M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, August 22, 1861, Image 3
$'..0. - 0.1$0: : :',. - 1*.Sii . :..7 - ,9N.'P:-.:.:., :R,4l'::[-,.:C...a.-A.O.H 1kIEWG.01),(18`::4T.::: : . '':•: I'-:: ::: :. . ~:,:-: '.'.•,::•• : -. . 1I:M: .0 : NE: 'PRICE REGULATOR MEMO THE Otib PLA,CE, :STORT;.' ) GREAT' .BARGAIIVS N, 73 HAD :I'l-HE ONE . PRICE , . EG.ULATOR I NVe..tipe . :Dete , •niinttcl . lto . ljnclen4 3 6ll MARK THAT !! OLD FitigNPS KNOW. ALL . ABot.IT TT New thois 35131 Come Atid Jtibe For Thetnselves . One.Puretirese will satisfy the most Skeptieel ling there is only one place, to •buii first cliss goods,':iit very low prices, and that place is. the ONE PRICE REGULATOR. . . Tfie one price.system'gives the beefeitierat- SUPERIOR GOODS, ELEGANT F 4 ASIIONS, I,OIV PRICES, EvEnv you lANI A t TUT: ONE. PRICE REGULATOR, .and the grand Emporinni . of evety thing new, neat'and 'y'ou hay . e the• CASH and want'to the . DEST . ' : DRY 'qobps, FANCY GOODS, Gr e NTS:FURNISHING GOODS, HOUSE FUENISHING_gOODS, PATS . AND.:OAPS, ISOOTS AND SHOES, EVERT THING, 60; TO THE ONE PRICE - REGULATOR, THERE . YOU will find. goods remarkable for their beauty,., durability, superior manufacture and • LO w PATCE'S They . 1 . 9411, ii.otiered to yOu et,the liivrest possible ". figure, the, first time; and from' that price , there Op lie: /V. 0 .DLE T QN, ReynepllieT:- . op'9 ,Prici9Low Prfce . e rr New Sfylep7—Strict THING. & MILL& .[;4oitberly, • , • , • C. H. THING , . • N. S. -BUTLER Apiit DONS!' Mrss rr bON'T rORGET • . • • and coring the fltpe: • IT TELLS I`ol.l All, the • various "itud 'nioet' tiPpreeed . • • . modes of ilressAg, conking, and.boninv • • Mutton, Lath. Veal; Poultry, awl "' . : . •*- , °Met) 'of all kinds . ,..nith the'dilTereut ' :•• •• • • ..Dresiiingh; Gravies end •Sittlllngs'ap . • ••. •propriate•to each.; • ; IT.. TELLS Yon now to •chotise', clean, And " .preliereir. ••• 'Fish of all kids; nnd sWeeten ' ' • • • • it When tainted ;•Allio all the venous -• • and meet. apprOved inedes.ot.cooking, • • , the different Dressinge, , Sagces; L'• ' • '.• • wad Flavorings'apprdprlatnio each. ' .T TELLS YOU All •the *various And' 'most - approved. .modea of preparing , over fifty different. .• kinds of Meat, Fish, Fowl, Game; arid' • • • . Vegetable: Soups,' Stews, . ' • • with the RelieliesandSmiseninge ap. ' • • -• Propriate to each, • ' , .IT tints YOU. All ..the varionls, arid 'most opproted. •' • ' • . 'modes of cooking . Vegetables of every . . . • . description, also how to prepare Pick , • • les, Catsup and Slurries of All klnia,• • . • , „Potted Meats, Fish, Muilmeoms, Aid. . IT TELLS YOU , All the various and 'moat' . apprOred • " ••• modes of preparing ;mid - 'cooking. ail • , • •,, • • , kinds of Plain and Fancy Pastry,',Pitil '. • • dings, OmelettesiFrittere,Cakes, Coq. ; . . lectioriery. Preseries,:. 'follies_ and . • SWeet Dishes of every descriptiou IT TELLS YOU.AII the Varney; and most appieVed • • • madeatif mak ing•llread, Ittisks,'Miif : • " fins and .1114euf t, • tbe best' method 'of • . preparing Coffee, Chocolate anitTee, , . and hoar to niake• Syrups, Cordials and. 'Wines of yarious IT TELLS YOU now to net out And ornament n• Table, • ' ~ • • , how to carve all kinds or Fish,•Flosh • • , ' • or..Fowl,•and.in alma,. how to so aim • pllfy the whole Art of Conking, As to • • . • • brieg the choice - at loittries of the table - . . within everybody'll reach . •• The bask contalna 419 'pages 'and unyVtirds of twelve' hundred. Recipes, 'all of which are the results of- actual xperience,having beeo•fully and carefully tested, n iider the personal superintenee of' the' writers. 'lt IR printed inn clear and open ,type, is illustrated with appropriate - engravings,.apd will be forwarded to'anYtiddress,,nentlf bound, and postage paid, on rceelpt et the price; $1;00, or in cloth., extra, 91,25. , • • • .