M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, December 06, 1860, Image 1

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    ill'ficait Eonlap Onitotra
P91314111E0 EyErri , TIU6ItSDAy . . r . doItINWG,
J.- •
TERMS: -: • ••••• BOin Advance
Rates Of Adveitisin.
..1 Column one year
! t f • ct • , tt
' six montbS....
*A. •It •Itt !! ~ ...
Ono 'guar° efirj lines or less, 3
Bach ettbsoluent ..... . . •
Dullness Cards, with, paper,: ' •c. DO
Itule or figure werlcAvilt be double' the above . r ‘ ate s :
Twelve lines Itretier type, or..ebsitt. lines . nonpareil, is .
".rattnt inintre.•
rj".TlteSe terms will bb strietly'tulliered •-.:
Ettoilless Director!). ,
BENNETT .310115. E,
Suiethport, Bl'Kettit Co.; VO. • 33. SAtishN, Proprietor
—Opposite the Courtllntise.• A'new, laige,•eottohotli-.
Oilcan," weir furniehetl houSe;
0k0..,,1L •MASOIQ,
. . . . ..
. . . .
. Deafer in Stdreil,lin WoriyJaonlincill Ware,, &c., west'
.r ,- aide of the Public .Bpiore; Smethonrt - Va. .I.ju"stnin
work dono.to, order nn the 'glib r t pat notice, and in the
monfoubotantialmantior..':„.. '' -. ;., : ' . 7 .' ..
D . . • . .
a.lf.''A.,Sieluaus 'weal(' respectfully:. ahnounen tn'the
eititeng of Smethport and N;lcinity, 'thathe Ifia4 . •fittra
zip an Office, hod is prepared to attend fo all imAinea4
.fn hi% profeesion. Artificial teeth inserted' upon Fri:
entitle princialee,.and sn.as teTre=erve the natl. fnl
preasion of the face .. All operatioud in Dent'al Surge,:
done in 'ft'akillful manner. - ' • • . • :•. 30i
. ,
Dealer In SAM , PR. Tiu Ware, Japiiivieq•Ware; tea., 'west
• end of the Public- Spiare, .‘clinefliport, , Pa .' (lii , iiin
. work thine to orderrinllm•shnrtot - notice, nil,' lu •the
. :meet' übitantint Tanner.; .. •• . • • „ . .- •
. . . •
. .
, . ' • - OLEAN- HOUSE;
.. 1.• . .. :- •
A. P.. Iltisn, Prooriotois.:Oloan, N.Y.,.. Omilit.ns; runs
to and from the Nee York . and ErlultnE,Eolt. tstagi,
•-for Sutetlindrt nud.Gore o ... :. • .. . • '
8. J '09G1(11, PrnpriQtni... Itilsws.k. Pa: • Tliis Ttotcl
new and furnished in Tnn;lern Style, arp
. Inrslatinns., and Is, inali respects; n l'i rst . Clnsl Hole
fti/ginly, Elk Co: Pa. )ray •,?.t
• •
•-•' 'ELDRED .HOTEL,• "
•JOHi l'inprietor• .This lit' sit natvil
• • way betivern Sniettiport anll..oliian. • A 'coilve
an comm., lions anal t, attentive' antl•abligiuk• at;
-Intl; anti Inn prices: '
• , Eldred.; May 17, 7tifiti. :' • • • ' '
. . • . ". A.. D. ,
HAIFILIN, •• '• • .
etirteyor, ' Draftfamn ',C9I/yeya,.( , er . . owl 'Real,..E
..ivint. Straql4,6o, 11:1iI;an etiunij . ; Pa: ' ' '
. .
Dealer In Dry GoodA, Oristerles., Pork, Flour:Salt, F
Read:y..24,1,1e Clothing.;.ltoots aui Shoes. Stnathpo
. .
Practical 3leolutif, a.. s . • !Lc
Port Allextleny,c IPSean rounty • •
. .
.-." L L.. ii.OVIR,
stiiv CON.VEYANCrlittrui 11,0
. •
•• • •
flkapin , ......
Mit • 'Onni,..sl;. . ....
Hon. A. t,. ..... .
. : • 'CARVER' •
:Tow( 11. TILni.T. P.r?prieto IV:O,r
&mats. Warreri PA. • .
FOBIZ S :11*i, ',i.T.S2.',
. . . . . , ..
~• •
Prontinz I.lin Pahttel;sq., a f ft ; 0.,,,i,,, N. Y . ',1, t 9, :t
,kliti.cm, I!i•op'rietor: : r1re.r.0..,,, n , ,,,, , i: 0.: ici,l.r . nt ,
,no , l builtOf:brick..an4 114 ra , ith.l`le,l in ni , 4 's!.
Iyrn q,
The iniiirietor 71n,lert:11 , 11YIf .171 ;:t
.lii4 . .. , . Conini ,, sli .
fi(gli Ilyo (16t.:rinrpa,u1 hy $:ry.);,,t,.1 - in w.,. , 01 • 11 - N•
- York. C, krriAtt;m.ron to tu t •l 1 , ,, 1 ,,,,q,i ;‘,:o w Volk :tn
Erie Rail•lioa 1..
-; • • BYRON 'D. HAMLIN — • '•
Aifonml! y AT•LIN - ;:SliV4hport : MK
'es'n re;:ntr: y.
.kgent fo r mp,..,;ximih] ; t tin
by.llie,(.39lfertinn Claine , ;
easintent of Tasz,,
tingto.lleal E'Aral . e.• (Mice in Hamlin '
.. .
. ..
Attornoy and. Coungoln;r nt lout. ; ,eicaitimorf.:wg ~,
•••. County,. P.i. ituslntpoi entrusted to Lis core r;r 11,,
• gounflei of M'Kean,,Pottor and Ent tv,ill . lo , p mm 1, 03
• attoudett t) • Pflino in ttie • Court.flouso . , liecond floor
....._. . ... ..
Sit,,;L.• E.' . \V ISYEIL
. .
and Surgeon. : Stil(44°o% Pe, . attend
all kotesiional prinir c tnees . .• Ofllea in or
well Illneki regond . • .' • • '.• .•
. .
Wholesale 11'11.11(AM Dealers in Staiyle and Fairy-;Dry
Gottiyeareefing,, Ready nide pinakiim . tionerir
.Fornishing,Goods, Roots ond Shoos, Wiill.arelSWindos
Paper; Loek . i ng'Glasses Ae.. At Olean.
