M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, July 04, 1861, Image 2

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    ' •
uiti=jiorft, Forst Piktte.)
ttc#ol4enr• the Haute ot.
Vii3OottiOto/4114:-.3,,'‘ m ' to . billet
. 1 1' 11 • • 1 1 lbe
, i s ""(o.fet ±thit'SPresideret,..,- c o
Miiall'he taken by, states,
' COM.-"euch stilte havinu one
, ± ar f ' e li en; tition .twet-tutrait of
n ' l ' lll * it of the states
~ ':o4;t"i*.ltt!lrtii ',tt/Wr Li ce , And if the.
Jitii"-‘l4l* ip
. )t°s ' 6 ' 49l' to
' lt c '
I 1 . 1 twit choose a
c ok - o(.`.ftilwesentat , yes sla
0., e
, •P"r444lo4 4 tilitt,*v . er,' tite,r , i f ht of ch i ie diy . .r
vpoinAherd, before, the -foprt t
" • o ° ' 11 i ' le , y c ki o li our nette Tice-Pre t7d
it as in the case o
IVP,FO atdenV . 4 d h ia bili ty o f the
‘' President? •
the ,- rent „ t number
•v;"ll6±"ticur : 'll be the 'Vice
_ f „ e
ifle ' ule PT e t t b r 'r a l p e no il in ul te nj il, r ; r id ° if ' ; ' 10
WAttle' tlit q lber " ). e e " then from the t wo
i t i a :l 9 (A t ri h Senate sha.ll
hiihrect• numbers• on. the list, e
Viee.President, a . , quorum, for
• -° t - of iwo.thirds of the whole
• perpnir shall can't'
~ a moiocity at the
,r Benatore, so°
'hall he necesserY to a
*kola nitMlier'*, constitutionally, ibellglbte
f''3 But t to
person 'd itc shall be eligible t°
f the United States.
hat firicetrresident o e
irterstpr•V!tr,A9orpos. or TUE CONSTITUTI,9II,
TV4 Constitution, • Ele;ptember, 1787.,
1 1 .19it i tityt teif,,knientitnents, . December,l79B.l79l;
-00,1i1o0Jkiti.Arirtacidnieot , Bth January,': Bepteraber.lB94.
' Vitt,t7o Skri aria. .:-PotiotAs
testae` married;. and in both in.
peculiarly 'favored in his choice.
11,1s:fitst wite-Weeittiedattghter of , Col. Robert
thitfii` iiitnekinghaM : couritY; NorthCaroli-
Pa "whom he'Wed e 18. 7, one month. after
his tia . 'the'penrite; . This Jody'
joyed the aiinkiration iir.4 . .respect of a . large
~ririk.khir'oWn and . liusbantis friends; did in
•-• IVS.shirttliit'4.lrMary 19, 1853 I eav ng. t
eime, and `a rlaut.l er.• • The latteran infant-'
littyiVed btr ‘ potber. but er.few .monthei; the
are c tiv , intelligent. la il s
'theNapil Martin, Judge bouglas
teCaiiiiii.frbtri'Ver . fit father a 'deed of .ceitaill'plan•
rations,in , KirisitisippL y wi th. the Ili yes thereon
This', degy.h.irtirne&iti\ely'•returned, to • Cole
. ..rtfn .not ? , - riii
Ma' \re teri.va saidlathsSep •
iita,,.dihoenurin ISO: any sympathy 'with aboli
. Or the'riltolitiOn movement, hilt for the
r:eason that . i . liein a ! M
not thetn an by : birth;
.. .•hy . ed&C]eitiOri rincl,iesidepe . e, rind intending - al
reiiiiitt, an elf; it wris impoviible'for
underslrind and proVide for the wanti,
,• .•,e r pittfOrts and bappinesi of these People."' .The
iAllipe.ich',lc.rmWhich`thiri sentence is taken was
the'derith of Mis t Polies's,
ittrepli t'olan littack'hy'SenitorWade of Ohio,
fie•itt Mr.' Douglas -hest traits; being
tnatily, ,frank ectuallyi , tender in feeling • and
coorregeoun tn tone, • •
rrohilhilariOnd wife and' Widow, was
•-• Miss', Aifele.'•"Cutts,'deughter of flop. Jameti.
''Madison. Cutts,: Of . Washington; ai singulerly
• beautiful 'and..., accomplished lady, with rare
geialittev of, head; and` heart. Their mutual de•
to evil - other furnishes a'• touching epi;•
riedie In public:career :of the ...dead states
-. 'mai.. :The country I'oll . o Mrs. • Douglas .be
'cigar? she love&and sympathize& with'and hon.
orridlier .husband not less. than for dier own
• 'Wait sake,. She is nut alone in her glief-...a
.nritionts Widowed with her. ' •• .
- • —• •
. • . .
Folltlef fVIZIV;; —Mr. Crittenden • made a. epiect
st. Leatingten,lry., lest week, thus' definind.his
•,. ~ pcifition.es candidate - far.f'ongte‘as: - • 'The •
. „..,
first great object whiCh he ardently 4 - 16
etre& wee that this:*eiehoilltl,b.e Put an eildjot
:,:thatAhe,loniet:it e:entietted; . .the more'devasta'-
• • ling,it:hecarae.Ctind:ta the.end . ef.parificatipti,.
: • , ind„the'resteletition ofthe kindly feelings which
',vit ., e prevailed' itaiongst the happy and prosper,
• government,.Would-hIS
‘ehole.ani4ie-i.„be..devetcd, if,itahould be the
:the.peopte to confer upon him the
reapeasildertiltst.orrepresenting them. In'
wat.d)oojuglition he ,Wne oreioseth• and, while
he was iiiiit6fied • that.,the• - Goyernment . 'did
-cfutyln the .preparation
hat made (Wend Capital,
yet liels/multi:heir:pp:eyed' at any moment to
....)ifitV.-.*.hstltiiing-hOld arrest; the farther pro - 7
•• ',krises of' tiaisaimatti'ret conflict, ..1 : 11r.
