' . Sol.7.tifill ...._ . ,04,.,tYtXim itt.a : ConittiiiitiOnat:.cliseliSe,,c Corruption Of :the blood; fluid .beeon k c. s v iti ated, 0; a ; efret dat iait, it thp NY.hold'hody, and..,trizty burst ont ..'in.ditioti,Se tai.lany;iiiit of. it...1c . 0 organ is .fr'ee fiont its . .attaOks.lioi. is there,one ;which it•inay The:scrofulous: taint iS yat •orclered . •oi r tullis„ . l.lthY ibad; .air, filth •uur4 filthy habits,flie . ciepi•e4ing'.•viees . ,'. and, ' , above .vonereid infection. W hot-, Origin,. it- is hci•edit;ary b 1 the .stitution;dascending .i.from parents t 'children Mato fliiilhiril:and fourth 'ill - A - ter:tabu ;"• indeed, seems:to. be . of,lia tho irtiilui id . 'Of 7tho',fotherS upon'. • .ehildren." . ' • • . ItS effects commence by deprisitionfrom the • • hlooil of &win pt• or, ulecrous matter, • •which, • . lung<,' lis•er„.aud internal ofgino4, is termed • 'tubercles; in tho .glantls; • swelling;; '; , and on the stirfaeO", eruptimic; otioraz: • 'Fins, foul eor. to - ',utter:t . in thO blood;- depresses. the ext.orgics of life:so that scrofulous' constitu 'lions • not - only •sotTer • front scrofulous but; they havo.far.lo, : s pqwcr.-tit with'-' ••,tand 'the attacits - of oth•ei disc:lses I • conic; • • (Ineptly,- vast: by- disorders which, tattiongqi not twrnfn tati.s iu.thcir nutnrt. , , r • • 1 rentkrecl. fatal 1, - !. this taint in ; Ow ' ' system . : Most-of the . •ponsamption. which•-di uafco the human fatilly: or . iot directly im this scrofulous contamination . ; and •nnmy • -destructive diScaScs of tlw liver, kidneys, brain., • •ontl, ihdced, of all the prgtins.tirlS3 from or. arc aggravated o) :•atne One quarter Of^ Lill onf.pcoplearc , . , crOfulous; . .•:••• their persons are •iiivadod' by this I • f6etiou, and thOir healthl-i.tinderininc.d by it., To cleans it from' tlWqtatt sy svCaiht . :•,t,regalvate ••• ..the blood -by an alterative .:trar:dteinC, and dn.. - • vigarate it •by .`healthy. • food., - and •e.xereist... ..Suoh a :111'6(11C:ilia .we supply JD: • .• • : .•-• AXES • Colopound'ENtiqlet of 1. most effectual remedy :Which thetnediCal 'skill, of our times . eau devise for: this every :here prevailing aml fatal malady.. If.is Lan- . biued thumost active reined ials Allot have tli. , eovered for .tlie expurgition Of tld.s . foul (I,iseider.from the bleed, and. the resell& of the u - fOtnar. from, i destructive (must:Tien (eg . . .fleited'it-ilioulcl bd. employed 'for the cure of not only .scrofula, but also thrise other. affec :lions which arise from it, such, as LERI'PTIVII.. ana.' • SKIN DISEA.Si:s, FL 8.7., Rome, or. FaixSIPIILAS. PIMPT.V..B, • I'USTULES, 311.ovenas.,'Br..ii:.,:s and .13ou:s, TeNcins, and: S.ut ltnr.Or, So,a.D I h:\n, IZisOwonoi, . ltn air . d 1\ 1 Mtciir:l.(i,r./1.8- ..CA4IIS, DRUSII, , DTOPIIPSIII, •DERII:ITY; • 'ancl, indeed, ALL. COM:PLk.LNiS ARISING 11:01I 13L000.. The popular •helief inimfrorityqf ; ; A(.; bigot? . ." fititticleil trdth, fof .strofula is:a dcgeneration of - the liloi;d: The particular purpose:and virtue . of :this Sonora- . a is to purify and regenerate this without winch sound health is . impossible , contaminated,. eeli.,..titutions.. . . . FOR ALL , 'THEr PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC,. erc sn composed Ihnt.diseas6 within ,the range . or . :their-action can rarely stithstand or &tide, Chen" . Their..:penetrating propertiu.searOyshd cleanse,. 