I , • 1111 ' aWilitlifit::'...::: , g ..',,.1',- -, ..vi . .4,T..'-'...u. , 14 '-',' ~ -4 Z';',i' ' • '''''''' . -'s' : ;-.1 k .. : 1: 7 ,4 !) 1111q irlh et !. lo -I . o " * .JPp lit o frf"k, - 'i ,- ='" .. ' toi.4 , ~ , 4;. , 1 4' : i'll?4 11 1lii ' l *:i-fillorii!* f,/, , i'' -11 ''''' .." "lailicabi j iittiatble'thaiiliii ,' ' ''Yt' , -,, -, '?...,, • -,,- ' ' , S "-5.~ • - sii - 0V7. - Lrol - I;:ii*iii' „•,:40orit1 7 : Floyd has a4;f:44.':llW.l;vit i on :lii . •'ii4,,''atiftiei. ' The • • . " „ ~ . , „ . ~, 1 : 4,;1.!t i1 !0#11. , ,, , !.:!1ii,i;,,(4,...5,,,q(10y.:- hiving 9"'" ;,- o f 'i?l"'*:lll4l%lllol'biliiit!iiiOfin.Or' red .y. !qr. O,N :11400.4y 4o s that cd'. Mr '. Crittenden:- 1 ,: i;. 'it -.4. f kitail'aitOaition::witidoitl•• , kreentiition Wit 01- '* 4 14 1 1 44 ‘` ''it i ta t i/fq ' lil i al ir i ;: 4l ., 'Ploviding * i t f ,''., -.• O - i i ., 74, o4`i(iitaiilit4ilinurit jireiwire'a'bill where :...". „....;)* iit Maaten:ibbitlitSik:iftiWitiett ; ie : ,llstate, ';',*kii , ol:the!pyi:vilegei ~ol' the : :original States. Senator ctiitintlen. will to-ilarpresent in' the :". 7 '7 ,, Siiiit!i iiii llii . !;litilifei!,o, _MO. dirrot . promeiiion ' • l iabe eubinittatito the.;; guniiile or the Uidted . ,' • ,..t'litaties at . the *utile. timer they will . be brought beftire the House,' - In addition to the :occtipa. • . Moultrie end Nitta Pinckney, and • tha'Arsenal, Custom House s 'and Postoffice at .Chatietttottiby theiseeessinnistli, the:Treasury DepartMerit.iirits apprised en Saturday of the • lellitte pf. the revenue ' cutter of that Port by ~.,,..., t hiaittheirities of South Carolina, aud•the rem itnation herCaptain;Whriis a native of that ,:~Btate The - Navy •Departmunt was 'also in fisicmed iermimanding theslaver Conks, which was, carried into Charleston as a ptrge f tbat his prisort,er, the captain 'of 'the .'-Bonito, -' was 'taken • on, writ of habeas • : , a.;State jir dge, who re , Mtintf, fdrn.rm the ground of want of jurisdic and:. that ',While'conveyjng his priaoner. from theeourt to,the ship, Be was ,forcibly ta ' ken from fiis mistei4Y.by i Mob: • - • : . ' rilll W/iit ViL o l4 ' l.r :Ccirentripin:--Tiny.to th 'ennOoneed in , his Magee ee, President „rnehanen s d,eeming the "overt act" on the part oftjleoth, Carelins; is acting siith energy in the discharge of his Auty.,' In his letter-to. the . 4 1 01iiirtiipiOnere of . South Carolina : the President , reiterate, -the. views expreseeel in -his , messate, and infortrwthem that he not . only intends to reaeattre - shd' exactas . . this laws, but 'io.'d;ifind - :t he , property :of the United-States irttb the o power at his cocatnand.,,.The con* duct Of Major-A . nderson.is fully sustained, and - f - • • '4l, appointed Mr. -liTchty•re, nilrork;Pennnylioviie, Collector of. ChatlestOn; Ifs wiWproceed•to his post'in •A yessel,of war, probahli Om Brooklyn,. which is ordercd to preperations are being Prosecuted with 'Niger, ia,.the''SoUthern 'States, and hlwidy war'sdemrto be inevitetat.. • A reantion has taken place,in'regard,to the • , ;action.effPresident Buchanan, and the candid alt'poriten see the wisdom of his cause in refusing to percipitate a-war on South Car elins,nntil the , conduct 44that State.made it absolutely nonesiniy: *liißeinitilicins of the, John Brevet' ',tripe, arho eeent.. to be thirsting for the.blood ; of their Southern brethren, onty, bartiaisect . and kept' up this.' `clamor . against WNW Yaaa.--Sitice .onr last issne we . . bare ',Meted into the .enjoyment of the' filmdom., and trouble, the hopes and fears of 1861. hie fuenatan commencing a New -year to rehearse our country, the peace sad o ilappriness of our people;, darawing b iieenniblejeontram between our , own and for.. ~i gn, e otintriei,.iild'.piecliciini the cimtinuahe'e this same. •• But the p r es ent opens; with •no •• es• „. each flattering _. . TrUe we Int:Ce been bleasell:the pant yeaur s hytyend ''precedent, with jimatiful.ha ...... money io abundance; Prov hes 'united on as; theriare no threatining dan . 'ger• from itiread. • But still, as if drunk with ale utd t tro - ,tpue p ospert , • o to es roy, vritki-ppr, own hande, this greet and • glorious eoVnderaey, and rush boa the horror. of an in- ~ • - o ielhe war, that. will , deprive us of ell these the Litierty of• which we itra:iirent , rolmait. The year lEldt dawns on • the trains marshalingarmies, and preparing for National suicide. Before this . paper •reach '. •oi our' readers, we conadeatly belie"ve the atOegio.,Will have actually ,commenced, to end, predlit how, or when.• • "'lt would' be moglissry to greet our •Oltrone • • 'With rittaPoy:New Yearl't yet we may pray tor to return Jo'reason on the part of out misgUided people, ind hope for ,• , • • • WKsart Courr NIC rY BA.—At the, recent elec- Daniel,Kingsbury Was chosen Prendent, 2 . 4„:111.•Tay10r,. 'ltinerant Cashier. We under • • . . ' ibe intention to resume business, on . basi s 4:i l i e dli*t 'on - ot knu ; We . are liconsti , - I 7.'77 oppose d to banks ; believing ; them sotiaially" , -- • - -fit!. ifew bene ing i iciii, at tbri'best, a means of Scarcely a bank, ii‘''44' poise of the marry ;, winds its Affairs a ? ... , ,_!