M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, April 18, 1861, Image 2
PrIZSC ':,:-• ..' f- ts,;:i ;, it.,_.,` - '` : " : ' 2 ' ''" '-• eittV74o,47= l 4t4:Att*' , w,.;."' " • iffilo6t. 'llk W i t 10.01.40 0 4.?•:•:il' s. : L ~.: :: , .1 , 0 iershi vtelotore existint:oe r4l., .... ,1, ~ , 1 .. ...,., „,., , . ,- - - P.'iv2r.Atil „ ' b!kk .adirsignlli:- 0 ,n4er , fihe PAYrke; '''t.'''''!''ir - It4;11: ' .;i:* CO':;:lir:thrs Ala)? Alijpityesl:by, `..,- . , ;., , , ,:, , . , i ii ii iiiii4 ' iicr:,'., ij t r;;;ltri:'S..'BUTVEß, ', 4 . :••, :r ',...'; ' . - ''.,..; . ;',.:.. -. .. 1 : - •:.;:i*le.:;.l3L A Ito,' ' ..,.:',.;., -.. ....::: 41 '"....Cifeiri Aka 'i,;113 . 041,' - M".' , :oßroitti:. tile ~, ',e!' ,.. '-' ;I'9 - 1 .• : :::.. ': V-:...- .. ,.. '. , I jAilfAiried, '' tfe s 'iiticieledetifo ttiebj,i,i.. '' "t iltii old 4 . 1%1 , ' "liiiiiressed iscilitfet '... liiitiAtireiiiiifiiriut into riiiership 'tinder: t he. ::".....Ilitoo#)'N,. S: Butler it.'Co, ---_ . ~ . .. , . ~..,. , _ r .., / : ,';' .. , NS.:BUTLER: . "' - Ihr: GIFFORD, 1 ' Arial 180),- ,„ R..HAWLEY. . . . , . Terin BO • i'TailinikateJtflkirtaL=Dradfin4- 1 -11. W' Giese, P • ' Nathan - Hawley, Henry torydon•—•.ti• ConnoVerj , Erastus Turner..: A,,t,uoh - tojitir; LeviAA Barden.. 'derail: II Cory. A it D IVoodruff, Win Liberty-=Peter ,Pirep44o (karllOn, , ,Win Shnur;John.Eastwood; IV Slimum. • Norwich— Dlokeimn, C S Otto-.;- - Naliuni Baldwin • , aukan .;Juitone:--Boropgh • 'S'ineriapiiri--1.; -• • V..., ,Lutz,. D Freemen,'Cl Corwin. V.., i t C Preeninn; 'John P .- Onno, Levi Farr . Truman Sherman. Eldred-;-'4>avid,Coriper_ Hanafin T 4foreep ,S s teraii. eating--Geo• Tyler, N IfeFall, .1 T °tie, Priihl: Moo . , dy. Liberty: 4 = 4 3.S Steel, E Pitah,'NN JD Danhur,‘L Ilutterfieldi A Ilalcorn. W N Etre :, .•bridge:' Norwich--A P Brewer. , "Serget!nt—J p Tliefieneltori!litstituti for. MuKenti. Conn ty;wIll • nt Eanethport. eocamenclng on ..••• ' Mcstialii*:tles 15th tlnyof.Apfli next,' an'd continue A n•seisiii4S-otie tinek:- A; general atteinlnnee. of theleltelints'of the, county is earnestly 'desired. Thi tilrecitpra of the various districts, and.frl en ds pfjdn'entlOU throughout the'Re niti v. urn cordially iittend.and t., , Oca part ;in ex'ere hies of the'oonislert.': It ni•`!iesitaid that -teachers Should . bitpewlth theis'ench text bodice nit they . posks.9. •• • • • `WA ItltF.l:f cpwiSS: • C 0.,. Bupt.; ;28th, 1801 E!MEI • ',ITARD, TIMES MADE EASY! ,Good News for the Unemployed! 1000 ipfrAhcEs,tp MAKE MONEY ONE' .MIWON DOLLARS- WORTH , ATCHES, JEWELRY, .. . ;,.... ... ..,... .„ ... . . SIV.Vgft.:::P.I,APIP:::::WiIiE, .Tcibef - dieposed of on AN ESTI/MEI' NEW AND RIGINAL PLAN ! - Tl4CiriiOns rfiniirniis rot securing. stn,.Agericy . . - .. • , 'W•ENTERPRISE . . '; :Should 'aim .: 6 t heir ininies at once, chclosing .411 1 t . cnt.itiA t tri• ply postage , end receive, by 4,...*CtiFo-mail':.- .0 ..,.. .:, . •''. .: -•. ... , 1, ,.., ,'.1.,...4,.. qi.Emtrum . . , CATAOGUE Containing . . . , 0417.- • • ; - a •: • • * - .4RE cimmecE MAK.F, MONEY. .withokit, Fisk, ,ogether s4.oh 2=l' IFITMOUIIiLIED tollits• NOVEL PLANQ' To/iiiatire:prompt and satisfactoiy dealings, 'direct all . r . • • • • • GEORGE EVANS, >`;• .449 cjiesput st., Philadelphia Aptst•ll,.ll36l. - : : •:,. .N ow id. •ou • .ALL RrHO'ARE • • RESTED !