. - .:,.he'dealatecl;..veei not the President !if
responsible for. nor
• ;;P,r,epared,fo tfuetain the policy. of that function-
.f.;inialn,,•hoWeyer•,, was not the CiovetnL
menti although chaiged , forthe time with, its
fend ancl.while.he
dieteciallegiatieg te,hini,'. or . his
,creerl,lie , was,,
:iti,heliad-ttlwaye.Prcitestied to be - , to the
.Coustitutionio(hie country; utider'lltich
„natieitiihat(„hegn.to.prosperous,- the. people
~freO:and,happy,,and the.hlesiingi of which ate
innumerable:" ••••:-. • •
that„ in . his
every 'Means etiOuld he reserted to; to
restore the••l4l,eisinge of peaee,
ha!fif . iloVen unimpaired the. nohle
'll'o Ittit ions' whfch. ve - Com e delve. .us
lovveirnY• .tha .sittetion' Of our: revoluOopary ;
to„thitt end he' declared, first,- that
• !the'„S'cinrhi?in•StateS,shoUld present' to Congres s ,
a fair,statemeet of the:irieiran
undri.:4liiefi "they lehor; that: when Pre
-11) Con'gr,ess :of the United Statei
'gFant rheas,ure
• citex,,,ifor..thpee-:.grievanceet,. and if • .Congreis
• • ...ifhafild.nOt:de.eo' he.:w:enilti'not; vote one defier
tO„the•Ptovecutfon-0,1,1he war.-
Jt the •
next prete,4„lf the'Sctuth'should fail . to
0 .47, t , gy i . ey . aic e a view to ad,
jatatMenf,,theß thatAlke:.North:eheald:pro m pf l y
•::..ech,ike#',,ithelt.eeettrangeq,oll'redt,es security
Soathl',.ind.'thet beiideS
•sitOnld :be
tflOyed that ,wouldhe.4,,ei.the: effect'of.:maintain.!
..--!'ing:the,.Lieni;preser:yink.. d.ev e inreent; and
gOO tolthe Ain.natuiel;Wite.f4, ielach
• •40e - ico - a - tifeyjs . tnyied.tied.' • ;In ,the event ttivt all.
inaurias,'employed;fn this patr . fotie. - and.: n..ahle
: • P:ttf4l.o.!,ri.,h.ould,b...fail,-;:and, the
Of„OPinien. that Kentookt' .
her,-.lad.Ment ntid
What' position
eii 446
Ahlle.:ft , e!,:wae'net.;:n'oyi;.•; . under the, cant
tiOntingepey.irteiii limed,' tie twnuld
, aiiyr_,,nlid'loyal soil ;of Ken
.14,1:10A.#,.•:h4,4?::_di,iiinii 'it .Iwhit' ii
A, • ;11 11
j4sse.• 4 •: , '
Ali 44. .t.4.4o,4.o.o,o6iiriop'; , ,' irii;ius
s r r' M stall Oho a -
" •
0/110Itil 40eourit ot'tho Btttlo at
, • ~ ,Z kr,rptison Crry,lunc 19. •
The' "steatter:Rtinshine, from , 13boin" , ille
, ,'
confirniotien of..the defeat:of
the State-fords Monday., Tlit: akin I
of is tot '-received, but
the loss or .the ,Sttite trdops,f is 'not met'
tw'epty: The Vedeial. tfoopi,lostlWo
nino.wounded ; and_ one .tnissing... The
State troopsnuiptieted, offer 2;ooo,antllost
1500 stand of arms, a'consideM amount ble amount
of a munition, storts r and a limn her pi' liersei3•l
and mulPs,'., Goy. Jackson is Suppbse,d, to
hate gonp,,to,Arkansas,
The stetuner Macon was met .st, Arco _
Rock with the" State. troops on board.
• It'
,is thought they Will
,make another Stand.. at
Lexington under ool.:Weighttuan, former
. . .
EroO. Lyorh, :pith. OA - steepen Jatan;
McDowell Mid - City .of wertvap
proacifirig.l3oOriale..MOnd ay mornin,. , lie
espied a battery. on the met bank, 11.6 miles :
below...tbe.:town n
. at. Adatris:Milli.. •' ire turn- .
etl' back and/went &ow abOot 8 Miles
w and landed . his Toros - . 1.,706
Melt , and font •tiela leaving '• - one .
hundred Man to guardlln3 boats.
it) . che.sford.: road; when •Witlii n. six ,of
Boon‘ 111 . , lie was attacked by - the - .State
tree 3;066 . 6tron,coindei• COL.:Little, Who .
ii6r44 .- cou6ealed under - a: thick untlergrOWitli .
and wheat fields. ..-• • ... -• • • ,
-- .:.Aftcr a sharp Ogbt..tbe,Stsfe troops were
ri v,en back and their cninp at Baeon'S farm
3 tuilea• below Boonville •on. the.river, With
• .
its 611 . 46,0, prOvisions, horses, Wait ta
`lo;ii;: • The. State . troops retreated : 61.64)
BoonVille:in great disorder:" They .were
poody ay med. 'and :badly !Ass .
.of Federals, four 101 ed and. nine .wounded.
FoUr State tioopa are, known , to be wound
ed. ..,:rtbc FedeTul :soldiers illy Abet many,
more of tha State troops iy re - wOunded;,and
thev . speak :of walling Over a 'number. o
dead: bodies.' • • • • ' ,
Gen;Lyon aißl Col. Blair wero in, the
thielce . st of the fight. None of the oaken;
wero hurt. . Opt. Builie 'of St. Loui.ilind
his sword .b . rolien by a shot.
