, among men, irom the consent of 04elirit'ttetk and :Oa,. whe e tq. any :foim of d.'struetive of .t1364.e en.ltt, people ,to altar' or . ,•abollsh . felililitnte A - ,i' i go‘iernaieGt; lay 4 its :'&,..;',4olllo:datiiir":::ed'inch?pririeildev,, and eilanizing as to.t hem shall icern te Attie t th6ir iarety - and happiness. ";. I " , :i.'444iinee,' in:deed, will dictate that goveierneule, t' R".lpiia,¢ttablii h eil; shOttid noi.bechanged for light. accordingly, all es: itio‘am,•that mankind a re,:inorp 'snifer,r'while . cv iis ' a re' :a Ufferable, hy , adolishing the forms te.i'yfdah, thek are ~ ttechaterned, When a - , lungitain'ef alintie's and usnipations, pursuing invriab'l '`the' same' objeCt, evinces a design to ' s- jadtiei Ahe4iinde.r nhiotute despotisM it is their. oli,SUQh'go r vernment;lind 'Vide new dearth' torthei r fctnie seen rii Such :'..llia.bjleri'the'patient sufferance of the colonies; ' grid such is , iiow the'necesaity 'constrains ~..- . '#retes. „ to,, a ltir;thcir Ecstatic systenis,•of govern , the,preient king' et Great . . .h istoryot repeated injulies arid us lill'Oitirissi:eil,having,,in direct object, the• es inliibsolute,iyranoy over , flies ) '',-itipitteria . b : "..To'prove let.facts be silbrOitted .- • :He;ha. refaced 4is assent to. lava most. Wikaleicimeirid.neacssary . • . . liit.hi , fot.bidden his governors te'peee lacr 77eiflimMediate.,'•and pressing' iniportance, unleie operstions ..till':hisr•assent• aqi.yVheil so suspended,..4 r:'...tstiii . Atteilrnigteeted to. attend to • refused In pise other jawi for the ac r fitrge.diStrietsof people, s anlesis - .,those,iienple . Wetsld..,tatittuuisn the .rigtif•ofrep > -resent lion 3u; the le gislattire.;•-a.rigist ineitlusa, bl iliiniii.ind'fOrmidsble to t . yrautit.Unti..':, a has salted together legielatfve bodies at places unusual; *Uneotrifortable, and 'distalif froirs . tbertepoSitory'of . tireir public recoids„(or Ihisoli4Surposeaf . fatiguina' theni.lnto conspli aneeitrith'his measures. . • . • . representatisie.'houses. re.: oppeling:WiTh minly'firmnesshii incisions oii the rights . of.tbe People. • refused, for fora long tiMesifter . sueli .1010,11eni;' . 10. - einstiotherir to be eleCted; Where: • byl,theAegfilative• powers, ineapahle Of !inn Psi; listian;:iceiliiistiirnitd lo the people . .nt large for theo,'Stattis.reinaining,.. in .the Mainfimis';'elplised' to, all .ibe•dari;efs 'of •invd . '.,sioniroM..Without;inifitotivu Wong within. • . : Holes endeavored to',.prevent the population these.SWin for;lbat'purpose, ohstroctiag. the letcre:nr.'..naturalizatiOn. r offoreigners, - refus• _.to,pasts otlierir.to encoailtge, tbe mikration ahitr, end raising cao4ifjoiks or'ne*up- `',:iirOkietione:O(lends . ..-.: • • , • h • 9 41qt*ted. the adiniiistr,ation,oil - juts '' , hi s a s sent tit laws for .est,al)- . - „f.thibillgrdicary powers: Triadfc. judgel' . (iWondenf on his will 410ete'for'tbo$ tenure of Their ntiiicei, and. OW i': amount and paymentinrtheir salaries. ' • Vis erected ' 6 ,-rniititude of new offices, i i id• sen t,,htt ier im ams of otlieers to hatfass our peop l e an d. ei t.,:ut their substance . . • Fle I;as k t among u , t, in time"of. peace; Minding iesi.'without the 'Consent 'of : our 0 .