• - . :.SIOOO.A.,YEAR can be made by en. enterprising men where, in selling - the above work, our inducements to all such being very:liberal. • ..„ .• For single copies of the lionk.:ciefer teems to agents with other information, apply to ni• riddrina . • . • . •JOIIN E. PORTER, Ptiblish'er. • . . •• •• • No. 617 Saitionf Street, Prilladelphiat Pa. ,• Rovember 16, 1800 -Sm.' • :.-. pSAM.T.I - 11:-CIP-x;'17 . ~ CO:M.*VIVac-Wlr'4 01. I) PA VOMITS . , . . AV.IG beenme the proprietor , . nf the Grn .l.l cery arid Provision' Store,:lately .oectinied by 13. F.. Wright, I . take this inethod of in forming my friends-that I have...inst'reeelved the largest stock of - ' ' • " ' • • ,Lolv 1311.1c.F.5, . . . . • evey , Ofrered, p eople, 111'Ketirt county . .sr prices, which Would Any nther'estab.lislitnent.. i keep on hand; and nre in the daily . .rec'eiPt•ricv, •.FRESII GROUND.FLOUR.i •• • •••••••• ' PEED AND MEAL. • •. ' ' ' .PORK, SALT, CODFISII. •:• • MACKEREL, WHITE BUTTER: LARD. TALLOW.' • • ' , •.CANDLES. RICE, STARCII, •• NUTMEGS, SALRATUN, .- • •. • • • 'SODA, INDIGO, PEPPER, •• , . • PILE. CINNAMON, • ' .• • • oL•ovEs..pRACREns. : - . • • • • • • , • TOBACCO. , RAISINS. ' • • ' ••• • :NUTS, OF ALL KIND.. • • • •• . SUGARRS CF ALL COFFEE, GROUND, . . • • • • AND ONGROUND, • SYRUPS, MOLASSES , KEROSENE OIL, - • - FLUID, • . • - CANDIES, TEAS, ece.;l &c„; . My stock is'fallaoil complete, and selected from the beet in the'linarket.. Coll and exarn• ine price and quality, andlyou..will..not (ail to A. B. ARMSTRONG. Smetliport, May 30, 1801.• SOUTH CAROLINA IN ARMS TERRIBLE THREATHFAECEREFIS! . CROCKERI. THEIVORTH AND SOUTH Nut sad Shall be t together! This Glorious • Union . Must' be fie,Serveil ! . . . .. j r NDER: th e , -existing eirournstance's the . ' subscriber V ' deaths It his duty to say to . the Citizens f Northern Pennsylvania that the old . ' ' . • ..-- . . . . . . Sides iii Tiro -s].).op Ie prePared•tomeet any and,fill eMergendles, with (464 m armed and equipped as the law'directs. 'I am prepared to do allkinds:of work in the line'of sheet-lrou and r, COppe. , mend old milk Worm. cement this glorionn Union. The Sidi-Hill Store, which beano:long beld'hei head above water, must and shall take the lead of all (Altera in , its lino. Having .purchased the Interest of my brother, (E.'S Masmi,') Tani ' now' fitting up and filling up Aritit'a 'new stockof Stoves; Tinware; ke., which I am hound to sell cheap for pay.' and see •' 01:0;',111. MASON. • N. 11.. 'Ail kinds of produce—anything but:trust—taken itfaxchangelev.goods., . • , j. • • ' lISSO ou.of Tirtnership: , • . „ . • • . . NOTIcE hsrebylliisfr that.th — Yartnerskiip horf to• 11 fore inflating, between.the undersigned , is the bum: 'vies* of . moschailisfng; it this day dfaiiilyad 'mutat con tent; and that the bosinass of the Stilreyilll now bacon. dotted And settled' cp•by Hamlin. ilifon a at ffmeth.: port, Pa., the lath day of June. 1860, ' ' ...' 0 ... 1.. . - DR.l4': .11 1 .074- sopfilit.o..:;loP4lik 'MAIN.? STREET; '..io;:iii'Ali.t:tiri . ; Pii.',:: AfpNEY" SAVED , Observin,g these Facts . . fat.' Thal I am. net, 'l.. maeently located in .Pmeth,norl; • 2nd. That I.keep eon .etently.on band a 'good .Ituyiplyhf..the. best aunt-. ltyof nutterialg, Toole. f. ' Par, repairing the. yarlone parte Of 'differ.: :ent•ltindn,of ' • ' • WATCHES' . . • , • , and • think nt a. not hvanting whea hay 'that nearly ilVeYea.rilexPerlYhim.ilea taught me . haw to'une them Eucceenfully. • ' ;. • Watches.can be safely and seleatifleally repaired at.thnetlitiort.', No matter how Ilt' - eordittloult• the Job. an 1 am determined te keeplanited • up, and be fully, pre, .paretlto meet every end any . case.• ' CLOCKS; , WATCFS,': - S; • tteinil red. on tillort notice op reasonahla, tevine,, ,Int ho orA.ll. 