ELECTIO' . •PROCLANIATfON; AlirllEßE* to and by the 13th section 'of' the Apt or V the General Assault:lv:of. Pennsylvania; passed Ket.reliting to. the elections of thd.Contuminwq4th, , ;, it is enjoined Sheriff ,of every.COunty,to giinnotio4 of. such. elections to b e held end enutuerated - fir such tepee 'what officers .thre • to be elected: • In pursuance - thereof, I, JOSEPH MORSE, Ilhth Ellerin' :Of. the county. of 31 , 1{ean, 'lxerefore make known and dye this public notice tone • electors of said Uourey ofll'Kean, , that a General Electrew• ' - beheld fp theaaid Oounty on Vtieelay.next after the first Itlondaysof Notember, being the ',6th. day . of ,Novembee, 11}130 . : at Willett time TWENTY.4 I EVEN ELECTORS , OF A. • llESIDEtsit'A ND VICE PRESIDENT'OrTIIZtISITEII STATES are to be elsote 1., .' .'• • •. - . • , . . All the qualified Elector. 4 of said county of Itort their Elections:in the Several.dlstrlets: ea ffillowsi• — • The. Borough tot •Sinetlipurt, at the Court &louse in ; ..• • • ''The townshipof floidford nt theSelleollionse in l.ilile ...'Clie'tmvnaLip of Beres, at the bowie of ,Fii.J. Barber. .. ' Thb 'township Cl Corydon; iat the School hoped uoiti. Parinaters,• . • • The townAldp• of. Elilied, at the Eldred ..The township of I limilinott,th&Aldrich school hoped: The township. of lit tltd 'school house' ear •.. • • ' Isaiah. Morrisons..• • • • . • • ' 'DM townsliiivareafing„ nt the Court lions° in Smoth.- ma , toir.Lip of Liberty; •at The schiiol - house in Port . The townshid of Lafayette; et the schnol house near Ln: " Tile township alßoVwielt, at the house Ole. R. Burdick.' • The township of.Otto,at the school house in Prentissrale • The. township of Shipper, tittle house kept hyd`;'.l..Dilcil 'Thetovinship of Sergeant, at•the• house ofJosepli Lucas' .Tlie:tiOVnshiti of Wotitiore, at thelionse.of Toby.• •• And I also-give notice that tre& person excepting , t4M. ..TuStices of the Peace wife shall hold any office pr. app: po In talent "of profit or trust Under the Government of the united States.,or of the State', or pr any.city - or in.: corporate& district whether a 'conimissioned officer or otherwise, • subordinate' olliceibr agent; who is or shall ..behinployeil under: the Legislatire• , ,llseentive...or •judi eilit'r department of lhis'State ; or.of the -United States,•-, •ob•pf any incorporatep'district; and also thateverY mem- I her of Congress, and of tha State begislat ore' and of 'the Selectbr COielliOnflouncil of any City or . Clirunibisioner -of any incorporafed•district, is by lute incapable of ever-. dying at the same. throe the bffice of Judge, Inspector, or Clerk:of an election. in t h is Conimonwealth,-anj that. no Inspector; Judge Or other.ollicerpf any such- election,. shall be' ligible to anY•ollide then to be xoted for,' • abd; tnhnd by the.4th sectional an Act approved the' 36th day of April 1'810; it ie enacted that the 18th sec=. .Lion of. an .Act poked July 3il, -1639, entitled• 'i , An.Aet relating to.the elections