. , . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. , . . . . . . . .. ' ' •.. :''. • i . ..:. . .. .. ..... . . ..- .9: . . . . . . . ... . . . .. , .. . .. ... . . . .. , .. . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . _ ) 1 . . ...... .. . . . . .. . . . . . „.. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... I . . .. . • . .. . . • . . VOL. 3. ,illrfitai!, io't.iot!).:.o:otilOtit PllnthsilEn EVERY. THURSDAY. MORNING, . • •By B. OVIATT, Sin ETH P.ORT,E A 11' CO U Y, PA oisiox„• SQUARE • TEEMS: 81 . 50 in Advitnia • • . . • Rates tildvertising. , . • . . .t Column onwyeeir -•5950 0 1 . t. c<, siv,moutlis • • - • ' 00 1t • .... ........ . ....'.....P200' Oue square (4.12 lines or lees; insertioteij. .. ' . 150 'Each subsequent lose Brininess Verdi, with paper, • ' '• , 500 Sete or figure work will be double the above rates. Twelve flues • °reeler type, of eight lines . nonpareil, is rated *Square. • • - . • , ' ' These Terms . will be strietly adhered to. Ettsintos' Oirectotv. DENTISTRY . . „ . DA. M. A. SPRACii7II would respectfully announce to the ...citizens Of Smetimort'andfricinity, that he has fitted np an office, and is prepared to attend to imainese, . his profession. A rti Octal; teeth' 'lnserted upon aci entilie principles; ands° nate Preservathe natural ex , pression Of the face.' All operatinni in Dental Surgery done , in.a skillful, manner.. lOti .X,:r.I4.AK_E; DENTIST, lyoullrespectfally Inform Alle'inhabitanti . 'of Olean ant .surrninding eiluotry • that he liaa eated himself permanently, in Olean,. for the. practice. of his profession,. where he will be prepared in wait no-all who chance to giro'hiin a colt. • Office over C IL. Things . -Dry Good. , Store. .• • . • :• . . • „Olean; Sa,y 12,18130. ' • A. I..NOIIIISE . , . . . . Denim' In 13tovea,. Tin Warp, Japplined Ware,-dra.,'weat ~end of, the Publie Pquitre t Ihnothport, Pa. Custoin . - work'done to. order onthe' atierteat notice,, and In Akin moataubstantistniannef.. 4 -. : - - ' . • - OLEAN HOUSE, A. Proprietor: Olean,' N. 7.,; rune . to and froniAlle New York and Erie 1101 Road.- ,Btagee for 6E10.301)0f, and Coro , • , . • HYDE HOUSE, . 8. :oeanno Prnpriet6r. • Ridgway. Pe. This, Mitel Is hew And fureWied . in modern Style , has wmple'ACCbtri f •tne,4atione, a nd la. In'all renneete. n First 'Class hotel. Rllimey, Elk Co. IE6O . • ELDRED . HOTEL, . . Jain Wata, Proprietor'. Tlila •linuse in sitnated hat .tray tietwoen,fitnethpoet. and..Olean. A CollVelliKl an C /1111110i10119 hons . ..,.attontfve and Obliging attend ante, and Inn- prlcea. ' • ' .. ' -'. • • '' Eldred, i11ay17,,,1t00.. . • A. D. liAMLIN,. •- . Surveyo'r, .Draft=rtip.n Coni•cyarcor. BO** Estate Ag4,Tit: Smetliport, 11'Kenn couqty, Pa. ' A. N. TAYLOR, . . Dealer In.Drv. (tomis Grocerleii, 'Pork, loiir..Salt; Flsl Ren4-31Zte Clothing Boots ani Shoes. Stuotlivort • • . • WILLIAM WILKIN, .. - . ~ Piaetical Mechanic, :11illaright, [{ridge-luriller, .ern Port Allegheny, ;%t 7 lioan county, Pa:' . ; ' . J: E. B4OWN; N . . . . SURVEyon; .DRAFTSNIA . CONY NY ANCIM nod Real EAtate.APnt• Office Wiilitmsvi4e, Elk Co., I.enn'a • .: • ~ --h:FrittENCES , ,Chapin Baylo, Erg's.; I Thoinhl.l l trutheii, W; S. Brownell,. Esq,, Ifoo. A, 1. 'CARVER.. HOUSE, . zone gam. Prnrri.itnr. earner nr Watni-and Ifickory etreqt,,4. %Warren Pa. • General; Ste OBice•- FO)3E3 HOUSE, . . .. . . . .. .. . - Fr. - intin - t, tli , 'Priline .!...q.lare., :01.1.1 . ..N. Y. ' J.n.iinn 7,i1. ' ..3lst.t.nn Pro , irioiOr.. Toe ri•beal.t.•nnn ik•Ontireli• non an It, lilt tif Wri&i., eel in ini-niched in - inn-torn ntylo• . The propr:n - iir , llaitnonliininoll ti at 'Lit ,4ccotiloinfl.,- - thins are •iint, nurp.inno•l by any until in- Wenforn N 'iv .. , York., I: irri,i,oJn run to owil i-oni tlto New IThek * and . .'l4-iiii ft-ti I Boa 1..' • !, .-. ' • . . .).9.-tf: BYRON D. lIAIALIg, . .. . . . IATiIIAET. AT TA kw;...Smotlipn.rt.. :WKenri , Covnty. P. A..cont 11,r'.;%1.."‘Arc.. Kle.ititi; ..V.,, 00 7 .5 Landg A ttcol "PeCillv'to . t h e C , ?lle".tion ..f rhiiii.:; EinininiltiOli II ://Mill 11 1 /1•C; ',PiOlire - nt ~ f TluiPi;'+ll.l all lkisiness rpla t.lng to 1;t•a• ./ . 14 ITN. (Vileg in II imlin likek., ' ~ .. E: BOUOIITON -ELbEED, . . . Aeorneylkn.l- Counsell o r atLao . .. "FinethpOrt.. M!lionn, Couoty ? , l'i, , nun nog/ en' rusted to. his ,e tre.for t tie ' coun•la4 (4,31 7 IC t.m,.Poitcr.nod' tlk wln.be pcoondly •.'nttended to o(A,cein the Court Idce.44 second liner. DR. D., rt. WpISTR, . . . I.l.valarah' an•Vlora'ami, .Brnelhport, Pa; • will ntlend An all prinagglonal•a ON Nv . 'itV prumplaaisa. Dice in r4trt.. .• • well Block, neennil 1100 r ... : ' . . . . . THIN(} . & MILLER, • , -. . . . , Wholgvita nynt itht3i- Denier.. in Sfriple and Fancy try :..(amide, Oarpetini, Relay - Made ,fllnthina, and. General Yu infilling Cionda; Irdnth and Shnei; Wall and Window . ::kni ) ey,4,oo)r , ing , Masson &c., ,Al Wean. N. y;; .. • BAcxus;. . .. . . . .. .Attorney nn,ltlnutvotllni.nt Law, Sniotlitioet,.MlKenn Un . pe, WM MI otrl. th all host pets in hi 4.lvriitesOon In the 'CCM nti6a of 111'Kea0, Pother and Elk:* Office over U.K. Sartwell S.: itilittOrs' Store. '' ''' ' i . ' . '-. . .... . ' • • . - .• . • BARCNEY HOUSE, • • - • •-•. . Vor'ner,nr9,ecpti4 204 Liberty. strbetN Warren,' Pd. ' R. A. Minima.' Proprietor. 'frdeelere will 'find(good cc :carinudationgi and reasonagle charges. ".. '., - . . . - • • • E. 8. MASON, - ... -.' .. . . . . . . 'Dealer in Stoveg, Tin Ware, Jaepaned-Ware, ke., n est aide of the Publig . 'itan4re,..Stnethperi, Pa.: Oustnin • it ,r l / 4 done t,, order on the shortest abtice, and in 'the most substantial' inonner: • ' . . LARABEttiI HOTEL,'• LAICIIIIIE. Proprietor:::—Alleny Tii•idqe..WlCAun 110 , Pa. This. lloiloo' mitultedeboutnino miles' from Sinethport on,tho rnpd fo.Olean t end will be found a codvenlont stopping-place ' FANNERS' VALLEY HOTEL, by T. iit(innwrx:•.Ttaiß hnion altoated abont five mile from Smethport (in the roml to Olean. Plewm re partie ' . and °the. can be acconpnorinteg on the ahorteet %Mice' V . 8. BROWNELL, bealor'in Dry Onodv, Gracerien, ro ' ckerv. aardwaio, Boatel, Shoe,.., ttg, Cnpn, 011.1114;Na114. 011 a, & c,i &c. East side 91 thei Public Square,' Smetliport, Pa,' ' EMPORIUM. HOUSE, shlppen, 111'1Cono• Co., P.. •Ig, Proprle'or A C(Pn.n ult. ill and well.furohtheil 'Louse., Sleange .s . and tatiVeletewilland Roo accothmodat!onc • • • 'POST - AMEGANY. 130II8R, • Rioott TE'Doictir; Proprletnr,. - at.Porl Allegany, 140 Kean County .Pa. • Ma lintel Inaltuated at the June ' tine of ate Sinethport nod Allegany.lOver loads, nine east or Sinethport. - . • ASTOR HOUSE'. • .co:, Pa. MIL HA.S.KELL :.; : Proprietor; . : vhls itiomi. well calculated for the noommodetion of the trivellingTahrte;',ltivinirreeently been repaired anti reein'ileird. • Oodd Berns a,Btfl 1 (Thames - rea. - WOK Stat:e4 for °leen, Shippeh and lilhrray,, • ..fiiiietlipiirt, , July 2; 1600. • , • . •.. , . FLOUR . - ':•• -• • • vLOUßfrinn new yrkent,inet received and for mile at FRANK WRIOHT 9'.. .1? • , :Roston, the Athensof 'America, the, Yankee •rity.'of :notioria, most ''of our readers,dOidittesa khow from .persenal•observation;,tn propriately. na med :. The first- title she: well merits consideration of the liberal'encourage ,,mentof literaturond fine arts; the second, too, for the peculiar. genius ,and ••character. of her pnrinlation,...and though' we maYlook upon the backwoodsmen of Nevi England as a 'real srik cirnen of acknowledged' 'representative .of . the tribe Of !may so speak,) abrbad ; and.the.third title, is merited from the fact of the never tiring inventive genius, or ifs inhabitants. Possess ing a population of•nerirlyri himdred and twen. ty thousand,' she is. free in a great measure, compared witli•her sister cities in the Union, from the horde Of vices and evil restotps that prevail at the South and West; The . gambler here aCcomplishes his purp.^se.in secret; there - are no public billiard rooms,-rortstwerade, bells; or resorted infamy . ; 'though , all these evils ex-. hit in a greater or leaser degree, as in ell pope- . lilted Yel so hidden as not to cotne before the eye of theintiOcent; or tempt those who db not.take the, preliminary steps to vice. •', Boston; courfrotts'readeri the Yankee city of Massachnsetts Bay, shall he the legate' of our tale. ' there is a,portien of the .town here, as in London, occupied by the . .mnre opulent of the 'inhabitants, in the' immediate. neighherlined , thd,. Commari,' as it is calla h The Vicfnity is the aristocratic section of the city. 'Yon Will . not And this'.:epirit.of pride or aristocracy to consist or the . same ingrediethe as constitute the grade of society in the'old country ; there birth alone establishes the claim to distinction, while here the most . poient •agerit, money, is most powerful. Ah,! in,this 'boasted free country; g.rdd.is theleveler of ranks*, .forrning fdr itse,ll a kingdom oat tiM.l2nriithlie, which it rules' with a rott.of iron ; though in.thiA Yankee City, genial" and intellect are farmore readily appre.: ciatedilianin other parts of the State.. It was a cold Winter.night and the wind,whis• fled shrill through the bare limbs of the giant trees dhat lined.the Wall. .Thegrentid (Va g SO V- . . . cred. with snow, tipOn.WhoSe sprklingvttrf.ii.if the light of the moon fell with d.rtgiling stilon dor,e Stqding" the incrusted •ground with hril'. liant.distronds.,• As the old South'clprk 0.1.-ti•elr nine; a young man closely'Wrappedinhis clOaki sought. , the shade of one - ot thSlargetrees ol.the 'park, from which be watched the.romlng of nit. mesons carting/. 'loads 'of riehl . Y . dressed' people .of heti) Sexes . ; who entered. lane of the princslg houses on' Beacon 'street.' ...Through the richly stained glass Windows,' the georgous 'ell mil•a steady 'flood.. aerci nipanied . by the thril- . ling mates of music•frorn n full'hand; the house. illuminated at • every point, seemed Crowded . withstay . :,and.happy.spirits. .The stranger still. contemplated this ' scene—his cloak whiCh until. now had emeeloped the lower 'part of .'his tures, - had: fall'en. disclosing 'a ince ne-manly h'enuty, a ftitl dark 'with arching brows, and short 'curling hair'asrlark as the raven's plumage. 