'Armstrong's. Sign of ‘4.1112.01.400.114.' ••. , : ItAK Eft. • Ni gitorOliteli my prima for work,in:be'n_s - .lOw an At any other well reeialatcd and renionsibleehne and /14: er than nt many. Please give melt call. •, W. II: • • . . .• . • 7 I # l 4 " • I - • THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK MODERN.: COOKERY In its Dranolies.. CA IiSA , ULLY 1 .4. 1 iV156 . 8Y • 1i11t4. A 3. IfALE . . . . . V'TEI.LS YOU .ffow.to choose all dada of M ., ...nt5; P 001... ... - .. '-..tfy and Game, Kith all the varloua and • ' ' most approved modes of drosslng and •' . cooking Iteef ' and - Pork ;, also the bent ' '. and elcaplest way of salting, .plekliag A•'NEW'ARR[VAL AT. A. AAXSTRONG'S FAXIEY GROCEIUES, Great Excitement in the South THE IN:DANGER.: 0... T: rtArtiLil4,l J. 9. miadt Dz. 'ltiftsilHol ; atr44 20 1 ' 441 N,"?% . A 61 . 1 PERLATIVE..' • , I. r OltliPjf . ).l.Pßl . T.' INV.ICOMTIK:CORDIAL • • Citizens of,New Jersey anti Penn sylVania, tipothecaries, Dr ugists. Gro cars and Privitte • Wolfe7S.Pore BrniidY. Wolfe's Pure Muth: 6a, Sherry & POri Wine Wrdie's Pure'Jatnniva and St..erni:v Burn. Welle's Pure Seoul) Ji nil Irish Whiskey. , - • • ALL IN BOTTLES. • . ..• . • .I hey leave to calf .1 he attention Of et tizemi of the Lief, - teitiitatini to the•aliet,s WISES and tattoos:om i prt,d 1,3 r t1 . 10r.141) 3V111.1 . 8. - or NOV. York.' dhoti • riainv.is uiilrtr in every part of titti Canary for the lin rity.of his .9cnik: . 634 SCIINaITS ikVOCVF. in•• Ms /otter tii tne, speak ing of the trinity of his W is•ES 0111 stake mv - repatationag a men, my standinu asinerellutit' or thirty yeare, residence in the City of:Neiv.•'kerk, that all the Bussur and A1.114:s which' b'ottle elepiirelVeh n i portint,.n nit of .the bent qmilityiami can he relied upon uy every pin i eliaSer. l ;•*.tivery.. bottle •the optieter'S ji,oic•nii Abe wes,.ittittii fnc eimile'i t i its signa tuio no the, Til.o: public are reso o( Bii l q.l" to rail and eviiiiine note .lititEt.klr, by all A potheintrivs and ttr - oci'rri 1:1 4 .111101elphia• • •• • . • Untnius Ir. Asnius, No, ,12 Market Pt • • • •••• • .• ' Soh, A',f• nt far Philarblplitu Reed the'rollitivinx froth ttieNtm• York Courier' , ''. • • ' • 11SuirSors linstst4s POJCONIti :NEW YURK.MIiIiCirANT—IVO are happy to inform our felleW 7 cittAitia the I. tiwo In one • pluce•in poi' city whertithe 'physician; aptitheistri, and country inerCharit,can go and [-II relit Liquor. an pure as itsiported. and eft lie best q ualtlY ,We do not. intenilliegiye an riliihoratedeScription of this inereliantli eztonsiVe bUsine•sialthimeli it will Tepey any stranuer or citizen' An Visit Unfit:PlM toot. re's eztelielve'ivareliouse, Nos, 18:, 20 and 22, itcnver street, and Non 1.7:10 91, !Miirktield street. - ills Meek of Schnapps onliandread yror. ahlpinent could not bate beeteless.than thlStv fhonsai i d cases, the Brandy, come the timucnnl eccer—vinlices of 1810 to •11i , 51), and . (011 Crises of ry and Port IVlne,•• Scoteltand • Irish Whisker - , 'Jamaica. andlSt. Croix Rum, some eerj' old and eq hi any in this Country. lie itlite had tin - eel:lo2p cellars, tll led. with Brandy, Wine, kc•. l In casks under •Cithfoni ready for -bet thing.'. 31r.Vfolitini lodes el', Schepps last year amounted to one linnilrettati•l ighty thensandddr. 7 •• en, end hope' in les+ Alian • two years lie. may-.be e qually siiereSsful trill, his. Brendiem nod 'Wales. .• Ills business inerits - thutiatronage - lif every lever or his species. • _Private ftmities u•liotvish • mire . Wince and Li.. quers for' medical use „Should reed their ordure direct to Mr. 'Weife.iinti I every Apothecary the NM melte hp their tniniln to discard the poisonous stuff. frinif• their linitTeplace it with liel.rs's purelViNrs end Id quoits. ..