M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, August 22, 1861, Image 2
. ~,,,,,,, ...6j, y; "n ky: .‘. , . -I ' o ' F ''''' . : '.i.,'4Ventry'%,foiiiiiefhelitiitY"Of`effird'oyins. 4be mar 1 .5 5 z • , ""w7filygifit*4W,f,' 01 . 4": 10,. ey ti ;rn 1 . ., h t 'ftirced'uft-.' ' . :-01....„ Iti; ,,,R g o,l9:luj..iictr,i'nyrn' tiie 'itij ty ; rir . I ,ii r _ ~, ilkist.AttleelleY:9n * ,lhit:'o9if'o l noilt NP '' - '''''''''S OA in *ihk;'s'et . Yante, ebnld lb 't his' .; 'i". " ":e ( ''''''' '"': '' that ' ttipfoin'iie :e e n t ~, K ,A ft ,4for-71.?.m....0 ...„,.....r.,,,P, , ..,3 4 ,.. j. , rAko t r..t t X1 :! ”rt tininilar ?tiviirorrient , ':- - 4,4h7179,,..., marked Kecedent; . ilia( Allteeltrit!iir,rift.u:,,letitin,'!canonly save the:l sdrilt , iirti, , :,Airn , ,editite: deetructiOn, by g .„.,.. ~ 40084 I .6.liiip totra Vpon 'wide!) lb/I people :44•. ,, ,c, 14t'ileVritrt,... , , - :p.e' peolfte,thegisel yes and ']t'. ll ' ei! Tlil.oo_!C . ..!.. l " ,f or!ly:,!: 4 Y ' P rse ' thei. "' v . ri iot .5 F, ft (9 #51.0 !. ;:, t P . q,. ~ :,d:, 100411,:gli il.Aiy, the Executive epiiiii not ,i..„ : . Atr . - tetisd; thet 'thee,e.,ttistitutions ',shall: 7,',....,VV11 i, , 14 . e . lillitip.,,,eotili1,h,e,, ,in :betrays) ''.of so , '...'w1;40 , p',45,Ted,-a:triteit ai ;these 1 ree . 'penple : -:.,' iAltr#lol6lt t 6 .11 iirli . lie:Olt -6 o t 1 hiiTlitill no '-‘;`,#o.oo4l4,:q.o.‘iird,'Kor : even to cniitit'the: l'/-:111,110404)9,..1),(e in 'stb`xi iriigbt follow. :''''' ', ii-t.i.liflfJMY7lli4l' , z -fli,s, , Frea!:l', , ,f,4 l !')Oillit'!/„h'e .. . I' lioik!,•:VPP..irhr4 he hns'OFtnied. his. duty. -'' . 4'o4' 4 * I Tiolit'iifAinif fo:Ycifir jinlttnient our : '.flit''rat ' t ' 4 ''' '4i " .l' 'lir ' tht ' ' :yours— . ~,,elneere y,„, opes a , your .., c sitfr , r ‘ t yl ' ii, ,nd,your,iietionit' . irbity so aecord•witkhi's .:' its' tir Qiti i'llliiiitifed bit iz‘eri.i.Who hive been - '- Aliftikiiiiii , ln;theii rightS' . ,r. certain antispeedy 4Mrstnifori : 'W. theiii'nfidei the C onstitution-and f4iii* , siiidAiiiiring, ilitW chosen 'our. cause With. ~-.. 8,03 , 016 4-0 4 with pure iiiittipse, let niieneve . iiiiiitiiiseili , God/and go forward, without, 'fee r iC .''...: iiiitilfii:Jtiiiiinly',beirtel' ' '-' , , ' . 't l '!YVibr,:?• , ''': ''''.AVRAFT2I.M. LINCOLN. :. '''Stilitlik'ltisi - ' • ' • •.:.. . '.• ' - ....4..../..ii , ,-0'v.44' , -:! .. .fietleiii-'ratteisen, :- ..• '• • • . „. ..„-.. „. . , • • . ;" Theri • .hra desi re in eertain quarters td 'cast I. ••,•:. i,diuto - upon'Gen. Patterson, for y the late . disnal :: - ,i - eir' : 4lo:hiweee? Mir fpreeklb : t be bat Il e'al 13 u I l's ..,,,.; R e i7 : , t 0,1 , 7,,,'4:i tini-. sa oat ii;', 'o..;ltrii-a-line'rie *iiiiii Irii,fterson had'. 'made - ft — juaction with •,...i.,9;iktllOO*ell'a Caliiiio the ' defeat ' would not .''. hii4talsoid#cre:,:' 'That 'much i s psYitig a cotn ',-.'...iiiiiiiqiittii dSn'..P:iiter . son and g 1 ant 'Olen •' • dlidli - YOMOMMMU/1. - ,: -. 'Bet, to . assert di 're'cly',. ~,,: af_iiiiliTiOiali.ilO'n tliailiii . wis , orderd to form. :-...- ili,i4tlikl'is4tli : Gin' 'l 4 ,ttlowill . at Bull's 'Ruh f',i ',liiitiiitifrif SAust: li - falie. It is 'nell'ar / righi. to :,.fiheilletition-'e.Onjectitie;'but it.:is the nature : '••••&*(iililtifttliat ' thaie, who "ehlrlrnit blunders .=- ', sOikiii,eiteeli - it is'iiii)e getiti and, Gen. Pat terson is . ;, \;.., l tollitijefijillelriiMie'dermlict, or'illity 0111 this 0 Cea• : ' ~1 31 11 iiiiti't'iCli*Oif till! ilie"npt from the War ',i- 'o7ls''Triiiik vi4sP allY, Such.,':charges could ~': 40 - ,;41 , 1 ,, y l u ipa i lii,i , : hut; ,from - newspapers, like ~: ,' t t k ii:W; --. 2 ., , i i ,,,,, Whine IRSeRSIte OlarnOtr, 4: ',Offie.'C:lsl4i.ol.' p,o''Vethebt yvbich':tesulted'in dis t ;%...: to / tieit,' , l+., , ' ... '. :'. - - ' - • ' ' ' . . iltijier Afn,a„si . to blarne for.the defeat of / °lir iiriri ' it;thii. li'f'an bread, free' love ' Man er if , k'f' s i '' ' ' ''' .l " ..' A 't 'I i v -' ...1,:....',.;(g5,e,., ~.pr. the. as wen y years, ie has bees ttilitaidAUtlaiiiY' ‘ 'p,M 'all the ,iigub, that ..hiks;:e iiiree, ; s ibs eonnfry' Within 'SW 'MOROI'S sAi is! been, in , bivor , pf secession and, its most i l FiaNtiierintibitngi fai,.and' the greatest servie° 'Ai,'..kits,:,trer'Onis:nrieriltind in his kite- sacknowl -eAlrehifmt*,lllislielrtUr. '1 . ..3,, s old • Wemen Of both ~;:otir*eibli OtiffilidUklt) invaluable . .. : "Ye' 40, riAt.',*siitrifi; fie' thiapelo;iit of Gen: i'.