M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, August 31, 1861, Image 4
• I ' c ,!••','; • 4 tvc • ' p•-4; • ~ ;,.. .' F..,, " :+1 , ,,, N7,171A- C . : 7;: ,, ..y.:'1 : :::::,':;';','l••l';:::'ra...f,i,i;''''':*'''''l...:l4CEri';' 11111' , . o.P .4 5t 77. : - .. , .. , ' , ' . ..-. , ;:' , ,....... ',",:;:,•':;"...: ' ,..•:..; • 5 *?;i 4 -: , ,:: 4 - i,.7.- : ',,,,,, ' : , :.,,, ~ .; .;.',PRVAT_BARGAINS CAN , BE HAD ,AT 'THE ` } NEj=PRICE EGULATOft ! , iir d7WI" Dotei•vainedito 'THAT ! '010,;flitE08 ICNOW ALL ABOUT IT Coe ied judge for Themselves. ~,•: , 0111, 1 01104iw will satisfy the most skeptichl tir‘ltliprojsvmlY one Playa, to buy : first clas s i geWill;,it very low priaes,:and that` place is the •'•' ' • • +' PRICE REGULATOR . .'' . , ,risiiimirSiirSlysterti gives' tho . ,best sstisfac . . . . 'tifi*i...,, , .:::1':„ . .'...`,.- 7111 - ,. , -:. ',;:. , :;i1. , ,.:- - 2q....: , !.'.: ''.. .liPPEitllt GOODS, NI!. #4oolOssi LAW PRICES., EVERY THING YOU WANT . AT TILE on. MOE BEGUIATOR, . and the grand Em porium of every thing now,. eteat Ad liplieL If you•havethe CASH and wept to, buy the BEST' Dar amps, STS FIIRNISHINGI•GOODi, ROUSE' FURNISHINGGOODS, 114. 1 1T8:, AND . CAPS, , • *.BOOTS AND . SHOES , '''', •I: . -..- EVERY THING, GO TO 'THE ONE PRII9EII;GYJATOR,' THERE YOU Mid.. good S - remarkable for their beauty diarsbiyty, superior • n*aufactare and LOW. PRICES. 'they will be offered • to'yori or t 4. loiroot• poolitile 4,,, 7 ,11150pk t • Om:4ot . time, ond from . tkot ptlCs Oso'io.esti ';fi./3)fr.lA , Ptfiot--tow —New Sylet• • • lag & MILLR „ , . . . 1 1 'T42/ 43 9 ' 'N" • • • •• '• ',JONI' MISS IT tION!TVORGF;T IT ELEGANT- STYLES,' pp:FAVORITFA, LOW erRICES, FANCY: GOODS, For the Whiskers and Eau. The subscribers take pleasure in announcing to the eit- Mans of the United, States, that they have obtained the Agency for, And are, now enabled to offer to the Ameri can publio, the above justly celebrated and world-re nowned article, , Tire Stimulating Origment. ',prepare by Dr, 0. P. 'Mum; one an eminent physi clan of and Is warranted to bring out a thick set W OR A MUSTACHE to frottr x Weeks. This article is th&only one of the klu cad by the French, and in London and Paris It is in universal use, It la a beautiful, ocancnical t soothing, yet stimulating compound, acting WI if by magic upon'the roots, cawing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to the again it will cure a.ll. Dana, aud canoe to spring up in place of the bold spots a tine growth of "WV hair, Ap plied ac;o, d a to directions, it will turn BED or taw) , hair. ti °store gray , hair to its original color, least ',Mooth and flexible. The IlOngnent" an in , article in every gentleman's toilet, and after ea they would cot tor any considera tion - T are the only Agents for the article in the , to whom all orders most be addressed. r a boy—tor sale by all Druggists and Dp 'of the I, onguent" warranted to have tbo' 4 ,111 be cent to any who desire it, by reel rely packed. on receipt of price and pa, Muir to or address 'BoWAOE L. HEGEMAN & 00 '•s' " ' mummers, &a., 9 24 William street, New York. March 211 ISM. 6r130),•* CROCKER‘ . . . ALL knowing themselves indebted to the undereignediire heretiq notified to call and settle 'their imitate' immediately-, or coati will boo roadsi.", -. - ' .1:10, One. ' Dec: 10 1860. .• r' .‘ ~.' - ' •'• . CHURNW : and Japanned Wato;* Stove in& Tin Cat Han. at MASOWS.: NitMZ=M oonatituttorsal e; %i CirtrUptlcon of the. blciaitbriv)gett.ihil, fluid% hareornetr,vitiatad, , Weak's' Being in the . eireiditlose,4t, pervideir.theMiolo iliody. Mid mnyburst out &Case on arty,,Pirt:pf *No:Organ lifter from its:ate:as; nor is therecinowhich it Duty,. 