. . , • ••••• , : •••••• jcpTIVI , tielit sundry !trete of Fieri . Vendit • .77,limtijEmpeinni, and' PleitriteS ;Pend.'Ex: iieuad • onwOrthitoourt'of •COninion'Pleaiot 14 , 10pan'ethinit stud' to nil ..directed, there will • be ekposed to • nubile • select the COWitllouse; in thellor:ougb of Etnethport on,lllottdapthe 14th day of June. - Mal,. the ... following ' lieseribed Iteal rotate, to . • ..• .•';' , • .' tract of unseated - land; in ,Vorydoir ;Town. , sid , fieturconnty; Pennsylvania; • known on the • map Of lead o Olintl'es'werrent,number three thousand moven hundred twenty•twe (3722).eontaining one thou.. , :•wand sereenf, land, mere , • • • Seized, taken in execution and.will lie' 'sold the nroperty of..Angustus Ciareyta the suit ot. : William •;;;:, Fink' nee 'oUtrowsters Freeman. •• • . LSO;_`. , ktritet , ' or • untreated. land •iin: Catydrin TownShiP• • ' liVlCeannonnty;• Pennsylva •knowtrun the' map of xald County as warrant'.numberlbree .thousand seven . .hundred and tiventy;two '(3125); containing One lhon' 7 , sand scree (10001 of land, mere or less: . • " . • Seised.laken in: executionand . will bin 'sold as the' prppeity•or Thomas :Conoveiat the snit of •Avery'S. Allen =e'er •^- • . • " • folloWing . deieribed•Real Ditate,altuati:ln Ceiee . bounded arid described sa follows; to wit., :Qn the north by lands of 70.4,11, Fitch", on the'lait bylands of J. B. Stoop,. on IhelotitilbylandsefJCenti n g do Op: and west by landi of Iteating'& Co: andlanda of It T. Carrier; beinclot - ,110.401 of the alcitment Of lands of Keating d :' Co. :id : ; imld Township'. , Containing .Ilfty4ivo. acres of. land, .4tritifmersure, • belbesame more or leas,.. anont sit ' , stards iniprOied and one small frame house. • Seised, - ,•taken•lnexoeUtiOn" and ,wilk be eoldai - the "property of S'. -W,Evans at the; suit of :George W , 'Doudnow for, the nes. of & a.' N. Smith. • • The folloWing deseribediteal Netate in Ceree tOwn.. Itt'lfeeri county, Pennsylvania, bounded and des. caned as fellows, to wit. 'Beginning at the,State. line; 4 thenerners of warrant Nos. 4320 and 4320, and bO. tog part of warrant-No.. 4320,• thence east, by the •State line,lorty'percheslo a poet coiner on the' bank of Clawayo creek; thenCe south One hundied and. sixty perches to-a'beech corner, .in the line OF land: sold 'to Mormon Leßoy;- thence wwit,..l4_ line of 'said land, forty perches to .a . pott; corner, being, 'the'. deuth-east corner of lotsurveyed to N. J. , Maxon; ; thence north. 'one hundied:andsixty perches to 'the place of belia. wing; containing • forty acres,' strict measure, be'• tile same:more or less,-4fiout twenty. two neres'improved; one good frame bongo with a good 'Cellar,, one 'frame barn. 30 by , 42.feet, With two sheds attached,., one well of 'water, and aboutaighteen apple trees; .: • •Selsed, taken'iq execntinn..apdtrill bei sold • the property of James Carnant' at. the suit:of 'Stanley . . • .• • •, . The ' following heal Zitite situate in Laftiette t own :• ship, Dl'Kean. county, PetincylriCnia, bcµnded and.de.' scribed as follows, Adz: On the north by.'llinsharisa blade, •on the east by lands of Julius Olark, on 'the 'south by lsriDior Fox & Real, - nsithe• west by ;midi 'of 11. O. Deett containing abbot one hundred .and fifteen &dreg of .landi c inore or, less;-alcout twentyrfive.•,acrei improved, ttro - fraine barice and one lit, house; '• Seized, taken in . elocution and will: b o cold • as .itio property of E. and S: Slocum . at: the suit of Orris AISO, - . The following described real estate, all situate • •in Ceresitownship, .I%l'KeatiOnuntyi Pennsylvania, .boutidod•rind described as follows,'. to Wit; . the • farm andiandaconnected.with the mill property. • of defendants, contaitsingabotit four hundredand • 'fifty acres of laud ;•. abouttwo hundred acres •im proved; ;five frame, hotises; • four tenant houses; three good frame bents; • one hay burnt, one good• gang saw 4)1111, one .english saw mill edger and • • lett:hunt, together with %booms, &c.; capable , of storing 5000 logs, mill ie :good. - order for doing buSiness; and a.choice quantity,of fruit trees:-- .