~d,•,.,:',,,,,,,,,:..ThOkiti;oi,ttsityttly ISt!'s•critwe,l:: •': 10 , PtiO , Y'.i .- ;ii 3 Oieti ' •‘Vijii . ':iOlii ie , : . 10, Olioy ~ II; 0 ~•44 4. , ,* 7 , 6 . , , ', 1 ,;, , • • - 1 . . 111 r• !: °"A M " •lraq %ll r pt. • * •::,f o hi t in - ..,' ; :•• 4p.i Niii - pro•i i );!l•And "(ivieiliit , ..l 'l":(iiiii' , ' , iii .. 'sW ii, l );AiiiiAil iii ,, itqfk7444lp; ( . l l . ..;,:ri l iit4 cyri - ;,.,' , i0A.y.i) . !;41Vii,! tlii.i'Crtitlfii , sbiv,• J - "..:',,9l6:g:'iliol*l : ;.l)r3: l k;;'o 4 t.e.iii . rc . by 101 'r i I tl ,i t ;I fg.. '.vti,ithrett,..Mte ,fiii:•. 6 -g,.,ili , .ii re \ try v Ot. 1 he' ttii li't, ;i - ''''.„ are. 3.0.1 it . t. t rUlY , Yifii s eri hell . , t': ' ~.., , ,: 1 , ,,, •. '_ . INe. ; tal, rn ct, iR: frorn ri , „l , 2ll.,f`f;h` del! vAiefir .bv / :.. '`! 1. ;: 76. , ( nt.. E` : .1": T. 1.; S.. 1') i rtr T At trrilPit, Pit Tilinnii . : in the. tinunos. Or t.;; wI , 'case en he i•eii. ..;.Xile,.'44,di,l . 2:fd'eitiVP . ..alay: , ... • ' ?,11 , n,iinn: .. w it'. ..and l'ild'ilfl. l %•sa'kcaern W; , !`r . e . :tlr;„ver beft”r noldin,(:: -.. '.....T.11 , 11Vi1iti1 . k 0 441 - :Vitnl l., r - : 111•;, vrilitilliili• . .ilits:le*,(thel,'„Otc;iiii'Ve ;•,5..1tive1T.r4.1 is .oliedi 'epee to : coescietic . e. ' T lo 4 :ir .OIV •t . hr.y. nu , 'roe: . • ~ ...ir,i riii . o9 . 4 popposiol tidt, , anif:yielll obodinner r.,,o',,Q,l4olighkloVo .' ... , .. - .:, •.., !....e . :-,,Ali:bpii, ,, VlMebst...r. , .saiuit4lentleinnn, the If Pith m 'it ti* ' h'utr' th , 131 ' P•• h. • hi..l . .... ~ .. o 11. tn. is t.. ~ • Ito .1 , .e _I, •,•; l er,..atilt,': , th'il:Allegli Fib* nhi lilt e I , ' thda 'either:: ;'soil: vat, the.,higheilsW - ianges nti gagl'o flight ilighOr'thOh"th..e.Mghest peak. of 'tile.- Alleglia 7 -..- , It'-la cruiseienee. and 'nhthing bnt_entiscience; .7 . , ant relieitin. , not- nor pa t iin!isti4i ner•horiestv, : - ..but'ermscienee. •,' Not' thef.'inellnd,gorPl-eondi- Aioned..enristlience , ; sitrh . es .sleePs . .rd . •• night s;i) ,ht' Ghat ;'jean' raisins like - cringe 441 ..' th at ,•,'apsre,4loiir , ennspirator„ ehll nth .tnyirld in' •Ctr ' 'gar the' things that .are Cre.or's..... Not that ,eoo4lnlll fashioned ,consclener, whic . h bids its :,;nnind,ournww,diusineas,.. ear-.'our oO,n .hoiall; . mid lone nor, neje hboi . '• ns • nu i•s:el vF,--hu t `That ',lvidlern;iriiproVeLl'e..ontieiptt'o—:mnimiticent amt .....11)Ningliqf,Pi ---c, 4 rfferl wi I b.. tIT l esr'olpiihipi y • o t `•"thllliiilSTAP; whieli.hida.tis:love all mankind. '„and : 9rOt trier neighbors•; , —i , thp !don(' or: ovary, -,,co9)try.: but' :its r n* . n:" - Not : that priinitix , e oko ••• 1401onee 'which' tilentes .obedienre,fn t he_ •ollspys'ijetuhleferohee to authority, the • ohlitntio ' n• +Sitar,' otith...llo4.lho..clitt3i,or.,:illoeloOeo,..miti the, ::1111thorditiatisMolili•pfiyate,freting to the.. t) , 111- „A.;:c:lNenl4,lititi3ONt, e Vrernely , intlep.tidonheno., ~,.iifekr;;iegf*,liirli nrialre'Otvery rilln's •IRtle'lfead a, ;,::,I,ieisloriire,'llls.prepnli • ces'n•'eonst illlt . iof)f , i nil . ,- .abit't 'ollieinOtt n,',. •revelation• l-. , ' , : . ' . ~ ~, • ' 1:, ,1114r,Vosseeletielongs.folthis.6111 4itaril or: All'. ,;•foßtibitisteel clog of 'omen:- ri:crdinlist'enorts. tO ;Atitericeit Boil„ btit 'exile.s "'from :- . E.4 , ,tet • Ha II!, +tattledin thi. , Innetiatr'lri:of 'the. tabeHli cies,' . . . , oieltisealtoltbe viltsdorn'of the Pharimles, end :pi-• • nuttlVrinterit%'on :infecting ever); -11.1 . 11 y, eltos -.. btioinejsiqTbey'pre ..a , :pattuliPr• people,' i• Ily .-' their tongrie you shall' know therm brave , talic/ :,.t.ett:lof . -dangernus 'werilst. - • astute: meddlers, in : :. things. they ; understand' not-Lgogilont ,anal ~, inipty;: fluent and -fonligh.- A t hdien ,tribe'-oh ',.ihypoerites.,lttll: of the virtue that transgresses,: and devoted' to that ditoubtful snrt 'of gond which ,41antiothe dope•withOut : double the nrootint of .;;9.iiit.i . .;Philanthrephy : is their apeciality, nial'ii: • , nnly,. , exerciAe.tl on ..specittl occasions;---wheivrit *,.titin,ba done-in violatinn.of the,lnw: Their.po ',-.litica-inorat ereedi. stripped of its patriarchal . ...