~-,. , ::,.. 2 . 0 . . ,i t ....., ~ :ieUff, , ,: ,,,, ;: k,: ~ p eo . t. . ti i •-.., , ~ 4 la. 1..p.4::1',., R ' ' .B' L' OCK, ! i . ..4,!,; , 1,..,,rimi,q,.' , ys 0 ' . .,:. t . , ...%; • . . , -, kip- ~(. , 44. q: :, ' l'& 4 , 4,/, , . • ~ , l►et-bs $ I;reoatt ntly on lmn)* much forger iivoo#rand soloittnent. of the heavy era - ' deoiitliardivarr generally kept by : r ;', the lobbing , floosie, and having, • ~.. 'adored the AGENCY of, - - ' tiny Afanotactorers q';`,, ;: , ~,,,., -, , ,!,, Ancluding th e .. • ' FALL' RIVER NAILS, iirIIEZLEB4 MADDEN •a. BAKEWELL'S };c 1.... r.. i 9. t. A_ W S Aliel . tholli et WELCH do Glllll7THS.ancl • -saber makers, 1111111111 ICU S!, • RUBBER, ipd lIATIIMI BELTIN M'S(ountileo Forme COOKING STOVES, Gassi ll Size Arts ad Descriptionk PROPOSE TO SELL ALL :'THE ABOVE' ARTICLES AT ,e. - .i;:,1: , .,"' - :' . -;.:-;• : '': .: -• : iSsitiOiOraio.,iltrets*:Pii.ae. A* tpriopois to.indl at remep Commitnion from my L4ll 13/E• and WELL SELEETED . STOCK Of •• • . SHELF`aid aur HARbWARE as seleedan cif which I have taken mach pains, 'Wing given my personal attention ROUST. TRIMMINGS, ,COOL NGI and PARLOR•of every desirable Pattern BLACTAIrriII' AND 11•11011111 'r 0 OE S, Of thi m at approved lganufactiire, PECK AXES, -'!. .'7.:' , .;. - ' /i.tirroc.ig3 SpADElt~,'.p racit i voßp, .BINKETS, ...WHEEL-BARROWS; PUMPS, sad LEAD • I);PFA, LAMPS. for OIL, CAMPHENE, FLUID, and KEROSENE. KY motto Ist The Largest Sales, of the Tall, MT 11100D8 at the LOWEST 3*. oimisrattre ,itiosi Insure" the Largest Prolits thiAellor; fainishes the Buyer witliAlCif Cheapest tallest Articles, and gives the best satisfsetion. LIBER.L . DIBCOUNTS WILL, BE MADE TO LkEALEES. • if people will pay higher prices for no better article, at other places, it shall. be their own fatiltaeatrilimine.. • ~ ' Is ietigti with the above,,l atri able to soppliiiiibertmetiFe ,ALL'ICINDS OF , 5111EEZIRON ...• COPPER WORK Haring in my employ Comiktent and' *,lPeri.: sated workmen, wbo.e work kes - never failed 11 ° ev,s 114,isteetion; ';.' ; ' r 4 ' • • . • JAW :RECEIVED.. . ' ' •etoEfl, ' ' .. . lOC DOZ-wi',' HES. . ' ,ato 'irate* or N#l , s ?;,..,0,,' -" volt,lC' ziTION. '. 11H"iirijil i.:7141141 ,` , ,19111 f) 45 pea' d°z ' A • .11021;•: - ..,,,.- ,' itio *lir*lP' IA4IIFII.*, * rim ''' • , ' V 114141 UR AI TeA gs at 'intl. tle cift*, ~ ,4 ' iColl .7.11,111 g wrj. NETT le*, 4to-4 MY "ek. 11tirta8,41,!!''bit,i.4.,;--", a 44 ,-..;i„..,.,,v,„„i:,,,Niavnit'f ~,.,,, ;,,. -,,8k,,K, v.,,...4,,,-tittlicelogr. _ , ~m , , . ,!. ~,,,, _ , ,, t , '.: ', 4 . ~,'; ,'• . 30 '' . ,'; ; :11 , 1 1 1 ,' • - Alt.2,!'}'?::::..': ' ' ' 10,4 .11# $00:1,00 Copies Already sold ,E.V;141:13.0Rt5: , : '...'.1 - J4WVF t SI. . prices, '..ll.ol7loPliciii:'zirH.BuittEl3 ill; .. ~..:,. :-•..-'lir. :I*,ipi:ir:Citos ; By;., -.,.. -.".::• W:Tinr : rolidon ! . ol4 BAR.`: .. ILIT ' lES It Tolll Jrot.ow t it Artivv PARTNERSI4P PAPICRII And gives general forms , . for AoasEMMENTS of all kinds, , • • " • thus Ok , SA Ul t , LEASES 'pa- It Telts Toil How to drew up BONDS 'and • ,• lkleirromrss,•ApviciAkors, Pow ' ATTORNRY,.NOTES'. and ' • BILLS of EXCHANGE,. RECEIPTS •'‘ • ' and RELEASES. It Tells You . Theta*, for the COLLECTION • .