M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, September 28, 1861, Image 1

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VOL 3.
• .
fillican"LSountio . Oentocrat,
By J. 8..
$1 50 in Advance
. - . .
•c• Rates .of .
• ; Oolnnin one 00
1 . months., . ....... . 00.
One agitate or 12.1ines or leis, 3 .. .... 150.
EaCh subseqiient' i 25.
'Business Cards, with Miner ..... :. spo
Rule or. .sgure work Will. , be double. the_above .rates.:
Twolvelhies liree.ioi,type, or eight" Bees. nonpareil, is
rated a squire.. • .•
.Thomi Terms will bo'ntrietly-adhered
' _
Bit.01105:-:... piiictpol_,
.. -- .
~•• .'• . BENNETT HOUSE,., .: .
.81'nethport,.MICean C 0..: PA:- •11.8, , MAso:N; .Proprietor
—4.pposito.tho Court noose.. A ney, lariei cunnuodi
• .om and pulll furnlabe4 hUU9O .••' 1 . ' • " • '
• ' •
.. _____ ___ •
• - •. .-:' GEO. H. HASON,• : • :-. • •
..• • -
Dealer in Stovea,Vin . Waie, Jitop al W
aMare',. &e., west
side of the' Dahill; Squdre: SmellipOrt, l'a. Custom
wqrlit.done to order on the shortest notico,stnd in - the
, • most substantial manner. . ... ''
' ...
' '
. ..•
Da'....741. A. SPRAGIJE would respectfully announce t the
": citizens of,Sulethport and vicinity, that be • lin., • (160
up an office, and Is prepared in: attend to all business
.• In his profession, .Artiflolal teeth %Inserted upon sci
entitle. pri harpies, and sous to:preserve the nidural,est•
• pressiminf.the face All Operation's in Dental Sargery
'done•ln a akillfur•nianner.- ';
. . -
- ..
, •.A. S. NOURSE. •-• , " •
• . .
Dealer in Storea,•Tin Ware,,Janpaiied Ware, •Sco., west
end of
,the Public Square, Smetlaport,-Pa.• Custom
work done to order outhe' shortest notice, and In the .
- 'Most substantial manner, • • ' '' ~ ' ' ' ' •
• • -•'• -.• OLEAN HOUSE •.
A. F; nAnn, Proprietor; Olefin, N. Y..; Omnibus..runs
to.and,from the New York and Erie Rail Bead.' -Stake: ,
t(or Smethport and Cerem , . • '
• ~ .
—• .. .- HYDE HOUSE;• .- . •• -
3.2 - , Oseimina Proprietor. Ri,ll.ta'ay, Pa. Thin.llntel is
,nste atulfarnielied in incelein style: has ample aenin7 .
'iundations, anil is, in all respeeta; a First class Hotel. '.
. . Ilidgwly, lilk Co. Pa... May tit ;1,00 -- • • • -,
. , - ,--.--. ,
. ,
- . • •' . ELDRED HOTEL,, -• • :. '• -
.Joni Wstai Proprietor! This liocse. is situated • half,
.w*,77 between. Smethpert. and Olean. A e puvenient
an cotnutedieui hotiso, iittentire and obliging attend
anti., and low. prices... ~ •• : • :.' ••• ', ' • •
' Eldred,Mayl7;.lB4o. , ••• • . •
• .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
.. • . A.. 130: IfkIILIN,. • .. . .
. . . .
surveyor, Vrattsrismn .Confeymicer, .111: a i 'Real 'Estate,.
?I‘geet. :81tiethport, NPfican.aotOdY,P: •
. .. ~ .
- ---
• - • : WILLIAM iiILIC.rN, • ' • .
... . .
IPrattieit noel:Min, 'Millwright, thiilgo-boilder,, Ao.i,
. , Port Allegherry, M7Keon.connty; Pa l - - .
. .
, • • J. L BROWN, •'.
DiiiirTSSIAN:COS:V EV.0.6 . 11 and Heal ,
Ritate Agent; Wilco; WilliainAvtilo,.El k
• • • .:—lteriLeticE3-..- •
& Boyle, ii;ooi,;
: lion. Thomas Stfuthorc",
Ilroicocll, 'Ecq,,
• .
"fi X. 13Annun Proprietor. 43e•re‘ Pa., This lionse le fitted
• rip in subqtantlitl and eninfortable. xtale,
tentlon will be paid by the proprietor tn• tbe ennifort
,and tact° of his Guests' •• ' June 3. I§6l.
.•. . • •
•. • FOBES 'HOUSE; •
• .
Fronting the Public Square, Olean. N. T. JAUF:44 M.
• lbEtt.t.srt.ltroprietur. • the Vette' , Ileuseds:entiony De,'"
••,,,nd• built of brick. and "is ip modern ,style.
ho' proprietor -11a,ters Itiolsolr that his ,weeintuodu
. Muni are not mirPagsed by . any hotel in Western N
. York. ,Carrittu'es rin'to alai trim the pren•Yerk
• - • ... . .
• - - . BI.RQN , D: HAMLIN; ..
• . .
AT:TOIiNR4 :ki. Lotr, Sinktiport, M.'Kenitt County', PR.
Arent for M,qqr... Kent to.( ,‘, 00'0 I..ii.nt,i, Mte,,,i:
viipeobilly to. tho Colluirition. 01' Cl.tinis: li'xankiittion to
Land Titles; Ititjment 01.,Titt.0 4 , - and 01l linsinnsB rely
•tioi to Reiit Itlitate_
. 011tiie, in Ittinlin 'flock.
. .
Attorney4nd Counsellor at
County, Pu.. .entrifstel hk cure . for the.