'set off( to g• eat advantage Greeian .styb( of. frotri(•esti berornin. mono:arise Curl --(J about his month; isiviing a . derided classic. ap- Pearance' the whole face.. The naval botren, on hts rap showed that he'helonge'd to . that bra nrh'of 'our national defonee. • "S)iallT.enter said he thourdiffirtly to hirri - • c•fo feast my eyes chasms I'nevrr snit possess?: Jiapl fate.. that I .shiinl.l he so hOerol re,rhe iron' chains of 'peyerty—yet I am a .man who has w.soul as noltle'rlß !he *rest (if 'them:- We will • see,'.! and. crOsiirw...over to the any srene'he entered the Ball. ':He cast off his over shoes, handed his' (look to a' serVant. nod titian= ionunred; miogb . 4l . with.the beauty' and fashion' that thronged the. rooms, - Gradually making hio WayaMmig the crown, he F:otightia group whose centre stand a bright and • 'the cnnen in - lovelines4 - of that Istilliapt sembla; the shlrnirls!of the West End flocked' abour‘her.eeeking frit.. ((Outliving glances 'from her ,drearhrlilue eyes t' halc..(bstracted, She MS sive'red or spoke npon the rooks of converSat inn without nflrrirent inter'est; •tiddsUily Shestart• ed. and blushing.dpeplY. 'dropped's( half entitle- M=E4II • Pt etmnltiort, •Ituef Victa*, Pft V. in - tniten to ' one within the room. 'tier eyes no Innifer . lanettid: snar kle;Bl- with' ntdmitina,' and as ear •naval :friend. .entered einitp"ohniti: lien tiny ulnved':withiri . his. Saying. : • PlVelerane, Ferris, we rented your sailinet.or:. tiers had taken you to sea this iyealher." •4 , lVe should, not have. lifted, anchor:without first Intyinsi tribtite tO.our'queen,'",was the gal,•:' hint renty," The titter ran throngh , of; the circle eitelu- Fiyes' at his appearance among but when. theladyapproVed,-there was -no room for com plaint. . -:. . uttranze familiarity," said arYinine..fellow to ar'olher: “what nretensicni.eah he have here?" , cc M called him by..h;s given name another, “farinitiar that—won der what old*mau would Ray to it 7" • “What Feetlf doos ibis painting -represent 7” iriquired a lady friend of-Alice .• wltfilnk . it is.an Italian'picture;" relilied the" fair girl." • •• • • . , ..• . ciSpanish I should say," observed he who was first sptestioned on the nppearance of ,Perris., “Evidently Spanish." snid another exquisite,• "though I regret to differ frOni Miss H." ,-; "You Ferii..tuininir to Yee two gentlemen; giOlA lady right; Ills an irslian scene, as. will lie seen . by a closer examination oI thil'costumes and lisnree." ' (Tray, do het e'stablish yourself as en umpire in . this case," retorted one O'f.those who had prennunced.the piece to be a Spahish scene.' !'.I. contend.-.that you are Wrong . ," raid the other, seeking some cause for. difference, and 'desiring to•show up.the pre - ndimt iie:itenant. ' , Pardon me, laill'ea ;'. barbl ea d Ferris. taking no notice of the insulin( the pnakera.i , T t t hat i fe paintinq ,in the stuthe . t hi sole, at Genoa, a few 'veers since, ind I knew fromitq author that* represents p street scene in 'that Italian city, otherwise f sh9uld lint hive spoken." ' "Ail, you have a great advantage over us, alt in haVing traVeled'so extengively,lVlr.Harvard,", .said .Annie 11---,-.desirOus to restore good :feeling, . ' . ' '' I . The. ea) , NeonPts of the evening; wore on ; 'tev. erartimes hail Petrig Harvard coMpletely pot st holt the shallovV.hrained fops .arnond placine them in anythintt hut an enviable)iaht. ,rerrii Harvard was lieutenant. in the Navy ; and .depended enHrely .upon!hia.pay . as an offi• car to suppOrt.ei widowed , mother . and a young er sister, to both' of whom .he was devotedly at. SMETHPORI:,; ApS:FOO.-coorr* . ; . , i.PA.,,...:.rtUggllAYj - :,'SIOV.,EMBit. ~ k:,•.18'60. :-, THE TWO PURSES, CI-lAII,LTY REWARDED COU\TY Cached, . His, father, 'a self-maide.‘,.n*; .hed been once a succeSiful merchant,Who Balled and • Weighted some.of the heaviest tonne , ' vbssele that left the port of BoSton--but misfortune and .sickness overtook him; and he. sank.in the grave leaving; his only , eon to protect his' mother and sister from the .wants 'and ills cif „life:, • • .Ferris had enjoyetta liberal edueetion, and. hav,ineen.: tered the-navy is ti'inidshipmar, had risen to a lieutenancy, hy.reason of hiss acquirements and good ,condliet. , His profession bodied . him to nll parts'of the world, and be had d - carefully int, Proved his advatitaies- 7 though.constrajned by . reason'of.his limited means; , to The practice of the . .most rigid economy ' . . ' , lie had met with the only daughter of Ifarrli one of the wealthiest citizeneolßoston;, at a fete given On hbard the ship to ,which.he I.)elonged and had immediately become enamor , ed of her,. but,he well knew in.his own. heart the difference in their fortune (firmed ttbarrier to: his. • had been.a 'casual 'visitor for severarmonths,subsequent to,,the time our story comniences, at the house ofthe H. family: "T. Must think of hir . ho