• • • of DEBTS, with the STATUTES of , • . ''LIMITATION;''and 'amount 'and kind•of,property EXEMPT' from • • . g:pcipricireinevery, It Tells Top, HoW.to . make an. ASSIGNMENT • . • iirofierly; with forins for •Cost.: . • POSITION with: CREDITORS,' and „the'INSOLVENT LAws of every It Tells You' the legal relatior,s existing be . . • tvveen GuAainArr awl . WARD, , . MASTER, and APPRENTICE, and: ,LANDLORD and TiriANT'. • It Tells You.. What ronstitutes . LIBEL ..;and. • 'SLAND ER, and the Law as to .• IVlAarrimix 'DOWER, _ the . WIPE'S • . . • . • • BIGHT IN PROPERTY,' DIVORCE It Telli You. The Liw for MEOHANIONLIENS • • •• in every State, and the NAT O - LAWSof . • RAIAZATION llllll coon- . • :.• try, and how to iomply with . the game. •. • It Tells Too Tim Law concerning. PENSIONS ,and how to obtain cme, and the , . . • Itorells You.. The LaW for. PATENTS, with • , modenot: pricedure in obtaining , . SICEIMENTS and TARLE OP FEES. It Tells You How to-make your Wit.t.p. and •- • . • how to Anatinurran.on an Es . • • . TATE, with. the law and the re- • It Tells You The meaning of "Law Tants in , • general nee, and explains to you . • ' the LEGISLATIVE, EXRCUTIV E • ' end JUDICIAL PONVIIRS .OP both ' • the General.and State Govern- It Tens YOU how TO ICEEP OUT , OF Law, by - • • showing how to do your busi. • - hese legally, thui saying vast • - amoun t of property, and vexa.- tt . •..• • , ous lit iga tion, by its ,timely • consultetion. ••, Single copitie will be lent by .mail, postage _paid, to . EVERY FARMER, EVERY MECHANIC, EVERT MAN oP BUSINESS, and EVERY BODY IN EVERY. STATE, Off' receipt orsi.oo,or in. law style' of binding at $1 25. • • $1000.':::/V...YEAA ,7i;1.: by'enterprising inen everywhere, in selling the abotre work;,as our indOcements to all such are very liberal. - • .• • , For single coplee of the Book, or :for "terms to agents, with 4)o:misinformation,. apply to or addsess • • . JOHN E. POTTER. Publisher, No: 617 Wixom Street : Philadelphia, Pa PAINTS, GO:OMNEWS JUST RECEIVED AT Mats% aseiTittp Cat Mess tab Vatti StBlttat Ot tlea bag, -"WM" - Gan open be seen in . • ,Bril.lol \ by.lins attbelsoiiaing foolietp etly seenyaedby tbe . litiess__Cfttt......' §HQVELS PAILS, 0 1,1 Which is filled from top to bottom with the BEST assortment of • •• ' • TUBING, COOKING, PARLOR BOX STOVES EVER 'OFFERED FOE SALE SIORTHPIN .PENNSYLVANIA,. Which will be Bold at prices that cannot fail' to • pit.• I will: also as usual, keep ,constantly on hand a good assortment of HOUSEKEEPERS HARDWARE, KETTLES; FRYING PANS,. r. FLAT CANDLESTICKS, Which will be sold at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Thenlcful for past favors, I respectfully soli cit a continuance of the same. StnetbtopFt.Sipt. 22, 1859. :INSURANCE AGENCY.: • • Kemelegglenalaseqrsace Ciampfurp, Philadelphia Awls • • pIeO,OU *mattes Veda* lasecea , ies Cp., Athens, Pa. Cash: $200,000 Oreat Western legaseapee Co., Philadelphia, Pa. .oepifel Stock • •,•. • • . • •,•• • •• :81,000,000 ' 11 " 5, 31..1 0E o***o Pa* , IniuranCei cisn, 4(flifted in the above rem; 'Sensible . 13tOcii" CONSinieS,Air-, the subscriber. Apy ,•'issi,dri t ssed, hini, at with pomp attention: • ••' • • Dams; Agent. ' • • • Do •eg• s $58., • • • . EnilOtf. • OLD' DOMINION COF)*y. rOTS AT ' • Pis-EnarTpiri L'Aws to' Punme on6i'lyßh.lNTsnFsnEricES; . As quirements thereof ha 'every; SPIDERS, LAMPS, &c E. S. MASON. m E .....:'''..,:.;:;::,,,,,..:.,,,.;...:....,: ...::::...,:,•••,:,. ...,,,, . , ~.. ,:; ..........,..,..,.."•...,.....,...,..•,:•,..,_ ,•.,................... ~.,....„0.T.;A.,;.....,.„_,.,..,..:............ ...•,_........,..•••••.•,•.....• .. ... ~. WILCOX &EATON BEG:LEAVE TO ANNOUNCE that they . 