. ~ ... ... ~. .. , - .. . .... • ••• •• • : -.......7r- r . :. ~....,,....••.7.0-.....,......:,.....,........_-:.., .. ..„...:,-. _,_,.,... -..,...,.... ~--..,,...:,... •!:.:..,,..„....-:.:::.-....:•••;„•,.,-,,:.,•,;...,....,...-,-:•.--•,..--- ~•,k,•,....,-,.y.,..,:,. (~ . ...., ....... ...,. ~.:...,..,••-....• •,..,:,•,..•..,:....,..:•.•..-:••.---. : ,..„....,..-...i........... , ....i.....:..,,...: : -: : • : ._ ::.:. ..,. 4...1.....! ~7... . • .. .... , .• • ~:- , ,',,..':•:::::::::,., ,, ;;J'i •., .. ..,.. .. ..... . ... .: ~ J . . .. •" , - .. . . ~. _.. .. . ~ , . . _ , ••• ~.. , . . ........ . . .. r. .. . . . . ..., . .. . , . ~, . • • . . . • .. ... . _ . .. . ... . . . • . . „• . . ...... .. _ •• .... .:7. •• .. A . 1:1.1i . t nr; ;.; ~.... , , ._ . 131/111 -,>"`,~ ~i~'i'~ri~t u~oiii# a~~. ~zn~crnf. .;:. . 4 , ,trilijaity.);).EiEl(Y4fll.lll,9DAY 1110.1iNING; . By .1...8 tYO.I:ATT; , .• • t'rr:s3tr!rtip'OhT.,.: PA I ." or t..coli#t4l.o . v rlinLrc'sQuAliri ;' MINS: - - $ 1•50 'in 4141vanco , . . Rates of. Advertising. • . • ;'• • • ijoroin# 'one —s3s p 0 • 44 7: ..... ..... 11 . 00 .! c. , months ' 2.0 50 . • 12 00 One sonire of l2lidea ~ or lasi, 7 .100 ;,11ach,:subsequent , '''ll'uSinehs 'Cards, with paper,....". . ' ... 5-00 ado, of figure work will-.be double the, above rates. lines .tirerier typo,. or eight lines nonpareil, is ' • rated a Square. • . • . .• • „7 These Terms wilt ho strictly-adhered f0..;n1.. po . ol.o.:so:: : .4l;litutot', BENNETT .401178 E, .. . . , . . 1 ' ,Sowothport.3l , Keun Co:, Pa. ....E'. 9 : MABoN„ Proprietorp -.:ippoelte tlie'Couit.llouse. - A ne)r, large, conunodi, • . •• oui and well. furnished how .. . . • •, •. •r - GEO: IL . MASON, . • •• - . •• - . • . .. . . .• • " I Dealer ... in Stoves., Tin Ware, Jannitned Ware: az e., Neat . ..sidefor. th e Public .Snuarei - Stnatliport, "Pa. CIIfIiOTII • ivirkAane - tourdar on.theshoitest notice, and In the , -I"niont substantial manner:'... . • . .• . . DENTISTRY y. ._ . . . • ... ) titt, M,.,• A.:Sri:Anus iveulit respeetnilly .aminence to the Citizens Of Stnetlipoyt and vicinity, that ho has,. fitted' "up,in olfieeoind is:pyepared to attend to all, business 1 In his' profession.. Artificial teeth inserted upon Bei ''"Aiitifie principles, and so as to preserve the natnral es ." I'lihiitifeil of the face , • MI operations in Dental Surgery 0 .4044 Id a'skilifiii nmper.. A. lunritsE . . . . Dealer in Stereo, Tin' Ware, 'Jannened Ware; are:, treat ' ender the Public Senare,.Smethpori, Ptt.. ensiorn ~workdone to order matte aborted nntiee, and in-the meat substantial manner." . . . OLEAN HOUSE, . . Bifin,'lquprietot, Olean, N.:Y Omnibus runs •to and from ' the New . York and Eau Buil : Road. .Stages forametliport and .Ceres • • •.. ••• -• : HYDE' HOUSE, . J 3. 03000 D .P . Ridgway: Pa. 1/118 - 'llotel is new atuY furaislakii in modern style, has ample aecom 'nuldtions. in9is, in all respects; a First Class Hotel. • Iti4pray; Elk Oa. Pa. May 24„ . 1e611. , • ELDEED HOTEL, . . . -J,cant , * Wata, Proprietar• • This 'housel;i• Atlanta/1' half way between. Snietlypart and Oleafi. .• A convenient an commodious hank:, attentive and obliging, attenth.. ' apti . ,•atal lair prices. • • • •*' '•• .-" • Eldred, May 17,1860. ' • • • , • 4. D. 'NATIILI DI, . . Saryeyer, Canroyaacer... and ,Ital • Egtate . .Aaant, Stnutltport, 1 , 1"( e tivailty,,P44. • , • • WILLIAM WILKI'N, 'Prnettenl Brilke-bollter, Port Allugheny, .3Plio:yterounty; Y.y.• 1• . ' • J. Blowy, 91.711VEY(11(. DRAFTSMAN. IYONV A N'efiltand Itral . EgtAte Flg4fitj , yeun'a ;.ChApin 1;nyil!. Y.•q'•so, Thomal .6f ruthors, %V, -S.• 1. .IVileox., ' H CARVER"HOUSE, , ''. - • .. . • .• . . Joir; it: tivi.t. Prirpri.q.pr.•oriltsr Of 'll'ofoi• and Ingkory .:StycotA . ,;Wari-ori:Pa.. '(limeril'::4ago 011i'ce •-• . . • . .FOBES.IIOI7SA PrtottinX the. Public Square. Olean: 3.1:4 M. TheAtobesll..Ospi.i eyttirelY natl. -and punt oftbrielt. atol 14. fortiiShe d in e'ulernn style. .Tha . proptieltry clatters liltroolf that his"aystonavola flans 04r tint stliliai4.ll.y s uyllotel in.kVeNteri) Toth. (ltryiaLtes rd'n to and frouttb..t Nett York and Road— • • t." .• BYRQN BAMTIN, . . . . , . . . . . ..A.:TTORNRY AT' TA kW; ,51111q11port,• 'Al'Roan ; Ciratity...it., A,rent . for' , 3foriiir.i. Ke•itint: & CCl'lt 1,11. , .1,14 • Attenfit o.ipesillity tO the Colleotion ortlitims-, ltinniinntion of ' timid Tittioi; l'a-iiiiiiit of Irroteq,••iiit Cott litisincsa retit., ''',.ting'tii Ilea! litsitit.o. ()pito in Ifitinlin Block. • , 4..,80t . 1RRT0N ELDRED, , Attorney and .ooutteellor . at Lair. Smethport.;:iltEenn ihei ' County, Pa.. lneirs parustecl tn. hie 'care for the comitiei nr-M , li",4.t4ti r Potter anit'..Elk. will liti promptly • Attended to 'AMIlee. in the Overt : Hoene, • tircenit floor. ' ' • DR. LR. wrsNtit • . , • • rlsrolcian nn ‘l Surgoon, Sinethport. Pii,, will attend to -• nit prol'easiun.il•call'a with - promiittons... Wine in aecnnd_llnor:• - ' . .• THING . & MILLER„ W 110164116 and Retal - Denten: 4o"Staide and Fan6y. Dry OmPla,,garpoting, Ready Mints Cln thine, and .lieneral Fernishing Goode. Rants and Shoes, Wall and Window tiookink(fleSses tn. At:Olean, N. JOHN C. ,BACKUS, . . .. . , Attorney and Cooliseller ni 11.asr, Smothport, M'Kenn CO :PIC.' Wlll atten.l.to . all beeinees'in his prnfeseinoin the '. rou,ntireof 31 , 1Zonn, Potter and Elk. Office over 0. K. . Sartivell & Ilrotltors' Store.... ~'. . H'ACKNE'Y HOUSE, r.Corn'er nrSecoiirl'aiat Liberty atroef s, Wrirrrio.' - Pa. ; A; listinan,.Proprietor. Troveltir+ will 1111 . .1'0(0 lie commodistions neat ritalionnblb charges.