M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, April 11, 1861, Image 2

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    meets tr.
Amara. for
ix e l / 4 11 ggenion , tame , (ram
;',' ,' ',:rlolSl!lt.;lo?‘ rauietaajll furnish on her part
;11 :1144**fittliliirmrie 4 i'jtilia tea 1 thr,Eni ,
10; , 16
xf , t4g)**iillltcliarb Ar l a FgOr"'"
''' l: '- '''
I:oooo•l6o)iiknotiwtirkifig in concert
~„'' ftlieliti,oool"rgriglarni le Preparing to mind •
' 4 1 11 40.
_lol4,llTP!'4l4.lhe,Aslrofrkltexierr. a formida-,
•-2'o°l**aioft:tisiti4ehtps,mill,trietrial., r
• 4,4„S'flitAlsisia'aiter-terincert; et ;the Tala CPI a high
• t ' 4
.IseresiOn said , to an 'A me ric a n 0 ffi -
`"4141/1 -al iiiriem4'your!Renishlimis going to
44pleeee —*A s,<!Olit.' no. I hope rot WAS 1 c
11,1100107.44/B,loo,,±kat,it,wilk.'' .Nol , ltepublic ever
•• •;.1. - •;4lgised*stlretg ernever*lll.: Self-government
' - t 4 -iste nteisists Sir i tyou• most, traveta strong gov
'ieremeeetAs. the :only cendition•of a long exis
, ~ ,titners,r•,o ,• z' "t f ., : ,' ", '. ' ' ;' •
' 4 : Itl i ll'hoO n' lAA' me, in the Most positive
•roeeeethstir Stalthern;geitleman, latelY at
., , .
f•jillirstiterettttiamharl'an interviow'with the Em- 1
~,fpatitrt t 'sindbes - secured for•the Southern Con- 1
• dro.. 4"l4lett'Orornise•xof recognition. ' Ile carries
''• ilefrimilie p a eltottrt he skeleton of a treaty which
' 1•Isholild hliee;balin subinitted to his Majesty, :Ind
,•lerel'elyrovel,, , iii the:basia of the tient y which
, . ,isifteSrfellber.Aha, Official recognition.
)-e..".,ThirkgeOrrierciata ratio of Ihe Patin Consli
' tti11641"41k441411.6.3. curve: i , .
'''''''' ' 4 11'4600141101 tariff shotild pass Congress,
11 , 41111...ppitarplikolire exportations' from .Trance,
rtf.oosed-andr,Garinany•do the •Northein Stites,
..,erealtLieceiva a fevers check, and ' ', ohm* ver,
• I , 4*.vanforoein eon - mere, 'Would incline to frit
-Amiss-100st the Southirr spite of its slavery
oiailitutiondsnd4rrinciplee, ' •
The London Tiv),Ps says':'.:' '-• ,
..);Ittertieg-to'rpoint out -for the comfort ef our
,tow!i•thierntrvasen end the warning ofthe" gov
1111re..}2t 'of'O Mal
eUnited States, that in attempt
)lt.',to :exclude, it one blow twenty, millions
.''';sterling if,; exporti' . .frindtheirterritory, they
,14ava,,endeitatten e e laskquite beyond their pow
', elt:;-,'"Tlief"': .rifey,,t indeed, deitroy - their own
r-fritionsi resaritseithey may give additional
salreatttb",tM,those•yeated intereete which claim
11 -Ttotttinfitelight to live,on the vitals of the
• ,community j;thiy 'may T ula the shipping and
4 trimile,.the ecesimerce of; the towns on the At
- !antic seattoard,lint they ,cinnot prevent Eng
lish manufactures from permeating the United
Stateir-fromone•end to the other. A glance at
Age Map lir infliiient to show this. The South , '
fierc Confederacy will, of course, desire 'no bet
ter thalt - te mike Charlistoh, Savannah ' Mobile'
and New Orleans, depots of English rnanufac
-3 Snres4.lolre - aremo/.4•'across the long and irn
loirrestiotibler:frontier which separates them from
,the.,llniteit States. ' •
''rr Najr,tit is goita'possi * ble that the, great city
-sit,Net# , TorkMaY prefer to declare itself - a free
-port. and to become•the depot'of an enormous
,illicit traMe,'ratbei thin to see its wharfs rot ;
tine, iteitreetai deserted, and its harhor empty
b•ealli. a "Weida' folly has driven commerce
, te,,the'infarior hirbors of` - 'the Smith. The in-'
dented coasts of ihe Northern Stites give am.
tgle-epiortrinity for 'smuggling, and, what is
edit - wore iteportant, the frontier between Can,
side:sterttlieqinion is virtually traced, by the
,- Attrliawitik . tlin St. Lawrence anti the centre of
etite'Lekda,JOntikrio', Erie ind Huron'. • It is a
4400 Which` might have been created for the
- irstptre ea intrpier of peninbing the presurnptuows
tfellreifjeOking to erect :the barrier of , proll'bt
lioatbetwelernetions which have long enjoyed
,A24 , oltrtrial benefits of commercial intercourse.
• - ;Thermo:seer will redeems 'the error .of the
statesman, as he has so often done before The
• chorine may ,occasion delay, loss•end inconve.
nienee; but the stream is too mighty to be
ehoked, anti ;no _sooner will the old channel
trite been !topped than a pew one will be for-
. • , , -:The',Lovidon'Tionos,Of March .12,.says :.• _
• ..-• fftber ?Tart horn' rjittlederapy of'Ametic a eyin=
eec i•deterroinatirifivio net ih nariow, mid
while its ; Southern
XeMpatiter.extendi the hand of gixid fellowship
•to altiraiiiiinit;' , Withibe exception Of , its Own
..'bandsmen, we billet '6o' beXiirprised to see the'
••'• NeWthi;fri imite"rif the.• - looriness of its:ea:we and .
.tilesgreattiegatiVeiterit :the absence, of. ale
' . ieo;••',Oitlc 'int* tindery : pOiition; and lose
• :•tlie3iiinOthy Ott regard Of - mankind.
;Tliii London Doily, Neio .