'hare received their first Stock • SPRING Si SUMMER - GOODS. . . . . And ire now prepared to, welcome their friends and custoMere and offer them a new and•desir ahle stock of, . ' • • ' ' . Country Merchandize IN ALL ITS VARIETY, SUCH AS FANCY AND STAPLE PRY-::::GOOPS; BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS 4:35 CAPS, CROCKERY, GLASS • • WARE. • -! And a choice stock:of - •: GroCeries; , . . . ~We will,itot weary your patience by anume 7 ratipg, but our stock is very Full and Corriplete and we doubt not 3,tou will find tiomething to please .yoifbotb as to quality' and price.. ' Windy Advertisements will 4 for.some, bin the Truth , will Wear Better,. and: we only ask ait examination and are confident we can 'do you good. • . • COME AND SEE. • WILCOX & EATON. Olean, April 18,.18'59. PAPER HANGINGS. A CHOICE' ASSORTMENT at WILCOX & EATON'S, Olean, M..Y. * ' ' KEROSENE , OIL, MADE from COAL, with * LAMPS to burn ' the same, at WILCOX & EATON'S, • Olean, N.Y.-. • . • • • ' • . A SPLENDID. LOT. OF- TEAS, at WILCOX & EATON'S, Olean, N. Y. PORN .& FLOTJR . WHITE FISH AND SHAD. TALLOW .S . T.E4IRINE CANDLES, WARRANTED TO STAND IN HOT WEATHER, FOR, SALE AT ' August 12, 1859. INFECTINE, The Persian Fever Charm M 0 • For' the prevention and cure 'of Fever, and Agtio and Blliaus . Fet;ets. This wonderful.rem edy was brought to the knowledge of the pres ent proprietprs by 'a friend•who has ,heen a great traveler in Persia and the Holy Land. While, going down the river. Euphrates, .he experienced a severe attack of Fever and'Ague. On discovering his Condition, one Of the Boat, men took fiorn his person , an Amulet,', saying, c(Wear this and.us Fever tall touch' you." , Al though incredulous:as twits virtues ; he • Com plied, and experienced immediate relief, and has since alWays found it an 'effectual' protec tion from all malarlous complaints. . . • . On further investigation he fciund..that the - boatman attributed 'to it • piiraculoys' Powers; and said it could only be: obtained f'rom.••the Priests of the Sun. Sometime. . after Wards, the. gentleman in conversing With a Priest obtained from 'him the secret of its preparation, and as certained.where the medicinal herbs were 'found ; of which it was compounded.• The.'wonderful virtues of •this• article have induced a full belief irrthe minds of the natives in. the , miraculous hearing powers of their. Priests. ••. . • Since his return to Am'hign i it has been tried with the happiest effect by several Ladies , and Gentlemen of high character, who have giVeri it the most unqualified. praise. This remedy having been a specific in Prusia for.hiindieds of years, for the prevention and 'cure of Fever. and Ague and Bilious Feverg—is now offered to the American. people. ' It will be sent by mail, plepaid, with full di rectionsfor use, on receipt of one dollar. Principal Depot and Manufactory, 188 Main St.; Richmond, lra. Branch Office, Bank of Conimerce Building, New York. Address . ylO • JOHN. WILCOX & CO. . TO PUBLISHERS AND PRINTERS. ryliE UNDERSIGNED having been appoint ed a committee for the purpose 'of• estab lishing a Democratic paper at Ridgway, Pa:, take this method of inviting any person, quali fied to print and conduct a Democratic journal, toselect.tbis • - point;asl.offering good induce ments, to any such person wiahing to engtige in the enterprise. The county.of Elk 'is tell-, abi Democratic, and her citizens are willing toextend a remunerative'patronage to a Coun ty. psper. Address llon:•Geo. Dickinson'Ridg way Elk co. Pi. ' ' • • GEORGE DICKINSON, GEORGE WEIS,. • 'J. 5: HYDE; • Con:id:Wee. Ridgway Sept. 4. 