' .• ` 7 . .. 7 •. .. . •. VOL. 3. 411',..ficnit...410iiii . tp:: . /,l3:ti,ilicrii.t . PUBLISItED EVEAY: TIIMISDAY.I4I . OIINING, * S3IFIyjiPORT, AVICEAN•f COUN'TY,. PA 9 . .*g - ..o9rtNElt O . F PifBLIO.,§ciIIAttIR .1'21018: 7 7 01 50 in Advance Bates .44,vertising . - ~ . ..IColunin one • vg, ... ... SIX ... • N•• • '" .... .. . • '.opO aautire o'l2 line's On. lees; l ineirtions, , Eaoh aulienquent . inn° BuidneelOdOe, {with paper,. .... .. hula or aided work will be — double the abdefrirates. Brevier type; ' -or eight: 'lees nonperallOe rated.a equate: .' . • . -Thesegernis willlio . strletly adhered to: _at • . .„ . 15tt0i0i . ...nit.citOtp.... blsioN; Proprietor —opposite the%CoUrt,HOuse: A noir, large, complodi - oue an 4 7oll . :furntebed hone!. lidaler in StnveS,lin Ware, Jappaned Ward, .&c:,•west •• side - of Om Public 'pOu.tre,'Smetliport, Pa. Custom 'work dOne'to order ou•the slicirtosi notice, and tbO 4 .most'aubstantial • • : DENTISiItY _ • . . . . . . tin : . Bt. 'A. SiliAutot would respectfully announce to the • citiaerr 2 of Smothnortauid vicinity, that he has . - fitted up an office, and is prepared to atteudto all. buaines's in his profeseien.. Artificial teeth •inserted upon,' Reif. entitle principles; and to as to Preserve the natural ex , - presgion 44:the face All operations in Dental Surgery ;done in a akillinl , lnenner, , '. •.:.' . • • - .10tr ..A._l3 . T.;Ai; . . . . . , DNTIS,T, would respectfullylnform . the inhabitanti or Olean and aurrotindiag' countey ; that helm 10- '-cate_d himmolf permanently htglean,',for the 'practice .of hie profession, whore be will , be prepared to wait on all who,chriOse to give him a Call. • Office over .0 II; Thine 'Dry Onode , 9tore. Olean; May 12.1860. • • .• . • A.l. NOUR.SE. . . • Dealer . . in Stores , 'Pin Ware, Jappiined Ware,, t 0.,, west • eed 'at the Public Square, • Sinethpart, Pa.: Custom :work done to' order nuthe shorte'st notice.,' apd in the .meet substantial manner,.. ' '',". ' . • OLE.A,N HOUSE, .. . . . . . , A.,,F. BARI), Proprietor, Olean,. N.. Y Ohnibus rum • ,to arid froni the Neri York and Brio Rail Roza.; Stages ' - for..B.ni . ettipeirtfand Ceres • ' : HYDE,ROUSE, .' • . , 13..7' °soon!) Priaprietor.; Itlikrway, Pa. This: Hotel ; new and luinished i niodorn style, lma temple acconi , 'mad:Woos, and is, in all respects, n.Pirst,Class notch Ridgway, Elk Co, Pa. 111ay,2.1, 1,930 • • ELDRED • HOTELf . . , Jpll7i WEIR, Proprietor. Thia, liOuaeje .situated. hair way, between St etbpori and Olean.. 'A ' convenient en corninailiona bona ',attentive. and obliging attend; • ante, and law prices.. . - - . •: ••: -, . Eldred; May 17, 1660. • - .'• .. • .. • :.- . - . . . . . . . . , .. .. . . I • • . al3 riPrilr., • bnl.ft.mr..ti' .ifln'nroincer _ .nd ..Ii 41 .'..Est4,to .: Akotit. - &net!sport, ,Sl'lienn cujiao, ra. . , :A: N. 'TAYLOR, . .. Doilar in ni..ir, Goods,Gtoceilesl• Pork, Flonr; Salt, Fish .fleatiy , -hale (nothing, BOots In! Shoes. Senethßorts • • .:WILLIAM .WILKTN • , q'racticat Mechanic, (fridge-buit.ler,.. Pfirt.A.ll6l:heny, WHeaii cnunty,.Pa. . ... • ' J.)l,;:B4olArki,: . . SURV.EVOR, DRAFTSMAN. CONS'RYANCE . Wand Real Estate:Agp94 Elk Co., • Perin'w , . • . tt . tu rEitgsCEs Chapin x..llnrl'e, ~ !lon Tilmnag.Struthu'ri, W; ...S. Dfoirnell,°. • EiS•.' llon. A. 1. -Wilcui . • . ; • ...'.. ;CARVER ' HOUSE, 'Jour. TI. Hcr,r, l'rnprietor..cOrOci or Writcr cnil Hickory 3treetd, Witrren, •Gcnera.l.Stalpflire' • •• FOBES 'HOUSE • " *fronting tli4 Public Srpfare;, Olean,. N:. Y: JAMES M. -31itaak. Prof:rioter... The Fribeu Ifousets entirely • amt built of brick. , arid. in'furnin'bed in modernstyle. The' propriet o r flatters himself that bin .Cepnlnindk :tintiS are not 'surpassed by an rhotel in Weaterit Naw Carriagee run to and mint the New York :and Erie Rail lioad.• • s ' ' . . . . , . .. . .. . : - . ' ' • • • BYRON B; NAMLIN, . ' . • . ... • • . . p ft at:TTORNNY Ay LAW; Smetliport, -fill Kean ' County. • Ps, . . :Agent (or, llfessksolceatfn 4. A!. On's Lands Attends 4 , Apectally,to the Collection. of Clain's; Examination of . 1 1 - And:Pities. 'Payrnint of . Taxes, .and all hesierse reld . , ..- 'ling to-Ileil ' Estate. ofllee.in Uamlittlflock , .