,:v4 ;N ~.0 ~ 4., ~'itt'te,- ::;..ins ,'`, ~I,ia, I , l : ' ,Set4T o- ,,or.gintittrrirethin" , i ' itignins, r , .„ , 1Lrh,,, r ip , '' , 4i,..' It ti're:oit 'or 'l4tirrertint 1 ' v ' 144 1 ' - lititf'in FairPri of - Eolearld - ;'fl. i,illtipnr,l!thet s rlzk iion nt the Continent ''. • lir! ,I • 4 l*t,nffi:tot,'wool knot-, 'hesitate for a inn: ' .`* 4 oo s a t!t 't . ,,, , , i t l tf l id 6 own hyi,the ,military ‘t . ' : tiki r i f itgt.OirAtt tigo..toting ip Beet:trite nce '..‘ la :it .00 495iel . ;.0 , 4'nrItiPP.s. otol'nnt , `a 'policy ,--.0 5g.,;,. `fiveiitlis.VV.kim 4 {ei of the Y - 4(l : t iVii? ,l - .7 1 ,:' , N1' P , • I. r r t, ,,,, ,,,fi, ~,,..—, ; , . ,11:iii ,rit l q psdify,„ qnkiltity,,of a mnnarchial :' ,/ P lL itfrar r n - trAit tp nt:otnqt in l et( fin ' ' pion .„..fl,! rt 0, L ~., , , ~, m•sortoP Or . :• ,, ,1t,;i1, , itgl,riera,Pitilte•iktltti4ctloollY th e . policy tt * c .. 7 t•AWt3l l !f - 4 TrOeO 4 ttititt lye or republican loin - ) .. ntA l tel n ,f, v t!f 'MIT- Af , tll , ix,4ll . i.eat;e;cistene of a , :,„::, „rs,llOXlctip.goyerrotrnt it ,in jeopardy ,I, -see no l i t: VIIPVIAtIji‘t.4 , not equally. impeyatie OQ he neerbin t etif fituetiontfries nnd its , citizens' to -,,, iftt i llo't ,a government:to save-itself, ns ~ mitiAtiti if :ihn government %yes of A nother "fount and I beliPvi! th , iie is nn resson,fmnil in thi; rioi eic :Feise :th "' • , . • • ;• • :TT.; Yr Or ry, tAckpc! ny forig:n plmr tioit;S: - Ito:one detilite• the, duty, eh e. io -retri.t such attack,' :, If itiiaZ ie,neff in!erna/enkrny. s• n ea, obj,c4Ct in ter *calm' being, t 4. dr n • n nr...1!) , struct o of-.this t inbj. , ct.a . nd effect being..the' . . • .. . '' -fi. 7c ' ' ' Bll (11 ..1, 1 4 - 44,1!!! , Iiiiiir tf/iii ; Paicaat'ile . sectission i i i ` l - 1 , 11$iit i ll o g.itv,itt:' ti.act :of . .linOtiiit'y.., : Nould it -net, •-.; , ' l i t ' ilifure tiftelpeljr,thalaittap. practical, I:resitit;:it, ir k ti ::''• " 1 - / , li ft ii ißililetol,:'graiitritatt.ittyir that 4 mop .16.i:ire '''. e JO' ' dolliVilit,it?,,,a, - result such : ne',.mould . '',.!. "Riglitri 11Pliv,Irpee ;ay - relit:4.i. ha ,:ttet t ...:hoi.:ceiii, •' ' ilii l litl' l A l'it'r , h'ik'e: hilt; held. responsible for the ''',eiAkti titteii:ro. - e.:'4... ..: . - • • '-- ' .. - I* -:'• r trie tirliiritieieit:riiiii'ilt-sii:if:Ser;e=sien.watilit,he: . . . . • ', I . ! sk i llYmfreity?m, , ,- .1 yo 1:., pli y 4 i enk . ' p?{iwr, 9 C Alie "n tAPerng'e4!,.'.,bF,j4iit.,n..gre,it n•niinO),lr ,of ;Abe , ' ..: '' tvaltßgi , :..: ii4',s)l.3..,' of Ihe . ...;( lniie . d...§tntes: who .......)nt.tYl 'PrAtkfr.o.l.iri,,ti;q. , ...U,iii() , 9c. , i.t . ..m'ayl . be • iiliened • • :ia. ~ .. t scl,t.icki)'•.(ii.ii poitiorf,.of ,the:(ederol'arrny ' i'll? 9 nrii.''''t b:ri , :T . tii9 :w nubi' le.ii;n.rtiir irtir i lti rL ri ttt pratpi,tion, ipd 5..11 f?terl AiiiiMi;i rr /i/;(a.s'. -an offence . . n asst .the env,ei r t-r rlen{; t if Fijrh.A.kert were in •t me or wen V i ral 'le. iiesert.o r jai twit 011 P MXit \ Would not r"AWts l2. ;4oii Our, power., „but :;it , eogibeo the .ene -1l tlelrh*: offence , w . uhl be - virtually ) ornot, ' secession would ''redure thci 'Uni ' ted • I '"gt'kteit s'e . 6,mil dim pa werin . the • Seale , .or •111,kicis, Whereas non we. rank as a first eines ld l iqr.4t 44 •"•-• • •. , , would. leave these States r ' iujliid; in the Union ',to he hurtheneT. with ru l ' r „til)-r_eater,taiation,or expenie.to:sbripott louftVcint . land.and naval , farerilo trake.n.poeit 'Vati c fimOnt,';:natlons respected:and 'secure.. •'1 , .; .4 Or. ..71iii . tied*, .or the several. States: won Id 7,li,iri it to . an,operolis burthen.of .irripost and ' qiliffeii.'o'n what Other Wise %Veldt l have bee n in .. terna/;_conimerce between ..thrf States or - por • ' ihini7o(thern. : .. ''''S.tir t ;: t t, he free:navigation of fakes and rivers .)::,iiinti'e'Aingriel,ke: continent . might either be S' . beWld'hy.smiiii , of th . e States'against :other's or •sitiNe?jori,isr,it,fitrte", reAtrietion greatly, dritri • ' Veal tri . cinnmeree,;.. thereby subjecting . the . .- 1 0t e c O(. ( tlillerentStates t.o, almost endleis fid t i • . . oetsy !''`i,l4r% net these ,evils 'Awl the, multittid•s of iiillijrs:Which would 'follow as a,cOnS...nuence,of :.`e r i&rs'itilni,or such magnitude, As. to. make. it the ' 'lrsifiPaiirie duty . of the, governMent of the Uni: • ' v tM%s'ks and.lhe. peoiile who ,porploSe. it, to •,. iftei/14, 4 1, m 7 pit ri? i . i.o ft e . iteili•.. :•.. '• • • _ '' . •• • - ' Ia 9 . 1 '!!• 0 81 4 ) 0 08 4 that, the bare ': Oct of, se , g : gfakittor, ill'ough en oTerme, could' . not tin- Pi r ificy'l!i'n‘iisionx,ife'.constitiifinii be punisii : Ild kit*? oironee,it , would:iertainly he,, he.; -.' • riffi;i:4l4'Wib.orial of conscience both Moral —. inll l :o3litra'al . dereliction from ,iluty,..and in' its 416,14,ii'eg:be:a' clearly ant •Well defined of ' OliblfiVi'iolich I icnow no other'harnerri the .... lelyttrliturtrumgirl..- • . . 1. . • ... . .. . .. ... ....?Eri4o:dia a'prlmarily•p.apeable ' Sece s sion,' or wtilJltdiiiiii et:' , l : •state frcim• the Union,' What ... firlllivl.4l:'..tirionit Others iI•M . consiitirtion prp 7 yithiiltttiai 'the . 'E:ifienie•of goviirrunerit'sball bp, :diilldied by , direettaiation, each State beirie ' '.. tilted eiriProriciltfon . to - its'„pOpirlation; Wii all lithdfs; thittheplati' hal been. changed •to, raie -'irivdalfbOende:by a''farsiff 'of duties :on foteign. l tll r% tt h r ''s e.as being,mor 'acceptaGle " to ,the e .: plOil', , tit'the'iripeitle ii'lho 'same; for each . :. StVellOw`pays , hi• Proportion,,to' her, imports • '... atilicletfitanniption of ,f 9 rdigh ..MerChanilize . and, ••phtirl4Wrst . if eState withdrayis; and ”ts,up.