'nintirivigorate vimry portion of theluinan correcting its diseased'aetiOn, and •rOtorioi.t . „iis healthy Altalities. As a consaptenee.,of these • pi . oprrtici: ' -.the invalid' who - is liowed down.- icith •.Palirror. physical debility. is astonished td find. Lis 'llealth.or energy restored. by a remedy at once so simple atiillaviting. -'l`.iot only' dri flit'v - ture the ..every-day eomplak.ts cr 'every hiidy, CM. alstt r,..ri1,;(1,0,1e and' dangerous diseases. The c.gentThelow' imMed .is. pleased to:famish gratis:my AninGran'Almantie; . cuutaitiiiig certificates of their . c.nresadiliccetim. , •ror their MedWthe follomMg comp:a-into:["n; t irc 'ivon, - IfrasThqrn„llegdoefreiiri.thr , cion wykor.or' Na.usia,ion, 71 in0r.'...1,! (1,0 licavasc Pia tzslt.ll ell ; fee, and othei Liiitived ~ bri from state of. the . Loilv. ex' or its fdactions... • • •. Ayees Cherry Peotcl'ai, 'run .Tllll RAPID C1:11): 4 COUgII;, • tiau. ;:nil ratiL•Kl.4 in nclynt:cla ...cl •: ' • Sk,•\‘l.:lo 2 1.3 . nr.e ;•• •••.vcry ..... ' .11 1, 15 . 1,111111111. '11)10, 4;11 Cycli 11e5p0.)%00 * .Y.;,011.!:C4 • t , f i• .• \Vhen Once sllrt:i l llity,t/ . .. Z 1.1 • : inlier.ntedtv.ine or its I:irr: v,•• public no • fur the. acid pulmonary•org . ans that are.lp.cl4ol While. Teeny: inftirkir' ) ' 6ll lh -111 rd ti 7 aro and has gained friends by every trial, , •tice.fr•l , l'i',••:,• on the afflicted they- cali.'neVer•ferg,t; ;',.11 . t1 - d.tieqd cures too. ntuncrous and tint 11 /hi:11110,11:1.41 PR CPA R DA.' LOVI;TELL,I.AiASSf• . . . . . „ • '''ll.. liainlin• & C 0..; •Srrio . tilppit : C. f::. 0 , :- . . good s Brznrford ;•L.'ll. 1)611y . , Port..Allegtleuy; ; • .• . .a . nc1.1:7 ,dealets - everywhere-- ' • . '• • - LOST. AI : persons are hereby enntioned . against negotiNtine; fnr:• . School 'artily!' •101, drawn by the Direettirs.orK,eatine, Schaal Dis trict, *2O, 15(30; far - $27.00, in lavor'of Ilan, as the same Sas been. Id , t and pay-' orient slapped,' • • •' • :2 . • A CATZ,T) . . . ... - ir:: K. HAFFEir offers his sCrvice.S to parties A l ..owding or• wishing to,. purchase. rriineyal lands in . /WK.ean, - Elk, Clearfield or. Jifterson counties. : . .. .. . . .. Exa minAtions • rnaile , and faithfully re . - ported.. • • Bradford;. July 27, .1559., •• • BRICK FOR SALE. . . ;,' first rate brief- rer sale:. In , s r 'quire of FB.AiN s KI•BAtkUS SmeilvOrt, August 13, SSG° . . . . .• . . • , , , 'WASHINGTON • NAT.TONAL' Tit ONII.MENT. "o ;sunscßEß IS'. NOW OITERTNP‘ for sale; a miignificent. steel-plate.: engra ving•of •the Deelaration . .Ml.nclepende . dee, sur rounded bylife-like :portraits of :all. the Presi dents, and . bearing' upon iti fare.' the toinh• of W,eihregton,'At Mt. Vermin,' and •faes,iiniles of the signatures affixed to theDeelerat ion: • • •.. IS3 being 18X22 inchesin siic, is nttiorpasSed by any ever fnibltsbed and isoffered . .at, the very low.price of fifty cents: - • • Address all orders, with, price' encloSed and two cents to prepay -postage; t o • • C. N. TENNI':.,'.AGT,, ••• - S.:dot/TOO', .111'Kedit CO.,'Pa. !IMIEM eTlEltattfitctiti•e)'.s? TTA•VING EiNif.,ARGE . D•ATY. , FXCILITIFY (hi; 01•0 • Stlihd;'. • . . . . .. . . . . • . Foi• kerrii ni: constantly. on hand a :triuch,largcr .'stepply•and4tatortiiienc:ot Ake heavy..ivrti-• , 'e le s , of ' Ifarti I,.'a ie . • g;iiieraily . lierit ..by . ' ' thilobbing 'Houses,- and having .: . . •... .... ' • , aecuretltihe -Aar..NC't• of •. - . . ... ...