•,'`;o4t'fiiitiii: : :H,ii. 4144 none for n° charb4".are' -' l 4l l i4eKW!iiiit 'OM except - the 'vtigue limit indefl-: ',',illiiiiiiToi,Se's ~orl'itylefihite 'men. If ..political ~. eilkir,ji 4 lciiiii;6`44.i'by — etto'clia upon, him, in .:-,,1k tfilli' E POineiz,',beeguse hp ' is" not of the itiirep:res'- :-"_:'.:stale: conflict' , " in', politics,' it 'can #4.Tediiii tlitif 'his 'filen. have mot 'been ; dumped thiiftiillfadi4ii.e'vijithiii range of Masked' bet- t - tiritiriattitqflhe c'•hiancointiaitied 'no blundir ':,- iifiliiliqiiiiigi, 44*i - rimers! , man iie Is 'ret ~‘i‘'ilPittilifi,Wiliec6Vri bi'ii eMptain'in'the r s e,gular ?.): -,4oiflif. iitt - i4lin' *pfra . o) : ' 'I ii! thh ' 4exi ean War; ;. , %','#iiiiiiii iiie',"iiiiCchniti.ins if: Gen : Sebtf•for efri 'fs":i. eiMilealiii4i'.6'etiffii'..yer* . CV4 - , - and el'the Most Ofittiiirlagtirli.fiel'al'in'.'oni' Volunteer 'set _ ::!101 ,1 „Iiiitritn - iirOiteM'l' When: charges are : Made 'sittrielrOiMfaiti'd proper' quarter ',it is , time ennuilitpliefiridliim, but no ehargs have yet **olloooXlrdn44°'S'oectdtor: ' 'l'. • ~• , :illirßittipsytyanie,t within_ one month, wil 52;000 , men, ebould no 46 Made hpon'her.• By add ":,.7tdiitliiikitititeeieferniehed'apder the firstrequisi. 1460eit;tilif - aritie:fitro. regiment's; •a mou gto ri tut tion to , t li.lairtat*.tmont hi •is -shown to bit 71,320 11t6temunt , 1t:*ill be seeen 'that • lisstiulititlsOie;4 , ktikint o Or% furnished for th6ite - i•for three yalci,•has • e o niStOptiiiihaireadf fitilitOrt ki more men tit. n • the Etiliaaf•Nakiilirlshig,l‘mbi'ethan the Now Etig. more•Ah en Ohio; Irv. discia4dlitiiio , , , *o9tettier. ‘, t ',..•••!,•rfeutigitt Itat.t4t'cOngri'sa in •regarti to the si:44,,pstat _privates end ncin-c0m •;•......,,, ii,ll,o4cat,iotieg dollars Invitee& 'of • four i. .'r•qt*io44W.ilte luti.iiiTi.lirjvate' , thirteen dollars nig %titter 'blink 'the Shirreon ot. the. tie v, rauly ? ;uitatk .V: 180 '• r• JikitaarGlinorr4Bletikaii •• • Deka §t,te--4 nifelo4o:for the.,inforrnatinri.of the the Members. oi the ' Sev'enfiz 46416 I :Youihr barite Mu itieident's ceMneeil. ed virith regintitemilnit earn's un , it4- isrvative ter'Ch' battle .01 Bull run.- . - Daffng of 'our men, as alsothos ioer and'retiring-severely iviattouled, I soi . te(Vtiperr a twd.st.ory'etonelnitise, - whithiad.beerr deserter! ' by it a 'very desirahle '19,6'1160 far it,hospita I, parfieulariy . as . dies I. , .o . ridNy:el!,.* t ;ice r. an. ;I;avneninler,s.th lave s all i the wliumie4 taken it.: The. - ri.sitht that forty-three 'ie‘W.i . .hr4i r ught 'is, all severely "wountled.. - .. 0f thisiaiine IMuse the. Rich:ln:m(l Miquinp• pays: . '‘‘The'o6nui . 111;iiSo :44w/a noted, vss,, it ,tvill . be soen,ndt fay' frain •the the see.n;e'of the shit ting hattle. ,;The . visit t nr iaar')iie'n(l.on Mon day in.:tr:aim, ,was: horrifying., The liine.builtlinz, had , 'heen - ajmirepriate(l.as a . hospital The Onetiny'f* .. . :wounited, _The . cite= . hilts invited:'by Oeneral 'Reauragattl to . ientl'snrr, , enns anti attet.dants. , to II tl tl • (1 t air • nitsb ut mg warp,. tir t 6 . rtY-,it . ,yoj wounded; In my of. them,ilrsaulfally •thanglettlbY eaMion'shor.. .There was' hitt a sin-. ile'aur'g,eon, Man lay s on:the floor with their chotted,"i'votunds' still undressed, some had died and nothu;im'removed.' ' , Oa the road side, two . Wounded . Northain' tnenovho hay there, be g ged_ ourinforman t to , fsport tiroir case to thoir.sur genii, atel'anked to betaken to. the 'ltositital;--- frefdill.set.'S The inigenit sai*Fhis officer:* had seat Won no help; lie the're' shouts. The ,Wri`UndellArilba hui.spitsi, he said, had all been brotightln 2 hySilii... Confederate men. 3 i • , 911111 . 4 • % 4 044(0,1 SAS •• be I by•the iroltably, of thek, irnhtent and the ttitit exz desires cy be ad .J by the right to Govarh.i t.' It 'is any And in StOt`os I States, Union a a State ig done forth ot g not i 4 ietnin- . . . • tiave;i'e . orree.t of . ttic..itetne's'of the tiftir yesterthitr; is ketty aecilrate, 'there-. fore ili "noC send it.• • . .. There is.one thing I cann(it refrain from ad vertl,rit to-, of 'the wounded end triiiimers'tovVard Our . government. ',lf the pas= sive treatment they arir.tiow reef iving is con tinued,' and:whicy Is hostile to every principle - of civilized Warfere, there will be such.a.hbvyi, 'from those, diingeone and hospitals,. as will, be felt :throughout.the whnlelength : and . breadth of t.he"North ond Weald do more to damageout ermse - ttiari two suck' battles as at. Manassas,. besitlesr,,it.wiil bring, o n the .ndininistrii `tio'n' i l hecOridemtiatiOn .. .of 'oher fiuivers—in . short,' he whole ciVilized.AVortd, ii...W.e`ad tar on this: subject at.presL ant :Toti.mify hear from' mein a future *corn tion: :I had. a' Petition to 'hii . Eie'ellen cy the PreSident from the iniprisoned offierire. Showed' itto Gen. Winder, of the Confederate forees,- IT said ho ctinid nut allow it to pass without showing. it. to the• Way . l)partment, and if they passed.. it, it .wasto..be sent :by Adanne. Express:' ..The: prisoners anxiously avvait . the•'!e.s'ult:of the petition before .giving vent' to their feelings. • • " . • . .