. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . , . .. . . . , ~. ~ .. . . . , - . . .. , . . . . . . , . ~ . . . . . . , . . . .... . . . . . ' '...:A.. . VOL. 3. ' . . .111'ficatt. iountv, illeinottat _ l i II,OtIBLIED •EVERY AATURDAY:MORNINg, ~j •" . By J:' B:. OVIATT, ' • • ' SMETHPORT, M'KEAN. COUNTY,' PA.' 0FF114,1 . :9, E. COIINES OF PIIDLid SQUARE - - 8156 in Advance • • • • • .•,., Rates of 'Advertising, •• • . • :.•• Ooltunri one year.: 00 : 20 00 sf 1200 ' 1. 2_ooo. ' One square of 121Ines'or lees, 3 Inserthiria,...: 160 Reek subsequent ' Bll , ll6lllls . oards;.iritb paper, • .600 Rule or llgure work will be double the nbOvn rates. Twelire lines Breyler.tine, or eight nonpareil,is L.7 - :These'reii3 . 33 will tici"!;trict*.iullieiei Vitsiness 03irettorv. BER/ETt ROUSE, Co., .. . . 8 mathport, Br Kean Co., Pa. 1, S. MasoN, Proprietor. —opposite the Court Rodeo'. • 'knew, large, conamodi. , one and well furnished tOuse. '.. - . GEO. H. MASO . .. ~ .. . . . . - • • 7eolur in 8 toten;lln.Vare,lannarie'd Ware,' &e . i siest • - Side 'orthd. Publre Suture, Bmethpoi-t,• Pa. Custom . N . orkx. do n.e to odor on the shortest •notite, and In .the sweat inbstantial. manner. • . . DENTISTRY . . •Pa..m. A. Si.!Ltona 11 , 01114 resPectfully.announee to the iddhpoit add viciity, lhat bac fitted qiticens s up . 4,ofrice Rrepared to .a4end to - all bfiainesi . antil‘ profession. . 71.1fic ial teed} '. inserted .trpon eel-- prinAplea, and so -- as to preseryethe natural ex pre face Alltlporations I,p Dental Surgery done in a Wilful, tottna9r: • . . 10t . A. J. NAIIVE Dealer In Stoves. Tin Ware, .jappaod. Ware, '.!ra. .west b.. . B Attip,irt; . Pa, Ointioin , end of 4ebe Public .Square and in . the • .'work done .to order' onthe t ehort."tSP ots ." , .. meet subatanttarmanners . ''' ..' • OLEAN HOUSE, , . . . . . . ~ A. it. 13. tan; Proprietor. Olean, :N. Y. 4. .onin.. 4 !'"un .° Co and from Elie New York and Erie Rail Road. - ... B t.z , ges 'tor liktiethiort and (Jere,. ..• .. . :- . - ' HYDE .HOUSE, . . B. I' OadOoti E rapriatOr.•' Ridgway, Pa. Rotel ' la new. arid. famished in modern atylo, bun ample accom modations, and in, inkarespacts, a Virat,Class Ridgway, Elk Eo.'Pa: May tl4, IE6O • • - .ELDRED, HOTEL,. Jane *ma, Ptoprietor*. This twin, is situated hal way between :Orriethpett and' Olean. A ennvenien. 'an eaunnodieue 1 , 0113 1, attentive and obliging attend ante, and Ina prices: •.. Eldred', May 17,1860. • ' - ' . • • - • • • • ' • •. , ' • A. D. HAMLIN,.. Surieyer; Draftsman' Cotiyeyincer, and 11. ell Estate Agent.. Stnetliport, Nl'lleanepunty, I'a. • . . . • ". : "." . WILLIAM .WILKIN,• • . :'• :" Practical .Mecl4nic. Millwright, BridgC-buitler,-... &c., .Port 4lieghetly;WlCe . fit coanty,.Ps... ~ • . . J: L. Eltoww., StiIIVEYQR; DRAFTSMAN,.C.O:s;VEYANOI:it and !teal taste Aigort; OM* Elk l4mi% • • • . ' • —RR►BRB\CI49-- flbripituk Boyle, Ecq le.; Tbrilnie W. 8. • Brownell, Hort.. A. 1. Wilcox, . . . . • ' • . CARVER HOUSE, Jens R. HULL Propriet.nr. corner ne . Wster andllietory .Areeta, :Warren, Pa. Generej. Stage Office., ' •. "• • . Folgs HOUSE, • Frontine, tho'.Puhlte S. Y. Taxes M. • M ;WAR Proprietor. The Yob House kPi tiiily net; and huilt of bOk, and is furnished in tnodern The proprietor.ilaster:a hituself•that . his ateoloninda • .tfonaare not attrpasiietl by any hotel in }Vattern . . York. • Oarrjt n ees run to and from' the New York and Erii Rail Road.. • .. . tf. • • 4 • BYRON P. trATSLIN, • • . X71'0111461 , AT T. Or; Smethpoit; .M'Kean Comity.: • `Agent .gioojrn. .44,Trils .lands' Attenis . tolho Collection nf.Clkimsi Etaminntiiitfirt Pa7ty . teut id Taxeft.,.:2•l'lol , ltuAiness rein • t.' Real Xstate. • Clfee.in 114'rulin Mock... • - E . BOUGHTOit ELDRED,: - A Niney tl• Counsellor at Law, smetbpait: WHean Onistity, Pd, lins'ness entrusted tn'tis care for the • 'counties of fif.',Ke:2,n,, Potterand.Elk will .he promptly •sttended to' - Office in the Catirt Rouse, second Poor. DR. L.R. WIBDER, . . ... . Shysician an;fizjurgeon,Sinethport, Pa, will attend 'to -. all prote'ssionaLcalls with. promptness. ' °MO lu Sart well Block, second door. •' . • . . THING .& MILLER, Wholtuala and Retal Dealer,' in - Staple and Vanity . :Dry Goads, Carpeting, Ready Made Ottithintr, add 00neral , Furnistdng Goode, Boota.and Stiges,.7llll. and Window raper, Looking Glaeaes&e.• At Olean, N. Y..: • . JOHN C. BACKUS, Attorney anil.oouitaellor itt:Lavr, SmethAirt.Keen.tio Will attend to all budineselii his profeccion Id the . countleesl,'Kean,Pottor and Elk. Office over U.K. Barta4ll ik..llrothere' Store...' . • . HACKAgY HOUSE, rgoraer of tincand and Liberty street!'i Warre7 ' Pi. • IL A. , Balloon, •Proprietor . Traieters thadsood ac- Sponnedations• and reasonable charge!. , • . . LARABRE'S HOTEL, . , . ~ . . 