INIIMI COII~~Y • • ' • • . ..__ , ....___ r _____,____,________ . ~ .. .. • ~ . .. ~ ' . .' . . . , , '-.-:..,,,..... .. .. . • f ~.,......,,,..... , .- .. • M ' •'' '. . . . .. . .• ',•'. .. .:-..,:' .1.1...''' -. . • ... . .. .. - • . .....: 1.-.. :: E•.......- .•.... ~, ...... . ,•.......•..„...,...• ........ ... .........•....... ..•.•.....•.. .... ........ ... ..•......•• •. VOL. 3. beinofrat' PLIIMISIIIID LYERY iIIUriSDAY DIORNING, B. OVIATT, IWK.EAN COUNTY, j'A. . pikElt O,F•IIB.LIC.thtiIAII.E TERMS: - $1.50. Advanca , ,• Rates of Athiertising lookimr ! ono y0ur;:...., ... ••%. r • It •tt It• Mx'. months'. " •• .. ... ...... 'One iiiiiutrnaf 12 lintio Bach Hubsequetit.insortion" liusinenn Caro, with t.. Rule or figura work will be double'tho kboye . Twoliii lines 'llrevior type, or eight lierti nonpareil, Ic ra.tertii rquarO. • . • ' 17 . " . 11 Terms wilt bo gtriotly ;Whore . il tc...Dl • , . . . . . . . .: ...:: Businc,ss' • . 313untorp :,-;.. 1 . ' ". - BtPiNETT•HOUSE, . .. • ... istiethport, Iti'ltean Co . :; Pa: E: S. MisoN; Proprietor . - -opposite tho Nutt llnuse. :Knew, large, c9minodi '" ' , ous and well , furnisbed^liouki. • • •;- : GEO. H. MASON; . . . . . . . Deelet in; Tin . ;Wore, ,Toppned Ware;'•k c::;.vreet : • - vide of the .Publio• f . ...hlitere,. Solethiort...Pn.. .Cuetorn. • irerk - done to order on the• stiorteet_ uotice:ei4dlh the ••. 1mi:110.140,80:1W:0 manner. - . •. ' ' ' - . • DENTISTRY Dal M. A. SPRAGCR.:WOUId respeetfully ,announce , citiions of-Smethport and vielnity, that ho has fitted • up an offico,.aurl in prepared to attend to all husimina In.hinprofession,:' Artificial' teeth inserted upon' sei.„ ' %entitle, prinCiples,. and limns to pre serve the natural ex pression of the 'Caen All operatious ln'lleiltal Surgery dope in a skillful manner. • , l:Ot • 'A. J. BOURSE Denlir in Stores; tin .Ware] Japprined. Ware - ,.&., west ' mid of .the',Pelilie' &Mare, Smetimort, Pa. Custom worirAnne to order °tithe elmetest notice; and ill'the . most substantial manner... ' .• : .. ' . , . OLEAN. HOUSE, . P. II Alta, PrOptdatdr—Olean, N. : Omnibus runs' do'and from the.Neiv.'York and Erie flail Road. Stake'', for Srnethport and Ceres . ' • ' • • • . • HYDE HOUSE, • 8, J Osonoa . Proprietor. Hotel -is, • • new and furnished io modern style, has ample *mim nindations, and in, in all respects, a First Olds/aka:el. Co. Pa. May 21 . . " , ELpItED HOTEL, , •Jont: • W.F:iiii Proprietde This. house •ia riitnated. hal vray•between 'Striethport• and• Olean. • A convenien , an eatinediousloue•i• attentive and obliging attend . alibi, and•low priee's. , Eldred,,May 17 1860. . ' ' ' ' ' " I . • _ • • A.'ll. HAMLIN ' , Sirveydr,.•DrafSsman. - Conveyancer, 4114. 1 11ea1. Estate Agout. EmettipoTt, SP - Kean county, Pa.' . • '. . • .*ILLIAX .WI,LKIN ...• .. . 9 • Pr&ellen.' . 3toehitnie, -Millwright,' Bridge-builder, e . Port 'Allegheny, Mllienn county;PC. , . r • , • • • . . . . . - 1. L. .BROWN,- '• • . •. . • . . . . . SURVEYOR, CRARYSBIAN, CONVEYANCER find Re4l' ZA;ste.Agept; -.Office, Wifilarperill . e, ElfiEo., reou'ft • --s-imenr.ENcEs ChepinA.Boy!e;. ThciOns.Struthen, IV: 9; Esq:, 1, . . . ..'. '• '. . •.' CARVER' HOUSE, . 41orix 11.116LL•Propriutor:6ornee ilf. Water and. Ilicknry Iltreets, Warren,. Pa. General Stage Office: • . FOES HOUSE; N, Y. JAMItS M., MILLAR. Proprietor. The Polies House is entirely new and.,built of brick, •arid Is .furnished in' modern styfo: The, prOprietoi flatters himself, that • his accornmilu. tiona arediot surpassed by. any hotel in Western New Tork. Cari•iages you to. and • from the New York and. dirk) Rail • •• '• •• BYRON D. IlAbitlN. ATTOICIfir LAwf.Snintliport., fl'--bean County. Pa., ',Agent far' Messrs: , Kcatin; & 'Co's Lands' Attends far'. f.he Callectfon dt:Clainis; .Exandnation of -Land Titlest. Pivnaant'nf Ta:(PFCrind all businesa rola ' ting to Real Estate. 'Office in , Ititmlin lflock.• E. BOUpIiTON, ELDRED, . .. , Sittnrney Anil Cntensellne - ot Lair, Sinetliport,lillitoon Couuty, PO. . Business o..trumted to his .cure for t•ho counties of Al'Kean, Potter and Elk *ill bo promptly atiefideit to Wide in tho court ll6uso, will. floor,- • • ' • DR. L. R. Phyniclan and Su'rgooni Smotltport, Pais will World to all proteosiotial callti with piomptoess : :Office in Sart ' well IlloOlc; second . THING & MILLER, Wholesale and Natal Dealers in Staple and Fancy. Dry Goods, Carpeting, Needy Made Clothing, and Gonoral Furnishing Goode,Boots n d Shone ,' Wall and Window*Piper, riper, tooking Gasses An. - At Oleah. N. Y. • JOAN C. BACIMS, Attorney and Counsellor at TAW, SmethpOrt, M , Kein • Eo . Pa.. Will attend to all business in his p.rofession in the counties of IWlCean, Vetter and Elk. Office event): • Sartwell h Brothers , Store. • ~" • . HACKItgY HOUSE, 'boner of Second nod „Liberty . strooti!, Warre,; ( lli: R BARBOn, Proprietor. Traveler,' will find good no . Oosnrundations andi.oasonablecharges. „ •, LAII.A.BEE'S HOTEL, . R. LAR U 166, • PriprldOe,—Alloglionk Bridge; l'illtean CoPa, Tide houoe is ' ituated about nine milea from , S mothport on the road, to Oleariiind *ill be found a convenieutatopping-plaee. . , • • FARA:SEEN VALLEY HOTEL, .! By T. GootowlN. This house is situated about m•n mile from Soietliport on Ike road to*Olean'. PleasurO partio . .and o th et s can be accOintnodabiiton the shortest notice • •• W. S. BROWNELL, • Dealer in 'Dry Goods, Groceries, Ortickery, itardwitie Deets, Shfies, l[ate, Cape, Glans, Nails, Oils, t., .