_,...,,,, i t m it lie c up . 1):01liiieT 111, . r - ' liii of bill holiterai, :r* - i.i,.. it' loss to the Pqmer ....44 11?"" b;sou ' 'ndiriraiOl-tbe M'Kean County Ba n k, under 'chi' p o i . .is rinceinent we can not tint: tell isstqed the • puclie will ask tgey. again confide in (relit which they:gave : so recently • '' ' ' ' ''' . T l2l iSl'SqiinstisOiltaritit.ioatirs'st.—lt is es • 0004'i i)nit , tSso efiouiand "per week, good .400SoIIS:s.et.eis, ate . thrown:out of ewe , :if ,iplermi."9.:li.ses3rl!atlia alone.- •How do tliief *.. .111ko,aliek'RePabilianiion, so Gtr as they hive • .f , Pitrc# 6 l,,..,:ti'lkit..-f t 4ri r l f.l, l t, 1 1 t, 11 ,t .. °Y,11i ordered. AlD:Store have : alibied, ii, are being the 'dente:ids ,ontigiklifj*toeisayiebeirll not.be undersold. ' ieW.:4l44aitibitifiltate• that Secretary tinietidsant:. SAM , .10 reeig4na seen 'Vni.Oni. which. Is elgP•et jirt 4 1 ;10P1'' : • ' . _ • "•.'Sorytt.,aitopsita.-- I.,haileatonCorti.i, F,rid th e m eVar. . . • .• ; ttitjpn Wliinh it appears that thelentire• doter wOrk, lbit eit . rrison .wiro -eiithat in: * CUSP . a n %attack . had been. p . incewourd. have been blown mat. •,, . Newel, from Souttvrmolina. show. chat' al , • • • , • , . 'the .United , Statil. rustArrr olliCsriliov,e•entered the tiro/co-of Convention, Oliftil , •,tl !iv Ordinance. alloiok- , thf.‘ collecyrs to - yeerii4 hunk payment hr juries.. The Convention" has iiven'lhe.oeneral• Aevembly . Tiovier tOanpoint. all judicial authorities: . It is elro 'said that all the vrorltmeii in . •VOrt Stimpter' have been riiiiroissi;d. - . . All the.legislative 'and judicial powers" of te.llnired Stateir•hive . 'heen transferred to the State authorities:. In . * se: ere, SeSsion'the CorivtintMn had under consider ation. the roestion of tress On. • • , ' A . RAIT.ROAII tN , WKRAIS POUNTY.-:-L*olllVe thepleAsnre ofannnunclng people of the county, as n II . as.t he rest.of'mankirul, that we have . ailiv.e' railinad within our horders.'pn Sat ! urday.the 22(1, ult. 7 long tohe remembered day '=a train of cars. actually passed frost; the N. Y. & Erie to Littlefop, .in' Bradford township,. in the Stateor Pannsylvania,.over the Bradford Buffalo &.Pittsburch Railread.. To the people ofllllcean;.thiiis it great event, and we trust; is bat the 'hegintiingofeventa that , will t 0.., the delielopinent . of nor,hidden treasuies, and imatigurating arnew means of industry .and •• .prosp . . , . . u der ta d tour B afford. friends are to. hive,* Celebration the present month— , 4n other wctitlz, it "big If anything could jus the'. eta id citizens *of Bradford a slight irre~ulariiy this would be Conaidered .suflieient , . . . JOON 'BROIAiNINM :ON A LARGE SCALE.—The following despatch.from Washington we find in the . Daily , Times . . • • ; . '""Governor Andrew, Senator+ Doolittle. and Trumbull, Riirase'ntatrves.,Durlingatni 'and Tappan, tind.anitmber of :other Senators and members of •C i onvessi held .a conference Yes terday, at the rooms of 'Francis P. Blair, Jr,' f ind ntiariirnotisli 'a4reed that the 'integrity of the I.7nion.should. be preserved, though it. cast millions of . • .• . • 9overnor Andrew,,of Mais., is a veri. fittin g w person 'to head this ar upon the outh.. He wasanopen sympathiser of. old John %Brown, and if in furor of nicking fanatical' attacks oirthe South, of course he Would not hesitate to . 'recomthend fighting her citizens when he bad theleast show of.law on his side. . • . Ourreaderi May remember a'gonil Dialogue. published by us tiornetinrie since, which :eferred incidentally to that good, . staunch old Journ'al . for•thejarns; Carden and .qou.seltold.' The pub- . lisher's,caill now . appears ,. in our .advertising• columns and we recommend , all' our readers, whether residing in eountry or village; to re- . spoisdtohis invitat i on; try the Agriculturist • for year. %We' feeFiluite'sure that the dollar it costa will k.i . a good investment. When you write for it please say . it, tuns upon mendation, And we , will guarintee you..good , satisfaction. ; We have received the first num ber:of . the 20th volume Of . the Agriculturist, which valuable 'treat to all who . .aubscribe for this-volume::.. • , • • Errottsu Gocto.—Tbe last issue of the illiner unwittingly ncknowledgels what abler Republi. 'can joUrnals conceal; or openly deny, - that England will continue to contribute -money to the' North to push 'on the ecirrepressihle con flict" 'against the South. It Is undoubtedlY true that England:wig assist in pushing on this revelution until the union is destroyed—that is a part of , her pocy ; after that is eflicted; her interest'` *ill lad her to 'protect the south, whence cornea the means of her own prosperity , ,and the north , will find that the object of Eng.. land wait° crush out theicsnanufoctures, and commerce, which were becoming inConienient. competitors of, her own: . • , rOrtmsit VOTE you PaiStDENT.-..We are now enabled to give the vote: :cast for. President in the. United States at the. recent election•. The iistestar the'ditleient candidates are very pear. ling . . ~.- 1 -• . Lincoln, - BrocicinriOge, - Douglas, - Bell,. 'Fusion, . - Total vote, It Will be eeen that Lincoln;•although con etitutionelly elected,, reCiived but about one third of the Whole vote: . . • We. will. club the American Ai cieulturiat with the .Deniocrat at the following rates :—Sin gle 'copy of . each,. $2.25';• five copies of. each $,10.50; all numbers over at the last rates: In all, cases catsh must be paid'in.advance: • We. tgink the Agriciitturlit ,•the'beat' and cheepest ; publication of our. acquaintance; and are desirous of introducing it to.the fernier!' of McKeatt-eounty: ;The Jentiary number 'con tain's a.list of 57 new varieties of choice flow . - er and garden Seeds,' from which each subscii hcr is entitled . .tosselect four or five papers; free oicost,•except of:transportation: ~ • • CAMERON CoirerY.—Neict week the new , 'countyof Camer on,; which kite exiited hereto fore on inper, la to take upon .beraelf the duties and responsibilities 40 . a separate organization, and become a sovereign 'county, within . the Comilenwealth ! ,•Oh•anof after •'Monday newt, the . ties *Web bound her will be aUndered—we hope peaceably—and 'she will be L hereairter re cognized is tiPable of holding courts, punish" int Onviiiita,,dsci, "on a'perfeat equality With 044,4,40'01e5: ,:Hurr ah Cameron t „ 44; Npaisa hes jest received anew and ea . • • en.ive.a*tittotiat of: staves, among which is ha celebrated s s firlek.ovameoOking stove: ? ' • , ;11 . 7" It. b'j• seen by releretWe,t6 the 'PO-, inertna of, The .y..70,•re..e: blgh will be . . • rolind in-in . /10er • e. IVCIIII, - . thal ..tfie proprietor ppinilar werkly 11:is's..cured an array nf ili . stingwa he& ecintfibninra ; for bits,o per for t he- N.;!..w Year Fitch . aa. hasneyrr-bei-n... - equaled.by : any , oblicatio'e in tbe 'rat Lqgit.-ii• alWaYs .rha raete - t-461, , by a .-bie.b moral tone .and ir:eit la t larger, than tha t sqf any other iteratir jrnarinia'in.fhe4onntry: • t Ncot,:v: flrifrid a seem hive had no heart to:dance and make . merry over the election of .Lir,cola, and but few atten-. .ded at the Bennett Houseen'the 20th nit! There was o .hottever; a.reapectahletompany of choice• spirits, ','without respect . of 'Pariy;" who con tribilieCto't he ity;:Cesti .Of the'underiakipi, and redeemed .ie from a .111 il ore. • • • . WAsrlisirroNijan.. 3 ! 1861; rntellieenee: . 7.vas 'last • night.• t Fort Sumpter is_ now, besieged, .that nil . of .Maj ,Anderson's 'communications ..sre'etit °ch. the Fort -Moultrie'hai been completely repair - 0;d an the.anns remounted, and that etierything• is it readiness to open fire on Maj. Anderson. We learn that the.dwelliaz hnnse.of Blrrett, : of .Pc;rt-Aileghenir,: was'•destiovied'by fire oh SYetlnestlay - pight.' A. part of the turiti- . tun. VIOR so von]. lir. Barrett's. %Sergi abc4ll $6OO, end .will bitseverely felt these times. NNW Sung Siirop.-51r. Fail has estahli.ll - a. Bobt and Shoe store in the buildingreCent.. ly. occupied' :Mr. Barnum, • where keep conster.tly.on hand, and manufaciure to order,, anything in,bfpline. • - THE yßAte's BA LL, et ifeson'aaa'Tais day. evenitig ;a crusher."' the ieached 77 bd . sidee.ojhers Who did not fdrmally join, and the v a st .crowd eajoyad themselves, Withettflegard 'tv3 the fetui.e.. . . , , . . . • VERDICT AGAINST. KEATING TOWN.SHII;.- , -At the, -recent teim'co'f ,Comm . . -Dr:O. D:.Ftievstior oliteined judgment II( .$250 for damages' ens taieed in falling. from the brid g e across. Marvin creek / 'Went this barogh; • Preedom.otlipeech. not , the Lieentorum The freedom:of speech has been so abusedby Beecher, Phi Chrtis & thatit has•be come absolutely necessary 2. to employ thepolire force in the principal city . of the Union tmpre tect their:persons (rani :the just indignation of an outraged, people. • In this city the Whole police force hoe been emPloyed for , theprotect ion of men who have rioted in the licentiousn . ese,of . ; speech; ,slander ing the best men of the country and' violating all 110finey. . ' And. yet, when these men have been tinder the immediate , proteetion. Of his Honor the Mayor; end the police•of the • city, emboldened by the.impunitywith which they have escapell.merited puniShment, they hay.e abused and insulted their - protectors, and hit• terly romplained'of the necessity for their pre . The New York Herald, .speaking.uPon, this subject, truthfully-says,: .•- A great outcry has been raised.hy theite. publican journals and orators against the South= ern population„ because they take the, lew into their own . bands BIM execide summary . justice upon !incendiary Abolitionists. who 'try to'sow the seed's of sesvile-insurreet ion among the ne gi*populntion. But when thisluestion.cornes home to the husinees and bosom 'of the North-. ern people, end they find .. that the harangues of. the Abolition crusaders have brought the Union to the *verge. of dissoiution, and 'vast multitudes of the. popalation.to poverty and starvation, they, begin .to think it ietime . to put a stop to them; and th e fears of the oratcirs'go beyond the intention's otthe; people; and hencefthe em plovnent.oftbe police.: The idea that the.amendment to the censtita, tion•which ,establishes 'liberty of •spaech; con fers-the right of licentiousnes.'and'4;sectires every' Citizen an abSolute right .to 'speak ..or' write or print whatever he pleases, without any -responsibility, public 'or . peiyate, 'says Judge Story, ,;!it supposition too wild to.be.in! 