M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, June 13, 1861, Image 2

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    .'. •
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'1 ',..•;:•• .
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VOL. 3.
6oulitp o?.rilorrat,'
* - $1 bo. in' /,Idvauco
Rates of
. .. ,
. . .
. . . . . .
c o li m i o n . o , yeai...-..............:.-....;..:..... - ...•... •• 1:13 0 0 '
l . ' .•• '2O 00
; 3( -
......", .... . .“•,...... ...., .. ... !.. 1 2.00
:1 • ,'• , six,.montlis.:...-. t .t . . - ..... ...2..'.. 2. _OOO
~:, - t‘ ~:.....'.. .. ,f .... :''..',.;.' .... ... ...'...1.20
!One. /mun.r.e of 12.1itkCe or lens, 3 itisertior...... • 350
14:wit mulotequeut insertion, . ' .";!,...... ' • 25
• Business Card li, 1yi1.4..i1a per • .; . . ~ ; ... ... :.. .... 500
icolo.nc tigure.worlt
. will Os Oooble.tho A bove nil cs.
Torelro.lintis 'IlFoylot• type, or . ciglit flocs nonpCroil,.is
' tate'rt a socialt„ ' ' • . :2 .
C 7 ,7 Theie terms will lm strictly adhered to: ..1 - 9 ' .
8115i11055 Oireftorv.
iu'ethfort.:ll:llonn Co:. 14. ''•E P.ropr'iotor
.—oppositu'llia Court llonOu. A o4vr; iorge,
(Ms nrd9 %'l,lll' furnished Louse. ' .•
Tlio. H. pas°
. • . .. , . .... . .
"iliialir in Strirsoi Tin Ware . ; ! Tapp:Med. rittrP, .&c.„ .wrist
. - .si it,of . Oa Publia,:inasre, Stniktliorirt, l'a... Gastrin'
'• • ir irk dorm to nrtlur nn tlMahortesi: notice, and in. the
.. most substantial manner. , . • ...'.
• •
•Ati firit lane-w ould d respectfully . announce to the
citizens Of 'Enethportand 'AIDA be bag Fitt d
up. an office, and is . p . ropoied to ,ttend to - tdl • husitoois
in hii profositiort.. Artideial teeth inserted upoh, sci
entific principles, and an as to.pie.ervo thtrootorol
yiressioo of.thoftifie Allaperations Inddental Surgory
done in a 'tallith] manlier'. 10v
• -
. . . .
Dealer in Stoves. Tin, Ware, Jappened Ware, &o-. west
. end of ' the Public Square, - Snint.bport,..Pi?:.y Custom'
work:den° to order .nothe eleettest.bqtice, andlu.the
.inost substanlial manlier. - • • .
. '
• .
• •
BARD, Propriotor,Otepm, , Omnibus runs
Ad'ing'frouithe Now Yolk and Erly Unit Roast. StUt,cs,
'for B:nottsport mud. Ceres.. ' • '.. ' •
• . . . _ •
• I
Canooti•Pro.orietar: 'Ridgway, Pa. Tlds lintel •ik
' new and Skirolkhed in 'modern style., llge Noll& n6.011i ,
tuadations, and iA, in all reenact:4; a Pirkt Clais note]. •
Jiidgway, Elk Co. Pa. 51aY,2.1,-/,t60 ' . •..• ,' .
. .
. ... •. , ....
'ions Wets:, P ro prietor,r This IMusois situated 'half
.. way hetwoon.Smethport and Olean": A coovenieni.
au commodious hone?, atto4itive and clingilg..attend
'sots sold kiw prices.., , , .... •' :. , • ' .
. . . . .
' .111. ' Ircd;May 17, 1800. . - . •
A. D, , ' •
Siiiioyor, • DrAfts . min ConvOynt,cey, i..nd Rent 11.4.1t0
A.g.ont,W.tiottu county, Pti. ' • -• .
. ,
. . W
I:LI,IAIYI . IiVILICIII., •-. .- ..
Practical °Mechanic , : !stillwrigilt, kiridge-ball ler, Sc.,
' Pert Allegheny, Vlieapcounty, Pa. -' .'
J. L. BitoWN,
. ,
Eitnte Agent; 9111ce, Willianniville, lilk et.,„'
. .
fThapin'..fc Boyle: 8gq . ' ti., , ...• ,
jinn T4runa'Stnutheri,.
W., s. Brownell,: Esq.,
1,16n.', A. 1: Wilcox;
. .
• - ' - CARVER • HOUSE, ••••• ••' • •
. .
..11 ! li,4 'lt, rfArt.t.: Prow:tutor. eornrf.,if.}V,:tter. and Ilickary,
• : 4 :milts, Warrfm. ea:. get:Cr:Ll Stkm.Uffi,m. . • -
1'033E5 , 4 . 0FM
. .
~. , .
rr n ntinte the Mille Sgliare,• Wean,.:4;•) - ... j,,,tig M ,
. .Mittsit. 'l . l . ,i,prietor. 'The Pubes Howie is entirely near
and built if brick . , and in .farnished in modern, style,
- •Ths..proprietor Hailers himself . that .idarie,commods
tions are no • surpassed by Any hotel in 'Westarn lc -ii•
, •''Yn'eli. • Carriages run-to atid trout.tho N.'ri York and
Jinja nail (load.. .. •' • • ;•• . , :,.3i,,,-ir,
. . . .
ATTAItra:T LAW; SnynOiport..'3l:,fie rko C'ountr.
• Azont for. :‘fers.r... lie:010e 1.06,1$ AttOnds
nwporially to.the Coftentibu of Claims; I•ixriniinnproj.of 1
-Pl:snout of - Taus, umi ill lin,ilness rria II
-tim.; to Steal , Estate. pnien • 1
. .
. . , .
At'nrney and Cni.thAellnr atfin'‘i.:.i 4 rnethport., .WKerth.
County, tta; :)144 - lless"eutruqtc•l to hio'c:tre for 111 e
cuuntiet:or M'ti: o.ln, Pot ter anti . Elk. Wilt be-promptly
atttincle , l to 'oolce in the Count trouiin, 'nucond Cuor.
.. ~. •
ph,,,i c i m , and iittivoto, Sinethport; Ps:, will attend to -
Atli, ocofossions.l calls with promptness. ' - (talcs in .`,:art , '
ivell Block, Pe9o n d Boor. '..—. .' ' • .
• •
. .
