M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, March 28, 1861, Image 4

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400i::00 1 01°* ( Pricl! , ' 4 "! 1 ; that: plaF 6
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the'ine:fitietteyettei.giveithe best.' la titfae
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' . .OI 4 )ifAvoRITES,
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li,EGtr TOR,
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4444: poo:EtoOtiqm . of ninny thing new,
`11# 7 ,03'404. - - ; ',4lt you have the. CASH and
wm?:r; 'Ara 1143E8,
110 'TO THE
*able' for their
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:innnnfaetnir~ .and'?
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prieoe-;-• New
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ti i rtn k-I , leml i,4et 14*,tke
Seleciiiittef ripti the tli into. i hit
0 ;1101 T , r , r r, •
• Vi7r3Brrrort
...Al 4 tteneclurilitun oaopoodo,f,io: no , t;itostitte.
tion ° of th nlinit ell Stains Va•AtKittottte Fitt:olo.l
-Adilifttikt With Co liioO
For the hittlier . Oman's tit uratin nat• i tottitut
Ild fOr 11ift11e44` . !1;1412 ., foir , O 1.211.5 . ,,, all 0. rot
111-el Portrait of Welpfer; Priet•sl-.1111 •
,dent•Mps Wad.
With o.l.l.ll%Dtio,tirt GIFT: wtitlb i rroinfitineittii to s.l)*
l'Etr'lliak." I. acutumeorprrwetfuPw•,
torest for the tiros-tit tliora jln ~;n bidet e , its Auth o rs,
its u tile, not rytincee engilo,7t tti odithtrital
at-ceptanalf l'Artuay : tainurd Mite . If! Every
Miraltant.sht hop,i t ry sl4l4.olltunc • shooltr
it L w ter. ..I.+Ptc r icia 1L; debut P,4.
tricot Should - Imre it l• tit . Etat, ...tlyercitiely, Whether
Mnit,f‘Vointn ot',Chila—witethot •Llsa
Font or W • tc:f. ellrirlll at-rot for F. ropy of thin—ono of
1.112 moot neteded 'tint- aceeptable-lloulta ttver submitted
to the'Anicrleatt ' • • • •
• Tit - 77'1M presentation of • Lite .Caustitutional 'resit
to• the . p ittple • nf- • thd .I'OG l tafoa,• - et•rttilr,ly
needs nn tumidity, for - it cool tilos • 11l footle itientsi her
:of bur Oototty, with nn introduction runlet ed Iro to 11.4
*linnet' or him who has :WA .Itean termad On." ,
pounder aint pers . :vier ortlie Conatitution,?t To' nut
kink 11.10 seise tioda from .the writings of Mr. Webater.
'grew' care hat bt en taken Art oleo Ruch -.parts an Tony
ton eatmainted friquoi tr..hod irhicit will tend to sLonath •
en the. .opiurnits. or thdold, and to.inuirees tho •yoitnit
wlth 11:10V0 of otittotry.,.a Veuers.tiod • tUr the Coital !to
ilet:l;d Ilespecilbr the Memory or.l he (trent and Gond
Men' wbo,Fonotted nu r - and who bags liWagral
•air.ty., a fervent ottachment-tO the tailuo, ,to
to' paned. In - ordlir-and I,n lUst; anti *tlsiwtetch leo--
none df Itflationi, of. Morality: Mad Or Iteliftlitn. Asa •
°lasi Ilin,k ; this most. vattlible, and when,
used such tha insfruntor.dill rind ilyt 0 int ill Oho
IlitgittOt 10119 for all .the. nueattoba.-neer SSW y- to
he 'asked, aod.tho answers or thwaturleirtoaboald always'
ho e tut the extol SCortle of Otto toot.'.
R A ci d F d i r c e l ds;a 3 l , l A rt zs itierd
• . r .'' :•. • . -:r uttlishoi. 4 tln • Cliestaut st.; I hitsin:,
bosl'AuSs I,T
• vet+ mo.thei Will thrill the' roar)! every true son
of" libertyl • Ileinge.lllStory'ef the
,Personal Moon
iteelentiOlncidentaqind,Explitits • Inctdentai to
the War of Independence. Sayerhlr iliti‘trated: Large . _
12tuo. Price $1.25, accompanied . with a Beautiful
on, worth from SO cerits*to $lOO. • :
110NIAINOE OP Toll: IiEVOI.TiTiON, ,, Ise
work that: should be 41;und. at the fireside ol• avory
~AmoriCan Freemen It 13 pethillarly'aceildable at the
Present juncturein our. national riffairs, reirlraying lls
It .chielt, the 'remarkable heroism, the mild° imnulna,..
nod the wielniir and sterling integrity of the immortal'
I,VASIIINGTON• and' Itia.ganant . co rimatriots. . while
struggling . ior •the . nchlevernent of our National Inole
penilenCe. in o thoae !'times that tried men souls''—thi)
AeOpy of either of:the abets mentioned works,•te..
gather with a ilandgento 'Present,• raking' In value
from 60..ceitta to $lOO.OO. will be Bent .to au person in
the United Staten-Who will reurt'os .the.price, and 21
'cents - addllional 'for . postage: . Bear in mindthat'to ev
ery.pnrchamer ota book to the amount of $l.OO or More'
we atrs a Ohoicallift selected from an- extensive, and
varied assortment of (iota and - Silver Watches, Silver
PlatedWare,Jewary' 'Slik...Dres4 Patterns: etc.,
-the newest styles and beat nuthafeelure—wortli pot Wee
than 60'eeiett• and possibly $100.(Xl.. •
...Send for -complete classified catalogue. 6f ettr.'own
and ether'. PUBLIOATIONSi which will be mailed to
you free of expellee, nutkeyour selectlima, and be con.
