M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, February 14, 1861, Image 3

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    Bamocratic*RUctingl - a.P,ot.ttr'County
. .
. ,
• ie ? t call t .Denincra
I:iernti . Conrntfee 1)1 :State: t
roti er ottiqy.
'Democratic- C,ornrniLtee; v:ith other
I)ernocrattc citizens; ryas. held. ati olfide 'ot !
, .
Dont. J 0 .011 4, e?ti - Feb?y.9,lSii.l... • „ •
9 , n, Mot-41;1;0f I ?oe't.:F,:''..reorg 11611110: Nelson
•calleit to the' cliair nun).
:clicsen'SeCretaty;. and! on ' mot ion!.of P. W.
11:;4q., Di m - tic:rats •:‘yere
appoiated as a- enmity Coirimitt.C.c foi- the ensii
... . .
. .. . .
W . : F...P;rirr, cliairtnni); , ~ .‘.:1 11,, r .r, 1-f.ivErzs
A ttr: l :k••l : :rn'ASi. ;\ l- .t0. , ; . Nr - c.'s,o.Ni....lirrrs,l3.rrn
1)41‘"11) IVRITE; (....!trArcl.r.s linx.n.o.,r,;N. J.,.krir,u' ,
Jst:. and P111r..1N1 . /17.1:! Krim:' . ' : „
. .
On Motion:of WV; .F. • IMr.t; IJ,on. T; Tres
Smith -‘l'nre chpsen
tletegn te"t.i' to intent!. 4. state, - CobvviitinnOti-bt
•held l'.l.l , irfisltun;i, 'on ' , Tim] sday; . tbe
. ..
. . .
On Motion of Arilei. White .1:',F:q . :,'.71. copy o
the'atrove proceeding ivasi oplerea . to he F trn t
lo'tfic'etlit.of of the Denio . cratie papers . 0 f
ga and McKean countiee'fiierinfilica:ion, .. .
. .
5321111, 5 . T. 1 C:1•.. •
C - Ott(ii:lhi6rt, rid). 1
MAMMOTIr -1?-1:Ti11S'Irs - G • TIOCTS.,E
. .
Original *Gin - Bpok . ..Eatablisbment.
: • GE;O:•Cr. EVATTS,
' • . , 13!) Cliesth :;;I•
• • • " •• • - '
"I,II:NirrY.A.NP •
. II FnlhiCßtt, . . •
, . •
Ti - I-UNICNT'ET . 3:O 1
-A. AVorli.•ll6,lo ntipOlipv latt
. .
• . t!.‘ (hat
STATFSM.....V'and P '
• Alin, the Detihi,rntloil of Tindl , pioelepog.the Cnnetito
or the - United Slates; nod Ww.liiO.iton's Farewell
Addrinis frith mipiotio . • „
For alts higher Claloten ol"E , hicatirinal
• 'and for home reading • - Largo Elem.., with a liOantiful
, Steel Portrait of Iretw.ter: -• Prle ,. . `tin, Arent:in:titled
With a 11A.IsiDS0,311-: GIFT:to-o;th frinp !VI root, to
. . Tarr Main"' volume • t rrful in-,
tt'ri3St [Or. the pr'eient titers; lie ,illl.llOrA.
style, accuracy and fullitrwo cn: it le. it to whit-cr.-al
I. aceeptance livery •Fat nirr -rhopbt liar . . it! livery
Itigrchrtet .should irons it ! Ever} - .)lorhanle ',broth)
• Every hrit-yert 11.14.21-
. ,triclf. 'should- have -it! tam, Elo•ryllinly.. Ns - 110111.r ,
Man. Woman. or Chill—whether of the North-. South,
East or West,should nerd' for a ropy of thb—one of
the moat needed and arceptalile IlOtho ever nut witted
to.the. American public.' • .
IF?' TIM pregentation of the •Conntit a tional "Test
Book to the •pntople Eat; .r-tatek, certainly
needs.rio apology, fox , it,000.,:ti04 the inrotamoilf,il)am
of lir - Country, With on intrmliietien ,el'erte.l Frio - A.6re
writ • •of him whit been' too 111.1 the. 'Es
;pound, nd • Defender of the Con.ntitatlon, , : In nut.
king the belectipuo from theovrltings of IVeion'ter.
treat care l e is Lien. taken' bi.selcet -solo, l•arl.n :to may
be consi•lerettP,;AyloN.ll',,andovilitql rt ill 1 , 11,1 to M. 0.1 1 .211 1,,
'ell. the Opinion:: of Oho .Lt, stdimi rya the- voting
'mitt, n, love to t country,.. Venerotion, ron".ttp;Oft;:itittt
tioni n lteopect for the Merann , of OM - Err:it and, Good'
Men who Pounded our liciatllk. :Cml.ulio hate paitc.l
away, to fervent attachnlettc to the litlinny' to- Liherty,
pence, to order out to rho tekrli
noon of IVitdoin.,of M•irlility and" nt"llclici, it. As a
Class 800k,.-(lilt .I . l , lutial in mart valuable, and- When
used ae such each, the Mori - Worm, 01 I Q:111Iy Ile. d.iu.ihr
indexes•stigge.--tionn for oil-the
be aski'd?arei the anonerneftho sbol-nts
tog in the exact words of the toot.
.GEOEGE I - ANS, •-•
rlirr. 1:111ChmOnor Phil tda.