more,!'iitid Ferris to himself, "If I ann:thos ,sneered at by hier, friends • for' offering herolcoritmen tciviltieß,....,With what contempt would her, austere parent . recekie-a' proposition for her.hand (rani one so-poor and and unknown." . '':• was indeed a stern •old: man, and yet .he:.was said to be kindle the •poor', ,giving freely .of his bonnty for' the relief of the:ne,gdy. Siill'he was a strange man; he sehlorh - epoke to, those firoand.him, yet he evinced the .warm• . est loVe for, his child; and Annie; too, loVed her father with 'an ardent affection. His .d.irght wog topour over , his library,. living.as it were' in the fellowship of • the old philosophers., 9n seVeral . oecaSiOns when Ferris was at his . house and engaged in • conversatiOn. with ,Annie; he had observed the old man's , eyes bent sternly upon him,' ancrwould 'awaken him to a reality of his • . • Ferrialivaanne . evening in.-Beaeon street, at the-house or. Mr.H and inspite of the cold re ception (t those who generalfy met. there; he still et.joyeil hiMself• in the . belief that Annie was not indifferent to his• regard. • He had :peen, ,relating ..telhei at her. regoest,,:hisreiperfence with .fliff.rent 6tinnal "characters' with whom .he.ihad.metf speaking of their neculiarities, and dazet ibing the carious scenic effects of different Countries. A nriie , sat: .near her sweet" seented . geranium, whose-leaves . she-had :been industries citisly, eel:aged : in: . destroying —Ferri s bending clnae to her ear, :said . .-• • • •. "Annie, will yhu pluck me that rose as a•-to,- ken of, afTietion -for . you . Mtiat know how fir dentis mine for yruf - -or st'op,. dearest, behind' ,it 'One randytkift. hou-,knew; the 'mystic language, of both, will. you chbose•and give Me. : •"( - lO.h, hush, 'Ferris," reiii the blosiling•ani ti•emblintr ha'nihnit him the rose: This passed .'whert.•the • etteotiotio( the enin play was drawn trivolne entras:ihi, 'Never before had*FeuiS.receiveil any - evidence of.Atinids JoVe, savi , from AflMule•eyes. Thfi flower nekt his beart, and he lett the apartment. He had pracCeded•bilt a few'steps,from.the house *hen he was ar co qed by a:poor nienaicent; • cfotheil iiiraas, :who was , e;crinseil' el that late,hour of t nightheto.the i n • elpmf‘iicy "it the Sea‘nri. - : . .". • •': • "“Pray, sit,":said the be.eni to Ferris," can , v6it give. ant nearly starved. and 1177.64514:hr air." - Ferris, after a 'few•tnorriont. f.scoriVel• tion with . the• beggar, for his .vrtis not ihe' heart,to. turn aw4r from . thr - sta.ritvor.si tor”,, l, andiii•e, him his norse containine - seven hilly: to seek immediate shelter'obil food. The.beggai - blesed•hiin arid Afew-niglits siihqequeiiit tn•this sareaion he war again at . her father'W.hOuse.' Mrs. It. nie's•mother; rereiVed him as . :she did Most of her mo'st-ol 'her visitors,. with a•somewhil - Cold welcoMe. Peing. a . woman of . nn conversation pnwers, retired:quite early,- roOdrictitic- heir:o(9;6°nme with rorietv 'in the meet formal' manner... Ferris was. much surprised that Mr. II •had token no 'particular nnlice of-his ititieriarY•at the 1111115 P ., 19r.he eel dom' cow. hire , 1111,1,-iVili'n .11P did sO,.beePilla the 016. Ma'P'S:eVP4 hen-I sternly • tinstrhifr. l6 anything but.a friendly•nrid inviling'spirii. To . the dilernriin, 11 . F. was less,tn.i.porStre ; Art.- nie's arknowledk.ement of affection for him, and now that he' had succeeded he was. eipOilly•distent (roll the goal of his happiness; for hie belts!, fildiment him that tbe'con 'est of her parents rotilil :never he obtained.— On this Occasion, be hailiaken.hisleere pawn al when he . :was met by .the •iieccrir Of .the Mar night, who solicited alms. declaring that he Ynuld find no ;Me. else to assist. hlrn, that the money:he had before •expended uPophad. .been expended (dr . ..food • and 'rent of a Cellar wh e re he lodged. ' • • Again Ferrisplaemi nurse in.the poor man's hand, at the same lime telling him lie was Oribr . himself, and' constmined fo the practice o' 'rig. id ecornmy in the support.denendent upeil MM. He left .the beggar -and . passed on pis 14,111',. hap py in having. contributed :to the alleviatien hitinan.stiftering, • . .• • " ..Not long subsequent.. Perris - - called .one eye - - nine at.the house °VAIN H., and fortunately ,found Annie and her father, alone, - the:former engaged upon a . piece of embroidery of a. 11E4 pattern a'nil latter poring over, a yOlume of ancient philosophy. 'On his . entrance the old gentleman-took . nofurthei notice of him'then A ft indinn!inn et the head, and a'‘'griied evening. sir." teoir chair . by Annie's side, and told her of his inve in low-hurarderit tones; bee , eile•perirassion to speak to.ler father on the *ill not hear , a Avoid of th'e matter, T know:l!'saiti - the. - sorrowing girl. 4 , 1510 longer .ago than yesterday he spoke:to me relatiye to a connection with.R.; I never oar) love.but said the beanty,.kiying him her hind. .' •Ferris•rimild :hear thivinspense no longPT; t' in 'fort fhe'hint relative to•her ,alliance to another spurred 'him to action. Tie proceided . ttithat . nart of theminm.vchere Mr. H. sat, and.ifter'a few.inirAd.Trory . r.rstiiik , ... said : . "yeti have doohtleas • observed, sir. your:family:for rorire then a year Rant.. From the faerthat ynn did not 0h1 ,. .et to.my nt• tentions te'your daughter. 