&C Nast side of the Public Sonars, Snethport, Pa. EMPORIUM HOUSE, shlppen, M'Kean CO.; Pd. N. L. DYKE, Proprietor A commodious and well-furnished linage. Strangers and liarelerewill (Ind good accommodations.. , POET ALLEGANY HOUSE, .. . . . Zanort Ti. "Dot.f.rtr, .Propriettir, 'nt Pori . Allegany, Me, • Kean' County. l!a. Thle hotel laid teated'at the.june , Wm of the Mmetliport and Allegany Ilker toads, nine ~. aillmeafit of smutlipert. . . , ' • •. • .' . . • ..• ASTOR' DOUSE,:.. . 1 ~sAIEVIIIPORT,'III,IOEA.,!I Co., Pa.. WIT.- HASKELL..• Prpinietor, . Thin trou. in wolf caioulatierfor thn neennuandatiOn ;If the Travelling Public; haring recently. been repaired nhd remodele,cl. Coed Barns and Strlbilfg. • Charges . roe fweahle',' Stages for Olean', Shippowand Ridgway: , • Sneethport, July 20860.. • • To. • • •. • . • , • • . To. Those .Interested .in Mining and . , ' • • . Mineral.Lands:' .. .. - ii..llAlt (Wm NES him' services; Air the examina .. W• lion of Mineral Lamle .in .m' Kean and bilk noun.. Ilea, and trill . oive'llia opininn as to thn VALUE OF MINESp• kn. Thoao onqaoing , 'lda • eervicea will' reoeive all nocertary and reliable inforination. Ilebi.tence at the .I.lnnker Hill Millen. tittrgeant, WlCeitn On., JUno .3(1, 1659. . . the latip quality, at - PRANK IVRIGIII.,B . . . To thcEditor., of the N. Y. 13 : rpre..1,t; The following Noes seenn'tcv me very applioni ble'to'the:presnt crisis.' I "en(i theni you for publication, if you • Linen written on.viewing.the penits.of the3locky ' • Blounttuns• . . • In 'the eplendor of morning." 'Neath the sim's flashing rays, They appear like the dawning • Of bnylinod's bright days; . • Ere humanity's basenew Ur the-Fort cold sneers . Ifaa'metred -the emil'e 'sunshine Of youth» happier yearn, • 'ltidpray, 'Warren, I.l'i Smetlinort; l'a Ituenß Banker of ' .Antwerp—A Prea'ele graph Story. • In 181.1• there lived at Antwerp ; a ,banker . who hid aTossion for speculation, hot who in wastunsuCceiSful, This ill-luck be cameproverbiak•his affairs fell into Confusion, and all Antwerp loOketi..tO see him - become bankrupt and retire flom the ..preclriet-of the. 'exChange, when, .suddenly, his fuck changed and he'gainedin ev ery 'operation he undertook as invariably 'as . .h had forrnerly lost. ' matter how suddenly' or how violently 'the funds went unor'down in Perie,"London,..Vien na Or elsewhere, the Antwerp banker . was, al ways the • gainer by every, •rriciv,ernent of .the money market; no matterfrOW Capricious..- . Tit the course of . two years.he'reeliz.ed a large,ier-, tune,..quitted'AntWerp with his wife and fami ly, and establiihedhiniselflor the rest of 'his life in a. charmin g i country seat, where' he' abandoned himself ti) the delights of'rtiral exis. tence antfeultivatiOn of (dowers; which 'latter branch of horticulture he pursued with ar. abid ing.enthttlsiasen worthy of a Dutchman:: ° The electric telegraph was unknown at the period in question, and the clumsy signals by which' ;• statesman •cOntriVed to communicate with one; atiother' were. only, worked' • by ' the beads .of the state, and for ..their own. behoof; and Antivetp,puzzled its brains fof some.. time. 'in train effertsto ascertain by what myiteriouS •art ; the 6Z-banker had n : inged ta, turn the tide win over to.hiSintetests the, favors of ' thcblind goddess who had hith erto been so de eidedly,against him. In 'these 'speculations upon the changed fate of the;speculator,. Ant werksimply lostits trouble; nor was it mai several years afterward that the seeming rriys terY Was explained • ' ' It had been noticed in. Antwerp es a stngulai facrthat two drivers of stage-coaches belong ing to lied made, during the lucky period ofthe banker's' career,' fortunes, which in proportion with their means, were as , con= 'siderable as that amassed by the speculator. But thought of attributing the improved . position of the two coaclimen to the operations of the fortunate speculator. Yet all three owed their good luck to the same simple expe- . . • If any. of the towns-people had bethough. them of watching the goinigs . of .the banker, they:Would ;have.seen that' every' evening about nine o'clock - ' the • latter betoOk himself to. , a lonely cottage of his, standing in the midst of a garden, a few - miles from the town. There, in silence-and 'secrecy, the banker received the visit of One-en the other of the two coachmen, to whein,.after the exchange of a few words, .he hanged a basket-carefully covered over with apiece of tarpaulin, and. which was at once go- Posited by theeoachman at the bottom of: a, great, hamper,. of .poultry; collected, by hini at the neighboring farms; and to be sold ' bY .hirn i k t . the towns - through, which he d rove. h is coach. As soon' as the coachmati had /aken his leave, the banker locked the cottage 'iloor:':and . went up.stairs Ma room fitted 'tip as a pigeon:house, of whose exiatenceMo one else was. aware, in which a number of pigeons soon began'to Make their..aPpearanc& with :hanging WingS, impa tient to "drop into their 'nests. . The banker laving stroked and petted the weary birds and gave them some corn,:gently lifted.