'dul,getbbY, any reasonable man; for that would .he to allowevery citizeh . a right to destroy at , his pleasure , the reputation; the pen ce, the pro perty and even the persona! safety of oth er .citizen, and to stir, uo. sedition,' rebellion', . and'eveo treason against the government itself, in thewantenness of his passions.. or the cor ruptionsef his .heart." ::This is just what thel ernissarieiof abolition have been doihg both the South and the North, end the people of nei ther section rlo not seem dispoSed to give; them fre'e scope anylonger. : Now, it; is to be hoped that - .Whenpur good city shall again be , visited by one..of • these po- Mira] incendiaries,, Mayor Henry, if he does not think . proper to arrest the insulting and dis graceful exhibitions prepared 'for our delecta tion by the "People's institute," will confine his poliee to the dischargebt their legitimate ' legitimate•duties hpon' their several heats, and for which duty alone they• receive their 'com pensation from the tax.payers,• arid permit .our commercial, ( manufacturing and industrial in. terests; now ruined by the fanaticism 'of .the North, to take care of - the first Abolitiod lec turer who presents . himself.here under the aria= pices of any: society, no matter what,' and-our word for it, the good citizens of Philadelphia will give such an'eccount of the mercenary ad. venturer as will do our commerce, our manu‘ factureri and our laboring men more good , than .a . thoustind:Union meetiugs. The city has not ,yet forgot the aibilatione that saved the Capitoline Mount."--Pti.Ar,,us • 1,865,176 903,806 998,376 593.508 386,732 4,747,622 SCIUTH CAItOLTNA OUT OF THE Untora— South Carolina, through the regular forms of a 'Ste teConvention, has repealed her. acts, 'recog 7. nizing the constitution and, general gdvernment of the :United. States. She has issued various ordinances .and executive, proclamations, as from an independent nation to intents and purpoies..' She : has appointed three envoys ex traordinary to.lieat with:the' government at Washington as With a foreign Power. She has. seized upon several federal fortress,es at Charles-, ton. She-hai taken down the' United 'States flag (roil the Arsenal; the Custom Hedge and Post Office afCharteston; and has:'iUtistituted 1 1 the new. national flag'of South. Cafolina, all these sets her : people bnariirqous!y support her; for, they, unanimously believe . that they owe no further allegiarie . e . to 'the general gov ernment of the United States. . • . But still the qiiestion recurrsi ie Sc;ntli'Qa.r! ri,lina 'out of the . Union? • We''say - nci.'-: There' si t own parties , to, the original bargiin—:•the 'State:lllPd the• United States; and until the'Uni led Ptateti shall haVe.recognized the intlenend eat nationality of South Carolina, sho,will not be out of the Union: . The federal.. government . . . ina'y *suspend. the exercise of its authority and functions, trinchicg ' the revenue, the United, Stat , ts.inails find ;judicial department in :Sotth .Carnlien,:and.still she will not be ent oft :front. the Union. •• She can only. •be. by' the ierognitinri of her independenee .by the' United States.' Yery trliec the constitution has.made he:prevision , • for the ccieteirm.. of a seceding State; but it. La eqtrally trite that :it ;makes.no provision for the recognition of a 'seceding State as an independent nation.. What, •.then,, is to 'he done?A re we to. have 'civil Wert . hope not. 'We trust' rather that S'nth Carplina May' be,',ls facto: restored to, thellnirin, as she still remains, riejuri, in thelPnion; and•yet We•feer that allf,rnay.biylost. unless :the firesidentelect shall at Once interpose behalf of,peace..' , - i.eace,is'iniw the .first necessity, 'and Con gress maykeep the peace by recognizing . tem •porarify the.seceding.State'or:Stat'ee in,that•at titude.of semi..;nett ionality,which C,ongress Inas. the coriatittitionaLatithority:tO .confer:. Thus, 'secession may be. left. to a 'fair trial without provoking a warlike' Collisidn, .and When the secessionists are tired.of their experiment they will come back into the family 'Circle of the Union of their own .accord.N. Y.Berald. ' , A Military4n*or.: The editor of . a Republicati journal telegraphs from Washrogton “that the propriety Of .re. : moving Mr. Bitehanan,Tn case•he recalls . Maj. Audersori;and creating Geri. Scott' provisignal president until the ilth of Mareh next, is . freely • .. • • • ' • “Freely discussed' by Republicans of cothe; just as some ot them'have already "discussed"- the propriety pf ossassinatini Duch° no that they May, have free play for their i-sla . , very purposes. . . .But hoW Buchanan in be t , rernoveil,?' . tin.les's by. fore . e?. Anil what is force but rcvo•. lotion?. And , who: niiuran6.