1860. • STOVES! STOVESI j AM NOW RECEIVING THE LARGEST, 1 best selected, and cheapest lot of Stoves ever brougitt into this section. E. S. MASON.. , . PANS, all new and shiny—you •can, see an honest man's (ace in tliem as soon as you pay over the - doe, at ;MASON'S. BIZOWIVEI;L'S. 37 - THE .OLDEST, IVIDEST• CIRCULA TED, and most COMPLETE, CORRECT and RELIABLE Dank Note Reporter in eatsteate. Quotations corrected by TiIOMPSON BROTUERS, PUblished by &As. Burnie PrakPn St . , . . , .TEEM 9 OF SUBSCRIPTION IN ADVANCE; :. ' :• • • ' ,—. ' 'Tq than, SubEcribers • . - .• , . Weekly;— •S-2 I .temi.moothly,... ; .$ll Monthly.... 7•50 . To Pcortniastere or •othere, who; form °lobe 'and, for ward ire the money In advance,. we will send the Raper ter tThin.chart Mattueli. and Descriptive Liston] fol. 5 copiei of the Weakly, one .Year. 5 copies of the Semi-m0nth1y..,... ' 10 copies of the We Will, forward gratiiitously to any person sending a club of $2O at the above. rates,,,at . any onetime, our American, Gold Coln Test *Seale. • Address,. ." • • . . THOMPSON BROTHERS, Bankers, - No. 2, Wall St. N. 3f,,'Proprietors. W/LZIEVSZ 2.11.02C2R2'. Patented Sept. 9, .1856. ' fly RILEI• smitten rpHE WASHBOARD AND.-BEATER. are 1.; :the two.first and most natural implements ever. used in Washing Clothes. Notwithstand ing it has been the, study of inventors to do them away, and for that purpose several hun dred patents have been issued, yet it has been 'of no effect. They 'hive failed in their at tempt. Their machines have been . coridemned and thrown away, and the, Wash 'Board and Beater again vsed in their . Stead. ' . Machine combino tliOrn together, at. tached to a progressive lever in such a• manne'r as gives' great power to the Beater, while either may be used as the operator may desire. Motion of the Beater iP quick and •easy; the preisure gentle and 'powerful, which gives it the advantage over all , other , machines, and is so decided•by competent judges. • All persons knowing themselves indebted to the under Signed by Book account, .will save cost by settling the same , by payment or Note immediately.. . . MASON. December I, ISM . COURT. POCLAMATION., • urr HEREAS 'the 'Hon. :Robert G. White, VY President Jlidge ) and Ole }lons: J., Dar. ling s and S. 'Holmes,. , Associate Judges of the Courts-of Oyer . &. Terminer . and" General Jail . Deli Very, Quarter Sessions .of. the; Peace, .or pbans'.Coirrt and. Court of Common Pleas for. the County - of M'Keaahave issued Dieir Preeept, 'bearing date Saturday, the 29th day, of Septem 'her in Gip year of our Lord"one thousand eight hundred and”siitY; and,. to, me directed, for Wilding a Caurt of Oyer - and Terminer and 'Gen eral 'jail, Delivery, Quarter: Sessions'bf the. Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court 'of Cal : Limon, Olcas, in 'the Borough of .Sreethporti on Mon day, - the twenty-fourth:day - of December next,' add to continue one ,vieek. • Notice is therefore hereby given to, the Coro ners, .Justicee of,'the Peace And Constables within, the county, that:they be then and, ther . intheir proper pers'ons, at 10 o'clock A. M: of .said day, with their rolls, reeoids, inquisitions, examinations, tuid , 6ther' rerhembrances,' to AM those things which their'officei3 