- • - . . :We understand Mr. Wot;ett, fo'r the. Nee-mote:la lion of small Iletilerg In the country., ,ttl‘ta . up asNorted eases of ,Wines awl Mottoes. Filer' a anon. nitol'tuelt - a merchant, should no int:taineit a-zelOst tin tent of them:Nods of ni:.' .prinonts in We-United St:ties. who Noll tietning - bet in.ita, tiohn, ruinous uyie to liutnait'llealth atirthappiness. A siniriChap ter of History. . . Great OH Hakim. THE yORSE AND HIS DISEA' . , • ' 'I3Y,T JENNINGS, V. S CHIVES:WU O.P PATHOLOGY ASO OPERAT I A 1;, ERY 1N THE ' F:TEIAI COLL EGM OF VOILA HELM/TO. OTC.. • .. • . • . . . • . - , WILL TELL YOU Of the °Hain; TW,tory awl IliFtinetire . ..• - ,I.; _traits of the rarionti hfeerte of EurtMi , .. - an, Asiatic.Afri . mitiand Amer:ran her . . • . ' ' • •' .. 001, with the' tMysibel formation and ' • 'pectiltarition'of, the. aninibl., and how • to' ascertain lite •11110 by the nuifille,' '- • and'emMition 001k-teeth' ; illnetrated, with nntneinheoxplanatoryliugraviogs ,• • • •- • •.I he,t.,'H. ot'scot.tllo. 1111 , 4 101.,..ea5L... , ;. Wild. TELL. YOU of.ttremtfne, Dreahiti,.,S.ta:blintr.Feel . • ' too. Orooniing, Shoeing. and; the g".,P -' ' . . ' • . t.r.11 nmnaeinnent of the horse; b alt .. mod e 4 of wiministorine 111P,1ii,j,,0, 111,,11, .• . • .. Moe to treat Ititinti.,, Kicking.. Iteibeine.; . . .. .. •. ' • ' Flevite.T. B ,l'unthling,•Geib.Biting.•llonb,. . , '• '. • '• • • lessness :and other .ylcieito which be,. ,' h 4 syldebt ; yith.numeious expiate:toe, . . • ....Trio .I - reitb-- , r , . :Mibl'his ni, , ,:6- , f, " ‘ .41 kl, 'nil: It VOU.OI', flit ctolso6 .3'lltrktoill,t. .itud trelt ' • ' ' . •. '• • - , Ment - of Straneleg.-Sobe Tlirot Ili•• ' . ' • - ' , ' temper, 0 ttarrh t Intinenza, lirbim'eit ..... • - . :, . • ; -' , .b... l'oennfonia, Plettri,y,Protten Wind . . Chronic Cough, ItOnemte and -.Whist . . . . . • ' , 1ing..1.0 minty. -tioro Month A rebdeers,' '• . •:' and 4 , :elvi , rl Tf.t.t hi with .. other Aiw,t -' " •- ' , ' ~e 4 bf the Mouth nut Ilespiratory'Or ', • ' . . .Ti o. or;::(. r)i,:ezi.,,Cts: . . • . .. •WILI., TELL YOU Of the rilili -,, t, k!ylltpto.lpi.'alt I Trent • . ;., .. •' ' :' meat o r WornF,.ltota . . Colio.: S(rangu ' .' •" ,: 1 hitintf. Stntiv•Cidieretions,.. lturiatftri ' • • • I alhv. Diaril.44. Jaundice. ITopatitT • .. • ' •. : ..-: bite. Ino , iit , Vt : irie...Y. toile, In the Hid ', • . , ' ' noii.and Madder. Julhinunatioii.• ,rul ' ... .' ' ... • .ther.digtiNj‘i of the St oinaqli,l.lowedi, ' : - ' . . ••• 'Livery and Urinary firkins. • . . .. • , . , '.l 7 lloi'l (11.::1` :I rftililo,-; I);t:zi.:.lt , ('',3 . .' . • LL.T ELL YOU Of tlie eancee, F:ynipton,'and froat. : 40 inent orllo'ne Llood and Itoa', Spavin, • •piny Bone. Sweenie„Strlins ,11raIceai • ' • ' 'Wind. Calk, Fdlinder, - Sole .• ,••• '''.1i1:111.11 and. 0 envoi. Cranna Canker, 'l'Lrn , :ll‘iti.l Co,no; • 0100, of 31.Ogrinni, Vortizo..l4lll - ons . r, • • •.;• ••, • • Winn' dibo:Cini• Ike •.• Feet, Legs. and pi,r,l:„• • •. • T11,61 - loi .. ,Te . :tvittit 1:;; . . WILL TELL' YOU Of tho . calimeq; loot 'refit ' • ; - nteiii.of Fistula, Pon Evil •. • „hocked ficarlet Firer, Mange, surfeit, . ' • ..•' „hocked daw. lihonotatlion, - Granip, • Disc tees of the Jiyo and 'Heart . •4 c.., hew to manage Glisten • •, • 'Hon, Ileedbr,: Trephinbing, Howe!, • ,• •' . • Inc, Firing, Hernia, Ainputat ion, Tap -. • • •ping, Awl-other surgical operations. 6'l iciroo. arid his .- 17fsetisi,-;44 WILL YOU Of •Rarev , s ntetlind of 1 aniWg•llor - sCA , ' tn'Aoproach, or..ittobj,- half ; how to Viecustorn a llnrse,..lo • •,• sal hits and ski itti.nost how - to • .ltif, SitiMio • nide • • arid Break lam to • '. • . , ...111.riteQa also: the forni and, low of ; • ••' • . AVAItRANTY The whole - 1)011e the re silt '•of; more flout Ofteefi Veers. , careful . . . • • • • • le aho of the habits, peculiaritieq,walits • . ••and weaknesi.ea of this noble'anintill.. ' - The boob . con talus Of ; I picot, - appropriately illust ell ea i'Vnettrry o n e ilnueireil eretravines It is printed in a char and open type, and trillbe forwarded to'nuenddress, postage paid, on receipt of price,shalf bound, $1.0(1, nr, in croth,.eNtra, $1.25 • , ~ • • , . ' m I'e by .