•:.r2.1--x 7EI zr, LT:
RE VOl,l - 1 TTON
• -
, A. volume... Gilt Will 1!;r:11.-thw i.nti true anti
of •t bent! • Ilistne.Wt.f the' l'w; , ,n:ll yen
ture4. Ihninintin an 1 Explol' ,
the Mir of ituleunnleiie. - .FaNidy
121tio. w,illt" Ilcauliful
.gift,worth from 50 meet a •
. wurle that should . hi! 1 tin!
American Freetn.m! ut. the
present junctitrwiti.our nathnit ,a
it 'WMB, 1110' remarli.ible hernisut. nor! 1-n*!. , ,
tin/ the•wimintit inti.4l,Ly n. t 11
WASIII - NGTON and.. hi, tall mt. ennu • trio , l, •
struggling the. at•Lierelmult nrnar .In.to
lienilene.e, 1.1105e.'“1 hue! , that, tiliaYnn
dope ri f . !70. .
• •
copy of either of tiro alrerr , 'Mioni,.on,i,r,m r ir 3 ; in•
.gathlbr Baal zaam Pres'ent', ...rmo.4l,ort ill 'value
frowitSo c'entr , to 110 wlllhe 1,,,en in
thjt United Stateti who %incr.:ml_ n , the o,' 'tort `-1
renAiiir.lOilional 'for pottage, IL' At Lt rt:
brialivelja,mt of a honk to t he . .f,mount of,t"l-On or mote
ChMee gi betel (rel. no '.•\ t.en,ivo tort
carlOdoߔOrtiotor of thtl.l:atil
Pla,4lsfsire,'Jewelay r•iflk I?attc , rso:. e!•..., all of.
'the newest:M*l(4: 11 . 1.111file,f
'than 60.ceitt4 anl ,thin no. • • • .
"IVA.NO' EIt,VW,I I EPI it. - ; •
Genrl. for ayomplat'e eb041161 ratalot:no, ofour 'Oil ti
mot other's P 0111 be mailed '
you free of iipeose.ontlce .!"orr marhe con
that this most I;ilirra I. lielinWe amt 11:oierpriMot
llgtablialoornt•in the country to huy .at the
Original and Populat'llift Book 'phi; , riom '• . .;
•13!1 Zhi•stuut' Stret!, I'hiladeipl j:1
.Feb: I I, 1-,6.1
S 1 Lei zil''S Sd lus
BY di:impel' sundry wilts...? l' • irlitinui'.E..ipirtois; bi
sued out of the Coact id: Cioninion Pleas 001'litian
..county, and to no di felted, there 'Will, be exposed to
public sale at the Court rinith
' port, on litentlity,ithe 2Sth gay t Ithe fol
idwing described riot estate • to wit :• .• - •
. The fnllotringsituate iu Ca
roe Township,.iti 'Kean tbnintY; Petthsy!lvania,liittioled
and describedas follows: flegiunin4 at tile st.ite tine, at
the cinirerii of warrant Noss 1t325:.tpl inn and being
part..o f warrant No. 4:320; : thence Jf,ot I t o .11,0 ~t aw
.linii, forty Welles to a.,,post coracr tar, (lie of - the
iiimaYo Creek,' thence booth - .one burnt rd'nud sixty
.porches to a beech Oilier 'in the.liins of land sold to
'Merman Leroy, thence by line of said laud forty
Torches to a post corinir,.beinghcisoull, t iaid cOrner,lif
lotistirreyed •to It. laxson, - thence north one him;
tired and sixty' percheiitictini . place t'ir Co.u
t,aining forty acres strict measure. lie.tho same more
,Or joss. About twenty-tw o :ICI es Improved, one good
, frame lonian, with a ci o nl oii-frione•liat o iIU by
:42 feet, - with two sliCtis dnc atilt or water and
about elzbleentipple trews.: Sens t, jakpu ii, exeentieti •
:11111 to by sold. as - t to property of 3.,inJ,s t J. Clultaat, at
, the suit 'of .s.ianley • •
The followitig trhrt or lan gitultlP in It'eatio , !. town-
MeNezin coolly ?nfinsy.i\nnilt. boundol and tioseri
bettlut follotr,4 f - vih; on'the nori li by. the .314rvitt Creek
op-tlte writ by 1 trof booth , bY
itatnim Butt vast by landtt Hareett, it.'beintt li,t
.No, surt.,•j-of 1.61,n of nail of
.linxtingL-eoptalitit: My-two and ono tenth nere,4 ..Inoru
:or loss.,:\r,¢rs.impanlven444 `1)1.1
Joinstt, taken in ee , •nfiqn, to bn sold as the
properly of Isaan . tialitli. at Pio snit tit'Arnold'Alcrall
now for thiebsoofitionniV: Jtuttin,onte,..A , lntinibtrator of
.the estate of TOS.j,II P. A:lax., •
• .
ALSO • . -
The founding (Ittseeikl Jt :al F., title do Eldred own
-61 illegLean count)': ltennslivanhybotOole•l ow follows;
viz; nn tho north ht. la nds Ovr,nt'
Oil tho.tnod, by I:uhls of Mint, tind lands of li:eat
jng &Col, 1,11 the tnintlt by Nude of IllidAve,t
ity•lanild nf • dienting• A (lii„ it l ein;:.pari or Int '7O . of
Knath ezallotinent and being pert of Nt'atrnnt No. 211
te3,-eOntltininj nbont foctyttoo unres more fir 1004, home
twelve afoot noneored, 0111, log 1tc;11 . .40 . :11.14 {. 'bare anti
abotitnon'lnnelred dreg ttee;i. - Pei . /Al, dlikea iti execti;
tired - , null to be,SOld no Wt. ti,r,;lrorty:o'• ' Dennis, et'
:Om suit of 4. li. Vet:lc:tot now tor thd Ott of Joint It.
