M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, February 21, 1861, Image 2

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    .4, •-t ~ ..,...4,40,, , " e,.....7z, i , ,, , ,,::44.,,- 0,. , 4,4 :4 : ,-,,, -4 .: ~
,'' '.3 '' ' ; , ,•'5 ., k , •X ,, ,.:. ', ' ' ' - ri t t :tt b lll ii : B"3( Co - unt l f• -.' •
;' , i - d,'..:, -",' §tqll 4 :v l l l .4 F: 1 4% ,( 'o l :iVA'sr 1- :'
'''-:' ',..'‘;''''', ,‘ t ! • e , %. l'Ettlqittry 4, ISGi. $ :
. " 'A
Aifieil, s',ehthtuli-•lAi:ern^e i ,e . tiCeYonell
'tit'"Milifrkyl' lit, to t'• ,tt'-,41 111 .tee. 011 ' 8,1 turgilY
tti)l y, " r
iif gt' s''ortto AVtit,Ot P: .q., W a sit ppo wt.,
' ,04 rl44l l6 nit;r• G:lk r Pit:'rPinter .k;.ik'nntr'
Tr flick ?S, - nine: Illtexiss Weis, A n!.1,1?. Cur
:sis ee'-'off if!losi' yo6i , Preli(lenit ) 3
nil rip ririft Rtidelott, S."eretarits.
"Ilbe'ibleet , :of•the: rope:tint! Wn 4 stated by the
p enkijui Iliad a nd f or ,ilde manner,
':':'!l7 ItinligitE.,q. shntiz; , rh :rip, imbe, end
Jokepti.Mr4eitel4or tT lils`,it rs,., were a tipoitite n tl• ,Fn
•disa c ilipie!itiableand 14 . 4,/dittions , rapress , ve 01
tielleit,OftfliWlnPOtint,' Tilflintr;the absence
f‘ ile;s 411Pardt.te's t Genry;ft IVPia heist ralleti
urio xi llillvo)4^if!ii ipleli:thl spent in his happy'
still eV'fl'VfrieliTr'hirbt'dOwn . t he , rpoi' riit Il'i'
'Shift e * pia Ilk': - - Aft: r the (.011(1114mo or. his
ra'Oiii t ici'." 4l ie :. enn";mit tee - - All s intrrnitte'edi when
glitfittllowinir<spretimble ern! tesolutions tkere
. 10Ripiii13%eVented;
- 76VAaioii,01, in itil-politiesi troultles it'hclionvei
thefeepte to'unite in ex pres.ing t heir - views,
titWd'tc7inti l lie kriliwn . thrir grievances,'.byf peti
tioninf their legisfatols fir re,lress; an d v b e re.
attit rt itOgret tr."; see that our belovedcountry is
fifeiriillitA si rlissolntfon; and whereas the on
ly mode of settline'this matter is by coneessions
of thi4eithlollie'Sonth, (the ertieeed par
tii) iii'te's WP fri/lir believe .t hat by such con
cessions the Union may:yet he saved and jus-
tieiltlonif . te , •the whole country; therefore—.
, )NrOtelid: That We'; citizens of 'Elk manly,
wool!), molt .
respectfully r^que,st our Senator
eniritiliiitheritief the State L,.gi4lattirp to use
' elliliTi;lionbrable, tint! just meson to pass such
a lass'ts'irVey 'rti - i)etil - all law:i on our statute
books ns are likely, to infrin.oe on the 'rights of
flie,gfitifti"'iiiiil fiC do all in their po‘ver to bring
abiAit'iii:iinipilde'seitletnent of this dreaded
sLiiebrisha';' l'• , • r . •
vN/lii;n4q',."Tliat 'We desire and request our
rtOrilfi;ri of 'the State - legislature, on tilt.? go es -
' tion ts• lay asidedall party feeling., and come
ttAiiiesciid Of our beloved country PS pa tri
otW.;'end fit ',,triiner party corisideratiors rest for
tilt , ' 8:4 irent qpirAttim—to save the. Union.
'Oe.titlve;4 4 _Thit in a'speech at our ltoneralde
igitre-Sititatiste of 7 lfTerson county. on the tines
,tton ill' ho'repolll cut those obnoxious 'Lives, w e
are. led . ,to be l ieve :lint the. gen.tleman .was .I
gifirtisbirviiifaken if he vorist:lirs the idoes t l'ere ^
adyitii:eiiiiii.Pxfir , ;l<rd lo•be on:lorsed by a Ina
jorley tat lii . it etinstillionht. But, en the''ent,t ra .
ry - , s ,thine ideas are most generally cernfeiil
by Then ( . 4 ail Tie rt ir,s. •
'PAO/IV4; That tre are, and ever ‘v:11 he, 11110
tpitib Union; and ir coercive inr'arls 'arc rr ,
sorted to, we would pl'efP'y to use Ihr , rl tathil•
smut thietitise than the rff 'cis c,f the pres
oliftroulilels: '' .• . ..
. . .
11eg01v,54, That we areled •if. thr
Noith.will accept:the 13iglet-Criitendrn ,t?ropo
aiticin, thatftlittlihiori may yet 'l.!e stivf.d, and
our ~.,§R . pith q t ß '.l)ot4en be : inducel `
,to return
, . •
That Ike request.afid I)et..nur.S.l - 1,
metrbeii:of the Elousp Jte.pl,e,ientrt
`llyeteat_t .14Taatingtoo, to_do utmost t0;p355
r iffOlvediTliat„in •Elon. Wiliiam Ei t tfer. we
rtcogniii . j.hcihonf , .st dud true. patriot, who,
IrOptanf Ot" oar. has showed himself
tkftwanpf rip. o party . ; ,bitt : tlio firth 'and steadfast
.I"tiefid'Of.tite Uoinn, • . : .„
.readifig and adoption of, .thie te
iti4kc,lint;..E. 9. E:hultz, Esq., tailed, upon
19.epe?kEto . .yvbieh . he.responded in ',a very • en-:
tiktisjaptji4ieechiallCgiog:that mi..pnrty ruo,
SivM could inds!ei him to pddress the meeting,
otht,qo) . y.th loye. he' bore for hls seountry
tiliC s itylpel , h . im to exert him,s•pli•Jq.his prei,
eat4e.liatte State.- af .health: _Froitt , pommel
abserititfop *3,sle.`sciibed . ,al) th.e.borrors
.et, war;
iantl)s - ddeil tbat.these horrors would be %doubly,
11,411gta.viiteA . .by .a :,,eivi,l war: lie . en'rialtided
atnid4the•ttinst.anthusitstie s applause.; •
oiNftttr . 4b:nopelttsion of ghultz's remarks,
repeal of all .Obno4 lolls laws:on
'opis,a(titutet,,banl,ts wa s signed by two hu ndred
aptlibjtty-eine.voters... • ; ~•
pn . ir ption r :ii. Was irr!rotried that theco pro
c,o,4l4o;lli,n,sriguerl by the officers of the.. meet-
JP . ol,„"nd'it enpyaniitto*eseh of our Represent;“
rives in ttii,Sta to Legisla tu re, and published
itapees friendly to , the Union.: • -
, • • . . • • . ,
thei,eneeting adjourned thr ee
ch,cos jot:the Union. •
•••• s(Siglied by the, aflieers.). •
• On, EX4NTENts,N.r..--our.gnif4 village has
nt , last given way' to the universal oil fever,
and the . whole'cOmmnnity surging Mid ..