(or . r. .: ioiftlhis enindepandent sovereign POWerithat, .. ntOtilerlt she:risen:lnes her Separate Sovereignty, ishOtaililjefuSeto'aZ`tas the agora of thii . .U,pi-. led' &Giles . in: collecting' and, paying over the. : ntoPaella . *of a'. titilirjavenue...,to 'the" . United. • ,' .griiipai , roi - iiviill'eithi.'rClo'sil : her pirLs ii). iiri-' , . • •portation,rnake them free- of dilly. or ,kmposa orndrito4erit them forher". own 'tisk - eh:her Of the oltntiaatives' , Wolild be in: olleOce against . the . • Ilnit4States; ji . • , - • . '. . •• ~ •. • • . • an d"• • •Vheftresidrint,, , '.tbe Judiciary he . t.T.' S. ~04,61.kage•ell • bound. in dray* and by oath td. ..ostit'Oehstthe laws:- faithfully:* now 'COMPS 4 . lie . cpmilitte.thriPState 'refuses 'to' collect end pay .oliri4l4ol,iiitier, or to'ollow a U. • Sr Collector • 10. 4nistii:.'irthistlit 8:collector is resisted, the • ~ ,ticeSiii:aendisitists , lsio . vhfe; itrithe'last result, a . mil ' • ir,acy, foreg•to: proteet•the•• callectori • or. U. S. 1 :...,/ilar4l9l•Sit,the ',Smedley be, if the Statedoei . ...net . yjetdi . rinilfresisti - Ly;force, arid force (iii ;the :ntle.t4d,e,,p/ast simatoidelitr.he:. met.by.torce on . the. other - aid Ft iiiiniii i hence, rebellion or revdtitioh: Arstiii, simitardifficulties'wpuld'occiir iii exe- enti%ttP,Ao4,menttil. anti -tieeie!, t 'U. S. PuerVkttgo,o,(t; . ~ j ri sit ict ion of the. 014!10t0,(0:(11 loner vitoolif no 10n.e.(4 • , ' , •,, . .. . . • . .'oauni4 talthcautliarity.. , of , the ff.: , S: , -in' carry • lug snsl4e . -;sjqgtneotm;:or. decrels rittfte'roart ,is th,'...hiql-,..resart...if.:the •set.egina:.State' re.sist ' sho oirtiler -by force, the peiise coinitaws of the vf • Acinity or people at fuze iefuseto.afd,•• what. is" . . . . 4o ,ft.tiol:tionrA ,kfrou:iii COO 'alto:native, the • 'diva uiii.:e , :plSsituted;asi.the ',Preai'd ea t , 4,1'014 'serif}' loilirsiirkfmce of. the;Ut S. to ' t t the of ',:.. ; cer",i OP/og , b is.: ant yi, , , if: A he siite.'resiits'bi. ,'40)..e 0 -, At.l4•comiiithoCitisi,itatila• eollisian, . and': iyis',Aislitiaa4oti'....rsvol'aition• 'tire , lhe.. anavoida'.' l ilt L', ! 1 P i: 1 A..9:10 . .-;•{ 4 , .,,; 4 ~.• L-. ' .1, ~ .'•; ' '.: , . -, ' ,- ~,. 1 2, : . • : : . '' )E i'.** 4o » ; ' ,44,llPl * A ithei.filhxMetl , ;n'oii3O*ei' - ' 41 . 1r:;iii#04.4iligi$t°te iiitries-, int° ' 'con tatt , vvitb ~ .4 .: , i ,,,!?Osii:l o ol,l,ll7lkitetiStateips tolliision mutt in -1;:•,7,,, pf!,!'i'.4te,f,a,Kci.,Pf !e.cir'te4 sO,'the'Vnited States , 0'51!.,511,-irqni)iit9,!**tily'yieldi'f4ii;thesiatcs moat' i' : ' 1 . 4 ..-:f4101 4 411t1!f$0 10 • 6 4dr ',.. 4 , , , ,i . '',. , ,i. , % , ~:.,,,,, •.1..;- , . ,- A*,.lo,: w is,iiiriao ir ,i n g lTom ..the.; miiht 011ois.410httheilcitipm ,, ,kui-ipistuA•e: , .:l,:iithirtkvi t i d - ,ifiol- - :o'ffijhif*litlSOii , of IP , OVhiled - Stf!es'Oti' IR ' l i ii lll9 l; ll )! l o l.6} lef!Y ergi ! n"6 ! 6',d r 4 r ,lll . 4l ilc , I ..4::.ittio4:3kjitliitifo44bOTOtiidi:'Stlitean'and °Otiose* ..,; ' 3ttif..'''o l 9 4 * ll fit' l iiel - olisiiipci :the 44iiiitituti09;: f0';) \ ; 13 4:il:tii; : ki l • - :: 0 4:qq: , .^ ',.,f ?i'V'',. ' , , L./ i . - i; . .:'.' ,1 ,' - ' '' , ' :: r'' , ' • l' ,; :fYtt.ti. , .. of. arin.. l „ thl4-.most i, insurre'etioti; ''.F.i...i;itl 11r'e, n: ! ei fin ' g' ;n i r . th ?,cn n Si it, it in ' m . . :Tli;l ,. ei.)rinsitr-eitiln . !:lS tine tine,eeler ta . ll 'by lbl.frein - ,:i.5,0f.1h, e , Cnostifetlnr, ond nainl - I ktAsililin•intli . kr 19 11 t;6 1 1 iii.;. - ei..eireittliiirity i ntiti . .h . l . !rie;;;.'it 't h;;; ; ; . ' .. l,,itiire .r. c:tion'... ill'l'e . t4 ed . ~. tini.....tinit iftrtin.q .L the ts,:r . ecnt l ion'rtf•the . --low.. lint adelny: .thtioiirntri:!kt I . t.eli, tit', Its : pre et re.n f . ..ntiOrn••:. 6 . o'n lii:;vo t od.."bi ! .. i,nti t.:, M Oho i ' ! ri . r . e! - Irlli.*llA .. I . 'Wtif .. . , e`i,itio,4 .eiri . Cr; Weiilit- lit t 6 't!..tt I toy . .o."J'overi rthinyy the..gn'YoyeToy.t.... : • : - .•. „. .., ..-. ''Be' the-2.1 gee. Arr : ...‘.2 lOf `the'e . n.titutioh . of - the fibiietl „StOtes the . Presitlent .„is made,. the 'en'irltrlafl4;!•i''.itl'ellief.e!!..th!;...e.rotantl,navy.•wlien', 'called into rictord sfi , ilice; rind hy.4liiil.Sei; ! i1 • the Seine; A rt...:it prov idol . tha t ..'. , ! .. 11e,(the r . P.9(!si-. -itent)' , stiall".inAi.' c.irii•l ha t the laivs be 'faithfully •e;ceeittell , '.'..ivid'.tho git . Soc.', I , t.A rt. irt , the 'Cons , i i ittion-‘.4;onere , n 1.. hall ,ha y:t.ctieW . (:r to provide forciilling (oilli 'the:ll:T . ilii 3 O .tn'-exrcitte' . The laWs:nr•thielTititn; supprese ift nsliirreetio 'and repel invasion ; ". t:ortgr.siAilsa haveliowe.o to make .all 10.W4 ." rifiress,r Iy, to eartylbe . , for e - geltig, into . :ol. , Cl'.'.':' , .:- - .. .......:7:: - . - ... 1'.... In. pilio.nstico ~ ni . 4 he I:rt t , .... 'a oth f ir . i, , :cr,: t".On;: l i!ess iliii by A et ef -.0,311) '. Feb.', 1705; 'prOvido . I.ll,lt.24 , in:ctige iti , n ., rretiiiti in env State';4gainst the rOve.rom.Mt •ther :of. ir - Ah..11 below fur for titeTresitlent of i he 'Unre.l. Stites; on opplicii... tforref .I Ira ;hie i• let tire of soup - ,'rite, 'Or, Of the •EX'ete-ii/.0:-;(wliem. the tc!.ttiSEkt !a , ' rainier ll"... .efonyeried)'tn ealJ;forth such numb'er nf , t be i‘fi:•: . litia.:o( an) other Sfare'rn St rep as, triay . he ap plied :for; as ho intv . ..rid lo suflielent. to; a tippre,s !inch let urcertion.", Alio il l 'au .rrwhonevei the le vite .t of th t'lleif Elti Status shall be .oriptisetl, m; .the.exciinn ', theieof o'wtrortotl 'in .aify.