Great,] iceitement in the .Sonth Q:177..i-X.OITI'(>.tINA.IN.ARAIS ! ,i'' , .' . '. 1, -;:(''•;' , !.. : . < ' . ! .-:. . :: •.. • ', :. .. • TERMBLE . :IHREATS , OF .S ECEDERS,I (MIN teAliio 'THE NORTH AND SOUTIII, Must anilShall be Kept Together! filii ;p16,:50,5 . .-: . lJAii:Artig.. lie • Preseiieill ..•. • . . . • TTNPER.II,ii• eiistin; circumstance. aubsarilier NJ . diptaPidt hat ditty 0 'say .tu • tiro uitizeria al . ,. N9rtbory .:''Peinjayliiiiniethat:the old ' • • . • . ..• . • "Side7Hill: trip. -Shop. ..• • . . . 1 piepared - tolpee tuyy mo rg One iea ov aflicern aiMelln,Creiriip`ped ns the'law directs. • prepti.,rcd to du all kiptlii•i.twock' in the lice a:: ' , • CoOpe . r., • . erididd pang or cement this gloilons Union.. ' Sidii-11111 State which has se - longlield• her l• cad ..abovo•nnter,;intitit'anil slinl I take the lead alull ntheis iu talk ie jo‘rchased,ithe •Inte,St sly brother, S difaseti,yi lain now. fitting up and filling up, with now RtoCk of Stp Vei t 'tinware, Sc,.whieli• I am bound to •sell 'cheap for ply.. Call and - see ISIiO N. k rids of prodUce—anything hat traisttak • in exchange for goods. - ; : • .. THZPEOPLE'S COOK BOOK 'MODERN .1.00 WERY CAREFCIL . I.AtEVISED DY 3IRS. S.. J. IT TELLS you:uow td'elioose X11.1E1148.0 Mectni Fault •;. -;,• fry and' Game, with Alt theihrions Mil • • • Most aPprolmil modes of dressing ;tint • ' •'• ' • ; cooking beef and Pork ,•itlsp.the best - ..,• .' ". and simplest way of salting;. • . ;' •' and curipg"the a ame; .' • • • • . IT TELLS . YOU All' the earionst and Most approved .•. 7.. • .1'"! • mniles pl dress Wg, cooking., and boning •;' •• .• • % • ••..kfutton; Poultry;. aed • " • ' .• ;Genie 'of . all kiwis, with leo-di !recent" . • •• ,Graviee , and Stuffings op. ' • 2 propClete to ,eeeli. . ,• • ..*%. • IT.TELLS. YOU How to CilOgiP, clean; and. preserve' ' • •' • Fish or all kind:l,Am," how to sweeten • •". it when tainted ; else all the various. . • - . and ". - • • meet 'apProyed modes s of cooking, with 'tile different Iress•ngs, bances, . and Flavorings apprnprjateto each. IT TELLS-YOU All the-, various ant most •anprneeil • , ; niodesof,preparing over lac sliffecerit ' • • • kinds of Meat, Fish; • Fowl, 011.11111, and ; . •• .Veget..ble Swing, Itroths, and Stews. - , • with. the Relishes and Seistiningsitp. . •• • • . propHistu to each , • •• - • .1 TT TELLS YOU All the. rarions awl • mast approved ' • . suedes of ceoklibt''Vegetnbles of every • . L. • • descriptioti, also how to prepre Pick- ; • • " AP's. 'Calm)) and etirriesmt all kinds, • • • , %Potted Meats, Fish; Mushrooms, No. IT TELLS , the various „and most •. • ' in.)dei . or prep:trim; and cooking all ' "'•': kinds of Plain and Panes' Pastry, ' • • • dings, Oinelettep. Pritters,Cakes.,Con : ' • • tecttoner,v. Premrves . , Jellies,: and • , Swget Dishes of every description IT Tl:LLs.yotj .All, the various and :iorist appinved •. modeivor making. BrPad, Rustic, 31111,. • - fins and. Biscuit, lliii,heSt Method of. • .• . , • preparing cidTee,. Chocolate and . . . • ~ , .• and heir to mike Syrups, Corilial4 and '• • '' . • .•:.. Wines of varionskinds.- • •... - ' II to ' IT TEL .IS YOU - ow sot out. end ornament .3 Table, how to carve all 'kind; of -Fish, Flee!' '. or Fowl, awl in short. howl° ',Whim „ . • • • ' •,. • • ;.- Mirk the whale' art of Coilltimr.' as to bring the eholeest luxuries Of (lib bairn .. : . .