•ein cod that the.most.Liberat,illaliable and Enterpri,ing
Establishment the• country to buy'books la. at the
Original and Popular Gift Book Emporium of .
430.Ch4Cout Strati 'Philadelphia.,
: & Leiihrixt,
wointe iespeptfaily entinnnce to tlio citizens In
tlato *eaten of 'country. PM the nubile generallyi
that they 'aro , constantly enlarging en,' extending.' their
new estahlisinent, and for the• purpose of giving every,
• bodla precticei.letnowitrat ion qf bur entire Nur ewe; in our ,
business, and our ability . to 'compete, snceefigully. iritlt
ny entebitehMent, in this „section of the country; we are
• ow tiling our Ware rooms - fall of. ' . •
We now .keep 411 . tistantly tin..han4 it tarp nmienilment or
•ChatraiTahlem,-Pletarem •.solltm,...Lotngem, Demkm, Rock.
.ere, Bediteado, floreaua, Seeretarlem, , 6tools, Donk- Cases,
'olBoe Chairs; Coat Stands, .Toilet tifiii*Orm. What Note.,
Cottage. Chalrm, . Looking. Glagges, ' Quartette. Wanda.
Squire Statulm,• Womb,- Stands, Plotorti Frames, Towel
Rados, Corner Stout's,. stension..Tables, Irat Statolo
Il.'Pr;T\' ,, .l:Vli •
.NDW AND, 1 , 01:E
' t • ONE ,CIIUSIT S, v
h N.V
Ye 514,161,
OZ.:F."IN, N. Y
raluileaf Mattrasses, ' •
80a Grass tiOirsasesi;
• Moss Mattrasees, . . •
. v .
•'Hair Mattrcuiseg.
Mahoiany and Upholitered 7uinitnre
rn ;rent variety of patterns: ,
OfMI klnde mach to ordor
Patent Spring Beds, of Every Description,
Gili,ltosOirood iiiid4arnsiitse
And. other Veneering, constantly nn hn . ni an(irnr.snle
Wit . y.
,11:11lie Nattaikettii , ing r.atttblishmen
and employ the tleeet.conipeteiit workmen. • .•
. ' Job-W6 vie and .•
Or allktuds, 'done promptly
. and in the lied manner
. ,
In conclusion; It Anil , he our aim to supply thip•mnr
ket with everything ht our line, upon the most,reasous
ide'terms; and hope to form an extended acquaintance in
our tr.itle,- snot also to continue the frieridly relations
with our present customers. We invitOoll to collie and
examine our stock. Ile are located in the
. .
'• : EMPIRE ntocK, ..-
tip-stairs; c obalt° the P bee llciue. - • - • .
' • WillrlET & LENICATU
Olean, N. Y., Nov. 2, 18 • 60, • • ~ •.. , ' •..
A LL persons knoWing themselves . indebted
to the undersigned - are hereby notified to.
call and settle:, their accounts immediately,r;
coett will be nude. - :.• S. D. 0TT0.,.
T IN !CHURNS and .Tapannpd Ware,. Stov e
-;.L Pipe and Tin Cat Holpe at • MASON'.
B. S.:r 0U1..D,
Iraving'peripahently located himself at.
would respectfully „inform the public that be
ii.prepared to attend - to business in all branches
of tha . Medical ;Profession., Particular atten.
ring •paido Secret Diseases, both,` male and
l'einale„ they, will be:treated in, accordance with
the latest euthorititili and practice' of both. Eu
rope and America. ;All secrete intrusted • to
' him, in his practice, wilt be strictly , kept by
him, in - spite of
. money, law; friends, enemies,
relatives, or neighbors.
Port .A.llegshy, March 20th, 1860. •
.1- , ' ,1 110fifihre ' C 4.‘ 46''
co rl il lNT
, .(c' s r' :.<1"-ti?,,t5A ---7.- • • :,5)
( A., , -: 3 5 ( a?i_:.---- ---- i .
, 4 A supunATlvE
4 Ai . loVeo
P I DY : ctrE 9 '
'll4 - YlOfttill.H.c.,OßDlM,
• Tu the: CitL.7.ens Jer::ey and Penn
sylvania,' 4.lintlicearies, Drugists.
• .eers . a'nd Private Familie'3. ,
1 C
volk , s Pit're oL t niiie Br.uiiily.
Viol leiltT Port IVOIo
.11itimica and St. Croix Rom:.
\Voile's Pore Serotehatol arin6 11rlikkey.