• . ounti - e4 of l'illlfisitn...Potfer and Elk will be. promptly
'attended to. Office iii the Court .11ouse,-secouil floor.
_ _
'•• DR. L NVINE f
Phyiacian and.,Sui•gCnn, ltinetkpo rt. Pa, Will attend t
profeasionai call4.wittt itromptnetts. Office in tklrt
well r • r Block, second • . '. • .
. .
• . . ---
.- .. • • --.... • THING ' f t MILLER,' , . • .. •
.. . .. ...
yholecale end Retril 'Lealerc in Stnple /nil Fancy.. Dry
Goode, Carpetingi.Reedy. Made Glutlliiii, and . General
.Furnlching Ontide; Loots end hoes. Well and
4c. c, 'At . Oleimi:lsl,...Y. - '-''
• - •
JOHN C: BACKUS,. • • • •
ItAttorney and Coonmellor.‘t Law, Si-n. 41111014, 111 , E.4.0n Co
• Ps. .Willitttend.to all hasjoe.ol i,a his profoimiori in the
.countieg of X'Kettn, Potteen:rot.Pll(.. Offige over
Sartwell Sc Itrothorg , Store. ; . •
, .
- . .
. . ~
. • . • • lIACKNEY . HOUSE, '..
40rnor of SOcand and
. lriborty streetni,Wirren Pn. n'
It, TlAnnon, Proprietor. .TraTelnrs'ivill. Mid:gong lin
oommodationn-nnd rensiinablO'dluirgnn. -,
• ' —
LAIL ABEE' s - TioTrai •
L.ta anis, Proprietor,7-Allsghpny'llo4,4,,.
Co', Va... This haus(' is situved.ittiopt..aine mil's from
Smetfivrt 'on the road' to Olean ; awl trill be round a,
eonienieet stopping - P*°, •''
;13y I'. Geonwtn. ThishunsAlssitnatedshootAvemile
front Smethport on the taied to Olean. 'Pleasure eartie
and °thou; cap be acconimodAtwl on the sliorteßtsotice
• . .
•• • W, S. BROWNELt, - • '
Dealer In Dry Goods, Greeerleis, Greelcery.'ware
- orits,'Sheee, Date, Cups, Gloss, Nobs. Oils, ,F c.,
of the Public :Square, Stneth pert. Pa:
. .
5111ppen, 'tI , AVXPORITiIi HOUSE, ..' ..
A cornmodionn.nr 1 ,,
ei ~ P. N. L . . RYIER pme•or
, Pro •• .•
- hmi taaveleen will find l..e,, ru ipa n 'd t,,,4,„0., Strange re ,
• • • • . PORT .ALLEGAltri>"!latione. .
,plNoolllß.Doct.sr, Proprietor', nt Porr. • .
. KOMI aunty. Pa. This hotel •19 al t tinted n , .., m ..,
thin .o (Jaunty.
the Srciothnoit 'lied Allegany River 10aa...,,,;: -
.' . iiiiles et.pt.oT Sinethport. , .
-..14311ET11P0.RT, Co. , ' - Pa., •
WM. MASKELt ..:• : ..Proprietor.
'ThiaAcne° islr,elL , calculated for the accommodation'
of the Travelling •
having rocently boon repaired
and reniodeled. Gooddiarna and atablea. Charges rea
sonable. '.Btagia for Olean, Bliippopaudllitig wa y .
grflotriport;' July 2,1800. • .• • •*- ,
• • •
• . TO Those' Interested' in Mining..anc ,
. . • :•• . Mineral Lana: • • .• .•• . •
A: ilititnES ottorshitt'seiribes for the molts&
W. nom of ineral tianiiii iri-Nt'Kpan. and I`.llc, 'coUri.
ttes, end *lll stveltls optuloo - se to the 'OLLIE OF
lata3, •&e.. Thoie onsitglng: his syrrvicimi will' recolvp
an necessary awl reliable iiiitortilstloir): ' Residence :ante
.Bunker Hill Mines, . . ' j„/"' ' • '",
Sergeant, Minoan Co:, Jane 3t1,1659: .. •..
Arlyamtv4T-LAw;.Emotllpoit; C0., , T5... Col
.... —•„• .
Disiolution of the Retablican Party
The Ttepubliean . leaders, some tinf&agth'se ,
Cretly resolved .to 'disbands their organization.
The .Members of Congress and. the leading
tiembeis of the . Cabinet realized
. ,
bility of maintaining .stieh an organization. It
was incotnpattbla with' any vigorous prosecu
tion of the , war,.(unless by turning:it intii.ati
abolition cruOdo,) and•its mere existence was
. fatal.to •all hopes of :a re-construction of .the
It was resolved t therefOrei . to disband
the organization, and abandon the name of “Re
publican" • •
The 'Republican - members. of Congress, it
Seems; met and resolved that as :a. Party, the
mission of the RepubliCans Was . ful fi lled; and
that it was time
. for :one of - thoSe periodical
changes of name and platform arid organization
- which that political combination has, Prow time
to time, been compelled undere,o;
In a letter which Joshua Giddings has-ad-
creased 'to 'Ex.Governor. Vance, of Ohio,fie• cx
posei what he evidently .regardsus secret
p10t..0l the' Republican . leaders. We. quote the
narrative, portion.of his letter: . •
• It.is little more then four years since the on :
ganiz.ation of our Republican alliance,` and,
than ten•mooths .sinee - thelelection of our:Pres..
'irlentlipa'n the verY:.dOetrines Upon Which'lthe .
Union was founded. ; , • .