1 have been. led . o hone that itnanv.not be altec,,etheregainspyrovr wishes. • May Ua.slr, With daft respect .your opinion in this matter 1" • have often seen you here," replied Mr. H. and T have: . found no reason-to-objecttit.yOur• visit 9, •t. /i M • • . . •Wlndeed,•rsir, you ere v,ety kind, -I hitve , nei.' ther tortithe rior•rank tb . o ff er your daughter, but. embilltlened hylove f ask for her •The old.man laid aside his book and rbtno .. hie specteeles, asked ; 2• „ aThies , the lady sanbtion - ,this retfuest •: , aHave you, thohght well of koi4. i iiokiatiii ~ • aYoucdaughter's.lniiid." • "It is yours," said the.old man.. - • : ; Ferris sprang asion4hed tO:his feet,,raying: , haidly'knew how to.reiei've ; year *kind ness, air ; I hadlohked for different treatment." young map," epic the trither,, attic yott.SupPose I shtuld'have ; allowed you to be; come Ant,imate'in• my family . .without •knOwing 'ycierchatacter ? No, sir; out of Annie's Many attirots kern the wealthiest and highest in,Soci. ety, 1 long since selected you atkonellf whom X emit' • feel confidence.. The world calls me a cold .and Calculating man, perhalisi. am so, but I had, entrtisted Me. the happiness'of Allis blest Child ; I ha ve 'en,leavo red to di schargethat.t rust • faithlully--the dictates of my . pride.hive been counter-balanced by-a desire for/my daughter's happiness.,' Chose 'you' first,' she hairsinee voluntarily .done so. [know your life ; and your means .'and prospects—you need tell me nothing. • With your. wife you will receive an ample forttine the, dutiful son and Ore-, :innate brother, citnnet but make , a good .hus band. Bur 'cop," said the-Old- man, al will, be with-you in . 's moment," and he left the lovers . . . . . ....i . the story-Of your marriage with R=--woe' only try your heart, and thicken 'the plot," Paid Ferris to the blushing, girl, ' ' • At this moment the door,openerl, and the 'beg eor *both Ferris had twice relieved, 'entered. Stepping. 'tip in Ferris he solicited charity. An. nie.recoilel at first at the dejected appearance, and poverty-siriCiren.lonlca of the beggar,' while Ferris asked. in astonishment,. how he gained admiaSion to the hntt'ae.• - In a Moment . the .6 tf, are Tose to'a'statelY height and casting off the , iti.guise it .had 'worn;' disclosed ,the person of Annie's father. ... ' i... • , .. •• . . .if.determined, 3 ssairt the father, addressing Ferris; "after had o'theiwise preyed 'Jour character, to test' one virtue, .whirh of' all' off,. era is the greatest; CheritSr...A.nil. if you failed is thFir,..you woUldralsn e have mP in this purpoie of marriage- 'You were weighed inr he. hilance•anii: not found wanting'here; sir, •is your - first . purse six , dollars when you gave it to the poor heiget'inlhe street —it now 'contains cheek -for.lsiii thousand hPre is the sr.erind.th.e t eontained five dol lers, Which is . noW slog multinlieil tiv'thrUisands, way;" said the.old meii,'es Ferris WO 16, speak, "'here's no needof explannt :This was;of course, a.inyStery,tb nnie, but when - explained'added still.Moreicrhei,love for hrtr future hiishand, • • • - • • Ferris end - Annie were soonp married-end one s'ately' Mansion in Beacon stieet-sPrvris- for a home- for.rpother;sister,. wife, end all. 'Gossip said. (aria - .gossip said true formiee;) that .Mr.4l . .•luiVing 'Money enotte.h . had not aniioit to add rnpre, to •the;tetfunri of his ehiliti.by forth ius for her an alljPnce wi th.grild; but had sought end-found.what .was . tar.: more: veluabletrue . . And now abideth' F;iith. Hope enol.Charihr these three—bia the gie'atest of theip isZber dispute corf,-,NH4,1)0:, : t. None cane that when 'the thirtecn colonies emerged from' the mcittlernits and desolating elt•cfs of 'die desolating. eireCts:ol:: the; re volUtionary they. were' bankrupt. in.everything .but Wit hOutthe exportable values; money was scarce and' debta- remained inpaitl., English prehibitory'duttes 'resulted in little else , than non•inteicotirse. The cottrdrY mede mi . pro gress until . the - . supply of cotton, became large article export,betweent be-years. 005 . a01k.1.8 I 2; wbieh .. ro'illicetb wealth:The . war of IS . l2.citt of this resource at ait The South joineW•io the war of 1812. on min 'ciple—that is, to prntevt•Northern ships from' search and seizitre.of 1 sailors. Ity.