'net dettrey... ; The sorOfidcm4 :taint is verieusly caused ',liy mercurial disease,..love ordered 'or inthealtli* food,' impure* rur,lfilth '. and filthy, habits, the'. depressing vices, and, Sabove' all,, by . the .venereM infection, What 'rever be its ongin, it. le hereditary in the . can stitution, descending froM parents,to children unto the third and fourtlrgeneration ;" 'indeed, it Boerne to,:be the rod , of Him who says, ‘ , l visit: the Miquities Of -the fathers, upon their children." g . • . , • • IM effects commence by.doposition frcim the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter,' which ' , in the lunge, liver, and internal organs; is, termed tubercles;'.ins the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or:sores. - ,This foulc,or '. ruption, which gendersin the blood, depremes. • the energies of life, IQ that scrofulous . oonititi. dons only stiffer' from • 'plaints, but they have.far poYter to with . stand the attacks of other' diseases; Come. • quently ; wig numbers perish by disorders vvliich, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still. rendered fatal by thietaint in the system,. Most of the , consumption which de mutates the hunian family has its origin direttlY in this scrofulenni . contamination;.and Many destructive diseases of the liVer, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs; arise from or are eggravatedby the same cause. One quarter of all liur people are ribrofulons; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is underinined by. it. , To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood •by in' alterative medicine, and in vigorate it :by, healthy 'food and exercise. " Such a medicine we . Suppl y -in • • , . .• • Compoind Extrait of :Saisaparillai the most 'effectual remedY which the medical skill of our times : can, devise for, this every where Prevaillag and' fatal malady. . .It is com bined from the most active reniedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from : its destructive 'consequences: Bence it shoUld be employed for. the .cure 'of not only scrofula, but also those. other affec tions which arise . from' it, such 'as. Enurrive and SKIN I).Masses,. ST. ANTHOireB FIRS, ROSE. Or EILYBWELAEL PIMPLES, Porrarms, ELorcuss, 13r,sms and Bone, TUMORS, Terns and . SALT RHEUM, SCALD HEAD , "RINGWORM, Itur,ustkrism, Symmirto and.kisinormar, Dm- EASES, Ditorsy„ DisPaism, Doman, and, indeed, ALL COMPLAINTS MUSING !ROM VITIA• TED on Imruan . BLOOD: 'The *pular belief inaPfritY of the blood' . ' is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood.. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health ikimposeible in contaminated constitutions.. Ayer's . Cathartic s FOR'ALL.THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY.PHYSIO; are maeoinposed that disease within the. range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their-penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correetingita diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalitlet. As a consequence, of these Properties,. the' invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility Is astonished to ,find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once a 0 sim le and - invating. - • - • , Not only do they cure the every-day - complainti of every body, but also many forniidable 'and dangerous diseases.. The agent .below named is pleased to furnish gratis' ml American Alminac, containing. certificates of. then. cures and directions for their use in the following.complaintet. Costive-. ,era, Heartburn, Headache arising from disordered Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion; Patnia and Morbid Inaction'of tha Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Ame-' Jaundice, 'Wild' other' kindred complaints, arising from a low. state of the body or obstruction of its functions. • • Ayer's Cherry PectorEd, FOR TILE RAPID ctlnit . Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consume. tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in . advanced stages of , the • • . . . disease, ' So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nit mercies aro the . cases of Its cures, ...that almost every section - (.1 country aboupds in persons pub licly knowff, who have been•reetored from alarming, and' even desperate . diseases 'of the lungs by its When: once tried, its. superiority over every other medicine Of its kind is too apparentto escape observation; and where its virtues are , known, the public no longer hesitate . what antidote to , employ. for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs thatateincident to our climate. 'While many inferior reniedies thrust' upon the community have • failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every•trial; conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and ,pro duced cures, too numerous and too remarkable•to be forgotten PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER air. CO. LOWELt; MASS. . DO you WANT WHISKERS T ' • • • • . DO..TOU. WANT Nuisicgits DO 'IrOIt•WANT AMIUSTACHE • ..• DO .TOU•WANT A MUSTACHE ? BE 1.1,11041.1.11 S • :CELEBRATED -• . STIMULATING ONGUENT, East Call. - ,p40, -.:..:EAY HARD MADE Ocied News for the LinenOloyed: 1000' MANCES. TO MAKE MONEY .o.NE:.,fteifillorvooLLAns : i,Viorm IVATCHES, JEWELRY, .SILYERILATEP:VAIIg, be disposed of on AN ENTIREiY NEW AND :ORIGINAL PLAN : All..persOtio dpsiious of securing in Agency NEW. ENTERPRISE, Should send.on their mitres at once, ehclosing a 3 cent•stamplo.pay postage, .and receive b); return mail ' "- • •:': I: C44711E*7 CATALOGUE Containing Our liaducementft, R.IRE C11.1.716CE MAKE MONEY without riik,logether with LPL' IL 1 21 ,IPITIFEat7U4.k.:BZ Relative to this NOVEL PLAN!, To'insure prompt und satisiactory . dealings; direct all orders"to GEORGE G. EVANS,. 439 Chestnut st., Philadelphia. FURNITURE. DEPOT; OLEAN, N. Y. Whitney I.',6nha'rt, • . IVOULD met respe ctfullypf announce to the citizen ei in TV -thin mention of country, and'the public gonerally, •that they are , constantly enlarging. and. extending their. new eatablishment, and for the purpose of giving every, 'body a practical demonstration of our entire success In our business, -and our ability to compete euciesshilly, with . ny establishment hythis 'notion of die country, .'we are ow iltlihgpnr Ware inertia full-of ••, • • ' . . . It • . . I; • BRAN NEW:FURNITURE.' 'Me now keep cogitanityl on 'banal' large .oseortnient o Chair", Tables, Picture' Sofas, Lounge', 'Deals's, Rook ern,.Bellateads, Flireau", Recretarida: Stool", Book-Owe; Office Minim , Cost Standsi.•Tollet Mirror", 'What- Hots, Cottage •Chatra, LoOking .01amex, Quartette Maiid", Sneer' Stands'," Wash Stands; Picture' Prronet, 'Towel Ro6ke, :Corner 'Stand", ,Extension - .Table", Hat Stand" - , PalmleatMattrasees, . • • • • . • Sea- Grist Mattraigfes,. • • • • toss tattrasses, 'Husk Mattrasees, • • ... Hair Muttrasses. • NahOgitly and Upholstered. Fninitare In gteat - voriety.of pattertis MATTRASSES, Of all klada,.triade to order Patent Siring Beds, of Every Description. - Gllt,RosewOod and Japanese 111°20411ns, iIiACKWALAIIT, MAHOgANY, And d6et yeneering; constantly on hand and for tale carry- oh a litre Nanufnoturlng EstabliehMent and omploythe molt oompetant workmen,- , ' Repairing 'Of all kinds, done promptly sad In, the beet manner In conclusion, it'shall be our aim to supply this ma r. Fret with .everything in our lino, upon the most'reasona ble terms, and hope to form an extended sequaintance In our, trade, arid •alecao continue the friendly relations with our present customers,. Wiinvite ill to come and expo:doe our stink. We &relocated in the LeIIIPME BLOCK. trp-stalre, opposite the Fottes limit*: • •• . WHITNEY & LENHANT Ntein; If; N, Nor .2; . 