sWayinx - about •with , the eimseq net eNeite- .
m'ent.l . Last week 'l‘l. , :ssti 'A. G. Olmsted,
g; 141114',- Lewis . ,Mann an'tl.l). F. GlaSs
miris, 'made 'et' viet the oil region of
Tidioute, under the' auspices. of several of
thelendine capitalists of this place; and
aftr. "lensing- sonic claims there, MesAN,
' ol64eo;:4ills ' and : Glassthc . ire rt.tu plied to
Oils... Place •on Snndav: 'evening,- 7 having
'lenied , scime.laria•at "way
bottle.l•.4l-Itontiay, ten of the thirtpm)
Ontlemt*.intircstell intit,and .9rgn,nized.
pb*pSiik With a Capital ' stock of • $5,000
• :04 - i;•01,:ltlie other menibers. Will i ncreas'e
tO $7,5OCi. This c . tipital in the
• 'liadii:o the chergetic -mil) it will be,
;0191ilgtto•develope lenees, an I trutke
. Optimal) wealthy. They are going to coin
:nienee'operations immdiately after. Court.
:,They lu)ve;also lensed one small chdm
•TiAisville;---Pof ter Journal.
" 1 :At:116 fimui , nl Of n ::nn or cliarle3
"ff. priggi4;'at.Atiburn, W. Y,; on 111ondny,
'elasai-nnteti, in II cliobl,"surrounc6.l, tLu
coffin, and m subdued vfliees, snag vory
,sw9 c tly the. pong ,that ilia little Loy tVir 4 to
theM imsehool. While sin: 4 ing,
.fully the
cud ;be ocont:Ion, And as they = loolie,l
:afton:Ahe face ~of • the , dead 'before them,
itheir-voie,ea. Reamed to wow . softer and
1 1 Nik:ter, while'the , teara•eaMe to •-their eyeß,
song "sende.,l • ith pe:mliarly
• 0i'.64...,1C.iirt :Went into a c , roaery , et Metz
'.' v:1P.9 0 :., qty.. to,ge a ...diink, , On. ANT,cdneaclav:
,1441v,tiful .WnaiOtlieen to, come. Out. lie
. .. 3 -tnaTt - Oicikl 'OOO 'dein'' , ,the.: 'day; next:
.., ialitti,itirr:Ftli:e . g!'oe,ery . wna found' burnt down,
{. ?ii . itiriii,'4li:.,t4a :. `ruins Were the pluirred • remains_
;;O:Ati/4t;:::: , :'1 1 1:i0 , twO . , men who' kept_ the afore
i, .o*ii,e;:kr,tTatad,land 'On .thkl",,iierBou of one,
7,.;,,4 . 00,,0gia'tgt0ney.. Wns'Sound. - . •
:1,.•-.1.-----'=-;=-4;,--,1..- 7 .- . _..'_... _ ...... .„ ' .
; 0 . - ..;,:...(ttn i t,.' tailiS , f 4 kN depo'isited ..
Fo" ti 66 in a
Lil „
~..... ~ -,,,,,,,,,0 , ,i,.. ioniernne ago, thifil;int;
..!.- ' tn , o4l;y i ,:::,*)iihic l .lig' fiafer file & thim "iti a
. , le .V 11 :1-i,c1 l ii t,i'. bid liOniii On Frid`dv
. . ,- 34.i . P!, 6 4 1 ;00.Y151g . 1.4)?t1i.Y. (1 / open `and the
, "ibiilelo4;`..';owe'Nmpillint.iPn. , ti. 48 worth of
r '.,',Aisrn .' Wirt. wcie I r'coverei.l in a .rat:s ot.st.
I,'Tro4„bh. and , eiv!z.tilerci . be' TienEon.
agpinst S.: : ' .••• ss
is T•hr'Sr,tt.ihPm prt‘nple-nOrotil nit lit In '
Hrsine thins upon ,
!he ;We.. goof! front . Atilt..
.I\lPw..Ql:leit:s;',Pfelyttiii,t ivti; till. the: Plbcti .
.Stiintion4l.jonynal- • rtlf the •• -•
, ,
Tern" 11:11!tor. censPi H tor nr,rene l,troy
of the';'sPer...ion.
•enit theyppply. jherefn the . .ittitits? • spy-.
t rnnitnit . tied son?:, nil : I; nw
kith thq e:ti,zens" cr If
are notrnistnyehi the stfltuto -Nieto of .uteri
'Stfltn 'contain acts trent,on',eviiii.l.
State,•entl denquneing . tlin . penalty of snA
If .State ItatteovereigTity
11.4 t her in fhe,.lTnien to iFinin . r.inm.tion.4..toili,st.
!treason , Inwards herself. whet lids' heconte ore
citizen of tuttec7etleil State, who: niiiernocte'sriti
. the Federal .
!be, nt'.or 4orhis'Slnte, - if
. tbe.abrrninti:ble toilrine:
Tohn BrOwe nod '.remnapinns Itrere-t tied;
'nnd execnte'd fof.tbe 'crime ni ; :frea . Son ;against
•I State•olTirginia„ :No one:denied ~ . Virglidri
the right to rnnint tin n
,r raition of .treasoo: , zind
treoson is nn - nc,r n.flinr.t ir, t4e,n ..folfows
t htit: every citizen of lb Stpte'nwee
tn, his oivri.Sin le . — It inn f torti.nhr:whethitr: stl7
ier:er inferior; in.thnt clue'the..rUnit'etir Stpies.
State for.ho. pf . .
own Stntrt• end if P:tteetite'ir for - e. violatein. of•
the,rntptior nitettinneti ;: we. eairirwell;• See: how
the spper;or one end 'help hisresp... .f . firt - e.1..i int
rif the .Generel Goitr'rnthent• is sip ItliSertlity,
tvitrit ,eontiriction with. the State, ol
Nets now • •. '•
ihe'tneVernenri of T r, .tune.,9i , cession,
o• ehrte . rn tion',onnepn t ion. <if bo rifor.§.ta •ti
like the remiltof • t•,!.
Stittes otiht !hot to ireirni in in lie.. Union' .its :it:
hht; in&wil, • tinfeqi.... rnlienl eh:nt:es arc
. ih, the' -ekirictitiitiil!4,'n . tll.l , eorir • eisions
.hzreed telitY : :, the Northern - S'ites, llio slilye
;Of re:rmrin jn.it tvviih hcit'l'or, use
efy r ilt on riFilf jty cgntil y. l , •
Vero from Watiti
, • Yvb. I.G
. ~ .
Tho 'Pa I vtli
ri (..1:f f e'r,rlr 1 - Ce• for ;01ipofly.
on.i ir. cipp:i.llil.l6 . !,lTi;e, CeC! lilt
top Iti y r,. •I 1 r. directs tlle~rgu
-t44.11t . t
;•.\ fNietts !;) .1;!'tIlt • Ni11;01):11 .
11"IST. Lr. K 1 1 1:1
of 111 , ,
tyaA Lit I,y-stu'l . ;!lt'.^i's, pit
1' 4 toiri 1,01.41;,..ei , •ro . •
, Itt;o
!irrant.-, , ,inet;td..111 , ,•? }wet) 1'o)(1Qf91' a to tir.pf $1 I.
000,000 : Li - -1 , 111('11 tiro.(!
. 11C , •f , %r •
tltc fief I, r q .. 11,e Tilt reo ,,, of re;ii.lilrj
and .i 1 lit en' , .112.11 - 11)1 •
It i. ufidemlnctd t1iat•(1,..,, , ,,. , :1t05 1141 m ,Virgil.',
ii!, NotIli: ,C,lndi? ! ,4 "iittil ~ ;`lis=oirri, will rote.
'ngninst fi'ins...pnß . o 1 1116 Il j eal::: (,'(Illil!rt,1:( , ..
• , rAlarriand. : i;orilnri) . : pcd .'for . ri , ceo will ~. 14.,
1 it :it ; - 11 .wi 1h, T . 0 1, 3 1,1y i ? ,:tide,ji&ii by'n"innjo.rily ,
fyr thy Stat r.g l'illTSi'llkil in 1110 Callf( . 1 . :0111 . et
... lIenl.p1111.1 . ..J , 11le5;:illfl y..eil . l ' Snti! h ;Cs . ' : ,, ,pfcial
aq,elit of theTri.nsirrk Untnir,i mold, rplfirned to
-I.lay.nwl is plirnpaHijii: n t,eport to :S;cretnry pis,
- whichvt'iilpintintily tio."..pfeeri , e.l io,Conglis.;
tn:mni'l'6%ii• - '• '. ' . • • .
. ,
. .
It'llalfran.ri!rn.dll,rit n.C0ni.m..c0 , 1 , , of Nay:
179r1c. linnioli a Ni.'iiiio:i..ilikai iitif:llni,iiii
,inst . "'inn.,
informed s aninformedhim ?dial .tlin g;i6 , i•nttivnt toan
wduld tolls I!,l:,.n,uult.F.:Sorrvial y Tho T i,i , ,,; l ,
w ls
,r'enluYO.ri ;Ind. li Illidcm, : im,lii' nitWitliipd:..;—
71'lleY-rinmectDi...i, ai:d;•ill.,o- , iiiiu.l:l4o'il el,ni dl.,
, shoUld . )i4! iNr) intrutto pf-111.* Whit o • ihmes.,
~~Snrth~~rn. 'Traitnr:~:?'
. ,
thing- I q , 41.) w o Only; eh re% •o:r VOTlkarn.
lrer) turfi —iO/J Inr
,Il.ilr of Xiwtri'ol,n,ch
. .
• Who 4 , 1! tnearit...by • ~ N .- u r.i.purt-"I'IiAITM:Sn'•
T !:01.1e11113'.' il)1%111046
who n ) .t he. Ylll' 1)(iii1)! of rk
They nutriver h inrlr. 1s rif.14011.P116- 1 7 . -
InillienS.;: Blank hiQe
first to lal:c rare" of :11;lit is, to-.r„,)
them: to p.unish•iberri,.:o .
ha rig .7/Ar .111 ' care 61.111illgh16' ntiti
•Clllill out the •• •,-. •
itrseolllF til;dthii.nerpiblienrrs
wrirs-in.epnr..emplzition.---nee in' Abe .Sppib -rind
ope . rit•lrenie—pnd.ooo . ol' their Leaders,
serj rli•O %\-,ir^ a t h o me
; —.in! - tlie free St rieS . . f.i her
will be S'o . ll, brother - .lignin's!
brothpr, •
Now,.le'aving•ePt. .e.onsiderntiori r
else, is net' this nig'igilla Vratl,gll
IteTobi roiley
.14 •
111 1 0 1; 4 10Vii-d i esy - no, twill. in the.
in the•N? I.h, 'nnil Ilia t . uric i 3— Rrrrr+r,ic•tvi,~t
E:Vvipttl. " oppoie it n ' ec• !,)
ciII 1!(, , 5r1 . 0r
Treedrraof speecll—:liis is lib'erty,.:the•..rnion
awl 111...1.Const.lip!ion. Will a *Vell4C'alli'o..
SLIGh )13 to be thr• t hitt tu
ty i i . t.. was foreirld.whold fellow the cletition
ol.Lincoio .Ins ea l -of n flowing . with .
'We are to
in i1;od, the blood' of hrothpis. Bach -wore
the prriTnise . s--brlplii,ihe" •. •• • „
. .
. . . .
. . . . t.
C111:,IP . PATIIICITN.3t..*The. Massaeliosetts.
Lettislatifie hats, passed; resolutions' lenileiring
to the President such . aid it's . ilte ipay'regdire . ' in
men a ild money ,to: trial nt nin -the 'hut hurl. , yi' of
The Governinetiiin the pres'enf.eriSis. ..This is,
yery •ehen p pat riot is'sn, of.tite
. Ihinne t died.-
The authorities :of that .Statn•are, pininpt -to
volunteer . theit - :a id - tit prernote• and' pi risco] te a
liar against a portion of our own peripl;i; i.tit
\iiill'en the country. hail beili 'engaged i n % .var
with foreignoatinn's; their conduct ,wa - s . in . , .llhe
'reverse... They. refus , d to:altow their- frnops .
`to aid in defense orthe conntry in' the :war, of
- . 112-14; :-hand in' ' the AlleXienn war; pilAinte,
chai itk, had to be solicited for means to 'eloike•
and feed her'citizins:who volunteered ,tofii4lit,
iii . e.ht i lin of the country: , 'l . r'he.- patriotism .
..wonhl.proniptthat:Statnto:leril her aidt to ay . -
'eft civil scar by_rilPealing l'ier personal liber.ty
-laws, and vhliiie in thelieacetursemlement of
existing t i Ira ins. • ;' . ,
. .
• - PICEPATIATI9ti , 3 - 011 ••501!•111111ti'
PORTS-LI:I IT Utvir„),V.tit . ?--:An , tii,.s,:holi elasQ
naval vo:,sel : i.arn r , fittr:(ll with docAlateh,
and prepared for,something more than ortlin"any
peace - ibity: .
• The hPs. heen inko' n to. th'e
i3j:Ooklyn Nn'vy Yard, into an ad.
(lido!) to her - hatterien ehope of I wo - ilf
nov thiee long . thi ty•-two poonq , r4. . She' is.nl
- to haiiOan.athlitipit of small, orms to her ;ll
ready hinge imriortn at a l I ion' to
het officers.ninl. crow has.alno been mnfe..
She :ste'nfners ere .
.h . eing'refttie'd with all .po'ssible' haste,' also th e
Mohtmk,, ornsader nnd.Brit r t - Perry ore having
their artnatbencs overhauled'anq additions tondo
.thereto with' tin inc:rense bfliee'rs:tind - crew,
for ~ .eneh...-The ,steamshij) Supply
with. coal nod',nalitil stores for the Golf •Stpind;•
ion. ' • On'the whole. the" activity ing.it;
the.nnval bra.neli public ice 'looks
' ••• .
..• . .
y, .ebrurt:ry 21. 1861,
- • .
i•ti0 , 1 .,, ! . 0 r ). 10'0f the . Nooii, - riot ntirse the
,greeolle...edp,elasintr.that 'bertiuse
for: union : NVedC'; re:
otailliti•it'tindF;r•nny . cireitiustances . .. rher 'is
n.poWi , rful.:Sree:ssion party in.
keep•thet.nartyjn.the...litinority.iind save: the
'State;7 kit Union trien,‘ .. Wlin tr,larnphell; .the:
recent te- election, 'tisk of the North such
eoliens" , ions.ttml . stteli compromise as.: Will pill
the.r.lne . - olrY . Oestiot;, (ThAr•
tetttrie,r and Ilie they:' . lie
litid.eistood .nft . er n or tlo:arinrxed'
-li•tteri:.wri:tteh.by oftliero to.-a • •rdena.• in .
\\'nshinitoti., nod copied liy correspondent'. of .
ncr iii which my 11 pp . cal- hit. • last
:wpit; tand - a,,ss ynir this 'note.
. . • . .
pape'rs and tir/irrs• . .a.re rrowbu
-sil.).sprieribp; at . tho Vii'gipia . efTort t 9
iiii , Tnion,-•:Thiyr.orresnornientti '6( :tbe 31alti
inoro . he. rrinfririal, Do ~.t. the
rfro•llds, rffiirt to hr little
;, to iinp:ii.i . lirtpw.ver to hting hark the se
•Stritoisl• .11 thov:rraili-tiosire to rostor : o.
. .
this oriartro, In what it ripen win, do !hay .not
sor•thaty.irg:nia•ia 111e•illron.t'iliatriinarnt
th^S; irroilitl he SI a rei.
drityir, in tho'Fira!o:; t be' ii:llorti.e.ea
Whirl) ran held Fir right'' Lot'. accent von
that they 1;11,hr-under a• inis!alie 'if they.
•ore going .to `irk I he' MOO
Avithrint bow rii.lrat,toos.
rieo pie ruse Wolod.
Oorildi.-;.A . fqir:oll goy
,saeriii,i'oa • and , .I,,ill . nin
I oop V.irginia'rce,hh', onr:?;ortirorn allies lenk•
nn 0,.' We v or: I
know *prom:idyllic:el:reset of:flie recent•-cl,o
-•tien.lo Vit•Fiaia,• : •• -
, v .
. .
rre , rviliers n ot s e'to
refit) ti . as.rii:iiiiry
; 111'0 /0 , 1 . 11 , 111 i'Ona 1
Po!. 100 , 1 1 ri
is as iiievitallo - DS fate 'if of
utle'rrii . ge . i: re.tiiiit. nettle
- st iiii. , i , =-ef.arClionei,f effort' to ifuise.r vo
Ihr 11 . -r.irks he • lila I:: Viq•
rrititrol for yes.o to eis.ne.-
13fit: it' Spey :our foils to. e'rrie
e's herl - riN
w 'your p pire r.%;0 r
ii s-er.se
ti;:fe :1 ,
'll ir• of on riscool..
01 e in s ri.rrouil.ti, to liriiu!
