M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, December 13, 1860, Image 3

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    ..• • • • . • . .
.tiine.nr sudden and Oirtning . annger,,tliranica
Pr'es.i!lent tn . assi;thbfo
'at . full COngio..4 . to *et, like. thetg.ent:y, •• •
•- .. r , ; ;Tf - is now quite evident that. the fitancialtim.
• •••
• • •-, eVssitien ()Milt •gaveriquitht'Will reqilire'a niotlill;-
'`Mition of thblariirditring' the preSPrlt7i4of , .. , 4llll.-- ,
' ,• In thik asnect, .1 . tlesire,to , :r.titarate•
.the recant:,
' ••• Inendktien contained Pt-M.l.'l:lSi two Unnual 'IMF;
; ~ '• , ii . n,Zei! 111 iii•t:or of ttnnesiigSpeCilit inStead olio}
.... anilcti - ein duties nit nil i'Mportoil artieles to which
, ..., • 'these ean•be iirdperlyjaputied.': ICrfint lonfr obser
• ' .• •••• inttion. and experience, lain chaviticeiithat .spe
'.'. • . -chic Ontie.Sarti neceSseiy,hoth to protect the tvv•
. -. 'enne• fund tasiketMe to- arm. inetinfaciftriite:' inter-.
-• , ' Pots that- tgintonCof•indidental .itnefinragronciii
• • ' , 'which unavOidahlv results from if ro:enin' i.'n'ilr• •
'.... ... ''
Aim tin abstract,pynno,sjtiim . ,:it , inny.lte admitted
. ' • 'that fill, Villarein'llittics Would, In theory' lie the
- 'thost.just ml s ecpiill. :But - irthe•expertence.Of•
• • ''this atural lt l other cionaferrial natio n~
. has demon-•
- : • striticitibat.sucti illities'cau%iet.',lte nssfts,scil - and , .
"voile uteri 'without . preat.fimailattimii iji mrit viM im, •
' then It is the part ot.iilioloin tomes/Mt to sifecifitt, ,
.. duties.' •Tiideefl,' hunt, the • - very, nature .of-ati 'ail,
'... '-'•• • vtiorom - duty, this most he the resutt... litorer •• it,
- - .the ineVitatile c,onsc'quettee istital, foreign coats
..--.• will he etitered at, less titan their - true. va11te,....
.-,- The, trenkiffy NVill,,tlierefore, loose the duty
' : • the ilitterence lietween ' their real' mill fictitio
. :• • Valite, and ta tit is.extent we are • itefratilled. -
.•:- ' ' The ternotatiens.whichnd valereln ditties tire.;
•;.• - sent.'..tari 'dishonest :importer, nitt it - resist:llde.
.' - Ills object is to pass his goods through the
t - -custom tiousadit the very Bores( Vltuation niece: -
: .". .ry - to saVe, thein•frain eentiscittinn:' in ibis lie . ,
• too' ofteMsliecimils, in spite.of the vigiianceMflife'
. .. • ... , .. •
~. •...•
• revenue ailiVer. !knee thervSerf to: fel. , hivoi•
. , -
ites, one for the pitrelia.rirs , final one . 10r • tli" . .rilar
.. ' torn•boonv.,•and to . otlier - etitiadients to.deframi
the auvexiiment. The lionel ihniaril;r prat urea
' his invoice to - the,roiliev Int, W01110;11, actual - cost.
. . .
• - 4 - whit:ll lie mirchased the-articles alirnall. • Not
'lsri with the dishetinsilmnorfer tool Om Mmui.• of
. . the. foreitzUManufaeturcr: ' And here •it nine 1.0
. ofiserve,d that a very lorzepreipoilon of the man
• . ufnatiite4 impot•hol frOm abroad and conkiMotd.
for.sitle ht . eaminissirio'fnerclia its who'ar • v mere
azents,emphiCejt 11‘ the Ma onfsetttret t . , . - in stivb
' . cases no attnal sale Mit been made - fa. fix,their
-,. ' .vaiiie.' • •The•foreivn•Matitif.teltireit if lie ite',ilia•
, • 'honeSt,• prepares an' invoice Of ilie fiondst.:ant. at.
.• Ilia - adtual valne:lint, ai the , i , 'rk, InWest.rtitenec-'
••••• • ensarylottscripmdeteilihn.-:ln'this manner the
ilitilinnest imporier * niillthe.forviyamaittifuttiirer
•',- enjoy if, derided fillvatilage..aVer•thef hottest ti t er
' chatif:••
,They are ' 'Wits .eirtilded .to • nutlet
' . sell the fair.tratler, ntill. drive, iiitu from thP•anar: -
.... bet. In - fact..ilie aneratioe 0.1: this torstermirts al
'ready:driven from the parsult•oftionerahle root,'
. - merce. many - 6r iliat.eLisg of resultii . rindt VOnsei
, antirois mei - clients. %chase eltaincter. throngliont
'' . .. - the woild'is the pride of their (Malan - . ••• . ' ' .
• - The remedy for these-evils is tn . ..lie foetid in s . panisille‘
.•.• pieties, en far an-Illismay lui mantic:ride .' 'Thee disorn,
, 3,rith any inquiry nt the , eirstomslintiso Into the aid:it'd
. 'center valee elf the article,: rind -it, • parn the precis"
. • aliment of duty previously Card l.v law.'. 'nide orogen!.
,_ . ; no temptation to the nenriiisers nr•forei - en'enol , '.. who
• - receive but shall Salaries, and • might; lir onsinsvalints
, .•
tine In a few ease.Painiler theinsolros . i mini en lent
ifesioe•t. specific ihities.liest . eonfairm,th Ift . e'rivet id t h.n
in the Constitution th..t Penn preferennli shill lie cir en
• ,'ltv.ioy.TOollatiorl of commerne or ravenne to ill,. ' , orb.,
, crone State over 'Omni , of melt her.'' Under. nor advp-.
• • ,Inrenrayi.dem. such nrefereires nr ,, toi , :nole e% , eof iii
, ovit-iblf..•,mt tinton)9.iaia biro ofton • benti moduli- !hat 'tin;
spirit of theta provision had been. viol - it iid by a lAy' , 'm'an.'
. prairinent.of.thrAln, , itrlirles,at one port }Jon at a 00th..•
.... eliinprensien Strangely enoitedoerparalli t0...0nt0 ex
, tsnt,that epecitir. ditties a re. neeessarilv trotnetivPdo ih. ii
Nothing cantle 111.11:Q fallaintipi . • Ii rant • 'Britain. elatTes
In free trade, rout - vet lie r'wliste. • rovenon frill; inlinnin
in - at the prenent inument collected' un to a system of
" nnocidc duties ' " . • ' I - i. • -
.Itin a striking NO imp mum inflp , l , li l•ifillf it !h. , ' , i , tri- •
mereial treaty - of ilitisi,Jaii•tree, li , ria. re-araii Prro , O•
MA •
England, one.of the itrtieles pr0 , ....i . 10. , 16 , . ili.. ~I
vslort , in defies it itopo-ARZ Rryriil,'o,..onrert,--);nto Zl,;.eili,
, riatiss within ..iv manors f r sin i. , •• 4.1 . , e..:111,1 th0u.11,140
hs•aser.rtatne:l hy - Triakin rno a 0t..0 ,,, of. IT, prig , ., for
. sit nienth . s prerioowno 'l'imit ri me . • The ~, ,v oke, of lila,
Peon... on void.' 1,.' nearer In: the finth liaa tem a
much target. anoork a rov , noe'wr.ill 11. e t. , ,11,,r,1,hv
2nerelr converting the pil v ttornm du , ii , i,ftile , iir:iff,in:
to equira'ent•caerille 'lii ties T.i • thiSai.itent the v,r•-
numr would he increased. and in that Clam tutitrokion 'he
• r Firrilln . dittien 01' , ..,hi .1 , . , lilniff•hr.•l.