ALT. IN uo'l TLEs.
bed 11:i I) er.ll tilkOat1.1111(111 rd ell ir,Oti , t:or
I: 4 tforii to the ahoy,' afot 1.1440,.R:4 pni r fed by
Wool o Nea• do lift! iv 1.1”111/iit
. .
in every part thisen:it:try purtty of V:-
Dug SCIV.'7AVyIt . in hit 10t1.1.10 tied ;Areal:,
11.1.; Qr - tlaCpurity , nr Rua ttl. will
idhltehly mpnhti ton uY a fish h
er thirty venr•t 4 t New Vi.rl;
hill the lthAshy hn:l INI:8"1 , 111iyb C hoitie aru port,• a.:.lls
perttel, entulte relitinfihn lot
awry . purchase,' • Every- bridle let; lite, py,:privt:::
hhhtenh.llth totil h fm , simile nC limo t::ighttritre int the
r”rtitiratu.-'ll3O :public are rraaectlalls moiled 1.. call
wid axratiral rnr I.lltrtilkelr 041 Per
ht h inherhries net GI-neer , : , •
OP:hunt: 11. Af.ii • , 31,1k1,t1,:61.5t..
•• Ph ihmi; /jib
• .
.Itotia•tbit!follow . ingt from too No .- a-York Courier:
Knuitutirs Scots itso•ron Osa Nkw:yottir Nettratiar-We
arc happy to inform our follinvt.nitizotta that:there is ono'
',place )n mut-city wlporn the physician, a potiturary,.antl
county); nntrehant,otatipt tinti I nreitt se.Wieoti h I,l nr i o rs;,
a's, intro. as. imptirtal . and Afthalms! quality ne t
Intend to'.ove wihetalto rata daseripfittntifhltio
tenoi re ltifolueos„alllttnitilt M. : will repay our strangenor
ritir.ttn - to vinit 11n06..ti0 Writ, toif,lott . warpliotive,'
Non. 10, 20 And t:tt.•ltttavor iiiroot,'iold Nits 17, 10 and 21;•
Marklieht alr 4 itt: ntotok of Solontrititenhalaritathyfon.
1 414111mM: !Mull not :have lierti 1, than thirty. Minn's:Mil'
cnnhO, tho Brittnit, I , (etni• ton thong:ln 1 rattas-,-Tittlantes of
and ton thousand' moan or )1,10i,,„,, ;than
ry and Port Witte, Scotch and Irish Wlth'ilier, :Intrknina.
and St. Croix Slim, :some very old and equal to any in
thls'onuntr,V. rtim, had three lartnti nellars;.ll.llod with.
n.' , cixka n otler Castro 110 a t.e. hay
Wendy 'for .Itottlinty. ; Mr; Woli'v;itt :salon of, ii.eltapPr;last,
yenr itintiuntatl f,o'fito litindrothanil.l thounandi,tlor,-
"" "n 4 s et' h"1.1.11 . titan tan year! Ita• n m i.pe e _
'ouncein.fut with his Brandies and "%Vitro:. • • •
Itla fitsinanit Merits the patronnoe' or noere ln~rr cif his
toprolett. , 'Pri.vai.o.,:tatilittifirloi 'wish porn,Winita".attil
fog. 111.11(411 lit,, xbgnld rend Iliefrortittro dirent to
Mr. Wolin. until oveity; Apothecary. ittilin laid make up'
their' minds Alotlioratyd the' poiontinitti tililtr from tunic
"NIIPty6:'11.111.1 replie it with:Wohrit'a pure M'imia• mat
We undorkand for , I Ito noc:thin l ola
At Pit' till d , ! , llo.lll'in the Onnintry, pub; 1, 4.f., , t)i•teil or
Winos and' hltmora.' Such tt man. nod ;welt . t hntereltant,'
shnuhl big Ma:Mined non tn...t. his tine of th0u....18 or
pnrinntn, tho United StateE:Who oil anthipit hut itnita-
Conn, ruh?oua Mike to' Inp,o,in health awl happinovv,
TED, - nocl. mOst 'CONIPLETE; CORRRCT itO4
'RELIABLE Rank Note Reporter•in' ekistence.
..'•.• .rrtiomPsoys..
Quothtiona corrected by Tircimr§o'll BRoritrit.s,
2 wan sti'at
Publidheil by Cia,ts. rrakrii St
.. TERMS cF...suricini , tiori IN ADVANCE;' ,
- ~. • ' • , To:mail stiiru.tibcre . —'. • '
Wookly., : , . T,2l.etni•trionthly,.: '-.sl 1 IN Inntbiy ,•,...7,3c,
. .
To Postmasters on (Allots, vital. form Clotri 'rail .'for
Mud no the mono?" to nairance, - .NVO. wkll 'semi the ltottor
. 61r Cola Chart :Ilan tier, rind Desciipti ye List, fts,Sol
lova.: • •. - -' . .
• ft p.of.leti of 1..6 6 NeeklY . , ona Year..., , ..., V. , 60 .
' 6 capies of the Spoi-mon lb ly.„ ~ , ..... :. , . ,100 • •
'• :10 'rapt es of t.lit Mouth ty .....". .. . .... .:.
.....6 00: •
:We will forwttril.eratmitously, to any.pe.r,son
sending a chili' of .s2o..at—the above dates, at
'any one time, - our.Ayierlian p-Ltii Coin .Test
'Scato: . Adtlres; • •• • . •
. •
• • No. 2,•Wa11..5t. N. T„-Rroprietors.
ICYYIc.:,E4,4 I IIS'C ,
Patented Rept. 9, 1:956,
Bli• 111114E1' ,Sellit'l7l
. the two first, and most natural . iniplementi.