• • hounded on the north by W. Q. Barber. and the • State-linei. en•the east bylandr,eflYro, Bell 'and. • .•John flee t-odthe south by D: Fuller. and Keating lands,. and on the west by widowilinds.and D. & - J. Kdwards, exeepting therefrom almuttw • erity4 five acreecentracted to be sold to, • six and otie-fourth , acrea to Reg:ben . Carter, , and' onettcre to Schhol 'Directors of tanestownship. other•plece of land bounded on the north bythe °sway° creek; - on the east by G., W. .•,lifosh'er• on the.soutliby Keating lands;• On the . • west biKeating landsaed S. L. Clark, containing ilft.Y . acres more or lees, .unimpreved.• ..,:t,So-One ether:piece of land bounded aifol- 1 lewe; beginning ate sugar treOcortier, being thel • north West corner: of a.' lot comieyed. by John Keating & Co: to Benjamin yandermark;. thence • north forty. perches ta a beech corner; , thence. one, hundred percheate a'post; theride north' forty perches to a ,post! thence easttsvo hundred l 'lperched to a hemlock corner; thence south: Sigh , ty perches to a hemlock ethmer; titmice' three' hundred percheS to the place of beginning; • ' taining one hundred and twenty -live acres more l or less; being lots N 05.150 arid 153 of this allot-1 . • - •,ment.:of . .lands in' Ceres township, :and part. of • warrant No. 2211. . , • . . • ALSo 7 -Otte.other lot, hounded on, the horth.by. - . the State line; east icyW Dedriek aed•hite; 'south by Oswayer creek, and - west by V. P.' Carter,'eon • tabling .one .acre , and • sixty-one :perches • be the. . Same more or leas; fnaproved. , ' • ' • , .•• Acso-,- , Defendants interest in the.following de, • • .scribed tract' of litniVit being the undivided • half ' , of said tract knowneethe Ozias Elmer lot; bone-. f lied as folloWs; beginning at' a maple earner,' be. log the north west' corner of Jleury •Chevallers • land; thence.tvetit by the line of Asalsel;Wrights. •land forty-three and eight-tenths :perehes •to .a: ,• beepli corner; thence south one htihdred twenty-. five, and. 'aix.tentlis perches, to - a pogt corner; 'thence east sixty-fonr ,and eight-tenths perches :to a besets corner, being theenutlr west center 'of -Henry Clieveliershind; thence by the line of said • ladd north one hundred twenty-five and six-teisths '-,perches td. the place of beginning; containing fifty acres and one. hundred anethirty-nine. per '-'clues; be the same snore or less. - : ' • • .A.Lso-One other lot (known as -Jelin Holly's• individual. property), Impeded on the north by' V, P. 'C.artertaiiiill race;., on 'the % east. by•leiij:Tet , kine itud.G.. Moshe on the' Sotith.byitteds of . 'Henry:Smith, and•sm the west .by henry Smith; coutaining abbet,nineteen acres, more or less, all improved ,with a-good frame...house,•franie'barn ' . and corn house, asfri 'choice lot of fruit s. (Inquisition waived): ' • "•,; • Seized' and ; takenin Execetidit and will beaold ,int. the ;property -Of, John *Holly . end George,'J. Adems,,at the suit Of Hollis Scott. . . • ,; ,• . Thelonowingdescritied real esttite„all. situate in CereS toweship,llPKeancourity;Pethasyliania, boudded and described as felloivs,' to wit: ' the' farm.and • landa.conimeted with the mill property .of defendents,:containing about four hundred and 7flity.ftC.res, about two hundred. , acres. improved; ;live frame houses; four tonna lfonsea.; three good -frame barns,. ohe hay barn,- one good 'gang saw' mill, ono Miglish'saw mill edger and lath mill, to getherwith hopmS; &e: capable .of ,stpring.'sooo logs; ,mill in good order for fitting • Intsieess.