'• ~,, !I.:: ',,'.-:: t.:.. - , , :i. 4 ... 4 . •••'• .: 'f;.- - ~ ~.., ~._, -:. ~ ':, 3 , ..-,•,. VOL 3. ...4ti'.4oi...,...p4iiii,.3llclitOtj;i PUBLIBLIED VURSDAY By, er. B. OVIATT; • SMETHPORT, MICEAN • COON'TY,. 4PA. PURLIO S,QUA4E, TERMS: - - $t do in Advance. Rates of - Advertising. 'Column one year—, • • I 6, ' six One square.ot 12 lines or less, 3 lusertion9, Elf& subsequent . ; .. .. Snsinsino Oards, with Mtper,• : 5 00 • Bali orligurp work will be doutle'the shorn raleS, Twelve lines lirevior type, -- .. or eight Hues noupareil r is' These Terms will bn strictly adhered to;,Cli , . it:Mirettorv. BENNETT. H9u6E; . . . Stnethriort,M. , Kean Co.. 'Pa.. E.' S. Masos, Proprietrlr —opposite the Court House. A new ) large, common•. ous antl4ol.turni ed•boueo.• • . ' (AEU. H. IYI4St . .. , Healer in Stormi, Tin Ware, 3 awned Ware, & c., west .side , of the Public .lilqusre, - Smethu'ort, Pa. .Cuetnni ' .trork done to order'on the shortest notice ; :tud.in - thu . most substantial' maps r. ' . " .' . '•. '. •• • , ~',. 'DENTISTRY, . • . • . .. - .- . .. .... Di. M. Alk.ftriimitt would respectfully; annotincO to:the • . citizens of Sinethp6rt and Vicinity,. that ho Into (Med up ou office, end is prepared to attend to 'all busineis • In 'hi% pmfession. Artificial teeth iniiprted upon sci. ..entitle principles, widen as to preserve the natural oc pressiort of the face• Alloperatioes inVental 13ixfgery .done In a skillful. manner.'. - . '. ' ' ..,.. I.ot. I.'NOURSE • , . . . . 'Dealer In Stoves, Tin Wa're,4apprined Wire, &b.; *eat • and of • the Public, Square; Smetbport t . Pa. Custom -wOrk clone to • order Oahe shortest • notice, and In 'We • moat pubstanilal rnannei.. • ..„ :. 1-: . • • --•••-•.- . - • - . ''..'...- '' • • ' OLEAN . . . . . - , • 'A. r. BARN. Proprietor.. O lean, N.Y.,. Omnibus' rune to !Led from the New York aul,tirie Loil liciath . Steges for Bmethport and Ceres i --' .- • • • •.' . . . HYDE HOUSE, . . . IS.r .osGoon Prop'rietiir t • Itid g a•ay, Pa: This 'Hotel. i new and Cuinished' in- modern style, Ivis'ample accard madatlons t and ia,:ia 'all respecti, ti First Class Hotel. ' • Ridgcay, Elk Co: Pa, MN:. , ^_I;ISGO' :.• • , .. . ' ELDICED•HOTEL, • • . . . . . Jon* Wera;Preprietor• - Title licitute is i= ittia. t e ,I. hill' way betweeti Smettiport and .plean. A. convenient all Commodious hone i ) , attentive ' auit obliging attend; mite,. and low prices.' .: ' • ~ ..•••• . - • , • . • Eldred, May 17, 1116 - 0. .•. ~ .. . ,1 / 4 . - -- - -- - • • • •A: D, HANLIN, . • • • • rveyor,.. Draftspv.n , Coureyeincer, mid Estnt.¢ 'Agent, BmetlipoFt,-Nl'Kelin couritjr;fa,: - • . . . -. • ' WILLIAIS WILXII7,' • • . . . . •Pre,etleal .Mechnille, Millwright, Brhlge•hull.ler,• &e., Port it rleklmluy i ! , Kean comity; ra... S. L. BROIV.N; . • . . SURVEYOR:, S3IAN-. CONVEYANCER and Real • Extitte Agouti - Offictii.WillinuniTille;'Elk.Ce.,• • Peun'a . • . . EItStiC,ES C h I n &Boyle ." Jitz4ll. 3 ..... tfon:thomaA•Siruthiqs,,.. - . W. F, 'liro3rn&A, Hon. A. 1.• • • '..•• - .CAAV,EIt - MOUSE; • ' ' awn( li, Itcr.cP . rnprietrir,coruer Witbr ar;l-Ilickory iltrectA, Win:Kun, llenernl'F.tage (Pee. ..• FOI3ES FC01761.:,, - . . Fronting Jim" Fill.lic Sqmyro; Olcau, N, Y. : jaiir.H !,1. •• MitaAnt..PropriCtor. - The .?oboe Itio.o3l4*.cotireNlll. , ll: ak.ol.llollt of brick, and iA•lnrniglicl in. ro - Ocrn ,t,y b.:- !ThP. broprictor gat:tors iiiinfolf that' Ma nkefonnota, '`• Sign, are pct ,surp4sf. , e - aliY any hotel. io TV.m.:torn New -r.rk,. ,C:w:i3 , ..0:::3 run larond from Om 1•:.;:r 1."• , r) , and Frit nail it0a1,.... - '.:.. ..! ! ' 3,- t f • . . . . . . . . .. . _ .13YRON HA:i1.1,1,.N., .- . . . . .• . A rin,mm..l4. tAw; h m athiw.rt: ?.1 . 7. ,, ,an'. C....:1:1'..r. Pa.. A'grut fur llteFici.. Fleoli.;:f A , • o • ,. 7 , •lf:tud+ . A Ifeli- 1 q oc r i eelaily 0.0., 0 4 .1i x i,q•ini. Of •C 1.;,it0,; Iv.t rtlilll.o ion i.;t Looj Title:;. l'ailociif'of.:PaYro. or Fall liu , iiiessrelo , 'tio7, to Beal ):date. (Mice ii: )Iq....oli”.ilipck:. . • .. • , . . •,• .• E. IOtTGETION - • ELPREDi' . • • iatt.irney. end ..uoinokinar..at: Law, Enidthport. MtKeit: ll an'unty;ltu4ineqft onirwated- I.'4re-tor:Lilo innntio. of 3CIC-enn;.V.ittvr . :incl .1111c-i4'lll - Oflic.cia the Ccairt:.fluor, . • _ • • •." ." .DR..L. R. w . rs,.rER, ' •'• PhTeielan„-end Surgeon, Snief.log..Urt, To,n•ill,atteml to 41 professional calls wilb. imoroptorke.. Oince in Sart irefl !Hoek, second:Soon.. ' • • •. , •'• ~ '. TAIN(S . '&• MILLR, ' .... • .. . .. . wholemao ailaltotal Dealora in Staple and Fancy'-Dry ' , Good", Carpeting; Ready Blade Clothing.. and'. General Furnishing Goods, - Beete find Shoes, Wall and :Window raper; Leaking Mame &c. ACOleaif. N. Y. ' • BAPXIIS; • ..• . . .. . Attorney and COnnisollor at Law. Sniistlip.nrt, li2 , Ttaan Oa Pa..; Alin attend td.a.n.littaineaq iu Id i nrociitigion in the' eounties.ot ANC 61,11, P (Attic and E%kr: ' CI.P.b:C-riVlCr V. K. .Sartwell Sr. Brolliarii SiQ're.. •'.. , • • • ' . • BAcxr,rz „Rot Sr; . .. • . . . , Corner IA &cowl 'Wad . tthe oy* stiee tit ; Warre.o, I'n.. It. ' A. Boiion i 'l'roprietor: ThrelorB. will lied good r.x.- commodationit and rettsottribtielotrm; • •.. '• ' • . . LAR/C4F.ES HOTET:, . • . . .. : E, LA! taFc, .Proprietori.:-Alleglainy Bridge, 'M'l{ Pail . 'Co , 'Dili , houoe in Oituamd about li th o - mileiif rola Imethport• . on tho road 'to Wenn, and will.be foond• a convenient stopping-i& . iac •• . • '' . :. , -. '• ' FARMERS' VALLEY HOTEL, fly T. Ononwrx... This howiels i,ituated abool Ilco mile rom Sntothport on the road to Olean... Pleamtre partie and othersean be accommodated on thashortestuotice Sy. S. BROWIIELL, Dealer' in Dry 'Goods, GroCeries,All'ockei•y; flardware, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Gaps, blase; • Nsils. Oils, &e: Best side of the POlie Square, Sinethriort, Pa. EMPORIUM . 17 ovsE, Shlpperii . MUCean Co., Pa. ,N: Proprietor' A. eornniodiotta and wail-fUrnishod house. Strange 7/4 ` sod tisielOrp will find good atcommodationa... PORT ALLEGANY MOUSE, . . . . Xxoens 13:Docuer PrOprietor, at Peri Allegany,. Nor Kean County; At.: This Hotel • issituatod at the June.' • lion of the tintethpoit 'and Allegany lllver toads; nine miles out of Ihnethpost. • • • • • • wit.... HASKELL :- • Proprietor. . . • This limn br‘rett caloniatia fort h aectimtoodation -prate Tralrelling'Pelille,,. having. mei:My been repaired AO remodeled , Good,lllarne and §ltabliii, °harps rear. #Onable., Btagea for Olean; Shippon and idgiray.'4 Smethprorti, July'2,l§6o; "... • , •• . . . . ; . . . ' • ~To : T hose Interested - in . litinliag and . ..•,.... . . :. • • 'Mineral Lands:-'.'