in this- ,Oeminotairealth" shall • not be Condruod is to piovent toy military or , '.tioreuvli- Olieer, from serving as Jiffige,•lnspector or Clerk at any geperatuir spedialeleetionpf 'this Corniminsiealthi . And!' the.lletyrn ' Judges Of, the' respective" districts afore Said are reluifed to meet at Sinetliport, the'Voiniti Seat of said County . on the third day after such election, being Friday, the lith day of •Noveinber.,then.and there to dinit irge the citifies required by law.: . .•• Given under my hand and seal at , Sinetliporl;dhe '23d, .day of-October, -A.' D„:]B66; and of the Independence of the United States the eightvAlfth. • firrai • . Josp,r}r,ivicißsE, 4.kerqr. Sra9thport 0ct..22,1860.. SMETHPORT GROCERY ANEW ARRIVAL AT 'PRANI<.... WRIGHT'S HTRIG Removed New . Store; Opposite ' the Baptist Church,: the Pro-, prietor now offers , the' best and most extensiiie FAMILY GROCERIES, e'er ofTeed the people'' of ' M'Kean' county,. at prices- which would, seem roil. °us 'at ariy , . 'Other establishment.. ' Tkeeri on handy and am irr the ilai y receipt o ' FR.SII.GROUND"FLOIJR, •., . -.• . , FEED AND. MEAL. - • . . '... PORK,-SALT, CODI'ISIL, ' 'MACKEREL,' - WRITE Pint, .:- ••, . - BUTTER, LARD, TALLOW-. ' .'. . CANDLES, RICE, STARCH, ,- ' • NUTMEGS, SALRATLIS. SODA, INDIGO, PEPPER,- , " •oPICE, CINNAMON; . • ' • .' .".. CLOVES, CRACKERS, -.. TORA'CCCI. RAISINS, „ , NUTS,.OP 159' ALL . KiN ' • ' SUGAItRS CF . ALL KINDS, :•COPFEE.O.ROUND ; .1 AND UM:MOUND, .SYRUPS, ME,LASSES, • r •'. KF.IIOSENE OW; ' . ~ CAMPILENK CANDIES, TEAS, &c:,.k.c., My Mock is full and .complete, and selected from .the; beit . .in,,the market: 'Cali find exam. inp price and quality; and, you • • B. F. WRIGHT Smetliport,,.A.tig. 13, 1860:" : • ODFLSIL and Sardine's nt . ..• • • FLOUR, .'. i ' F LOUR.froni new wheat, jitst received and fOr 'sale a SR INK WRIGHT'S: • • • KENDALCREEK HOUSE:: BP/DAL-CREEK; M'KEAN• HE Subscriber•havint purchased this . wel T known stand, and re-furnished End re -fit .t 0 the..Ho9se, is.prepnred , entertain 'Board ers and the' Traveling pOhli6 . T-ITS I3NR.A.Np•TAI3LE'. win be yOell snpplied, and everything dono . to merit a liberal share of patronage. , Raft men :will always, find the latch-string,!' out.. Kendal Cr4ek, Tapuaiy 2,.1560. . 8 0 IVIEIT G NEW! STOVES, TIN COPPER IND 'SHEET-IRON WARE! . , A..J; NounsE Would antiounce . :to the citizens of Smetliport and :vicinity; thathe is manufacturing ) and keep constantly ori hand,.a large and complete assortment of plain, pressed and japatied . . • • TIN-WARE . . Also all kiwis of • • " • SCOPP,EIi & SHEET IRON WARE ..