appertain to be done.:' . And those who, are : ound, by. their rec ognizances to , proaecute the prisoners,that are or shall be in the,jail of said, county •of MlCean,. are to be then and there:to prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at Smethport, October fourth, 1860, and the 85th year. of . the Imlependence Of the. United States of America: JOSEPH NORSE, Sheriff. . , Cabinet Shop in Mechanicsburg , — AA WOLTERS .respectfully..announces to 11. the, ' public that, nOtwithstanding these hard times, he is manufacturing and keeps con stantly on hand all:kinds of tiirnlture, such as OTTOMANS, • CARD,. CENTER, DINING AND; • BREAKFAST TABLES, CHAIRS' of all. - kinds and styles, Cane and Common, Ready-Made boffins, Scc.;•of.the very best material and manufacture. SmettiPOrt, Feb. 25,1858• JEFFREY'S 13017tILE-ACTING SUCTION & FORCE PUMP India Rubber Ball,Valvei; SUBSCRIBER •having puichased. the 1 right•to make and•sell this. New Purim, .feels_ . confidence.that his efforts- -to bring it into general use, in this county, Will.be secon ded by all, who see its construction and opera ,. • • tion. Among - the many advintages secured by the use of this Purnp,.-the following may . be enu- 1, A double action, by which twice "the wa ter Ban be .raised:at the same time. ' • 2. Gieat ease iriworking, thus adapting. the Force Principle: to common Wells. . 3. The transformation, in a moment, of . the Pump into ari.,effieient /IRE Eummt, thus Ten` dering theioss of dwellings by.ftre, totally un necessary.; 4.'Capability of waterlog gardens, Lawns; or sprinkling walks, washing - windows, Sm., with the utmost ease and thoroughriesa: 5. Power•to.raise Water with slight labor.to any reasonable height, as in supplying charii-, . . . . . 6: The convenience of having the Pump in a kitchen, or other rooms of youidwelling,-with out regard to the location of the Well' or Cis . . 7.. The -easy',protection of the . instillment against Frost. . • ' . - • .. 8. The 'ease with which. it may be -mounted on wheels, or in other ways be Made portable'. O. Aaimpticity which ensures great dura bility, protecta itfrom being tbrOwn out of or:: . der, and makes any .repairs, easy and of little 10. `Great: Chsapnein -for the. first time bringing the 'cost of the Force pump into the neighborhood of the common Suction and Chain Pumps, yvbile it is immeasurably supe rior to both. , - - , , Manufactured and for sale by the subscriber, only, at his shop in Mechanicsburg-. • A. WOLTERS Mecfmnicsburg, March 18,1858. , .THOAIPSON'S BANK NOTE AND COMERCIAIi REPORTER. Virenlatlon, 100,000. EDITED BY JOHN THOMPSON 2 Well Street Manufactured and sold at'Mechanicsburg, by. A. WOLTERS: _ . Mechanicsburg,March 18, 1858, . NOTICE. Hardware Stare, O.pPOSITE*RCE'LS.IOI?.I3LOCK, OLiAIY /TRIM iubscribe:rs offer to the citiz,etis of Olean ;I: and vicinity, .a large 'and well :selected stock of Hsidware, at -prices that cannon fail, to sait the purchaser. ; - • , Moth ilinerican, English, Swedes. RODS: ~11.017egian; Nail and Sp NAILS : Cut, Wiought, Cline!' and Eivut. A FULL. ASSORTMENT. OF CARPENTER and miLLwnIGHT:TOOLS, Besides I-I A R W R . ••; IN ENDLESB NARIETY. • ^ Sash, Riau, .Paints, ,Varnisheg,, CaRRIJIG:IB, 6 4 00D5, ENAMELED'CLOTH; BROAD:CLOTH, ' DAMASKS, BOWS, SPOKES, FF.r.LcEs;' SPRINGS • AXLES AND A LARGE QUANTITY OF • Table and Pocket Cutlery, AGENTS FOE THE` BOSTON BELTING Co., LEATHER AND. BELT! intim WE•OFFER AT • ' MANUFACTURERS. PRICES. MILL, CIRCLE;HAND.AND CROSS CUT SAWS From' the celebrated Factory of Wheeler, Madden PITOH AND CAKIIM,. • ' BLACKSMITH. TOOLS DRILLS, VICES, SCREW PLATES and'AHVILS. FARMING lITPNSILS, - • , • , RAKAIS,. SOYTHES,' :ha.'