• have these Re 7 haktreen that the'gallows they Would 'erect for.Others . will . nbt first he adorned - with their own precious pe'rions? • •. "The • prbpriety: of draegine• Gen.. Scott's name into the controversy' Is. dubious, .say tbeleast. - Upon his qualifications•for the Pres 7 . . idencY , .the people decisively. pronounced years egor.-nnd the taulervanding..has since . . . been 'that- Gen. Scott. snnsibly bowed'tn the popular.virdiet;etnd ‘Othdre . w.from the . parti= san'arena...•Why . is he, of all men; to he sin gled oat for the Post of provisional President.? when Mr. buchanan , ehall have been..removed', by.the Republican rebels?. . '. • ' • . . . .The arr wer.is furnished. to our .harelq. The Republicans:desire . ..to,:.et „rid of a PresUlent whb will, not 'wage war ngainst• the South; „and, the proposed. “proyiSional - President".ic• toitted to he but another name for umilitary dietator: That is whatthese traitors want They want as' the txrCutive somebody who :will assert. the : supremacy of the sword 'over the Consti tut ion,.oVer.the Senate, 'and oyez the Southern States that have 'resolved g , to, dare; and nip to dare', and without .end to ' dare,", in. defence Of their rights and honor,. They , want c‘a .dietator,ir.that'Afr:Lincoln's rough 'Work may be dong for him •beforehand, . and that.his inauguration May.prOceed without :the troubles Which seem likely to reach maturity two, months hence.. • We are not afraid of any coy , ,i • d'etat of this nature. The people who ,would not have. Gen: Scott as their President; elected iti.constitution .o form, will not have him elevated to': mili tary dictatorship . to further 'the ends of the Black Republicans; Nor can we. consider "the propthdtion coMplimentary, to .Gen. Scott, or to",promote . military discipline—though we are bound. to ',add •tbat the' party, from whom'it'emanatesita ye studiously, endeavored to.stirriplate that Officer to assume anriutherity in this crisis Or which his position . dees• not give, him.any warrant. • Whatever bo:General, Scotts Views .—whatev :er the weight With which. his services and abilities'invest his opinions on: mititarv. mat ters--:he.doe's not peed to be,rkminded that 'the. ~question .of rieace or war is not •one of *high he l shOuldhe the arbiter: . Theconteit bet Wee n. the North, and South is not to be 'disposed of after the manner which once obtained in *Mex . - ico:HTVa,Thi»sian ggyistiturioi.: • • • . .. .... ' ' . Hanatiorino, Jari• , 2, , 1661: : The Governor's :Message was' delivered to the Legislature at noon to-day,,. • , - . He declares the doctrine of secession errone-. oils. . The constittitien is something more than a mere,compset. Organized resistance to the 'federal 'government irrebellion. If successful it' may te purgsd of; the crinie by revolution; if unsuccessful the persona . : may be executed as. traitors. But while denying the right of a State to. absolve its citizens from alle.ianCe to the federal government,' neierthelesi it . is proper that we c§refully and:Candidly; examine the _rerisoris tilAged,. and if they are'well founded; they sbotild.be unhesitatingly removed; and re paration made Icir the , past and ,security fer the. future ; for a g overnment created by the' people 'should- never doinjuslice to any Portion of, its citizens. • Pennsylvania being included - in'the States, alleged to havrrefused compliance with : the fugitive slavelaw, he unhesitatingly avers that the State' 'has been' almost "invariably in fluenced by a high regard for the rightrof her sister 'States.. After ' examining the present State laws', he says there is nothing, to prevent, the.reVival of the act of 1820, leaving. to the claimant the .right to seek 'a remedy under the State or ;national lavvs- He • recommends that . the consent of thelState be given to the master while• sojourning in, or passing through Penn sylvania; to retain the services of the slave:— He suggests the re-enactment of the Missouri Compromise, and that the line be extended to California.by _amendment to the constitution ; recommends the. Legislature' to instruct our Representatives in Congress to'support such an amendment, to be, submitted. to' the State Con vention for ratification, and if Congress fails:to propose it i .let it emanate froin the people. Hs . closes by declaring that'Perinsylyania is devo ted to the stars andstripes through'every peril. He adds:—Bart before assurning the responsi liilities that are foreshadowed, it is, the'enlemn duty of. Pennsylvania to 'remove e‘iery just cause of complaint, so that she can standbefore high Heaven, without fear and withoUt reproach and I then . she will be ready to devote her lives , and, fortunes to the beat form of goviernment.ev er devijed by the ... Wisdom of mao. . Though a dark cloud 'now restsrip' lhe'Union," my hopes and affections still clin 'to it., My.prayer is, that He who orderi : t, e destinies Of nations . , whari ,he'shiill . h,ave.p nished us for our situ-, t i will rigain•have mercy upon, 'and bind us 'toe gettrer in strongerand'more hallowed 'bonds' of fraternity,. scrthat the Union may remain un broken through all, future time. . . Clip War al Any Cost .The New York nne:s putlliehee the follow ngdesparch