• ''''SOttie dits fir(virbeen.precipitate in ;our ; jodg-,
rtii4eiVtif What 'We :Oall • !e . the,.narth," that is, the
"natimi - iniitted tif the' secissionists. - We.have
-only to bear , imr,nd....t i bist since the election in
• .lifevernber;(ettrediiioit'act 11 itself,).•the'ne.
• 'thin . generally 'bite' been 'inevitably mute: and
•••• representa'ti'ves' Congreitx :were,
chOspn . .frefore.the occasion arose .;- and are no
...representitivea of a people. itio • circumstanced.
TherWbOle course of . the Tariff (ideation sho'ws
shove inadequate the..alSorriblage at Washington
.'.is erythictiMe. No one 'will .undertake to say
that the gonatituenclee . :Will shOW, theenselves
wine indisiedl• grounded in •
• Wait .• 'The present fact
iiiiiiisi.tbernoireiti arid speakers , on all :side's
;airieerth&eljeciion'or.M'i.: Lincoln have not been
thii4ll.Opf4otiiiir the interest of ihe people. a t
lirgiWrfiey,lhava: - been 'faction leaders, traij .
,:• toiiii;titisi.misti;--agitators i sell-made dictators,
Oti.'*.igististterri'for , Cattlprpmise--4anything real.
~, , 3.,- , , : iftrithisn!eitizeni.'appointed appointed by public
.:ennadedei In Work 'regeneration out Of revolti
. people , must not be Judg
trjr":ili,e,iiii-hutAtY-their own bearing. when
,•' thedidene OrtehovfWaction. We . intist see what
''...tilel'elsOiqe.i.ognine-in-fhe South, befOre wp
.1111kOf.X0Ognition•; add we must learn -what
yhtifinse.j.libefore- we judge the un
etPiete# 'mind 4f Opiriliit large.
•..:.- • IL. ' 3 ' ZOlierek . l, 9 tor'• , . •
• '''',We'Jearitestli hiMethht .. .ihe4ood sense o't !he
o:n.jijerityOf • theiiMiiierth, people will triumph
theMitigtiided few Whose •ielfishiNes has
wide 166 . - eiitherldind `orgihilifferent the
videiralitOferelt Of . * nett:M . . .';ikt this Mordent
:(14 , iliviiiguiitiiiii'4i-Oi'idginented tariff by the
Nor been wail I 11,1.1d411 urrpr productive
`diintitrcilif- consequences. '.The
tioythsru op e erasy.wilfunquestionably
ffVe. trade the blsis of it, "commercial
the ihjitty whielv.th.SoiltheYo:
'St ERi haii;.'syatsined by the hi . glutariff . upheldl
small-share in bring- ,
7etalo large *hare
' o oll ol ,..i#o l o o f.**E.ishOitwritgoodv"to coutheen
r; ti►llf
11* . r*Orryii#tiiim ikter thelcatrying
!tloo 4 l*WPl l o , lo4**figt : hilidi:.
)4,100001#‘4, ;
*lo 6 o 4l i4a3iiiriAie deOrr*N - .4t
~o«a~' '
Vi liS 10, triniCP.Sll4'CPfelY tho pre•
yeetinn,bf. the evils which tne vtt ihly
f rOnt;,.it apitth4.-Tnitintianan ite,o nil thenvivOilfe
tttl'lte d • « h i gh IV -4)
nrik, 1-11:aett
in .1 t. n (1: t li1n) , iitory'ortit? plea:
I:NsTiT t.:IIIO . * . ;VS I+:l%"—i-1.4 • ap?,i n t . •:rill
iP^rkonal 'htbetty. Bilts'in.it he; !,ta•tei that onn
fijet with the enthorit4i...(3f.the Federal'.gpvet-n
-• • • • ••
• . ..t
tets,o'f ttin
e I
* in
3' fOretin
• . . .
. A;,firnsf nll'Unite , Ty:round .Thtilroaiis-ithott ittif
`n((`acrvatiis, from..their,,lna.s,titrs'Sonth,
iia n't
in the'lirp.'ordtitk,ol - ec ., it.e Ped.fal
• 'Aillin‘t-s.:!%11
that influPirn...i , soryile..iva•r•ilt the South, i
Againut ,hll "Trihnnes," "I.ls(lepentients',"
And ' -" •
• Arainst all v,ongr,Tllic,al.partr.(?raaizatione
;that. atray.' : l? . .l/eportipa of die c:Qualry..gglinst
Agrilist .of rrithsit
North for Se:Pirints.ns
AvtinAt tuning 11)P...-aenrie
I:ll ,, nry,
slairiyhiildirkg . .foll9wer,sjn..the • ' •
kgainat conirPrt in g i nto '‘.2l . ( lrinvi and'
.the..eknmple ot, A hp hani, knee mind .1a coh,'ani'l
of Paul the who gri.t. Iniek Philemon.,
Against going to 'wee 'to acquire:.cOMmnn
Terittorr,-frind: then stealing or . trinnanolizigg
:the. cihole - of it; and .persistently ng from
it..the.share'i of
,nitf danger in tlin...war . ;:'ot . the
common. contribtitersin .pnise in time of penee.
The constitution: as. ifis, is excellent...;-ma;;
'nificent. The. only fliffirulty-we have ie with
th'ellte,h'er Law ii”dole who constro; it as it is
riot; ;and refo4o to nhide:by tl w a rtj,(iicationg
of the Surri.tioa:conri.. =hen the CiiiirtS came'
;into Conflict -with . their.UnderGriind Riilroetf,
.ciyirwar,insniring, territory rrionon s oliging (con-
thellepuldiyans will;ehide by..the Courts,
.andeultirate, : net hretalize,theii !consciences,'
He.need ho coniaitutiors.al rtmentiments: Since
1793' wq, have legged on witit.the Constitution
w . !?11: until, in theie latter days,they setup a
tnillioe'or,two:of , eonscience Opposition to
the !Courts? . The main ciuestiOn now in, the
.onw:fangled..and recently; disqovered Puritnn
!conscienee ' or' the Sulireme . Court of the Uni
ted States, 'Me prefer the Court.:. , •
W..CalfErnore, • who' ban, yiiited.much
of Kansas, Esaeent . ot the.fionton pelief
mitre?, anli . investigated personally the Wants
01•Ibe•people,.renorts 't hat. many of llyett'sac
entints'hasve been exaggerations and thet.lhere
hov ! , brim no o:un- of artital starvalion . . 'l3llt
sitch.cases would, certainly, haVe 'occurred in
thousands of ifistancea if relief had 'been With.:
held. There has been very great.rivafrY be
tween the Leavenworth. rind;Atc . hisee cornmit-
tees,of distribution., and there• are. serious rate=
tual charges of , frand,and
,plunder,. far
there have:been . large. opportunities, •if 'the
agents entrusted with the distribution' were
• villainously inclined: • - •
The Bogen Cominittee publishes! statement
almwhig the receipts 'by. them of •ccintrihtitions
to lie ; amount of 857;100,-0 which' "-there'i'n.