• MAHIIFACTI7RERS : • . • . TIN; : :IRON.,.SICEEN AND.. COPPER.. STOVES: OE ALL PATTERNS ; • . , n • is'rrit COOK, AND PARLOR. " • ~ We .respectfully aoßcit aahaie 'or:your pixtranage. give pas' call before purchasing elsewhere. 'r. ADAMS• Olean, ,Map 5, 1850 IN CHURNS and Japanned•Wiiie, Stove T Pipe arid Tin Cat Holes at MASON'S. What Everybody Wants THE 'FAMILY DOCTOR: SIMPLE REMEDIES, EASILY•OBTAINED, FOR THE CURE OP DISEASE IN • ' ALL FORMS. • • By. Prof KERRY 'S. TAYLOR, M. D. It TeIIS•YOR How to .attend .upon the sick, . • • and how to cook for them;' how. • to,. prepare Drinks; Poultices, • . &d: and how to guard, against infectidn from contagiOus disea- It„Tells You Of the various diseases ef chil - • dren, and gives the hest and • • . slmplest mode of treatment du ..." • •.ring .Teething, Cohirulsions, Vaccination, Whooping-Congh Measles,. &e. • . It Te.llit You Tbe..symptoms of Croup, Chol era Infantum,',Colic, Diarrhea,' • • • • WormS,.. Sculled. Head, Ring .,• ' .worm, Chickeiliox; & c.,, and gives you the best reniedies for ; • . their cure. It Tells You The symptoms of Fever and' ' ' • Ague; • and .Billious, ' Yellow, • '. • - Tybhus, Scarlet and other Fe , • . vers ; and gives you the. best •. • and simplest remedies for their It Tend You The sjimptoms —of Influenza, ',Consumption, Dyspepsia', Asth . . ma, Dropsy, Gout, Rheumatism Lteribag,e, Erysipelas, &c, and , • , , gives you the beit remedies-for' It Tells You The Symptoins'of Cholera Mor- . bus, Malignant Minters, Small . pax, •Dysentery, • Crarrip,. Dis ,.. . . eases of the' Bladder; Kidneys . • ond.LiVer,' and'. the nest reme-' . • . dies for , their core. • " It Tells . You.TF6 sYmptonts of Pleurisy, . MuMps, -Neuralgia, Apoplexy, • ParalySis, the various diseases of the Th'roat, T.eetli,. •Ear. and • ' . Eye, and the best remedies for` • their.cure. • . . It Tells: You. The. ''syroptoms of. Epilepsy,, • . Jaundice,Piles; Rtipture, Dis eases Of the 'Heart, Hemorrhage, :• Venereal Diseases, and Hydro . phobia; and gives the best rem:. ediesicir 'their cure. It TeIISwYOR The'best. 'and' simplest treat ment - • and Dislocations; Sprains; Lockjaw, Fever . -Soree, .White • •' • • 'Swellings; • Ulcers, Whitlows, • • • Boils, Beurvy, Buins and Sdrof-, It Tells You Of the various diseases peculiar to Women, aacl - •gives the' best , ,' • . and sirnplestrimedies for. their . • . ;cure, together with•many valu-• • able hints tor' the..preservation . • of 'the health.' . . - 'The work is written inplain.raagua.e, free from medical terms,'so.as to easily understood, while. its simple receipts may 'soon, sage you mady.tirsa the Cost of the book. .It is printed is a clew and open' type; is illustrated with appropririte.engravings,. and will be forwarded to your address, neat IY:bouad and po.stage . Paid . on receipt of $l,OO. . .. . . . . $lOOO .A .YEAReamnabilee by enterprising men everywhere; in selling the above work,"as our inducement to all such are very, liberal.' . • . , . For aingle copies Of the Book, or for terms to agents, 'with other information, apply to or ad dress. JOHN B POTTER. Publisher. No. 617 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. . THE TONGS ,AND WOE. TE EIniSCRIBER