from Wirehington: • . "Governor ;An drea, Senators Doolittle and Trumbull, Representatives • Burlingame and Tappin and a number of other Senators and members of Congress: held a conference yestert day, at the rooms ,of Francis P. Blair, Sr., and onunimonaly agreed that the integrity , of the Union should be, preserved, though it coat a million of ' rittinu.these leaders, is a civil War Ram 6.4 ,4 ,Southi4n Slates'. Burlingame,. it is Una, its betrar at blustering than at bloari,'brit::Ati4rt4 is a fierce lunatics en open sympathizer *of old ,Tabn , fliawn—a .rank abolitionist who' wauld ilither.ipicipagate his sentiments with , kebrand arid sv!larj than by any'rnorepeaceabla 'means.' Progress - Of t4e Revolution, 'TheneWs fromi the , ferleret• Capitol is :fai 'from . encouragink—in ,everything nected , wifhllie present distracted state Of••• the country is growing worse and worse..every day. We caimpt•see„ now, how the federal, .eoyern. , .. ment• can avoid a ccinflict.!with South Carolina, and maintain its Claim to the name of Govaicti iiiiirrr— The seizure of FederalprOperty by the South' Carolina anthoitilei the' Conduct 'of 'the Collect& of. he Poit of . Chaffeitim, in,reeeiVine 'and PaYing into the Treasury of the State, the' revenues cOming.inte his bandecertainly . •be langinetO the...gerieral' eovernment , ,calls prempt and efficient'aCtion on the: part 'of the Federal authorities. : ••• • • • . Events are rapidly iranapiring full,Of gloom. ta'every loVerof his country. .The revolution ary aspect of affairs, are marked by'thrilling 'incidehts,leading unquestionably, to.a tion of the American Union! .This fact. is now admitted by all'parties! On 'Monday last the Senate of the. United . . States -and - -its. crowded galleries,.were electrifted . by the speech of Sen ator. Benjamin,. of Louisami...,l . t was •a delibp- Yriteonimpassioncd declaration of the : views and intents of Southern men( carrying, .convic... lion to all, that we are upoo the. verylpink of national destruction., ..Mr: Benjamin declared that it seemed to be the determination •of thp other, (Republican) side • of. the chamber to bring about War-and while deprecating this disposition he.called upon thernfriot to lase sight of the fact tnt It as not,one State: but M any others, they wonld.,.haye:to fight—for 'next Week' Mississippi,. Alabama .and • Florida wilt Seperete from theitinion;—a . Week later;,) Georgia will' follow' her,-Land later, Louisann and Arkansas' Will go.. He: defended. the riah t of secession; and minted from- Webster• to shoW, thal,a eompact is not bindinz'op one party unless the other:parties.to liveS ;07 it. • lie argued to show, that a division of the Union was already. an alirioqt accomplished fact; it WIAI3 . a question of a . few. da'ys life'hoped riot th. parting rnight.be in pehce: but if:ihat..hrme - was, disappointe'rl;lthn he and his were rea ly, for war...• FrnM that 'Sriuth might be made to realize horrors,•their enemies plight aburn:their.'citis . and kindle insurrection among ?hem,hnt. itib 'ugate I hi.irrili . e . t4r! Nevr.n..! 'NEVER !" • . electric Rfrec.t in the gal. .dens,n throne 'there, bren nine:pit in a biirst of: a ppl a use; which teas :ior a wt. ilr quite beyond control toOns cheerini,, nil theyv.tvine, of he hdherch iris Mr.. Mason; of Vd., that the plierit4 be Bleared, and.after (Ouch: coolikion arid f9c citemPnt and:takirT lthe.:nyeti and hoe.-,rthe exPeatecl; immerti4tely after which the Senate :adj?urne(l....,Wliere shall all this batll--,a Oleaii".:Qp*rtiser: 1 • 'SEVVA RD . e 9 . A PRorztvi,-The Briinklyn g/elay,s Of Senator, Seward's prediction, that peace would be•restore.d Id. the country before =ES= , his past predictions give him no claim • tn be considered a proph.t.. Before the e lection, he arinounced.that with the fact of -a • Republican triumph, agftation would cease, and poaCe be at once restored, . Lelthe capitnliat'and the la= borer answer. Whi , re is: the peace? :There is' no peace. There can be no•peace; no-Written constitution can bring peace or Preserve. it while an eternal hostility is rrnclaimed• by one section of -the. country against the interests; eonecience•and feeling of the, people of another. It EC bitter truth, bUt 'sooner or later:we wifl .LIST OF LETTERS,' . • EgAIpIING in thci Post. Office at Smeth port', at the eloienf quarter ending Dec Starkwpather~ E. Oshea, James Manly, Roda •Martin, David Kline, H. M:.:.• Sideer,'Harriaan •.. Cutter, Wm.:.. .T. T. C., Mr. Buddy, Charlotte M. Barron, J. W..• "lodgers, H. Gdld Johng.N. V. • ' • . S. SABIWr.LI,, M • YOU WANT ITi'. .• YOUR WIFE WANTS It YOUR' CHILDREN WANT T WILL CERTA AND YOU .:WOULD HAVE IT, you .Only knew how thiEFUI.,. how INSTRUOT;V.E:, .lind• how ENTERTAINING it lee • We referto thOt ~ firsrben, > . that largest moat • 'sot/cave, most beau'iful, and j , et.chefpest .jociinal in the world for theIiOUSETIOLD,:for thel'Allt"*: and dor the 14ARDEN,,Tiz. the„ : , • Am•riCnn Arriru7;mist. YOU' WANT IT, beuanoe'it FO very.