•I biiv'e hrought.with:rneahotit tour hundred letters troin the'priioiiraand.wounded. Should any of their . relatives friends•tvlsh 'to 'corn- . iminicate. with 'them, - .addresq'their letters, i‘Prisoner, nt"war, care 01 Gen. Winder, :Rich-. mood," endsdulivered open at , AdaMs' ExyreSs officeil have heeh bydbeGeneral . that he' will faithfully,4ce them delivered. The same money. with clothing and ' . • . • • lii concludingm thin letter : allow eto bear testimony tO t he unifordihilinincit to usz-wolpi red'and prisoners•L•hy the confederate authari ties; they did all in their puwer' to .anneliorate oor cnndiiiAn. To Col. Stone; of The . ,Fourth South Carolina regiment, and Dr; Smith; of the Nineteenth Mississippi; I am under:an ever, lasting debt, or gratitude' for • Quirr!yiolig The. .wohnded in' iny hnspital ; 'with tociii, when . ,we Were starving,:my hospital being . • In, a wild; Unknown to public view: . . The' farmers and soldiers in eitinp often brought. `geed' substent tokCits of 'their I, 'myself, lie ve beeir‘Waiinded'.'in yvhich•htilsbienaggravated by fatigue.. Elev. , 'en . of us have been liberatett.:ort thei. following tinrole of ainlerSigned ofliders, . - non-Cornrritistoned • officers and .PriVatesy in . the • . `service Of the'Vnifed.: States; -do •rnalte pitrOle''4.:hoor, that eve w ill not •by arms, : inforMation or. •hOstil Wes betWeeit the'Vnited States and Confederate States 'of :Arne! ica, aid pr abet *the •onenies of the 'COnfederate 'pi any:of them in.a:ny;forni. or roanne:r"whatimever :released or, exchnOgidP? We Wire: eent fro.m „Mamma's to Ti..iehtnntul.on, this . parole, • aceom 7 nanied.,WithAlte "The Parole of, these docinra:Was taken to .prevent the-necessity of guarding' them whilst they t 'were attending.to the' enemy's' wounded, Avitifitri' understanding that it..`Was to ' be' eon= by . - the 'Way :Department after Nailing, here,, riMl.-that ;they Were to, be permitted to re'- *.turn hoMee when` their services would. no. longer be'regnired, on the ground . that. they Were nen comhatatits'And might have got 'off if tlieVhad imitated their-fellow, offieers. q..t.'BEAVREQATtIY; Genero Comm'eirOiNt. • Richmonil there . nre'ufwards..'of thirte e n . . Our Compel '.(CameroO), was shot through ttie left lire'ast after - the. second . volley we're; cel-Ved . froMthe .enemy.. 'He islitirried about thi ; ee•hundred yards from my hospital.• No useless coffrenelose,d his breast; • • 'Nor in'etieet, nor in `shroud we wound him. I am, dear tir;:yours'resricelftilly, JAMES NORTAL,' ,. urgeon Seventy..nintfr.reginient Y. S. M. Y SAFE.—Rev. Mr.••rld,Y l of the Connecticut who' was' reported missing after the battle Of- Bull Ruri, his been heard from, as'the following letter aildreised to Mr. Wm, M. Iddy, wilt allow: , NOR.;rIIA.MPTON, Ct., Aug. 0, 1801. • .. Dana Baoruart.--After weeks of .suspense, .we have intelligene of - Hirano. Ile aliye and priso . ipet. at Richmond. Sister Fan ,ny.has received hfle'fier from a . gentlemen in the. rebel hriny, written at Manassas, July29th, and mailed at Biltirriore, Aug. 6th., informing ilex. of liiiam's qtptpie and health. Yours,' in haste,. ZACHARY EDDY. • . • The rribrpie hao o paragraph from . the Rich mond-Biwa:pier which.is 'supposed to: havis.ref 'erence invidiOnsly.to Mr. Eddy, as, he is a very daticomplexioned than. , The Ex.sminer says; ~ , 4 1. 4 0.pg prisoners hereis a • tree' negro, Whocaine ae Chaphiiri?of one of .the:Connecti .eui,Regintents:!' . Miat's a . good joke on Eddy, and no one. wouldmnjoy, it,.bet.torthin him:, ,::. ;')V . lli4eiz . .Pisbtatee,lt'i fr -*.:stetej , 1 hit . , the e: ..ppeiglie iEtiigedeti,lliti:e . itii ) ltei . !ilti,it . ed.' , ..the.gttl. ....liintgijoi, , Blollloeii-wbeee*elife" , 'o6ooknil.aii: -:-...**.ttitir,,hl.l,*,*iwoite4*to-:d0 , .:16;ir the.: 'Pee l ~', .!•liese - ;.',4e,ete :;t he ; a pp r ob a tion t of!,lW.llloiiiii! 4:•: . 5. - *.toV6A3iiitiqint;','.q:',- , :i',...." : .'::* . .'Y', 1- .'s"'.'i . : . i . ' -'1 ~ , R , ';#. t*C lll o l i'Citiiiiiraotok''llir . ' e thh *or''' will pro quirdioi'ilfrt# liiiiiii4ti(oriorit=gi‘thiillioenii Artikap , ;qii4ti) , ... , .Poo3oiit. ,Thursday, Aig. 22, 1861 DemocrAtio,Naminations. • DR. C. R. EARLEY._, .J. NICHOLSON. - eoinity Convention Ciinvention 'will he held at the Court' }louse, in Smet.liport,. on.Alon thi'y the 16th day ofr Sliteml;44 . • t, .fOr the .pn . rpose'of nomin'atiniiiuitabli.candillates to In supparteilat the: 'engifinz'.election: : Tlie: .seve ral,tOWnihMi their primark edit s on the ith . day peldg at es tcrattend 'said 'Co . nv'eution..,. - ,A 'general linen:. clnee je etrneetly regne , itecl. •. By_ ordei'Of CO, cam. • '. JOHN C. BACKLIS, Chairman'. ;... Nat. IWiticiN, Seey. • : The-Elk county Adooraos :in ,spPaking . of tlio . • . . , resolutions adopted . .at delegate :meeting, . . . .. , • ~l or warit of time on(l.'space we . 