M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, August 31, 1861, Image 3
S PRNG ,-° T IDE it ..:NOW OPENED, ; - .50;;: : ',:, , iP.:.243!...4#, NEW, GOODS :AT ' II E -l E ' ONE PRICE REGULATOR!! THE OLD PLACE, THE CHEAP STORE, DON'T. TORGET IT GREAT BAR6-4111VS .cAN Br. HAD Air ONE PRICE EGULATOR ! WearelneterMined, MARK THAT !! OLD FRIENDS KNOW ALL Apour IT No. Ones Nast toroi Apd . Judgi For 'll!iinselye.§ • One purchase will satisfy the.most skeptical 'atilthero.iti only , one 'place *to buys first class goods, at very iosi , prices, and that. Place is the' ONE PRICE REGULATOR, Tbe,one price eyiierrt.gives :the 'best satisfac SUPERIOR GOODS, ELEGANT STYLES; NEW FASHIONS, OLD FAVORITES, .LOW PRICES, EVERY THING IQU :WANT AT 1.11 ONE PRICE REGULATOR, •and thegrand.Emporium . of every thing new neat andiiyhshr If you have the CASH and 'want 'to buy the BEST DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HOUSE FIJRNISHING;GOODS, HATS .AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, EVERY, THING, co- TO. THE ONE_ PRICE REGULATOR, THERE YOU will find goods reinarkable'for their beauty, - durability, superior manufacture and L W .PR I C They will be offered. lo yO4 a(the lowest Oosgible. _ . figuirr, the first - finie;:and tram the rite tlrre,orn be N O ;.7):E V lA , T 1 0 11:r.. Remember—.one . Price—LoSiTrieis—Ndw Styles-=Strict liitetrity—icio THING it MOJA lE= OIie.1: MODERN COOKERY • • . .. . . , . . . , . . .IT TELLSyqu 'Y.. to choose, all kinds' of :llents, Pout ' . • ' Arypnd Oanie,,with all tho various nod . • ,-- , •AnositS ispproved modes oI" di e tielti g and ' . • ' ' 'cooking lieef and Pork ,• also.the best ..: • • .-• ' ' ' - 'end simplept shay of - saltius• idekling •' - . - • and curing•the iwnsi. • • • . -.+' • • IT TELLS YOU All :the' various and :west approved ' ' ! - ''•- '•-•- : s: modes of drCsis ng, cisoking, and•b'oniirr " ' ". • :Mutton, 'Lamb; 'Ydal,. Piisillre:, ;anal ' "-•.' ' 'Game of 'all.kiuds; .with. the.siiiforent • .• " ' Dre , s,inua, 'Gravies,. and St•uflingS ap , • •.. - proprlate fp each.; • , • ; , - . .. IT TELLS YOU •Ilow, to. choose, •elean; tied "Isrossurvo ... - • •Fisli, of all; kinds; and brfu• to supete.n, . ... • ' • • . It when tainted s. MAO all•tlio verlsins .. 'and meet approved Triodes of 'Cooking; .. • :: ... ." with too different Dressings, Sauces, , .'. ••• And Flavorings appropriate In each. • • T TELLS YOU'•:Xli the carious out most sappepip,l . • • • ntsides Orisrenstring over fifty different. • . • '•• . kinds of Meats Fish. FOlvi, 'Gain"; and ....: . •-.. . . . Vegst..ble. Soups, Brat's, and Bleivs, • • • ' ••- • :,with the,lielishes and Seasonings op .-. propidato to each': " . - ' •.' " .• •. ' • IT TELLS YOU All disc various.' and. 11'1'04 approved . - ' . modes of.cooking ,Vegetstlslo of .every. - • • description; slim how to prepare Pick • ...-• . . : . • • lea. ()situp and • (Merles of MI. kin (Ai' ' , • : Potted sivats, gists, .111.us,hruonis, We% • IT TELLS - YOU, All - the various. sunsA• moist. atiprricd: • . . • -.-, modes -of .preparing_ and coukin,;• nil, • kinds of Plain and Funcy , Pastry, Pied- • . . .. '.. - • . :. • dings. °Moieties, Frittors,Cakes: L'oti-" . , . . - •,. - iectioner,v,s Preserves, Jellies: - and • .. - .. - • - Sweet Dishes of every desCrintlod . ' • IT TELLS YOU •All: the. various nut . most ..n.pprovoct, •.. '.• • .. ~ Inselesi Of making Krung:Rusks, diet - . ..• • - • • - , fins and Biscuit, 'the • best "method of :.. -, • , • - •prepnringCoffee, Clicenlateniel Tors.