SUCE.I2I . Patpted Sept. 9, 1858. n,r *ILE 1 11 SMITH THE' WASHBOARD . AND BEATER .are . ~the two first and:most nituratiniplements •' ver'u4e&:in Washing C Icithes. Hot withntand mg It has, heen. the study of inventors to do • them. Uway r . and !or . that purpose several :clred patents . have been issued, yet it has been .• of .no: etfeet. They have 'failed ifi.their 'at tempt. ' Theinmachines have been condemned , Arid thrown. away, and the Wash,. Board and Beater agai n'aud in their stead,: This machine'.Combines . .them. tOgathei,.at. • 'tached to_ a progressive - leve r in such a manner Si' gives great power to the Beater, while eithernry be used as the operator may desire. The . motion of .th'e Beater quick and ,easY, .. 'the pressure.gentle . , and powerful,' which , gives . it the'advantage over all othermiehines, ,and, . is ito.decided . by competent .jUdges. liplanufsiccared and sold at'gichanicibuil,•l4 •• . • • A. WOLTERS.- Dieoinicsburi,, March. fEi, 1868 411; H • 0 . P . N CD g 4 cy' Zit o . - 0 . A 0 * V 1 0 at. a, )4: B LACK and Green Tato, olfferent luallti es st JEFFREY'S DOUBLE-ACTING SUCTION *FORCE PUMP . India Rubber Ba Vavai.. . . grim . SlThkßlßtlt having:purchaseil • the 1. rightlo make and tell thia New Pump, feels' a confidence - that hie efforts, to bring into general use, in this county,'will . be .lecen. ded by all who lee its construction and'opera- Arnong the many advantages secured by the vse of this PuTop, the following may be 'enu. merated: . 1. A double action; by which,,twice the wa ter can ;he raised at the nine time. Z.' Great ease in working, thus adapting the . Force Principle to common wells. , 3. The transfor m ati o n, in a moment, of the Pump efficient Fray mining, thus ken dering the loss of ditellings by 'fire, totally un necessary. • .• • 4. Copability of watering gardens, Lawns, of sprinkling , walks, washing windows, with the utmost ease and thoroughness. 5. 'Power to raise, water with slight labor to any reasonable height, as in supplying chum- 6. The convenience of having the Pump in a kitchen, or other rooms of your dwpfling, with- out regard to the location of Ole Well or dis . 7. The' ea y,'protectionl of" the instrutnerit againgt'Frokt, • . . , The ease with which _it -.mounted •on ,wbeels, or in other ways " be made portable. 9. A Simp/i'sire which ensures greet prnteets it from; Wert hroven out of or, der, and makes any. • repairs easy and of little 10, Oreat... Clutapness: , for the brat gene brineing 'the eat Or' the •Poiee Pump into the neighborhood of the common Suction . Chain Pumps, while it is. immeasurably -cope eer. to both... • ' • - :'Manutbetured•and' for sele .by the subscriber, only, at his Shop in Meebiriiesbure: Meehaniesbuig, Mareb . lB,:lBM3. - • TIN .CHURNS,And Japanned Ware, Stove rip! and, Tin ct4ittilee at . MESON'S. Greet Work on the Rorie. THE . HORSE AND NISI DISEASES: . • . - .TERNINGS, V. noincasoleo. rArnoi,O9y :AND 011RATIAII BUROkii IN THE . .TrtgillNallf.9olLLSON OF PIIILADW PIIETO . . . .WILL TELL YOU Of the Origin, Itinteiy and dietlnctiye . "" • troth of the Variourigeeds of Europe.. • .. anj Aniatic,AfriCan and American Roe. •.' • . :ilea, with the phyßical formation-and • • peculiiritlea of the •eitinial, 'end how •• ' • •• 1 to• aecettain • hie ego :by the. number • "and condition of his teeth ; Alinatrated : with buderoneexptanatoryengraringe• . . . , . . . • • he' ri or HO rindhis Dligerlf3E:U4 . : WILL; TELL YOU 'Of Breealng, Breaking, Stabling,Feed.:, •-• • • 14, Grooming; Shoeing, and the gen.. • , oral management' of - the hen ea. with .' • • : ' modes of admin Waring medicine, oleo, ho* to treat Biting;ltickine. Bearing, • • , Shying Stumbling, Crib Biting; Beet : /9811110/11 , and Other ',fowl to which'he • '• • • . ie 'abject ; liurnerciue iiiplanato• • , The Horse and.his Di s e a ses. ' WILL TELL YOU Of thneeuies, eint: ntontei Fend treat ; • - Anent of littranglen; • Sore Throat, • . • , •— temper, Catarrh, Influenza, Brondhit. • . le. Pneumonia., Pleuriek, Broken Wind; Chronic 'Cough, nearing- and Widet • : , . • ling.:Luanne. Sore Mouth and Ulcers,. • ' • and ileenyed Teeth, wilh • other. dieen . , • ; ' gee of the Mouth ,and Beeplratory 'Or . The. . . • • • . .• •. ,Fittx4se and his Diseases • w,u,L• TELL. YOU or. the mules, isymptorus ROI Treat - •. -: ..' ." • inent of Worms,iota, Colic. Strangu :- - - lation, • Ston,q , oncretions,'lluptures; Palsy; Diaridues, Jaundice. Ilepatirr •• ' • .-. . .. hoe, Bloody Urine, Stones' in the Kid(- . • . net's and Bladder; Inßamthation. and ' I . . . other diaeasen of the Stomach; Bowels, . . , ... Livery and Urinsty Orgaiic ~• - ... • N i ) Tiie-I-lorse and f; DjseaSes WILL' TELLAIY VOf the eatinea,Wmptinnn; and treat; .• ' •. - ''meat of Bone, Blood and ling,. Spayin, ,• , ..: Ring Bone; .Sweenie',,S trains ' Broken '.- • . , . .'• ' ',• ' ',.. Divine - and Gravel: 'Cracked 'flonfe,. .. - ..• .. S'.• ', Scratchea,'Canker, Thruith and Corns; . '• .alne, of l'ilegrimn., Vertigo. Epilepsy, . Staugnm• and other diseases' of *the' ~ .-. ; • ~ , • Feet, Lim and Head:: , - .- . • . ,: •• : The Horse arid his Diseases : . . . . . WILL TELL YOU,Of 'the causes, symptoms, and Treat . •• ' '. '. • meat Of — Fistula. Poll Evil, Cllnders; ' • ; ,'' . - Fircy, Behrlet Fever, Menge, Surfeit, • - , .. Locked 'Jaw:: Rheumatism, . Cramp, . . .. . •.• ,' - . faalle,,Dise tics of the. Eye and Heart . ~ &c, - ,' &c., ace, how - to manage.C.istre • . ' . •• • . Con, Bleeding, Trephiiinfrc, Rowel . . • lag, Firing, Hernia ; Amputation", Tap' . ' . • • . ping, and other surgical opersttons., .. . . Tho.l.lorserand his Dispa,sseTe ' •.•. . • . WILL.:TELL; YOU Of Rarej , e method'of taming pores , - • - hew. to Approach, Ilaitci or Stahl,' a .. - ~ •, Colt; • bow, to accustom •a 'Home -to . . • • • • . • - strange sounds 'and six) te.,mod how to .. •• •, • ; ' Rit.Oaddle,; Ride; and 'Break him to• . - • •• • ~ . - '• Ilarne