s:ill„ - on hand. The estithate in that
aboht .$200,00b have been received h . ) , ether
committees, and that one fifth of the amount i 4
still unexpended:- ....• • • '
: They. do net inelude the inproprfation'of gill-
I.ikg,tbatof 'NeW•York.` An d .
what.ia•somewhat shay , ask' formore.
Thkfant is, this lest. Kansan frail:die somewhat
mixedmp with,dand speculation politics, and.a
desite to pension amt keep in parthe abolition
'ragamuffins, who have ruined an&want. to rule
AL.—The'Attorney• General, it is. iinaerstood,
has'given a written opinion to the' P,reeident;
that under the .silt h section of the law of
it will he impossible to collect any revenue in
any of the secade;l . Btates That section'declares
Abet ,the [olll' of any fart regarding a violation
of the revenue laws shall be the
district in whiCh the eitire . !or forfeiture; occurs.
As there are no-Unite.d-States.courtS,.judg,es•or
marshal in any of .the porn of, the seceded
Stitee,.there are ini.rneans, under existing laws,
of enforcing any reoalties for violation'of. the
tevenue, oven 'if .it.were practicable to appoint .
a collector .tO reside on sbiohnerd within. four
.the.port.—This condition . hf- the law
hits unwill'inely . .foreed the Plesident tri:deter
minetipcin callipg an extra e.ession'or Congress
sd ia tel Y. .Herald.. . '
-Tux' ChainlicrAarg • Tifim , informs, Us" 'that
,Mr.. A. K . M'Clure,. Senator,. from' Franklin
county, has purchariesl thn : splenilidjarm of
Chambers McKibbe . n; P.: A i 1 .. ., on the outskirts of
Chambersburg, -. and ie..thaking grand iinpro,y
miants. Wie'cannot .inulerstatid it, but some
oifiee.holtlers-.—m"ernbers at . .our 'Stare LegiSkat . -
urn, etc.,—have such prudent h abits of economy
that siaaornake,a grearJoituae out of "a salary'
of from Aye do.Setren hunilred.doklitis, on. which
. .
other extravagant •peopla cannat •e vett 'I ire . res. :
pectably. .there must be some secret- in ::this
'roatter.not.r.'iyealeil .in :the maxiins of Poor
Richard" which sliould:be . given to 'the world
•by thase.sagadious.fellowi., Sadh bright light
asftliek . poSsses in the
,poii.tic,il . and pecuniary '
econonnie*,should not be tinder a bushel,"
frinn.the'rest of mai tads. .' •
. . .
. .
P A rntoric-Spx . .Cracs - rsHAgentleman well
.Itauwn in the' pulitieal circles bi., - Nnoqlvania,
and highly csideincd- in Writing to hts§ol), who
is at pre:sent a -member' 'of the 'Sewn of this
State,. uses the following:patriotic and truthful
. .
'God grant that you.inak: be spared:to Our,
sue the..wor.k.yon ha've commenced! Sacrifice
every prejudice.,—all'. pride of onipion-every
thilig,in-finbut KillOplq, to heal, the wounds
of our bleedinitleountry... For rest assuredmy
dear:boy,lhat those iond . nien. Who are instro 7
nientlll in doing this, will live jri tha, hearts- of
nll ti on' lovers of . libPrty tri the end of time—
while the mere Nrrizini or miseralde• derna-'
gegne, who atdempti to retard .-the • glorionS
Wifik;•will: be utterly for . gotten, or-remembered
only Wi,th scorniand:con , empt - F' •
TliE TAR/IT. =The / . .ferahi says that if. the
remains on the entente : banks,
grass, will grow on.the atreeis of .NeW York,"
and says ft woul,d be mere common-prudence
'for. rhe New York capitali'st ' s to aseertain Whae,
course th e
. Gditernment of the. United States
proposes:to purinte,both in regaid to the seceded
States and the,ltlorr,ill q• a iff
ing their money; Governm'ent.
We are.siekantftired of this atrerla.sting talk
abOnt, No w York and New York capital. • There
• greatcOuntry .to 'be' taken ,cure;: besides
not the only.place' where the
people have ri g hts 'and
. interets.to - .. be , taken
eaelt of:by the:General:Government, PUhnsylv
ani.a haslinterests greater than ;hose of,New
• Yorki which:Nei:4dd be.uiterly prostrated . by the
..repealortheTarir .NeW'York is. not the whole
. • •
1111ircin ifointtv ./Iltutocat,
&.. : O'hufsday,._:44iikl, 11; 4061
• NE n'S' : •
•.g.an no longer,
Vany i clehittt:th th ;are; at the. threshold '
ei`ll.•!kkill , the ex te4 t aid tory ,`of wlifeh:de4
:panda on . t ho -power: of the present goyernnynt..
•war , entirely. . unnat.nral:andi
I ;;si - cts tO - 1)o `riccornplished on
the portiot, the isforthern . .states.