'vier used' in, Washing Clothes. I . Not withstand-
Mit ghas: been ^t'h . e' . stinly.or inventors to, do
them away, and lor that purneSe.several..hun
'dred Tatentd•have been,
.issued, yet ,it La's.hem
of no..effee't. : he y . have'. failed' in',their . al
temiit.. Their, machines havebeen :Condemned
and thrOwn - , away, and , the Wash Board - and
Beater. again , used in their
• l'his. mathine7combines them together, at:
'taeliedto a progressive lever in sueli . a., manner
ai . .•giVes great power •to ..t he Beater; while
. rither-rnay be•itsed as the operator may,desire.
The , Motion.of 4.he Beater • iy Ordek.and
the pr6sure gentle and. povierful,.Which gives
it the. advantage over all Other, Maehines, and
'is so decided by competent judges: • . •
Manufaetared and sold' at Mechaniesbor , z.,.bi
. • . A'. WOLTERS.
- Methaniesburg, 11..tareli 180 ••
HE SUBSCRIBER uoiv offers tO.tilie pub
1 lie, this .Improved §traiv,-cutter; in. ful
confidence that all whotake the trouble.to wit
nose its f i
operations will be conVinced of its
periority:over any other 'now in use. •
.A.lpupply, kept constantly on .hend.and man
nfactured to order":
12 - . As no other person has the 'right to
make or uses this Cutter within'M'lienn coon
ty, all who ere using it in violation of the pat=
ent will be pros' tired; • • .
. . • - • ,• A. wourErts.
Mechanicsburg, / ist T 7, 1559. • "
Kensington InsurninceContanny,
Parmees Vninn Inouranee Co., Athens, Pn.
Cali Copilot, .. . $.2 00,fitn,
Great rWestein Insurance . C9.., Philadelphia. Pa.
CajiiCal stock • • .
, West Branch, (rtintnitl)'Lock•llaven Pa.
insurances earl be effected in the ahnve res
ponsible Stock Companies. by the .. .subscriber.
Any 'communication addressed to him, .a
Smethport, Pa., ‘villine et with promp attention
• • • ' •• B. F. DAVIS, Agent.
Snietbport, Dec. 9, 1958:. • Jn-10.
Tf.11 7 : SUBS,CRIBF.R bati opened n rie‘S— tiv
. ery.,Stabtee in Strathport,.al
. O.'R. Ben.;
nett's Old- Stand;on Vain
. street, just east of
Mchanice, wher e
. can be found the best of Hor !
sea arid•Oarriages at, loW pricasi:, He intends. to
najike Smethport a permanent residence, a..; 1
askuti.abare Of . patronage '
. .
Smizthp9rt, - Auglist '2l; ,
1860; '• - n:r4.fff.
OIJlt ;!1-iII;15111-11-14VANY
iii You w oulaJ
u - only wITFE VOL. It'o\r NSV' t ucTi
d how V:N - j!IcIII'ALNI NG •
V,e rge-st, n n int in-'
it rl ire, ariunt I,e't tit :11'ul yPt rhedj , r it •journal.'9n
opal ttii• liouscitt)l.l), furlhi r.tR.% -,afirt
• 1.1.,5,a.i11t1)1.•:'N, vin, ; , • •
.luit•riraii ,S iknlluriat
. .
. . .
.. . . .
.1);:.:11 .. ..1.N . .1 . 1.% 111s1 , 11150 . .U.C1) , alrli So.yery 11)tthy
t‘c (1114 lirfoll(iilrti!Ctllill.!,.; bi1.,:t11.1 ~i!li',s(•ii.l, l l, ! :ll ; .:l4til.N.
i It!ii ks of . 11lit;1101ir wrivli, 'in tYe_ . G.IItDEN.' in till:
ELI/ in tho \l:yi uti lhP ii?tte'P r irtf,.oj',22.4tifoiti;
.n! Atdirials; ~Tht; rir'yi,
lt a rital6 r"t:1):Cli
• .
' lruL it . . gill
ern! n 1 nt , ,,; forin it; :r1,6,, of
; 18 re f obt•,:bPrittisu rrtifflrtti big linne3t, practical wow:-
MEN, wIV-.lcnow .wbal thoyxrite about. • . -..•
" • .
Ifitnrfrolk:n . f urelia 11.
atilt ii in' el..rtain;tint litany of thy,o. I.xfnk
yvu nuire thana : e.ollat.-....ksa . nexalni . ..lv, n f‘lll.l •
eeriber act.,
.in' 10..ne.re all ,O
jiiielinring the given in
. ..Anyther.anys ie 61,talneit an ex! fn
I'l 4411 leishell el "corn per aprio. flehl
Wittl ' llo cunt fter culints t 1(k apnlying . ollo hint
rop.thn Anoth vlllngen,) ;ea)
)0 get 1 1 :1:1 ; i t iV•orill n,tirn of g(ntilgdr(len t.egetAblea, whirl(
re 1 0ttributss n1,0113%0'1 the tiniety, hints in illo Attri,ol:
iri(t, Which told hint from • iiinolo tiara icitp) to to.