} DGN'T MISS'IT : and how tiiinake Rv,rupq,'Cordiale And • • "• ' 'Winer of yarionti•kindx, • IT TELLS you How Wdel, outitud ornament • • • • how to' cafve all kludd of 7411, 1•7Io0' , • : . •dr Poii.l, And In short. how to no aim, .. • . plity olio Whole art Or.f]ouklnd, unto • • • • brim; the choiovatiostiridd of tholable • ;yrithln tiverrbodx's read:': • • Tho hook. contalna 119 pane's . and %ipwards of twelve hundred Iteelpee, rill'of which '.are'llie'renilts of actual experience, having-beenfulif and.carefuljy triatoit . tiodur 'the . perriinal e,iperintence oe. the'wrlters. lt'ic printed to a 'clear and open' type, is illustrated with appropriritc engravings, -and will ho •fthriverted'AU nor add re,s,- houod. and Porfaue'nald, oo receipt.of the price, $l,OO, or: in Cloth, extra, ' '• .• • . . , . . . R ' be niade-b en tll . 1000 ; A . YEA.L. ~`!,Tt'etrri,,inz by : w.iere,'in avillng the nboye'woricinnt inattealnentit-tn al such bin very liharal i f . ', • • • .-!• ....- .• •: " For single -envie , ' or te book or for terms to agentlt, with other ififormation. apply tri.nind/itets • . SOUS E ' rotr.F3l•Puhlt=ho-. . . . .' .. • I\p. 617 SansiuSireet, euiladelphla, Pie.,. ...Novelnlierls, 1860 ..-61ni..• • . . - • ... " 21 .8 o uTH c Aft OLI . IS TERRIBLE.THREATg OF SECEDERS! THE NORTH Asp. .souTH Must beiKept7cigothu!. . . This Glorious -Union 'dust . be' Preserved.! UNDER. ttut.;.oilstiit;..clrctirnstauces the 'autmcritr ..deem4lt his duty to gay to the altites or No.thern Puunaylvapla that•tlse,old . . . . .. . • Side-frill - Tin-Shell) .. _.. it prepared to meet any auff - all' ensergWneles„with officers rme,d and equipped as the law d i recta. Vain prepared, ado all kinds'er work in the' Ilne of,''. ' • ,' • Tin, Sheet-frpn . (Oa 'Coppei,-; , . n end'old piing or cement this glorious tnion. , The which las solong hold -her lend above water, Must and shall take the lead of all (allots in its line.lloving-ptirchised the if:fere-it ;ny.bitithor. (E. '.iitason:) lam now fitting up and filling up' with o new stock of Stores; TinatCre, c. , whieli lam hound ta sell oheap for.pay: anA see GED, 11: MASON, • • Ist of priauce—anything but - trust—taken in exchange fur,goods. ' Ni—[ov:: 'pg.) • • SAIETI - IPORT t t 'la 2,2 R 7,4 Low KOEs, ITAVING become thg proinlefor.• the•Gro-• 1 - 1 eery rm . (' Proi,sidn'Sto're,.lrtiely•occopiCt by B. F. Wright, I tvlc•C:thi, rtiethostrOljn : for:ming my frienli that .t Miy•C just . rec'eiv'ed the • lamest .• . • . • • FAMILY . • erer. offered 'the`peop,e .1111 , ..ean county t prices :whith.4outd ru•Oiis at • any other establishment..l keep on hand, and are . . n;,ttie daily•reccipt or • • • • FRESLI GliOtNl) FLOL'a - FEND . • . • • , PORK: SALT, - • . MACKI.:IO,II, ViS.ll, • ' ' bUTTER, pAsni,Esz. RICK. STAbeli, ' ' . • ' UTIIE'GS, SAL} TVS,- SObA,' . " 41LNN t'MON," 'CLOV,Es.•cIiACE.VbS, ...- TOIIACCO. RAISINS • ' • NT: 1:8. or ALL HIND.. SrI;AILIW CC'ALI. • COFFIE. cnnuND, AND uNDRoDND, • - SYRUPS, I‘IOI;,VStS, Rflitn;Esii oft, • QAMIIII;Nt.', FLUID, CANDI.E3, TEAS &c., &'c., My stock is lull rind complete, and c.lected (ruin the best in, the: market. ' Call and 'exam, ins price , and 'quality ? and. .you: will not 1011, to buy. A. E. ARMSTRONG. Smethport, ; May'Sq„lB6l. . • MONEY SA_VED Observing these Facts CROCKER 4 .1 sir That I' Ter , manertly located in inethmirt, ." • • • That I beep con. toothy on hand a good Tr!y of.the best tinni ly of .niateriala, Tonic.. ,C., Yar repairing the •arioria Mists' or differ nt „kinds of . - • • .A.vA r lIC ETES, • And I 'bin , : I ••ant not hr, .mgmhen I say. that nearly. fire years ox'perience has taught cm how, to use them sueeessfully. . 