.The rnaises
• .
of people
.a 0pp050,1,..t0 +4ar rood "would
periceishl prepenr U2lll,
lOweti to 'itetc;ancrit is to. forektili the.nefion of
thrpeop:etliti,our.governntent is shahing its.
polie.y . to I;ring:on ecihtlict with the Snuthecn
States,- hoping' nits to, drento a war fever ant i
'ehrisolitintetlie"Nrirtii in this unholy yr:itfare:
We still ,hops these A . f:heiri s sill.,bo frusq . ated
tbatlithe people Wil(,uttetty refose . tO imbrue
their heeds :in . a..biother'n bbo;l.Al war....: ;of
subjneation of a portion ,of (pia! States- is ,
fir,ly ,
untipriqed thn.
clu'lliot be' undertken'i,rithont periersiOn of
thnlifstrinnent;' and its final destinction'ir.pei-:
,sisteci in. It' is no excuse ghat .seceiz , ion in not
piovided for, two wrongs not make a right.:
The (acts are that s is von St'a'tes have eparatCd,
.thenlserves . ;frotn•the Union -and • organized a.
separate and,indePendent- gnverninimt. -
not. doubted .that 'Alto'. eight remaining, slave
'States join the 'Sotithern confederacy on
..the'.first .ettinnpt, The . queition
which itares us in the face is whether:we are
to allow, our present Republican form, ofgov
ernment to bi subvet tad' and changed to a
tary .despotism.: The reyolution, ha' fir as the
rernainillg Btatettiarevcerned,, is, about. to .he
inatturtitecl by: thegoyernn'ent, itself.•+ Instead'
pa vin the ilrfigent 'ditTicultiqs to 't
the 'rightful , severei4ns , :—.tor.. settlement,: it
rtishes into' thtt untried ' . path of
the military for 're.'2l// .autbofity.--erittu,stt. Mlle, .
' for ki.lhts. " . ' . . . '• • '
TLe foit(;v6ll:, - w6 . tdkircirn the columns , nr
Herald, of " •
_ .
Startling . news frAm Washington ,may he
found ine our de4patches in another, part of
diiy!s paper:- The otirtain is rime , up,:a'nd the
nragedy irabont - to begin. A portion of the
squadron Of warships end Transports fitted out
.at New: York' are ordered .to Fort Sumter; Soli , .
plies Itie.to be thrown' into.t hat 'itroeghold at
all hazarils.' Mitior 'Anderson has been dire . eted
in the ei•ent of the federal vessels bat* opposed
. bytho.secessionlsts, to •onen his' batteries.-
Such, in brief, is the government progranune
'for Charleston harbor... Our repotts frorri that
point.don6rtn the statement that , the supplies
of the gat rison from `.the city have Teen cutoff.
Intense e'xciternent prevailed there'.yeSterdaY.
Five thousand men; have. been ordered out,. the
batteries have been 'Strengthened, and every
preparationinadeto repel the federal forces.--,
Bevond'iloubt the dreaded: fiatricidal conflict
will cotinnience within forty;eiOit hours; As
soon as it isknownin Washington that' ihe•war
has beitun, the President is said, issue
a prodlamation calling Congress together:
Theflying artillery, caValry'and'sappers and,
minors Which have left, this Tort 'within' the
past, five , days' are to proceed to' Texes,..there
to to:operate.with Gene tlOnston.fof the resto
ration of the government .ttithority . -in that .
:lute . ; While ziportion of the' &etWill reinforce
Fort Pirkens, and other nest's on the Gulf.coast.
The President Will:Soon, it is believed, cell
forfirty•thoesamt volunteers'i- - Governer 'Cur 7
who hag •jastriareed . to
:Harrisburg from Vloshi netori;' yesterday sent
. . .
to the ',l;eeisl•atur.e . .a rns:isaue renorpnin . ndinn
,an n ppiOpriation of half a million dolldrs to put
tho.militin 'or thoStn'te on a wai Tooting.. Gov:
Dennisoh,.of,Phin, N , t) hccllSs- 71 1 sn been inAVash
ington for sortie nays phsf, will make' a simi
lar 'recommeiition . ,-to the .I.eg,isla , ture 'olthat
The . State a7partMent yPstertlay sent 'word
to the Co"nfederate. State aomthissioners...that .
the adoitnis.tration wouldshold no official inier
cotirso; With there:, • respond to the
cominunication'of the Secretary 'or State,: A !id
then. proceed:•prohably,to „the South.. The
MMitgomery Cabthet were in session" fast:
night,• expeetin.g important news Strom . the
don*isgioneri. . .. • :
The war steam - ex Harriet' lane and. the
steam transports seiledfrom
this pert yesterday for the .Gtilf, loaded "with.
Stores, munitions of war end troops.'
.Titr.:lJi:Tim,vry:it or Ttin
mond Engui'rer'vriiiiih.:nilvocates secession
or:Virginid frornjiin ~isof :the Opinion
0114 .the'opii.te'rm.i.on whichthat f4t,ite should
remain s with the lioilb:isilie'aer,Pptatire by. the
. .
hire-States of the Ithinzatitin.qf
States Which is feund:in ihg solemn diction of
the•Monigomcry 'Constitetion•and may be an
alyzed-as • ‘• ' •,
. 'l.' African, slave 4 in theT , rrit.)ries shall be
#cogniz...d and protected by Congress'and the
' ?.•That the riglit'to.slaveholders of transit'
and sojourn any:Stirte•of -the- Confederacy,
with their slaves.and . 'other propeity,,,shall be
recognized and respected. • .
.3. That the, prevision in regard to fugitive'
slaves•shall.oitend to any slave,lawfully car
ried froen one 'State into another, and- there es
caping -or taken 'away from his master. •
4., That no bill or post jack) law (by. Con
gress or, any State,) and•ne law impairing'or
denying tne right of property .in negro'slaves;
shall be' passed. . • .
' 5. Thai the African slave, trade,shalt be pro
hildted by siich•laws of Congress.,as Shall er
re:dually prevent the same. ; . . •
EAdue leare,:•.from a correspon
dent,-that on'atarday laSt, a la rge.bald-heacl:.
ed eagle was
,shot 'in the neighborhood of Port
In any. It "measured Ofiet. from .tip• to tip
of. *witigs and weithed 47 peurids..• Our dnfor ,
triant. also states. that a beautiful silk hdither .
was found saspended"to - its . peck,,an which was
insciih - ed Ofloy your Sieves.,
Tin-ware,- &.c , -I , 4ason's:Sde-ilill Store."
