eka,tvrihat l‘tiv,tai' , . 7 *,,,' Its bringing it about," ' ‘''''''';',-' : I ',/.'"r . ,?-'' '''t'',:i'Y''o -3,_ We are gladr to see ,ihe.getteisiiiiihisidiii,"...,i' of Detnituts are so fully aware ",t4,`.ofor:, Ita*ter,r' l ,... - ., ' which this inielent,A.:4llgoitife:iit:,a darn ItI; ;..;,. Otir7V` - to play for the tienefit of his et i drierti"AMeett' ' tern: If Forney can tstit .11* ecaea,':'in,"-)letattitliee : ' enough 'Democ le te'Trom .1 het.T:Orgail 1 1 9 , 3 tift*, -Ala t' ;• s; t" egairlde teat the Democrlttlejterty;_he,eYo . . attl i btl ,-, in a'Povition to - claim a matintileeet teMtr,l ,, ,igst. , :"-c , his services, arid this is, shout all he eatittelak;r!X.,: , : They seem to know whet he ia,driVing iit f , , ,. (55,..,,, , the language Of the Pestr'"his Petettrj-tat, o lo l , 11.' , chief to tne Delnoetatitdts ;Vitt, llnt‘ •*"I -t'ite fereveri they know , hintv` 14 ';i th .lit t .` , '"''' , well as those he has so shanneful)yiiestayo44. , , the Douala , ' DeMberaiil4l , Peht o)*ittit!i i ', , , ,, r' , ...n , - .. Patriot dr Tristan, • , ~, - - ~-, ,',',, ,1, c' t ,/ I'HID PERK `AND pjultam,vt., - 1 . ,; ; ; -, The' most clivalObserver eilpnol,,4ll c tisiel. - ,,.. 1 „.. tire a very great:difference jithighriallkflifi, i ,,,....:-, pearsnce oCestates si jilsrlehedbr d)1164,i0.',.,,•• :" persous. ' And, hediasirriiiiiitAcite Whiah . 2terf, ,: t t . refer do - not depend 0 Q . .01* . ie? 0 ( 114 4 4 410 1 ::;', • of 910 land; they are altifiCiaTj,,theit:isiis e :l4:,,,.. result or the peceliseitlea.of trclthietit.';',,,Mrst,', -- , ins! in c tively sob - this:lir:Jeri li * *Poll,: eissisf . e4, ; .. tliot Mark Is 2 poor farmer ,,l!on? **int, a t ; the premises. As yet, We li .maY,g,i4#,,ifotioa,,,,, of the method be ,is adopted 'lii.holl ,Cahlisr;i.t'" • We baVe no' knowledge of the Mlautilitillblif:: systern, should' his practice seriMint tot iiisterta.:,.: The sett - may not. show'td the eya.Whetblill ', 4 ., • is' rich - or pobr iii the Several element's rilißilst,„ -tor the prodtietiditt of.tbe ii arty. : We ,isva ate ,•; • access to .the farmer's Balance Sbitit to iliT*C4', mine his profit sor doss. We beys, iiii* semi ‘ , ' the mnn ; we, have never itien bis t .firMbelotagt,!:. p r 'we have seught:Oci,inforMatlon inrager4;to'4l, history. Our judgment is liimitly (grilled. friiih,, i . • the appearance Offithe . estats• ea lyltrihaillisk';;' , „ eye. -' ' ~ T; ;;-:•,`., :.,• .: What : care is ,bestowed Oftekthehthlk 1im . ..-. Are thii_lonifortably botirin4 10 they. 1.00.4*.: lea 'exPelled• i' ?K‘ 04 1 Pli e6ikiicslo.,/iiiiihio; ; „ one;thil4 More or prpy1414.604.1 , 0 ,with,lol,..‘ offeeti Are the Cattlelatilibidtsithifl4liga t ',:' in the liiih WAY;. or in a con vcnielt•Sioclliiisiri e, KA I pot in the stal;lit Whin attention l,•'-'1!!'elf 1 0 . •: - , , the preservation_or ,h'e':thii*teir? ',.:Akthift , ',.. left: to-bleach in: the' sun; arill;vearib‘ariy - iii;flso;`,. . rains ;" er 'are t . he'y 'OralultY: Pirtteetisd':Oilf.Y . . waste ? 'Are the bonei,. sibes, - sollisrudsossit, ~ • the general iefuseof',the farm; ecritaihkleell!:•• ,- ' meets which corne,froM the, sells Ili?eilTred „Oa 'f'_' ferdlizeire, or '6r 6 WO l IW,SY t '' ' Attliik itiglia• ' ble production's sold - from the hurl iii!:'ltiih,tio t,:: • 'dition lit:which :they citine:flono ; theilitttficle -. . first converted into aniline) proildati'V 14ipr atten,tiori.given to ttirsi breeding of' the llidishi c . `., ;. whether they breed r , i'vrard* 4' ~ gie!iii , '° * ? ,' 6 "' .:: degree of perfection ? A re' th P.rtlie.ci rl.ifildhiligs`','- . conyeniently sitiiited.convOlien4FoPatell'etlk , ' ; 7- and in - .good . I ' 6 o' ll r r A re'ibe. ranClia 'Wit:OW '". ,ortfer, and are ''t hey threelestt;hr fi've,:*ogibkit ix':. feet feet high 1, Are the corners of •. ihifan4irift.