• - ' .• • JOHN C. BACKUS,- - '•• : .
idt,titrney• and Coutteelloh tit ittitr, Smothtipri;l‘l , lientiCo
'' Pa. Will attend to.all business in ti ii p rnientie ato the
' •ebtaitieft tirM'Kenn, Potter and CM. .oflice over C. IC.
SarttVell 3:„. .Ifroelie'rn , . Store. • .' . - • '. • '• • • •
. .
I.Co'rner or ,s,oc n irl and bibeity straels,,Warina, Pa, / 1
A. HARBOR, PrbprietAr.' Travolera will find good ac .
cominodationa and reasonable cluirgaa:
. , .
. .
. . . LAEAEEE'S. HOTEL, . ' :.
R: LAE MR,' Proptietor,.—Alleitlinny •Briclitp. 111'notto
Co', Po. .This bonne' to oitunted nitwit nano miles from
.smethpott on the toad to Olean ; end will be mina n.
nonyenlent stoppin g -iilnce • • • • - •
T: Goolawpt. Thin house is aitnoted al4ont five n tulle
from m port on flan road to Olean. Ploaan re partly
• and othet a oan bo_aocommodatod on the altortest notice'
• .. W. 6; BROWNAIL, • • ••
peiler In Dry • Doodo, GrocOileO, Orookor;follorthiare,
Hoots, Shoes; liat3,.oopo, Gla, Nltibi, Ong, A: C., • ke.
East olde of the' Public ,Square, Smethport ; ra. '
. • .
, . . . EMPORIUM' HOUSE, . • '.• : '..
1111Ippori, MiKes9 •130. i Pg.. 'N. L. DYKE, Pinprie . !or
A 'commodlowi,and wet furnished 'bongs. Strangq , s
.Rol tJavoloralvilk (Intl, good abbolornodat kit's. •..
Protirieter,',afporl AllOgno.i , , Mc-
EeAn . This Hotel issitunted ot the fizo
tion.Of the Ehnetliport nn t Alleitany.Hiiier loads, nice
.. WHIR east'of ,Smeth t
.....'ASTOR'HOUSE 3 • •••
, WK. HASkErat 1 Proprietor..
This Munn la welt tetaulatod for tho ancomlorolailial
of the^,Travelling Ilqviritr'retwoqy boen
awl rem:100 , 1; . Good !tams and Stat,lP.w. .ellar4eB re -
Roliable: •Stattoq for Olean, Shippon and Iplkway..
J3cuathiort, Ju1j,!2,1869..,
, . • . .
• •-• To Those Iritero§ted in Iming
•• - ', 3Tineral. Land - s: , • -, ..
W.ll. BARNES okoia Ilk NOTVie69 roi•theexinhine''
a. Linn of MI newel Landa In M'Kenn and Ulk enli n..
,tiea,. and ,NKill 00 bill . nrillioil . na In the VALVE' OP
MINES, ke• Tl,loge engaging Ma eervieea wi11 . .,,h.,,
a ll ao,amey and' reliable Infertnetkon.. Seal donee atth6
: Thtnker.llill Mince: ' -. ' - ' .. •
Sergeant, M'Eean en., June 30,, 1F 4 39.'.: :: •' • •
. .
. 7 r . • 2,
Af,`, l • •
• •
- $.500
.... , . 4000
:20 00
; 4 1:1.1)1 •ort, , lln
. .
. A large• h a ril wan , hails. in New - Orleans re
rViVed "an invoice f:rolurvanialie!urik t . estab-
Ilsh.okikal the North, % to w-hirh . Were:lsdded
the foliawit4r.wordsi .'Abe is; Our
Pre'sitlept. We 'kik- lie WilTplease yrin' as he
The invoke "was returned. with this
rerV: rliVeither .your PreSident nor. your.
pferise . us: they: frill 'lie 'reshipped on
tliciir arrival." •.• ' ' : "
I;citinfillorri'gitr, who was Rt;t4i.need 'to iror:ty
imprisonment Judge Russell, of Ne . w.
Pork, for robbing a
,rnetLof Anti ity',to•
ham) box-, l ias . ..bec ; nl.parilofied: by. (;OFerndr
•..gentleiinni in
tlist . fidp! , r:rpll, fifteen, -thousand words
,Thin IA no i ncrea s e of , i 7Q9 pr.q.
c9nE. , In othi , r minis; neW
still . l.lo pinny Wlyils i rwor Wiro a
day w
..Of tho . in -
• tile AiYteri c;an
. .
• Tinder the nalie'd rafters the .upper
story:Of a hoes^ in Pin •street,'inthis-eitv;
is the room of n
. man
. who very fair
;specimen of an .Ameriefut 4ini'entriY.: -Ills
l.eard 15 long, his is uncut, his person
is neglected; Ana ilia :mind is
. as clear aS
erYstal,.;;Plie•sfoek in tra;do.'of this man,
including yhitheS, wash : basin, and a •
ktnvls-nosed teapot, would not sell for two
dollars, even'at a Chatham' street_ :auption,
Toodles One of the bidders:
lid, man liv4;s within hiinself, on less/than
one dollar W4l;, and
. yet he ia:developing
an invention Which ivill gnadruple the value
of the. Magnetic telegraph; whose Vidne to
Of.; eommereial k •cominnity can only .be
estiMated•by hum Weds of millidns.
• 1e,3" . 1 rather important !!dog suit" has
recently. been deeitled in Clontututville.-
I.last spring, Ifirion,Ethridge, a day laboti
er; bitten in the log by :: a .wateh „dog
'alit at, 13oyntob:s - Grooery Store, in -11.14
villa Yc,o badly' that he was-
. laid up fur
sle time, and is hot yet entirely. recovered.
The tter Was taken to - t Lai * County . Court,
and thehee . Imfore.Arbitrators. w a s
that the . doix - was. ferneions, • lind that
the Owner kneW -of. Itis,bitin - propensities,
d i n • fayor 'Of -tho proseou tor,
and (I:Olives to. the: atii-Ount, $1 . 76
awarded :Min. ' • -
en was . born, tothe Eniperor-Of
nn, the..2oth of; September. is
; pained Paul, and liasalready been appoint
ed chief of the ICOura regiment fOf-infaritry,
seyqral re6.ifirmts of the: Guards, and:: the
llifle - Dattallion-of the Imperial tinnily. - - An
.Imp. - Tifil,pPeClamatiOn announces the fact,
and-giv . es devout thunfis'for the auspicious
I.I:4sANT•;; - eioN(l
. •
. o 'renit'uthei:.lltelteart Is the trensuie .