At:a moment; , apparently ..more important
tharrany other in our history; we. are.:callcd
to turn aside'. front the btipport of, the war now.
raging; . l6 form 'a' izetu'politieal party, eban ! .
don'the Administration Whom we have .eleeted .
the:pnnciples.ori'which the . Union - was founded.
and unitein. a view politteid
organization, with
out'avowino.atiy •causefer so extraerdinary
. a
Movement, or usSertingUny principles. or' furi...
damental.truth : es'thebasis of this new.party..
This movement' is said to: . have originated
with members of Congress, 'Who united •in
iecommendatien . to our State 'Committee go
call'n'o. Rejitiblican . Convention. These mem
hers' Of'Congress , did not- form the. Republican
prgardiation, nor were'they elected . for the pur
pose'ofdisbanding •• ••. • ..
Silence in - regard. to fundamental frtithsfwas
thee:the' Order of the Whig null Democratic
parties, and, it is to he, in this third'party about
to be 'formed. . •
After reciting'. the action of-CorigresS, and
particularly. the resolution that focaptuting'and
sending, beck 'fugitive, slaves constitutes no part
;of the duty otrnilitary officers or soldiers," Mr.
(TyldingS goe's on to.sayi ' , •
Thua were the efforts of the 'F.:xecutive.para,-
lyied, an&when the . friends of the Administra
tion, in Congress offered:a resolution Approving
the action of the PreSident, it - was given the
. _ . . .
. -
go-by r and that body adjourned without strili
in a legislativei blow at the t•anse.of s,cesion
or taking one 'step towards wipink out that din- .
grace of otir•.Natieri whioh has..dval
drenched our
land in fraternal .blood. And as thy •rPtired
from Congress, they united in. reconinion;ring the
disbizmring.Of the friends who . cl",clod thin: to of
jice4ilie surrender of the principles on . u.lq: . clp they
were elcoted—anpl thaPinestsit'le in. a cnagloaciate
NV,lereq, Pa,
PuOtin: yteta.:
. • . .
party n , ith slave-catchers and those who .have set
our doctrines at 'defiance.
Theyassign' no' reason. for this . ext rUordimiry
movement except the .assurance that is nee
essaty..to get up a new political par t y, to in
crease the ntlmber.of partierri in order io dispel
party feellkg from the public Mind (a sequence.
not vet); Clear' to my understandinv..y ••. •
The. effect of this movement c . amMt be mis-
. ,
taken... It - is an attempt to Change front in face
of the eneiny;unUclinowledgment that We have
been wrong.. 1t is a total Surrender of otir.nres:'
tige.of PalitiCalsuccesstlt Is „ worse. than a
crime, it fs•rt it.olittcal.blunder." Tpacknowl , ,
edge that the, war,:on our part, Is noi a:wat for
"noire, for lilterty,; o l/.c'human rights, fora all
that. matt hOlds dear in life would
. simplylb to
adykeotir peciple.no longer to enter..thp milita
ry serviee. „Tor intelligent laborers at the free
States willonly 'volunteer:to maintuin the prim
ciples'on which. the.Uninit was fountled,lwilli
out which it were Worthless. is theiefore
with deep feelings . that-I•give it as ,ro.oninion,
thatif we . abandon the Administrattnn, and
the doctrines on Which it was erected, the dis
sUlution of the Union must. inevitably fellptst
Indeed, I
.think it now too - late. to r regain. the
high moral position which wn:held two Weeks
. .
The pusillainity of Congress has lost us the
sympathy.of'other, nations, ond paralyzed•the
confidence of Our:army and,cif the people, and
if the adVicenow giken by that body
,be car . .
ried out, mustyesult in ttie permanentdissnfii
tion of Ihe And if the rebels Stie.ceed . ,.
they will orve their triumph to, the inefficiency
It were.harilly•prepey for me to, tigaest — the .
course Which ,I think our friends should adopt,
finder theie circuinStanees, as I shall not be
with them in the coming, carimaigh,
.and could
not participate:in if if . present; .But were I'to
acti , ,l should, certainly invite.those who adhere
re truth, liberty, justice, as the only proth;rlba; .
sis•of governments and parties,-, to stand firmly
. on'that doctrlne, and to vote,lor.no man toany
office 'who has not,the'rnoral and pelitical.cour-
age to avow . his honest convictions. •- • ' • •
• While we attaCh no •ether importance to the
opinions of Mr. Giddings; than .as he is the
at.;a7ii c6l(erlei 'of the' Republican Party; we.give
fall credit to..hirn for the facts he vouches tor.:.
We accept, therefore, with full credit, the .as- -
seition that the 'Republican members of • Coo;
gress,• before adjourning, resolved-on diasolving
their party •and adopt a new name and platform .
We understand that they hesitated between
the appellations of “the American party," (40p;
der which they might , find alliances • With the
oath,) or "the 'Union. party," under which
Union;eht hope to rally all those•friends of the
' Mae*. v;are led' by. the promise'of a name.
we rejoice that•.r. name . .?rganized,. however,
Black Republican or,;natty is Al , "irceed the
last five years, * has soughttion . ,yaiis.--for the
by dividing it, and has at Ina jacceeded be-.
yond its , expectations and to its 'awn disitay , :
Sewer s
better that the Repu . blican arty hatlnev,i
' er existed, - ''(was the substance of 11r. Sewer s
remarks a few. months' age' at Ilh'shingt i)
i f
than that its first and 'last triumph should .4 1.
the coat of the, dissolution of the-Union ' af.