-their wings and detachedthelittle billet, conveyed to -him by each undonscious•imessenger. These birds brought to the speculatornewe Of the exchange. on all the principal-markets of Europe.. Sent off gaily froM.London, Paris, Vienna, grusSels,. WE WANT.NO WAR • ' - • - . . True Freedoiwand Howto Gainn. --BY OILS IMES MACRA Y 4; . . ... . • . We went - no flag; tin Ilahotinli rag; • • : ' .• 'Nor LiberE'y to light;'. . '. • Wti'iraut no!hlare of murderous gone,. To etrugglefor the.right:',' ~. : , . .• :. . Voropeare nod swords 'are printed w ore • • • The - mind .riur battle-plain;' • - - IVe!ve won such victories befoiei ' - .'' * ' . And-so ti e.shal,l agn in . ~', . • ' . . love'm trio mplissorung of force.... They stain tier brightest cause ; 'Tis not iii.blend that Liberty , • civil She wrifes:them nn.ihe people:s heart • 'ln language eleseauil plain; • • Trife,,thouglitihnie moved the se'orld . beforp • And so they_snall . again .•.• • : • . . IWe yield to none inearneat lobo • , .• 01 Freedom's tense 'sublime ; , • Ire join the cry, ,, FRATtIitNiTY !". •• .WO keep the march of Time. • , 'And yet we grasp nor , pike'llorppear; Our rictoricii to obtain ; • •We've won without their aid Lefore,•• • • ' •And so we s.hall • . 4• • • i'Ve want np . aifl of barricade rPo RhOw. a (roof to wring ; • .. • We have Wclta4ol in truth, • , • !Aloha durable apfl 'Strong.' great thoUghts, 'unflinching fai •- Have never striven in vain ; ' • , • They'e won our battles many a time, .And sotkey shall again. • . . Peneo,.pitigress„knowledge, brotherhood , ;The ignorant Way sneer. , . •• . • • ,The hid.deny ; but we rely •. To see their trimnpli'near. No widow's'groans shall loud our pause, • • No,blood of brethren slain; • We'vewon'withoot,'such"aid before, • . Awl's° ire shall ' The 'munntains: .tho•inotintains.! They burst nn nay .sight, Ail kiirgeous with grandeur. And daubing itilight.• As bright dreams of heaven • . vAll glittering with gild , • • . The snow enyered mountains With joy I behold: . . . In the far azure. outline,. • , Their tall peaks arise In beauty and grandeur To blend with the .bkies, While the fiown of their al;adow Far btekward is east, As 'shada . al the storm cloud, That o'er us has passed . , Oh the mountains, the mountains, With jay.l behold, . . All'gergeouawith'grandenr, . And.glitterfng like gold . Though far in the distance. ..• • Vet clear to the eight, „ • I behold them with rapture . . And.gaze with delight: . . . s ll. l,ETivoi - ;?r i . ....m%tA.* : : couNTy,.. - 'liA:‘ I'TiI(ItPA,Yi..:FgB4UARY, A..47.:.:18:61, . . &e.,•abo:ut. four in-thealterneeii, the hopie-lov ing little lqurcuriesnever.fitileil tn . reech'' their nests about After - receiving.. the in 7 telligence,thes.sent to hitiuby..trukty' - e'orifedc rates in 'each the banker -.locked the' door of the cottage:and •returned' to his . . Own dwelling ready - to'operate: the next day' o n ,the :Antwerp Exchange with:certain - success.. -Ehe carrier-pigeon is auperceded by 'clectric ity.; hat the 130‘;ians- ba‘ie..noi reneounced their ord Partiality for this bird and cipigeon 7 inece-' . still give rise among them,to'nnmerrins gath'er ings and heavy..liets: On the occasions the -Pigeons are carried in baskets to a certain • tanee, and are then - wriitedfo'r by their ownera,. the bird' which . arrives first . winning the: prize,. .exactly as in the enQe of horse.rnees. Recelit ty, et one of these. pigeon racea, held; at Mall ines; a.leatheredeourses r let looseat six . ..A. M.; at Tennerre, in thellepartrtient of the .Yotine; France, reached Matines at - twenty-six minutes past eleven. , .Not quite . so.' fest ns light' Or' .sound; but very muchquicker then .steam could :have inade . thejourney.:.- • . . SUNBURY ANp ERIE RAlLnonp.7-Tlie delphia'Nor±h ilozerfron,makes a general spm mary pf the causes which. conduces tO.thepros peril," of New York and arid upon the ground contends as follows that the' Sunbu ry and Erie by far the most 'impor-• tent-one in the Commonwealth for the prOsperi ty'Of•Phifaderiaand the State Pennsylv'd= . ""unless history. failed to nisigri . the' reason of the rise and progress of commercial cities,' Philadelphia must resume her .former.pre-emi nence after the . eomPletion of the Sunbury'and • •Erie,'Road, which, viewed from the aboyeitand point, is really the:most . important of Pennsyl • vania•trunk-roads,..nnd ought tOhtuie been built before•all others,. Of. the corstantly growing eoromerce ear lakes, now estimated afs6oo,- 600,000, New York secured by her canals . 