'flow do 'it. Thourialids of othrrs
hikve are invitr , l to
r:f the pape:e'n'year,:lit a at.,t or. only 1. If you de.3 9 .re . :'
:ire% ellexge, four or . 11y4'paree:s':,0c
cliiiic . e,s'e'eth:l,.wilich the Volitielter will diitr;buiettnoini
the hreseit) • I
• YOU ft WIVE . w4ritH bec,iu<o• it
luie a large a,nottnf of raluableaul• oiwrul lnfUrnutt
ilLont nII kituk: of liol:l.3Eriiii;rilvoiti:,sivin . (4a I
rret . to
dire het. the bevellt
.1' nI kill find yottC.,hbniplciailn better and mile) . mend. •
, your., CHILI) ,N:;iit: the , Aitsislo t ris for it
ccutaltl , a care ibterettliit 1, , e fill, and entet:taibitig ,ln
tutrinient foilttitilli;an I •Children; •
greatvultic to their miulsalellleurle, .• ••..
The ahttgle arl; truthful statOnierits, thallaili he cheer
•fully uttelitel, by rfearly.a hun . dretltlionsanYpf 'the 'prin.:
ent roadersof the . ..tucicuf /ruin • • . .rnh o '„nro • incited '• to
. tcy a single cclurnepf the ..4gr'ibo . l (yr!, 1, schiCh ‘6ll cost
only ^t; and nbtindailtl pay:
. Illtut, Db. w-Poi It
Ji ; .I 7 FREY'S 1)01.113LE-ACTING
laclia; Rubber Ba; . V ays. • •
lIE SU,BSCRIBER . having parehaSeil the
'I. right to' make and sell' this New
feel;••k confiden6 that his :effoits to bring 'it
into general use, in this coiinty,.will be .secon.
(led ,by. all who 'see its 'eonstruction'and opera
. .
..Arnong tne.many.advantages secured.hy the
uSe'nr . the following may be. min-,
• - 1. A double adtion;..hy•which twice the wa. ,
ter can he raked, at, the,satne.time.% •
2. Great ease in 'working, thds, adapting the
Faris Principle to commOmwells..••••
-transformution,•in , a moment,! of the
Putrili into an: efricientv.?Mt.sm, thtis;,ren •
dering theioss•of : dwellings . by' . fire, totally un-,
•IV C EB ry.
~ • ,
.1. Capahifily of waterini s / gMdens.,
or s.prinlai'n> walks,, 'washing windows, • Rio.;
~vith•thc utmost 'ease and thoroughness. •
5. POwer to raise water *with slight labor to
any. reasninible height; as in.supplying chum
hers'B4e: . " ."
. . . .
5. The co6veoievice . of having' he Pump in a
.kitchen, or. other rooms orymir
ouiyeiard to the location of, the Well:or Cis
7. 'The easy protection' of - ihe • instrument
against Frof.; .
8.-Th'e:ease.with which' trm4y be„monnted
on wheels; prin other ways be made, portable:
A.simplic4y whieh ensures great-,ihira
bility; proteets.itfrom being . thrown ont : of;oir
(idr,aodniake's any reliairi„elisy'atal of little
: 10. Great, C/Leone:c.v . .fei... the . first 'time
brim. , ing.the coast .the Force. Pump. into the
neighborhood of the common Suction and
Chain Purnp4; while it is immeasurably stipe
rior'to both.
tanuTactured - and Tor:sale by the subset ibex,
only, at his•sbop •. •
Mephnnicsburig;;Marcli .
Great Excitement. in. the .South
.i3O U'i . Ft .CAnal, I N.„1..N.•A12,A.15.,;'
THE UMON IN liAlc'Gßit..!
Must and ShFill - ba Kex) t T6ge'thor),
This Glor.ious Union • lliist be ..TreserVe.ill
. .
TTNIAR 'the existing . : eircumstanCen the. subscriber
U. deems it his duty to say to the citizens of Northern
Pennsylvania tluit the old • • • •.• . • • •
Sictp . -I - Till. : Till-5140p
IR prepared to meet Any, and all'emergoneies, With oflierrn
arum,' and equipped us the law•direets; I am prepared
to do all Irind:ro ['work in timeline of • . •
Tin;:Sheel-ffron tip.td.tco.p"e,
• . . .. . . .
. . . .
trend old milk pans or cement this glorious Triden , ' ~
. The Side-hill Store, whibh hoe no long held her 'bend
above water, tenet an shall take the-lend of all others in
its-line: Haying purchased the- intereet of niy brother,
efi.-S .Menona I ant now titling up and filling up with a
new stock of Stoves,,Tinwitre„,Sc., which I any Wind to
anti chekp for.pay. Call. endues ' '' OD. 11. MASOI.
'N. ll.—All kludge(' productb—anything but.tisiit—taken
In exChatige ter pods. ~ .: - [NovX.—'oo:]
, . ~. .
,• , .
rtt•ElE.tt,bscriber having Parch Sett this INCi
. .I. . knotkn .Stapd,.*nd re-funiigiied.• and re-fit
tetl the Httuse, is prepared to entertain 13oard
ers and the Ttaveliag public.' ', •..
.• • .
• Ft.T.S-I§A.P.: AND,TAJ3LE, • '
well atiPplied; and everything done
to merit•n - liberal. share . of patronage. . Raft•
men. will alwaYa find the "ImA-string" nut.
Kendal Creels, January 2 1860.. •,' •38-1 y
AFr'0 . .L14.,. .
. .
Esp) , :ur Cilir,r,v A NNOLliCg§ •TO::11IS
Count!;i: that. lie
ti hand tlii'Spt tsunt, with 11)e-
Selcctrd st . ye.k..p( - Gn 9 ili in (h.e.ol.ea.n.l;irket
To 11'10)16;11v Cash, ll'ould Sai,
I :Ampbfler fou'.,petter.indueitrifonts.lllati you
can gut ,Npli•_ Yolk
It - ninkes'nd tli ire eencr.r yap
the.rilie . ,6l
(ii,.'oiT'i.:iL(F..§ . 4 , . 'l'l,! 9 .