• • • . B e effected. to render . . Tend' t of, ,and tieperior . to the civic power. ... • as'eembined;• with others TO stilject us . t o ju r isdiction°reign tp.our.constiration,and • • ekriekvAtidged.bir our,lit ws ; giving' his assent. ' theiiietttof pretended legislation:. For, gairtering lerge bodies - 9Termed .troops among FOr protecting : their) by•a...muelc. trial, from punishment forany murders ,which•they should 'tiganissit'on the inhabitants ot these . Statee.. For'cutting:. off.otir trade:with. ell parts of tise world: .. • , . • 'Forlimposing.taxeC:on its without our cson.. M . •depplyttit.ns,in any cases, of the berm; At of trial juiryv ' , • , . • • ' • rot.transpurting.us beyond seas, to be.tricd !or - pretended offences; • • • 1 :: . .Fqi„abolishing the ..free ,system ,of „levy's inia . - ReiibbOring,, province, 'establishing thernin itinrbitorY:government, and entatging itsbMittleiles,"ed es.to reo,fer '.it 'at once 'an' ex aenplesand- fit, instrument for Introducing the Same.absotute rtileinto..these'colonlev;... f.ror;takitikasvey oni.churrtera, - einitishinty, our most' Valuable In‘vs, : end altering,. futhlamental• the fcirensmf our gnvernatent4r •-.* • Pnr suspending nor own leitislatere's, and ,cliiring . theinsejves:inested with newel to leg to` usin op cues . ‘i:hatsoever. • . •. ' of: bis,protection; and •wa.itr • . war aiitnst : os, • . • tie.h - aA.,phindered our 'sees, rovaaed'Odi-c'oests b4rn;'ont.-toWnSoinii•destroyed the lZves . of our Pe,n{o.l • , , . iia`ie,'atihis time, transporting large.aripies 'ot foiiigli'mercenariei to complete .t he ..works 'gl.death, desolation, and tyranny, already be .gnln'o,,,T.ith:a!rctimatances of cruelty and perfidy plariilfekitifi rho most• barbarous Oriircptitilyitn , iioilhy the head ot a civilized na . - 'titito;: • • . . ' 4as.constainnd our fellow citizena,,taken' eanti'viceon the kigh soas, to heir nrrps againvt .tkejzeotittl4;*be6Ome: . thO oxeeotioners, of their frieo3 . oll(l.tirethren , or to' rail theirvielveg •-• t6d insurrections amongst tts,,,*ad,hl, erol . eAvored 'to ..hringoe) the inhabi- 4 !!t:s.: o o o l.4r.fron,fikrs the. Terci1 . 14,..1 . ndian .sa"a. ;warfare' a'n iln di s • Aitite.q.OVd'.destriielion of all: 'ages„,, sexes, and ilvFe teic;iis . , I,ve ' have i nt he most hOmb,le . teiMs; been'Onsvier:ed only ";..c.t. 5 .:1 - k4.4efil;ikfedJn'inrir.i, • ;A: prince, 'whose chara.c , il!,',-.o,of?..ts,LAll:s:m . ,!ked try evry act which may de - the' ruler of a frei. 'eeparatipri; weii - alll;khe:iiit'ot - rnankindorietniea fa, war • ••. • s tii re o ti`crires nt at iies .of the • Generai. , cenfer etre appeu'ling.„o:Ate. -SPprernii furlgq foK;the . .,riclittitte . df bur In ;the, nettle end' by the authority t he'gotttl : knple Of these - ‘ - cOlotlies- t 'Solemnly pueli:sfi,.antideclare..-that these:United Colonies t•I are; t.1•61-right-pug : ht ftee -dent Starest:that,thek-ere absolved- from al-1.a.• legianc,e to the 11ritish'eroW4`end that all, ptt• Ilticul estnneiidu between thentiind the state• of,Grea*.t.:AritainiN ought.lWbe, totally. roiyed;enti that,.as free and itittefiendenc:States. they have .full power : to leity, war,..conclude peace, ctintraet 'establitth •cornrrterce, : antl,sici all:other acts tind.thiiigi-whieh'itidepen• • deiit stratett may right.do., , And; :for the sup pd`rt.cit this declarationoiith:a fi rm" r e li an ce on: .