Wholo , oile and Rotal, Dealoeo. in Staplo 'and•Tabc . 7 Dry
Clarpotioa; Ready:. Made. CloThiro, and ii6niral
Onilda, Mote and Shoes, Wall and Window•
Pa er tioglOng 151119SCS Wean.'N.
' '
.•... ~ . . .
At:tons - we. itnA Counsellor At Lon, Snietlinert,:ll'Xeun Co
' Pet, ii'llt Attend to Ali buidnessiii'llit'refessiou in•the
' counties of :it'lteani.Potter arid Elk.' 011106 onei 0 ,1_1:.
Sartwell - & - .llruthers' Store.
, - .
Co'rner of Seceivl and - Libe,V.ty ktreeta , Warriri o ' ' 11. .
*.• : 11.in*it, Prcipriistor. Travolorl will rind good ac
wtm.odn.pion.i !indrimOdia able climrgeg.',
. ,_ , . . •
...,, - .. . LARABEE'S HOTEL, "- - . '
It. toAnsa. Pi•dorlotor,—AlleglionY 1111 , 1',1 0 : • M'K.' ll •Th
' Co ; Pa.' Tlll4 - 11ouee 19 Hi tul ted laiou t nine miles from
-Sluntlipnet on the ,roid., fo Olean, and n ill bo:eound u
col:win - tient 41.oppin,placo .. • ' • ' .' •
.. : '
ny.T. Goo DWIN.. 'Phis house 10,1thated nbn nt flee mite
frottfi riethrinet on the.ros4 to Olean. Plert , ii re poetic
•nd othO, a eon he :tecOntoiortrito , l on the shortest tiotieo
Dealer In Dry ann.'s, Groceries,. Ornelmrv. flardrare;
• floats, Shoe , ' IT' , Vg• OnvI• r., &c.
East side o 1 Square, Smothprirt, Pa,
Emk.oßiura HOUSE ' • •
!Sliippon, M'Kettb Ca.i P... N, b..DYNN. Prnjwifi'or
A commodlowl'iinil woll-turpished,
anti taavelorn arlll flnd gool',tecnnmoddfionH.
••... . . . .
1.3n009 TS. Doccey, Pronrioto . r,, a trot.: AllOgany,• Mc
. Kean County Po: Thlnllotel issituatect at the 'June
. .tion of the•Swithpoit lLnd Allegany ltiver:i . oads; Lille
• •,- 150116 MIA of SOOtthrlOtt• •• • ••. • • . ' •
.•••, • . ..,. A.
S .
T.. O R
O U .
E .
. ,
.. sMETEIPORT, M'KE AN C 0. , .
VM.' HASKELL' :.: Propric .
' This ileum, in melt calcniated -fon thii accommodation
.of the:l'm:yelling Pub U m. having recently been repaired
. and remodeled;' Qiioill Barns and Stablea... Clinrgea reit- .
, A ,,,,,,,,nte, ,Stngen•fer Clean, Shlppen and'ltidgam.y. ,
Simethport;Juty:2,llBoo... • . ~. . ,
To Those Interested in llining and
Mineral Lands:
. • T . DARNE&p . IforA lili eervice; tot the eaamina
• 'i" tion . a Mineral Landa in 'Alliean and Elk entire
' oin,
,aint *4ll ,aivo his :opinion' as to tho'NALTIE OF
5.1 ,.
1„„„Es,. kb. Ttinan engaping • .l4 xervieex will receive .
s il n eeertary and rellabllainformatlon. 'Residence at the
urn Make, ~ •,, . • . • . .• •
' ilergeant ; :WHean Co.; Jane 30;1850;
. .
.Aryciereir-Ai,Lew, Smethport; WlCeea eq., P. Col
tertian!' promptlyaltended to, rf3b.. 'CI.
•J: B. •- flitip.ett,•iii — Nets• .14irk, a 'tie:lilt:roan
largely•ititeres(ed in theipagi-bred fp.f.S,;,:tild.
in:friendly. in ilie • M • oitiaiW, . gilys:
~...I t e1111)01,
hedeniedtbn t ,t•tie'y (,0„s.:,: f 5. n pia ttir.erg•y. iiiid
...courage,' (;'lilt strengtiCanCl enilniarfoe, gi.eat
arnbition and doeilityt". •• - . ' • •. -
R...... '
ilen, in . kis : A inarii: io •:.1. - 7 ,:•,•,/truy;
says: „t Tkeypreseht . altngethertke beaii.n.leal.
oblhe, oad horse, at•O;spitited amdneile,lioidy
and easily Icept...:: Tlioy.:haila an
.ettsy 'and iannl
trot, and.glitle along %%111;a •gbOil load NrithOut
clatio : oi.appaint effi)r,t, at the rate tit fen or,
ti:v,l , eiiiiles . .ati haiir.'.! •
• The Lonisville.(l(y.),Ttitiracl , ysi...•‘There
is•no doubt vi.hittese.r•of ibis—that the I{reib.l of
'lilt: . Morgan noise 'was . , •41)11 is o.lx, ii: , :• ll .ut feAY
i'nsta'nces tvber • e it can . tin -founil,.h t.
er the best
breed of hars:ls for . genial os , .e thet ever 11.6.•
in OW Unrited Siatas:—.orubOhly tllii;bes in (he
H The 'Eney/u2rdia •says'i '..‘Perhaps
he very,firrest breed of hijisPil itr the United .
Sie . res; when genmill•usetilltiess i 5, 6 . ofraid..'lli . !l
is. Wila.C.ls generally known ititlii , ;Noohern•aMl,
F.:at:tern. stoles .as the,-.Mor.4ati—liOliis., This
iiiiKir:,V s is'clistirignislyerl by irs..netivrry, -united
with striinizth' and hardiness.' • , • ' •
The iNfitine . Fitrn'ter'baj.s:. "They excel .in
gr'rhi carrying weight. n Inng
tuner; roadster, they excel' all.
ho.r.se• i,n thid or. it`riy .other' coiriory.";••• The'
New Y a ik'fferiild in a try!labtirafrt urtoilr on the
horns N . iivii.l'orh• City, : l ays of htl . Morttatist
t. , They ore particularly remarkable, •for• their
strength in proportion to their and
. tot ;their. power of, endnrartee, hearingup - onder
herd lalnir that • would break: down' the stern
rgest 'draft horse ! "-•' • ,
spent the greatest portion. of my life
in stmint, hirmu . rly rind' now, •iti'
and take•pleasure bearimg testi-•
ft - wily to IV decided' superiority orMoigan'hor.•
sue fur o ver any olliihrs•l• !rive
ever Med."..•:\l - . - Walb'er;
Ilf. NVIso is , we'believic the !Mgr's! pro
pri•ittor in the Unit ed• S•tai es, says of tte Mor•.
guns: are invariiiiii.y.,,goutl - feeder,prei
easily lrept',•.and• i :will not onl y fierforin
service in-•a year, but yore years V..iserYice,
-than .any . other breed 'of horses I Inve "ever
. .