• ' t i ' INTE RESTED VW : Mist ealiaind * settle .with'ene-be're .the 15 kti of ApHI er lieliell ane yon: I don't aak riny money— ,-.loni.tatatt iintdon't think of Mich a thing; but mutt aid hate inyeild'btaike 'cloned itro','.hy note or other , your scoot* le ten cents or tendpllersi:—. settle or I shall tie eke you coete atter tlielstker : • • • :II: Et,illA4o.li t : ,`..Aaiettmnit'warehliklBl3l; ''COSTAR'S" VEIiMitEXTIOMINATOR& "04 lifallible Remedies Known." Dispsys EVERY FORM - AND SPECIES OF VERMIN. , . ire Th,es. prepa r ations (unlike: all' othr , ts s Free' from*Poisrms.". • • ..Nor dangerous to, the humon family•" , lilies come out of their holes: to die." .. Itt'iea,rii(t:fitOrei, eiiia . blio,i!le4 :ifj."lS% T...:'c,4 6yHthe . City. Post Otfici.' U:ted bi—t 4 city Priions and Station Houses. bteamers, Ships; Sze.- Und IT—the City Hospitals, -:Alms-Houses, Viear • Ly—Loe City 'Astor'—,St Nicholai; Med by-the 13prcling..Hoinice, ke U,d by—.mor :137 - See salmi the. HENRY. R: . l haVe'heen'troitbl 'was ,:actually.„au Railebea Were e , of your .Extirunj Week Aber° ". •. 'Jou. - HOTISEICEEI ,nee!! be..So To' Eitirininatou , faction, and; if t We bad Jr' Co! out of Rati,.. Mit we 'cap ••write , it, th 4 MORE.GRAI. annually .in would.pay for AT ler.—Lanenater . HENRY R. is. received,, used,' and ::•prouiounred deeideu.l success. We tuied.i box of it, and the way the .Rats. and Mice.- aniand• our premises '"raised Ned,'! that .night was a caution to sleepers. Since then not It Rat Or Moose : has. been :heard in kitchen or Cillar:-L-Magrecor .(Iowa) Times. • IHA VE..BEEN SELLING.,-Your"•Extiruni . na tor for the lest . year, . and :ffnd it a SURE sii•orl • Crk:Q. Ross,. Druggist;Carilingtor4o. : .WE ARE SELLING- 7 -Your iireporstions rapidly..* Wherever they have been 'Used, Rata, Mice, Ranches, and :Vermin . disaocOr Ectea 4Touvittrt, NeVi. . • : FRESH_ MEAT: • fr . !TR I , illmerfber*,bore rentml , the. beeement 'of thr .1- Sneor.ll ltiock, end here fitted it up (r the Purpose Of elpplylng the citizens or 11114' villftee owl vicinity swith' ..• . . - FIMSH:TiMAT KILLED-ENERY DAY . . We ivnum-rei r .rt rot t• wioicht youvrat Menge!, We shall keep no meet but the pest ( . plenty • ~- .. . .. - . .• . . I.IEI , ZNTT 4 GIFF 0111) - . ..iiietiMil'et, %reit' 28, VOl. . , • , , .- ' . . .. ...• . .. • . . . ~. . . . . Ti' Destrnylniectt.on.plin NI 'and, insee tl. .... [you WANT tT, . •. . . .. . To .De.liroy4itati, hotches,'&C To . .peitt4---Mice , Moles, Ike To' befiro:if-,Bed To postroy--Ntoths, Fleas, ,Ants,'&c 'Te Destr . O.y--51osq nit foes. To Destioy—lnsecti on Aninnols,.ke Tti..Distro)i—Every formand - qi)ecii.s of ver- LOB ONLY 'Costar's" Ea'', Rosch, Extrrmin'r Costar's" Bed-bug Extirminator. Bostar's" Eteotilo l'owder for.ln soots. IN 25, 50c. ANoll.oo Boxvt, lIOTTLES A:go FI:ASIVI. $3 and.ss grzcs von . PLANT.t. SIIIMS 4 BOATS, HOTELS,,SCO. C1:7%5.',01;1 'Eyery All NVlinlesnle: All'Retail' Co.. 11 • 4, ll,..Rigle'v 4 co Co:• I Bush, & Robison Co. M. , & co If 111'Ki”on Dl,,.S..l3 . arpr's .F. & Co. • I..nzelle; Marsh &• Co Thxor . i& co,. Tripp & Co. .• Conreid:Fox,• • . Thiihiqh tyollgr:' • if:Gv is. • • • Pentolit;: Parker &, Co Dudley' Stifford.' AND,OT ER$ • Philidelphia, Pa. . • • T. W. Dyott &.Co. Rohr . . woetnaker; Co B.A.Fahnestock &Co. I French,Bichards Co All the Principal Citiei and Towne . in the UNITED : STATES. , ti ~ SAII.ITI-IPORT, 0:7"So1 , 1 6y ()ebb, lag, 31 rd--2, Agent .2-2 . Me. Smith, rkrtrists, Grocers and Retailers gen ,tettillY i n city and C?unitY. '.;'''*.;`,6ll'ili'liY".Deirers car ) Outer Ooire.. . I ' . :pri'ddresi; orders direet-L.pir if Prices; Terms 4esired.'irr for'etreplar DesterSl :741 , ENRY.11. - COSTAR' brycer- - -ic • 512 'l3 :.• t4p*ltcthe St. Niehtilas Note! Y Li"crins; '• • • , . .• 40;000.P nitett States . , . riIY.YOU WANT WHISKERS.? ••• •'•• DO YOU WANT WOISKDOST: LIO'Vell; WANT A lIIIUSTA(ME•V • • •,• • • ',•• DO VOU WANTA MOSTACDE BEL kivrt; s . CELEBRATED STIMPIP.INON:G,UENT Fbr the Whiskers 'align— .. . . ..