-. , many 7.,qa4ufae tarots ' - .• . • ineludin -tli e ..' .. ... , F 41,,, 1-:1.1.1(1-Al..-.-1",IAILS,- IVIIi . .:ELEII, , AIAi)I2Y.N. -&.- UAICLI4:ELL'S' Also thOse ofVVELCIT'SzPRIFFItII§ and other rankers, FAIRBANK'S SCALES, • RUBBER and LEATHER BELTING,, STEWART'S (unexcelled) 'ITITLAR COOKING STOVES. GLASS of Sizes, Sorts and llescriptiods. . I PROPOSE TO SELL ALL Ala I.IA c,ti irers' T?rioes: .. .. . . . .. Al.w . lfpropotie .to. sclUot ti.sthall:Comtnksion from my LARGE 'drill WELL , SELECT Elt . . STOCK of • SHELF and other HARDWARE, . In the'selectioe of which have taken rnaeh pains, having given - ,my. personal attbiltion I - Ipiil , , 'I'.RIMMINe;S , COOKINP: and PARLOR:of every •desirable =meg Ui the mos t apprayed Mdnufactilfe, Fri: A xEs "DI , PI PCII FORKS, TV PIPES, LA - M1 3 5 . ..f0r nnd PSG . motto: is; :.The Largest Sales . of the very BEST GOODS at the LOWBST'Re: rauueratiye. PrieeS luiures- the Ldrgest Profits to the Seiler, nishes 'the Buyer with the Cheapest and Best Articles, and giVesthe.best satisfaction: ... • • T . : I'l I.; RA L' DISCOP YES W.li.f. .13E• MAD , 'll.people..will tiny, lt'ices for-no hp . t.ter aytieles at Qther it - shall be their own bolt and not mine. • • •' In c!..onnectioit.' with the ahove,..l • :iutto-bl'e to witply,pn shoe( notice . : SHEET-II:ON .. - . • ‘ . 4. COPPER WORK . , .. • . liavingjil my employ Competent and. Clriteri encedlvorktnen . ,•whotie ‘vork has never failed to give .satisfaetion. •, '. • • " ' •, .: • .. , . JUST RECEIVED. F.:.! ONES no DOZEN. DOES,. . SYTITES.. • . 500 , KEGB:OE: NAILS. AT N . 1 . 43, I C A n prNa TRANSPORTATION 5:2,76 pCr,doz• AVARRATEP ~$8,50. -- SOLJD SHANK IT.OF I S, $6,50 . ...g • Together with ell Farming 'Foals, at friann factiirers prices , T hese articles are. - NETT C :I invite the t.rade..to, My • stoc)c. C. 'NT, )3 ! : . Ti.A13;,5E.1; , No. n rid 3 ri:Xceisior Blcck Oleitr ) 1E6,1 TIA_RDWARE N° & 3 , EXCEL:SIoFj.' BL.:)CK, 01 LAN, THE ABOVE ARTICLES AT BLAgIcShaTIO', Alp MASONS' MAT :COCKS, RAKL,s, • • • WHYB ARTip 11 7 $, PUMPS; ' cfrtd KEROSENE TO 'OEATiERS ALL 'KINDS OF HORSE,ItARES% Fhoit,Chitmsr of 1 L tort'. Great Work. on the :Horse. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES •": •-. : • _IIY•YIPSNINGS . ; V.• g• ." • .iitorksson'o P1711./1001" ANN; Ol'klItA14.1;lt S,IIkIIIRr :I , llc {'L'7RRt:.iRY OLILI.pCX • • ' l4 L 70.: WILL, lihttorr timl distinctire •. . fnitlts of:One:various ant:aloof lierepe • en; ANktti ,' Africatt and Atecriein Ror ace, with ' the ph vsloal formatfon and , ,• of- the animal,' and' hoer' • • to .anocrtaie,his the ntimbor ; • . • ;lint, Monition of hit testy; illuntrated , '; • - • with ono. ereas explanatory engravings . • • : Th 6 at.) . d: .11irrt E.Y.4lle:tititl8 1 WILL 7'4l.:L'lot: Of PreeulLio, rettliingi • • • • ft,6,Gronating,, Shoring, an,: .the gent '• . . ' unit ttniannent it of the MM.) ; with " .• • treo e i of arkef ntedieinte,,ldeloi ' • •• h"i t , to trQot RiAirio:ltenylno.„ • • • Ktumbilvic, Crib lilting. Beat s'iCaM to whicliflo .k with nunielvilln . . • • s WILL TELL YOU Of. the caumn, i tniptePrh.and tte:tt- , •'• : .