• ,-W6F(II tuore,thah the geins - of the s ea; '
tid icteeteluir it wealth' wtthout ineasure ..,
In this heart' I atu keeping fur thee! ' :
'Thou will go loye..thttlp.ttot , fosget truk ' , • .
Wh etrato(l
u .t.liee itre .gaY;
.Whett the:Smile of one)]* piottd etie shall greetthee
'1) remetul,er the youth far away. • • .• • .
Wheniretore thee glides Beauty all smiling, , .
Remember that "Bnatity is yainv" . •
And wheifrridn oitieitjtir splendor beguiling,
0 beivara! follow hot in . bis• train ; •
o•:remeniber tliti cot : MutbeMOuntatn, • .
'And. the .stiot of our 'earliest vim, •
'llte valley, the wildwood;tbe fountain,' .
And . thmheart,loving Over its *noir!' •
RAci.: • Frtte :OP. nEsEitsst.iin
A rirnn traveler 'says; . ..•
i iTho - DolcOemnitiply.veryrapidly,- bit have
no regular Marraiges, the intercourse of the
sexes leading to no settled home, each in. per
fret independence leadingl.Vhither. fancy 'leads.
The mother nurses her ,child.,nlY. for a.":sliert
. . ,
icenstOrning it as . ..soon as possible to the;
eating of Serpents And ants; and as"soon a's' ,the
thpr mother lets it - depart..
.whither It .pedple.
live. in thick- woods; - and COneetti theniSel'yes;
~ among the trees; yet they beedme the .prey' :of
.the slaVe-linnter
.DumbOrA, . and
Kulls;- for as regions of, their woods• are
circled' by.il>e hunters. so that . Dokos can
not easily escape. . When •the hunter - El . -come' in
„sight- or the poor creatures they bold' un-clOthes
of .bright edfarti, singing .4[l(l.4:ending, fipon•
• whichthe•Dokos'allow themselves lo be cap.
hired With Out resistadee, knowing *from ex-pe r
I rieke that resisfajiee is , frnitless...and can only
lead. to theirilestruetiont. In . this way thou
sands cap be
.captured by a small bend of }tont
ers; • and once.captiired they heconie
In slavery; the Dokos retain their - predilection
.for reline: Mice, - serpeotS and .atits, 'although
often on that aeconnt punished by ,their
ters,who,-1,11 other respects, ate attached lo
them,' asl•they rite obedient And docile ; 'having
17.• wants,'and enjoy good heelfh; for which
reason, they are never sold . -slaves. beyond
.Dearen.,.. As • deseases a re
.unknown amone
theni they.didonly of old age, or,. through.' the
assaults'Of their enemies."
• • .
ACROSr, Tik A Nns: - - . —Qur Arrierican
.etiginers,s4calr the highest,iange of..mcnintaini .
with' 'the,. locOrnotive;
.• Mr.
..William, Wheel-
Wtight. an - American; who •hrts been -engaged
tar a long' titrirsin hooding railrnadS - in South
America, has e • xplored•tbe - •rnute, and 'reports
tha't a- railway'Can, he-.built across ;-.A•lichis,
thus making, 'a
-ling from the Pacific to. Rosario.
v ia• - Cordova - ,. - a:di.4tanceipf:l;ipp miles:
is that the silvantagrs I , hich•woulri .accrue ;
opriling lip the South American States to corn- -
•rrirrer . , the Rio tie In platy bring nai,i - gabl e for
vessels drawing twelve' feet of_water; Would he
Mir : r euse, The' Argentina Rrpubl ie has
. offe'red
a free grant - of land fire. In breadth. -on
each side of - the rdilWay, 'Wait] cons truc
t and'ildi - projrct is - generally thistight: prac—
tirable. •11-ie stated drat Mr, •Wheelwright,
in constructing raiirondsin South A ipprtcri,.has l
ugyel gradiants of t 52 - and -
,250 • feet per mile,
litidearriritr•li,:m to an elevation - of 0,000 feet
aliare the level of - the sea. • ••• •
.• • • • .
. . ,
. .
. • , .
_ •
M ELA.N onot.i7. o cauitanimn.--4lr . e.lear n
from.: the ltrewbi.ro°
,that, ..en
lest;. a- .12 , :r. Ttobison; residinfc:in that
*Co. Shot' and, killed a man named 'James
Griffin. It- see in s 'that . Griffin* went.to .• the
hiitthe of Robinsonin in a state„pfintoxian
kir . the doctorto.preieribfor hirri .: e
the' deetar:Was.aot a( hothe,'but
the 'request of Griffin 'so.lii blyincensed:his.
IV,ifethat - sha . sliowereda torrent .ef
upon taw...which was responded . . •to hY , .
Griffin in' pretty severe language.
returned home, end, after.becoming • sober.
and,yetleeting, iqn his conduct, told setae.
of his friends what had occurred,and,regret
'ting; having Used' , coarse..• langnap;e ; to the
'wife .of the doeter, ho 'requested .sotne
them. to accompany him . to- the
• ithuse, 'so that he. might apologize 'to: .Mrs
•11;.. fol. his rudencs.s. They reffised to'
company. iitn, so'he-went•alene:. On altiV,
lag at..the:.liouse . - hni3 offering" his' apologies,
the doctor'd wife r2pelled him with; coerSe.
'and vituperOus.epithetq, in which was.
jatilad $y the dO;itor.
tog incensed .Griffin, he also: used 'sharp
language- to the•,twain,,and becoming. V(wy:
much' excited brandished a :dirk, ,wher:-
upon the doctor's with • seiied a guri• and.
attempted to shoot him; hut, not being able
to discharge:the. gun, handerlit.over ; • to her • I
husband, whe shot Griffin dead.bir the spot. I
Dr. Robinson wits soon . 'after • a rrest•A tul
lodged tif.jail./b/eigh, Register...