_.•, Dr. Qoarles,
of the State forces, lint] a prominent citizen
of 13oonwille, we're killed.'
• 'rho Federal troopß say ; only 500 0 . their
men Wm in the_hottle, Gen. Lyon_took
home 60 or 70 prisoncrip.but released them
all this morning. Large.numbers of State
troops, wlio were.from BoOnville,: . are • re:
turning under the.; terms -of Gen: Lyon's
proclamation. Several see..ion' flags were
capturi?d also' several 'prominent Secession=
fists.. tinny persons; heretofore Secessionists,
have been converted, to Goion wen.. •
, Gen, Lyon and'his Men have made a fay-.
orithie iMpresSion on the people.. . •
• on.,tho tnornimv of.the battle; Goy. Jack
son waS ori . .hls way : to the camp with (J pt.
Kelly's company. embarking on the steam.
or 'Macau, and . Jackson' and staff left forthe
Vest on torsphaelt t • • •'.. • .
Some Of the fugitive. slaves troops took
the Arrow Rock and:• Lexington railroad,
and 'some wentiowaids Georgetown. It is
thought they. Wild : tnnke another. 'stand 'at
texington..• Part of the. Federa l. troops .are
quartered in liespeiian Hnil. in 'this' city;
and halanee .with the 'steamers at the .
fair .gyOundsi' halt.a 'below where Gen.
Lyon •lis head : quarters: - Reinforce,.
Merits are. expected on the Steamer January ;
,WheNiC.is thought Cho: Lyon would pro,
coed westward... • '
. .
• '.C01.. Blairhas became very pOpular. A
man who ofrorOd . $5OO to any one',wbo
would shoot Col. Blair, •was arrestea, but
. .
subsequently tehinsed-bY Col. B.•
: 7.. C 01... Little . whci:conitrsinkl the State.
Was formerly in the U: army, but
recently rosjgneil.. H. Was brevetted CSp
• tain. ton ttel'VIC,Q. in Mexico...." , •
„ „
• 'HoW SOME, or ; anti •JsitAvE • MEN 'DIET',
DE741.3 AT ofDitryea'n
men' wai•Stritelt in the left tirchstby ti round
shot frorm °tied the guns... The' ball, pass-.
ed completely 'through his boil , like.n: bolt
of lightning, leaving - a : hole trough Which
an.arin thrust.: • For, 11 ll
t the 'Poor fellow stood, ER:if 'paralysed,
and .then .drepped (lead, and Was bore hack
froth the position by: his companions.
s 1 t One..place.a-soldiv , i• was Ewen., sittin g
exposed - in the midst of the fire„, and hold:
• .
p the heed of a comrade. wlm
had been-shot by : a yitleball through the,
lung::: The .face Of the .wounded- man : •was
ghastly pale f aml the bloOd. gushed . ou tfrom
ehe WOund;.and the:4(ll6 swent.Stond
oit his forehedd es he Wns byeatbing hiS last
and' , ON:Mg a parting
: injunction the:
brother* soldier who attempted - to Noth h i
A 'moment after he. too was struck, and a
rush . ; for Ward by the , .riy3r' rink concealed
both . . . • •' .•• .
• One of the Oen note k'in'g at the hospital
had a W,finnie: ball pas.s : through: his .wrist,
leaving the right hand hanging .loOsely by
one - or two:tendons - and peicea of:skin A
.comrade: by him,' w ith commendable
sauce of mind;.tOok n knife
.from his pocket
: and' completed the amputation: Air: Wen
artistOf Harper's - Weekly, Who .wns
in.the midst of '.6e . tight; a moment' after
found tlie:member-lying in the duet nppar
tly . oti cod: by': the : braye soldier who,
with untlinchidg.courarte still.pressett - on to
Setger4 - 06.odfelloW, • of :Col.
'l4`:lln's tiegiment, was mortally wounded in
the breast. IJO bruidod his musket to n
comrade. an,d Sey"ca•al flocked around ,
said rve'.got. to f..Y,9," and
he 'cilnePd liis knxids„up . on the wound:. "Oh . ,
Aon't.,:rninq ire. beiyg,!".llo ' . continued
!I • and
piessing away' thoSe::ivho:' ttetnpted tossup,.
sank ,down upon the ground.
Just at;,that it stunt his; Cglonol pn.ssedi'lind
Colonel ')...?tad . - •41iart , . , ;,C01.. Allen .turned.
ghastly;svitite,as Eye obseryed it.. jie
Vs Itivii.t*:tnneb- i6Oyed:„ . to ,speak,.
iiStocVolytei nvenp'elfe - death, 'Every, one'
iti,ttio.'te 101/ga Ilia 'ilergonnt . ,.. and
'.l.estlais - kNzky. f0;-... 7
. . .
: 1)1# (14: Proper/ 7ffi cer3
As,saireil.- . The , 1' On The.
Moho-- ne illob Scut lead.
• ' , :Aill•wAl7litm , „ Jane 24, 1561. i .
- The_feeling'against the. blinlis,•which has
hcew grOwing,. for c ,sonie :culminated
tiiiiiiriorning in an'attack on Wein by the ,
Mitclell'6•l3ank . rst attacked
and .• the furnitUre • . destroyed: M r,•
Mitchell; .with faiveral clerks, the
building at the Cline. Of the::rituick,.nue of
whcim was taken .out • • -
' . The' tifte'rwa'rdslittacked , the . .State
Bank Ofilfilmiu,kee, the Junean :Bank, and,
Martin's' 'ißrnbers' Ohio. .• The ',damage
doneto, these was.i'erY great. • The Mont-;
goineryGunrds, Cept..:O'Roifike, ere..call
ed out by. the Mayor, but:afer arriving oil
the,grinind refused .to act. The • Zouayes
were 'then called out, and fired on the nieb
with buckshot..::Fears are . entertaine that
there will be' sad work thlS'aft°rneon. • •
. .