'and railroads by far: the, largeSt share,. which, in turn,, attracted to her'. port the vessels of- .for. - - eign conntries, . in search after the produce Of the: nortlf-west. last . year's exports. and :i n f. ports of. New. York amounted in value to $270,- 400;009, thosesof Philadelphia. to S19.,090,000; The' Sunbury and,',F,rie..road,• Which will bring Philad,elphia 'nearer to Lake Erie.(the Moat portant of the whole Chain ollakesi) than No* York, will pour the produce of the 'north-hest into Philadelphia et"*a. reduction' of. time 'and cost and transportation, securiogy to 'her her. share of the lake'antl. foreign:trade, Even in her present' unfavorable nosit;ou, Philadelphia. 'distributes, froin .$3.0,000,000 'to 140,060.000. worth of. foreign goods 'imported 'into New York, which, together.Withher rapidly increas jng.and.alreadi'extensive coast-Wise.tratle,.are most.enrouraging evidences of 'her great cape=, cities for direct: trade.. She. 'possesses, morge !ler,: essential advantages' over' New 'York . fer the •Irike•trade.' Naw York returns nothing, Of her.,awn.: the • narth-West, , while. the. elaal„ . ..ircin,. timbel., and manufaatures or Petln°Ylvania; will forma large proportion of our , cargopc. The. ,Stinhury and Erie roriffiti'. .beyOnd ell. doubt destined .to do for pennaylva nia and PhilidelPhia what . the•Erio Canal and her lake 'reilinads . have :done.for the Slate of NeW York and her metropolis. • It Will develop the capacity' of - „Philadelphia .for: ilirect trade, will give . a mighty• our.rnining, iron, and manufacturing industi y,. and mere than all this Will subject te.the plow a vastarea of land . capable.of a high eultiyation and; population of several millions, Which flea Vra:.te' :s.'etin the berth -western- portion- of our State. This'importrint. road - is now far advanced to wards completion,. over one-bay of its lengt being, in suceesSful Operation,' and 'som e • 2 . , mile.S . .bnly , remaining; ungraded.. Millions o dollars have beep . invested in it, and but a small sum, compaiatively, is.rephired to finish •it."-- Under these circumstances ; every day!s - enne cessafy delay is an..immense and 'irretrievabte whith.ought not,to be 'incurred by the company .atid: the: btsineg.. community. \'e sincerely wish .that the Auestiort pending before the State Legislattire.shall be 'piefriPT),Y solved, so , as. io . rente . v . e .what. ebsta cies t kern: w stillexisT in. the ay of a:speetly consumninticm or.this great enterprise; Which involves scimariy vital' interests. of this. commonwealth. " A SCRAP OF Ersionir.—There have been eight specific attempts to 'defy the authorities of the yCderai Governmeht since its formation... -.1 - The first was in 13.92, and waFe'a •consniraey of.Some.of the officers of thO 'Federul weroi to cOrisolidate the 'thirteen.States into one, .and confer the.snpreme . 'pOwer on" Washington. • • The ifeconirwas in.llB6,•called .“Shay's•.lO surraction;",in Massachusetts.' . • . • The third was iu 1804, pOpularly called !(the Whiskey, .IhsurrectiOn.of Pennsylvania:"-- The four t h Instance was in,1799.; by the op.' ponehts of the Sedition laws, known in Berks county as-the 4 cSehreckenzeiten," or Reign *of Terror." The federal troops.took'one of -the editors of the Adler, Judge Snyder, to'the roar . - ketplade and horge-whipped-him, which ended the insurrection. . . • The fifth instance was in 151.1; hy*.the Hart ord COnvention of the Federalists. The sixth - , on which . occasion the: differeo of the. Union came into collisio . n;Was in 1850 . . under the administration of President' Monroe, and occurred on the question of the admission 'of MiesOnii into .. the. Union. . • .• • The seventh was collision betvieen . . the Legislature of Qeorgia and the Federal .Govern meat,"in regard to certain lands, given' by the latter to the Creek Indians: ' • .'The nigth was in 1620, with. the Cherokees n Georgia. • , - • A GRA'rsiztm QUESN.-it is said of the late American • Miniiter: to. Her Majesty; the" Ineen,•at Windsor, that he was ''received 'most graciously; and conversation Q u e en n constantly dis played; in her ' onversation with him, the high; 'est.appreciation 'of. the • manner . in which 'the Prince of Whles hid been re . . 'the:Uni ted. States: She ;Was - ..expeedingly . corteous, and devoted bersellyvith.zeal to the. entertain-. meet of her :guests, walking with . Mrs. Dallas . in' the Castle grounds, and'driving them'about the parle... She has received great pleasure from the kindly feelingS 'displayed toward the. Princein Americas .. and she testiliesitby .thfs' act of friendly politeness; for: it is'pat 'custom:: ary for any. who : are not, personally intimate with some member of the • royal :family to :be invited . to Windsor . ; and 'since' Mr.. Stevenson was there, twenty years ago, any has . never been extended to, - American' " • " •.