$ 1000 A YP R • • • prieung••• • 1 ,, , i every whereoa selling the above . , end ntilbr popular' mak,' e mire. her In all ere exceedingly libel , al; her eingle enplea . 6stbe Peek. orTor terms-to agents, witli ether infoitnation;apply to ov.addreya • . • ,io}lll E..POTTEk; • go 017 qinsaiii Street, Philadelphia, Pa.. ..NoV•erabeilS, • - •• '2.4 • ' . ...SMETHPORILIVEhr.STABLE. , . T ""I3.BS C RIBER lias opened a new Liv . ery . Stablein Smethport, at .0.. R. Ren, nett's Old Stand; on Main ' ytreet,..jusf east of 111chanies'; whererin be foondihe bes.tpf Hor . • .ses and Carriaget low taigas. Ile' intends' to 'Make Smethport . iletrnanm4.. residenCe, and asks .a'sitare of pa si ()nage. . . . •' ' - . ,• ' .• • .A. N. SMITH. .: . . . Snietiiport, August 310800. ' :tl23tf.. • ' BRICK FOR SALE. . • . •. o n first rate brick for sale'. In -15 0 O kJ ure . of y AMC-13 ACKUS: Smethport, August 13, ISGO Last Ca 11. , .. . . ALL . petsous.lipowing, themselves. i nde b t ed ' to the unclersiffrie'd. are . herebY notified to cap an'i! siittle'.th'oir accounts. imtnediately,'or costa 'will . bc Made. .: - J. D. CreTO. ..Pee.. 9; /800' .. • .. , . . , liga cgußNs 'and japanned Ware, 'Siove . .I.' Pipe and Tin Cat Holee at MASON'S. . . . . is, a Conititutionid,rlisease; ti efirrifptien'ef' the biond,:by' Which • thiii add become 'vitiated : weak, r.•lfoiiin.'iti the eirenlation,-It :pervades . the whole bod y,' and may.bnrst iddiseaso any , part of if. NO organ' is free' s trum its attacks, uor is there one Which> it luny net,d4Ntrey,,- Thencrofulotni taint Isvarionsly • caused- by..Taercurial Ali:sense, lo*' living; dis , •foott. filth mid filthy. habits, the - -idePresiing • vieest >and, aims all;. by the venereal , infeetied. • What ever .be its origiri,-iteiti hereditary in- the to* 4.itetfon,:descending . , ..froin parents to childrenunto the third and fourth generatiorii'f. indeed, it:See:lloe ',be the and of Ilim who' says, hill Visit thd inighitics.,Af the fathers tilled their .. • . . , • >. Its'effects commence by deposition from the blood of. corrupt or uleerons matter,Whieli; in the lungs, liver,- and'internal,erglins, is termed' nnd. ; 6n,.. the surface,.erep tieing .orfpineil • 'llia eor, Tuptinn, Which geedersidthe bhiod, ilepresSeti tile energies of life, so thiitnerofulotts oonstitu- tioes - net -only suffer 'from. scrofulous,, - eind; • .111:lints, but they have fnr loss. power to with • - . stand the.:lntitoks'-of: other 'diseases, eonse; , quently, vast aiumbers perish by disorders Irltioli; although not iieroftdous in their nature;, 'arc still' rendered fatal. by this 'taint' in the • systein'. "Mostof the; consumption .which dc= ten- buinim family has its origin directly in this 'Scroffilons contamination ; and many • destructive diseases of theliver, kidneys, brain,. and, indeed, 'Of all • the :orgons, arise from' arc aggravated ,by the same Cause... ' one quarter o£all our .pei.)platire seroftdout their'-persons are invaded:by- this halting hi feetion, 'and their healtkis undermined' bylt. .1‘) cletmse it trent the system ive must renovate. the blood by ad - alterative thedicinenul vigorate it by - healthy - food- and `exorcise; Such a medicine, wci supply in f • • AYE....R'S.' • .. • ... • .• • • • Compound Extract of Sarsapari ll a , the. most 'effectual. remedy . ..which the 'medical skill of our times. can • devise for. this. every • iclicre prevailing and fatal malady.. • his com t4ned from thormost most. remedials thathaVe een discovered•for the'expurgPtiennf this foul from - the blOod; and the rescue of the . system from its eomiequertnes. • Ifence•it should he 'employed for the% pure of rot"only seroftila,liut alsn.those. Other affec tions which - arise from it, anat. ris • BDOPTIVE And', SraN biSDW.S, ST. •MTIIOI4Y'S Mite; hose, •or Eitiour4loB,. ST. , PUSTULES, BLOTODES,BLAINii LULBOILE4: Tyratiiila.V?rrauxt 'and SALT . 