The. riot- to 7 day• caused a .grenter 195.4•• • Of .
preperty than . Was at:find supposed.'
attach•-is aseei , tnined . tO blien a regular
lyorganiied one, throughout:...
meetings_ - were held tlie4ipper. part•Otthe
city, and about' 10 o'elock,. this forenoon
the*ricdera marched fron:- the . Sixth • and
Nintlr-,Warda,:•through East Water Street, -
to the Mitchell Bank,attacking it witli . stOnes . -
and brieks;:soon• riddling the;witidiiivs coal
.•• : • •
The elelks . brirriCaded- the
. deors; in order
to gain. tittle o secure the valuables, •.Whick
they..did iii a great.. meaStire, • The mob
then Woke .down,the doors; and sooii strip=
lied the r00m.61, everything, throwing the
furniture and, honks into the. street.. - . - .The
State Bank on- tho . opposite corner, •and J.
B. Ma r tin's office• were- then 'attacked, and
s&rvectitt. like.inamiet;, • ; •
'The Bantr„Of Milwankee wniOilio.stoned,
but:Suffered little •clannige. • Alles 45 Me-
George's teal estatd:_ollice - . , was completely
gutt(idi and' :the bonics,.. valued .at $ 6,0 99 ,
destroyed.... The . .junean •Bank .was also an,
objeet . of tlieir. w rath;hu (they- were content;
ed witli:brealting the,•WindoWs.• •. • ' • • .•
Tbc:Maiieir and police were proMptly oti
tge round, but -Were Utterly. powerless, •
• ..Tht . ! Montgomery,Guards, 'a . ..coinnnny of
40.menl-were•orchired out,'' but declined to
do anything- Or fear Of being overpoWer,•
'ed.. The ZonaVea . Were: •theii ordered -out
and Charged on th mol), WhichimMediate
.Iy tiroke.and ran.. The streets : were.lgonn
plearedi and . ..a" guard, Nvini.atntionednt the
street cornerand a Brinnd u t each:linak:.
About fifty rioters were arrested and eon
fitinvd in jail, under a strong guard.of Lou,
area and Homo Guards. • •
....This eveningihe mob are in force in. the.
Second and Sixth . Wards,...where•infiama-.
tory npeeebea are being minia,".thejclave
.one cannon, and . threaten-,to nttaeli the jail
. .
tO•iii4tit friende; released...
The . Govf6i•hor ha delared:poiartial
and tehe.gi•ajihed to ancioe , ,and Mad son Tor
State, trapps,,who ;Will arrive„ to-piglit; •
Engqgeinent 13.. t Mat hias Polui.
copt. Ward of the Freeborn Killed.—No.
More Aigiments TillCongres3 Meett.
' NVAeitiNcToir, June '2l, 1861.
. . .
The following diliatch . was received this
reorninf 'from the ..ComMtiulant of . the
Navy-Yard: •
To the Secretary of the .2k:ar:v. . • •
• Ailvi•YAnn, June. 28,..1.961..
With deei . tegryt I announee.the death
of Cept. the PreehOn.,..l.l.e. was:
killed yestercliy . whilenttempting to cover
ti landitig.on lintthaias
.Point. • A. musket;
boll Sti•ticYbin es he•was..sighting his 312:-
pounder: I ov 4 ic . pciur orders as to, the.
.dispos . ition of the 'body , of. this. gallant
•...Tottx , A. DAHLGREN.
Cnpt.% l oci
,w k*.ns. struck the
.1-lis.denth is n : grent s. Vigilenee in
gunrding the river has .been' very 'great,
'and leis brnveryns no oflie!r on various
asnt Aegnitic reek, wLll,retne.mh'er:
The \Var Department ; has determined
not to accept any more). ninvents until thc•
nieetin.:Y of (.;ori , res.' . ..AincititY the let ne
eepte.d.l'vns the Anderson Zonayes.
p~ ~~`-•
. .
THE, COMINp: SIiSSION ! -- 7-130ttl of ..tne
fiall4 of Coitgres , fare about . ready fot• ,•oc !
eupotion. The s'u,nimer Trees will' be bean
titur beyond precedent.. .The het
cushiontilave been, removed from the liouse,
and. i•eplaced by a. sty le,'MOre ;:elieste. : and
subdued,.. The old :carpet, beau with dust,.
and, ore with rthe . feet of troop, -has been
talcen , up. runt 'matting put. down. The.
c brott: heayy 'chairs. have .been. stored •
away for the winter use; and cane bottom
ehairs substituted: is intended to
'place the .portraits of Wash in(-ton aid La:-
Fayette ; now. in the old , I.lfill, at the • right
and left of tlie.Speaker`a chair ; and to (bar .
the 6hsiir, with a beautiful canopy. of Amer' :
The yesult kill be torelieve . the.
Hall of. its for Mer: g,looni and isorpherneA,
and pive . itl(c.beerful and light appear:Mee.
. '
The I)enzocrat . ).ias..a special
,dis Patch fruit'
which sass thii.t,.Qqn. 14 . y0n hnd
mi . dresstal the citizens of that place yeskr
day. -.He eipressect ,
to be furnish
ith horsis nud
. tyngoils. : ',Thismorning
his te4tiest.wasrespOnde..l- to, .and
. he pro
eared nll ho ii•nntetl.' like nn,
cirltriand Movement tewar4,Arliansas,.