1800: : •• ' • OBWAYO HOOF, E, J. BARD mu Proprietor; Oeree Pa. This Reuse ie fitted op In substuntiatand comfortable style, and every at tendon will be paid by tho, proprietor. to the comfort and taste of his guests.. . . June 3,1861. B. S. GOULD, PHYSICIAN AND .SURGEON, •Having permanently locisfed himself ac PORT ALI.EGANY, would respectfully inform the public that he is prepared to attend to business m all branches of the Medical Prcifession.• Particular atten tion paid to Secret Diseases,. both male and feniale, they wilftiktreated in accords nee , wi tb the latest rintherilP And practice of both go ropeand Ammi, All secrets 'intrusted to him, in his mail "Ilk be strictly kept by him, in.spite of 4 q, friends, enemies, relatives Miteighl Port Allegany,' •a) 1810. • . . COPARTNERSHIP heretofore! exist.; ing wider the :name' 'and stylti of Armstrong , teCci.," is'dissolved . !..7 'mutual The' accounts 'of said,firM be set. tled'by'A. B. Armstrong. • , • ,' A.'o: A'RMSTKOICO, E., MAWN. SiTietliport, May.30,..1801. ' ' . • ',..The . undersigned will continue the business or ihe late firth ii, Sifits .branches, at the , old 'stand, and respectfully solieits a , contiddance of the patronage ofthe public. • . • . • ' • A. B: ARMSTRONG. Smethnott, STOVES! STOVESI 'Combination 'Brick' Oven Corking. Steven! .(THE LA.TE9T'I.NVENTION:OFOTUS,.k6E.) • . . . . . A: J..NOURSE respectfully cells 'the atter', thrice wighinß new Cookini Stoves to the Fire Brick Bleiiitied. Oven Conking Stove, whick took the FiRST . rnmetust at the Brie . Co: . Fair ? ae,well . as .at:nunierous State and Coutity Fdirs thioughout the :United States.' • .• Thiy are the most Durable Stoves Constructed ! And only one that 111'.'equal to the . old lash; ioneff Brick Overis, for Bitking, .WARRANTED TEN' YEARS! . . These Stovei - will beaold at treatly:reduced priceis. 1 : are supplied with ailliuds of COOKING„PARLOE & BOX STOVES.! Together with a full assortment of TIN-WAR,E, fiheot Ii on eSe,' cte . . of all kinds' d'one . with disjiatch, find in a satin tory manner', at the. lowest possible prices.. Old COprier, Rags, Brass, lead, Pewter, Oats; AO in fact everything y s iou have will be taken in lexchange for goods—even to Cash. •' •' Give me's r e aI I , aftheold stand, ' . , ...ONE DOOR WEST .OF THE ASTOR.HOUSE. Smethoorti Jan: '10,'1861_.• • ' . • . Which .aff o rd • 3:7".THE OLDEST, WIDEST •CIRCULi- . TED, and most COMPLETE; CORRECT, and AELIABLE . Bapk Note Reporter in"existence;• •BANK NOTE' AND .-COMEECIALREPORTEL EDITED'BY. JOHN 'THOMPSON Quotations corrected by Tgo:vrsoN Bstoximiis, 'Published. by CHAS.. BC0i1DNI;!•; 117 Fraklitt S. TERMS or . SpESCMIETION IrY ADVANCE; • • TO . • • weekly I flemi•rminthly,'...'.:sl I Monthly.. .75C To PoetniasternOr °there,- who form Chiba and for .ward vs the money In adiance, we. - will send the• Rep,,, 'ter Coin Chart Manuel, and Descriptive Lis , as •• 5 copies of the Weeltlyi one 4 Veir.... .:.•29 50 . 5 copies of the Eleml.monthly .... . •• 00 10 copies of.the • . ; ... . ,:,,app , forward.gfatuttoosly to any person sending a etub of $2O at thts above rates; at any one time, our American' . cola coin Tat 'Address, •. • • THOMPSON JIROTHEttS., .Banker's, .