• ' • Mont of St ran x •le . s,:',Sein • -temper•• catiert , follueunt . ,•ll6;:tehit• ••• IC. Pmeutrionin,Pleur v (IA • . • • Chronic Cough - , Cane lac -and Lamptek, (torn ~Met.'t- h and Meeyl, - • • • • h ether dlion• • ' . nen of the 'Mouth and ;tenpin:wiry On- •, . ..•• • • . „ . . • ' '.• -• e 171:6t.5e d 11.1i- - 4 j.f...!e . ,..UgeW 4 • WILL TELL 'YOU. Of the eatiipm,•••synantnnia n I..T•roaf • . • . ;'ltiont of Worrna, StriNgtt .. ; Intinn , Stitt". Nur rntiints; itaiptti,vs rabv: Ilia rrliTri: Jan mliee.- Ire r,tlo - h oe , ]tinnily Urine, .4tonea•in ttio ICUI-. • • , • Illad(19 animation, . • • , . •.rither distaEi.a. of Oro Slmplach, Dowell; anti Orinpry Organs. rl i m-1 13 [l4 - ta1 ., .6.!--; ' ' • . . WILL TLI,I, YOU Of I.llnmuses,'Syntptani,. nut troct, • . . ninut of !lime. 17144 and, Bog,- Spa yin,. •...[ • Ring Sn - ormin, Strains ISt-etc/t. - • ' I{itt.n.•, Wind Chtlfs,:•-Fnutnpir. SO) - . • Itruive .and Gravel, • CrnekiM ' ••• • ' • • • Setttnhe, Canker.llll.oo,,a n d-o or p r; . • • . 9f np"Oepgr, •• . Stelg...ra,:tnl nthr ,, nineacei or the • • • Veet Li-oa;''artil Heart • • •• 1-f.c.,rso . . .. IX'11,1.; TELL.YO.t: Of th.o elliqqP,,Esmpfomq. and Treat • . -,i'hut,t or vi.tui:t. r , ni Evil:Gl:lnkier, . . . .• • ' .. rat 6:. scftiliit. Perot „Alange •Surfelt -• .. ''. ' ' I.akkoil . Jarr, ; ' thou rnati.to '• el'alllp . , . .. . . • ..., .. • - . • . OAlla.' in . SII , CS(..I of Orel:ye atol !kart ...' a,,.., kc., It'n how. to fnanaza Caatra ' ' lion. 11. .. , ed4a1z.; Trapkiluoiag v Itowol .... . , ... jog, Firing, Ilernia,'Amputation, Tap . . ' • - . 4 1,ing, ant Other ourgie.3.l. operations, • . . . ~•T1ie...1. -1 0,ro,ct pilellw i;A:DiI-ionsef..: • , • WILL TEhL.YOO Of thirey'ti nintlind'of Joining Thirreo how 'lO Apprinteit, or 9tahlo n • • -• • Colt;.. how to arcu!qion ••• •, • • of range nroinil4•nnd ightii. and how to . • :Iht, Foddln, mic, and lirciik him to! tr'ne.na i.aren.. thiv.ftitm 'ant Imv of •-. • • ' SV.kisn.turi 'the. whole being - the re: . null or, nimn thanlittenn yearai earaful . . ' wanly of the balii I, Qcu ll a , , . • • ' of this node nnimal. • The book enntsi - nS 391 parrs. eptiroprinfely illuStrste•l by neartk one ,hundred en,;ravinus It is printodin clehr nod °Oen tlhe•9 101 o i it ho fin warded tonne nddress , postage pwq, on receipt of bound, I'l.oo, or, in elnth. estrs:.t 9 .l•2s .• " . • • SIOOO.A A rjo . be. made hgenter-. Ito pr.Ntilg men every 'Where, in selling the nhove, Awl wtla , r•pnlnitnr . wra r kd of Cure. Our iirlyoement's to oil curie nn exerni.iin,,lf libar al. For..inr,le'enpies nrfnr tetins tc.ll4ent, with nth or infornrd inn, arpir'.to nr . • JOHN H. POTTER,! . .l'ablisher.....! • • No. crlT.Sat,orn Street; YLilaletptiin, I'n:'' November 15,.1rC03-Gm. ' 2.1 THE PEOPLE'S Oook, .310DEPLIV: .COOKERY . . CARET:I'LI.:7•i.Ib:IS7 , :I. , Rf AIR . S.. 5..7 ! 11,11.1. . . . . . . TT TELLS.YOU Vote to chroiso alt,thio of ATeitt;Poul- try an.l iTanie,'witli all tlhr iivrlmis Ilia . ' ' ' . inoi.t approved merles of drirsiiing and ~ • -: : cookiug aloe( and l'ork ; also' he boot . . . . • • nud'sirinrilast . Way of.valthlg., pickllnz '.' '.- • , i , : : apd curls; the time ••• - . - • • ; . IT TELLS . YOU. Al! the ,A - Arloua and tnost - approve4 ' : • • • ,nodes o.f!irs - rig, Cil , okltic;•anit bonlnir . .. • . . -Mutton, tanati: - . 