'iR,, Lpitalti.. Proprletpr,-,..A.lleghony Midge, Idlliean . Co ' Pa...Thls houee le situated about nine miles from, '. .Smethport ou the rOad to Olean; Ind, will be found a • convettlentetoppluvelaee . • • • ' FARMERS! VALLEY HOTEL, Ay T. GoOnwis: This house le situated about flan mile frornSmetbiuirt on the r,oad to Oloan. Ploasorepartte ~•and. o the: oartboaecornniodated on the shortentrotice W. B. BtOWNELL, ' • • • Dealer In Dry Goods, Groceries, CrockerY, Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Hata, Claps, Glass, Nails, Oils,&c., &c. East side of the Public' Square Smethpor, Pa. • EMPORItIIa ROUSE, Slit ppon, WlCeau Co., Pa: N. L. DY.RPI, Proprietor A commodiona and well•t'urniehed hnuee. Strange re ' and taaTelais will find 'good soiommodatlooa.' ' , • PORT ALLEGANY HOUSE, s Esoon B. DOLLEY, Proprietor, at Pori Allegany,. Mc- Kean ponnty, Pa. This Hotel iseituated at the June • Mon of titefirnethport and, Allegany 4iver ioads, ninO miles east of Smethport. . . . :: . AST.ORS - .HOUSE • • . , SMETIEPOILT; DIMEAN Co., Pa:. . • WM. -. HASKELL This House le well calculated tar the accommodation Or the Trundling Public•ltayirer recently' been renilred and 'remodeled.. Good Public; and Stables. 'Charges rea sonable.. Stagee Tor Olean, Shipper' . and Ridgway: . , : • ,Sinethport, July 2, 1860. • . ' • ' • . . • • TO Thosa • Intetested in Mining;and • • . . • .- : . • - • • :Nineral Lands: • .n. BARNES errors bi• eorrioes for the examine W• tioa of Mineral Lends in ArKein an Elk. coon ., Sim and wilt bin wive opinion as to the VALUE OR MINES, km • Those engaging Ilia hotvinee will receive • , ill neeemaryland reliselo information:.ltisidenee at the • Banker Mill .Minee: : - .: - . dargexcii, 31 , H050 CO., Jane f),•1859. • • • • . . . - ' ••. ' ' ..B.II..HYDE, - • • .4nowlay.74i:Law, Broethport,.lll , Heiti eo ., Pi. Col. • 4etions, Komptl, 0000. W . ' r 01E14, '41.: Sections 6,7, S' and 4 3eriact the mode of a$- ' es i r riej i t ; The direct tax laid by the act 'on - the,' value •of all lauds be a ,,qessed dud and lots with: their improvements , and dwelling .h ouses ,'which.:severat articles subject-to taxatti.. 9 $ll4ll be enumerated .and the r valued by .espeetn, • e asse s •ors at the rate each of them is : worth in Money: on the first day of April, eighteen hundred ir':.n4 sixiTt w° -; ,Provided, hOwever, that all property of what ever kind.coming within any of the foregl'ing descriptions, and belonging to theilnited States. °rimy State, or'permanently' Or 'Etiet.ially ex= empted from taxation by 'the laws of the State wherein the same may be situated at. the time the . passage of this act, together with such property beloging to any individual, who act ually,resides thereon; as shall be worth till' sum of five hundred dollars, ;hall he exempted from the aforesaid enimieration and valuation, and, frOM the direct taxaforesanl..'• And prdv.i.. ded further, that making buch assessment,' due i'egard shall be had to any valuation • that may' have. been made 'under the authority: of, the.' state or territory at any period, nearest to said 'first day of April. • • • • , Persons will be required to give writtenlint Of lots and dwellings liable to direct tax, in de- fault of which, or in case of 'fraudulent return, the assessor will make sitch lints; and incase of Liquid the person offending may also'be con victed before any' court having 'competent ju-. risdicl ion and fined $306. • . Ridgway, Pa. .IViiren, Pa, Sniettioort,, Pa' Buena Vista. Ps , In'caae.oftha absence of property-ovneriithe :assessocmPsti leave a note requiring'the owner to preient.the lift within' tell days. • If h e ye fuseS, .the Asaessocipay. ehter premiaesand, make.th'e list. "OWners inaY•rnake out the lista .of properly 'aittiated• ip•Alistiicts in which, they do tio'icreside.,:dnd the' said .lists •sliall be valid and sufficient tor the purpoae'ofthis act and on the 'delivery of every - sbckliat the Oei•ion ing . and delivering the - .sartie shill' pay to the assessor whiChhe •shalfretai6 to htc PILI3,I36ATION OF TAX, LISTS AND EtECTIFiCATIONS . After valuations are assessed lists must be published.by the assessor in each district• and for twenty five clays . after publication—ap.. peals ‘ will be received and deterthined relative to excessive -valuations or enumerations. , • No val natidn shall be increased -Without' a previous notice of at least five days. , • •- The Board of .AsseaSors mast 'carefully ex• amine thelists of valuation, and they may re= vise, adjust and'equalize thoyakiation of prop arty in any countyor deducting therefrom. such a rate per cantunt as shall under the valeation of the several counties and state districts,,he just'and equitable; Provided, The'relative val uation of property in the same' county shill not . be ehanged,'unless - rnanifeit error.or imperfec tion shall appear in any oithe lists of valuation in which cage they have power , to correct ihe same, as to them, shall appear lost and right.