,Sro-ili , ,Inlet
• *o, rif,core AO the Ao, , ;..ri , an oi.th.lno.lur, fho • ilri,
• ilantlXl:7lrotiortinhilii lellieh he i , fairly t;rlille.f ',Odor a
rownnue trriff.no.l to bits ‘tini•iv tio 11.,i301i W. , 141 , ii,
PT:, : .7' le fr l illiet Pi of the nos ins la • liill i It lrli ' rime:C.lr- -
, thmr an I in liheral sialiiii ha va pi.e.dinio ,: , ,l j,, f,,,i1-, i f
- larim and LI:0'o hr mom , .;t - - ~, -.1 tritt..7l2i4 r....., pot ii;.,
. rsisin.4 the malt of del•y • pition.tini..i.inat , i'ilia • iirif .tin Ire'
articien.tritu itlirnail, bill yip, is ilea .ili - e i•ri•iet, fie• 1 , 1.-
i •dilitillq• lialii•leg•fr•eneif ihf'y w!,tcl. tol.r,t , .il.ta'iiio•ro.o
position of their f Midas .• • ~,
.. Vitter the pro Sent srs , ..piii, it Sc. lia.v.
- marked tilatithiPlifei tent ii ip ,t,i.eiisiaT & li ,
thernanollicturerm iaels it Clint, awl mere r.
needs it I,..aQt,,atoTron•Ttat, ,. .r , 1;:1 - 6.7':i.ral.• ~ . .1.-,lt ~,,,
' ...‘O ,, operator attitlind, him. • The riivatmes if ilmnisiiii
try,nre subject to simit.ir feint ....ion ' . lost; iii of on.
pr4atilli fig . • a stelelv -
..sw -
:11..1 as :VOIIII ' he ti, (• h,, 6„.
04r it season„ f stionific 'I 'Ms tin, :al': iinit , fd•ti.vdth,
thorsinking au iri,i.ns, p ...., of arti. , l , :: in f,.toizo C 01...
trio', li would lit hi , , litlloult for . lli;n2r. ,,, '6arr , n'.V
• n .!'stem, Or Apccill,thrtie , ..,osch we'll,' a Mirdrolilirino,
al.stabilito tenor to omi-r rel:voqo and..a1,41 - nu;, mannfitos
tunes: and ttitlicut ittjaryoc filltitv!re. to :111 , .. interest 'ol.
.rn t!..i country Thin might by arrionplimel I , y.ainsi•ir . ..
Minim; the average valt, or ae r cirri: a, iiiir: f o r r,,,.i.,..,
o L f•yrar, ar tint pl., Of ',Mil:it - WO, illi i ior .FilliiiV.il, ' O,
• rtqljiig, iiie rate oral valorei, duty upon it vliirlipiddit
bli firenio.l u^, , •; , 1.r • .f0i . I.ii. Cu,:, euvro-i.,, itit , 4 OM'
Lone of a spe.:ill, thay. : . ‘frit ~o arrio:orr..••ot r , u1.1
.Orol'injaro the . cop:umer. ' if liti . ,liould .t iiv - ;1 •n'", ter '
u-‘,,,,,iiit,,,f Quit'. stir. yeiti, this Y.iittld he e illiitilyire i .4l;iled
by a I,ser anmont, the 'neat,:'r,.l i'a the k.c.l the ii,-....gre
gpte•nottl.l he the. camel.,
.. • . •.•
. P I desire to call tour iromoill Cri ,. a . lpotiOn In iht pees,
rot ennilitionof the Trietaurr, Sn atiir im i de:tile-pre . .
nented by - the Secretary iu ids rrolort. to C.1110 . 1:,;i. mud
to recommend that -measure~ I ci.. prompt lr . :‘,l- plpirill'
enable it. todis,c'targ,o.its orps . sinr MilLiPt lons. Tho
.. .. _ ...
. . - . ... ..
•titlieg Jet•ti . ontentl.tt long. of the et/port. tint we . l . f , worthy
of your favorable!cousitteratilet.. • - •'• -
I herewith tratistnit t,, Colirtit•F, the replrte t•f tilP . : , i , -
I , retrtrit ; s .4 w3r,'.4 the Nevv, Of tiip Ititt , rier :we. rit• tho
l'egtur,..tor General. il'hit rectitratientlitlitiie.nett.t.tieg4t4-
flans whi all they con Ltin ate Li3lll;,:l'alitaUto :aid
Vnurratartil attl•ntian.
The report. of tlie .POstonctejt• General' ttet t .Us - th e etc
etuttA ta tt ees titeleit.whielt CA:at:this hilt en . tliy ,I*.!
. .
. • , . .
quest;iterree , h in' the mouth .el' July Anna, In e!tery- the.
ascend nailshetween 011 r Athletic awl' Pacific, e , ,lqilti.•—
lia.l he tint the , , acte4h . thi< Lep0,hm0t.i:11,,,,,,,,,,ei,..
Ain!) inns( lace been surrien.id, lebrt
'rite I'mittoitsterlGeltdrat' 10.1 tro powicr to ntlke II
other conirelbettion 'than iiii ppm:tire:ref; the mailnti
ter which ho mint early. it one krienta; at' the lion•;
that tlieflo pestageatvanht tall'sbnrt rat an:VIP:III4W
pehpation; his well ;le of the etiniwblch.,ille mane Frjrcirr
had Twevineely cost this geverneenit: Verderl.ill. in
a commeeda,ble was willing In rely Upon the..inst7
ice,of congress to.rnake Up we Ilelleiene; Orel) tfreri
.forit rechinpletal that itu apprppylath3p nun'
fir thix,pur iuem... • . • *• , ••• ' •
..1. nhuuld (h, gre , it hijnidien• tn . thy Ct,Tral
-were Ito ;Anil the mention of his servi",*es
iu the raeastires.ndilitediend presented by .Ilitu
• defence of the Government egainst. the •ntoricrlcs and
unfounded . clainis•to lands in California, purporting to
fiave tionouide. lie tlid 3fuvinrir govornotere provio, tO.
the treaty of cession. successful opponitinti to tliese
.claims has saved to the:United tatcs*triiiiiie 1,66 el tr.
