M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, October 05, 1861, Image 1
VOL: 3. fit'ficart tOuntli• .annocrat, By J. B.OVIATT, • SMETIIPOR'P, Co,ol:\ . :l'7y, PA. OFFICE, 9, E . : 0011 N ory:cß.Lic SQUARE ,$L 60 in Advanco. TERMS . . • .•• • ~ .. R.ates of .Advertising, • .. . .. 4 • f.• P ...... ... . . 5 six. m'onth's - ..... •Ono eq u ate o[l2 lilies or U.B. ilubsoqueut iovrtion, .. .... - ...... 8e4113098.0e.rd5, with ...... .. 500 Italy or' tigure.Work ikllt• be the. above . :Twelve lines irrovicr" Theio•reyrils win bb . • • 1310ikE.;,,5 ~Pii:ctptil,, • - • .-• .. BENNETT HOUSE,: . . .liet•thpert,.:sl'lieau•Co,;..;Pe.. y. 5.:,1,,,, , 5,. Pr . e , , pritt,:, : --oppo%lte tho Court Rouse.. '..& new ; ,largo, CliNIL , ocIl- • . ouo and woll.furuis ad !louse. ~ •• • •••• . Tioelet in Stoves., Tin illtviparinil Witte, t etde of the Public Squ,re, rrtinottirii - t, 1;4 Cipitorn done to ordor no.tlio 'filiartent• notice, and in 1.11,e moat anbstniattal nvinitor. • _ ' •„' . . . • .. . . •. . • ', -- • ''. -•- DENTIST:IIY , : • • I}K :t....A: spp.vict:. N vov!l r eirunetf , ttiy: ann:turptt't -, en: elt.tioni gf•Srne.t.`tp•;rt en i NI , :i:11' j.': tit.' 1,...! -IN;ii tittc... up an oti•oo:ttul is pt'PltEt•-0.1 to •0,.•,,t.i .6 'r,ll' 14160,41 in 11:0 prtAuvii.•n. Atoll 1,1 tr?kttll 1:1,0 ,- ;••! np.un a.•i• • entitio.prjrteit•luv, and 8. , , AS to yre•olvo•t'lltttottur ..rt,,- • ttresitort Of .tlto•farit! •Al t opet,aion3 tit Putitit Sur.t.t .. t•y. • (loct in 3:•sl;l.llfor.inttittter..... • .• , , • . l, .A'..l. N.Q,II.IISK • • • . . .. . . . . koolor in Stnros . :l' in .W.O o:,lnntion; , .l )ra.r0,..&0.. wc.... :.:end of Alio ,Pu1.;11.2 Sln.id, SnlO'bilort, Psi Cii., , ..:i., vorii done.o odor ontip." i_.11 , ,, tor. tl nOO O . tin] in the . -. . . . ui..At enb , itAtitial nl.i.ijii..r, 'GLEAN MOOS! . . • . . .• k.T BARD, Prupvi:.: . 67 . . o' , e,• N. Y ~. 011'.!:/,, , :,1115 tP anl r . ro'i; tho N.:, ,,- 1 - 0 .1i ft .1 .1 11; le P.,:k f10a2., • Z...,.;,;,,, . for S'rvothport: I,: Cor.:. • •.... lIYD.F., HOIS.SE. •• - n,, \::i fa,t31:e..1:: L::1!:.•: . •_, •• mhist:ollv, all'.i 4 11,11 :e 'Ttli t way. Etk C,. l'a • NI, ELDr,p'HOTIL Pro V'i'l r . . .TL ' way hetw.ci i•!!!rirrti!lort s1;1 an't . i, and 1!!!,' „ • ! ,C!!Irod, MI!: 17, 1,,!7 A. D. HAMLIN,. e.urveyor, A.Kont , . . , • WILLIAM WILKIN, • Pra-ti , ll Port Alllgheuy, -- . • . • •, . ..1..1,.. 'BROWN,, • . , .. MIIIV.E.YoIt.; DRAY i',sl kN. V 16' 1NCY.1116,1.11 , 4, 'Eltste Agmat;• triti.,,,WC,: , ....,, :., F;...i., ,, •" - • & iloa S w'..9.. it,tiwriPll; Ilom.• A I Y 0 0 E . . . . . . . J Burorol Prooro 4 tor, (1 , ,,,-*P.,'.. '1 1 ::: , -11,1- 1,..t." , . 3p 1-1 . ru ...i . stt . .;sl 470 .:,:k; , .i.r' -1 1 , . —.....:...% ,‘,.: vs. e, 2., IS. t tntiou w'ill 1.0 1.3:'.1' , 1.1:• 1:: .:, '.',' , : l : 1 • 1:1..' , t.', 3,1 t tii,,0f•1113:g11.,,t3. . • •• . .131:. ":.1:1::1 FolE3I1Olu3E:, irNio , n;th M 1,1,Vt pcn ft it.^Jpt , It-, 1 6 N . . . Axon: f-e "Po,,)Alv t,o I•sad tom to tars' E : . Bomuluri): , ;,.litTißED,. • - Ar'nujoy * .ar; - 1 cnua•lar cf Ll'6•+v: 0. 1 • t• r n.ttsztiell to p.. 1 1, iti ttit4 D IS N 17;11 V 61l"11r0'r4Vrria,1 ,3 t 1 + moll Brack !i for . • .• • . . . • who'o4.lo and 11.,t11 irpepnv,.l;:o NI _ Eurnir,tnk 0.10.h1. .I.!Nnn Pipet. Luoking JOHN C..BACKIIS . , . . . . •L.t0rn0.r1.n.10,11,/,'.1.,r•i.,, 1,:i,,..„,,,p,44,) .. ,-,,t, )I•).:ni,i,-(,,, Pa , :Vill t0.:;. , T;.1 to p.1111,:loi, irl hi 4 pl'.f , '“1,....11;1 . 1r1` , V•c,et,iits of l'linan, P . ,1.. , t.....,1.11'},,.• ii , 110 , 6,1 or l'.li. Sxrt,Palf Sc ltrit.lwri' '...1. , r , . • .• . . HACKNEY H01.1 . 