'Veal. Vrailtry.• 'jag,' - ' • . ' Game ot.all kirtilr, with the ilifrorent, ' Drem.ings, Graviel. nod :Stuftlhp ait. - . proltriate to radii. IT TELLS YOU Titer to Clroo , h, dienhi nod' preserve • - .' '. Fish pf . :lll'hindii,'lrn,il how to sweeten laiii ' ~'„•,- -. . • it tv tillutril •,• 01,0 . •alt the varioti:t • 'aria inert approved mod en of r.olrlti7. : . ' • i 'with' t he diff•m'ent. Driisitry ,, ii Santee, . ~. . oro!Flavorintr,s alir i rhp l iti. to In earl,. IT TE1.1.5,1'.01; All th'e vAtionii• an _t .moot' apriovol ~ ,' • pari,li,of I.ri;riari fir Over,nrt, ; 1 , . q . ,:t..,.rr,. • ' . . . ki..l, or )1 , .. , ,t- Fiili. 1 ,. ..,1. o.tion. aria • . • .•• •.,.. ' :. Vi-ir.at,blii ,4 iiart. flr , ithq..an.l 8 ti.. , ,, ..1 - • .not :b the It,lis•b,.B :1.11 , 1 Se.l , •oll:tlgii :11; . .. , . • . prop7iatp to coll.-, IT TILI,Ii,I',UT: All rho varioo, ',LI irigT. af:rirorpti •• •' - --, .mi.iil;' •of c,"1:-.,;: : rt-k. c ~tp•i ~ i t.,r, - -,-,:,.. •i1, ,5r1...-A•Tlo 'iiii' , lin, 'th,,,,pl , P l'ict:..: . . . , . ~ . ' • .. " :1 ,,, . .it.. 011, and tart on ,',f kii,.1: , ,, j, . PAIihEl, .:' e • . p.,itod 3'N'11 ,, ,Ti..-11, 11 . 1.1:1 ; roo . 'n , , .k.o. • ' IT T'11.1.J.3 VOL' All U., i'lri,,,li ' :1,1 51o:io. np`p.ror.ol . • , 'in..1,...., of r•00pi., ,, ,r Awl ~. ., i , l ir/.7 Pll • • ... . kititlii of l'lll,l and ra /1 ,7 I..‘,,!ryi 0rr*....., • .. . - • ' tlimt , , o:kl,..lto,..Fritterm,Calci,,, C,,,,-' ' . ..• 'l , ction,y; Pro.Prv t ~ ./. el - Ilea: • a.vol . . . . • '• ii..vomt I)k . ilog.rbf ovorr (ic , crif.f.lon. . .. . IT TI;I,LIi 101.1, All . l.lls:.•vriril:q ;01.1 m0,.1 • j, i , p , or ,-..1 ' : • im,LloiL or ini“:',.. 1,1, e-01.. 11,,..1 , ,,, 3 r„f., .'on, and i1i, ,1 ,1t, tin. 1 , ,-.1 wollo 1 rt . . •. . •.. pro.oaritlir Veli , e, i'h-ri!bl. - try 'n,,, I T,I. .. 1 ~. ' . . •.' nn-II 11nt7't,111;41e,.` , vr.11,-;.f.lorOl , ;14 ,;.1 ' • : IT;TR4. of-vari. - :‘,-, 1: - ...w...1 , . : .' , ' ILT / I'ELLS YOU If n'n: ift'pf.t, ri'llt a vol' f ~ ,rrl rn ,, ill '•it T;i111.... -I' : ' • • ' low. to i'arvo :ill 141trIc of :Fi,ll-. 11 . 1..,11. . i. or 17,-ovl. :HO, 1.,1...11-, t. how - to ;w1 .;io: ' • . ---1 , 151) , tii , . Iv -1,1, art of ;`,..01,f.11 , ; OP.M, • • ': . . trif.rg th e elrnitypt. lu,ll vivo c.'.i c tit . , tv.111f... will/It, evseryl.,..ly'l 7r..1,1:. , , . . . MEE PAILS, TT BING . . . . . • rde book Coritrtin•ilF o.” of im•i.Uo I.nndreol liecipeo.• all of -o tho roet,i ,, , .e.xper,ionco. hxYliig• beery Fairy and coi . xfnly tezteti the. peroh,al, ,4:perintettee 1.1 t3.0.ttri•. , ,,..: 'lt'te py:ato . .l. iira .eloaran..l npan typo, ia;.ll' , i , t rate,/ apprpprjrio •onnrayincs,anri•will bn forwari.o.l tr. one adnr0....11, , .1ty Iniunrl,.an•l'poxfage ea'4, on - rocoit! of Or In cloth. extra. ;1,25., • ; , . an- L•Arug;lo - c bo r0a•!,,51,, •9 11.1./Vl,l .•I Y. 11'4 il R. L • eil'.rpt:King- • -r mon 4h0r.0, in Aelli . na t h e. aboro trark,mar.iiidimetoo4to to Aii, 'such bein , -vcrr liberal . . ' . . .. ~ . , .. ..., . . rot; sin , to COri69 - 14 I hol,6nlr or fef toro)i 1 0 07 , 0 1,... trifle 011ief information. apply fo • or , o 1 fr,..,, .. ... . • JOHN E,P01:T1:11, Pnliti. , ll'i,.. , ` . • . No .617 Sanooln.etreet'. rilifolo:, nil. N. ' ... November:l - 5 111304 -tic... - '2,l • THE TONGS AND VICE, spLISCRIIIER inform 'zoos of Port All;o.ey, and s . iirl'ourd country,, flint he is . Rrepared i to do ail .kicd Ii I,_ICKS';TT'I'UI:~< , 1u..n1l its Ofey'ent'brannlies'in:n't6rkinntilifte 'manner, firorrininesS and diSpa.teh,warriin , ted to give satisfaction. • • WAGON. WORK 31,- MILL IRONS, . . attended to:in annd.