M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, September 13, 1860, Image 2

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Z ...4wittelii'
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~...,. lla a York, thrfai
rhooshl,:, ..... V ''' 4 Otfl:t; W
1, thOf
k 6 ,1 11 " ° , 31 : V ,5.,54 tieskhav ,
na4tvallr,' ''' caußF lArott"
,o 0 .• i ,e%tcln i now
.f,W eh e,
lliffereq("lll e (h.
,et,, A at`
11,,,nbslitta f!*,
oil" 4-0 r
-t "Oil; ',tat t. ''f • l e rivilotitill;'
lor-411',a1,.. g,iik ii a nimk' 6 i iiiih. alai
rtli.l::'- silant: v ii sy , tr :, lain kilf,t,...9t-67;„ sisre
eat' rg-f Aookser4tive . .e. r l ita tifire;
it ,
,I,,ii ....,.!:,..,gr,t,lnitili.stitte'; "De
the Ern.:
no tritio.ol; 4.....,f14 sverywherel '.6,."
owes be-
Lin4'll°"l,lqt-rte2lialance °`. P its groat
Oro SititTJ tfiL,aiiii,Eisotli,'.t4il g,lYetr of . the,
lwarAAE-P!'m' i ', for .'.the i4er ii 7 soiliii
atii4 v q ta lsl4lF, _ 1 biti ty , o f t
, g ,
~: he.
,4,at:iiito,,stittrie,A,lliticYkoa,44, snttot ir /l i lt
4 :t y te d a o ,
lultoo—ru ”'ir fitroaeviain g , 0 , . .
h ieti itiitii, ihAsitt,t I) oatite of Americ".
his tit.e.iiCor'or.thyairteatti
,;,,., . . - - 1
lark). -- 7 1Y610 Ts .
IlVtican t iputtiv Otinocrat.
mititipty.; fifiliteittpio 13, :1860
.':' .. :.:ooiiiii6.itoii Ar:biiiiii4tiiiiii
'..,'".'..,foft,rkESpg;4ll';. -
..' , :)ORti. , :':: - O..,B.REPkINRiOG,
,:.:014.tot4i*Esii##T,' .
.'.'•:::,.:',O.Rit; logo' :::LANEI' : ..
.•h4. ~.. . . .
Z' Olt, liOVEILNbi ,
;~ ~ -.
,ffy 4 - Ngy.. , :p..;to.TiNß:
A.' DE - BENl'Oli,
11: 1. 516,TWELL. •
~p4itvl D lIENNEii.
I)otßtve ATTORNEY, •
C0M309.041t , , •
• AuDrrott,
Johii C. , Breek4krigge; "Gen, George M. Kelm
•1 Frederick Server.. 14. J. Reckhow..
2' Patterson. 15 Geo. Jackson.. "
3,40/. Cioikett, jr. • 10-Y. H. Abl,
4,J• 17J, 13, Haffner. •
5 J. , W. facoby, 18 rJ. R. Crawford.
Kelley. 19 H. N:Lei.
•7 James.:.29 13.1Iowall• •
8 'Effivill . • .21 N. P. Fetterman
S J.IL:. Lightner. ;22' Samuel Maisball.
10.13. 8: Barber: • 23 William' ook., .
11.1% 14, Walker. - 24'13. D. Hamlin. ,
19• ss. S, 25 Gaylord Church.
13 :Joseph Laubach. •
Ailmtwerittio.'Dititional . Exectitive. Committee..:
' The fhifoing-named , ;entlennen compose this
conefittee: . • • • -
••• ..X'.S.tev . ens, of Oregon, Chairnian:
•': • -
.Hon . ;Jefferigio'Divis;•orMiestssippi. • '.•
.Hen.: JeBee P. tright, of liidiana. •
Thenias - B..Elorence,:of Pennsylvania.'
Hon. deeige Htighes, of Maryland.
:Hon. John W.:•Stev.enSon; of V.entecky.,
H. 0n...1: R. Thofts9ri, of NeWjeisey,•, •
Hon. A: BAVleek,.of Alahanne.• .. •
. • Augustus Schell; g!‘i.i.; or Nevi , . 'fork. ' • ..
Zsaa's' 1. - V6sieLt,y..!34., at Masuichuietts..
..tae:s a
Berfet, Wa'shington;
Wm.,El.inrt; . Esq., ofWeithingten, D. C. •
iWatfer Eenox, Esq.; M Washington; D.• C.
NT..W,4luali.ay,Washington, D.C. Resident'
Gee: MGS, as. ington,..D. C.,. I.'reas,
. , , .
.• Allm
iorourtiaatioas should mjdreased •to
Hon - . I. STkyzas,.Chairioni, Washington;
ll.tiami•of•the . Committee at 146. '2B.
Democratic Meeting,
:,There will. be n Democratic ,rneetinge, at the
. .
Ceyrt House t 'ori Wednesday evening .of, Court
vre . elr:,..l.he,26th,Selit. :§peakers: from. abroad
.*ili,addr.isttheineeting; also JANES K KEICIIc
the d'eirip . eratie . . ncimiriee' 'for Congre as. 'Let
therii . e'ti'rilliyUf the bernoerpts '94 M'aean..
~ Ton,..l"l'goati Moven, the new Republican .
. .
', piper made its appearanecon Saturday last ---,
lO;itifibangrnral: it, : wishes Jo. be uncleistood as
Ac9o±iiivatioil or , the,l3llidford Miner, with the
:itifetiiuriKihopo,eitlye elements of the Citiz e a.
The Mauer is - published by. G. R. A I.LEN,. an en
terpriaint-eridliidustrions- young man, who, so
• . `far Cite iiiennierrietd;Vvill'strivetb make it en
• - tomfui 'piper; but,it'is ‘ovmed, . centrolleil, and
•• , ' edited tb1.,.1.14'. same reckleas schemers .. who .
haunted the i Zytieso,ruod Who k according to the
kenfeeSion theof ed . kor.oettla , tliarier .Iu nk it s o
low, thS(it,neithei: had influence : 9r, . support.
Pieeditot. oP the llfinirri aware , of the * *fleet on
~ . . i t'T"neiv4htiei , Stfiiiiits . to show, hat•the did,
iiii'i.iiiiii Vistii iiti . t ' fii , , - . -- ii
‘,.. P • , , ,ePO 'e,4P,POriOrs 7e . .