• . • , Mr: Douglad , SecesSion, anti the •• • En forcement of the. Laws. . . The ,follavving. extract from a' late *speech:of 41r. - Llougles in the Senate of 'the'United Slates tirese . nta some.of the questions nt issue between thir Nortliant:Senth ir.. a prectical fol.m s , • We. cOmmend•this extractite: the' : eonsicleration of : 13ut we are told•t hat the ;Union . must .. .re served and the law. must be enforced r agree to that.', am in favor of. doing all these.hings,, according to the_COnstitiition and the la No man Will go . fnrther. tharil to maintain: the Union end enforce the !awe, to put down rebel lion and insurreilion„and to 'lise all the:'power 'erinferred by" the Constitutionfer that : purpose. But we must,look the facts in the lam -We, Must take notice of those things whose exist ence. cannot. be denied, Iliatory teaches itss that tebeflicin often becomei 'suceessful- revolt!. tion., 'And :the. 'greatest Republics, and the proudest menerchies . hevefound' it .neeessatyto recm,thise the. existence of a government.dp in the rebellion of States and provinces. . war . ; the . eendition of the American' onles forseven years after the Declaration ..,r Independence: At first" it' was rebellion, and , rebellien Was treason'. •'A.' feiv - montbs after ward; revolutfon.a \ government dts facto at President; and Washington commander of the. arrities.- lion hed.ceesed. 'and revOlUtion taken .its The American Colcintes were in , revolt, -hail a go.verninent de Ado, and Great , Britain 'proud as she. was, Wis•eonmelled to reeogniie theies ,isting.state of facts.. The laws Of, nations and ail the laws'of demanded . that •the' government dolucto. be acknowledged..• ~: But the laws- miistbe enforced. In our sySI. , tem of government 'the la tvi ate . to be enforced by' eivil:euthority. assisted bi the Militia „end . p 05.50 cornitatni,.When when : !netball ie'resisted.--:- If thp colonies or a State revolt, the revolution is complete. • Wheo the Federal anthoritiii are' 'expelled - , and no'one ' left' to a cknoiviedge al legiance- to the United States, how ate-'you going to enforcetheleivathen?, How are pill going to do, itin South CarolinaVShe has pass'' ed rip ordinance of secession. I deny her, right' -to . seccdC, but she has done' it. ''The roVelutioe. is complete. She. has. rig htiman • being on -her :herders to ric . knoWledgef her autherity.. This is all Wrens., but how are you 'going. to help it, riT.toir,us we pthat : enforcethelaws.. I sin ih 'favor . Of tliae.• Laws most' be enforced ec , cording to the Con'st'itution and laws:. Under 'our Coostitution the laws can only be enforced 'against criminals, and thase.of us Who are in .favor olthe:Censtitutionand thellnion musebe 'careful that .We do.. not ..perpetrate the, very 'things which we denonee.aa criminal in..these seceding States. ",And Sonth;Carolina, does not' stand alone. We.' ere told .that seven , other States will follow her, and'e have reason to 'apprehend .that seven is, will • folloW them. -The answer is, -we must enforce, the laws.. My reply is,.you cannot enforce. thelewri in 'countries 'not .in yourcpbssession.; I deny that we have, the right to make Werin,prder, to regain possession; in'Order to. en force thelews.7 Are we prepared for. war 7. do not' mean prepared in the sense of having - soldiers, arms and ,munitionar: but are - yre Prepared, in our hearts for war . With our;, brethren?. While I af firm 'that'. the, Constitution was Intended to forme perpernalUnion.,-whi3e I efilim. the right to OSe*.all lawful %means:jct.' enforce..the Paws—yet rwili net , meditate war, nor tole-- rate the idea, until after'. every effort at 'ad-. justrifent fink bee! tried and (ailed, and all hope : of the. Union is going.' Then, and nortill then I deliber:ate anddeterininewhat.courie, my. .duty'.. will require 'of me. lam for l peace to save the 'Union, :War.T's disunion; 'certain, itt. , evitahle.; final. and irrepressible.': 'Our own 'very existence.:forbida War.' A DANGEROUS . GAME OF POKER . . . contributor .: to the Sri*, •or the Timor hus describes a scene au the Anthony .1 - 00 e, n Little,Rock s ; Arkansas: • • Late onehitter cold night ir. December, some eight or, nine years tame into the bar.rooin as, usual; to • take his part in What dver was .going . For sonic reason the. crowd had dispersed' sooner than.wris custorn nry, rind .but .two or three 'of the' townsfolk were there,-' togetherwith'a strap' or, who had arrived' a hall hour,..Or longer, - before, and who tired,.wet' and 'muddy from a- long Arkansas stage-ride, his legs extended and 'shoes .off,' was consoling hiinself- with two Chairs and a-nap, opposite the centre of the blazing, log fire.