M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, January 03, 1861, Image 3
SUCE.I2I . Patpted Sept. 9, 1858. n,r *ILE 1 11 SMITH THE' WASHBOARD . AND BEATER .are . ~the two first and:most nituratiniplements •' ver'u4e&:in Washing C Icithes. Hot withntand mg It has, heen. the study of inventors to do • them. Uway r . and !or . that purpose several :clred patents . have been issued, yet it has been .• of .no: etfeet. They have 'failed ifi.their 'at tempt. ' Theinmachines have been condemned , Arid thrown. away, and the Wash,. Board and Beater agai n'aud in their stead,: This machine'.Combines . .them. tOgathei,.at. • 'tached to_ a progressive - leve r in such a manner Si' gives great power to the Beater, while eithernry be used as the operator may desire. The . motion of .th'e Beater quick and ,easY, .. 'the pressure.gentle . , and powerful,' which , gives . it the'advantage over all othermiehines, ,and, . is ito.decided . by competent .jUdges. liplanufsiccared and sold at'gichanicibuil,•l4 •• . • • A. WOLTERS.- Dieoinicsburi,, March. fEi, 1868 411; H • 0 . P . N CD g 4 cy' Zit o . - 0 . A 0 * V 1 0 at. a, )4: B LACK and Green Tato, olfferent luallti es st JEFFREY'S DOUBLE-ACTING SUCTION *FORCE PUMP . India Rubber Ba Vavai.. . . grim . SlThkßlßtlt having:purchaseil • the 1. rightlo make and tell thia New Pump, feels' a confidence - that hie efforts, to bring into general use, in this county,'will . be .lecen. ded by all who lee its construction and'opera- Arnong the many advantages secured by the vse of this PuTop, the following may be 'enu. merated: . 1. A double action; by which,,twice the wa ter can ;he raised at the nine time. Z.' Great ease in working, thus adapting the . Force Principle to common wells. , 3. The transfor m ati o n, in a moment, of the Pump into.an efficient Fray mining, thus ken dering the loss of ditellings by 'fire, totally un necessary. • .• • 4. Copability of watering gardens, Lawns, of sprinkling , walks, washing windows, with the utmost ease and thoroughness. 5. 'Power to raise, water with slight labor to any reasonable height, as in supplying chum- 6. The convenience of having the Pump in a kitchen, or other rooms of your dwpfling, with- out regard to the location of Ole Well or dis . 7. The' ea y,'protectionl of" the instrutnerit againgt'Frokt, • . . , The ease with which _it msy.be. -.mounted •on ,wbeels, or in other ways " be made portable. 9. A Simp/i'sire which ensures greet prnteets it from; Wert hroven out of or, der, and makes any. • repairs easy and of little 10, Oreat... Clutapness: , for the brat gene brineing 'the eat Or' the •Poiee Pump into the neighborhood of the common Suction . Chain Pumps, while it is. immeasurably -cope eer. to both... • ' • - :'Manutbetured•and' for sele .by the subscriber, only, at his Shop in Meebiriiesbure: Meehaniesbuig, Mareb . lB,:lBM3. - • TIN .CHURNS,And Japanned Ware, Stove rip! and, Tin ct4ittilee at . MESON'S. Greet Work on the Rorie. THE . HORSE AND NISI DISEASES: . • . - .TERNINGS, V. noincasoleo. rArnoi,O9y :AND 011RATIAII BUROkii IN THE . .TrtgillNallf.9olLLSON OF PIIILADW PIIETO . . . .WILL TELL YOU Of the Origin, Itinteiy and dietlnctiye . "" • troth