• . . . • ~Yrhe'siAgerihPrit tike plemotro*ltiaitnouoi•lnz to the oft igen , of the Volt r 4 Strom , ihnt they have . ohtaltiod th Agency, for 101.4.are•now'enablet.fo 0(64. fo.thirlitAert con pul.lro:the above Justly r.ilebrntqll'.und. trorla;.re , , . . .• . . . 1 la prepared by 1)r . 11.P..fletur:MtAikt eii'mninent ph.rei ' clan p r London, 'and inetarionted to;•brlnT, nut a thick sat WHISKERS OICAIMITSTAC.RE, fn fromlb.h,e. to .Ix weeks._ Thin article, inithe'only one of the kind' need by the French, and inkondon awl only •Itin In nrilreieal tOm• ' ••' ''.• .'• ' ' ' '' '. It lei' be4ntirut; economical. Ronthine, yet etimulltinci eninialund, it:finial; If hp murk linen th• rnots4 endslng• .a heentiftil trreerth of litenilant !mfr. - If rtntdied to the ecaln WWII] -ciii'ir.rtel.nains, , etni.eause•to methtir .4,..,1tr.. .plate of the .1,91.1 snots n ficia, 'growth of nee. he I r;•• An.' tdlidneeord!ng to direct toner' it, will horn too •nr towy ,ho!r mink, mut - reetcre ority . ItAr' to •lin 'oilvi..nt — coler. .ii.mtri, it fort...month'ini .llealt.le... The ; ,, Ongnent" lit' -an Indlnnin.eitlo nrtleln IriOrerr itontlnninnin Wirt. end ofter'nno !re) A.l.Titio they Would' ant for" any considera. denim with, itit; T . .'. ." .-.. :-. • •'. .. :• , . . 1 The intim bore aro th e nidritente far th e .artiold- in' the United . ntee:le whoM fill Ordnra Toilet he 4.l,lrevaid. • Price On lieller A bont,•for cola by nil •Drouclete end. Dealee.t";• 9 ft, hol of the l!On•tuniitl liorritn , e,l teltn.o the desire efteet, will he east to any who deal refit, by MAI I, Id( Gil. socurnly po.ciced, on receipt of video and ( ) PAW,' 1 lA. Appl rto fir luldenftn • • - . • ~ • i . , • ' ''.• ''' .- ' .nortAom 1,, irtEni6f ms; Ai CO • ' • • '-••• . • , . DREHMINT.A. &r.., - ' ... '"' ' - : •.' 2tWilllani street ; Now York., ' IltarchlB t ..lBpfl.llmi”,.* ... . ... ESHANICSBURS CABINET.: SHOP pRIQFS,-R.FDUCED Tp the., Times _ . . TiF,',Finlv , eriber.re.pentrnilyntinotineen to th e v.itlx, , ,ne nr-M'entienunty dint he hn.,tilten elin abon for; 'inert". neenpied by A.:•'Wnlte . ral Sn.llteebnnieFloirx. and In manutteturint! end NVlll.kfep'constantly.:nn hand every 'variety and style .of ... ' ; ;... ' . , • : ~. ' • ... • CTIAT.I3,q. BITTIFAtIg.: , , • LOTINGES. „. ' • OT'rn‘f AN4'! • .. • wAPrr.siAtur, lET.E.A.TETES,. ht:DRTF,A DS, TARIX.4 • " • DIV • RJIVT.NOTA, • , • • ' . CORN V.li-.STAgD), • . • , ; 4 0VAFL. • All the lifedern Styes of Furniture Maliogpny, Etc .corrAco.: BrDROOM SUITS FANCY AND ORNAMENTAL WARES, PAREQR ST_TITS; BBEAB AS: CAN BE MORT : IN: OLEO Tito :rory bort or workm . on burn horn pprropinrottly .frokg•Nl. and on work turned - not or . thi., .Eitabll;hment •warrnrited to britrhot.ft rrpreikoted, • •nr,ipmniNoilleolea to promptly . : and on Ilit.:lpos reamemitlOn tormd..• ••• . ' • '• cor.riss•rimig nn ho shnrtelt notice . • . . . . . . LUMBERnr n ilnin4.. r.biTry. Irnlnia-,' . Prohr. &c:.. Grain. an d in fact evorythtng,marketablo; *talon in etOlang9, for work. ' ' •• . • . -.-, ' .' , ' The .nrrirletor tiyyn Meet ettentlee to the wants of the cOmmunity;:tn'tnroc •11p re . nnttna. agA. ' .• . •GILISERT LYMAN... .Fm e ort, 7Rtatel; 101 yotrit OUR. 4WiNTS'IT, OUR CHTLDItEIif WXgtIT, Y. rWILL - CEAT - A:INLY - RAY, AND YOU WOULD HAVE IT, you only linP‘iharv-r..grFT7L.hpiv I,9IIWC,TIrE: and haw EN,TETtTATNI:VtIi !N.": • • . • We,refor to thtt best" that • rr:est; mist ia= itr,ieyv•; tringf . .ehen-ne4 - .,lnnyilftl In he frny.l.l fn^ the ITOUSEIIOLD;:for the FAIRY!, . for the pAltriEN, '• • . .4.lporlr:nti Ag • rianltnrist • TOIT WANT, IT. l•reinen Ir enntetneen very many rem neefui:di rent inns, nn 4. nngC".tinnn slinitt nil Pr -imt• , lnne In. OW f ARDEIV..In: the' . }.',.111T,1) tha'ol3fll‘ltii, nn . the r!f . greuird.. 