. , .
A wsiter in Torterdl Spirit of the Tin.cs tor
April 10, 1856, hailing frcmi Bostor , ) , ,
sole OVidet . in . evriting seems do he to say to the
,that' little can-be . aecOto . -
plistied in breeding brig,gy'hor'ses..withOut re
sorting -to t:horough•bred • atallion--nevertie=
less Makes .Ito
fact chtinot. be-disputed, that ihe 'Mote - arts are'
.thebestliorSes' tint prociace tiir that
large class known as 'Old hOrsn-of-all-ti . ork,
spirited ; nimble; steady at a they are liar:-
ily; grtitle,,.sound eonstitationeili and long lived
fit eitherlor the snclilleor,the plow, the buggy
oFthe team, the. rimless,. wagon and the octal.
. .
nuom PA.
. ,
. When, eentlemen.enOlsed it] protiolls3 and
difficult undertakioir .ot s , writing• down" nor-,
gait horses . ; are.compelled to :nuke 'sushi,:id:l . 6s,
siOni as.the...foregoin.: : : it seerns ultog;ethersin-:
necessary.tO extenilThis. article. for the inirposis
of, "showisig that .I . loiein d:orses . possess 'in .e
hish de . e.re.e.thal, geolity which. is of przmaiy
importance to the buggy-horse . , torit, hardiness
of constitution or ppw r er of endurance:- •
• The tilack-Havek liorse• is a •brane.h of. the.
liorctin .family.
. •
The gentleman whose' n a me herds this a rti
ele, died
.at Chica . go - on'the:lllitst. ills death
adris duo! her name. to ; the list.. of :our .mighty :
dead.. Ilk connection with the.disPutes, Which
have .'grown out of the' . Shive. question,. insur
es for him n•nemn, lastin:as .4 be historyer his
country. Had'. the principles. of rion-inter'vert
tion, which he So earnestly alfvocatert; been
permitted to wink cut results,'
there is no..deubt‘t hat the dangeis which now
threaten the.ifountry. would have bee l l'bvnide . d,
The renewed and' embittetiol agitl;t 1,1c . 11
.followed the application or this:principle to the
Tenitories, and' thestrange ini.orriderstaiiding
'about hriw • far ptincipresoul , l' operate,
among those who' fa'Vore'd'ir r c
•outtrin:ri• to de
stroy its . value, and hastened the CalitmitiCs it
was intended to.prevent.. Believ . ing the Salva-.
lion Of the:country to-depend 'moo , ' he succeas
of hissprinciple, Mr. Douglas brought his entire
energy to its sappOrt, and when it failed and the
safety of 'the Union was endangered; Wedged
whole . "st rend t h o t o maintain the Government.
glen may. ditforin their estimate of his states.
•manship;. but no onecan•jirstly deny . AW.II
- 'or patribtistn.. expiutence; his
accirate - acid: . comprehensive knowledge, Isle
gr•eitt-'firmness; and the forcible inuriner in
which he set torth'his e all,
• hisde'yotion.to the , Linion, him'out as a .
great leader in the present crisis. His loss:at
'this tittle is d-c - alamity to the Nation,
• ThelChicalm . Tlines in speaking of the man
ner.ot his 'death, say=; . .
• A statesman Alas fallen in the land. The
foreinost man ln thOttation 'is no snore! At
about ten'onnutes aftei .ititie 'o'Clock yestrrday
'mornini4,'thellon. Stephen A. Douglas, of I,lli,
nnis, clo sed his mortal career.. health hail
given way snow:liter
return to Chieago;
his diseaseassurning' at
.first the form of aerite
rheLimatis.l»:- •Subsequently, the diSeaSe took
the form of typhoid leyer, and .finallyjnvolved
the Oroat rind boirels. Cluing the edrlie; sta.
ges of the, disease, an w
d..hile' lie was .fsegerting,
the most acute pain, the ,Judge conversed with
Iris' many friends,-.who 'called to oil - Cress 'their
sympathy in . his afllietion; In'the•most theerful
and pleasant manner. His iron still'and bias- -
culine.powers seemed to defy the- 'inroads' ot
disease,' and gave.hope his friends of an. ear.
ly recovery: ;But.the inexoralq. genius of de:
city wasiloing its work lint too surely and: well.
fhe frtme; Which bird for . thirty Years
.borne.fatigttes and toili:that Would ,have worn
out the' liyes of a'score of :Ordinary:men', and
•the loftyatid unhendindintelleet which had.not
known'repose for years, gave unmistakable evi
dences •of apprOachirig dissolution. •Af one
time, alter groat apprehensions had existed for
his Safety, his'energiesseetnecl to 'Take tt grand
and last struggle,for.life; and 'hopes wert again
entertajnecTthat 'the ho' tir of dattge.i• had•passed.
:and that he.would still be spared to his friends
,intl the !cation. The hop e was vain. It was
" but the last.flichering of , the lamp of life.' , • His
disease again took an•Unfaiorable turn, and he
... . •
..• • . ,
. „
~ , . . •
. .. - ~. .. ~ . . - ...
- ~.....
. '•
• ..;5... ',I . 1- .. • '',-„ • . - ' t-'' r •
4 ..,..
