M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, February 21, 1861, Image 3

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    l ! aw of Neimspa'pers
.. . .
. . .
. .
1. Sithaeriheis y,to, do nut give, express, netiee
to the nantrary, are-Oonsillertid an wishingit Mi--
thine-their suhseription. . , • . , ~ ..
' I'M aubseribers.:Ordet tha
,ifinecitinunnee ..6f
their newspapers, the,imblifther may 'nontiane to.
'fiend themunittil arreara!genal re paid. ; .. •,.•,'
3.' If iiabileriheia neglect or refuse to tal;e: their
neWspapera from
,the-ollieen • to :which they ii re:
dliebted,‘ they are 'held responnibte..until' they
lava: nettled the bills and ordered them di eon
:tinned: ‘.. •.. - - . ' •
. . .
4. if silbscritNes temOve to 'other places with-,
;put informing the . publisher, and the
•nresent' to ' the former 'they. arc held,
•5. The Cdurts have.: 'decided that tefaiiinu'to .
t , titc:iewspaperrl from the elltee,or.rei9 n i 1g iuni
le Ting them uncalled. fori,•fsi
dence, of intentional fl'itud.- • ' . ' •• • .
13, The United States'Ceurts haN'tialso rape:RAO-.
de‘cidod that it I'Qsitnaster.who neitleets.to per
form his duty of giN'illt; • ANiso nalfic notice; mi-ye-,
Inired by tlio.Post 011 ice pepartilient, of.the'neg
'.ect person 'take frOM• t ofliee, a pews-:
pajier., directed.to r'cliderA 11nr - 71 , 07• - tintii , ter
liable.to 02 publisher 'for the subscription price
. .
. , .
• 'lndia.Rnbber Ba Yates. • •
TSUBCRlBErt.' . lluvitig pechasocl the
1 right .to makii.antl Pump,
- feels- a Contiqe s neO flat. .his . Offor to:brioz
into geneial use.
.in.thistoon(y 7 . will Ye . scron-
AleLby.all Who tee iti
Among the many advannigos..s, , ourp.4 . l
Ose. of
.this Pump, . the - tol!olying,.hia'y
.60, PIM .
Merateili •". • • • - •
. .
• 1.: A•thiehleaction; by which:twice the wa
ter' ean be raisedat ihe'seine time. • .
. .
. . .
. .
•.. 2. 'pr . eat'ew3O in ivoTking,:thits I.loa,.pfing ttie
1..0re:6 Priticiple fti-coi;:nnsuti tv(lls. 7 ..•
. .. ' • • '.. ..
..3..Ttiti transformation ; in's thomeOt - , of .0'1 . 6
Pump into
.allicipntFmc EG1517. 3 thui , ; ten.
Ocfring the lO.j.:of . (hvelling by. , firo, letv.lty un-
. ..
. . .
. .
. ' . 4.'Capability•of :•‘,•atering . gardols, LP...l . ri ~,.
or spriikliue- - vialks, lvashin4 window : ::, .&o.;
with the utmost' ease-stryithorouno,ss.•• . . .
• 5. •Ebtver to raise.. seater siith„ slinht labo . r. to
any reasonable height,- as in supplying • oh,mi.-
. . .
G. The.coriyrenie:n6ii of haviriff
kitchen, or:other rooms:of. yOi;r (1%7 , 41k:it; tyirii : 7
.ont.tegnrd.to . the.loention of the ICoII- . .. 0r Cis-
.7. The easy.' protectiOn:9l . the ~.1 /o, : rullietit
agai,nst . Frost: . .
. . .
S.. The ease with .wb . cli frlity bo. trioartPd
on Avhe'F . ls, Or'i[iot her ways. 4.• roail.e. poi
• • ci.'A . ;imidioitu-' er , ltresl2.•rat dit
bility; protects i't.frorn boing.t tiro w . :.
tt °tit Of :or
der, And. make's •aoy 12pairs easy..a . mt hare
cost... • ' .
. . ,
10. Great•chrappi,p,..:. for 1 ho: 'fir , t . ..ti:ro;
.lirinain'g the cost Or :the:Force, .Puinii ii;to . tl ,
n eighborhood of t he' commnii Suction . : and
Chain hump's; - while it is inuro , O'soralOy : .sur
-rior t0.h0tb.... - . ' - ' • . . .
. NlantifiictuKed ,and•Sorsali.: hv'tiie sribscriber
only, at bis ob i , Arechanicsurz._ •
• •.• . . A. WOUttIIS
Me'Oopicsbprg,.l\lal'eli I ]S.;S.. •
W .
HEREAS'•tke HOW., Rot 1V
eit G. lilte:
President Judge, a•nd . the Itons..
ling iM! S. "Holmes,sSOe'ittle . ...hnle...s of 11,0
•Courts .o'fPye'r & • TefTniner and General
.pelivery, Qtrarter 'Sessions 4 , 1 i);•aci , ,, Or
phane.Cciurt-tind Court 'of. elflnlnmi..PfeLs for
the County of ,r•ee.ert,
bearing - (lateSatnnl4, i ..inth - dayof Dqem 7
her iMtliee.ar of. our Lord Alm imnsp nd•eittlit
hundred — and sixry;,..;md ;to, tp‘l, fot
holdingn.Clotirt of Oyer and 7 rermlnef•nn‘f
Deliyery; ois' of the
Peace . , c9hans' Court, nod
.f.'onrt.orC6rnmin t .
Pleas, in the rloroni;h -Srnetrtnmf,' '.1\10.1 . 1 •
da . y,:the,tw.enty4lftlr •day;ol...F.:l•inery ne.xt.;
4rid - to . continne one week. • . • .