• within everybody's reaeb . . . . . . , : • The book contains 418 Pages and upwards of tteelre 'hundred ' , Recipes...all Or whicli are the results of :Lethal etperiince, having been fatly and carefully testell.uroter the . perAonal, enperintenee of the writers,- It is printed -1h so:clear and open type, is illustrated with appropriate: sinirayings-and ;trill be furikarled.te any addro-s, neatly bon td, and postage: paid,. on receipt of the price,'sl,oo, 'orita cloth, eitra, $145. -.' ... . . $- YE AR c,,. be . Ie bye n: 1000 -X "enterprising men where, Ip:selling- the above sVorli t 'ottr inducements to' all .eucli being yery.liberal , '1 •'. . • - .- , E'er ehlule•cophior the - book rir for terms to agents, with other inrormation.. apply to nr :14.1ress . Jorts E. POTTER, Publisher, ~ .. '•:' • :•• .' No. 61;- Sansosu Stieet,.Pniladelphia. pa. Novomberls; 16G0 -Gm. LIST.,Ok.CAUSES . , ' • Set Down fot Trial ni:DeMMOMTe:rm, 1 860 , . J. C. Backun . • - , , . vs MurpV, Beue,tfict & Cu Hama , - Maitin & Rea, . . •• . vs ataicl Bellows, et a 1... ll , Keaiv& Elk Land and . • . Imp, Co.. vs".Clteste r• 3Piiiill, et al: ,••' va Lynian darks, et al. • .••• .• 11 J. Reinhart's Eitirs ' " .va • •• • thias.Felt *. • , . • vs W. )5.7 Cialike and. 11, 1). • tieefov; Garnishees. • rs•D'.• lainrN.att al.'. • •• vu ,l. CAl:trials, G. Sartwell • and Roswell' Sartwell.' 'Win, ' • • • •es Stephen Stiles... 'C. • .• R. itu Mick . vs" IV,iliumse,r. • ,•• Daniel Burbank; . • vs W.. Acre and Arran Acro. • A. N. Tifylor .• en Pratt & Tr..irerse, •. ..70}in L Rockwlth vs J, C. Ilelnies. I)',..littrbauk • ys.Coinitiohwealth. •Stephen • • vs N. P. ?dinar:l. • John Vansickle • • • .vs..R.'sl. Dante-t r. " • Alden Swift , . 1 as J: K. l'ilnr-.l‘inn. .• "' - tt aio i4•.• • • ; • • • vs .I . 4nalltan Campbell. 'Otis IvOns. ' vs 'J C itaokus S Co. • Thninas Struthers : vs M. Clark,, • Av. v: Iceattx%, , etal.•., ••• vs' Daniel•Aireashitry. . ' Ilyiliton•neiis • John Cuuind Odin :tame. ' W:CiCfreen vs Orrin Cook, re Le Grald Gook 'null IV "„.•'Stricter, • 'W:V:Aeititig. et al. , ' ek Elijah U. Sizer. 'McKean S 'Elk Land and • Tam. Co • • ••• r Vlf F 1 eldg ,pc tel '9: ri.Ypeeman and - Lucre-' tia A•.Freeinan. John Pella . ' ' • • • • Lavina, Ann Labree &lie! James Labree'bs flen C. ColtcM, Wen. Stanton - vs "Johnitusli dna ,And. Gu s t,. .S. 0, Hyde , Fa' C. Heiden." .. • S. M. APOkatli.sed Dull , ,Vll Mcidieniith SonfArL. •.' • " : Piotli'v 'Sinethport 'Oct '2'6 vs Feaillig p, cs,Frseman .t 77 THE OLDEST,'WT DF.ST :TEp, 'and most COMMETE,.CORRECT nor RELIABLE Bank Not,..'Hotiorteririsexistence -- .- " THOMP.:SON'.S..,: TUNIC . , NOTE :AND .GO3lll-EIICIAL . REPORTER Circnlntion,• 100,000 EDITED i Iit JOHN THOMPSON Quotations cOriv'eteil 4iy TitomrsoN BnoTttnas, 2 Wall. Street 'Published by, Cluks; . -13coNnt:T.T., 117 Frakni St 1V1C11.9 OF, SUBSCRIPTION. IN :ADVANCE;, • .:To mail. Subscribers,. • - . Weekly, 82 I 'Semi- mon thty, ~$1 I Menth1y......7.5c To Postmasters who form. - Plubs and for . Nrapi on the money in advance; we Henn the Repor ter (coin Chart 2 1 / a /itigi, :and Descriptive List - , an .fol 5 copies of.the weekly,. ono Year • 5" copies of the. : .3.0 copier' of the Monthly We, will forward gratuitously. tb any person :sending o club. of $2O at the , ahoye rates, at