•. • • the.'protection' of -I.).ivioe, -Proyidence,' se n'tti• tilOy pledge lot ettah 'other. our lives, ,ott ry.for tun es, .and,.otit creli 'honor.' t •• • • The'-for egoing was,. by.. order' or Congress, engrosseil; - arid signed by : the' folfow: ,•• • • 4ientic,it.b‘ ; tto,rn, bng thn of, tin t utl • - 00 )tiotticr:deelei;e . lio ri f tit . ..ey Wet; t: !Vont tey tii e . fe to LI o nv,- . n enaltlt ~noel securn.i.ho.'sn 44 • 44 • • . . 4 . • rztur SIAMFSIII/IE.. ' • : • Jnsiali Bartlett, : • George Taylor, . NVhippk, • .Tames .Wilion;•• .518.0ew-ThorPton,,•i', '.George Ross. • .„ . 13,41. - • - DELAWARE. Sam del . - Attains, ' Cmsai Rodney; • John Ailaks; ' George Tien ! ), Rilliert Treat Pftillei : :Wring!) Gerry : MARYLAND, i...#irong ISLAND. Chase, ...• 'StOpher .•William Peen", 'William Ellery. • rhomas Stone,- • 'OOI , INRaTICIIT.• . • Chailea Carroll of Roger. Sherman, • . (Carrollton ! Simnel Huntington, . • . 'Chorea VVythe, Oliver. yll+ott. Rich'cl Henry Lee, • NinV PORN. •• • . Thomas Jpfferson, Ttenjamin Harris - on 'Phillip Livingston; 'T'ho's; NelsOn, • Fran'e . is'L. Lee, Le r 'tvis. Morris.. . • Carter. Braxton, .TERSLY: " : • • NORTH CA.ROT.rifit rjehard Stoektoni William :Hooper,. an NVitheripnon, J•:lseph Pewee, ,F.j.nhcis EloyolOnsoo, . Jobn Penn. • : eiti' ; • So it yr . tit-ahem 'Edward 'Rutl , os7.al • wmi.:mit•ii..,totn. : Thos. eywartleJr.•, _Rebutto , - Thomas Lynch, tefijattinllosh,'.• ' Arthttr'Niddleton.. BenjeMin Franklin, . • GE0k01.1; - .Tohti Morton . ; . Beton Gvilinnett ) George . Clytner,: • Lydian Hall,• . ' Geome Walton ,P . T..Qr.1"1.. : . ,t,V I -:a . ..(tf A ,,, , t .4.. a. - h9 .- : . 4.. ,:lr,: , • A. R. ARMSTRONG'S. 11.AVING become the proprietor 'of theGrO -1-1 eery and Provision . Store.; la'tel'y ; occupied bit.'M F. Waiolit. I' tike tbis.,,method nt in • ' forming my friends. that , I .have just recediPed . the largest;stock.of. FAMILY .GROCERIES; . • Cs...er . offered tlid* people of M'Kean . counts at prices 'Which would .seem nth out at.'iny .other establiOmient. I keep On hand, .and: . are in thc daily receipt of : FRTSII rtnOiniTi FLOUR, . er iUßK, LN ktn A Cinriet._: . ‘. • . •••MAOKEREL, •BUTTKII, LARD TAMPA'. • ' . c - ANDx,r.s, RI6E..STAROII, NUTYIKOS,,SALIIATUS, SODA,•ukanuo. PEPPER, ' • . - • : • , ePICE.•CINNANON, • . . • ' , CLOTDS.'ORACKERS, . • .• TOBACCO, RAISINS, .' r • • • •, NUTS, OF ALL KINDS • SUaARRS ALL. KINDS, COFFEE, GROUND,' • • • ' • • • . AND ONG.ROUND, — • • . • SYRUS. NIOI.A3SEO; • - KEROSENE 0f14,.. • ~ • OAMPITENE; FLUID, • • •• . • ; OANDIES s .TEAS, ; • '.• • • My stock is .fullanit 'complete, arid selecfed th.obest o in the.market. CiliaMl exam ine prir.eaniiquality, arid you .will not .tail to TO. YOU WANT W OISE ERS 2' DO YOU' WANT WHISKERS no you WANT A• MUSTACIIE .2 . . : • . - '• DO You W ANT A MUSTACHE STIMULATING . UNGUENT For the Whiskers and Itair. .•, . . . The anbearibeta Ealtn pleastirp in annOuhellg to the eit • •irons of the . Untied • States, that they linen obtained the Agency for; and ai•o now enabled to oiler to the - Aineri-, public:Om above itiatly celebrated and w'Old-re noWnedartiele,•:. . • . • • • • , ' • .so.lll..ttlat.i.tig il ;Onpe it t . , 'Sinop:we] by D. 13cct.titortia! an eminent phrsi °lnn riC London, ands ,iiirranted to bring mita thick set or ..1 .. .• .. . .. . WIIIBXERS ORA 111.USTACHE,.. in front ihroo to.alx. weeks; This Nyliplads the only ono ortho kind used by tho French; and In Lohdonsnd Pariti It Is In ituivetall non:- • • .: . . . , It is a beautiful, economical; soothing, yet stimulating compound,. tiding as if by niatricmpon the roots, attuning a beautiful growth of - Iticuriant hair, - applied to. the eealp it will .cure it.u.tutcss,,and cause to spring up in place 'of the.h.tld spoilt a tine gretrtlinf new haj.r., At). plied accor(110, to directions, it will w ill' nso• or' nn,' hair DARK, an&restere gray . lull. to its: origiaal color,' lacier itaoft, smeotivand flexible, "Onguentt , is an indispensable article In eimm , gentlemanls.toilet. and after one week'A Use they nould not for 'any, considera tion be without it. - • The nelewribere aro the only Agents for the article in, the iinited•Stntea, to ‘Yhonl all orders !mild. he ajdreased.. Prioa 01 19 .tiollar le.bY all Drug Chan and llealoy4.; or a'ho't hi . the 6 0nLcuent , , , .h•arranted.to hare thndeuleo eltect,. will be cent to any who donlro It, by mail, (dlr.etl..speurely.packed. on receipt of price and, postage v 'n 12% pt,lv to or nddrmot • • nonAo fit° EMAN & 'CO • •—• nnoontsrs. ' ft-William street, Now York: March 9.,e, 1500. 1,;m0,1 , • . • , ,: .„ • Having perittanently loc:ated hiepselt at !tin& iii%:'atteT4ion to t:hiii/6 - *iiirntid, tem, ,t_'l,:r;:ptit'li . r . o),Or 10i, iy4iiiiptlible,.49iisdic leliiiiiiiit...tii'em::6( !lii • 'o l ,t4llli l 4;sittleiikept - .oilitiiiii . iftiiti ~:fii#e' k id '-thar . zif i'litiiat*.difo, iiii*i.t*' ; .4*44pitir,itiblt •'; ! ' iii l of.Tkef''''. fi': (kalif - ,o ( i' , : - Of.:).t.ii-' "'?:.P- - iii , J.:; , •7,: , ..•;-,';'%:: ,!' • t.' .would respectfully inform the public that he is 'prepared to attend to bsusineatt tri all branches of , the : Medical Profession... Particular atten- PO to Secret' Diseases; both' male and female p t.bey will be treated in , accordance *ith the latest anftotlfri.And practice of both .Eu "P'P,atill:.Aillatltif: secrete, tested 1111 4;10 - :1,4i praitifei• 'will bp strictly kept by Joy. ot,money, Mlitivei us:rebore. • Port Allegaby, 14arc6 JQHIV-HANi;OtK .A . I43Y. I. ARRIVAL . .AT • A. A. ARKST4ONG. Smetliport, May 30, 1861. B E L ILIM ?P ME= 13. S. G01J1,13, - PHYSICIAN AND . SURGEON, PORT ALLEGANY, HARD TIMES 31 - A:1):.,E'......EA..5.Y,1 Go Nows tor CIO ,Unemployedl lEMMEII 7 7 7 ,- 77 - 7 7 iOOO•CIIANCES, TO Ip.AKE IIION.EV!! ONE MILLION DOLLARS WORTH YVAT(JI-lE$: --::..:".•,_. '-':.:JEWELRY. StUVER., - ,PLATE,I):::,WA : IW,:, To be diatiOeed:of on AN ENTIRELY NEW . AND *ORIGINAL PLAN.! All,persois clesiro.us.of securing an. Agency ,; ::, NF; : w :ENTER.FTisi, Should send•on'their nninei it once, eheloaing a a cent stamp to pay postage, 'arid receive by return mail . . P ilEanr CAI CATALOGUE Containing • Our inducements, RJR E C IMO C I\IO:NEY - without rjsk,logetlier with • 11" 7, " IRLII,',MICIM(,„tt, Reltive'to this INTO VET, PLAN° .. , a 7'o..itisiire nrp.mpt ntl` sakiafactpry •derilings,: direct all 'orders to.. •• • • - • '• . GEORGE G. 'EV - OS; ' • . .. . . •. - •.• • 439 Chestcut it:, Ithiledelpiiia; . . .• A•pril.lr,,lB6l.'•. ..- .• . ... • • FURNIT, 4E . 1:030, 0 LVAN,.. N. Y . . . ~• . • . - • I. 1 . Wliitrie .- Nr. iCb - L nha,rt, . ___ .. .. • . . . .• . . , 1 - 41 -013141,monereapeCtrully announce to the citi:cens in VT.' this'aection of country, and the poldieronurally, that they - sic coustatitly'oniarking and mitending•,their ciew establishment, end for the, purpose of giving oeery -body a practical demonstration of our entire siicoe=s in our business, -and our ability to compote, suc'emfully, with .ny estahliehment in thin, sc:ction of the country, WO arc 'ow. tilling our Ware -rooms full of • - .. .:-' ' . . .. . ~ . . . . • '. "BRAN r • .. . - .