• Noti . ac.thereforollere . by iTivrn to the e‘irp
.nei-s,• -justices .of the • 'Peace ned cor, , ,taldes
within the count,that I!)Py.he. then ;dlid !!:er
•in.their :proper persons; a( 0 Worod. - . A. M.. 0
said day, with their rolls, Teen; ionsy
.examfrnitiOn's,-and otber remembiances: to •do
.those' thing's iviiii.‘ll,clieir.rrfliktes appert ath to Ito
done. : And those ;who re. bound Oioir
ognizancei . to prosecute the jiriidners.tliat. are or
shall be in fife ja 'or said colint.
pie to bo•then rill!d there, to p*ros:ecete
them a's' will he, just. • ••• '
Dated at Brrie(hpor.•., February '7lh; it.;00,.
ahtilhe 85th year of the rdeperlenee' 0 1
United States of America. • • •
. . „
. .
• Calii ,
net, - Shop ill, • .
A.- - 'OLTERS revcctfully . n . firipiinces to
1 - 1....t1i . public thar,. notiviilwondi ng '.fh ese.
hard: times, he is rinalitifacituriiig and cciiiri,cori-.
stantly on haPit-1111 kiiuls 'of furni.turC,such..as.
DIVANS;'• . ' •
; • . • BUT: AKFAST.'T Al . 3lEti,•
CFT.A:TR yles, 'Con and
Common, Ready-Made Collins, of the,
very best material and it nqufuaure.'
I . SSS • •
T .
liE Stibscrihcr'haviiig Purelinseil this well
known staiid, and re-furnished and, re-11 (-
led the ITouso; i prepared - tO entertain Doily&
.e..r. : 4 and •the Tiaveling Public. .
." .
Ii is B.\l _\\.F) r:~3::r;:r
.•, Will be well supplied, and ,everything_ dont!
to merit a' liberal sbar'Onf patronage..
men will 'always find the iilateli-sirimt" - oat... '
• • • P. :IT. FULLER..
Kendal Creek•, Tannery 2, IS(10 - . 3S-Iy.
•\. CAA? D
J...K. HAFFEY offrs.his-servicc'to.partir . s
• O.wolle o.r Wishing to IVitryiise Inirwral
Inds in. M'Kean, Elk, Clearfield or' Jeff:o.l'oo
Ekat - riinatiotia:rnacla and - faithfully' re
Bratlfotql; •
, .
.. . .
. . . NOTICE,
:..- . - ...
• .
{VIIEREAS• I %TY -rife )I van s Aanr.M. has left •ny 11rd
• • and Board, }•allont Joel can , o or provivatton, 1"
Wraby elution:all porynna.ngahnd. lo•rlaviry• or. tillsling'
-bar on, my aaeounf. nfl i viii
,pay no. dobts of 'tier con
tracting 'after'lhis :dote_ '
• SULLIVAN , Posinit
Draciford Octobet 10; IP6II.
1 3:LACK and Clee'6n ream,xl.l
11. tr,
1:100r1i shpos tt
1:11 . 1* oir'lto Aindry.writu of : I'cuyiicioni Expo tau . , lA.
feted. out of" the tin art of Common Pleas of :ll , ltean
ounty, .und to inn directed t here' will bu.expoxbd, to
Pithlicialle. at the linnet linuo in the Itiorgqlloll3l - dell.
port, lentlay i r tlio.2sl.ll'ilay'uf - l'eh.-,.105 - I:the
' desoritaat rgal estate, to wit.. "
• .Thu lollowing'ileseribed foul tialute,tat aide in lee.
. res Townohipl'llPlietin County, .I , nuhtlylvania, boa Otle/I
and dooariliod asifollowo:•Begitinluii ut the it:Ogling al
thu eeiveraikf warrant Nei. 43'21 Ural ' , ll.lda Ana being
part of Warrant 10.. theufa li..ist by the Mate
, line. forty"peraliegjo'atiost iiiirlier.en the hauls" of:,the•
Ajetrayo C'reoh, thence smith' ona litthil foil • nail sixty'
Perches tit, a, 'beech eornor in the line 'of bona sold to
Hernial ferny, thence west by Hue of • si.hl land f - ,•ity-:
, - pereliga to a' putt corner, bolag the sciutlf-eaoteari.
lot suryeyed. to it,. J. Ma .:0001; 'thence 1100th -one
"'drofl. and sixty perchea In the ulnee of lieginningf, end-.
tainiug forty aere3, st.r4ct huneiie, 0 , o.une :morn
Ablin t'tvelity-lwo mares improled,"" 000 geed
•fralllghliltsn, Willi 0 good cellar,
,Imo 10.100 kv.
:4'2 feet, With sheik otOtarh ed. one:tit:die( water and'
• abouteighteen uppla tree 4. tahen in execution
amt ti 7 NithrilS the property of Carbaati:at
the milt of Stanley Martin. . '
' Tlro fellowizet trUet or toed littotte in Keeling %Town..
Mcticken.enunty,l'eunßyleania.'huunted . aud de,seril
he/Ins folhoe's ::114; On tile.north IT. the . .31.erv.i!i'(lreek
Road : on th l erUat.hy lona of Jhettph eutith Ly
I•iiis and wo.";t Uv , ltruft hf Barrett • it, being lot
No '.71 of llineleon our vey- or. call ttornship- of
lie tt ogl—conteln fug lif yt two and one ti2nth eete's "inure'
he t eight acmes iniprovetlitud one
house. ;Seized, taken in exact,ticp: ou¢'tubo
rellerty'ef Isa'ae Smith, a't the snit of Smithl rilarull'
now'fot the use of Ili rain.ll', Ile ilieganie,AthnipißtratOref
the estate .ofJ oseph. , ,
followitrg dr4crib4.l flied ltstate Sn..ElV!red Town-.