3d. IVatelies.enn he safely and' i•cietilitleally repaired at Smethptert. No maltiir bour.llne S . ir difficult the job, ha 1 amdetermbked•ln keep pasted un, pre : - pared to meet eiery am! atiy.ease, .CLOCKS I iVATCH'S --JWIRY-&C Repaired on alter! totter) en' reasonable terms. In the Store of A. D. Armstrong's. Sign of the:gni:l' cI,OC.K.!' ' • ' . . 13.—T. guarantee - My 'prices forSmark to be as • loifaa at any other avill.regulated and reaponnible shoo and Joaf.- er than at many. Please-give me a 'call , . WA!. 11.. , IcOrel: la hereby 'given that, tbnliartneYsltlp byre to 4.. 1 faro existing between' the. undersigned In, the bun: uesn nrechandlning. In thin daydierielved by Uiiital con sent, and that the benineeli - of the Store will now bacon ducted ,and nettled 30. by 0 %Dimwit Smyth lie4the 18th day or Tune; 1860, . . e.H, T.HING DR. IVCOY, SOUTH-EAST' CORNER M.P;111 'STREET, pi. S. .BUTLER kEOPirS dOOX ntior.. • .Tai tar its P t rana.4o: - .- i: CAREFULLY REVISED 11Y.:1111`3,.. S.: 3. Great Exeite.ment in; the Sonth THE 12N16.1i, Iti DiNtlElt • A NEW ARRIVAL AT ARMSTRONG'S Dissolution.of Partnership J, n,v3iLIN, O,IIA3MIN.' Smothp art : , Pa THE 'TONGS AND VICE. TFlR'SLlDSCl:{ll;ER.ivcioltilirforn? .11le. cit •:.zeßs.of , Allegany, and Ihrurrnund ins couut[ ' y~ tliat he, in prefiared to do ,33•1,410i.is'igi','THINIG . , . , . IQ all,j(liffete:iit byanches io a . .,.workinanqke monnef,*iiii yiroi'o.iii ores's and 4ispatchAyilaran.. tit' to giv,eiloisilii!tion.. . .. •, . ' . ''. , W4GON WORK & MILL 'IRONS . - . . , . a ttenOed. to•In . gpoil ' stslr, ;and , r6asonable iite . s . ...Paiticular at ient • • . . . .1.-10 - I,•w-3 . - 'Slj bQin cr ' ' •'.. Fro m' experiinee in lbe business,. entire' snlie fartitip is v.,uar'apteml.. -_, ' J..D. OTTO. Tort . Aleeg's'ny,-11fareli'l,,i1860. ,- . . • ', , • n ovae Weise .4ROAITIC • 4" • ,% A SUPERLATIVE ''frONIC;DIURETIC, k f t ' vertt . - AIVD INVICIMINCt CORDIAL , . TO, the Citizens . of NOwlaisey Penn- Ciro a:erg and Private Families.: • . • •Walle'a Pure Cogniae. Pran4.. ••• • • ' Wolfe'raure Sherry' &Portl•Vine • .• •. '• Wolfe's Pure Jamaica and Sf..Creix..Rucii. • Wolfe . ! Pure Scotch and ALL. I\' BOTTLES . • J bog leave to call the atter.tiou of citizens of the Cid+ ted States in the abhvo 'l'ists nod Lt . quolia inirorted by Mani Sous,onSous, of NeW Volk. whose i - natne Is familiar in over part of this country for (111 purity of hls.Scitii. ILSIt Scussers' Mr. WOLFE. in hisiletter to.nio, speak ing of the polity of his WINES Ra.l.l.slQUoil,, o,m 1.11 milt 'stakednY reputalnin as toy staidine as a merchant 'or thirty year+, rlisidence In the-. City of New York „Cott till the Basknit and Wtssi which 1 bottle are pure aititit parted., Ind of the beat lan bet : tilled neon by ..ivory: . pun:Meier. , Every bottle. hat the Proprietni?s name no the wen, an•lit Etc simile s of his signature on the certificate.." The teubite - areyospectlltily invited to call and oxrdnine for themselves. For Sale - rst.lttrral L. by all 'Apothecaries awl in s.'hiliderphiat • .•• • At./ITL/S, \o. Pl 2 Market St. Philadelpiiia. . • so, A . g . corfor i Philittlelphia '. • . .• Read the'Tollowing from' too New York Coufier: I:ootyoucs heal 800 FOR ONE: NEW YORK NERCII.4.ST,--#9. are.hOppy - to Inform our 'fellow-cif Wins that tiokels one place in .mil city where'Cie physician, •npoth i ecary, awl country murchant,eati go and t urclitse Wines •At dors,i as psi re'as tali:ruled: and of this best quality' We.do pot intend to . give an ellilinrate deli:Option of this me'rchant's estonsi r e tins-loots, rilthnueli it will repay nuystranger or citizen to 'skit enot.fino WoLysits'estinisive warehouse, •Nni. 19 , 20 a1e1.2.2.