.' .. .._.. • vur . - Tf.:l!AlttiES offers:bis eerytees for the examine,. • ties ofMineral Lands 'ln al'lcenti and Elk c00n ,66.,,, an d will give 'his, opinion - , all the' VALVE OF ~MINES,' &n. Theme engaging hi's **vices will .'reeelye l necessary and reliable information. . liesidence at the All Mines. .. ... ~ •, . . . • !Sergeant; M'J(ean Gin.; Juno 36,185 D.. , .' • , -.. • ' . . . ?ViTOW.4Y-iTZAW, Eihot.hpoet; bl'Aoan 00., Pt: G o l l'octlooopronptlfattoidoil to.' === PA..March Q.—The 'special "train :hearing Mr.-Bueho,nn, aad.pariy...arrived' here at half past:ene'o'clock this afternoon.' 'They. are accompanied - by the. Baltimore City. guards and York Riles: The party were liandsernely, received by the citizens of Columbia. They will,be escorted to Lancaster by the I.llaytotyn Infantry and a.ebnin? . ittee of one, hundred. Cid: !EMI LAtvcAsTy.a.; March. o.—Mr. Biteliamm was . teceiyed..h . ere.thiSafternoon hy, a large 'Con *course'of. his fello.* citizens:: -the eivil..and . military' procession .Was: several squareS in length'.'Thearrival of fhb special 'train was feetedwith..a..national salute -Of lidity , fday guns,.alid the ringing of . bidls. Mc. 13uChanan . is. aCcompanied by Nisi.. Harriet Lave and Miss Hetty I.'arker. The proeessiod'weS composed M of the ayor and .Cety CatincilS, the: firemen, Fencibles.and Jaclzson . RileS,.and. a large Me gallon- tram the' country. it. halted at Central Snnare; when , yr. 'Preston, oti_liehalf of .tho Baltimore City Geards,. made :at neat . - stieeeh,. 'handing ; Mr: Buchanan oyer'toMayor Sander . . ... . .. 00 " 12:00 •s 0 00 12 00 Mayor. Saniterfon,' delivered' .an..addrpo. 'warmly welionlifig • the E-x-Presideni.:;.. tivenmiAti:-//eitoredSir: It is My plea's ure. to..lir : l've, been ..deputed by. the: citizens 'of. Lancaster ; irrespective of party., to . e.3cternl.to you a cordial welcome back to your. own bonne and 'fireside, and to , those social enjoyments and courtesies:lion') your old neighbors, 'and-friends , &Om which you have in 'a great Measure, been debarre'd for: the last lour years, OVvirig to the pressing' public duties, which necessarily 'erga ged'your attention. • •• You; . ' sir., have long been•in the Service of yourl'eciuntry,.in various public, capacities; and now, after having received : from, the people of the United States the' highest honors in thelte public; you grecefully.retire from:the perplex ities and responsibilities of, official station; 'and return to spend, th'e .evening of your protracted and eventful life in . the' place . made sacred-to you by the reeollWetions of half a c entury,' ter having served your „country faithfully arid' well, at home and abroad, you ht length seek the repose of your beloved Wheatland. withbut 'a solitary. aspiration for the future, 'except an ardent desire for the Welfare and•hapßiness of 'your countrymen and 'he p'etpet uityot•our pUbljean institutions. • • Your Adreinistration, of the General Govern- Ment, sir, will be marked Inthe.history - ,of the, nation as the most eVentful'Onti . since the ins* &ration 'o,th° Father of his (Ountry. Vrom "mil% itcceF'sion to the'Presideu:ey tintilthe close of your term,' you. had difficulties to encounter which were .not experienced by any of your dis tingaished- predecessors in the high office .and you ''retire from the chair olsfate'at t perilou s , time, when ; . through the .machinations of . for eign and domeitie fries, commenced years ego, the-nation is.conculsed 'from its mitre' to ,its • Biflqway,, Pa Narrru,-Pa .9.)i)e1))0.0rt,. '..'l3netm Vista: Pa cire n tnferencewhen seven of cur sisteTStetes are Open rebellion against• the anthority, of the: general govOrnmenr--,end . when the dan gers of war. end. tdockished ere. lenrfully. imminent..., That 'stiCh esatt condition cif things is•depreCiated by you,. as it .is by ..every true'. hoarted,patriptin the land, rennet be doubted. We knew.ttiat. you ,anticipateit.and faithfully . IN:anted your fellow-eitizensi tine and' again:of the dangers . that at the.present momerit'mettace the country'.;., and how, that the trouhlec you predicted; with true s.tate'srpardike sagacity, as tho result of a saa . tioril'enntro!:ersybliOng ration. trtfin all' their. horrors' a tui of lli she'ddinz of 'fraternal thloOd, whicklids scii.fiir- been happily av er t e d by yoar gain - moss. sail , am • suro no larignazk I can•employ wit) be sufficient to it, - . l ,.reolin g of g•-rief.tvliick'rotis•t.peii -I'Adr' Youi'l , o so m"dt . .oo disenulant dre;l comiftioii oldie counti.y..-. •• • , Your fellow-citizens of Lancaster :countY; sir, have differed in opinion as tom prOpiiery 'or policy of sortie. Of the rncasurrs of .your .Ail ministration.; Th*, of - mime,. wag 'to have been ekpected, as, no•previoul . Administration had been exempt: from .pa;sing thiona, fhe . same ordeial;,but all are to'admit that yourintenticins veere.pure—that you were hon est and : patriotic in What, you did—and that . the. welfare,Ahe glory and perpetuity of 661761o:I were near,and dear to your, heart all the'time. t7cliecing'this, sir, thousands-6f your oid neigh 'bpre:eancipaintances have..dssenlbled here,tn da inr 1 he inmiose:of bidding, yon, weli•ome at: Oki rame limp hat; in yoniretire .tgciit,.ycop may. to c.njor the corifiderice . an d es t ee m . or to whom .you pre erfxlertreil . . liy h ouga .7(l yeeollections; not only from yiriur eminent it hlr y c F;ir‘dres in, ihi`'eon!ini,k of the nat i o „ , , . 1 , :1071 pure private benefaction s . • in thin connunity. ' . •. " orly rerilitirs for Inr,Ati, on bohalt of the people of Lancaster colit, , y,k , bid yoli!Ou'artY. welrotne , .to your old ha !perform th. task pleasure, rtricl extevl 3: 0 “ the 11:11111.61- INivjor tool: hold al Mr: Bucl6nrin's 4;1N!) in voking upon. you Heaven's choiceot. blessings in time ttnihetetnity.. . .Mr. Buchanan •seiporaled, substantially. : as , . . . _My OLD NEionnonS, FRIEISDS, ',A: , 11) FELLOW CITIZENS: t heie. not the lauguege to 'express the; feelings ‘%;hich • Swell in my.:heart qn this occasion; bui do . most . Corqially. Omni; you for thie'lcirionitration Of :your personal nes'sPOran 'old 'man 'who comes back'. to you ere long lay, his. hones at rest wjth . year fath- ers.. And here let me Bair that,diaving visited almost every etime untier the atim.'my heart 'has ever tented to. Lancaster as'the spot where I woUM wish to lisp and, die n'o'd be belled.