• ZINC, iS*6 4S'e. • Particular' attention will be paid to ' . Putting up Eave Troughs, warranted not to leak or blow doWn. • • • • . Job Work • of all kinds done with dispatch,. and ip a satis tory Manner, at'the lowest possible pNceS. •• He is now receiving and will'keep constantly on hand '.a choice selection of • COOKING, PARLOR, AND BOX STOVES ot the best applov,ed patterns, and castings, .which . will be sold at, prices to suit. !lease call before purchasing elsewhere. •• • • . • 014 ~Cop. Taken' in'eichange forgoods: •. ONE DOOR WEST. OF THE ASTOR HOUSE. . Smethoort; August 39,1800; WASHIN9TON•NATIONAt XONIIMENT THE, SUBSpRIBErt •I§ NOW ',OFFERING for sale, t magnificent steel plate enira ving,of .the Declaralion of Independence, sur rounded hy tifeAike portraits-O.:ill the ,Presi. .dents, and beOrihg upon its, face , the'tornb of Washington, at Nit: Vernon; .and••facsimiles of the signatures affixed to the Declaration. THIS EI~TGR , tYVIIVG; • being‘lBX22 inclieg . ibrfize, is unsurpassed by ever published,:and ii3.offered .at the very. IoW price of fifty cents.. • • Address• all,orders, with price enclosed and. two cents to prepay postage., to . • C. N. TENNY, A.G.r., . • , • .StnetliPort,M'Keitn' , w otpe ttlfa ) , L m eitxo 14: tkV r ,W 40,44014 PrONIC,DIURETIC, 44 ' 1 1 oysptvo rs _ ufflCOßAtifi& CORDIAL To.the Citizens of . New:J:ersey and 'Perin : Apothecaries,..Dingists: Oro nen and Private lyoues' Pine Cogniac brandy.' :•• IYolfe'aPage.faileria,,Sherry 4 Pore Wine. Wel feta Pure arnaica . and. Si; c‘rcibi IVolfe's Pure Scotch andlriah . ' • • I lieg leave to cell 'the attention of cifizena of the thil ,ted States to the above WciFfwand.),lquotts imi•Orted' 'l.lnoi.ruo WoLFIII, New.Ye whosenaine is Taini liar in every part of this country . inr the. purity ofbis Some- DAM SCIINOTS • :Mf:•WSLPif t in• bin letter . to me; sneak_ . trig of the-purity of his Wisei and Lfounroi, says;.. f'l, will stake my reputation as a man, my Standing as a erchant or thirty years, residence.in the City of N6v York, that aline linsNor and Wists which I bottle are pure as M-. .1100.13iii . 1110 Crthe best nuality,audnan be relied upon by -.every. Purchaser.? • .Every, bottle' has the proprietor's name op, thowlnc. and a fan simile of his signature on the certificate.. The mablic.aroresPectfully invited to , ,call, and carmine for themselves.; For sale .at bY Apothecarica and G roccris in Vhilidelphia• . • J.; goads .Mnro i No. 632 Market b't. • • kloirAeint...for Philadelphia: • • 'Read , the following from tno blew York Colirier; • . Enormous BpSINRSB Volt Qai NE:IV YO6 MERCHANT—IVO are hiipprto:infiirin our, fellow-citizons that there is one place in our.elty • .whore the•physician ' apothecary, and country 'Merchaut,can go and purchrseWines & Liquors, - as pure Imported, and'Of the best quality: We , de not intend to give nu elaborate description of thismeraluittlii extensive bbsineis,ilthouch it will repay env stranger or citizen icstisit IJngt.ruo 11'ordre , S; extensive warehouse,. N05..58 ; 20 anti.•2l, Beayer etreet,aral Nos • 17, 10 and 21, Markflehl street.. lIIS Mack - otSchnhpfis onhand'read yfor shipment couldnot.. have been less qban thirty, thousand cases, the Erandy., some tenthensand 'eased—Vintages of 1836 to ISM , and ton thousand eases' of Medeiraa. Shot- Cud Port Wino, - ScOteliand Dish )Kliiskey; Jamaica and Bt. Croix Ruin, sfime.