• worth inanYordollars, and to individuals lip 1.1-
11q title under tlienvio at loirtb an einial 'amount. • *
• It has been represented tale°, from 'sonnies Which
, doom reliable," hat.thu.inlsOltants iu Several . Tin-lions
of Kansas have been reilticett neatly' toti - stitto of starcn
lion, while the harvcidelit 'every' other
- lo rlinn . nf
country have been abundant.' The prospect tel l er.. then,
- for the approachingi.'winter is "dell calculated to enlist
the sympathieS of every Heart. . The diotjtu lion signiors
to he so.general Ahab it .e innot be relieved by private,
contribution, and they tirdiu styli, indigent circinnstior.:*
.cen as to.be unable. In .purcli.teu the nrcesseriea of life
forlbeinselves. • I refer the 8,1 b.1 0 0 if any
constitetional niensurelitr their relief can be devised, I.
wrtuld reenniinend its adoption...*: .
.•, . • .
I cordhely
_recommend .te your thvolable regard :the
interests of tlio people. of this IlistrieL Titer, aro 1101-
itently 'entitled to your ennfiitieratiOn, espeeinily
unlike the Ronnie ortheigintes, they . sean 'atpent to DO,
gorerrimetikexceptlliat Of the Uttiont•.
W,lanizmniy Car, 3d DeceniNr;EGV.
Court :bf r A
- . .
. .
E undersigned, CommisSioneruoif . .llP.Oefin
Tcounty, herel)y'aive 'notice, that. an appeal
will be held•at "the Commissioners' Office; in
-A methport, on the .27th day of.Deeember 1900,
where all persona,coeling themselveS ognrieved
by the enumeration and valuation of t bei'r
,erty, in said County for:life:year -061, are re
quested to attend.... . '•: . . •. .
. • .'W. J. COLEOROVE, ' . •
• - . • ,W; J. DAVIS, ; ' • d o We rs :
Attest: ..T.l2;'Cu/ceivic:oni Cler.l{,:.. • :.
-- Smeitipori, Dee: 2;',t60. '• . ' .
. • . .
ptourn• from new wheat,jkist received and for sale 'at
. • • . , 0,1/FILI NEC WRIGHT'S, - -
. .
. .
411 7 .Erciiii. - EciLiflfyi '.Qillipirp.t.
.. • t 11:(3,1 t he.Presiden :11t4sa ge
l 'oii:CeS f y. wevi?nts.l.o ieadin
nq tt ro ur r v
.(laß.furned (I): !y ar n •,.I.3ip s . .f:
v.iki”.#• urn the nio7rti , i) bus
ridtV . • • - '• •
. •
. „ . .
yr-vi v'tl era' yonder well ,1 rrneitinei R.r• jir.
J!. Or: OW
en.no . y.: any 6 iba win
".11,11.1itt at 1 6 e.Coitr1.1 !noes in t1,, , 14,,n0 sniott-
wort, 81.1 tiolu v, I!:; It I 111 en t,
v' " Due. , Pal-
. 14.1 i. Inv: describe:l real estate'..to • •
Tho Iloserill,4l A./4 EstUte.rEitall , in '.(te-.
Tolvn..fiitv. lEsan, 111 VI VII Ili7l 14,11(004.
.'am described: anf,,Enws! Ilettrnnlni at 1 11 , ...ta1e
the oorr:ers.lif warrant - 1 , 41 4 .. •1321. and '413;i0 and Lein.;
.wart nYovaerant • 4 - 2'.41: - . tltenee bu the 11 l
I ItO fortv perches to 1'303'• tlar.to rnn the ba.nk.' of ,
0 3111 1-o Creclr , 'Owner, stolth eue'toinaro , l•.llo,l t•irtv
nerellei 0 . ,t benelt'enrner •in .1.1131 lint; nr,1:111.3551,1
Norman Lerny. thrlto' tret3t by line of 1 1111 . tanll In rte
.nerelles to tr.prlst cornet', beina: the suntl,..eaq 0(0.0,, or'
Int. surveyed to E. .T..llassniu 11100 re nertb 06). hut,:
urn] sNir perrbestui t piano or 't ~iindisr: rein
tabling forty terns F 1,114 ITI 111,0.
tnt . 'll l, o l .. A l, Oll , twenlr..t uunuilre;t bilsrevrul.one
• ftalris 11C:11Re; 'll' 3111 n 1! 1 101. .
p9d. ob. 1 01 .',• 1 1 :In. I.r
.I`.l feet. with tlv/3.sbedu at tuelle,l:-nue of Irufer 1114 -
about eialttebb n ttele trees •Seitud. tiben 1
,11 reeve then
and I , S Lilo prOktrty 01111:11if..
the snit of Fitanl•tY Nrtrtin.: • . :•' • • ' •
rpnwin4 docery.pet ,
f:ounti:6l . Nl , Kean and St I
,briirilo,l , leFrribetl
Ala lfe 4, l) , on'tlin'ea , :tlnnk.e.fth f . linyhth
I,f thin A!),,l!rany gtan , lin7l! , infl) cPyrnty
ninoP , • • reltogl.,-;
ro'n•ner nrWarrmi.Nn';'ll'7;llrotni.n , en st f 10•1;",
and ' cot - no tt . r , rt4 , t , s ton 1100• 061,11.
1. , 1:01, In Iwo 1144-
. all lipn Onrol,-4 to a Inq tWrott 04 . Oil
of Ow P'arthf,on'i!rook, Ilinnt , rOwn' the R•rn,•1,,,.
Cu tlroo i l.fillfyiliGt.9llf4:sr.t.)ll , rllfir sll:o r lip,: of
vinpin!_!. conthioito. nine llnntrwl and tifirlptiv" Pom'S
'omit-ii.4lllc vir .
'-'"no liirlrrlslt Thu,; N) 1
1;40 s inn letd. totirOii;l.
.nitd • turn 11 7 ,r.
,ri'nt-No, b••11;L:(7T01
f I'alp4i in wcoentinzi 11,1 tin )in .0j
aq.ll,!'at .11:c[rult Yy.
s nit] it IT . •
n'rnlln!rinn. t.lo , ilnnl In nft.a. 1.n•1r.• n,,Nn,
Nn. 10' nnfit•iiri;nz't.?!.s•ln...., It 'ln
:. t 2 1 R.1.,' , 100ivtgioli.-No 1.