0.60 Drneetln . Anttnnlq, ete.i o e. f Tl . lO ...I f ericte/it+rnlr: f+ . !...le : etn , e rebe.lor theein;tl..elll . nlT. nttelt en it ire . 1 hp j••; . 11!1 , 1,1 nne per in nnitlser, hut' It le . lifted 'with. :nseint +n.tnerr'prnetlertlint,irniittine. every torenitne preperell,ylinnenl, prneticnl trORX• why:knnir wh t tier write rit)nnr..'• ; • . . . •Eicll . 4 . 4l , tinx itnntnina ton?' h mu!,ed.t . ojrirttut hint o, and it is rettairrtlint wnrtli to you more thann on eviimple; a anh scriber writM.ll: . ....Inhtainet i btialicta More .tier acre' On ri:lo',l3ee tiehi of whet, for'in all LO hti'lleis) eimply from it hint ablaut.' preparinethe 'eed given in iny. ttJtrniu +r • . Annt y x 4.4, •ohtatneti an. extra . lof 11 Ina Melt of earn per acto. oo- a 15- aces f Ault withno - extrrt coiit'foe culture.. fly apply) s t one hint I'r/writhe Agricn:trimatitt. Another, (a villacer.) rafa !Mot Sti3g.wortlt eaten of gland garden vocetables, which hi attritttitkeilmilly tn - the timely kinta in the . sy:ries:l'. ettist, artitcliol4 hini from, Unto to ,titan' t to do, able trtd:o tt.endrotiemtn do ,Thousainla of others hove derived similar t'Atitantaa'es. .You . ore Inv ited ry the paper a yeat, nta of only $l. If pint tlesire. you can:bare, flee f our or five parcels' of. cheilc•e seeta. which the Publish.. will iliatribute among the present winter,. '• • ' , 'YOUR 7IVI.Fg. wants tho dtgrictetrK,t bocatiFe tt valulide:an imp! , ?:f ormat { Loan large' amount of aboUt all kind.; or 1101.751410LD NVO from ro to Oel'ar..., 0 ireher the benefit of thirnaper fora ye. 6....„ You will find your home made better anti money saved. . . .• yoljp,,C.lllLXll ptv want the Aaritetturisf.. for it Contain% st very intereatin •, - 11P0 'til, and entertaining .de .nal:t.ment forYoUth "Children, which be g Tae. to.thelrininitaand Theabove are tritihrul etaiemiiits..that will he cheer iiitiiittextett;by, pearly a lienlred tlioniqant of ti‘e entreadeYeof.ti!e Agrieidirist Yoe :aro 'inelteit to .try a einglo yoNme . oitlic - Jtgrebelttirfst,Whieli'wilt cost PolY SI, and, abutula , Try it for 1 4 61 {Vol. ' ORANGE.Wlitl,Teblletier:4l-Par,k liely;.NeirLYork . , ADMINOTEATRIX'S. t.t,te'ra of AdMirdstrayort Of WVI' the estate, of Quit ! iviis T. Scott.' to q Tort Allegami i ".in the - comity,of 'l4l‘ean, • de ceased, haw; been granted tiklieeeffncribei;all persona "ndebted to saidiestate"are•requested to inakeim "hdi . ate. , payMent, : and, those Waving, et a r t i ls luta 'ne•the same , piceent themdnly iintherrticat d to the sphseribrr, Or 'heragenti Traey.ScOtt, t fi t Dolly's store at Poet' Alr legeu y . • • OPDT.9 F: apOTT. • • }',b. 21;1 51. ' . • . , . _ • . _ . _ _.. • Serofula .or . ' i g'slEvil, ip a conititutional, dismis~ a corruption of the blood., by ivhicli-"tbis• fl d• • becomes vitiated• weak, and"' poor.: • peing'in the circirlatitinOt 'pervitdcs'•the-wholo',Efily,,and may:burst out in ' disease , on anyvert of it::' No organ . ii :free from its attacks,'nor ii.there ono which it inly• not destroy. - The.krofulouataint is variously, I caused by.' meranrialldisease, low,. living, die. , .o,qlcred.'or inthealtk•food; impure air, filth g . llthy habits,. th . depressin..vices, ..and, . 'above an, by the venl real , infection. : 'What: ever be,its•otigin,' it il kereditaryin. the 'con:- stittiti on, descending :4,i from'. parents to children. .it the third and•foarth generation ;" indeed, .it seems to he. the rod of' Hint who 'says, .I 3: : ,Will • visit ;be- iniqiiities'• of the fathers upda their r children.'