. ,
•'• SzcOut„tn 'A cdt A mail n m
John 11 turrdy,Iiyin4 - in.llladisOri Street Ni!‘Y
'ark, N. J;, on s:Juin - lay
mug'z•ln of a
from . tbcf stock, to his 'moutli,.. amt . ivliii•
blo sing into .it ilm . Muz4l.lnatnr• in coiit:nct
with cri,iclutrginz.
the tse:rp
on.. Murray's an 1
imitions orilis skull. a . m . ] brains scatter:! I
,about the iooM. The barra
and. striking his mother-in imlfeet`itiS
stant,.pcmotato:l.four incllos into lier-cli•st.
believed She. cannot survive:
CAT Aty 8RA. 1 : 1 :yr....-Theri. - .., is
, - I,o•:3itiva
evidence tfiat-Catawlat Brandv,:itistea,i,fif
being distifiedfrciin..Catawba' Wina, .85
.generally . sapPosed; which - Weald . it
cost front six. to . eid•lit dollars ,t . . ,ritillop; is
mostly made .by tlistilling the.:.scarfs.
and pulp of. the, grape. in - edimiton ' whiskey,
coStinz Alient tweak cents a tiallon, and. the •
brandy thits made can be: mild, at . :three - .dol-.
!ars a gallon. 'with profit. cannot
be - drank - with any profit. at 811 7 40 ...the
. •
. . • • SA:N.FRANGLSCO, ..18t3i. •.• •
Tlie deetiOh returns not gitite coin
pl;sto. Tlt e.. totnlyote retnrne;l iii - 117; 1(i ?'
*of which hni .- 4'3;6 Doti+rln3.,
3.40;: Byeeltinr,4ee,. 33,357, Itni113(11.; 8,437. ;
...The % . :ate of ' the Stat,!
•118; 5 0 0.....1ine0tn i it i•-; .
cal, will hnye:7oo to I,o'oo. phirniity.
frir aj I All .. Col . .1:11t:leti in 0 ITTf;ll'
neo Ifr . 31 . 8 nniop:t •over.l)recltin
ritige/. thr:2e, • in the
li; INI A - NIA T.T rri.---11orray enAier;
Exchnnw!'orr New-York, 5 po• Cent prem
ium ; on. Biltirimrean.l Pliilioplp!l in 2 1-2
(13 percent; zohl, 2 1-2. North awl
Carol* not^s 5 poy cc it. disenunt. .
•The 13overnor will ec. - picst tlu,et.or.ey / nen
to appoint n
.!lity of lit•itin.znn I prilyer.
.. . .
. .
• .
~ Quilp.saykthatwomon mliojnsi:4ondhe•
priyilges,, should exiiibit dSlim, Oalilies...of
their sex..; S . l.i . e• who show:loe imprudence
ot.the „rowdy, has no: ri . glit.. to :expect: the
ch'.ferene which .is dile to a:lady • In short;.
if a, woman i'olrets the delicaqy.pf In. 'sex;
no •gentleman is:bound to remembnrdt 'tOr.
. .
.In tin. olden time .they . 1 1 .44 .seven
via! men.: take Inr4l *own
valuation.. and you' won't find lialf that num.:
Pler. of f 4019: • • •• - • •
. . •
. .
. . . .
• The - :icaseadc bridfre of the. Erie i . ailitiad,
one of the wonders of Americiin iig,ineer
ing,, is about . g.ohig the way of all •wooden
bridges.. it crossed a chasm 158 feet :deep
in One cleqr sr*ii •of - 275 feet, and its des
truction by fire woul.d.have Proved a serious
thir. This • ch;isin is • now filled up with
.an 'embankment . of :broken stone; through .
which -the . - water - , percolates Iseely, and, •11
permanent substittite for the - bridge •is
found:- ' -
. .
. .
. . . :
The editOr•bf the ..111 . 4bhe Mercury has
•apen . n man just from TOXIIR, who sa . ys he
is a. member .of ft vigilance eominittee,
.which has been M correspond . enee. with the
emmittees of other counties, Ali.' eStinituti , S•
that. no loss than' two •hundred- and . fitly
persons have suffered death:from the rope's
end:during the'oason.in Texas. • ... •
. , .
, . . . . ..
To illustrate the facilitiea.of travel which
mark the age; an •E'ti,( 01 tOinian',said ,dur . ia , r
.the present year he had eaten . a:,.sandwich
oaths top of the pyrairtid.M . Eyot, drank
the health of. Queen Vietoria!on the: veri - le - .
of the crater of Vesuvius anclien rather
:111.izrfiry sqolded.bylas wife on : the• sunt
init'of _Monne •Blane. '' ' ' :,• ' '
reeipe in . general rise for malt
inv, the, 1)0,4 "pale" end ptireSt,i'otard'' brae
. , spirit ; pewder,l cat chu;
srlphurie.nekl; butyric ether; oil of orange
dissolved . in: the ether; stizar coloring.".
Views of "a Private Cifizon on Vie Qonsti
tutional..itight of Secession: • .
• .
Cali. vie' m?.ra St9te . s. pnanevihl#
yqunierrity (14,•1 sceedi, iron
In cone 'on, or - more PI thOP
it- Ire' the rilirf and tbe . dtit ni. - thf.:4.rmrnmflit
of the Cmited'States.(o resist 'and - punish'. such
secession, if need be . , by cote's , of-the * military
posyer of said gnsernmeni- 7•
-Ist: Cana State',Constittilionally sexed:n:7
as - Nor:3ls nr AY Aa 7U\lrur .
. •
. . .
enverittnent- nn. lootritily . , no: enigma
`nmotur, the, history of nntiniie. • .
.• , •
ONE' antierninitrit for some toirooses nod sepri
rrft governments - for other phrposes.; • •
!rho •Nptionnr-Cpyorilnyint rests itpnn.• tlie
conOtillitiOn,• that is the Supreme it is
rorit t i far Nationalpur Prises ant! n,Clllff'dftlaCl/
for State'porpnses, . -•
' • .
The Preamble:tothe:Cpostittition states teke,
,itio,'. what Ile oNirei.e,' nod . feiio• made it.:
.elri•lar!‘l to' 6, , n liv;,ireA of irlepen•
f!!!nt.StateO; • nor a (7 - %tiirelerary of such 'States,
but it declares that rf TII P . E61`61; or the
United States" (for eertain•tntrposes).!,4o,or
qiiii;iii,l.estnhfish:-thiS-Cnostirtitiort of the [fol. ,
ted §tates nf A nierien;
It .
was then the tYliele..perfple of: the :United
States- q , ,e,par,pl.;• ilrrl not : the thert thirteen
U. Sr. nh otoliyhteil Stntes :: tkift - formed this cern•
foe.ir wig n • on3rAPr:
•11fait it neon ',nrConteilerney ofStfiteo'n,r.firfe.i,
Or; 4::/eozoe between tit States,
shoold'haye heen teneffe(er - Con
feclerney) of. Ow . separate ,nrl • hi110:',1111‘61
States America - - (far the.