„ ' clear Or; alloWed to griwieo to loraihril'rikOd . byl•' s, -.-,.. ars T Are there gates .and . bari,"or Must. Sist: , . '.'' „: fences be let - tiowrV whiniwer.there 'iairtglissi," - ,.` ; :f;t• inio e Oetd r: Are the:farm i'Mplenieole placer!' -- under shelter:Whed`tiot il'uie, or:scattered stilt .: 'the prerniseti T, . ''Aie•ther toole koP? .En suck. ll 4 . ; , ''s , tier este be' most serviceable f', Arftlie teat*. ' in condition to lehor; or ar , l 11 " lioin? If lit'irvit' thin 1 'lo4e.d, does the -antleireice,_ it tiiiii• - :'. ' tete Pulicate care, ,knoSiledife t lUdltraftliti'lliat' - .' hence thrift.;; cur` is the farmer slocenly; - ,wishy#• - •, ,. lul E with everithing out otjoint L anit , (bftsfroftir ' eminently unprolltabie I ~, = ~ , ' :1,, , , ,.4- . ,- -, „. -, 4 I :+. It Is irnpossibleforthe fairone : Tit hoheisuf iligi„ evidence ot ,his skill or lnint of 'llloll,ltilicillki ' public gaze.' ,The , firm itielf . 4jfk-,its4;l* tune' more'4erkive'thun Inf. Ifnailif till4lC', ','' `.., 'And it ii very , ,difllculetiplletiha4o, iptilk,.' not ';only. id- regird :tri'ichtit'li Oftryliiii, Om profit of the sedie, 'comillunitY,l'hil, .rstrefy', welt whether the faritiel.is i gettjOKTllli - ol ' li• (*f it There can be' no doub t ithe t ;The t ' ii - tbift; 't ; system of farming whicti, through •ii linglailisi - • 'of years, brings In , thilargest returne , ri44lie: - least 'exphisti,--ixpenie Of' latoo4,,direet i - suiilay' , ou means, 'rttid -fertility of irciil,, •ilt, is cifisintr. not enonkii that the income is large't ,seef,`.o.etet . . determine% its. Tiropnrtion,„to. tbe •.„ . strict tviestlood bI soil. iwproveirting and cal. ture do not CompreheritPtto;*.bole ,philbsophy , of farming:' is.a verloristr , risatter':(foi.tol* .farmer •to become poor through atiopteilia:seake. his soil talist pay hie'agent ten percent: fur thia.t*Wis of loaning 'out his ntioney.at weep Par 4.4181.01 would scarcely be d prontablelteneact And should, the. farmer ineestin special nag.. nitre's or'ollior means et improvement; dedbis the minket thereby:realized from hie basiareall„ it wpikhr.carielitly fake a long time to l ot r id t . Arid yet :the rkillfut ngrienlwriat letumielatea prnpeity ilstVotinectinn with the la,hor and 'as ' . pense.otliinearting, to bis,aoll a high[!lured el fertility; . rind an the' result citignelt went:, Two merchants may?-the the um* aninurit o f goo ds and at the same rate, but it (1005 not thorehre follow, that their progts ar e ihe same. The buginees. ofmne may his highly prosperous, while', that of the other !toy 'am stirely lend to bankruptcy.' 'Tb'ere era thrii grave tweations enniwcteell Wi#l..agrieultpre, some ;of whirh • will consider hereitter., 'And itAnstrial. ramie • of Wi:Oitith.rnqnoknt:.*lkiitietnrld,' ao,t.kat, me. • ...ltarnt!!'llY,Agentioili/11 1 1 1 0, 1 , • as 'S lands nr.llFetiiitW . :ctieit iionestioiilir . l: • ; Whotat,;-ia, vti1j4009001014 , 4:4ti,.." gain' of $3,000,00, far 1 , 151.#4 1 0t1h.0. 4 ,#M. , pb!tisea of the §t a iegoirertirhAfi s inelol,io+oBe;t. taifor war purposea.—( 4 lf.ek,442o , p4:4w% Sags 1 OF . • •!. • ...• • -..••••:...;;,." , MEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers