ti: eft > ataimpaOsaigivra? rrices, - *Niv 44 -4 • .„ 1"j': 4.0 - VeIriVINO*NttNGEDI4V fACiLITIts at OW old. , Staadi H ., .. . -. xo . 3 . . . ~,,,..,...„.„ 2 \ ~,,....,../...,„ ~.... . . . f t ........::: ..:,::...,,& 1 t . '.4A4 ~.i,',..-.47 :,.':..,;:,..,,..,,,..,...'-.:-.-, ...- 0,,„...A.,-:,-;,.,...-.,.,. . [for keeping canatantly on band a much lager. supply ano nasorttnent - of the heavy acti, • . • . des of Hardware' ,generally kept , by , thti Jobbing, Houses, and having, - secured the AGENCY of • . , . , many Afanufacturers FALL{ RIVEIt ..NAILS, MADDEN BAKEWLLL'S S A W Also (h ose & yFITIIS and • . other.4iikere, RILES, , ti • RUBBER'LIATHER . BELTING, • Wall (unexcelled) fi)PULAII • : ,•-• • COOKING l''€)VES, GLASS all Sias, Sorts awl Degrip tio I PROrOSE'TO SIKLL'ALL THE: ABOVE ARTICLES AT ManuftLcturers 3 Prices. • ..Pso I pioposo.to At o email Commission from , my LARGE ood WELL SELECTED SHELF old **or HARDWARE, .ko' the selection of which•l hex* taken ,nauch ,having given my peponal attention hereto:. . • " TRl)Norcs; COOKI/KG and PAR,LOR fivery-desiable Patterll BIACIIIIITHIP An NABORS' 'T 0 0 .14 S , Of the mist'approvect Manufacture, RECK'AXgPo MATTOCKS, SPADES, RAKES, . . • PAILS ; PITC*TS, • NvgREL-BARRows, FI•J:MPS, and SIT~S , BEAU PIPES, 4,41140§ for OIL,. CAMPHENV,.FLUIN and. KEROSENE: , My' nAtto is; The Largest Sales .of the very EEST GOODS at the LOWEST Ite- W,lnifrativd Prices Insures the .Largest Profitkto theieller, fuinishes the Buyer ikitl . l, the Cheapest and Best Articles, and gives the best satisfaction.. LIBERAL DISCOUNTS lIE 111,ADE TO DEALERS. 11' people will pay ligher prices for no better actieles at other places, it shall be their own" and rat: mine. . In eimilitetieti with the above,"l 'am able to supply on abort notice • • , .• • ALL KINDS. OF SIIBET4IION COPPER 'WORK . i n mY wavirig. - e m ploy. Competent end experi encetl workmen, w hose work has .neveffMled to 'give eatietoretion - • ' • ' JUST , ',REqEIVED 50. Dbaril nba 30 CS WITHES, 500' KEGS OF. NAILS AT NEW , ' YORK PRIORS itze,mo TRAIySPOT T 4 11 10,_. , *205 per doz . •• I d ArrnE, :$8,50 ' ‘frt! A1,q 7 4 s 56,30' It gi ,ZA KIR ' Tools, at manu Vlkii - NOrlVlo l 4l‘4Thlllit +n 0 4 0 , 6 4 4 9 12 ; NETT " e tl4 . _ e 01 63 _1. mock. ' Cj_es JaAßtaili.E -. ` ,. :..PROPRIET O R, ,J1A914 01,1 3 'Excelsior Block •H °leans Noy in, IR% EvEnii.toOrs. •.*tAwyk.p!' , . COUNSELLOR:` . BITS/NESS; •iY. F 44 NK : •• • OP ;hi!. - . . . . 43 , i ems : xo u . Itow to- d raw op, i ARV4E;SIIi . ' • , PAPERE•6IIII Oies . general fofm.s. , .for' Aantenintwrs..b[lall :kinds, . - • ..... - tir.i.s or SALE, LEASES and PE,.: .• " " It , 00hs ' You How to - .draw , up •BoNDA .And • ' :•.Monronons A FFlbillT.4 Pow- E 1 of AtiOnrtEY, NOTES 'and • • • and Rermisas. ' Ittells:You The Laivs for the •COLLECTION of Danis, With the STATUTES Of: amount • and . • • kind.of property Exmarr , , from . •., .