13.1111 UM, SZTALDITIEAD, BINGWOR, MIEDSLVI'IBI4, SITIIILITN and MERCURIAL DID= LASES,: DROPSY,. DYSPEPSIA, PEDILITYLand,... indeed ; .00iIPLAINTS, MUSING ,VITIA TED mt - IMPURE BLOOD. in.' , hi:parity Of. the blood" is fOundedin truth;: for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood; The. particular. purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is . to purify and regenerate this Vital fluid; • Without which seund . .heahli is impossible in contmninitted . constittltions. "are so'composed that disease within the .rapge of their action can *rareVa ithstand: or evade them. Th c tra tin g properties .scarc,,and .elearegc, , and' in% igoratc every portion of .tho'huMan 'organ bon, collecting its diseased action, And restoring -its healthy yitulitici. 'As a - consequence of 'these gr. - patios, .the who As ‘bowed down with pain'or physical debility is tistohished . gm:find. his. health or cheqty restored. c by- a remedy 14 , once sot oily de. they *cure the many complaints of every, body,. but' also • many formidable' and dangerous Aiscases: ; The 'agent: below named' is pleased .I . '9' furnish gratis :My li'inericanfAlnuinzie.. containing certificates of their cures and directions . for their use in the following complaints::Costiee— toss, 11eiglimrkfleadiiehe n 467101.0 1. disoi•dered .Stomaele, Nn used, Ind igestion.,Pagt ig aitd Morbid' • Awl Bowels, Flqtylegeli, Loss cif lard ire, and .'otber • 'kindred ,doutplanus, .arising from a lowatate Ofihe body or obstruction ; of its functions. . . .. • Ayer's Cherry Pectora FOR TIIE RAPID.CURE or, Coughs, „Colds', .Influenza a • nuarseueis, Croup, Drunehatis, Incipient ponsump. tion, and for .the relict of COnsumptlve. r atients• ha advanced `stages of t tho. 80 . wide is the field of its usefulness an :6i, nu nterous see tht?.. c.: *s . of its clires7; Amt. alrikOst every section country abounds 'in 'persons. pub licly known, Who have heen restored' rem alarming, and. even -despeate dis.eases or. the lungs ..by its use. When.once tried; its . superiority .ovcr every other medicine Of its kind is too apparent to, escape observation,. arid where its virtues are known, the public no lerigerhesitate what antidote.to. employ for the distressing dangerOnS affections of the pulmonary Organs. that' are incident to our climate. While twiny. , inferior' remedies-thrust- upon the eonorinnitv.have failed. and been discarded; this. has gained friends by every trier, conferred befiefitsi on..tbo afflicted. they, can paver forget, and pro ducedeores•too 'Mullen:nig ,and too remarkable to be forgotten ' " PREMED BY, DR. J. C. AYER & CO.' . . linmlirr K Co., SrnPiliport ; E. :Os . rood, Bradfordl/011y; Port Allegberl :anO. by Or•olersverywhere.::.. -• •., rgicEs...R.o4-UCE' D; To Suit the Times I. ! . . . . . . . rrilll suletet lber respectfully arinetincen to.tlie citizens ".11:- . 001'1(enn county thnt lie Iran ia)cen eh* ithup,lbr• merly'necupiV by A. Wi'niters, itilteellaniezlittrg; and in niantiractuzing and, will keep coustantly'bn' hand every variety 'idid style ef : —'.- -'•.. • •'• .••' - ' . .pnAIRS; • HATTN,' . • LOUNGES ? ..01PONIAN:q, WASII-STANbS, • . .". TP:TE-A-TErEfi, • ' c.., • All .the Atodern Styles of Furniture .Black-.l4rabilit; Oak, &a: , cp . riT.A(l . ];; .ED.-13..0.0*.:."CtiT§;', FANCY, AND ORNAXENTAT. *Lida, PABLC).R SITIrrS, . . . .. . . AS - OIIEAP. IiIt,.AS..OAN lOUCIIT• IN 'OLEAN. . ... ,....... I'lle'vorYi4tai..'nf inrkrnonhaia been Peirininititly ed.' gaged, and all Work turpnd ont - of , .th lei Eutablitihnioixt: 'warranted to bq what'it la .repreaented. • .':, .' • . ..'