— • • '.. LARABEE'S HOTEL, 11: T. in %nate, 'Propriotar,—Alleghony Midge, liPlicab Co., l'a„, This Imam) ix situated abowt nine mifos from StnothiWirt on ,th e road ltiOlean,ind befound a convenient. stopping-place . . . ` EAkrifERS'..VALLEY HOTEL ;Hy Goo owtm. This lirmao la mitnated abnnt live. mile from Sateth port on the road to Olean. Pleagnre partie, and othelacan be accOmmodated on the ithoriesdaotice W. S. 'BROWNELL; .1)0alor in Cry Grinds, •Groceries,,Croelcer.v. -Ilardyitro "Boots, Sbne3, Hats., Caps. Claim, Nails. &c.,.&e Ride of Life Public Square, Sniethport, EMPORIUM HOUSE, . :Ship )I'Kenn N. L. DYKE, Proprip!or catennndiotte met i1011P.O.• Strange rn ttlavelprq,will lint gfar.l acapntnnulationa. POHT ALLEGANY 'HOUSE, j 1 rnr u.ll DALEV:. Proprietor, Itt Pori Allegany, Konii thiiinty Thin Trete! 'hoiitiitil tttlle , Pine, ' tion or- the ilmeilin - ert 'And :111.egnity !tivtir Jeadli, nine inane east's)? Sinethnort, : 7 ' :,Y ,-- 45T0R......1{0.U5E .- • • . •-• •;•:-.. • .SMEIIIPORT, • • • AA:WELL' ::•:: • Proprigtot - •Thloi MAIO id 11 . 011 calculated for I.be accolnarndatlmi of. , the Trivellitig 1 , 011 a; havintr ruunnt : ly tow)! repaired and rotrioOle4. flood Harm; nail Sfahlem. Cliargos Stave fur Munn, Shlpriou•swallldgway. , Sioetlipnrt, July .1;1860. , • • •,' Inteiested - • • . • liinitral -Lands: • . .• vir • H., iIARNE3 olTerm torflin rxamiiirk, • ' Lion 'of Mineral•fiAmix and Elk noun tine, 'and 'wilt (rive 111•1opleion no .to 'the VALUE,•OF MINE 3, en;ac:ine,- eorvice• will receive nil noiCiiarvitc4 roll - 11,111a inrOcriation.. .Ito4.lence et,the . Bucker 11111 Marc • , • •• zief , eunk, 31 , Kucc'en:, Attu, ) • , r . 1 • .1•;' MOM ; 'S. • . . . There was ,:rt Ishiewd,;robbet , ,...somewhere.— The farrri-houses Were. robbed;.shons Were rob'. bed ;:thd,tills, of •thehars at.the waYside,inne .were robbed; : and the people had„ their prickets nicked'. A happened . ' in the . ..region of country between Sidney and,LoWestone-:—not a. field of vast . extentr,und Yet the rob,her, 'or, rob-. ben could not be,fOund.' Officers hritheearthed in every direction, and 'severaVstibrncions-Itiok- . ing individuals had.beerhapprehended ; bui-Ahe real culprit 'remained daythe meit,was fobbed: and on the - next.rt .mate had' his pocket nicked Of ffve htindiedphunds while riding in, .the Stage. coach ;.foc,my narrative' dates baCk to, ther t ald coaching days. The. 'moneyhe hatfcarried.in his poCket, and ,he knew it 'was stolen'from. him while' he. Was enjoying a bit of a dfiie on the road. I. had been confined,tO.rny'.hbitieby &severe cold fat .. several days,.end was net:fit to - go Out now, but as, the matter 'Was. tiOcirning SQ.seri 'ous,l fell . it :my- .duty tO - en;the Move, and ae:- - cording)) , I . fortified my throat and :breast , With ';:varMflannel,.and set forth:'. I died no .settled plan in my mind; :for Ihatinnt yet ,been 'upon Theroad, and was not' thoroughly i ?'posted A. ride oLfive. , :triiles.broirght me - to . Sitiney,-and . thencel. Meant .to AakeCoach. te.T - .,oWestone; where Sant Stickney, one:of:the shrewdest: of. men, lived:: Stickney had already been iOn . , .the a atit ll earchi' wished to consult himbeforerna; decidedMoveMent. I. reitched,Sidney at half.paat five in the: morning, end ,the Coach leftet cis. ;Loivestorie Was 'sikty''Miles dis tant;se it, had: a good ride befiire 'During •the early part 'of 'the day..l: rode Upon 'the box With the'driver,'and from him T gained consid. erable information tOtfching.the,Variees 'robber iea hat. had .been eneirnitted. forced to admit that 'severalpeoplehad been roliblid his-atige; though . he declared; fie couldn't.see into . it,- for he:had not 'the m ost -remate-idea . of even who the robber cotild,be.. • • We reached . 13minivilic at. 'noon, where :we: stopned • to'dine, and when - we left this. plaCe I was the . only. passenger. "At the distance of twelve miles,' at a.' little village called- paw, thorn, we stonned: to change , hnrseir, and :here, another passenger got up,'" tilled been occupy ing. the.forward seat, .as that happened to - be wider-Ain the - other,.und gaVe me a:better op' Port - unity .frir lying down; and - when.the. new-. comerentered he took the back - ivat: YOung'man,'l judged, and . not very •tall in stattire, , lnit-se..cempletely . bundled. up.,Was•he iti,shawls and rnuffiers,.-that his size of frame was not so-easily 'determined.. -1-le .was very' pale; end coughed, badly; and ratCnce made rip my mind that -he was far leak fit to travel than I yeas. After we had got Inirly'. - ori our: way, I remarked to.hirn that Thad been suffer'. ids frome sevcre . cold, endthat.this 1 :61,3 'the 'first time 4 had ventured, out for.quite a nunn her of days. Nc looked at me. out of n pair of liiight eyes; andwhen he seemed to have deterrnitn:;,.l what manner of 'man I was he said': rha t-e something war=e than a fie. broke intoa lit of . conghing :which Fasted a' Minute or - so, and:then : added : ;;.lt won't. be a great:Ns:tide:before shalt take My.last ride." • Again he-Was.seized ivith a spasm of cougW itig, and When tie recovered frorr ;t, he continu ed, .;The disease ie eating. me ,up. and shaking me to pieceset the sante' . . lle fartherlnformed that he:hail started On:a tour for • his . healfh. but that ,he had:giveri ',it by .and was now on his' way home, which plaCe he was anxious torort . ch'a..4 'soon'as passible; An other-paroxysm seized him'. at 'this -paint, he intimated-that. he; wa's unable' tO converse, as the effort brotteliCeti his 'cough.' Thad .no• Heed this,-end: had Made up my mind totrouble birn no More, even before heft:given me the hint . Hate" Wkirrert. Pa 5tn.,1113.111.,. Uurp:l.Wkla;• After this he drew% his' outer shawl : more relosely about his' neck' end face ; he closed his eyes,. and,l Wai-not long followin.' hie P:t ample. Toward .the middle 61 the tornoon the coach stopped at.' a small . village., :where. - we changedherses 'again, and `Where, fear paseit 7 leers .: gat bp: - This, broke up the arrangertiehti of 'my friend and self.'for. rest, as he. he hail) ii., take : one of the strlngfns on. his. sent, ivht el took another 'Minn,' mine,lhe pthers'occupying the muldle.seat . . : Tlie'new centers son'" binticn; ed.the, Object of the. fobberieS which 6;itt be'en' erntimitit:in rt hat' region, !bi I listened•teget , inforthation, • if .possible; but they' kriew •- :no . 'more than,anYene.elie ker. - iv.. They'had.heard all about it, and were. inflated -with, wonder.' ..:' ' One—an old farinertisked me :if I knew anything of the robber: 1 told. him I.knevi,hut little of the affair in.anytyey; hei , .ini been dick and unable AO . hi nut among folks. Then he as.ked .my eonsumptiVe friend if. fie? knew any., thing about it. •The,latter raised hishead from' Its reclining positiOni and 'was on . the point-et answering, when : we . heard our driver; in - quick. abrupt tones, ordering some one to get out , of the road. I instinctively put.my ..head, out of the window '. te,See. what was the trouble; 'and my eye was jest c!iick enough to . detect a load of .faggots in time-to dodge,, back mid escape them. The , road was quit e nerrOw ut this • . posnt,• and as the f aggots --were 'l nailed very widely; . it Was impoisible. for the.driver ivholly' to avoid them; and the side ot, the coach .'was swept by them quite sntartly.. l'esCaped.with- Out being - touched i. hut' not ,ao...rny friend. .1 heard an exclamation . Lt.bought a ..rather pro 'lane, ..;.-- ohefrorn 'hia lip s;' and on • ldbking to. awards him [ saw that one of the' faggots .had struck',hlm'ever the left eye..making . qnite a mark open .the pale skin.., 'This - incident turn. ed-the.conVereation !loth the'rebheries, and' it wai.not again alluded to diving the day..." .. .. .. .. .We•reitehetlit i oWestone shertiy after dark, and . l.Went at .ance, to . .the, residence 'of Aft. Stiektey, w hOm ,1 fonhd]. ec. hon e.'' . He' had been otit all day, and had . made.every effort 'ln obtain - inmeclue ta'hie perOettators of : the rob. kleries lhat were being' committed, but without effect: ''lle said he Nita(' hear.nOthing4n,Which . . tehang a Suspicion. , Twe , shops hed,been rob . beillic.hia town, hift she, could gain no do ,:to the.nerpetrators:'. .Vifre .tensidted 'together, and . finally:agreed 'to go in,the therning.and see an other detective, named', Gambit,, who . resided. serge tWelVo.Miles distanti..in the tOwn of !Or ten. ' This'.. met the views of tny'host, and se We left - ..the, tiipfter.fnr . the. f Wen i n f.f... .On the following 'meriting we. Were up early, and as' th.ceach eepOtt take us directly to Gamblitt's hoi se; we 'ch'ose-that 'Mode of conveyance, and re aired . at. a' itisonable beim TO the 'ta'vern for th t imirP)ge.:•,When.we reached the inn,..We: A 'MINT ON. THE . HIGHWAY. 4 .4VAIt..ItATIVB By.AN.ENCLiStiTOLICE3I4IV . . ETA RY. , . found the old farmer,.who had been one of my. fellow 'passengers the night . bet*, .steppiug about the door Im'a Wgit' state : of, exeiteinetir- . - He had beeia robbed hundred . pounds; and,he was sure it must hpy;e • been' done:. in Oa stage, for he..had shipt with ,his pocket hook ander, his pillow. He hadnot.thoug,ht to look into it when - he retired hurtle found it empty that.rnorning , When be sget ' Ile , snid the wallet had been.taken.lront hia,POoket, and put back again -he knew it; :.;As scion as he saw. roe he was nexlottii_i should be'searched. Of course I alloWed the operation•te be performed; •willingly.. After the excitenrietit4us' allayed, ask'ed where the" Pale..Yeting man was who cameo in the coach. and - was - toid by the 'that he %Vent assay' soon after the coach . . Ily.first a im Wes to. satisfy-myself ; that the old 'marl had' been robbed in 'the .stage coach,' , :and of this he ' ."succeeded In imiviricing' After this,my auspicioas'rested . upon 'the, con sumptive, .and I believed, if I.conld find him, should find the rogue.L.'Sit I bade the larnlord to keep a sharp look.oititand also spoke to't he driver who' had rine from , Sidney,-,and Who. was ..noW on 'the re ttirning, ,re (Nes iing him.'if, he saw anything or the pale man, to sea. doe's individual 'had Only' remained at the inn feiv minutes' on_ the. previous evening, arid had then gone away ,in a nin,.which had come' for him ; bat no .one Cotild l'what 'direction he ,The'conch fer Orton. soon came to. the door, and Stickney and myself tooltpunseats • inside, the farmer hal.ling determinedto remain where he. was 'until he heard 'something •about the money. "There.were two . Other passengers Side, andtwo oithree outside, but. they Wete strangers so Me. We had gone two' 'or three :miles; Whorl the driver Pulled up before a small farm house, where a Wornan 'and trunk .vvere N ' iv lilting by'. the garden gate; The lady was handed into . the.coaCh, and tdolt a seat facing me, and as she turned to give the driver Sorne• :directions concerning. ' the. baggage, threw ,her veil odes her: bonnet.'' She Was !pretty—very pree l s , --With - rosy cheeks and :sparkling e.ye t s. Her hair hung. in glossy.brnwn ringlets over her : -neck• and .S.houlders; :.and . was a type of beauty in itself.: I,looked at the rosy cheeks . again and into her dark lustrous. 