•' .'.' .' •. '.- • . : • '.- ', • ' ' •• Its affects commence by deposition from. the. blood of 'corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liveretind internal' organs / is termed tuberelei rid' the glands,' swellings; ', and on the eurface..eruptions. or sores: This foul cor-, ruptiod,. is hick:genders in.thehlood, depresses :the energies.of life,.ld that scrofulous constitu- . tions' not ',only. Suffer: frerit Scrofulous...COM plaints, .hut they have far less power to with,, stand the iittaeksT.of.. other diseases ; cruise- 'quentiy;,;vast • numbers . perish' by ' disorders whteh,.although not scrofulous in, theirnature,"' are-still- rendered fatal by' this taint in the system:. -Most .of. the consumption •vhigh.tle,• - '.,..niates the Mullen familybas its origin directly `in this scrofulous. contamination;. and many' -destruetive•diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain,' and, iachaid, of all' the 'organs, arise `from or • arc ag'gravatal by the same..canse; • ~". :. ' • One:quarter of all mit people are scrofulous;.' their perscinsitra invaded • 4y. this lurking in- • feetion, and their health is•unilertnitied,'by• it. To Cleanse it from the system wemust renovate the : blood' by. an. alterative medicine, and in- Yigorate ~.it by healthy ,frid..and• exercise.' Such a' medicine we . sup Ply 42 • : ' .• .• ... .. , . , Comiloalla: tract of. Sarsaparilla, lite:3ll6st Cif . cettial.mmedY which the medical 'et' 'our times can . del4c, for this: every where: iirevailing• an d.fatal malady. It is com hineci from .the 'mist activeVromedials that have . beencliscoveted for the expurgation of this Anil ciiorrlor fronvthe blood, , and the rescue. of the system' from . . its destructive consequences. lleucc it sh9ulcl bb'employed .for the cure of not only - scrofula; biit 'also those other Mahe, tions which arise frohni,it;'"sitch as .EltUrrIVE . and Sirizz Sr. 11.1irtioxy's Finx, 11.os, or .EILYSIbELA4, • PlatM.ts, , Pearin.r.s, ny..4; 13 raki:is and 13b1L9, Tpuomi, Tirrr.u. and . SALT 'it , SCALD . . HEAD, RINC6'OItM, IL If 7;tl 51.1'r15:11,'SrP lIILITIC and 2sluncuniAL Dzs- Eli." 3 ES, Duer-w;,...Dyst , urgta, DEIIILITT, mid, indecd;. ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING FROM TCu .1m .Imruun Ewen. • The poptilar belief iu qrthi blood" :is ibunded in truth, for scriltuLt - is a degabratiOn.of thableed. The partieUlar purpose and virtue of this SarSapa.; rilia is to purifyand regeherate ttigyital fluid,' N:ithout which stkund :health is imposiitde in cOlita,ntinatpd coigAitutious.. • . • . Ayers cathartic; Pills • FOR..ALL THE•PUOPOStS OF A FAMILY. PHYSIC, arc so Composed ;that disease:within the range. of their action can rarely withstand or evade thorn - Their.penetrating properties search, and 'de:wise r and: his igorate every portion of:the hurhan organ ions, correcting its- diseased action, and-restoring its hvelihy vitalitici.• -As a - consequence of these. properties, the invalid- 3vh is bowed down' with pain or physical debility is astonished to find tis health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and.inviting. : . Nut only do they'eure the everp:datiomp . lailits.• 'of:every. body, but also .many formidable' and dangerous .diieases:. The agent, below named is •pleased to furnish , gratis my American Almanac, < containing certificates , of their cures and diiectiona . for their use.in'the [dewing eemplaints: Costive- . yew!, liens thorsi, Headache arising from disordered • PlciniacA, Nausea, Indigcstion, Poen iiiend Morbid inmdiun of Botrels,•Flatuleimy; Loss of Appo- Jauildice, and other kindred Complaints, 'arising from aim state of the body or obstruition . of its funetiolis: '-.