•mmay new and miehil directions, hints,'and - ougge.tions about 'all kinds of out-door :work, : in -the 43 ARpEN.. lu the .in the ORCHARD, on lloilittleplol of. groten'd, about Domestic Animals,' ete:etc. - The Agrietelturrt et de not a staln relnohuf theoretical sluff, .ouch as goes the rounds from one paper to another,. but . it is filled with . useful and new practical ihformatinn, every word of which because Prepered . byhonest. ING MEN, why know whit they write about. 'Each volume Contains natty hilndrirls,of teref ul. hint and It is certain that Many of these hints will each'. be worth tq you More than a dollar.Ao an example, a cub.' scriber wrltetn; .. .sbusheis more per ogre on a 10-acre field of wheat, [nr, in all 50 Inishel.) simply fro'in a hint about preparing:the . seed, give'n in my Agri culturist . Another' env! he obtained 'an extra . yield of 11 bushels of corn per acre on a ,15-acre and with no extra emit for culture, by:applying one' .hlpt from the Agrieull feral let. A aather, "vil says •he got .513 g wo . rth.eatra at good garden vegetables, which tie attributes ninnly to' the timely hints in the .Agrkul joist, Wit him (irn time to time :what 'to do, nototo'do it, and tofien:th Thousands 'of. others , have.dorfred arthetages. You ire' invited to . . a try the pripera y e ar, at ceit of only $l. quire, yon can • hare,. free pr , cilarge, four Or fire parcels of choice ereds', Pul?lisbee Will disirlbutiamOng. hi- subsoriberatbe present winter. . • YOUR "WIFE, wnnta th . o Agr(Futtids, bent's° It . base large amOunt of valual!le• usefitl infornistion about all kinds. Of nounioLnlironK,, frotn - Garret , Give; ben'orlt orthie paper for 'a ye.:r.-- .You,wpl find yOu'r borne made halter end money sevr . d. YOUR CHILD s .ENyrna(tlke),.:Aariciilttirise,.fof It contains very I,terestin • . Use . ul, and entertaining df'• paritnent for Yonith r nior Chlldren,:which will be of greatvaluo to theft , roirrliancl hearts. , The Oove . are tenthfnl ototomenti l thot will be cheer fully attested by nearly alone:rod thoaant of thir' pres ant re:Wen:of theAgrien/or4: • You are invited to try a single volume of the Agribul4stiiit,l.rhich coat only Mad aandintly Try it for 1861.(Vol., SO) ORANGE JUDD, Tablf slier, 41 Park Row New-York: • PMniStRATOl{B . :4l.k. viTiTug of •an Order froth the'Orphanle ;Ell ut ViCrnn...Coun.ty,, 1, shall Sell a public Venitue,'at the. Court Houtre.in. Smeth port, on the 50 day,: Of .Febrnarir next, at one p!clocki . P. the. folloWing Real , Eatate situ ate in .'Bradford.'. townaltip,. Wgean County',. State Ut'petinsylviiia,.; Tounded follows,. le wit:--Commencing at.a post.twenty.seven god., easterly, by the.read, from the east:corner of diet owned Barniw and -:running thence t wenty-six and one-fourth . degrees west fifty,rine - rodsi More,br.lpes, to 'a. Beech treeon . the.north . line cif [lbt . niittiber* one hun dred: and twenty-sev.en; thence east, by the line.of, said:•-lot, eight and . seven4enth rods,. more or less,•to a post; thence, south, twenty antbone.fouith degrees eat fifty-five rods; mere or less, to a. post, on . the Bradford and : Smethport road; thence, by the said .road south sixty-three and hree- fourth. degrees west eight rotle,.More or less, to. the place of begin- ning;..;containing two acres and one hundred thirty-slag square rods, Moreor less, being pare of lot nuniber one: bundred and. twenty 'seven, .situate on Warrant. number: thirty-four hundred and ninety-eight.(.346) • 2d. .Allthat other certain piei , e or, parcel of land situate•in the Township of. Bradford afore- , said; bounded as followsi— Commencing at a. Beech tree, themorth.-westernbpu n d of the first desrribed lot and, running thence • by said let, south, twenty-six and one-fourth degieee east fiftrn rods, inor,e orless, to a' riost'on the , road; th.ence,. hy said road, south sixtyohree' and thiee-tourths degrees west filteen . and one; `half' rods, - more or less,'. to. , a prisk. thence; north; twenty-six an d one-fo urth degrees west sixty-one rods, more or less, to , ti •post, the cos: . . nor of . .land soli to .E...Seely; thence, easterly,: by the north line of lot number one hundred • and twenty-seven seventeen rods, more or less,! to the place]Of beginningCcentainnig six acres'.: of land, more pr less .being a part of lot num begone hundred and twenty:seven, situat e , on . Warrant nuMber three.thousand four hundred and ninety/eight (3498).. • • W. Y. M'COY',..;farmiliistrat or . •Smethport JunUary•3ll,'lB6l. . • , . HL GRR-AT'FAMILY,pAP.F.4; •-•: •• • • TIIE GREAT. ilI1114T• PAPER,. • • , ;: GREAT 'FASIILT PAPE RS 7}lE GTF.AT • FiI: I III.Y..PATEII. , , I '7IIE GREAT' FA:II ILY PAPER."' E 14,4.4 'I? LT PAPER. • ==l: Vre intend to make' the NEW-YORK lEDGEII far 7661. ?tut:riot. to that of I'6o, or of any other. Ve r in the pa•t• .Auro nr our enntrihu Mrs will' be the PRESIN,NT OF I'll E TINT IED STATES,. EDWARD IiVERET.T, GEORGR •0 A NUROFT. WFLLI A 31. CULLEN - 11E1 ANT; JOHN G• Ft NE,. GEORGE it MORRIS, N. P. WILLIS. GEORGE. O. PRENTICE. TIIOIII, DUNN ENGLISII;I 4 YLVANUEI COllll, JR., EMERSON EN:'a ETT. T S. ARTHUR; P. HAMILTON . . MYERS. e li m, • WALTER .11. DUNLAP. S., COMPTON SMITH. JOHN ESTER. COOKE, MRS , ' BIG.' OURNEY.,MRS . ISOUTHWQRTit. FANNY PIRN, ANNA COMA . ALIt'E :CARY. MARV FORREST, liAltiON HARLAND. 