Oil ft 'tO 41:` , \ 710 , 4 rd
zcn rai.is 1 , ; - •
if HT! lc°1; u 0 tam - sfin is certoin to
I o• - niorrow.." . 1 ft .e!, 0 11 .b e ,
Tic i io lie,ir
Ct"3l' - ar;atrixrints* Ci,i:w:;—lit art . .ti,sor tr, 'pot
ttoogi.a o.t.thc , .appointirient . or n6e . :Di
the rotblishot Of. t 2"liiiter.,"'ity'l.lw . “Ttal . .ver.,
that 1.o.;", pat he.officO of. cornimks, - inric!rs'
f“Ufticiat't dovo tog .an
thit beritll!:
Prat: 4 ,l,lkt Liocti,ln .10
his Tocoitt . .
wii,o , !•cortztvtat , oyt" curt .!1.1 r.bt
ti ittho - tyas.not compil , t,int, - ai:titaugh•
tiatiotit; tplestfiott..tohit ll e:
i th
nproiottnent: • We ili
.. .tnert,•who f:`7lPi`l.l!:lle he affair's of the
County—of ito•is crilirdy
folotLto' perl . 9r.m.tlie ditties at jit.3t. the
sttitft;z"lt hict which hiatrelt Nvrhich
treprivit:ts' iii hjth. deny.
If ott - '?r In - 4101,s poy . their
salar}:;.ittt svci :I,k) C.. 11 d that
fot:. 'our Cottoni : t - otiorier
in ,r,;ivr nine
IT) ti y the soppo'et cf. tl''polit . lo.:rl .i'ete,;ti
i(!li Nyll., ha; not yet become a res . tlent ot tit,
tdir‘ .qt C.7oidirti.c.'iloinerj:
thus it se theConrdy ItincNove hdiihl aiso dif
wi.!ll' dor f rd , nd. ' . had 11,0
equ'nfy Cnrufnisioner to bo. -sdn'ti - ng'• their
!errti ,.. ol office, hit the id %ilia taX 6.ly
prq,to trhi,ni (hey Were for the
. .
ecotton-oe:;.1 •
of •ridblio mom:3'; while out
n'ighbor: itt of nternicrat.y
.; r: : - . ; , the • blepuldieans. bAitia
We'elairn 'that ,the' 'cit.i7ensof , thC
(.7( nary...—the ax have:. on undoubted
rigbil) . ...eon•pbiili.Arleil'lbtii..i.etyant's ( . 11115 . , :it>7
•ilate wh - en it .bas
becoyne.nece - svary
. 10 eollect'd he trues by..foie - ed
sales: of prole : ll.k. . • • • ••
• 'Naimittar...A-1-1-sitts.---.‘There•:ran now he ne
'dealt: that the M . , the imeeming. atlmin
ktratien Jo. to •he roe rciv 0. Tlre;reeetit epee
eheq. Prmi , leat. Lineeta••lea - ve .
on the itubl - cct.. It islo howevel',
thilt lie will yi t. ; yield to the, of the
tome •cm,set-vative of his . , own party, bee keit .
as ih , ',Y.pre; by-the . ..great mass of•the people;
'The propositioe • reporteth by . the
. c,olMtnit tee
was being ,licassed - M ac
.the Pee clo,nye'ntlon.
Mr. Lincoln's speeches were haviiig, a• had e l-
Met on. the eonvemion.. -
opininn-seeini•tid demand a National
convention. fdr the purple,: 'of
aenihrient'a to the Cciti-stittition,, with- a:viety
of F.,,q‘hfing'outr •
aftemptin,g to Pass a
cti'oice,ltill by Cot
The Southern Cotifederaey..l:vill strime to pre
cent a ei'al lcion, until ': the of the new
aihniiii k trdtitin have been fully. ilevelone,l.•
ele'etiOns showa.great falling oil. in
Ilepul.ilican rote. , . • , . •
.11 isacid the r,triperor 7.sapt)leonvill reeog
nfie ihene...v metntiu4lt., •
. . .
at nciorl,.o9 the . -1111. o 1 Marsh. cus . tpm•
ary at .the etiise oleo inhilinistration; us it en" .
ables - the new pr.;;ii'dent to. send the flurries
of, the niernhers of . entiret for'c'onfirtp4on
!Ain't utterliis iniikihruflation.l • •
A bill int reduced l;y iMr. Lawrence,. has passd
th,e,llati73o rncrea'sijig the bounty Wolverr to
and i thakintr if $8 on' sagb bear and $3 on
eacb . wild-cat'taken designed
as a pintection .. to .I , llerp-groers,
to the conntit.s of 111'Keall, Talk, Forot,, Cam . -
i•ron',li-17Ctsan, and \Van n.
Ay .linnivrAny of very. great
impoyfarce..toTaborarS• throughoitt the Slate
lia's'passee 't he ilottse,larirf brien;,Sent to the Sett;
rite futt dolieurterien:. is .. MiritletbuaMAct for
the' better security of•ihe' witges lab6rhes,"
and browides as follbt4•' •• • , •.• •
, '•
".I,lbrit ‘ilig,es-lbta. may,' int.d,ire from the
-owner or ownfrsofany cstab
•litittnenf,,,:fdr.' ally ,p . 12r161 . :b0i . - .l•..Nrceding,
months immediately piecCrling . llre'lleatlr nr iu
's9l‘,;Oncy.of 'snell'rownOr fle•a
lien upon 'such dstribtislrtriOnt,•add-shUll be first
`pant from the proceeds of 'ti risUlu of, s'acir...s7
Id ish 'that lhe sante be 'Pic-.
seated In, the ,Officer ;c*xec'titirig , botorc
the. listriliaticin of.ihe proc;!'eils
The. r.ti . mnd sc.t ion - doclarcs; tint!, :fp case of
tlieodissolltt ion, by death Or -- othe;%fids.e, of.. atty .
partners•hip, firm or iboorpnrarod company, all
debts diii:; or onin. fo . 'crpratiyus •or jubMorS:
for'services: perforined, •for such' •partfidrship,-
fi(ln or'lncr - tfprtrat6l domptiwy,fo,r'arty period'
not:.'exepruting One•yUar;sha,ll,.fiVst! he prrrvlded
for•and paid out 'of the' •cflect of. ass . ets of „said
firm or company is preference of or' to . any
other Prorndfd, That • this act shrill . not
impairor•irtfet the riglit of tire : widM.y of chil
dren of any r,lece.l4%rii..torroain three,: Mind.rrul
dollarS, as' providfil by existir . ,i; • .l:kvs of, thiS,'
bOmfrirMstealth."- '
:1 7 . r.f,lit 1...Vri1 : ,5; .I.Sri I
It will givelalvirers that prcitection to uhtcii
thy tar.•justly e.nlill. d; an l u.hicli should
have been . es,:ti.i . tcß - ;(1 to Olen) loga! , ). •
. tie
are glad
.to lea . rn, • - the 11attse 1) . 3.:.'1 . i f
voted :73 . ..t0'22. Afis passage tli rough Ike• Sen,
ate, ItOyeyc.r l ris . Etill•Ft-queSt.iott.oldottht.
rot lho repel of) h, - ;
toil the - halitnee •in
branelieS of lt)i . e. Eegisfattire;•delar l o. that 'b'otlx
bill, must'.v,O•thiattg or 1411 . together.
ee~nts •
F y 0,6 S:inbury itni Pale bill rnt . ist
a• • . • • ....
tie t 0 tinless jls frieralsAull helptepral
ifte.fon;ii,age tax., it la.e help thorn Iney
help the wea.re
beljoyt: !hare is trtob v iii it. They,le
featetEbor.bill jit
can't chi t‘ withopt this NN :ini.,: r,;n i.d
lint v . 'bole
onlk:stitn?'..l6 you , . „Su' i,uirr c.
vit!. ::tre an lather h,tiglit spot:. • 11 , )s• ri.n 'o'oll
y'etor * out oaestioh of xital.ictorest .10 . the
Icieiis•of • the•air.lwr:, , 'and Er i.• road - n i iris
burg. : A I,w be likely to (I”tortrifttt'
again refer
tt is litt:fitution for
one of• the .digitititistattt - t , t tf thu
it toy-s ''the Ulan rett.rrt tit to"
rectido ,NV ha V2r H' ;...111 ion."
the. timd MAltd....te:otjanization..of I he •I'hink it
was currently :rupoited
.by.the. fricrilt.. of the
ltelintt the moet active
thatt he . t.te . t. tterric 0 reit.; red' tit :rit.t's to •
suffieient ca'sh*capitai to not -
no!e'§, but pra . rothe - iosiitOtioil on
a F ound the <tprorrittits: to pa„':
issued at that time,',.‘eru rot soatiorod over tilc .
country: tly, ,p•..cu tit or •
rolyed it: 'rift re two °moth anal
, • •••nfli.:h.ht toioiong why they wore tint
tlic pixlitic ',would not- rec'eivrt iluim
•IFI. ;plqllitln 7. fin party
sion.of proniistst;, arirldoehed d hem lip.
. We.have: no quarrel. with the ttin:ttitution;??
whit only 'attempted :to -01=charge, nun dnty, , in
•warnine.ttie public n2nin.t "ont• efforts
.have contributed to that end;, we are content.
. .
r'n.om .prisop
o:t.s 'e(r.ifiued in . the rr.on,
11016;()i?,ih , 1
der, P. RP47;l:,;(;'ot . timitt , ill oti 1. charge
on in"
jait.at tha tour. - -
(7.7011 N, !I nor,o
totter Mr.. Gilmer , Hp! H o w,
No'rtri Carolina; tip!) ial ine'fir corpriro , oioic:
rnulpius thelfollowirtot . strilsinoz patoor' , Rtrt:::' , . "
"''The (toe. States "tiolt . roitri.toco: - .11, 0
glak . n . States 'fit teen, frce.Star.rrs jj'avir
m . joorrltic in both )lours rot Con arcs, ail I thoioa ,
tnajori r tics'arc:sonii to In , ir:co,ea.rreol, Iron,
Statng 'the Ft! tptit; popoil t ion' to ttloo and
make free St.tttcs ., nti Territori.o.
States have jo sarplot9 l . C.olnrnrozo senge 'conooht,
so teach the peCople of the . freri StottP, , tlot.tho
know that i r olhey wercoto ' ttra ' nt ill t hat
. 111. e
slave ' States request, laws nrclimate,,sojl,
anti proaluct inns willsettle, the ntietion at la:stt
that.thOo result the sarne ' tnotei'
tiny of . the thenricsonbent which 1110 politicians
of 'the soctions ha%e. each other 5. :Innelo
by tine cats. • • • ! , .IVe to
. .. .
.have the people . --,lneitni,W.tions enossns-,-14,1;
at Gese. quest ions .praet ieall
. a 641 in t heir prop
.er Iteafings.,• it.tq !tin will: 1 . 1 t once hav'e: 111ij
qnarrel, set tled,• 'ynl the great ship, of Stale
tplain, floating at eaten anti in safetg• • . ' '
. . ..
. .
, •1. would : have theoi.et .once.,.polt lip their
F .torin 'Orel 'cornel itelf. their t: !its a rela.l
AVsshinaton, - . rind, eomnisnd. their Rer,res4nta
tives to.adinst the dillienlties•Nvh.ieh now , divi:.
des the two greet pdwerfol . sretiOrlc."' • .
•List of-Jurors Drawn for Friminf):
Gam 4r) .1 citert , ;.—C". Bean, A. I):•
Cephos, Scott, R.P. Wright, G. It: . Smith, D.
P. Patti. Son, W. S. Moore; W,
IT: Richmond, J. \V. Blanchard, J. M. Bal.l%viri;
Thomas Bissell, Theren-Cooper,, MM.!' ruck--
Icy, Isaac Barton, Erastus-Nichols, - R.-T)
In -
'alsby, t i. W. Morrow, G. 'W. Monroe, • P. .c.
Howard, J.. L. Heath, J. I,:::Moctre, Gun
ft'inis, -John Shaft shtrry: . : ••
Tn.% cc est: diritonsl—Geo.
,MeDoWelt B. R.
Meore;John - Dercter;'ol Windsor, U.. 11.. Lata•-.
ton, Daniel Poster, .J.:M; Brown, 11„
bollort,-Simuel Porter, P. L.. Wi.bster, C.