*ory old and eghal to nny•in . this cOuntry:. lie sled haddlreelirgo cellars, filled with Brandy, Wine, &c.' casks' under . ',Custom Housakey ready., for bottling. Mt: Wolfe's • sales of SchapOs last year amounted to one hundred and 'eighty - thotisandriloa en,- and we hope, in less than two years he'. may be :e -qually - succe.s.Sful with his Brandies and Wince. ' • • ' His business - merits' the patronage'et every loser Of his. species: Prirat'a ftmilies who wish pure .Wineesnd Li nnets Inc .medial use 00111 d, send their circlets direct to Mr., IW:lre-quail emery' Apothecary,in the lend make tip their., minds .to discard the, poidonous: shill" from liseir shelve, and replace it with Wouru's Pure, Winds and LI RUMS. . • . . :We understand Mr.. Wot,ss, for the accummOdation of swell dealeri'in the country, puts tip asserted cases of Wines and Liquors: . Such a num., and such 11.1Tliirellittlt, F11,1111d.14 sustained against his tens of:thousands of op, ponents in the United States, who sell nothinehut Eons, ruinous alike to hunuin health and-happiness. • ..- :KTOTIcE is hereby given, by L. 'H. Dolly, 1..1 . Administrator of:thp .estate of p. , AnNs GoOnivrl, deceas6d, late of the county of Mc- Kean . and cominonwealth of Pennsylvania, that. in ...pursuance of an Order of the ,Orphan's Court of,.Mtenn county-, Ph., made June 27th I:B6o,the,interest lielonging.to said Estate, subject to the ametint due to . Keating - kCo., it, being the balance'of the original purchase mon ey, and amounting on the 27,th day of' June, last, to the sum of thiee . hundred and eighteen dollars and thirty. Seven Cents,—in and to the following Real Estate; to, wit: Bounded on the south by:lands of, Perry M'anntng,.on the east bylands of :Keating & . 'C0., , 0n the north by lands of A. S. Arnold; containing ninety-three .acresand ninety, one-htindredths of. an acre :of land, and being lot numbered' fifty-seven;:-and, put, of Warrant numbered "1.510 thousand one hundred and eighty; situate ih thp township of Liberty, county , at "M'Kean; and Common: .wealth of sold,, ht - the House'on the above described premises, one o'clock, P. M., ho Saturday; the twentieth' day of .October, A. D.',.eighteen hundred and sixty,. to the highest dud best bidder. . . Port-Allegany, September If, 16-. ts . . , • L.: H. DOLLY, Adrckiserator .FRANK, WRIGLIVS Illinois, . . - •July 29th - 1569 11fegSrs. & Co.: *. . Your "Impeqine," or "Persian Fevei Chirrn," has done .Wonilers: .•I Wea . whglly despondent when'l 'applied it,. and in five : hours. the chiils.were removed 'and'. no ' . fever has':. : en sued.. It ia..the simplest cure imaginable, end 'a - Wonder' of nature' not he Withent this "Impeetine" a single hour. 'By 'constantly *darkag it ...I.l'seern to• be'."ague .eLlaP:a7tul J 11111• IS6O GENTLEMEN : • ; . I have been snatched' from e' ' the grav . by the application of 'your wonderful .cilmpec tine, or' ,, Persicin Fever Charm."