• No: St. N. Y.,Troprie!ors \yAcHTE,l3..,.'m•.p•, GERMAN PHYSICIAN & SURGEON KPER - AIANENDLLit LOCATED AT OLEAN N. TO Begalkave to inform-the eitizrtis oC Smethpor aria Nicinjty, that he he at the . BENNETT HOUSE; EVIETHPOIT.T,. On the riesT .and • FIFTEENTH of each month, where he may be consulted by the afflicted: • Particuitir attention paid : to all diseases of the EYE and SKIN. Also all. , CHRONIC DDISEASES, and such as are pecullai. to:both May • • • • • . SATE'1 1 1-IPOItT. .:, :. (0.2'.0. (o:2glaZ A NEW ARRIVAL: At A. B. ARMSTRONG'S. HAVING become the proprietor of the Gro-, eery and Provision Store, •lately occupied by F.. Wright,. I tnke this method of in forming my friends that - have just received the largest itockof ' ' • • FAMILY GROCEAIES,, ever.. offered .the people of ,W.Kean . • county at priee's which would seem ruinous' et any other. establishment. I keep on band, and. are in the:daily receipt, of . FRESH GROUND FLOUR, "FEED AND MEAL. . . PORK, SALT,.CODFISII, ' MACKEREL, WHITE FISH, • "BUTTER, LARD, TALLOW. . . ' • • CANDLES, RICE, STARCH,' • . NUTMEGS; SALRITUB, ' SODA, INDXCIO, PEPPER, • ." • ;RICE, CINNAMON, . CLOVES,'CRACKERS..' . • , ' TOBACCO, RAISINS;'. NUTS, OF ALLIS:INDS, • 'sttaertits OF ALL KINDS, COFFEE, GROUND, • • . AND UNOROUND, . • ' BYRUPB, MOLASSES; ' • . • KEROSENE 01L,.• . • • GAMPRDNE, FLUID, CANDLES, TEAS, &c.,•&c.; . .My'sto'ck is full and complete; and . selected from the best in. the market : Call and exam, ine price and quality, and. you will not fail to A. B.". ARMSTRONG. • Smethport, May 36; 1861. .•• ' • SMETHPORT LIVERY STABLE rrIHE SUBBCRIBER has opened a new Liy ery Stable in Smethport,' at .0: , 11. Ben nett's Old Stand; on Main street, .just east of Mchanice', Where can be found the best of Hor ses and Carriages at low pricers. He intends to make Smethport a permanent . residence, and asks w share of pcitronage: r •• • Smetbport, August 24, 1860.. n23tf. • BRICK FOR SAIE. • first rate brick for sale. In -1501000 quire of FRANK. BACKUS: . • N. N. F. JONES. Smetbport, August 13, 1860. ' . Job Work, .Clrolation; 100,000. 2-Wall Street THE. OLD KEYSToE‘Ns;rorct A'il . OLE.A7'..l. STILL TLITEII THE LE/iDI J. 1( •, • • RSPECTFILLIANNoTINCIS.i3O •HIS .91d friends in McKean County, •he is on hand this Skim as mar,' with the. - LARGEST AI BEST Selecied:stock Good!' in the Olean Market TO : '..W . llo6oi . .CasE . 131403. : '1,19u1d . Say; I. can pie: you bettar indncencianta than. •you. can get s weat of NevrYork It inakee no difference what you want,' any thing in the line• O f. . . GROCERIES PROVISIONS, 'Call at.tbe OLD KEYSTONE you, Kill find the article fresh and; cheap.. Wa.no . use talking the KEYSTONE STORE alwayi hes and always:will,take the" lead, and regulate 'the market in • Groceries and Provisions, OLD FRIENDS AND NEW ONES, Don't fail to iall .and see . rne when you visit Olean ; I shall not hurt you, but shall certainly' try tO.do•you good COMSTOCK. • ,Piean, May 23d, 1860.. 5.3 Dissolution: THE Co-Partnership heretofore existing be tween ilie' undersigned,. under the name of N. B. Butler & Co,, is this day dissolved by mutual . consent. -; N, $. BUTLER. • A. PI, NICE, , Olean April 1,:18130.. I.4:"W..GICFORP. . . . The underlignect 'nave succeeded to the busi ness of the old arm, with increased facilities, and .have enteied intci'partnership under; the firm nattie of N. S. Entlei6c Co. .... . . N. S; BUTLER,• . • - • . •, .': - L. W. GIFFORD,. April li 1860. .. , C. R. HAWLEY - . • . KENDAL-CREEK HOUSE. KENDAL-CREEK, ICKEAN CO., PA HE Subscriber haring•purchased reel T known stand, and re-ftirnisbed and re-fit ted the House, is pripared to 'entertain Board 'era andlbe.Traveling public. • . HIS BAR, AND 'rA-13:1..g, , Will be well supplied, and..everything done to merit a liberal share of patronage. .Raft men'will always find the , 'latch-string" out.. • • • P. M,.FULLFR• Kendal Creek; Tannery 2, 1860) . .384 y .• - rimanssioNEWFon TILE STATE OF NEW' YOAK, th'tako proofs and 'acknowledgrtienta. of Deeds and other instruments to be coed and recorded in said State, turlto aintiniater oaths,nr affirmations pursuant to the laws of said State, Conveyancer. kn. °Mee in Land Of fiee of D. KingsbUry, Bradford;ldelceari Co', Pa. Blarob,l4, 1861 -6m.' • . . . • THE TONGS:. AND VICE. •• • enHE•SUBKIPBER would. inform the. cit JL zens of• Port Allegany, and the surround it g country, that he is prepared to'do all kind of •• BLACKSMITH '• • In•all it's different branches in ii."workrnanlike manner, with promPiness 'and.dispatch Warran ted to give satisfaction. • • . WAGON WORK: & MILL IRONS, attended to in good , style, and at reasonable rates.