would inform the cit zens.of PortAllegany, and .the surround Is lo ing country, that he is prepared to all 'kind BLACIKSMITHI G T , In all its different branches in a. orkmanlike manner, with, promptness and dispatch warran ted to give satisfaction. . - WAGON WORK &, MILL - IRONS; attended to in gOodstyle, and ;'a t reasonable rates. Partldularattention paid to • Plorse Shoeing, From' experience in the•business entire pais faction is guaranteed. J•`D. OTTO. Port Allegany, Mira .1, 1 ) 860. . N. B. All persons owing the, or having un settled accounts, are. 'earnestly requested to call and settle the same without delay ; 'there.: bY.sikiiing cost and trouble. J. D. QTTO. • 'Cr. 0 0-1) S - ',A.R. : E. : ....., :CHEA:P. TAYLOR'S REGULATOR. A. N.: Tflylr' Ida . tott, the =EMS .N.EVV: , ..,;p - mm.p..7l;;; . qoOn's .•. • . Ever brought into thia,Coulqy,-.pesenOng ATTRACTIOXIS ZN . . . . EXTENT . , VAOtETr i ELEGANCE, - - 0; nd BEAUTY of f design . and, • ero:lvringr., • .. • . . JllOll ARE HERE. Now is the Time To Select from tletstdirgest.Stoik'in4 " ••. • Goods while . • ••. • • PRICE ARE DOWN! The Goofs : ore: Goiks! Oir • HOT:CAKE:fizis . fROSTYMOONNG, And 'those tato teish. to , mate CHOICE SELECTIONS SHOULD CALL EARLY: . . linsimpiAme - Stock eimiista of D . Ry Goops, In Zadlesa Varney. 'PARASOLS ApTO lISIBRELLAS; READY-MADE. CLOTHING, CLOTHS & VESTiNGS, MILLINERY GOODS, LADIES' DRESS" PAINTS; LAWNS, LADIES' .CHAI,LI.Br:•X:A*N. ROBES, Floun;E;d, at $l. .DEBAIZES,. at 10 cts In fad a :Co:niplelo Assortinont of DRESS GOODS. 0,000 yds ! BROWN SHEETINGS, 5000 BLEACHED SHEETINGS GROCERIES, 'SqG AR,S', FLOUR, PORK, &c., &c 'IIANS at 12-1 , cts: TqAS dt 31 , t 0 .623 etc.' BOOTS & SHOES, Largest stock ever offered' in this section or. . emintry. . Men's Kip Boots, a mime article.---- Women's Calf Boots, Men's Brogan ,Shoes, Women's Gaiters, tipped, Women's enameled. In addition to the above he has a large gem- . , • . ...', .' .'S . T 0 . V. E S . ' ' - -... ... . , . • . HARDWARE;CROCKERY; '. DRUGS ; , .4., • • MEDICINES, YANKEL • NOTIONS,. , . , . 'HA 2 2 AND ...CAPS, IRON' of 41'. .• • , :. .': .: • kindo—Nail Rod and ... ..- . • • •••. . - . Hoop Iron;. e .. .. • . . . ' German' and Coat Mod) -•••• . ' . , •• Wash 'Tubs and Grain Measures•,. Patent Pails, Wash Peards, Vinegar, 'Fluid', Camphene, Turpentine, • - AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, And a thousand other things . too numerous to. mention, which will be sold WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Q7' Country merchants supplied at is low; prices as they cnn buy in New York, or any of the eastern cities, for. cash or, Approved credit. Sniethport, June, 1859.. TAILORING, JTORN RASTORFER, hem New York, has permanently established himself in the Tailoring business, at'Smethport, and would invite petronage - of the citizens of this vicinity. From his experience in the business he feels Safe in warranting all work entrusted to.his care. Particularattention paid to CUTTING: Latest, Fashions, just received. Coats; Pants, Vests, &c., Cut and, made ea short no tice.. Charges reasonable. • . • • [37- .Shop over the Post 'Mae. •• • • .Swetliport, Aug. 9, 18601 A CARD. JK. HAFFEY offers his services to parties . owning or. wishing to purcbaie mineral lands in M'Keon, Elk, Clearfield or Jefferson counties. . E" Examinations made and faithfully m Bradford, July 27,1859. ' . • ...,:,• GINGHAMS, COTTON YARN, SAL 2, FISH