QuEnrilriartimesintinDEviT.— A corres pondent of . the•Dithlin Bonnfirg;Parkei sdp ; ccOn ceading.tho kitire.ss of. Marshal MeMa , honijin,rhich allusion is io‘pointedly:rnade to hisAktaoentlrom tha ancient Mointrehs.. - of land,'l find, tha't .;thO niesonters• are. unaware. that oar Word!l sovereign is queen of Ireland • "liy virtue of her:decent frOM the farnilynf • gos,.the Irish.prince, among • whose subjects s 'were;':iholiided;the General's anees'tors, and •othOr - .fan'filie's 411101' suliSequently attained royal'digiiity.in the countly.2'. Also,' that since Edirard , lV (the descendant throngh the . of Mortimer, of.the .Irish•King' Der mot MaeMuircingh) has Irish rOyaltyas the Saxod previonfly aml•the Bcotidh.sulisequantly ''.--,Merged in the ooettpant ofs.the throne of the •• • . iall7llEttlA:--,l'his.iliseiee is . prevailing, 'very 'fatrillOn Cherokee county;,North . Carolina.— The fienders.onville.Pi•efsaA4p.saysi . . Four tired in one faintly', and others' of. the same family vvere'very low at the last accounts.; .;Two cornies were.in •theat the same - time. :One little .girl ff was ,playing almt. the . ' houie.as usual, (although she .had ,had a sore throat; for . severaldaysi) . 7 .she lay down on.. the bed;"Eind iiri few moments fell off otthe lied• ikhofhecbf the same family,. a little boyi suddenly, , while laying on a en. the fl oor. Other. d eaths..have oe 'curred,and several others are ;rery low. • . . ARREST FOR FORGERY'AND .CountEorkiimo.- , - The efficetS ofthe Boone County Bank, at Leb inen,:lndiann, haye been playing, high-.handed. ...ganne 'of forgery and Ciiculation - orcounterfeit money.: J. B. Hussey, Hager, Miles. A: •Bidley; and J. D. Chipman, all connected with thejnetittition, were arresterfon Saturday , .;, .All the Tiritoners waived a, examinatiOn. and were committed to• jail in:default. of. $;1000-bail for each:•'• It is supposathat these parties haYe cirCulated from $31:10',060 to $500,000 connter felt bills on the.Bnoie county Bank in Indiana, 'Jou% Illinois and .Notes .amounting.' 10 - $45,000 were 'issued by the Auditor . of the State, and the spuriousand 'genuine' notes are from the sinie'plate, tea:. Auditor and "Regis-. ter's sigtinturibeifig. counterfeited on' the for- Spooner,' the President; made his es -cape: • . . . ;•'•Now tv.rov..Tnua,- 7 --For the;benelit.of a corn - 'her of,yoting ladies we Wet of,'lwe would lust mentjon't.fiat . :they ,should remernher that a few more Weeks.vvill wind•np leap year;'n:tol then, if ,they have, rin . t'nlade'good• use of the tirne,'theit legal'Period to do the courting have pas sed away, and - before:leap:year comes, agai n.- ',they : will, have, becnine old-majdi;an•institution : which now-a 7 4ys•Areaded .as much as the itch., Girls, make good' ,09: . 0f the coming few. .weeks in the'Present year. Rig up yourselves, .triiwyOur. sails and gO•into the stieets .and cap tivatevvhbrn you ran. , • . . Flan AT•ST. JOSEPIi, Nto.—The fire.at,St. . . . iteph,• Missouri; a telee,raphic announe.ement .of which appeared iti.thafterrioon papers of Sat= urilay; did not pro as disastrous • as was • an ticipatetl at that time. The fire by:the istrenu . .Oits exertirins'of the.firemen iva 4 kept urier, and huildines were destroyed; : instead of ..a riwhole block" as at first -reported:, 'Even as it was, however, 'the . damage Was quite con ,silierabley•thelysS being•about: $20,000, a large os.which mitts, fully insured. .• . . tigin,'lleye is ,to be a revulsion.in..the,present . rage (of beards'. 13y - Ita or der sappoceil to.nrp-: anate frona•the Imperial government olAustria nll persOns emplaknil upon the' V:enitian p . art;Of 'Lombard Venitian.Rnilryad, have been obliged to sacjifie their long flowing; beards.:' IV Ew ORLEAN. Noy,le'rs of_the steamboat W. Bill exploded Wedn'Rs.. darnight, on , trip frofn. Memhh'is to this. pity.. nifty 'perionttl: and from forty.:thfiftylvere scalded.:,, A SfEAlirativr Suxs....The steamboat Dixie, frorri.'Shrylieport . ; bound to Alexandria; waa snagged and sunk on the 20111., .She is a' total loas. The - boat 'was i'alued .at $14,000, arid was insured for SSOOO. FURNITURK. py,P93.1.; OL EA N;N.Yr WOUL9 most respect fully.tinnounce lo:thecitizens in. TV this section of country, ant the publii: that they are constantly , - enlarging and., ex t e nil in z their new establishment: and far. the .purpose of vivintr every ltody a practical demonstration of our entire'sueress in one business, and nur ability to compeio, sneer...fully. with tiny establishment in this section of thii' dountry;- We are stow filing our Ware rooms ful tot • • • .• . . ••••• • " BRAN' NEWFURNITURE!" winiiir kelp . cauStanify,:nn hand a large' asSurtment Chairs, 'tables, Pictures Sofas, LounTes, Desks, lock . - ars, Bedsteads: Bureaus, Secretaries; Stonls,liunk-Csses; 01111 Ce Chairs, .Codt Stands, 7Poilet•Mirrors, Whit Nuts,. cettage ' Chairs; Logkiner . Glasses: Quarhq:te Stands, Square Stands, Wash. Stands.- Picture Frames, 'Towel .11acits 'Corner 'Stands, 'Extensitin Nablus, lint ,Stands, • ,Palmleaf Ata tt rase es , • • . ' . • • ••600, Grim Mattrassoa • • • .• •• • • • Moss llattnisses,- . • • '.• • . . . • • Husk Matinissos, •,- • • • . • .• • • " • • .•Hailidattrasses. Mahogany and Upholstered 'Flthiiture ! frirgront variety of pntterns MATTRA.SES, Of all kinds, made to order Patent Spring . Buis;, of Eviry Description: GtLLq lioe;owood nidikags;' 431,AOSVIALNIIT.,, /An 4.1 constantly on hand and jor yalti • . • • We conTy . klarpe 7klnnufacturinp Establlohnient, edit employ the moot conipetnnt.workmon, . •. : j o b-Work 1..4.na : OULU kini.l3,.dohe promptlp nod in the be manner . . . in Conclusion it'aball be our aim' tit Supply this nntr , ket with eveOting in our, line; upon the most reasona 'bre teems, am keno to form:an ementied acquaintance In 'mar trade, AMP aldo..te continue: the •. friendly relations ~with citir,ptesent =diners, . We'intlte all to come and 'silt - mine our stoeic:.. 1% e are located iW the ' , . . . ;• 1: int K . opposite the rohes ilnuee. • ' WHITNEY & LENHART lean; N. Y., Nov'. 2,lsee, • • .• CONI',ON • . . '-MERCHANT .-..• • . OLL'AN - ,,' 7Sr.. HAVE Just. reset ed their IVinter Stock 'ot goods, and are prepared to supply their; numerous .custoniers and these who favor thorn. with their. pat,ro u no t with any thing in their 11n0 Their stock °ambits of . ' Cloths; Cassinierds, Vostirigs, Rats,' Caps, Shirts ; • • ' Cravats; Nook Ties, 46: have'fOlio a largo web:lament-of READY-MADE CLOTHING, • ; • t 'Of the lateit style. • give thern a . esti before purchasing. elsewhere. 117" Orders from a dishnice promptly Mien. dad ta. Cuttleg'dono so Short notice;' .r.• sc N .•• • '• . •'.. ..1.111..C0L0N.' , ' plena i Jan. 12.1.50. .. t 0 WO ft' 1 - v ;.- • ' - . 7.liiisixil7c „ . 0.. . 4.—. : " r 4; • -,-.'-,' I . ''')" S. .. ;. .. .0 t o -. 1. . - ~:, .. 71ChlreJ. , . ..1 • •' - .' . .A SUPERLATIVE'.' - ' - -.' . ,: IrPl 4 IqlPit.P.O : F.l - 1c;. a 'j. - ~.. iiitiCs:. ,-- - ,-..; . ..:Y, t ;5. : .'•-:. ItIVICOATINCi' alipt AL • . Tb:the Citizens ew Jersey and Penn. • isylvaina, ilpotheearies, Drtigiets:.Gro. •• eels and Private'raxiiilies. • . ' • -• • • AVo.lfe's Ppm Cogniac 'Brandy • ' • , tirolfesPdre IViaderia;:Sher4 &Tort Wine WolfeiPure Jatnaica and St.' Cinix Ruth.' .• • Wolfe's Pure Scotch a rid.lrish Whiskey: :- ALL IN BOTTLES: ' • •• • • •••• •• -• I beg leave to call :the - attention - of citizens of the Uni ted States to the abovn Wisps and LP:tunas iinfeited by I.7ummio W 01. 