'eyes... .11Ty .gazewits fixed,m . pon the latterpoint, when. she caught my glance, and quickly dreppedher veil. At fit-St I felt a,litlle ashained,at dinving, been Chnght sttiring . So boldlyt'hut as the face Was hidden, from.sight; and I had.oppOrtunitY for re, flection, it struck. me.-tbat had seen these fentures'before.- • ' .Here . was study:, for:thei and I was,..buriecl in at once.' Where had! seen that face""? I. whispered . to Stickney, and asked him if he had ever seen her before...4e said he had not, and joitedmefor being so cautious about pretty face. . stepped :et :a. place ;called l'ayne'r's \fills; in the edgn, dr Orton , toexchange,.rnails, and here h, jitmrel'out,try See the pctstmnstCr, Wh'mwns an old , friend'of ,mineand as 'l' was veturning•to:the'-coach' the :thought 'struck me to look at. the trntik which. had 'been hist put on; and seeif riny.narne . .wriS on, if. It was marlfed 'with.' the. simple 'initials, A. that wai:all 1 from that sonfer;...As.l. Mime 'to the roach door.l approached. from 'behind, andn's Least my eyes,nrl.founti.that the beau ty:hail. her veil raised,..nnil, was looking . in' nt the post-nffice,- as though' anxious for the emne, that we:might be off.: 'The .expres sion of an'xiety detracted E.ome.rhat , her beauty, its I looked 'npon her now,....seeing her . feenin a•dilletent liffitr:;,l,was .. .struck with 'a snalo!':like, s cact, whirh'was - perceptible , in • the' whale ,cFaracter, 'of,•tentures';' • I . .vra's•Mti ''the point of withdrawing my ger.t, fest she should catch' me a.second time, when a. - slight motion of her. hend rolled. her curie over.. her temple : and.l:saw.n faintline, something like vein, river her left- eye. Was a mark--:-a scratch—where .snmething had. struck '.hnr,— !t. might' have been-the stroke.of a whip. —no ; quickly glitied,nback behintrt he coach, And .there': IH.rellestied..,•.Sltch-,k. Mark •as that co'ul'd' beMitln like a faugut: . • • • When I. raturned tn.:by seat in the 6 - tech.:he fair pa4snirger's veil was' clown again. Could 'it be possible:l7that my>suspicions correct, and that chance 'hat) thrown in my way A-in -2; nt.'the.. problem which . .haiLvexed 'toy deputies 'sn • math Yes, .1 : was' Mire of 'if ; :arfilAlie:mnre I compared : 'the tt‘li flicei,in my mind the,Morell saw tho.reseMblittice. Either these cheeks hod been' painted red to-day, or they C been, paintewltite., yesterday. l'he eyes.. were 'the. snine, the' ,centour, sarne, and, that brow, with ,its tell-tale mark,.not. to be.'miitaken . . . %Ve soon stopped at. the 'door of the inn at Orton: ....TheAriv . er antianneed that they ivoold stop .theie..l . s or 20 minutes 'to". exehanze hor 'eq and wait' for' the . mail,' . .and. also informed the that they ivoidd find 'plenty of accommodations:in the,lionse if they chose to ' Tha.lady at 'first did not • het out, but at lengthihe did so and Went into •the hotel. I determined• now. tofind out .who she was. I left my de puty at the door of the room she en tered,-haying ordered him' to rush in. in ease he should hear anythim, , that warranted hisintra- Sion'. - tin going, into the apartment h found' the beauty- was sitting -by. a . ..winqnw.,':gnsitia. ou t . between the blinds. ;She- slatted up - as I en tered, end let; her Veil. fall.- • 6{T. thotiglt this wa . 4 n, priyatn rOnm, sir," she.snid. Irer . yoic.e trarnbled and soundad . . . c It .may be,...'.lryt.nyned.i hot. that dors not e'Nerudn'tbaso who have busine.s . s, 1 Catlin on purpose tn 5e.0.y0u. 3 ! ' . ' . .. . . . ' • There-Was a momentary ' straggle , Mal then she appeared as, Calm as could be. • cd,W,hat rife. you T" . . ; . . •, . ~.. • .4 , 1 am,an officer froth •Itow street." 1, 're: pliedfii I want to know who you are."' • • tc,.stop- r one moment," she'said t. aritlas . she spoke she.carried her hand beneath her cloak: . Et was quickty withdrawrt,' arid., In' it was a pistol; but she hid ,grasped a portion 'of. het dross with it, and .before she her it, );.had inning' upon her and 'seized her hrthe But it was a: her no longer: T more• Muselein that:slight body than I hid bargain ed for. linwever, mr.man' Pepped in the Mo ment lie heard : the scuffle, and the beautk , was soon secured. ,Theglossy broWn tresses fell, oltduring the scuffl e, and shine' of the', paint was removed from her cheeks. As soon us the prisoner was..securesl, I had; hie Itiken: - offrand hrinight Mon oiferhanling,its contents disgaisei• of esorts,•nud .01p? mdney-,.idea, ]ot?il-je:tyelry: .°Made. • ; frOper.: Male attire; Intl When he stood forth in propria penanna; : :llfound. that he' hail not only used red- paint: fer•.the 'lildshing Iwiuty o f tn-llny; • :but that. he had •aprilied., more,catini•prens tolering Matter . Tor. the • con- stimpti.t;e•;indiillual of yesterday: As he.stood now., he Was lithe.huilt,'•; intelligent-looking youth, i• not more than :five-and-twenty ;. but With U.eold-blooded expression icapon his Marble faeo . ,' and an•eilit Irinkin-"his dark eyes..