• •'' .• - • . • ••• Ayer's Cheny Pecfbral, • .r . JR •TIIE VAPID cons OP Coughs, Co 141!;., Ittflueu a, ifoarseness, Cronp, Ilroitchitis, Incipient C'onsump. • Lion, rind 'for the relief of Cousurnptivei, , .I!atients , advatice4 stages of the disease. SQ wide, is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous ere' 'vases' of .ifs • curei., that . every section o country iboundi hs' persons pub licly known, who itave Leen restored noel alarming. end even desperate -diseased• of the lungs by i t s use. When Once tried,. its. superiority over every - other Medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, iji4 where its 14.rtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for thc distressang.and dangerous affections of 'the pulmonaryorgans that atre,ineidentlo our climate. 'While Many inferior remedies thrust upon the community hate failed' and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial r eonferred benefits en the afflicted they esit never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be fOrgotten. . .. • • . . DR. J. , A C. YER. & . CO.. : • LOWELL; 111•AS.S.• ." . • Co., • S•rzie hir ; • 'C ' ..E. O. .c . )0,1 , ,.13r . at1f0rd ; . L. H. Dolly, ' Port Alleglienyi and .4 dealers 'everywhere. • ~* - /: LUST... •.: ••• . . , A• persons arr hereby eaniiortect igaiat . tiegotialing 'for School order 101, draiva by the. Directors of Kpatinz School Dis•, 20..1800, for', $27.00, ii(lavor.of F.:J . ...Half, as t he same has been and pay- riPnt . fittippeil. Dec': 10,• 1860 T . K. lIAFFEF , offers hieseryiees to parties . ow•ni'i. or wishing to ,purchaie mineral lands in sl'Kean,‘Elk, Clearfield of Jefferson counties. • ' • .EO7 Examinations, made and faithfully re• potted. • • Jjradford, July 27,1859. BRICK F'QR''A T. E . firstrater brirk for tale. of Tri. quire- PAERTE., • FRANK _ _ Srnethll.rt, :August 13, 1860 • WASHIiIGT E lONAL , MONUMENT., T" 'sußspitrp Is :NOW OFFERINCi • ~ f ar:sale,.a rrtavotitiht .steelAto.. (mgrs.. vine Of. thO Declaration oktitltipenilenc,e, sue.: fO-I ilce; portra its, dtkflll ;th Pres oml 'belrrinittdoOn its taoe',-.the . • tomb of. WashipgiOn; at Mt: Viriorr,—,„&t:442,.. ,x i m il esp t , the 'signatures' allixell . to the THIS ENGRAVING,, . . . being 18X22 inches in'site, is 'unenrrisised by nny ever pnblkshed, and is offered 'at the . very low price of ffity*cents. ',, • Aildresr all orders, With price . eneloSed: urid two cents , to . preparmitatze. to." ~, , N. Nr.. , , • .S.rrethport;•-14"F.ttinro.,l'it. ILAIW WARE sit .71atinfacitirerk TJAVINO 'ENLARGED MY ;FACILITIES ' 1/' hi the MO tithed, , EXCELSIOR 'BLOCK'. Furiceeping cepsrantlk'en hand.o much large do d aisnrtinen,Col:the heavy /era 7 e . les of liar.d ware generally :kept . . the Joh.biag lotte.t, and fraying : secuceirthe AGENCYof '•'.' - . • rnany-Manufecturer.s. • • including . t.h e . . • . . • eelcbrat4d FA4l,:Blypt .NAILsi. WHE:I;LER;, MADOEN BAKE,WELL'S Also'ttiose of WELCH -8i .PRIFFITHS. an 4 MBANK'S SCALES, RUBBER ad LEATHER BELTING STEWART'S , (nnexcelled) POPULAR COOKING STOVES, GLASS, of all Sizes, Sorts - PestriPtio2. I PROPOSE TO SELL ALL AIIOVR ARTICLES AT , • Alanufa cturer.4' Prides. • Also I propose to soil ot a small Commission from my LARGE and WELL SELECTED STOCK of .. ' • • iSILELF and "othciIIARDWIRE.