-NEW.. FURNITURE P.' . . . We now !cent) constantly on Aland it large, aponttninnt n Obairs' ' Tables, Plcfures Sofas 1.0131:17Cli, Desks., Rnek ere, Ilerlstende., ttureans,•Socretaries. {?toms, Book-Cases, 0111ce Chnire,- Coet Stands, Toilet Mirrors, What Nets. cAtttigo • Chairs,' Lookin; Maws,' Quartette • Stands . . Sqltare Stands, Wash Stands,. Picture .Frames*,:.•Towe Racks, .Coiner • Stande, Extension Tables,- flat Stands, . Paltnleaf ll'attranes,:, ', ' . .' .-" :.- •'. - 1 .. • ••• .. , - Bea dries kattrasses, •.'.' -: `• • •• . . . Moss Itfattrassos, • gusk Mattrassbs, Hair Mattrassos. Mahogany and Upholstered Puiniture •-• lii kieit variety of patterns'.l M.ATTI-LASSES, . .47f all kinds, nuldo to ordei% Palm( Spring Iloilo ;•:.of Every Poseripi ion Gilt, Itoseitrood anti Japnuestt . Ilfonl4itigs, BLACKWALM; MAHOGANY, And yeneering, constantly on haq.l.and tar Hale We onriT one largo. Nnnuracturlug • Entablishinont anCennploy'the most competnot workmen. ; . • . . . . Je.)1.)'W.01"1:. Of all kinds; dotio . piompily th6.best manner • In conclusion,. It. shell be our ainl to supply thismar ket with everything in our lino, upon the montveasOna ble terms, and hope to form an extended aenusintanee in our tr.de,, and also to continue the. friendly relations with our Present customers,' Wo invite to come end examine ourstoelt.! We are located in , the . ' ~• • .174IPArg r11LOCI(, • Mx-stairs, oriXosito flip roblin House. • • . : WHIT.NEY , & LETiIiART oiean. T. N. Nov'. Is6o. ' • • • SMETHPORTLIVERYITABLE: THE SUBSCRI:BER•bas opened "a new Liv ery. Stable inSmethport, at O. R.• :Ben nett'S Old Stand, on Main street, just, east of Mchanics', Where can be found the:l:mit of Hor ses and Carriageiat low prices. :He intends to make Smethport a permanent reSidenee,, and. alike a:ahare of patronage.: • —•-• A. N. SMITH. Smetbport,:August 24,:18t0.' • n23tf; • BRICK FOR. SALE.' 50 9 000 first rate brick for sale. _ quire of FRANK BACKUS: • N. F,'JONES. ,Smethport, August 13, 18601 • Last Call. LL- persons knowing themselves indebted `to the undersigned 'are hereby .notified to tall aad .settle theii Recounts immediately, or 'esti made: . • „It: D. O.TTO. Thre.lll, ' ..:1•TOT EIC-. • •,.• COPARTNEASNIP . .b . ertofore tnider,,the minteifind stylu B. Armin:mg Rc C0.,"1s diisoJyed by rnutimiciin- . ':The accounts- of said fi.rrn,ikill•bel .tet r tled by A. B. Armstrong. • •••• • • AAMSTRONO,: • •- • • • , J. S. MASON. •• Smetbp . ort; May-3 . 0 t 1861: , , Tne undorsigned will 'Confides. the business or the late tirtn'•in all its branches,' at did stand, end ' respectfully; didicits a' contiduance the.patronage of the public,. . • • . B...ARMSTRONG. . - . •Smethporti•Pa:, May.3o l 1801. ' STOVES !-STOVESI porabiriation Btick Oven Cooking Stoves: . A.. NOURSE resilectfulty colts: thedt •tion' 9( !bait. Cookittg 'Stoves' to the Eire Brick E,lovaiedOyecooking .. .Stol'a, the,..EriO Co: Fair, as'~rell'as at numerous Stiitd 'tina County Fairs:throUgnout-ttie United • T. 114 are ileidst Parable, gores Conitruteil ! only one that is equal to the old lash- ioileißriVlc Ovens, for teking, WARRANTED qEN . YE RS! 