- Dearer street, and Nov 17. El and 21; Mtrfkli eld street, Mfg stock .of Schnapps unhand road y for 'shipment scold tint:have be+ n loss than Mints thousand .the licandr -some tin thOusstn.l dases,illinlngos of tip IEIO ;.atol - tee-Onus:km . l coign s of . ry and Piet Wino; kotchinol Irish Milli:key, Janniici and 'St. Craig Rem. some vory,pid and eq ti;tl hi any in' this country. "Ile'also hail three largo - cellars, tilled with tirinly. Wine, ti o,i In cisk.ii ender'' Custom House key ready f , ir boy Vine . ... Mr. IlVolfiPs salesof!.tichripps.last year tunnel:lied to not. hundred ant ell. and w o hope Inv less than .tuai.years be, may 1M quiilly stfccessful Ilia Ilratatiea and Wines.. Ills busin'osS merits the pittronageiof eyery loser of his Private amilies whit with mire Wlnes'ynd query foe:medical ise 'annuli! send: thoe orders dirnet to' 31r.13*,;17.) until eve-y 'Apothecary to the I tot make ,np. their, Piintis to'ili+eard 'the #olsonous •stulT 'from. took vtve, ant 'replace it with 11 - ti.se's, pure IV MSS and 1,1- I • I . • • We understand Mr.. W.OI.FC, for.. the 'acemnrnodation a sit deilere, in the country, puts up issorted cneee of Vine; ant ,SUeh . ll mart. red Rini], n merchant, should ire m - 4nlWed aCaimt idalens ortholiaands of op nonente Mihe United states.who'sell nothirmilut 11Mta ruinou's nlike to Lutuan•llelak ';1.11,1 A'Short Chapter of History., great. \Vprk 'pt. the Horse, THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES . . , .. • • :... .BY T. JENNINGS, V, S , ... . . . . PROltqtlFt • qr. rAitOtoay Arin OpElt.Viliß sintai!T INTIIE .cgriusAhr COLI:E01,1 OP PlflL.l,ol;l.,Ptl . T . d. ETC., ..... • • WILL TELL YOU of the origin: ITiqtoh and ditinctive • tralts•of the tari•onahfeedsuf Europe,. • . • • •an, • Asiatfc,African and American 11 -Pr • , ' •fies, with the, physical forthation and • . . peeultarlites of the sanitnel, and. how • • to ascertain his wca.hy ,the number • ••, • • • • Arid eoedltionnf hift;teCth ;.illustrated. • . •.. numerous explanatorrengrayings I'l.o,rsolAittl hils:Phsonses W.Ii.L.ThIL.L.YOI.I Of preening, Itrenking,'Stabling;Feed • • • • Groerning,•Shoeing. "and the.gen ; • • . end ln.an.i einent of the' horse; with ! • inedes4if adnii nist twine mr;dielne, als o • • ' • how t o trea't jilting; Kicking, Ilea ring, • . httlinhhng. Crill lilting; ROI,' . Ise sores and ntlier - .ricas in•which be . • cullert • with•nunterous ()Sr.:loath % ..• Tii(* • Frctissie rota ltier DiF..ortf , . , e.s' '; • - • WILL TELL YOU if . (, the caused , syniptems:• and trent: ' • • mera of Stranitles. hero Throat Dim ‘• , • ••••, temper.., Catayrh, Indnensaittron.4dt: ' • ... is, Pnramenii, Pleurisy. lirefiee Wind Chronic Cough,• ]leering and • . • Wllir t." Alec. Lstowas. Fore Moth and •rlcers, ' . a;m1...1 . 4,avr.1 Teeth, wills ether disett , •. • .• • • , cos of•the Mouth :Ind Itosistratory . . . . • '. The H01 . ...5.t0 a' rici'llii , Disease. , -- ILL TELL YOU Or. flit" .ennseß, E.N:lntomii nnl . Trent . • .. rapat. 0 f worms: itet4. Collet Rtrnngti . ' - • •-'' ' intinn,..Stotir Cone notions,' 'New rns, • ' l'nlny.. Diarrhnel. Janedio'.. linpntirr • :•' ' - •Intn, Ittrent t; Urino, Stones in the i< hl . nnvs.nnrh Illaddor,-Infinmnintion; and . . .. rtht, rti<na.tet of the Sionntelt i lieweln, . . ... '• ' r . ... . I.tvers'ond Urineii Organs. . ' . : . ' Thce . - I - Torso rin.a.:his Dise4t4i4c4:-4... . ,: . Wll.l. Tr.LI. YOU Of the; Crototf, Sympforrend troll . - . -.. • - moot tone Blood And llog;, STA - In, MIT Sono , Swoo:olO, S. troicig IlrOken . • ' . : .. • ..• • Hil os, Win , ' .0-alls .• Younrler. Solo Ili-uiso awl ;(. rave); Craukot thioN, Scrafollo..•Cankor. Thrash and Coro4; ' ' ,•'' ' . ftNo; of Megrinis, Vorthro,, I:pilerev, • . 1. - Slo.m.r.rs, owl' olhOr. 