• . . . We.c:arritql him back to - Lowes!one, where . . w.e.imititi•the !ropey' of 'the . : Old: farmer :tMeti, Mn, besides other tron - 6 , tha.hatlbeetr•lost by • different indieldusie. At 'first he told'sFrango stOries•of himself, •blit' - finally When hg knew 'that the worst roust reme,.he confessed the was froM London,•and had. donne. into the.nettntry on'..ntirpose to:*lob. He had: two corifederatee With him, Who from plane to place.:. One of 'them had '.taken him ttwq;froM.tho inn the. night liefore,' and' the •othen had brought'him nntl...- , set him down at the farmer's 'gate:that TneortMig: . ."•Wr; Made' search' for these.cOnfeilerates,. but they idtd got wind"..6f.their mineiliars arrest, and were,not to Howe~er~; we had got. the aide( shiner, 'ind had brOkeb,np the Lamp he had ..I)f4n . 16;itill:gnitt'K'and.senteneeil; he. teemed,' en, joy hiinself Kn.:rely in. telling.hom' he lind'. de coilred thq gdcfirroplii of - piir.roinitry. he Woold.turn bitnsetr the old. Man iyhri . htiagie:en the sdrivers intieb.trouble about her •bandbox... Then he : would' br the meek-browed minister,. 'who had, distributed tract, . - . to the passengers, and picked their pock. etsWhilo. 11ft.y rend. Then - ha 'would ' draw himself up into the little homp:britked old man, wilt) berii lifted into and otit.if'-the eciaeh, - and robhed his . he.lpera they-. - fixed his. erotehes-for It win fanny--,yery:-anci perhaps we Might ite - ver:bava .^entight lii.ni but . for the areident or the fagot. That was not. SO formy'roi.'him ; and doubt . if he found much. fun in.working.iit . oitr hard . stone—hanimering early and int*—with an inexnrable'maNtei over' him to spur himflp le* he thigiied... . . . . . . Pt.f EMIG I"".'N't'l3lF.it Notcrii•ANh'Sottrit.---That .the beonle : olthe :cool] are in • ‘ earnest in the stentfl talren..by them dn resist ance of . Nprth cin• seetionaliern . must be' 'coeceded.' lbere may ha n•dilfe.renee of opinion as:to the mode in which Southern rights are to be maintained, but.noneas-to the neeessity : .:'noW: or never ',Of vindicnting; them . One %tinenitrous . voine 'comes up •from eery•Stati:., mid it brcUithea re•' siStance to interference , ---the .reckte . ss- dash . of South Carolina inte'Oistinion is followed- bythe I 'more (I.elb . erat s e tread ofiter sister 'States in the saMe'direction. • It'isthe: of. freemen itirlefense of tilt they hold dearest. In Contrast, with this - efithnsiaStie determina tion of the Sont h. therapathy of the,gorthis stir prisine, 'The rtimbling.of the •polkie..l. eaeth quake is not heeded, as •rniebt havb heen ex pected. Some, indae'll;.still. sneer; at the. ports of the artion'of'ithe Sinitherri Statos;...and btu: t hemselves iti!the deltiSinti,.. that • all . these demonstration's are mere blitster and braVadm 'Why. ...cannot : the, -conservative . mind of the. North speak ()prat - this cakia'in the hiatory .of th.e..cOuntrvi „Hai :struggle:just ended;eshauated s.ll the hepe end, - quenched the enerlry ; of the loi;ers of -the Ilnion? . . To save that Pnion.regnires'noralcotiruge end detnrmintrtion . .to.dojastire. The : interests 'at itakii Would. justify the atiandontniint of every . . nther'pti!spir to join 'in retinittin4. the several bonds pf.ll,asinofq,.. The electric . 11.1 - rne of pi-, trioti9m is not quenched, bet. it Inc,lcs.the pop. meiliorrf to tlevelopeAte power.? Who cell it : into, eCtivity? : Whet . , meglc voice will . alone° it •to nevelife and 'effort.' .• For the first time since the lone ,strOgio .01 seetioMilistW : eommeraut, -'the 'clergy - of - tliet South .speak on their , toriva. As lonir to the conte4 was confin! , ll. to lhO 'sphere 'of :riolitiCs. and party iSsiies,,,lhe pulpit:th.re:ga ve • no ye stionie.to ithrl Ettlininatiens of New NoW,.when'tbe.division is„ widening, - :and two nations appelir Amit to form, evi;ry 'element Is ~ t irred by-the nascent revolritinn. 'All..thre. re ligloint,Synndsk apt! (lnnventions recently, at the Suit ft e pßgsed sesollitinits solemnly pledging themselves tie abide by the deteirnina tien of their rtinr embodying ibeirapproval.of resistai w O any one „ note ..tif oil;t t, the' Smith-is - earn:- earn est, :When religious .feeling ',is added'' to the swelling popular entha,iiiiim? :: pi not flat. : tnr rairselvesdbetth:reats of eneii , inp Gill opr, rate to. turn back. this stern and tinaninfous'res While the South is united we •pre , idea', and if such. were not the Nisi., what cotild.ceereion accomplish except -. to precipitate us • into war? And thisls to be:ilie,fital I c..Vmination of Un ion of which the beginning WWI no full 0f hope. and thecontintinece so markorl With ble,,, s i r i zs , It is treason still'to give the Union'tip for lost, Stirelyle thiadismal crisis wisdom .and petri 7 otim will rise and find not' the means of ,reeon.. ciliation and pence. %3 We.. ague e reluctance at the South' t, dissolve•the'beintisofimity and it will be •Oaly. - the Indifference . of. the North v . hich.wlll'at length enatirtn the' liner docisiim that sanders them irravocaLly N. Y.. Pai Iy. Neme. • Tite T Volt/. Trr'horte gravely ad trisestr rte. toild leans i>l enfe rprrse,lnea Os and ha ra a to en!nnitte,flehtiVaie; rrsOniler:riir. xecaloris,t , and make het. r;rear..".' It edys that it•ean enaiiy. be - done, if orte Ihen , tand Itopithlicans rrennibine. to igeir;tly ni) jitrina''.',l4l - county, Ahere,Anting in thaCertirntk :one. thousand eight.trufirked anti fire arrives. , • They ar inatrueted to "SI*D OPE .