5t. -, • • . . V.o'nrr I it.'l 1V A ••j• rye ofor: 1%11 in', 7.0,1 , 1 •• , ,rjrn" . l3r :arl +.1.1,1.01 LARIBEES . . . . t ToARkIEE. •1'r..1,r , ol , kr:---N111.0!Irni: I . , ri.L'e. M:IWA ' P 0 , p,.. Thip },,,,..6.i.,itu..:0 , 1,10 , 0 :,,, milo.fr• i Amethport oil t)14. , i,4,1 !., ii,1,,,1:.,11: „i!1 I p1 ,,, n I riont7hiAnt stniipi.. l .-:,,, ,, . . , • .. • ".. .', .• FARMERS! VALLEY jin'tn, •13y T. O' on I'lo. linn.“ , n • fronalrntthp I,•t nn t'd, 1,1! 10 01 0 311... and °the. 1c, , ,,,,;,, 111 . .: 1,131 . p I.lls HIP W. S. BROWN4I: Basler in Dry •0.+6 , 1ry, hoote;Rbor., (}LI,., A thr . -............-•"-- •,._ .. ,-.- ~ , Eltii 3 OßlUTil HOUSE, . . ghiprin,' 'WHIP/RI ('O, r.,.. N;1,,1 , 1"K I. itrnpric.',:tr A nornmo,liottg awl. sm,pll.f.,rl/1 , 11 , 1 Ilcm.n. ',.t.ra1ig.. , 0 and tla.velrrH will rin.l .: , 1.• rtiovollilo4, - t.i,01 , 4, . .- .. . ... • ' _ . . PORT ALLF,GANY - • . .. . ~.:9•711' B, 11)1.i.cy, 1' rnpi.iotnr , :11 Carl Al'orin v. \1... Kftic County I's. ,This llnt,‘l i:.r.1.,5t , ,i s.i .11;n j,"...: Lion 0 ,1. tha Atnltlthort 11114 All''OnY RC% 4. : I . ' , 0,4, 11 ,. . , 4 moos oast of tilnettlporl., . .. . .. . ASTOI.I' HOUSE' • , Po.. Pa. '. NVM.• H.A.SKELL • : : .Propijetp - r. • This house is wnll el!..tuln!,l for. thn nornininnflat,,u 'of tho ifiz non'andC,h•trves vontblo, 5t..4f1.1 fit, iflonn i Shippen all I Suvithr,nrt, July 2. 1560. To .Thoso . -Interested in Mining. and Mineral Lands: 13MINT 4 offers his r t. rs'iotti for thr rvin.l'Ant W• t.lnn of blineral.Lands, in 31•1(itan * and lind will rive. hie .opinion ai . trr.thrt ykyrjr„OF tct ,Thnst rro,..nclng hi, rAr'virrs reor:wr andrailable'tonai•naaaion. Resi Ir•rr at the Rani a. Banker Hill . M 111.6. ' r tiorcatint, M'icean Cn „ • . • ' S, C. 1•11D1 • • Arrowtts-vr-Law, Fmethrort'; 'll'He.4c n "F i CA! ...le;tioeol , ronictlyhttenled to. ' Feb 14. '6l. yop 'ever thick , arnbltiOu, energetic bustling reader,. mari, What u . is'.ihttt•the gif2 , (lt: troprity of, the fteoplii - Itio:.iyurld.ttri! hot like.' you ha Ve, out, stop a trroMedit . andcoriside.r;" rind yeti will !hank firfune.ihat.if Meir..tliat talk a toecti. meetings,' that -don't try, to. be, L'orre'tio:St fraust . er,s at every change in the adtrii istrathari,and-don't stick :their elbows into you in a croWd, are :very' likely to)stiss : ,tniboliced, 'through, the 'world, and' you' bate the tnifstaken major': thatt hey' heverd id you Any 'Men,. who . attend to-their, bakiug • and babys, ,:tlio•rkeeet talk scandal at •se , .v . ictg.stseletie's,, a rid tonli'insfst•on.inaliting the tear uf'lttshion'.. able.witeringidacekeveyy.summer, who Ilbu and die "nybodie's in. the 'eStlinut,(on. o 1 ald..but . ; heir 'immediate, hotisehohl:•cireles. ..rarik • 'God for just_such notiodleS.• What, a. hubbu b, sve shdultf lice in . .el.4e. • ,•The: very thought 01. d Cis painted; laty.vtnuelt . I,vcif9tt'.l,yhuld' the (act.- , Qhiet.•perple.-Mu,st_ be those . ange . ls . in disguise brat imp gritative ..people"talk so much. about,. .VPry'litrely they. %ell( never du us any. ttu,iti't'e'gem)'; . the receive . I rum •1 them are tiegaove,'and ire pass•them nottee'd. us . ..aloneand,tbe 116 t the only :persons - who v.t'ish't.ti'•be lei alone; we allot that: fetdiniiniare'timissthan we;eari•tell. . A . V," get of the incesstrut. , rattie of. th , t hery . :o an•l down - the . gate: . :r.iten. we . appr , citt.te the tivtabtru,tee•cit. tel,tusti•of 'sour 11,1,:et fru"ii !..t; then , 10''i talk-to .we wish fa t-hei•ct'. at leq•it cthly addret : s 115 t h at silent expr , 9sCs so triftell but- serer Th,:y ne've'r bete.us.by hi:tit:L(4lls. sari their umb,tious plait.,; and mole they 'at-c - er flatter us hen ,1011'; sht;.