.........,;„, , i ,, , ,.... : . : p 1,.......... ,: : , :, :,,.i..-.,......,.
is!trik rapi!lty . and st...!;.tatly ;tin!il trviith
tht , 's,:eile..•:lll Ilia
cotik.l qo 1 -4) hat 'oo,',Aed
. ..; . ;11)i,/ a
. 1 roinzrro'
h is 1.4;1;4 bit on lv
,the;g • pileiv.4
ai,cirt}' and elfait. for his sulely, and,
Wittp..ss the lis;a1? - tiyivtiu'li fir' all - hop . e,
sit!iotio,t,led I , y his (,tv.oritc Lis
frierids, arid devoted
iviic..;Stopha ii ':A....poughis,,passed 'from' tail;
•, That ttOss lrartds hare. he"n 'enritfilittert.
shpirtyititz the volohfeers from „this Sraie
:clothing fs.hotleniablit,. ribd thepolitic ilemnotlS
that Itw'gpilly - parties sboold expost , l,,- - ap,:l
:‘ , lpch 'of ;the' blame- . .. ha, hitherto ,
heeh lahl tit .thedtior theCio , hrt'nor. , of this
Curiptio . nwealtb;ahrl.'Prine...p , lty".by - t.hose for
snout he had tp.eSpret
Ile is
bln'tor - the fault, atitt fiathls . Whiehlhave
tad seth syi,lo spi-earl ihtligiratipp throughout
unable to. say, ---hut Atite
not ripP,7sird to ephile;hti
itut irli.s...eiu 4 e of po,ltive ,prop(. . We 1111,1k'iStlIlii
Ole lutcntlon of ,tlfs•GrrectnOrro•ap:
poria a - corritrtissipti eon, of thresh , - rreittls
metf.of Oftegri(Y,'int,ci
St.lth, - his a4ltilini,tratip:n, tv4oe Positioir
!,•. oat ree, that they . ' wili . hot...trlPtsty&sif to
i•bhrourth exa m ina tion of thee:allegvtl
•rtiusei,:hthl to 'bkpose gatlry anthoei„ no
inviter who'they may hr. Anil; .that:l
that; statement . will.• 'shortly:be- fortli • , ,
epotirg;'l4in,Orefore.the: public the:.ia'efs•
l'utt...filiertmsfatices . eahrieeted _with . the I.UX!)/
and t'llp'reas.ons wiry. Iheyrernaiued driring sir
long a a , rls“ithte cooditi01;: -in () Wet.,
that the poe'itray , be.elmble
;d to judge Ao is
censPrahre *.: .•
• 'Cov.Xurtm ows it nPt•.ohlY bi himself, brat
to ii i ri•putatiott,of, State he repre
sents, to ti;iAUe 4,11..gr0uu1l :exposure . of these
IrilUdi; and tO tlifguilry parti es to pub
e.ftreratlon, Whetheith . ey be' Pprsonal„ot ph•
fr . ienifs foes-a,ut.l oe. will rejoice to
learn that the romOr that is - hiS intelitioh
is 'Well Aitifided. . -.••• •.
As far as we are c'oncerziell,,we have hither
to:contented Onrselite:s with publishitig accounts
ot these frauds Avithoui, venturing :to indicate
who wasresponsible . for them, for the , simple
reason it:at we had no evidence in our' posses
stop to justify such a yOuish,and also beetio'se•
we did not `wish to be subjeeted to theimputa;
Lion ut attempting to matte party 'capital, by
direct ing•suspicka towat.ils officers of the Coy-:
ernment 'et alime when the' Whole eniirjzies of,
the ptiople,were'enfisttecl in thosacred cause'ol
Ally' But, since some of Governot.Cuf 7
t pielen'iled friends-uhder 'what prcaripting
we' will not undertake . . to say-evinyo:a
sit : ion to: ' unheard, midi°, blast
'his chara • cter:as'atian, a's well us, his ititee,lity:
as..a . public.oilicer, by the use of coyert 'and inn-
manly instnualions weare.ileteiplined that he
shall have' every •oppOrtnnity .of vindicating
Lirn elf, that public
, attention shall:li.ot he
wholly diverted•frorn-another,quarter by the
line Cl,d cry - .tais ,, (l- avainsf. tbeO.overnor of
Pennsylvania .Put.t ei int Union:
• Tr,oor-,,Ay Tire C;kVlTAL.—Within:ille'litnits
of Ole capital there arehoW enc,.rnped or'ritiar
tared seventeen rrgimelds ot volunteer ttuoiis',
thi? aggreg'ate . eiglteetr
thousand flicked men, thnrong,l4 hrined;'equip=
pea and prorlslotwil. Are under.
the'stiperej . sion of Gen. . I .\*.iNsrtt:i.,p:
trult • to. b,e,te there 'are stationed,.tipeit the:
Ireigl, is surrnuuding , the city a t drud
beyond I ' bridges, twenty , oilier lull rettr.
ments, umenting nt'er^ twenty 7 tWo
soldiers, under corm.
Ina i.d ,of .Geri. . • I.lere are fOrty.l
thoniand men, be,ideS' those.sept. forward yes
terday, ap,l.those stationed at the Rel.'ty 'rouse
near by and .1,4 - Allfidpoits- , an arrny.courpetent
for any present ernergeney jit this'.qu'artvr. • .
Tile Gdribaldi. Guard is • eneamped - op
Capitol sireit, ,thief mites fiohi *town.,
regiMent, reports , niPe hundred hod, seventy.
lour tutu), in good . condi hm.
Th'e'second Nets • You Ir 'regithent are' a little
e,f tho'Gdnibalt.iittns, arid aye getting'
very .proiteiftnt in drill..•.' • . ••' '
l Ire 110 5 % ly r ;ved michi g an Seerthd :went:
into camp ;,this near' the. 'Aqueduct
winworks.abore Georgetown:' • ••••:.. .• • "..;
Cor.mitAP; orNew. A'ork,
,n - 1
rhorized hy . 6 en Cs .311..:ttort to raise , tt. regiment, ,
,be eornmanded hy.h'imself, it is said, tß hieh
accepted when yeadf. '
' The movement 01 troops, already frequently
re (erred tfr anti ekplained, is erring on. ) ester-
day.' three battalion's:of Distriet'':volontOvis,
,passed through , Georectown,land two - Connec•
Crept; one New.,llampshire; and the 9th New
York Reel inebt s„li mice up their ca'mpi; - and
rued tram 'Washington; proposing tojoin the
District \lottinteers three mites , from -.Genre.—
ven; Ong theneO to Et[ivard'S Ferry, on the
Potomac, paint hair way- biatween Washint , ,.
ton and 11.trper's Ferry:. Ills, thought ti at sev,
ertll regiments On the -VirOinia.' side, and, no
Ohio regiment, were immediately tomartth
the Same direction. 'The Idode . Island Rcei..
Ment - hail followed. their Mittel). to time Relay
liatise„ but whether they were•to .'move 'from
that,pbtee toward I.larper's Ferry remained in
doubt.. By By regnest - oraciv. Hicks and :others.,
a.brignite . was to. he sent
.stronghold of:disloyalty; - With ,the' - design -- of
keeping the traitors in order.