'These : stours will be •pit tuvrifly :reduced prices. .1 pril.fibpplitdWith 111 . kinds of.; COOKMG ; IBABLOR . ez 'BOX .STOVES.! Together with a full,assoi‘t*nt.of TIN4V - ARE, Sheet•lron'S of all ltitnis done:with disitalcli,,and in a • s'atia tocy.rOnhner, at the.losvest possihleprices... Copper, Rags,' Brassidettd, Pels:ier,Dats, and in -fact Ov. , rything you have Vvill be taken in eydata ntte for goods—even to Cash,. Glye me a.call, at the obi stand; • ; . ONE DOOR -WEST OF Trig ASTOIt . Stnethogit, Jan: JO, 1S(11.. • ' Which afford THE OLDEST,,WIDF:ST TED,.and mostCO,M . PLETE, CORRECT and RELIABLE flank Note.' Re . porter in 'nxisterice. .....:'..rirIiQMPSON.'S .. ... .: .DAN K. ;NOTE ' AND. - CONIIRCIAL:. DEPORTED EDITED' BY JOIILTITHOMPSO'S, Quotations corrected by• TtiontesoN .13donrcti5, Piiblished Dro:NDELL; .11.7.,Frakj'n . , • . TEAMS • OF siL.,nsOnIPTIOi IN , A Dv ANCE; ' •:• To mail SubiOribOri • ' - • • • iFeekly,:;.s2 Semi-moathly,:. Tr' I'eetma tern pr othersy who form' (Nubs .and [or waid us ilie'money in advaime. we will send the Repbr*-- t,, 4 Voilt.Clair: ItTanuel ,• and. ,Deseriptive as fol.. (Owe: . ' • • 5 c npins o f .the Weekly,. One 00 .• 5 copies of tlio. Se-of-monthly . 00 .10 copies 'of the....... 000 .. • will_forwiril iratuitouslY person 'sending nful? -9f •:$20.al tba'.al?nve rates, at any one tithe,. otii.Anrci•.eran Gold Cola' -Tray . r r.q; •• • • . ••..: • THOMPSON BROTHERS, Bankers,' • • • No. 2; Wall St, N. Ir., Proprietors; Great Excitement' in the South .Otr.Pl-( cAROhI-tiA.T.4:ii:qs TERRIBLE .THREATS 'U . SICI'3I it NANO It : iIIE•NORTHAND AWI.I.TH 2tuetand Shalt be Kept Together! • 'f his .GlOrins: Union Must be Preserved 'TINDER the exitaing circurnst - 311CC$ the subscriber 1—) 'deems it hisi duty to ray to the citizens of Nortlieili Pennss)vaaila thitt the : . . • • .... . . . : . Side-Hill Tin " Sh.OP (B . prepired foment :mend all emergeheles,.with officers armed nod, enliipped. ns the hoe directs. :I 'am prep'itrod to do all kinds (.I:Fork in the Wl° or , • ' . •. - ~ . Tin: .Sheet-ff and Copper • mend Old milli pails or cement this glorious Union, . • The Side-dill Store, - 'which lniff en' loti,g held her - read above water, moat and shall lake the - lead of•altorbere in its line: % Oaring, purchased the hitt , est of any brother, S' Maeffn,) I tim'new - fitting, up and Idling up with rt - new - Mock of Stoves, Tinivrtre:. &U. ) NV IliCh•I ate hound to sell cheap for pay. Call'andrtem 'O.EO. 11. MASON: .N fl =Adl kind sof prodece—anything hitt,trost , —taken. in echangss for geode. , NTOTICE is hereby given that.Wrii..S. Ovi iitt,•Johri P. Evans, and James.C: Evaris, Executors of the Estate of JoirN EVANS, have filed in my office their last and final ac cOunt.as said Exectitc,rs, and will present the same Inc confirmation at . the next stated OF-• phan's tO be held at Smethpoit on M6n day, the.2lth•day of June next 'following; WitneFs' my hand at Stn'ethpott.this 21st 'day of • May 1801:: •• • • . . C. K. SARTIVELL, Re inter. ~\V A C . , 1-11',Ii", It, GERMAN PHYSICIAN &. SURGEON . • . (PF:I:3tANEN3ILYLOpAI*D AT OCEAN Y.) l'ltte leave to 'inform the citizens of.gmethport aml•iiicinity;,that he be at the BEIVNETT HOUSE, S3IF.THPORT, . . . On the FIRST .and FTFTEn:vt.tt of each month,. where .he may be consulted hi"..the 4111icted. .. Particular. attention paid to of; diseasei or. the 'EYE and .51LIN: 'Also CaRONIC pDISEASES, and such ae arcrpeculiai.to.both . May 1, 1861. • , • Dlinct . lution of. Partnership.. . . . . IVOTIOEIs bereby4iven that thn partnership hiret o . 