.fortit;.Ordnio . notl establish t hto•donotittit
It.el'a4 not on tirnlyO . or in'tetvied. tit he..: •
• • - . l'h;; 'COTISI if taillil . AVA to make. u s
orof frovernment,' nee datintt,lotryine
the States to terni State Constit of ions'and State
eorer,nrn , otO• for' .
•,..•The worhi:haye.•ever voile,' the pew
pie of the ~ , n ation;". not •n
"Confe!leracy .." • ; • . •-
In Eornp , , sovereierf Sdat'o hay,: letely.: for
'certain tho fen - ear or cop
..fe , lerat,ion.of the Rhine, yet elrh Sate r,•toinf
its . sorttrrignty' , alifi arts or r , fitse, net, oep
ra telyi'for•itoolf. for there f Ito net init of. 'lnn•
jority not hind th., ono v, but the. roil•
sent mast cooper-ineptly
they hare on,poiver as nlt4 . proli7r,or
,nritio;t •ttn:
Ires oi/ • n eree ;' the United Stateo h n
majority rule .
Sovereign StntrO of Fhireff - e. shrrietlm•to'ha re
allirniers; hilt the s e iilJfadce she not make them
. .
• •
6 , i,,, nal' I oi, ... •
. rile 17niteil Stntes being on nation (fnroia-.
:tional; purpone9) tt'ti n portion 'of that , nation
viiitil'ilrnix from their,natinnality%iinti voluntitti .
ly go not
,or the nonpict 1. • • • • ' • • .
pr'or thin the conn.tittition . of the U.:S:.piali..o.n,
. . .
''fr . hc;. lititiOtial . ; compact . wec not:Thalle to he
.054zoivr. , 1Iirtite plencore hf thn parti;.,.. The.
rtre;irobte doehlres •i,t
.. m.ttl,. "to` seetirtt 'the
I)ht ,. :qing,s.of liberty. tti .0 ti rse I 1.0 It it d orir iypstrri.
• . . .
'find it not linen llo' 4l .rnod , to - boltrytivanotit, it
(ramons wont , ' ha prOvid.oillfe-con.tifotintni
rnlatic vOilvbitmi!tht. In. dis;rilv'e. , l--thiq wn
not .:tion!!:: firovi(k.
. . . . .
. .
The' hrgeory . of the eirlizna worlTshott , Ow
.. .
I.vl)An 1 - I , itinnis'ar4' 'iorni:li:tlviv 'n ro . alw , n'y
'to 1.).? r) , •rnn
ViPet. and'llionwiint.•or On liis ' rnr,
of env. tialinii. , l4inn , l tii Iln..otfion.yi;o ; :...'...
No .ha'v,! Il!ipo:a • liiition . otidrr li - o . .prr:s. , rit C'hh .
.st inoroo 71 yrars, . 811 *tfia•l.';f.riclqtyiii•f,ir .t Fri
P?iiriq ortior , 'lna 1001,'..-0 , 1 ro.tl , end awl c.l,n,r,
IV. liofqi , i , ..iZoP•I for a 71.rmviaii 1 tin tio' 9 :. e 1 ' ekr l'
' I:0 it, % r* voi 'V il p' i i'i) 0r; r. vi -6. rirrpar'itiop.. ro r•na . --
.t i rr,t) *I . : , I , ; fonc4 cliiily, Fflows'11):1t thy :kver . .
meant 'for tho - pn'rrnii.firiltten pt .- one:minion ; ' all
nor CoogTi . ctirnal.trg . ition roint, wilbrin:mi:
orrim4 in o tn, t:ll , ..flitnrenr:One (, ixronf irt t ion.
'min, nr n
1 to Pa y. nor rlf , .ll,nor,l,to.be. apt in fart
-one nation, tbit is . in th , tb.;:Con
stitntion, yllV.p,tbo . p;flopl,tif the. tiMfr‘,l'l3tati , .
• lire orf,mlo: , not 'only. by and
(I^r tho ronztitotMo,' bar'b'y I h . p.lo*.
'eat .r , (111:bnr) .7e0,),,:mt or: OF!
errrt . m3 , .. Evi.ry manns, ti-ct
tinrtive tho",Umitett
Strit.64 . .eire one. p , ofll.e and m,e nation. •..
• , • . . • .
If tit . .. 4 Ito trot., (1,if...51h. b tory of tlie...lyorlil
shomit preoetiont' one . .poilinit natiori' vot
iintarily ..troin t hi hotly polit
wit 1.9.. a. rts liei rt.! the requit .it'oti4ibi,l 4 '. 'not
sue)! reronl. • ' • •
•• , •
kont%' that military pltver
nation's, but voluotary:secesiOn his not a pte
. • But,.sat the - qeessVoniSts,.the UnitedStatos
k-a ennfeilera6' :,States, each Srrte hedne
separato'ntid indoponileto, it retains . .itspo/itira
soyeroi2nty. When it.beenmes.h rnetilbor of •the
conf,d,. rar y, niri aq such independent soyereiqn
Po..vOr it-istint'lmund to irmairi in the
loteler than it ehnneq, end that when 'the' Con
stit.ution, ordhe 'laws enaet;,;,l by its authority,
ern...palpably ton eppres , iv.e 'upon .thern to be
horns ['hey can conslitutionally w.ithdraW (tern
the Union. . . •
•that the Stntes do not yield their State . .801 , -
en:lgo!' If . jainitl, he .conrederney,./.o).firi nor
is it. necessary' that they shOol.l,tiot thek over
look the - fact that:.they are nr.t sovereilirobr rd./ .
purposes, hot only . ..for SHIA plerposrsi . tilt!). am
only sovern.rin their foLiirimitte . iitherev•theY
form .th;•ir :own 'State Conqi turbo ) 'nod St . at e
la %vg ; hn'y re;r4;fite .their intorhel 13ta It! pal
dridept.ddlorp; ; wi r y for
contiaventioo Stattis Constit ot ion
for t t, the while people ye - dee heed' to he.
Orpro'nvi 'over tlll. : • • 2 • •
.. . ,
. ... .