.Coast D. Morris, • A
fleeces, Enwfer, ttatnes• Pif !meter, Wm.,
FieldS, •',T; 13.,W hit e , ;Abbey,' •J:
Bean,'J... Dl. MePorincll, Medbrry,
:Anderson, Ap.dero:l,l 'Wm:- Foster,.. Jan.
Mnise, Miles Kinney, : Michnell;Ficn, \V.. IL'
0. -A A. • Gray,. Engene,•
:Irn'ting, Amos Wslinp,• Nnthl: Pwhbins ; ] fairy
Norton, .John' Myres. • • .' ' •''
The (Ina) decision in the•ease,pf -the
fu iti've, slave, -ivai given Jo thry:
,The court
s;tistained ~ t he , decision of •the. conir, tin!
Queen's Bench on the question of law; an I
unanimous!. in - dischargingo• the. prisoner . ' on a
teclinicrility in the'comMitment. 'Ari'derson,is,
thereforepejet at-liberty.. Great
• j by is unkei
festedi,epecially,amongthe colo red population;
''Jons A. C7u,:n;tc.'
• In.:aceerdancc .ivi,th •ealt by the Democratic .
,State 'Exbeitiive, • Coibinit tee of Pennsyk;atiia,
held at Ifarrisburg on the.3otlyciflaboaryl'as't,
'me'eting of the M'Kcan Democratic Cl 4; 40 . -
. 12001er faith other , De;nrierati'c'citiz.enS:,• • •was,
held ‘artlie renibiti Ilguse,- bit Saturday;
ihtli 1!3C?1.. t9,:rtfnclitft Delo'gWs, to' at terid
Statn . coii%tei4ion to he .14 , 1 a .t Isl
. aa;ri,sburg, on
ib.st. • • •• : •
, . .
th;rnlin, Wm. • W.ii.aris's
n as. called bs.the"Chair •iirr trimion: Of S:
:(7.:llyde; J. C. Iffext..r.s . .vitsellosi4i'Sberr;ttrrY.
On rerrest of the . . Chair; 13,D. 4 1.1bmlidistated
the pbjed'of the.rbeetieg . , :••.-* •.`
' • Qn !ration Or li. D,• egrbed to
thrbb Delegabs to the Sta',e Cons;bn-•
lion at •Ilariisburg,:%iith ••
pOsk.er to'appct,hit
motion, SLAinold.;'
lirptop • ririd. 116 n.. S. chosen
•••• •
Otirtirt intl,' the Chn apppiotfeil dreritrrtitte'tt
n( three tri!dlaft femtatlintto nod -report to,thr
T):' D.. S. C. Hy . .du:and
onmiittett •
On motion S.C. the pro
ceOdint.ts M I.lMre eetitt,e, was
.eltier . ..dia be Jot: .
MslteJ to the 311 . c.can De MO
far pp' lieatMitt . • .
• ;* . • • •
WM. W:LKIN; Oh:ii:'lll . 'i M.
17:iV. , :! kt.iti . , P ILO .11 . ell
'I.V;IF111,F;.111t .
.... , 111111 , 11y .
' c,v,lol 16 br rid of liim.
Sni• I lioni rii r El. t.'; .:!;-
i , 'll • Vi‘ , l l 22:CO
it):).y.ot. , . , pf.tt)i) tlt) tt-).);.t
-!it); . 4 -, a;. 1)!,..)-)
1))1 . !)it).11)s 11) , 11 kit its hear cn r r re. Itt)11.
11)air)-nov.-51,..)f - ol 4 on: tit at
. 1'.1).)
e);.r.)))t:on.,p111), - yet.r olLmwa-,ter a f)).t.,.-t!.) , „-F.;(t-e,
t 1 ).
.ra wk.! Itt.) . 101 , . t1 ) : - It
Jr Tneut • big . .o;:rinwit - ;
4 , p7e1, r•I (ItlP.li 11111.'1r:11. h:,l l,:tr!ty•itito in t - - - .'..- n.1).att.)1» , r,-:,
I:1)0 tin . o' t N11;. ; . e . Mb r
F.. 1 ,:oh. - 1 (ll'
pt - 11)tlatity,111. , '11 it alipt-tit Opt. llt
rolt - h-r ) t.Lictrtlertlt).tr). 1 1.,y0r,
From .York. ' ' •'•
, 1.1-t Wo,(11; the'
frm,t,r.alarnit'ffils• i•VOr knpWirl in the root ,
rnoteial till]. to!,1. by a
kgal .50,1111.!e'of irff',rination
v4.ry t,han .
firr : nq were r , (1 to sitycorr:ll to : tiv.,pressure,
itorit ra Inp:drernr? I .11,:retqfor,!01)11 7 .
lent—.such lati , Ps ns Trrplant!,
fcir pv , r a fiu.lr
r,r af.a WIN% 4,011 , ip5 are'
tnp{Gns, at tie .th...
coutitry.snon•,.si;rl , into . 6rttitr,: it is dilliCtitt, to
so; • .what r.aii.ayert . a titr , ntlyal •
lie t 6r
truoim will eiKliiltit a layzer
thin' tSg3 ever showa by Om bnnh= cit this
12n, thery ' it littk .patipir irrakina,
1 7 1 !•17:(' r r‘r::\ \ SP I: rCit
has r and '1 a ;••bAd
an rll:+rt dwl;rtrnt.,l•to rroy . :r;i63,l,ldi•
of Conimmner , . liar FonS, !be'
i,•-r*milito , f.i . sr - !. , 5 , .., , tjtn , :r.d in tite COnfret‘,
ard ij coos rs ;I.r S 0 . 1 t;, , !r - 1) . Bordg. Stitt! , eoti- .
teat with the Cpnle'Ffiitre
waif •
Decides .thr: thilie • are,
irs eatir.trs of ;\l - 1". :1:411(01/1'S
'Orive 1 ia, iuitr and Kordo(4y
to t.,, , nfedr , r,111,011 S'at,s. •
will tat
I xvo SLatps'nan , p s , •l , 3rn•nly-de'clarod:igsinst any
at trrno to rxoctlte fliolatrs•by force in the se-.
CottßT. A1.. - NC‘l' 01101111 S
Utt•Ttk 1011'illr4 stti t an-t!..n4t:a
in lit St. f , cnis lian1;01• to . ro(:01-or a
ikn;Nver in the
nh!,:iwr, that .tliq *gni : Lllllly I.e.