•.;;1 01 r , PPii0 kr! m0 , ..43!i1f,rcc0 its rat issue
:' • 'o.f . lq, lB47 l 4 o''F 4 Wooage? . . - .'shd - nibseription list
' . ,'..'-, l oo l k!fkrand"ietilthill ioeiiiteed 'even el to its
-•'. • ' l 4#*o l; :ei . " . "'ll - i:ii' f '. :o l i ° 1 3 4 1 d "16' , own. waYi
•• • .
illfkigAlorl". flkti,) ~ IV 1 , „the t, , elieik. yeer; by e
';..: OA fitt, . t ika) I , : „0, doe 'this , state
, ~. i***44o3okiiteefeete;p: end.' ifinenienti 'of
: -. 6l44**o4.ltcy.4'o,l4ibliiiiei 'of, the 'Mi.-
(jia:4:1111. lito.k : M 4 4-..i i G uil, ! / C 't th't' ' t
t" , ',•':4 1 01,1V If.z ', .„,, 1 ,. fllOC4l . , , ,lY4 l 3ll , ;!!!'fiieriPt
•1,40.'. 1 K. - ...t*lMilffr..N4ol.4.ifigiiol, , ..that
**-: „iiioe.h.4o.4itct,oqi - !4#:atitoiiii.4-
i' , iititairilfil4f'ii;'o l ;* ; R i ii i . 4 , -;
1. , ktir . - -. '0 .1,1 -
SSW 1rP.A.,.. 4 01 , J,F,Pk1ft0P 1 !.... r.
I ;6' , :s4,gi„ - ,, , ;
r fitC44#o'4 l4 sol:!bat '''' l e u se 4.
tt ' '`ll4lotoit . ; 6 0 1 0400. 14 2;q 14 .0dei;i1ie teceilwi
• • . TICKET.
, 4 . yffti hdqrs befOcifOin. said', )01. little in' 'inter-;
nike . .to itetitinnes; be Stip
. Perted 'h ave •We
; rctowitliii.Week•but
For Plotliant we Itivetwoctrdidates.in the
but haply'.theltenioeraer thiS3' State.
lid Electoral ticket in the field on ,
'bOtti Wings ; can unite, itiitfstill she,* their &e 1.,.
• ..erences for President, Tlkli 'enures liefinsylva
nia against the dis'grace of casting her..,vote.
foe Lincoln
~ and a4o ple;ennta the,. ele,ctiu,n'of
Black Republican President. • •
For • Zoirernor, • ilia 'gallant FosTER',
,sweep '.the State liko'a hurricane. The, tOn
dant of:Curtin ; 40, his friaada, ia • defeating.
the .S.:•&.•'ltelief Bill, ] in our lust lc;gislaiire,
will ids, him many party' votes, along
.the liue
of that road .
Jaarps K., ,K.Ezen, of Ven'ango, :Was 'wisely
chosen to repteient the district in the : , next
Congressi . being a in s iln of erri baent and
wide-Statesmanlike . , views; possessed
large degreo,.,with the gift.of impressing his.
comptets with hia own.colrV'ictions,.h;. would
be an efficient member . and' reqect credit on his
constiiiencY, oppelleht, .oen. Patton,: is
identified% John Trrown . yrepublieanism,
and would, as hrs.', adherents errpect,malte• the
negro . the .burthen of his Song; tO•theentire dis
regailtof all other interests, • -•
BEyront; of .11 , 17 Kean; and E.R. BRADY,
of. Jefferson; have heenchosento represent this :
Oistrictiottio State LeiistatUre. Nr.-Banton,
whO so .faithfully
. .,repre'serited in the 'last.
I egislatirrey is, knows • to.every citizen of "the.
county, as beigg , an"eflieient, energetic
et', itt what hountlettalces, of unbending integ
rify,:and.vt;ell acquainted, and identified' :with
the interests of his constituents.
known tote in faiior, and. will. labor' *lously
fo fq9:aiire such legislative: action as will. con=
drie to the early 'cOmpletion of. the'•Sunbnry
Bc:Eria Railroad, in*.ivhich a tare.. portion: of
Our Citiens:arCilleaplitinterested. Mr. Brady.,
vvho lives at the' other end . of the. ,district,' has
done been .a:risident of - Jefferson County, has
grown up,vilth itand:.beeq.coteninoraiy with
the.!mprovements •that POrtion of the.'dis
trict.. .fie.has an'unblemished:reputatiori, and
has the universal .asteem of, a laige..otcle of
.Of Mr. Gordon,this•
know nothing o . xcept in regard.to , his.cOurse, at
Harrisbitrg last winter, when he gave evidence
.of no ability or tdet, except ofreedotn
'shrieker.” We'llave no fears Of his , again be
ing sent thera:to disgrace ;the district. Mr.,
Lawrence is not a resident of:•the
lmows . nothing -of its'.interests, and cares, not
for them , . Hi was 'selected, undoubtedly, be
cause he was a stranger, a gOod fellow, , and
had : some money to . eipend.. He willundoubt.
VisitHerrisburg, this! yvinter--because it is
his home—ba(will . be excused frotp . represent-.
ing this district': .:
.." . • ..;
was• elected to the .office.
of County' treaSarer; arid defriaed or his , of'
Tice, by the •PoWers that .be, his, consented. to
let his narpe'again go. btfore the voters of toe
county, in connection with !hat office; • From
the feeling•atindignatiOn ev i nced, by persona
of both•paities, at the manner he was treateo,
twoyears:ago; we may expect his '.re=election
by a . majcirity - Ahat will put .his entering, into
t lie dis,chirge of . its; , duties..beyond.•the lea- .
nery of the law:
.• • .
At the.present Juncture, the - offilr.e of . Coin.
missioneris one of the most iMportant •to the
citizens WKean.colinty.. The 'taxes have,
for.several years, been assessettas the
allow; I . CH:through the mismanage-,
inentrif.the recent ',boards of 'Commissioners;;
we find the county debt .actually increasing,'
pOintinginevitably to the :necessity ef :having
ulna!, passed to increase our' taates. The 're,
.ccipti to 'the rtreasuri . are undoubtedly sufli
eientifor the'expenses . . , a6he County (i(Prop-
Orly e'xpen'ded) lerivinga fair excess with which
to pay the debts, vi,(th' this view .the 'Demo.
crate, last. year;'•naminated and elected rt 'man
of business 'qualificatirPfs',. _The experiment, so
far as it Went,4e . fett to bee success; '.,already
the county. funds• Show the effect of Such 'a per.
son ins the board, although poseessed of only
advisory power. To: carrythe'iexperiment to :
filial success, .it•is only
.. trecessaryste • elect', C.
C. Moses, Eaqr,, whose, .It : nown busineas tact
.and .undeviatin'g straight-forwardness, - which
charactetize his management of personal affair s
will be.broughttu bear an the public, busines,
and once more place the affairs. of our' , county
in a,safe condition... The Managers of the Re
publican° patty, with their proverbial' reckless- ;
ness, have placed D. : J.:Keyes; before the per,'
ple for re-election. , , Mr. K. is identified and a
part . ) , to the extravagance and was'te of • the
county funds, for tprree •yerire past, arid the el.
fort to cobtifiue hifin;and his policy, can be con
"sidered,,in •nci,other light than a•direct insult to
the tax-paYeriref.the county'. • • .