• pad echoien quarttityof fruit trees; bounded oe the north by .W. C. Barber mul the State line; °tithe east •by laeds Of Win. 13011' and :John • Bed; south by D. Fuller and, Routing andivcst by wid ow•WndeandDhlEdwards;excePtieg therefrom about twenty.tive acres contracted to be sold to. •).Vm. Holly, six atilt one-othsrth - aormi to 'Reuben flarter4nd one acre to School Directors of Ceres township; . ' • Jima—one other. piece'of iniul hounded on the north by the Oswayo Creek; on the east hy G. W. Mosher on the south' by Keating lands; 'on the west by Kcatingtands and.S. D. Clark, containing fifty acres, More or loss, unimproved.. .A.LsO=;One other piece -of land bounded aff fol lows' beginning at a shger.tree cOrner; being the north west corner - of n lot' conveyed . by John. .Keating. Co: to BOW 'Van er in a 1:k ; thence north 'forty perches'to abeech.corner; 'thence east one hundred. perches, to. a poetz thence, north forty .perches to a post; • thence east tiO hundred pet'oh:, .ea to, a hemlock corner; thence Beath eighty per ches to a hemlock corner;" thence west tO ree bun- I 'died. porches to the place, , of begliming;,,contain ing one hundred 'and , twenty -flue" acres,more less, being lots Nos:150 arid 153' oftheitpoltnen t of land in pereetownship, nag 'art ii,arrant:..No. . . . _ Ateo---Ono other, tract, bounded' on'the north by theStato line east by Dedrick`it Vlliita;'soutb. liythe OseraYci, creek; and west by . V. P, Carter, :containing one acro.and elitytone , tetelica, bathh • Barge' teero or less, , -- • • ALso-,Befeedanta intcr,est ih•the following de., scribed tract 'of land; it beingthe undivided half of sal d tra ktiaWri OS' the' Oz ar , lOt; bOtin , ded its - follows; , begid'eing,i rs..ni ple.cornef,...br . lug the north west corner of.' ItenrY , Chevalier land; thence - westby .theline' of Akahel Wrights, loud, forty-three ancl.aight•tailtha tierebeir 'beech corner; thane° s o uth ' ono hindred,twenty:: fire and . eix•tentlis •perelies iri . 'iriniat collier; • thence, east sixty-fouroand eighbtentbsperchei to a bo r ooli corner, being,the southiivest •cornari of .Jlenry, Che*aliees thepge . by the . If said land, north one handled and twenty-dye ;and six..tenths perches to the plfiClVOr beginning, con. taining fifty acres and one hundred' and thirty- Ains r,ercbte; be thc,: same tore 07 !TIT.; twat a...., irtflidefi liaise:frame : bit& and , dclioictilot frafttreeto' .;',k 4:4 • • Atso—One other lot'fkriown as John liellyitn; 'dividuc-ptopertzylmanded onthelierth: by, V. P;Caner , a mill racer:on the east by. Benj. Perkins • and Idoeher,• on the south by lands of Hen &kith; and*.onthe,west by Henry Smith; e cilit Mining iii;Outitineteenitores, more.o`r ii r ot,64; *Mina i ti cnitritilte hedge, frame barn,. and • corn house; and 'a choice . lot of. tr,ees. • (In, .quisition waived ,) '. . • Seized add taken in , Eteduticinittarriff 'as the property of john. Holly and george.i.J.' Adams, at the shit orHollis Scott. • . "• ~ TLg_foliowtngq Wale, all situate in Ceres township, tVKean county. pennsylVania,. .. bounded- andAescribed es:follows, .wit; ,;..the farm and Hi& connected with 'the mill'preperty.' of. , ,defendantivecinMlnlitg abotit. four Fuindred and , .',.fiftY acres of abelittuip hutidred.ecreCint ,,-provedWflio.flamei,hanties;•,,fonrAtainahf hogged,; . ' three gend'fraine Varna• one hey; baini - OneigeOd: !pkg. BilW: 112111 ion;e-eiglish.. , sivr , rriAl , edgerand lath mill, tegether with; boornsr4.c., capable..,of storing 61100 logs in good -*Order for doing, business;' and a Choice.stplantity offruit trees;— , bounded •otithe north by W. C.. Barber and the. State Line; on the east by lands of-Wm , , Bell and: John Bee; on the soutlivD. - Fullerand Keating. lands 'and on the west by widow Hinds and' D. J. Edwards, eiceptifig therefroni about twenty fire acres.eontradted to be .Sold to Wm.' Holly; 'six and one-fourth acres to Ilenben Carter, and one acre to Sehool•Di rectors of Cereatownship. ' ALSO—One other piece of land bounded on the north by the Oswayo ereek;'im the east hy O'..W. Mosher; on the south by. Keating lands;. on the' . west by Keating lands and S. L. Clark, containing fifty acres more or,less, unimproVed:- At.se—One otherplece of latid hounded as API