Tria•Plitt.,intmrnt & - Eit E ft: It —We
frona 'the 'Cameron (litizen. - that; the,
atoekhohlerkef the Philadelphia & Erie
Ifailrond. late Sunbury E tic . met in. Phil
aSielphia . On the• 27th.ttlt, to cleefde whether
they, will accept thetvdpoeitioriof the Pim n
,Centriil ." It is
gentii,alli,..l)PtiOed . ' . that 41 'tnajority of, the .
stharc•tlokt;ll am it: fa t!or• be it:
Thursday,July; 4,:1861
• , Ntroflio - Covstirci- 2 .t. .B. ''.ll;q:, of
Warreo,.lOdispense 4ustice.iO. this, : fourth, :Su
tlioial.astriet,•, in Rleco •of his honor,:. judge
Wiirri; Whose ter'we'Xpires:, Mr. b. iakgs the"
fiehl,oarfy;too early We feir to:wiri;•.thereare
otheri . ot that paity.w.ho would consent to re-
.Piesident:44,e. . •
• • . •
preserve this copy of the paper, containfng the
constitution, for future reference. 'We - trust
there will yet be 'found CONST1:11.1710i1At:U71001
menenOugh.(althuugh itloOks like treason) to
sate`, our government egainst the.makailacics
cedisunionWS,..North as %veil; as South, ijad
the requirements: of this instrument been kiVed
tn itll; our : present difficul tie
I.VotildhaV'e been avoided and .vve..eannot but
believe that in a return to' strie . t.ob''servatice
••• . .
throughout the lend; consists the only' solution.
•FOURT/1 01 , Jur.v.--So far as we 'are informed
the. arrangements for celebrating the day, in
this vicinity,y3
§- .MA4OII, has the Bennett
House.-i , Bard's full Band--every thing.. right
'and a grad display of fire works in the evening
at - theexpense . of : the proprietor. . .
...Our.Tarrnera Valley friends. liaVeaPic:Nic,
at the tioninp ground,".near . the 'Bennett Mill.
.Capt.Cony!a‘Ritleswill, be out,. patriotic and
UniotVspeeehei Made; and lotS of fun not men-.
ticinaii in the
41 . 1 Dgitay, has a Ballat :the 'port-ABP.
.gany Ilouqe;.gnod Musie; and a good."titne all
round— a;c.Will be. bound.
At :Bradford, we - tinderstand, they . haven
Railroad eccursiu , n, and a..grand celetiratfOn.
This'much.iccl:nov, if the citizens. 'have Un
dertalteh•pny thing of the lthid, it will be ac.•
. • , . . .. .. . . .
IMMldition 'ihere will prcibablY.l4 - more or
less ~c elebi'atinx," .by. 'the ' peopiei-.lndeperid.
tiViy;..the tiStial qiisnlity .of 'Orotechiiicsi:and
whisky, aiid . the.:o*l:: iimotmt of . head.ni.he
after - Wards.. .Miy the Fourth.never secede.. ,
The evils of 'Deinocrtie Defeitts
••. .Only or threetimei, in the history of this
colintry.has the Derneeraiic Party • been defea•
tech: Once in 1840, then again .1818; and nos
in isett. 'The piii‘iidence . or the death of Gen:
Harrison saved !1.1 • am the, curse of; another
IlationarVank--and the power of a 'bernocrat
ieSenate•prevented the Fillmore dyria , .ty frniri
'doing much harm,' and.so we hoped ilie:same
influence, ,coinbined with a..clear majority in
the House, would 'prevent any resulting.
:froni . the,suecess.of Mr. Lincoln. • In this, him
'ev.el, we fear, by, the''..tinparcloriable.deserticin
ofilie'• insane leadais•
.of the South; . 7.ve• ate,
doorned i tiadisappointment. : „ • '
. The firat.g,r.e,lit evil of our: defeat, kill b e
frin'fid in placing, the gOvernrrient in control of
:the :Canaries orthe..land; and. 'giving Power. to ,
such . men 'as Bank?s, Giddiriga, Burlingame,
Reeder,'. Wilson, `and. a . hest
'Cif small fry • With • a : Congfeks, or
•even.the-Senate in our hands,' they. would be'
powerless •for evil, hilt with L free• away td' all
vagaries.; we shudder for the welfare of
the land. W.edo• not alltida r to•• Ole origin
: of .
the' ing war, .forfjir. that .we bold' them
guiltless, believing
,to have been an act •of
deliberate. conspiracy on' the part of Scnibern
usurpers,'•everi • withont• the consent lot - . their'
oWnSconstitiients., l:ut we refrrto the-measures
of civil:.Policy,• whiZlrthey piny fasten on. us,
by, theiriccidehtal•poWer;.and.which, form the
•dhletion oftheir.evil..effecta, may pro;:e more
disastroeS than' War to thee - whole people:
' , Thus, we find it, alreadY..probosed to estab.,
lish a .N,trioNkr. BASK with u capital : of $lOO,-
. opo,ooo, and 'it may. be:with a perpetual ,'char_
,ter. Should . tbis be, done, • how Could we •ever.
ourselves Of I the. :.The old %Bank
gave tia.a . foretaste df.tbe inti fed •'power'Of
such a monster' upon, a' . compar'ativalji
. smal
scale; but what''fidure Jackson could ever 'be
• , touad to slay a newer niid•mightiei dragony..
Next we are told we ought to have another,
Doe:neer .L.nw;'and `we sUppOse_of. the same
style, as the last, I,vhich 'extinguished the debts
rich rind reckless speCulators at the. cost of
'so much fearful perjury. ,From...theie enormi-,
tierit will.be easy to pass to others long' se-.