~\Ve have often wondered of 'laic at - the fast
inetea . sing rush tc; : rhe !‘Siile:Alll,'?kut'the
above ,a ecounts for the milk 'in 'the cocoa-nut. ,'
rrIMOTHYSeen rL: ; 11. " 'Jolley, of Port
Allegany, advertises a quantity .."of ti'muthy-
Seedlnr A i l:Ntr.lliolley raised this seed
ithite .' anwarra'nt it to be read ve 1,
those Wieliingo tiny' giye'hith'.
. 'Ta r s SMs.rirrort.t. • Ott have. obtainet • a
:site arid, confreeted . for . the:Sinkini
Wrig_hi` and Wes. Jinni .haite
Leiner). the,contreet,: Th'e'„locatiOn , selected is
in Afechailiesbur4,'
,examinations` hOW' that, the rock ,is.
leached at a depth of Ir ent's!. fteet. 'From the
:knowirenergy of the..contrketors we.are assn
red the 'wrirk.Willbe,nushed fdiwurd. briskly,
Thera is fair:itonteßt befWe'en themetliport
and Port kllOany Co., tis to : who shelf first
istrilCoil;", anti we Gan,assure-Mssrs... Wright.
• . n. ,
.and Irons: that they have ,
spirite4 men tp stitve.
. .
.Agerit. of the SyiaOuse. O il Co., were - here
. .
last . Week.nrospecting; an4:securing. lands on
Which .to: sink.•wells; > '.l , :rigines and •intril.e.:
inents'ib. - % sink- two! wellsorie Yarniers.
Valley,:fhe other 'on land: of J...l,.Beekv:'ith
he sent' en within .thitty
gentlemen,. after a : pe'rsonal examination of
so'rrle of 'Mir:spring's; were ent i rely satisfied
. v. , iththe . 'prOspects.
An. eastern COn'nany, of which • we: have
Ifoetofore spoken, have secured'an.interest in
lands, of S.C. Hyde, Esq..; near the' Borough,.
and willeignirrienee operations. in 1 feW . days.'
•'',.thOse who haVe •visited other oil regions ex
press Ake - t urine " that .:our county affords. a.
fayciraplejpoiri.t . ,.l)oth asrlTiards • the : cerf4inty
of sacess . and the terms cin , which leascs can
we'ekS'ago; a meeting was xelfed at To . i . t.
Tor 'the intrtiol'eor forriiing a cOmp'eny. to
bOre for oil, wken a - cOmpany was fOimedi and
$lOOO stock takciC; and noW; forday; the rye!:
has been 'reached, the derrick nearly finished,
and, if not .hiridered in obtaining tools, Arilling
in the rock will be.Oornnieneecl.thiS week. The .
prOinritness and energy of our Libe'rry friends is
prainworthY, and.will, we doubt not ; be. re
ded : with sureess. -Very good 'stirrer° indi
cations ate found4l We 'Shall'
haVa•irore to 'say
. in regard to affairs::atlhat
plaCe next week. . .
. .
COMING:.L—T,IIIN9 , BC MiLLEeI NrwGooda are
coming 'forward ,now, by the, car load: It is
needless for us to. speak Of tbe 1;v
‘ , cGtaiim,."
as everybodY knoWs its.exce . llence: • Fair (lea:
liag—eheap at that-LgOod goo.dq; and plenty, of
'them, are among its lead ing.andannst tittiaCtive
fe4tures• . Let every body' and .theit families
call at Thing fkr - Miller's and examine for.them
selves. If you .doht litry yon will "be well
pleased with•your Adpertisar.
'...ATT.AI%I!C . DF.:ITOCRAT.—:-We have received the
'first number of.amPa' . r,.ipirited plper..pikblishert
at trarbor,'N.•T.; by. JONATHAN:GIFFORD:
. Mr: Gifford is a, native uf.llrkean county.,
Ivitene,e-he removed to , NeW Jersey, Some
twenty years ago, , where he ha's since, resided.
As a matterolconise . .."*.. G.. prints a, sound
ITlninn*Demnerarie paper. Wewisii him entire,
success in hii new enterprise. .
Puting the, past and. prea;mt week .we.have
been absent from home, in:which wag it-clu
ded a trip tmShippen;of'which we shalt i'pealc .
hereafte . r..• • The 'oil fever had begaii to, rage tit
that . place,andleases had been iecoredof lands.
.ndeeitisem'ent came too
Fete to apper this week: . Our friends need, net
ther. visits, hoiset er , as the ,fie:vi-Ocid.s
are on hand.
. .
•Dunterep.olir visit to Lowell we were: shoWn
ilirmigh the LabOrattity ofoift celeiciatedreonn:.
trymen,• [Yr. Scarcely . cOuld we
have believed witho u t. proof what is seenthere
. • .
beyond disputing. • .. '..; • ' •
of solid tOnilt
'OOO closes, and three•bag'o3 ol'Clierri'Pettoral
120,6.00 doses, p . .r diem. To 'Whitt : an incom
eeivableamount of human atdierinz :does this.
point ! 170;000 doses, a day•!! Filly millions
of coses.per year! !! 'What acres and th . ons'aret4
acres of 'sickbedsiloes'this spread befoul The
Arnaginatinnt 4nd whet 'Sympathies hiidiWce.!
True tiot•all'of-this . 'is taken by:the. , very sick.
but .alas; much of it This cherry Drop and
this angered Pill era to be: the -companion,of
p'ain and -anguish , and sinking sorrow--- . the
heritrine; l .•our, -mother Eve 4erle:ithed to the
whnle'fatriily of man. Ilere the irifa`nt..daiding,
has' been touched too ea'rfy by the difight-that
withers half .our race,' Its little lungs are of
feetecl,and ohly watching•and wititingshall tell'
which' Warits !ed ..
drop cM:ita.tableis.the - talismari shall hang.:—
There the I bleSsormor wOrld, just bursting
into womanhood is at rick en . else.. AffeetiOns
most assiijuotts ea're avaitsoot,;sha. is still fa
. The win Messenger * comes nearer
•and nearer lit'le• .rnendic:a
roent-shall:gmthere•,, thell last', 'perhaps'., their
Th , rstrOng• : inan hes,•planted.in his
Vitals', the some disease. red drop•hi his
side is.helping him to wrestle . with the hie:vol.:l..
hie enemy,; the • wife of ,his boseur, and: the.