•l , •r• !;•••; awq'... , l;'!o•!, they. futss' tbioush ith 11;11i-.,L0ed, lie It i; I • : • • . . • . I:I !, . ~.c:~ .. ...,1•2 T.:Jot t nr . v2ri . I y eaft ri[ 4 1. ; , v Lll: tier:t lU',. -ctty i!!!!! oi!ol I. • t! I . Ity . 4. 11,4 C , 1 . 11!!!!,,"•••. , !: !!! 1 ,t!ps 1 a 0;1 tc,•,.. • r. ..t 1..!! .1 111, 1%, k , ;i! icl 1 • t Pd ~ u= (I:.t %1 , (1. - 1 40, !!4. I .1,, I f t.....e:J 4 .:.:Cest-,1 'via) 'a :I yi 'h;• 1 . 1:1V, ' r . Jr tr !,L `,..rr - adriWtiEl:4 61' Ipl!y .!o‘l , r-S. wl.irh I}r , y sold' I!, , y C.if• 111 . 11 . j) h I.'rp y a i`l•l . t 1111 , 4 i 1 . I h..y. . ;il,O ,Cd% . tiit r.stmwr, kiv0 . , v0r'.11) , • , .. 4111:1 01.411, t.-11,11 . ,.,.. 1ibiwt and 16. kt Hwy b , .1 6 , 1 , 1 t0.a . .•,..i(1) in: 6'; ll'oeo.• tcdprt. ,, i , ..iy•Llv; , lo a 0). , il ; !) 11To 11;s . • char;2,,,t,t, II .Io lIS ttrerr oor ro;',y", co 1,ir4 . 1.1y o '111;4 Frrfll s.pe,•hos !Act .IFotoci a ie. pity h.is 'nlWo vs Lo,•hr tor tioyt; yon; „ Hi r e, Erasoll .1f th. , ,y had 11 , 41• d such ‘, , p"PellyS . iii rinps . rifi,t, , inNtoakl, ii the nal rw.y•tiliiidpd, 4er timial•tii tdr., It i,nt,ia+That 1/•.0.1 to pollute Ic9w tieth , r 1).• .01.2 !'..res nt condttroil.of 0-4'r p,to r • \\*, ~,•:,11110' to ,;/. a I.!il'ain• n: (rya nonvrals Or !Icon n't. Diek:.oson, kc.. ? I.y, do not those ne.'r the ss•:iy publish n 'Union qpi•och. noun Giddings, AVarlo, j,nreiny, Sommer at . -high in 11 - w ;i ff!ct lons of. the presemt r 4 tine , Batt this fh, , y cannot dri,,.(o'r,thr: eery gar reason that .Koch ; T 7 f.:1 , 1 , • • • ' ; ,'• lEEE QUIET PEOPLE I ' IC / Ex:tensiv2; , ll/Ab ;*, •, ME= ~:. , _ 'a> .. ~ !~ i. ~~~0 v• ul~ li ~~ I rfi:: r:~ ~ t.' 'l'~i~•t - .• . ." • • • • , • PQ - PLT:; ArIti,EA.N : ; 6OUNTY,.;II ). A . .;:z . S.ATURpA.Y.,,,-Q.CT : : .5',:. 1:80:1: 11 . 11iit'eaft:Ci4litij: pe.iitotritt, Saturday, Oct. 5, 1861: DOmoorplic Npniirtatioria. DR. C, R, EARLEY, G. W. ZEIGLER. lI:ASSEVAS I.IIt.OVIN Coiinty Nominations CUMI4IS9IONga, • ANDREW . RILEY • AULOTOR., • J 011 N 6...noyiß =ll , . 11It. • GOLTIVEY 5UP1 , 04 .. 1"4.05 - (6 t is:}or rtGliT .AI, Ott•L'E N. Nft FTE r. * LOS'S CiN 110th .;(1.,4'..i . ,...;'::1), N5i . . , .;.!,1 . N•0:5i' kIT ft Eli , '1:0.1 ' , CEASE I'lOllT r;:';,:f/IF:'IDLS:T!CA.I. L.; A . TO TER:',IS OF Af:AIN•UPE,7I . YOU. - Prr.lidC/jA Li ki..1 . • 2ngrera . ' Le: it-be re:hernbei - ed that vole: tie,a INS ti;(1. bl :41.11 ty, is a ‘'ute„..i.r the Tjuiwy. iet,kr:s.in party ftaae•beeii fur.y . ears, open r ariuris s . • NV,....ti•ri , • - •-•ldittly•d•d,z.,iute of linv,i,.hivin4 re inatfvr a. w,ek rist. Theie ,v,l; f• - ,r sov.era Ner' . l .l•ate•ii•iaCl . l; I .ly • tho . . sh;rl ;il;ruJ'zr,cc al att , •nd, au l 11C C tn (2',.)rt \VHS' Ttt,' , .• 1 ; 1 . .6 io Tt - Ls, - - s - r I r 4 1 . e.1 ; ," r , tt,t't 1(e • pr..2,--elit..t.-itsC, ,; %111e1.. trpider : S; ttNs Lit! .tur the .ovo - ...X SpCti,6ltalist.s eaiMu• hope !heir midst.. L.t as I,,i> on to omv,li‘ce them 1 .th•vie rs still tr . J.ritlo.ll men the N-:n'th'. roTio . vving to I'o e. - St;tlt! 1to:y th : tt if thfil..)77llpl'ralli* paity 'for rr , ,,i , ;oijt, 1).! , •.n Ij , I roli';le.", b!:• ;iire) . -t.W v 11..C.V11''' U6'11.! ',lie • 11 :;0,1•! , 11 t'aIIS: 'lO • !I : lyr' 1,1•.t1 1; ti:,".1 . 1 that tyai t'ne ~. 1 , 1 t u t % h 'l.O , • I:711: VO iilat r t on; „ I.)r. or • . • •Frn FlO'll File of .I%.:fio,tiS•ii,...t:raftl§ tt):, Cat; fr I - . I :‘•1 ~ . 0?" 60.0;1; 1. , .1: iii.-itilJr..trt:C,..puYig:ti,ll.,-il,11,1: f, , r a • 5 ,, ,; . 11, tiui I • t I/ ,I y /:; itio.4ll ! 11;". 