— Any one who-has travelled until ten o'clock, in a rough winter night, 'over :an.Arkansas .road, ran appreciate, the.: comfort : of .the fruition. before that fireplace... " ' ; • The drowsy example of the. - Strans , ,Cr . had its: effect on othe'ri,' , and'L—,:—, wholook a Seat'in e corner for a Inclr.of conversation ivas re (Need to. poker for amusement, • He poked the fire vigorously for awhile. until it got red-hot. and becoming disgusted' was about to drop' it and retire,..ivhen he discovered the great toe' of thestranger!s footyrot i tudingthrough'ahole . • in one a his•socks; • . . • liere •was relief to t. lie placed the poker within a , foot of. the.melantholly steep 'er'S toe, and began slowly to lessen the distance between thene; nne'hy one the. others,' as they caught the joke began to'opee their eyes; and being awakened, mouths expanded , . into grins, and grins. into suppressed giggles—and one incontinent felloW into a bread laugh.:= Cloierand closer the red-hot ',poker neared to ward'the unfortunate toe. 'The heat- caused. the sleeper , restlessly, to move his hands.— Wes just about to applrthe Poker, when . a sound of click! click arrested . hisAntention. The latter with one eye'open, Mid .been ing his proceedings, and ,silently..brought a pis. , tol to' kir In-a voice justaudible, he muttered id atone Of preittdetermincitioni,, '"Jest burn it! Geßli. • Je'st•biiin it! and bed=d if I don't stir you up : with a thou-. send'hot pokers'in two'seeends!". L'— land down the poker, iostenter;.and remarked— • 'f 4 Stranzet,lct's take.d drink, In fact, gen omen, all of you." • , . . they 'were the -cheap. es[ drinks he ever bought.' . . WomAicwas Made . for a ,mother, sequonly baliies are jp4 as necessary to their "pence of mind"' as healih. It you 'wish to .look at melaMiholly and indigestion; Iciek . at an. old maid. If, you' would take a 'peep shine, look in the lace of 'a. young mother., , ;.•... . . . . -. • . . „ . . Sunbury and . Erie Riiilroad.. • Last week Mr. •13n11 rend supple. teent to the act'•inerirporating . the.Stinikuryind Erie: Railrerid..,.lt ,enacts _that' the . corporafe name of.'theSnribiiry and Erie:..Railread pany'be 'end the Seine is lie'reby . .chairried to the Philadelphia. and Erie :Railroad .Company,hy, Which name:and-title the' insiness ef . the:said company shall hereafter be iiiiinaged.luid eon-, Ancted, with the name' effect a s'it: he 'name therenf had not been - clinneed: • '• 'the .Snid Philadelphia and tide Railroad , Company be n t he' same* Is - hereby authorized to'executer and iiatre . tinder its ern.; norate seal 5000 bonds, not exeeedlng in amount the:aggregate sum or min rnillknn of pounds ster".;. ling, • inoney 'of • •c; relit' Britain , or five million dollars Of. laWftil.".meney of: t he ITnited• States ; any numb,er. of Which, may be: issued for two hundred pounds each, sterling money afareeSidy and any numher or all•of one thous and dollars each; payable iii•tWenty years froth the'Ante hereof... The' said bonds ehahl hear in terest nt the mite of sixper'ecnt. per niminn s ,payable semi-annually, and Shall not he sritiject to.taxation ; and as security for' the payment of.thprincipril and' interest' of the raid bends; the . said "company is libieby - anthoriZed to - ere , infer, intrust; 'Under its' corporate seal,.st . niort gagc of the whole.line of its railroad, 'finished, unfinished and to be.finlshed .from Sunbury to to.the harbor of .trie . , nail its apPOrtenances; in which may at any tirne'p . placed thereon, together 'with its privileges amt.franchises, , whick said rnortga gesslall be delivered tci,the'trustee or trustees , thereiri , ramed, 'and. recorded, in • the..Severnl counties. in 'which the 'psoperty therein deseri bed,:or any, part thereof, maybe . sitnntert, and. therefrOrn be rind remains the first mort gage ort al I the ,property herein described until fully satisfied ; etcent • as - in that„ part Of. the road.of :the said company which extends from 5119b . t1 ry msport; on which.ft mortgnge of one' million of dolln . , . . . S . E.V. q.,-The.said Railroad Company be,ant, ,Is hereby • ant horized to 'e:ceente . under" its . cm - - notate seal; forty bonds for .10.0,090 . each,:pay attic in forty - Years from the darierliereofi. hoar -interest ar the rate of sit per cent. per , annum; from andtitter the first day of 'January, 1872, and secure the. Payment. thereof by a meirtgage to be executed to the . Commonwealth, of .the whole Hoe of miltbad finished or to'he finished from Witliarnspert to the. berber of Erie,,: - and all 'the real estate,,' rights privileges, and frah, •ebises of tbe•said ten Many,. which said mort,gas ,, ges'shall'he deposited in the,cdfiee:of the'State :Treasurer and shall thereupon he and 'remain the-sheond mortgage bonds en pll 'the property therein described, uniil ..fully• satisfied. • And the said' company May (I.eliVet.tke said .bcinds to the:,comfnissioners . of. the •Sinkind fund, in noYment of all rile 0 per tent.: bonds of the Sun bury and Erie Itailroad Company ,now 'owned by :the State, .antl'itpon •such Payment being mttile"it , eitall be'the.d'uty Of • the said commis ,sinners to.caneel - and sorrender the !aid .0 per cent thotuls. now owned by . ttit*' said company, and .deppsiteil in the•Treastirer's . office, under; . . . • • • the. prOviaions of rhe act for the sale of the State Canals; approved April 21st, .1855... That upon presentation to the trustees Of the rnorte;atte forseven millions of dollars, executed under the *visions of the. second act 'for the sale of the Stale' canals, .of 'all Ole . 