• For several I hate suffered every ...season froin' . fever and ague. .Last Spring my life was thretitened, but your remedy has: destroyed the . : des:ease, and I am rapidly gaining an appetite and strength: • •, • , This truly Wandeiful.preivitit;wand cure ~ for Fever and Ague and Bißrous will be sent by mail,,pest paid, on receit of one'•dollar. • Alan for sale nt'all respectable Druegtsts and'•Coun try Stores: . • 4 Principal. Depot .and•Manufactriry,,,SS Main St., Richmond, Va. Branch" Officg ) Bank of Commerce buildini, - New York. . Address' Arrival and Departure of Nails SMETIIPORT POST OFFICE. . . . Olean-Leaves every morning at 8 o'clock;' or-. lives every . evening. ; • I . Coltdersport--Leavesi Tuesday and, Saturday • Mornings; arrives. Nonday and Friday 'eves. ppon-:-Lcays Tuesday, Thursday. and Sat ' urday mornings, arrives Monday ? Wednes day and Friday evenings . . •,. .• • riidgway . -- ! Leav,ei Tuescray, - . Thursday and Saturday mornings;" arrives Monday, Wed. ile:sday and' Satu,i'day evenings., •• . • • Warren—letives . Tuesday mornings and, p'rriVes Theriday eeningS:; • ' • : • ' "S:SARTWELL,. P. M. • MERCHANT '.•TAILORS: . - 17.• IIiNTII jug t eke I!- ed riO,Wloter toel!.. o'f goads, "and - are pie Pared simply their. numerous customers and those whoTaver them with their patronage, With any I.lAng in their line. Thair,stook eonrists.of • - '• Cloths Casaltaores, Vestings,'Hafs, Caps, Shirt's. • Collars; Cravats, NeolAlloo, &q, • -They haie also a largo'assorlmont " . • 'READVICADH CLOTHING, r Of the Wrist style 13live theme eall,.before, Purehashig elsewhere. ID"Orde,rs from e'distancepromptly atten ded to.. Cutting done on short nOtlea'" ' • • . J. I,,SOOTTj ~„ t • • J.(13. CON ON • • B:ooT.':rand:stioes it A SUPERLATIVE ADMIIiSISTRATOR'S SALE. RtAli j - READ !1 gP.ADA Yours' Very Truly; • ItI;.STOUT Respectfully, YoUrs, b. N. BARRON, JOHN WILCOX & Co ONLON, 'SCO7rr.r . 1880 n._F..WRLORI's GIiANO OPENING ! -.l . ,ppiTy - ,::G•pp):?s,.c.fic':;, 1.1:414L.,....44P,'118.6:01 . , , Best quatity f at, the lowest priCßs , are: new I:oditig.eihibteil at tfre 3„ 1011111 $ll, We have liKivti,ap.land a magnificent assort= meat DRESS GOODS ! , . . f ev ery'. y • description,.. with, triuminga to' match. And'a himi of . 'BOOTS AND SHOES; FLASS AND CHINA WARE,' CROCKERY; &c., &c., &C„ .. , prices Which will be,sold:at es that. Will, cause ali.competition to stand . . back, .apd' Wonder that . goods cari'lre sold atauch prices'.• Each depart. Thant is filled, with a pomplpti , riaripty of all the .• LATEWSTYLT : SAN ; MAO4III And take ptesuie in inuoundie ihc public GOODS AREE U;.d !T'• A 't BARGAINS and b Sold C E .1 P E R THAN AT ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT In Olean. IV,e'hnve just.fittecl- up' a LARGE and GOM , MODIOUS CARPET• ROOM 22 by 75' }Tim, which is filled with ,a . new lot of All the LA' l ; TEST STYLQS of . ZiLL42;221110 FROM 25 cts. UPW ARDS Hats, ceap, Ready ,lA44.e . .:Cl(jOti.iig;7 . *Vall -p4po. - ,..W.iiid4i* . Shades, Hosery of all, kinds; 3 shilling GAITERS and HOOPED .SKIRTS at 31 cts . . . . • - , . • . AU 'who' wan to get. LIGHT on the'eubject. FAST; call and get a gallon of , 1 C A It' WO N. 0 I L , and if it does. hot butn'•TWICE AS LONG as anfotheelciad you.can find for $l, out Vat' forfeit' '• - • A visit to Olean'Avill satisfy YOT..fthat.. :No. 4 EXCelsior is the BEAD. QUARTERS OF TRADE .acid the GRAND,EMPORIUM - of every ; thing NEW NEAT and STYLISH!.. • •, That 5.0 ct . T. T. still beleci., • N. S. BUTLER & CO, ( N. S. BuTl.Eii, L. W. GITTORD. Olean, Sept. 13, 1'866 SMETHPORT WAGON AND , SLEIGH. SHOP, ON MECHANIC STREET N0;.1, THE. undersigned :wciuld ;respectfully ' an tiounce to the citizens of MlCeart chanty, that he is' now prepared toidwell - kinds Of Wood work in My line of ..buiiness, ',at , Short notleit,' in a workmanlike .matiner, at reaettriable prices. I feel satisfied. that Imy work' Will. fully meet the reqUirements of all,Whe.vtill favor:me With' their patrOuage., ' • - Repairing .peomptlYn• attended to on short All kinds.o grain taken In' exchange . ltdff work t . alsci butter, pork,' beef, pine lumber and aft. wood; CASH . willnOt be refused: D. SinitliPort, jab'. Ig6o. . • . ( -I . lll.7ESE:of.tfia best qiialitylat: ' • . . , I" , I . .BARKER'S STRAW'CUTTER wflE SU tStRIBr..II. itbev :Oren( to` the ; ,:thie..,lrnproved'Straw-etitfer, deb/Hence that all who take de tiotittlti.*) abtii its ppeiattope be - •cciavinced Of ) its'ati periority over any other tiovvlrthae: •• • t 'A supply kept qoatttantly•On bane and roar?• urao.pred to order. •• '; • • •.• . . • O As' other person • hes the right to matte Or'uses this Cutter within kirean icert-, ty t ill *ha •usinkkt in yiolittiFin of, the Pat ent'Will be prciseeuted: ' • : ' A ' • • . , • MecliiinicpWrj, Al!gust 21, 1859., 5.2 g cn •-• a; 0. SI " f- b •ETE - '‘ , " E 9 • cr men t v • r r p ... G • a a • • Cr m. V., wFJ6 .9, 0- Fri , Et i = 4 " 9 eb OW 0 7, 9 , g 09 ;II: 0 En r ov " tgl tn " ia"zi ft, g, • g c2,‘ CD 4 [l] "(1) o• 2 • 5, tij o 2, P = ,•cr cr . 0 " 1.1 4 'J. „ t- , 5 . Er 0 Q 0 `4:4A - ° •-• g wfa , al k G' " c/' , OH (1 14--. gr r 6' 6 . 2, cnsq n. a ' .1 4 o. • •r 7, .6 . . . • • - `Tale - Noticei BUY. • ' • '.s ' O9 • , worth of CASTINGS; consisting of - : • • Culthiators,.Sorapersi Sleigh.Shoei,' Cal • . . • dron Kettles,BoxStoves, ' •. • • • • and,•in fact,.anything, and everything.- that usually - celled for in•thisline. • • • • '1 receive' my go ods from the well. known • •FrailklitiViio ' .Foll,l(llV Wing .85 • the hugest Plow Shop west of gey; My.,Plowl are polished so . bright .that .you can see•an hones man's face in them if you will take the trouble to lo'cik - at them at . ' • , ~. • • • , • E.* Old Oast Iron taken in - excharia;e fot new • • . STEPHEN .WING.' §methpiiirt . , Aug: 30; 1860. •• • . . 1 . _ . ... , 4 t A tit i • 0 , t , 0 . • ...... b 0 ..4..`" . H. 0 til 4 . . ::. $ :rpt 't % t) (IQ 1.; :4 t: 'Ol z e. 0 at ft, NOTICE:. . -•• ()Nag, MORE, 'FOR ALL, I REQU ' EII thoie,-linovirjhg theinselins,indel+d to me, 'o cill imtnOdiatelir an 4 settle inesave cOste.: E. Sritethport, J,aiy 10,1E360 'FFF OLD KEY St* c ' Ot-P44. :.STILL ThiEtt,PitEW . ilf‘ . !!: .