of the Variourigeeds of Europe.. • .. anj Aniatic,AfriCan and American Roe. •.' • . :ilea, with the phyßical formation-and • • peculiiritlea of the •eitinial, 'end how •• ' • •• 1 to• aecettain • hie ego :by the. number • "and condition of his teeth ; Alinatrated : with buderoneexptanatoryengraringe• . . . , . . . • • he' ri or HO rindhis Dligerlf3E:U4 . : WILL; TELL YOU 'Of Breealng, Breaking, Stabling,Feed.:, •-• • • 14, Grooming; Shoeing, and the gen.. • , oral management' of - the hen ea. with .' • • : ' modes of admin Waring medicine, oleo, ho* to treat Biting;ltickine. Bearing, • • , Shying Stumbling, Crib Biting; Beet : /9811110/11 , and Other ',fowl to which'he • '• • • . ie 'abject ; liurnerciue iiiplanato• • , The Horse and.his Di s e a ses. ' WILL TELL YOU Of thneeuies, eint: ntontei Fend treat ; • - Anent of littranglen; • Sore Throat, • . • , •— temper, Catarrh, Influenza, Brondhit. • . le. Pneumonia., Pleuriek, Broken Wind; Chronic 'Cough, nearing- and Widet • : , . • ling.:Luanne. Sore Mouth and Ulcers,. • ' • and ileenyed Teeth, wilh • other. dieen . , • ; ' gee of the Mouth ,and Beeplratory 'Or . The. . . • • • . .• •. ,Fittx4se and his Diseases • w,u,L• TELL. YOU or. the mules, isymptorus ROI Treat - •. -: ..' ." • inent of Worms,iota, Colic. Strangu :- - - lation, • Ston,q , oncretions,'lluptures; Palsy; Diaridues, Jaundice. Ilepatirr •• ' • .-. . .. hoe, Bloody Urine, Stones' in the Kid(- . • . net's and Bladder; Inßamthation. and ' I . . . other diaeasen of the Stomach; Bowels, . . , ... Livery and Urinsty Orgaiic ~• - ... • N i ) Tiie-I-lorse and f; DjseaSes WILL' TELLAIY VOf the eatinea,Wmptinnn; and treat; .• ' •. - ''meat of Bone, Blood and ling,. Spayin, ,• , ..: Ring Bone; .Sweenie',,S trains ' Broken '.- • . , . .'• ' ',• ' ',.. Divine - and Gravel: 'Cracked 'flonfe,. .. - ..• .. S'.• ', Scratchea,'Canker, Thruith and Corns; . '• .alne, of l'ilegrimn., Vertigo. Epilepsy, . Staugnm• and other diseases' of *the' ~ .-. ; • ~ , • Feet, Lim and Head:: , - .- . • . ,: •• : The Horse arid his Diseases : . . . . . WILL TELL YOU,Of 'the causes, symptoms, and Treat . •• ' '. '. • meat Of — Fistula. Poll Evil, Cllnders; ' • ; ,'' . - Fircy, Behrlet Fever, Menge, Surfeit, • - , .. Locked 'Jaw:: Rheumatism, . Cramp, . . .. . •.• ,' - . faalle,,Dise tics of the. Eye and Heart . ~ &c, - ,' &c., ace, how - to manage.C.istre • . ' . •• • . Con, Bleeding, Trephiiinfrc, Rowel . . • lag, Firing, Hernia ; Amputation", Tap' . ' . • • . ping, and other surgical opersttons., .. . . Tho.l.lorserand his Dispa,sseTe ' •.•. . • . WILL.:TELL; YOU Of Rarej , e method'of taming pores , - • - hew. to Approach, Ilaitci or Stahl,' a .. - ~ •, Colt; • bow, to accustom •a 'Home -to . . • • • • . • - strange sounds 'and six) te.,mod how to .. •• •, • ; ' Rit.Oaddle,; Ride; and 'Break him to• . - • •• • ~ . - '• Ilarne<is , also.' the•lfirm • ant law of WARRANTY,- The 'whole' being the re . cult of more than fifteen, years', careful .•, • •, - orate habit..meculta.ifiesrente Cindy 'and weaknesses of thin-noble allimal ':w . . • The . lanolc eon tat ea 381 pages. appropriately - I ilustr , tted by , nearly one hundred, enWravinca It is printed In a clear and il 3eD type., and will be forwarded tonne address, postage paid. an receipt of price, half bound, 8./.00,.0r; in cloth. extra, $1.25 . . ... 