1 in'gi , r it thrii ac cuinh• it %el ) Mot' 11:st' , , , to d~'ra,.-:r ,~.~~ N. T., bu,1.1, .1 1 1 1 1 ) 1,:.,•11 a an : l :111 . this' ,zrrit :110p! 1ir...50 . 1t tine, aL 111 . 11;tii!li . 11 ;1;1 l t. OW . RPll"l"anCV"°l our 1 . :,01011 , .! 1 1,:n . 1 % %roll as hlLii.l *ensil!oyntellt tis a 1111111b0f al 011 ..• : Mr.. 'A. I;. -.11,:m• raw, ; bls . alto broken Ci tiro 1 for :).o . l•roc,'•i'o.i 4106,1 • 11•on,11.krs't.ind . Millgrove kvi - i.fatally . 4.161) , ..11. 16- :his. Ittot No catt.,.e WilS as .itt.ne!l cm; bud,• up tai 'llr. ITA . :(". 1•0111 blood, i'6llll.; , `o r tli times.: It is ih.on;thr. Mr: R. At \V , •1'i.v,1!..;• alT,ity - luippened : in tiinilr four rn,,n . 'yore 11;lie,1,, two fatally.. It seem% noun,' youn.:4, hieii btrain....ena:!...teil.in a quarrel,' and w. , l' nallyd to'..:quoli the disturbance, ivlien A .11)411 : by he name of . siat,ho:l ;11,0. anrithj iiian and . ..wonntlink two'ofher',3 . . BroOks ts: none in: Siiic:rt was in typ.e we het in more. t;irtieillayt; 'regard to Mr; R. , y. We ;lou• . tout" mr. Rrsy , vaq sera rn ".CeCnr"oo-1.0 tnber . t ha t•-Was ad rift do • this it heL•ailie rvi , ce . 3 y In lath it en 11 r. Meflriila's lagd. Mr. 11 . . wairnocltiern n'ot;to:l , ,'whi , !.ll was not heeded, when' he struck . at Mi . , - . Rey With club, kOlti paid no frther aften'tinn than,, to wand oFt the IlloW . ; Wherusinti irrimn• ropes ate bon ) , SpOIATEJUPGES, NV. PVCO . Y . , .1: F. GALLI;P. SrC. lIYDE it. Ili . C.,11,.•q du'r... ! ! The Elk...Myatt2tc . ha, agaiii.inade its appear ance, and has been_the:case of late, is almost entirely de.votrd. to'coarse slang . and . personal' abuse, : iii which ., the Democr.AY and cdreies in fur . the.lion's Share. thlS: . jiaper. fhis .... Cneigies of aontniuuit'y•svein.to ;have bc'en' pressed. iii the service, and, we recog: nize th'n uritincs ofhnon who should have had 'too much sell respect to' indulge im.Such coarse abuse and erosi tniastaternents, acid for Ihis rea son; probably, poor,Barrett . is made the scene', gnat .. . 'Without the brains fo . oriiiineftAor-ti just . appteciation Df his 'duties, the•etlitor:of that pa per allows' it to be thi.ineihuni. through which. imp can - give publicity ho pile slanders', and vi -typerstiuri which they would lie,ashatried to utter in the streets. - :11 . Succens only .lies 'through. such a channel, we ,do pot dnyy....the successful. 'A just cause . .requires. no . . such trienns.to bolster it. Wo - haye too much conti• dencr, horieyerin the.gciud, sense of the people Of Elk equnty.to believe they can be influenced by.suchhilesni. • • . •. • • - , A 9RICeCTURA r. r.irk: - . I2ESTS •-..T.boi people Cof -McKean county. hove no choice neivithottie turn aitentionflo cultivating '_the Soil. The' rive 2 are'encootitering heye en. tirelk,blasfed.tho Itirtibering . • - bintipess, wGicb has heretofore been tiiir,antib,stay;.aod thereto no 'probebrti.tythat 1)i/inch .Ibusiness.can be • Toile Orofitebfe tor:a (lumber of )ears. in applying oOr•rinPrgips:to 'farming, are. hive, a' priisent source nf 'livelihood, as wall - as a pries ipect at a future day of ; reising a toirpitis ,to. sell. Sl"lctuu.as the produetSttribe farm musiThe ietlezna.riti, at, fair - prices.: The scarcity of cotton will 'create an increased de tnand, aiso,tof•witol. • In fact • we see. it stated' 'thot'the.-elitire asoal crop is insOfficient to inn , Ply the demand for, 'soldter's clothes, - We, woulti‘tecolitrrientl.incietteti attentlun to 'rais ing sheep, 'our soil' belng•pec'Uliarly. adopted .tO, grszing,:Ontsr!s antl.Catflti will also ..brihii.ood lees., With. economy end industry, we see. o reason why our o , ople'•eennot weother the storm, Fevere though it be, The samo'amoutit. id'eepithl igv'e.ted,i i aoricul:ural p4f.suits that hes .. .beett . derjofole ..I;.!vuted lumb , ltir.g . pyr; pot s , would nitre than, double the entire pro•• dudts of flit! countiv. • 7 . 