5 per cent.' bonds enarelleil'or paid; tlfe ppyreeet . whereof . was intended to.besertircd by the . secomi'mort= gage, it shall he the duty orthe trustees tb en tor siatistitetio'n on the recfird :thereof, and can cel and• Surrender the same to the •Philadelphin and Eric Railroad..: . 116 MES BEA Who ii.devOid . has: very:" little, pleasure in'this world.. The mad who doe Snot make an effort • tO'.adorn his .horyte, and thus, 'asaist ,in making the whold city.. attractive, 'is not a gond cititen. .The.providing'of the: . cbm. ,mon-necessaties . Of r life does not' . clirripose.• the 'cares of a family. l . Food and yaiinent,.• aye .'not really' the essentials ;of happiness. All these it is the doty.Of every man to provide.:. When he failsto do sd, there is a law to cymipel.him' ;--and when he is not nblefii gather these 'corm... forts'for' his 'family; there ,is a . charity made 'sacred and . nature nal well as rie; :cessity,-that . . it' is Always "proMpt:td , bestow these on the 'needy. But it is the: beautifyir that - MakeS-home really happy.. The littlenets to plcaSe.the eye. :A' twig. Fultivated .to.q.ter a single bud, nftendeliglits-.the-eye and. otAer. flows the soul with morepleasure than a. glut ton's tlish.or a vain fool's attire. It : is..the beautiful 7.. There would'. be , no',.love then, .to cheer and .chisten, .no devotion to inspire • eon fidence;tin hope to.establish faitlt 'in one' en-. other. Without. the beautifid, the world would be, it not'a Wild chaos, a r'etility too stern for man to endure.. It is, the beautiful that -, dish . • .. • Pates this sternness. ••A home made .beautiful . by:contentment; is • of itself adorned and Made more attractive than those whose' liVerred hands raised the Welt, and condtict .you through halls of gilded brightneis to chambers of .satin' and damask:• Those.are not be'nutittd,•nnless love lights the flame on its altar, and peaceimparti, its incense to all. its shrines. • Added to these, the hands must contribute their share towards 'er . .enting and multiplking, the beautiful. in fhi world, and this easily .Lceomplished. It-Costs nothing but time, involves only a little patience, and the beautiful, springs . tiratind is like the magic.creationS . .of a fairy dream.. -; EliAi, ESTATE AT r/Oliti , , callrciablea Of thelimes, and the danger that imme,tuture.'time, if .not now ,, the' Union tray be 'divided and ,Washington cease .to'be the capital; han . greatly depressed tliitaine o f real estate in that:city.. One of Jlie . larkest . 'real- estate_ holderii hns, gone insane over' Jhe troubles; and hai been•,the,,lnsatie . .. . . Asylum.' :Ile was formerly, a -realdent.of.New -I?liryport, but removed ,to :Wasliintr4Q ll Yany years. ago, yliere he had amassed a • large. ter- 'nun by speculajkon in renl tistatp...atnl pending crisis blyi caused his. hilt': • Ep I! CA TION NS Y INA N I —7/ JI 1111 U al Report of the 'Superintendent of common Schools in for :the yetti 'epdhig JuneAtli,. 150 . 0, - shows . .that there WitS ..thenAn: . , the Stew, )1,577 ' schools , contatntng male and .1,832 impale teaehere h 314',677 . lON and ?Gt~2d9 femrqo acliolars, fhe te.ndance &clog 36q,96.1, ..ThC4inherotsdlin9ls repiired.js of.'etiolars earning 'MCI'III3II is 6,753 ==3 : „With hini:there. Woe n ev erlelatiffirritill ev qty dati was diAcharged. ..'it,''cuiioitit',llltisfra tio„,up hig:he hit • Wee : •toltreabr e'n hTn liFh • ,the night' previoris to one of the 'Thrkil!SPeni n . tutor victories, anOth • er officerr.eame come of na ? . shrill bare a grfint:Vialle,tq• moriow,•and; Lord- li r ellingtOn is iloirigrnifthirig, - but 11frtiny with aiithiine d63QuiryttoklP'l - 'a‘Lam.'very glad Oihetir .we ore to'he ye a great' battle;itrorrdW,' for'. it. is.eruite certoin that all'his.artatigelireitts ate made If be is kiviing with *edema de , . His' cootness'in franker, and' his -Ogreortal4e ..... rapes; were ea'striking attributes-of indi vidual Mart as'bis wiles were attribtleeir Of the general: - Haring the battle of Taltivera;Abu nverque sent'hitn hy staff,ofncer a rettertin forming'him that Ceena, the coinmattirerort4,* • Spanish army in the . act ion,' was a'tralien'artd y 1 ,013 actually . playinginto the'liands rif the , elle .m y. He*was intently .watching'.the• progress of the action os the 'despatch - reached him took . it, rend it, end turning to his coollY:said,i n 4fory; well ; Calorie); lycid . marg , o •'.yotri.brigatle.'k anotberioceasian, • just before /he siege of Codrigo, whop the prez-' hinny Of the allies to Itlartnontiti army him in con ' sideruble :danger . by rotten-of:46e tion,arrival'or their flank' general . wee astonished 111%0(11hr:till/eh Atm- • mender,: lying • on. the greUnd; in front , of 'hie troops, serenely and impertuhably airliting'flie • , issue of. t he , peril.....”Welf,'.Goineratil!filid the Spaniard,'yoti ar•e here with twn'Weak'6divis-• • ind•yeti seem to be:ripito 61 year easel' , it is enough to:put one. in a fever:L! ' 1 ••• • ecl have itioe 114 best,?'i the Duke ;relined, • .r9hat could be;donecaeording to rupown Indg ment, and hence it its I' don't tlisfarb - myself either about the enemy in. rnY'fronnor-• about what they.mny say in 'Enable . ..OH:. • In:several instances he 'very..'narrowly'esca ped being taken priinrien Oneelf Talaveva, in the midst of the actiOnyonteittst befOre'the .battle . 