Cretly . cheriihad v and give vitality to the fraud_
tilent scheme Of an aSSninrition of the debts Of :
the.States.bY the, General Government,:and the
Twin preject Of the. creation'of a.van.t...Plational
Debt,. an the English sophism that .a•cinational
debtis,wnational bleasing,” and of course;;tbe
,the debt the 'greater the blessing!. ThiS
scheme 'is : Part - of the old Federal notion of a
consMiditted — .Goverpinent.. totally ignoring.
"State rights".---=.and is :intended. not only to
Compel.frogalStates'to - ,help'pay, the. debts of,
their 'lMProvide:M..neighbors,-but is also ealet-
ISteti,hy means of a toast funded debt, to ren
der the,
,general Government independent of,
and susetior to 'the constitution, the States,
.apd,the . ..•
These marripPear to, be' mighty and impessi-'
ble.evilsto be fastened upon us, but.We know
they have been:contemplated by the Opposition
as. long as,seceslion has by : : the bOtspurs of the
South—for at least'lliirti , ..years---and they have
'onlybeen.prevented from inaugurating them
through latc,of poWer. . • . • • .
yainthat . We,tbits procla'i'm our
fears of the probable 'result ,of -that Southern
defection which has rashly 'and 'peshans 'irre•
mediably .brOken our• conservative power, and
lett the land a prey. to the vill4sr.schemes of
ignorant janatica, at.d the inoit. reckless plots
of desperate demagogues,—but we deem it onr
duty, to the public. Oftbe -danger, that
they may at , leatit knovv'the worst, and•if possi
hie. providrciiii. Timely exposition oft time 4
prevents : the conpurrimatioC of . a conspiracy.. l i
Pr,lcr•ar. * • • •
'Cr.t)qasAND Wriercur.s.:--Jt ; affords. its . .pleari"..
ureto,. note th a t W. 11. hs ;patina..
nentlykneated himself at ,Stnetliport; and -ks
prepared to attend fo, all orders, in hie.b#ness
wilh promptness, and in a intOrknianikke man .
fit'Od.ck of cloch0; , Watch - ea' and .other
jewelry,. will lie kept .Particular
'tention_ paid to repairing .For further pariteit
loar'see advertisement . . . •
. • •. . . . .
'Tun: • WAa.—There is no Important news
• ,
from the peat of 'way. Both armies seem to
be aivaiting. the Meeting Of Congress . befOrp'
'fightin'g a pitcited battle. The•reiervetroops.
are being , inoved Smith as:fa'st as railroad COM
municaion will allow; 'there is probably-.mow
tbetieighborhood of--Washington,:and in Vir- .
ginia,mear'?oo,oop: tr.. S. troop b, folly.. armed.
lyorld gives a deseTiptiOnCif the hOrdes of cop • -•
tracto,is - and oflice-seekers who besiege theof
fire of'SeeretarY:Carneron:: • :
. .
"But 0, that crowd'pf :applicants without!
0,, that...patient, - persistent . throng
..cobtracteri, • pensionersi -jabbers,
would-be captains ond:colonels! . . Rich •acirpoor
.schemers :and honest men, all mingled, together;
each insisting.that hir buSiness.' is. eipeCial.,
impOrtinceto the department, and.vairily.. 'en
treating the .cerberus in the •entry to ',present.
his:card and request for an .interview.-to' the
Secretary .Of. -War. .novr.. the speculators
'swarm! • Wlipt hundreds are ready; : to 'make
patriotkaacrihees; to fiupply, for,- a censidera
lien; beef, pock, flour,•.and Pennsylvania.
forms in any *punt • which the arinp :may re
infliti of western •office.!
.seekets.upOnthe White , House was.not:half se
dreadful: '.And thentlie",:pativice of the-ment
Many are suitors thet.entry for halt e dozen
stOcessiVe :weeks, from 8 a., m. till 4 p. m.'
daily. peeing .to and fro without' getting a W.ord
With-the Secretary, yet never leaving °their
beat except to buy a juneh.frorn the old : black
'lady below; ;'hen naontjde' reminds :then]. of
their humtinitY.. -4 (The many fail; the one stic
c'e.edi;" and his dwellin g -place, on investiga
tion: of Willa riPs. register, 'will not unfretjuerit
fy 'be found in.sorne rural village of the. Key
stobe'sthte." •
Care for Soldiers
. ... . .
. .. . .
• To the Crimea, the troops mhich. 'resisted
privations and fatigue most, sucerssfidly, vier ,
th . osecothrriantled by colonels who'wera'care=
ful 'at tbsir Soldiers. For exampiel of two"reg
iments which. left the camp of• S!..oonei at the
samertime, arrived ttigether.in 'the' Crimea ('in'
uhe aion'th •of r Octob.r; 1855 y, encamped side
by sple,hriving submitted to the, same atmo
•sPhiWic:vicissitutle.s and performed lilo . Service.
'one.of them hail-p . resereed;•on . 111.1:1:st of April
•1855;2,224 - soldiers, out of a, force of 2,676
men; whilst the Other, witha.:foree .or 2,327
:trn, had:left, to . if milk 1,230.. This acemint
incltidea thosev.diodie . tl ftdm•clisease, and .not
'from wOund4 : received in battle:. Iri the navy
. .
the cornmander of ,a vesiel watches river: the
composition of.the food of the crewOind tuore; .
over ri.spects scrupulo u sly the•hour for break-.
fast andlhat for dinner; . never is' it:. iielayed,
anticipated or interrtip'ed. • . •
tt i 9 desiradire thit•the's.ame scruples should
pervade the arruy,:und that these wise. pleas-;
ureS for the preservition of health should.nei
tieinfriuged Without a cleal.and• absolute
necessity.: Rewards are given to •,cndoners of
cavalry.in hoe 'squadrons is preserved the
s,irearestnumber orfiorses,' Niliich 'results in an
eireOlelft tinfl profitahle rimulatina.