1N fere exuding between thir undervigned.in the beef. oval of meschendivinit. is this day dissolved by mutat con vent, and that tho.busineas of the Store mill now be con ducted and settled up by 0 1; Hamlin, Done at &oath. port,. Pa., the Mt! dog o.l:itne, 186 P.. .IN o:.s. nA .-.. ut;1N,.. ~ . . • . ', J.lll, 11AldbIN: .. .. . . . . DR. W. Y. IrCOY, SOUTH-EAST' CORNER MAIN STREET, Job Work, .dr . culhtipn; •100,000 Sfyeut NOTICE Sinetin 3 oTt7 Pa alit. OLD KEYSTONE NSTORE AT 01..:EA:N. STILi. TAXES TAE LEAD J. K. COMSTOCK. . . 1 - 3 E . SPECTFITUY ANNOUN6Eg IdiS old friends . in McKean 'County, that:he is on hand this.4ring as•usual, with the' LARGEST, AND MO Selected stock Of. o,oodsio'theblettn.,llrket7 T 6 Wholesale, Cash, lu)ois I Would. Say, I Can oiler you bett6r,fulducertients than':you can get west of:New York: It . makes tui d . ifferenee.what Yolfivamt, .any. thiniirl•theline of GROCERIES PROVISIONS, Cali at the OLD KEYSTONE And; you willfidd . the . 4r , t . i,c1(3,65h and cfi.eap It's no tlip . -tallcing tpe KEYSTONE STORE altraye'has.a . n . (l;ilwa . ys will take the lead, and the•maiket in l'OCeriCS Mid Provisions, OLD FRIENDS'AND NEW ONES, Don't fail to call and •s'ee.nie wlier) you visit Cilenn'; I . ahall nptilur!.} , ou; biit shall certainly try, to do.you ed,od • ' • ' K. COMSTOCK. Olean, May 23d, 1860. . 5.3 norsouGwortprNANcr N0:•26 . . . ' It is herihy Ordained and. Enoch& tiy the Burgess and Zahn" Connell of. the, Borough of Snuthport, in Council met,. That a tax ofone Dame he levied' ten tho no ner of every dog or bitch kept lty him •oC h0r...k0 be' 'collected in the 'same rnaniior as other. Berau , gh takes ar'd now collected, which is to be :”Certdined and placed upon duplicate by,the Collector. Approved April 22,,155i. -. . -.. W. Y. McCOY,. Bnzgess. j , . ~ y. S. Ilnoudium.., •Seer , jr. .'. .- . • . . BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 27.. . . . it it ,hcrehtt Ordained and Enacted by the • Burgess and Town liotinoil of the sorough of • Stitrthport, in Council tier,, That all eidetralk , iin said' Borough shall be put in - good order and repair on 'or lieforelho first of Junoliext; , Approved April 22.1861. • • • „ • W. V. bfcCOY, Burgess. , • 2,W .S. 13TebirNitz.T., Secr , y. • • ". "• • -- Dissolution: . ~ „ , 00-Pdrtnership heretofor existing, De em the undersigned;. under the name 17! - ',„E :e i? 1 N.S. Butler BiCo.;ts this day'diwilved by mutual consent. —. ' N. S. BUTLER. —.. • OleanApril 1',1860.... L. W.• GIFFORD. . .• The undersigned have succeeded , to the husj.- ness.of the old firrn,•with increased . facilities, and have 'entered into partnership undr the firm name of'N. S. Butler Er Co• -. • •N. S. - BUTLER, • L. W.•GIEF'ORD,' April 1,.1860, • C..R.1-LAAVLEY. . KENDAL-CHEEK HOUSE, KENDAL•CREEK; MICEAN CO., PA., Try° Suhscribri having,porehased this 'irnown.standiantl..re-rurnished'':a . nd're-fit'- tel the Heisite,..ia'Prnmrecl to entertain Board ers an the Traveling poblia. TABLE., Will he:tivelletipplied,. and • overything..done to Oierit.a. liberal . . share of patrOrrage. Raft = 7 find thO , flarcil-if ring"' out. ' • . P. M. PULLER..., O OM MS" SI ONER FOR• TUE. STATE OE .IiIEW YORK. to.take proofs end acknowledginents cif 'Deeds and other imitrnmentx to he tised and recorded in said State, and to.a•lminister oaths tit •affirrnationo Purelq*nt to the laws of said State; Convevaneet . , Cc. Wee inlinffof . . fien'of 1) 'ffing.hury'; Bradford, rffeKesin Co , ' • litirch 110801.