71 E Lesr CALL. F9l: Vut.t:Nrcr:l!s.—,NPn! (lilt::Pohl Court-tip - tient rotne opt. Yout. : connH tiy lids w' , •ll'iihil'ipdbly.carlJ . for.)4, and . now in liar boar. of need she : estp..del . 4 .yitu Will le:. ...pond to 11;-r ' . .l'o! . •l.lh'te,l.rtites will 'pay you a bile Ta. liar 5r , ..icf. , ,5.13 pc. r month, clothe. and victu.3l.you,'ariel.al the clp . s:: 0, the tear I']o acres of lan I. The,01..1 c.otrinion , .vealth of POntstylyuria; in tittittt'on has pit.oAdtthfur„you.-1 ,nidti the clo,T • ot.the: 11066ty of aIQD. 2,1. I:hat . the tlotricniasioners 0 1 each County, un upplicatlun', .proviLle. Im'wattts al all larti,l;as or.voliinteera.. 31: Tttiat,' t io prticess . whit ever shall fisue a;:ainsi volutitet:r, , :Or lint property -unt . il stx.ty days after rvt'iddii.. from . time iva•r.—• )I , td , ,ting , , purnnd . e of etiltsting held at ; the: f.lla , :vitie. rihice,s: IA Ilec,atty. Friday, Oct. 11th; Sat.tirlay,j_l , ..l , :l2.llt.Pradto•d, 'faas,hy, Oett N....y.,AN'tdpiis.:fay, Oct. B:chrihty, o.:tl' 17th; itd , will. be by A. NV:ll.t.i nlyt, 1 . . ..1 dn. 11 .. D,: I]amllrr alto otl.ers. . •. •110 S SA I.l.,e'ro;;l'ng 11401,.0 . 1 1 7 :idt nigh: ia,l, )1.4.1 Li,rnag"-• .131 ;); 1.1:. fe,ol b;:lort. wit , ;lo •!rocuP,tlistlyti 'or tho %vere tLi Flwit tu4tir I ,S.:.•‘\ t Yl, - s lost ~-111); fir:,p;rf y 0!111•)e•• r - cr,'!,l; y, ;. thC , ,tr.!,t; wr!:ck. .01 . 4 'h;i 4.111'14.: *A , 11.0.1. , t !oust. , belpftgiii4 f , .l.ri A, 1: 1 ,•1 . ,..%%..t s sw.:eral 1:2) . ,e 1 d (If! ti, yii I c0v,.,;: . v •fi 1 I fci:trof b : 1111 I.k I.;igh! r:.dls•j if ;. , 11 OW .ts a , 4 f•it4iSt e;vrrio.l atvey hunt the several toie'lor all tlw'hO lrlin y w..to cnvelit is • ovt;i duce iuillrun foet of bnnnls \v...to lost. :Flo , hiss is - ehtiro.o.-1 :$1:25 From thr r.i i. ri•r rr Gs lie'ardl.roin the ins'y 14 gre,il.. - 11...)1 ,No flans lit plsit..lth..!;\". Y.,,c: Erie road. siicr. Fr ft.! leo,;(11.• StroanlS havr tvi;-1i; eanc.k,, • • The lois (;:arnoi - ori. is cmisi lcrablc, ,:rops; 1112., 11 . 1 v, 1 , '` , 11 tp.va v, ainq nrtny• h.tcr bocnril , nuci , ?,l by - (1,1r . loss f)! Wn, % ., ..;shi:t,C.iirge' . as a reas,;.n why we s,d,e:t %we's fr..r our. w4 . icli is n . ntt...nr . lplrein to .eN-ory.ri.tl,,ctim,i mind. 0 ir'pr.soni arr .entirrly. I,4tii.thle in tact the rr'irt btt(o(Xy . etch ant!.!t is all idle to talc of resortilli.the, linioo lintlf There is a change in the pnlit;cal complex lift of I . IIP Itvo. t Toe It publican ty..ts kfilm s n th b; hostile ro slivery,' slave :in tereite. rinksb.ehoiders, tfmr:Pot,vfryt, setupu dnus as ro the means eSed to pat:'lr.ifown. party has•succeeded to ??o,ver in the Southern Statesthat is as, bitterly opposed_ to Rephbl!... c • anisn':j nence Cite two sece;o 7a . ars engaged id ~.. • . . • . . , . ....., - . , . ' • , . . ~ . . .., :,.............. • , ...., : • • , ~.; ,„ _. , . . . . . .. vat , . .. . . , .• ' .. .. . ' ~.,' : • . ' - . '.' ' ' . . . . , . . . . , . .. . - . . . • . , . . . .. , . .. . , • . . • . - . . . . . . . . . .... . , . • . . ~ . . . I .d.e'itrective ‘vittHielitrititiye' t6:both. — . Untoit rneirat......the South is to • persuade . Their people that,their corrstitutioniil rights will be, respe c ted . . • SVeof, the NorthHiave'ottly.