'proferziv; int.r•foir-yiews in the-next isue.in reiord.to the ieolotioOs, entt.ir vve' en 6 swallow tbotn.scile oOdli . ritehes we Will o.niteavor to tell.yoti'se.'', is.to he rei.etted thatthe editor c . ouid not have. enlightened, his readers: in. yegitrd to resolutions at thtia • tha 4 , 30 th August;" tohpid a :whore people s9sriensy such langth . of agonizing. th.meah,time we hope, oar'fnenti truly low" na!hing.stronger....- • REPIIISSEN*LITIi;E :Pir,N.'l4N ; noN.',—li. be seen by` the' proceedingi,.. in .another ciltitnn; 'that Dr. d. R. rn n i e v, Of Ellt Conniy, and R. J. NicuersOri, 'of 4effersori,..were . . seleeied ;is :standard bearers. 'l:if .the.ciindidateS;we , have every assurance that they ere eminently thy the trust bestowed. ••••... • The utmost 'harmony .igo , ailed in the 11alib• 'erattOn There, were three candidates before the • convention: • Clearfpd& CountY.p . reSented: name: of H..•LAtif;tsa, a•m..in of. ungnestioned - , ability and .soundness; s and.her.delegetes. adhered:to, him, to' the end', I'he,vOte of. Jefferson, Elk and. one .Vote from nominated .Ihe. - candidate frorn Jefferson . ; Mr. 'By' proViona arrangement • the Counties of Eik : and • Jeffer'son were entitled to the candidates; the. nominations - :were:. made in conformity,witb. that arrangement. ..! • :•• The resolutions' adopted, 'whilether( j - ded!e the Party the - cordial Support,. of the oOnsti. ttition. and the integrity,•ol:94:government,.fa-: vor.a•restoratation: of peace.'. to our. 'diatrarted country; believing 6, civil War result in the •subversion an . d the of the'cit bre . • . , J WAIL News..—The 'martial' for the trial of inSubordinate otTicers,. has been dn. , ly Organized at Washington, •. . • . ...kroininforMation received at Washington,.it would appear that the 'rebels . have all•tallen •'hack to. Fairfax. Court IlOti4, .althOug,ll. - their , pickets still ctecupylinnieadvan . ced • position. Some them are - in ight. of the chain bridge, ,and it is said that tWo.ree.iinent's are att They. are evidently erecting batteries . . . on.the lianke . of•the Potomac, in the vicinity of Aquia'creek, which already. command. a large .portior....of. the 'river. r .. An observation made "from the. dome of the: Seminary a: Ale:cold' ia, ottthjl7.th.', re.sulted in the disco Very, th.l't a. large"body M . :ni, rebels Were arching ." doWn' t h Leesburgh turnpike, Within three miles of the . . . . :.4.appear . s that- the government of .S)veden is ifolloWing the example of I rrsl to l andyrance, 'and •iiirhetit to'send- . .two veliels'ed‘i!dr to our coast to prOtect the S%yedish mereanfile Meet enttagetl.in .tradingte thiscountry.' • , ...• . Since:the battle . of Bull . 'rim', 101 • eommiss7 Toned olfiecis of - .the..' .. three -years' yvolutiteeib haire.resignecl. They .findsoldiering' in , b.rond • iYuY, arid soldiering in ~Virginia two'.Llifferent The.. returns of the'Keritueity election f o r memtiers(if the 'Legislature tire now nearly Completed, and exhibited_ the following reknit: Senate, ?8; secession, 10 . „.118use; Un• ion, 75; secession, 2.6. . • . • Intelligence has been received that.the . pliea . .. 't.er Sumter had been captured. at Curacoa by a 1 •: All rumors of an attack'by the:rebels at the chain"bridge; quarters, prove to be untrue . ; and for the present, at .leaSt the...Card tal.ia unmolested. A day or two however may 'bring fOrth.some startling events. The Secre tarrof War has issued en order for the sPeedy. .construction of regiments, With a view to.aug: merit ihe army as fast as possible: Active 'military operations continue in Ails_ solid ? A battle took• place onMonday night, at Charleston,' b6tween .- a Union force', 200 strong, under,carimiand•bt-Col. Dougherty, and a rebel force estimated at 600 to 700 men, corn: =tided by, Col. Hunter Thill . .nion force 'was • . • victorious. • . • . • - Rumors were rife in Jefferson city, that an attack.On ,tlit place was intended.' The city of gralieston; Texas; was subjected to a severe bOinhartitnent by the war yes-. aels i South'' Carolina end Dart; on Monday, the The,Amernican claimed tlie undivided atten tion: in England. . The 'LondOn %Post, the Gov ernment ortan' says that s if England should be compelled to drill' into the quarrel; the,balance toviillest,tvith the government at. ):Vashington, which is manifestly incompetenr to .maintain ; It is said the Frekell'Emperor, on receipt of 4.6epuni:66kie b a ttle t 'lulls ran, resolved. emeknewledge.flte,indepentlence of the South re Confederacy This is not entirely reliable Ole • • • • • • '.l:Lii-b6u*ty,—Tl)4.l'' lAiirrl . orniv. at. Coppty; s;h t in 7 . ‘TrP , astfre:r, Jarrie.9 . • • 111 NyarrfPri Strmyor, Distri. . . , tiorney, ...