91 . iter. , s . . 10 •Norvigh towo:li , o' • WA rimot
Nn iin9l:-FliPl-kion itrn.?
townthin'. 4.Ti'nrranf • 21 1 '.'nolpligin71. No„
"r+' rnnlnhlJn+ 221 nnpna.• ins TJI,II, fewnchin, • IV : ,
ronf . 0 0tIN.:1-ion. No. 's3
~ ,-,. .;;lrnll, ! n'in•fotyrOl i n • Nrart , nntNn ,•”).,11. •
i . ;qion. Nn to:T
,11;i1 • IVarrnni Nn .'?•1••Ii. N. !MO, oikl,
.i^x 0 ' , 5 ne!••t, in 11 , mlin intrnahi,, 15,4 rr(mtN, 2.17
Nl. 173. enntnin , ,d;:. 125
1 . N;t 1
n.n.1141-n'n9. 11.1.111,,n WA779.ht
co 21c.,N 0.410 010111'2:2.c
;IS - artPO. No
in t o ' ,. ll , llin • Wqr..lo•
.100 n Nnll•onincy,
i n .. 'ow; •••,,roc., gF.'!, , nn
FA 17,1, 'O , ll , n 4,0,1 1 :011 11" ff if, to 111 n
Ptly t na11;.15. nt •I) Ir. ihri
11:•rond , nf rßioro , ..' in the I,,,trextutz re,,(
Tit. Th. 4,, ;ittuttrr,l a tul t,, , ntt- five Attrett. nr
tull..mturrnr loott. in Lil , tV.frovn.4 .- io.' knot. nue the
T,,rt Point Prt , ',lo,•t - tt; rttn•ittttuy w,rrlftlt.NO..•llA.
in! 4,v'ttntrt yr tr.rtrott..l , ,,f .u . f the, 'u* Otto i,f T.l'vrrolf •
t h e ia•bn o!1,4onl:lo •
poreq inr round fntrif rtuir, linuree
'nut t,t,ti•f tnit:
,in. ollior! - aof.or Intlin :I:1 h I
t ttitrt' , -(w.er.,nt. N., e109 ,, •;1ne , L na
ft nor in 'the tract, troo
:1101 r/,., , ooi 1 1,0
pe - eito .Ito 01 , ..5 . lino of. •oli Pleura Irlrth•
j,errrtea. In Itio Oar. of bettturirt,.. .ruptuitlitrz
‘‘ .4 !" 1 1 . -fl artite mini
inn Fr0. , 9 I frome ettt in
rr:tr , ' , N.. :Jr. Jr, C.'riuts'itort,itip . .. rtuthi,,fuur
4 , 14 r or , r-on9 +ter!, lunro or: P.Ca t
eulec le,rf ilt••, , ttf tr,• i`urnoti,t •ft and \
ft ,, ttr , . 1 1,6 t'• Nu.
in tie'. Itttrru lbw
.h-orrnmt .4 . 1;0r , .., , 1!, , 1 nut , erre
i• tou Itutlo,.
Nol.on• I.ltn: 411 rr,•.^.. o• 0-
'ltra t,f Uhuut fruit trt•ttt luf \i,;l7 I: , o , n; !
i t uttit ttfrettl4 l'Ur in tuta ;
••••••, to
At 3-1 1 ,1: NVdttter , t fu . tlete , trunt,utli 1-6, ;
, :tutr!vl . l . ltr•tivr t it., • • j
5.!1.41,1., ion. owl to In. 'oil ro 010 Inn).
inartY ,or Po.l, Ihe of I 1:i..141;, • .!
II I r.1?) . :r0.-
'Phc falLrn in•_ ~l•+. ~rir~r l r~wl naf itr,, Lorfl ll,c _I I
. •
in Liberty nrII.
- 31,11 7 15 • an)
I nf. N‘r } 4lni;
1 1 1 ti ntber. on wln7lt nt,
01 , 1..1+.00t ,
tiro 'mtr- , 4
P 14110.110116,4 :int Inc. f!nno
Vi\lrn 4 .. .Tlw (111..1101Y.111! inter.
I a•enr , ;tin "Ater trim nf hn,l i., I:Tt , . , l* . ton ',lnn, •
un , T,rnt.. No. 3 . 1.19
I n , 'n•'pkwt the .nt .n , No
11 , 0•1•11/ . 0 i t...) a I, Font 1,!•1,41ity •
•to ta t .t , t'ln•nen•e•,t re tie ron-dn , In.thn
y, per , h,.; H liar
o r l , "::^ffin2'..e..' , l,o” - • lift, I.m! ,
ui N, rie , ; 7-‘110: ‘,744 ~Itl.ll
1 , 0 .rc. , t in Ava ,.. t• not .N . . 111.
fon,. 11 . 111.'.ret1 alp! forty rent.
o• Om (.f • pn:r. ios
1)ovlit Aldo
• ;•,I,l;t'l` 0111 117• •, 110rm2.21.,
.7 ,• oin2. , til' s un .. 10. 1 0, 1 hel,fTiart. of
'Pnr•lu re nt'ul Itiror-fifth oralwto tm trhieb 1. • ,3.
, •111,TV q/11 ONO bl.ri1.(11iV111.1•:3
(1 . 1 fraud , ), on.l.nreliard irtii . t A
67. 'l.:nnwn 11io.. 1 1 , 1 • 71 . 0n,i , I.nt . Ma'n
t‘treot Sinrt.hpnrt. on .
' franc hou-n and . 1
fmni• fruit .troo, .'ALn li It No. 17 n,el 4.: on or. , (If .
1, }..ank ref-tF In a lieu
reP,; rrop,•rty
def‘..nlan?, oil f..llo:l..iitimrly ln• the.eqnn.. -
y. •
. • • . •
p ' eiz ,. .l nml tnlt'ori in eNninitlnn; norhvi 71 hr-!;;.j.t aa 111
'in:operty ,Sztli A:li qktf.• , , at. gni of Ilren , fPr
.Freenta I. • • • • •
.. .
... .
. .
The ramvioz AnApi.; bed rwil c,sta ,- ,., ' n!tu, - .to in the
Borough' n" 511,4.04,0 . 14, county - of, AI 'Kos n.-.St4to nf -
Nonsylvanni. hownlca Oil it,,:p,,,,.in,,,i as follows. 16..,.i1 :
'Fintro. N0,'67.' kuOwn a (ho .110,1 Hour+, hit. c.ll'lll.‘in
sl, reel; improved, *tine frdine . hoi;se, unit about • .fruittrees, ticeg,
~ . -
. .
AL -4.1.-I,t§ N 0.17 art on-opo bioc slrvoq
of tial I -Ilornuolt. itilornvod,.atol low trees. It
ipa the soot° proporty sold ho tl.feetlrnt
Setztol and takra ir. 00., - .01'1 , 01, 01 , 110, rho
Proitellv of :Soth .A.llayltus, at the 'tluit of .k 0;;054..us
'Wolters. : •
I'i rellowinC . detcrilgl real °stale. °Hotta in I , iher:
to township. 31Igenn 'ennet y, 1 1 :noxylimtiht, described
at fellowg, Ilecionithz at•the cost ra• of the Condon,'
port rnall,at a.pnat twenty-live feet fl'olll n white pine,
s t un , to the edge of the road, thence Mont:the middle
.of nail road mortli fifteen . t. Fix rata le
post etantlitar,ixl . rolls and Ferns , linkt,. it 'win,. oppc.,
In site the. nartb-next coiner of the Lillibtidge,tintise,
thence nortli tieventy-flimdcgreet eat,t; ureter recta to
a post. thence poet's fifteen degrees six rflati 41'
4 t . thUIKV S .OOll a.Veat ta el ve
ends. Cunning'th rough the before' rnOtloned tantop to
the place of beginning., containing ttntehty-hen snottro
mot of last . more or lent, improved. 01113 trains sto:e
and house, a tannery an small frame 1, 4 1 , n.