-; the seleetion : of I. have taken. much pains,; haying given my. persons! sttei , f fon. HGUSE TRIAINLINGS: COOKING and PIIZLOR of,evetic!eitrable BLACKSMITHS' .410. MASONS' . . Of the most approved MisikutimmrF, E . CK SPADES, PITCH FORKS, PIPES, •• anti . " TUBING I..AMPS.,for OIL,T:AN.IIIFIENE, my motto is: The Largest Sales of dery BEST GOODS at the LOWEST. Re 'munerative Prices Insures the Larva Profits to the Seller, 'fin nishes the Buye with the Cheapest andllest Articles, an. gives the best satisfactim LIBERAL. DISCOUNT tAD If . people highei prices' for no.lretter , 'articles ~ t ' other pliiceS,' it shall be their own fault and not mine'. , • • M. B. HALL In connection With the above; I ilirOtbre to scrtplyon shorvrioticn . • • . • ..,SHEET -IRON ••• • 4, COPPER WORE Having . in, my - employ CriMpet en!' and exrieri enced workmn, whose, work , has ' never failed ;to' give satiStaction." • , , 3eST RECEIVED. N. F. 'JONES no DOZEN HOES. 30 , c SYTIIES. .500 KEGS OF' NAILS AT •YOIIK. PRICFS. zinnlNG T 11.4 NSROIZTA TlO T. RIVE:ED HOES, 52,75 per d0z.... WARRA - NTRD STITES ' , $8,50 iT " ' 7" SOLID SHANK ROES, H 0 XS. E . R A K Tozethiir with all,rarming.„*lap at manna facrore.rs .prie - err, 'These vrfeles tire NE: I 7 0457%. I invite thelr.kiii.tii..tvy stock. , ~,...,AR;,F,F.;,..,, , 47 -, .. D. j•D` PR°FRIE7i°z;, ,;,-I,' . ,„,, . r, , x ,, :el ,,i c i r 1.3 of ifitc,x 4; 2 anci 4/ " !-, - %•-'' '',;-. \ ..., , No 2 & 3 OLEAN, S A 'NW S , 'othel tTiitkers, PAINTS, TOOLS,: SIiOVELS, m4TTocgs, RAKES, pUCKETS: . • 'WHEEL-BARROWS, PUMPS, KEROSENE TD DEALERS ALL KINDS OF + • A ...••• T lIPORT Lti • 1 4 21 A ,N . F..V. ,A RRIVA L: AT . . R... , AMMSTROI4O: :caps Art fca, ninpr s ietois:uflhe UT ,• Hlepi.y.krill Pi i)v ikinn Sfor,;',' rely 9ecnvie4' li'i 13 F. mrthaPt' (trrning'onr That we havojii ' eri.,tecitive4 Illy211(r".kt stlock;or • . • •• • FAMILY. GROCERIFS • • offP rod the, rroolo. - or c oo of •v• .pri yes why.ll woo 14. Otos •, 6,• nth or' bl is ir . iOn t kreii.Oo; ifilsoro in the daily riicilip! of ' , • . • r . ftypn :GROUND FLPLII; • FET-n) ADD MEAL. WALT, CODV9II. AnIcER.EL WHITX , .• . • L 11,R,. LAR n.':TALLOW. • ..,.- cANDLEs: RICK. $T.111 , !11', .-; ,„••• •..'. • NINNiEus. SA LPATI.7F I ." . • ••' ' gODA, • lIIDIG6'.'I O },PPEIr. • . •. oriccis •toN._ : ' 1.1.0V8R.: CRACKER 4.. • TOIIAOCO.ItAISINS.'.. .. • NU t e. Or ALL' ' SUCAIIRS CV ALL KINDsr. oortagle.GuntlCD, AND I..Nottorsp; sYny - P. Wt„lasEt, - . R.EItogENE: OIL. qE7; 'CAmpa - KNE.P.LITID`, CANDIES, TEAS /cc:, ft., Our stock 611 and romple;a, and' iaaleFted Irorti. the beat.in."the inatic et.. Ca 11 . and prif . e rind . quality, and yoy will pat - fail to buy . . . A. $. .ARMSTRONG 4. C0. Smethport,.Marchl4, 1861:' • . . COURT PROCLAMATION, . . . . [ . XTHEREAS . the :MA: :Robert G. White' Vl' President Judge, and . the; Hons. •J. Dar • ling.aneß:, Holmes, Associate .Ttidges 'of the courts,of Oiet-k.terrniner raim• General Jail :Delivery, Quarter SessiOns of the :Peaee, Or phans' Court and Court of 'Common Pleas for the Count.); of sl'Kein have i4itied their preeitpt, bearing date Saturday, the,llth day of March,, in th'e , year of 'Our Lod .ane thousand eight, hundred and siny-one; and to me direCtedk for holding, a Court of Oyer and' . Terminer tintrGeri. .eral 'Jail . .Delivery, gitarter, Sessions of the Peace,' Orphans' Court,' and Court of• Common Pleas, in the Borough o r Smethport; on:Moi day:, the. twenty-fourth clay of JUne • next, and to continue one week. , ' • • Ilatice•is therefore herebYgiven to the Corn: tiers. Justices , of the, Peace end • Constable* within - the county, that they be' then and thei in their proper persons, at . 