• British cud- While some of the.lle.W . Englund 'States, when it had 'comtpeticed,oppoied the wart— . A iteCti contest or three years . the .States emer-' get! from . the sit ugglf. .in .pov.eit y- and "baillt, .Cottontio said at . •lB•reotitta 25 cents• Per pound, and .seas QS:gond for export as str•mach gold, while the" expotts-of • Northern growth, such as breailstuffiWere'ent off by the' The exports of Cotton, therefore, fiat, 'only aided in' paying:off-the 'obligations'ef, the . Re v. olutionary vetir:but to a - large extent paid - of the debt contracted during the last wai GrA - t amounting. to from $lOO 000 000 'tc; $200,000,000. ,Not ant). en; hut they con, fribu ted to pay off the debts.. contracted on pc crituit-of the. Mexican war,. While cotton-has . thus of so largely. the financial resour ces of - the..geswarilent . , it has 'enriched the Manufacturing . and •cOmmerchl classes of the. Northeip.Statos, as Well as contrihuted„brit : S, horrie market for breadstalti anal, provisions, to enri eh the agricultural l iee labor of the West, G . RAP)llO.—Whnt order'will the reader take on that following? • Isn't. it boyish'? —Umaeine the ehep—a •three ,year. old bare-headed, • The other day a boy carne' tearing reoird r - the . corner with his rags•flottering in the wind, his face Smeared with . ; molt :sea, and a. shingle flourishing in his hand; whileho Wna shouting to another boy abotif rip. site or.A 1 1 pper box yhtisiond needy a quarter of .a down the' street: '-O! as. „ mapy•bnys,as . fharinil:cap, and Aa many shin?, glee As ever yon can, and come up, street round the corner an last aa your Ices wal lat Yoir, for theree - a"brglarzehognit of.luses dAirtied on the pavement—busted , all.to thtinder. -dharlealrMason, a gambler; i'ah hand three 'tithes reeentlT, near Marysville, Cah.. end after all escaper] from the hands of the 'Mary. Foster, a blind air!. of Bennett's ..(7or nPrs, Nrw York;' recently eloped. with Mr. Per kite's; a cripple... thisile is wit indostry airy. more than ,ence iicotirdigi. • . • • . • :there are stone bridg6 in.Chiha thi'e'6,or rosikiles in length.. . , . . A• • .Itr.NEW RACE 01 Newbetry,. fn his 'paper, read before the :American. Scientific Assnciat hie at NawPcirt,'.ft. r. gave a vivid . de. :eeription of, the theological features of the great plateauX . ,, i i'weepiug: east and west. from' the. Rocky rnburimta, illustrated liy,eolored jags; His well broveriedefiercely bearded face, gave evideaCe of the effects •of the_ sun; and winds on.the vast treeless plains - that skitt the Colorado. • He incidentally gave a most • inter., esting description of' that , strenae..people, the Mequi, Who . se cities haSsaw.in MeXico, and but. - n - small remnant of teliont'now They belong• to •• a:hitherto unknown race, Prof. Newberry thinks they may be: the 'remain of the .Aztecs, ,rideit.that region on. its die: •covery-by the-Speniarde. ":From : the 'chew. teristies, however , of the. Melon'ellidly rem nant who now exist, 'it seems mare:. probable. - that they.are to , he referredfo•the totters, who were displaced by the Aztecs. Mr.-Newherky desiribed thorn, are race ap. parently entirelY . distinct (trim any . ot her, Indi• - ans:on this continent.. - They ire smaller,•haie; a ,distinet cenformition ofthe 0(01 and fief*, prirl areieacefill agribuliiiralisia. They weave cloth, work with Alin ements of stone, and build towns of stonet,and .mortar on , the .moun • • tain table lands Which rise 'eight • hundred' or one thotisandfeet above. the. low land •plateauk. They puild walls.orbund their. toWn;' and their . only means; of lnareait and egress is by . • ladders, Whieh - theydraw alter them - when 'they .enter town. There eie seven'of these towns inluibited by this: 614 failing, race. . 'But. their ruins extend over thitwhole valley of the San Juan - 7 . ..apperent ruins of a rice once.num-. Bering Millions of men—and many df them (the towns) five hundred or one thourand years old. A 'Byrne HUNT.--The'Nor. .ed in :the Red River _settlement, says (tithe last.bulTalo hunt. • . , • r.in•the snenmer buffalo hunt there Were (100 mini' 000 women, 030 children, '730. horses, 300 oxen and 950 carts.• The buffalo first appeared insight in the neighbortincul, A ot Bad Hill, about sixty Miles .from the . boundary line,nd in. a run in, which 220 hunters were encaged.i, 0100 buffaloes.' were shot. Thi% camp then, moved southwards,by the Sontlilillt, until they 'came within fire 'miles of the Little Souria yiver, and at - 'this place': they killed 0ver , 1,,000. Here 'they stayed awhile tddlytheir'rrteat ntulrionu facture pemican, and while 'they were thutretrt• attired a herd of 250 came tsty at et rot, running their., last race.., l'hey were all brenehe down on,l'imivf . .rt'ml into, pemiran. ' , After that, and up • to the' latest time. intelligence : came •fro,m the camp, three srriall'herds--one or eiulity other. of thirty and a, t bird of fifteen-. ere.,de• strnycd 'and 'rotisunied on'' the plains. Buffalo • • . . trrnwie2. sc:aree;.the exnetlliiou •Devil's,tehei.vrhi!re the more, Seriotis husiness .nf.buffalo shnotirig..was relievell•by a h . eri..ben., yer end „ deer hunt. •. This spritl,nyer . ;--.and,„ann'l sport.ltSvras; several trrizzly tears and n varie ty of lesser.. atiimals.liplaz rnii(l4 to bite 'the' anst--,5 ceuncil. 'tesolntiori was uasseil..i? „en. to; the CeUteau tle la firnirie, tn . hunt the bittieln, was stilll:venting . to fill 'the . carts. • Chapin:,•n gentlemanfrom Sit; •adelphia, antl Likitt. Whyte, ~ R.