lows; beginning at a Sugar tree corner, being the north west corner of a lot conveyed .by John. Keating and Co. to 'Benj. Vatidermark; thence north forty perches to. a' beech .corner r 'thence east one hundred perches ton post;. thence north, fortYperches to a post; thence east two hundred' . perches to a hemlock corner;, thence south eigh- ' ty perches to a hemlock cerner thence three. ' hundred perches to the"plate of beginning, con . twining one' hundred Mid twenty-five:acres more prim being lots Nes.' 150 itnd.ls3. of the allot ment'of land in: Cores townshifir and .part of warrant N0..2211. . . • • Ar.so—One other lot, beniided (intim north .by the. State line; east by Dedrlckand White: south by Oswayo. Creek, and west byX. p. Carter; con-' faioing one acre and sixty-one perches, he the same more or less, improved. . • A i.so , --Dotendants interestin the folleiving de scribed tract of land; it being the - undivided half of said, tract known asthe Ozias Elmer, lot;' been-. ded as follows: beginning at a maple corner, -be ing:the north West corner of Henry Chevliers land: thencewest by the line of Asahel Wriglits land forty-three - and eight-tenths 'perches to a .beedli corner: thence south one hundred twenty fi ve • and six -tenths perches. to a - peat thence east-slxty-four, . and eight -tenths •perch'e's to a beech corder,heing the south wtst Corner of Henry Chevaliers land: thence by theline of Said land north one hundred tiventy-five.and six-tenths perches to the place of beginning, 'containing. fifty aciesand one hundred - and thirty-nine "per .chest be the same more or less. • AcsoOtie cither'lot (known at John Holly's individual property); bounded on the-north by v.- P. Carter's mill race:: on the'east by Benj.. Per nse and C: V. Aftisher:"en the eolith by lands of Henry Smith, .and on the what by 'Henry Smith, containing abOut nineteen, acres, more or less, all improved with, a good-frame hetise., triune barn, and corn house; and. 'choice lot 'of fruit trees.. (Inquisition waived.) • Seized dud taken in Execution andavill he sold. as tt.e property of. John Holly and George J. ..Adams, at the suite(' A, M. Benton for use ofJOhn C. . The following described Real estate lying and being In the.village 'of.TarpOrt;Bradfoed tp,ll.l , llean county,. Par . and known as lot No. two 0), and the one-half orNo. • three,(3): and. bounded followii,. commencing 'at a stake on the road leading from Tarpoil to Littlitor4 on' south side of.sald road at the corner of lot No. vie (1), it being the north west corner thence south 'twenty.' Aix and a fourth degrees east ten rods liy land of E. Par sons ;' :thence •*west twenty-six and a fourth degrees south Six rods by land of E. Parsons ;i.thence .north .twenty-sixand a fourth degrees 'west ,by land .of J F. Melvin. ten . rod 4 ; thence eastttventy-six and.* fourth degrees north's' x rods along said- road, to the. place' of: 'beginning,coutalning sixty perches of•land more or less. And-one frame house and- one franie barn;, all' improved. Seized and taken in Execution-and will be field property of Ambrosia L. hurlinganie.at the snit of apl 'venus Ilohnes for the use• Philip bag. • ' '• • • JAMES 'IL BLAIR, Sheriff. SherifrillOffice Jtltje 4th,1861. • . •rri . AvEltx LICENSES — The following named person' have filed their respective petition for fora Tavern Icense,:according. to law.: .1 . • .• •. Wim.tamlfam t art,, SniethnortßorOugh • •. B. S. Blister,' ,‘ • LARABBI, Eldred township, . •-• • • .Jons Wein , • " Q. W. Mosaan,•Ceres . , , E J . :1414m, ~.