• , ' t. BOVGRTON ELDIiED, Attorney arid Counsellor at taw,, P.metbsort. • County, Pa. 'llus'ness entrusted to his•cn:ro for the porinties'orld!Kenn„Potter:find - Elk.will' bb prorisptly • • attended to Office in the Court House ; second hoor. .IjE Vlt. WISNER, . . Thysfelan ant Surgeon,: Smotliport, attend,. to all protessiotialealls with promptness. ,• Office in dart. well Block, second floor.: • • TBINQ & .MILLER, . . . . . . . . . Wholesale andlVetal fleaei's- in Staple and Raney., Dry Goods, terpeting;'ll.olldy Nada Clothing, and • General .. Furnishing Goods,' linota and Shona,' Wall and Window . ..Papar,.Lookitig Glaßaea &a.' AV,Oleatt. N. T. . ...,, .. JOHN C.BACkUS, Attorney and'COutunillor at taw i• Sniethport; Co , Pa. Will attend to all business in .hie pro resslon in the • , eountles of 51 , Rean; Potter andrAlit. ;Witco over • Sartwell 'BrotherV.Store. .. • ••• HACKNEY HOUSE, (Corner OT Second and Liberky atreets,.Warran • Ilsaana,P . fonriotor., Travelers will. llod good ac ' , ,noinmndittons and reioenablcreharges, LARABWS HOTEL, . . . . . lit.•.Lut visit. r i(iiirle,tor,—Alleglieny '13610, 'Bl , Kaaa ' Oo , PO.. This liou.oe, is si tuated about nino . miles frani Sinathpart . on!the - road' tp Olean, and will be found a cotiveniontAtelpilingllace •• • - '• , • . '., •. . .. FARMERS' VALLEY Rozu.,, . . . ,S3y..T. ilooosrti. - This hpuse is S4uattiti, shoat live'mile frein'llinethparfou tke road to Olean. Plonstire pa rtio ' anitotbet it Gan be aocomptedated en th eShortest Notice W.'B, BROWNELL; • Monier In Dry:Geode, Groceries, Ginekery, Hardware, gets, Gaps', Glasg, Mills. Oils &c., d 'En Aide,.ol.the.Patala sqnnre, Stnetbpore,; Pa: •: EBTPOILIIIN narsE, . . eihippen,. . Proprietor A oonlmndlonicsond well-fon:11811M Strarnte , ii and tisvelern will nod good accommodations. , tORT -ALLEGANY . . • Pinprieter, ,at 'Roil All egany, ye. icear A , oniinty. Pa. - This Hetet lesituate‘let.the June. ' Ceti - o r the Stnethport - and Allegany Itiver U.:ids, nine 'wdleaeaet.of Smetpitor•, ' . . . ..*-ASTOWITOUSE. • •'• • • • WM:: HASKELL : -. Pkopriet6r. This Rouse is wall' Osicuhited for. the.accoinulodation' nr. the• • Treielllng.Public; having recently been repaired 'and remodeled:- Goad liarns•and•Stahles, Charges Iw -sun:Me% Steges'for, Olean, Shiplien ant ithigway;' • • limettspOit i, July '2, ISOti. . . • . • , . . . , 'Tile proud and vveal.thiAtues Agmoor, silk and velvet' merchant,of Broadway, New was last entering his superb bazaars tte one. of his'clerka . reepectful!y',t3aluted hint, and started iodr Presenee in mfoffiCe ere' lone' said tie' Mereliant..“,•Do not leave the stoie until-LhaVe spdken with - . • TheritWai'an• omino us sternneie:ln-his tone. . thatlittracted.the quick . earrof 4 Thornton Clair, and as he,gazed after: his ,pompeus :chief, who strode on vvith ! tinisual haste; his eye caught that of Hirattillauld,the Cashier, peering. with Unconcealed'Malice through themahogeny bars' of hie desk. Thornton Cla'ir 'hod , . arrived In New York foiii Months 'befors from some city in .theweiti, and applying 'to Jetties . .A . l'moin; hisMenly and intelligent fece'had so-pleased that gentlemen that .his services were.immedi ately accepted, and he was given the responsi ble position Of Collecter. •I' . Thii'WesltY no means agreeable to the envi ons'Mould,• nor.didhis 'vexation dirninish'as he saw that 'James Agmaor dailk..grnw more and more attached:to the youth. While •.. : • Clair - stood awaiting the : expeeted suMmone,4nd..as 'Agmoor entered 'his Irri yate office, the cashier moved';from' and following hie ptincipel, earefull)/closedthe' green baizeiloor efter • . .t: , .I .. • • Was strange to see the print' &and •pompous airif - thelordly merchant-ebenge'to one °fill, concealed, fear . and 'disgust,' as the : cashier. bid himgocid.diy . and.eeeted himself .Pettihitn, • and having.the office . table between therm,: • . "You have •considered my prepositions; ;Tea. Agrnoor," said'he'fp astriooth,'soft volc'e,sleek' Mid silky, as..the precious fabrics that. 'were James...A gmoor: buried his face in his handi • for a moment, then sweeping back his .enow : • I have I" , and his fare.. pale and red , by ti.irtiS, again sought 'the Cover of hia'trernblinghands...