• our visit tri ; 1 4e . astirG'or . -Mossq;. : 7r:ftd;6eni,./n; 811 . 1 t 111. 4luertizer, nritlft;iii:ti.therrt, as editorstisilalfy arr., mon emirofitty •Apr' prjnyin.erit. ho,p tr.. iit odr . ttext y 6: syrAliire Et:fn , I.priic'tilit'rs 'of :the n't 'Potoontl 5prin,4t1.0111.... ,frt ?fin.% :v R i imt;,..'—j': IC: I ta ri't:!r,..i•isiitici : . t)) . 1 i County, ago', n't - r,.>6.'r'utting•seFyiee; .dul.. ecititrnErl a fII tip the 'eirtipailies AO 'tutu:. huti'lreil otio edeh ; befof.i.entifritt , -: the:sertice: of the U.:.' S. lie left: Brricifat 11Ii;tida3;, .1 he .I.2th with tie.ir:fi fly volunteers:- '.A.lnong the it,ernher Rev. C. Ir. ;C'ons:tott•rit, • pastor of , thi. Baptist i‘littreh at this" place.. A Large. tnumber of our eltizhn.ierompanio.: , l - tlie;boys . • as .fariis 'J -4.0111; 011 Stittl 1/A4,1111 - / IIA t.r, : was : filled to nye wfi . re• dig- liverot by..vurit;tis'ile'rsons. . On Stin.ht'y . •Re. Cnrnforth t this-iulije,et • • the' present :war;. which Ite.labareti to shotsthat Witt was not chiisthunlty, t.ili!2;ht :in the -IsieW• success be ju;lged. by thoi . c farniitar with Rs. sacred teaching?.:. Our to talc charge of the vOliiitteeis'as far.its: . . fie Presidents Messe4i,e, which we had; in ,type, is piihtlsh d .lot (attire. i•eferehce, • Oft the tont•th - ftlge will I'o4o', the .l*Lirzttion..of lii; epenilence •• • , I=l Gclieral Scott ulit . l Ilia .Cabinet . . " • We. know , ll - 0.. "13,ni." S2n7t. was opposed to this phn a"t he e,ciplpdigii troip 11.12 tiegitinipg; . Ate deemed it tinWise' to .inak.: 'Richmond the inain point of the Frtv'emPoi;- . 'but stile' :that hail born against hint, he' was uppo . ied . to .marching agairisi it by the loo4eq and 'host difficult routo,throligh a country tiyiiry foot of which would • he . ohititrately struntt force after it had b . eelionce taken. liposi to be true—anif in, spite oh t delicac'y of sholvdis eldahres, We shall not he itate to stale the au thority for .iti. that of Gon.;Scott . . , ' • Ort .TuoSciay•pteeedine•the battle, at his own table, itilpresene.; WI his aids and a in' Ie nest; iltsctiseeel . the. 'whole subject•.of . ' this,,wdr,riu•Jill• its Parts" and with the-urnriost dearness and iceilraeY..., 'lle had a; distinct and - well deliiieil i pieiun on eyeiy• point••con 7 i liected•with . lt; - and stated what his plan would be far blittaiiiti it to , a ClOse,- if .the tii.ipage-, (neat of it, had be t let; .The *main o'‘jeet of the war, Ile , w%lis`to brine; -zt , people. of :the rebelliou„s Stati-s to reel The presSuie of iire'Cloyernineatd . •totoropet 'them to return 'to their obedience and loyalty,.. this most , he done , with•dhe:deasCpOSSible', ex•-•, ,Penditore of lile eotnpitible-with,ttre' attain inend'ilt-the object. •No-CliriStain riatien lie justifred;die tvti , is Sell 6. Ha,y.ne mist! destroy .501 lives, :wh'en the oh joet of the war cari tie attained of the' cosi Eviltyk. inadkilled beyond -, the. .1111:111.11' absolutely rerptired,:js intfrdereil: " 'kiws .he ruched •upon alt she'd:id:A' of pier: ?ti, log tel riot raipiii . eit in Order to advance/the .gitnieral ohjevt.•of the •destrection. of rile, on•eitliey 'Which diil Flirt contribute to thin eVnerarresidt . ,. ris, so nanny acts of ilitjUsdi 'llahle hinnlcirle. •.• • . If thisoial ter had.hecit 11;ft to liim„. he.uolld have co'inintiei.:d by it•perfcet blOsk - - ad.; of every southern poriMii llhe A,ibin tlt:: and Gtrlf.,. ,Thiln hm wind,' have culler tetta large force - at fair if . elptlii4 pitr poses—And annthar la rgv one' oil .the .Missis sippi for ellenHve opperations. • The sumtMer, minithl,.iittring,..whieh it is madlte,:( to -Lake troops southsof should ItaV'e been devoted to tactical .intstictiuM and With 'the first frosts .of autin'n he' \vivid 146! taken column of 80,000'wellilisciplirA ti naps down I - AV.. • li. 1 • • t . t : ississipm,ant a :en every important paint on that l'iver,,New Oilean;included.•.lt could .have been done, he .said, of . ,life, and 'with 'far . more 'important, result's . - thin' would attdio. - -trn 4 matching of tirr...arnly' to I'. At eight Pi/1 015 the river would prohablydaave been 'rbjetnleil . , and . .eight :hat, ties would:have been seccssary; but in ei•dr.y one of thorn success could ItaVe.l been -c,e - rtitin for:us. The :Nlississippi ala.the Atlantic mice ours, .the Southern % - i)l‘l,' have been COmPelleil by the. natural 'and itlevitalilepres sure cifi Seiflt return to'kho., Uniin; eseafa.lrem the. ruin thitt irnuhi spee dily overwhelm theirtiltit of. if. •ciThis'," said, .he, "1,1,',FS My plan. 1.3 . ut. lam - only a Isnhordi riate. It is thy buSide'ss . to giv . e.advieirWilen it is .aslciiil; and to obey orders