A gentleman rho is said to have. gutted his
informatiun - direetly : frormG,M . :Seely, derlars
.thnt no important Moyernept, wilt be -toady freM
'Alexandria -toward the. enemy: till lite :tortifl.
cations,' onthatn side' of the.riverba ,
iteen (tont , .
pleted and made; as fat...as possible;
dispatch Thom Cinciniiati. says that the
11th Indiana Zona'ves' have talien,CuMberland,.
Mil.,,:thence meaning to.go to join Gen.. Patter.
Qumberland is 101;Grafton
and 119 miles from; Harper's
Trustworthy, intelligitne'e, • at: [ate hoer,
ftiornl.Birpe Cs -Ferry, - states' that the
are retreating.'; Many. wagons hhvelnien seized,
from farmers imthe. vicinity of. Winchester; and
.are engaged in transporting the trOops to Strati
hutg, whence they.. will by-rail to : Xanadsak
Junction.- .It. liow: doubtful tf our ;columns
. .
combine in, season ma ' k ' e" rupture,
-they cx . ,pc.ted. :It therefore seCto . ..that
bade! up 111 hrtpa Wadi' fronc.,Nlary
drid,...a.‘4 'that they tire ,- •t0 . '.re1y,...0n 'maktig
stand drit , qium
foNiftcd:.. .The cannon ate dti - .a
a botit t . he..railrO:id stations: : :
. A roan \v ho lays hassaCcnr.t re. infiirrnation'
states.that . t.licY
hriVe:arr idea orattachin'pt iWasliitiriwit'lv4de ;it
is partially bereft of froop3, land t bad a mot.,e-
Anent td,thio end tVill tithe place hy, ThitrOlay..
•leiird.front. Iladierstowit !hurt, the 'retied'
1 ii iuians hive bevel truSY 'tar gecri:tal. 071,i,;i1. in
di:straying, and' itttetnptrog, to destroy, canal
borits, kicks, 'lir bey. a relal
nb:itrirctiniz lb.; river itr.dcer) , way •ploy . e4n
re.pt.:—a':'l':'T,:i4,;(l:p. • . • • •
:,. . : , 0 A..; '-'1,`.1-It.T.ItSpAY:',..,JEiN
.. .
i iive•ciiitliisp:vtaii:ta the.Nvii-Y3ol.Tclautia,• . .' ' .. 1
1 •-• Fue'rnizss Aln.iiiini : iiii.. ':\la-aday,..1.111)" 1:0,
.I .
via iblitidiore, Tui.sdaf, diiiie.11,16.61....• • S'. '••
:It coinine• to the know[edge of'Geo. 'lnt ler
that the-liti.belswere inakilig. a stand at a [lbw,
di ini.Wi i us di t 1 I ic Bethel,
.11 li4tit seven miles . &inn
Iliiinideryoti the direel : rqad to York, .anil:ti,tit
ta. s po - inl r'nl) 4 (l'l3o..;:.Beffiel, five miles. Tort ho,,
they were tortilying the ‘Chniefi as a base frail)
'whieli.-trizirdudina •parlies ..were conrtaeitly is
suing' to force•petteetul Li II 1 . 0
fl , f tie lira I il 'negroes
into 111,Fir: ser v i co, aan itet:ra - arteaten -.Camp'
.fleitripton,..tes. veil as - Ctithp thetleiyat . NeWport
NO,Ve, be determined to 'maks a demonstration
ag'ainst tar e;i.-- -• • .. . . • .
•;:.1::alst evertini.i . ,-therefore, Gen. Butter 9rder!il
Col-. -Dell'yi:e's Reginbent. to riots ilainpl on
cr , el6 acid marc h'
. Le:IA.IIIN 'thrill - el! Tins or
• der wits promptly . i . xeetif6l,..lirid. (fie' regiinelit,
' rnoel:el from lion - pion 'to. abou el A .. , ,lock, 1,..v.
log iVeen ferried over. the •Idatnpion .Creedi 13T
Lieu ti. • ernsby!s' flotilla ' of "boats, manna by
idernit.4 froin•slie Naval 11fig,adl'':.
I Cul. Daryee was to, be sornottea atiliour af
tor 'by . CM.. Townsend's - R : q.e,fene-eit. -.• Al* .the
I tlr .tir)11...,' COL. Piielps,,eorWinaiiihati, officer at
. .Newport's.News,... was directed to mune, two
r e giments :'lung that line to aid Col, I.)nryee, if
the Rebels % should ..be • in force. .I:rig,-Gen..
I.",errei Ara's: to be in ruin:nand of the e.xpeditieer
wh.' , ll tbe.forc'es . were united:
• All tbe w
indi'entents ere'ptorieptly . arietprcip
erly..exaceited e . xcept . that 'Of Col, •Betidiai?s -reg
iment:, AT the. moment' Ot.,aireetiog the. ; jun , -
[tioti•be eateie in collision...with COl....'l'oWnsenei's
forces', Ns•iien'sliots were exclia-te(l :. ivith .tlfe
; lea , ' of 'one kitleei, Wm. -Carey of 'company' A:
I.A lbany.
,Tap othe'rs were eA.optieled 011. 010:pA ( t
i • Oi. Cot. Tolvr!i . icnd. .' s , ... • ' ..',. . '-.
While..this ezeistake,weS being. vorrcted, Col:
I)oTyee had pre;sseel for.a..e'rel and captured' the
little.ltethd, and niage prisoners of sereral.of
..ticers and neen. Ilti fired the huidilitig.:.' .. ' • .
'...geii.ni,vhile Col,
.riondix eantared:twii reticle
'in the art of tirtng : on his 'Men Guerilla fasten:in..
lie fired the house, rend sent the. prisOners :to
Gan.l3ntler at Hampton, Where 'he . was •retieiv= .
lag. rcPorts t 'forwarding, reinforaerrients,. and.
giving orders. .
At 10O'clocir, Col: Vu'ryfee,' Col-. T.ov.mseticl;
arid Col: lendis.. baying' formed .1 junction,
[reached the -Big Bethel„wtiere 111 . ey , jouint.the
en'emy'' in' force, ang. eingae.eed them.- Mean
while; Geri; Butli.r . liiid . sent for reJ.nforcenrents,
On etigtig;ind'Afie enemy, they were found to
:be slrongly dortifiedi•eind in' great .. force,, . with
11!..acy csiinoif Oar forces ntaintained the con-.
itile r With:: determine'.'d eonrage for anoie than
tWodioulii, but 'kiting that it would be iinpOs.
slide to.earry - tbe.enem.y's batteryttey in good,
• order.fidl.b4k ttiiie,ard.llaniptim. It is irapor-- . .
sible to gaiicarytliimr;reliable a . i . to Ora los - S . .