• • ExEcuTioN in: every State; It Tolls . You How to- Take an.. ASSIGNMENT • • ' properly; with formS for.: Com . . POSITION with- CREDITORS' and thri INSOLVENT LAWS of, every' It'Tells You the legal relatiolii existing be ' tween• 41eARD)AN. •tend WAnn, ' ' LANDLORD and TENANT. It Tolls You What constitutes Lisa: and , • ' SLANDER, and tlie Law as to • MARRIAGE Dowts, the• • RIGIIT IN PROPERTY, 'DIVORCE . . It Tolls YOu ThO Law foritf NIC I EI aNS . . in eiiry Stke; and the Nitro . ii.ALiz;iTor; LAmis of thie lie eacn'e,: It lolls Yon The Law cOneetniug, i'mtstoFis' . 'und henv to obtain one and the . , . ' •PRE-EMPTION LA,WO to PUBLIC It Tolls You The Law for .PATENTS, *Rh, mode .Of procedure in obtaining • . one, with INTERFERENCES, As- startstmeretind T.IYU.E OF.FEES. It Tells You .Bow to make your, WILL, 'and • ,• bow to ADMINISTER on Es ! "Trii, with the law and the re ' • quirements thereof in every It Tells You The meaning of LAvr.Tee.:es in • • • , general use, and explains to you •' ' . the LEGISLATIVE, EXECUTIVE , • and JUDICIAL POWERS of both • ". • the General and State Govern- It Tell s You How TO xgrn? OUT OF LAW, by • . showing .how to do your busi ness legally thgs saving a vast amount of property, and vexa • tious litigation, by its timely . Consultation. . , ,Single . eopies.will be sent,-by mail, postage ,pald.,• to EVERY FARMER, 'EVERY' MECIIAI!:ICti EVERY MAN , OP 1311S1\iSiii, end. EVERY Boni IN EVERY STATE, on receipt of $l.OO, or. in , law style of binding at $1.25. . : • • • 81000 A YEARcxi:le by enterprising men : everywhere, in selling the above,vvork,.as our inducements to all such are very liberal. . For single copies of the Book, Or for' terms .to agentsiwith•other information, apply to or • JOHN POTXER.Publishei, NO. 61,7 Sansoin Street, ' Philadelphia, ,Pa; MEE G,00 . D .. -N..E . W,S SHOVELS, TUBING; Which is filled from top . to bottom with the SIEST assortment. al • " ' COOKING, PARLOR ift, BOX STOVES ~ • • NUTIIERN PENNSYLVANIA, whioltWilrbe ., .solti at pricbathat cannot fail to uit. will ; also aa.usual;kcep.constantly on . hOnd a..gootVitssorOpent of .• • . - :• HOU`SE•KEEPERS HARDWARE, KETTLES; . . • ' FRYING PANS, • . .. - FL/I.q.' IRONS - . . pANDLEstIc K S, Which will be'pohl at the VERY LQWESri' PRICE'S Thankful for past. favors o l respectfully. soli cit a continuance of the same. Smetiiimt. - Sepl. 22, 1859. • ,'' • INSURANCE' AGENCY.. '• • Kensligton Insuiance Company, - Cosh Ciplfal. ... , . $160,00 Farmeits Insurance CO., Athens, . ' Cash Capita! ' • .... $•100,00 . Great Wosteru Insurance Co., inalladelphla, -Pa. Capital Stock' ' ' • $1,000;000 WOl Mauch, (Mutual) Lock Hai , dai Pa.... Ipaurancee"ean be effected in the above res pansible. Stook ',companies by the subsciiber. 'Any. otnentnication • :addresied. to, hird, at tArnethportaa:,. will meet with promnattention: , • . • - ,B. F...DAYIS, Agent. Sinethnott; ..I"n4Otf.] OLD DOMINIONCOFTI;:T.: PDT; Ar.F_ , . M SUN MIME .Ciqiies • Already Sold! 1314 S of" ENciiricip. and tri , , and tickv coiniily: witFi JUR` •ILEOEIVED AT ; rtw litrttt does 141 p Cat Waal VAttiltteilttOtA Oat bag, e;a33. be' seen •in open \ k .0 1 'by o.ttbebuileaug ieaby tbe tovnetly occup grrianD,toix sAta..iN spll)p.'ats, LAMPS, E. S. AI ASQN EMPIRE NO. 3 ..,O.LEAN;. ' N, • ::;Y!.. WILCO,N:&, EATON .• DEG have e A c ll i E ved Td oi ' e. N ir fi N s O t U . t SPRING.