-•' .:• Witnes's my hand,and meal at Sniethport this Sth day. Jtme,lB6l , •:• • • TEO. oitApwrerc, . Prothonotary. . • • • COr . libiriation . Brick Cook : big. ! .LA.TEST , E4vEs:rioN. by lair A. 4.) AURSE. respee t the !lien - . tion of thdee wishing.new.Cooking Stoves to,the Fire Brick Elevated Oven Cooking Stove, which took the F ' IRRT 'PREMIUM' at the Erie Co. :Fair,las Well al tie iluirerhos State 'and COuqy •Fairs throughoUt the United Str.tes. They are the pest, Ihirable Stoves, Cons,tocked I •Aild the , only one that. is equal to the old lash Toned Buick Ovens,' for„Baking, WARRANTED YEAIi,S•! , . - . • . • . These: Stoves will be sold at greatly reduce . prices: .1 am supplied with all linds of COOKING, PARLOR & EA STOVES Toguther with a, full assortment': of TIN-WARE, . Sheet,-.Tron. t :Qoppoi , -NV are, &o. • Job Work of all kinds done With dispitch r and in a satis 7 tory manner, al the lowest Possible Old Copper,. Rags, Brass, learl,.Pewter, Oats, and lin fact ilyarythingyoe ha've will be taken in exchange for goods--even in Cash. . • Give me a Call; et the'old staarl;• ONE DOOR WRST-Ot' THE. ASTOR ROUSE: r . .Smethcidte, - Jan: 10;1861.-n' . • :4-;:0- . 00.1i.A,P,..i: PHYSICIAN - AND - .SORGEON . •, I. • Having liermiiriently . tonteil hitifseli at VORT "AIitEGA:NY, respectfully infotro the publie ; that be is prepared to - attend to business in'all branches of the. Medical .PrOcession;., Pirtieniaf 'atten-, tion paid to Secret —pisetset,' and female ) accordance with the-latest authorities and practice of both tu 7 rope end; .America,„ Aff.'secititi intrusted to him,,)Whia practice; Will.be strictly kept by hi me io- 80 re. of , Money, liar; friendi, enemies, relatives or neighbors: Part Allegany, *larch 20;11;',I BED.: !!COSTAR'S" , VERMIN EXTIRMINATORS, "Only, infallible Remedies' Known lbei4rOiss SVERY•TQItI3'.AriD' ; SPECIES VERININ. • These ereparatiiing4unlike all other.) are • ~ . .ftfr!a'frogi s' ' " , • , . 1. ot, ongerope.to umen coine.ou tlipit 6olesitO die?" 10 years add•more' estiblisheti in N. y, City, Used 6y—the City Post Office. Med 431--ihe City Prisons and Stetlon Houses. . . . • . dy—.Cit},..,..Steameri, Used by—the 'City Hospitals,. Alms• Houses, . ~ • • . • , : • CityHotelsfAttoa!—(S Nieholt9,' tisedby-the Boanpng Houses, &c, Uscd by—:more than 5 . 0,cw0 Private Pantilies • • . 117 , 5eeM1,44 Me People,' PPeis i -aad , Dealers say. HENRY i'..COSTAR:4—AII the s'u'mmer have been trouhled with, Roaches anirMice. I 'wati , actually 'ashamed of the:house; 'for 'the Roaches were everywhere. ..I purchased a box Of your Extirminator arid tried atx end in one week there'. was not 'a Roach . or Mouse. in 'the HouSe: , JCIIIN B;GIVEN . S . , No. 94 . E1m St.' . . . HOUSEKEEPERS—LtrOubIeit With vermin,, need be so no- longer, if t se, (.Cosran s . 11d used it to our satts.: faction, and if a.tioix cdst 5p . .., we would have it. 'We., had tried poisons, :but they.l . efrected, nothing rbut Cpaxan's articleknocks the breath out of Rats, Mica'and Bed,Bugs, - quicker than wacati . .write it. • It is.ikgreatdeinand allover the.country„--Xedinst .(4) Gazette...- „ • ;MORE GRAIN arid Provisionsaie'deitro)ed annually in Grant: County by'Verniin, than . 'Would pay for tons or this Rat and Insest•Kil ler.--Lanraner (Wis.) llerold. • . • • HENRY A..COSTAR—Your. Extirminator le received, .used, .and pronouneed e . decided success.', ; We ,used a box of it, irod the way, the Rats and . . Mice • around our premises "raised Ned," that night , . was:n caution .to sleepers:— Sinee then not a Rat or Mouse hes been heard' in kitchen:or cellar.- 7 .ll2ergreder. (.10va) times. I HAVE BEEN SELII,NG-LYotir Extirmi- . hator for the last ye'ar, and find lt soar suox Geo. Rosi, , Druggist;Cardington, O. .WE ARE . ; SE'LLINdYpur preWationi rapidly.. Wlrerevei,they have lieeq . used, Retsi • Mice,.Roadies, and disi!ppearlmtnecli ately; Eoasa:&.S.rotrOza,:.pryggisti; Windsor,,Md,., , - • MEAT. • .p. r mE sitbscriiiers here 'rented the tenement of, the . serholtillock: awl here iltted tqtplor the purpose of SiiPply.fr4.tbi.oitizens of this rithtee..and vidinity with PREssIiEATBILLED.EIitRY DAY. We won IA 'respeettally'soffit youi patronage.,,' We shall`, no'ruitat but tie best quality: ' ••• • • • . • • • • RENNET? & Smetbporr; Mares. • ' To. Dotror—insecti - on plah,t . e.an . o • . • ••• • • • To DestroyL--.140; Roaches, &c To Destroy-Atice;::lll9l:e . i; &c To _Destroy = Bed B.uik To:.Disstroyr4tcoibe i fea; Ants, &e To . : D.istroy—llnsei to' on .Animals;.