-phts.ses:antL.linlmy, sentimentality, 'it, - but a' .t.,triiiituilar , Uninn;of, original' sin. and cultivated '.'depravity.: :Theirs in' :a ;patriotism` neltnewl:- , filging,ne, crnititry,—a eitigenslfip ,neknowledg inrtio,allegience. .Their, opinions Pre :pare. .trnotint to all lativ,their - dogma.to all 'ditty.; . 'A g. • itatinn, no matter how impotent, .is essential • to,:theie existence;"and, to dri theM justice; .theylhavelust.sense enough to - perceive' they' ... gain; frem it an iinportanee ,pature . never . iii. ! 'tended thein to•possese . . Their public life..d4 •;Characterized,not - by a:love of their. country; ••.butly.a.calumniation of her goVernment; not '• by a fulfillment of the dutiPs she imposes; • but by an abase of the privileges she confers.. . • i . TbeYnr.cit" wiserthan their generatien.• They Aisite made Iliscoverie's .in.. morality unknown, - ....t.0the•01d.0r new 'dispensation, anti , invented imitrovethent in civil liberty. that ;would' cot - taintl Surprise the,less,eplightened •frainers of the Constitntions . it„is•,to .be reo , Jetted that 'the inflexible imperfectinn-of' our Government should conflict 'with truth- seraphie smith:omits, !ye lliat these Wo'rthy . gentlemen had .not 'a ' -MoroincoritroVerialile basis for, their' theeries, ' than sitch..unlinnited confidence in.:their omit' - AttiPeriot intelligence. : Much 'as --we may la ment; however,' the carnal chareeter' of. ; Mir ; forefathers'whammensured •by ;the -expansive, ..iditia'of these:modern :moralist's,: it .F I ill he el:hies-Mir painful duty to administer the law sellweinherft , it, , .and vindicate the dignity- of * .thegols'ernme'ntei.it exists... It; is 'the,' geed, . forfune of thes . e:exceptiOrial gentlemen:to have • -: : ,obtained sa lOfty•a•plan of ethics: , I t •is' dheir ' qtaisfortune to havo.lioen born in an era Of; to miety4aprepated fora:•praetical rev ol IA tiott of sts;first principles. Yon,• gentlemen, on- the, 6therhandOrre. , supposed to occupy p • much ~ loyserlevel of:thought - and . , action..: - nit •nre •••• • ,lattetedvitti certain obligations to 'ourselves • - ,and your -country: 'You - have notlearned .10 • - leonsidor your allegiance to, t his • governMent as iineoinpitiblefrwith ' your''ilUty •-to. 'God.' . Toil -still' total' some: remaiiiirig reverence of, the liwa'which•protect. you, and, some'..respect for • : - .thoConititntion ender ..which-jou - Proaper.- 4 - • lOU itave'noriernttained* 'the t ' refinement of ~ .4enetitty Whtah diirtyths the peaCe.' .: , • . -. , What would 6eo:JacksoU say if he were now living U. , TO the Pinith he-Weeltl•stiy "Pruitt.," .• and to 'the, North lie *Mild :say,. ~, virle bark."' . ' I TO both tieyoold say; live 'ere brethren—ex ... bank:4ll hontrable. means• to:settle your dis•. „ . • li r ~ - . Outs.. e pre you'-ini.hrne -yonr • hands in 'each ~.....'clthernr,blo'od.l 4o. , ,W hat.woold- l rfr.''Clay say? •:: .11%4011d say, . 1 5Rentlicky, fornids distinion':-:, ••••pl';Th l ion .ieli• tihysical, lumoral,' a •pol it ictil • tieelesaiiy.. 3 'The dreutn of sepirate State.intle iiiptalentiele a drearrtOf blood and of vile depen . • 4.lenee (in' foreign; poWp.-s '• ilia' dream , of twir ' oonleilcitaeiels is a•dream :of, border wars,:ef op:: 1 :Pressive taxes, of military:, rule, and at last of . IlespOtisirt. 'Settle yobidill;.trences. TOtrean, • s iiii . , .faikiii m it o , - : :Better: g iv.re'time now to do if.than to' Offer ,th'd evils or ,!'isunion 'through' , air timW:iii fp riii.." ' WOuld,te' ti'cl • that "these' noble tipiritic*WeiO'netWaitionWris; They wOillir teltihe'Moith the triithi;toril urge , th,e'.North to .: dei_iftifitlie y i tbei*nild .':imPlore • the'. South to . -pifitee",s,`titid tO make 'inii'e 'More effott to*Obtain hei"ileitit ''arid s tei'ai'ntaiti... her, 'honor, it,.h the Unltip!.lV: C."Seisu4d.ilei.. , -. . .. . njipOihtnient tHb kontlind. bk pv . . l Curtin, is on 7 sunitic44'l.Tifo .1.16n4i ",.Eitl!'fankll4', 7 4iielresir ISr ,;) rpomis`itnil William 'l , lloftie"Ciiiritnisslatiirs'sver'e" to 'mkt in' Wash lirthe'.ith day pf Febrvay. W4ll l ?6lfid ,l ntlf expected 4y, leoaktig itquili,thlit Gov.:Curtin *mild haile selected 'at Jriliit,twolesdins , Demociatt'ff o n the State - Won, 11114 and iiiiko'unditfr,;;Stateo; whether ''the appointment fiiith'Oi'a Mere 'l;y 's(i -t;••••;sitinl4Sioil of her' totelicist ;il;:4loloif:ifiii3 2 *"iij,i'l'Afi/.24oiiraCi r ilfsetti' over Atiffeafiooigc;:;;hfis.'iliiilkl;,..ptie 'quart 'of n fief • • , . . l'atypkwl..etter fr0::::,....1101pt. 1.kirt,,,,:,., ... .. ; :Thi' tiiireioiiii4 I'll I s 1 'Art ,!1!‘ I (7+y nit putlii.Oies 'O. ' 1 1 I.iiltioliii,Lt ', , .10 4, - I.';.litlllll'..St•tiotttr _ifi g .'ler:-..lo'ti• le tttill'ef .11Ft'!it,'c i i!: , , , , , i .: . t:, „ :: ..t. . ;:- ..;.,.t... : .. [i ' . ...t . '",42' .. ..::' k . :*.. / ,:r. Sti:'A'....--t- '1 , ..0 elf: .t I : A . : '-1 i.:eritiot , q u : ...c,n itlizltij.i•oji.” . ,:t.ii iicw:Fl, s it e,41,C clitt Urt, I t tit • :'l.lit•, Su ait„kif . cattri4.t6ttfc..y,' e t irtitto•t:9ll(tr, itt • le'rio §t't,'"iiisll,l,;=, ,- 411Ailn - rki; : lett' , o .ityitt . r.;:o (lie .14tii iif ':ll,;ftriti:. r00',.. St. ..‘,. - 61.*-7i , , , :,;:tia. 10: . t1:0 ,rt,ivot tiit: tvittt:tilll- el Itity.rHs.' . Fil, I ! ;r- , 1 , -; lii p . 'her, ;lest it) . .);i. - At...ti'p't'it,'lt'i" ..;',,tt-11: , -it....yrtti ..pr , :.ti , t; tyitll :flit! 't nit.pt) ' . .Sttit: ...s.tte. tyill _.. T oyi l it,,,nol ippa so r::-::.or II:150:i t:.:vicli I. t!r ! ti ,•Cor(:,' tipL..l o, q , mot in,firi I 10:—Ifqii.t Jl,O 1 . t I.f-y,..wi if iii 110 ..n . d.i;',. nye ttp , t ttd. lty.. itt e :rot coo . r.:ial . os .: . 11:11•4:. .I.Iii!!-P.:-,• .I , :ctiloi.ni a Il• IIP: :Norm) prop(; h.i,t liiii.r been .:sot::::itl: .f,. .:41, - ,r, : 4; i:p . lii•l.C.: wi;lip z f o al' t;i • -•, pr p o 1 . tpi01,t0,pitt : .::13611.0(.: he tj:l'll!PrY--.l';.`' ..c?• : .: . ::i.k . frfsi::‘ T i..y. nrilh sttstoll'Fiti(*, and t;xeitt -, t lik.lt:,,prl .tlivr. 011'1.1) 7 . t.i!!!... , -.111 , !i: AV Wl' Cotili . iil-. icipflft. , itii:i 171 ill. i".'s :1'g,:ti ! :::4..1 . 0.1 , i. ..o.:_t:'!ressio frolp -1J : (-: 100.11'; -;'.1!,10:, F 01.:r 1; q . i) r:11 . i:... Cr i ii'? t . litli• it sli! 1,t'1,11 jt'rrritt, --t, ipl'i I 'll-‘ll,! . tir.,rra ttitt . ti . ..,. It i:r silniilv..Ayb 11 trillt. hr, ( 1 ,071(, it 9)0 gt.t.lett',.t,ptt iatrt., ...,Sltt\tv.ry,...xyi ll.itt; t.st on tt0 , ,,§0,1.101. sitli:r•t'ti. tlttttlitr, tniti,li-..itit tt.ti itt.' 0 , 0 ,iiCt h.: ip:: f: si:4l.:: -IY4Y;tlot:'rn.oo: . .ll)i": ,, ii...iOp . lo9,silvt: the :15:60ii. :1 . to, nll .. Npas ‘ t'.4tt ? . ,ley tit is, tlitt.ll . -,ollh- wilt ';;e; 01in,u.c.., 0n,0,0n0 .( 1 ,,,,,-,e..iilitt: Qithd '4 , 11 . 11 - 01 . ', d'.il' ll , l le 5P1L1011.).93!....';i0,00():, - No toppir,e„svool it Tiiv , .it 1: , I the :;:ovilT, to - ,;,; . . Them, .1.6',n0 it t tt - t•tthtttin, thit Pclittnjo tit'itt'ttrid in i',...at.y ..010....0f the :.::',0;11' pti • Ctit'tt. - :..l'lttt' S!talttit it I.) , •ttlitotar}L.fittt•t; held , to.tho;titP.'ll . it , ,i!.ol' it toll4it.tii it.ittil right -tti t.tt. jni 0 -rit?,i . .ctf . thin 'ci.,:orilo II . ",r 1::::::1, iori t. $... ' , 1 1 . 4 .. 0 lb.. 1/.111/11 . c4 n'.,: .ennte, oll,;,1• • for: h,: ;.:,!: t 0 , ...,(.70:;p.c:5 , , t o illi) : Or ! it . 0: ~ r y. iii :Ii! t,11:; '.F,I : i to: ii4i --AO MT. D:.•1:,,11ti.; Pri:1 . ,.114. 1 m,r1y . 11 : 11::. - ciPiti`loo ! l' id: 'tip:l . lodt : l:l.',.•br i io r .loi ~,vi e re. i nly.. Tl,:ii prop: (.il L itii,:n ni,,Or, ,pi, it 1 011:101. i 5 .1w: I ili , r, the:ripe ,nor the .rdittti• : loii.ll-6.pi;ofio:,-rs - ,:o dryl, l ,- 1 1 1 .,,,,,;.: ht i,.: a T eri,,,pll:lll 0,1 r t t ti t t‘r, t hr t ivim . toldw . , ,NVll.l!re 1 t hire.. ii;l .'ryi'a 0 j r!!!. t ., (...q II Lt y.,b:: .1.-Killi sylos:. . 1 .1'11 . 43 . Tijs,p•tibricali...,pipzlit.to IPtyri pcc'opte.:l' thi.s l'ii.,d lii.rcfr,;nt:loll.4.,,ittr.o. ••• Ottf.'titit3i :en tti . Mai 11;41 . , that,: 111;,'...p.f;rnlit'(.11. ilte*Citijtott :Start's. Itati 141;eititttl than s:lo.4.try , fit'ttilt.lt , t. int tirtli tittl . it) .114, , Ter. - - rr ritp,rieg. ,antr•tl6 , ..cOlll4 pot , 1 -.1,,q50 , : bar 11 0 .0..., ' • \''''' '... )1 " '. • ' I 1' 'ti . I ..• ,i c ,.„..: . 1.,,5, u ,,v ! rpp y, I, : at : ,r. ..menln s•,:iis :1,!-1 . 1::101 i n ilia p;iiiiint ,i,,i1; ,, i '.' ~ 0,1 yot: : s,.i : f,:op:i tint t11.114i..5:a1p5,.. .1111' ; w: NOhyr proptstt"to.Pet-111:::-point by It pceliin ituary Ftiy'iliO shotl:l.-ft;t• 'lrt Ittlitl),itt till sevg!it.t.F3tntit.,ti.n .tittfi , :rrnipti \vbc..tlitir - Crynr,t(ts. sluttilil stilimit..lli'it. liropit , tA a tbilutirri4tis . .for . , , .. ..... tt . he:rtit.iticat : Ntit of 1 lir- Stot.(s•; . bor, '‘..p lit(, 00(11 hi:: 111:1 I),:e'n .14:1;:ct od;, 'I ts .6p . 5i . ..102:11-(iott, , Y , !s . ':lefe.a!e.l.:l.kitiliy 'ns ,a4ttlittg.t-Ittt .Paeifte,alt,tilL rood.', ;treattwltiltt; 'Snit. , tt'i't(ti• St rite . is. Ittaving are P'91(41,.. 11'0 001111101i , te.t4pdrioioti, 11 , 4,1ility. and inflamin g . tllO 1011010, Fp iol. . How loP:z 1 1 vi.l li. : lr can II,..11'ver!011 0 .17oil only 1c0n , .% , :'. • I lio,ps it may ntivor ctiistie,; Am{ ..v.tt 1110 ill itourlf tjp. : prtAtt;nsloit .01: Its pia1it0 . 1111..... :,,, -..' -.• s • .... ‘., • IVIT.Gi:vm . „ „ -11.itinct:mt:vo f4i•nle:sip.-,Abolitionism soeins folio getting-inte liall • . (idol.; • riyon in Syracuse,ll.lirre:it :has all. long reigned Supreme: - 'An Abolition Convention, tinder the feed of :S,V*A:N 11, AtiTII(II',..BPV. S.Ol rE r. .c,111".],r awl ethers, was tallipd• ill SYfill'llSC Pin' t lie 29tli nliJnin., . A large iimber.or',the, moat' innurntial,.cilizei:4 of•allelds'ses; p9l.itied arid avOcatioips, Pla termi led that. SlracifFe shoidd run tergerhediatrlacid, by thisf . 'A belitionists. P. , ; - ) theft 'assembled ,iiinl o took poliin r t . h . , .11all their WtcOy . . ,•ises, . - ah-r "iiig -- "SYraeffs.e Mast, rede' i rt ils,rrplitafion..'. They organized a rnlieting •and elected ,Ifiy. D. ;'i: OfiPir. , r , r, t ',bail - nide'. • ..... •'. :, - , • • , 'li,. , Oaowrr.aser!Sded.lhe plAffpirm amid vo sifelon'Seliceri no. and when pidi.r was:lestop - y.l roade,lin effective: speech.•• Ile aikido& to thr feet 'that .Sirn rose .bad.been .1. 1 arnpled upon - for" years. by A 17alition!sts,-:a . 1111 he ivas. - bappy•4 o'. 'ari'e the:peeple now 'rise. in l heir. might to r no-11 oat treason in • the:i midst; • awl inanifoSt ii 'lts :position' to SlV.l.l . ll(!.contral:.CN , from further disgrace. • lie trim.ed that•the .I.Tilion might, yet-lio.pre#erved, and i hat s 'his Sae ilwrip bretli 'fi;ti wthilit.i.eipeeve• these cobser'va five 'demon sprations•ns• the olive , branches of -the forth, anirbis'Wil • ling to irstore.'theloved and Ins - ill) 'tbs. bright •gala - xy of States: . '' - , -• . ... .. The' . Abolition 'leaders. al tempt 4 to sttepik,' 'lint Wero.'•hisspd down; and 'the iionservallVes f lpp.t e d, by piedampition ; . : pi Serie74•ol patriotic resolutiOns, ono or yhjell was as follow :,.'" - . ' .'nes o /iii:!,,That Weliereby trotlqr a Ril .accord to'otpr Southern' brrilpren all their' CM) ef i 'lli ional rights, both in the'.St ryes and i'nlheTcryilaiies. The indigniinf A tiol itionists• called - in 't he_ Po- . lice, bill the Captain of Police, him:solz', Ite :publican,. being called.to• he slant, . sisal:pi lis follows :: ' ,1 6:.titlerisen - IferSoris In the' .slreet'stimmoii ., ed - ppe •herii.' .t 6 keep Ma peace . ; but I 'see. no ... IrOublr- 7 iiveryiltingis.,'ipliet, .an.l. netting of *mobocracy. is ,in' your inidit. 'lt, i's.i)ot toy l ti air kise: to.disturti "yoni, delibeidti . ous, ..1 see . noth. Thebut thezitietes t . order',litid unieril - good feeling In this in . tbii..bcty. of my ' fellowl•citi .Po.l". '.• ' '' ' • • '. . the:Chief tuns lomlly . applandeil... • . So the Al olitionists'had to va Mose the ranch. The•report of the meeting thus conclu d es : • • Th . e cixcifeinent tn . • the city is most itif ens,s, an'il tinder no 'clictiMstonces'. eon .an Abolition polivention• be 'field heFe..• No local police .or niilftary,power can secure the . .fanat ics a-hear : lug they attempt an .orgitnizatien..to , .2A NT'Y'r ft.l3ol.lTlO'N'lS.Tij.:—The. , , impbo ( Goo' no v arrr. says that a. black.: bar . : . het;'' free 2nebro of 'thia. city'llas written to . IGovernor Brown; ofteriri to, raise a carmany of fien telore'd men,, to be enlisted in, the, ser :viee'of the'State of. Georgia in',llle.prpsfot cri sis. ile.'servoil in the:Jodi:ln :War of I 0.0, and ' ,Still Rams 'ocenSionally frOrma wound 'received 'ln that campaititi.. . • .. •'..• • ' . : • .Should' the Black Reptiblieans peri•ist in their war.policy.anil drive 'the - two sections of the ;c6nfederacy,intd they will be wo full-y disappointed in ,thetr.expe.ctations of. help from . the nitroeS o f ..the':gontli, be.th Ireo and slat. The negro'g • estimate of Abolition • Itaracter is very lois', and his local at ta ehMents ,artd . his pride in his master's family•are, strong.' his most cheriShed sentiMent.— Fos :master's — kerne is his linMe, arid: from hiS i n a l „.tetoi prOpe'rti he . derives lI'S suppOrt.' Ile wilt f; glit for theoi, if it should be necessary to ! g ilt hi9'Qsetvices..int6. requisition.: The negro enough 'to know that AbelititMists 4111 'not ilriPlide hirrf with . the. means or. livin g ,. money'nr , honses or -lands.--L.- T o l e eadie.o t jkliers and .t . fifilz,ht side by side, e iti a or . the . s A 'roo..bannek . with thi;ir masters,' i.i , otild:figibe'her co irt .• tlie , ,...outhe 9 ne,roes aliffi pl .. pride and . e . 'xiiitatioo.• Borne .would, of. &itirse; the . opport uhi tk to escape, from''servi'tuile,: No.iT, v. ve9ture .4 . o'say, auotdil take up arms, agginst. then' Tag 'ter's: Their • lihert a WaY-:tlian . bY ti liking:;' Should the SOutlilie'inVailcdi. we . really believe that, the stra filbrri the blackßepublican , a ftny) purl nli small•parties;.won li flintlllui..r mbet'iltto, umbng . the , 'would - Make it th6ii. btisin, ,, ; to slay ' .Ibr...th,erni. • , .• 'F lln lit.r~l tr popt:. .(.1 Sf.a . i; .0.01.111).11i11tIN. : 1! , y-..1:114 , 10 61! t t.io . ,tka . r!'t;r4' 14 ;ri i)oitct 1;1: , all• Idl - ..; ..i *lnt- , ) : ;Y0 4 1 ,41 • !ii). izr co!tputi , .. , ippor:!... • . . . . :i. An atnocnlnnoit '0: 'We (7onsiilli:o,4lll !hall iint Ssl2y , ;)*V . 'la: .thn of .17.0 . 1.imhii14 lllrsothsoat or • t!,lniii; ;11)11 of fileji.4?plii.of the I)istrjet, and ox: er)t that in , t(lre ro slavo 01.706:5 . ;'a IP!: Shit nr.,t. a hol ish in. 6'cm tlo.rn yap . fi; 1114 ;shall 110 t :Ipferiefl! ',W,Ol\, inler„Slityt , ` it' Tirn ., ..ndtn!,.nt Ilia C. Arvio . ap ;41511 pfo - potitally::(Atohil)itod• • that a ran . Hie i•KiSling i les; all Noith.n( , awl - ill, all:14oftliiol . .•1111 linrn shit 11 . .pas4 any law a1 ., - uoy inrinncr 'inlet.. fri, , 'n 'and that 'a' fto'fiinl l y or • SiN ty •I nLIS . MIII squa . 11 - 0 . 111 . athl .a• pop.illation: aqua] In Lb... I at in Of •, r,preshoafion •„ . Shall aiii4Y•for ttrlaiisinn. it shall atholt 104 ; ..it .0 p.IIO it lit ioil . • •:, •. • • • . • . •, d'flicsn .cgniiroludilluMricTvos•its--ju fliirdind giiiiet+lii• • AS I!pcig[W,l .Cll 7; Ck‘lll‘e pow : Fes , : Oi i i a - ci o hit ion. and, ititimmildii AVM 1.,* -Ili.; tr).l4iun ilaVe 110 t . ilOlll4 soiar action.. is Hc essn.ry t . .Vir , !(!t, • North' NVonlil them, i'f,tliielio4l9 could diat?e 'the op : p oc t flpoll . 011;1 . 0)1' , 11(0'1111A y s 511;11f o given Iliat it.is now demand-: ed 'front Coiti , ress‘.. • '••• • . • 14 connecdion,:a movement in:V if a Oiti r. f,l ray; s at! mit ion, iwllich ' of. th Ow lila to'hod •I he mission of .?)c • -PITS1(1011t ,Tylor•tO i0.5. , .A116ii s , rollOs'y's: ;; • .' • • rid, t here, ipip;stlbo, some :definite nod til.muont or ,rpiestion Ilia two s' , ..erions Of 'the. cottutlY,i or. a •. . . „ enipprnmis.i, « ithlA m•• 1):!• , is 'for .a i.iir .and. feels she (110 , 1 . : '..• • hr appoominit M coir9misSlak'r ( . 0 dll 'of di , ' Stjc.lll,l ' .6) .• the 1411 . 111:1t ITl , r , 'sollliti • the action itt Virginias,. s olid •a • ieipnuse:ll ,thiSinCasOrn of concilMi lord, • . c , 4: A•strioo. , . ;0 , 1),..nj othe Federlil gov,or9- . l opiit - to st.oy its. , ..htind ar il avoid' :111 act s which roOy 1 , nt . 1 to a collislop.,•pPivfinz. i.he: irp.idititioli . of Virginia: •-• • ...: -. •. . ' '. . ...ip:i.,. A. rrappral • U . ) the . .... o:iiing •:tarq Yo, 'prf , .E'l'.'V't! t1ir,,rxi..7450 , 4 s int iis.,. a nib:also - to. abstain • , .. ficnn all'iteis wliii:li ',tiny preiciilitate. :a (10111-' . . . .Thoro. is on c!'frine to •irhich .the,..Reptibliean 1 . 11:1Ko up their tnirrils, that C611C.!V7 Si(11 . 1" , 1)Q.111iile to the satisfaction of .Vir ginin "a nil 111 e: othei: - eonservatilie ,Strites, or i: ,, volution: embrace every . slave State • and become inrnrable. • , . ^ 111r.1;.rtnc; rw"rtin •bratocltATjc STATE EXECIT -1:1 DemocritticStat6COM- Inittoe niot.at'llarri'sbliriz,..9ri. the 30:h Ot. jb,n. Nyelsh,Chairman,,,cialled the COmOlitieO to oraer, • ' ' ••• • A selret CAnntnit t:ee of seeen- ivha -appointed t.oieport o•ptettrnhlo and re:;oliiiiiinsi • Alfera htiet recess. liltimtnittae made the -was adopted•aintini . Won.ltEA , ,..l . lli'!. diglllefribertne'nt of tbri:Unlim, by the;w4aliawaLitl • Cite slavebobling States, Pro'gresr,.:ltas been orcalitonr&by a ,depa.Ctni tt, fro to tbrt .Democratic construction, o'f•fho.cot sti•tuCton of file Upitott States; which bolts tithe Cqualtty:of rbe'State4 of the Com, Mderacy,".. ih,r . e . spect to OM, pci . sOns and prop, crdk, to lot a Itimlirtitentaf: pfinoiplO ;of . such ConbtittitiOn,. mat by a contemplated: abandoM meta of -tlin'comtervatdco %Democratic, ri,)liry yearg* . pd . sek , tho 1 - 141)tti of the .Stolegi'? and tioveofriNl . the J . c. , torifces..artd capactl les:of the people b' Deptocl'otielegblittion the. whole ,cmoitcy'to; an 1111 . M . C1103 of prosper . ity . and re-• . • .. • And wharena, A • 'speedy -re . optition of the patriotic couirs,ila. and conaerrative policy' of the I)n s tnrieradic party in the . adininistration - cf die . .Federal . (3Cveriirpent, by the people of Penf)... aylvania and of thii 'other. nonralawebolding Statda, is .the.only and - sure means of 'efferring. a permanent -reconstrbetion of, a dissolving Con. lederacv.- . ..ICiars'a,' The,orgnnizstion of Dem ocratic party of Perniylviinim.. hitherto ”the ,KeyStone . ot 'the Federal Arch,", no‘V''hartno nious.,•.poient and animated by a lofed"of try;;tind.ol the trite prinaiples of the. ConStitu-, tion,is entirely conmetant, if called into iinMe 'iliate action,' to. reStiaiti 'threatened sectional vielenco and to maierially'aidin reconstructing 'flue federa ave. system on ahasis'of perpetuity ;* ."../44//vao', That a Dernocratic 'State:ConVen lion, to' consist , of three train each ,Senatorial and. Representative all, three 'lninilreil . and' !doily-nine in all, be held in' the, 'city of idarrishntg, on Thursday, the' lot day of Fehrtiary ne*t, at l o'clock: in the afte'rnoon.. rsolritl., That the, several ilistrictl are here by- earnestly invited to take, in- themanner Most. agreeable and convenient to them, proinpt anti efficient nicasitres:tO insure a fup,' fair and •Üble 'representatiOn: . : • Rosohleit,': That the Chairmatrof this Com imthediately, n copy of these res ., ' . oltitions'to the Chairman of each Comity COM •mittee;. each absent . member 'of this COMniittee • and suctl'other . Democrats as may be thus con 'veniently. and promptly' . reached ; and tharte aid in andfabilitaie this matter, -each member of: this ComMittee.furpish the Chairman' 'with the saris and.addresiis-of Democrats in his district.