-Srate by, Combina t ions too.ipeworfol. to he emipres.e l hy the nril;nary, entirse.of itelicia I procee,limra, .nr.hy lho power 'Ve'rido , l' in the AT•rielials, by't lit:- Ne% if shell belawriil : for . the prositlerit of the United Si a te . s..to . erill' . for i he . Mil i tin Of .. 'So c h State; or;Of nny:Other ; State or Staros;,as may be nec.e.sary :10 ,suppress '..p . te , h connbinatimur.; auil to eause . .*.tilaws. to be (filly. eszecittf...l '' : %-it:yrould.spem.that such a contingency.as .qf -- .Ige.iinn .. hy•st :Sloe. is....not....stinetty .pinvitle i rl; 'for.i..ither by t l're'''oingfittition,'. , Or.: by. tick 'pi' Contriess to.'which..l'have - rrifercatl,' anA ithat Jeforence, by 'authority 'le : Ruch o eantingen6 , ,,'. 'and that .milV. 'bv irhplioation... fonsists , itit.lie wertiinx giVen. hy PresidiMt.:lVashington 'in his Taro woll.A dil r'ess . , 'to . hewer' , of .s'ectirinsl jual ettsiee whicli•miiv• arise fromGenerepliicel . lions RAI .that spirit of party feeling. which triiiY 're . -, 4tilt. rroiri.ilio.,annie route,. inihoo sentiments lie 'seetn.s.elearly tuba ve'coeterriplateil rid's. evil 'of sece4gmi,- althmigh h.: dees...ool: distinctly :snout Icof ; il.. , , ''..... , • :, .• ' • • •.'. - ',.. - ' .. • T h!..... ac t: (it 'sice=siori not beine . ...prOVitleil. for, by. t . hi coOtit . n.t ion orlth t , lnstis, 'should the' On- Hof:envy:arise, What:is toshollone?,•• Most' the ff n i6 n . 4, o . rent ilsolider witlfnut 'on err ,rt ,to sckveit? nor:iliern . is a remedy:. ' When' sseers--slim.. etilinihe teS..to no open lesistenee to the laws of. the United Stairs, {qif.lf en'' in*.tirree tiOrniry inovetn'ent is . .intinztiratell ; against' the ex cation of thesoi la Ws, the president is cloth.; Pit with envie p;iwers, to call On rt hi; •Milrtary force or tho povertitnont ' lot its, supproc§ion; . and , ir IS.lii3 0 ear•thily so to. tin; he. most !fee that the ;laws are faithitilly . execittett, anti' to acpompliCir.Sech perpriSe.his only constitutional curse ivy, use the niiiitecy nrio of, the•gov. eentnent l if .fotee. is tised;by - thoce . 'opposed to t he lawsi. he Inuit rasistl4res.b.ifforrt;,:linweviq painful the .ilef y inny . lo;;,lieJito'nb,alternal ice, ... for. both ,T hi,s* . duty awl lii's' oath .require it. . ' . - he tile'of the milita'r'y power of' the env ernment .tu rinel:itin insurfeetionis smitainetl - by precedent... 'As early . ,na.l7B6 .and befhra the adoption .of ' the.tonstitittion, eh inturrretion itarted:in Massachusetts,: bendid hy'Orro Shni.., and commonly called .r Sha'y's instil reetion.". Some laws ~tiad 'heen'.,passed . in • Massachusot t 9 repagnantjo the . wi,hes":ne a' portion of Ih , ; penple, 'who thought tbein . negreSsive.nntl 'un necessary, the. Cyrr . lionses hat! been surrniiii..; "led by molts . entl - eveti the," snpreme Court," at its . sittings, was stirrounderl by.on art-rnd, mob; the Ctiiirts. wee r, thte,atene.il ' end Sic? :under in. , • . . timitla.tion niel.finally.. Compelled to break lin' the .seseton; the. Governor nf. the State called out the large. bOdy of 4;000 Militia Of Maq.a chusetts,.put thein tind.r.tho rOmmand 'Of' Goo:. Lioecilli and: : Orderod him to proceed and disperse ifie intitirents.':::' This Was promptly dime, antl piles exnentinn soverarlives were lost:bit:l he; . usuirreetion: ti , n a.r rushed: . ..., •• ' .s. ~ Again; in 179 . 1.,..nr05e wrier:lv:is ojip.d. the liccuuWlt if,kOy . boo rrav tion," ' when 't he . venni.; lying out Clip t'u,:igt. sit.l.,(if t•fie..Allerzhatiy. ninon ilins;ln Poo it utyl uhinin, thotight . tbernsolveS tin 40i justly oppressed by . the'dPerafiori'of the lawi passed ...biCongress,• raal• cOntentaiiisemliled in 1 2 ,:vi,e force,% af;pointed.a. comfinandeiand•set Orzanizeci•rP • sisZoac! to the collection of revenue. by 'an - exfise: on spirits manutnaturedin , t part of die St . ntr; ,they attacked and Idirned.. tb.e . house Out • houses .of InqpP . Cterr.Goncral, and . airested his . law, who.wasdeft' to protect the horse, and sough t to arrest the In spector . IVashington'i . affer' exercising-forbi:nrance cnd entreaty;:tintilbOth yvera , fonnd to bo noavailin,,,.*rnade•a* , . Tim]: , oil foor.ot - the Stritea for.-15,0.00'NTilitin, Th : o ibiee'teidily oanip lotivaid -.tri stiqtain the t'nvo . o; . they went to the'seeno ordisoontent, , ond 4podlOd, t holiostiir.ret ion without bronikhetr." •'' . . . . -.Sfil . f•nloiin, in 1832, South Carolina nnssc.ll iii, 'ConiPention.theit ielebrn teil oplitin4e,...nqsCrt ing the 'right of secession 'and .nullifying the iti.ws.ol . .Conitiegs nasie,f. tor 't he collect ion of •n .tarili... Prenident Jiielcspn'inetthem nt the c.iiit, set With,a, Proclamation declaring thatSeceSsion was not.a.vonstitutional .retriedy,:`and that nut liffeation; it persisyo..in,.wintli! be met by the U.. S. Government,' force by large. Con rerts soon modified the tariff lows;-ainf the peOpleOf that- State . generally returned. to their (filly. • • Now, l'eorn this view of'the constitution, the laws nf Congress and the - -hh•liOry ..0 Coot-c oon . try, it seems to me elerir, that in either point of view,:thot if it is,the duty of tip; Uoited . States . , ..as, a notion to protect itself, or of •the governmpiir , ofrieers.to devote thetr. Constitn• . . onal authority' to ita prot e ct inn, it rt , Stilts that is but dirty and:within the • powei-of Awl:moat la oppos . e ull. overt (!e[B, of serescion.: govarnnzint,,in thi , tut reivirt.. . . • But it rrniy h.q.asi:P . it; will iiot the. principle; of yogis, anee, forc.l,4r fnrce; if pnsisted in; as :be:tt'ro;n't.h...opnritfr.o States and the ceeetn- . ment: , 9l'thf..U.nite,l l .. itates, - resilli in revolution 1 AlLtniiit admit the aus'wer, that .in,all human p'rolibilifyi it .ivytili.l...lloNve.ver tilis may . he; thelTriidp so..lfina as it I - err:atria:es une.gove'rn Pity,. by the slipremacy of Ow ttinic . t(iiitinnend the.lews." In America It kill n'et'llo'.to . ..creny' the penpte!s power. of pp liticaLlrey?tution ) that , . principle nulled i.es huth .Obi ••everome,lit'nn?d the.PonqOttition, When h 9• .. • litical kr,ieelkfiSS, bee:Orrin ,toointoleroble. longer 'tO he endured consictent . ly their own boo m .siteree rights; els Site dq well ne,the daty .. of the people to' rise in the mu jeSti. the power:' ; even ' though ., it ,upheavee all the ebeiiitan4 . 4oitical eleMpnts.of society assert their ri~lite unit Maintain :their libertiel tci lair resort, the . ut7 .most limit 6f 'hiimen power. Foy myself, if 'diseorution Of , the 'Union 'mos.?. coine,: I should it •;ov.••/•a•X1••••)i:y iOll ;• .I.ojloll. V . • t. in 1111. hors f ;.”. - ‘1,..it . • , 1 • %A..af • ;111I'y iit!VPll tt Vet 4;l;l . W:riot a T.lnfitrrt .ost:ljft:toil iviiireh orie'enri• In.9therhorel hattiiy . Il' ll PK.'stt otn-Inottd,,, one •latt2nage,. o n e Tate, ii9l . l"ris' pe erdhl4 vi'9 2:,.a4 - 1‘,11 , ,,iv. one .ert..ltt Att,ittriv 4 .. - rl;,- 1 1 ots.prvini In I IM.At'orld thejniwer of 'll l, pnbileyll. sellgoV”itirrt -. orif r : Tt was Union '..ftSultingt'frbm I hAt..l/.sriyir . r,.,:tif o9i-ttrieSs 19rs..(tintl-rni own we ra. amen:;'thi•m) iikerifices of; theit .1.099.1;-11reir.t.rewnires . thtiir suffer. jrls.:, Theyl . l .lll " they,l7lfiniph's)l, at;l..serni ., (l..for therri•elv.rt rtosierrty'thi.: blesslet,of a just:and erinal 57.onStitution , tail • TifiVerflfMlll. hays.lrft ihit ineStien 1151 e intie . rifannt; fn it !itat Sta ;Irtteri ;lin! .irainta l ii - it' wit,4o9.t. • !ilfr sa,7rihrpc, , •It )19 t alSo sae rifice, not 9iir bln9d, Wit Itiktsttre'di: our : t , e.; . 11 nt . in . yiertrunr 5999 , 1141199 of. taut ..1)911)icrt1 opin , 1,17/ the common . I'ol/st.' ()Cour - 009ntry'S -, ree - tti lite I 0:.!P: ronitnOtil-lantl of i)rother,hond an& benntne, what '46 Tire, one the.greate,. - t, roost' pny . and i rasperous nn= t.i9 . l.B'fif • filo are rnalze rn ! qiia/ 'rumoksinamr. op iii iii :lii ill le. tpt j 11. 3 .1 1 .60 • !(.1 tit tr.. ‘vh9 differ with irconrintktio , S of pnhlic policy, ).his,v• . r.rcitiniofighl:ro ;In; Mr tll e3e Union b, Iceitt;ingether.. - 1 Irive.tnq th - o:llrestjg Yof n ttame,, position stntion, to trinke :of airy antbrity.' :"Itv. opinions, iii hr rp ,. iii.F('Sttetl, ilif) simply Iht prgiiiMmts• eft! soioi‘p•liot 1111 consi+!iirntinn of the, q . ..pestions ‘ iitvol,vrd`= the arsittnent4.ainl coneltkions•cit" a private citizen.: tehoSe:only...ersitri is the ris' tit, as such •.privatt; ettizen, 'ln t :and tiecalv-fgr himself. a lion'3,.nertaininv.'ta tlovr,if;)its, duties.nr •governtriditt•ii9der, ; • Snt..tllp Irt; 22:1 Qctc)!3.6r, 5130.• he . havo Pre,i , fim i Al..;”age Ifiat , (001)))):):11 lot) to t!ivr) tv) . ),r I : eon finry hi t!) , ..'vy Stu tes tn . rorrnep re y Crart?) t h,): cor;vent it))) xta's 1W y . '11'))1 111,1 t Lti;alll t 11;Lt, oikyrr:. nof rs , %t'fls -))))) lit)) of li ., ' - i' oll . sl : ll ' l,l i 6 n'' , " l.. () if yl)i)y.r,4 I ()ri'il):)1)!;))4; . Ic'110%,‘•11)), , 9 tc): • reccr.-rst t s'.f‘ tt D;cenlber 0,,:1650. Lite e mtn coinposc t his Coined ittri .• I.S•everis,of 'Chaim - ma It 1101: R.' •\V. Ja'„ficon; Ii E , VII D‘,e is, of .11,i , iisfrippi.• desFe of lailinna,• • ts Fforeuee.;.of Paniisyle:oia of .. • ,Taorll'. St avviisein, of - F.entifelty. .Tersey. ••• • • 11-I‘de . ek, of .:11444ma• A livistas pf :Neu/ •Vark.. ••• Isriad ‘Vriallt, •i‘liiss'aeliiiisetts. Jarnes - G, dierret. Washingfort, .Washihattin. D. C: 11' al ier . ,ti-tiox, Fisq•.; ot, ‘V,Claskey, p..e.; . Tyn i tS • kkli cornmanien tiaiis should .I)r' . addressed .to Iron.- d:,‘ ac S•rry i,s, Chairman, \l'A on, 1);(; .. . • RaoinS bf the Crimmittee at 25 : From the!.tone - tif the - leading liepubliccn pa 'p-ro; it irould seem there.is .to lira no softening down .of .the.• toward - the Sew , • yielding totheir 'demand 3 .lot jiisfice and eonal rights -10 c'esa Hon i f enlifliet• 'Weged them; 'hilt they are threatened with,:ilreoi'. over= 'phwei int.( p4pilation.or the frfee S.tatestii frifce them 'to"stilitrii • We hail hoped- that -a bet; tel.. feeling woold•-:prev ail , after- the Presidential' election; thm t tbe . spoils . nf the .federal govern, men,t,tor, whieh they have: sp long :itigit'ateo' the piatlic,:wonld.tni.'sat'isfarfoiY, n,nd fhat•the . '•nuilifying•lairs, •Repoblican Iterepeiiled, Mid that 'party would strive to prolmlJ theiT power . by advocating a inttla9al7.Prilicy.; hut, • t%is . jinre;: We (Monied to . 'iliiiippoilitment ••• • ',• • In the Viirm . on! rfrott was triad • p•repeal it c. , perSonal jaW, which di,ly in 'ermiliCi w ill the coil titutinn, and 'tailed, by a vote; of 513 - -to 123. This is Init.a . sample of: the - feitling of the Ropoblii-.in . pa y. Curowri safety, aihte that hn.floct rines'of these disorganizers Ii reporliajed.. .