*:to' prove their 'woriis ,.. true . ;by:'etiiiing Our"viites . for Conservu ' tive'fnen, merit who are knOwir.tc;' be.in favorrirreorginiiing.'the .rights of all the Stites.. A . vigorous: prOscptioti of the wear Seems to.beCnecess,sry at present, but we should_ . regretto . See it :The. hope's .of the good inert . tif : Thelatril rest nut.' • in They hope to seethe country .sai.;ed, pistoring.. the old patcYot a epnftnon interest ;: .psopie ;f the linited..Statesirrust be breUght...toi alrnk Jai state of feeling ip Nhich . the , goverlirn . ent' was fottirdsd-b'efore it can be restored.' • We will riot. be contradicted in asserting thaton anti-Republican'vietory .;I:thor coining l'lorthern willdo ; more toward reestur log the. Union than successful Abo, litionistri is as inuch'in-eherny to. the p'efiee . yi.nd prosperity of the . : notion air secession, end ie quite el giiilt:rfOlte'prosentritistenCe.. :Whilst the peopleire Without respect for'•••• met differences' of opinion to sustain' the guy.' erninerit..ati4 put dowri the Intter , would it be -asking too inticblo:wieb. the ibriner to be pit, t.lown•peaecably by votesi: .• . In McKean County We have rile choice be-, tvieen.theD-ritocratic and the Republican can, l'OrkState,thore..haslieen•lin . Union ticket forified, in..distinCtion•to betht.he 'old:prifties, .In tnest of :the cutiptios,:of thiti Stoic there has beeir ounion tickete" fo'rrnedi . thc; Republicanir,..wherever they .hove, large Inejerities'i.are oppasibg to . lbe '.bitter EveryWheithtire ie ei;dispositioir on the part Of:the ftpeople" to•pui down • In rills : country, as we before•Jenfotked, l the Wed publican party attempted by 'ill ofle'r of coal', lion withDeittocfats,ith save.. their', party, and .secure a poi lien of the cifliees.' woe 're :Need honest masses; and the geirtlernen nominated . at•. , the Dearc.ciplic Ceti vention, as.the 2 only opposition; t'i'cket.''t'i'cket.''These .. gantlet - fie:l are known to be writ thy the entire confidence of votets ot of eliar aci<if and,oid rebidents,•:Who have the'inte'leeti Of the count ry.•at react', etnf'not feckless adVen - . tifeis, who hive no object'bufro promfie own elide regardless of the IneOns:.used, . • : ..IIAssELAS Warrsn, who ;Wan rec.. otri'l'nernljd idrthe office'of . Pr . esiderit Judge, Is ale , .ver of aulino...yledged: abuttiiand. univer: sally respected as honest, 'uptight man...—. repres'ented '.VreKe.On'county in the legiStature:Seyeral years , att , Lrecontly as:Jtidgn by eppoiritinent, .during caticr caused by the: death of .lid t te 1 ".\1 : r; li. is u Deinderit, but hes rrot-trringled.in 'party strife lately . , and Id respicis;erni• 1101,11 y qrarilied . fur flint iniFdrt nit; statiott. 7 Tlideel.r•liering,as we do,.thrit-,p;litics.Outtli njt.be . .carried itito their' votes ,for Mr.lirl;,.vri with tine - conecioesnes.f,thr t.• it efecied.slxiel. jos:ice w , fl be di,pers.cif without regard to "fear or tenor." " • . • , Die. W. Y% AfeC;.l-, who is :brie of the ea adi 'dates fur Associate' Jud4e, Iris spent, the entiNe l,us.e : ess ii..,rtt:on Irs Jr.'l etilor,g ua, and fcir a 1 nu,olterof years•visit.,.leVP . ly 'vitt of the euiiri 2 ty...int the Practice:of ,brs professidn: •1 7 ot bon est:,• pod sit:ere:less:ol jterPose' Le . •is'a lawie re : .. ied.ever ,• lo•Vws thdr hrS iat epriduetrarely unf Ltse,l. ^-* GALLCP, I Ve of the one ' the* (:peo . ple," oriJ•thoug!t he is fl has never been ktiov.;flBs out 'ail :0111',:';, ,stekes; and has gliont hie life in I;ahl d'allgr, L}' which 1i1,9tr . 18 he Inks' a c,citiiieJ.a c - crnp , t..:llcc.,-- elect , d6ririt.y in I!150, which he -tor thtett.yeals, (liltit'S odd my. ~ x poct xpre - i, by vote:4 d , ! , 11' ,. tli itare ' birrr.;ic. t he p,Jsit c. NT 1 , e .111)1 Ira:ti;i iii,A w!roso sok't on) the abas'el oh tI 42' runt,spnici'w . ullicr 11li•h , qr1 111 lettil2, - Qt:.,l rltJ, til'idgos• ; Mr. R110y,:li ; i7111 . !Cli•I1111 . ; the ntnirnei. in w 0u".4 . 11t In.he rocs as• n.v:4l ns the lure., islrci ',),:.11 I- b.e pool. In pr.o opt, bus'oit!..s tvnt.tl4 •1 h a t I h„. lit?rtti of, I , POIIII :4111?1Y1' .\.llli, he occur,'" d. that st.ifion: As for' pat' int neverboi.6l.lunkted, hiscour.lryatenlitntishiitg ne,rrly, h if of Ilrr Unton:lorces nu".‘ in the ty,..compertency, loyalty ore Ivor,thyOrntrAtion we,expeotliini.to'br2' elected I y an'o%'er.Whe.l.l): int.; ,• •• -•-• •. • •-•. • Ph. iisc•-i• ATrORNEY, S. r. I hi; tor ttiat ottiiiic. 11. r. • il.-11.14 been entrusted by with flfi r 'office. tufa by thi•..fi.leliiy'nnd proniPtntist, %viiitch ha h.ie rllsclrnr~rd` hit. dot logetber with liiiiSnsvitVirtf.manner, bits' endeared hyniseltito the v,olersi aivair an opportunity Jo. testily apprecia . tion crlits srviree, tiv•nikihg'tlieircOntinnaoce, 1713.1.'nfacc 'is one or'tropYrtance. as all criminal pitiseciittsas are framed' tv. this nifice.r and Is . as the pc , ,Plo 'weft "knove,'bV cirpertence, liable to great abuse. ,Mr.'Hydes• . atta.rnnients as a Dwyer, fit 111[1 . 1'16r the• clutie's statim;. .We'hai•e: no fears - of the verdict. Coltozrer...44l. G. L: Go:Altsts Wks chosen for that. °Moe', The evidtdete fa,' got resided in T . nr tc.my tunny yearsq..and is not ftlerefore . , es 'widely UN - 0:t burs cie tiiieet.. is important thie.oflieere services ate te. , quireclaf an inquest, that he he , m t ; q : i s aypen*Wilyin, thoroughly educated.as a• physician, 41;14. those that heliremploye,thii4. cati testify to hie.olll;'.'its . . well at reiitlea*ali: ••• . • AU DI roR • JOHNSON,ba*Ii4 III ' nifiedhis wish to with4ra'w; etwitisto!bielaser !;vilich,woutd conflict witty. tfie•proper &shirts of:its:duties, Ceatral Commute have lab... the: list - rm . of JOHN . . G. Boris' for this Tho'offito of county Auditor:is . par Alf' the moat important, as the:entire Pointy I/hit. blinsell)ChlS are . .to bu ettperrired by. thatiboard. My. Buyer : is Well qualtfitut for the pliefi t ?and . will felthfully d!seharge.his duty."" . • . Aes s D R.Etekrcir, of Ellt. eon- - ty, is every way qUatifird'for•the station. ,The Dr.'is not an office 'seeker,- Vat, wail thii untani• 'mous choice of the Deinocracy . of that- comity. sod atthongh,-Itis.election would he kpecuallary Is tn comply' with the , - wliktois 01 his ft tends:and-eerie' them ItiSthst 'rapacity vet:y . .peintlar in his own county; ind will 'receive !fie entire vote' of the' Democracy Ot . . Gs6rtok ZEIRPER.,: Of Jefferson i. with. Itnow'ti in:the :district; and his vialtille . atloosi have•tiove(beCtioulleit.in questi4n. wan of the OcO/sle,,hal ser. ' v'ed"th,emin thi lag ialeture twoterns; to the'entirolittsfitst Of bib eonstitusnzs, and will cio ao ijoiltrto thi manifest interest of the citizens of this district• :' Of tbe••tippolition lira woad ass 'thiik.they are'' gentlemen` whom.we oersonelly 'esteem, withouyilikiep thin. We ‘...isti'tizisay.. rintliine : againatl4em. perionally..... The' 'only 'objection we'. can urge . ' against their eleclionts:thet thelr-line of penny WhiFli . we . believe they ere honest—has al4; ready resulted in 'untold, , .eVil' to 114 a cOuatry.. ani will continue' if persisted.ii, f . We ask thit. people to cast their .vetee . inlet •thettf-.frond tit's best olnoti yes; to show the WOW that a mijurity of :piir . people tire still : for the' ynion; and the, cunititution, 'end - a - restoration-Of .the governrnr9t to : its legitimate fouctiOns; that of pretecting the whole licople.. • • Forthe Lekialure, - the' Republicahe..have • lioMiheted end B. Mcg.nnally: A Ithou i•;;h .vve r • esteem rMr...Wilcon.perionallyi we tmoat prates( igaiJist his-electton. The ran . - tire ot i lilling our Oubliaolflc.es•vrith: men. who a re: tyilliug to escrifice every principlelplice • end et tion been 'an evil which . w it hoot' too soon :legialathr . ft .131 • the past has been a , di . estrtice to the State, especially 'tile last McEnnally,, ele intOrtned,•,was ut.one timai anti lett the party when he supposed, his peri., siival interest coati! be advanced thereby. It ie. ledS}''..nottgli calling 'men' trattcirs; l- but how can the. people 'endorse' I he loyalty et Olen .whe betrayThair party . forno otherreesoit Pro:nore theirperavnal - interest.' • " Drafting "There ik a goOd . deal . .a.!tld hereabout. prow th e Arrobstrilit lea. of the' neeessity• of draithii. men To carry orr this war. .We should not.. be trail 5111irriced' if rhis :courfie ohould become. ucci , scayy. The prohibit ion . Of puhlicttion urrhy irrO'vernerits try the government Induces' riltrry , to hnilr'thu t• tie have men :enoUgh, but ;y e t, p i,t th e fart.' • The. twenty three.thoui-: 'and hir the r, , ,ottlar army aro.romirig' fry vay• slowly-, arid theic is no doubt that the Govern e rireirt still neerla two hundred .thousamErnen s -= le4yr.ol:The: rrie,itnchts Ashich are counted is full, lock die regular ertny complement. By butlutgent, portion of those . wlio have . voltin. tieredprir wiir me from the iron,: .minini my; ntanol.irturing districl, and meehanteisod y.o r hor. 4 'onni' horn towos and '.tor rot;il not se . en.ilri' relish tho . idea' I,l!,:ir.lOrirke for . three 'years or.while 111'...wat Salt,. • It is not likely that: drattini fin . ' up, our eta to Fi.4 . 1111Pi11.9 • WIII be . : necresary for "one li ‘e to rq tir.,tiut still:people.rnay . as ivell..be for , itwheu it ,dn'es come. The coon, try!icauie . tn ,. st be ',placed before 'all. personal; )n.t•erets, a nd a'4 the .cii ins . have hitherto borne the 1,,,6;i0i,t bat (bens of this' wnr,'.botht. inmon al;dinunt , y', we call upon_ ibefarrriint dietriets for üblre Thereare: plenty. of reg, imetlim under 0,00,d comniands. ker. to be filled.—. Thu .1V informer, that - Y. J.1111'..S (who lies . lieen appointed Col- Preiiteilt with ihe approval of the (;i)vo, nor rif Pone s.•ylviriiiii) authorized to raise 9 1 4;a , .1‘. to cmiAist pi not less that/ Owl/W.. • • To•liwilit'ote thi! said Regi i,ltiant lielllol. beim . allt.iwed to . e4tOlish . s . Camp n ., 4 ( 111tp tin,dnn, It plPniaii(tovi , iron the Penn. oinety/Miles . ' *rest where . crinw.nowenotiglOolorni Ccybilleteßegiment have . already: r . , f )o, reit 'fay. serrice, 'lthough•Gen, James • di.l hot V . tt Is tents t his Quarter: Master.. th . e..0th ..1 jnat.-: •.. Wo also lo . nrn.th . 4t• Finn. C:11: Curtis in eon . - aoennn with . nther:i.v.nilemen of iills.Ccionirk,ie annta to raise n ItogiMent ;in I Califs will taice',iiie commend.— Au 60, this new•Roginie'rt,.as'bistliAliat and - the'Brig , VIA IQ vi . llic hoiAched,,will'be;',eorti in.ir.ileil by- Warren Cniinty .men, the soldiepe will h ava.lriende, at :head quarters. •w 46.010111 'ee'e 'that- waiite' are *, • : • • . . . . • • The Wesmond'Esiirhiner, ay I . 011t:3d Di airy 11 AS so fa r rk.' s ov . ereii from his reetrtylOrqa, llitl.aß9 as to be able to take an ikiriailoalldiSt. day Sept.. 7th, in zi;car ria 'nate saritirs* williataSlS a IPA pis Bankers to inb !int' . f.h,f l ZlP•i4 llll and even to extent of $A0174100.0460A41:-,:41:1," EIMM