-.: ~ .:.;. - os. , :::i•-• V!•;:k;4'...4.:4 . .. ,- . - V „., ...'. J-K• COMSTOCK,' llFerrirtLyiiirkitiNcEs TO ' HIS . r:SPE. • friends tifil#l9icoentY, thitc, on hood this op.4tiali: with the :i. , ..:-.. *::.., :..;:.,-...,.:. •f.-.:.;•. - 1. .'.', • . • • :,;,•,-", -LAPP.E!T....Arsi.W.hgst Selected stock Of : Gootts'in.the Olean Mirka .T . i . :.:1T.10141.6 Gash; Al'j'eli I:. 1V . ,94, .:.sB,y! I can' oiler' better : inducinients amp can . get • west oi- New 'Torii: • r" .It Makes tio "ditTeren'ee'whitt you, want, any ihing ie tho line of' . . GIiOCEIZIES Call et he OLD : :KEYSTONE A tid you will fingthe:article fresh acid cheap no " KEYSTONE , STORE alvvais boa and always.yiill take the•ietta,•end regulate the market in - • • Groceries and A,iovisions, OLD FIIIEDil) AND krimr ONOs, Don't fail to call: and sea inci: when xon vi r* ()leak; not•hurt you, bdi shall cartalnlif ,to, do you, good J, K. .0 . 3111gT061t. Olean, May.. 234, 1860. 5.3 .71:013 PRINTING, OF EVERY DEBORIPTI9N, ; nATLY",EeITY : AND , EXPNDITIONSiY DENi9CAAT proFICE. PHYSICIAN .ANA: SURGEON Having' Permanently located.biniself .at ,'PORT ALLEGANYi - would qespectfully, inform the public that he is prepared to attendlo business in all branches of the Medical' Profession: :Particular !Men., tion paid to. Secret. Diseases, both pale and female, they will be treated in accordance with the latest authorities and practice t&bilith',Eti rope and America: • All secrete 'intrusted him, in•iiis practice, will be ' strictly' kept by hirn,. in spite of mondy , ,law, 'friends, enemies', 'relativ‘s or neighbors. . • Port Allegany, March 20th, 1860. • , • IfIWATH,!!! e rcievery form and apacdesp . f • .r "Costar's" ."Costar's'!•Rat, Itoach,'&o,Zitenthiat,inr itCortar's" , .! • ' ' "Costar's": Zed-bug Exterminator. , "Costar's" "Costar's" Electric Powder for Insects. DgBTROYS I NSTANTLY Rats4-Riachesi-Mice-41ples--Ground Mice- Bed Thig4—:Antiii4-Igot . hs . =Mosqueties--•Fletil '—lnieets 'on:plants; InseCts ,pn '&e., Sie.-4n short, every:torm,rinil'species.of • 10 Sears ' eatabpsa,d ii snys York city-,ute.d by the:City Post office; , -sthe city Prisons: and Station' Houses—the City Steamers, Ships,'Sse2, The city Hotels' “Astor'i" (43t Nicholas,". Sse. . snd.more thin 20,000 private faniilisi 12:7" . Druggitts:and . Retailers everywhere. . . , lellbolesale Agents in all the large Cities. a - Begular . sizes 2.5 . c. 40c and' $1 Boxes- Bottles—FlSsku,,- !' i Bownitis !, of spurious, ini!ations,+- Examino edcii Box, Bottle and 'Flask , , 'take nothing but icCosisu's.", CO - $ l 33oxss . sent by Mail. 13:7" . 5,3 Ai $3 Baxes b . :ixPlantations, yotels, &o Dom' Address eiders—or. foricCircelaraio Deal. HENRY R . .' COSTAR. DP,p!CIPAL DEPOT, ,419 .13koApyirpri N 4, Y. Sold by W. S. unawivELL, at gitietaport.• •.' ~. • . . .• .SIVIETNPORT LIVERY STABLE,. THIS 'SUBSCRIBER has opened anew ery•Stable in Smethport,. at 0.. Ben- nett's Old Stand, on Main street, just east of Mchanies', where can be found the best of Hor-: ses and Carriages 'at low prices. hie intends to make Smethport a permanent residence, : And asks a there of patronage. • , ,• Smethporti Antis!. 2.1, 1860. . nntf..• NOTICE. LL call 'indebted to tie are requested Ato call and Sottle tho . same, without delay; If this . call Is not heeded; • shall' ho . cOmpeLi, led.to make costs. . • ~ - . • '• VAN;BYKE tr. WING: Smethporf, July 18, 1860.. ' •• . ' ' . BRICK' ROA. 'ALR; - • • first late inieklor sate. In. 000 1505 quire,of FRANK BACKUS; , , • ' - JONES. 'Smethport,,Auguit'l3oBBo. t iLAOK and Goe . n . i fead;grdiftereti quillilea NOTICE -urriltitE4s; vvire,:.4,6F.OA N !)lti,:.,(t,, VV - • house and . linsin'etiOn,.*ithout juinfnise Or' eompleiriii al so . a and - Eivaid; our giipoe their hprziell;kiiii ral‘i,lihtifittll:Offricntt d t c rust or harbor liet',".cir said gbildrop coiint, a§ I will ruff itOCh'itrges;'itilitithisAatei as I aid *piing Ig * Ol!ppoir,•: , ;:tlkiiii.lo;ob . leilri .maniac' at"tiiyf home. • A TI-JORAt StHeihtiort, July, Tlth18611: • . . .. . , .:. -:. • ..,.• .'. .. .....q.f v.Th. -.. •-' 4 •,' .-- ' .. . , NEW10011:.-SAt:f:'.,..-:'..'.'4: Jr -,...;,. . ~.,.. :1!:,A. , ..-,..0.:,:,-,:10 ) ,.. :7 , , . .• •• . • ~,,....-• ....- ~.,,,,,, ~...-.:-.;:.,..,.....:,,,,,,,,,,.....,,•.:,,.., :.. ... :i : .., ,i :; I,t I,ki .1 i ;,i, S :'..., •,, II t z:~ _ ... &L i e n THE,cr.' li'lr./1181ii IT ~ ..r. TIik'6HEAP ST'ORE, • , ' r 'Or • t r/ • ' A' Li i 4 '“44-,..tr•••' • NWT F ItOtT IT. • • , •--,, :} o.c's ,11:2371.tt3V1 Oit'EA'r BAAWAINS JAN. BE: HAIYA.* '141:1E. ONEIPRItr EgiATOR We itrolbitT; • ... / 4 4 , 44. 4 vainedlip Viittersell M*ltK OLD, ~" ~ h~ a ; F,~I'IEN~9i : YNd{~► 3~il~ll '. ~'`l~i~~` . _.,:y. ! . ..... ~,,.- ~ii 1.3..... 'liii,i, .opis',ll6t.t.ii*ittOidgtiNsi,iftiSits, . . that theie ie only one place . goads, at•very lovi Oda* and ,ihat:ptiae,le the ONE *PRICE - ‘ , •IIERUMTO - t The One juice . 4440 give?, 41,41 NEW ,FASHIONS; ; ~:,..•,,,t; i :1.,`,( i . . 7,::?,',:',...., . .1. ~LU: FAtthUi~ LOW PRICES; =MS EirERY THING. YOU , AT THE ONE Pititlei inEGILLitoR, • • ~, "` . . . rani - head-quarters 0 1 eVeIY th!nir"Alst„r, neat , c 4 1114"46d want.to tiny ilia BEST • r•,=,' f;;. ii'l,..t!-7.:.4,..,1,:5i. DRY GOODS; patisicy Goonty. • I.; T!. , Z.1 041 OENTg • 4 "• • . HOUSE FURNISHING QOODS .1 nl . • Oi .9.91 g • • • / BOOTS 'AND ' r 4 +. 4 4 • • i% • • 4_ c 24, , ,!! ONE PRICE REGULATOR, ' THERE :TOW '.dd ., *, -, iiit .. .".:::'?::':•:,:', will tin& gotidiiemirkable if 20, - heaut7 , ,o l 4 l :4o l 47s"[OPPlir- • '1nit:*4;;;•• • s . to v oFrilt gel •hguterqilk price tliererecn•:kaPflitr;, 410 3 W' • fiemenit(**A,O.ititiiiiibitiliFfliir Stytec,;4StrietintiiiiitY4-Cieb4 . 4iCtllo • ' efivt4 , 4 • : 3 THINGWIAILtIIII III:4 '' S 'W *S 9c •'; . 1,0!#. 0 f„ •'• 4",,• , 444, 04 . wl; Olean, April 23: Mil `: ,gym i;~;''< ~:s',.YJ'~` i 7~ ;: trt.:;,7 , .\4