(4' the Union, 'though a dirt. not .rc•itst• We' have, to fear ; same eleteeets Which have set.'at defiance !he con.stitnfinn, and laws oh Congress,'inti parficlar instance, will not stop short of 'oVerthreWiiig and sub, in its ii:ace.H kreticiEpect.of Lrit a ,few. years. will 'new/Ince the rrinst.sceptie that we: are .tialting - igantin strithisin.that direction.,' ',.Ptit:sirsEs•C's .111Essitg.-- , ll'e 411101 give the Message. of: President Duchntitin iir our As•-kvas‘i , .x . peetc;d, cristin the state of Lhe• couu try,dt'is a I.nohy document, filling three ges of the , 'paper. ..It 'is, a s'eund • production' breathieg the highest . patrietism, and will be rend With intense' ikerest,' by the etitire peo ple: Oar readers great length .. or Mr. 11.k311AN'!i (avp. ' and in.. .Stritc five, :tri;d . tina, as it 'of "the' great iruiatlon that - is agitating oirr:e . ntire:Coiniiry; well-ass Europr:itin Gover'ainents. .IVe bespeak fur it the carqui'licrusal,' it f“iitiiled to; (Torn' its 'inerits; , and character Of, its author. Vrom prt•soot tippeitraitis, otir7rionds WO! liai . egootl..sle.ightng.'.'for the Bull ) dt the Beli ilgtt lionie, nn the 20th instant.. ' , . . . • 'We haye.• - a.poetie . al favor, I rofrio - ..R. -B.; cif.Sbippeii,.whieh was , una:voidedfy crowded out trvike room foritsocin. • •:. Terriblo •V i ating . The 'Dead Ilcdy'cf . Hee HtisbUid. • - Thci • Portittiicl 7th Ij r i•;% -, :„ -- centztin3,t116 followinrr,letl , (.): • C...1 - ITiotpoy , lip.wjtki oto; 'Oil Op 14: . ' . . . _ •:• • • • megyr'..iET'lttvi;,it, '; • IVe nro honiewrli•d:bbnitc nftee•n sttec.s:l- . fu .trnitilt;,and hn : ve OWyjtee, ntnl•keurti. igelve etukrrnntti; iitol 64: 46 W' nceotitit..f9r,.lll thtt!, were nndfnniqv Itywn . itig., ~ttipply• trnittr.antrn:iph9l- n'nee, binfiliete.• fveoy .ve , retttlife;••:fieef, and otik.i..i U we c *trip - s; which oh.-..fte: sin!) t, • .11tti'net 1:11 ; been•!trip... pee 1; Inginns• ~ 99d:'left ten .:11;1; .on n' dice lilt stib:44( . ;•el upop; . humnn cw§ll faun the, of :1,116F•q who u on the do:L.1116.1 . 1)4 . 61' her . • .• • •.• '.s . A..privnte . jt't stivs tbit . t.on 'of tho oe - tob.: (Aker with gt At.t:tteliment-iti giel.v:teee . nr . tlitt main. -holly, 'l9egr.l •itientif, the, tvoingte..sititt .cliildrph ii . : . t16;1.1; . 81)11, iti, :a.',5 ; tat, '4 . stzirrt'tti iitia greritl3;',.cinbeiatt::,l, so so thtit t1,0r1 . ),)11(.4.a11at051t prolntik:(l tliroligh.. the Th!?•..wolpPii ainl ql.ildran;6ll, seeing knees, ith(l. :by the too.st pitebus wells iniploredfooil'The stO;i(hitirti3 ; of.thn sdli_li4s . ..wil.,),solltmea to totiebing. (1116tiQns . • wliiA. , pas: ~t?u~etliatrl} ,fl 4 loivel.1: 1)y th 11' . 21tS of. ye ve,oge t !IC. I'l 1, ille,intell . itrwe..nt,•the fort the sr nsntion felt . win.Fttelt,htimat)ity. biOno . Thti co nduct -of thjoi.• StliK „.. Q: J: HA.IILIN ~•• '404 in inminn,n , l; was proinj)t, gcm4 (; .co.f thi! lw• .portivi \' fa (10 (•!(;.11;.. rif `Sl)n . .?lEljlg: • rrilet"wivi;s•: tho, ii.ny c ,linyd ,i;y f .;ry iltscriptioii •.rir •olothfn... for the - children • 6 . f. trill -,'A trAin;•• -.; • . • , ,Tironc , (l jnbil . -ark, N. ,J; evenhig 016 , 1 . .1 Antizzle,of g•nn-litifrd, Irony tinistneic,": to IriOntir, and 'while tilinvirinto it tho.nnizzle cimno in confaet. with a lie•fiterl (tiseharning the ni‘ap '.b. Murrov's IVP.A 1.16wn off,: portions of his skull . . and'brain§ . Sestterell about the wool, no barrel rebotnnied, and striking' his mother-in law, fen •tont,...poitotateit foil:' . ineln:S into . .hoe .chest. ,Itshe o;lllllot.stirvi.ii±. ;( - ..otiNT.—, , A.) - iis..i.PtirrPi on the;chi- CPntrabßailroadliad his pocket•pielsecl a day or two tiiithe train betwn.iT here and , I-Ie •,but found I'9eltpt-bi:iolt lyin, iindPr 1115 furl . , iii.conTany•witli a fivo• dollar, wpstern bill, poo;Pf,disiintdoil on neoitint of thp - iii , ";(!ount..:• . T.lie.remitindey of the amount wit§ •entioncy, and was not, .re.fitspd : 1,3- tlai fastidious Tobbi.r. '-• •: . • , .To kviiieh. p ar k an ,13 . 11:0:11shtimp th,e ii i , smit en!'ll t, on - th6ll - 1) . . 0r or Qlll'enYietorin on ilic , .l•Qrfe . of the been - ?vac,. klirp•plywcolcled aife on the alb`ll.- iiiit-4(1.11-0110.1" 13) einc. . . . .. : .. '...1\ - ' ILAT i313...:CDY. IS 11ADE . 9F.--- Titi: ' fol 4) . 11'16445. thl . rceilin in . vtinrrtl ir...7,e for mh et iitg tlw, be . Qt !‘pali.:" . rlnt;•ptirest ",ot:tril" bran Air:: ."Nout:•;11 spirit;' pbwiteril :. ent.;elin sr 'Phu lie '1 . , i.1; ht!tyrie ether . ;.oil of Sorang, cli: . s.iolved iii the, ether.; km' - :ir eQloling." ' .: A.- Inn!, tinsci3i; _a f Lr. .see;hs rosr, ..11' lie thin Its hl Ii found it hp. is -ft JairOrs Drawn for December 'Term J N. 1)e Grilin, 13. fltkPoth,..l, S. ;%1 tff: C... D .. ‘l'obgi et, A. • '• F.„ Davis, N. F.• f. AlrC.oy,'ll. -• . • •Eiat.d..ll, Owen Cook,' • Starks., Wpi.•Cr.egsliy, .r)t:retott;—Albert Pat.inen; A. White. • • • Otto—A. G. Qtto. . • . . :B . radford—T: Cook,.J. T. Drake;'Leander Edson,-G: W. Monior. S. L: Seward.'.. • • ]3orarela:=Ghordis Corwin:, S. Sartwell. Ceres—E.• .!..:Barber; Keni.vay Bel), 'Daniel Gleason, ,George N Ilaskert, 'NilesKenney; Daniel Peabody. John' Pearnok. • . , • . Eldred--.T. M. Geuiler,'N. G..lCoappi C. •B .Shill; L. W;m1901.:, Haintin—J. Starks. • • • • . • . . . • li"eari,/,i—,A.H.'Cory, C. C. Cleveland. . P. Colemin,E.:Green,.C. Holden, F: Lawton; Fans .Shirts, :A. A. Stowl4idge, Wro; Sherwood, D. W..Whitrnr• Nortuirh=Heriry I ashen, E. Patterion, Ezra Burikkr, P.' C. Hopkins. ' • The'abOve Oamed . .Giand and Traverse:Jurors ern' toce.t at the Court licntie in Smetimort, on Ttiesdiiy the 2511 i day 'Of Deceinber next, fit:lo JOSEP.II.MbRSE; Sh'ff. Sheriff's office, Stli . etliport, .Oct. 2•2,:1.86Q, , . .rdware house in . . . . , LI A larki ha - TeW rliting: re ,ceived an invoice froth a man - fa ring' esteb. liShment at theNorth,.te which. were added the ColloWine. words: — . 