&; To •.47:iatroy;--Every foim and speciei of ver. uss o:rtAr 'Costar's" Re, Roach, &a., Extinnirer Ooitar's" Bed-bug Extirminator. . 'Bostar's" Biectric powder for Insects. 40c. AkD $l.OO BOXES,'BOTTLES AND FLASK'S. $$ artd $5 SIZES FOR PLANTA .j TIO3Sj SHIPS,'BOATS, HOTELS, &C. . . Q 1" Sgld Everymhererby• • . . . • 4:ll.Wholesale Druggists inlirge cities. • Allltetail Dealers—;Grocers=Store=keepeis, &c, the United States. .. . . . Wholesale A gents _in . Har.'rull; Risley & Co Bush, Gale Sr.Robison M. Wnyl, Close kco, WKinki SCRobbinn. D. S. Barnes& Co. Marih & Co. Hall, Dixon & Co. Tripp & Co. • Conrad Pox.' • Shieffelin Bros. Fahneetoek,Hull &Co: A.B:Bi D. Sande.& Co.: Wheefer & Regn man & Co: , Hall s Ruekel & co. Thorivies& P. D. °Ms: Penfold, Parker & Co. Dudley '4' Stafford..., . Philadelphia, Pa .—•. . . . T; W. Dyott &. Cci.. , RObt.Shoettlekeek.Co i3.A.Eahneatock & Co. I French,Richaids & Co • 411 the Principal Cities end Towne in the ..UNITED. STATES: SNIETHPOR'I I , ,"Sold And' Dtfiggiate,.Grocera and Ratailera•gen. orally lg. City 'and COuntry: . , • "IXis * .Cinkniry,,Freaers. cap Aider abiht. , addreaa diredt, 7 ror it Pritea. TeiTna See. is4jaired itr!lend for Circular to Dealers) HENRY: R. COSTAR... • ...; • tleoadikla 7, • Oppoalte the St:Nicholas Hotel, N. Y. -fmos. To NOV yrorm.prounipik: _ s .:E .. 2., f. , DoiryouAvA,Diar my ‘ uppL t z lis.? pa, you_ mrANT7A MUSZtelind I,' • • owypu , mom mestionE t STIMULATING ON I NT • • ,- • - •• • . . .. : !..••. - :For the.WhiskOri , 44.Hiur. ..., • . .. • T 44 litbsofihern tihe. pliainite.in ouinhisteing totlitielte (tens of:the:United States, thatthey have. obtained the Agency. for, aud are,nOwreabled to offer,to:lbe :Alfieri: can publicithe;ibbre'jhetly.eehibratedlnd 'world-re. . ::T li t i , ,,Stimuistiti*-I . 2aagtteeirt '. z . ' ;fa prenaied.hy . oi. o:v. itixt.ituoiticattendient Phyel. ciaP'°f ' l46zidc l 9 i. a P! /.l !"*.ai'.-"Pilillf o..bwit_'oll4B•Atielf Nti o ltraxEßS'o4- . .",t,"3IIT.I.TACESi 1 front three.to ilia weeks, . Thta.artiele is the, only one Of theicinA.used' bylhi-ilfrenehi•inittsi 'Widen's:id:Tub itin in. tiniversitl use. .' :,'• ~ ,-.., :•. , • ~••'.• - .. ' It lea beautifht,.:ecnnintdcal, aootlaing,Yeeitianulating ctitopeundt !Ong at IfteY, magic upon the' riobi: cane) ng a beautiful growth,Of luxuriant hal r.,, Jr's:Tiled' to the tomtit it wifrcure IRALD11.11191; and cause to. spring' up to place of th e bald sPots'e doe. growth of _new heir: 'Apt 'plied &colliding:to dlitifot r ions; ICtrill.turn nub" Or towy , , hair DARK, and restore gray - itair:toAta offal:Al •colOr, leaving it soft, anniotli-and de:title. The "OnguSytt , le an 41(1114161mM° arttelo itrevecy.gentleiniin'itollot.'n7l. . otter one week's nie they wintld.rotlor any coosidera t tlon be withant it. -'.. . : ' ' ' ' ' - • . ' The Auliacribera are the only Agents Tor the sirticht In the United States.joyhont nilordefs must fie'itildresseil: • , Price Olin .1)ollal. a box—for sale by all :Drugglate and Dealers ; or's hex of the i•Onguent , t warranted td hare tho desired effect, will be cent to any who desire it;. by mail; (direct). securely peaked".‘ on. receipt of price and Pottage, fl 18; - Atinly to nr address ' - •- • ' .."- ' ~ fIORAOIA L., TIEGE7dAN.&:.OO.; ' 1 ' ... : ' • ' . . 2 S•Willism.stteet; Ne •Tiiik . ••' Match 28 1800:8iiiiin. St. ' . ' ''.' ' ' • • • ''• , -.