." N. F. JONES • • , . E PA I RING atl ended'to promptly. e6d op !lie ciobt reamonable term. . . . LOEFINS mad) order , on thushortilit notIcO„ LUMBER of all Cherry :Walnut, &0., Grain, and in Tact eyel7t4lni,miLrEatiblo, tOcnn fn. . The "striOt"ittontfort:tri the, wants of tho.coaimauity; toarierit a ohaV , e'ot'yaor tAtiOn ago. • • '• . Emethf orr, March 28,1861. ; • , Bcrofilla' , .EvU, Ayees Cathartic Pills, R ALL THE. PURPOSES:OF A FAMILY PHYSIC LOWELL, MASS. HANICSBURG CABINET SHO' . „ lIEDSI'EAD3,• •• • • • • •TAIII;48, • • ' •• • • . • W1..1.&T-NOTS, c;;;IIN.gIU.STAND.V, '• 130gAf3, • • • • &c.,-ke., .• (313,,..i,:11. ii.‘,,,.,..:0-o.k.fiiiN(.44'.'ir:',''', ... , . ..... .._.... . . . ~. . DR - 5. ~: , ,7: 1 :! ..i.,.,,,,,......4-...4,iy...,,..;:4..:,,,,-..-..-.:..,..:::;:,i.':;. DR - 5.7.--.G00:1).;,.&a.;',.,:. '').'...' .....:-.'.:''.:'''',.--..!.....-...1-:'-.....,...:.:.-1-: .f.'Air::4 - ,.:,..1.)::;.f-,:f.!: - .8:16.:4)...! ..'."Beat gitality, at the, Jewell' pricer!, ere lieu' . beieg.expitriterilit in'motti. Store ot. 3,. slfillif 3 ICC VlO)invenpw 'on went of , DgESB. , : .- GOObs .. l Of 'every'_drecriptiony: }ti'kh; .triMminga to match., :And a hos(of. . • • .tOOTS' Nb.. FLASS ANTi CHINA WARE cliocKf,:iiY ; &*i.:„.si.,;:ti.ic.,.?:-.,;7',:i'. . . . - 1 Wiiiith . - 011 I.p . a: sold nt priarskt,bat:'wkll..ans!i, .4 1 1.coinpetition. to stand !nick, S. till- imonife that goods clip bq sold ntsurivprices.:...llloole'rfs.al. migit is filietiwitfra complete variety of- oil the. LATEST STYLES .`(:1 . . . . . , . AlitYvve take - pleaur in aniwuncia to . .theiliublk that theie.: :.. . .. - GOODS' A i?..r.'.'1..11,0-15:0,;i1.....7', ' AIT 84,RGAINS ivfllbeS c ra a AP t is THAN :At' Aill7-OTI4 . ER. EST.ii;IgHMiNt. In Olean. , . . We . itvejoit fitft;tliiii it• T., A RGE obti•GOM. i\;10611)11.5 CARPET fiQONT 22.4 . 75 ' . .ni+; whi'ch ,is AllerT . with ft . tillw . lol of al! t he. 44; TEST. STYLES of :. . - ' ..: ', ' - i ,• t ~. 0)1,11.0.12,212NZ 'PsiTAT 3S Cts.:UPW AM:IS Hat§, Ocap, ReadY milliid' Chitlotigi.W: Paper, Window . Shades; ..H0..ei1,, of nil Itinils; 3 shilling GAITERS at . id . l . OOPED ,SKIATS :RI 9I ctq; AU who wnrit to get LIGHT on the , eubjee FAST; call entl•gefa . olfon'ot • .4. B . Q N . . . . .. and if it does, not - beyn'..TWler. AS LONG ainhy: other kind you can. find. f0r:5.4 . 661 . Ilat is the forfeit: -• .. •-• -'.. • • ' A' v.isit td .Olean will;satisfy'YOT/ that." NO. ti, ExelsiOit• •. is ehe .11E4D QUARTERS. OE TRADE- - and ,hr GRAND EMPORIUM..;oI every thing NEW NEAT and STYLISW, 7'hat 50 cf.. T. still better. • • • .. ~- - . • . .N. 'S. Blrl'Lß :It 00; N. 9. Bi;Thiat,... ( , -•.,.,.• 1 •• '.. • . .'' '' A. Th.t.i5i,1.:.... ~- ~• . ..,: .' , L. W. t.lirroau, • ,-., . ' - '.... •• Sept. 13, 1860, 13.. S.: G0U1,13, PHYSIcIAWANa.MGEON i ,}.l l ? . vitliii4rtiiiine'ntii)odat'aii bitnaltir at POlti• Ar. EGA N woulty respeOtfullY;inform'_; the, publie'thOt is' prnpnre' to; attend to ' busin6lM'all limneheit of. the Medical Profession ' ti"eh ticin. pniil to - .Socret Dineoweir,'bOth, • nititle• bait female; they will be Ireateol ktt:rceot4ll'n'Oe . Wi the tritpt ;totheritiesaiA44aitice ofs,l34tii. Eii . 11 AMeriera M6410'4'10 . him, rrilltifi practice, he,.`stijOitylo , ot: . :tiy, hiM; of spiro'money;ll#4l,Triontl 7 erte'rMO4 relatives or Port Allege'nf; March 20th; s ' ' ' . ' ~7 4 VERMIN , : EXTIRiVi , Only • EVERY. FOriNt A • • '" • .•• . . • The:. Orppn rill innk (I, nr. 'Ere t•rti.e'fiorri - Ppignro.." • , tn.! 1)P "li tr• Rd • .• • • . . Id yeari :il: 11.40tby—the Ci ty Pi icons and StAtipp , th,ed hi — City,felinnf!rn, Shi s, /lee, Mott by- 7 , tha City hospitals.; A Ims'Eltitlilll.4 ... • , , .• . , Med by—the City Hotels, -- .Med—l he EMI riling How"'WY 4' Med ty.- more than 6'0;000, Pri})at 13J° - See fc4'at.rhe Peaße; Prins, oni - PejlriimAtii. -, • fiENRY •R-COSTAft:--Alt.the.,:saiom ~ :•. : , . have been troubled' with . Rimehen anddWOO . ..l i v : wee .4 ct ea I 1y.... niohnined .of ' the:. lioits'#; - .l . '‘Wth'e ' .