1.000 -A .Y EAR can be made .by enter prising 'men every wherei'ln'selling the-above; and other popular:works of ours.. purinducetnentsr.to all suet ‘rn esceedingly.liber al. 'For single copies of the Beak, or f.,r lermato agents, with other information, apply to or address . JOlOl. -E; POTTER, vublisher.,.. • • No. BIT SanscnStreet, Philadelphia Pa,- •Noramber - • .24' • THE 01;D KEYSTONE STORE AT, QLEANI MIX TAKES THE LEAD 1. .1- K. COMSTOCK RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES TO HIS old' 6iends in McKean County, that he its hanii thin Spring as usual, with the LARGEST. AND ,BEST Selected stock of Goods in the.Olean'll,l4;ket To Wholesale' Cash Buyers ifould Sari, I can Wier :You betterinaticements than .you cars get west of New York It makee.,no differenee what you. want,. any. thing in the line of GROCERIES 4- PROVISIONS, Call at U. OLD; KEYSTONE And yon..will :find the ariiele'fresh end cheap use_ talking tpe KEYSTONE STORE alWays - has sind always Will take the lead, an. regulate the market in Groceries and Provisions, OLD FRIENDS AND NEW ONES, Don't fail to call and. see inn when y?u visit Olean ; I shall'not hurt you, but shall certainly ry to do you good J: IC. COIVISTOCX. 6.3 Olean, May 23J, 1860 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE• LETTERS'of. Administration on the estate of G. Barrett, late Of Keating town• ship, decd, having been granted to the tinder signed, all persons knowing ihemselv,e6initebt• ed to said estate- are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having 'claims againgt the same will present theindaly authenticated. for.settlemPnt.. • • PALMYRA BARRETT, Atimisiratrix I will.be at, thti late iesitleoce of (kohl on or about the 10th of .January, where . all ltiterest- ed can ran . Pee. i 0,1860 . .. • - .. . . - • • , . .' .- . NOTICE, . . '. •. - ' • INIIIMBBAS lly wife MAR9.1).114 IN,. ham left. My .Bed' • V and Boani, without Jugt ca or provocation, 'I hereby caution all persona agalnet harboring or treating her on my account oat ' will pay BO debtreof her briny trading after. this date. •; 4 - ' - • ._' • , • ~ . BULIIVAN' POSTER.• Bradford. Oetnher in..ißog • , -. • • •• • A SPLENDID LOT OF TF.A at ' Irrt - cox& Y ',A TON'S, (Nciin, N. Y Jarbre Drawn tar Dereinber terra: .q I tAND . 3p XtORS . . . • irradford.—Jame.i . :E. Blair, S. r.. Casey, J. .N.•De Diikernan, J. J..yori,.S; •TiJibitts•,.c..D..Webetcr, , . Davis, N. F.,JOnea, TO. T. McCoy,. R. Sartwell. • " . • . Smith:", . ; ,:7114redi—E:If &Oen; Owen Cook, 4 itivi/in',-Horace 'Starks, - ; • • • 417eativ,—Z:,.R. blie. ' • ' Libert:e--JOI Acre,: Wm.,:Oieisby;. . . . . . •Lesfaoqa—Al6'ert Beemen; J. 54..Haldridge , Norinich-'—E. A.. White:' • • • Otto—A . ..G. Otto. • • TRAYSRS6'JIIROR9 Braflford—T. Cobic,..!..T,..DtAkek; • Leander Edsen, G. vicivroni 9 r...4 . .. L. Beilfar(l. Bororigh=Ghoillis,Corwin..S.'.Bartsoell. • Cires-L-E.' J.' Berber,: Xenway Bell. Daniel , dleison; George N. Hnekett,'. Daniel Peabody: John Peawl: , • Eldretel—J.:lll. Geuder, M. G. Knapp, C. B. Stnll,.'L. Wlnclgo.r. • - • , W: Starks:. • • • Hamilton—Ei B. Libby,: , . • . . . Patin: 7 -A. H. Cory; C.C. Cleveland. • Lihm.t.v—J: R..Colemon,E. Green, C. Holden F. Lnwton, Elias. Shirts. A. A. Stovvbridge Wrn. Sherviood„D. W. :Whitney:: . .• Arbrvoieh—tle'n . f y tashe . ri E.Taiteison ) Fero Otto—Eenj."Bunker, P.., C. Hopkins. The above - named Grand and Traveriejutora will meet , at the Court House in SmetbrArt, on Tneeday the 25th day of DeCernher next. at 10 o'clock. a'. tn. :* JOSEPI , IMORS.p.,Sh'fr. • Sheriff'a`otfide,Smethribrt,' Gitt : ' 22;4800, AL perSons•are heieby eantione d tigainst negotiating; :for -School ,order .. .No. 101, draw by lite Direetori.of Keating, School Dis trict, Ati.z. 20, 1860', for $27.00, in' favor:of Rail, as the sama has been lost and. nay ! . mint Stopped: • . • HALL. Dec,,lo, 1860.1 • ' • Last Call. L ' . A ' persons . k n o woing themselves' indebted, - io, the undersigned are hereby' notified to call arid settle - their accounts,' immediately, or eOsts,Will be made.' • • •'"J: D. OTTO. . Cheat Excitement in the South SOUTH CAROLINA IN ALRAISI TERRIBLE. THREATS OF 'SECEDERS THE UNION IN:DANGER THE NORTH AND . SOUTH Must and Shall be'Kept TagOhbr I ThiS Glorious Union: gust: k Preserved • • • • - . • _ - . - • •. • . . .•. . , I INDEIt the erietlut circun3tences the euhscriber . r.J.' deems It hie duty to Ray to', the citizerui of Northern Pennsylvania 'that'the old, '• . .. ' sidejlill' Tin-Shop la prepared to meet any and'all eniergeneres,mith °alma armed and equipped as the directe:• I am piepaied to do all kinds a imork in the line . of .'- • . . - ,Sheet . -Iron and. Copper, . . „ n end old milk pang or cement.thin ginrions linion.• • , :The Side-Hill Store,- which has nu long.held ' , her bead above woteronuat and shall take the . lead anti others in. Ito line:. ,Iterlon. Inn-chased the Interest of my brother, (N. 3 Mnson;) I am noir „littingnir and falling up• with a' new stock of Stoves,Tintraro„ which." am bound to sell cheap for pay:: Calt.and nee • CI E0.,11. MASON. 'N: kinds or produce—anything but.trunt—'-taken' in exchange for goods, (Nov:11," THE Pzonrs cook toog. MODERN , COOKERY In all it-Branches. 6AREFtLLY . RtyliED EV MRS. S. J. HALE IT TELLS'YOU - Dow to choose all .kindeof ideate, Pout • • ~• , try and Game, with all the various en . • ', • most approved modes of dressing an • • .conking. fleet and Pork - ; also the best ' . • . • ' and elmplest• Way or unit*, ,• pickling • • and curing filename. •. ' I . .'' • IT TELLS YOU, Al! the - . Tartans and'moat 'lmproved •• . • • ' Modes of dress ng, cOoking, and boning Mutton: Limb,. Veal• Poultry,' and • . Game of' all kinds, with the different • ,' • • pressinga; Gravies and •Stuffings ap, •• • . , propriate•to each. • ' IT TELLS YOU flow to 'choose, olean, and preserve. . • Fish of all kinds, aid how to sweeten • •.• it when tainted; also' all the varitota • • and incist approvedroodeaof Cooking, . . ' • • , with the different. Dressinge„ Sauces, , . • and Flavorings appropriate tn.each. IT TELLS YOU All the various and . mist approved , • • , .."'.„ modes of preparing over fifty different' . ' .• ' " • kinds of Meat,Yish, Fowl: Game, and ,• • . • Teget•thle Seam .Brotheoind Stews. • • •. • ' with' the,ltelishes.and Seasonings al)- . • . •-• . ' propriate to'each. ."•••• , • IT TELLS YOU. All the • various .and 'Moat approved modes of cooking Vegetables of every. . ' .description, also : how to prepare, Picks • • lee, Catnap and Currie, of all kinds,. .• : • .., PottridSleats, Fish, Mushrooms, Sc. • IT TELLS YOU All the - .Various and moat approved -• • • -motion Of prepalting end cooking ", • • • , kinds of .Plein and Fancy puffy, Put. • dinge.Ginelettea,Fritters,Caltes, Can-. • • lectionarY: Preserven, Jellied, and .• , Sweet Dishes of every description • IT TELLS YOU All the various . and moot approved ' • , modes of making- !tread. Resits, Mut , ' • - ••• . fins and laiscult, the beet Method of I "preparing Coffee. :Chocolate 'and Tea. - and how tomake Syrups, Cordials and Wines of various kinds.' ."• IT TELLS YOU how to set nut and 'ornament. a Table; • ' bow, to carve aii•kmds of Fish,. Flesh • , or Fowl, and in short.•how•to so aim. •'. • ' •• plify -the whole art of Cookies, mulct ' bring the choicestituru ries of the tattle within everybOdy's teach The book containe 419 'pages ; Sod -upwards of twelve hundred Recipes; • all of which are the results of actual, experience, having been fully,and carefully tested. under the'penonal superintende of the writers. It-in printed M a clear and open type, is illostrated_With appropriate engravinge,'and will he forwarded . to any addrS.,, neatly tmid, and postage paid, on receipt of the price, $1',00,, or in cloth, extra, $1,23,.. • • 11000 e ca n t t l i, b r e p r m . ]; by en: where, in Selling the above work, our Inducements to 1 Ruch very . • . • • • , . , Fors single For single ,Coplis of the hook nefOr terms to agents, . • with other information. apply to or outdrew • , • ' . 3011 IN E. POTTER; Publisher, ' •.No. 017 Sensate Street, ' • November 15,'1860 ; 24 WASHINGTON , NATAINA.i MONUMENT. • Sf.7I3SoRIOER.I.NOW .OFFERING T for sale,,a magnificent steel-plate engra. ving the.Declarat ion of Independence,. sjir r rounded by life-like portraits of. all .the . Pees/ dents, and bearing upon its free, the tomb. of Washington, at Mt.' Vernon, ind farainsileit of the signatures affixed to tbe Deelaratiori..; - • THis ENGRAVING, . . being 18X22 inch es in size, is uosurpassid by . any ever published, and is offered' at the , very low price.of fifty cents. • *- Address all orders, with price enclosed and two cents to prepay mistime; to • C. N. TENNY; Aut., • . . 51:m01110re, ril'Reran Co, pa. - 77 wove uts 0 06 , , '. lRodirdom - os --7- I APS 43503 S'C'‘\ %4415 • .'" A curt MAME D RIR ETIC, 0 0 (0 44ri DyttEti , INVICORATINCitORDIAL To the Citizens of New Jersey . ind. Penn. • . eylvania, itpcitheosirjes, Dr.niists.:qtro . • ~''eers:tfii- T rivitteT7ainilieS:. , • Wolfe's Ping aoiniac Brand y. Piire Muderio,.Sheiry &Port,Wine, Wolfe's Pure.Jornalcaand.St.'c'soix . Welie's Pu'reepteli and Irish Whiskey. . . • I beg learn to call the attention of eitize . ns of the tor"' 'tad States to the eller", Worn and Lignite intiorted by Unatego!Wptra, of New York. whoie name Is familiar In every-part of this