— And if,.in con.sequence'of any 'revisal, change, and.alte - Fatton of the said valuation,.. tiny ine qality shall be produced i.n the apportionment 'ofthe direct tax to. the several states, if shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury' to report the sarrie to Congress, to the intent that provision may , be made by law for 'rectifying such inequality. • . : • When.the assessors beim completed the ad- . justment and equalization, the, proper quota of the direct' tax to each' county and, district of a state shall be 'a pportioned.. , • Section - 31 . provides tbat"when any shall re main unpaid for the term of one year, ,the col-' lector in the state where the property lies, hay inn, first advertised-the same for sixty 'days in at feast one newspaper in the state, shall.pro eeed to sell,-at public sale,.so much of the . said: property as may'be necessary, to. satisfy the taxes due thereon; tog ether with an addition'of twenty per centum thereon; or if such property is not divisib;e, as aforesaid, the whole thereof shall he sold, and accounted for in .the manner herein befoie provided. If the property adv.er, tised for sale cannot ;be sold for. the meant of the tax' due-thereon, With 'the 'said addition thereon, the collector shall purchaie. the 'same in behalf of the United States for such amount. and addition.`' • . . • Sec.' 6i. And be it furthet enacted, that persons earning or having profits, gains and in. comes, in their own right or in trust and id) corripanies, institutions, associations, corporate or. riot Corporate; end Corporitorti; earning 'or having profits, gains and incomes are or shall be derived from sources other theft the proper. ,The New Revenge Ants: ThO Dlfett TOi—Taxation of Incomes=The Amended Tariff We' nnex a careful abstract of the. new enne . act, which provide' for-the assessment and collection - of an annual tax of '520,000,000 and :which : was passed . by' Congreis on iday. A large proportion of ihe' bill 1,5 deyo . ted to de 'tails. respecting. the :.daties or. asse s s o rs; the mode of Collection, and penalties for -non-com pliance with theprovisions,: pf the - act. yhe sections relative 'to the income tag are of gene rakinterest; and the entire text is giveirbelow:' .APPOIITION;NE\T . . Maine, $420,826; New'Hampshire, $218,4001 Vermont,.s2l4,o6B;...Massachusett s , $824,581; Rhode Island, $ 1 . 1 6,963;C0ane0ient;5308,214; New YorY; $2,803,018; New Jersey, $450;134; Pennsylvania, V.,046,719;• Delaware, $74,68.11 Maryland, $436,823; Virginia; $937,000i North $076.,104; . South'Carolina i rs3p3,s7o; Alabama, $629P13;. Mks.: issippi, $413,084 Ohio, sl,s.o7,oBo;Kentnekyi . $713;095; Tennesseeis66o,49B; Indiana;s9o4,:;. 875; 11limns, $1,146,554.. Missouri, $7 6 1,127; Kansas; $71,743i. Arkansas, .s2ql,BBo;*Mid?i -gap, $501,703; Florida,' $77,022; Texas, $350,- 106; lo wa, $402,088; Wisconsin, $519,688; Cal:. $254,538, .Minnesota,sloB,s24 , , , Cregati s36,l4o; New Mexico,-.592,648; - .Utah, 982; Washington, '57,755;' Nenresli . a, $10,324 Nevada, $4,502; Colorado, $22,605; Dakota, $3,244 .'Colurribia;s4o;437:- ASSESSORS A:YD COELI:CTORS Sections 2,•3;.4 and 5 of the bill declare the mode of appointing, assessyre and - chllectors, and, , their duties. • The Seeretary divide the Stated, territories and District, and appoint an assessor anif colleetor, who. Must freehold 7 . ers'and residents in each district. . They. must give suitable. bonds; and take oath to execute their otfices-faithfully.. • H prone . or..AssessaitNT 13SENTEE . .PliOPERTi' OWN-F.ES' THE INCOME TAX; . , , • '• • • . . • •„, ) 111 * . •-• ".j. • • SAIETHPORT, M'KEA.N COUNIT, P • A., SATURD • 1 1 X.Y AUG. 31 1861 ty . biy this. act: subjectert loft direct• tax, forthe year preceding the first day' of :April,- Amin D . ornini ,eighteen hundred Inini: . ifitY-tiVo,. and, each'year thereafter : beyond the 'ammo( 04;4 . 1 bundred.dollars, 'derived "frem .-any. source *.of business, trade or.' vocation„ lividends of stock,- •intarest'of;thOney or debts:Balm:les, ,inteteiii.on degeeies, 'annuities, .Or :derived from . any other source, Within' Or beyond the baundaries of the. United States,eliall.bc.sehiect . to, arid pay a.tai of three per cetitutimpu the first day or April,in 'each yearfrOtii and after the' PaiSale . .of ;this, act; and in omi : rating suet] prefitsi gains and incomes, there ehall.:be, dedbeted...besides. the sun]. of eight' hundred... dollars, as' 'aforesaid . ; all local or atate'takes, the 'Wages:paid .for labor, and Other chargea..incident to 'such profits, gains and - ineomes, not IncludingliersOnal end. (unity. expenses, in Such,.monner. as to deaVe• -the arintial net income of.eaCh and every Perry son, excepting:the deductions , heretofore' and hereafter mentioned,. subject' to taxation under. the proviiionSbf this acii.Provided,.That no peisen, member or corporator of anrcornpany, .thatitution,.assbeiatiOn or corporation, charged or chargeable with 'a tag ,under this actoliall be Subjected'lndividually to taxation for his Or , her Share . of the nofits gains or' incomes .of suclicornpanytinstitotion, association Or - poration.'whien shall have been taiedunder the provisionstt, and padd , in the whole. by . of his ac said comany. institution, association or. corpo ration; but where the. income tax is derived 'from . 'pei.ions residing,abroad, but drawing mon-, ey from their property:in this eoinitry;the'rate • shall.befia.e.per cent, perannom-• . 