.cherubs. of his heart aro waiting' lie sick•sorrcive
end:Jeer losi : the rod, 'on' Which tliey lean, in
t his . world, be' broken.
Doetort'Spare...nO„skill, nor toil, to give'
the perishing sick the best that human art:can '
give.—Galveften• (Texax).Nen;.t. •
'PoStifols op Gov.' HourroN.--The.follnwing is
the closing portion of GoV.' llonstdn's••address
to the peoplelof Tegat; •. •
f‘l.orn ready le lay down office rather .than
. Yield- to, usurpation'and: degradation.• .1 have
declared my determination to stand by Texas
in whatever position she%assurnes. Her. people
have - declared in favor of •a separation from the
Union. I have followed' lier banners before.
when ail eXile &p . m the land of . my : fathers. • I
.werit back. into. the Union with the people.. of
'Texas. lgo ont of :th.e.llnien•With.therit; and
though rcan see bk.' gloom.. before me,:Y shall.
follovV'the.“Lone Star".withlhesarite devotion
'I 'love .Texas too well to bring'
. ciVil . •strife
and bloodjhed• upon her, To avert" . this-ca . lamr 7
ity,.l shall make,no tmdeavor to Maintain my
,authority as Chief Exectitive of this Stitte,-.ex
cent by the peaceful' exercise of toy 'functions. -
When I can'no !ringer . do;this; calmly.
withdraW from thesetMe,leaving the Govern=
merit in the hands of .those who. have psurPed
itstiuthority; hut still claiming that Lain its
Chief Eiectitiv6'.. • . . •
. . , ,
. Nilm.,•Rice, formerly editor or, the Pennsylva,-
!Ilan, died at Philadelphia last meek. During
Mr. Buchanan'a . administration the deceased
occupied the_ position of.llarbor Matter,. at
Philadelphia. -. .. -• . . • • . .
Mr. tinehlif is singularlylunfortunate. Un.-
'forks nate, Uiring•Fresident of a broken Union,
nnd the representative party :which
Jestruyed the onlYfree',goire,rnment . .on earth,
andtnrn•crumbling in
hone'stly belieie'the .Uniof,i,is gone he
yorni tio'vi, the- only. rni:ti 7 .
.ition of' national - calamity in
'power, is - to,avoiil a ioritlict of s tirms.. •,..'•
The rea!=on assiitoed the evacuation of
Fort Sumier is ari insult to the 'coontry—a
miliatinrisself ilegrailatiOnyif true; and equally
•soiqf - .Those
. Who c,laisn to sneak tot the
AdtriinistratiOn,.say.:the Vrithdrawal.of Major
41.nderson'is a military riecessitp,-- that it 'slrh.:.
poisible to reinforce. that , post. What .4n.ati-
'WhY-not tell thelrath, l and say it is; 4it is,
a polAtical . :nivss.iti—n measure of . peace and
fraternity--.-an 'nave Irranch frorri 'the PlOrth to
onr brethren' Of -the' Sottth ? Why • put
gf,ouhtisdikraeefo to the.pfoWess'of the Union,
when'the true reason is honprable ,and patriot= .'
: ie; iB,piltirely.'p, Military 'question, 'say 'the
Black ,' Republican .7jlilitar:y
Gezi.:-±kottitecidqtl . it on these gro — tinfla;say the
leaders. , Can't.berninfoeceltriow—teo . late.--:
Such' are 'the. reasons' given. ,• Let us suppose.
that. Fort . Su.mter: , ‘;‘'irs' beiiegecl by a foreign.
fee; 2 W.birldany Administration dare s tell the
country that: it-could net•he. reinforced Such
a declaration.' would be met With: scorn. .It.
the.n:/io ry:que'siiod, and: 11 i.d ed
as Scott decided 'at :Lundy's' Lane—as 13unker
Sarntogo and Yorktown were t lecided,..and.
as the:spirit Of ;the nation would. deniand that
it shonld dem - and therit'Should be' decided: ft
.is irrond: feather in the.cip . of 'ark 'A dminis..
tratien to . .,the, world that. tire then'
_who stormed Vera Crfiz•ind carried:onr.nag'in
trilitTkb,4l3.the'arites 'of..l\lexien; are, unable to
reinforce.afoit in Charleston hatbox.' •
. .
.• - .
• Why is such a . reasai . h.given 7 Simply
eauso.the4bolitinn: wing, of...the:Ste.bli'ean
nartYr . 'woul4..tivoid the apneartince of backiti . g,
dawn from its.bluster - and threatS: That is all.'
It is because .the.leaders' of. tbat . narty 'think' it
is better to disgrace the countrkin the' eyes of
tbe.world,:than.to admit that they .have 'done
But . , there is anothef.yieiv , of. the. case,.ari
Ong from:the : declaration that
. the evacuation
of Fn . rt Suinter is a . cqm.treirrallitarynec'essity. , "
It-is-telling' the South that' wle..withdraW,
•trimps; because 'we a're .
ling 'them that we'shoutd,be very, banny - tO cut'
their throatli,,or throvi shot•and shell into theit.-
divellings; but the , ShOrinesS.6( Major Ander-.
son's..sunplies,. and the'
Ong him, absolutely' prevents , just
Thisls the.surn and .subStanee ofl:the meaning
'which attaches: to Mr, 'reason's for
abandoning:Fort. Sumter. Instead of being as
It ought to be,. a' measur4.9l . :conailiation, it is
- cine • •
if the evcriation thd Ad
;m.inistration' upon Sucb griinds;•it. is,Mdt im- .
probable that South:Catririna : may that,
a:fort:cYcuateil' . .fo.r MilitarY .. reason.s.. must be'
riliacuated 'acco.riling - •to - the rules of as :She
may derivind the sUrreride.r.of..kajor. Anderson, -
orcompel'hirp to; stay 'where he is for military
reasons.al . ..so. f : t he troops ar'e to be wi,flnirawri•
at all, they should she'rem.oved as a measure of
leace. • a strictly
time to nyncliate an
.American Fort, is when its.
ivolls . .are battered down,and.nOt befOfe. , .