10 o'clock 'A .M. of said (ley; with their rolls, records, examination;,: ied other retriembrances, to iio thOse - thina's whichtheir 'offices appertain.to be done, And those %vb . ° are hound by. their rec.. oenizaricesto prosecute the prisoners that are or shell be in the jail'. of said , county of M'lrean, are to be then and' thereto prosecute againTt therrras will be just. . • . ,•• . " Paled et: Smethport March' 14th; 1860,' and the B,lth year. of. the Irdeperidence of the `United Statei of America:. • -• • • • riommrssiosmit . Foß:Tilk"§TATE Olt NEW- YORE. . I ,..i•tri talcs ttroof,i 'ant apkaoaladgmenta of Deeds and other Instromenia to be and recorded.in said State, sod to aOtinhter oaths or. alternations totiaOtott tv'Sho .Is*. of said State. OthrrerincOr. fee: Office, to Land Of . Pas of D Kinast•ury.'Bradford, blaZoiu Co , pa. .aiYIET.HPORT WAGON AND SLEIGH SHOP, ON MECHANIC STREET NO, .1 THE - undersigriq would' respectfully 'pounce, tu:thc•citizrns'of -M 'Kean. county, that he is now prepare I t0...d0:a1l kindi of wood .wilrlt•in . my line :of 'hUsiness; at. short,notice . , in a Workmarilike . thanner, at:reasonable prices.' I feel, satistied that my work s ' will fully ii4; . ee he.requirements of all who wilifavpr me with their patronage . ., '.• •• . • • ,• ' • Repairim; .nromptly attended to on' short untice, - . All kinils-of rairt 'taken. in r xhnn44,' tor' work •,••• alao•but ter, Poi k, "beef,' pine lumbar; 'and 3(t: ‘tipod;• CASll,Will•not be • reftiseil. . Stnithport, Pa.,Jan..lb, 1860, • Arrival and Departure of Mails. SXCTHPORT POST OFFICE PAILS, U/A.sn‘—Leavet every morn irio at 8 o'Clock ;.ar rives every. evening.. • ,•• cuihier.:Tort—teaves ..Tusday and •Saturday• .morning;; arrivesMOnday and . Priday•eves. ..3101pv! --Le dy'es TUesday, Thursday and Sat ,. brday. ; Mornings ~ . arrives Wednes •• day.and, Friday evening's. • •:.. R.ifigstay‘.44eaves Tuesday; Thiirsday and • ,Saturday. mornings ; arrives Morlay,',Wed 'nesday•and Saturday evenings.. iVarri it—L eitv Tuesday Mornings and arrives • • eni . _Thursday evenings. • ' ••• • • ••• . . • . '.. B. S'. Cfrk)T.I.I.I) '• • . •' ' '' ' ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON .''.' • • 1 li.tving pe'rmanently'lncat ed.himself • at ~•- . , . \..• . • PORT - A I.I;EC ANY, : •. . '• . • , ve.4il -re.mectftilly inform the' public that 'he Is Jena red Hi to.attend to business in all branches of le Medical Profession: Particular Atten. . • tionaid to Secret Diseases', both: male and rem' , they will lie treated in'aecordance.wi•t the 1 est authorities and pi•actice,of both. En.: rail ! il - America. ..All secrets intrusted 'O l l h his pract ire,. will .he strictly' kept .. , ho, i nspite of money, l,w, friends, enemie., rdirives or neighbors. • . : : ' •.; ' 4 .,rt Allegarfy, March 20th, 1860.. -..• .. `fi t .. TO the Pl.iblip. • . ... Ticr,'is hereby.Oveo that t have loaned rie„.fullowing , :proporty to George D0di. 0 1,. , • • viz bree , florSeri; ;1, Spr:ing wagon, 1 Double ~ lint: ' . ''':...llaing.purchased the above at Con- ....,".. stall 5044001 M, fhftleitnle'fls ruS , ProPPrty... . 7 '.2'?'-4; , ,ri•54;i ',:,,, . .J. M.. -AID!). . . Slid 0.414.,417rrii66;:, .- .. . . II • I ....:••il,;,lpptir .4 ctits are hereby notified • .1.,1 . :::i .. .i.S4lJr,.";nOt 'lie - reponsible•lor any ...• ..'• .'ltialiilt, It ii"thi Mill at SmerhpOrt, 'unless t 'ille'4it 6 iiitiriiii4flitiveihe overir's . ..namo .• , ... iirAblv , " . . " • ' •.••• :, ;1.::.;.:i. :4 iV O-,,,, , ;.,'1 • • BF:sTgR 'CORWIN.. .. ~. rp . ,1,.11 iv,trii.:;;lni.-a, 18•61. ..• .. - : - • , . • ~/ ~iii O'' I-t ~ PIN'TIN- G -2' ... Ev.tatv PEFICIIPTTON, . • • • iii .•...• / NEATLY. - -" , APLY AND .EN.PEDITIQUBLt. . .. . .. - , .., \ ecern• AT . THE 17)1 FIM GRA? OFFI.CE• «.e.-~. SAS,T..l3tAlß,.,Sheriff. S. SARTWELL. m