sulfa, but aticl !tura' important..and . happy,
.wculil‘ be 'erperienced;* iike rewavls were he
•stowed upon the colonels whose battalions were
iiisti:ngui3ho for the liealty condition. of the
DESTIVIICTive extensive sdsh;
blindami door factory of A. Irprcottiss
was discovered to be on dire'abdut 'ten. O'cloCk
yesterday morning,, and. before Oil 'coll.]. be
hail, was beyond efforts to save it. The !dss' .is
total and no 'insurance. Mr. Ifrochkist 'estirna
tee., his loss at about Worm.: The 'Wagon
manufa . e . tory of W. H. CciNur.irs-, Eddie 'by, was
on fire' airee 'of four tiine . e,. and was only saved
If• the. great axariions:ot oit -gr.llant. firemen.
Mr. • Cdnklin's' damage Was considerable
....:wheillerid*Ored dr not.•we have not karned:
Judge Martin's Flouring. Mill;. some •.distat.Ce
froni•the;confagration was on, fire two-ur three
times: One large hole was: burnt in the . roof:
Our firi,cnen.yrure - , promptly on . . the ground
cinch worked nably as thy' did iticeeisfully • • • to
have the , wagon factetry,: . . While the( 'fief. was
raging, one of the pUrops . Oft he engine..b.rolte,,
hut' the machine continued to work' With' one
phinger, and did excellent , service.
Orr d silo, TOE •rnoors.—The Regiments,..
organized la this State; were exceedi ngly .
ionsto: - give'the higher, place o( command. to .
officers of the
.Regular• Army Of the United
States. lie. believe that :39 of • the '3B
menrs whrld . have • made such a . choice: Due,'
the U. S.l.Aicers - were preernplorily.forbitiden,
by the afar Departmerit ALWasbingtoty, to
As an;,nstance in point; we • may mention
lost the -)lficers of the 2hd, 3rd, sth, 7th,
and Oth ,ilegiMents of this State, in balloting
for Briglilier General, previone to their depar
ture for; the seat of War,
.made choice of.Majo . ,.
F(t7jobi Porter, of the Army, for Brig. General.
Ile was not, permitted to •acce.pi,..thrciugb. he
wasall6vt'ed to:do:service in the slat- of . .Gen:
Patterson, or Pennsylvania. ' If the : Wis'nes • of
the Rtgimentalofficersbad been lieede6, Major
Porter would have been Brigadier • G enearl Of
the trulps..at Fortress Monroe, instead of Gen.
Pierc;, and (he errors'Andlosses , "( the affair
thi-Bethels probably, been avoided. .• • • .•
June 14
Texas advires say that e ortinaa was attack
ed, thont a Mile front Retlinond , s Rautha, by .a
fOi - e! under Captain.,Bont,rades. and' c complete
ly routed, killing sey..e'n of. his men, ' , wounding
seitral, and dispr,aing the Wancet cottrnas .
escsped, witit'abc,at.teri.of'his .rnen,.into' Meld-
. . .
it is understoo Ithat a revolution has been in
atguratstf im.Ta tnatilifias by Grime°, the defeat..
ei•candidate for Goverrior;who. has issued: a
modarnation declaring •thst•he.he had removed
tie question us . te - Who should..be Governor from
ballot-iioi to the sword, If was. PelieYed
That the revointion would become general, end
that Garnet) Would unite his forces .with those,
Marqueses r;nd Mejea,•who have .been • set
ting the:Juarez bovernerient'pt deffairice.
The advance guard of Major Gen. Pat terstin'S
army, Consisting of.abont teri .t.bousend .men,
arrived. b.ere this .morning, from
. Pennsylvania.
The whole tchrnn rapidly tmattipz, Soothe
The rleveloPmentathit'are likely to. follor . ,
the seizure of the diinatches filed in inthe•tele.
graph offices ,astound the country. "
will shoW a System:Of of !treachery exteridest.
hough' all sgradeynt. offieiaT. business and 1,10 - '
dal circles:; •-Alipost . everybody spkars. '1 0 •
...h e y/. keen engriged.-iu giving aid arut::.eptptiftll
to the rebels, and to-have 'farnisheil means Ida.-
'information for,seeuringi trinmPlVort lie iebeilL- . •
ion. , Members of Congress::frony- Free Stitei".,
figure- freq iis tl y• a men g t h eSe, ilasheeif
gene°. 1 hink 'l3lll' ..seeking 'cornmissions.,4ln.'
the Federal.armyi-dict t heir. full share in giving";
informalioirrind telegiaphic 'encouragement to'
'the: rebel leaders thet enga . ged-in rushing; thesr-:
States into,the vortex of secession. ' Reporters •
for Northern Free Soil pap'ers handed' in to the
"telegraph Office, the knowledge they liad'oblain- , ,-
ed through their Free,Soll professions,—Even' .
the members of the , Peace Congress, pia' some .
from -Free.States, held ou't words ofencourage
-merit.to.:the rebel that it-.they woule--
kip up, the fire they . . wetild,, break ;the :Free
Sailers 'doWn. • : SeVeral of the Members of that .•
Cenventionlrom the Border Stales -gave !ego- -
far reports •Of its. proceedings to the rebels,
while at the sortie' time theyyvereinsistinithat
the proceedings Should be ItePt'from the North-'•
- ern :Press and . • •
A Regimentof Smiths
WE underitand that it 'is the intention .of - • - •
.Mr. Charles , Smith; connected with. Hodges' •
banking :establishment, No..ssB,BroadWay,• to •••
borne forwardl.o the aktof the country in ,
present crisis; 'with a reginient of -Smiths. He
thinks that there are cpiite•enimih:men of that
name.in'the eity alone, to. establish the right
of way_ through Baltimore al'oace. All persona .