countrifor the . purity alas SCUM:. nsuSnlllterrs ,Mr: thou, , in Ids lettor. to me, speitk. lug of the pu ity of his Wiaga,and i.iquone,Osysi "I will stake my reputation as a man, my standing is a merchant or thirty.yearg, residence in the City of New Tint o -that all the Pasant' and Wins:a which i bottle are pure . aiilm• .portedi end of the beet quality.an4 can be relied upon by every • purchaser.t...,Every bottle . has the,pronrieter'n name on the wax,-and a fat shell,' of his fllgnal.ure on the •certilleale, -The .public--are respectfully Invited to eall. .and 'minima for themselves. -For sale ' -at Ragan. by ell • Apothecaries and'Ordcers in 11)111delphie , -• :.pseatta Aiaron, 'No .63.1 Market St. Phifadelphia: . Se/a agent for PhilpilOphia- Road thefollowing from tne New York Courier; Egoasbas Business Foe Ogs Nsw-Yeng Meactuar —We are happy to infirm-our fellowcitisorts that thiirels one piece In 'our city - where the physician, apothecary, and -country merchent,can go and urcheimlTlnes -as pure aaimported, and of the bast quality We do-hot intend to give attelaboratedeseription Or thin merchant', entensPre bu Sine"s, atilt - noel' it will repay anv strangernr • -citizen to:viait Unot.rlto Wout'S estollslve-ntsrebouse; Nos. lit. 20 and 2.g. - 11caierstreet,-and Noe 17,19 and 21. Markfield street...llls stack of SelinepPeonhand read yfor shipment %mid . not Juts , " born lesa than thirty thonaend caeca, the - Brandy. some ten tboussnd cases..Vinteges of Meta 'lB6O-y and ten , thousand testa of Dlideirea.?her• ,yy and-Port Wine, scotch athl Nell - Whiskey, ,Jamalca -and, St;' °roil fum•'.scims'yery ' , Wand equal to tiny in this country...lle also had three large collate, filled with .11randy, Wine, .Ste. , 'ln casks tinder. Custom. Ilnusekey. ready: for bottling: Mr. Wolfeta sales of kchappa lest year amounted to. one hendred'and eighty" thousanktint. en, out Ire hope In lone 'than two yearehe may.be. suceepsful with Ills .Drandles and. Wines, . . ' Jltn business merits the. potronageof every lover of his' speclea.: •Priiate rtrolilee.who wish. pureWlneeend Li num, for. truidicartine . aliould rend theli'drderedirect, to -Mt...Wolfe until every. Apothecary In the-tied-make nn their 'minds .todisimr,l the polmnous .AtulT . from their 'shelve,-and replace it With Wonries pure Wlage and Lt.. .. We understand Mr. Woirn, for the acc , mmorbtlion .of stroll dealers in the country,. Weep 'netted. MIAMI of Wines and ',knows SuCh a men. dill Furl, a merchant, should be ruastnerl acnioct his tens of thonsandi of op; ppnents in, the United'Finfes.whe-pelt nothing:it India tionaii•uinims alike tp htunan health and happiness.' READ READ ! r BRAD ' . • Coth•O, Ja1y.290 '18 . 60 Measis: SOHN WILCOX & . •. • . Yotiri , lmpectine," or ' , Persian Fever Charm." has: done wonders .' I was wholly. despondent when I applied ikand.in five; - hours the chide Were removed and no fever. has' en. sued. It is the simplest cure imaginable, and a wonder of nalure or art. I 'would net be . without. this ~I Mpeetine'.' a sinOe hour. • fly , constantly wearing, it', I .. seem, to, be ',ague • . 