WAsittseyros, June 11 —
The iinforttinate:priair at Grear-13ettie/,' year
...,Srewriol i..New , ,artel its disaSt rieui conequeii-.,
•I:!!s; are the theme 'of conversation -in. every
'pent. GnEut..n, among the idled, was urie al
oiii•tirstoificei . s,-- .. -pt.o.bably idle al•rhe best ii . r.
idle:men tiler Are hare.•...ile li , avese. young
I wife and two c • •hiiill'en, res . :drat ind'ilitailelpiiin...
I.:im told that.l)o.itluaide . r•Getierar Blair says
'that Geri. Butler hot migh t assaulted dim; elle,
pay's • works a . rldielliCl, dad:• carried them by
Fes A ittii:Sormihus,—;A lefty, from
W'asiiirigtoir•sa'ys Itixoriodislys,•ht
•present,on ihedop t''t:er,yt , •resßeet . a.ble
hind tare.stimpturtur.ty on three !if - unite biscu its
-day,. and a.ihl;s of water; wealiehedWith .
lifand);., A hilt primate in the ti ent y•SCCOIIfi
aegiment has protriked - 6 kit Mc hare no s e. of
hrs sqiidre pOclret,liandkerchiefs fo'r a' sheet the
first ridglit';.htid, iniyer'tto to bed :on .my
comfortable whillOw lirish: wit tont thinkie)::`
•how mane ..poor &eat ores. there aro •• in- this,
omrld . who." ha ve to sleep. on; th,ir'mat I'PSSC'S :Or
'their liyes. ..flefore- the great rush 01 File.
Z t tuaYes and : !lie rest 'the,• menage fie corn :
neared, I boarded exclusivelyon a drOnt, stoop
on PerniSylvanift t 1 Yenne, mid aced to slumber,'
regardless of experrse,.ina
bog; but the military niOnnpolii. , ;. all such'
a'ccommodations hoW, and 1 giro 'way for the.
sake of top , 'c'otirttrk • • . •
. .
. . .
.1 tell you,. illy boy, we're itaving :high old .
times here jai: now, and if tlf , •} ., get any bigh
er I she nrt , lie able. to nfrefd to
•city is danger" every. her'llotir,a6d, as'
a veteran in the Fire Zona yes •reina ketl,• there
seemstd b e en n et o danger lyi )note
on AIN:11'volt tn Make a very. good
Blond and thunder.fietion, ill ninnerons pages.
If the - : iigila,it abd.•W:ll-edoebtetl sentinel
happen•tn..seis; a nigeer on. the upper.s.i4 of the
PotornaeOl.ey sing out ‘, 11crc !hay 'COme
and the whole hleed army 'ig caps
in less'a niinnte.. tnen all he rtiportrrs tele
graph to.their•plikt,i iii New York arid, Phila
delphia that . .J . 4. Weis is Within two,' min-•
.itteS walk oithe_ espital, wiih o,felt' millions of
men," and. all the fred 'Status ['twin
regiments'apipee to .erowditi a' little more: I'
shan't stand much nuke crowding, for my fence'
is flanow, and'. there - were six ' applications . .
Ye's tfirdar.t9 rent tin improiiittl • Icnntehole. .My
lantildOsays that.if.morq than three chaps;set
tip housekeeping on one [lost, he'll be ohligoil
Tut QuAntEirn...s.rm'sDErmvrsir.l3T.....--It.lias
finally br~i; deterinini.,l to di nil Capt. Mutas
io the Quefferinaster's Driyartinent. is
stated' that he hai.never done a duly in
lithe field; and'has . normietical knowledge of the
detaili of the office. If sd; of &nurse he has
no errors to unlearn.. He is' honrst,. hut:, un
derstood tali° one of 'the most extravagant• of
all peblie men. • • .
MO - 0
9 l l '
•13 S6l.
•., - „ .4n une
.13, 1.8, . . , .
t.)WSattiril4y the; 13th,
, Iresqllt64.: thii
c.c.anpany -a
time." 13porches'irere,
n l ath.,;?. o no 5;114, Oltiolated In nidu4. ti -
. titinalfoeling.,a.t4iyi . e, At t e:u
'the tietiilrrs';ll'inttt forty.
ing.ii 3lililary 'Ciirnlidny : i tit"
0.111 • di:termini:Ll to
inileil'ello4 .
,with..liii.:l;vws,of ilni)lvalila:. .•
Al/me:v v . has
t.l4;ift'uiltrice. H. e t 2. the: I;enneri 1 / 0 4 9, !,.. 611
titln3 eAvn.expense
pro \iii!c! an ex eelleni display uf ‘entl:•4 in
the•evenine.:••Preni !nest:lit" tlie
e,Cnifinti 4th el July . celebrated .
Yieweck pafrietiian all ove .
ethe . letifi, .•
• .C: 13. CofT . En," formerlie4liter of is Denio
eratie.piper at Cotideraport,• Potter Co:, more
recently eiliting a: Douglaa campaign paper in
lawn, IIOW thin 4he.lltrala, llillrord
Pa: : . Of codise:93u Hey ald iin.l ur his controllr,
Democratic. Ileac wiirstr , be nays of ilia: eori
one old.pel'ty: ,1
suppose OM. proud. Old Democratic
ty is iiishiinda4 or ;ennihilat gl,'like:the . transi' ,
Iwiy,vpon.gars ha've arisen, nttJ flee
shwa its organizathro, is
: us fallacious' as' the
fieliet'of the ipisguiiled, Jew's at Mu cjimiliAott
'of irur Savior, or tout ssf Atiti•iVimious .at
the -zenith of their power:, Tim. Democilif ic
patty, profilting
,by the lusstin
lattrthintesl; and its . .conseqiiint
finner; mrver . was stronger,
unti rirplroirtif; • is only watitindlo ile.monstritte
..iiinht,.rectitutis ami justice vrrre'charac' 7 ,
ti.irisfit!S of only the DaMocratic''party;' mind to
aliMe Cato looic a us i in - 11.11)3kt,
for the'blessings of;riiiillios;'etumenr.:"
. .