Kohn eotunty. Penntylvitnia; bounded ti.j .
viz;, op the north by : littelK 01 Cyr44 Sfrong And J 371106
1 . 1111.1111 . : 011 1.1112.1, V.I. by 16114 of Thk."l4'arld . Ivnils'of • Keg,
Int; A Co:, on tho Foutli by l orle of C. A .11 - 11114..ati1l 'west
by Lt.toic oil J;eati ne S (.10.; it1,04: - ..; part 91 .10;01
the Reivituf allot tnont un Irlo rag Fort of Warrant: No. 20
citt.tining .a.out.foi:ry:.t.w.4-4erei more 4,4:' li.ss , 01)1310
3, It, :One{ mpri.v.pd; 'nom Icig,hwri:u arid log barn nod.
e;44111111.. 111111111'1 fruit-to •v 901.011,1, 4 16' In. eOOOl.l
- 111i11 lu be 111. 1-10p61.','1 . 1 - . 1,..
ellll . Ol A. li. Packard 1101. for tic us,, of John 'U.
. .., .
, ..
' • . '-.. •• ' - .1..f.',. I:I.AT Ti t SliorilL
. .
Flierilrs 011 e2c Smelt.p.i.L.,l'a . t't= b. 5: itlII:. .:" .
f,ol . Nifirrii . • .P UTE; LSII , if9USE
Original Gift i3ock
GE G. E - v - ANS,.
410 Chestnut 'Street,
• u.:;1; •( • .
••• •••:oNE-I,E:rrs,k:.
til,"Ot rt. 114'113:4 ilard by tbe
, 1!.•• Clint
PVT ;,10..,
"civE,BsTE-;t:..2' . •
do* .
. •
.0,111.4 , 1..tei:11:d.i."..1.101' t• depen.tenee; theXenf,litu
••tien cd, the foiled edeb•A',e. t.;;;6's
' l'..r l!o!.1,b•h •r elde • -e: ut rine:Ll:opal' Inuit tfi,p.•
and h.OO, Po:no.. 0 ich it Iwzi
rry.tit. Wob•ter.
fyrnd Snleen't's to ,
eta I s i•av, - ,l,triee• of rerenrful
tereq fir the iircsent'liwor.,.., 11e.,u1 , ,i-ets, it outhors;
nu! i;tiilzte;i tqltiao 416 . tthivors3l
it , o;!;;l'drtner sbonbt letre it!-r.eery
`,b , r •ndo t • S'isuld • litre Evei.r
117 i,, it, t
.. Every L'oreer.•Phy-inidn, Politleign and Pd:
t ! • It, lot, r;veriteide,, .wholbo•r :
, lan..lYofeltr. or Cbilq,whetlii.: of the North„ South,
Nit or W',-t, 41o1.1 . £•••re•I der a•c6r.y of.' this ~,toJ of
r t
I ff 11ei.11,1 cot/
1.), A11101'417411 pnhfie. • •
• 1';')'•11,o. prtesentntio!l of. the C'otrtPutional Tet •
It-a It le -the • 1.. , 4y1•11: of tile Unkte',l States,
noels fox• th,elnigth, the,
1,1 Our Cotllitt, with. all . illtill3tl,lloli F ott'ered front the
writins-of himc.ho lia,,,lu,tts been • tormed thel,!• Ex”-
f nand: r and . I)e'lender:ef the Censtitution." In ma
king- tire sehietions from the vrritings 6f-. :1!i. \Webster,'
erenf efit, .tiken sttelt :Darts as•roay -
leieollseiered Nrfins.4.rttsi s hinit trill 1...w.1 to t.ort;!-Alo.•
e,l the •orinien , of flit,. sill to imprreis Alto voting'
t,,:1 of cAtllltry, u VOtteration.for thr.i Con,it
tion,-"a 11,1,irt . ..or Yomory''of the.Grea and Grip.r•
Men n ho I'f:tan-h.! o'er hare
o‘vo3'-, a fervent ntlaeliment to the Unite,. to - Libertt,;
to, peaelo, rind •;.1 , 0 teach-lei
Mora:ity -and-, noli:Oun:. Asa.
Fla.g; Itonk, thk:veletne heinrot enlunhle, Ond , rh'en,‘
us,d tto such 'the ieAtrueti . ir the
;,004e'ti„ , 0.3 for all the questions
le,ked nnd the arnOr!erif the ku , lents rhouldelwaril
be in t'lle c cast wor;loof.;,ler text. -Addfepa
• • • ' • '.(11:01.:GE 11: ItVANi..".
. • P•.:14!;•Itnr, inll'(!hestcmt•nt.,•Pb!l•eba: • .'
01.. E ~y 0 LIT, T - 1 .. 0 . . N .
A -V01 , .. 111 , 3 th t aril tfe.:,lf f every true eon
rf . Ilbert a `P~; . t?.,A:l , .
'titre", 11;,)11Pil , L2 ri '' ' trui, .ioe!,leDl3l to
I le: '•Var.of pvlev.ende'ttcy..SitprlAYi;lo•tr,ite.l. I, 4rZ.`•
. - .1):-.,fits to ii:ti).••.
.I;f)MANCI: OP. 'XIII: • P.1:..1'01.CT10N.,
work tli:0
. be found at Err
AtEori,r.liVreov;.,tl!•, It is
Tzollr, - tiiig as"
it .1,0 re:11:11 11.11116
•pr l d . tit,,,ii,l,,n ) 41111 Fll,l 1111i.j1i:y 4,r, tire illll3l, tint
\\:. I ,:•IIINWVON
A 110. men.; 0v ., 1.1v;ir1;5, to'
'A ;in came!
ti.6o :.0 0,11`.% !Ir 0.1111. bo hilt peritm in
tll^lrpifrA 11 rr , prt tin I,rl-•t'l' and 21
. 1 Co , P,ar in etin.i tlift(to or
of a Ln:.{c tti his 1i,11,01111i I.lf $l,Oll nr. m,ro
Ir. GI (iii PC.f 4.4 . lrutn lin•
1,1(11.1 nil .I=ilvP.r
1111fedWaro,„.1:ewOlry, Pat torti... e ill
the i nwest ~tyle th.4 l ,,i,Jess
that fit c ,, n!<.'”,m11,4v.',11.1,..4-.1na,60. •
• AG CVfa •WA E1"1; . • ,
Bop 1 for a l'nroOlt to:el using a ',..ttatio:tie: or our" own
ur Other's' PI: Itld CATIONS, u!,tOlt A iP. be tOnilect to
)nit frtiti of c , Nr.0... , :i6. - 11):0; v your , ei'l! . . I , o'l.i, tot bo - co iv.
Vi4lCOO tilTd. the MOs: J.IiIIU - A1,110110))10 and l'Att-orpfkitr.
E•talli,hotent in t Ito oottotrf to htly bads is at She,
Ork!rtt:tiptrl'epu!ar Gift Ito.ok. Entporittot of
.• • .
~ • - .' ' . • ar,illl(il.: G. EVAN". ,
- . . • '. ' .
43f)Ctirgtnitt ttrt:iar Vial:4o,l:in.
Tr 'P,(2I). T S t 1
.I , llp f 11.1.dopi•
11.11,1*.b?ink ' .." ' Cumin . ° us; u:.l.th
1:11: Lan,:
en ravin',
rio h.! r
I l'.11:1 , leCorooit
Jo r lln
..1N Taylo r :.
CV Sloicin
rllk.TNto.; . • • •
Ili Ilg •
Nl.POton •
J:111. IP, I fiGl.
rr.A.VE,I;N' 'T,TC.ESSES . .:-1110 folioNving 17:filled
'. P... • 11,"1.,,,i11k have 1116t1 thp,ii , repsiwot ire, pfAitioit4
Felt a ta.V . 0,111 lk . P . 11 , 11? fleCOrditlIZI10111w:',
• SISPIIC6,I9I.II) , befs, tiracifdr,l, • ' '.' ..''
Ili ilottiß 11. I , llllor, . ...' ~. .•
• • , •
0o,),. 11.-11. Cr),lker, ... " ' .
'Cli,oirisloo.lw.in, ii , Nriiiitz, •. . ••• '
Avi tilv .,, Ef .y Irant . F.:6l,lsir,ll, n't Sinetlirciit,.lliis 30th
.41:1\• of ,loliticiry.A. It. 1,5 ( ;1,;.. ... . -." •
[1,.5..1 - :.. - . • .'NO , 11. CITA I)Wjci:, Clerk..
porson . s
'negutiatinv„ for School ortli:r o. .101.„
'drawn by , tile. I)11e.c ors of Kenfina Dis•
trio; for. $27.00, in favor of
F. J. the. saino 11,15.1-won
30ont: stopped.
Drr'..l 0, tsar)
F... 11; ft ii:117.,9
.: . . 5 I .1,. -. 3....i,:ii7 . 5 . : . 5i,16:c;....-
ErOVv - nEADY,,
•'William Field r.•l al •
A•'• . • 1 ,3,11311 R fa, k
liaree:i et ai
ss t:otke
.V. 4 It.
•.'!..llutilltr .
• vs. 'Pr.rvis di;Pratt .. •
llitniel.Leitirs• et al. •
• • vs• Parii:laq Pilto
•ts t?•niit'l et al,
,T/ Q, Piientis & ea'
VS' rarilts t , iinnson & L. 'II
• ' !tinned' . •
Paritel tre:idittry • ,•
VG , It
‘ a . B. Preoninii era)., '
al.an.".tL Polies
, • vs..O. It. Itenilett's
el dames, M. & Andrew: .1
Grimm .
rs 111 Oviatt
'JNO.'„Lt.; Cp . :ADM R. , Pi o!II y.
- LOS rt..
M..! . ifALr.
• .• • . • .•
m I.I.: , ,SLTBSC,III,IIbIft birep . ,!o the•pub: .
:itraNit-cutter;. in full'
CrUilitieure that till , ivbe take the trouble to . Wit;
ness ilsopcirations:will be convinced' cir
periority over anyother'flOw itl tile.
A supply kept.constantly: on ~hand•and:niari
ufaetnred•to order. . ,
.. • .
r_P- -, .A . 5 . Ro 'other'. pernOn.. has . AIR! ~right to
make or tiles. t his : Citt fer:wi thin M.'Ketlil 't•Outi:
ty, alrwh6 are using it in .riol4tiod•of ,the pat-.
ent %ii)h . e . prosecuted., - . • : '.:,,. 1. '::.,
••• • •
Mecliapielsburg,, 19:30. • ;
GLeat xoitoroont in the South
5)111:11 021 i t 0 r_, NA IS: AItINIS
ril .VNI 1.1 N . IN bANG'tli
THE NORTH AND 801411-1
,: • Idnat and Shall bo Reptto . gothar
Taiis 000 UlllOll New d !
. ,
. .
I j NDER. the etil-tin t eirtuat4tqneqs the ;:ehschlter
. 1 1... 'deems ithit dutydo 'Hay to the eititeni+ of 'Nuithdre
Peutrdylvantc that theold
.. . - .
. ..
. .• . _. . .. . •
:..-Sid-I_--.1.ii1.1 .92.i:r4=511(.) .... p 1 --
.. . .
. .
iv prrptireit to moot an . .i..antall i,IIIG•riT.OIICiPq. with frfilerfr,
rod nn.J. equippvil o 4 tho :‘.‘v . ,'.lireett.,, I ;oil propaiu.l
to do all kinds it worl:An.the li no u I
. . . .
n end OH noment. trlotininl Eninn.
' The 'Snle.ifitl Las s , i . long lielcl 11 • . n. Feld
it),..ve.‘vato • r,'uniq mite nll uillursni
, ny•brntin.e,
(E. S - 31,0 tin..) I an! now 11 ;ling mth
lleIV of Stoe.e.s, .
ecli elie4n Air Tiny.. Call and iet• . - (1 . 1.11). 11; 31A . ;.4)N . •
Itin , loolproane&—,..tnytilin..: inn!: trinit—t.then
In exellangi, • for goo,k. •• • • '
:, IJ P.LTti 1.1
11 rein n.71(1.0!ei. 01
• "cost•ti; , •fe.' • •. • • • • •
"Costar's" Rat R. each, &c.
', , Cortar's" • ••' . • . : -
"o st s" d -bn gI zt rinin ,•: •
"fiostar.'s" • •-•., • . •
"Ccstitr , .s" Electric Poym.ler-PO Insects.
3,1 .133--;:-Auts-1oth;--)11.5.s.quett);!=-19 , uu.•
—lnsect 's
nit lose( , .ts. • ori
Cc, in Short, Ot'ffy form and.spocie4'o
Yeats'. established york
by Post oflice—tilenit , .,'
Station 11Ouses—thc; citySt. , aolers.,. Ships,
The city Itotels , s‘Astor,".4: , St Xlcholes,ld &t:!.
• and mr?re•than 720,000. pri‘ate- faro •:
Drug•lrigtis:ani Retailyi,s.e' : .'errt%.-liete sell
Wholesale Agents in all the , largi.
:100 and $1 :11..ixe , 4
liodfles—Flasksl. '•-• • : .
I Id !:11 or &poi inkatien.:,- 1 -:
Examine each Box; Pottle e:nd
. no thi n e but , . '
$l Box es 'sent: by MAO . .
tt'...5.3 . &.• S 5 Boxes for
by Eames .
.s:7 — Act:irks orders—l-fir (Or rfCiri:alars
er-s" to - .
.• R. COSTAR,. •
PRiNCIPAT, Bizo.lip.v.A Y. '
..Sold Ly.W. S. ISTIOAVNE.I.L. at SiAirtlipinq
Nnfe . :lleper:ter in existence:
1 1 1-KIM - PQN 7 S
11 k \h. (1f E AND CO .11'.,11:itei AI) 1:ElORTEll
c r culation. .10n . goo.
. .
1:1) IT E 1)..I; V JOU N •111 ()_l . l psoN
Quota! ions,r orrP.rtPil Tnol.tp.soN-I)Korli.r.7:
••:?, ga!lSti.ee:. • •
Piihlisfir:d' 'l3i.n.mlnr.t. - ,. i 17 1 , p,11:1'il St
T 121", 0 . 1:' 61111 . ' rlil N . I A 1)1'.1 NC,E;
111.1, , r.! r I hr r .•.
IVeekly.: I Se'mi-11)0nthly, , .. Illy
I'4 , olla:tort; or "the rg..lrho rorm (Put" hp 1 'fur
Intuit 414 111 , 11,110:111 v ti.cv. 100 v:111 1110 J: vOl.
trr ( 4 ,5711:::11 . 441zi and t l l....:r . rip;itY
. •
opiry ,r 'the Wee ore, te.
)cicel , i." ,- of the' :tlen11.!!.
".We will forward graluirotridy
s`2oirt: the a1‘0( , ,! rate ;a t
.nrly 000 time, out Anz it • G Cpi;2 Teat
Brake. ti .• • '• . •
N. V.:, Pinprtetpri
1 - . 1 . ).e.u.1
mllE untlers4 , :nf;diCol7llTl/5.` , 1:01)04.br YrlC'arl
.I_ count 2ive nntiee, tin!: an appeal
wilLbe 'hi+,l ht the 'Connni,,si,n - ni.•rV, - oilico.l in
Snwthrmit, 6nthiS t 27th' lay Of I),roniliei..lS:tlo,
whore all persons feeling jhem.elves•ngg s
b}' the einirneratcin nuayaliiatiewelikeir . prop
o..ty iii i,alit..ooonty: ISG,I, are le-,
tresto,l4l . atteinl.' • •
. .
• ". KEY ES. •
R. CHAD \ * VICX, Cleik! •
Sinethporf, Dec.
,2 . 3 •15Q11.'• .
Patented Sept, 9, 1856,
E 2, 5' RI E E ° rfigitig
ItEA .
TE1:1 are
„the' two first .a ino , Lnatttra .implements
ever fuLti itt Washing Clothest , Not withstand
mg it i1:1,5 been ' the . sttidv of inven . top 'I.) no
them awiy, tinn lor. that put pose several Irtm- .
clred patetits have, been ts - stted• yet it hasbeim
.no etreet. Thk) , . hare: . their at
...Their tit achi . nes have horn 'eortdemnetl
and thrown away, and the' . \Vasil ...floard' . arid
Beater tigain'tts6rl in th,;ir stend.
This: machine combines them together,. ate
tacked to a - progre=siven'ev. , l . in 5 , 11 . 1 a 'manner
'at gives gteat power the Bonier, , antile
'either st a y be'llsed usitho operator Witty desire.
m o tioil•of the 'Beater iF.quick'and' easy,
the pre3Sllrtt gentle., mlil' powerini;'l,l,•itich. give's
it the advantage over : all otber mstehines, .and
is so,dbeliced by competent lunge's. . •
.Ilanufactursul and sold at nechanicsburg; by
.. 11eChanic . s . burg, March
CIE7IINS and Jamul, Ware;
,Piti;taiith-T . ip rat pole. t MASON'S:
iVite We i tr .
.7:11? di 4 rj . e ,614,
• •
IrOmic own E. TI C;.
c ,. v tr -
. . .
To the . Citizen's of Nev, Jersey arid Pemi-.
. . .
• .sylliapia,. Apo tlO c aries,. Drp g . i . §ts. Gr•
.ec l tsiabd Private ..I?Amilies', : .-. : - - ..• •
f,,qs - Purtv',ll6(t , ri: ;,S he' ry k'Porl Wjn'd .
:t o PureCJroiX ; .l:u rn
P( . 11!c! Scotch linq Irish
ALL cyrr L; Es
. .
I lent, leave o call the nit titian of eiti:iebs nT llte•Cni•.
Stittos te.llio nbr'o : o IrIVES' tool j,i(tAluttB inir i,, tool by
111 , 014.11 t, Yulk. toLu,e bilint is lamiliar
In e.vory.liltrt •thi.s rily offlllBcortit
'lll,, ttotts.tire.S . Air re: in' his liter - to - nit ,'iteitak
of.tie.t 1 I.1 ( 1o 0 < 0 A.Y 0 ;' "I Will
stale lot rYillitation ,(4 n luau, me ,Inti , lllM ac n Pio reliant
or I . ll irtV i New - l'ork; that:
all 1110 lilt OM' /601 WIN r. 3 Molt t linitle.arit
Torttd, of the c:in upon by
(vet) , .:fiteey lintlio hat the proptieterte
1 . 10111. nn the ,„ I‘, rat, ,41:11ii, of 1;11 ogmituro. int
1 .1110 roqiweliffily'ipVilod . t.n. call
41101 ;: kb. :0,41.1:TA1L by all
nirtheeariem and li're;.ei..ft in ;1011 , 4 , 110Am, ... • •
G r01.1 , 4..11. •
Cem • ,
. r.• ..
' I , ..Nonuorl.llos:Nos -, 1 1 '1 11,cl:t i< 1 .,, , ;.0 . nt Vonli:ttititon,a'ai , L.Wo
arOlnipiry lo inforio our' tonow.oitiautiA that thoro to ono
-Plano in run' vvity ul:oriv tkosilllypioiao, axpoPinearr. tint
110001ry lin ,:luinf, ,ran,p;ant. LI: roll' ,u ki ill,: & I.lquors,'
:of lalro.a, , in.uorrtial'. and of I.lto lioat ritutlit r -Wit ,In not
intylp! : ;:f..lv an elrilmiartu 4 virraril'UO:ll Of thiautioreliont'a
r: - 'onnith Int•inion. nithon ~ 11 it: , i4I I h'l.7 , Y 3110 rtrrorzor ni'
1. 'n tO visit I..;:::.rnu 11 ,, L1',;'•1 v•V.r01.,1.:::. warolriunnr,
No , 14..211 a 0.1.221 11.00rer r'..,:on:t, and 7:,, p
04. 17, unit 21.
31a1kikttl' Alt - 0r1...1 11, of I , l'lj . I.l' tO•I ,o, pp , nhnuid rend yr,
w , „in,ni .:do-t i,',l 6111. 1.., llion;11.;t1,,Z1,:lly throloand
ou'v,,a, t1:0 In-A1..1v
. - ,0100 IIt: thou:at; Dr r,o:' , —Nifinia-ovi 01
11,1i1 In 1r5,11 ~.:11i 1' tot: tholn.anit oaf: , lid: NI nanirak.ll/1Or.:,
rikal,d. Port Wino. •I'rotell aro! 1. i' , ll 11 'hii•te;";-.3rllnnfen
- no I :.O. Oro'h! Pm:C. F.mr,1 , . , ..,.i . I , ', I nut i , :toil to any fo
thi-, , 00:1 , 1.r.' 110 41 , , totil t10. , •..,1.. •,.. e.P... ;;,1111.,1'with,
ni . ". , IY• ‘V.ilw., •\.'-' 1,,... . , / , 'l .' 0 . 1, • 11 Col-tottilionso ltey:
.1: - ., bov, trol,t., -Mr. 1 Volt-'k0,...i1t , g ~c 5c.110.17t hat.
~,:u r ~,n ' o U nt.:d 1 ,-, .,',ol:ktn ,, ,Ca'ti - I.lll.!V'r I . lnoontiol - rlOz-.
on. on:I nut 11q,. in In r 4 II: In two i.e:: v lia ' Inay 1,;:o o
w: :11... thit , :o.-;::1 ‘1 l' I: Ilio thoi.vlloq Lill lY 01 .a. ,' .
lII'. h., , ,;,..,.: 0.,:1..i o,i. pitTl.o.r..e . of ,It'l.tvlov,rtr.Ontls.
~,,,, i ja, i s .