Call at the
will : fold . ..the .article fresh aiid eheaty
ICs.nu'u=c talk g
ahtpyi has take the letidi and
7~giilate ° th? rroarket: in
6,toceris ityd.Pr6,l:i.lst:ous;•.
. IiND . ;".NI.': 1y: ONES,
f.Ol to.call atul sei.f.m9 when piu• Tr6"l
. •
..12a11 noyhurt..you, butshaliccrtaiul
orlo TO yinigood,
, •
• , J. K. comsToc.K.
'Oferin, 15.60.!" . . • 5-3
Coeibination Brick Oven .Cooking Stoves!
A •
OUP.SP. respeetfulry calla' the atteo-.
,tion'rkt.i!those•wishinv. new Cooking StOves
to thaire Brick Elevated Oven CookinLlStor;e,
vhietntook'the nesT varnm.:,:a at the 'Erie Co,.
'Fair; as .w..llts at numerous State and : CO,unty.
Fair?, inrongnoilt .the 'Cniteo,,States..
The ari , die InnA Durttfili, Stoles CoFtructol
ionedßrick Oyens,•foy Bitkiri:t.,
YE:A.I.I , S; .
• .
These ,
S'..toves . will be sold - at . g.reatly. rcdikee
prices. lam stipplied of
Tiigether with a'fall hssortnient of.
(K; * Col>l-;61.. - \ \'‘ o,ro,
Job Work,
. . . ,
of all ~ kinds' done with dispatch, and in a satis
tory. manner; at the lowest possible prices. •
• •Old'UOpper, Rags,'.thass, lead,,Pewier, Oats
and, intact everything you have pill
in exchaDfi,e:forgoods.—eveq 'to Cash'..
'Give me a call ;. a[.the old stand,
, . . .
mBF undersi g ned would 'respectfully
.l nounce o tO the citizens cif 'l‘l'Keati. county,
that he is.now preprirwllo•do all- kinds of.wriod
work - in.my line-of business, ',at' short notice,
worlorninlike manner; at reasonable pricesi
-I feel 'satisfied• that my -Work. meet
Tile requirements-of all Who , will favor 'in°, with
their patronage, ,
,Illepairing," promptly, a ttended.,to on'. short
notice. • All 'rinds of grain , taken 'in exchange
for work ;' •also'butter, pork; beef, pine timber
and aft. wood. '.CASH will not be refused.
' • ' 3). V. SUEPARD
Smethport, Pa., Jan'. 1,0, " . .,:860. •• •
Arrival and Departure of Nails
0/mii—Leaves every-morning at 8 o'clock ; ar.
riv'es•every evening. •
Coridirsport-4.eaves, Tuesday . . and Saturday
".turnings; arrives : Monday and Friday. eves.
Sltippqn,---Liiaves . TmeHrty,..Thiirsday and Sat 7
•:; urday: morni . ngs , 'arriycs 11fonday, Wednes
day and Friday -evenings. ,
ffidi t tetry—Leaves Tuesday, Thursday a
• Saturday mornings:; arrives gonday,Vel!
• ne . 'sdy and Saturday evenings,'
liturren— . leaves `Tuesday morningS andi , rri)ies
Thursday evenings. : •• •
' • P..
TO ' the
. . .
.CICE•ii hereby given : I haveloaned
the colloiving proporty .to .Dodge,
viz : Three4lorses, I Sprinfywayon,•l Doable!
Harness.. • lldving•purchased the above at Con
stable's sale, I claim , the saMens troy propertk.
'Shit:pen, Nov. 15,.1860.
. . , . .•
• •
NOTICE—AII personri 'are. hereby ', notified
. that not be responsible .tor any
grain brought tri tlin mill at Sinethpore, unless
the bags elintatnitig it have the:owner's name
Idgiblir marked• ' • •
fitnetlitiort, Ca., jail, :3, 1.8131. . '
A Sliort'Clmpikt , F , ol tostory.
Great Work on the:gorse,
•." •• • • •• n
'THE. IiORSEe.AN HIS • , I.EIiNINGS V -s• - •• •
.• .
VitprK93Oit Or.I . ATIOLti( III :.iNI/,(l . plaf,pll.lk . Blilt7EllT 7X T;
. yEriatINAILY . CuI,LnUE UF,P • / 'I
'• ' •
, .
WILliP.E1,1 • 1•I'OP• Of thic Origin,' Ilisto . ry 8;0 ili•tineiis:o
trnhs of the•varlinis bfeis,fs orßuNitte'••
• - : on, 4knitie.Airictt and Aiiiei-relin Ito, •
• '•.'. :'scan with. tlfu VllYSlyti . •forariatiop 115,1
• . •
~. • •, itiek,nf
.the unlink!. and•liew •
,•' : aseektiin hi k jigs, by the, Luiube r.
rind ennititioh;of his teeth . ; illustraied
with.nunierons engtavings
•;,111.41, : I .l7tlitis-;•.Dift.OELSOS •
YOM (if iteebning, tireithithf,
iug, Groonitlig,•Shoting, All 4 the gen
' . ••••• • er,il•nikiiazenietit of this horse, With
- ,'nodes nf a.dministerhg
• to treat
. ."