• " . -. • MEGHANICSBURPCABINET . SHOP': PRICES REDUCED T 6 ,S.Lii.C..tii6:lT.i.iiie.o.. jrrillEt'subigiiber :respectful Iraonok ticeAtirgik citTceni 11 o K °an &op nty that.' k .has 'taken .eh e ..shop . .Ines Ace u pied by Wolt ant, In Mesh ablesbn re, and. is :manufacttirtne sni will keep constantly oA hand eveis .variety ankstylA. of • BUR vAtrg 'purr° . OTTOgANR; • . :WASH-STAND'S, •, I . . TE-1 1 -TETES; ' All the ltodero stylp i i of yturniture • ,21Sahogoliy, Black-Walnut, Oak, ke C Co'.FrAG ROOM_ SUITS PARMAND ORNAMENTAL WARES, PA 111, 0 R StTITS, 'CIIEAf.. AS' . CAN'.. , ER . BOUGHT . : - 1N OLEAN ~ • Tho'i'm beat Of workmen havibtwm amnion tt.. en gaged f and an work tirned out of . this Eitablishment warranted to tie what it is represented., REPAIRING attended -En promptly, and on tbonoost • • COFFINS inade to - enter, o n the aborted notice.' • • LIMIIIEli; of ill kinds: Cherry; Walnut, Poplar,- kr.. Grain. and hired everything marketable, taken lo nehange for ' • • • • • • •' ..., , . • . . 'the proprietor-bopea,. by a atrlot attention GP the want a of e cornin.nalty, to merit , a .here of yqurliktron.. , age., • • '••••• .GILBERT XYRIAIII. .Szpetliport t natal' 28, S. - -• • youz WIFE WANTS IT, ZOIIR CHILDRENIVARITIT, IT WILL C„ERTAIXLY PAY, An you WOII.LD IT, AVE you only knew 'how IiIIEFUL, hew . xNsTßupnyik, and how ENTERTAINING refe6!o,'thet"fim be4t , largest, most in structive moitt . biniteiful._vad:yet'eheapest'lnitrniil in the ernrld•fer the MOUSE HOLD, for the IPARIII • and for the GARDEN -• -*"%. "". Aweeelean 'Agriculturist •' • . be,ilailea ft contains, in.'very.tnany ttsw. end, wheal direetione, hints; Arl:salmi...Lions about kinds of. - oot-donr work, 'in the GARDEN. in, the FIEL, in. t infORGIIARDi with . ° fittfe plot-of ground,. ebent - Doinestie Animal.; ;etc. ete.".TIO: Affrieultstrast nolantale,rehaith of theoretical staff, euch as area the rounds D . 003,1810 panne to - another, but - it ' fa filled with useful end new nraotieol infonhation'. every word of which ;la reliable, beeatieentepOred.by'lioneet, oiactical WORK, ING MEN. why,know . what the, writeabont; Each wolemn cOntainanany huadrerlm of urefut and .it ie eertainithef many or these -hints , wl,ll dad, ,be worth, to yOnsinore than n'dollar,—Ak. exlininio. I glib seribeewrites:. . oldelnet'S bindle's mare. ner 'acre on a t(l-acrn field of Wheat,•fne,in all fie huahele). simply from a hint about preparing thif eektglien in tnY.".•,lgri . rUfrurixt ,!, . Anordier says: he obtained an extra "bfeld'of 11 - W:chefs Of torn jier.ecre on A ~15-acrn field, end isilkno extrnenet for .cultnro, by ionising one, hint' Ironethe A erieuhurnatt. ' Anofhrr, .(a" villa¢er,) cam he got Ring worth ex f ra n rgood garden veoetablea, which be at Whet ea wholly f n,lbe timely hint. intim Agricul , tui.t. which told him &no' to time • tehor-t& do,' Wow tad° it,nnd /rhea to . - do it,' Vioniendev'of Others have desired Simile's adventagem..." You are invited 'to ry the ruiner e•year,nt; wood aim's $l. If you 'desire. Yee can lore, ,free of chores,, four nr aro nereets . of chOice seeder. -Which distribete among' alubacribers the prerent winter.. '• • ' • . . • . WIFE , vante the' A:Oita/ft; ist hOcait twit have large nmomit of velnable 'mar useful information about ill kinds or .110USETIOLD litiitiC;croril Garret Ati Cellar Pire her the benellt of this_paper for'•O ' Yon find `your homemade belter,end'utoney eared.'" • yourt.' cif [trot Eliiwant. tha t Anrirutturi4t...for• lt a very Intereatin?, nOe'ul„,, and entertaining de, partment Toot h Ch I 'dress,: vrhich , w;ll be a great value 'to their ntindiand :hearth. , ."-- The above are truthful statements. that'irill be. cheer-, 'fully.attested-by need) , ialnkfulten thousand .of the pres ent readers Ofthe ~ t grientrurist ' 'invited to try ,a eiegle velemo of the Agribultnrisiovhfehyrfll ?coat only $l, and abundantly 'pey. Try it for'l66l (Vol. CO.) 011ANCEJUDD Publisher 4I Park Itow New-York _ _ . .. J K....,l.AFFEroltcirs h . i . 5 - ser;qc`e..s parties or. withing 4o •pureliata mineral Janda in M'Kean, Elk, Clearfield 'de JeirersOn' , . . . ,roun,fiee;:. • ..• • "".• ' •Ekaniinations"m'ade roid. 're; ported. ,Bradford, July 27, 1,159 i• • • W. _WACHTER; • GERMAii • PIOSICiA4 & SURGElpiri T.pcATEk..A7 otiiv r.) • _ Bev . leave toinform,the citizens pf Smethitort end vicinity, that he will be. at the XlENSTE l 7.liolNE,;ittir.iiiPorki t .0n the 'rust and' itramciit of each 'Month,. where he Only he i.nesnited by . thei'eglicted: ' pariicniar. attention raid to all. dijsealiell or the EYE and :SKIN. . Also , all DDls,EAS.Es ) ,arid such as are jieetiliai to both sexes. •• May lesi. . „ .