- ' ,Roschre' Wire every w here', ~.thrittrelivied 'le hif.*:• • ~, 'of Yonr • F.xtirinliiii tor. a nd• t ried•iit, - enikirf'44o,...:' , , week*there....-WIIII npf.*lfoseli.',4,MOoliehtliliecl,:',. Flool.1). ''' ". :•;Jour4 lf,:.oittnon,. Nor 94'..•.E1m*,...'fit,. , 4,-:.... H 0 tl'S E ICE P. frE RS •,- t roe bled Wit h" . inr.Mlh:l !•;.,,-...... need he' lib mo . loncer, .1 r 'they ifne.aCos . rna 4,..•• , . • :- .Exiirrninitnt il: .' Wo..fiii i , ll 'tined. it to killit :'nOf l . kf.'.;` :. ,. :tnetirM, midi f if link clin't s.l,;.'wif'Wedld''lrif;e;.; ~;.,:: 'ii. We . hiol tiled..4i.oisoni i ':''hin .. tiicy.'-efr , Ooil :, ';.. AEIIEI44' I . !iii t CciiiA4',s n nide ktiOeks thellieith'; - ;, - aim or.,Rnis; Mice o Oil' led. Rein,' iniClier:thelif We.ten Write it.', 'pin in great deinniiti . illlo44 ~:. • Ihe'elitiarry;•*•: l 3444 / '0 d:'',ooic,thilt'' '.''''..'• i ''•.....'. • MORE GRAIN a od,Provfninon nro.dentro3ed . /: : .. . annually' Fn.. 9radt": ohnetil4 . y'errifik,'",tinirA: " ~ ' .. .would pay . (Miens of. this, lint nod inseet...'Alk: '• .. 'lei .:•=-- Lai; co.fhir:7l , 4)* 141.4dd. , ':" • .-7.,".:".••..• • 11.E N R y . .. •rt.. cosTAß‘,Vour•:,Eirtirmirte.4o.:•l.. ..r Is yecoiyid,' mind, 'nod •,pronourieed .- 4. deeldeii:,:;,•:':, 'euece,s, •We 'lined a . box of it, nod the,way. the.,..1 Rnts nod Mice 'alotinil,' cop premises •"rni4id Ji '. .- Ned,! . .'.:-thnt'nig hr•vron'o. c.out kin ,to sleeperli...!- ' • Slnce then not,li.R4t•orMottite his..,beep,,lit4Ml .7.,' . 'in kitchen or c ellar.. — illawreaer,(lo4la)Tirtit.,,, .:* I HAY E..BEEN.,,Sf.LLING-I-Yotir:Extlrinl4,;;'; enter for the last yenr,'ltild fiddit. a name iifoi . ... --'.' ' every time. ' - .•,. . Gee: Rosop.rtruirlilit, Pitiliii,v.coni (1 0 4 . ! - * , .: , ' .. WE:. A'RE ' SEL Ltzvp.:- rimr..;,- .prillitteititirti;!.,..... rapidly... Whereiter theylintee been tised, - Rett;;...-, :-.. ( Mice, Ranches, tin! Vermin disappear iniirirai; , ;;;: ., "1 r /only. •Hoomr. & Sreurria,..YDCtiggis'9l=N44,s IVital § or, Md. •• - ' .. .' - ..-' . e .. :'" , ' ''l*',;, , • To Deotroji—flits, itooltht;s,'&c: To Destry.u—Bed . ".3i;#o',, T0•..1ie . 5.ir0ya . .5 . f . 0 . f.h5,. PleaevAncei&t.s... 7'cDretrdy,-Mosgiillibesj , , ...,, „ . -.•: .: -;.','.:...''''.- '',.. I . 'o , 1/..,vtroy- t. l . ne . ec!9 tin iiia'o.o-iin.(ll.neectit;(:. Detfrqy--,lnsegta „ Artimalai,fze. Dearri7y—E very for . , "Costar's" Re Roach. An., Extirtnin!r.. `•Costar's" Bed-bug Extirininator: "Poster's" Electric Powder for Insects,...' , IN 23, ae, ANI) $l,OO Boxes, BoTer t es n'sn, $3 and $3 RIMS FOR PLANTItr', TIONS, SIIIPS,I/OATS, HOTIMS, . [l:77SolFl.Euetwviters•••by . . . . . .; All Wii.olesdle'Drtigiiists in lam' 6 4 108 r , .; ~..= All .Re tail Deigpre--Griieers-Stnre : kiepl.o ? • ,; . tiC.in.t.he United St a tes .'. , ... • '' .. . Wholeiale Agents in. Xi.* York , : . • 'Shivftelip 11111;2..8r Co:1 Harfall. Po horitaCk,Huill & Buil), Cak . Bl. A:11.& :D. garids & Co.AI Clot*t; 'Wheeler k Hnri. I '34lltipsOo•&liio44‘;' Hetfnmpo & ' s, Half, & I C. C.' WON k Thomr.us*XC Lazolle,'ltiti4 '8: co- P. D. Orvis: li ii, .n t xon - 8i Co. Profoldi. P.Trkei & Co. :TOO & Co ' : • Dudley & s bilrfurd., Conrail •Piiir.", • -.. ' ANT) oTitEllll, Philadelphia, Pa. T. W. llyort Sz Co. Rota. Shnerboker f'o B.A t . inestock Cb, I French:Richards St Ci; All the Principal Cities and Towns hi !he. SNLETIIPORI", 37'81;1411y' , • ;i 4`, And Drugiiits - Gii o e 4 4 l 4 • eyaly ft ff , 1 4 ,14, , f 414 411' ri e rC 444l, Y,' 4 4, 44451 11 4 Ar4fl l4 r 04 ; v Ix i tOf or"( t re s 4 4 ! ( 444 04/ 47,7 [ 6 0‘ 1 9.-*4:41041 44 E c , *An d finl ei l l e4/41; 1 0 1 00, 1 4V4 :141 : 4 ' o l Z s l 4 e: M . 4 fr 'V, 1/4141iNity .11 vffirkitto7llr,47,ii„, ~ S,4.4lopiti,Dimmry fl,4lslolo,ArOffitT ; ,OppoSi4e6 ~botrYi*444ol4llTOl)':ft4' =ME =ERZ