65.1And,be it fUrther enacted,'That each and every. person, company assoeiation, corporate or'. not..corporate, and ,corporator, as mentioned 'in the preceding sec tion, shall, on. the fit st'day•of 'April 'next,. and each yeartherearter,:earise a italement to 'be prepared and verified by- the oath' of such per son, or.by the oath of the princlpal'manager'of such company, Institution, association; corpo : . rate . or.riot corporate,. which statement. ;shall exhibit the amount ofiprofits, gains artd.income of said person, company ; institution, ai.soCia- . :tiopi;corporate or.nut corporate, for the year ending on the Said first day*of Which statement Shalt. within thirty.. days 'front the . ' firsCday.of be,lodged with the Collector of the excise or internal taxes for the distriet Lin Which : the 'principal place of business nlsuch perion or persons, company, association; insti , tutino,.crarriorate 'or not corporate . ,. is situated, and'..' sliap be the dtity of such collector to give rablic novice that he2willattend at convenient • • t and the ain't pr d e e .; to ,Ecceii'l such - 1 4temell Of tut or d;ii.r' there on,o mount paid; and if and shall give. a.receiPtor for the ;: anY,person,or persons or profit's, gains or-incomes in his own - . right ;,,! trust above the. suiri . of-`eight litiodreh 'as , hereialiefore mentioned, or any coinpani,ln' • . , • stitution, •associat corporalp or not corioratt earning , having. profits, gains or incomes aboYe the : su'm of eight hundredilollais; as here., Pt before mentioned,. shall neglect or refuse to cause such'stateritent to be, made, 'lodged with the collector and. "verifieddl as a forasaht. the aglow : it of taxiiir duty may. and shall be fixed by the' collecter,..ancl after tan4ays, 'notice Of the amount so, fixad, if not paid, such • arnount may be levied' by distrafiniu the Inanne'r.pre scrilied,irCother crises of• delinquency. by this 1: • ' .• .-.:We have already,ptiblishe4,the substance' of the section Which allows o,dedtiction of fifteen per cent when the.f.tate,assomes,tissesses anti collects the.tlirert income an& crcise 'tax. for , the tederal government.-' • • " ' The Attorney General and the Clothing Contract. , .. . , 'We were .not in error, When Upon the appoint -1 ment .of the. Hon, Wm: Mi. feredit li to the:. At toiney Generalship of the 'State, Ni'.e expressed that fear.thaT his admitted abilitdis,ivnuld find 'other einployment.than' the - eenrection • of the enornions 'abuses and fraddi to which the Stele and-gallant voluitteera had! beed subjected by the favotifeS and 'hangers on of the State', Ad ministratiOn, to, Whom Gov. 'Curtin ehose to . C.Ohli i MCI WipOielbliii IIPSS TO( supplying, the troops' With provisions and clothing. The mist' stn 'pendons frauds-have been pioved upon these, friends of the GoUernor, and are' I,nown to or' ery.man,in. the community....Their:enormity. drove.Mt.:Menedith!s'predec,essor fiann his tin• . sition t simply. because he was unwilling to have . 'his siood natile - tarkiiited.by . cOnnection with un adminktratiort so deckless'atideorrupt; but,Witli the full' knowledge of all ; these' facts before liirti. and all the damning evidetice.,elioited' by the partial investigation made by the• United States Grand-Jury,..Mr... Meredith has - dt . t6meill it .1/0 par,(9this ditty, as . the chief law ofliceiof the COmmonyvealth, to free the , S i ate' from - the Odi . , urn tit thesenefarious•tionsactionS•by bringing the guilty pariie o o.punishme.nt. He has rath- er made his high pesition, solridignahtly vilea... ted by•l‘ly..Purviitage a xhield for the protect tion of the tiagrant - sentin . drelism thathusshock eil the moral sense of the whole' commonwealth Mid in which the Executive' is believed' to have heed directly 'iniPlicated; Mr. Meredith had not exhibited,. when Secretary of ' the' United States Treasury, that horror of the notorious. Galphinisms of that period, .calculated to give the least assurance that these frauds upon vol unteers,,and of which the people of every sec . - tiotr ot the State were complaining :Would be, rigidly investigated; but We 'confess we were not altogether prepaied for the. total 'indiffer ence to these. transactions he dhis manifested, except it be to.iereen'his patron.„. •. • , It is -'well .knOwn that when these fra'uds could be no Itinger.denied, eta' when all faith'in the integrity - of Gov:.Citrtin bad been lost, he was induced by Mr.- Meredith ,to eppnint Commission, ostensibly for the purpose of in.: vesti.ating the .'very ugly 'facts then .of daily deveroptient; but it' Mild seem that this Corn 'mission 'was rnore.of r a blind than anght.'elsei and its . object te 'Sttflo. public '.clamor, ratber than to 'promote' the ' ends. al:Justice. So far, nothing ha.s resulted from iti'and it would semi, to'have'been.:the purpose of Mr: Meredith; fiom the;beginning, that nothing should reedit. • In a - published letter--and as it there ivas no shame in the confession—he says• he hail ITlRthi no supiestion to the Commission; and. has gig en them no , ski; except : lo prepare; at, their re quest, ,e form for summoning svitnesses, and to lay - before them the testimony taken before the U. 6, Grand 'Pry, which bad been transmitted totbe Governor by 'District Attorney Coffey. . . 