.1 . 6,01, i'l I.liniti %l //./ W1,11 .' 1 , i . p2, -. :\V ilieR " ) : 11,1 Ll
oor,•for ntyvl,al u...,.. :,11.1thl:r.oir:1 llooropleir: iliroOt to
\ 1 ;.. It''.:l - u, unt'd nto• y Nyr, 11 .:ar. , ..., VI t 1,,, 110 p,mp,,11,
11, 1 11, ~ ,,111,'1,1 to .11 . : ..• int 1 , ,.; v.i. , tii-,6• ,Lolf f Nun tooir
. r.lioli - O, oink:Op . :lr, thwith 1'. , ' , 1.i - r.:: , 'l,lrro 'll7ll , lt's 4ntl LI
. .
.. . .
' It', unlnlv;viv.l.l7l. Vito..F,;•,. I . for . Ito . actil:onouytalion.
.-f wall :104.1ti3On11:roconutry . , .j.ilt.rnp re-ourkareamis of
t‘v ft : , ; ,,,,j 1J,,,',,,:. -•-u'v•l: o-I-111. t.ll ' ' . 1' . ..% R . lll ,. (i'll,lnt ,
y 1,1,14 1 n o t O. i,1":1A 11311 i 1'0'... I. f, of '',lnuio.:l'ol ,- ,: of nil,
I:::turpt : ir in t.lo. Vail rv,l ' , 1ath...y.)1, ,o•',l'notrunrlkrit.in.ltn
-11:;;:n; rnin . ..:s Ala - , in I.tt nom 1-.1,,1rt110.11.11.111,1,Q4.9,.
RE.I D !
...El:',A I) r! ~.111.1A1) i .
• : 1///,;fdr. t briy 29t/r 1800
tilessrs..Jnns I • I,CIIN • (•• . • • • •
Your ~1 r771, ? ,.!iinr.'; or , •I)arcian.Fever
rill," has chine tior,dera: L. sra wholly
da , ,poinh;nt whan 1 apptiott it. and iif live hotirs
;thy WOrP:reMnt:-1:,). and no . rA• f r , has
is the gimplestenro irntwinable, and'
a Ayonirqr of nature. att. 1 would trot ho
withntit :t single lifinf;
it I, scrip to he '"ague
• • •
,Yours y,rv.Troy.
- 1 1 '&1 1 11e . ,* - A l tr!, a )11-1 1560
• • . I have been snatelotilrom the
ppl of , ainpec 7
'line, oe ,, lers;a6 Charrn." • For: several
j• have slitt•rp,i evitr.y, senc•nr) frorri
. 11 11€_‘ Last . Swim!. tny. •
het •isetirtat fl etly.,:tias .•11.titroYeil
Cr!. 'adrrapielly..gainin , „.t..an appetite and
P:Pspn et Hi V, I)tirs;,
1): N. RAR RON
. .
. . .
..- T.h;-, t mull: r,nri.lprfpl . ....,,'rrntir ., / and cure ror
rti•r'r 'dnit.'AP:lll' and -VW:Env: •i,il I . lio . -seht ' by
11 - :.:01,r .. . ,, .-r. ra.:l.•,iii r...,•i i)t. 01,' I:)ar: . 41110
r" '''lc at all r . ,.7 , 11 . ce...':.a . b1Q 4)111:1' , ±1..;t ., ' it ~1 'Coirn-,
3 . JOIS: AVI,T,Cc)X'Se Gb..-:
( .\'\....
ill ( . 1
. .
ft, Iho citiotina In
W. " t i ;tt i s 4: :-te t' v ' t ' l 4 , f f - i P i r ;f r. v7:i t ic ' :Vrv. atr l flu poblift tionorttily,
eopcz.,p , tv vulae.t7ilvt and ex!dn , tittg . 'their
,vtalqi , lfroebt, pivf r the 1:11rpo.:e or Orin:: every ,
1.6 d v ft N. - at:Hell I'.!vtofitr.rtirt of otfr entire succelotivi our ,
lof,inoo+.'nrpl.eur 3lfilitv to coplio.,to.. tiptfes , f , f tlly. with
s t 4 1,1fou n i pt, teetiiot r f the euritttrY7, ncO aro
.ovf• 111 lino flll r Wprp r t:oti, full or ;
p'can , ,tsr,tls m 4 itan•i n lai`.4a a•, , nrtmeitt, ar
TaLky, Fria; Da,..1:•4, Rack.
/pin•aa,, t , ,tal&.-Itoak•Caqk.si
• 0111,.. .T•qiet. What Nrda,
C,,ita•z.” • VI, 1101,1:;111 . .: Quartatts, Statiaj •
:•.•1 qn•., . 171 , rprre.s,.
Itark,,‘ !.!N•Ilt•t• Ilat • 81.arls,
.•, • . .
•'• • .
aurt Gias's.Ter.lttrane
Mon Mattrassos,
• • 'l-11.1k Mattrasse,
' ' . • , • Halt 111:ittra . ssoi. •
- .
htalio.gany and ItithalAered Puiniture !
.;rh.il BnWleiy of,pntle.rn 4 •
rIVE:L:\ r
,flf all F
kintls.lnrnle 1p tird
Pa1ti . 5 1 ,1iiii,t...1161 , ...•0f Evoiy' Poscription.
Gi1t,110:41.15, - oo.) unit' Jap;itiese 310ifidingn.
A,„t • .chn t r nn,':,nt' : p , mi Itnti I nil Tar tale.
{':c, n I • )17., n tn . (' t. 1 ,1
:;n wupin tiln 711,3 t enr,r!ntlt., , .
..7 . 01)-V;(7..r . .1( - ::_l I;
df aIT 4ia4, liy , a the hest manner
. .
, Ttmtittmlu ^ it . 0..,,11 lit 01r Alm to st”Mlythts
k"t *if h it. :o ” , li tm, upon tim most .rossons,
lottist to 1,1 'eNion:J,:el itc,00,,11.9(., ht
as tit Mt 010:) I ertw . Mon vii Lt ions
r co.ttomers. W nli to C(11 - 11. uud
pia,ol.o ire art in CIO
. • P. 1.:11.n 1? •
I.:T•stalzt, o rpa,ite tl t &robrqll,,liFo. • ,• ,
. , .... .
. .
. .
~ ~
A Ll , . liel-5 : 4'119 kiiiliving,' . .thfmtselVe3
il. to the n'ildellittned.ar.t. floreby notified to
call and seltlth?.,ir aecount4.'immediately;'or
costswill rke itaiel.
. • • ..1. 1). OTTO..
6.I.t:AND .01?..i,N1N'd..!::.:.:."
DR - 57 UOODS,
FALL 0 . F.1860 !
.I.3est:quOit, tq , the loy,!'est ptices, are7 . noyr,
beink'cxnibitcd 'at the Mammoth.Storo of,
.111 $OllllO tpq
, .
Ve .jia;e I. noW on hand .e.rtiagns
nittlss Go'oDs
Of every: description, with.; ~to
'rental- - Awl a Bost. Of.. . • .
CROCKRRI,',&c.i &c.; &c:,:
. , . . .. . . .
. .
..' 111DicI) .1. - vill be sold at nrices'thet 'will cause
all competition to stand beck, 'and wondor.that
gdode can be sold at such pricee. ' Each &nett:
tnent is filled . :with a complete litirietyof'al all the
LATE . STII : II3B.IkitAttEn
A nil.we ttikeplespre in: ilpounciil thepublic
RE,•I3 0 . 0 G . 11 T A .1'
1-I,ARG4INS• 02d .tvi• 11.1eSok.
C E P •E ii
In Olean.
We havejoat fitted up a LA TWE and pom-
AIODIOUS 'CARPET ROOM .22. by'.7s.•t•EsT i .
v . k.tii‘6li • is • filled. with• a now lot of.al) ttie LA-
,1•;. 1 .131? SVO.
:VEats ; e,.-0;:..4c.44y.,
made`•:Clo . tli - . 4)g7;..W411
Paper, Window
'of all )cindj;,3.shillit;g..GAlT.e.TtS
and HOOPED SKihTS.Rt al cts,
All who•want to:get LIGHT On the subject
FA ST;-,call.and . get 'a gallop of •
G A.:11,13 0 N 0 I L,
. . .
rind if ' , it does*. not - . burn. TWICE; AS LONG
as any, other kind kcal, can find for,".sl, out Hat•
. ,
Is the forfeit.' ••.- • •• • •• •
• A '.visit Olean will satisfy YOU-that' .. •
No. 4 Excelsior
is the . l7.AD: QUAR'P.ERS . OF 'TR - A DE .. and
the GRAND: 'EMPORIUM 'of every thing
NEIV N.EAT anti STyLISH. ". •
f.fkat 50c/. . 'still better.
• N. S. . ; BUTLER & d 0;
A. BLARE,. -
L. W.
Olean, 5ept..1.3,:1860
,Recently 'from:New
1.! York; has pe'rrnanently established himself
in the Tailoring business,: at. Smethport,: and,
would invite 'patronage of the citizen's pt ihis•
vicinity. • Frgin.his experience in the,basiness
he (eels safe. in warranting all Work 'entrusted
..to his care.. Particular attention tiaid,
Latest Fashions,. just received. Coats,
Vests,o.C:c., Cut and made' on 6hort
tice , Charges rensonabie:
a:".irr Shop over Geo. 11.. ALtsores.TO Ore.
' . srnethport, , Nor. 6,•1860. • •
r' s irtitihe7
p4;e , =wtowgm44lq,.
S Ott",
• . iq
,J.': . )4 . !:.:.:...,...-
~• ,-,,--,.....- .;.:y... ,
.. „ .
.. ,••,...,„..„...
. 0 .
Tifiu : NR.Ellitts
! ;^;t•
. • •
131 i:, HAD W e t', tkrE
vv•rd:i; nett'3;,irlined'Jte:lftichirsoll;
.Pfl.4 rtK TIIAI I !
K:DIOW ALL Al3otir l TT;
Nor Ones IV Come Ad Judgefor hiniselves.
. .
One purchuso. will sutuify the meet:. skeptical
thecthureie unty one
.t 6 buy. firetelass
g 09 (.1 9 , et . .verrlnkpricesotrl that plaab is the
The one price'systcm gives the beoleatiefac;:.
OLDS plivouriti,
and the' vind Emporium of lively thing
peat and. atylish. 'lf you, have the CASH and:
want tolinv tlie BEST•
QYE PIiICE ,jlEriciL . A . T9it . ,:;' fiElii,. ''yqii,
...;,. t ili; h ilt ! ) . piaci ~ rem,ar!:4ble.:7(pr:4l3oi.:-:
behut3', ilurabilify,- superiikt
tpanliiactiir'e And
1 ., • . 0. 1 Y . ': : P: It i l f d t'S'l:
Theywi ll' btit . offeied • ."
to - you at thelowestpoisible
figure,nthe;••firot ;time; . aneV,fretntiott
prier, there can be N DE 'V 4:li
Remernber--One- Vrice—Low' Prices—New
Stylea—,Sttick : lntegrkty—ga!sh.. ;:
Foimerlk, •
biectrt, April 23:
dOtt - j7i
- '4„
LknOt IT.
i k•n.
~- .