any. one . time, our A . m ericaU- Gold • Cone Tat ••THOMPSON'BROTHERS, Bankers, . N0..2, Wall St. N, Y., Proprietors. • 13. L • . In elf its etierent branches in . .a workmanlike mannpFt'Wlthlirntrimnel.s end. dispateh ted . fo, give satisfaction. • , . ' • . • • ' .WAGON WORK' & :. MILL IRONS, attended to in . , good' style; and at reasonable rates.'' rarrieofai attention . paid to:. • . '' .t 1 03:'S Shoein • From . experience in the bpsiness, entire satis' 7 faction is guaranteed. J, Dt OTTO. Port AlleganYillfarch • . 016111 g bY ° Lir 51e....., 220)1./1 , 5C 41' A SUPERLATIVE JTON IC, D !UR ETIC, 4 Nip. 1%11%C) I DYSVE\ - - 114111C,ORkkanDIAL To-the - Citizens el :Neviersey ! hnd 2enn• • - s 41.pothedaties 'Drugdsts • Gro: . • • - . • esrs,'aud Private - Thmihes. . • ' • • . •Iv Purii•C62niac:Brandi...' ••• • • . • White's Pure Iltadnii.n,lSlnirry& Port Niue • . • wolfes . Pure Jamaieli aritr . St.' Croix , mien: nlie's Pure Secifch and irfair Whiskey • • • ••. ALL' IN BOTTLES. .1 11;14%1e:ire to Oil .the'atte'fitioe hf citizess Of the thii tel States to the :theca.- Wt . :fug-sod 1.10,00 -hot lyoLen, Yotk }vise % 'nattaris familiar o rrl. hi' st‘its %%m utter for the pit rity °t his Scot e ,. DAM fldits.t rep 111 r. `Wof.rn,•in his.letter to mu, spelt ks lug of the of his WiNsS and.Liqutrits, sayst;; "I Will Stake my, reptaßtion a titan; toy sta nrli on as a merchant ur.thirsv•yoo....rgAsteltee in the flity,of New YUrk,.that all tit' its 'salty a. ! O W.INt% which I bettiß tire pure as itn, 2 % or , oil, awl _or lie , . Nut quality ILO can be reliethuptni by eve v .ituselttutor. , Every 1 • ttle hai the proprietor's i t tos orilhe 0 tx,dttel'a fae,. signatnywon the t ig e The publi.f .0 t• retipecffully n ONO] to Stall ' •-;,• ": ••: 4.•.•For:Nzllli . ' Itif•r.tzt.; by all A Ivitheearles awl firocers to I thilidelphin• •. • GI:OI%pH 11; 'A,lrrox; No. 51 . 2 Market St. Phi lade hiltha. . • ... .• • . 'Sole . .forThilarl4ph . iri• Reld.thW followine fthin th e New York thiuriem • ' EsOtiuuus•licsilisss Foe ONE:.Nmv%Vmm 11EltEMANt We are happy. to hit - trto 01%r f s:lloll% . cit locus -that there is one "place in our city where the physician; • apothecary. and' country merchant,can go and . ' u Fehr se Wines & Liquors, as 'pure. as imptirted. and of the hest quality,. We -do not intend to give tin elalvirate'descript kin of thin)werchant's .extensive bit sitiessi.althouchlt will repay,•any stranger . pr, eitiSen•to yisitrlthot 11.10'W01. ig'S, extensive' warehouse,. N 651. 15 - '2ll . 0.11 , 1 heaver street, and Nos 17, ID antl'2l,, • Ma rk field stritet Ilig.stock , of Schnapps onlostid read yfo'r 'EltipmCnt iouldwot have beith legs, titan thirty tlkiunand cages, the' Brandy: Fame ten tflOtHanaießSes—Vi»lligilli of 1.6:101W - 19511* and tew onsand COses 'lliedeltait. Sher ry timid l'ort (Vine, • Scotch Roil Irish Whiskey,. Tatruilca and St. ,CrOix Ruin, some Yery.old anti equal to any in this ceuiitcc. l,ie also had three large cellars, fined. with Drandy, Witte, S c.l in Caßk , i •Illitler: (Institut 'House:key ready, for pot Hide: ,Mr. Wrafe'ls sales of- lichappsdast, year• atrionnted to one hundred and Figlity thoustintlitlok on, 'awl we hope in lea , than ttrn pow.