111tlia, being surprised by it, pirtt . of French while looking atkis:Jnaps; 'oneo. ,Quaitiebras; again during the battle. ' lastaction• he was earried•away on the tide 'of a:retreating body. of. young' troops, the Feetieb • Inncers suddenly charged on , its'fiank,iini) his • . only chance was in his horse's speed. rived." Mr. Clog 'writes; dshotly putiock the edge of 'a ditch,. 'within' which, the' , 92d. , . Highlanders' were lying,.and the tointior 'their • hgyonets,bristled•over the edge.. He called to then] Us he approached; idlne down; tnent" and the order'wai obeyed, :whereupon he . ed hieberse across the.. ditehyand,immedlatery Oiled up with .a smile 8o his countenanes;rt— • Edinburg iinviatto. . • `: • --- St.i.:seirio.l.l.NnEn-xins CLorrts.. - -.There hil'ies . l son to belleve . .that nat , a feW'nf the apparently nneccountable cases ofiscrofula .pinong 'chit- dren,'proceed from the habit , of :sleeping rixrith the hPad under the'bed-clothes;and'Ao inhaling .airalraatly breathed, which is furthereontartil-• 'noted by exhalations from the .Skini , .. . Parents are sometimes given. -to a, ilmilar habit; and it often haPpens.that the bed:clothes' •arpso disposed that the patient must - mecesirt-'• rilY breathe oil' more or hien • Contaminated .by exhalations from . the skin:' . kgood nurse will'' .be:rareful to attend to this. It -is. 'air. inipor tent. part so to speak, of mentilatinii. • .-..., It may.rbe worth while to reinarki.that,when . there i'iany danger of 'bed-sores, a :blanket • should'never. be . ,pleceil Under - the' .patilent,;•••-• Never 'use anything, but light Whitnerhlankets..' as covering' for the siek.. •. . 7 • 1,..1t1 , ., 1 , The heavy cotton imPervions counterparrels ', bad; for. the very reason that it: keeps' hi 'the • emanations tretn the 'sick person, while:Op., blanket allows:them to peas - through.: ,i'Veuk . d4treesed by. thi- great weight-of bed-clothes, Which often prverith their. getting 'itity Found eleep"wbatever.--Her. .: INFOnkivtrok Fara.ows.--,There is a tradition that brandy was nt one time .mano, .factored from the vine, but the grapes a Francehnving of late year's' fol . lowed the • Jh.e.potatoe; . an4 taken to metalling and rotting', , many .. of the . French • Brandy-makete here adopted hitnininons oda! 'as a substitute.. They distil .t potent spirit from this lit!bti ranee, iShich' is thati'matle available for the productioni•sif two kinds of fire- 7 —one for:thecomfort and the othdr for the destruationt3f hie: health' • and comfort, his Senses and his Large quantities of alcohol distilled from .coal,-ank ei doptcired". , withrcertaiitchernicali ta -it. the, , tcogna e flavor," tire..'not,v.•exported,:fiatk. France to England, and. we doubt not.pretitykar it is sold in our eities'to•ilaY: •:. Coal tar , hiss: lon,i.been 'used Ibr the 'flavoring or, whiskeyv but a liquor.with a coal basis.ia a Specimen chemistry .Which might well make' the tipplers; shudder. Loanr: LnntSiATtor.—At the, last session of the Legislature of Pentisylyanin.' the ,folloWing., act was passed,,whieh . the public ,should take notice of ;..—gt That'from and after the , pass* of this act, it shall . be requi'red that, plieition Jo : the Legislature for any net corporation, shall be 'preceded by 'a puhlii,tio 7l ' tics or adiertistnent.of the same in, two'news papere in. 'the city: or comity': for, which,;the legislation is demanded,,if two newspapers are • published in said city . or Connty . ,:andi(there.he* not two newspapers published: therein,,then,irkt r one newspaper, if one': is pubfisheili therein;,; which said pablie'imtiCe oradyertisment• set forth the names the:. commjs.korteo',. inedrpOrators of thebill'for propnie'd.lettiOstintaw and its . title; si! ths.ame 8401.11)4), pliblistmit er,adrertised in said pipers before',Jhe,-.bill,,nr, proposed • law shall . Presented ~to sit or branch orthe LegislitUre.", THE Bret synitcln of love in, tho , wileOf -of . 1 the ,world's.philosophers:. Werei,:certainly markable. tt,f,,enning,", says' Sooratos, 4ttly ,shattble,r, to 4 ' . her shoulfier, and , - tny head to Item -815 .were reading; together, in kbaolti I felt, it ja sudden state in , tny shoulder, Ailto.-,•tke'it::r . biting'of apes, Which .etilr< . days' after, and a continual, •jtehing 5 1 4 11 ders'4 1 8,Ing fcom.berrutrfol „ spiders crawling - from the blushing rose. • • • • ". NO. 34 Anecdotes:of Wellington 't