01011808 of tlio • . Feet, Legg. Henri. ..' '• •. , • . • . . . . .. . - - The 1. - ferie mid. hie; Diseitses.- '. • . - WII.I.TELL YOU Of 'the - C.IIU/104, symptoms. oul Treat .. , ~ • - . men tof Fistula, Pull Evil.. Wanders, .' • . " . -Furey. Scarlet - Favor, Mange, Surfeit, . . Locked Jaw; Itheommism, Cramp, • - , r '. Orilla, Dine tees of the Eye and heart . . ' , ".... -.La., :cc., aao Mo'w to manatie.Castrit • • ,' - tiou,•tileeding,, Trenhirining.: Bowel . - '' ing; Firing, Hernia, Ainpntaiinn, Tap . •ping, and Other Aurgical operations. rr Tio Er 0 l'S 0 and hi:4. Di4ertses . WILL TELL YOU Of iltire.rlsinetholloll tamlifir 'Torres, . • • how to •Aretnach ; ,Halter or•Steble.a . . Chat ;• how to intrusion e Horse . to . . • . er r an t , SnolAq .0 Nitthtg, 0114111O1V to ...,• . Bit. Seattle . ; Ride. anti' ,Itreiik ' Ilifil.tn . .• . . ll:idles, . also; .tlie f01.j.0 . tini low of .. - • .• . ' : - . ..W ineAerY" The whole heist the re.. . . , . . , .mi11...0f more then' fifteen nears' careful . , • 'stujv ollho habil.. reculleritlpg,mints' . •. :-• . . , ' . and sreuknpsses'of thlsiUoble animal.. • - Thad:milk contains 321 pares;, appropriately Illusfrsioil be nearly ono diundryd encratings It is' printed in n Cleat. and open type. and be fir warded tonne address.' postage paid'. on receipt of Price, half bound, $1.20,•0r, In Ontb, extra 21:25 " ' ." , ' • .A. Flt m nee by enter % • „ • prising ctefl 'Where, in selling the above, and other popular works of ours. • Our indiicements loon such exceedingly liber al. For of nolo copies oft : Iloilo/de, or for terhis to agents, with ()lifer inforantllon; apply two , . address • . E. POTTER.. „ ,Ne. artlansom Streeti Plillsdelphlu; Ps. Noctiniber . .ls, lb-GO:Gin. • .•• 2.1 • ..".• . . • • ED: -.•-. A D2U rit TQ u O r O e. )1906r . r im lq ,el x.clia,pgalor '" n ', 11iechriesburg .Citb!aet s h op.: Stept'aport, , Aoll I; 1661: • CHURNS and Japanned Ware', Stoi.re. attitr!a Cat Haler. at MASON'S. • . . A. Oompound rorriedy,... in y..l;dcliskii - bove..la.•• &lied to'prodtice the. most ,cdtectUal alterative that can be made:.' Itcls a eoneentrsited - catisict: "of l'nra Sarsaparilla,. so- combined with other. substances of. still greider hlierathee xili*or,aB • tci,alferdYiin elfectii.o antidote for.the diseases. • Sarsaparilla is reputed to - mire. It is believed' • that , ,such a 'terriedy.li wanted by : Those - Who' su fter. from StruraptlS complaints, and. that ono. ovhiah will .aacomplish their cure' must proie of. initnense..servico. to OA largo class of our- Afflicted follow:citiiemi. llow.completelythis • compound-Will do it has been proven byexper 7 . . inient: art ithany of the,WOrst vases to be found: .Of the following edilitsaiiits f• • . . • SonotmLit .• AND • ScabruLnus CO3tPI:AINTS, ..ElttrPtlONS' • lag, ERUPTiirE D1E41.4.917.9,NLCEi1fc ,PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, Tenons; SALT. lIIIEUM, SCALD SYmiims Arin..Sreaurria AP PECTIONS, AIERCUIOAL liISEASEj.DItOrtiYi NEU; , ItALiiiiA..olL Dy -13 • 'AND. "ittISZ AsTnesiT's rum, and' indeed the Whole class of eAnirplaints arising from. Insufit'ry• . . „ Thisfetthipound-trill -he found a great'pi --meter. of health,' when ,taken in the.spring, to expel . ..the foul • humors- which "fester in the blood at that season of the year. -. By the time .ly expulsion of them many: rankling. disorclMS. :.are nipped . in: the .bud. Multitudes can; by . the aid of this remedy,' spare themselves from, the endurance of"fitul eruptions and ulcerous thrinigh which:the systerncwill striye to yid itself of corruptions, if net assisted 'to do this through the natural 'elnumels of,' the body an alterative ; Medicine: Cleanse: tait.the v rited -blond whenever you