• Seized and taken in execution; end will he sold a RAM,
property of William.T..J ones at Iht, suit of Jones, Mane
untllones. , • . - ,
This ronowini• deaerlbed real ey,tate adttati. in Lit/W.(llk,
township, 3Pliearkoutity, Peonaylvania.bounded and
deFeill,rl as fellows.. viz: On 1 ite . •nerth by
1.1,11114,0 r S11'1111;01 ensf by the rat line rif
warrant :1133, On the FOllllt bflot N0.' , 15 ; On. the . west
by. lo l, No IS 3111 annealed Innis eviditieinzo on:WY-oleo
, end eight-tenth: neroF: elleweneoot:ddx per cent,
for roads &e,,'lteinz let No. 47 of -the• dlloteient of the
lends Of I he estate:et Ilsunll.M. Von. deeeninut. and part ,
of Warrant No, 3149 3 on , wlnoix
. ienbeut* fifty acres •int ,
prnv.e.l; and old lug
1.7. ed. lakUn in ~ x eol inn arul . will'lm ;WM aallrin.
of Pelog 0, llMMins,...at tho',uituf .Goo. Fox. - M
I)...mlminikratur ()Nile eatala of: lhe. late Samuel NI
Ftix ileceaFel
, JOSEPH. MOUE; Sheriff.
Sheriff's O ff kr, Smelbport, Hee:
IETTERS or Administration O'n:tlie,,i.stnt e
24 Of Barrett„ lale•oT .. Kea Keating town-
ship ; dee'd, ,hayintt. lPeii:Ltrithted.to themnder-
S,igned,,nll.persens knowing : themselvds'indebt:,
ed to iaid'estete are 'requested to make imme
dicta payinont, and• those harin.l - elairos against
the :same will present them duly authenticated
for settrement..• ,•• •
'PALMYRA 13ARRETT,.Admist.ratrix
. . .
I voll.be at the late residendp of. doc'tPon or
nlmOt rho 10th of. Yanotiry, where all interest
oil can 'call.P. 13.
. .
1)qc."10; 1860. ' • . • • • • '
'ilroyllay,. , :ri,eri - eniber '.1860...•• •- • .•••
Threi; jiun:l;o I.l:pr4:,v,enty'ivo ne.
. . . . • . . - . " ••
• . .
' •
.I",%\t'Snk V./ Ut3::.•
.• • ..
. , •
• • •
r..• (.1).5.!y,...1 :: •• •
• ,
N.' I,* Colin; I)t.lretria tt,„. S.. A.' Itymi; S. ASIV •
111 fq; .
•.• k . ,r t 3• l 4. •
11 . ( . i . ri 4rb .' '• '
T• v Ale.Cor. '• " • .•. ,
' t'orrA-.-L-11.411N • .'" • .rtstipdkoNSUPCr4L:A-r*E.:'
. - . • • • • .
.• •
—E. I.liitif.).ry,. W , 211 ( •• ." I•/ • . ?,;•0' U F 4). ET
. mini —.l-In ..'• • •
• 4 41/. •
. . .
~ Z.' .• • :
:I . • r ii• 11 0 14
11 , 7,e ri P. . • E y . 14 -,
aic; Je'i'say and' Pen
•.• .
.I)rupist,Lt; Gr . ° ,
• "
••• .• rl2 Cogntpe • •
. ...• •• ,
ri;ri tiri,;rry
ttnil C roix'l RI
.• •11..'5. nurr'Svilt r otid• Irish]
• • • .
.• . • ..ALT, - IN' BO P'11:1'.8.: - •• .
• 1•••••ri••:isr1in,a11. tq. - ,lino ~r the u„t...
1,, th e ido.t., Wi RCA a n d 1.1'4U011:1 b u t a I 10A
/ of Nino fpiii. jinllll‘ ix iuriti lit-{
00,111lry 1....C.0/11y,.1/11114
'1111`; 1101.1 I:. in .1:14 I.•tive.to .
~ 1 '.1.116,1.u: it V
11.1V . 1.1.;' , 11.411:1 . 11 114.11. 11(.111
ii' Thirty 111.. lld V;arNOt .
H it ,%1 1 • of,,,Nurnn.l al::: inl•
bist...itialily..to Pt' I VIIIAI 11111/11 be
'l'VerY '1 ,11..0 11 , 11 , 1 . .i. • ty 1,..• 11111
In o p t IPL.l'x
1)'11l10 011..1 0.1 au inn
.1 , 0/110•
11101 0 .1 . 1.,in0 I,l', 1 11.!:.:,••••1..:,.: 14:1',111. by 4.11
t 1 roor.r., i c:`lii:1,1i.11;1514• . . • , .
!- 1 :';' , 0“;:: 11. -1:OT,:c N , ...! . V.!:1 , .1“..t5t.-P.111!••1•110 1 1
York entarlor: . '• • •
. • ir;i:::- 4 .1•Vit0 ! •::; 1- .dir,:.!.11;iti•11.1,,N1:--110
qlpy:t.l illf.;.•0 f.:11.,•••1 , 11 , ,..n6.1 ono
tthe . aplii.llo,ll.l'. and
tin :tn 1 kre. , ll. 110 s! riwility . IV(! Aft
011141'111 ;1%, a1t . .1.1.111.,1t,..1 1,,ripti0,11.14 Inoreitant'n.
i.n.•n•..•••••,•:t1.1.•nr , 11 it 1,1 aq;ar or •
u t ,:n rm.) wy.lr,tro:••
1 2 17.11 i
3:1.irk11141 sti nt . ll iu , .n"k'!+F:•'tln:apll9 c wd rind )for.
lit 'Oll I niil l,acn born 10, than thirt c thookial
Li' 1,59, Itntl•tt:ti
110 :i..1" riot,
iln.l i!••..lx Own and nit It, ally ii
11 1- , 0. , h
nr Arils . Whit, 1.111:4619 JI.111‘;; 1 Vt.!
. trali 'rot' 11
'pmt 1:111. • -'lilythtn•R3n•N 7.
,11111 ,1:1111 , pc, in' 1,4 111011 . 11+
,nay t, •
18,10,1'7N, wcritn th••l.4t.r.• tot 171 , 5 W• i,vt , r, • ‘• r s ogils
‘• - 1,t•=.41- intro %Vinonivn,l 1,1-
quo, for :1,1:1-.1 n=o'slot.l.l velid thnir
Mr.,AVillf, , nut!! I.rtv:y ,A;mtlire.iiry iu tli.• I .n:1 utnkc up
1,1!0'1"Iilililk in liSnlfinli f.InIT incir
it pu 11 . ”; 28 Anti Li-
p'rawn rkeet;11111".
1:1:,.1\71'J [' is iilt~
. . • ~ -
..T.:!rtayrite..- 7 - A ! iotr:(nt', J. •31. 11,11.Pridgr,
u•ir/0-7 te•'
O[/u- 9: ; Otto. %,• • • •: . , "
T,u'Ayne._': - .l';‘a (1:011.