W414:1i gi V ejl ; 1 shall do it: There hre . gentleinen in the Cab inet who know innie.about war than ['do, and who have far granter influence ;haul have . in de'termining thuillen Of the caMpaign....There titiver•was,a rnOre ins! and upright'inati . than the 'President—never oneti;ho 'desired morn sincerely to pro Mote the. best. interests of the country.' Bitt there are' men aMong.his sets Who cOnStilt .their Own resentments fcfr more thaw the aicates of •v.isdoin and experi , ence-and..thene meit . wlll protutblytlec.ide 'the plan of the carripaign. ..rshall do, or attempt, Whateverl ant 'ordered td do. Mit tiny' must net hold melesponsible: If 1, etn•isrdered .to go . te'R:eliniond, I 'shall lititleaior to do it.. Thit I know prfectly .thiti; they have no coit.: . eeption of the difficulties we shall. encounter. ...1 know the eountryhow admirably adapted it .is to defettee,.and hoiv •respluielY apd'obSti ritttely it' Will- be defended.. I weold' like noth ing better than ,to take ItiehriunitlnciW that it has heen . di4gracedhy becoMing the Capital Of: the'Rehel Confederacy, I feel : Mresentmerit to-' wards it , and 'should like nothing - better' 'than to scatter its-Congress to' the Winds, 13ut have lived long .enaugh 'to .know that human resentment is a very bad foundationlora policy,; and 'theta gentlethen willlive . long' enough telearn if arso.'.':l. shall ordered. Ishall lieht-whe'n ap, where lam cOinmanded. But if Tern, com pelled, ' to qght b e fore' I am•readY,they'shll net hol d me res 7 ponslhle, These gentlemen' must take the ro., tiponsibility of . thsir, as I am willing to take , that or, mine. Bat they Most not throw their tesponsibility'on my shoolders:"H-N. Democratic Itepreeeiitive' Convention 'ldpursuance of.:ft.tesedutiett leonveittion 1•000,‘ . 1.ht: Representative Conferees ut ,the eittrtif tee, at Jeircusott,'l.:lttal . ?(l it;l'Keatt .. ;':iniet c at St,' Maty's; On Thursday purpoto of r;tniotititii Co rep resent'ihitiAtitriet in the. Leg • ...'rbOeonventiori'.l.yas o'rgiinize . o- by. sOleetiog Gco. Weis, 3 sq., President and J: .13.. Oeiati `and I".,eser • g ... per. - cOls : presented` their crO, dent ialS'ancl. we * re adiniliett as (I,,leaat'e4i I.ll4the'w. o . ..zAvn Kre zaild C I and J. qviati, '.oa motion the Delegates:fs'om iNPK:aa.i) 'were votei' iii thei Tbe. (iort*e.llllori by '3lfri.;rs.: T,-.1..13i)yei 96! Conrad. On moiroii the 'con vt;ii*ii prpereclud : tO . .• imire"eilnttjdafes. ... • .. Cbtira'd. tbe'. . hurson'i Charli s Ltilii- . ..presdured 1.1)1.; 11,1,11'1 T:S. 7 B9yee riresiaell Corive . ntiatt thell - lirocedeJ .- to :ballot; (.7..R.' , Rarl..t . y' Lat ti . ,111.! 3 motes, R. I . .Nicliolsonitall 3.- No'clmitt - tt: On motion C..,11.• tilpy of Elk coutpY Was no - mitinieti by neelneontjtin. The co . oventioy:thenprqc,e , (l.ll.o balTot• for 0t..1 of Jefleri.ibi)..conney,..iiiiving'receivtl:7.yotes was declared • : Qn'inntion the nomination N . 5 .4 S inudo line iii • Dr: C. R. •iljki I the meeting . in iispirited ael . patiintrc, teliewed 'hy R, J., Nichol hotft speakc . r3 pld.ged thruiselv,a to uSeTtllaie uffeCtS abou.t be•norahle.pence. ::• • Chiinolleti•d(Dr. .i...:l3;:j;eC, c - etntniTteu 9joneftur'n'eacli enunty•wa3 ain»jeted by.the Vres . deneto drafi: J.: Byer, Seth. A. Backus; John CUM ad and Julius John:, 'were appointed s!o(l,CoMm . itte.o. • On inotioti.Ofy..J:. 13oyer,it, was ie,telve.l. link the itexi . ftepresetitati cotiveatioit b'e held , at the lirirbugh of 'St. 'arary's,..on the ...third •Thularlay of'AOgnst., ' • coti?tnitte . e'art resolutitim,throutzb chairman Dr. 'l'. J. 'tow ing- which Weke,utjapilickys!,y: adopted ;by 'tiro euneentiont: • • ' '"• , . . . . "..I,sedve,/,,:f.'hat:it.is 'thp imperative d il . l V, - .I ?Very Inver of Hie country . of lVii;:f,ilutton, of all 11 , p?s,,•sng:?s tin] copttittotoi, to ,tariff. cievi..! • rill , / f6i p!tibe, to stay. tlw,.l . ,;witici,3c4, *of. • ill, boo r..whirtt must e, ilosh ;the; h',prs'ainJ 1 ...xt iil.. enish the brig , litest.stie in•-the cons tell,ttitilf GOvernnrients; to conitsel compromises;' shaWing nwi t :iiy ( viil ; nets therthe'tritereits'ile the Solit If shall '•"le;' equally sat.; in all-theirextensinns,iii thiefittnio . while welhave.flieaupreinary of pir,ver', ;is ours were, in-tint•p Ist, When they -ihad thte•aseetition , cy; and in-the' parting ,t•Orilsio(.the„.blstioVr of his'codntry; wit'rown . .indigtointly upiin.thi? first and eVery . sitten - ipt to alienate pile' .poi tioCI : of the coanti'v fiorn the oilier, Or to dissolve '?he bold 'loin iTiiidn.t Icnow ing, no Nort West,. lint uniting One carol - non • broil, .le. tl.o spirit of eornprOralse, th'e . entire s c.Oi - n'ilised terests. of riten. ' ••. . . . ' .Rrsolve , l, That the and . p •ibanifrisfeil byour; brave and !oval •,•ritizelis • it• yespoli i l lug to. he call for .7.'040' men toil teil icor' by of ,ryir mutt. probation and' reflects lai•fingercilit iin lira ve.s:Pirit's. Putt iliac we stiost;sodennly dtel, iti thenatpe of hninanit y; jitstice 'and, ch rist trl ity-protest against- the late acts of flit+ ailftliffk .:l raf.lol; VilLefl, have for. their object thi's 'gallon of, the Sundt arid the 'be"traytil of , top bitive..suldier's into nets of lawlessness ,atiil• the • - priociple 'awl feeling •which piortiptedilli!lTll fa march for •t.he defence of th e National capital . : ;•, • .;, • TZesidi.teq, with. all - Citizens we `deeply deplore the recenCsiiinghter of ',.:110'1';- 61.11 S in Virginia. ; ..We pity. 1-list Northern. ivid .o* "arid the' Northern - et pltari4 •We pity the Sputhetn widOw. nod the Southern ,o'rolian: And we. ri . ,:tainc that %ye,. will • si.duil to gether l and strive.by:the• use of all inednS•fo bring ationC.peace; and i.estGtedo , tbell' friends .prir yiintig• men now . froth 'the effects of u.Simitherftiuminer, 'li!esulree 1, 'That flu> . threats of• Abolitionist pass, us bk.()the winds whieli We regal() riot: We are freemett•—/Inictrcue we - wilt pro.t ‘ ect'fitirsely.es, nod each .cithers in thii.egeiciseof.the•rlighte.of to, the last extremity,:and with our lives if rived be: .•••• ". • . . ~ tr Thjt, in 'the language , of Senator in his serate,'“ we Gil'unnilerstand hots a man calf:claim to he a friend of the Union, and yet he in, favor of war upon millio6sa . people r in the 'Union; • It 'cannot lie , cOVered up 'much longer. .under. the . pretext of love for . the Union'.' is Disdxfox INcvt . rAu•ri 4:s r.cNnt.'p IRREPRESSI- ..lie,s4ved, That' we. are ii)•favorof a speedy settlement of. the prese - etldiffieultY by compro mise. . Rexolv,ed, That when mie . section. country shall have been subjugated by 'the:oft 'er, we 'have already beecnne.' the slaves of a military clespotism. • ' ,Reso/vid, .That we are ready to defend free-. dom of speech and of the prese, ag,tirht tgnse who have tried hard ,to Suppress.this constita tionarright... That wherein the'ebief Magistrate Of this nAtion bo.s failed .to administer. Govern-. ment agreeable to the eonititution'of 'the Uni ted States, he:is . deServing the rebulie:of •every 1 good • '• . • •• Relohq, That :Ahe small pa,tilot• band .0i Senators and.}Lepresentatives in' the last tt a session of Coogres . s, who tlred,to maintain the integrity . , of the constitufion;, under, the mesa-. 'ees'of.egpidsion and ;Minilsoittneni; are 'entitled to' the gratitude 'of every 'Antierieeh citizen; and impartiaVhistory ivill a war. 4. theinim enviably . . . . . . Resetvid, That theimi.siStant determiaation of the majoilty,otihe members of the late ex . - tra session of Cc:Mit:ass to froWn . down - .itiery meadurethat.hall foi Its object; the peaceful ad jUstmept of 'Ceti national..difficult.i‘s, indicates' a fanatieal'exatiia that Would. have much hotter eei)iujjes jhan . llle:leprosentatik,,es of ri free, ititpltig!'nt, eh r (B . l lati , p 6 ortlecif . -.ifie . ninetepnth century.. 'That childidoeiflotriinate4:oiß arc and tt itt, we pl,ettile diternitned."sup'-• . I krt - it."the '66.olved ibege.proceoiliniN-he pnhlisheil iii . the Democrat i 6. :papeis The convent.9l), thoi a;tintirn . tirl. • . , :, • ,15 ,..Prestden Lint lt 1: I` oil tie ill I'll vs 114,^ .. - kin Troild.w.,.. • I . . „ be' seen by iref.oring:tei the-proeeetlings r c .State: bOolinivte'es of the Re publiCan and De.fruitkiittic'Pariiei Of';the Stare . ; • that the antagonism between then': is to:be:Von t intiod atleast: Ti re - p ropos i_ ,af Ccirutrlitt - Co.: to unite.. :the S'fate.'Ottit:eis-; has bees each omtnit..fee z anti each has Oelegate' ("oriveti .iitias at Syracuse, the former:to : UM field on the 11th • The 'be:it:that call be .claiiMetd for this poor os'it ion of 't he Republican hi t :tilt:pi; is that it oi•- •ii.;i'lia . fed tnioadeil . pit ricd iStp and,a(3l - it.:catre..fvom the,••trass.p s of th e Iteptibli.can d'art , y, are might• - tolerate. the idea ttiat, there wit's s mM:4:ling . ..laudable - in it, for. t hey tioubfless honest - 1u t rty a sso eiatidits and insticets.. 'After witat:' has Arai's- . pired•ii Itielr quarters - in ftM 'Republican Party,. dijemitingt well ett twined charg.es:of •.prorni 7 :Mot rtou b11e.40;,, it .is not charity,. but 'folly, • to StlppOse tdiat thaVe. is snYthing'but 'dm must iittenso and' thini4eroys 'involved. in its : Spotnic y. whs, it Gut ions attempt put out of the ivay the Mily,Oh-. sta'ele toavontintiatice of their abuse of poWeir.