•ol;le, reasonable rates... Parlicular'nftention pnid to STl.oei.r.tcr From'expVrienqe.itithe.busific, pnr.r.• Fatis factipriis.wirtranto‘d.•.. .1". b. OTTO.. ' Marc.ll • MERCHANT- IT AYE just reed .. , rd their Milian., lltnelof goode,, and 1 are prepared, to'sUpply-lheir-,nurneroos : rust weri end those who favor them with theft; pittrotingi.,With 14.1, thing in their line. ~Their r hick comist l 'of , Clothe, Capsimeros,•Vosti4gs, Hat, •Capq, • Orair.ta, Vo0.: &c:,3r.c, . • ' Tiioy.tinve . oind a TAige at3ortniontalt • • ; • • BEADY-MADE CLOTHYNQ, •: Of the iste - st, otyia'.• Give them a:call hefore porely s ialoz elsewhere. • - TY" Orders (Corn 11,4istS0ss pr o mptly iftteu. (led tn. Guttiorione•on effort notice. ' • • a. L:SCOTT, ?..- JAS. Ole an, Jan: 12.1500. KEROSENE • from.,.COAL, with LAMPS to burn same, at ITIKON'iFt 7,ATON'ti; ".: .E.tiPECTFUtLY ANNOUNCES, A'p., HIS .rt, frie . pds-ip.llfcKeitn Coupty,:thit .he is . oh 'hand this-Spiing as utval,-.lvith'.the,,..,., Solecte l hock of crootis in the Olean Dlniket cari'grq , .a•ist_of. NeW.Yotk thin; in the line of 4 1wa . ys'6 a i andh ays.w U talig pity lewl, in& fe the. maik ' et•in FOCCrte . and PlN•ovisleits; Don't fxii to 6nll anrl,..seo 'what! ybir Olean'; J shall not : hurt you,.`hut•shall eertainly trY . to do you good Olean, May 23d,.18G0 STOVES - 1 STOVES! ! • • bornbirattion Britlk OVen Cooking Stovofj! . . . AJ.'NOUTi,SE respectfully calls the atten .. tion.eintisc wishing, new Cooking Stoves to the Eire Brick Elevated Oventooking Stove, which took .the FIeST rrinatinst Erie. Co. Fair, :as is'o.ll as at numerous State and County Pairs throughout the. Pnited Strifes. • .• .:They are ih,o most Durable 'Sims oonstrtietetl And the oniy.ohe thnt is equal to the old,fesh7 :wATiRAN,ri;F:Ip '.c.:".',..y.,l!:'ArtSl These Stores, will be sold of greatly ,, redused pricei. lam silpplied44h'all kinds of COOKINV; - PARLOR' VOX , STOVES ! Together ivithqt. full ass'ortmthaol' •. SAiec)t•ir;in .:11•0;•(c7c .. . . of atl kin.ls "done Nvitli'dspatel!,.ancl in a.satis-. .tor!„. manner; a 4 tiailowest passible prtees, .• . 01.1 .Coppery Itass, I;ras's, lead; Pewter, Oats, sat in. tact 0 vet:,.ll,ini: y'ati 11aC•a - Willi:a taken irt;• - c . eb'ange fur ;;outs. --even 16 . .Ca511:•• ' .'. • gfye,lue'a call.at flie•eld ,stand, •..' . - • ;:t NI; DO 0 V.' 'WEST OF • TILE 'AS TO/3: 110U8r. Sole t.huni r, ;ran: .1.0, .18e, L. :. . .... .... " * SMETHP,OFtT.......-.• WAGON 'AND . : SLEIGH .SHOP; 9N . r.IKWIAN:I9.. STREP,T*NO...I; .. • - . rirl . ninlcri'aned. • Wodld-. respectfully ii!l Ce . to th&oltizorts of county, that 11C•i - now prepare I :to do all kinds Ol.wood work in my oflinsine.s•s;, at .shOrt notice, in a workmanlike ;tanner . , at reasonable prices. Ffeel 'satisfied that :my •work will . fully mhof she ii , rdremonts of all•ivli ltiill raitT me with patrona.. , to.• • ;..' " •• • • .. promptly.- attended to :on short , •notico.