1 This explanatiOn.of Mr. 'Mereclitlygoeth far to , jit'ittifY.,the suspicion pievio"usly.-eicisting , that, he accepted the Attorney ' , Generalship chiefly, forthe pnrpoie of.e.xtricating Govern.ot Curtin and his favorites .fOrm the labyrinth - offraud ,in.,whiCh they, had apparently become.inVolYo(ll, and shOws.the.ival puro . se for theapimintment of the•CommissionAo haie.Peen ..to stave 'off 'rather , than.to proatore a. full investigation.-L It is the first time in: the kiAtOry of the • State . that, er . llighes laW.ollicerAibs felt;;called ;ori to pubricly:,,deriy the very natural:and -innocent eurcniSe'cl b hwar.Judge, - that-, in' n' matter of 'Sq . much public.e.ancerk, he' . (the A.ttorny Gen eral).,wo4.pe'rlOrtning.hls sworn ditties with-.en ergy and' fecii.leastiess; Mr. '• Meredith ~could :have Made no Clearer or:rriorei explicit declare, lion of his synMathy With the plunderers. .., • 'But we donot.yetscles'palr of cOullinimatiga tion,ql theselrands; . and the punishment cif the .cufprits. Our : ' ettirning Volunteers'are loud in their deminciations of the, mereceriary traitors • arid- inthecilesin- high places, at home, and:will not rest until they have.avengerr :the, wrongs., they,have itifrered:. ' The bill,before Congress'' joseirobtlise the States for expenses- incorrect in aiding.the general" Goyernment i 'will: give'' , the. next United States Grand Jury for this. dis .l-iietfoll'jurisdiction, '4:1% ., er. he .WlMle. matter, and we may. then anticipate . that allAhri3Oar ties iiriplicated in these sturiendoei frauds ,will be brought to merited- punishment throug,ti the vigproUS instrumentality of • Vatied.:State :hi's tri'evAttorntiy Coff ..q.--Phild;' T1'471301)4: - • . ' .... . • . Speech„of GOT.Sirague , ol.Rhodei .101rif4 in opening the extra seexiiin o the Rhode island Legislatnre:dn T . t.p•rsday; said: The'Senatorst . are • aware of the -.object- that hex . called tifem together:i both from the •prOc., I:mation vihicli has been 'made' and ,hyeCenia witti'which' the' Whole country has' beentrie fa . . . . . , . , . . . . . When the action of this body Was first taken',. the state and the felt that the van would; from the liecessitirs of the case,..ba. ot . short .duration. Since that: time 'events' have transpired. tvhicir 'Wye opened the. 'eyes or . the 'whole country to the magnitude•ol.th • rebellien . Ylirch they arr . ! called (mon •to''crush.out . . The repalse, which the arthy,•haa recently, suffered has been owing to 'so many cauies; . that it is iropossible•to attribUte it.to . any orte"whieb we shouldregard.as satisfactory, all of them point .ing to the' of things...Oriel - I:we now: be. • hold.. The State • and 'the - country,. howeier, may (eel assured,' froth the Cliange• in.,the pro . •• • • rtfarnme . . at, Washiriton,-• and . by' the .people throrighoutlhi whole .lilortli, that the errors of past:will - not be repeated in theTutare, and also that every - movement'. for the future Will hardly . all to restiltin success.. ' • .' . • ' The war wilLeEneeeisity. be:a long .one.— We have been in - error as tallie.strength . of the i men sy, and as to . the lon,g'antrpersisterit course ~.., hid:, hot beep puriued :by the SoUth tending I.owa ,„i: this :p . dint.; while we haVe been occu••• ' - he . .. .have been 'creating 'revolutions w E , tyere Mtder the ithpresSion that. pied in out. bu"nes 4. .' l ' ) '• • ~ they wen.lacking in . ?II OW r!tsourcesybich . go to•raise and maintain arrnr,s. 4 . I . V!tereas, in al= Most every' particular;4ehave lonocl.':hein au- - pericir•to ourselves.; we have found (hot' not 0n.,: ly thephYsique'ol - their. tneriMa Cyriallolours, but their clothingi their.arnrs,.their subsistence -and tiler, means of transporvation--everything that, goes to make up military . - eflicieney—su4• porter to ours. And when we have been'oblig ed to:be the ittitekitag force; !parching under a ,Sputhern.sian, - exhausted,.::without . provisious and ..wathoui . shrafter, -they have tic!eti encamped and irn - ortificd posit.icpas, itt a count.;}' tdluental•y,.to us and la itandly tei th:am; where. they could re• ittiorniatan of every !Pavement. Of:ours and we could learn nothing .whatever of theirs. The prehaltil i ties are that in no' Coca' 011: ord of the world's history has an army been called irito the'field pos - sessitt;g. so little knoi‘ I tilge.,of the., strength awl . position of the enemy; unit such, being case,.it ,was imPos sitale toe tiny .t roops in the' pasitia.n anirxibund therns-elveS -ft - , have sustained themselves, for any consideahlde length of time. It, has opened the, eyes di the coitstiry to the' iminensit . ), of. this struggle, and 'of trae .subleet - the result may he. heat aide.- The troripa' of the North entetitig - the field egainst those of. -the South havelti every equal heeii ,abre to . &ire ,thean from- the radii'. hut, Protected by superior . : position;' by hat f, ! ri es and superior, force, Cl' course been iippossibleutterly .out of the (petition— to attempt to drive them t w in their - strong• holdS. • .Such being the' case, and .