-- Whli Yet a youni:man, 'iq far remote Russia, my heart was still'witW.:yaur fathers, my frientlay . ankneighbori,.,iwgood old .T.,ancaster. [Applause.]: And — although I Wave , always been °true to'you,.l have not:bnen . half so thte to you as you.have.to the,'. Ygui, fathers' took me up , when a young Man,: and : fostered,' and, ohcrishett - me through many long years. • All thespliive passed away, : and I stand before you twday as a rnantiving in the seeond 'generation. voice,---“l•saw you mount your horse when your marched to 13altirnaieln Mr] Ifeel with all my heart; though in the midst of poslerity, that thee son's are - manifesting the same neis which their fathefs . 'would hav'e bud they thierday. .Generations of moital men rise and ,eink, and are .forgottoo ; _butthe k.indocis of , the ; past gCncratiOn.to t i e, now. so Conspiauous in their 80/114, can never in forgot; MR. BII,CHANAN'At HOME • ' • , , I ' , • •' ' J - `, SMETHPORT,- M'KEAN CoUNTY, TfititSbAY, iIARCEI 21, 18_61. . . ton,. I come home, fellow-citizelis, to pass the rem . ninder..ot'.my...da d Ys . .nritong`- Ton ,as . if'good . citizeit, a faithful. friend;.. and a,benefactor to' 'the widows and the .fatherless.; [Loud'. Ap plause.] • All, political'aspirations have departs ed:''All that'Llinve done during A . pr'otraeted. public, life has pgssed into hiStorY if .1' aught -to..offend a incagl citizen,„ noW, sincerely ask h s rdo n • • ' May.God.grant thatthis :Union andComitito:,. Lion maybe perpetual. [A pplause.] •• close hy. repetithig the sentiment to I my fitiart;.Gcd grant tiont. the Constitution,and the . Uni on may lie Perpetual,: and ,continue a shield of protection . te-onrselves . and our chil dren forever. • • . .. . . . .. - 11fr.:Buclionan reliretl:aroidenth treidetic ar . plause:. ~nd, then . rqstimed liis:place iiitheear riage,.ond.wos , esco.rtecl to Wheatland. '• ' . . F.41111.Y Viiiik.raticts.—Many fiirmersarede• ferred froth attempting to produce. early veget ables, by an erroncOns idea that' the' making of a bathed is a coimiliCated .and-diyoult °Pere . - Eton, white it 'is just al simple as making it hill of corn. F.yery man,. who hail a • garden '„of wliatever.size, if he will once, try th,e' expe.-i- Merit of roaktig a hot-bed,, will, We.vrMture to predict, find . the. task so easy and 'thesesplt se. iatisfdctory, that heWilf never . feregp the laic , . ury aft!eiWartls. All;tbat^ is rieceSsery'is to make a pile of . horie : manure AWir.and,a..half rept deep, with, the lop leyel ; or sloping. a little to the'SPutli, then set rough frame made of. four boards' nailed together at the corners, upon' the bed'efrhanure,: fill the-Tian:le with six in -Ches of gardeu . soil ;-and'oever with a' Window of glass. - Any old window will .answer the purpcise, but:it . fs bettei to'have th'e,bars.of the sash run only way, and, to hav e the glass laid in. the.manher..Or shingles.. 'The best plants to force. are'.l - coMattles and Cabbages whiCh"may.be transplanted from the hot-lied to the open' air without any trouble, CVe haVe'remoVed Tomatoes when they were .ip . bliissom,,and bad. filen] all alive. If' melons or cuiumbers'are forced,: they should be plant- ed in lloWer pots,... and. in transplanting them you turn thepot . over imonyour open hand and give it o gentle the . •earth:comes opt in a solid liamp..and the .root s ere hot dis ttobed in the least. • '.while, the platits:.are growing they should 'b o watered tregnently, and. in warm days the .sash shottli..be raised as . ffiViinehes..O.give the :plants air:. ,We havi: found Elie. groWing - of plants . ..under .froui hof-licil,,fOur feet by six, up to a large : . grapery for raising the' Black Hamburg .add Prim tignap grapesi the most satisfactory of all hortiehltural operations , ..; 'Having - the control of the climate,. both in• heat and .mOisttire, the plants 'can tie made to groW with a vigor tihieh th,ey.raiejy . if ever eAthitsit in the 'open; :A hot-bed Should belmicle (rein four to six Weeks before:the time , for planting...Corh: 7 ‘.s"cientfie Americaii...