• kinds nt grain takenin cychmlge for xvork ; niso bid ter, .tiork, lrref, pinolornlicr and:olt. wood. cASIT will not be reftised. .• • :b. V. SfIEPARD.• - . Smothport, Pa., Jan. 10, ISGO. • ' • Arrival and Departure of Nails 01,7,Tn--4_eaves every pier:lo43A S o'clock; or rives every evening. • , Cot , q!ei,qpqrt--Tenves .Tuesday and 'Saturday. mornings ;. arrivPsi Monthly and Friday, Shipper=-Lenves 'TnO . oclay; ThfiFoday and Sat urday mornings., arrives MOnday,'Wednea ..- day and Friniy , eyenings. . /itduway'—Leai•en ,TnesdaY; Thursday .and Saturday mornings; rriv,es, •Monday, Wed.: nesd4ylMd.Saturday . en in g,s • 1 7 a.rrem...—Leaves Tuesday mornings and F rrivea Thursday :evenings. TA ILOR3, . , . A:T9TICE is'hereby,givim that I, have loaned .the 7 followirie; iireperty , 16 George:.l) . orlge, viz :'.Three ITersei,,l.Sprinz.\;:(.oe, l: Dgiiblc Having pure . hasetl:the,aboee at C9n= Oable'S sale; I cliOin the same asMy . propeity% 7: M. JUDD.' • M=== OTICE.—AII, per, sons are hereby notified lV that' wilt not: be. responsible'tor any grain .hrobght to the•mill at Smethnort, • unless the bags.,eontatning•it:liaie the' owner's .name legibly, marked. i . •:.; • . 'PESTER' COR WIN' ;;trie..hpoit, Pa., Ja.. ' I ‘I II ...OLD..II:I:YS! . .i ; ()N - .1 ST 6 RP:, .IVrr : .OL-,A.N.1. STILL• TAXES THE LEAD ! J : .:K::cONISTOOK LARGEST AND BEST' To Wholesale'. Cash:. l i nnets . a .l Sao, I 6110-you .bgtier iptiuiepients l!rmikep 3;c61 - vs:ri,i.,. tiny ROC:ER I 5.4 PROKJSIO;YS,, Call at,th.e., ‘,...-OLD':',..KFYSTONE ,Ana .) ''ou.-rill find the artide . fiesii : and cheap li'e'iw sc'.4lki'ng -Ilia KEVBTONE BTORE OLD FRIENDS AND 'NEW' ONES, J.. 1 K. 'CoIOTobK. {TOE LATEST INVENTION pr ion'ed•Brick Ovens, Pi!. Baking, TEN-iVARE, Job Work, 5. SARtWELL,' P. M rjl ç) ~, ,.....1 , .1 ii, ( 4 .,,,,,,,,,1. s GRAND OPENlNG4—,:`'''lly.' INGATIV. , i _..........___. ------ . . -,„,.. • N . ~ ~,..,-,,,,,,,,,-, -,' . • , --, q-ritt..;: '.,-.,„,.!.' . ~;;, ‘..7„:*;?sl'' .. : 1. : - : . ''''%4.: - ''''' . 4 ''''''& - ' '":;, - .' 2 2:t &0., ..,:,5,0.::::, . ~.;,.: , t , : .. , .'4,. '.' - ';'-''.'', -, zql - .: , 4:0,411;':; ' •, 4 , ,'' , ' -..: - - -,- -.''..-,;-, ,. .i., , :,..,! i i. -, , ~.,-..,•• ' • ' ,=!--'-'. ~,,,,,' L 01r 186 0 I - .771m0 ~, , r ah.rit,l , ,t,-,,,,,, e4c714±, , ,Az..w4 .-- , ,*,,mwp, , ,,,.. ~..,' '.. ~.' ~- ,6t-. ~ t.:: - - - -- N, . z.:. G OOD' ,, , , ~,, ~,,,, ~.c :, - 114 ,-pigNt .t , 4 , , , , EW SAT ' , , ..., ,‘ , ;'4. ,1c: , . ~, , din ,: , - , ',.. i • - " , ' ,70,- - ,1 1:` - ', '‘ , ' 1/E' C ' CE ':- ): ‘,. , ON E„ ;;2. '-:!•,” , s ..P4 , - , -'`.', II- . - . "'•„: k.'i, • % —i' , ••::. '° : • ' ; n ;••, f ..• '-', , ', 1 I , ''' nP i l) ' A ''' ', n • ' ' , ••• ' n •.,:.; n•tn„ c n, n. , Jetqunlity, at Ole .liitrost, are: nosy b'einglexiiibije , Wldthe4famm . otir,Store of We has',e not , / on band'a. magnifteenialip# PRIESS...::OO4DSI , - or every vvlth triwmirigr: to. match. And, what of • BOOTS AND SHOES, VfiAS AND culNA.wAiit;: CR.OOKtRY, . . . Which will . Ga sold at kites that will.cause all cortipttition'tti stand back, and tantler - that goods can be sold at ella kite's: - 'Each depart=me* is filltd.with'n Conti-date:variety 0.101 the, bAT'E•ST And wo take plosine.in announcin tit the patilic GOODS .A R B U 11 . 1' ,A .T .0/1110 4' IM i.ltd'' i'ci .. ?I:e$014 C ,:H: : -,Ef.'./1':: 1 . ) . ..... f . . 