% IM, may be e qually successful itith his'ltnindies and.Winess' ' • Ilishusiness merits the patronage of every lover of his% Species. Private ;Willies Mir, wish -Mire • Wines - und gllors Dd. medical see • PP:l‘l;their orders direct . lo \ retie, until every ApothectirV hythe I trul make taii. their. Minds to tliicard the poisonous stuff frmh. tneir thrive, R nil' . replace it.with'lrt.thrs'w pure Wrsks non • .• . • We uhderstatul 'Mr. .for the ,kccr‘mmoda of the ei,,iutrf, Pule lip inserted Cases of ' Wines awl Liquors Such a man., and sloth a merchant, , 'hour t l,e sustained Bonin-this tenwof IhntisaWls 0f . ..0P• ;nkono4ts in the United States:who gellr.nothing but mAta-, tioug, ru ionic alikeltollminitu health and happiness.' • READ! • READ ! !:- 'READ .! !:! . •.. • • Cairo, Mingle; July 20th. 186.0 Messrs. Joir.4. AVIT.OOx :Co. : . ' _ Your "ImPectinc;'''6r, "Persian Vel•Cr dhatiriv??has done .wonileya. I ,was -wholly despondent .when and in (ilia boars the chills were reirioved.and no fever has sn:•d. • It is thosirriplest' Core Imaginable, and a , i,vonde'r of nature .or : art. 1,. would not hC. without this “Impeetinc"• a sihala - hanr; By constantly• .*nearing: it I seem Yours Very Tio)y, . E. M. STOUT ft;1y. , 23d., 1 500 C;r:STI.6IEN: . . . . .• •I have been snateheil.from:"the'.grave, :by the application 'of your : wonderful ,i,lmpec tine; or ! , Persian 1 7 ever chart - it." Forseyeral I have'sufferedr . eyery ' season . from- -fev e r and ague. Last' Spring ...Ty . life was threatened, bk . : your :rernidy has destroyed 'the desease, and, 'I (!m :dr,petite and 'strength. • -'. • . . Respc.ctitilly, spurs,. • .D.,N. BA RR.ON Thisirtily precebtiva rind cure for Fever and Avietod :sent by paid;nn rceeit nifn dollar. • Alan 'for sale nt all respectaLde I).rtiggis.t.S and ,Couh•:. try Storrs.; . P'rjoripal,lsopnt a-nd Mannfactnry, 158 • Main. -St,'.llichinond. Vs, Branch . Office, (Link, of Cornrifcreobt . iilding.,..Nevy 'York. •• ' Ad d r ess',' , • , • , 'JOHN .IVILCOX'& CO. :•. F ,EJ JR:NIT V R E.' DEMiEI., •(,)I.EA N.. N. Y 140. lihrl r TirOtIT,IU moat. respee.fullY announce to tha citizens in V this seatien tie , Nm', re, an I the nablie CetiorallY• enlaralw,t htnl - exteritinq 'their fipw (or the plirilfiSt" of riFidle. every imd, 41 , 1i.11.110r11111 , eptiril kll,4R , iii in Oil? suacem•full3 , , with age en ta!ilislOileni iil thin sect iim of the country - , .we are „nw filliuc lot r Ware. r, 0.1110 Rill •' , . . • • • • • • BRAN NEW ..FURNITURET!- - • VA• n9w lop orustnntl . t: n 4- 4• - Suits;. 0.. Chai.s; I'a'•S'. Pieture; Sor.ts;.lvun 1)0,1;s; Rook' Bed. Stunts, ()nice Clinifs..' Co 0.5tan , 14 4 Tnilttt Whit Not. C,otnze CIO rs 10,p1011 r Stands. limcks; . Cinnor ExtOnsiQu' Ta.bic•s,• Hat ..Stan•ls. • • *:' Palmleaf IlattrasEes, • •: • ' • Pea Grasi3 Mattrassas, Mois guskßriatrAWs, . liair'llatttasses Upholstered Fithiitute ! ' '“Trit . variiqi[nf Nlttein3 . TBASSEE4,-. 01" all kinds loailo to Patent Spring letls; of 'Every Description. Gilt, itfis'eWoo();,n4rld .!apitnese 316ulAings; BLACHWALNIIT,: MAHOGANY; And:olhot 'Vol:touring ; •conatOntiy-on haul and for salB 'No .earry Iftr!go ManiAleturfn . G. Establishment, and employ_ tli most eqmpetant Workmen:., J ob-Work alidjicrpairfrig Of all kinds, done promptly and iii 1.11 t manner, In shall he onr aim to.xupply thiatnar.' kOt with eierYthing,in our tine, apon OM most ronoonii,- ble,torms, and Ilona to form tin exontdc.l acquaintance in 'ollr tr -and : else hi continue the friendly rela,tinn4 with' ou r' present.enstoniorlt. We ionic all to come and examine our stock_ .1) e.are Ideated . ; • PIR lb* L . CAC, • . . Upstairs, orpmite the Fobes Reuse. :N/I,I4 , NEY'&:LENITART • olimn;.lc. Y., Nov.• ' • • . To `the ''PubliC.. .. . . NpT[Cm. is hereby given that I have loaned the followihg property: to George Dodge,. viz . : 'Three Hoises, 1 Sprimi:migrin, 1. bnahle Ilartiosa: . having purehased 'the above at Cop stable's sale, relairn the same as' my prnperty; . ..- . •*. Y. M. JURD: Shipper'', Nov. 15,':1800. '' •' ! ~' . GRAND OPENINC! p.xw.0..0.210, - .-.... - ,5i,0.:::: PA1LL',',4).F.:1840.:-.1 El===2:l pricea, are 'now being'exilibi!ed:titake'lga . thinqih Store of , - (O. (u 3 lieu . . Wiibave hand almagnifcceht,asso melit 'of DRESS GOODS ! •Of • every'.Description; with. ••triwmiogsi to match. • And a hostof `: . , . .130CITS'AND.SHOEg; FLASS'AND CHINA IVARE, CROCKERY, &c., &c., • Which will be sold at prices.that,Avill cause 'all competition to stand back, and' wonder'ihat goods can he:sOld at such prices:: Each depart ment. is filled with a complete variety of .tdl the LATEST ST.YLE'S 11:1EARkET1 , Arid fakerilesure in annOuncin to the public th;it these • G•Q 0 S ARE. BOUOHT'AT ..B.ARO ALAIN 'in id: ici.ll c rz E P ' E 11 THAN . AT ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT In Olean. I'Ve have just 'fitted up a LA RQR' apd GOM MODIOUF., CARPET ROOM 22" by 7G FEET which •is 'filled ..with" a new lot of all the 14 TEsr. gtYLGS .of • . . ' • : • ' OjIL3LPM`II'IMD FROM.2..scti. UPWARDS: Hats, Ccap, Ready made Cliitking,Wal Riper, Window shaidcs:,' .1,11.&07. of 01l kinds; 3fling . GAITERS and HOOPED SKIRTS it t 3I cis: An who: want to get LIGHT on .the stibjec:t FAST; calrand.det a gape of. *. :* C A it B 0 111 , L, anii if .it, does not. ,burp 11VICE.,AS LONG . as any . o . ther.4inil you cant find for sl;our Hat is the. forfeit. ` , : • • .' , • A visit to Olean will . stisfy. YOPthat No. . ...4 Excelsior is ihe HEAT)QUikRTFRS OF TRADE and the GRAND EMPORIUM of every thing NEW .NEAT-endSTYLISEI. • • , TlLhht ci. T. T: . still ibetta.. &'OO, N. S. BUTLEn, A. BF.. .ow., .L. W. 9trrprzo., Olean; 1800 14bK nn4 . 6!•eeti , T!li . l3 . ,' of.(i!ir.rtt' qk.u'rtlll;lllT,B BOOTi and ehoea''gt ..• FOR SALE. 1'00;000:first rate' brick for sale.' 'ln, quire of FR,,NIC.' BACtUS: Smethport, Auguq(l3,lB6o.' . ' . • : .il. C.:ARD: • ." JK. FIAF.} 4 .k.Y o ff ers his seryices to parties . ownile wishing to purchase 'mineral lands in ArKean, Elk, Clearfield orliffersein made and faitMully re Bradford;- ti. 7, 1 • . • • BARKER'S . • STRAW'CUT.TEX T"'osc..ssor Bl,3l,"ni;ow.ollere,to..the'pob , " lic .this 4nproved'.StkeW.cutter,—in • full confolencia 'that :all ,who take thoyouble to:wit7r* ness'its ooerittiOns Will be ,ciirivinced of its su. perioritpotier, any other now ose. . . 4#-supply, kept, constantly pn h4nd end' man: Wiwi:rod 'to. order. ' • ' • . . . . . . . . ,fr" . ./Vs no, other fuireon hile . 'the. 'tight; to meke'qi.nses thie•Cutter'yvithin NUKentycoun• ,tir, 'nil v vrtio are uAing it in yi'Olalidn.or the pet, entoxill beptoseente(l. ' . : . ' . '. : • • , . 9chanicAurg,, August 27; . 