•'• ' Coil, lto,i •
-I , sksne,i:lntl, other •Tie-as . to which ho
• ' ••••• is t:tilti6st t• with rittinerou§•e:ciiianatis
. . •
e.;, 1 . 1 tkik,P iN•eta-44.45.'
.., . . .
!.T.'TELL•YOU Dl' ZlAuges,.
. • ' ment'or Stra'ruzles..Sorn Tfirnitt..
• • • •.•temper.'.(l:ktar - rW. IntliteuilOtrdnelqit,
is. 1" ril:M11101lia. Pleurisy,liroksis Wiiil
' •• • 'll‘ . 4l'lle
• and.deu;iyed.Tei'th; e•ilb. Other
• ' • si."4, 9louth EirsUllespiratury De;
. •
.• .
. .
• • I'll 1 - 1 eri., , c.• rind.
. • inent•of Wain.; Dian ; Stra'nca ,
• ' •laden, •F tone enricretions,.fluptures;
• . • •. • ••• Palsy. Mara•lnea, Jaundice. 11,epatirr
.. • . . • ..liue; Bluntly trrille. Smiles in the Rid
'nays And 1314ader,'Inflariminti9n..itivf
' , • ether diseaiies the. SioinaciOtowel4,
, • - . • Livery : imalTrinai'y Oign.na.
. .
....• • - . .
•'• "Flit. i -I, rr.-41 ith el hi's ])•it•o..:1:-.c'S ' '
,WILL TELL YOU Of .the comes, Syniptom4," and trdat • •
, , . • ' mont of Bone. Blond and Itng,.Siniviti,
' • , ,Ltithf Bone,. Swennio, St raini, • Prokeli
• , .' . • . "liners, Wind Oalht, Fontuler,, • Sole
' " .• • ' • Ennis,. 'Owl'. Giarel. Cracked llonti ,, ;
• .
~ • • . ' &rah:lots; Conker, tehrogli nod Corns;'.
••, ~ • •, • else,. of' Wegrlme. Vertigo. Eidlopee,
•' . •• " • • • Stanetrs..nia other diseases:ol the
• , '•• ' ."
• • Feet; Leg ~nt.l I,lead•.- .;'• • •"' . -,,
•. : 11• -••
Th ,-,Q1.,.,-., itnaTas• - 0i,:5...r. - I.selr;• ~ ..
;WILL TELL"YOU.I . the eallNeM , , gyalp , lll.. , :ilid Treiit
: " - • '
went of Fistula'. Poll Eli!. tilanil4l'.
'': :••'' ' : . ' .F.trnel'Searlet Freer,' Mange, Surfeit;
. .
Locked .Itte, Illien =film, Uratnit.
. .
'. .•' ' . ' • • "Chalk. Oke'eleti or , the•Eye null Ifeart
' .'• • • -.- , •:4-.n. - . &c.. ale hole to manage OtiFtra:
' , • . tion. rl'lnedirie, -I'rephinning..llOtrol.„
. . . .
ice. Firing, Merida,. A tnpidation. Top
• . . '- '. : • ...pillg, Rld ollien•surgleal operations.
• . . • ••• •
W I Lb. T YOU •Of.lfrirey , e method .tarningiforreg ,
.•: • ' • '• lir', to Xnni'frich, Roller or Stable a
, .
• ' •• 'Colt ; how in.• alirustoin a irarso •in
• - • ' • stouter hooinle and.linw to
Bit: S:0;110. Ride; Anil flreak itm 1.,i•
. .
. ' • also. the forth and law of
• • • WanitiNrr The, whole beini the
. Flllt nf, 111,ii, than fifteen yea,' careful
• • . ••• •• • : the
. • . - .
- The look eon !.). 1 4inges,•apnreptiat el)'
hr neariy One huntlreil • einiravinga It is printed in a
H ew . i thl l 0 a on ,iyoe', forwariled to nay nildre..,•
:poi.tace raid. on 'receipt of'pri half boundi:sl.oo, 'Or; in
clath. e:rtra:sl-25 , • • • • ' ' '•
, ca n be mode by enter--
1,000. AYLA proin g • inertevery'.
i.vbkii•o; in rolling the,ilinve; and prtiollar a'nrlie of
rs: Our imbt cell] IA f;melt err exeitedinoy•ilber-
Frir sittizlii copies theliook; nr for terms tit agent~,
with other information, aiiiile - to or address
•• • ' JOHN •E....PQTTER...Publisher: '
. . .
Nn. 017tiiittiForn titreet,
Ntiveutlier 15,1tC0.-eito. • 9.1
. •
T TIMM YOU Vow to chime all kinla of 3tePta. I.
• t and nyn h nll the ;I:anions la.
• • . : roost anlep of dre.sini.% an , l
• ' . ' . Miff... Rod Park alsn tha
. . .; • inpl'siinplast way. of wilting, piol
•,nndcuting'tbe fame, .• .-
. . . . ,
IT TELES'YOU . All the various and roost approyr.l .
modes of drees'n . g, making, and bojni , ll. ,
. ~ . • •
Mutton., Lamb. Peal, Poriltrv.
.. • '• •' . ' • Game rut ell kiddy, with the different..
'.• ' .. • • ' . DriPainigs,, 0 racier mat Studious aii:. •
propriety Id each... ' • : • ..