- • 2 ' ' • . 'Fite:Committee then adjourned. :• ' .• (olurriltiad ist:a h eavy, gins, capable projecding 'a. solid shot or shell; with adarg6 charge of.'pdwder, - at an anglO otprojec- . fiOn'pr,f rorn degrees below, to t . abuve `the hOrizon,t it !nay he said, therefore, to corn-, bine tile csientialunnliries br itio - g un; tire how and the rruirtar, and may be used in place oidither one: ordhe other of thesopiere's i'nfica .eu'asOletenee. It Apes iii its exter; mal , shape from ordinary, seaceast. cannon, At' - present t here' . in use io per service, viz: Thc; : eight and the ten int h. The former. NyeighS about ;100 pounds; the charge of powder 1.0 'pounds; ihe 9lidishot pounds, and the Onill.ll:lpniinds: - -The latter about - 15,000 '110(1116, ,the Charge of ppw,kr.l:6pounds, t —hot d .pounds, Ind the shell 100.potinds. - ;" . '4l.l.,'tith:o . .fi,oll - 02,..pciiiono.: (tit PaliNaty r*:1801: • . • • ...D.E.31 . 03:11.11 r t lc; Al Errisol,‘ In 'ttc.toritorieO «'r1(: 1110 ietiOn , ol.llie e 61:inti•nio‘, 'Otterirl t 116.11:4ov:1 in Snoitlipor t.'on oyon6z tirxt—,lll:; 110 If itiet fOr 'fit Lona - 111e sto 01:11S:rottion... to he' held at . . . risbtn, on .Tliu 21 et, i.11 , 1t • • • ; • (.r6. orilor of .coooly Cot iiiAttle )! row,Nct(lp tlic! purr. ti'aVet befnie the: pep . ille, held .catteuse - s ti • ndmiiiate trt see . tir . f.t it itortion Of this '‘vottil'ltavibttert cans in t!te, 130filligh ,pure Its _the freliti:votes sit ftrtatiqt:tlie Court lieu 'in. (1:1nt; : pe!1 plat tbcirplaces filled with afrkitzli.t l (tat t wo . tir4 , 4s r . 7 p. itisipti - Int Drinner:al . 4 trt:yotri 7 att,l a :, cs't ReOithlicalts, • Abotit, three: u'dnels : ite .11tinte, Grata ant tip a: strait ht staialiaz tlitt'.attarp practii•n.'sticeetalitil:iti tite 'r r yeate:rno . rtinitr.if it,'as .• . . . . . , . . ii.ol.li Cilln 'ILI'S, 101 l Pl' i—.)V Al. G I r t'rigi , co. AVI:11- . • . , . . • • . • sTcr , .; . ..las..Bond. - ..- • . -.•-.. ..., . . - '('nyt vi" 1,1;• -1 . ~r ,. Cir .1.1 . 1. N ... :. . ~. .- • ' . ' ~. ' Srlo6l. I)i.Perto:rY-20. ..K..'11Ai7::i....k . r,.5, C. 11 yrn.:. .:. . ... . . , ~:• • . . . . . . .. `.' :be (1,44 . ?f. , 7?1,:4‘ iy»is—H,. B. li.).n , i- . : '• ...'. • .6/.sivetnr.e.r....s. Siti;1;61;:;;,:\ I-. (";-S ids , :i..- '.. ..".roiwt Tr'rd,ii).o , -- - -- WAi.. A c.;.i:r:. , .: , • ~ - . .... • - T0u, , ..n Clei:4.- - -.1 . , [3:. civiATr.'. - . ;..'• ' •.... , :41 , e , lifol'—.A. - $, ! 5y...i.it... ~- :'. . • , ' •-' .. .•, . ..41..y.ii:sa - p;-- 7 P..GrillyN, - ... -.' : •-. _. • .. - .I.4sistrili4 . , .AstNefsors—A. .11. C111;.17,.. C . .. (...... \V ii!illf.• . ..... . . . .Tlinse; . name's 'in sAtit.r: t3re• ..supr;r bv eent - kc Fats. . :•'• • . "In the licoroirg . h the P,.eptibli ns were sn:hoie. les , iy ilt,thisWpii(ls thrit they no elfeti Sleej'any oilleerex6er;t.an lespeefr; felt co'h, tCh.twilhethselves'iryhtimi,fortletith . e'rats. • • '))liner, of fills- 'week ~rood • natdrilly . : the..tineipeeted honor, of 'being .elected to Ihe , cfafand Ineraiiep•officenf•Town we_ eol gratified :for t his evi dence of ipprobalion.ori the Tiart.or the peppin oflieniing township, We; object to being coo. , sidered 4‘lucki,.".• •. .1 t- Wits :sheer arnusale'l: 'tbatWon In:oppoSi floe th.t 'out' cofild against'us, TO' sball. sfrilre . hy• strict attentiOn ; to the daties ol •'t he .o']ustify the.goOd, opinion 'entertained by our friends; • • • • • • • ••• •-• • • ..• , • In this'connection 'we• occasion .to 'can, gratulate dne•of the ttblishel:s,,of the Ariner on his flOOli fortune' lri• obptipitiv— A n . 011j63—001 . 