- the canary calling upon - the States• for so 'much more than vita at first enticipiited . , t axiatioarbY the Gene -ral GoVertprient r and nexthy the-State, Pierces induced to - call the Legislature idgether.to See- - if, they' fire willing to crautitine the liberal.conrse which was' inagurat - ed - when this contest first began - . To me it is the 'mosi satisfactory thing that con be:done to contribuie,in any "I‘ndevery way to' the adVantageand . corPfort 'the' sPldiers.— ishard enongh.for them.to leave th . eir homes to softer all - the'priestions which 'none know but those who .follow theta. Everything that a drateful • State can' do for her' sons who . are uiiling to _sacrifice themselves in such' a cause, should.be.done; but it is important that the . State should, know its•sbility, and shoold have at , its disposal resources to avenge the defeat of, those that they sent at fuse,' for if you: nearly'exhaust :your reaiources - at the outset,-you will . find your selves less aide 't 0. continue to support..those that you have:already Placed jn . the Bilk have been drawn 'and presented, to the Senate tending to the furtherance of these ideas and teudingto - rnalte the troops of this State not: Jess 'etlieient than - they have - been . , but having an - eye to 'the. future with a view of huihanding the resources of the State - for whatever neces sariest they may be rolled upon. to boritiibute to. the .cOuntry to promote the . success of the-good: cause.. have 'arranged:with the government, of the GhitecrStates for the payment of the ex penies-growing out of lite - raising e-( .the Second regirnent - and betterY,'and also for the raising of additionarregiments, when the;billa. are Pre-' seated IT is understood that it. is the. intention of President Lincoln to recommend to-Congress the granting of 160 acres of land to every Sol dier war. . .An. .ly Jcerved samething,lika's3o,6o6,ooo.from England for . -.r. breadstuffithie . . -• The Feline among the Itches.'. •• -Wasititto•ros Ang 0 1861:. Late'thAs evening.Prince.Napolgon returned wits hie suit and Oa .Fmyeh :minister, hum 'Manassas. He rode froth .Poi M rfax.to.anassiis with•tour;Of ilia United States horses in' the hands of. the 'enemy.. 'Three regiments of coy ary and four of the vibe/ intantry field ;xis session of Fairfax. . When it was, known. al Marrassas.that Prince:Napoleon was, Coming; the'entfinsiairi was,asild. •••:den; Beaeregard and Gen. Johnston pre both 111anas-ias; They received the -prince With the greatest.possible iitrieeil at about 11 o'clock. last evening; aniEbreakfasted with 'these Generals. -MI their 'pressing jir , vitntionS and entreaties that he would just go on to ftichndond arid:see President :Davis, the Prince firmly deelltiod'. . ••• fortlfie.ations of Manailiaq are formida ble, and - our . gone, particularly these of “Sher , man's.battery," form-an important Part . of .the .defences.. - Gen„ Betiiiregerd informed .-the Prince 'that he capttiMil 02 guns at'the . battle 'of Run. The baggage-wagons 'takciat that.contest.vvere.standing around in all diree. flops. Therlead were not proPerly buried. They. vvera:sirriply put under ground, and some of the, feet were seen above... . The soldiels'in.;Afanissas were very - numer.: out, but very poorly dressed.. The captains• wore;linseypante.• with shirts bound with pi- EOM tope: . Somp of-these had added to the. slouched hats - the decorations . of- the dead offi cers .At departing,' the retiale gave' . the, Prince 'a salute with the U:•S. guns. return' .to .. . Vitir(dic, Col: Stewart•apjitosehed the carriage of -The Prinee'arul said.• . 4 glhope you like: our :fo'rtifications, Priilco." . l.o, pretty walk"' • .!.I flope," he said agafrt, t‘vou:will•intetjere for us when'you get home.') The diplornatie Prides shiugged•hla shoulders as fie teplied,' , 4lltnow nothing.":' ; :.-: '' : • . ..: •••• ,-, . • . . IvoiwinT Woucv..--q-lie • Washington ccirrpspond ept, • • f ..pAitaddphia• Preu . . . . ~ . . . A•woman - in- the interior of: Penhaytvania, 'the. wile an soldier now her . e, hearing' of ,the shameful manner in whielt-the troops from that' State have been treated; wenL tO the portraitor .a Mita putpliqueetionary, somewhat 'implicated; which. was hanging. on .the 'wail .61 her: room, and shivered the affdir with, a blow .froth her fist. The hashand-olthie woman bud. 'written to her thal;owik to the sh'amo he felt at being' - _ . . in'the sert , ice °Nile great Itiiyatone, he thinight -scion of procuring i.discharge;•and going home. She replied: i‘D'on't yau . d 9 it; you • *mild be,' Aiittraceil.A.'would, rathdr. gi Soutt.'-to• the battlefield, and gather up yotir: bonne !" Ile did ..Calvpiscai•mp Acr.