-6 m.. - . • • TONOSAND VICE.. THE SUIP:;CRIIitR would inform tile cit zens of Port Allegany,' and- the stirround ing country; that he is prepared:to do all kind . T3EAC.K.SMITHING,. • In all its different branches in:a: ivorkmanlike manner, with promptness and dispatch yrarran ted to give satisfaction. • . . WAGON ..WORK. & MILL -IRONS attended ;to in good -Emile, and at-reasonable rates. Particular attention Paid tO ' . Horse hoeing; From cfperienee in the business,, entire . antis faction is guaranteed. • "'J. D. OTTO. Port Allegany, March 1, 1860. •. . •• 'Titostov. FIFTY BUSHELS:of the boat ,quality Timo , thy need, raised by and for solo 'at • •• . L. H. DOLLEY'S. • Port Allegriny, April 11,• • ' • WANTED. .• • - .A Ti u ri t trre o , pounds el' Maple S c rtr ii i i nAsahange tof - Mechanleaborg Cabinet Shop, Smait!'port, Apr 11.1,1861. • '• • • . • 'JOB PRINTING, or Avzsi DESORIPTION, • • , nina, OPEAPIX 'AND E X zinnotrevz • NXICOUTZD AT 'TIM Dr4MOCII,AT' OFFICE. . ' 1N CHURNS and Japanned Ware, Stove ripe and Tin Cat Hole: at MASON'S. HARDWARE at , aranirtizeturers) Price*. ITAVIN.G,EINiLARGD MY .F.e,cl.,ms .tit the' Old Stand, . • ••• N° & 3 EXCELSIOR BLOCK, - ail'sAN; • , Foi keeping.'constaotTy. on hupcf . a Much large; • stipply and aisortinept,off.the hgailr ara ' 'cies of iiardviar6 geberallylciipt".by . . the Jobbing . TioufoB, and • hivind - .• • secured the AGENCY' . .• • • -many Manufacturers . • . •' • • inetti . d;ug, th c• • . celebrated" • . FALL RIVER, WHEELER, MADDEN 13A1.CEWELL'S S _A_ S Also .thOse of yVEL9I3 & Glifintll.s'and other makers, . . FAIEBANK'S SCALES, RUBBER an LEATIIRR BELTING, 'STEWART'S (unexcelled) POPULAR COOKING, STOVES, GLASS, of all Sizes, Sorts and Descriptions. I. PROPOW .TO SELL ALL THE ABOVE..A,RTiELES . AT fa,i. -- 11.01.0-t.ui;ei . -s'.P.±-i . 6s. Also l propOse to, eall'ar a small Commission: frnm',my LARGE and IVELc SELECTED SKIP and I4Or:HARDWARE, In 'the selection of Which I have taken 'lmuch pains, :tidying giyen my persOnA •ittention HOUSE TRIMMINGS, 'COOKING arid , PARLOR Ipf:everkdesirable Pattern BLACKSMITHS; AilD'Maolls` To o , dt.tl;e most. zipprov,ed EC A'X F;S, MATTOCKS; SPA DES, RAKES, PITCH' FORKS, LitICKETS, WHEEL•BARAMS, PUMPS, and LEAD. PIPES, . LAMPS for OIL; CAMPHENE, , FLUID, 'Mid! KEROSENE.. My motto The Largest Salea of they very BEST .GOODS at. Largest Re niunerative Prices Insures. the Largest Profits to the Seller, fuinislies theßuyer with the Cheapest and Best Articles, and gives the best satisfaction. LIBERAL DiSCOUNTB' , WItLIO: MADE . . if people will pay-higher prices for-no'hetier articleadt other places ) it shall: be-their ,own fault and nor mine. • • In connection 'with the above,, 1,. am able .to scpply on short notice , . ALL KINDS OF SHEET,IRON. •- • • 4•, COPPER.WORK Hiving in my employ Competent. and, expee, encedworkmen, whose.work has neveilaifed: to Om satiefaction. • .• JUST ::IEi.ICI-,47VE1).., • . - _ . 6'oo .KEGS, OF HAILS AT EW yORK. .PRIOES, • t . . DDING ,TRANSPORTATION. RIVETED HOES, • $2,70 pei dos. WARRANTED -synrcs,. 5e,50.... -.g .SOLID SHANK HOES, $6;50 - • Us di" : • . 110124 E RAKES, Together with'all Farming ToOls,•at maim. lecturers prices. These articlei are NETT CASH; ;_ invite. the trade to my oink, • C. V. B. BABSE s : , - : PRomarox • • No. 2 and..3Excolsior litlOCk. Olean, May 5,.1863 e s• • •"...% • PAINTS, suov'ELs., PAIL'S, TUBING