. .
J . . Dr a !;1-:,
s: L. s''At''arft... • • •
, .
.gJr,_;(ahrtrais Car. wirr.'S. •Sa t
• gete.l 7 -4....:. Barbe iva -bank]
D-Inio.l•Pea body. John'. l'eqi:fol;:- '• :
. •
,(76.r7E/ •
E 1 61 re. daildi- , r, M . ; G.-I•ina pp,. c. C.
• -•
' Itinrl
I ton lib Y. • • •
K.'n/i , J=T-- . 11 . Cory, C. C. Clevplat).l
. .
e 6101 - 4' nn,,,F,..:(1r 0:n C.. Fl!,1.1olf;
Lii • Amiti,
V,rli.'Sjit,f,vni,,t,, •-
• ArDileiich..--111.r1.10,11!,11C'r,.F..•NttplAC111,
, P. r'...ll,;pkirp4..
. ..- .•
. . .
.. . . . . ..
'file nfin'il . i. name'f.-.Grali h:6 , -.
ll iiild."a.v.. 'Jurors
”jII- ti)(,.il at'i ile Court . llnii•tiryn
. Binpi hp . rit I' do
1"1 . 11e9 - 471.y . t.119 .q.lt ii..in v 'n( .1)00 , mli-r n0....0: wf - 1 o
ft'ellidc. :i..tii. ' : 3 WiTIPI 1 :%!0115; E; • sior.. .
. - -.,)w.r.ifr-•,,.0,11i..!;,..;.'5,...01;ripi.!,..00.. f2-2;.75t0.,...-.r.
. .
A LL, perrms: are .lierAby
IA * o.rtler• No: 101;
tlyirwii the . 3)ireeier's
frict, . 1300', $21:00,• : fa r . rif
.111 e si!ine has Gen,. Irrt hay,
mew stepped., • • • : M:l3. !PALL.
• Dee, 10,..1860:7 •.
.• :• •
. .
.. r ,
. . . .
tmis.livivo..iig tlw*lDst!f • nini• in:l.4l)Ted
i_. to 11w unilerriatreil• are livrf , by notified to
call mid . .i.ei I lb ;heir ileiOtilliS. imme(lVati.lyi ..ir
vosts will .be - mptle. •' . • . •J. D.' 01.70: ~
Dee..lo 1860.. ' ~ .-• . •
(I:eat EzeitLment in the South
Tfl :UN! C 1 271 .:DANGEIt
./(//oqii...•.fit/y 2.9//c 140.
:1i 0 . 5 r 5:::to lIN •IV it.p0g.&:.0,;.: . .•• •.• •:
... • ..' .
.. ' Vietir ~ Itriwpctiw.,i'' or "I'l.ri..iir Fever
Clio up," Jog done .8•011 , 31. rs, :I ras':,:wllolly
if'/...9 . 0n,10rit whi , o 1 aryl ied,it , anti, in. five: boort;
th,e chi i is Well. 11.7f0 lieti.(10(1 1 nn fever ling titi
t•t:•••1. •• 1 (is tite . otii'plest citte irndAillitille,••
,a wonder of on 1 ore. or . n. 3 t, . ".I xvould :licit
, ~• n
. .. ' '• : • • I ,',‘i , ill)iii.th::.S . i‘finperlioe" •it single • hour.
' •‘ t h e Ato••••certtr ,•,
~: .. : .
1-1 :C .
P.. t E
rt l r t a ' i l t l IN 7t i-. t 1 1.• ; n t
f) s c a i 3 r " L o n' ;:l t :t! "' (. (2 i n tiz :: 1:4.0f Nu - r i. h (• :.. :' , C 6 ii f ' l ? r.' fly'
. . •• ' tit•nr•"
• • • .. •
Pottts,:,lvtitiin (La; fittvl , 4 .. , • . , .
. •
'• : klel(.'-,..4_Titit-rTiii-Sitc:Jp-: `f -
TIIE NO i?..771 . . ANP:,SOII:774'.
' Must 42(1 :' , .Jtall'b , ..)lT.p:3t7.:of,.othor
This Glorious. Union gust. be Preservol-f
. .... .
.• .
•. • .
li prop,il.:4 l rfpme I any An s i all in*. rgynPlq, - , witli,fili..er,
),, , m,,i ~ to equ.pped. •: , o. 11 ! ., as it I , ecti. 1• jail' 'prep:ll'6d
to. ~4, all I: inIN ...1 woel iu lliu Inc. yf
'a."( 1 - 4,4 d
pna •.11 L.i115, 1....i0i• rt..l;ient .
hen rt. 11.1
al.ose•watitr.lllll,4 :1!1,1 shatl take . t,ft,l7lt.ftill hi.ts it; •
Ila.•:•in:tipurrtrtse.l ,
'try' bt , otit, r,
jt•:,`!•' Ntakio,j'l,oll3 W;th it:.
II Ttnw:trr, iv Weft i. iuu 1,1:7trl
• , ..e lleli i 1 rtr4,,ty., • C.,11'4.1r,1 see I; IM•11.
tr , • 'io".l
11.10 D '4111)T. CO Olt:Eft y
. • . .. • .
:IL 1.7. s up Ur . .MR.S..: s s
IT Tla.l.i VOL , L'IlW :II CllllO5l
• •• . •" . 1 (litine..w.tli all the yari,um
• to , d' app• ov? I mwle',lnf clre.4n.f. and
Pc:rk ; 01.4 4
IT T13.1.S TUCA I. t hit ..varlituti.. and aria hl.nreved
•netiot t i dress lig,lll ditoz, natl. tothiirz
Mutton: Ltniihr, Xe.d. Ito. 'try: and
.. , "t • • ..• '", liatiettitf till-kin Is, faith tie di ffe rent
. . .
,: . •. , • • Dret.sitwtt, !it:atlas an.l St. odiii . gs'at,in
• - Prepritite to etch: -
.IT T 111.1.5. 'YOU !troy in, elloone,..itlettif; sill preserve
' •' , - I'ith - I.ti• tall kiri,ltt‘r sodtbowl o. sWeet e nt
it when tali:tett ;• 'elan all the est:loos
, .
-nod In t t`tt 'tlPProveil itnitilVi 6E.dflilk i Li*,
- . -
• . •.. , • with tjte indecent • Pressings; Siincer
mei Fitivorings appropriate to'itarb:
'IT TELI,9 YOU..AII Ili ' a . trims on Y. tno4t tatiorne:eil"
• •' '• ' modes ari , i , p.n . in,, - fleet , fifty different
. : Itiodnrif Meat, Ritdt. ,Fowl,(lame,. nod
r . ,• .
.. .. .X(, ,. 0 t... hi e .Sol 1 n s', Ittroths, and Stmt. '
. ..
with the Relislwsdoll I.teaaontde a s iii;•
• . nropriate to earl*.`' :', " •. "
IT TELI.I3 YOU..AII Alio' yhrians 'ant lunst, hoorayed.