4,..l....FCE . A'r.l'ycrotiy,HAt the`municipild dec.
tirtn 'hi nPikliborintr
(jay :I.7th•itrit : , the Democratic carit.thinte
(or Mayor ,was elected by . ri majority of bid
over his •Rermblicap -oppowntt..-the pre4ent in
cnmhent.. •In addition,; the. Democrats have .
carried tyvo to'one.O.l•-the.entmeils.'und nearly
aldttitt .Ahlermen; Cinmstables,..lwiges, sTes•
'sore, '.-Thn.Yote for Mayer lc-as:follows i
• Joel B. Wanner*,.(De.m) • • . :1773
• 13mneyille - linim, (Rm.) . :.• • • 11.23
, NVtn - rl6r . "sitnajnrit
, .
• At the milnicipal rl•~etinn n 7, y.ni•rwzn, tits
enr.rre , rtbn .
rlocfp,! 1,35 rn,j - ±rit+l:9. -4 1frtArri yett
ag',3 by'OH! ."5? Intel. •
•• A N:\rnixkti Pr. NERAI.; B.:
Mit:l7o, now. • Rnpuhlieart .triernber. of the
rej•Slt•ted to haye' said, in
. ce aric.stwaeli at Chientln ""When, qri the riyen •
lug alter the Prasitie'ntial elitatiqn,lhe steadin
the house of a frientl•nu . l3enhan ihe city .
01.11usterr, !pia , saCv a Jo ie proet , s , ion of ,!rwide.
'awakes" DI - by•wi.thtnrehes art! •hanners. and
shou'la , oltrinmph. a lady .s . tanding . .near him
•remarked; KtMr. not seep : lA6l7n:
joy was his reply, Tam never
.:rperry. at •a. ttiner,,/,' - With =Odle. .surprise she
inquired what lie meant. reply was, - .that
• the 7.2 . rarusiatz then, pa ivoti.N.prove.tO et the
funeral. proceet low of the' natiOn . ,!! t•' - •
TI RV IN TI11.: Tnant`ronins.-it . apnea rsi
the official report of 'the Census in the Territo
riesthat-thtt total nnrober.of, elavPs the'y. cow
tain Ibis is the
.extent•of the
fwil . which.the slaiiery extenslOnists baye 'been
able to - aernmplish... Sorely, in•vifrx of.sOch
result, this his ;' ceased to he a 'Praftical..nhes
tian,•and'it.istirne the Atrierienn should de vote t hell-erten' ion:to more important things.
The population . of Ne,v . too, the naW
T.erfitorr.wherelt is ht: all probable that
very could . he infrorltieed is 'now
suffiClent to instil:V . . her' edenission •.intn . the
Union. and, thus virtnally:settlethe ~ihnle ;con=
troverSy in regard to oar existing domain for-
. .
• There is nothing..reliable :concerniair, Forts
,or Pickens. Thn .President end his
cabinet are 4nm" on the• subject, and .news
seekers are: sorer' PerpleXed•in.conserjuence.
'With regard to Sumter, it .now "appears' that
the: reinforcement - of theyort is actually under
consideration,- as' the project, despite • Gener al
• .
Scott and Major Anderson's opinions, is deck
redAY :military, authority to -be • feasibly.
reliable despatch:frim Charleston
‘ says Major -
Anderson's supplies have, been ctit•oft, causing
the utmost anxiety as to the : final:result.: Ex
treme solicitude, is: everywhere Manifested ref- .
alive to . the' movements nOeining,' the Fort,
and tear. is.expressed, Indicating the near-ap
riroach of bestilities unless an irnmetliateevec
uation.takes'place. • , .
A:NAilmor. Coftc:4•rroir.—the 'current of
public' opinion seems to be rapidly setting in fa.:.
Nor, of a National Convention'fOr the• settling
of the questionii groWiag out of
,the Sciuthern
revolt. We hopeit may ,he speedily carried
out. 'lt is, in our opinion,. the only rhethod.by'
WhiCh rotationthe 'diliculties can he arri, ,
ved.at. 'lf the rebel:States do not desiro
Om to their ailogiancew.convention contO'fix
'the boundaries and kivvre the way for the ; re 7
cOgnitiOn-of their independence:-L,Vid
S, Smith, (Dom.) was electetl on Friday 15th
Mayor.ol the city ot grie, by a'majority.
of 350 over his Republican opponent. A ma-,
jority of the Councils'and other . municipal offi
cers are also D'emocrat'ic. • „
- IritoreatingfFom ke'y West
. .
MONTOOMERiC., April' , 2.--Mr.. W.:11
Ward, the.editor of.the : Key.of the buff news.
gaper, hits arrived'in ,this,city
He itateuthat on the'.2sth, the•ateamer,Gen,
.121181 c . drrive'd et . KeY.Wes4.vrith'2oo . treop! roc .
.Key. Wdst and, 100 for•Tortugas. : ' •
gybe' Crusader. : hid reached . Key'West,. with
leaied.cirders,.. ;toiler charge of Capt. : Cravito r
yviih.marinee, : ' , . .• • :'• •
The Brooklyn wns going ibto Key 15 7 . , e5t, on
t h e 26th., Ni doubt she left' 4er, trpqt4 nt,Ppit
Pickens. • '
':Tho Coinmissionera
,of Texas stifinTated•that
the trisops on the General,linskititiould be land- •
ed a t New York; 'The. Cornmandera of three
companies on the General Busk
.had. signed a
doctiment '•erotieratinglcaptain.Smithi'of-the
G er " R ua k,frorn all..btaMe I;lr:deception.