ot the_naMe ofSinith•oone others-need apply),
'who are capable of baaring arms and are.desir,
ors of jmning anch a. regiment, will Please cal!.
at No. 538 Broadway and enroll their Names,: •
at any. time during the day from . lo IC
annexed his':ret:eivqdm . any thonpind
signaftir'esinNevv.:york. and vicillity , .. • •
To. the .1 5 ;.esidone oft!1). • •
Re~ardi'ug you as the legal. head of our goi 7
'moment,' we respectfitlyy the only
remaining Ininorable 'position in your poWer by
which the horrors.of civii'Waryriay averted.
hope" of :preserving :Imp UNION .
adopt the policy of aGrMeral
Conventibm as,Suggesteil in.. your Inaikaural..
.ThiseiJorse svottld prevent hostilities on the•
part of the s.6uth,.and evince that,fralernity has
Mill a place in the hearti'or the 'Arrieriean:pfo
'Lord Lyons,' - the BritiSh 11inist ti.at.• Wash r.
iritori, has been applied to
.by*certatnlwives:of . ;.'
Irislimerf.iii the Goiifcdcrate camp,. wtlo..have •
newer been naturalized, to tale some actin, for
their •seli - u.e. He htia •Pritisti..
Consul in take .foutimony,
into the CnnOt. at Hichtbon . d, who .
will demand n't Getie : sal.LeeAtieir rg)eaie ..ft : on/ 7
the camp at ninas , taS Jiinction. • '
. . . . .
. .
• . . . .'
BA imnrcirtr,..,Tune.l4. •
. . . .
"This evening, ia two ioldiers_or Col, More—
head's reeinient were yt,ilkitig negr, Lombard'
and .Giiiigh . at re . ets, 'soMeone fired • a pistol: at.
them frnin•ii firitisg; The-balt took elect' iri the •
* arm of Felix ';.l!c • Corinick, ot company .K. -.:lhe •
hOuse was setirched,.titit the party bairesegieri:..
The wound: wag 'a' alight one. : •
~. • '. , ..,
The First:Masiochnsetts•Regiment ! left here
at eight o`clock . to•sdgh for'.lersey , City, em ld
the- chVers of their friends.. They proceed
southward immediately.
THE t e tras of the. Al
lowing, :niembers. of fhe'.state Seonte' ; expiin
with the SC , SICip
,jest closed: Mr.. Thompson;,
of Moritirpery';• Mr. •Yardley, or Bucks; Mr- .
Clymer, ol Berks; Mr, partner, of Schuylkill;
Mr..P.enne, of Allpglieriy;• 1316'014.0f 'Jeff-
eriOrii.,Ali„Sehindel, of Lehigh; -Mr. Welsh; of
Yorki.Mr; : Creifg,. of Centre: Mr. Finney of
'Cr., %%lord . ; Mr, Parker, of Philadelphia. Dein
ocrals-, 4jippublfcane,..7:. ' ; •;
jr.:41 4 Maj.-General John •,Charles hre
haii arrived; and is • hrivi in Wash 7.
said—to take charge of the WeStern army
Lie: is riported. to' be in 'fine health . and
excellent . sj)irits; and anions to get .opl . the
'field of • :
But little business was accomplish-
cif in" Court .)11.5t" week.' 31a: the case of
Commonseii l .th batter
ry,.rct,li - et not guilty Enka ,Bust,Ortiutiff
nna screfeml.antip php :
oininonwenith vs. Win. L.- Ctiop i
nn C,hari.es H. indictment for..maam t iti
and' lintf,ery ; bill •ignored and prcigecntor,.
E. Barden tn,pity cost.' '
Licenses granted to W. Haskell, E. S.:
ttsmi,• E. 13. Dolly, R. Larrabe..e, - .John,
'Neir, E.. J. Barber, and W. Mosher.
Commonwealth vs Philip Lee for htreenY•
prisoner sentened .to one year in the State-;
Fourth.of July Celebration.
' At a meeting:held in Farmer's Valley on ,
the 22d. inst.; N. F. Ferris ghairmai, and . W.:
Secy., it was resolved that the 4th .
of. July should. be celebrated . by. an oration -
and Picnic dinner, at the church•in that place..
Capt. A. ll. Cory: Lietit.. N. F... Ferris, and;
E. It. Tubbs were appointed a committee to,
procure an' Orator and Reader, and the follow
ing were,desi'gnated committer of
inents: . , •
Lady, . , • , Lady,
t- R. Robbins'•' Dant .. Cornpints • . " .
Trios. Goodwin ' John. Stsly. . •
J. S. Sing dugustus Rayi
Wm. Gifford " ' A. H.
E. Curti.] . " , • .Manville Ttatbl,
13: Bray . • "•' • .J. Rice, Miss S. k. Rlee.,
• • J. Peiton & 'MIAs 51. Pelien,. • • ,
Ori motion, Resolved, That the proCeedings
of the meeting. be published in •the:.Smitbpgrtt
F.• Ferris Pres.. W. II: Curtis Secy.,.
.•• . •
In Tort,'Allegany. S.4n . rlay, 16th fest, it the
home or the Rd fitther, by Rev: C. Cprnfortb.
Gr.ona.r. M. llur.L. Esq.; Of Lonnie Co.,
.Lucy A. lAttaultinor: of t4e, former place.
In Bradford M'ltean County PL, June lab. at
the resiclenbe of tbe bride's father tor Bev. B. T..
Lewis Mr -Etara/..r.rm A. FOVIT) to lEtst`Zt,
ILr3l.nst.n7 ell er
Bos7oP; June 15