ciVil War:" ' . And yet its first.and idsti mPly
has cost this• much; and. ,cest . .besidee ) 'Own
existence! . , ~, . : •
.. t- . i . •
. -The Republican party was -organ
five year's. ago:.. It, assumed to be
party, end. proclaimed - . its •hostilit
"twin relics of Inirbariam, poi gam
ry. The. 'asatitription of national juristlictiop
over State: offences, arid Of. matters of cop-
science and of internal, governaient, was :the
.chiercharacieristie will chief offence of the par
.:And yet it curried rpOst'of the States of
xhe North; anA would have . been . saceeistul,rbut
fOr the reaistanee of New Jersey and Pennsyl
vania.. The latter' State it tarried, last year,
by a secret pladge of giving to its peculiar -in
duitry, protect ive tariff of . a prohibitory na
ture.: In that contest it abandoned' its polyg
amous tqw:in;'?.as-it: is now: ready to part with
its negro infant, to'Whose nurture it pledged its
maternal bosun.: :rlt has woo - power .and:riat
raring° beyond its expectations, 'and it; no ion-.
ger cares for the means by which , it a.ehieved
. .
• Hypocritical and inconsistent as ell thismay
be in the politicians who have concerted it,•viie
rcjoice,•for the sake of the. country; that they
have resolved, upon it.. The Repolilinen party
hat fulfilled 'its mission. Let it go dnwn..to
darknss and-night, andlet thoiri . . who organ
ized it'pray• for the doom of Oblivion'also..
I.'he:snake sheds its skin,•but not its 'nature
or'its venom. The name . of th e organization
'will be .chatiged; and its.course and - o•itensible
purpci.se'. But it will still he malignant,. and
crawling, nnd . ; slinly, and..tortuous i and 4ucti
'that the he'nl.of man iu instinctively raised. to
Democrats who rejoice ;et the voluntary sal
eidp.of the, party : will , be tempted to . hasten It
1:011: and' to. assist in We can aPpreCtati the
itreMtth or the temptation, and realize that
many 'Democrats will, (or the moment, yield to
• •
. But there is a higher duty fOr therir, and an
'allegiance which, now in the midst of OUT:• diffi
culties, they Should••cling to more earnestly
and-with more 'deVotion than•ever., Arid all
these'ephemeral and 'decaying organizations,-
how cornmandingly and cnnoblingly standa.fo'rth
the Old National Union-loving and Union sup
porting Democracy—the only, party'theteVer
suecesaftillY maintained , war, or secured hotip-,
ruble peace! No.patriot is ashamed et associa,
tion With it.,,:Hiitory will not 'trace upon its
record the guilty responsibility of -these-disas
ters which now impend upon'the 'country.' It
has no criine upon iti'soul that has to bewaSh
ed out by *suicide.. It lives,; and. all 'good men
ask' that, it may.live to protect still the' Consti
tution era restore again the beloved. Union of .
.the States. r '
.• Let the events, which are now sweeping be
fore them. the ephemeral faetiops . of the day,
moVe.on, They have their.appointed course.
'There are diSsolving organizations more impctr
tant'than the'Republicrin party, and shaping the
destines of communities as well as of political
cliries. But they, have broken, thus tar, in
vain against the rock of Democracy; and when
the storm is over it will' uplift its head again,
and upon.it will descend the Ark in which stir
vice the' hopes of National . resurrection and the
reconstruction of our Repubiic.—A/bany Arg£l.s.
The Kentueki'L egislatuxe
. The. Senate .passed the joint
. resolution' from
the House yestertley,.directing the Governor to .
demand 'the* withdrawal of ,the Confederate
troops from the State by a .vote of 26. to 8;
• Senator Cissen tO'day offered ri•joilit resole.'
tion 'requesting the Governor to urge upon both
the Federal, and Confedet . afe . , authorities,:-the
immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all
the' troops placed bY.Cither party on 'Kentucky
soiil.• This lies over Onn:i 4 ay... •
Mr. Huston to day. reporteita . bill to .puniSh
rebellion in the State. :It was made the spec
ial order for to . rmirrow.: , •.• • •
• .
A'he bill'
will 'make it felony to:, - .aid . the War .
by :enlisting troops.by 'the rebels,-or inducing
any one. to do se, or by jorning or : parading
with Oily 'company- with- the intent' to' join the'
. _
Yfte irivaiion.ol.Kenfucky by ally citizen as
a, Confetierate soldier is punishable by.death,----
This act to fiti frilo effect, in ran 'days, apd.will,
not be apitlicablelio.' those who, returtr,ro their
allegiance within. eixrydayS. • . •
' . .
Union MeetingeinPortlar
lii,p6rshatice of rinblti netice; meeting of
citizens •or .Portland, Elk county,.' without
distinction of party; Was; . held on IVedneed4
evening, the ;Ith inst ;•'at the. Store. room - of
Breeden & Co.i whereWpoir the' following'
officers . We're, chosen; . • • • •
President—Col: ; . A.• '
Vice Presidents—L. if: Parson, 'Wm.. if.;
Bunker,' John S. fqatt, • Charles J3itlilwin,
N..D.jaclisoi),Win. - .Leahy., Jr. , Julia Ariner.
Secretaries—R. P.- saltsindit, Hiram Warner.
The object of the having been stated .
by, the President, the fUllowing :committee 'on'
resolution's were alipoinie.d: Wm., Garne . tt, -
Hiram Carman, Joseph Tanbin;JohnC. BrOwn,
Henry L. Dunmire.: • •'• '
Several Mit riotic 'speeches were made during.
the evening; when, the Yellowing-Resolutions
werepresente& by the
,Chairmp.ii, and were
tinanimouslyadopted'Aly the conventicip: •
Resolved, That we cordially. er.ilorse :Gen..
John Cr. Fremont's proclamation of 'Martial law•
iri the State of Missouri believing'tbat in so
doing he. has"shown himself equal to' the oceas
ion ; and that. it will afford security:to • the- per
sons' and.primerty:of good and ..loyal citizens;
and to iroiftors, death and- confiscation. •
ResOlved, Tbdt. In the struggle '.t6 maintain
our NatiMial e•icistenee;We are . for -snpnOrting
the government, and do not stop to who
administers it. 'We 'see no .neutral position to
occupy'.' 'ivho- is not, - for
• country is
againStit; and <' hoover is not - preparedto.sse-:
r.i . fice part:) , 'organizations inid platform's . on 'the
alter, of his•cpwritry, does not deserv,e the sup
port of honest. people." • . •
Resolved, That the resolutions passed, by
the. representatiVe convention held'. at
Mary's in this Counly, meet with
disimproval... 'They misrepresent .not only
sent. .-IVe ineratore
our skirts of the - odium and treason connected
,That the prOceedings of this Meet
belitihkished. in the'' Elk Coontit Advocate"
and other impers•of
_this Representative . Distriet.
r . A. I. WILCO.,C, Presideht.-.1
. .
, .
• It Jett: Davis..was asked' bow' he feltaboui
these times he would iirosbiy
rto those
nd slave.
FRAN:!:VORT ; Sept. '2,-18.61
... The :11elegates to. the Democratic. Conven
tion or.M'Kean County Met . .pursuant:to call of
the. Committee," at the 'Bennett liouse,. in
Smettipoit, on Monday the intli.dayol Sep
temberrfor the
. po'rpOse of placing. in nomina
tion Gounty Officers and transacting stick other
. bitstness as.inightbe . hroiight before it, • and
nits orgnnised irj. calting . .SosM.it Mottfic to the
Chair, anit . choOsing Wit.KlN . Secretar}r.
The following persons atipeared and after an
examination of credentials, were admitted:as
.BelloWs, NV. .Pendleton.: and
Hugh Brodley. ' . • • .
• Bradfo;d?--W: Button; . Chas. Young, and'
Michael Hearn's. • ••• . • , • . •
Ceres,—.Q. Mosher,, Joseph Morse,..and.
Oaryddit,—Ni:r iattendance..
Dennis and C: 6:-Ato9f;s.: - •
• ,A.vn,ition..M. N. powell, Blow;' and
E. B. I..ibbey.
• .. .
• Ilamlin,—Orren . Perry, .J. F. Pattison and
Tyler,-11:• B. Barrett , and
Daniel. Forsyth.
Libeity'A. M. BentoO, - A. B; Arnold ntid .
• .. '
Lafayette. F.. Tidd, W. Bullock.: and J. :11.
.Mitvieh,—J. B. Kiinball;. and
• . Otto,—No attendance.'' • .
Sergeantr:—J.• :B. Lucas . ., ; P. Barnes and L.
Sotetlip9rt,G. W. Bart Well, S. A. Backus
and John C. Hamlin.; , • - • •
Wetagore,N,o attendance.
Oriototion.it Was agreed' that a 'committe of :
one 'delegate frOm each Township .be appointed
by the Ghaii,..to prepare. RlThutions - expiessiv.e
of. the 'vio . i.s . :Of this; Cotrvention; •Whereupoa
the • edllOwing gentlemen . were appointeJ;
Wilkin, Wm...pui-fon; J. C. Hamlin;
B;dillett, C. - C. Moses, Oren PerrY;
N.. 'Powell,. deo: Tyler, Wm . : . Bullock, J,
Lucis.and' C. BelloWs.:.
. 'On motion a committee of. three, consisting,
of Messrs. ,. i . irriold, MOsher and Dennis,' were
appointed to wait upon the. Republican Con
v'ention, now in 'session in the Court Ifottie,.to
receive their Proposition in accordance with
a resolution adOpted 'by that Convention,on
-Sept. grid, to unite on a ctirnrrion ticket. for
County offices,' tribe Supported it the ens.uiug
electtou. The;epinmittee reported pre-•
'sewing the proposition of the 13.epublican.Con
vention,which, after due cOnsideration by this
tonvenilon, was respectfully declined; 2
-the committee on resolutions now reported
the following, which were unanimouslg adop
. .
.. . . .
' Resolved; That we adopt the:following, be.
inc a part o(the resolutions passed at the:Pent- .
oeiatic ConVention, held "at "
.Syracuse o n the .
dth 'Of:Septernber inst. • : *. -, :. , - - . '
'ResviV,lfi, That in this crisis: the watchword
:should phss through the Pettiocratic,rariks,'eab ,
* ling thetn together, rind sonsolidu ting,.. them in'
one erect and determined . trals, in the defence.
Of .Our imperiled - Ceuntry,', is , the sentiment .of
'Andrewiockson , that the Uhionlrat'st and ,shalt
be preserved. , • We also adopt 'his .:equally. dui-
Portant assurance' to the aggrieved that their
cruses of, COmPlaiat.sh all be. redressed in'a-con;'
stitotional manner. - We'also: commend the fol
lewing spaSsitge from his farewell . 'address
' 'e It is Yell known that therehave always been
those nn . iongst us who wish, tb enlarge thet:.v
ers.of the' General Government; and °grim ience
would seen to inclicdte'that there is
.4 tendert.'
by 'on the part of this G!iverninetit' to overstep
lhe'boandaries marked out for it by thOconsti-'
tution. Its legitiirtite authority is abundantly,
sullicient for all the..porposes for Which it was
;crested; and its pewerß,being e , tpreisly enurn-•
„eratedi tit • re•chn be tlO juitification.for claim
:m -
ing yth ag beyond them': ' Every' attempt to
exercise,pitwer beyond ifins,e :di:Hilts .ShOuld.,lto
prerriptly and .fitmly : opnosed,' .yor one,evil ez
mnple•will dead to .other measures. still . more
mist:bit:yetis; and If' the : principle:of eonstroc-f
live powers, or supposedadVantages, or tempo
rory, cireurristames, shall ever betiertititted to'
justify thVassumption of a poveer,not giv,tarby
the Constitution, the General Got/eminent will,
before long absorb all the powers of legislation, ,
and . yOu will have, ip,cfrect,lbut one.consolida.
ted government.'','• i . .: .
. , Revived, That'the:.'claim of 'any State. or'
'Ottraber of States ore' right.to relinquish at will
their obligations and allegiance' to the Union'
has•no Warrant in' the Constlin lion—lS at war
with its letter and Spirit--is , incortmetible with
..gOod Government, aod•the preservation' of the
public faith; and the enforeetnents Of• thirtrea
ties; and ..whenever this pretension his been
advanced'' by. seeessionists North or South, it
-his 'heed resisted and' defeated by, th ed)ertnic re-
cy:,..who have 'ever maintained, as they Bifida°,
that.secession is xevolotion. •' .. . ... :
• Reso/yid; Thi. we 'hold next in
.guilt to, the
factiOn which, nes risen in artns against ,the
country,, tioliticibus of the. North: who for
.years have organized and sustained a : sy'stetii of
agitation' tending and intending to 'alienatethe
different sections of the country; .and to stiz ;‘ u s a
between them an-ddrrepressible• 4--- - !.!1: 1ic I li it
ed upon'Oeir . :domestic institotion
te ic 'in the eni-
Was declared, eoold' only t e trai i n o 4 re orihe other.
""peAdkr , 94t ^ T lOa r liT re ins the duty Of. 08n:: -
gress;in the initiation'ofthis conflict; to have
encouraged the. loyal citizens of the South
ample guarantees of their rights, and by all just
and honorable coneessiOns(we believelt,tolie
itS duty now/while putting down rebellion With
armed, orce, to olfer to the ' loyal people of the
disaffected Stark the - remedy:ivhich the Consti;
lotion itSelf: provides for public grievancee,'S,
convention of all'the 'States for the-revision and
amendMent Of that. initrumentt. '•' .' .... -
. • - .
Ratulved, That the Democracy of this srat e
will sustain no writ nor countenance any,peac
- • .. • . . ,•
tending to•the Separation of these States, and
that they will .regattl any attempt 'to, peri?ert
this eon.lict for emancipation of slaves 11,f4ntal
toillAhehopes of the restoration of the Union.
.Resolved, _That is.the .dOtyof the ,'Adriiiriia
tiatiori, imitating. tha. patriolit' of the,:,
people, to . rthandon the •
narrow 'platform of tfic
ChiVagci Convention,•Which - stinds - dontlemned
by the 'suffrages Of nearly two thirds of the pen,
pie; arid.to step forth' upon the, broad platform
of the Conatitntion:• • • • •• • • . •-
. .
.• „ .
. Rese/veik - That the right "of fully, en fre ely
.calivassing the polici, and measures - of the Ad-'
ministration in power is essential to. a consti-.
tutional. grvernrneol; right upon. which
the pillars of our rennblic' rest and is denied oir
ly by:tyrants, To use the language'of'Daniel
WidiSter, i4lt is a homelfied 'right; a fireside
privilcge."• It has over: been - enjoyed in every
house; cottage and cabin hi the. nation:.
_lt is
*net to be denied in controversy:. It :is en Un
doubted es the tight ot breathing* the air. arid
walking on•the earth, ~ I t is aright to be main
tained in peace and war.' It • is Vatic!'
cannot be invaded without destroying conSti.'
tutiottal 'Hence;this 'light should he
guarded and protected by, the freemen of 'this
country.with a 'zealous care, 'enlesi they are
prepared for chains and slaiety." .
Re:vived That we , thank our:brave army iii
the; field, andpur navy upon the.seas; for the
noble devoticin and-heroic courage they : hove
.shown in rallying to. the defense of the country
in its bour of peril; and; we will not forget that,
it is ofir duty to protect them (rout- being the ,
sport and sacrifice, of politicians, who order hat
tles from 'ideas of political . necessity; or the
victims ef.contraCtors,..whe Make the peril of
the' country the occasionof general spoliation'
and specelation. '.• • ,
Reso/oid, That thellopes of the . country de
pend upon the unity and vigor of. the democrat;
lc partyin this Crisis. That a - deinoefatic
tory in this Stale Weald be hardly les . 4uspic:
loos to.the cause of the Union than the triumph
Of the federal arms on the field of battle. That,.
thereforeove hold those democrats •whodrorri
motive.s . Of ambition or .factiodeness, are .:,seeli;,
ing to 'divide and distract the party, as not on-
IY tteachereui to its prineiPies, but disloyal to
the country:. • . • • •.
On .motion . it was. agreed 'that 11/omit:As
Bitowis, of Warren, brs.rcsPectfutiy recommen
ded to the Judicial Convention of tkis.llietriet
suitable person for the office- of President
Judge: 1.4 motionA.-S: 'Arnold.; A. At ;ten,-
tOn and S. A.*. Backus be' the delegates. to. at•
tend judicial-conventior... ' •
The. Convention then proceeded to the nom.,
ination Cif
. County ofttees, When the -fiiliowing
. , . .
persons were seieeted, by acclamation; for the
respettive blitees. , • ... •• ;•
W. Y. , MoCic;* of Smethport, and
GAuuv, of.Hamiin, - AssOciate Judges... •
Arrnnau% Amu, of. Keating, 'Conimissioner
A. K. JourrsoN, of I;trad ford, Atirlitor .
fires, of Keating, Prosecuting Attie!