, .Tlie . ,Srkitei are . tlirf..foi.o - ,int sivrr•km.in ail
utitint4e4 RP Ilse ti( th..., t'erib,,l)tit them is a /iiii .
it to ,their: sovereigntti.: Th.! . . ' C . olitittitirin. l . t .
theunited Sr,‘t.e.i is par.rirpoont;iintl.so to sNalr ;
lord of thtt.p.scendrint over thorn. • : . .
Tho'y have • 7,...ie110d op . their, pawns
prilitien!.sovereHitit , tb.the .Cot3ittit ion, an.l.
Oyernaniq:of the .United r Stau , s: 2' •
'flat the ponplwast.a,.t6tiiin Lailrovf4:the
Constitution ,cad The zavf•raploq-fot' thry. can
change,or alitii4ate It aalfprm a nyt.w,'orne.
. .
The conditiotil. Of the States may well li t Lib n
the . parons atol their . 11epOriihirifq' in.
The abject orthe . Baronagn owed fe
alty tn the. Lord of iho: se'itmiority,;: so las as
jOriSilietion.M 'the, sov‘iickmt y" was •crine - erneil,
first•and.highOSt thy..qwed fealty,
iiutl'iill#gtance..to their.liina , who igas lord pat
.antounrayer.hoth'airori rknil people. - A??
taire.the;kround-tha bit State itg enhsti.!
sen4e.of the term.. • . .• •
For . thr:l.highest.power, of n t,itilte . h it n Nation ,
14 ;the phssesidOn . of ft.lie of ; - Oefaiing:
and Ipaking:penet!,
ilenied 'to the States . irparatetk....: . •
The..Const it a t provides; Art.: 1, See:. 10;'
Slate, shalh wit hont . the C . onvnt•of
Congress, enter into:ap.3% azreement or .0,11 1 1, 1(1!
with nattier: State; or'tvith n.forei to flOW . oei or
6) , _ , 74 , 6://?; t? , tro9llepp act qnlFyirlynile(l,"
Everypnredp soreteig:p andindepentlent:Statr,
'or nation'in Clirietiftndom'cliitn!'rknil'Oxi'erttieo
this.priwnr.' and it follow that : if a Siate• has:
not ronstittitionally thi4...plrntiry'nna'er, it is
irantin in ono of. the :rncist •esS , :nitial'prerogti..
tires of.soverektntY• '- ' • • ' •
. . . ••
. .
' ...A.State by !he: C v •Otnilit . ut ion is - expressly de
nied ot her 'potVrs :etjonlly vital to its exist epee
. light: nation,. for by t-11.e• siting 'secant), it is de
nied the riglit. to "make 4 .tren!y,') , .(doin mop.;
ey''or . .!flay - any imposts or-duties," it as clear
tbat a.State is not sovereign ii,n n nations! sense
when it fineqynot . posSess, tot has:eXpressty
yielded 'op.to a SI/ pe rioi. puweryti . ies'a. ifeenißts ry .
prerogatives.. : ... • . ' ..- . ' ' -.
.. , .
. . . . .
•'' ;In w...doei a Sate . act.iSn, i t, , r . • cepoit ylll4
'member of thi4 Confeileraq—doh, it ftet. s;pl-.
.raidy under the' t , iintitpriciti, ne npirirleraentierit
Rower I No, it 'dets 110 . .. rts a •Statri . ..• but : the
people of the Stete•rxercis'e' tlieir . pol i t keel fren
r hiee;. conjoeptly iy ft h the . tobo/e•peolite . or the
Unitlil • State . B. - " . •:-
.Th r . the not thp
: Strin , ,e its Styto,; . illnot 61 ) rnsid.nit ; thn moment
n IJ, S. Sinatra is
. plectril,
.ho Jnipn his ilr6tity . as a Senator
of flip partirotar Shari 'he rnrirslents, n'nil nets
"fr:laity nc . n $-.nat . nr,itt the Unite!' St'a'ten.-
sitpe:t‘iiin;z...ncolirs people
f;nrigressional elect
. 6 . CnrittrPssinn6l
ltopros , ni tat iYn. .11Pprpsentntivp. irises his
Inca) identity ns Kontistittlent nie . tphernf
the ..i l lls' , ll)3lCiflZ . power, • he 'pets:for . nmf'iS a
. • ••• .
R Tri . S l ?otati ye of n'fol :fr the . ihilt!ifi•SOt•q.—..
A I.l`'w is hover pissed by the . , vote of 'the State.?, by 6 vnt; , whOle of the Sejta'orq•
11-pros-nlntives of the the`Alnciicon nation, acting
cititioitttly rt , •••;hot. one . power. : , •
J.rwrer•tlio COnstitntion the Stnte . q vote
iliOtely,. hot on a 'sijozlo oreaoort ; that of voting .
for n eanflhhite for Pr«,9hlont,of the-U'. S., „when
H., election House the ottie of Ripresen'tit
tivoq. •
. .
• .Riit never tn - frerne a•law or irrake.a trenty:
When the. Constitution W.(19 • formed,.
ga tdl wei : e . Pli , cteil by. the'peripla.of . enelf State
and %yhro . .thoy acted in :genernt . 'rotivention;•
they riefed;. they voi as ?flie deliberative Ito,
Iv, in a whole and : tint' by Stl;ec, ; .'trt i o, fly!
Cno'stittifion wav ndopted by • the' . •setiainte .
Stati.'s as Slaips;:foi the' 1111Spri, t that hfl
Tor,. the enneitution, they :were.. eeparafe, and
independent% coldoics, nod theretora,h,id the
right td - areejit lir reject the Contitution,:each
.but ndw that 11ifyIta adopt . -
Constitiition their TlnvedOst t'h'eir idehtl
:y as States col. NatiOnad rnirpo* . es; Init folly.
reserve their soydreigrity tor,State' purposes,
National . . pittpoff, th ey' bh,i , • agreed to.
so in ac, gov:trprliont,,one..ii:ition 'and bd as .one
. . .
it is said that the Con'Stitution „was formed
by'a .erMitsart of the separa(e.StatO, and •thit
as a eoinpaet agreement betvVecn parties
Stafttsi aS•they 'came •vithintari,ly into
,comititet, they.citn',volumarily out of (he
'compact. • •
s ... •
tv• the friencis of oros:m u are strict con.
ists;where 110 theY•Thittnii:ranctarar 3 ,l
in t h e tO s let them put..t...therttis'no
ttelt clause, in' the. Crins.titittion.te.veity:thintt.in
that saeri-tti inStrimient 'clearly proves' that, it .
was titietatletl aS:a perp e ttlity,:tlesi'gneti.riot for
those America treitizeteu who worn 'tile!, livitig
alone, : or foi.!heii. • children, or for their eltit .
drett'srtiT4ltring, but to•reach.tloism • •theltiitire .