4 .A.be Lincoln Is our President:: We' hope - ;he will ' .please 'yok as he does us," • The invoiee.waS.retUrned tyith '.his reply:. : “Neither,: your ;Prasident: 'nor., your goods plenSe,' . us.:they . will 'be .: . reshiplied on their arriirril:" . : ' ',--. , . DE=I TRAV . ERSE . ,JIIROIte TAIGINCi Bibek RepOlilkoan 4riejes 'of ''lNTe'w York ..'Cliy .. learita that the anieemeitt in 'the Vermont Legislature for• the 4erieal p 1 the Pirsotiat Liberty Bill,'• is lii to Ite'stieee's'sfijr, and takes tlje'-ci:ension tti urge that as Yet njora yvasf tie. .11,ist • tis:. ftass laws.' minifying . the ; . :I?9•vitive it shell . .he Gat triset 'the. e'N.ecriple 'of repeal , for 'the ptillifyitig Stntc, q.qie The tnoekrJoilit ler reiv!nl in Verrnent ii iinitiu ted, One cit•the few Dein.oerats in that. body. rind w shall ifn e - • agreeably disappoin .if it .•., . prove,s • sl,ls,C.Pssfpl. • ;.• The.N.:•17. , ..: ahothnr Reptibli'can organ . 'which s etirtimi'ittl:itelf to the...extron^ him and the Airein'ess'ilile conflict, :anti hell on 'l,lle•st;etinatil:'contest t0 .. p1.i co'Ljnenln in the nreentji•j; Office, now urges an - dmoriltrierir to thi. titeiti,ve Since :Law,. ;indemnifying . th * owner of every eseafied..slat'e, frtOrti , the'Yedrai. or',State Treasurv,oyheryer tho ditty . .of stet in 4.: kir'', -rental na m 111 , 1411.0. •-. . furl her titan tiris . antl pr pie eel !n , cm:ro .••• . • • • 11).2 . .rrpil!.ral .author itiea . - with ail. tieepoise,lrio poise, tn'.execure" tin Sh6.ll . LAw.. ,, rtitike 411' . rryrnti . ;1111ile • v'01 . 0'.. , of ,laves re,:e'ned their ~n 4. 1,11f0n ..? „Miperitiri.-Compro . rniqr L'oe, tbps"seenii:Tq'ro-jho. so,oll ;i'ildiste t i ‘ rhy soil ol irratfe.r . ••IZucttit'ritnx:or uUtr: Pttn. CF. fq; WA LES , Padtoets.toti stiot;O . u•i'th -!.eat' ifs tho r,r(t,tl . l; fri.wnlly''re "rrPtian 116 Pt d iti.thi• Statns..iridtir..ll 'lt'osn ft . 11tttt: thin to , our .FttgliFlt : nolo jO9. pi 'rnrs all diSel.l.o4 It iii ill° sami tent,' and trio Londop .Arptia••says; seen..a nation, of . withoot att.enionvr-vivilrtler witheolf A rudjce- 1 --trealdh, I u.xiirf,atOl culttire, without. ti.Con'rt atvaris'toeinny.': kits lnainod to 'min le withd he busy crowd Of 'men without thn.indnryoution Of.,i , h . :i,rl}.to..tluitts a todroUrtinrs Ii 'found _.TPFIIPC't •ceremony. and honor withou t adulatirtn. • • • tr.iiITEL/ STATES SrsATor•...=T.he Oppnclt int! having' a lartie - majr4ity both branches 01 ' the : liegisln to . re - of this,State, htive the plt.testro •ol Alert a . U. S.,Setinteil; in the plere . o:Gov. .A.•• nu mber s of . rjeirloymveltlretilly I , f'f' II 'ffrentinnod fttr that'. pocition,•- : proatinent. wont!. whieh urn of Gov: ,larqd.; • PoIIgrl;, Gov. Alcirto'n ',NIr.AI i c haf.l, R. • Ai. P;ilmer, John Hi chmtin,.ilai it 1.1 1 70 !nor. doe.. A. Elr*liit;r: John W. • • .••• . . .Postni 7th,in4t.. Tiie' fire' wos fire ‘york nt 'on . i.nr'en diary, there' hiiejniglier! . n. no 'fire in tile build inn since • Yoanoftforidg,an,- who : was sentenced toOrty 'yrars' imprisonment byludgc.. Russel!, - of New York,ldriolibbar..a'-inanoffive,rkts and a ,to baceo •bbx, , has pardoaed by Governor Q6 . 1 - 11;t . . TI -17.-undeqiined,Cointniss.;oner ITKcan county, herf-by .. .2 libe notice, thdr an appeal will he held at •the. COriarni,stoners' nffic~.i in SCnythprirt, on the-27th datror n-e , .:mber , t 860.• where all pers-ons feelity; dhernqelt'Cit ai;grivy,ed bk,the enarneration,and valnation of their prop. n'ety in said cotinty for the Year 1561.; are re:- gaested.tc attend, , . • ••• • • • v.% J. I) A . VIS, .tiCdrer . s. • D. J. • Y.2\ Clerk.. • S'qiethriort, Dec. 2; I§6ll. ~.• A INI:3T !!,7011,....3 ,NOTP.J.E. v:r..rnils Of Adm ni'qt radion nn, tie etitte. G. liardett; 'lite ni Kea hip l deehj, b:..en'e.riiittr , il 1, , the under= keowiniz lh , rno'lyes ed to , sai,ll h re_ rii•Anake diate payment,: and those haVitrL , , eI t iii again:t. r same will 'pretoint direm,duly hutlueuitieated .. ior.seftlernelit , , • ' ' P.APIYRA BARRETT, Adm'i;.(rofrix . . I will lie 'k Ow late I, , tflenev of fl., e '.I 'p I 1 or abiiat the'llltfi of .Jarivar'yi ',....1,e , e all , itr!or•-•(- . . • intrr,.~t ed'rar rail I'. 1,. . . • i I)ec. 1(1.160?. ••• • . . ... _ . . . • :.• ••• VLl,',..persons rst• 11Prd)f. ; n o • / - 1.: i'lpaotffoi n y far N. • 101, by.t tp. , r).! 111:$- ? irt, A ti'a; - ..1500,.• lu $27 v4i'r F. !Iv; sa 114 t t„ " M, ' 2 ' • E . '_1:,4t.C, 1. 111. A I LL•pf trilihqiiiiipd r 7! itre by lio:111:!it callsind r . tttle,,heir acc'ounts 9ids s.vill . be made Dec. 10,.1.86.0. KENDAL-CREEK 110U3E. KENDAL-CREEK, M'KEAN CO., PA THY.:subscribc4 having purchased this wel .I:nown.stand,aud re-furnished and re-fit the House, is prepared to ente . rtitin Board ers and 'the Tiai , eliog . • HIS J3.1 . 11 .- AND•TADIJE, • -•-• Will be well supplied; and ~ o verything. . done to merit a - liberal - shlire of. roktrbilage. 'Raft, men ,will always f i nd the "Iliveh.-strine:out: • . • • P. M. FULLER.' Kendal Creek, Tanpary 2,1860. '• ps-ty ,• LIST'OP LET TElt.44 einaininz:ln the Post Office ht iimethport, fOr the :guar ter entini,Scpt: 30, 1600,, Burdick, Lewis .. • . • :Maker. M.— 2., Cress: Idlints-2 • '• Monte, James -• • ' • 'Beitniioni Baia. • ' Peet,•!l`. Green. T. A. ' Pitcher, Chariali' •• .; Ilohnem,.J. . * • • 1 . Ilemtninkrea, Mri!. • A. 1): 'Scott, fr. • J 011115013• T. P. .: • P:teele. 