--Two or the. provisions of the law for . c . Onfis4a . t . iiti; ofproperty belong- to person', fonnd ifrarrns againia. the goy eimmentof the United States,-are as follews . They embrace el) these is tif: the' bill excep preyisione ibrenforciegthe law: • . , Bo kooatiod ,That, ir . du ring the' Present or any future insurrection osgaiOlt•the GOvern . - inept of ie.Unitetl States, after the rieSident Of ,the United States, shall have tirelared by t hat: th'e IaWS of the U. S. are opposed; and the ' . e:Certition thereOf 6111.0i/clad, by coin 7 binatione too r pbWe u I to be suppressed -by the ordniar:y course of jto4ial,pioceotling3 o . - Or* - y thepowet' vested in the maishela by. law, any •persamoi peri , .ottS, his heirs, or: their' agent; at 7 iorney orettivlpycl , ; . shall Phrchn.se .oracquire. Sell or give, any . pfuperty - or. whatsoever kiwi -of deScciPtion, with ;iiterit to unit employ. the saw' propetty to he. trced - or emPloyeil 'in aiding, tib'etting or protnoidog ettah insurrection 'or resistance to the-la tcs',.Or uny:pdrson being:the occOe'r'or owners. of Apr ,such property, min or cinfitoy,- . .consent to' the use: or employment or,the same,. as oforesaid,.all such 'property is herohy • tiPbe lawfully. selijeet .of Fria and hf -capture 'wherev'ee'foutid;• 'and .filiall be' the 'iltity of the Pteiitlent Of the Thin ed. Sta t es' tri . carts,, the seine t4bp seized,- ,confiscated and condemned: .And be forrhor coOeted. That Whenever. any persOu claiming to be: entitled to - the , sir vicJ)pr labor, nf , any.p,ertnni under -the. kiwi' of any:State,.sholl employ - such - person rm . - aiding or promoting any, - - insurrectiOn, or-in 're laws of the Pnited - State-5,..0r-. shall Perinit . him to he' so employed,: he she') forfeit. all . tight: to such or labor; and-the- person 'Whose labor or service fs• , thus' claimed be thence 7 ferth di - 7chaiged . cli'erelrofn, any law to the Com• trary riot list:111(41T. ! . . BATTLT-IN MISSOURI ST. • Louls ' , Atigi.sro . . The ftillowitig iallip otricial renoc,t of. the fightnearSpringli'rld on SatiirclUy list; as fur nishedbyotie ot,2Grii, Lyon's aitis•to G•rorrat Freinalit;,•c;en, Cyori' in three 'columns under tiimsel6 Gen., Seigel Mid M ajor' StOrges of fkr. caVal . ry, attackedthe uneOly at half - roast:six On the morning of 'the ti:.iith,.nine miles snitli, east of Springfield.. The' 'engOgroiet4lllS , .SQ vele, our loss bring about 800 killed"istuti * lt Gen.. Lyon was killed. iii-i charge the . head' of his colUmn. ' .1 .. ' ' . -• ' ' Our force was 5,000 Mchiding 2OO home wads. . . • • • . The muster roll reported :taken from the'en cmy, givd his .strength at 23,000, • irelintiinz :reelinents .frorn Louisiana;` Tennesiee, with Texas . rangeis anti hei3 ee half-breeds:, ; , • .Their loss is:reported leaiy.. - . • Their tents and wagoos,Were est* in,she. action. gem,Seigel left only one gun the field; and retre ated to Spritogfielit with ylla~ge nuMber'of . prisonarth .• . • Atd three o'ock' on :the moraing.orthe llth, he continued his retreat mien Rolla, ,'bringing cabin baggage trains . and .$25,00 . 0 specie from the'Springfield bank.' , . The following's' a verbal riport 'taken' from a Spiicial' Alesienger,'Vitho'brotight dispatches to Gen, FremoO'K. • Early . : on Saturday morning', Gen. Von marehed cint of Springfield, to Kivb, the enemy' battle. came up to .him•on Davis , Creek 'on:Green's prar.ie, 1 - eW Mails 6rmth-yvtlit of Springfield.. .18Then- he- had taken a strong skim) on rolling 'ground,' it ;twenty initiator; past six in the :mcrning; Gen. Lyon fired ,the 'fret ein, when the'battle immediately began. • .Sevete,cntinonading kept: lig . .faipirii • iir thief hours; when the. tire. nt; artiOi•ry-.rio!ing• 'fon: revere f0r.tb..40117; they gradually.tell.hdrk toWititi merit on creek: • Gen: Lyon's eaval4. pnated on the euat~ix!i left tianli, and Gem ,§eigel's right, then. began a terrific aftack, and , Oiled : slaughtet; and die May Jii.the : .ianks*Of the...,1M1 m . y,:pMeuisigt.tbetn:tti their ,catprn ,hem . .Cant:. Totten's - art illeirvett ing : f ire 'tp 044 'ten ti end . baggage wagons,, which rite au des troyetl. ;.r • A L6 . 01;111;14: reginient . and'altilealisippll4, iment.Feemed to have stiffered most tbe,ight' andAVere:altimat . 'the . Oterf)(lollj . as Gen../.yon -puts :Ititlithireit . hie column, his horse wee shot undorleim, - :.: immediately mounted another, 'ina . farmed be around to his men 'waving hie hat intbin , ...4 l id and cheering' them on to victery, be Ina etifiek 'in the'sniall of the back'by a ball,;k ain4 MI. to the grounii.deid. . The commend. than . ved on Gen..Seigel, * Pureullicontinvitd:- until • nightfall,ohr little. arMy.-reat r ed night in the. enceihnthent- of the enemy.' Siindurmorning General Sidgelchlatliti that the enemy . 'might.recover andedteirtpt`te.-:eit his .command oft frimi Springfield, upon that city , whore the home guaide.:.•rito ; stutior et!: . . - On reAching Springfield i t • nuniberiot. the. enemy .might get hetwiten cind . .Roilir i cltioell to . . tall Sick 'upon, Rollis with pro. 'vision trains silt, meet.- the reinfotrillogile which titers on theicay to. him- - Al the' last moment of the .depsiturs tlr the. rneseengei, the-enemy had not been -40. en - aka 1 i t is. pro ba bl e. that Gen. Seigel hev . not beep die.' iurbed itt . biimacch. . :,'Niaety yr the•rei.els were copturid; miens whom was Es . Colonel of distinction-;-Abe mei :stinger 'pot remembering his narrie.