.y kpi•of litro .to the re'mniest.p.rintl :of .polit 'cal
ttOt.!erattnettt 'mitt hurnito eivtlizat
rria ;le is' a voluntary eornp'tet, yet:no 'cf. ,
State:or Nil iiipp • nill ws the parties tostin•
rlisr the rosTittilti'os anti: I:?triitarit y..go. &it ot
the marriritte contract., • : • ••
' • Aileztahne Is viottellY.'n'corropart.of mutual
lrotection:on the onelsile mitt subjection on the
ptltt'r; yet,,no State • v.mulri• allow a aitiken . vUl
itutarily to thrpw , 'OlT:lkis
I rte withlinj;;i jhris:liorion;"ohd
in(3,1)66,1a . tit1• ih •Oppll clerottvirintiof the Oohs!
, .
••. . . .
ioripii;.otul di ! , dates of. tliikt S , iiii, tiiwhi c h. hi s
illit.:.tjaric,-‘ .w.ig ,iii , ;; if he. tv:re t, resigt the
(7,i, 9. kit I j9i) alio] 111.. , I , I.wl•ortlil• Statt;..it would
'punish:ll4n Ils fi t ril i I or. '. ' - • 2 ... •
y On;
~1(1 jif 6 , 01 icann, aid join nnnthcr
State nr br, 11 1101a))1.1ant.of:anntli e'r colintry:
bpca.irst! the ri..:llt i(11.11 "ET,l6riult iri.l
to. rim, f. if 14. , to;:• the vPr:rir
lova, or nirti;y.ft...cla rift!! • , v . ar.a.4.l.init,.nrjeoinitig .
the enArnies of
tp.r,, , ,-11, , '! :1.1)so It• from.that alb iarice
is he tint tr traitor 1.• •
. .
.• , Iby a
. , .
~ 1 .., • ,
y . 0 at ally urn , •t tql(1!).'0, it iwr ny
'mon concept ; the txitittlrastl.hf one; of int
iminStists ; li•teSuin WOO not- only
.volootary, hot Ibore . is nn . :s•Stiction or tterinity
for its enforcement t: Ina in. 'all coanriteti
Is a ganct ion nr penalty' hither , xproive.l
plie,l,. an I non - cootmiet is tt . vor . voluntarily*.an-,
incorrin , 4ll Onolty; •
•As punishm-nt.i..the frnit of crime, sh is
pftniiity t fruit of• qnlation nfcomnritit ; the
•ornnltli of the State , :, ini;;2l) s . otitntsre, was,
off:titotion tO t.le fierinintinf ; p•qt-nttir
ititnilo•l broken; arll ii.hroltt'.n:ll
rts•tileofr-onliir tri.7 htt. p•ti; 'thy , of,
ones' for violOtion ;. honer! no • Star. , ;th
. irrear:rinz . p'- , a-'ilry,land rrhst
a..'t-.'e:ni, - it be,' in theory ,hat-the
of 'fa eason . • •:• H ' :• •
y disirieirib , ;rrta:T the gayerninrit,
and it yooavaviPailly,,
7 , ,trl 'art c, seek to d;?qtroy that goveyonkSht,
y,a not carrialft - , treason against that- I:ay.,'
rattle:o ; • • . •
• it a State rpfirfe . ,
iris en overt act, they ,rnsajr•ilpiP'yrith
th'a't case these Stites, who. do.
elect, laws and aid to car'iy,en
ertiment ivithdet.thl ahl'of-111Prefractery'Statf;
nn.t the ri , ,ffao.torsi :State :pipit eut;mit to Mich.
eontiturinnellaw ! ;, nsAre madf.i by the-
vOsoess. "
.e.aw , titeCenal 161 , 1116 , , tit Somatorr,
inci. Cana - return - reit, are - titit s ;,elaelail of ikti!irt
take., their s'eata 81i e
tlonnlly there 'la not a 'qaoririn";thie.tplifit
nn hyntll9 v nr
.14p,ey lOO ,
ntim in' the.nsmCnticirinor.ihi
ntilt; apprehreork the. Pres hfror ;
Star!), t h ei . fe d 011 . ftidteiltryi,..anil' . l4#ti k ii i o;
armond navy rieo;l tv: , ,) ore, still
eon: t bearnt.'th 'cnrry gairerki.
mont,•a:t .heretolnre,, anrf shhold refit;rit,tnr .
act ' he liabfeth 'imnenchrnenti,„•tr'ai ' it
intrerhe admitted that Reale of : Ohtßitet , '
efeteil . I,6Vent 114 lead to :,:relinlPttjuni
but never can be a':constiptional ar4e
cession. • • • •-
• • . • •• •
: That n State . or any portion' of the Stite.,eari .. ...,
not conatirotiorinlry secede: is inihrbital4, 'pro...
yen. by' referoncolci . thoreitriCtion contained in,
the'll , h Sec. of the lot 'Art,. Nn; I..alreatfy •
gout 34; nrovid et tia , it'fg.2lfo
toeinto an.'y trocrty,,nliinni•opronindointion;'*6
the litter 'ort of Na. 2 of, the:1064.r..
Section. which peovitien . -.lh;lt
of tongreN:s
tikrertnfrift Or I•OrOpiti with oho:14r , ` &cal .: en. pinth •
a Foroien Ponoir ! !' - ••: '
1:16 , 11 a9y:stof...mati . itlpirgn jrv'siblii,"itt;T a'
Single State to mnintia,n it liftleperrilance:&plone
and iannicteil by nny:othct, Stahe ar ecityar? 'the ',
eunnosition :fro.; prepneternun.„ae;: •
dented' the`. right. to • fOrtn n n y . !diiitrCemcnt
comniiet"'ecm with onothot
ahce with a Forefen PoWer'Or.antrittitetrOtnr
compaobov'veen . thPrniery es ,
lie and pla,6l . 'viala.tion the exprosi torn)* of
the ronotitntion. • • . - .
. .