• FIIE rinottS " The impudence of this; sugpstion is a , dittely nmatting;'..A t' o this in.ried. of exeit e meet, 'wheri alloatriots ore, theturbed, and Jilt elacies.ami .snifering fioto• anti-Aldvery agita tion, the leading Lincoln organ.' of the, United States propoees that Delaware, theonly.islorth ern Ala cc State, shall tio outraged by' b eing col onized by 13Iacls: Reptiblici6s, who are 'directed , in in vance . to'ci,ond thr.'negroes"-:- . lhe eity of, tfittold families•of Delawar:o. This is the boldest and most.lormidablSentrrprisi yet committed to the under ground 4crailroad. All opedfday. Does - Mr: Lincoln eneoui organi in such defiant villrinieS and. sg,- . gle;z•siotis; - • : SPECIAL MESSAGE: W 6 the &irate 'olftlfeni,le Repiyontolive.v.:.:-.; .Aktho. tit . Your .present se h' ,calletryour attention to . ..the. 'dangers Whirl,: threatened the.existenee'of the pressed mY.orpinion -freely ioncertiing . the orig inal. co useS. of t hese . ;dangers i • a tot reeortrtnehil ed 'such meosures as.l believed would - have thri, effect of tranquilizing thO - Country ' egging it from the peril in whic h-it had been needless ly and moat unfortunately involved. ' 'Those oniniOns . and recommendationtado not Repose' now. to. repeat.- My own convictions' upon thit • whoie,suliject... remain iinchatige* , The 'fart that grgat.pilamity'• was linpending•oVer. the" nation was eyett at.that time•acknowledged by .everYintellisOnt citizen. lt•fintLalready . uonde' itself felt-throughout thedength and.breadthiof The necessary ctins•miruncei;of the lslarm thus produced' were tnitil• - ileplerablP..Theirr. l ports.felt off. with, n: rapiu'ity- never knoiv'be- 1 torelek , cept.in time•of - .war; in . .the history-.of mtr fo,teign•cornmerem The, 'realm : Ty 'Wes'ell• cxpecledly leftovit hoot the menns which it lied reitsona,bly counted apron. to' meet its ..public engagements, trade - Was.psettlyierl,': tiires wete stopPed, the publico securities:add. •denly sunk in . the - market, every. Specles' ; pf property deprectoted : more Or . less, and then; ,sands of poor:men;.whe depended en their tlailY labor' for 'their . breed, Were turned out. of employment. deeply revel:that - I- am, iii Ic to give you piny information epen the 'state of the Union •which is more setinfactorY Abort whnt Twee then obliged te,cOrriontniente. On . : 1 the .centraryi'Matters . are ,fitip . *orseat the :present time than they Were.„ .When Cgii met. a strong hope pervaded the public • mind that. some amicable' tidjustMent of •the auhject Would be speedily made: the : Ttepre , •• l'sentatives: of the States, arid' of 'the 'People, Which might 'restore. pence •hetWeeti the ctio... flirting sections Of the country. • . 'That hope has been diminished by evory hour gf: delay, intros the. 'prospectnf bloodleti. settlement ,fades away, the. pUbJietlistiees be ; 'comes more and, more aggrerynted... nn evi dance of, ;hie; itis only neeesiqrt to say. that the Trraeuryticitei atithorizedsby the act of . tlitf 17th of-December last, were advertizetrac'cor. ding to lady, and that no responsible 'Wilde:OP. fered to' take any considerable sum arpar,'et a tower rate of interestlhanlf.l PO Fretn. these fariti it appear' that inn go,verritnentor-; ganizeil like , ours; domestic strife: br even• a well grentided fear . . 4. civil " hostilities; is more diStructive.to our public,. rind private :interests than' the mime formidable. foreignwar. . , • To• my'annual•tnessage'l .expressed the cen- Viction whichlhaVe fiery . held, •anil which recent reflection tended.to deepemand confirm, that no Statehas the: right; :by its own. tact, to secede ''the 'OniOn or throw off its ,F,ederal obligations'ot pleasure. I Olso,declared my opinion.to : be,•that even - if that right existed, rind .shoulii be . .exercised §tnte of ;he COnferkerney; the .ExecittiVe 'Deportment -ofthis GoverUment 'hair . no author ity under . the Constitution to re,tognize its.vn -I.itlity by ,acknowkilging; the ibilep. ntlenc r e of surhStote.'T'his left me no . alternative„ ns the Ch ief. ENeen rive 'officer, 'under.. the Coristitu• tinn.of'the'United '.stutes, but sn'eollek , the public revenue and protect the' public firriperty, as. far as this , might be prortirable under 'the existing laws. . Ithelongs to Congress . exclu sively to repeal, modify; or enforce their pro: .viiions to meet exigiencies ;ifs -they occur.: I ;possess no ilkponsing poWer. .certainly haul no right to .mrike .nn rig,gressiv,e.war upon ;any sroto t nod I am perfectly.'sntistiedt hat the toe ..stiNtinn has wisely Withheld that power even But the right and the.duty to use' the milks,: ry. force ,defensively egains „these who. resist the Federal officers irt the. execution -of their legal functions, and against. those: who Assail .th * e'tite p ertY . of the:. Federal, Geverrrnent, 'btear But the dangerous nnil hostile 'alt oolf! of Stlites towardi; 'enehiother has nlresuly for transcended. and 'cost itite..the shade he 'ordirin7 • Execur iveirtf . •aireouly nrovjiled for. by, law, and hums as..turreur such vast and plarming.. proportions nsi to place the sUbject entirely aboveand beyond the.EK.PCII.. ti %%0 colltrol. .The fact cannot he ilisgnised that ivnare•iri the midst of great ievoltitipit. In various bearings'. therefore, I coMinend the ,niiestion to' Congress, • [IS the onl'it' human tribunal tinder Pidvidence possessive the power to meet the e.eliting emergency. :To them e,x chislvely belongs the . poWer to declare war or nuthr:zelhe empinyment of. the militarY . force in'all caseti'contomplated hi the Constitittion; „rind' they . alone • possess the power.' to rerriove the. grievances which might lend to ; war, and' to see ore' peace and onion te this - dig - trolled' country. On them; and on them alone, rests the responsibilityi, The Union is ,a sacred, tenet left by our , rev., olutienary fathers. to their descendants • and never did any other people inlierit• so rich n legacy . . rendered us.nrosperous in penen , and triumphant in war. 