find its iniptnities : -.bursting . through the.skin in pimples„eriiptions, or. Sores ; cleanse it, when you find it is ob structed and Sluggish id the, - yeins ; elettnie it . whenever his foul, - and your ';feelitigs will tell. you Whec.... Even Where no partieular disorder' is felt; people' enjoy. better .health, ' , and • live longer; for - cleansing the blood.:. -sheep the bland, healthy, and all with this pabulum of life . disordered,' there can ho no lasting' he'alth..' .Sponer: or later ' sOniethhig niust• go wrong, and the great• machinery.ef life is.disarderedni overthrown. , Sarsaparilla, ; Has, ..and deserves' much, the reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But' the : world. has been'. egregiouslY • decelied by' prepartitiOns of :it; partly because the . drug alone has .not ..a.ll..the virtue that Claimed for it, brit more been* 'many preparations, pretending, to. be 'Concentrated. extreete.of it,: contain but little of-the virtue, of - Sarsaparilla,. or ally thing else.' : . • , • . . Miring late Yeartithe public have* been mis . led' by large bottlm., pretending to give_ a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for (ale dollar. 'Most of these have, been frauds - upon' the sick; for • they•not 'Only • Contain'little, if any, • Sersapa :rine, hut. often, no Curative .properties whatev-. er. • Hence, bitter and painful disuppoiatment . bits:followed the use'of the various extracts of 'Sarsaparilla 'which thiod the market, until the name - itself is justly despised, tind:lnui become synonymous with imposition and cheat. . Still we eallthis. com Pound - Sarsaparilla,. and intend to supply aueh.'a remedy as.. shall' regcuei. the name from. the load. of obloquy 'whielr. rests upon itr . And we thinit we haVe . grOund for believing it has virtues Which . are irroistibie by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend-: 'ed to Cure. in tirderto.sesure their complete eradication froMthe, system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according tO directions on . the bottle. • ..;• . -". •- . I'ILEP.UIED )3Y DR. J. C. AVEII.4: CO. LOWELL, MASS. Prier, $1 per Bi;ltie; Six liattlex.for.o§.. .• . .Ayees Cherry :Pe6toral,.. has soon for itself such' it renown for the cure '6l "it variety of .Threat and Lung CoMplaint, that; it is entirely unnecessarv.for us; to..recolint the 'evidenCe of its'virtues, wherever it has. been- em ployed: As it' has long been in constant use throughout this section, wo need not do more than assure the people its quality Lq kept up to the best it ever has been; and that it may . be relied on to a 6 for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Cathartic • . FOB O TEM CI7RE • • • :Restiveness; Jaundice,. Dyspepsia Dysentery),*.Faul . Stanundi,:pwsipelas, Ilegdache, Piles, Bheutnatisni,Ernpliosixand Liver Coniplaint,' bropsy, 2'etter, 711111077 and Salt Pheutii; 'Worms,. Gent; Weitralgia, pi' a Dinner : . Pill, and for Pdri.fpin:q the Blea,d.. They are:'sugar , coated, sh tharthe most -sensi tive can take- them Onasantiv.•and they are the best aperient in-the world fur all the purposes.of family physic., '. .firice:2s cents pax Box; Crest numbers of Clergymen, Physicians,. States ltien; and eminent • personages, • have. lent :their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space herewill - not perinit the insertion of them. "The Agents below named fur nish gratis our AmEntbsit At.m.twite in which they are given ;'with also•fttll 'descriptions of .tlfe'above complaints; and. the treatment that,slionld be fo) lowed Tor their eure.: • ' , Do not he put off by unprincipled dealers.n:m other preparatiopa , they make more 'profit on. Demand