• CA..;:eccom panietl the party, end, for young hunteri . iytivete 'ruin:unity 'successful:: Mr.'Cliariin killed ten . huffalo,'Lleut. Whyte seven' eight. ; . _ . FOli. Dick Nish tells .a rich. story about "axing for 11(.0 in, Iris ear, tier .wad tlesply .smitten' with the anuiliter of o'Wealthy old skinflint resitliKg in Alabama. The'Colonel. self , confitlent of siic: . cess,.irroyell.hirnsellitr . his hestond pro ceStlett to call'on.the. ,, pdtienr,":for !he puriinstf. .or.ohti,fuip a . his consent to the consuirirnoticitt he tleY • ou , ly wished. Matte - I.9'lldd :nll nlotig, once smoothly, 'Colon's! Ndslt had every srountrto, hope fin F 1160.0.. Finally d clinvim lCut.selinn 'arrived for hire to approach the 'old 'tin.:' Says the . Co.'onelt • . • • g , S.ipiire, my hiaoeis to .(iny,.is to ask. for one han.l:" . . it? 'nut! you. marry mY.gall— young Imp; ledvP irty pretrikseAin tontPi.,, 'nod. it you ever •Fei foot here-again,, Pit make my . .niveers !lan You. Ap'ry my doneitter indeed!. . . . . ,- • ~ • : The bohincl' had li , ift.. 'HP.. * SA W t 11. n t , .ififi:lit iPntiefilan I,ols ;n9iry, Alm' Itortrittg ,off to' a .nre litace,' he thou ,, ht . he:WOW' tiike. a .lait fond.lNik et the horny of his lost •i(lol—whon he spoid . the. old 'mSni-hilly,.. with sniiite' In hued; rtheii , ling- up ' his tracks froth .thr ymill and. t hrtiwingl hem over .the..fence I. Colonel Nash imrigined he :was . ari unwelcome visitor at hut • An iinportant ease.,was.up for . trialfr7e coun try town, and'a large miimber.had assembled at the.•bnurt 'bourse'.. The flnorrind the. gallerb.a were•filleil with auditors . , Ifri.athiesaly Waiting_ to hoai the opening apeeehes olthe Fur sdrile reasonthe-attorneyofolln party was not ready to proceed, and desiied. a postpone, merit: • Re kn ew harm) ordinary exruse would avail,.that the judge. would be inexorable, , and that he must go to trial iunlesi some rearon' hr: could be 'devised ,that conhi opt .he roes : tinned. :A coordir.g . ly, rising and anproachin the .har4ith a soleMn'eountehaiwe, he said: , •fr the court "'dense I came bete . anxinus'to try. this cage . ---my clie,nt is ready,• tut) •We 'feel 'ticeply.disannoluted that we cannot pro'creir.:4 Rut.' hoyejustriceived adispateli ao . nouncink". peocceded.in a broken' , i , ,oice—:-'4the. death of my mother.. Under . this painful bereavement; of 'enures, your borar—L! •Juit t,his'. inter eating. point the voice ef. an :alit . ..bilk in the.gallery broke the'silen'ee with ,‘, , faiabod-- fehohodf times have :vvhlp . ed . ..yon for lying?" , ; . .• • LIESERALITYOF THIN . Pit 'WAr.mi.—TMs xPrince appears to have ditipenied pietent. ,wifh a . li here! hand wherever he has serve. The' Pe- Jerslinre (Vu.j Exprer.r..ea3is that. the Superin 'tendent Of the lliehmenil.and predrirkslitire Railvad, Fan:: hits'reeeived a Magnifieent'breastpin'frem the prince. The pin represents the andlAnnetienn cobra , rovie d,, t i n d.li t shielded with dia'Mentlk. 'conferred - upon Mr. Bragg in: rotisideratioti,of his.' kind . tittntion and . e*plielik 'Matiagetnent during. the.rerent ris'clee.ofthe rinse to aOd from Iliehmond: Capt. Leon'ard:: • of !hie 'city wne the recipient 'of,a eostly'Aolilmeneil., The Prince'presented, $7OO the. aerYatif , of .the Fifth Avenue Petri "when .he !eft on MOndriy., Ile els°. giVe Captain Frarie . e, Of the, 'revenne critter Harriet Lane, ehrOimirie ter, and left $3OO to be diatritnited -among the . crew of that vessel:--r fife.Tlptafrocil.] ttt/W. ,r;;•.s• ;742,t-•:;,:t.j0 'Wukt I flaunt To.sflat f iEvotHfrßutiblegM.:7o Onii(orn ie.. doldba Era; (tirnishikthat :044i undit'.the hVid . of '!N°Ies:141001110,1.:',' ' I begin' to believe now4u.':clityi *teeny:oloes the npui,.atid dressihe 'gentleman. • • begin to bill Are „the , porie:fif than the 'Word and •Poit togeiher,. .' 1 begin' tti . believe.tbat throve iitur AitAte Mest - during the Week"ire the most devout I! . ipou 15uptleyi. ' •.1 begih to belieie -.thou honesty ii tb best policyto speculate intilloufgairi 4000 7 , body's con fi dence; ,then line your I begin to brlieve in hunibiiiiiring.thii.peeple out rlf. their dollars: It is neither stealing Ifot bogeitig; .'na those who are hutatititget have therneelves to blame... '`" I begin to helievellnktriati was n0t:61114414 enjoy life, butte keep himself Misefatoltilli for pursuit and the possessiOrt of, riches, I begin to believe th at. he 'greet remedy 'for hard times and a tight money marketigiiii.n.;, travatint xpediture on . the'part of . 110104011 a , to pep the money:moving. I brain to:belieke that" none btitlt, Aft/ .tiuniifiep to bold• office unite*. the p.oVeinuntat with the exception of a few natural bore and lunatics. I begin.tobeljevj that piano forpii necessary in a family t han. meat :slid' I begin believe that a'bok: swear;. smoke end chew tobaecn, .rna* . "tti very good boy; bet Jr • naturilly, stupld. 