'Arabile, Alabama, July 23d, 1860 couvrir,nr:i : : • . • . • • have been snatc'hed from• the grave •by the application of your :wonderful t!lnnpee tine,.or “Persian 'ever Cbtiim.”, For SeTeral I have 'season froni' fever And ague". 'Last Spring my life 'was- threatened, lint pour remedy has destroYed, the' desease, and I am rapidly, gaining an appetite and strength. ilespectfullf, Yours, • , D. N:.BARRON • . This . trulv. wonderful Irreveprion and cure- for Fever and Ague and -Billions will "be. aent...bk mail, post.paid, on-riceit of one - .dollar: Ala& for'sale at all respecta!de Druggists and Coun try .Yrinr:tpal Depot and.Nnnufactnry, Main St. - , Richmond, Va..l3iltnr:,h O ffi ce, .13ank . ,of ComMerce.building,.New York. ;. •. Address . :JOHN WILCOX & CO. FURNITURE DEPOT, CSLIi.I 4 I.IV;: N. Y . . ' . . ' • • :WhitheY..' C.Ct) • Len:hart ' • WOtlife'most're'sriectrully announce to the ilitterin In 'this 'section of country, end the nubile ronerally,' that they :nre.nenstentlY enlarging and, wending. their new establiehment. and for the purpoee of..giring every'. 'body a pracficaldernongtration of our entire succeie in our buninese; end our ability to 11,,inpete,' euccesefully, • With any eitablislnnelit In this section of the country, we are • now ilility• our Ware rcops . ftili of ..". . , .. ' : ,:-... . . `.`BRAN NEW FURNITURE I" . . . . • • . . ..• , . , We now *Pep conetantly,'On - hantte Doge. osiortment of Chairs; Tables, Pietuies Sofas, Lotting'', Desks, -Rook: ers;ll4lstentis, TN eennx,.Secietnries. Stott IP; DOA. OWN,. .OMCA.CiIIiIII; • Coat &rinds, • TM let•ltli tines,' Whet Note, Caffein 'Cltiet. , Lookine , (Prom's,' Quartette Stands,. taqintre Staittle - , Wash . Atand....Pictorn Frames, :Tole! necks, .COrner Stands, • Extension Tabies; Hat Stands, Palmleaf Mattraisis, Bea Grass Mattrasses Masi Ila#rasses,. Husk BiWrasses, . . . fra4rldattrisies. Mahogaiy and Upholstered Fninitnre greafyiiile!y of p4teins IVIATTRASSES, Of all kind!. made to order Patent Spring Beds, of Every Description. Gilt, Rosnwoo# tind . pipanese. Mouldings, BLACKWALNIIT, MAHOGANY, And . pthel: Venqering,conitintly tor ede WO. carry on a - lame . 31onuractorinz. Estabifehthent and emplorthe moat competant workmen..: . . . . . . • 1 /o. l : o *WariE tend RePaiir/4 Of all lantlai'doine promptly andin the beat Manner . . . ... • . . . ' In ennelunitm, At ohell be our alnt to rupply !Ma roar. ket with'erorythlng Juno r Hoe, upon the numt reenone• ble Wiwi, and hood to form on extended acquointenee In .00r 'r , do.. and, Ott) tosmetinue the frlendlr!fehttlene Trial etit , prenent.onelomere. We Thrltenll to mime end examine our'eteek.' , M ears 19ested In'thp • , ... , - tilt*: • llp p0 0! 63 4 .10be. .• • •• • N 16 6 0. Y.; 1660 . 1 : 1 . 1V:j61 •7 r 81144ritAgt B°°l utd shoo, it, •PIRICK POR.SALE.. 10OAnn .flist rat.; brick far bale. In il:14 JV quire of FRANK:BACKUS:, fimethport, ,t!igtet 13, 1880 . . Which will be soldat mices tbat will cause . . allcompetition - to Stan b ack, and-wonder that goods can be sold 'tench prices. E ach , depart. meM is filled `frith a complete variety of all the 'Anil' we take plesure in annoUnCia to thspublle ARE 10..tIGHT AT BARGAINS and wil lbeY old THAN •T ANY OTHER :EST.ABLISHMENT Wiluivethiet. fitted up a:LARGE arid .GOM MODIOtIS 'CARPET ROOM 22 by 76, exiy. 