AYEIL . S, and mho Th.v 'sick thobest aid.there is for them, and, - • - ey should All our Remedies are for sale by' ' . arnliO .Smetbport;.:C: .E. Os good,,. Bradford L..H. Polly; Port: Allegheny; and by dealers, rynty . where.' • : ." . . iIEGHANICSBURG CABINET SHOP PRICES REDUGE,D Tol Suit the "times 1.1 I . . ~ . TIIE subscriber respectfully announces to the citizens 'of APKean county' thatltc. bssisken eb.,/shop for merly occupied by A. Walters, in lifecluinicnrg, -and is manufacturing and will kesp coristantly•On hand every i.ardetfand style of -. • " „—•- - • - . . , BEDSTEADS, • ' TABLES, , • • DIVANS:: ' • . ITU AT-NOTS; • • • CORNER-STANDS, • 'SOFAS, • • . . . CHAIRS, BUR KAUS, • LOIJNOES, OTTOMANS„ ' . WASH-STANDS,. &c., All the Modern Styles of Furniture Xahogony, Oak, &a CQTTAGEpED.ROOM SUITS, FANCY AND ORNAMENTAL . WARES, PARLOiI• S 41111 AP ••AS CAN RE BOUM A. OLEAN: The'verybect of workmen have been permanently ail 'gaged, rind all, work. filmed out .or this 'EitabliAmsut warranted - to ho what It to repreionted. . sitEPA IR i NG att ended' fo promptly, and op pie* st COFFINSrdade to order, on . 1,11 . 6 ikpident optic. • • - • LumplExt of ail Aindn; :Poplar; o.;o4Grainowd rn fact' ..averyglingfit!ultotieblef . . to,:ecop to ogO for . ' • • , .. . . • The,: proprietor bepon, wants tbe cormoinalty, Imetbport ,44 4 04 pi; . . . • . GRAN IY , ' OPENING • ...-.; 4 A ° pp le V FALL- 0 1 : • . , . Best quolity, jt'esf priers, ate' 'tow beini , eicnibited at:tbe'.lliii,mmoth'Store of i seffliis Ifoi We.have .nows.ob bane, o;magnificerit.assor meat of DRESS GOODS;,! Of a'veri. deaciiidion t ..with trbunaings to m'atah. And a boat of : . • . • will- be - sOld:at. !niece that'iilrlll:catise all competition to -stand goods can be Sold et such Micas, .Eack.dispait; nrient with a t'onnilet.vaiieiy.pliilf.the Arid w'eiekeTlesiire in : annottneiti . to thepablic AR E o'll 4;11 T AT.' BA RGAINS •izigt-w:il;beS.Old TON eT ANYIOTHER .ESTAI3IASHM.ENT . , ,We haYe joet fitted tio,a.LAßGE,and GOIVI MODIOUS.CARPET ROOM 22 by 7,5 Faii, which filled . with a new lot °tall the LA.; TEST STYLGS of :R0 . N1 : 35 Os; UPWARDS Hats, Cc,ap, Iteady i'k.0..40-.ClO:thing;•Wa4 Paper, `Window: of all kinds; 3 shilling GAITERS Enos for $1.06. All who want to, get LIGHT on the subjeo FAST; call and get a gallon of. • . l, Sal . A It: 0...9, N. : -. 9 :1:1.6' and if it does not . kucn - TvtagEi 'AS:LONG ae any. other kind you can•lind for:sl, out Hat is the fo'ffeit. •••'' . A viskto Olean wilt satisfy:WU:hat is ehe'•HEAD.QUARTERS.'OF TRADE and life GRAND EMPORIUM , 'of every , thing NEW NEAT STYLISH. That 50 ct.. T. still 'better. • N. S. 811 A. BLAK 6 ~ L. W. GarroßD, Oleati;.*t..l3, .1660 SMETHPORT.LIVERY . THE SUBSeRIBEIVitis cry Stablein Scnaihport, nett'olll,Statiq; on - Main . Aso Mehanice, whera ear) le..laani scs'and CaTriagetkat lcmprice; ma . keduith'pott...o. permaneril asks dahare , of patronage., A:. N. SMITH: Stnethport, Augmit 24, 1860.. : • n 2311... ; :firer' at brick 14r'sale. quire,of FIIAXIC DAOKIIS: 100,000 - e • • • - N. f. • Smethporti A ug'tist'l3 11K3: - - triak atteinti9n In the share et yoUS. ti ,ER 'riymori: •-• BOOTS AND StiOV.St FLAtS AND CHINA WARE, CROCKERY, &c., &c., LATEST STYLES.IN,MA'II! G 0 0 D E ,E H In Olean. CSI,2I'PLEIV2Y4I. Shades, HOsery and HOOPED SKIRTS at 31•cts No. 4 Excelsior ' ,•.-.,,-,.,,1f0i,!,.. ,••-.:1-.,',.:',:ft,.....),,,:,,,,.--0 , ' .. 1. •:):; , : : -7', ~., NMI .;.'••6, ,_ ~ ;:iYi,p, 44. Riliw.rik.: _„..„.,,,,,, iiiii, ~...e.,,.,::,,,,..„f' . ..,.. ~.. -• ,i w i tit t ry: ,,- orv „ ..,. 1.-.', ..,-,•,,, • - (~.., ,- L .,, -.4.• , .5..1.. •,,, .-. )', ....i0,...- nl •. y,;•.,...f1.5 In fA4.,.. d,-: h,,.i.,.: 4,. 