It is all iidportant.that we have . an effielent
Sheriff.. Odhio energy and promptness depend
large interests. Vida Officer . is the eoriaervator
of the Peace: on him depends.tlie- suppression
of ribt, arrest of criniirials, &c:;• in addition to
the mere collection . ofdebts.` , . Former extre•
rieneci rirovens that- DAVID R. 13ENNTT, ig
the. best man for thn offfce that could have been
jelected.. His former discharge of the - duties
of Sheriff were to the'entire sotisfaction of all.
Although office is not a Profitable one it is
of too in'iiCkiMportahei . tb . the people to have
incompetent person.
S. B:SireiVism.;Who s has'heen chosen,'by the
Democrecy-for.the °glee 'of Prothenotary, is
kriewri to every ,the .County, - as - well
kualifiedto iliScharge!tlia the: office.
Mr: g: Ida liborrid.arialonsly, life for the
'success o:f: the Democratic purtY and its . nom s f.:
Flees, - for.'-,which; - with the. fitting ac.
, : quirementi possesses, -entitles'' him to' the,
at the heids of the Democrricy, the
(fount 'Against his compefitor,. .7.12. Chad—
wickr,we: have ; no4.a;w9rl .
iterate,Whaf!;4 said . by, his
aal'friend;:.: ; - - tlii4*ll44 no :eltkitiis ' ;' i Aki the oflici
that thapeoPhiliaa 'already, rdatiii'hiM
biefiiie,through his father.' We''confess the•
argument should have:weight. 11 - esenfdtis , a .
fOrturiefor which. he 'never toiled• or sweat,
accumulated, tilinost.entireliffotii the pi.olits
the,of same'offiee office, which 'he' is a candidate,
generously esntinued.to . his s father fora long
series of years . • •
For, Itegister . and Reeoider, we have
Liu:natio/9, young man of fine •cittaitiments
wham, tpe thl, k is . a'netive..of :the county.--7-%
hai performed the duties of the . ' office,
-as:depaly;.and.ProVed his qualificationsio - the
discharge Aluties.opponbo; . c,
Sartwell, is . the present incumbent:' It would
afford him ;pleasure, and -undbubtedly 'benefit
his health to•ba allowed' the 'open ai'r, (or .the
ext tbree years..
A. B. ARIIISTRONO, apinmising young man of
;60 legal .attnininents and' sound abilty 'has,
been selected, as the Candidate for ..Distriet.A.t
torney. office has, an imriortant bearing
on the county funils„ as the :incumbent has ..in
his power, if so dispased, to multiply
, trivial
suits, to occupy the time pf our . Courts and
largelyincrease the expense's of the :county.
No one doubts that,lgi. Artosfrong. would
charge the duties with honesty and ability. ilia
opponent is
'County A.uditorlis.als'on important office; 'as
he•has the .oi , eilooking, of the experiditures of
the Corprnigsibners. .1 7 , was setae: .
ted as eraPhatically.the-prOper. son' for that
office,' being elear.headed.;a•'good aceOtnAant,
possessed of, sufficient nerve:to .discharge;his
duty without regai.d to fear.or fiivOr.
tin MART tr.OTArEn, a 'celebrated Homeepath;
is physician, andPresideninf the liahripmatip
'society', of .13nffalo N. Y.; will pay our
,the'lSthjrist... The Doctor's prin-.
cipal' object ia rest . 'arid' , recreation and , ha t : ,
chohen this locality 'on' account of- its heartily
'climate, and invigorating eir.• • I\7'l)lW :here . he
intends delivering a lecture, and may be . 'con:
smited.by the afflicted,' .. itt . rooms, at tha
Bennett House: ' See Card in another '
s LARGE Arrcr:s.James Daly left a specimen
of apples grown in liis• orchard, which. would
:Weigh. from 18 to - 20 ounces each. • thirlfarmefs
:Who have planted, orchards, now have: abun
dance of fruit; those * Who have , not,:should
to without delay.. •• •
The cheap' clotbing.. store •at ihe Sartwsll
Puilillng,:is,in . full blast. ,cal) if yci9* . w.sant good
N. S. Butler & co., are on hind, again with' a
full and Complete, 'stock of New Goods.:: New
advertieement next week. • -
I t.:l,Yill . besee.tilaY'reference to our .advertisin,g
cola inns,.that the committee, on . printing air
puirited . hy the pemrciae}r QL. Eltt. : county, at
their late conyentiOn,.invite any .person ‘vish
ing.to.publish Dernotratic.: paper, twirn . aice
that county: Ilk home... The .Democracy
that county ',have heretofore, :When it was
much morc , aParsely, 6ettledliheraily.supperteti
a Dennocrittic'paPer; 'and :would, We are • Ore
do so .: : .Any.peison qualified • to .conduct
a paper, with enerigy:aini induatry;:irould find
it to his advantage tolocateatliidgtvay.:•:The
papei tyould have the public. patronage, 'and
leite territurY whiCh natural=
• •
.ly give* their patronage..
,' • •
`1514 11,ticn.—ExioN COW recei
yinea new stock of dry goOds; erocke . ry, - Grace
Rec., , juSt purchas'ed' at NeW York by
Mr, EArox. EnTeni t k Wir,ccq.,• are hinarll; our
most enterprisink 'Merchants, promrit,
atid deal fairly with all, and: Isle. are' glad -to
chronicle their'• continued- proi . erity;. Just
drop id and, see theiroewstuek:and enquire the
prices!' You'd! buy!—Olean Advertizer. \
One of Our txcharit , ;es' is -of the opinion that
newspaper patronage is a curious thitig 'la, the .
estimation 'o(some people, - Man.liyes . -pear
youl—never took, your paper; it Is too s mall..—,-
don't like thir.editor:—dOn't like the polities--
*tool'Oung A meli'caliish- too old fogyssh—or too
something • 'elieyet goes .rettularly to his
neignbor and reads - it by 6 . goeid fire—tincista:ult
with .its contents, tliiputeS.witli . ,its - positions,
and quarrels with its type. • Oecasionally' 'sees
an article that he likeS.—save's half a..4llrne •and
begs a number.• -This is irewspaper Pationudel..