IT' TELLs'you . llnw to 'aliopse,. clean, 'nird • preserve
• • .•_ , Fish of all kiwis ; ;riot. 116‘• to aerceleL
. .
' ' 'it whelp tainted i: ads° all llor•veriori,
. .
* '. • nod Torsi approved modes of cookin.z . ,
. . . with the different' DresSings. Sairees,
. . .
aria Flivoritvzs appropriate to each.'
IT TELLS Yotl. 41 Abe. various and nors't approve/
-,- •arreles,of preparing. over rat.v..iiirer..t.
.. . :-.., kinds nlMeati;risli, Fowl. Criove,.. 3,1
. .
.. . "Weet :hie Soups, Broths,ll rid Stews:
. . .
. •
with flue llelishos arra Sworiniogs al,
• • - propriata to each.. .•:.• •, '' ~ . • •..
IT TELLS YOU. All /he; various 'llll.l , :rrawt
,apPrnt 0.41
. • ,• '.... • --', • ; • 'rno,u, of cookilv.i.,'Vegetaqe,q of eye,)
• ,I,sdripthill,..ttlim.how to propirre - 1%4,
, . " . , • - ies: - C;LiMp.ntid ' C.tirries i,r alt kin I;_,
' . • . • : • Potted :I,feai. null: mailroom., A - c. .
IT T'El.t.s .you. All 1.11(? • wad:illy .and 01i0..t• appror...i
• .mode;of..orefOtrov. , . liol i‘ookin; .10;
.. . , ..
• • :k 1i0.i.,1 of rtaio.oloy,ovf Paory, i!oo.:.
.... -. , ....• . flings, Onollettev, Fiittbrs,COßO•, thlo..
. ' ... •.' ..' ii..olionory. • Pre4or'cos, ..f elliv.s i and
Street - Dishes et:every (le erii,fint).
IT TELLS TOIJ All tllti varir:tvi 'and tilest
• • ino•tei pf, making
.111seilit, the he'd tsielho,l
Ohoenlate.•atet Te:.;
• "
• • hnd hew to.malce,Syrups . ,- Coidiali at:l
. , .
• ' NVinen ttf vii.rloni kinds:* ~• :
IT TELLS YOU.'llnmito set out and ornafilent .n
,•:- • . huw to carve all kinds of Fish, .Pi oh
••• • or Fowl, and in shert. how to so sim
plify fly) whole
. art-of Uoilkinz;.as
• • . . brine the choicest lusurlea of the tablo
~.. . . .
. .
. .
, •.' :. within eteiybody's teach . ' . • . '', •
.The lioek .contains '11,.`.1 pa!zes: :and' 'opitavla of ,11volt6.
hiludripl . llecipea, all of whinlC are the reoalts. of itettea
experience, hitt'ilihnen folly mol.carefelly tostol melba .
Ihe. .perieoal is perintenee 0 . On . writeta. , It si printid
in a eleatand 6 we:type. is illu-lraleil :with .u . ni•optiate
'engravings, and' mill be .forwathol to ant-ielttrei,a, Tenth
lomat, net peAtage bah], nit- receipt of the price : :.sl4 l ,,
et in cloth, extra, .$1,',15.: ' .', '., .
. . .
.. . ,
A . 4 7 ......„ A
$lOOO . . A .. 1 '1:1_,• An - " ic,'il.'ir made I,y en ‘
pelfanz - . welt
where; lii *sellint l .s the fliltlTNiorjz, our, in,lneetnentm to all
Hach beile.r . ve,iy liberal ' . ;. ' • ' . .
,leor •Filigli, enpie , 4:oi the hip's or for 1 eons to ag,ent, , ,,
with ol.lir infor,reation:.epplY - to or nadre, , s : - • • •
• • ' JoItN .g. P.OTTER, Po bli‘lter. • .
.kovember.l3oB(lo.„-qui:, .
TF SUBSCB,II3I?..R.iv - ould 'inform 'i•he' cit
zens of Port Allegany, and the Surround
ing country; that he.is prepared to do all hind
In all its differeni branches .in . as workmanlike
manner, with prorriptness anil.dispatch wurran:
tecl.to give satisfaction. ;
. .
. .
. . .
. .
attended to in gOod style, and .at,reasonable
rates:. Particular attention paid to ~. .
. . .
• . I-lorso,. Shoein•o•
~.., • •
From experience in the businessi .. .entire satin
faction ii guaranteed. . • .3. D. OTTO. •
,Port Allegany, March 'l, 1860,
SC.O7T .
lAVlijuet reCeived theyr 11" f nt.tir•Shielt of .gocels,. and
laro prepared to supply their numerous custoincr;
and those whd favor. them with their. patronage, With any
thing In their lino, Their stock consists of.: .• '
Cloths, Csisimeres..,Vostings, Hats,
_Caps, Shifts
••" Crier Sts, Nock.Ties,'Sco,&o.. •••
Theylieve also a Urge armortriiont of . . ; •
Of t ..'
Ohe hied style. Olte,theni a call' before- purohasing
'elsewhere. Mr Orders from a distal - ce proMptly
d9'd to, Catting done otildmrt.potiee. ' •.. t . :
• Jas. , cos ore. • Olean, 7an, L'_'. 1900.
irillFf • * frotyi COAL; with LAMPS to burn
1V.1.• the.sainei.at wit.cox s.:y.ATorps,