Dr. G.L. GOLTIIF.Y, of Liberty, Coroner.
•On motion the following gentlernen w,ere,ap
pointed a central County . , Committee tot
ensuing pear, viz;
J. C. Hamlin, Sdiethport; Liber
ty;:lf.. J. Barber, Ceres}. 'lsaac Millet 4,
P. • Barneti,•Seigedni; Shelderf:
Norwich; ; ' Corwin Bellaivs, A nn!n; • Francis
Titl(l, Lafayepef.Orren Perry, Hamlin; A. J.
Otto,'Keating; 13. Libby, Harniltori;'
ikinses 111tirCtl; ' • • . -
'On motion,',A...4l:,'Genton•, S, C. Bide•
S. 4i Backus were impc;int - ed delegates to attend
the Represeniativi' ConiteM ion fo . bq held et
Si. Nntysi on the 17th insten!. '•
• VIC folWving-gentlemen were nppointed - a
Vigilant Committee for the several Townships
hif the ensuing year: •. : • . •
Wm. Pen
R nid.ford,-4 :Clark,. .K. Johnson, P,
gii lett,' d. W. Moil;ci, C. 1
Edd rad . Dennis, ..Rice VoWlee, Xneon
Hatalion,—.-11.' N. Powell,; Mew,.7.'
NlorrisoO. •. I • . • ; .•
F. ..GAll4,',Ch.i.
• 'Keating, , ,--:C: D. Comei, A.
Arnold, J. K.
.111 oore;
• •
Fite •
. . ,
• Lafayeito,—J. lio'lritlge, M. .1.311116e.g -
Burdik, J., N
~t S 'erge‘int,—,J. B. Lucas, L. , Bnpir, P. Barnes
On motto!), .ReSoleed,' Thitt the'.eantlltlates.
this Ably tttimjuntell rire worthy the support of
. .
the voters of MeKean'tountY;. and we hereby
pledge . 9urseteiS to use alll . hottorible means to
secure, their election.
11esolve4, That the proceeding & of this 'con
vention - be. pUblished in the •M'Kean. County
De nsnerat.
.On moticm, culkioined, • • :
. . JOSEPII N.orisE,. maw,.
tt' ~Vir.K~y~ Sri~'y.
biYicrit~bf , 0rb,,,.-zoo .wv~
.The pollee., ire arresting the sj.cession:rneni
bers.ol the Legislature ai last as , they. reach
this .eity :it • 'their way Frederic. so , that
there ,be ho quorum
,to=morrow, nearly:
three-tourths.Of .both houses being : . ',mesh,"
,and .it is prestinied that they.will all. be arres:
ted.. The arrests ,this:•evening' are,. Messrs.
Ehitinis'antl 1-Wekart,.qt . Senat, and Max,
well, Landing ittnl Itaisinof the ilouse. There
are. now 'fifteen metn,bers :of the House; And
three of the Senate 'to beserrested;`Many
theni • eannot befound, and said . to hove
tied (rr)m • - •
The DemeereeY and, the AaministiltioM
Many Otsons seem •ro•suppsae 'that. "
itig to. the erialitilitian.aatt 'tenets of therientow—.:
erotic Party. we ar'rtaietisotily . eolipelletrstir
sympathize with' the eneinici'.6l . ;:thttcoontqi• •
or at least, to aritborrotisther Aittnitiiitifit*ir to' •
its efforts" to crash rehellionf Preso**fhtit'Colf .o.
stituilon and, the . I.liiion-4tut the . rey,erskii.tkie ,
. ..'"'
We can easily •cOr4rehenti . .wify
R,epiklicao infithieppilderpet t y iem tr ltju
his tiarfy ttietouitO•ide . i#lllo:iirith - ,
`unconstitutional. "Higher L a ";
factious oppUSition io th4,ooyerOeni,,tb.igAir ••
is apt "to iihnitine Stich . ..on-intlit . toniiin filAtron.te . .
necessity iucident to it
Demoirat, twitistatime to befog" : loysailfirkillie, • •
Constitution and the Union;-no:furolifeoltehitfee .
that ,the .best.pioof othia.poiriotfsrp itsltiositlAtt
hip fidelity to'his party.'
The Democratic party in relatibtr
ministration a' this crisii;•oncupierthirsiiiq •
position - it did 'relative. to Andrew. Jatkiiii,in
.1832. At that' time the iroltrhero"ealifia;• 4 4iv
this **tare *of ffairs the duty or•the.'
mant"seems to -bd plain, It includes
. 41,,
nition or that Stateoouth Caraline)
her a the Union, 'end subject te iti autbotilYi;
a . vindicatibe of the just Power.of , the COnstitss
tiom the preservation 0. the inteigritf O r the':
Unienniand the execution of: the Laws , by:
Cs:institutional meene.' o. ..' And' at' the*Cotwernii,
tion of,lbeintrty held. nt liellyitlactiarherr. k
1832,'0n motion of :the . reaiwned - .
it wee 'arranimmislk !iflsrolvwf; that"
wo•will supine the . . President of- ther . :llhited!
States in every Constitutionatmeature
ry for the execution' of ihs:Mteso timd for
fabling the pit,egniii tir.tho U . Morr;.that, ere *fill ,
ao for,our Coon tri a With our Countrragairtst'
Nullification; Secession and Distinloni and'tbir
we will in her canoe devotedly rallyaroundllie'
Corittitiltioin which has seeareiltto Peaty.