'rhe national flag has floated. With izlrpy over every sea. . 'trotter its ' shadow American citizens-hive 'found,,.protec tion'and respect in nil, binds' heneat h the: sun; If we descend to com-itleratilmi of purely te rinl- interest, when, in the,.history, : of oil' titne, has- a confederney -been bound together with' gulch strong ties, of mutual. i,rtterest ? Each pot. tine of it in dependent 'on ell; and all' rib each portion, for. prosperity soul domestic Feetiiity: A. free. . I rode throughout the whole. supplies the .Wants of obe•portions from' the 'productiens of aaoth«r, end scatters wealth every wherel - Th e ,' oreitt Planting had farming Steles:.-require, and corntnereial navi,geting States semi their pro, dtct ions to domestic and foreign . trinkets; 1/111 naval power to .render. their !a.lma portatinn seriireagnitist all hostile•ntte c ks . .. 7 ,-,. . Should ihe'Onion perish . in .jhe . midst of ths 'Present excitement; we.have elreadY.lid a sad foretaste of the`universal . sutiering.whieh woulil resnle, 'from Its : destruction. .Tbe would be Severe in every . portion of the . Dition . , and-would he mute es greet,- to,sey . :the least; in the Southern as in the north ern States;:, . . • :The gri , n!est a'zerilvaticm - of the: evil; 'rnd the t:whieh place Us in amoitunfa ,vorablelitht, both befrire r the:world'and.'postnrity; as•l firmly. eon trineed. that the .aeediaiori inoveMent .has been chiefly biseithpert n nilee'rpreheiteicln at the SOlatkor the Sentiments'of the .majority. in : Levee' 'or.tlliti : Npithitrn: States. .Let the niteitien be transferidirimi to the: ballot-box., a nit:the people. ,:-. •c,,..,....4.-,-,ft,, ~r, ' •,. , .1.,:,:.,,,.;',,3,..:19,P3,11'1)' :.,4,-,.,..f -,, *,%::,,- rpr . it,S, ~t,,i ..,. :„.,.A', 4iiir :,•;, ';','.' 1:1,, '1•.. - 41",i0h+i:111 ? -:,'..:y , Si'';' ,,, ;) , ,r•Fidiii i'!:ritl't ...: •;•:: v''', ••'- '' ~-.r'.',..%-:•,i''',,,... •:',.‘: ,' 'r. , . ":-.- ..'' rv., , •sif *A vvould tipeettily-Yedres4 I hi.:. efloi,tjtro,t *hi ,. h .l heSriltlh.fpi 4.l frit.b•Pll s p lloiilit - tpiN., ryatrs tie,- Jet , the iif4l' Welii;teorgiile;tr , . , = otunotii,ec'-e0 n:rWii'i i cifiCt' iikyi'•llli:l•Aieterl asslipt . On'thit tit l e re' i•l•,riO 'filtler],•alisliiiii . ive.; : Timels 'IP 4erat,"'''eni4PV3Sitiiir phii•l•er."' Let .. . 119 allke attils TOtle/I , 6liiagnina k i raS ipe'r l l!.ViiYird, the rnobf i iirf,•SO4,lksf op. • port unity' fur retieetikr."."-irrifiioloiii girie;ih‘.4.'or-, °now had t.e - va'-iroliv Weep . or", thW'fiqii" before ,- her ' Priselplia red ::•iictirtii:'}i:T"'iltoi4iire:,'lll4#ll?;' t h rotig hi ynn ,' id,' t lie piibple• 'Of 'Ole' . , .1.'0rt1f , ,T.,,' -!, to deebt rein 'their' iniihr 'lief' v ii'ffi'gViiil)ll. idust ' aridahell be pres'erved" . lif'isli 't r ifiiiiitlftif Omit merins:• • ",', ":' . : - , , ''" . • . • I nithit ettin , ;iitlV rek.btrifrihtl',l4;4 4 ,A (Ont„ yourselOeiteirloSlvel y ‘ tti:thit'il'O'eslitorr FM Um can' b'e neComplishitd in , 04Ce/ 'VI i ciiiii-iliee.-„- itlons. when i citimPired . ',Ain' nifikiloili :'in i t 'signtilcunciel ilTlitkyle4•ent lilhti.tiiiiittsii ' 11i''..,. ation. • A etiiini protritit'ic'ilon;W:Oeciliti' s ''. :A,_ ;delay in Congress. • to titeieriboryijilf tetilitithiientl: ' •e distinct and i peeetiditrh'riii!ckitikii4liii '631111. ' otinmMay•drive iss. bill' polnt firinV'latlifi. It', Will' be almnit itripoklibf i r 'tri . cid . eldit:,'' , ','Ngiitn- i 'mon rohnfl on wb ieh c • ohOititiorf'Aito ,l l , iyttim ! . . • . nY may.be prollticed Is sarelk , not hnetiainitfile. The propositiOn I• to` s edriiptoilise!' : hY'ffeSt`ting' the North ha Ve. excltPdve cubit:ill of theiterijto:: 'l7 abe ee' Ai - eel:trait .'-iltie;."tind '4i V Mk' ' Skiletlit.r tor in.stitutiontroniertitiM belOW"thiti 'llrig;i i ‘ioifiht to' receive itolivetier epPritl3kt,lbh: 9 ;iiiiiiit%ln; deed; it- mat' dot , . be •entire'llieftilliiktit,'•Ant: • when the alterhative is I,ervi/Py f ilr'soll.Ti lie ip conetirslion on but h 'sides, arid . ' i'lfe, l lll4eriktjort S. Of tilt! thloth'lt - hi:tiff iMptitetinir t ifi'ili Phi- • otisni or coniti49,oiiiil'otrf filit ' t,is'''fili:myere will hesitate Cllr" emfeti*tit!''':''.'- 1 '''','' *" '•' if;rai• Even now 't he dang.l4l , fit 044 ii ii,? ';! 