0. s' : . . SAATIVBLL, P.. 81. nidtbrort •Pa 04, 18, 1800. • • SMETHPOR.T LIVERY . STABLE nr.iikI.SUBSCRIBB.R has opened a new. ery Stable in Snri!athport, • at O. -11. Ben nett's Old, Stand, an'Main strait, just Tait. df Mehttnies', where tait'be tottnd the best.of Hey sea nncl,Carriaies atlowprices, ,He ini.ends,to make SeneihiMrt 'h 'permanent residence, and 'asks a share.of Otronnke. .. • Smetititirt, Aujust 24, 1.660: ' • n23a, . . • P'S •k_ .a; OS.'. • . • i)ot. el riethof.nundsy write.urrettifilfoni Expearill, • 1~ Hired pot tit, the.Court - of„Cintinton rives orAPICh • . cop eV, .11.1e1 to pie di reetel „liter° will be ithoied" t.ullite anti: la the iJdurt Mime in the BorounkolSanit• port, ed-'l , l the.'24th 'day dfDec..,..letio,:the,ie • lowing neeeriiiert:real . eeteto„ to wft :-• •• s'• •• •• • • Tli e rot Inwinti,depdribeil lion! .Estale:eituate iii r res Towti.hip; 31,1ileati tietthly,'Perinaylvania, bound,', . and deeeiitied as follonn: Beginning at the etate line 'at :I'l'6 Cori 'era of warrant Non. 43237 and.' 4320 and being out orwikr,rant Ice.' 4316; litiatAiS!. 'the' state foil* perebee ton Post,eorjer on time batik' of the .tionnyo Creep,thence. eou une. hundred land slat . ? .Pei. Cite- to e ,briorh criPeer in ;the thin or. Linn eold „to lle'repun lierov,;thvnne wept by linaof land forty .pirchea to a pest being the epithet' of lot nurreAnlepi Pli d. Alone° .nortr. One huh. trod and • sist , s. peinthoe tlio plait Hr. beginning, Con-. tainieg flirf v'norhn. strict to; 'be th e come morn or le.s.. About: inibro von, :one .good . front: Loiter n itb it good olte,friMe barn :CO by ;1•! feet,: with Ewn.ea one ono 1; ell or miter and ILLMIt .eighte . eil apple; Gwen , Sopied r tn ken In execution' „t tio ni;9();ty !if Jeneea J.,oerbant, at ,the.,ult. of Staif!'y hfirtin. • • . . . . • • '.Tho foniaritr4 1. , t, of laiA :situate:in Littl 'ert.r s t""D‘ l l .o :e . untY Bt, to Of'Penitorl .rmln, drai'ytho.l itr;frd'atO ,psph i _ nintrat a (11...ri1r ell the Ort4 Nina-:f 11.1S.1?artattr 'transit of I sratoliojr, aou th , rotetttx & oe git,s astotoi Itatolrs:.l roo: forth levrahoi.to the 'lnt th w . o6t otite.. of n arrant No, 11,57; thence east tvon rerois 4 ton post theitcoi t efgh-. t?'.P. : rt 4 t . nt ti) 3 Chestnut C. , inter 'thence toes• to, b un• tired tenreset!•s'tni, Itattprnof equor on the lin k theof P O -7' ::e thyl3.3.thto thO hy : t ..too= OE, kher . o'nf ft o 113:0 01 r i nnjtftf.l.e , Ont , l;:tt tinntroe . ,l and Ihirty-firF! nereg :In 'let' fi•e3 , ll At be Oil t, tars. poiailof ttti 'l4l or - Roatine itflettntOttt. 61111 iii • nt , l,tow,llQl)i , jl; Otat part of War ro 41, , otta 01 , 0 0 'Otto E• a4:O - 1100 , .... • to'. on hi trovention and to be eold • 0• t lin p.':j•rt . rt.t• t.f ritOi bon l' tvl•ty • at: the init. of up.' ton 1. 1 .1F0n , h1:. : • Tho riocc..ii.o I' In , .1.. ,esre V: con No. 140 .rot MI6 on 225 nere. in, iTinin, 4,81.3.-,..h..41 • 1; wininininlr , 04 in Norwich lown,hlp." Wm, ant . ..!f'D . p" , , tni,;,, 226 acre.. In Rrnriap• , 11:itcrnin. vn. No. 251% cooiniiii O.'s t2lllanp , In Mullin . inwiishin. War. snot ~NA. 2.i::1: .11 1, 45c1.,i0n, No, 158 , .contniciinp 425 .orre, in Hamlin toWonliip ,Te,arrinit'No. 210, subi.li.* containing .1225neres, in Ilnmlib town , ship: 'lW:want-No. 45.-5; ntibdirlsioit. Nti „ 2oo; cniatnin_ int! in.ll3mlin townili p,' Ircrcaßt„..N ß. ;257 4. FuliiiiCision, No. 1711, - coiiinining 225 rieren,• in township., Warran,t nuißtieigion, - No. ,183, eon hi ise n ; T • tll.l a.; rs; . 'loWnship. lVaPrhnt 'Nn,: 2:i33(sutrditi=eon, No:' 416, 'cnninining . . - 245,ncres. in, IVnrrnAt Nn: 3751, cinntnining 1000 ;Jere+, 'ln Ser4eitnt.toWngiiii:. irirrtint No. 49119; COO , Inlnino .195 R;IT.,-S4ippl.ll, 'Tarr : mit 4990, cants:in: . ino- . 293 acres, in Sliippon loin, ship.,-nil.unimproredi iii-rxtwotion and to l/o . ri , ,14- no the prop v i•l• l4 C l lll..flitelcus, at. the eta of B. dolt ' Dermalant's tuterest in the.fellOwing described roof. catAte,:yl4. 'titre°,Olt and' twenty. five iteretr:,ot I tie], .piorertit less, in, Liberty tnwus ip. know n as the 'Pnrtle Point Prone'rtyi.consistinr of .warrant No.:115, a nir twenty. live. acres' on the ! oast FLU, of wa mint • N0..61n2-toljnitting, the ether.. on which linit old double saw mill.,seejnup ; (Ire ;kert.',lmnraved.twafraine houittni and ttvn frame trims, the undivided half being defend antts int ne‘t, in a certain Other tract in•tilit r ed towntliin, lining part of wirrant N0..9109. desivibed se •follow'st Pitginpiretrat a'itost in the east lisle .of No.' '3;69. thence. wt.st ocnintuiltted perches to a.pndt.thence mmeritighty 4terelles to a post. thence east one hundred ~ Tatretics jita ha east lice of •said tract.' thence .nnrtli eighty percMtia- tt*the place of hoginning t 'containing' fifty !tees.: neive - or Icss.t.wenty-live acres improved. • one , mo•ill frame holism . Al,. dereiient's interest! to warn nt No. in .Coreg township. coptattig four hun dred and rm. , acres 'more or less, subject. to the sales and portions thereof to enrncliu4 Det le. and Mi chael Iteutier.., Also de`entlen is interest hi f ' quare tit iti tits rough. of Stnethnort., being the undivided hill part of s .id stptare, con itining oneacrit and three -011110 of an are. 