11- . from . the people,b.tit irofn . the county ComMissiOuerS. l'Snmeideri of the, f,,tn e s fi of the office•may be dbiaiiled train tie. ' fact,tbat 'copipetenf: inert, who had' rixperieuee . in the affairs of ;the. anent y—of whicli'he• is . em. tirely litelcingotTe red to'perform the ditties at just one lint( the stMi,Nybich:the prnsont •,:q:l3ur : Coorkty give him.. action *of the . Repilidican COmmissioners seetns to ' , prove our 'o'o'hs tree in ..re:garri to' the . e : s•penseS - of tha county; : neither-of the two CotranissionerS. who .thus make o.Vonn • .4nurfrol dollars of the- people's money, le the pebliShOr'of a 11i.... !publican ivot;'..l be guilty 01qt:tab.:fin 'of liberality. Wit finds; even to pre; vent the. peper.. - rorn ''going down," as was ht_. ged in the present case. ' : _ll .ConiiTte JfA.sit.—=llecent ,dcwt4op .tnen ts.httye •shown. that We were tright • geAiriig that the public' he tint toi pia: 'iilge6tifictli4ie9 in. the -sonntiness'(if . tliis ipso= 'A^lnsge.quatitity, ire unde.istand;.ol the new bilis . 'were already. signed ready to be. ttirnWo on the pplii.icbut before' thiS , ':was ef fected,-tine oft he 'relrable, sonhdipractj6al nese ineto (Vide 4 - 1/i;ter . Ol 'the one whO : wasycprespnteti as afrordiq, - the• cash oasis, lids "gone ghd what propertk, he had' in the' cotintk,. :ns 2 , wel I as '' elsewhere : , ins 'been attached.-.-We;understand the friends-. b(tite-:Bank do not: ) . !.t despair of getting' it on : its' feet atiain. - . • . Mercer; lately declared that rather.than'cbm promise he ,A.o,ll4.4re ? tter:upo n tck, ; ',/; : yry . r, 0 IT ant! c:z.cr,ifie . e '. Out friend of the..3Tiner will now have :to take a baek lent as he otilf:Wanted sr•c teltondre;l.tieore sntrl 1 Soulkturu 'were settled. We shall look upon'. our . - bor, hereafter, as comparatively . .a rnihl, con servative, harmless Uein;,, Arr...T11931.1ti 1.110 Z; of Keilti . Li; t O Wnthip, wishes us to inform the citizens ot ,l+lcKean 'county, that. he tql cheerfully and . charge,,afford,anY information in. his .posyc.t, to those:about to plant otchards. • • . • -' 211 r. I.latlison hits . experience of twent five•years in fault•growing, and has consulted :the best authors, and farmers . would.' undoubt edly consillt, their 'interest' advisin,g . . him. • • ;,• }loin WATcrt.- 7 The recent 'rains, with the 'ineltingofthe.snow,.have swollen streams to n , high flood; at this iioint they are higher than they have been known for yearsi. From he: low we learn that ibe Wateris ' . very high, al-. though" atlastaccOants; . it had not,reached the fighestpnini.:, We exlieetto.heat of damages b.eing done to bridgeaandroadsi,aa well as kis s of lumber and othe'reiposed lirepei•ty: .A Coiur.+Nv..is•novv.b•eingfbrthed toy the pur puseof piospectinli . for the vicinity Siriethpinf.•• • :One . -balfithe . requisite subscrip' . tieiti have already been 'ob'tained; From; the indict ions here:lbouts,,lea& Ustd• anticipate a • successful result to ,the tindertal . cing: .Thos‘e wtio wish a share , in the ciiterpriSe sari beceurie ii ent6eia . by applying. • at the Berineti . !louse,. . it; -. w,;;;', ;1;; to Peru 71t, rr. '1 'lt? .(, pT allort rillihlll6t'pa!i , tNvitla:t ntlins; IRepullivaiis.. rive; y , • 01. .1:y . 111..p . t.ar0 II MUT,- r. A rril,t row! lot: a . 11 - m.lf ' , if. ability aryl.malls - ve • t?1,1; . (.' 1511 . 5 air}' I" , ;%\'' do nI-,tlkr 5;05: 1115 (111v ; ir: 141' f•lf 1111111,-Ii„ dots Ineniber-7(nnii) ' i:nalkty; (hiss-1}• prnplerl by ' Qm,11:01q, J was,..s • ;Irpfltla t 11 , ; into. Lut lit , I'a In exprt;i•qigl • h.? 't 11a • ..Kliclaappii,e, \ i kein of, v t iho fill of.l • iis Ilan, • of . 13:.rin. 11 . ri! . 'llOl% . 'ill , lly . llli , reprPieiiti'll . ...s. l hcise • whose vat r - . 1) I lloproionl tiVe fron ' l ~I,ol, l kia 'can Lc ralrel work. ‘‘'il Itille.l) , :mocra op it T-1 - 4 es'etls, tin Fi!v - eilt :(li , At ... Is , .0))161 I ni) . o oilers ' i 'll.O Tit) I,li n.vo of s litry11:01, roads a Lr'on,lstton .,, t . lit lip 1 - a.; gore 11111 , :r:r , 11 .4(it it. the . .Pvi=nnat Jim ' 111 lilyjreinnirirtit ~t , :j.!.,!irtor4. 9f I ,yl vap yo . I efiti.t i trouitr, IPavr t s l.F•t,rty . hpity!..- 7 , 1V: Y. 'i'vihre),f; : • T:ii= . laliigiil