' " " • "
'amides of cooktog Vttgettibles of every}
' ' ' ," . datateilttion, al ai - how to prcrarn,rtelt,
. •." '.. lett.. Cat t tala and I,lwrries of tall kind;; /
..' • • -Potted Moats:llA, 3ltrlironitts, A et.• I
'IT 1 . 111;TAYOIT All tint, yarteuti "niej
, loos t . ;111,prn, 0 a
_ , . ' untie+ of Oreparinte intli'cnokip,: all,
. . • : . Muth, of L'lain and P.inektrastry, Ito I- ,
• •.
n , • ',' -' " , dinis, Om tlettnS.'n itters,lltiltes.'enh--
' - " •,.• thatinnery. ' Priteeriats, ai d firs. s nd
• , " ... Keret Itishes.of ceeeytlescitrotion
IT T111.1.t1 YOU Alt the variniii" and • moci approv e d t
' males of making itritati. flasks, "Slur:
. .
, .
lion awl Itivoilt, , the best motto - ill - of
. .
• . .
• ' ' • ' peeps ri rig. entree,
,Ctiocota In .and Ten.
. . sill how to teaka,Sortios'i. Cordials hod
. • - Wlnos of various hinds..
IT TELLS YOU I[o...inset not and' ornainent a Table.
• .". " how td. carve all Inotts of 1 , 1-11, -Flesh
" oc hotel. and in *hart. bow to FO Olin
. • . . linty the whole art of Onokintr. as in
, • - . It.tioatitie choicest luxuriac of the table.
. .. ' , within neershnlY'lt react; •" • '"' "
. . . • •
The honk contains 41,Q pace;' and Upwards or, tvrelri:
hue hod . Recir es. all or which a-e the resu!ts 0(' actual
psperienca,,havin; bean tuft and csrefiilly tested under
the -per 'anal au perintence of rho writers. It is printed
-1n . a clear open .type, Is-Illustrated th appropriate
eneracinei. and 'will lin• forwarded to any aililre.o, now
and postade hab), on receipt of. the price, V : 011,
oe in cloth:extra $1 ' 5 5. • .
.. .
- 1 , 1 ,, - cui lie Ma . • -
$lOOO s
. A. Yli AI, • ' la 1) . "-
~ .. . . . .. . . . enteepelsin4 men
-where, in se'linir the alioVe Wink, Mir inducements to all.
soul' tioirg vt.ry liberal - , •
For .siticlt• copies of thu'ltholc tir fur tarots to agents,
svitiCtitlior•lnf I rznatien. apply to nr itd.irets
.. . . ~
- , • ill)1IN IL POTTER. Plibli , luir,-
„ .' ...-, .. • • .''No.'6l7 Siiii-Min Street, Poiladolpltia, Pit - . .
. • November 15, 1900, ; UM,' - .. , .
•:11)r srile,.a - rniigniOecnl stvelzplittu:nngrn..
vingof. thr . ,llfejFirntion of 'lndt:Fenclenc'e, .ser
rott,nrletl jierreits ol ell ..the:presi
denta, I)ealietr: 'mon. its leee.:lbe
,forrib of
esirrkiles' of
the signatures silk, eU the Peel rat : •
THIS E',NTO-I:z.A.yiNG,,
. .
. .
being :18X22 inches. in' bizei is ' nnsnrpassed by
any ever publiebed,.and is offered at the very
loti price of fifty.centsi :. ," . ' • i ',:. .
Address: all'orders, , with price enclosed and
two cents to Prepny,pestatte. to• - . •
C.: N.. TENNY, •
• • S:nethport, APKean Co„ Pa.
.. . .
. .
.•. .
W(I . III: 1 ,. 1 . : .. 351 . 1 I,l'. .
W0r.r. • 1.:, .fox 4. l T.nr . t,litilg.talitip
pr yinl ;I.• 4 , •,-; in 11., enliWrv.• lottp.lip 0,0,1,4 I;ltsos .o r .
•Wii,...: “ts,) 1.11;1101,i Grill il ;M111;11111 41,11, .:L
o nlerellallt,
5i1'111.1 .1, . ,, I o .l' • li,s 41 , 4. Ilk ten , : or . 1i , ,,,,,nds of .nn:
111,41:: ii 3 !11 , . Up . it....tl St.t.'egt'wll , 6,ll ntolltil , z , m,t,ill.ita-'
tioi , ., yttil.“K.A:tiOzti to Inman b,a'all'unil'lmppilta4l,-.
'.,...... •.•...'• ... - • ... '..
'IE.% D ! . 111 . 1.:A I) 'i:! 'l'll - I'. ALT H
, ifii; '23,1, 1860
G 11, F:1 I'. 1,,
-.. I have bnon s n atched fro th the•zrave
, t . . . -
~.. .
by the appr.rat ion 01. your•,.tvond..'r rill i. , To-leo
ti'lle, or ! , Prisiail Povi;rCii;irrn," ' Pcilfi,veral
1 havt.)01....re.1 'weary season fro'ni .fever, awl
natio: r..a , :t . "Sorinif. icy life...ii:as . Ihri , nteneti,
luit.)•O;ir rf.rriods , has: 'il.,t roved. the. decease,
and 1 Flril rapidly.' g.iining an arpOiti!. and
trengt!).. .; . ••• ' .
tesp.,e riwtty, vim r qs;-,
: D. :Y, 13.1. R itc).N
. • .. . •
'1 1 4.i . ? trul.}' . worvilorful ri , . i.,..i , tir.r.nsitfr:ttrP. Air
Foyor rind A viP,a n.I. 43illritiii..! As.ill' . : bP' .6ir ( by
'mail,.. pci , .?.' pa id,' on, r. , ;(•e;t,or ono: dolbii... .A lan
_!...i1;. 111 all re-fieceil ! re 1-)rwilzists - '
tii)ll . cni;ll-:
.PI vd: ory, IS:4
St.. ',ltirb‘r.onit.ll'..' Br - a
• • • : • ',lOl}N . . 1V1T.;(. 7 0:K . &..0 0:
61,1;.\x., N. -)
" - •
1,171 . 1 - i CI I: , A , (.`-.'& :_ fieall ii - ir i - ...;
• • ,
1,41 - 01:1. 4 .!, lows( ri , qpr.ctfolli-autioirmee tall.) eltikroyi in
• , f` V -I.llia.relioll of roinitrr, •an I
ilio'i.nlilie oonrrtilfv,'.
tint tlloy' Are erpoita Wit. rnlaryfoz, awl oxiciiiiin r. •• /1,1,
,orw ostalilidunont. a.l for Ilio, - purpo , o. Ot tlirinit rver:v
tanly a pearl loot .11•111 , 11.(ration of out entire rtiorio•a In iinr
laisislerii. rind Otto abilitie let iiiiiiipeto. riineeii‘fully: 0 itli
any inirailllsinnoot in thin s,rolliin j of the`Romilry . , we ate
now fil lin znu r-lyare rooms full of ' ' • • , `
.1,•o' now jirt,p c..l4,ltitly ^ll. 1131,1'n I,trzt; 11 5:F0kt/tent i t
'C1tairm,..1%11 , 1,5., Piot Soffl.. holm 1),1;4, lick
Ilttroaftti, Sem : flat-Iw, Slit4ls;:ltftnlc.(lfFeff
Cput Nlir:rftrff. No 4
(7 . (lll,if:ft, tocckkftyr f, Ututrtette S l tindfi
Squaw.. Shin Ft. NVaOl Sial,l•.: Piat , to.f• Fri f , Towl•
':.;1,10s, Hat Siillll , l
Tahilleaf ' • • '
Sea Oraasj,lattrassei,
hto:s Ttrattrrlts6s,
n:c;I:: T.:m.trl'li.:Ecs.