'which ie filled with .a new the LA. .TEST STYLGS . of . . Yours Vory Truly, •. M. STOUT. FROM 25 . cti. UPWARDS, Hats, cea.p, Ready Paper, Window Shades, flosery of .11 kindoi.3 shilling GAITERS All ivt!o'vennt. to ,get LIGHT on - the subject FAST; call !and get a gallon of and if it does. not burn TWICE AS LONG as any other kind: you can. find for $l, out Hai is the' forfeit. . . , A visit to-Olean will satisfy YOU that , . is the HEADQUARTERS OF TRADE and the GRAND EMPORIUM of every thing NEW NEAT and STYLISH. ' . That 5,0 ct.T T. stilt belle* 'BUTLER & CO, L. W. - . Gtrioitioi .. • • Olean, Sept.'l3, 1, J. J. BARKER'S STRAW-CUTTERi THE .S(::13,9C 1 11BF.F1 now..offeca to the pail. 1 lid this .Improved' Stravr-catteri frdt co'nfidenci that all iiho take the.trouble to wit:: fleas its operailone yvill be Convinced of its an' , nerioritiover anyoffiei.:now in.lige, .apply kept conetantli on iitinit and ma`n, ufaclitred•to order. .; • . " : . ipikr As no other 'tenon hag the right t o make or uses this Cutter.*ithinM*Kein t,y., ell who are itsing.it itt violation or th ent will be proiectitetl.. „,, • , • . ••• •• . B. *jutl.live • • .• - • .4 R cnanicsurg, A u gui t 27;18,54, . • O .. RANDCOOI? , Nii.kG.! .. :Y:: .. i .:.i.. - p-p:)L7: i 9901:).5&-c!„ , ::,,: r AL-i:.,:i.V.F.::1.:14.0:10'..i. . . beit- quAjity; at the lowest prieejoi ire flow being exhibited at thellfitmpotit Store of. ' have now; on bind a magnificent @Mott. DRESS GOODS Of eyery triinttinge, fo match. And a Holt at - BOOTS. AND SHOES, FLASS AND CHINA WAFtg, CROCKERY, 5c.c.,.8;c:,11.cc.; STYLBSANIARKETI GOODS C . 11:'...ig, el'.. . - 41 P.-: Eli. In Olean. 0.L181127M0 made. Clothing; end 1100F,'F I D SKIRTS _ at '3l Os. CA It [3:9' . N... 0: E.:l# No. 4 Excelsior M=== 'PRANJC W ufB:'.l "^.1% S PRING TICIDE NOW 013.VNE13 , 47H • :tif,*:citolit.,A.:t,'::i'4 . ::' , ',‘,::.).: THE . N ..IPRIcg E ,, .. i 1 •,. , . . TV. E.-oLp' A:C4 T 14.2 CHEAP STORR, GREAT BARGAINS CAN BE 11A1:0 AT,,THE ONE PRICE EGRATOR I NVO arijo - Detw•roisiiitl thicieraoll; =IMIS OLD FRIENDS . KNOW VOOI TT No Ones !nit Cone And higelei 'hawker, ;One purchase 8 . 660011 a moat skeptioil that thereir only , one Ohms to buy Gnat dais goods, at verylow prima, atid that place is the ONE . 'PRICE' REGULATOR, The one price system gives the 'besi .13UPERIon GOODS,' ELEGANT' wryi.ss, NEW. LOW .1,14C.414', k VERY 711 . 11f9: YOU: *4011:r . . A T ONE PRICE ItEOIItATOE, and the grand Emporium of ei:Oty tbjng new, neat and ityliph. I( you have the CASH cad want to .try the HEST ' • • • • DRY' 600119,, FANCY 9MDS, GENTs FtnerlisurNo' c*is HOUSE FURNISHIIIO.4OODS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS, AND 4IIOES, EVERY THING, GO-TO THE , . . . . aNE PRICE 4Eptlidwttift., ,-.‘:., ,:- *in-,. A rid 4dodi r e m it,liablf6o .1146 beauty; deitiabilitY; suPeri" • , inufseute 6 " 4 1"0 rit't c't s . . to zoo at;.thi iirr,est 01)?1!IbIf that PrY•ei Styleil-Strietblosgsaytrqaoki - Tidmerly • . IN. 'THING : Oiean, A T will 23 ~x e .. f. bo,,iirii(si it . . DON'T FORGET /T. 101. D gAvoarrica, .Low PRfCEI, CROCK,ERI4 • N? % S. BUTLER.