• Wo bopnotir friend • may e , succeril.". - . ..The
people of irrire comity will find him tr•ae, 'is‘rth :
t.apacity far n first viass•journalist. . •
TlfE STATE OF TUN IVAIc.-,The report • {ha
Gen. Butler had stormed the secessami camp a,
.• . •
Bethel one incorrect. • .
taut move been made , within a
plst.• Feleral tr ope ere .6i:trig eon'.
centrateti oh Itarper': Ferry Late astviees
seem tt ndicnte tbe ot'Sontliern
. tioolis from that. poit. • . ••• . , 3 •' •
Active nnn'venients are giting•ori in the• Navy•
. • •
C 0). Lewis SVAliacr, with a portion of
IMRana leginynt, ontOil a,b0 . 41372 Of; . see . CA9llii
Iroop's. at R9mney, I:illip6r't%i.o, ; :ii;odinling one,
and seyeral . rkrisonep , ,
_together with `a,
Ruarltity of e*pequippage, ,proyidion~ and
. .
'From Pefisaco
. I,ve have inforrnalloo of the
rnovemen,t-of the',Soolh . ern trpoo Mtha't
The nerih„tli o s indicating that a ae'
yera strogile'ls to he: mint. itcd !MST, •WaSh.
The noises from "3 fissc;uri is ka:rtlingt: GOV: .
Jackson hastit:suctrrti.itio.eletnaliOn :to the p6O
- that , state,.c . alliiig - out the Militia to•the
number rtf titouttunti,to . )esist the federal
reop's,ott drive the in , from dhs poll , :
recuu n all .the nigotiaiions be",
tteeeit himself' mid Grin.' I,xon;'mennivhileth
federal troops unrterifis , conntatatu - rejnishinr
on into the in terior,• tkf rong . lto;fy ha ving : tii
It'en by n positiin.ut the Rolla Imininos ihe
sonthtwestern' branch. or the P.;eifie:
haFe been t:tt itt hritig . es to
Pioieet 11)(itn . hotit Main body
of the troop, (or. net, VI!: eri it e
in the. soti.th4eitern'riitfoit.or the State..
0: rvil3licae, has . h. , on aft ,
pit - IMO to screed nenatoi . Pouoi.ne. The ap
pointtoetit tinesett 'cl.i.,:atignOtioe.
. . . . , .
-P intArn:LPHIA -Egui Alt.t,;-kAty—.W e kern
that importantll
negottati es • have 1/
Cell go4lt,'
sir for some'time, pis(' between the
nr ,.l E r i c Railroad tkruitany : end the'Penns
5y Ivan:l'a . Central. Eel) road-.Co rime u . y, which
looks to tile. arly. etunpktion MIA he lori t ner ea
krpose. As lien r .ns. we 'can lea rn• t Penn'.
syl yania Centtel,proposes to work. anii run the
Philadelphia and Erie. •Itaitroarr iti 'connection
with. the roatt.trorn` 1111.f)111'y' to .Philadelphia,
and 'us . en inducement to bring this
.about. end
tap the greet. trade of. the lakes at .Erie, the
Penneylvnnia Central prop'oses. to 'ifiterantee
and negotiate, - the bond s, of -the. Philadelphia
and, ...Elle Company,. Whichairl a, enablo, the
latter to-- kestime'the*work at ,voce aril' ppm-.
Plitt , ' * tire' road 'inside of .twele.e or- lateen
ineritlis.• The two companies so *rar",as: they
are concerned, have' tyreed in -the, Pratimitte7
ries; and the whole subjeet i 9 to'ho referred to
the stockholders 'or tho respective roads entire
27th inst.., (or s'atsfietition or rejeetion.:- . ' Tho
terns "nd eortitions arc tp merle known .
in due time to the: steekholilers . .- L- .Erfe•
Dispyteh. . , ••
. , . .
GE.ii6a.At., , — , GOv ; . , , .Cllri in .ha s '
Hon iVrit I%l . ..Meredith of , Philadelphia
Attorney General' of the-§t9te, inyph ee o!:
Peril/ant:o rggigned.. A better
not hivebeen Mr'Meredith .ig.no.t ; onlY
one of the ablest lawyeri in' 'the coubtry l ..4t,
his rep ' utalion is World-widerinkbie character
nbove - guspicion or ielitoneh., 'lie was;
ry of the - Treasury • under. President '.FiliniOre,
which Office he filled . With credit ntiti'snciegi:
• '' Otr
TH.. , .H'a'r, Uti ig
htta•ti.P.t t
•• • • Ax.Tor t ;i:
,th:tig OcAlzfriagte - ::,.
. o;merrpvr •
Foiieitsosis TOrty,: . :re . l.l4eitp!!( .
.ty.;:ttntikt Ftitifent to :eon,tfhtie,.o•6Y , latikei„in'sgot; ,.
. 1(7t1 .
.1 the rOueti. toyler:you 'My ri;tilitriait!oti . .o(tho.
•Gete±itl• art he.'Stit ••., • ••
• . . •'•
lit.tior, hire h tintkitiitee'nient-*the:j'Plittrhutg•
L),..v,•at,4,011tte- efi!ibl!O've
t h;.l . Goy. • Aniirew G.
Cortio's 1\ thntoittratiog • Is tnp ' idly<uxhibitinq•
4)0 worthlei!•hes9 mut sinkihg to thfarii.".'•• ltt
6i..Slr.••Poryhtn'co'selettei the lifirpato*:
lhnt is_ short,'' sharp ntid llithy• . anough *la
brio': hlii•qh to the Gar eriiai 's eheelt r it: ha id
not . inse l isible in shames. anti !silt 160 tift-•
Wq warn every r cat(cdtas
in. the 'dander: jdhbing oath:degrading at; our
Sts)'e iroaris;
: flint I)tay..tra.itlnait.for
tr k ei v notortal stappecl qt atteis,
‘l' i fla.ll . not atriti'Cueritr Ina k ian, of
-7.rylLtu.enartinu the go.betweene, attainefiuttati
jiolitrzrtora, that no triLkery sirll3iing 0111,s/rye
prrp, u,'but;trifl rnnkttthinot waripp . far
theta. .1t they.spualt,
, .
i.,'..Ky.,: Fritley June. „,.
'I'I J•Lonissille Buttery is disbanded, beelines;
11 rniijority ofthe weathers, be
field:offict+rg ni,the:buttalien to Which•, It twee
uftirchful • hs . ve' seeys‘slon — prodftities.