'on whi ell is a .two glory dwelling Met PIP ant. o ff ice' and a Di,nno liarn;*l nil (reran.) and on and .1 abnwt .. - fruit trees. Alen lots No. it and 48 en ono of the back streets of raid lion thrtt, improved and a feat fruit trees.. it, being the same'. property nerd by Atign , ths Wittlere le dofertlant,'all B:llkl'property being in St 'Kean Mtrulty , • I.'taknn in evccationi and.to.bc sill as the pro perty of Seth A llackus at the suit cif Michaelltobb . . The Mowing described real estate, bounded ail fol lows, vie:- Three lininlred and trrenly-five acres of land morsi or I 03 , :„ip.Lihyrtsy township, known av the Tonic; - Point Atilt Property, consisting of Wt. No. .1,15 and 95 'acres out of the east si of warrant: \ q, 61 . J . 2 adjoining the other,.on which is no old double saw mill: sellenty 11ve 'acres iniprovell, two frame. houses and tee fiatho . barns. The undleided,ontithalf bcitig defendant's inter tst inlicemaintother tract of land in litllttreCtow•nslilp, being part - of nal-rant . No. 3469 despribed 11,e:inning at a post fri the - east line of No. 3169;. thence. west one liniorred pereheeito u pitst, thence:Rout li.eighty. tica post. thence east one hundred perch* . to Ike east . 'line of said . traet, thance porta-nighty peraltes to the. .'place' of lwgi contsinine lift,k acres ' , ore or less, wi the five .steres improved 11111 i one small fraMe house. Abindefsat le'nt's interest :in warrant N 0.1151. In. Ceres • township, containiogfOur hundred.. and forts One acres' lean! orless..sulijeet to the sales of .parties thereof to, oroelies 'Doyle end 3lieletellßruslet. Also defendent'se in: e req in -ipt ere. No. 115 di thellorinigh Ina part of said square. containing- . :one. acre and three-filth , : ,Ir an acre, 011 Willehq.4 a two 'st-tre diveiing . lionseaton'ollice and One barn,(buililinga frinne),.oint niciterti of about- fruit trees Mao: 1-111.4•• No. CT. •1t 41(.1, if as. the l ed'ilouse. Lnt , on Main , ateeet in 't'llaiiiiport: On which its tie frame houge cud. -soots friit r• es . Also. 1et5.N0.47 -. nod itS, on , one of the '.Pack Ft: f OS of said lioritugh,.thipiored, and a low' ft tit trees, it beim! thinsableproperty :MIA by Aug oaths. • Wolters 11 , detenianf,. :all the property indite coon ty. ton, reinisyli mita Fi:dzsd :so t.talc. -- )1 in. ,Xf'Cllti64 MIA 1, ill heantld :IS the- . monody of 9i.d.11 .1.. liseke , , at the Gait. of lirewster . . . . . . .. ~ . • ~ .. . . .‘.l.i'-'O, ' . • The. I. , floWine :fil!FCralo , i Seal estafe. situate in they: Ltorou g li '0 ,innithport. Is. may ,or 31'.1.lurte State of Ve lins. ) '-; v an: t. hi:mule 1 ii le il l i.o.eritehl ss follows; t0 . ./1 it • , ;(I.IPO O \n..07. I: : :.: t s‘iu ay the : 11,1 iltitimi lot.. oli.'lllaili ' si reel; unproved,. iiLle. Crain e. hoe ne, 4LII about • • 1r11it..... . . . ~. . . , • ••kl.s ‘y—L. ,l s .- No. 17 d• i1.4 , 30'd ove•i,f The back..reets: of • ,i.t . 110r00..41', io:lonv:-d,:an.1.11 It, l'nuit here, if be, inTi ".1...s 'ino - j,opf.rty g.;.11 by.plll,tiff.tO.d.rend(ict. . ~ ,: z.0.1,,1 r•:.t htl i 4ixr•..ti p, ;11'd mj Ihe cc .811.111 e r . r000;•y a : - .etti. - 3..1tack9.3...it ibe . rut.; i,f.AdgdO;us , IVpitel'i," . • The•f,lFiwinn., , ,lng•frilool i•'•3l"e.:bite, N . llulte ~ in Libor ~° (r t,116.101, nnly, • I Ott u;. A k e 01111.1614- •p• t (I ft h , ,.6Trp, in t t.l.l•rn•• ni•Idlo• n •In.;..7•!••-,s to, a . • 00%.00 if •I 0 ink:: VA, r! . 0 ,)V0-' ~ f urea. 1:1.)ft, `411.11,!.' 1.4 4;i-to a' ; . 'rr . av • tiva 6 ,, rots. Ile . 11. , orr to the r,.. in . , ppg en, tninll g.,,A,,lty . •tsyn.gronro. in'l. ni • r •• r •ito •• el. •!•no• franiu h - nrintll'irn'i , e It rn • . • • . t,Of-iriri Pl`lol , /10111 1 1 iv.. 1. be n , be , Pro! ;if C: liar suit of ones, Mann.: .. . . . „ ;lis''t, .. • • • • . . . . . . . ,Th.' Protr:ri r tievrribed re:, f r seal 0 , Ctina.ts in Lafarette , • iSurt"-blit „-•SI 'X stto e..usi`,.i.b • .tosyti alibi. lkuutliitl and rit se ihi .1 M . li l'•,•• : s,', ViZ: . 011 I ii,.. nor; b, bY. uttsbated Lit , ...k tt" i , . In 1 4 1 If. F.,X: on 'thy st'st by tineet:j. lino at to t . o,olit 2 i.13...1n tho,t, 'to . I,y i n t No., 45; on: lior twat. by lot No IS tool no . rated 1 attls crntaist:ntrsici t tpttio• and tsulit.. ion, h :sorer, 'and - Allows:ars rs i:ix: per cent. for ro.i la lir c.. brain': bit N0.:47 of•lliu,sllotioont of the land, of I he o,,tele of:.'F l all'f 111,Ft. deceared: and pitrt, of ivarront fio,t3ltiti;. on wiiiith• is about fifty acres. im provotl, •an.l obi lox bou4., : , '• - . • ••. '• ' ' Seizutl, taken in exec it tion.and will be sold its The pro-: perty of Fele); C. llopklnst Milts snit of Geo . . Fox. M D., adtpinistrator , ortbo estate. of the late Samuel M Fox, deteased • J.: '1). 01'TO. . .411.31 , 1"11 110118 E; 5116iiff. Sliedirn - Mime, E:nefifirrt, Pee. 8, 1860.. . • ' . • Mkialals2'. Patented-Sept. 9, : :1866. ' • . Pei L 16' 8.111171 rptiE , WAbiIBOARD,;AND,BIi' , ATER . are. .1. the two first and natural implements ever'used in. Washing Cleihes. Not %vithstand— ing•it has been:die' study!of:invcntors .. to do them'away . ,,and tor that . ,pnipoie seveiajitorin... dred patents have been issued g yet it has been. of no effect . ..". .They 7 have failed in :their nt tempt., • Their machines have been :condemned ' and thrOvvir, away., 'and - rho . " Weill 'Board and.; Beater agaiwnsed in Ijielt,stead.,• •; • This machine combi.nes' thein together, at— tached to a progressive hre . t n manner as gives great . poVvr. to the . ..Reater; . m eitheray be used ifs - the . operatoi may. desire. , The metion•of 'the Beater ,is w onfck r , . and ,easy 'the pressure gentle and. poerful;.whieh it the advantage over' all: Other Machines, and. is . so decided by rcO4npe,tent jwidei.. • Alanufactureir and sold at Mechanieshur,•by • A. WOLTERs Nleehanicsluip , March 18,1858./ • rf