• Td. - 1 -1 1 L . I . 1
• , - • .)
l i T uricy is hero,y-06., I.i it I 11:ciy . L': lutin . ed
..01 the follow,i 6 a . Pryllinf io (10 (.ige. 1)01,1:10;
vi ; "Filree 110:.5 . ..5, I. ;:prill.4 i
, i t e at ,.
atabliPs sal e,'..1 eluiui ih 1111'
J.. .11.'.1l1.1,)1.).
Roimipta' - nnct E,*.pondititrep''cf' - * 7
.3Zeini County • 'from: ',jun',
'to Jan. 1;-.1861. 4 ' •. '
.'llofitifeolltt.' of sent qd :tdv • *$
" _do ' . ... 10
do Noty , siiit)pon °fir; ieitri .
'• odollted .214 00
d Iro.lo i o Hp' ..‘lO ri-to ! .1 i'yyeeo, •112 00 •
d o do 10 "do- •• 44 04. 1 1* • .
• ... • '
• , ers 911'..indiiur8 . .11.1.Turt lot • •
" do &inn 'Slieyi lisrorsc; • 10' In)
d 0 ,.. Trtil.4 1.1 0'..4011.5 . j1,i1;y :reeS 400
. .
.Tly paid Slierill'Xorse ' • N(7. 50
Eleetiitnislsponsea ' ' " 72.; 1 , 1,
;.ipaid,oll ... . • ' 1421,.,71.
. .. ..• 'l7 ;9:
- (Innitiii.s;;lollerB .Colinal• for 2 year.; : CO. 00
lOnotty .. . .... • • .• • 0.75
do On Wolves • • • : • ;11l (10
Ilepairs on Jail ' .•" • • ', 52
• do. 011 Court.llollse 1.1 11'
doilling for Prkon , ri...:_ • '•
Corouer;4 - Inqui , st,. .... ...... .. 1(10 10
. itooks•rup Pl'OtlionotaAys ()Mao__ 2 .i 00
'lending for..lail • • • • 7
Puidle ('rioting (I/einocrat,
,011 ice). • • 1(4 50
•••• Is • do. and 1,1:1111;'s Olifizelit.l.• • . (to
del tio' • , . • SO : 50
Board for .11iry • • • -••
• ... . ........
Coort. :Odor ' • • • •
:rex, Refunded •
Stove . 1:011 . 511'.4
(lett I fire "
irig ‘
.. , ..
ProlliotiOldry'g Fees • • '
.. . .
• Traverso 'Juror:, ..„
,r;r:ord hirorsi.-..2 . .
Neturii, • ... :
(toinm . is : stonyr
.• • t do . ( . 01egr : ove.,.
. Commonwealth' Qpst •
, loli tor:A -Pay •
.I;noning Tow/whip
l're.:.oltrir Penitentiary ••
Jrottse.of .Iliortige. • •
... .. ..
.I;ridtze Kie • w • . • • • •
flainti!yea • . •
(Irand tiej7Coastable • ' •
Si:2l'ol Coni:taide.lud).utul ease
'ltitere,t paid on inte'•yent Order
• ;load i'letv ••• • ••• .
and :tiondrie4 •
:Paid Trea.oirer for _Adee'rii,l l i g
iu•favOr of
. .
Statement of lhe . .F.unds".of M'Kerct
County, from. Jan .1, 18130, to Jan.
• :1,:1861. " • •• . . '
. ,
. .
' •
. , .
'A Artlet's nutstendiug, Anditutry li+sue . 1 , ,, _.l'
0 - 1 - 111.1- butstunding Hu ,interest. • 1475;71
..lutt.l-64 due on flue same..".. . 2.....3,61
1 .11td,okept. vs.Coituty. , '.• - ' ..11+3.17
•• Interest - iluejut the sumo ; '''. ' . .. , 171 1;0
VA:49 .. ,- 4, L".. 1 ', . " " .•
IR 71;
' . Otte .3. R. Chadwiek;:elerk .' ••• 10:111
'• D. ,I..Keyet.., e.:olltmksiuner • '• ''ln 51
, ... W. J..l)tivit.t,... do -' •-• '• .- 3:1 7.3
.4, ir, .1, c( l l.g,rni - e: do . - 32 51
. . Prothotkotary 'Hyde' : - .. 220 la
• '.l-Nc'ese . tu favorer l'Autity , . • 13741:'1.4
frtlM • .•
'.do :itu; ,l nd.¢inruia'»ndNnico
• .16 ' ••
tlx.t. refunded .
. •.'
x•ciu " •
• . . .. , " , 72i1 , 1 51
. •
• . the unilersim ; jlCornniissioner , ol N'l:ent]
roUnt.y:.tio reel ify that tire foregoing k iteinent of
, d'on i
II) , for the your 1..; rorri;et to the Inert ottr
V - ittless our buds • it Stitelhtiort,
I,;:iirtiary • • •• • .• • • ' '- •
R.' A rq:Ex,..(7o-4
Trial List for ,7el.3;.'Terirt
C.• 11,01;tu .
11 . 1:T”1,0,:. • , •' • .
Al!1•Zt•Ar1 F11:opl - k.,1,11
•••• •
1:s Pay At priulley
.1s Cullit11onV:e.1101
vs Lynam Stark of • .. •
Wiikain I. Cihso'n •• •
,I.l.•Zo,Myb r .', l f ; ". . iViDiam !Moms et al. .
. . • • vs•Tkiiiirl Driluive • •,•
Ellasrelt, . • vs u .
W. olike .
Vaasickle ••• vs It. :11. Dunbar • .•
N T A , lo r „:, • • - vs Travis & Pratt . •
Jrrirs • .vs •Danirl Imirtix..ct al; •
Coll,•iriti vs liarnalais Dike . • • .;
Pr tv'r It Dydrivk Smith et al,
ots }tuns•• : • .vs .1. C. Itionrus .& Ca' .
Ir tire tliA'..rwonil • • vs Darius Sim •
pson &
• li:inury .• •• -• •
Vio lif.ll.ipg el al ys I) aiiii•Fliingsbur:r •
' sana• •• vs Orrin Cook . •
Fisk° • In. B,.Froeinttli r 4
Yin lh lC riur .
,• ,v‘• 3rl..)firlaim& Solo's •
Via?, Do, ;re •. . vs. 0. . It,.wnuoto,
" vs..Jathrii • M.• &•„, 'Andrew. J
C rialtos s. . • . •
iii./viatt • •• vs 'll.oviatt . •• • •• •
,LIKKN,BI,:z4-.Tlie following' nme,
AA persorrg have filed their respeetive petition
for a tavern Ireonkir according toiatr: • '
peneeol: TiJiltetAliradfdrd, . ;
• l'hilotas...‘l; Folk r, , , "
(l, o. D. 11. Crooker.
Thome.; Ilootiwin; Kekting.' • , •
Wltne , gnry Band and sold, stsmethbott, this 300
Alas- of January. A. D. 1861, . •
" .INO. It. CITA D'OCK,.Clerk.•
S. C., HYDE,
rrioiNKV-.I.r.LA .Stnet !Tort,. WE:equE CO.; P{. Col.
I oct kotts phooptly e..ttentle.l to.' • ,Feb. It, 'fit..
OP EVERY imscurr.rioN,
‘. • Adiiiinistrator's•Notice. •
•• . NOtiCe is . liC!fliliV glyen that the. Admh.istra
tor of ; f he estiite of • Atirmil 'GoOnwis; 'deceased,
will fire his account as 'Administraror of said
.estate. for eoniirmation - at . the next term•tit the
Orphans con rt coe this county.. • •.. ••
•. • .Sme!lmort,-.Tany. ' • •
ALL poi'.sons. are hereby- cautioned agaiogt
nr ofiatin to( SOool order No, •I 0 F;
drawn by the
,llireetofg• of Kra tiati Salina] Dis-.
. .
'trier; 20, 1 . 800; for $27.00, lo 'favor of
F. J. Hall,: as rha samoilas:bocii lost' anti pity
wont stoppi24.— 1T 13: B. HALL;
• • , . • • ..
I)6c. 10, I - son. • : • -
r it N. ell•rilz.NS.. aii,f Wari., Stove
Roc! Tirl, CalHuter , rt. M.A.SON 'S. •
$111.; .'t
• •
• -
To ereryFyrr•cicn.
(q 4 s
• VETIATIN. •-• •
• • • •
..‘`Costar.'s".ltat, Exterminatorßoach,&c,a
"Cortar's!" • • . ,• •
"Costar's" Berl-bug Ekterminator. •-.• •
"Costar's" '.• , ..•-•. •
~. • ••••
"Costar's". Electric Powder for Insects.
• . i)prIZOYS , •
Bats— Roriches - ' - iNfiee -- Moles-Grottritd.Micel-.
Bed, Bilgs,—Ain'ts7-Motils.,.lll9squetoii'splens
—.lnsects on plants, Insects 'on animals;
&c.—in short, overy forth and specie.s of
10 Years: established New - .] f ork •riry-;.-tiled,
by the City- Post' bitie.4 l :thc . city Prisons and
Statlon - HotiSes—the''City Steamers, Ship., : &r. :
The citY...lfotels4"Astor,:' "St Nicholas,''
and more than' 20,000 pritate familisS
Druggists and,- Retailers everywhere" sell'
tr., --. lVholesale Agents • 11) largo (!,ities. l
D. Regular' sides 25e. .10i; and . $t
Bottles---Plasks. ..••• •.. . •
! ! ! Dcicaltr. I!! of spilt ions initatiops.:—
.Examine eac.h. Box., .Tigt tle'and Flask, and
nothing lit"CosTait'.i' '• .
f 7 'sl,Boxes sent by-Mail.• •'•
fle• $3 & $.5 Boxes for'PlaniationS, Hotels, &.c
-13y'Express. • . ' • •
11..,.A.ddress'orders'- or for eiCirctilars to Deal
Sold-by 'W. S t 111101tNELL,
( 0 otl
19 00
212 ID
21 00
1:-,1 f, 9
1.1 00
7321 06
$I A 1 J 1
FT2Oc .1
5177 :'7
;0r) 10
2" Th
3 rj
2- 14
i. 20 01
. .
THE OLDEST,•.WIDESTrcut.cur,A.,,
TED, and tpci:st COMPLETE,, CORP:EC: 3 r and
.ft,ELIA:I:3LE I . :T oti?,lleporter in existence.'
y. •. . THQIIIPSON'S:::''.• •., '
BANK. 10T1',..AM) ..,C91111:1:C1.11i..:1:1:NATEll
Ciliy,(llo\l• 4 ,
1). J. IiEYES, •
W. J. 1(A VI:4.
C01111 , 1i.310114:1 :
quotations Corrected by, THO;IIPSOPC BROTHERS,
, ' ." WA Stkitr. • : • ',"•
•. , .
l'il . 1)11:411e , (1 I); CHAS. 13 - E.0 . 1)Er:I ! , ) I ../.. i' riliii 'l . l £),.
‘rnn.n. r - i• Or.srnscairrioN:ty nov.ixr:n; . ;
." mail
5.7.5 c
To Postniaiitnrs who „corm Clubs'anil fdr
ward uF tho nionoy in ailviineot we will son.'
ter Coin. Monad, and 41 , striptijse „am (01
, •
.. . - . •
5 copies of the Weekly,. one Year
s . eopies of the Semi-010nth1y........•
In 'eerie.; of tbe . Monthly ...
_,„, •
. WPrii.ll - foni•ard gratuitously, to: any pm'soil,
sending tvolulr,, fif ;$2O at 'the 'allow° •rateS, - at
anyone time, Oar Ailerirrin Gold '.Govi.. Test
Segte: . Address,' '. ''. ,• • .
-..: THOSIPS.ON BROTIIERS, .lela'nketw,'; ..'
. '''• . No: 2, Wall :ii . .. X.. V.,, Ptoririetors.
. ..
• • - • • •
. '• ,
~A• .
p • .
pN 1,1 s •
IRE updOrsigneq,Colmr!issioner , of
coinoy, bere . by eive. notice, that an appe . el
w_ill•be: held at. the Comird&sioners' office,• in
Smelbport, on the 27th, day. beeember
Where alI personsfeeThos themselves Mrgriered
by the enumeration and' Yaluation.of their prop
efty in said Count y. for the year •ISGl,'are re
qUested:to u(tend. . • . •
W. J. COT.EGPOVE,- - . -.
•. • , W. J. DAVIS,' :. . • Com'is
Attest;J. K. CII ADWICN,.(Iert. - •
.Srn6 , thpriy, ll,ee. 2, 18,60.. , : :
\V \ Y.L,tlo2ltllrJ,
m •" A NI) 'BEATER are.
the two iirs.t anthipost natural
.ever used in Washing Clntlurss:: Not withstand
it has 'been do' study of inventors to do
Ahem atvaY,'and for . th4f.',lforpose several bun
drel.patents have . .heen. issued, yet it has . been
o( ne etrvet. They have failed'in their
'tempt. •I'lleit\insebities•have
and thrown 'away,-uint the Wash Boit . rd and
-Beater againlised in then. itead..•
This maehitie combines them
,tOgether,'at 7
ladled to a progresSive'lex:er, in such a manner
as- gives great .primer to. the w
Beater, hiln
either may be used' tho' operator may esfre:
The' . motion br the. Belitet;•b. quid; and
the pres.sur gentle 'and pevverful, whl.ch rgiVes ,
it the advantage'over ell
,OtAier . ruitchine's, 'and
is se,deeided competenrjedges - , •
Manulattured and Sold . at'Afiiebaniesburg, by.
• '
A. woLTERs.
• •. •
Hlleehaniodinr:: March IS,
4.:H. Dolley
- •
• - ck TA 15 E - from qO.l i .11PS te, Gin ii
1% • eil• i 11... WI LCOX 'k
.016 . 11, N •
1,....1;'1.. -BARKER'S
.ST , RA
, ;!m:ilsein[,Eß , iff', otr t ! ) . :g to' the pub.m. .-
fielllis finpro'veil. Stri . i-entier, - i ti. ' full
.cnnibleneetilat..ol:%vtio:la4 the croliblo:to,l;vit-.
hei.z:vits.of)eilitions will be cohvinc'eil ol::ilssti,
veriinliy exer any othe r ' now in use;' .• . ...
• • .
A:s,tipply kejtC . v.onst:Liitly bitnit.niiq;tnart.
0 . 10 tire ) o' orilpr. • ,
•, TC 7 7 As no'othe lietsen:l - iiis the I•it,ltt' in
thia.Cutrei;witiiitrilllCea tr. eat! -
•ty, al,l• ~ cho a f : ousing:it .. ,t.he
eta will be piosecuteih.. • ,
, ••• : ;•
AliTitariir..trnr, A 111.;,u5t.27, I 559. . -
Great Excitement.in the. South;.
.5.C.)111'.1-,1 . C1:N.1L01:,T," . 1 1 N...,13;..N1:;:=;.!
Tqr titil N 17, 1 i P.i.NO ETV':
THE NORTH AND ,4:;01777.1
Must and Shall lap Kept Togotliov;
This Glorious Union 'lust Preseried
TTNDER existittz • rircitnistatirm: Ilti, .Ktulteriber
110PTI1R 4'l
. 114 Allifin SUS.'(II. , IIIC eillt:Ons of 'Ntirt.horl)
l'pfinty•lvatiin.thaythe_ol,l •• • .
7i(19 - I - lill- . .r. i flii _,s'lllol'-;.
is'prepared. to ',pet any am! all 4t niergenchts, with alerrt
arintql•!tn•l'og II ZIA tII e lit W Ii rocty, r
to do :41 kinds ofwnrk in'tltolinttOf • -
Tin. Bleed-Iron and Coinicr,
Arend old to lk'iians or cengnit
The Store,, tvhioi, has so long lootd•;ho r 4.,end
above watorrohust and slihi take tlarlend of all•011or?i in
its lint' Tla,vitig.pitrelntotol t trie intelti4 of my brother.
Mnson.).r uji,oo a
new &0., 'which" I arn:liinlnti
sell chcaj~ for AO soo • ()kil t if :%I•Ai.ON . •
.N. 10.111 kintiwor.produce—anythiugqint trust--taken
ekrlnuttle Ineg'uods. • • INor:1:: 'CO j.
cfrcontion,r . I 0n,006.
Patented Sept, 9, 1.856.
B 3 , RILEY'
WRNS Wlttirt
tIL 3,0
iTONic, !UR TIC;
44 1 ,
. • • .-
To 'the Citizens of• New Jerierand
sylVanie., Apotlieedries, Ditigists.• Gro.
'cots and l'ravatd • • •
Wolfe ' s.( , q:;lllitC'.l}i'nnt~y.•. • • •
. „
. s• • IVolfe's Pure lia(re • riaf'SlierryAl Port Wine'
trnnlca end St..Crodr IZOm . .
Pure ticoteli end Irish Whisktiy.
bcg call the at tontion citizen. of tlia ea:T
-h.l tho Hhoro nod Mgr ittil9rted
IS !mi.!' IVoixa:',.l,l New V,dic...wlti;qo .110100
is alunilini-
I:reve:•y till:Cain:l:try tot tI n. plirity•or
DAM Ss`lN 9 'ram . Mr, IVotriz; in 1,1 later to 1110 . ; speak
ir: of Ito putit.y iiialVisa , and laiwoits, say.; "I 'Will `
stake my rep upttinll its n 111311 . , my standing an a moral:ant
thirtY lb* Oily of Norr Yolk, that
.11 :hi' amt Waxes which I nova as hu
portod,:ual hostalitality,itud ran bu rolled upon by
every' • pnrohaat r:l. ery battle prim:oo4'n
„namo-on ilia ‘l,.lx,,,:wiril a Lie tiluilo of hidi+Jaut,litrit on tha
Pe:lir:ate. lairited lo
oyr:lth:slots 1;11;wi! 4 .11Yer: it sato at its:TAIL by - all
toithiostrio, a),'l I, riwar. in , •
Ii1 , :00110
..1,11r0t:,.P.10:. 0 '82 hisirlsot
• . ••• Soh .
,ror P 4 Oe! phi
Item} e'll pllon lug Ilio*Now l'ork rat
Exoumin 1:1•A353,59 Nana Tam: 31.1:61a5T=,-Wa
are happy Iu inform our, follow-cititaas that (Moro is ono.
plriao hi our city lioro th'o npothaeary; and
ootinf ry nioralialitautifxo vin d.t•urchr to 1:1/IP,i biquiurs,
IN Ilsinli‘OrtVii. and of 3 lio'bod We do not
inland Lt; ci go an abhor:lto diasaription of this inerrhantia
extew.iya husiiiios;itillaoutrit it will rrpay anyastrautior or
oltiaon to rltit Wos.t...'s'oslonuir i , warehouse ;
,N0g..1 , ,, 20 awl lilt, ItiotrOY ~1)101 No,
.stroot.'ll is' stooli of Poi'nolpn holifin4 rand yfor
noulilitut lime boon Ilion thirty' thousand
Clikkirisitylr% rams too thatiNtialcan.o..-;‘Vintagoailf
',itiln fn 1-56, 'aral ten r...a504 or. Milniraa,
ry and Ihirt \Vino, :loofah:awl Whiskay;•
.11111,1 limn; 'antuu veryiold auid . eq ual . to ally in
this count,'';, Ile also 13.4 Hiroo tars ayilars tilled with
A:c i l fill:psi:a :Ohu. Ousloinhlousa koti
ready for bat thing, Mr.,\Vollithi 0;110 :if .‘aialiappa•last
9ii.fr anion itch to one hilith;a , l and eighty thuusandjiluz, •
on, und NV,* 11(i than two rears be' nia'y be •
„qually tuccutsful with. his BraniliesArti . it'ition. • .
Jlis business merits Ilia j.af ronaziroJeyo'ry toyer of hit
,isidos. Private. thnilios who wish porn
olloan for - lip:die:ll Use RliQu hi Rend ihnir °Hors direct.to ,
'Pit. 11111 . 0 '313111 every ApQt,liecnry;ili thci 1‘41 , 1 make up' . _
noir. ntltvls t 1 101:dna:low+ fronf
,holva, ant rapines it with *Tot, u's pure - 1V I are and Lr-'
Ontler',l ml :Yr.° 1.1 - oi.rn, for :the: fu.n. , ititnotta lion
strall,deale N 1 , 11110 °Wintry_ pute up trrortott tt.littiu of
NVinri Purl) a lean, tin:l:welt ?nertlianti
shopl , l bn "rn,fif ine'tt na•eintt-hic tone: of I hougatuln or op
p onentt iu the roit.;;l,St.o ter. irloi roll nothing but imita
tion=, ntiiivnl hlike
• • • Cairn, lllinnjs,.Ttdy:29lll 1860
' 1 . C . 0 . X l';•::• •' ' '
' :•i Yptir , lmpfet . ine,'" or' . f , Pclisiati Fever
Charm)," has done voinders... I: 'wpm wholly
.rigspondent . en', npplied if, aridin :five Hours.
the el/irk:were rernoveitand • tin fever hag en
sued. tit?. simples t cnre.imagitinhle, 'am!
a wonder of natii . re •art. /.W.ofild not be
without this ~ cfinpec hie" a' singl.linut . :.
const.thtly wearing; it li.'seern: to. : . be, '4ctigue
• 111-01 4 1, '.; - 2•11 , 11;iimi1,..7 ily . 234; IS6O
• 1 have-been 'snatched froth the, giave
by 'the application of your .wonderffil
tine, or "Persian Fetet.Charni•" . Poi 'tieveria
111 ave Snlicreil ...every 'seas'oti from fever-add
atiiir. Last Spriegi, my life ;tras..threatened;
bnt• your remedy.. haS . destro'yed the. dein:ie . :
and If am rapidly' gaining' an . • appetite 'and
. . . • ..
.•. - . .
Chic trulv'wondorful preventivu and enrn - for
•Ft;vrdihil•Atine and :Billions ii•ill 'bn sent by.
Mai1,..p04 paid, rnrranoit'nfrnie -dollar:" A 1:10
foriialn at all . i - o:roil:ibli: 'Priligt:is'and Conn
fry Storos.•'. •• . • . • .
ISS Alain
'St.„)Zielltruiiid, . '.Branch 'Office,
Cobllziori2#l - Aatlress
::4 1. . J. iNETI.ii f, pEPO'I",
. .
• • .
..t v or L . :4 t reguect lot atto/othoo to tho .
cill4OllS . ih
V 16. l or eoaatrr. awl Ito
that thy aro 0014:Glib' vtatroitr.:,- awl ostotutiag lhrir
nOw eNtanli,lnuenl. ri . o.tr6c tho_
Ludy a prne .
I i 11.111 . entire Foures,q in our
awl 3 it ol,i lily to ootopitto, totlece,o , folly. with
ny . ,t,ihlislnne , ll, in tlrit ;;‘,..1 ion of the catto)try, - wo are
on 111 1i0...;-'our Ware 1.1 urns full of . • •
••.. 1 0(1
• • 01)
. .
. .
No now ki•pp.e.oli,llthily ilo 11;0111n lace a,snrfihnix o r
Cl'!:tirtri'l'ablo.yl'it•tur i N SOLS, 1 .0 1 111/.0, Dl!nliA, Runk- ,
, -1 . ., 111 .,1, 40i ,, ,,, TiIIIT:111,, i'verrtailit:::::iblolh,l:o9k:Cluies',.
011i ,,, 'Ulotiim. Coat St:m4s, 1.61 0t Mir r or,.. ‘What Nbtq,
Cott.ago c'lLtirr,' 3,o..king ' ( iiztu:os, .0..113:1. - qt, S I :111.IS.
5 . ,111,111.1 5t11144; Witqh 6t11i , 1.i, l'icioN't Fritws, T4iw6l
It.itli,, Coin 1 4 too,pi, .I•Nplii , ion Tatilbs, flat Sl.'aurla,
Palntlaaf blattrassfis,
- . Sra Grass Itlittrass4s,
- -
Mahogany , aid MiholBtered Fuinittire
. . ht g.ttiat ritriutyavitttutly. . •
SS I:i3S=4,
lap.;l:4,lade' to nrtlei.:'
• P.,1 Srriug !leis', of Efory
, •
Rost , lrtio,(l niitt
* And Q het oti'll'ari I :tild for e
. {Co • eariy ...)1 a- largo 3ra'ujitecturilig
awl eipploythe illo.t'vt•topf:taiit, i‘orkiiren.: • ' '- ,••
•-• . "
•Je . fil•)V,ll.k.'“ 1), CI. !-ic,
Oi . :111•Kin;15; pn'ilpt I); t nein thb
. .
. . •
, ..
in eoneln 4,in, B. slnt ll.l o , ,.!nr:tinfto'Anni l , ly .
I.lliA War . ,
ket with evoryflanq In our linq, ripen tlio moot.rliaqona.-
bit)(o, o , -1, hilt hula.; NI l',irni an'....xml.l,4l'neginkiv i t nt ,,i n
,tr tol; :ii),l-141,0 ft , coutirio,.. , klo friorulry, relittinipt
• tvilli'on r, pre set' e,ustomertl. \Vi im'itt.;:illiocomo.uutl.
tixarnine'tur etock'.•ll. a (tro 10..a1t.d in Um '• . ' . •
. .. . .. . .
. .
. . .
.. • .- Eilli fki RE 12140011:- • .' .
.170-,t..,i, : 5., ~,i , ,:iu, Ow Fol),Ig 1y wn ,,.... ,
~' ' • •
• 'Olealt,'N,.Y.,.N.ov.'2, 1 , •,(50.: ': . ' '.. .
. •
- • • 11
. .
A LI, pCt .
yes, indrbtrd
; Li 10 are,Wreb)i notified_ to
I.e. ;heir a eiiountlnimiorAitt t or will be yriitife." • ' OTTO.
RE.AD , !.',Rii . . , -6.i - !: -. 12:1 7 ....AD !T1
Yolqo'pry Truly;
. ,
14.espe . c .. tfully,
N„ . 1,3A liRON
.I(IFIN'..IVI T.COX •&: .00
Husk Ard.ttrassos,
IL 4r - mattrasos.
I_)I3,Y . C.4OODS'
AL 1.
L , OF 1860 I
. .
Besfquitlity, at . the lowest'prices, are flow
beihg exhibited•at the 3rammoth Sforeor
.• ' • •
10(011,1i0 14; 01,
Ve:hfive ,now on htin;ff
meat of
ovoyy : description,, with triuirtings to
match.% And a host of
1100 TS .A . NI) SI101.:S;
. . . :W.., .....
- . i
:Which wil be sold atirices fhot: trill' cause
alteompotition,ta stand basic; and wonder 'that
goods can. titoeoldat Stich pricee:'• :Eaolidepari
mant is A ii-v
tilled frith a nompletafiety of alit!!!
• ..
And ise.tekeplesure,in .. nniinn . nin to .the inf 6,4
Ajt- .
B4RG4IIVS and wi. 11 &Sok
ID Olean.
We have jest fitted ' tip aI.:AROII,apiIGOM
-1110DICIIS 'CARPET • ROOM.;?? by 7.1 -FRET,
.which is •fi11 . 61,1 Milli ia Pow - lot ot.all the LA,.
Hats, Ccap; Ready
made .clotlii.l4,7fVo,
Paper;, Win.dow
Sliade,s ;
of nll kinds; 3 . shiiling GAITERS.
anti HOO PED -Slo.lll'S' pia
All who ,wont . to. go. L IGWE
. on the sultioc,
PAST;. call hind geta,gallon'of • ,•.,
...C: , A:
.0:-..13. : ' 0.. N:....,'0: :. 1. '.l,
arid' if it does..not
. inirn 'I'WICI. AS ,LONG
as noy.other ki'iiil,}'oii'•cnn find. for sl s Out Hat
is the forfeit. • : •.
A. dolt to Olean I,villAatisfy 101 Y thiit
Nti..... 4 ~EXce.hiiii..
the' c 311.110 EMPORIUM o('. every' thing
Viat F. 5.0
•.. • • N,'...• iitrrikli:•'4 00'
N. S. lirr.Lca, . , , ~-, „ . ;. s. , ..• ,
A. nr..,Ki:;.' •'. ' •.",.. ;-.., ..,' .... •
h: w: 'GirFoßi); , '
Sept. 13, 1860
• ,
, .• • . • • • • • ••
JiAS . Tt/ Re: from
:,YOr', has perm .
In the, Tailoring busisiesa, at SmOhPort, pilaf
Would invite patronage Of .tha eit.izens , Cti? this
From his exnerienca in the business .
s tiela solo in warranting all i s ark 'entrusted
to tins care.' t'articntar. attention : „
, .
hest, , Fashions; „just . receiireth Coats,
Paiits,.Vests, &c., cut andlnaile.on short' no
tice. Chargesreasonable. ' . , • .. • . :
. .
Shop over Geci. M'ASON 3110 Stclre
Sfilitliptiirt, Nov. ,5, '•,* •
tfat-or;:ji •
, riIANK mac
• • • ' ' 'l
an E
d tho,gfandmporiuni of i‘'olyth i t ng new, Yl%
. . • I • t i! .
neat and.styligh.. Itlctit nav'the. CASH and,
want 'to bay tbiebitls -1. • •• . r
• ". '•• ,41' 11'n
67 arv-rdati.
-".,& •' 1 • !../.I.4n7.luutit
-.. • . +413
4,141 better..
1, 1 1,10 -or al ,:p2i14k,7
Pltrc? ritGul'A . l . ol7"t4l4# jcii# 3
• - df.
to you e s t the lowest possible '
figure, the ,first., ;4,7 .
price there tair'ller:lV 0 z z •
Remember-One PnPes , --N.ow, „
1131 . 4;
• ,
Mean{ April 23
. ~
. •:•:'..'., ':-.2-., • : . .: .' '''''' ' ''''''' '''''- .
• , ' , .' ... . , . -. NOIK(A,VtIi"..IINTX3?O.
. - '.,... ....• ~. ...., . .', -, .::',.....1. .-• : : .
i ;Ito : :t or t .2 4 fin t .
• ...
NEW .•
-000 V • . :.........-
..---...; 6. 7 . - :; k:, :...' .-, •.:.
• .::.. •'' -f;::' ,. .':.:, ,4 '.) ~,-..'::•-•••.:.,' •••..,-.L• . ... : ....... , . ..
.......:, •:.::.-:III.E:::.ONE:PiticE
.. ._ . .
•.,..„ ...•.... ..„‘...•'.,...,..."
.• .„,,f,0,,,,,„..,
.., ~.,:,,,f,‘,,,,,,,rn.;,,:ftiu.4.
1111 66 PLXO;-
~.,;;,..;DON'T ftim':iT
s ', 9 , P ,''l" I :11 1,1/1,1
i..;: . -.:-, '; ...it.:!;...,, , .. ',::1?,P1,.:T,,-}:..99NNA:
("REA Tip#e44lvs
I+l !:':111i
. I
iv. kJ
New Ones Mast Come And.Judiroloi-I
emse rec.
" ifq
One putehaee will satisfy the most skeptical ••
thei there is only one place , to buy first. elais •
g b °d" , at r r leltY.:1 11 /t es;oll( . l:thist*hiab-is the n_.
ONE , :,` . ',PHICf.? . .*CULATIA<:.t.4
. , .„ . •
•pi:e•pti. price' myot.amigiy,ve aafia(aea
SUPERIOIt `do6ns',l - "-
. . .
NEW FASHiCiiii; ‘, , ' . lA : i'jvi.tf;:!%: : .'ii':f.:;:;
EVERY, T,H.11,10 . )Y0 . U. WANT, AT TOE
=~' , ~~
. . . . ..
: 11::'' . .,..: 4 ,: ,,,- ..1: - ..;i0r...,):0 , :, , ,./v:,111 9: , ,i,1 ,'l.lf . - q:
lioi)sE:llll:ft.M.§kMifli w 9()ol;ili; - i;
.1,f...•: ,
. ..
. ,
, t. It( ,".'•,1" , -" . i.kt
Al'S A tsl ~ . j'si , "
-, ;,cititßy
. • .. • • • •
• ;t1 -
( 1 1, '1 11,
sort E ,
find ,goceS!en4riclibWforrpo - 0 . 7 T
beauty., durability, seperior^
, • - c("ri I ,`cf.o H:1 • 0 7 ;
mant 4!''FPf e o:;
I:'(7 1.:n1 to.v.
. .'e t ,}l.-Tfitcyc . •
, , , 1 'i ;
~ d'.':v
,~ i
~ r. 4
r;•*;:i .
'r •I I N.i!