1859.' • 72 L- 1 Om bk ) 1-• Ei TN ••• The Persiah Fever.Chainh -• • For the :prevention .and , mire of Fever and Ague and Peye , 8. this•wonOrfql I.iri eity Was brought . to t he. knoWledge of the pees kit proPrietorn by 'a . friend•wini has' b'een a great -t ray.eler in Persia and the.Holy•Lenit. • ' While. going down "the riverLEnplirates, he ,experienced'a severe 'attack. of ',Fever and Ague. On discovering his . .conditifin; one of :t he• Boat, min took from •his person an Anrii/ft,: saying', "IV : rgr'lly . B and no Prue'" rain totide . though,incredulons as•fo its'virtues ; plied, and . experiereed :immediate relief, and has 'since alWays fofind it an' effectual .protec iion from till walerions complaints„ • Qn further Investigation he found. that the' boatman _attributed' to it . .mirapilo tic *.pilwers,' and snit!' •it could . only be - obtaineiljrom the 'Priests:of ;the:Sun.. Sometime afterwards, the' gerifleman' in conversing Ivith'a Priestatained from him the secret of , it preparation; and'aa. certiiined ibemedicinal.herbs were (Wind. of Which it was compounded. ' The . Wonderful Virtues or .this article haVe'indtte6d a full belief in the minds of the natives, in the mirrienhaus: healing poWers ‘' Since his roturn to Ameriea,•itbas been tried . with-the happiest effect by several. Ladle's and Gentlemen of• high character, whin have.given it the most unqualifikt praise; This remedy he'vitig.been a specific . in Prfisie for litifittreda or years,lor the prevention and cure of Fever end :Ague and . Bilionayeversi---:is . oow offered to, the American people.:• ' :' • • :It Wilibe sent by' mail, prepaid, with foil di reotirins for nee; on reeeiptoLone.dollar. • • Principil Depot and Manufactoryi.:lBB; Main St., Riehmond, Brapch:.Office, :Bank • of C6mtheree.Building; New' rnrk. ' Address y 10; • , • JOIIINT WILCOX 4c CO, WASHINGTON NATIONAL MONUMENT THESUBSCRIBER IS .NOWOFFERIIG for,snle;Olnagnilieeet .steel4latc; engin vieg-ef. the Declaration bl, Indepeodenee,; . stir, rOunded by life-like portroitsfor all the'. P.fesi dentsi an . d . .,bearin.vorioel its :hire . the Jamb of Washington, at Mt. Vernon,' 'aild (aesimile . i of .the signetores'affiked to the'Deelat'Ettion.-' ,B. P.:IVRIGIfIrS • •• ENGRAVING::: being 1.8X . 22 inches in size,. is 'itns . urplAsed by . any ever published, arid is offered qt the very low price WI fifty, cents: ell iirderS, whir-price •encluied and two eentsloprepay Postae:e; to, , t C. Isf.'TENNY'. A CiT., •" • Smetliport, M'Kean C 0.., Pa. • SPLENDID 'LOT OF - TEAS, at ' " WILCOX 8i EATON'S, THE 011,6.it1Y.41'.6.1.5iF2.'''1.;0h,E .. • • •,..:-.::. ..., :•,..•::!',•:.•::•:.•'-- ~•.•;:''.''. i '. : , ' ..::. ALV: OLEAN:, 1.:,..,-'-:•:,. 4 "STILL TAKES VIE LEND J% lc: . CO. iVISTO • . „, , . .... . RESPECTFULLY A.NNOUNCE§. TO };1 S. old friendn'in MeKetin.Couniy; , ihkilthAs: on liand.this Sin inens.usunt, with the.."- - ' ' 2 '.2 LARGEST AND 'BESI' geleted . i . toci:4:bo; itie Olean p'll:Jeanie' . .ta . s . l) Bnccire I, lYonfd. ;S I. can ofter you better indueetneuts than yOp get west . of New-Yoik It "inalzeipo ditl'orenco what you want, ,, any tying tholit?o of GROCERIES 4 , PROVISIOIVS, dill at the OLD KEYSTONE And pia will'tind.the articlefreshlind al?0a) ne use' talking the KEYSTONE; rsToitt alwaya has ticul alwayswiN take the Iciatl, and . rt;gtilatit the market Groceries and Provislqns, OLD FRIENDS AND NEW ONES? . . Don't fail to call and 'Feewhen .yoir',vis , „.. . , 'Olean t, I shall notliurt you,: but shall Ortaitil ry to do you ,;Ood Olean..lqay.'2ll, 1800 . •?