0"i-.ii....., , •-,-.,,...:,,,a .....,..,,,:. -,-...,..,..,.-.,.;e.., ~..,,„•.', :.. ~ ~, ~.., i ~', .• •.:,,. .•:;• . . _ }....y . !:; , 4 r.y9RN1 .: :,,,1cp i , tr"44 . .;... ITERallir''' ~:::ii , :',' l'.' - s ~.'•s4:ci; pippoto ionp-to I g•Friicio.fr , ,Pottioov., ;„;:- .: , riodilitetooktollie h OrttA, • , i'f ..; OtitsiogielOuPof Si • 4 *.i;1f,E;:3:;,..- • • :10 ars. MCI est fib) ishott . tlird . 4. 7 -Ih* laity Poet 011C4. Priiontieektiti* .U4d 6 N i; learners, ShiPog gle• Mod d y—the: City .ffooapitaltit . &c. . • ~•..\!2,4,7,t 7.76111r.g, . , Used 4—tbe City faith —7.lAstor. Nkhutsi,!'¢c: : ' Med by.—the Boardingli•lir s r.; ?••-• Mod nio're ;hen 50,006PriVa • * i•• ''•••• -• J,t> Mrsee wut /Ai P•hprta,. Press, end.D4res , , 11'NRY • have been .! 'ivas actually 'of tha. hOuio..lrie..lie , Roe . clies were everywhere :I,or:chalet! of your ,Fatirenirw!tor .rorl t,r.ittt,4,lo#et tirek was ie oemop- pyl .• House: • . : Joittv Glysstsei N0...,94' v E1ni41!.... • . . HOUSEKEEPERA-r-itrinibled.w4 nrititn.• neetl•he to no ihri'kt4; thEY hit 'ildenittal 4 e,' Extirminutni I. , We have, Oiled it to out. saint (action, end: if n bolt it' We . ' hod tried noisOni," bat 'tbei! nothing ; CONTAR'S rticle Out ot Rat.,' wiite great the country: 7 -Miidna (0;) ' • . Iqoll - g. GRAIN nntl . l, ) iolsioniiir,edelifivirof woul4m) - 1 for toile Oft : fitliCßat'iiii44lll6.l -- , * MP len+ ori er- , '11; _ HENRY C OSTAR—Yoer . 4 M310'1010 :is receiieti,,, used ? , Red woettpeced4llldld. ` .elleeeset . 'We . ese4l.l.oex Rats . and bfide - attearid our p'reralsgii 4 911110 Netl," that night was a caution Since then note Bat or,Aftru,se . Atte betto.,heajA fic kitehed ciller:lttaireiree: , (%iarfifisif 1 HAVE BEEN SELLING . L:-Yottr•.!ittisliii: , Dater: for Oiliest year; 10 'lnd it a.01191.510t , *1 0 . n.0. pose, .Druggis! ! goirditiii!ei r fir t WE ARF: SELLING—Your preparatiiiii rnpidly. Wherever they have. been used f .Retri, Mire, Roachee,,and Vermin disappear hitinidi• ntely.. -Druggista, To y-Rate, To Destroy—Plilice, Moles; Ifec To. ./51.01.413ed 106 Dastroy:—Mot4, Flits., Acts; 6i.- Destray,—Mosq9!tloei. To•DestrOy--Inliocte onplanti and i itiete• To Destroy 7 lnsecti on 'Anima*. ikokk ti;''Deatroy-Every, form and rpecleii.er vv. vsa on.* 'Costar's" ,:Ra' ,R 914, 5e, , 1:34131110. Coetar's";Bed-btir EsusitWri: , Near's" Electric; Powder'forbasati. hi 25, 50c. AND4I,OO soxsa, iherillßS,!We FLA us. sp 110 , € , ,5 Iige , !FPOI M 4-I T/ONS; Sun's) 120" Sold Beterytvltere—by .•;• .• _,• . AlI ,Wholesale Drtiggiste in iiirm,citielv.: Ail Retail Desiers—Greesiii= l Btoe l Weipetifr ik 4ce. in the United States.. • :. • ... Wh o le s ale : igeo4 in New.loi t . .lit y..... Shieffeiin Bros. & Co:: . Reersll.. Risley is Co: 'Fa hio;s!oCkili ail! &•Co. .BuSlNVilei& Rehisien, 'N.B. SiD.iSc 41ait15,&:c9,5 I • AI ;:liTiO i rporOkSil. IVheler'Har . t... .. • , ' lif 'Kiel*, & Robbins.:' • D:S..,Barnes'es Co. , F. C, Wells & C 0... 'Litsl , loi• Minh &:Co. Hall,'l)ixon & Co.' Jiega folio &'Co. • • Hall„Ruckel & Co Thormi . s/ArFuller. P. D. Orris.:. • Tripp & 1 9 °9 4\ 44 ,4 1 :' 2 t4 AND OTHERS. - ,•• • .' Pariferictu Dudley & StAfford. '. i',lti;adelphiii Pa. T. W. Dyot t & Co. Robt: Shoemaker & Cp 13. A .Fah nestock* Co. 1 French,Rlchordo & Cp . All the Principal Cities 'and Towne in thi UNITED - STATES. SMETHPORT, n` - Sold by A rid 'by Dr - ilee Groce'rkiilo4 . g!a.. • ;sal ikejty,akti 01104*.,4,11: . v frrCoun . trY..P.,PIesAPYI '.5.411°-8141.q1Frat Or address ord iti re t-r-flart!lt &c.'is desired '0,11:14, .." , HENRY,.II, 'w i) 2- voolwfri PRecY4L-450606.—riti - i: Nieh0144 1 . 0.4 ,ig,F; 4 1 4i4 . 8 4 , 4 1 n° 11 * • ' • MEIN