'I begin to. beliete that if ; , ,the4evil.altoeld (fie, one half the'wolld bet.ttroiatt of employment. ' • Ibeglu employment.'' belieke that, tie hai 1116111 who m eke's . the Most, tiniseln' bli`riern and tint When. Gabrihl eomea=hat to; be. hind the times—be, toe, will,' bloW:.jbacinif e bola pietty ' • ' • • TELGINQ TAE Taint B SOAliniLv-.-Mint per 'sins justify .themselve in,. lnjuring another's , rharitc,ter by pleading that they have k ',only what was true. They forgetlhat'ibi not at all tirpes,to;he spoken., , ', Perbaiiii:thO,one of whOrrisou Ai]) has / tepeated induct n ilaehee of his fault, and il ,yoscltiep repeating it, how can . you longer prajr that would cart. your mini hablpd hie back 'lad :Fa member them no more?. Perhaps God iiiisifor, .aiveq the sinning , one "anfl .- restored hji sod) ,tti •yirtue,aairpeace, and willliott:ac('llat 'P r fkit;or a friend in taunting 'and tormenting .Ithatt:Pr Perhaps the 'erring one', if not fully , Par'dpai4is longing, Sighing and,strising attek ,his lost In— nocence, and will you crush and kill hla good (fesireir by robbing him of-thi,ipOtioeWhieh • tie xes from or respect and'the. good respect of otlws? Will You tireak tne,brolied:reett.,aad quench The Smoking flak, I WO, 1111‘ isicerita the bleeding "sensibilities of thotie who 'are mounting their ,faoltsl That ,'you, i fitivi prokeu to the injury of '.atipther what ' is , v 96, inaypbe , :is, 0 4 11 " deter of the most malignant are such ' , unless i pinus.reason Ottani foii:;4stor making known another's faults. '110 . 31E . APPECTIONS.—The heart hie. - etireieltiotte , that oev . rr Oie....The rough rube, or ran never .obl it e rate ; i. They mmories of home—only home: .. Theri *the 01 . t1 tree (miter .which the light. hearted bit his sstmt,milk- a dayryonqrsis - s vin which he leaerif;d to iiirtint, there- le the Wave in which iie`iinewh tiorenthi proteetiOnsy, there is the ioom' in 'which •he.,•romped with brother end sister, twig i nnglifbered,', eirershed-: nwecrby yen old chereh• v,vbitber ,withlaireue troop like 'bin - roe:4 hair ollen.follitwed patents to Avoiekip, and niiiir.,tbe.eael :oldianap,igbo Ministered at.the.atter: 'T.. ven'tbh,Very school hotise, .• naseciated • in ' youthful ., Jaye eteelth ihnnghts of .t a she, now comes •Ice being itlites.' •ii nt remembrances of many; ocbsileile• :that co Ilectlorth some generous eirbibitlen..ollsole tralis'of human nature. , .There .pwwhawas•-ba. learned to feel some of hie first eatollesiei— There; perchanCe, be; 'first saw the.beipi wile, '. by her. love and te,ridernish inllfii• ' hatanajla i home.far himeelf hapPierthiii.that which' Allis .childhood bRS 'known. • There.cettain fettinie of hti'manif,Y , ---anif,tbcise too atone the beiti-= that ean find no. appropriate, place forttseisaw erCise- only at ones farcilide: • •.:' .. y ' -,:', ' ,l, . • e it i. '43 i ••• A Pan—..r__AT;'_ uTwt ..!or • I , F; . lowing story is on the. authopity'7Otilie port; Rhoile Island, Net. Os.. One•ci(t4 4 o*.er enplaitis in steamboat traval:Waiiirie'lley';:ialr. prel age, at 4hit - likUditiff itillarkfti 4 on the Tatinion w citing tiCertise ".tor the other 14 went fol th. beet nis i just as a henCaltrie Width she hadlaid ,an; egg. 'Being a •itriailiel joker, the captain took up the , egg, wrete , iiehtil upon the eti.ll;l.W . oe. to n the taw ' of' and replaced it 10, the meat. -The wonderful p,ze: was a.ion djaeavered, ant, the cititerta : Weri filled, with. consternation.' lit their . igtreroity they con.alted.the parson, arid ahowed him the eat!, While he examined, it, hie . parisidmiers elactqated in wbispent; 'tithe Lord wrotelt!" The old man road and Vxoaimerls • .ilf the Lehr wrote that : he didn't know .hoW to Spell lyt", Their . eyes : were Orietiediond.they• niteil the trick of some w4tv. `Alters whileAt Wes discovered who: wig , the siotheriiid . ttVnr elite ward the people•owed him ii:grudgid.tr,_,li. CF 1 , 74 XI 6 A ' ll ,i'l ' "' I nie' kite THE EXCITE: TENT, 0 , .. . 0 , . nerenticti end intoxicating: comrit?rdOktestii6 vereal, that tr if . . ina y , iliitint . oiMi,‘` iii;/#4,,".*, . 'litinet. Every nation "halia*greatito_liii'll:oar iIINV ere.; some in : the, alhatie ',of ',.?ipinin, )o'lat qmoke..enme'irldrii4:;aom;a:likitiblflk.:::6o7.4lo the equator to ,the 1640 i lin* tt.'iikiiitilic,l,4iiiror eha nge s of dress 'a,ccorAini tO'ihia:::e)liiite4:liit' al wayol4,ila the , ?ei4 l l.o*liiillvi:itiolliiii. Kings 14 ve' deO!neif liiiiiikinehi, fahi'll#l,,i:rimergi idle; • prlmitir. , nOthiltiiithao' - , arl. iiiii(lpfethigilf I aw-rna kers . hli,ve sanifit')VAitoliiikatjhOiiii4t • mil and beilickfr.4 6 qkf. , ir°oll.kili:_in tie# l,. good—Ten et il I . goea:On'.alnithlniAtlitirl,t,lt; MO linnffin*,:rioiting an: eni!iriyi i :Jifi .!'hilEim#o4:'4 6 il k , 'et ral awl. l!it,brlifn.s...*Fla q': l l,iiiiiiiijr;), 4 4 ll :,o l, '... satigfaerion, in,' iwa,etlbt ,- thiit inlOtes,„s,Eitk,,, s . aii in‘ , aliff 'anil", I . mi4fnan; ands.' ll ‘ ; 'ati t h lt . o ~ till it, has, fa i rly raid' klin in, the;graia.ielialro: , 6, 0 78 Jotonar. ',,..- . -' • * o'..i. !f ;4;1 A 0017Tli ,vartoutria, romF•t or t, rt, brr-virtueo tre 'girt ~, our admiration; waY.''' • • , _ • O. , A ~..:;:,..i.-v,,,,,,,! EOM