-r-t•-r. • ejo:l3. '1 1)- 1 7 1.11\T JLNG . . OF EVER Y..DESORAT TAW, NNATLY, CpEAP.LY 'AND. ,EXPEDITIOUSLY . . • . . • • • . . • . . . • FXIMITT,ED •AT . - • . • . • . ' • . • D ENIOCRAT 01;:1;•rcie,. • , 13, S. Go.ur,D. • '.• PHYSICIAN . AND:SURGEON' •••• locatedhirnself at •.: . PQRT ALLEGANY,. • - . • . would respectfully inform the public thrit he is prepared to attend to business . at alrlirartebes of . the• Medical Profession, : Particular' etten t , tion .Secret bisiasea; 'both ,male and. female,. they will he treated in aecordnnee -with the latest authorities and practice:of both Eel rape and 'A,merica.. All secrete intrusted to in.hia praCjice; s be lfrictly kepi, by him, in spite*of inoney, law, friends,' enemies, relatives or mii,ghbors.... • • . ; Port Allegany, Mardi 20th, .1860. ' . . . • Great Work on the Horse. THE HORSE AND HIS S DISEASES: . . •. . • BY T JENNINGS V. S' . . --: . . . PltOrrEgOli (IF P4TII )LOUT ..4NI/ 01.0..iT14N 81.fRO2fiT I?; TIM, vi;:rßaoinitycoLLrce•or niti..tunriiikri.'diu. • • • . . . . . . VII.]: TELI,YOLI of ibe Origin, history 081 ilhtioctlyo . - ,'• • ' . • traits'rif tho'yorintweht , •o4,..of Europe... . . • ' ' , nn,'Asf atic, kid Moor ean.lbw. . • ' , ':, 'eel'. ivith the , phygiical fofaiation sod. •-• : , - . - . '•.),esttlbWit.lei, of the oithnal; 'hod how,, •. . : . . • to.nnyorloin'hts ego by the 'huniber' •• ' •• , . and coNlltion • ot his teeth; illustrated - • • '. ' . ' with numeyinn explanatory ejigrwringe: . , `'l'lil ii TT p rse anti b hi, Di4r.i.if:i6t4.' . .)i - 11.,L TELL VOLVOlltreMitng, ' " trig, Grooming, Shoelo2..'llnd. tho gen , erol trina.itinient.'nr tholhorim, :with • • . • . rim:log . 9f Oilmiiiisto ring in mlicino, , • •. ' how to.trent Itickigg. lilting.; Hoot .. - lessmoto anti other:rictio to which ho . ' itl'swhjoot with- hignOrou.O . expitinato; ...• . • . . •ry •• • • . , prir;ettSk4s ' . WILL TELL YOU or the' onuses', 'symptoms,'• andtreat meat of Strangles. Coro Throat MI. . , •' . , 1 ~ • temper, Catarrh, Inllartitn, BratiAlt: -. '• •• . ' l a . ilnetnnanla,Tliirlry,.llrokeri.Wind. . . .:. ' •• . 'Clirrinie Cough, 'Oaring and IVlilst: 'ling: Lainna4.'Sbre'Moiritrsmittllcera;•• . .. .. . • . •.-,. - ,• , . airi.,gerayrat Tooth,•,triiii.:atherllinga-, . • . • ... gni a the Month and Itusp,iratntiOr• 'l'hc tiorso rinctlifi4•l) i.r:(14,4. . . TE.1,14 YOU:Of AilErelliPlP, )1311111t0.ITIN • .".' , .inent of Wortuscilaa. :Polio. Strangu.' • '•infirm , Stone'Concrotione - ,' Ihipterei, • .''P illy. Atnr iirei, Jeunkifeu,• Irepattri , . •• • • hee,.lllnotly Urine, litopositi the Kid , . . ,•.• ' onyx and DlTider,. Leflannoation, • and' . , other Ogenee, of thaSinmardi, Ilms . 118; 'Livery and Urinary, Organs.. . Tlie 1.4 /11, 4 . 11,-.).141'?'M . . VILL TI LL - I'OAI of the CIIIINCP, Symptom 4; and . troo. meet of hone..klood'and flog, Sparin . , '' . .• . flog Bonn,. swoonie, Stralps . Draken .. : . • .' " Kneel,. Wind' Oat Is,"' Ponhden, ' Solo , • . . flroho, and Gravel. °racked Ileofsi . . .. . •Soratchrs, Cankoar , ..Thriih and Corns; . " . ale°, of Megrims, Vertigo: }:ptlepay, • . -'' . ' Stti.rg , rs, and .014r:disease - a 'of the . .' ' Neet, Legs, end 116a,d,' • . •.- , , . . . „.., • T11.