Ilaho taily and Lit oiztercd Faigiture !
•1u ..reat wad+. ty oflraterna`:
Of I Linde, nm;le to order
:Beds, ofTvery
inpzniestr llouf*ltno.
. ,
• BLECISWALNUT, 111111011A17Y,
Alid.ol.der. Venee.riDz,i . constant , o !WO' fo i• 311 e
. •
• lVo'' on tid•lrgn Maroirnotorhor MAtAllll3loeiif,
ani onndpy the"mot.t.,eomporaut ivorki.c.n. • •.
of . all ithet+, (Line veemptly.hi,i in the 1 , 43 t •inan uP r
. . . ..
. r,u .
1 Te, ~.,,,,,h,io n. it . .p,hull ho ou.i.aim to pply tilig mai./
koi with everything in ohr line, upon thr mos t roaiimt
blo toruH r nol hope tcl, form nn (ixronlloil nenunintnnro In'
our tr",,:e; nod 014 n tnOontique 'tin) 'frioroity.'relationl.
wi'h oor I , r , .!nt:. euFtomOrs. •We invite all income and
Oxrtinitio our stock. - %% o :Ir • 6 lociforf lirtlio. - , ..t •.
.17,;..ta1„,. Q . N ;n 1 tu 11;43 Fitiqi..; oil •
. , .
••• • ' WHITNEY t Lgliitalt T.
oten; N. X., N0Y,211660- 7
. •
.L.P hnl allow :at
if ;7c A i ln first rate brick for snle: In
iv j uov, quire of FRANK IVACKVS
. .
.s.lTiethvrt, August 13, TSGO
' Me have jmit 'fi t ref! urn LA ROE 'wed GO3i
MODLO[JS CARPET rtoOM '22 . by 75 ,PFCII4
Which 14 • finekr'iviih iciyow lova afl the. LA
TEST STYLGS of .' 2 1 '':'.•.'. '.•
' ••:
Yuurs Atiqy Truly. , ,
. M. Sl' OUI
nat:4; . .: Ccap'7..:,REWY
of all kinds; 3 'y hiCing GAITERS
ho . Want. to :ge;t, LIGHT on .tres uhjor
FAST; cnli Knd *et n. gall in or .
-lid if it dor , ' : tint TWICE' AS LONG
.s an'inth.:r I<iinl yin can find for $l, out 'Hat
the fin felt. •
'A, to (Jinn v,:111 a iisfy YOUlhat
Mir firattrassos
ii the IfEAD I)X.-IRTERS Or TRADE :grid
,he' GRAND PMPORIIINI of tvery thing NEW NEAT antI . STYLISII.• , - .
7k#..59 - ct. T., T.. still belles:
N.. - F!.• . .8UTL211 & .CO,
N. S. Burbti, .' " .
A. BtAitg,.. ' : . :. ..' .
L. ir.- . thrror.o, . ,:- • - .
T". SUI3SCRIpEit now •offers.to the pub
,this .Iroproyed ° Straw-'eutter, intl6ll
e.onlidenee that all who take the trouhle.iii'imit
iieis its operations 'be convinced il its sit;
period!) , over any other now in rise: . ••.
..A Supply Irepreonstaeily.cin hancl,and men:
ufactured to order. •
. . - - •
- A's . n9sether,...per;;ap to
make or'll9oB this Cutter,
. , .
who ao using in - violation of the pat-.
C dU be prosecuted. . „
• ... • . A. WOLTERS
Me6hanicsburg„ . -
G HEE9C, of the Lony.ggpllt
.. , -.D.1.::At..(;„;00D-,:,&e:
. . . .
qq;tkify,:ii.t . .l . l..
the 111,1,11:niolli.Store
i 6 , 2 •
L 1) 19 . 11 - 1 11 1; gt, l l :11
hive oti
mei t or
ng.t.lss...-. GOODS
01 every desoOp'.ion; triwriangs• to
hatch.:•Aod it.tio9t ' •• -•
rcici AI)'SHOOi,
EI...ASS .tll+Z . 6. c [l.l N A ' l'‘,. lif,',.
. . . • •
. . .. .
••• trl,il.ll %vitl be' sold.nt, Orirns 6;0 ; trill iliyiP
ii Ipefirn'ri,..t it iu . n" rii .tllli,l liac'is;''amil ‘trititliT Iliac
g0 . p,14 cart 1,0401,,1 lit P:llol,pricoß: EticA derialt:
Itli.it.fs 'filled. with 4;,ci)inplete A'ariely (if itill the
. .
ter tve take pjesuru iii,ontiountiii to ihephblic"
, . . • .•
ai these
T . A,'l
I; 4 E
.G 1
.A':r :ANY
.0i1 . 11:'11. 1.:ST ; ;; BLfsflMliN•T
In Olean.
R0M:..2.3 rts. trt ft DS
I , ..nade C:lo.thilig,lYa.
110 . QP ED SKIRTS,a t 31, cli
CA 11 -11, N ,
.4 Excelsior
13 ; •t9GO
' t
' r t
. •..
T0...(0N0.;;:_ „ItICEt
01,1).:PLA Oh*,
lititilEAi ): 4,j!gßE,
. . .
D1E. 4 1.4 7i, .liIIATA I
'cn Ones 9`u3t Come And Judge For Themselves.
.'One satisfy the'tpost:skeptiell
hat there ie.only one place •to.boi. fin/reboil
node, at 'very low prhies;'elid thati)lice is the
onp.price system gives' .thi best sattsfsifs.
and graq . Emjiorium .oVely thing:nip!,
rw4t:iirid.slyl4.', If Ydu. hive 04...CASHail
want to bOy tho:BEST
will find goods rernEirkable for4hitit.
beiiucy; dur4tOty, !,,upiyior
.manufin.tuye, enyd:
, •• L0W ,. :1;
, . They , !Warm', •
to y ou . at the ,Itiviteatpopaiblai..;'.j:,:-,.'it
fire( fnuii4.oani.;liatry,''.,
price , thefe bel'N 6 14-1.1 , 61ak
R , etnernv rPr.litovi::?!.le-ear.lrw
THING it , pißa . • .••.,.
• •
• •• 1 ,
C. _17104426
N. S. 111717.PR1.;-'
I.) • orcj:i3i.iss it..l
PPN, .FORprr,ii'
• • .
Low PRidEs;