!, , ol,nr 1 *tliat,
Im, 5r,e;71,:,1 1111111 I3nd rk•olk ,, l atfain , f, the:
[Y,fitr , l -11a.vp no
1.1 , 41)t to nnfintain:a. salt. in -tlie ConOs
ir,;),..1..4 , 1•71 . t.o
the las,t iron', : l . ,:?l,ny the tin. , ,tioa
thn rio•lit, of a tat to 111 . 1 , S;
1 );•oi11 th .1j11;t“(1 Stat. • fora sot
tlonl .7:1( . . t--;. ..
c)i) In; I (lora." to
or , itiot;tionz, ali l kill bn
Nvatival Nr11,11:1111,Prost.. . •
. . .
efIIEREAF.... , , Lefter..s. of Airoinh . :.tratlorf on
Ve V
~ the estate.of•Gustayis T. Scott, late of
Pert A lleiony; in rho county pr..Nl'Kean, 'de-
C1:a . 5 , 1 3 hoer been gim•ited to the stilr,oriber, MI
p , ! , ,,,, n • 3 •i n th.iii e d to snid estate ore reque s ted to
imi L'o imm; , ifin to raiyMerf•, end :Thoze haying
,rii..i'aMsl tito.eronl , ; . iyill present them duly
i!iltlipntii:ided In .tili. •slibsi•rib , r..,: . orher went,,
Tracy - Scutt, at L. 11. Drilly,'!i stordat Por't Al- ,
legaory. .' - ' - ..• • - .501'111A 17-'SCQT - T.', .
. I•'eb. l 2-1, 1 •:(-; 1 . ' - . . . ,
xi!c t:TuD.A.T Till
• •
T I i.V.L" •
. .
Administrator's Notice.
Notiee . iB:llt,'reby,fr!iVoll that Iflo drnihistra
tnrof:theestate of A nyrlt' Gnnowlx, deneased,
will file his areniint 'Adininistraror.of 'said
eoate'for ennfirmadion et the next tern far the.
Orrnhans Cnnrt for ibis
'.Sinethport;.Tany.. 39, 186 I.
' H. Dolley •
.. •
• ..._ . ..!cosTAws.:-. : ,..
"Only Infallible ltemediei Known.".
Destroys lnstantly.
. . •• . • •
The9e prepaNtions (unlike all others) are
• 4•Free from Pai . seos.!' •
"Not ilungerous'to the human farriily..!..
' , Rots '
mine .•••t of their,holes to die."
10,3:e.ilys-.:an't . 3 more. est , ill . )!,.isl,eit , in ;',1'4 . . t . . Y:- City;
by=the,City Posh 0 iii e
7.kl;(lby— , .t be . City Pyisons and Station
11ss'd ty 'St (:.irner's,'Shif,,s, &c
1:115rd Iy :7 -the City
°Vs rd .flotOsL
iriio!as,' 4•c
L'A.. f l by . - 1:11 , e'B'darti iD;- lioes , Ac
g .50;000 Private
, ,
I . .',.7";c't , r'it•L:f2 the pr ex t, c wt . D,a)eng..,fay.,
11ENIIV 'R, cosTAR..,•AiI thr Pommer.l ,
,)3ffve troubled with. Roaeheß'prid.Mii'n.:
was .avniali): f6y . th'!"
l'oac.ivss wore rv,sry,Al-10 . ro: I purchased bo.T
tried Ir. and in one.
I). Roach-or Motiser
• . Jutjx 8.-Gil4.:Ns, No. 91-.:Elm
'with .vermin',
tioe.l tin no no lonticr t if they use "COSTAR'S".
have tised'it to our sati4-
4,icti,n, anti if a lmx Lost $5,• we'weidd hari
We • lt,nl . r.rifid poison's, bet they effected .
itottrive i hut creorna 's•a rt 'do noel:s . ole hireStla
out Mire rind Bed 13 . 1g=, quicker than
we can WI itr it. It is in izreat.demand all over
ry.--.l*(edii/a (q.) G,rseEle.s s .
-.7‘101 - ilti•ClllA IN and 'PrMtisionS are.dtiStro t yed
.tiontiatly.lm Grant County by .yermin, 'than
wt.:did:pay: for tthts'of this lint and. Insect
le n r•Vfer ( Itireo/d. .
I'NI - 11 Extitniinator
. and pr'onottored-a•ilecided
We tyniid a•dinx.of it, and the waythe
Rate at u l'allice around our premises •iitraised
fs:nd," that filleht swaS • ri. caution to ilepers.—
Sidc.t. ttieiv nut a Rat or Menne' has.beteri 'beard
in:kitchen 'or. eel] rade -(l.owa)..Times..
1 II:A 197. ;131 , :r.i57/.l.7.l,llAlG—YotirsExtirmi,
nator for the laiit year, and find it a sttiipci.T.
Drp . ggiit,9arclington; 0
....ARE . S.F.LLINP*--Your.. preparations .
Wherever they have been osed.,Rms,
Mice,.RonefieS, nod Vermin. diseppear immedi
ately: • Relsre. & STOUFFER, DrUe~ists,
Windsor, • • • .: •
To. beAtroy,--Rais, Roaches; Sze
To . pcsiros; , ?-Mice; Moles, &c
To.Destroy—Alcilhs,.. Fleas,. A OA; &c
L-111o . splitioes
C cin.rilanti aria ineecta
To DO'.!i y- 7 11) . sectl
fprrtp aini
.epeck of vc.r-
"Costar's" Ra', Roach, &c.; ExtirMin'r
`Costar's" Bed-Loy Extirminator:
"Bostar's" Blectrio Powder for Insects.
FLASI%S. $3 pud $.5 SI7,ES 'FOE PLANTA
Q .Sold
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All Retail Itealers . --Grocers=-Siore-keepeya-,
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P. I)..Oryis: ..'' . Ha)), Dixon.& Co.' '"., •
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Dudley & SiSfliarcl. l.'Cilorad Fox.,
?hiladelphia, Pa,
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W...Dvott & Cn. • RObt.Shneyrakey &Co;
ft,A.F.etocli & co. I Fiencli j ßicharfis &Co,
MI the Principal
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