Prosperity; , and the ailmiratiow,of rbit,werld." . •
The true Ilemoerticy. of - the cOuntry'lfr
ing to endorse everr word of: they marsh:lion;
ara, applying it, to
W.ikrici'w that the Secession States 'have :bro... •
ken 10th ' ,Web Of the istarti of ihe'Ciiristitotlono •
which 'forbids them from entering intniny !telt'
:Rance 'or Confederation".-Arantingeny Letters'',
of• Marque" Orlrhasinearrytclaw iinpairillii the'
•obligation, of contracts,"--and ' we Anonr that it'
is the sworn duty of the• President to sepreastrow
protect and defend the Conatitetiort.! wr
ask of the Fresident Is,: to fulfill hie oath, by *IP
the 'means with which , ire JO empoWeretisrand :
he virilireceive the United • in& cheerful'support:
of the Dernocrirey, ; in -Crushing rebellion , end:
Maintaining the GonstitatiOn•rind the Union. .
• But Ave utterly conteron ,the false logle'ofe
ttdoing evil that good mayeetne,?! prof tbf al
eumption Of , a right•to violate, the Constitution
because, the rebels. &iris. •ITwo• wrongs never
inake.a right." The Constitution' Ili the sw
preme.laW of
. the exprenied „wilt
the sovereign people, ankite vielatirin is equal-'
ly destructive of public righ,ttkoWbelber herby
the Rb'els,. or . the Administration,.
'To be•sure, We'itre• told these'itia extriordi...
nary ..tintei=that the•exigencee of case de
mand'a stretch of the Executive
rhet:the Constitution Is'necessarily supplanted:
by, Martial laW r Hand that in . such crisis•it
Friction , to'questinn the acts of
,the Adminis.
t.ration..‘.These.arefallecies tiler ;may smarter
the purpose of 'sortie' foreign mord? starrAlut
cor Censtitu,tion was. inaderfor times aver ae.
well as peace. Its provisions Ore' 104444:t0
emergenCies; and, in•facti it • only io :nick
dark tiOrs as•the iliesent, that the vigilance or
the citizensis rlerirka tided to• 'proteet rho Jilins.
guaranteed by it. - 'l.• , • ...• •
Leteny man examine the matter, end he will
find' no' cause for charginir, •the • Dertmeracy
the North with dislOyalty'ro Constitatiow'
and trillion; or with Sympathy, for
Dr course, there are here. and there men whir
•thlk vaguely of. ccrietico," and: .we, occasionally.
hear or the sopposed power of thesetrer.ismis-
Buries of ' , the Knight's •of. the Golden Circlet .
and the icSons•Of Liberty;" but their 'effect is
more in imaginatibrithan realitY..- Look at the .
Dennicratic Press.A,it.may. canvassiheWierita
of pbblic men and publie . meheuree, but it ever y
where'epholds the Constitution and the Veni:.
Look at yoUr army,- r imtl; in addition: to..sucli
tieniecrats as Generals McClellan; 13utler;Diri,..;
Wool, Shields, Mcclornand, trenVer,- Richard- .
Non; Biddle arid Sickles. yen' find .bundreds or
them among , inferior nflicers, end.% majority
Obasanda among'.the privates—air ready
pour. out their blond to• maintain the Conotitu
tionandlinroir their Where established:: '•
. No! the Deinocracy is Iciyal to the Union, and.-
it will subpart the :Administration 11 : .every,
Col:041%001ml act 'hi '.Lets ' lt will'
not do—mere, it cannot.--Ccrindervilinitgerni. •
This most hypocritical:of the:: IteptthliCa
press quote from ,Tioge °lig as -est speec h;
with Varied.,nrarkei.of
• ‘!Whooyer r is not . prepared, to sacrifit:e party).
auraark attutts : an.platrarras thealpr . of his ' r
cinnitryoloea not deserVe the support andcatir
Aerial= of honest,pi;o'ple."
• Whose platform.does the'preierVatiors of the
altar of our :country reqnired to.be !sacrificed T .
Not itie Dernocratic plattorm,:Certainlyt-for on
and by that it his been pr& , rved; from
~ the
commeimernettt of
. 0 . 16
r Governateet 'down.-
4.The Union and ther..Constitutien, they- must
be. preserved, ' bee ever been:the' foundation of
the Democratic cirganiiation 'and . platform.:
Ord the preservation of our country reqttire it
to he,Sacrificed, it would . ; be most, cheerfully
who'is it that - is not prepare4to , istrifice
their party platform on the' altar of thil(coun
try ? It is those who 'bave declared their party
<4ll law" to'lltem--wliO have declared..
their pa rty tuitions (more sicked...l4n.fifty..,
Thhi is the party,amftheie;are the /arsons .
whom Mr.'Puhilas - declared r.tunivorthy the .
support and countenance . of honeet people."—
The de md6:69y'' have 'pc)
there( 'ore nothing to sacrifice, 04. would ber :
any practieal'effeci.
,It ;Fteilthini and
his party. who a , prka t itrun,'"itid::Viliti • are
called : upun,l4. theji,Clantry to : ennic''.forWird .
and r‘sacrifiee.parti:ooinizatinn and '
- upon they do
, .
A Bianco .F4T.i.041 Sr.
, , ,
4 , '
4 . 45 . 0•. - 4., , :,..,,_..,...
'tip';' . '-'. - ..'',..ri:••••, , ,;:4'.., , .4' . •; - 4 ,
;NO''': . 5;
The "Ne - PartY" P4r4r,.