• and . a prolongatioh:of their corratitions7 was itbuia , proposition's° the 'flitioti• 1860,as !ij 1861, to shdre.;the.reSpiinsibilities It ptiblicaU misrule a olltake.: State.' j),ltind,..ty iii pity throtigh -the Jew :I)enicipra ts- the !natters might accept - .US' associates? What was it;•filitliet, but the Lion' invitirig tbe.S.heitp to "a feast .ii his it s, sod the vest' to hiroliSh Om limas!? ; • . . . . The L'nipr- men Or tsGO have. en..altenily.shown.' , their 1. • trlntii;in beyond queiiti . oe, 'and they wile. otily.,cat4 . iheinselves by'makibit in :rllinee e, Jo ' J ., organization that "vve , .all: such 'nu ,tie as .IVOh 7 - et,l 'perilous to - the Th . . [Trion itn:ei lixce roiled - .them,: niot,oli,f.roptitry he Constittition.. to tlm ilelenc..; .a.O.ovetn theit' opponen't's, .in exceeding. the leliu blican Noliody no-N nies flint et Itia :Le Fidel 1 A rinie's r . posed 'whq lost -Mr. Lincoln; •.and• 'that of . tli;?. 'who : dstio..:iiithe.l , ly , tri:',lves thus- tar; -. wit of t,t!'ai . oriponeets'of the 134.kpiiti. org.tri leukho,t . titieht to conservative also -of liouLi.,-.111;i : 16 we toid nothing . tho're hetvc never frie n d foleilitinv: the sitp6 pail' stich g.toiza tion of the IZetinhlicart: Putty. creed to,tchei 'the . 'and reveretate lor . coot) tit iott,il.lteW7--L:111, see -have fulfilled to - the s:ctrt'ofihr, iroat. 1a I i .jo . n,st ructmli of does-riot h'iiiry,t.rry which ekt,tited . Lineoin to . • the • . . • For six ling }ears liave• conscientiously. maintained t hut the ..tiely existence 01 - t jte p-iblieen pdrik - was hitia.rtlons.to the Uaiion •Our-coluinn-i ivithiit that thine I:yefe'Proptrecy; url iii it lot flen-i•are'..now .the forrn:of ,tiine.flif any thintt which pair that . evetyliodp—rrian,• 1co•-• :trion.and We: fidelity arcane infidelity? Can we ki;peiiii ouropposifkm to a whos , 'defeat- has to n • seemed the . ofaver cult t y irr t ie, post, and"to' ciAftrilitite*ln whose dei-truetion eerrisinii;vtite• e,reet fifevely pail int? • •, • • Weill . ' aWar'e• rhet. sai:in what we, ,1, 11 1 . 01:111 be subject to ttikeonstiefetion. 1.3 e it 5..); i,l so it ptrt t'he, and voitseniteorrs W e labor 1 - or thus overthrow of the 11:11:11,ikan rt and that with all tint-. !night; for we - doubly., stint .that ,the. nutiou will trio r knoW peace or' safety until ilii - egreat end 9.• II t taker]. - •:,11.•ianlideife,- we slot] • make- no : nict dins..opposition I& Rentiblie an:A t lVe shall len 00 dlnit, kereat tey; as -wo• hive keretofore,tti Such'enernie...of the cnantry• •a; Thu and .its-kindred of' the press, vhnse fofly. ac'e 'denounced in adynncie of its: ter , riltlo res•;nit's,•ainl for' which denunciation we, •were - dit'n,called account by.the Ver) . ?„ Reiiub 7 110.011 . who.di-e flow loudest in anathematizing. . Jtelt.'so it•will'bse many of ,those wha eke'exe.u u tl on I n o ur thitermination to pursue . 'the Illath'lean organization to its extinction:, Thri'mas,s,of have I'en Misled liytte.ktutve& wholtave - Ird it on; and when .ectileg t lie eyes of, the confiding tidantoish us of 'duties tinper tottned if ‘.Ve tlonot - perform thetn,.M• join, with us in deneinieirn!, their 'false g, uittes ns:they are• nnwtarniii,gmpon the, :erd,.:mfi and so Malt:— Freduni.i..:-tavertiser. •l ' • Brigham Yodng has throwil otThisillegiance, to the ijidtell stittespo:sernment,:and declared• the indeßendence of the Territory: ,The*.Mor-, rnoiis %Yere arming iti every direction, to main lain their•indr;pendente at all Hazards. • COURT PROCLAMATION , VViIEREAS the llcirr. Robert - G.. White Prpsidi.nt Judge, and, the: • lions. J. D'ar • iihg alai S.: lloirnes; Associate Judges of the- COurts of Oyer.Bz Terminer and Gerierl Jai? Delivery, Quarter SesSioas of thel'eaci Or - ,Mans' Court and• COurt of. Common Pleas• foi• the County of WlCean have issued their precerit,, bearing date Satiirday,.. the 29th day of Jobe,: in the year of our Lord. one_ thousand.eight ' hundred and •sixty-Onei:and to_trie directed.,:foi.. holding a Court of Oyer and , Terminer and'Gen.. eral - Jail 'Delivery, Quarter ..SeSsions ..t the Peace; Orphinsl Court; rind Court:of Common • Pleas, in the Borough of :Smethport, on—Mon day; thee twenty-third day of4 . Sept; next;. dna to continde_ one week.' • Nilijet! ; is •theretore Hereby given to the. Coro,. dustices:.of the. Peace and Constables within:the' county, that they be-then and - there, • in'their proper persons; 4 . 19 o'clock A. , sa id .a rt y, with. their rolls, records, inquisition examination , ,. and, oth'er remeinbrnce.e, to.do'• those thin.: which%theirolfices'appertain tote., • .dOne. And 'those .whO TI re hewd by their, rec.:." ognizancee to.ProseCols the prisoners that art . ! shall be in the jail of said :counti . et, WICOI I6 4V ' are. to be then and there to Piosecutii.. agitiyet l . themaS will be just:. • Coated at ',Smethport, Mg* 22nd, and - the Stith year . of. the .Independence of the , ' A United States of America. : ••. E. 'BLAIR, Sheriff: