flow ut Sing Slug . • An insuitection 'Occurred among the convicts .at,Sing Sing last,Thursday - whieh restilted••iii of one person and the severe 'wound.' in g of tincgher.' , :The leader pf : this.. movement 'waa.a derp?rate villain named Torn Kelly who rnad,6 nn attempt to y escape recently,. Which - he : has Mute ball and chain attached to one of his legs.,. Tharsdarhe matiaged•to - ft:ee himself (min this inipeditnetit, and 2 giving, a•sig- Which•appears to,hare .L beem.preconcerted, I?esCatteEl towards the prison'.dock.: A. de•Flltr , : - ' rate ehcountet ensued On•boarti the .sloop, be tween Kell - Y . anil . Several eony its`‘rlici,followed hi in on.pne.. side; and the Prigen :Jcpe.pers the:crew 'of the sloop ,on t he . ot her., -The insor rectionistS acre ljnally se'cored;• 'after . g. ..havin mortally stabbed .the Captain of • : the sloop and . fel y'wimilded one of tioir'.keePei• -,- ;.... • •. . • , OUT 'volt' BET.L.-,—Alayor HENRY, of Pkitladel: : , phia, has doctored torlTelt and _Everett'. Mr'. .Eloriry . . is too hane'at a: man .to . stay. in tlia';l - t.e - - ptnlbliaah party; .and,siirce, they have dealarqd .their.hostitititd tlie'Constitution alid.t.he laws. - or oar conritiy; he . .caniiot.sonscien tionsly.Co-bp • erate'Witli.themi• ,'i'o PUBLISHERS AND PRINTERS. r - ritlE 11Np I, a viog b.e.Qn appoint i yeda committee for the pin:pose' of estah,- lishing a.Deinoeratie.paPor at 'Ridgway, Ta., take this method of inviting any . .persod' quali fied tOpriiit and ,conduct a DemOeratic ;journal,. •to select this . point.- as offering „gond . induce , nients, to any such person wiahing engage' iii the enterprise. The.cornity of is 'Jeri- . .aby Democratie., and her citizens- . are-. Willing fo•extend , a.remitnerati•ye . .patronage to a coon- . ,tk aPe •A d Geo. 1) 11.3.dg= GEORGE DICKINSO:S•7 ; GEORGE "IMES, • . J. S. . Ridgsva . y Sept. 4: ISa PROF. MARTIN MATER,..*: D • : of - Go r mani, • : . yaduoto of the, - . Univqsity of .Gcrina- PrOfe.Croi I:uorepre President of eke ItiltdoOtan S'oL •riety Miff do; Autkor; of 4 4 Woollir and -110.. • 'Diseases, cte." • ' ' . , CO7,CSULTII:I), for all 4,110a50 of the NerViaoksilsrom and other alTeOtiotis peculiar at if!!! iforsE, 'timethport,frouri 9 A. n., till 3 o'clock P. M., each, day, commencing Tue§ifay, 5ept..1.5,1890. will not consult.. alter //tree! .o'clOck,y.M.,,a's . the main object of his-'visit is to Tetruit his health, by fishing Mid 'hunting. DT. ',Mayer a' popular T f reinte;± Subject,--"Tiin •Ohn Four 'Docroa,".or ta. AND How TD Cuitc,'? on TnesdaY•eening., Sept., I:sth, i - t.•half-riiist 7 o'clock. .:Adriiission' (to pay expenrs)•deif cents. , Tickets may be obtained at th'e Hctels. . • ADMINSISTRATOE'S SALE TOTICy, is hereby given,. by :Dully, .1 1 1, Administrator of. the .e.siate of deceasad, late of the county of 31c- Kean art commonwealth of Penpiylvania, that iti pnrsuance of 'an Order of the , . Orphan's Court of;M'K'eaii coainti; made June 27th .1.311(). the intM . e4t . belonging - , to 'said Estate,-,. subj. , c . tlto the aaieuht due to.licaling & CO.,' it the balance,of purchase rrfor:- . . 'ey,, and Mboulifing the 2.7ittr.day•of .tune, last;:tii'thesufri of i three liundred and:eighteen dollars-Mid thirty-seven cents,—in and to . the "fedlowing-Real'Estato;"to Bounded oa the of Mry Maiintri "east by;:landa.•bf,Keatity.; C Co ;,on north .'hy„ 'land.,`, o( A. S. 4.(1101:1;(1'00:1,11, ii.,.(fitnety..:t brie acres aiol.ninety acr . e. of . land, mid being lot - d p tft of warfant, t A.() , thousan 1 . .0re hundred and eighty; in the' township Liborty, 'county of rare, and Common wealthiof,Perins.ylvaiiia, , will be :So1:1; , at fire House.:on the above described . , premNes, a.t ,, dne o'clock, M . .;• on:Saturday; the,t ‘'enti,ql day . . of October, D.; eightehhinidr,eif awl to the and' best bidder.. Part-Al.l.e4any; . Septoini , er; ; • Dl-As 11..P01.1.Y , •. KENDAL-CREEK' KENDAL , OREZ, ITICEAN GO,, PA., 91HE Stibse'rid , or Nuchised s thi4 wen •stand, and re-fphniShed and re-Gl l Ted the lion.e; i paepared 'eatertain'lloard ers and tile l'iavelitignuldie. . . 13.112', be stipprieir;ao .everytkibg dmie to inerkt d 'liberal sipraof 'Fiatr:obage. flern trill ativa)..s find .t.he . 4tlato)-0 - riag" out. . p.• • Crepk.:- Tailuary:`.2, 18,';(1. TAILORI.NG. J OHN RASTORI:'ET4 •lideently from Now Yoilr., has pormanemly - m.t.ablished himself in 't .he • Smeti,port,.. amt . liatroaa:ge . 'of. the • cifizeiiii or. this, vicinity. Frombi.s - o..xperionre—ih the bminess he feels, saf, iri warranting till work entiasleti to his care. .NrtieMar.attention paid to• U(i'f'Yl (r' • . Lat!Sf Fashions, just TeCeiVed.: . Coats; Pants, Ve'sts,.&e.,.Cut• and rintle• en Short tice. Charge:s'reaonuble. • . • • [l:7 —, 'Shop over•the Po=t 01liee. . Smethport, Aug. 0,1860. .• S. : O 1 1 4 .E T II 1 - IN G . N . E llr ! 'STOVES, TIK COPPER AAP SIIEETUIPA. iy.ilE.ii A. J',.,:t.:olt_Ti."-I,S_TI.I . ,Wmildannolince- •the citizens' of Sniethporl and Kipinity, that Ire is mariafacfuring, anil will keep.constaatly on hand, a large and' - complete assortment of plain, iiresAed . :anil japaned • TIN-WARE lsoall,kind of COPP . tilt & SUEET WAIIE ZiNC.,. 4.6... (Ste. Particular attviition will lie paid to plitting . up, Pavc Troughs, Wtiqani - e4 - ttiot •to Ica 'a bloNt clown. ' • Job Work, . . . . . . . .of.all kinds done with dispatch; and.in .a Hsatis- . .tery. manner, at tfin lowest pos'sible prieed. .. . Ho . ii' mw t re,ceiy,ink and.,t% ill keep . constan ll y On .hand a. choice selection,or • - , ... - ',. „ ' COOKING . ,,PAI,CLOR ) AND' BOX STOVES ottlie , 'best appt,oved patterns, and casfin , z.s, 'which will be•sold at prices-to suit, Please call beroie,purcluairq elsewhere ' . . • .•. • . • . • „ . • .. . . : - Old L. •Copper.' ..: 1 l'aVen in exclianh•i; for. glio•ds. •. • •, • 'ONE Di2Olii. VirE./T'OE.THE 15T0.2 lINJSE , ;iinetiloott,.Augu,st '3O, 1860'. '-. • ' •.' ' • Aryival alid:l)e*iitttie . ofMails. . . • . • • smuinrciwe .• ci/ean•Leaves every rnornizig.o.'.p o'clock ar '..rives every , evening. .• •• . Vouder . spert•!—Leaves ' 'Tuesday, and .aturday. • mernings3 arriyes , .Monday and tridaY evs. Sh'ippen'T Leaves Tuesday„,:Thnrsday anti morning - ,s 'arrive: Monday, IVednes; day and Friday,,evenings z - ' ..• • Rid..s,!Par--L'eaves':Menday, Wednesday 'and. 7 Fri day•morni arrives' :Tnesday, day and Saturday. evenings.. Warren,-.—T;eav'es Tuesday mornings and iirives • — Titiirsday'e'venin , re.: •:• • • ' ". • *-S. SATZTVPLI.,,, P. M.. • Pre.s't Jo( G. IVl)iie; Wqll§borO 'Co . • • If 011 J. Darting; Smeihpo r ti; S.. Holmes, Brarlfetd, • Sheri Ir—Joseith Morse, SMethport. , Smethport.. • and Recorilerc Sart welt., Smdth-, 'Pea surer, (pi-o tept . .-Enos Parsons,' Brattfoi:d do vintis . vioner.9-- , Dani Xpyeß,: Eldred; W J. Colegrove, COMMI%.:Ti 0; R..Chadwick,j,Smeth7 District.Atearney:-Warren Cowles,-Stnetliport. SMEI.I-IPQRT...G.BOCER.Y. FRAm(:,,swßiGurs:. .TT . AVING - •llernoved to litiffiains?•Ne:mi,Store, 11 opposite the-.. Baptist Church , the , Pre pri,etor now o ff ers the best' and mo s t extensive CO m milt :•• FAMILY GROCERIES; ever. offere:(l.lhe people cif 'l.ll'Kean • county, At.prices which wcipld..seem• ruinous any other estiiblishmerit.. r keep bh,hntl,'-attit am int the daily receipt of • • FRESH'GROHND- F. 1,0,134, FEED AND. MEAL. . • • • • • I'OIII;,'„•SA,LT, CODFISH, '. • MAckEREL. IVIIITE FISH,' • ,lIITUER; LARD, TALLOW,' ' " . CANDLE $. RICE. ST4RCII, - ICUTMEG;4 ,f 41,11.11175,. • 'SODA, INDICcI, I.EPFER, • • , L•PICE. CINNAMON; • CLOVES: CRACKERS . , I'ORACCO. • SeIiAHRS CI? ALL KINDS;, . COFFEE, GROUND, 'AND • SYRUPS, N11 . 2141•:k3, '10110F.F.NI: ' eASH4 . III:xII,-41.17th,• , • no• 15, Sc:, . . .My•itobli is full and , coMplete, and IsCledtecl frorn'.the best:ip.the Call - an . d . exam ine price and quality,,and 'you will not tail to • - WRIGHT Smetbpo.rt, Aug. 13, CODFI,qI and Saislines at .. . .• • .. .- FLOUR •. ••••••• •. • - FLOUR front new w ' lleaV,just'rereivelf and for :sail'. at I' • - ' YHA Ng. 'WRIGHT'S. - untie best Tutfify; }l{l,lNl(l6llGir 'S t OpTS Ithd:Olims at 1.0 &S 2. • - 0 4 . 2, NEW YORK 4b 11 . laJti.U.S. 11 PERFORMING ELEP/VM'S . e- , -..- - „,,-- . , P -1 . 'l3'''' , - , ' 7 t ? / •J-1 - ki - ;;:: f ' . ~,, : i ';# ' ~,,.:.,!. „cl ' , ~.1 ..k..,5; t,, ' ; 7`;1,,'. • ,',... , :-? . .'s, ''' ., 4•,:!,1.. :- .) -• ..., ..,,, • - ,-,-., ' ' ''ff:rr::?:!:.l: . ,'":?;c'• ' ';','::. ' ''': '- ' ': ; ?: '•: 1 1 1 ---''''' , l. : y'. .:;:., ';:„.,•.'-: ,-, - -',..„""''.fl. '!?, ~ ,r. ,),:r4, 7 , 1 :':t.iAtd , 1*; / .:Z.tr;;7s.A-4-• COOK'S AMPHI.IIItATRE, LONDON. any 14, 1 1S • 6i'LLE ESI.II.I.:II.ApIG AN.' , • Eque.Arlenue. . • , Iluitro du Cirque. • Li .. JANIF> , 3IIIUO.IN, ~ l.are back •Pruteiple fluter, /NG ' • • 'The c.elubrathd Vocal Clouin. IWG,ERS, scenic hider mid . Cpmuaet. • • . Aorobal CBE DENsOil rinoTnEits,' vALEN • TINE ANP JAci (From •Ilent Rerinnn Cirrus, Ham burg), Ablipothon p 1 , ,,19,, , t Ohm • Tranca, and Pel !ostlers. ' .. . • A.: c rti.r..s SItAY, Fast ludiauJugglur • -.44, , t. 10 . 1 . 1- 'n,n,l KIK..? Thrower... •" - • `-e — A , • It. NATuANIVII.' 3 , .•-, 1 0 qri.:. • Cow.: Illue4rlan rt.t4l-Vaulter ilag-‘ , Togiqber'wPll • . , .., ' J. lugs, DAIIC.11.1111)S; &e. .A't!tt 14 t ttiough:uot least the Wiiiitl-lierTwited DUQATED. E.GEPI-lANTS • ANTHONY AND CLEOPATRA; Who go thi•ough a grout Variety of, gerforniances oVeileb entef tab olvolf, ouch ns 3).1NC1N(7, WA 1.17,1 NG, PLAY. INd lIN VIE lIA XI) ORGAN, IiTAXIIIXq' (IN TIIHR MEADS, mouNTING.A rEto>srAt, 10 feet high and ono foot' broad; With • other tricks, .100 notneroug !.d mem- Eton. : ' . 7.4,.. t5 , \ ( 11111101 441 t AUr Fur furtbei partiqui4rs sec laize and small bills. AT n . 'riday, Sept. 21st, at 2 & 7 o'clock, 1. 3 , lii pounty Directory. A I\EIT.AIIRIVAi....AT IVRIGIIT'S •B. MB T• 3 ~ ~ ~ \ • '11,1:1;•( fraw tliv poinformers 1.1,4 w c 0.14 w.)v . orld. Prins-. 411:0),1 114101:4 IV 111 I.oill be fouud • XADIGAIi FAMILY .01' appearing • Ill:Core the-Quern Sf Royal Fiunily ut ilit),,All4,:ultva LoAld6l), 3iASII4ICIIA. MIGN . 'Hurdle .'ll-:.1r.0t.5,:!:!:7 , cents .1 - BARkER'S - STRAW:CUTTER: SUBSCRIBER now offers. to the pub 7 ; lie 'this . ImproVed stravv-cutter, in full confidence that ali.who take•the trouble to wit ness its'operatiOna,will• be convinced of 'its au- . .periority over any other now irr use. • . A Supply'. hept constantly on ; hand and man ufaethred to.order.' ' •. . , As no other person, .the right . to mince or•uses . this Cutter within M'Kean coun ty, all - Vho'are . using it.in violation ot'the Pat-. ent tvill be prosecuted.' '; • , • • • •• A. WOLTERg: . . • • Mechanicsburg, August'27, 1859.• Take Nolite. 999 MEN WANTED, TO BUY' $9,999 'ivoith 'of CASTINGS, consisting Of Plows, Cultivators, Serpi:int.'', steigh Shoes, Cal dron Sottles,Box Stovoq; ' _• - 2' linfl, la fact; anythini, and evoyything that is Usually, called for. in thii I receive my:goOds troth the :wen knoivn . Faistadry • 1\ 77 & tho:lalizest . rlow ShoirS'veit•of N'ew York My. PloWs. are poi ished.. so • bright , that • yot . can. see, an bonest..rnan's face,in them if.'yot Will take the trouble to look.at.thena at.... • S. .aletsons Store .010 Cast Iron taken,irr exchange for. new • . ;:STEVHEN . WING. • -Smethport l ,Aug:lo, 1800. ; '• NOTICI: IArI.EREAS, my s'ife, Ai;riss,haS left- 'my V V house and protection, wittiout justeatfse or. coMplaMt,,also taking ~Vilfi3m; ,Catharine, and Eward, our minor "childre . h,..from:hers and their home is.tono . tify all.peesons -not to . trnst•Ordiarbor her,' or said children on my:l..ac eoptit, asl will pay no charges, after this dare; as Larn.willing to% support therm in.: u proper manner at. my }Mule: . • TIICWAS'KING.; .Sme,thport,.July 11th. 1869; •. •• '92 y»3;F. a.. — -, 07- aa- °' 3 =4 , , ;,4, - = 9 )-?., ‘, 7) . 3 41 p:. g " e, 9 `4 0 - E d GA • • " eD 1-4 ° To • ,„ - g 400. m •. = 7 " -; ' g ° cz ^ V, ; 5 - 4 g' et. 0 tt 0 ._. n..g, F.To 0 C. ) • it" - 0 - .rn 0 - = a 0= e - • 1.• c , •• ;'• • •—• (A 3 - 7 4 . m" F r . ' G 3 C- O. •,,T, • o 0 - 7.` • " • ° < • GG 13. S, GOULD. -?..PHYSICIAN..AND . SURGEON' llacine perman'ently located himgele'at l ,;.PORT ALLE6ANY.,". .would 'respectfully infoiin•the• ptiblic'that he is prepared to attend to business mall branches of the• Medical ,PrOfessiob: '.oarticular atten tion tiiseases,lhoth male female, they. will bp treated in accordance witif the latest author.ities andiPractice of.bdth .Eu rope, auo America.' All secrets Intrusted .to practice, Will be strictly kept by him, in 'spito.of friends; - enemies,, relatives . or neighbors: . • ISOO:' :•DEATH : every. Co . 1;111:Fiil'cl .s.pecie.. , ,; of - \ 7 '11:113.11TIN.• "Costar'S" • Costar's" eat, Roach, (S:e. Exterminator I, Cortar!s" , ‘.`.Costar's7'.l3ed-litig..Extermii;tatoi." "Cdstar!s" • "Cw4tar's" . Electric Powder for Insect's. . nrsrr.nrs RutsLlloaclesicte:Mols-Groilid Bed, Jigs--Ants—Motlislosquetoes,—Tlea '—•lnseets'on' ptant..:3; : insectS on anitnalsi&c. , ., short,.every,fotm and species of . 10 Year's ,CStabli . shed iii New York .thy-u . sed by the oflice-L•the city Prisons and Station House 's --the city•Stenmers, ThC city ITotcls! ,4 Astor,' - c , St and inore.than -• • Druggists and'iletaileri e‘'erywliere sell IVlicilesa4i Agents . in all the large Cities Lr RegtilaLsizes 25c. .10e and $1 Boxes- Bottles—.Fld,sks; [177 ! ! Brat aue ! !of spurious initatiOns.— Examine 'e'acir fox, Tiottle.and and take noilling but "CosrAir's. 3 . . $1 'Boxes sent by-Mail LE' $3 & $5 Boxs for Thintations, Hotels, &c ley Express.. . , . • 01 - 7 - -' Address ortiers-:nr foi ,, Cireidars Deal: HENRY'R. COSTAR Dicvoy. .110 BiloAuw,i - V, N.. 1 Solt1:11f W. s'...l.lltol,l'NELt, at Sniftlipoit, SMETHPORT. LIVERY STABLE. tiF, SU IiSCRIBER.has opened a new Liv- T cry Stable'in Smethport, et .0. It pen-, lief Old. Stand, no 'Main 2treet., just east of Where can be, . found the best of Hor ses and Carriages at tow prices . Ile intends to. 'make Smethport ty permanent residence, and aslcs,a share of .pationa.e. • -.•.•• .sniqt4ot; Auuyist 21; 1560. • n23lf NOTICE. , ALL Tllos.ll . :lnilabte4A6 arc. requested 111, to' 'call dud settle tha same, without.delay: If cilia call. iS•not, hcaileCl; tva shall:be:eat:4ol. luck° make costs.: •1 .. • . VAN DYKE:.Bc,WINd. Siuckbpact,Jul}. BRICK. FOR SALE: fr 0 000. first rate. brick for sale, In quire of N BACKUS: SippAport, Alugust 13,.1,900. • „ IILACI . i .v,ll Green Teji.A, of 'different quftlitien:fit D, Y: . • . • ARRIVAL SPRING. SALES: 1 .1111111 S-1(03 Alignoi;l7 prepared - to exhibit one of the tar 'gest' and:bestisele - cteo' stock of ••• .FOREIGN. :AND'- DORRIC:)BY-10111)8 ever offeredin Ole'an :The : partic:iiicir.otte,ntion of custoinerk.is in vited'to . to the follOWing:depaitinents'-of NECESSAAY', and' SEASONABLE. GOODS SUGARS, DELAINES, '%ALENCIAS, SALEItATI:IS; SHAWLS, 'SOAP; •. • • CLOTHS, . MO- . r. LASSES, BLEACO.D • MUSLIN, CANDLES, STRIPED • .SHIRTING, SNUFF, .OINGH.A 11f,•'NHT, MEGS• AND -THREE SHILLING 'GAITERS TO BCCO ANO FANCY 'SILKS, PEP- • • ' PER,. ,LTNEN 'TOLE CLOTHS, l• • SPICE, LADIES CLOTHS, • • MENS BOOTS,..I3LACk • • • 'SILK, INDIGO, GRO. '; ' • DE. RHINE. • . •• , • • cvnrs, MEE GINGER, • . CHECK SHIRTING CREAM, TARTAR, 'BLACK, WHITE AND , • • BLUE FRIINIHE, WALL • ,PAhER AND .BORDERING 'TO.MATC,II,: INK, WOODEN. WARE, POTATOE SMASHERS ANO.WILLOW WAGGONS, • • CA13.5. ' , Alliof ‘vhich who are . prepired to offer at pri, ces that will. - defy all . competition 'cali and 'see ham much lower goods can . be soia ant are paid ['Or ‘Vben bOught. • • ' HOOP-.SKIRTS, EMB. SILK, CROCKERY. • _ EMET. HDKFS , ,GLASS WARE, LADIES COLLARS, • . CRASH AND TICKING A full assortment of. HEAR-MA!) CLOTHING: acill always be kepi on hand of the latest All.wlp3"Want T T T can find for 50 cents; and the best in the State One word' rnore:—Wo cordially invite'. all who visit Olean to call and see us before pm.; chasitig,as.it will, no doubt, be to- your inter, est. Our facilifies.for . buying . are - Unequalled by.those of any.other,deelers "in the Country, ns experienci3 makes.perfect...N. S. -litrnati has spent mocker his time in thei;astern mar lete, for, the past te:n years"; he Ratters bite, self'of being thoroughly' . posted ,on the cash, melee of gdods; in the eastern cities,. and has selectedlhis'.stock with great care, • • This large. and 'commodious, store may be found on St . .,'-Ne..4.'F.,iceliior :Block, where-you ' will, alVpys find - us ready:to, give the. best batiains irr.town . . •••• N. S. BUTLER. & CO, ( N. S. •Bu•ristt;. • A..131.AKr, L. : W.• G I riottn, .. • .• NC~T LCD ( - INCE MORE, FOR. ALL, 1 REQUEST%kJ those knowin; ttlemsellies indebted"to me, to call immediately and settle an'd save etq. • • .r,, m . . . , Smalmoit, July ICI; 1560._ . 4rHE OLD I{EYST.O,IsIE.STORE, AT OLEAN'? J . : .. :'k',:.; - ..•63i‘'lb.k - RE,SIIVITFULLY ANNOUNCES I' o HIS old. friends in Mcls.itan•count,y,' that .he is ,• • on hand, this Spring ,its usual, With the Selected stock,of GOodi in:tile Mean Market To Tr holiale Cash ilmers 1 Would.. . . . I can ofleF you better ipOucements than you can get ayest of l NU*'York. : 4.• • : It rtiatea . na.differenco what yeti Want, any thing in the line of GROCER.I:.ES PR° viSienvS,. Call. at the OLD :.:KEYSTONE And *you, %yin innd the article fresh and cheap PRINTS, It's no..use, talking, Use COFFEE al wafi.bas and always 'will take 'the lead, and . . regulate the mitiket in' ' ' • Groceries and Provisions, OLD FRIENpS . AND. NEW ONES, Don't fail to call ' , anti '.sen.rdo Vvhaii you visit •Olean not:hurt you; but shall cartainly 'try to•i}u you goOd; • •, • •. !. •. , • J. K. COMSTOCK. Olean, AJny 23t1; 1860, • • • • 5.3 JOI3 OF EVERY OESORIPTION, ' NEATLY, CTEAPLY AND EITEDIT/OITSLT EXT:OCTED AT TILE • DEMOCRAT QFFIOEi.. o.* Qui a. tim r 1 / 4 ` . "? ) it--4 • ' r e Olt tzi :33 • w all m* Kg * 0 ong 0 T, et a. C'3 17t71 ` t i - 1" ezi C ui - a) gt 9 fl*'; c --4 J. rrt 17 " UM. 14t . , TT ' AM NOW_ REd 1. best selootetl; . arkd brouOt into this sedtion,,%; MASCO: , - 10FILK PAN.% alt . ne‘V.and shtny 77 you can i.V.l.see an honest tnan'a face in ,thernpi scan as you 'palaver the due ; nt • • MASON'S.. STILL TMM T . 114 LEAD ! LARaEgt 'AND. bEST KEYSTONE STORE 0. ...:::..: ... 5 .. : . .... ..- Cat 1 - `. - SPRINGIETRAIiiest ert4r , s X - 24tir scoikk,#, 11311' NEW Titt QSRP4i . cO. ~ • ,•••••• . ••• ~1 11 1 THE OLD PLACE? T E C HEAP 'ST di, . - lii . oil'l'.. : itiltGit .11' 9RL'AT PARVAINS () AN. ]3E : HAD . Al tHE ONE" PRIO.IGULATOitt iiro Debrinhicicijol-144biweil, MARK:T:4O:Ii OLD• FRIENDS, WW:i ALL 44p0u:r,rti Ncw Ones Must Come Ana Judge.Forlltenkerven. . . .One purchase will satisfir the most . , • .„, tioijl thartliece is , only one' plaie' Claes gooda,. at 'v,cry low prices, and that place it the ONE PRICE REGULATOR, The one, price system dived (be beet setiefht- SUPERIOR 000bS, ELEGANT STYLES,. NEW OLD FAVORITES,. LgIy . PRICE, • 'EVERY I`HING• YOU WANT AT THE ONE. PRICE UouLA,ToR,, •• The real headquartais "of trade, in..Olean , ,„ and the gratid Emporium of every. thing new, - „ neat and stylish. lf you • have, the CAS[ d'acid vant to buy the.DEST DRY GOODS, TANGY .GOODS, GENTS FURNISHIND cO.ODS, Oust:rtnirOgniNd ctifilia, HATS: AND. COS, BOOTS AND-SHOES, .41z . ): . ...174# 4 ,i'd; .CO TO THE to NE PRfCV. IttOlJtAl:oll,;,!r*EitAßcill wilt .fin4 l heir. dqia,. 4 ./, 1 14t1 - rmouiricture and L .0' W 'Pjt t C' 113 ,7..7 1 J 1 ,btP9'efe0 ttvlran.,lll:lloof.feFi,l,o,BjUlf 6gere, tbe. r .fitist prtea .-th Ore tail be- .N . O vaa - 44tow • „ SI• • • ~ • . • • r'' • FortntriY, ' :ll B thew, d►pr'il?33 11 , I).o?irr miss IT 1 9W- PRICES, CILOCKERIy