• The sword horse of Alceullough were among the. tropiilo.! Coi:lloiatzellatui'a Official &Port . . . . • HitA.DQU.Aii Oats riIiRD.DI'VISION, Duet N. . • . E. Vs.; W4anincrrori,,july 31, IEIOI. ; To Capiiai ' m 'JO' B. Fry difitidrame • Cones-4:- • . • • • - • . -• Sin: - In'obedience instructions recelVed CM the 20Winst,, the division under my:hoMmand* was underarms, in light marching arder, - irith two days cooked 'rations in their haversack', . and commenced the march et half Pair two.A. 31. °tithe 21st, the brigade of Colonel Frinklle ttilloWed by those ot ,COlonele Wllcoi and' Ito Ward. At • contreville fourid., lb": road tilled with troops, arid were detained throe hours to allow the divisions of GeneratTyler . 'and - Col. Hunter to 'lmes:: I followed with. my div.ision innrnediately in the,rear Of the:latter. Between two and three miles beyond' Centr"- villc we left the Warrenton turnpike, .turning into .a .country road on the .right.% C"Ptain Wright accompanied the heattor Col: Hunter's column, with directions to stop at:a:mitt tibias • wined In 'to the left to a ford across Bull ,:rtins 'about 'half way between: the where we turn° d of o. from the turnpike end :Butiley.ls.. Siiiings„ which latter point,Celenel *inter,* .. division was to cross. No such road was tripod to eiist, mi:about :11 A. M. we; (Mind 'oisrsel,- von at Sudiey's . :Sprlng,s, about len' miles froth Grnlretillr', Willi pne - hrigade, of. Colonel Huiti-f . .- ter's division still on , our side of the run. ore ieaching this point.lhel)attla had cotheaen eed:•: ‘l,rceoulcl-sett .. smoke risinionour lett from two pointsos: mile or. .more:aparto Two clouds of dust Were seen, showing the ad- •,. .waree of troops 'froth the direction of Monism... At Sodley;s • SpringS ' '.whilit .Waititig ihe inissaits of - the (roops Of tbediViliou'in our front, I: . , or dv•ed forward . the First brigade tcCtill their eiiiri . teens: . - Befor . this was accomplished the le,nd, - - lag. reg:iineMts.of COI.- ' }Tattier dirision its.: rame..m.tned., Can. IlictlOwell,..whii, seeetti-, ponied by his staff; lied pissed use short tittle . before; seith buck •tjopt.,. Wright ; "of'the •ingf naers hod' Alajor McDowell, one,of' his, sids,• with prtler•to send forward two . •regitnentp to protieni the ,enemy trotit :outflanking them.— . Capt. Wright led for Ward Aliellinnisote.regi . ..... tricot .ti, the lat(Oi the road, which crowed thl* rati anhis. point.. Major McDowell. led :. the . . • 0 th .ii,lti - .4orhti.etteMp,the road.. ...1 -. ;•• ..- . I accompanied thiaMcgtmeht, leaving 'orders - for the yernai oder : of..• The diifision. t0..f0110w,: 'with the exception of Arnolcra'Baltery;;.w4iala ..- suppo.rted by. the FiratMic . higati tree posted.s : little belowthe . crossing of the run as if reseree.' . A . t. a littlti morelharr:n mile from the. for'd srr . leerie apart. the. hattht field. right hattert. wnspo,ted on a Inli.to the, right Of - Hunter's... division and. to':t he right 'ot , the road.: After; hoir: t went y at a ba4fity . • .. . . imenity, tha crest of Il t .boiiO4 •diiitencirbeinc cOnsid• ered too great, it ‘i.as.inoviii forward Wykitbier . shoot .1,000 'feet,of the enemy's battery . Hera the, battery: was exnosed to'o' heavy fire al onia• whi . ch,9oWl'iliinbre4 iti,• • Frankjin"s brig a ( . 1 e wag• tett:Ail) • the right of, a wonds,,nelir the'ceniie of , our..iine and 'on:,grounct rising t0i1.0.41v t he enem y's Mean; limo I soot orders for flif.Zoilaves ,to support Rirliett's.6;ittely on his rght. - its soon .as hey curne . up I led them lorwaid• against..an Alabama regiment, partly concealed in a clump ufsivall pines iii an old., field hey br'i!ke arid' t greater of t.hem fled to the 'rea'r, keeping up a,deaultory, Ging :over' the.beada of their eumridea. in home 'at same moment they 'were charged by 'a et:ova- - ay of secession .eavalry .on their ...rear, • who came by a:road.throuh two strips:Of vrood:On ourext reine tight.: The 'fire..of . the. Zoniveo. killed •ip and wail dieperein g thin). The . ;liacon , fiture of alb: cavalry was completed. a tiri from . .Capt.Collom'a company of U. S. cavalry Cal. Furniiiin,.. with come: of liisfpnr. cer's ntnl ntoi, behaved ,gallantly,'. burtheleg. 'mem'o( Zounye,s, es a regiment, OW Inc, :Sp.. again on tlie.. .Manyot rho , pen • joined tither regiments coil did good akiradshers. I !hen led uprhe'Minuiesota ret.. irtieul;.*hich 'atm? • ientlised hut iripti*:fitr, tolerahly *nod order: U did *pod rer,triviiito the - woods on-onk. right flank; and iAtitt the hart in retire, moving oft tire, Ae,l4, , ig, 1110 thi. third'U. S. infantry. : Neit.Was letrkiimPititk the hist AliO4grih,. ancl . retired in. adnsiderable'rorifusiori;', were rallied 'arid tieli)i , :d : 110 hcild, our right. The PirtioNtri'lniarreenth, pearPd,oti style, • iedthr: the Aiabirhi • I ,, TVX -, 00 ,,, :' • , $0 , 7 1, `0. 1 ...i , . 1 . nil l i 1 1'"? - 1 1 :;' , ~.-Al ~10.4t,44, f 1A. \\ , , :‘,,,,,,..,,,,, , ~i, . ~ . .f , ,„....., -. , ~ .4 ' -....( r' ~ 4 1 E!, , ..", , t ,- , .. ~..; v.,,A. . ' 1 / 4 - ~ ..,-, f t:it, ~..„.., .. , .......4: , = ,, ,',4-: . ' .NO.-4 At the first fire