6" 93441 ' Sfittei which have not'ttiel 4 e., ll( l'iiiii 9 Mitits - •11 0- nals,iand'ittsgazlfiles'Of r ,ilk . a"Utilteif 'Oftii i iill re - • be'en•seited( •• thisi is'i.b 4 o inif.h. lo ti'to!tlii'sel quit - • Step Whicth . bis been . titCrn sinei t)in,litiVtii • eii'it. -ment roffilhe trotibiPi.'llila, l iitiVll 'iiiiigity has !Ong btfelnlefitivitttaat'kaiqadia4r&iPs' for its prefaitittn; 4 :locWaiiei4tis t tliilitsbii", jOiteit . its securliftsbdei•thei,llitg'grihitl6tVlieri'ltilill' the'Stittes' ol•ther ttrilotO lifiellte.C.Votte'till army-het iteircelyotik4ri'stifflileiti 't . W . ijilid ur ln reote frobitie're'iteniiiist.'ificlied:*iii'cilitsiptiii'— The halcui./S:or thia jeofretii;liolo` rgr ` ol ol 4 fii - . ' ances;,haS'been',puretiP aggrealilVe,iacieriolln • reslstanOiti nny.nitlenipti - td'etieretk A' Stab'-'or States to r'etUhin re:ilie tfniOil," '''' •I' - '*" ' ' 2 ' ' A t.the h'e e,i niS mg of ;three it nhovfli.,,ay)l.. I (let pritii Oeil that rio act Of iii iipPsh - 011tel it gre se • thereitilternent imeithk!rtrehtinfi l kilikliqdfiat i t If the politleill 6oritiiit NVirit' to'intl iteiNfr r; ' • it was imf., determined. purpose ' Vi iii'q'ii` .., menet! it, nor even te l) filitilatt.'an',kA)fliff 'itli'• it by . any 'art Of ..t his GovernmeSit.'i'litf iii i iiinfoti remnins - unehariikiitf,•;that--Justicit Us well: as Soliqu) policy regnirre us still, tti'se , ;4lit , Tionre - fulsoltition of the,queotiiins at ••issini Iliptstriten the litiorth and Boiith. • Entertaitittett!!t4iit lion:, !fiction, 1 refrained even , frofn• shulittO4tsin. : , rn forcepote 'in . Mejor A nderionf•: mho! 'tom. , • mantled the, forts in ..Chatiest/In lharlinii; until i. an absolute necessity for daltitieb shatild m 1 115". itself apparcnt,ilist,- it -Unightminjost ly• lie' rp- • ;tartlet' as a menace of •milifaryi coercion; and thus furnish, if not .e.,' pioyo'catitol'i• at 'least ' it pretext for an outhrealt on the• . !parOnsf; South • Carolina. • No ,necessityC for these ;reinforce meats rectned to ekist. :-• ~'---- •••. •,'' : • ' • I . ivo's'assit:ryl by, dist.frtiObbed 'mid 9Ptikht trentlenhiti, from South ditrolinn'thavino ettsik on•Maj..:AhOdrSCII II WOR intet(sledi, hut , thee,' on the con tra ryf -it •Wes the' desire of the Seto& wit. thoritic.;ns 'much as it wits my 'ourhirromitisid i the fatal• consequences which omit' ineririthly . . follow a military. Collision / ',,And .I,hreqrsteishl it proper to sithrnit Ihr.yourinforrnatiiihicati3!S of it comirmnientioti.klut ell iitheitafttlYi:lifttareeth- • her.. 186 Q.• addrrseed• to, the bi•Ri!,WiP Miry,. we 11,... . ILA dams And' James. L. • Ort,l , Corst• • .missioners from: South Carolina, witU at•enen. ponying documents. and, copies 'of My , InsWer l• thereto, de ted;the 31st 61.1)./scernherl • ^1•••'i •• In further explitrietion/,'ot Met: , Anderidints rernoval..from Fort Moultrie:to. /Fort Sturiyiter; itis proper to atate.thet•After Myrquiswetitii the South , Carolina Coritinissionerlic'• thei'Alltor. I)opart Man t received ~' letter from' ihil.e. gel Ito e t • offirer, tloteit on the . 27th• of •Decomitrr, ithtp, •`- (the day after this movement), froth .ivhlott Idle ' .. following is' an- extracti2— , : •••• li i' '/' i 4.m . !--' , .1 , 1 Will addi as my opinion,ithat•many thitle.'s ' convinced tne rhnt the authorities nf • theuSittin , • .. designed to proceed ft* a' hostile mit. - . !fflvoil'ent, 13: referring, to itlie iorderil dated .1/ei4'rnhi.i, I lth, of the late Secretary p 1 Wp,r.) -.- tildes ''t nisi Ito. pression I could not • hesitate thot'ir Wis solemn. thily,ta Move miff ennomantb froth a 'tort .• • wit iC h . we•conid not probe hlY•,bn VP hiqd Codger" than fortyseight• or - sixty.. - ,hours',...to•• this :,en'ec ' ' where' my power of resistance' is Inereaged ••lalti powerful degree." : ..! .'t ... il '''''' . It ,wlit ,be i ,recollected that.. the conelndini part of! ',these' Orders Were. in .Aheifullowltlk • terrim--“The smallness pf , your tore* viillr l ilitt - • pprrnit you, pet hops, to occupy moire -thistrbtfe , . of the, three forts; but an attack on, or an,at•-• tempt to take possession of either, of [howl, will -. he re! ANNA as an act of Itostillryolnd god, 'Mei ' • • then nut your enmmend r , •i . nto "' either nr thiiiit- . whiCh you tiny deem' most proper •to inersoi'sl • . its power of reliatnocc. • , You are also- atitlitilrf ized to talcmsimilar defensive steps whiihsis7 . • , you ha'vo tangible evidence °fir design 'td Pie • .• : creelto n hro.tilf. act.' '' " ''' • ,_ '; '.' ...'," ' . • . • It is said. that asnions appellensientr . atylti seme extent,entertnieed "that the‘peeee;" . Or District may be diem bed betnte; resll: 4 le .ehv eveetit wijf hdnikAtity stnii.this . flottystiall be fierfoemeilo, • To eeeelesiee,...it may:he, rTieittied , to%ttih. to I'.hoVereften _mime& ' • awn of the dantetskwitieb..n'Oti , limireite& May he tite '4 l ,4.freti ' I - feel heel) thellgh - ireOertecilY' ntol.l9iasever.the to•mY; grave ,the s t.l.at leait meant .:• •. # wrBhinicon Pi ii;TA*'o '•oi ,t7Mvxs: FlioMttly,AßtzilTol7lt'l 1 • , • ' Fctit Stliuptiii:bt tlitei eh! ,ll?reft. tiFilttll,Mittf.i ' ''' fiom'Cltarle'ititii; alielviif tiney eiihtklb,ll•s4i9iNi ' :` ' -.• :nit , )lotiltile;ltiele qu'aierrs or fi,irile ,1491i)tft , ;', tlikroat Idil,o e ppa,,,lh 1, • t.e4t.torki!, 41 1 - ' , '.•, , Fort J" ll " , Vit.'"or 4l o ; r o onfP!e,rliOit IMii!lis#4 , -I ) '' :ii Ca' s tl" i I . e l " 11 4:: : -. 4 . 4 ,1 "" i' n 14 * ( t,„?At ~,.,.,. mile tl - iiM ' the rowhvitYlli rqrtl, o4, ,P,.,T)Aii , l lit?ii: 3 , , '' , ti and n qyarter , liilenliii:Oligt,...loWr k , „: „(:l„; vili f y ,v: ~ =';:,.,7,5. i i iit meatitirerner.te`,o47l e, ieti,:bel,nt 'tilici‘,k,,,o4l;ils,;';..'f-,A'. the latest stir: ''' 1 1 4t.t,Ite" United: .54.1,,i,04,,1,5e1;;Y:,ip , i coat surveY , ';' , i ' ,l '"W ,!, '': . =',.`f'.' , ' ir . ' , '''' , : - '''''',.' irli'''''' •,I '''il,/1 . , , ',.1 ' , r . l . ^ . .'' t ' ~ ~ '-',-,.,' - :lib l iV, ~,,dith,....An • ' ,