111111 S are in erwrgq of CoCtiuut. tit •Mul'dFey's
1101 'enc;thownent., 'There ii no eArrobaratiort.
0i the statement. 010 United States troops Leis:
e' , .essscl Irma Curl ea' ta 'the Kent uelrY;slde,tif the
0146 . !tire), 110 Y 1., 1 1 Ow rUpOYC7 be!inVO
tetfou'lNlVldus, hero. direetiallo
seceded :siutis scut Memphis', will be" iet4i~ied
and ptotathly uent lb it hi .dead letter Office;
I.lth natininthflatt was raised °See the custom
iwuSeawl..cipitoillee Buildings thiiafiernaurt.'•
. .
. •
A young la , lly ; ol:l3ostcnli.bose fatt!er in‘4,
given•hry.t.went,y dolin'rs:Yoi.the poichial
silicriressjwaring thap torneof•the, troops w
Io want ofelothing; . inmedicitety, thapOsti •Fiet
porchuse to a, nine pinny
b.ilance of fhe . .rnonoy, Ocw;.
Andrew, to 6 ' e expended kiting ibut
aintzertArt Creaatty.;•;.ThonghTepeitli r
hn tongues. of men atitE,Of,..:engelei ,liioo,
not charity, 1.70 co gas s oU'nlllrl!(,l,raei,.gr
cymbal.' 'And-though. the .
gilt of pr6phecy tetiehittgy
,and :uptiottetemi
tit) mysteries,. ellfhtlitheled,etq' though
:have alt: fait)), so . ; ;het. I cnelkreOciv,c.'grinnp,!..
tattle, and have . not
And thotit:th, I bestow alltny goodeit lard :the
poop, and thoutth * I give - myb bodritct.be buried.'
and hove net charily, proliteth'lne.:,4totfthip
Ccarity siinureth long,,tind ie kl:stii•ehut
virih not;, .cherity.•.vduntetb' ißt.ifielf,.fit POL.,
pnirvd tip, doth. not behave itself' mnseemlyi
seeketh not_ her • utt'q, it b0 . .0 easqy Itto!ohedi.
thinketh no evil;
fejniCeth.bi the truth;'. begreth Oiniki,:4nl,
diire(f2 Ch.nrity.novei faitethc . ' Gpt
%t• &es fie:r• tfiere be sproptieeter, they:. lhail :fait;
wheilier.there.bo. knoti t liitige, • it iiiiitlrvitasti
. . . . , .
Me have reproduced the above. (min:the wii..
rings of an ernment, but saintcd
Christian 'church: It contrasts etraegelf
t warlilcri teuebriigs of rriany,,* (nage p!is111!..
s 1
.‘Ve , 6i11,1 nbt.,,be imderatood ns :ccindetyieing
any jtisfund temperate exprOsiona...orioyalty
to the , Government,or any. proper rebillto Ur.
thuse whri 'resist' persons in tiottori!y'.' ' * fhli
.is.not only right; .liut.F; 'fmrt of the utify, of
C teacher.:,.i n teacher.:,. the'ptoper
of thisikily differs kreatiV:.frOm that violet
and denunciatory . : lat:guagh,,.th:offspring
human passion, which is so' ofte n eubitittste4.
fdr:thci voice Of
prise al prOsent . to enter uptin t: he diceiplep et
whiia we think suited to .ths.
.chat..9cter'or ouryiinistry. Our more
1:i. 0..
l)Kc i is to- .
present' to our rpo tor s tp ,. 'e 'j us
t .
pro nif or ail alti:etiott which. ilmbet'iyery.,
. .... .. .. .
()tie r}rore..4.ses tO rill tivate r r-car,efolly •Flitditd,
it cahoot but tnaite 'Our inter.oriurje. with :each
other more - . illeitsoot: fl cause trosit. - .thilftir An'
opiitiori;lit is op - recision why. they should, crest...
on' . trioi;itr nod'. nodal th.+..alseN‘eir dirrillreiraile
to till. a rptioti tliiirti. ""Charily cloth not liehies
;ts.:lf-utoeemly."•..A little ileCeoey,..k -littlyi
.kftoln ! ss; . . would iar....iOly . inctisaiothe .sum of
buir.O I/ Itappintiss.--:-'cuotOille Jeffer:roliiais.
ThefOlowintinoble 'and tribute of
iespec, t to: tjie the• Hon..• Ss'srityt
A?:Doti.SLAs, by lion.• Simon CbMeron,:4eere!.
tairof . %yin show to .the.woriil
esteem In which be waslield; eyen by hli pi,'
!Rico, opponents.. : ' •
WAsniNgron, brie 4 —The 'death of a •
states'ntito in thi3 hoar of peril cannot "•:•-•- • •
ea !AO than • a • national ca inily".
Stephen Douglas expiied at thiteonimerciat
ca pi ta l or Yesterday' morning nine.
o'clock. • A tepresentrirrye or the. 'cvetpower-' . .
ingsentimont enlisted in:the 'cause in which .
,I,Vd are enenred a • than who noblyidiacarded •
*al ty . eOr country,. n Senatot whir 'forgot - All
prejudices in an earciest ileske to thei:Ria:•• • •
public, a statesrnnu mho lately received , fortvit: •
t. gis travy Union . rote ..terortd
only to' that by _which the President : Wail olio; •
ted;and who hod every,reason :to look, forward
t o wiring rareei , of• usoftdriesvand.honott:Wpoit- .
riot who defended with quill' OiLatnd-.41.6011)''.
the eonstitution 0 . 6 it clime
tlicts, and whosklart rniasion ort that
91:i•allying his own -State. ofv4l.l4lx)ii:'
•mitu around. the 'I; o s.t ' our to It:L.: -
haF; been ealled'frent'. ttiti,aceoir4fl,ifejittd,
field of his labors: • " • ' • :
This . department . ....rectignizing.itt flak foes' of : ;..'
one ; common; tbo'W•hore'.cdaritry;:atiO4llo:.ts.:
lobvls of the tliqerent
odor read, to•thorrow tliciii.mpgrtivir Arm.)
- inch tr, and .Ouggests trial the:Oh:ire:Of
puhlic be draped: iii:molifoin.i' a .in::?4.o°oltl 0 -k':,
• ' 44‘90 4.Apiaseso..j!3
' - '
li • , • ' l ' :::•::4,