% Particular attention paid to • .• Horse ,Shoeing,: Frain e4perience in the.business,. entire satin' faction is guaranteed...! J. D. OTTO. Port Allegany, March•l, 1860' - • WA.NTED • -•-• VF T n 2opounds of Maple Srtrl4 o ::celsiieA .. 2 e..c6i .Blectanicsburg Cabinet Aop.. limetbpoit, April lilBBl.. „ - . JOl3 ..PRINTING; DV EVERY DESCRIPTION, NEATLY, OPEAPLY• AND EXTEDITIMILY . • EXECUTED AT TEE DEMOCRAT 'OFFICE. MONEY . SAVED Observing these Facts e years experience has tan,. Aurally. *- . fid• Watches can be safely and scientifically *mired at emethport. No matter bow fine or difficult the job, as 1 iim determibed.to keep pbsted upoind be fully Pre , 'pared tcomeet every and any case. • . CLOCKS,..WATCH . S,AWLRY BE, - C.,. Repaired on short notice an reasonable tarots. - In the Store of A. B. Armetrongin. Bbiri of the i , IIIGIThefOBT . , .. • - ' . W: H, BAKER. . w . '''N•ll.—lineranteo my prime forwork to be as low se at soy other well regulated and rapponsible che , :l) and low er than et many. Please give me a mill. ,RARDWAIT.:': at .flatgutiscsitrers, Price". IiTAYING ENLARGED,. MY : FACILITIES at the Old Staid, • • •• • • EXCii:l6.4-. BLOCK,. For:'keeping.corratantly hind' Much • larger • ‘uPply and :set ;ortment, of the heavy eke of liarc'vare gentrall kepti . . • ttie , J4b,irig ,lioueesiand -having the APE:Mt:of •.,. • . - - Manuficttn!era.. • . , cludirig . e•. ••• •. • • • • • . celebrated.' ' • • • FALL RIVER WHEELER, IVLLDDEIkt & BK6WE.I,L'S Also chose of WELCH & GRIFFITHS and other makerei.. FAIRBANICS SCALES; RUBBER and LEATHER SiEWART'S (unexcelled) POPULAR COOKING,...STOVES GLASS / of all Size's, Sorto.ruil.DiseriOillo.: I PROPOSE TO SELL ' ALL .lianuf46tureis' PAces. Also 1 propose 'to sell at a small CoMmission from my LARGE 'and WELL SELECTED STOCK of •• . • • SHELF . iidi '.,:thi HARDWARE, -In the selection of which.l have taken much . , pains, having, given my , pers . onal attention HOUSE TRIMMINGS, COOKING and . PAP:LOB:of every desirable ECK AXES, SPADES; PITCH . FORKS, LEAD. PIPES, LAMPS for OIL, CAMPHENE, FLUID; Oat 'My motto is: The Largest Sales of the. very BEST GOODS at the LOWEST Re munerative Prices Insures the Largest. Profits to the Seller, ful nishes the Buyer, with the Cheapest and - Best Articles, and gives the best satisfaction. LIBERAL DISCOUNTS WILL BE MADE' If - people will pay higher for no better articles at other.placesi it shall be , their own fault and not' mine. • In connection with the above, I am able to supply on' short notice • • 4. COPPER WORK Having in my employ Competent and experP enced workmen, whose work, has never kilos to give satisfaction, . . ' JUST RECEIVED, et.: That I am 'per manentlylocated in aethport. •! . 2nd. That I keep eon: ently on hand' a good TN) , of the' best goal of .'for repairing the arl ' ons parts of differ nt kinds of WATCH.ES, nt I think I em :not. 50 DOZEN HOES, 30 (f SYTHES, • 500 lEGS OF NAILS AT NEW YORK PRIOES,, ..ADDING TRANSPORTATION RIVETED .HOES, $2‘,75 per doz., WARRANTED SYTHES, $8,50 SOLID SHANK HOES, $6OO . " HORSE RA.K,8131 . • Together with all Farming Tools,,it menu lecturers prices, These Wicks" are 'NE2PI CASH I I invite the trade tool stock. ' .0. V. B. BATZSEi' • PROPHIL7ON, No:2 and 3 Excelsior Block, Olean, Miiy 0, 1863. OLEAN, THE ABOVE ~ ARTICLES AT Pattertt BLACKSMITHS' AND MASONS' T 0 . 0 L'S, Of the niost *pprovid Mantifactur(c MATTOCKS; RAKES, BUCKETS,.. • . WHEEL-BARROWS,, PUMPS, and KEROSENE TO .DEALERS. ALL KINDS OF SHEET IRON PAINTS, SHOVELS, PAILS ; TIIBIN 0,