If, then .there Was, no other c.Ortstitutionalln
•hiltitiOn, the foregoing is a • endclient gnivanfy
to'all. the StateS that no kat° or number , . of
Stares r an • constitutionally Secede l jrittti 'te
Un ion;.vrithoitt :drixtinytttg the:
compact which new binds them togitheri;•
• The first pllitical act which. would mist '.nat
nrally flow from seresaion,of *root Igo* be
that of -their- nOititti • themselves togAttitt - r! as a
eonferferpcy for Martial' protection:and der ence't
that is not only prohibited by the constitution,.
:but the cot - omission of 'sdch an act as forming
a new confederacy or alliance, Would bp an . ofz
fence against dhe goveiroMent , of the 'United
States and punishable by the constiened authin-
If theae•viewr are e correct interpettation of
the eenstitutional • provisions in
.regard trothe .
questioni•invOlred, then secession ig not - ttia'
ronglitutional remedy to correct., any politlead
grieyence under which eny portien of the i`terrl .
ple, of the'llnited sint.es.they pntr. r
,eOnstitntionel remedied r are .. plitiodf
pointed out by .the conatitution;and , are as fol-
. . .
If the (met-Mien nnY. laiv of eong.ress he
colons oppressive t the . 'p'eriple, they•have "the .
right to petition Cengrese for redigis bychang
ing the law, shyremntlelingor amending it:
„their Itepresentetives nre. trn.faitliful
.they Joey'
_elect others pledged - , to reformthe evil corn,
"plained of: if even ...theql: S.- . Supreme . Cettit
deCide a groVe,princiPle . oreonstitutional law
advetse'to the, public sentirrient;, :tbe p opts
may change... the ndministratinn. 'en nn to ro-
IMOuld,..in proc'ess of time, even thin high and
august tribunal.. 'And so wise ere,the coriati- .
rational provisions inbehalf Of the Snorer - Macy
of the•people, that wheh these remedies' 'fail.
theY'may by the action of ••ttep . .thirds.of the
States confirmed or nrrproved by throe-fourths
of ihoStates, nisemble a'neW convention arid
.•the.cotistitntien, •itsedf," and
therehy . change . t he whole furnlaMental..sritem,•:
if their sovereign will shall .There•
are peaceful and 'conitittilienal remedies„: hot
seeession is neither peaceful nor. constitutional:.
The constitution of, the. tritifed States; was
.planned by enhirged yeiirlorm. nrid-exalted pat
•riotionn can it, indccii;•be Ant this-saited
.struiment„ heretofore dopsider'ed the.hroatt and.
ample shield for the proteetion . of ear liberties. ••
the nark • imoir which our.social' and politicai.
fabric h'as rested fur. . - seienty-thren veers,' end':
which was believed to be 'aS andUrinLr ns .ns
rock of rnlainmr, is a 'bere•Myth; a fable,rif, bet'
yesterday's 'constructioni
,Can it' be that
crmitntional etimpact.'hnllowell by the blond anti.-
the sacrifices of our revolutirinftry ncestrirs and:
thus•made sacred to the'caufeof -human liberty;
that this instruinent fronted by the' assembled 't
wisdom °Lille, rnast patriotic and devoted - 0f ..2
AMeritan Staterrien who ever. graced : .this
youthful nation; the philoiciphes; the..juriste,.,
the pntriots of the eighteenth century . ,;, can bin
torn assander„seoepd and destroyed 1);Y the
breath of disaffection ainott a pOrtion. - of our..
• Shall the mine Of our immortal. Washin'gton,.
that name.which, graCed. thill'pricorens
.- instep. •
mcnt - ns its presiding Officer,she hericeforth'beld.. , '
as a by•word of derision; shall
..thd statute.. o •
this man
. wh.nSe fame. is. cO-eXtenSive with:thir
whole World tit which wit live; be.thrown.from
its.padestal end lrampled the dost,. before
the nit ion to whom he gave their freedom,' th ,
glory of his•rame and • the - wisdom of this' rin.;
coniplrabl . o instrument . , h as passed the first can
tury of its national existence. . '
Shall that [fanner of the stiire • and •litrini'
which float s in the breort and isfWafted.by th:'
winds of, heaVeh in every oennfinfrif every sea'.
and which coVerif the Ampriennnarriv•in eve. :••••
land and every tlimq'with
.honor and with.eh •
rv,.be.tnrn to •shre.ls by the first brei•ee of err'••
tienal rapt local disaeoction, • noel this nattore,
embieln bo shorn Of ,irs'alory and trails:o,in t; 1 "
'hist 'of ilotnastie tfiF,corilt Noi t
Heaven forbid.... Let every. r . niti , wholn# i smh,,,
country stand firm to . tho renu4,;.and say:
~tlfo patriot Jackson,. ..the . et:4'4(4olon On:
and sloill.bo preseeveili )
As to tit , . nower of t34 , F , ta . ditit , Piy . ;.tpmar : '
to exert' ita ry• force, ('..need tie)' for, r:
elatna!ioo of y.yrOlio , , , ,,Srrkto- or Stutoit.
is estioectlnn'at'ull. 1t a Verri....7ta,ipe.onet:vvhee.
'or the (cimars'of . the' ciitt.titntion'eve . r enutern •
plated such a 'coot inttoney'llini ,- nne,' h . 1,6?.fa any : .
is I havw..ifeVer ,seen:thr, of th'4.•:.coo
ventian and., therefOre.havo, n!vti,ohlitint.t* th
enriatituthin. as, kc
Ylchle u0,.triy.:.014,14,,cpti0'.6111444:*
B:+emi to rn• that,iiittrue tho bv.r4
congtirotion Arra triton OsOphi ar....o)rtic.ii • •
I) inale goi/ftrniiPnt;.ii,oat ion; foi , nations
. outpdses stleast,-ttit.n it istho - first gieat 11,1°
thfit:Ov.trnm . eficto
pafti of •whichli is composed; it filing eisottinc:r
title that:sell' prPsjtvition is at 4 bin4llll4:4N "
4oroations as for.
As ne.iodividual woOli
posiessions., •or !tins Ixcnily, l smemberi t •
amt torwassuniler, divided inXO-1.1LA,4
4? - ' 1 1 .4'4. 1 \
-.,: t. ,
. '
! •- 'f . J ' 4 •,. e - ',.l (i
, -
'' 4' 3: 1
~ -„,,.. - , .. 5 . :•5:1, , •:' , :, , , ,, ,
,:-. 4:, ,,1 . , ...?,'''• . ''