•‘ ; Mr. 'Ward further States that by an *rival
at Key West, on 'the 2Gth; the :report was re..
eeived . that the,Spanish flag ut.St.ponaingo.was
hoisted, by lire French and Spanish .residents;— •
The,Spanish PreSident had `. previously written ,
.stafing•tbat - the
,Spanieh' toreee;
were sent thither, the.Spaniarda wont& hoist
the• Spanish flag; whereupon fide Spinisliwar
vessels, with : One. tliouSand, men, sailed frorn
liavana, and took forinal possession ; of San
mingei, tt
aided by . Frenekcoriette , •
Gen...ll,liramOn was it Havana,:endeaeoring•
to - raise a force "tot the , 'purpose of: .
.Mexico. The Spanish' arid .French- seent'.,to
syrnpathize with themovenient,•and it was be
hexed at Havana:on file 26th, that theieGov
ernments, Would, by:the aid of their sgitadroni;
asist such, an expedition litlanding at Vera
It was,alse affirmed at Havana that an Eng-
French and
fleet had 'sailed for
Vera Cruz.. The object of this expedition was
not- publicly kiTOWn.,
• A Co: , scinspoui Wir,r.—Messrs.•Curtis . Be
Hickolr,• On Oil creek have .. a
.fountaih Well,.
which.wit..have:Oreviously•notieed. Tiley•hsee.,
.wit hid a PW: NVrieks,' gathered , without a puippi
upwards 4.1 . ?00 bartelsof his well Bows
every day, Sund '
a'ys excePted.. • Tliis fact is
as true :ifs'is rernarkable:: . :we' commend .this
well as, an example to all*.Who are not disposed
to.tespeet the Sahliath,. Itii the model' . well
of tlie - region 7 •—f'snancp Spectator.
'MOwI.:3IENT.-A movement lain pro
gress New. York 'having for - . its object the
trination ot h Union party, to composed of
alt the ..elemehts 'opposed to. sectionalism, and
against " ' the fOrthCr
: agitation of the slavery
question. " The 'German bernocratic:clubs are
- talonz.a'plominent . part in . it. The result" of
the Rhode Island election, it is - thongfit im..
put increased momentum to the formation of
'.The Rhode. T%land State electio.O.wns field on
lie d it, : resulting in a complete. 'triumph of. the
Uninn arid Congervatiee.candidates: • The Union
candidatelor,GOvernor, . was: re.elected l :.,by, a
lartie majority: Theynion candidates for COn-:
~res~;' William P. Sheffield and George, H.
Bra..vri,e;•• are 'elected over tiie: late
members; Messii.:Robinson and Brayton. 'lc
The Tion.•Joshoa R.,Ghilings; the iatber of
the ,Ohio'airrepressibles,",has been assigned by
the n'ew adMinistimtio'n the post of Cohiu) Gen- , •
era) of the United t'ates,at; . ll.fonteral.
stations him •ti the•northern terminus of..the
G. G. R. R.., !ui.liere call superintend the ar-*
rival Of,-.the.masteligers, • Und take the •genersl,
oversight or the rood. • • • • • .
' 'A: diepatell'fromWashington to theNewYork
iferafd ear:, it Arili)fflee . t. of the na.vy'etated
this morning that 'lee had reitson to . .believe that.
a roptare . ‘vouldoccor between thi s country and
Sp. : tin within twenty days." . ... The same
st,t'te.s ,that there 1)&5 not beetretteh.4ctivirkti .
ani and nast.for along time es 'now ex-
. . .
• The t+i-at the elatteeti
. i
th - e ',erre ae;•nt CoOstitotion of the' Confederate
thi , , African slay . e
0610,31.41'th. , Montgoi:nery - C(ingrels
.10er'Stioes 'to two. .:§heth. Carbliiia and
Flariaaoppo.o.l the re , triction, while Georzia,
ALtbarna, tr)nisiana, and • iklissiepppi: adyo;ea-
The Conne'eticlit Stet!! .eleetion'yes - held on
the 'inst .! ! The Republicans eleef their !State
ticket.. They losO two•Conare.ssiong reliresnr:-
tativeq. : In the seeond, district..lot - oes E...Ene
lith, nornoe! - a1 . .;:i3 elected by. 800 'majority,
ovyr Woqrtift, ifPoh." Ferry; ,an . nitya .Re
puhli,ian has been defeated Ore courthAllstriOt.
....The venerable 'Judge McLEAN,.'died at his
'residence •in Ohio,: on Thdislay'morning. His
Oge . .tvas seventy-six, and tar: hearty thirty-One
,yeatiiiti has cicertpiee the high ponition of 'one
Of the As , ociii.te:Justiees of the Supreme Court.
of. United States,.having.been appointed by
President Jackson.. .
. . . .
.It ismorejlian likely that FOrt• ,Piekens has,
been. reinforcei)•by +he. 400. men on '.:board 'the
Ilrooklyn.. The ailministraikin . has hourly air: ,
I . );ct.cd to
7its . atiiick,•in is:hich . case or
ders have been issued fora vigorous defence.'
Tlie . city..electipn - passed nif qui . etly. The en—
tire TY,ninicralic:Union ticket is elected bitabou.t
rdate.. 11
'This tie ismade entirely. of paper,: in 100
ferent style's, and in perfect.. imitation of Bilk;
and other fabrics. The price is'ao low that a
gentleman. may -Wear- NEW -EVERY
1).i1.1",.and yet not be ehargable. with extraVa
gance, or one tie can be wore from 3.t0 5 days;
'if necessary tO Oconoenize . .
. .
21---THE RELIEF-TIE.. • • •
• (riiisTan JAN.. 29, 1§81.)
This is doubtless the most perfect silk tie
ever invented,. and Just.what the name im
plies, ft perfe'ctloßeliet frornall further trou..
bit in, tying bows:. . , . •
~•. • • • :
.An exquisitely beautiful artiele 7 , it hes, only
to 'he seen to tid mired.
: •• "Solo Manufacturete,
N. 36 . Warren Street.,-NeW.York..
. . . .
N. 8.--We toll in WHOLSAL,E . .I6I4,pERS
ONLY. Gaudio ,. 'iVlex.chants
.orcier our
goods of .ANY WHOLZSAL,E..IIQUSE with
Whom they are
. P. :SEED.
-FIFTY Busiil4S of ,the quality best Tlino
ihy seed, raised 6.y and for salojit. -
Poo Allitany,lipril 11,• 1861.. • • _