'it 'rib% Y. A T ANY Crf HER' , iSTAEO SHM.EN't In' Olean. . . . we huvi just fitted up 'a ' LA RGF:trni GOM MOPIOUS CAII.pET ROOM :a by 75. PEET, Whia4 'ia • filled 'with anew lot i.•l' all ' di LA TEST.STYLGS of '.. .: '.. . ..., ..- ''..... . ... .. 4,,DILFIIIIEIZZ , FROM 25 cte. UPWARDS • Hats, Ceap, Ready 41.0.40 . ...V . 10t4i0g; ; W:41 I Paper, Window $hit0.6;... - H9Oty. 0t..n11 . kinds; stiqling: GAITERS nut] lIOeIPED SKIRTS at 31 Cie,, • Al) Who want to get LIGIFF,ori 'the bubjee) FAST; call..arid get. i,gallon of . - ~; • .•••• C;A: •1i,'.13. O.'N- Q . 1 .• I.;; /•.. '.. ::.-..-• ;....... :::::•...;..... .• . and if. it does, n'ot:. burn .TWICE LONG as any.other kind you can find for $l, old Hal is the forfeit. .. • . A . visit to Olean. will satisfy TOt7 . No.. 4. ElicMsiOr. is the HEAD:QUARTERS 'ol' TRADE end air, GRAND • EMPORIUM of every thing NEW NEAT and STYLISH.. • That 50 et.. T. still hater. • N. 3, BUTLER & CO ; TI. S.'BIJTLER~ L. W. Girrprw, ~' • .. Mein., Sept.' ,13,':1860 B:.8::,. - ,1 - 0,t1.43,3, PHYSICIAN AND:SURGEON; lieviiig permlinently located himaelpat pont ALLEq‘ymy; would .respectfully'inform 'tha .pnblic that, he ia red-. to attend to bosines's in allbranchis .o( the Oedical Profession: - :Pirtieultiv *often . - 'tion paid to .Seeret,piseaSes, both mali ard, remalei'theY.will. be treated r iti.accordance with . the 'latest authorities and practice.of both Eu rope and . America. All secrets a inirtisted him; in, his practice, ',Will striOy- 1 (4 , by. him; it , ipite•of.morioy, enemies, rela,tives or neighhors.., ...• March 20th,. I . BGO. • I. 4 HE OLD PLit'ci` • 0 .7 • ' -' i Nal 4 d, to. , , THE CHEAP STORe -2 5 , GREAT EARGAiMfwvil7 CAN! ]Ar. ,IlAto lI.HE ' ,., ::PN.k;:lloE;AlitkTOktro . .;..,i.; :Nvo - 04 , 4o.p'«ii:e . 4.•iiiiiiiailt!i..74. 4 * 0 ),I . ;. t ;. : -.....':', ....::.: .'.., ': ~ :,::,...:: .:' '... r:,..f..4:.:1.i'',......:.,.. -.,-4:e.;;:-41•4:!,,L2:. OLD 011itNDS ItNOW A;LL ABOOI TTp '* ,v) New hes,ltut Ctine Awl Jodgq Pqr r 4mullo. One'l4 o Aittio will soitioffthit'mostialelcit :hat 0141 #1 ,6 14".4 4 tP 1 4Y, 11.11 1 4 ghtiar, , ot Verf.lo44lrleei) Ogee h• ONEj„ -- 401:01E!'25.1140.(kT0111:. t•heci • 4fi L tib price ',item thio' ~•... r SUPERIOR •00c9V ',',": • ' i':•• .. i!:.' , . r. 11 7, •• : !-' 2 1 . !•:!'..4. , :....,,r „ 1!• gtEc4ivi , t' '.4rirtEs,. •,, NEW VASIII(SIs.IS, •Otii . OW fißlbt§', EVERY I'AING YOU WANT AT THE ONE PRICE REfitlloo,it . •. . . and.the mporitmi of stilifyfilifig;lidyig neat and stylish. ; If you hive the CA4I:I, end , want•to'buythe BEST DRY GOODS;. .tANQY:-GOODk,t . j, xti GEIsiTS FURNISHING GObl)S,l;` • • ' ;.' : titusettl,RNtstlro BATS. Atiri BOOTS AND SHOES; EVEBY - THING, GO TO. THE: . „ . . ON'E PRICE REGITLT6RS' T r H.W.lrvi*, .• . • wilt find gonds 1.011016[4 ; .. fot., , ,tlAir '.!••;- • beauty,, durabllity * eapirior • -• • • • .lAartufdsluts iatuf • ,- -4 , t. Lw ' • _ , ' 9 , 1 4 j fee1*0440 k i t fi t e b !A ' there cart P"c6 'OneAtitsfin•ltcir'' - --° • TI Rettkomer77.h ;••"'c' St les—St,* ttt t. ",oY77: - 4 : Y Litt; MIL,Ltt, , •' t'ittkierljt• ' ' - ' Olean, . /- mil 23; D0,741%mt,,,1Y. MEM :1 . .. , •;•i5,1.1115..A. . • ',. •i '',/•-,,, 1.!,-..••-;7. UMW= t.,,) I,OW MUMS, Mtn CROCKER`, '..'.o.lt:.cxHilFq s .'': , : .':'..,*?.,'.,;,.,..,!:... R: ,$: Aro,T.p.,