(,s tiorr4e. and his D iseaseri - .. . . . WILL TELL YOU Of the .catinns, SyMpiptllll, fltriVrelli: • •.. ' . • . ment of Fistula,' p.ii, EH!, comws, Tarry, Attrlet•Fewor,•lllAnge;'Surfeit, . • . . . • • ' - Locked Jaw; 'ltheuraatimp, Orman, - . Galin.. liimetsya of the Eye and Heart . .. . .. , ' • &c., &e.,, ano how to manage Cultra., . . . : tin,.Pleetlinv,' Trephlwling,:.ltnwel .. . ' Mg, Firing; Ilornia, Amputation, Tap • ' - '.•' , ping, and . uflieFanigkil. orienititino. - • - • ..T hc3 I-Toly3e and'his Disetioefl.. .. . MILL'Ti.ILL Y01:1 Of ltai,ey'e method' of tonling Iforsei ,"' - • / • bow to Aneroach,, 'Heller or stable a ' • ; haw-to- ,oceuetion "a • Horse to strange sounds awl eigl•ts„fllitt liow to . . .Sit Saddle, Hide, and him to .• • • - ..11arnese Also; the. forurraii , C ot • • •• WA nitsVrit' •MO whale,, being:the re; . • • ••, cult of niore,than tlfteen yeersi•careful • ' . ' study ()Nile habits: iecullerities,e•ehts -• ' and wenknekseerof this noble animal. The book elm tains pains, opproprfately illustrated by Dena]: one. hundred -enoreVings It, is. printed.lo clear and n eon typo, end be forwarded to any address • poetote.paidi on receipt of price, bar boitiid $lOOO -A %here, in Selling the sitirii, -and other popular osorlrapf Ours. Odr inittetinienta to All iAtol;ArgienooiFigly copies the nook; or Vit . to.agents. liith.ollier information, ripply oredd .. ress %•••,' • 7 • •• .1,031 N • E.I.P,OTTAR; VnbliActr. N 01617 Sinanin Strilet„PhiladelOillik; ploi , dmber 15)1r60.%.1162. • ' '•••• ',VA' LOU . . -. . .. .. . . . .. • . . irlLatill (vim; - uew Arboit, just eocuivea uto.. fl.q . . Pile-' , ' ' ' .. " FRANK NYRIRIFI"F: • 4T. : ..... tiik, otitAii.-sioitil,. .1.1; 4:y:, :::i , , i!',:'..,:,,,,i'. t ,' . -._ , .,..i. =,J etasU p • . MARK,THAT ! . . .. . -. .. ^-,•.;,,,-.•..,-..,,,,,, 'II, ..F- 0• ;' p— :F`RINDS KNOW c --.:. 411-,:- L 4.. , A , , ,.;, : ~. tpoy:•.' ' '-. • . • • r r: I:)`rie purchase will satiety the Meet' elieptical that there is Defy one place to,buy. first claps good's, at, YSrY , lt?u pllG9e , Arid:that ptice , ii the J. K.-.COMSTOPK The one Orite sys t em giyAs thi..,tiesf's4o24llof- SUPERIOR ot eDs , . a'`'*''' . N rm, FA SH it6S, • ' ..+,:-, 'f,._ ; ,'1 , 1. i A : i` l'L,-1.,;•,%.'il EVERY THING:YOU WANT: A T.: iffit and the gi•and.EmparipT qf thing new, neat and •If te'litithe • CASE! warit ,tri: th'e itIES1 4 "' ' ..: •"' • GENTS FizRVkSHIS 000Ps,; HATE A NI) " 7, . • . riEatm:AT.Oß,'YftEitr.loir:o . • pi•te thire s bqkpN .o24(iff T 411" A.Pin Item ember T -90,1 1 0,cftliiivii. s trktellt="•• • 1. . • THING ; • jr. TtifbiG, • • - . • - • , Ain .-4 • :4. , §y Oie'an,..April23 7 ` f,:i t .,,..,.,1,-,i,.;o)oN , T , AliSt ir.: : , 1:. 1:0 /Str4Y.9.4 4 41rii , GThE4T 41544044v$ .4) . 1 .1 11 6. :14%'.1;7144 ~, : .'- i i.1, 4 , . ', -; ':', ,S ;iti ONE pm( H111.),A,T011.(,1,1,.,y,,, litly : ''.4'es;? ! !t3t Conie . Afid JudgeFer.ihemsihee, ONE, - PRICE , REGULATOR; ELEGANT. attics; (OLD . FA irortlTEl, LOW PRICES to* PRICER, ONE. iiiro*'o6i4pit,,,:,:::;,.. DRY:GOODS; FANCY, GOODS, j ! i ogsr "FURNIS} J 6 , OQna, CROCKEIti, BOOTS ANDS tIOF.S," . 'EY, FrglTH. IN, qt: ''..r,,...,.- `:,•. , -'i • ''-f :-':.'; GO'TO,,tlig ¥#4¥:t,m7 . Tl,ll,b)er, for Tr , ~ : z ‘ :durklmr,fttiitTkr't me nu f net tilifittat:'• PA, 74! ' 6# l ." • - 7 i,9 P ƒ rO ,O l • They l'Ab!ijafßir'ili t ,,' tc; fi g T. , ,21ijri - t•7P 4),,.1.4L4110 rj 1:- . '!1 .. :~