• WHEELER, MADDEN & RAREwiLvs AEITITEADB, TAIILEH.• DIYANs, WiIAT-NoTfl. CORNER-STAIWIII o SOFAn; ste., ppogwprisToy : s; .GLASS o f iiio . B.e.i.is.il .. l . i . *iiiii . O t siii : I PROPOSE TO SELL ALL Manufacturers'PriceS . ' AlsOl.jirOose to . 11/111in Coinmiosiott froth my LARGE end'' WELL 'SELECTED sp . gLF.4,oi•L f sAßOwAltk In the selection of which I.64:taken' much 'pain,; hiving: given my Omani atteetioß ROUSE TRIMMINGS, .000,1CING and . 0A111.4 . 311. of every dasitable Ea.-AXES, SPADES, PITCH - FORKg, q , LEAD, PIPES, LAMPS: fOr OIL; CAIIIPHEIVL, IMMO, Ind My motto is It& Largest Bales Of - the very BEST GOODS at the LOWEBT , Re; munerative Prices. Insures . ther'largest Profits to the Beller, luinishes the Buyer with the Cheapest. and;Best Articles, and . gives the best satisfaction. • ' LIBERAL DISCOUNT'S 'WILL B 1 MADE . . . . . . • If people will pay higher prices for no better articles dtEotherplaces, .it shall be their own fault and not. - • ••• In connection .with• the above, 1 am able ,to supply;on short notice '• • • • '• • . . SHEET4IIo N .• . ...4. , POPPER,TVOI K laying in .rny employ ., Coaipeent. and . axperi ;w need warkmea; whote ork ;,12a,s' , never failed o give satilqclion; . . . JUST itECIIIVED. 50 DOZE:V . 4IOES, . • 30 - . § I IHEP , ; 500 KEGS -DrAips , r • . • • rNEW . Abbrivis! rß4oPgitir427PN ßlVtTEThildis, • ~ $2,75 sar:doz... 'SirI'HES I • . ,50 g. SOMIYSI-1411V.H0.E9). • %$6,SO ' i 6 F.*OllOE - RXII4; *ith' Fdtrifi,!ni Tools, jit fact lirers pirep;• - •They i:tirAtir CASH.I in Oil'. raeLL!" mf stock.• C. '/tegqtfh7‘ l 3B . . „ No. 2 and, .3 Excelsior,: Block, akar, may r, isaa. ; ..,,„ ete TjDYING ENLARGED MY ..FACILITUS 11,1: at the phi Stand, , • N° & 3 ~ E. X .c.E4sioft.'ElLocit; OLEAN i Foi;keepi . n* ,eionitently. en: s hied:a 'meek lei et eke, Of. Ifieniwati , .genereily:kept.hy the JObbiet Hoeiee, tied' r eieetii . ed 'the A,GPICY'ef.' fec including , ; .t I : . .:.FA - 14.',• . : :it1VE.R . ,, , ..NAAL5., - :.S 4.....w;';.,*.:; Also thoie. of WELCH:Ik GRI,11:111 . 9 Old AIDAIMISCAIO, RUBtIR and. LEATHEIOR STEWARi'S (unexceilti) THE ABOVE A RTICLES AT Pattern BLACKSMITHS , AND MASONS' rE , S', Of the most 40rovPd Ma of~ete~i, • • mArroctcs, RAKES, ::WHEEL-BARRO*Sr PUMPS, and KgROSEIfE; DEALERS ALL KINDS OF iitAiiii&tiiltil tiliAlleuai E ~., ~.,‘ 44 , .. , ..).. , :'4.,,,.; , ;i v w , it-4-1.74.4 .1 44 , t10 , ,,,F , • lIKT 2A t . oilitit* , 'Oirt , :labok 3" . ,-.. . .. • ,:, , -4. .. , : . : , .:,•0r.7.:',.,.,• - •" . > •'-` i(‘,"l',- - 4 tinF.itty - ANii , iTirliiir' l - 1 . - 4 . ,, .;. - 4" , * , Now. ANtr.ronE vitlf'' ' - " L'' . - .. , ' . 'l:';'''s tWitgiriatic,u"t': , ONlt'CiikAllitifti4'!': • , ,••,• •. • •••... •;-;it , ' ifMoaiWitlOWkkm4 :I),ANIErri ~, if'444,',ii iitibititifilia ilip.. - nrihti'thinittl_YON4:, . AUK* ',4iiliki*lnuf, ebiliN 4 0,,, ak i iarkftiliel#. 18 .1 1 ,4 'lit betniares Mg.) , r .Btelit Partgat of Webitter.4 milli allA AMPSII4I,eIiiPA, , ‘,TraaVatoit Test brioal • . terartlorlbeletireerittebet .10 ettYkii;Xedu.rogr szid.„ .l. !' riaeoptarce I: . , bent,' '...er , ' Merchant. Dr.ouidvba,e)l bare it r . E v ery 1ia+1,*r...,-... -- - .-.-. - ---,.. - - - - trio! 'book' hav e it l'l . lo - .There'''..brreryboiteLerit bet bhp, Worriage ot:Ohl hi—whittirerkatilh• 4 .*;.', , tbi liiiiseer,W,esti, should'. ireicilorlttotir 0 4 ~ the souk :welled:endareeptiblielioolis iiiiiikee ' 6mid • ;16 the larieritarpbbilc,:-.) .. , i 4 1 if. -, '"-z '''l 'W . Ati4i 3 O lo • ~. irThe,..grementabari 'Of 'the. ,elotettlttitltibilfletii 11ock to .. the . people : - or . •!ltoe , SliltimiltoN'ircljArrhabil • needs - no iepoiegy f ter it eontairaiabriliteeemieMlaw . artier Country f with ertiotroituritterreellieediklikidellii atitibgeof h, en hasjeetlilbeiritletiitallete