1 .0, of Nee.roik, Whose name is faMiliar . in every part of tldsvoitatry for the 'purity °flits Sem n- SCIINAPP. Mr. Wor.rs. In Ida-letter to me, speak ' ing of the, ptirity'ofhis - 191::"e's and LIQUOIVi t asysj stake'lny reputation as a mau, my-staudine,as ll:merchant ur thirty years,. residence in .t he Oitrof NeW York; that all the liassnir and WINES )011C11.1 bottle arepure as Im ported, and of .the best qualiti,ansl caii be relied upon by every 'purchaser.' very' lottle, has the proprietor's naine - bil the wax, and a'.fac tibiae of his signature on the xertificate, - The 'public_ are respectfully invited to call and exrmine for themselves. FM - sale ,at RETAIL by.all Apothecaries and tirticers in Pailidelphia• , • . • • Gummi Xt.. AsuTON, .N 0.832 Market St; ' . ' Sole Agent for Philadelph fit . • Rend the following front the New York Courier: • are Buststtssl'onoXx N..41v l'utimlatacusxv-,-We are happy:to inform bur ,felloW-citisoni.that there is one -place-in par city where thephyslcian, - apothecary, and' Pniantry mercliant,cen in and turclirse Wines',& Liquors, .119 pure 11Siniportedl'ond'or the beat quality We do not ,intend to ki risen elaborate description alibis merchant's extensive lin sinesi, allhiiueh it will repay env stranger - nr citizen to, visit lIDOLI'IIO W6I..FR'S extensive warehouse, - Nos. 15,: 20 and 2i3,• Dearer street; apd Nes. 17,14 and 21," Markliehl street. Ills stock of Selmappe Oulinnd 'read yfer 'shipment ifinid not, lipie.bein less than thirty thousand cases, the - Brandy, some ten : thousand cosec7-3'intailes of 1536.t0 lisle „ cud ten thousand cases of Modeiraal Sher ry sind.Port -Wine,: Scotch and Irish Whiskey, ,Tamaleas and.. St.. Croix Ituin,leine very old and equal to any in, Oda country. ' Ile also luatlireolarge Cellara,Allied with lirandy, Wine, in casks under • Pustomllouse key ready for hot fling._ Mr. -Wolfe'ic Sales of Seliapps last year amounted, to ; one hundred and eighty thousandldez en, • and welippe in'•teas - .thap tiro, years lie 'may be - e r • _qually successful with his Brandies aud, Wines., " • Ilia business nferiteLlie. patronage7of, ererrlover of his species. Private wits wish pure Wineevral 'Li quors for' medical use should . send their driers direct to Mr.'.Wolfe until every' Apothecary in the lindvnake up their minds,. o dieloard 'the -'poisonous stuff teem their - shelve, arid replace it 'with WUI;Fg'S pure Wass and • , We understand Mr. WOLsn',- for the acc:miniociation of small dealers in the country, Mitsui) "skirted cases of Wives and Liquors- Such n vnan, and such merchant, shroin , insteined tivainst hiS tens of lionsande of op ponents in the Irnittd StateS:Who cell nothingla iniita tions, ruinous alike to human health and happiness. • . „ - • • READ ! ! : ..• 111i1106,..Tfi1 1/ 2v, 1860 31 . essrs. •. . Your clrripectine t " or "Persian Fever .qharm,','., has' dime Wonders.' Was wholly despondent when I applied it, and in live hours the'ehills we're removed, and : no ..f&ver .has en sued, It is the simplest Ore Imaginable, and. 'a wonder of nature oy . art.' I would not lie without this “Impeetine? a single 'hOilr.•• By •constatitly' As t earVng it I - Seem to he .i‘ague. Yout“:Pry-TrolS1•;: - .E. M. STOUT . . Alabama, Jai!, 234, 1860 C ENTLEIT • .I havebeen.snateheff from, 'the,' grave by the applieatiOn of your 'wonderful ~,I mpec= tine, or "Persi . an Fever Charm." FOr several. 1 have suffered 'c.very season ff - oin fever. and ague. . Last Spring my ,life was threatened, •bni,yoiir remedy has -destroyed,. the .deseaTie., and I am . rapidly , gaining an appetite and strength... ,•1 ~ • jlfict fully, Youirs, • N. 11.1 RRON This truly. wonderful preventii , ;l•and cure • for, Fever and a~iie: auih..E illinus ' gill' be 'sent. by 'mail, pogt pnid, on reC.eit.of one. H.Alao' for sale at all respectable Dru ,,, ists and Coun try Stores. r .• Principal. Depot and MantifirictnrY,.lBß . Main Branch •,Ofiice, • •Bank' of Commerce building, I‘;' , il‘: York:, %,Addiess' JOHN. \ILCOX CO KENDAL-CREEK 'HOUSE KENDAL-CREEK, AMMAN CO., 'PA„ rbliESuPseiiber having-narehaSed this well kanwn„Stand, and re-furitisfted and re-lit• ted thetlinase, is. peepared tp entertain Board ers and the Ttavaling - peldle: • T.ABT,E, „. Will be. will ioppriefil, : nod eveitthing, tlohe to' ineyit. • libernl share of patrbOay.e... Raft hieli will always.Ontl , the