• • . . . . . • .Tnr.gitt:AT EXPiltf:luzilY..L-We .are.toid that Mr.l4:4Col.N's. A . iirniniStration is tb establish the fact that this is a ' Govcriiment.'-• . .This' .catch expression Seems.to lie usedto.cover lII'S idea thit.we' have a., strong central government' capable of . maintaininir, the Milieu by force, and putting ilown:clisaffeotion and -Secession by the s ;ord:, This is what.eve..n.bilerstand by th , phrasp' new so.cuiretit'AmOng the. Republicans, that •wellave:ri•governroent.. The laden! ad ministration is to.illusttate.this truth inseine signal arni . startling manner.:Tbe.problern.as tiPenr.actually-livirig uniler'A . goyernrnent CA; pablc'of making war upono its wn 'citize,ns.is . . , in a very snort time to he solved. to our entire satisfaction, wberi we are • expec . ted.to breathe easier,- nS mafter.'what becortres of There is ^o thin ht that this 'is n . f - ,overnmeni., and that it was; awned by-compromise, nod e'rin only tie-peipetuated . by (lie same means. Ma -ony years of happyexpe:rine - e - have established thil.:tyntli beyond , controversy.....But:4ve have. never-had occasion to' test,itsstrength upon it's own citizens, and - ,to ascertain. whether its power`.would not become: 'nioreimPOsibg. by wholesale muriler . :and i fratern r o blood-letting. About this there an. .anxiety: to .knoW , and, it'called.upon 'to test the matter .by actual experiments- • -• • ' In case the experiment' fails; and after'n des tructivo.Wifr'abaldhave been waged ogninst . the seceding. States-to .induie them to recogniie that' we' have. a government without producing the 'desired effe.ct,''tben;wo - suppose the fact' •will:be clearly established that we have noi . a .gOvernment adequate to maintain its own nu. Mr.'..Lincor will forthwith rate. office of President,' of the.. United I,low:very .satisfactory 'nll..thisrvill' s prOVe! showing us what: . Nye ulretuly- know, 'that 'vre. inivo to.rido tho treriplevyi r th . their own' consent, but, not to coerce them into -Tnp:.lltt.,L, or 'rim 1::cot,, 4 , L. - t. A The lollowin4•are the items of the bill render. ed by the proprietors "of the Delavan House, to the. Legislatufe.fcir.the :entertainment of Lin coln and suite • . . • • .TnOne"day's . board; Bin. A. LineOln ••• and suite, including plq•lors, rim i ng, . . .• Dinner and Breakfast in Parlors, •.. , :176 . 50 Wines•and Liquors; 357 00 * Segars,' ' 10 00 . . Telegraphs, • . 4, 13 Congress Water and .flaggage„ • • • 7.37 Carriages,. ' . i 2 00 Sundry• broken. artieles,'':.Stovei, • Chairs, &c • Total ii,•26 1 0. r • • $1,120 CO. This is an qttrettting ,andsuggestive state theta. :Moog atiatiiitutts• $3,;7.00, and sun dry . broken ''articles,, stoves, ch - airs, $160,00! •The bill of items is taken from . the ••• • . , • Stripped. naked ;'and whipped; ati:o; . ..goad repeatetilly; until' literally covered 'with laws' and sores' froM liead'te toot;lcicked into. actual defoemi.V) his