Considerable excitement exists in ITanenck.
cOUnty,•lll., relative to a rumor' that the Mor
mons intend returning and settling NatiVoo;
under thelead ofJoeSmith; Jr. A masS meet
ing of . the . citizeas- was held at 'Carthage an the
21, wha,protested againk the Mormons retrun-- 4
And - dcelared..that would nut alloAi
then - ) fo - do so. The mohnons 'have
bean fittlng uptheirold_tenMle ACKirtland; 0.,
lately, and rumors are afloat_ in . that, region,.
that a company was expected to, return, TroM.
the.. West And commence opperations • there
. agaity. • • . •
• :The' eeneus marshalls 'report
,that, seventy-'
two white females tyer6 married to negrns last
year.. This' looks.aa though things were get.
ling Mixed up considerably.• • The neglos are a
prolific race;.and it tnay'reasohably he antici
pated that it strong battalion ot,eiwide-awakes"
is in prospect atdistant day.
.HENitx ;rent. map ; 'in , 18'50
; , Of all the bitterest enemies of the. unfortu
nate negro, there'are none to'compare with the.
Abolitionist, .their pretended triends„who, like
the centaur' of old, mounted .not the hack of the
hOrse, but the back of the negro, to ride .them
selves into power.", ' • • , •
Terrible'Calamity- 9n Lake. Michigan-300 or
350 Pdssengers Drowned. :
The steamer Lady . Elgin . left Chica , m) on
Friday evening' heavily loaded With pisserigarsi,
fei Mil wa ukeeand other places down the lake.
About 2 1,2 o'clock on Saturday 'Morning, w h en ;
off Waukegan, she was run 4nto by a schooner
and sunk in twenty , m inutes, in 300 himdred
feet of ,water. .
Front 350 to 400 persons' re siilil to • }awe
!men .on" b , bard, besides tke\ crew of thr, vessel;
Only seventeen are known to,be saved.
•Tlie falleWingletter.hai hi:en-received from
Venice, dated the .31.5t,0f
,r.rs, , b.desc r ipiion cap give an idea o(the' aad
a'nd rn.eitincholy.state the no-,
.hle. and wealthy; fereign 'families' who used'
erY; year to'becupy dparhnents,,io 'the naiades
2f'the. Canal;'have,abandoned it„And the emi. •
gration of the native inhabitants' is .Vecornirrg,
gi‘eatCr and greater;evelY 7:4'ere is' a
undiiguised,stu4lbetWeen an Unarineti p o p:,
:ulatibn,,',Whil Manifest. by .nil; the 'means i n .
their power tbeir.hatred,' of
. ..foreign . 'rule, .'and
an obstinatestlipid local-governine.nt, r,eve
ging itself on the population .by various,.
iiiney,arices. • •• In: this 'A ustrian
'army remain neutral; rind, if we. are.:tO J u d ge ' :
from:the. casunl.reinarka•of th . officers,
latigueil.with the. task imPOs,ed:an A ; re
cent ilecree.coMmends that the - aneient.,fOrmu::
c‘toinliardo:Venetian't shall b'e:employed,. in
,all acts andllhe. Word: Lombardoi..iss'ai
°ken 'effitced - as..it is posted In the squrao . c.f. , St.
'Matk. It, was' announeid . on'the...27,fh'thia
Garabaldi . fiad lande'dontlie.Neapolitan t -'
,ry,and the natiOnal - eOleis were seen.flyi,ngth's
following day from the Cap,ellnpalace, now in
hibited. 6 3 , one . qra'very.fety I?nglish, families
'resident at -Venice; it was. formerly_' the' resi
dence.pf The , festival.' of
_SantaMit-rtlia,:artd-the festive) ofthe .Redernp
t were forrnerly observed with 'great pOnip
by the Venetians; t'he'y. now paSs ;it Perfect si
l'he,Venetians' are mtiCh,grieved
tbus compelled to neglect; the' festival of
Sante : Martha •on the . 20,111. - of
~On` the'
.20th, the'pr.incinal inhabitatitS . orthe isldnd.,o(
Chio . gii,.cliielly.ligheyrkian‘ assembled a t...
.n,er, And-the health' of. I.;arabeldi . was.- drunk
svith loud cheers.. On the night, of 'the, 2'Crth
theAistria,n police ested 22.....0f the. fisher , -
.:1-3astion upon haStion are bein , 4:-con.-,
- .Struct4, lind,cannon tieaped-' , .imon.* . - cannon. are
directed aininst the: toWn; : May it not stiffer
Ithe - firte of Palermo! .There is riot convent
which is noCcOtiv.eried into a barrack and noW:
the 'church of Santi Lucia is about to be con 7.
yerted into a fortification. On: the: 20th . the
naval conscripts were called.on tp.perVe, When'
for..every 10,0 men U . Onlk.irespotiled. •-The re
maitiddrwent -Co. swell the ranks of. - Garabahli.
have already alluded
,to, sympathy es
pressed - by pert of the Austrian army for the.
Topple. of'ltaly. It is certain that some 'Officers
'of the regimni:of Doe Miguel have .been ar
rested:and that the chaplain -has arrived- at
yenice,iti.enst,edy. of I.o.Gen'darmes."
An 'enthusiastic doctor (Op .I]ike'S.
Peak, advisees . OonsarriptiveS to fersake: sea
.and -I,vatering . .places—the cdrnmon grave--
.of...,,eonstiriiptives—and spend a. season
among the liocky.lkfolintains, where they can
got fresh and . genaine bear's 116.511,- . .grease and
ivhich be say's. is hotel. for ' con'sumption
than all the cod liver :oil in the.world, • Here,
and here alone, says,he, -we Verily believe, this
mourfifullyinteresting class-hill- find the long
sOnghtlor,ellixer • '.• •
• •
Buitinsii - Ilion STAnims.-- , That is.high-
tween Moors. Most.stables'are - built low. e.be
cause they are : warmer." But Such-people:far.
get that warmth is obtained:- at; a sacrifice• of
the'health of the aniMalatid pure air; Shut a
Man up jin a tight,. small bog; the air-may be
%-arin",.but soon•hy . him out dead and
cold if he'rontinues• ,to breathe it. If 'stables
are.tight they shduld . alsO be high; If they are
net tight, But open to theadrnission of. aiy.frOrri
-- all'dire . etions they are equally -faulty, A sta..
ble'should be ciireftillY '-ventilated,: and one of
the cheapest modes, is to buili:l a ' high one.
- A-, Goon' INDICATION ' 1 , 110: , I . Cimpv.vroics: — .
Those, who hiatte had occasion to pass the' Times.
fluildings during a few dilys - past will'hayemo-
ticed.a new, occupot in the commodious prim-.
ices adjoining . ,t liii,publication 'office of this pa : .
per,,and , extending from No'. it I.Park , , Row , . to
NM.I r, 1 Nassau-st, , The'. Aniirirair ' Agriro ll a' :
riai, n ow' .closing iiii , 'its.n`ine . teenth year, 'has
lie - serted'ite ancifilit'.'habitatrim among the: ag
rictiltural,warehons'es on•Water.street, anthill=
- ken 'up.. its ., abode 'for the 'next
,ten. years, at
least, ill - the very:Centre of the gyeat,' tuntspa,-
per . establishments of the,Cily . ,that hate for
- so ma time -
,past been Colle:entrdtitig
,aPrinting-11 - puse-Squore."'' The eniiiient sue'
Bess of .t. h o'rt ',erica ii ./10*nlii(n..vi, At h i t.:'. li now
counts. it 5,50,000 sobsiiriitersi; whsle' duii in
pait tO:ihe Correct pelick 'o ihu publiOler, rig,.
• — 7 ln get•up . the
,he'st, possible paper withotit re-.
Bard to wkne.iise,,and the'l to Make 'it - widely
known - hylihrtial adr - ertising- 7 is an indication
of the greatly ,inerease,l desire an' the part of.
cult itatons for.ijifbrinatiOn', upon the best in , t ii-
Oils of.tilling the Soih., 'The present ei,re - Malign
Of. the' itzrictiltreri.lt,•it. may be' r'emarlOd, is,
•gretiter than than:that of .the retire agrictiltii
ral pres's only,a teW }'ears yigo. . When ihiS
journal started, there'were but two - ,Or three ag-,
rictiltural piMers in existence; the agricultUral
now - n u Mtn r iti I f fort y.'—)Y.' Y.
,Tii/Ms , - :" ... '
• . Minder. anti ItobbOi•y:- • • •
About 10 u'elock,'A: M., on suinlay. , last,.' : a
roan eiltere . d . ll boilie of Mi. ThoinaS
Ste Wart, iieroh.y tp.; and with pistol 'in hand,
:demandeil Of Mrs. Stewart, who was - alone' at.
the titne, information - as'to where they kept
-their money; at-the Sinn° time threatened to
shoot.herif she refused . to giVe the required
information. Stewai t'told. him that, the
:Meney was in a burpair.dra'wer, whiph he broke,
open,,and finding spine eighty iillars,,tlecamP-.
ed. In the evening 61 the same day two•rnen
supposed to be the same that iobb'ed M r.. Ste
wart, went to the house- of William M'KeWen,
and in the absence of Mr. : rKewen, and pres , .
erice,of the. lcritnle mernbers of the family' rob , .
bed the hoUse'of some thirty, dollars par money
and 'forty depreciated paper. .
About 12 o'elack the seine night Messrs.
.Tared Lewis. and M,Call,:•were
,lying. in
ambush, on the look out for the' robbers; at Ca
•noe ripple' on the Clarion river, neer:the resi
dence' of Wm. Thornas;'. Just then - Am? • men
Carrie to,the fording, Lewis and M'Call
met them:and ordered them 'to snrrender
an 'instant the robbers fired twice, shot. Lewis
in•the.breasi and, leg-he 'walked some ten'tods
o the house of Tho:nas andAlied in..a few. min
utes.- Mr;'.M. , Call was seriously
: wounded in
the leg.
'The-jury of inquest - found that ".Lewis' came
'to his 'death from a pi'st'ol shot in the : bands :of
'a man named • • •,' •
• logueand . U. man, calling birnselfDavis; have.
hden t he" vicinity of Callensburg for some
Weriks;iniariling:most of . the tithe - at the, hotifse
. olone.d . esse Maj Or. ..,Two.of the daughters of
Majorare now, in prisonawaiting furtherinves-:
':On the night;p:l 2 evicnis to. the tnurder ofLew—
is; the stable of Mr. JosePh B.' Reynolds, in
Callenshurg, was ; burnt by, inceniliaries , --Sup.:
posed, to lie' the'sfinne fellotys; whi3;.rneditatsd
robbing .. .tits stores of Callen#butg:.,
• The 'county, has . offered a reward of: tWo bun !
dred and Mr: tewart fifty ilolbirs, for the tip
.prehetthon and conviction -of the robbeis and
tnorclerers. • •
The rrra rile r e.tl.an!l• Wounded In'enlw . elle brave
Ana civil. citizens, highly 'repeeted by all WhO
knew them.. Woo to the perpetrators ' of .. :the
tiutiagasi.if . eaught by our eitlieOa. "Nn mercy
beyond a,legalpreee:is will be shOWn
51.7.146,. Off. FOIL VINIS/111 , 1(,; Li .
`havedeen some. calf-skins. ,finished
by Jo in 'Lamb, at his tairmerys.,in Allegheny'
'township, ~ vhic.l- 1 show a. new development : of
the qualities of,:oni Senecti•gil...,...' These 'skins:
are as sOft to the feel as.any Frotich
smooth‘in apPearanee; and Were 'finished.with.
Seneca Oil., in its crufe state.. This fact: is of
irhnoitance to tanners who tire in the habit sof
Using fish tre . bble theeest . of, Sen
eca: This leather haS beer., subjected to the
exatnination'of the best in,lges-, and they pro=
noubccd , it ..good. MriLamb,'lhimSelf, is .a•
practieat . tannerAndcompetent-to test the val
ue of our oil'in , his Venango
Speitator. • • • • . • •
. ,
:The Secretrary of the rreisu6i - hag anthbri,
e!.l:tlig . recciinage.of..s2,ooo;ooll in gold. dollar:
pieces',: now held ; it.t . , o tlie..:Asistant Treasury
office at York;N into' double eagle Pieces. •'
HAVANA, Sept. 1., ISGO
,• Mr.',Jose Solano 'Alvear,HaVana agent.of the
aredits Espanol; of: •Madrid; •
from this.city with a. vast anoint of funds be
longing to that Itistitution: Is • estimated-,
variously, from half,a op to three. tiMeS:l
•thatstun, • which latter,-I,incline• to . think •is
unfortunately more Re:Was
l l
suspected 'for.EPllie time and -,person • set to.
Watelt:himv,ritul. the . W.puder is that With suspi-,'
cion did : not come:Susizension and .exarninntion..
Ilk last financial operationlathus 'deseribedt--:1
The person who was' eMployed to Hatch •him,
,was a lawyeri..who .was also instructed, to, se:.
cure remittances of heavy outstanding haiances. ;
.Alvear.proinised hill of exchange'for-$1.00,0001
on a cetain day,..in twe'bills,'each for onehalf
'the amount, payable..to..
,himself,.. under the
itripiessiOn that thetillipg.up,might.leScape tint
Aotieenf the lawyer„which:nOt being the case,
• he•endorised .the. bill s' in blank; and 'the originals .
'were put:nrider: cOvcr' end • •
1 :' • A few - moments of Interesting •conyerSiition
followed, ''and Wheu.departi lig . he took, with It in)
the hitters lying before him, to:he gent forward
rthe serne'd,iy, but:instead. of depositing them'
for that puipose, lie went -to:his counting room
`and..opened,.the letter, .abitracting' : X f a,OOK
- which sold to Messrs...Cahvzac Brotheti. :On
the rrr'tvel of thdadvice and exchange tit :Math id.
the :.f.:10,000 were •nissiiig. The' telegraphed'
.to London, and found by.reply,-that the bill had.
arrived amid been nehotated trithe . ciet;it of -the
-,purchisers•inEayana...wliether this will make.
A loss for, Messrs. '.'artetatty Brothers we -are
.not advised.. The
. trahSaCtion, as.. far • as, this
.banking house was concerned; was 'a proper
business transaction; and . thoSe :,,selling the
_exchange were in good • reputation". in this
'community- at the- time, . . . •
VIRTITH of sundry wilts of Fieri
FaHas dna Votilitiyni. • .4 . 47i0q , i5,,
sued :out of the Couit of Common Pleas :of
.:\l'Kea'n County, •Pa., and to me directed and
'delivcred, l' evil) expose to: public sale, by ven-.
'due ,ann -outcry,Al,the Court House at Soietb 7
port, en: Monday the:2lth day of September;
161:10;at,tine, o'clock. in 'the afternoon, the'. (dl
lo Ting described property, • • 'l . '
All the light;litle,• - ond-interest olthe
fendant tmthe lollotring described Real EState,
situate in
,Harhilto'n Township, M'Kean county,
P.enosylyaiiia, bounded end rlescribed„,a
lowq;• .to the'South: . by' - lands
Parmeter and.H...Morrisoni on the
West - by, on the. north by, lairds
of J. A. - Anderson and the Hibbs 'estate; 'and.
on the' eitit, by lands - suryeyed in the 'names of
L. Wetmore:and U..1r0n5..._ Containing about
eight hundred acres, mare or • lesi_i; abo'ut forty
• •mess • irriproved; tiro new. frame hou s es, one
mCw•SaW Mill, one .Frarrie Barn and about one
'lion:lre& Apple trees: - • • • •
• Seized; - talreti in 'executirinand.Will ba ,sold
•as the property of Z , pnaniab morrisom at the
suit of 'Archibald Tanner.: •• • , :•
following 'Lles.cribed Real . ,Estate in Port
Allegany, Lilmrty.Town§hi'p, Ad'Keari county,
,Pontl.s'ylvania r bMutded' an& desci ibCd . .an *;fol
lows; to ‘vii:—lldontleil.on'tliC north, east, and
s'outhily lands of W. P. .on , thc west•
bydands of' T. S.f.ott
• Containing One4oMri h of
ail acrd of 14nd, including the Lighway;. improl
eed; one il.‘:..frarne house :: ' •
Sciactl„, taken. in . cx'scution and to be sold as
tine, property.of. William .th
suit•of Photon.' . . •
Alf the right, title.and..fhterest'of defendant
fn ihe:hdlowing da , ,crlhod 'Real Ilitate 'situate
iti • Kea.tiag township, }I Keen county, "Peon=
sylvania;--- , Boonded, on the. noon:, ty;LLinglid
llands-; on the N.:est lamb; and Aden
Honshu . ; • on the ,opth by Biaighluo.. larick; ou
the cast by'Jblau chadwie
one litindfed and eighty acres; about filly neres
improv.:(i and -about:.thiity . .arres - r• partially .
hleared; one frame' dwelling' house; one' frame..
ho hi; one ft irne-barn,'y9'by =IS feet, and
about 50 fruit' frees; . toirnerlY.Owned by John R.
cliadwink, Mind the 'same off' which defendant
. . . _ . . . .
.. ..
. Seized, 'taken in execution; and will be soh
as•tlie property.-of Oliin Stanton, at the . .uit. of
Rufus l'.. King. -• ' ... '• • ' .
.. .
• ,kll that certain undivided half. of .a:certaint
tract of 'land being •in the township :of•flattlil
ton, Gennty of ,?['Bean, and State of 15(!nusyl
vania,kno-iyn and distinguished as 2376(1%6
thousand three 'bundred 'and seventy:six) non ,
which is a Sew Mill and other.huildings. - :
!nerdy owned by George Mcirrison; containing
nine hundred and . thiee 'acmes of land,. he. the .
same more orleSs. ,
Seized; taken in • executian and Will
as' the pi ape: t y of Orrin StantoriArtgagor,and
James 0, Gunning, John lea man, saiah Morri,
- som . David :tonic, Boon Mead,. James Eddy,
Loweltem Stanton cull William Marsh, fel re.
tenants„ . atdho suit of Archibald Tanner who
survived Rebel t Falconer. : .
. •
All the ri ght, title',.interest and claim of de
fondant. to the following described Real Estate,
sittiate in the Borough of Smetltport., eoti'uty.of
and:State of 'Pennsylvania,: bounded
and deSerihed as follows, to wit.;--Squares
niiioered 72, 7n, 71, and 75; imprOvetli•'has?-
ing thereon one.trarnelfarii, shed, &c.
ALSo;---Setuure 711; improyed,. having
therepn cite (mine, I.UtO story dwelling, house;
one two stdrk,: • frarne•store
,hottse, 'and 4botit
fifty fruit :treat,. and'a pon:stock 'of. rutioing
:/ Lso, 7 , Out 7 lots numbered 7,8; -and 9, -‘vhich
are bounded,' •north by. Writer street,. eaStly
the Marvin Creek road, south by • the land: of
John Holmes,,and weet,bilandsOP.O.:J. Ham;
lin; •ceetaintni; together wentyTiour. acres
and , .fifty-aine.perches orland, more,..or less;'
Ar..s9,— i -In Keeling townSliipland State eford:.
•Said,, Out-lots numbers* S and 7; containing, to
gether, thirteen acres of land, •more or' lesi,
partially iroproved,and.for pastdre:.l..
Arson--:In the township aforesaid, a' lot boun
ded, north by the:Marvin Creek load; cast by
out-lets , and: 7, ,south out-lots
Nos: 7; 9,'and 10, and:west by lands of B. 'C.
Corwin, which is the eastlihe cdthe 13,inghapa
yaods; Containing fi fteen sires and one hundred
nd.forty-Seven perehes.of :land, more or less,
partially-iMprOved. • . •
, Seizedifaken In 'execution and.will sold
as the property: of •. Br 6 WSter•Freeneati, at the
suit:of James • Biss tho use Of George Tprnl4
p.nd now for the use of .1..G..8u5h. - ` '
: t
o t h t e h g
eio h l t l 10 .
.t ,:i i i t i l iA e,.... t a le n2 e . . r in ib t e e , r i es ,
R t.
e, o a f l '• eLe a ntdes ant, :
situate Iti Shipjirn, township, .M'Keen. county,
Pennsylvania, houndeC.and : ,:described : as jot- ,
16ws; vii:-:-.Beginning at 'a 'Sugar tree, • the
south-west-corner of Warrant
.No; 1 73; 'thence'
south forty-nine 'degrees., east one thundred
thence - north twe: hundred anti fifty-five ,
'rods, to a post thence north forty degrees;
.Ny'estone'lltititrred reds., to an, oalcr thence south
to the. sugar -tree and.p)ace . of'..beginning;4: eons
taining-about one infiired - anti fourteen • acres,
it being port of AVnrrant No.. 75; and being the
west end Of. Said."fferraill; abeut . thirty acres,
inipinved,- two ohllog .barns- . .;:and a few. -fruit
. . ,
; Seized,, taken in oxecation; and wilt ..be•,sahl ,
as :I,lle . propeity-of CliadvVick,'At • thejLiit.
. • •
• ',N.p . iiteenr parcel . ntl.tint situate'. in Ilradroittrilligei
M.'lrean.couuty, l'ettn.sylis,tinitt, bounded and described as
4olletes, conottenetne at a post on'the line of Wash
cton streetart the hurl beast:. earner 'or'lot 22.1,
thence. =Oath twenty rots to is peat-. on 11rooklin Street,
thence Irest:eiglitiotti rOdst.io IL post on 'the southeast
.sorter lot No. 235 -.thence north twenty' roils to a
plisr nu Wasbineton•Areet, :tit the s'outheest :corner of
lot No. 221. thence a st to the place of beginning con-.
thin log three handrail and sixty.square rods of land,'bein
bits N:. 222. 22342.1, 231,233 'and 232i:e1l - Improved.
one nen frame' house, une well or water and a 'rely fruit
treed. „ .
se'd,lakeri in'execetjor,' and to bp solld aw.the prop
erty..ef ptiaulttel M the suit. of :Nath4i
. , • .
..The following . described Ideal Eiltatelyingtn tlie 'town
pof tieNeanb,bounty of iied"State:of tret,n_•
.syltania;. bounded and 'de.;crilied tisiellows, to witsße
ginning at a post - the - north-east corner of tract purclia-
Se llrom Ridgway; thence Nortitlifty percheslte, a
post; thence west one lithe:tril tinidaixty perches to a•
peat; thenUe south )11ty perches to a pest, thence east
one hundred arid sixty percher to the.place of bettinningt
ciintaininc. Jiffy acres. and living part of tuts Ntia. 55 and
in J. Colegeove.'sl - turvey.. • •
At.s.AL-Cine Miler tract,, • beginning at the nortlisents
1 . 1.) cop n '. thereof, buingthe south= east corner of the
.ahove Meat limed tract; thence west eighty.. perche's to a
Best; thence - south one hundred 'and tivedve iMyches to
appal; 0: Moe ea,t eighty perches to e; post; thence
north one humbl' and twelve perches to the place of bU
gfrinlng; eu raffling fifty-sic acres,:and beinethe
emit. part of Ng No. 59. in 71. Colegrove'x survey;- 'about
forty acres improved.. with a - frame'li suhe, .frame barn
;and sheds arid about tiftY fruit trees. • • '
' Seized, taken in eXeMtion, -Soil will be sold as the
property 'of ehrist inn Delinv-st -the suit of conradtpehn ;
now for the use of .Orrin.W.' • • •
. -
Alll4'l+llo, title,. interest and Malin of defendant to
to the , following -described :;;state; sits
tiote in Sergeant township. fiLiKeitn county, Pennsylva
nia, bounded and described as follows, to wits—Beginning
at a . post. tha.north-ea s t• corner of a tract • purchased
Troin,Jacidi Ridgway; •thence'northlifty terches.to a post;
thence east one host red and sixty perches a post;
thence'sotith ilfty perches' ina post; thence west ono;
hundred add sixty perches 'to the pilfer) of beginning;
'contsicing fifty acres more or less. being parts of '-iotti
uumhe'red• f:rri Lot aO, in J: di,tlegrnvei,s.,su i rvey.
• At.so.—One other lot (tract), beginning - at the' north:
east corner therMif,anil being The •sonth-east. corner 'of
the shove Men tinned • tracts, thence .west eighty. perches.
to a pH;Allerice scuthirMe•lottolred trod, twelve perehea
it post; 'thence east eighty parehesdo n post,: thence
north one hundred inel twelve perches to the place of be
cirrnim; fifty-Six (0r) acres.
_more. or. less;
:and hying the port h-eact part of lit b of J. Cohrgrovets•
surrey; about thirt.y.(dO).acres' improved:. one frame'
lonise,. one frame barn and sheds,iarel about. Vilely apple
trees. - .A' part or the whole of said - land' is supposed to
he unilerlaid.with a' good.woikable vein 'of, tlitumincnis
Coat.• .
.. . . . .
S.eire.l. taken in execution, anil• bill he sold. as the
prciperty of Clifistian Di•liti;4t the suit of A. N; Taylor
ntiw for tlieui,euf 0. W, Gallup.. :,•-• - '.. • .
• •.. •
. , •
BY virtue of ono other writ of Fir ri IFslie;lout ,
- rif the Cinirtsif Common Plena of Mllikui bounty. and' •
State of Pennsylvania. anclin merlirected, Labhll expese
to pnLlic ss le 'or outcry' nt the COu rt e linuse, in Sineth •
.port am Alondity the L'ilth day of Septet - Ober. nt - one ca% •
cliwk 'in the afternoon,. the.•fetiowing described. Real
Lstate itusteil in the yillageStnethrnit,' County .of..
Al 'Kean.. and ColungThwealth of Pennsylvarin, (n sttit; . ---a .
Lots 'nubile , re t (1) roue and. LS) 'eight, being each four
perches iii front Iron. castle neat, ati.l.(B) eight perches.
from, north to south. malice east half of lots number (2):
Hires: awl e 7) seven being each s two .perches in front from
wets. not (5) eight percliei. (Tom north to south;
awl situ cal iin.sj . oo re numbered
. (57) flity•shven.in said
"6i!l cute
. of Sinetliptirt; being the' .eastern part'of said.,
.aquara nnit.containing (§n) ninety a sik.sitnare perches 'it
~ improved; on which one taro story dwelling, ono
frame barn and tint lionseiL'a number frtiit trees and'
Airtilrbery „ „ • •
A saoL-Onn.rit hey tract in Alin village 'of 'Bricethport
'County of 711 . 1Ceri t, ant Statenf•Penilaylvanin,. being' the'
'west lialroiseuare numbered (3:0) thirty-nine, and being
Intsuitioliercer(l)'one,'l2) two: 0' five and L6l Six,';in
Incid.s.poire. improved; nn which is . ono finale girdling
'Mose, one liski and not bottle i
s, a piantity of fruit Libor:.
Eh rul•liery end a gocill tank os Ater; ~exceptiot, 'but 'a .
certain lb( or piste of
_ground, heretofore conYeyed to
•se,oi n awl Stark weather: be S. Feet well' and wife, bong,
cled and desyribed its folloies . tii . wit; beginning at 'the
C ,, glaltw . est • ~ Cirtier. Of c het nundgired (fi) five. In said
' silccare No.(3O)liiirty-illtor:and running east thirty •
feet to a post (inkier; (*.ellen n o rth revert rods to a poet '
corcio: Menai: nest thirty feet tosi rest 'corner; thence
,south seven rink-to the place If. begiuuiitg, mm1,,,, 0 ,1 to'
con, , n stoutonesixteenth anacr . P. of land,
Al So:-.-Oury oilier lot of lend hillnibinilhe Village, of
Siawritiok th.: novill side thereof. the bounty of .
• .Il.'Kean and State of Penusyliabia; beginning at post (2)
'two perches westiorbfe, northwest corner Of half square
needs red (.'r liver thence nortlYtitty.stiven perches telt',
.pci s r; 'lle err east &moven iwyelres to a post;' thence-
south perehes..fo a post sinnithig roe Perch'
east front nArtli“..tat cornea of, said sqtrare numbered
0 - eat nineteen pereireK * to the plaice of be •
ginning. eor,i
I, ‘ f , tr,r.sia acrea . r nil one hundred and tnenty .
three 'perches'Woke:cid
AL-a r ,...ocie' nt her Int - Sirsiact'of loud, north of the oil.''
dacra...l smell:wort, In the entlitly of APltean, anit . ltate of
Pennsylvania, at g • pert llffy-t•eren .perches •
north awl one perch east of the north east corner or square
siondyreil (7) ariven.•thetle.e ni,rthpne hundredscnil forty
two pe relies to 'a post, tlowee ,west' forty perches ito..a
post ,Thence south: one licin.l.e4 Snit forty-two perclis to'
it past. thence oast ; forty cuirelles to a past. :the piaceni
beginning. 'yontafiriesr (.;35!1?' thirty-Are one-half •,s
acres o f. Intallinproyerl • ' •
• • A (no.— One other 1,0 or pie, Of land, in Etc Tillage of
Stile tsll.oc:t. ciao county, •Pennsylcanicr,. and bounded,
as I'ol s: Beginning at the north-ntedienritf the' lot
ou which' Sol.Ancot tlniv • realties, itbeing , the
o.istern pact of se 'girt:numbered seventy-nine. thence
'east:thirty. four feet,. thence south' :ninety . feet, thence
west thh•ty,-fnur .feet.. thence north ninety 'feet to. the
place of Beginning. - containing three thousand and sixty
'aware feet of mod. on *Mali to ergeted a store bonne
thirty-two rdet. - by,sixty feet, 'LW() and a half storics.high,
and baseinent. .
Abso,—Cue other tat or piece 'of ,land, situate in the
.township Of :Gratin;!: county of - .ll ( lienn, and state of
Pennsylvania, andboundeci follcorit; to wit: Beginning ,
nt a' post Nolte the north -east corner: of laud
oleeclail to John Holmes and Nelsob Richmond, and stand,
lug in south line of laud deeded to Q. J. in the
centre of-the tucnicilre; thence, by the centre of the turn. •
pitc, Wirth twehty-two and a alf west. six 'Perches and.
two era perch; thence south forty-nine west, Ilfa•
' teen•perrlies hi a post, (Outlet% With line of lot conveyed - •
to liolinea Co.; thence south one hundred' and fnur
pen:1101On , , folle ! tentlig of It Perch ton poet eornee, being
the southeast-corner of land deeded to Richard Cliadwielq
thence Icy' line of said lands convoyed to 1101mi:fr . & C 0,..
sixtyasix perchessind severotentlis of a perolt, to a . post
corn. r; thence , north ono hundred and twenty perches •
orwin; thenkinest fltly-cthreo•
to a post. comer en the, line of
a Lird' to' the pleco of laigioningicentaining forty-nine
' a n rre P!' fi'
i i t; b n o s.l 4 i r t t s i
steles and thirty-six Perches of land,
improved andabout .10 acres Chopped.
q. -
A sso.—otio'cillicr let In the village of ,Lnethport,cotinty
'fir' less, and being part of.warrant Non.ttlritl%lSn,
'ml' Kenn and state of Per .. .um - Iv:min, ng known on
the original Aronson) squara,‘b l iwrid t art e s , fcilip l u t dv s to wit;
dying;'north of square No, (
T,,,,, a nd west of square Noy,
,(1B) eighteen; - containing.
p OU- No-'(4)
square Nri (17) seventeen; south -of N ha o. t
t sone ackyand..thrce . -Illilis of 'Mt acre of land :im
:proved.: .. „ •,
Anse one other lot or piece of ground in the 'Tilinge
of •Snietlipart, !WEIL:mu county, and State' of Pennicylva,
.nia, and known and described as half square nuntbered(4);
four, lying mirth of the eriginal Academy square,' in thin
,village of Snietliport, 'and containing about four-llfth§ of
an Hereof land. • • ; w
• •
At Y i . :—One'other• tract or Piece of land In Heating
'to . ialliP.,.l(l , l{e . an county,' Pennsylinnin; lying south or,
'-Wilibmt Williams land, and kildwn sortie iihisbatigb and
Walters let,
.anil - containing:Oil rty, acres aud ni x-tenths of
an acre, 'with
. abouti awn acres ItnproyerlT All the abuts
described lands lyini the county of Blilteart,..hnd state.
!Of Pennsylvania .• . • " •
Seized and taken in 'Execution and - will be sold as Alio
property of ellester ll:Sitrtwolli ft W. Sartnell and Ros
well Sartwell,doirbllitnlness under, the flrinbttl.E.'Sart7
well Pro., at 'the , :1114 of Wiltiani'..Buckley .
Chaunecv.Yibletol'loing business under-the bon of .
.ilam Buckley & Co., use of .1. o..'llacktis. • '. '. •
JOSRPII MORSE, Sittfiqff. -
• Sheriff's °Ole& Striethpnyt3 Sept; 8, 180.
, •