11l 'SSE A. DIIPVT. MARY STAN.' LLY GI 11SON. PIIEDE CART and many Cleigymen,' Professors in Colleges.. Statesman,. and 'other eminent ' 'Writers rrsiding in different pelts of the Union • . bar corps of contribittors for thee toning year :WIT be , on large,and Will embrace such evarlety of eminent. MI- • ent, that every department of literalure will receive the , 'pocrti6J4litittehtlon of some one competent to 'do it ample • and sperieljudtice. Whether it be popular. romance, . Solent* essay, historical sketch, scholastic disquisition, spicy paragraph, pathetic ballad humorous .poerri,. old-. fashioned love story, tiniely editorial; or. any other in. gredient of popular and elevated, Joustialistu, . that hi to, he furnished, the LEDGER - corps will be - sufficient for the teak: Infect. •our , contributors• will. aend us from week to week niuch.more matter than we can 'ptissibly use. so that tre shall alwayshave a fresh and superabun-' rit supply; from which to select rue vgillt. HZ= .These facts, taken In , co n Tcion With' bur largely 'increased 'means, facilities, and experiencei warrant no. we think,: in promising our readers a f tallier for the year 1661. which' will be more interestang • and Instructive. and in. every 'resitect•more valuable; even than the LEDGER An an Indication of the popularity, of ; the LEDGER,..w• needonly 'date. the 'simple fact that its. circulation le.• mat erthen that of auy other TEM literary. papers in the mintry. Its great lumens is owing to the fact that we secure thebest writers in the.country; and spare'.no ex pense in getting up the tiEsT PAIMILY PAPER—y,6 peper.• of high moral tone.. The plaited re,putation its con-' tribu tors,. the predict I and invariably pure arid %healthy character of all its articled, the care which is taken: that - not even one offensive word shallappear In, its. colUninr; and the 'superiority of its. ale' and Sketches; have gains l. for. the NEW-YORK LF,DGER-a pagans that no literary paper bee ever More reached.. ' . • . •• • . —Axtra Cows Itivonia 01 'Remand, Va., ,and ' Col. WALTER 'Jr. rim AP , author or the 'popular‘Forest . sitatchea,' , 'which were published in our column, some, time since, will each begin' a storyin-the. LEDGER early . in Mecum year. Mrs'. scicxnweentle &Inn engaged upon —ln the nest number of thei••LEDGERi, *shall pulD 7 lish a very interesting article.. Written espressly for oar columns, entitled, A -DAV Wien' Lotto from , the pen - oftliff flen George Bancroft... —lt-is With Much satistaclion that . we ' announce that Evanarr will continue his elegant and Interesting contributions to' the LEDGER during the text Year. As this is the'Sesson of the year when Postmasters' and others are in the - habit of forming chit's, we direct their particular attention te" r. . r • • • .017 T MUM.. • , • LY PAY, . . " Single copies.l2•Per. annum; two eCpies, four eon-. les:.s6; eight copies, $l2. Postmas tent and others who out up clubs pm afterward Mid - single mimes • at 41 60: The -party who sends fit a club of eight copies (all sent at one time) -will he entitled to a free for his trouble, 'Terme invariably in' advance. subscrip.. Miens taken tor k lets pericid'ilitint.one year. Canada' subscribers mu at send twentiodx 'cents in Addition to -the atibseriolen, to : Pay the 'American poetage which is half a cent-a cony on every paper: The notes...of All specie. ' paying banka taken at par. Whenn,draft or check gait conVeniently.be sent, it will be preferred, as, it will pre vent the possibility of the loos of money by mall' . • It 7 We employ no traveling agents: • •./tddrees all communications to . . . ROBERT BONNER, Publisher, ' • • • • • • No.-40 Park-row, . . TORN RASTORFER, Recently from New J York, has . permatiently established himself in the i'ailoring business, at Smetbport, sind would invite patronrige of the citizens of this vicinity. From his experience iri the business he'feels safe in'warranting.all, work entrusted to his care. - Particulir attention paid to Latest Fashions, ,just received. Conti!, Pants, Vests, &c., Cut and made on abort no tice. .Charges reasonable.' • 07' Shop over Geo. H. IlLtiort's Tin Store. Stnethport, Nov. 5, 1860. • . . . . HAFTEY offers hig st!niices'to minim; ovi:iii•lff or wishing to mineral nds - in 14'Keati, Elk, ClearfiFld'pr ..Jefferson G7' Exliminations msdeand , faithfully ie -..,l3ratlford,:Joly 2,7, , •-• . . • :' SMETIEr-',"0111 LIVERT - STABLE. . ..., . . 'THE -SUI3SCRII3ER haeopened a.tlPw Lii: '. erY.StalklP,in Smettipprti : it 0. 'K. .11f91- nett's Old Stonit,, on 'Main street, just oast oft Mchahice, where can be found the best 01. Her.. sett and Carriattes at low priced. He intends to. make . methport a neinnanent residence, andi asks a-share of patroriage.. • ' SmethrOit, . OTte.E.—.Atpersopts are ,hereby . not if i. 4 N ..not 'Aie;resrionsihie tor no/ grain brought to the mill ;at Stnethportinlesib the bus . .fontainin'g it haveilie owner''.l* natnet legibly marked; : - • " • `: . . •., , : Sniethport, pd _l3E IP6I, 'FR CORWIN • • '"a n- 4io . • , PRosPEcTus THE NEW:YORK LEDGER TAILORING• A CARD.