&SUMMERCOODS . . . . . . . . And ire now, 'prepared to.Weleome - their friends and customers .and offer them a new and desir able stock of . • ". ' • .• Country Merchandize IN ALL. ITS VARIETY, SUCH AS FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS' BOOTS AND SHOES, I-TA:T . S: .....:4-;:...-:.':exps,. " .. CROCKERY., GLASS :„- .:...:; - WARE . • .• And a choice 'aiock of Family • Groceries, . . . , . . We "will not Weary your patience by ehume rat him. btiCour gtoelt is very hull' and Complete and we'lloibt not you. Will find someting to please you bothas to, quality and price. • Windy Advertietunente will do for some, but the - Truth, will Wear Batter; and :We only ask an examination and are; confident we •can do you godd:- • COME AND SEE. ..-• •• WILCOX 14 EATON, Olean, April 18,1856. ' • . , . . SPLENDIErLOT OF TEAB, A. WILCOX & EATON!S; PAPER HANGINGS. A CHOICE ASSORTMENT at • ••• WILCOX & EATON'S, N.'Y • • , K,EROSENE.OIL, MADE' fiom cpm.„ LAMIS to burn 'the same, at WILCOX.& EATON'S, Olean N Y • '. ' PORE s~ PLOTTI, WFIITr FISH AND SHAD. TALLOW .4. STEARINE 'CANDLES, WARRANTED TO STAND IN 'HOT WEATHER, DA SALT; AT 13nOWNELL'S Auguit 12, 1852 To Those Interested in Mining and Mineral Lands: • . . . WIL BARNES ofTentkle seivieeg for the eitiminn s Lionof Mineral I.innils . inkllkeep and Elk coon ties, and will give his opinion nn to the VALUE OF, MINES, Those enanFlng •bin services will receive all necessary and rellehle7iurormation. .11edidenee.at the thinker !Lill Mines, : • • , Aiettennt, M'Kean Co., , Junollo, 1950 INPTCTINF; The Fukien Fever Charm. For the . prevention,',. and cure 'of Fe . vei, :and Aguo and Bilious Fein?, s.' This wonderful rem edy Was'broaglit to Abe knowledge of, the pres 7 ant preprietorii by .4 friend. who' has beep. great .travaer.in .Persia and the Holy Land. • While goihddown • the rider Euphrates, 'he experienced a severe attack of Feverand Ague: On discovering • condition,'ane of, the Boat-. Men took from '. his person. an Anzulet, saying, “Tlrear this and . no:Tevor 'bosh- you." Al though incredalous.asrto its .virtues ; • he: can, plied, and .Ciperienced immediate relief, and has since always foutid it : an-effectual .prree tion. (ram malarious complaints. -• . On further iniiestigation'he found 'that ; the boatman 'attrihuted .to it 'onirarirloui, powers, and said , it could only be. obtaihed •from . the Priests the pan. Soriefirne, afterwards, the gentleman in conversing with a Priest obtained ,rem' him the secret . ot its preparation, and as eertained, where the medicinal herbs were found; of which it was compounded, The wonderful virtues of this, article have induced a full 'belief in the mindS of ilie•natives in the • miraculous . healing powers of their.PrieSts. • Since his retuni to America;-it has been tried with the . happiest effect by several Ladies and Gentlemen of .hig,h.character, who have given .it the most unqualified praise.. , This remedy having: been d specific; inPrusia.for hundreds of years, for,the.preyentioh and cure of FeYer and Ague end BitiOus Fevers•---is now offered to the. American people. • . • It will be Sent . by mail, pi epaid, 'with full di rections for use; on receipt of one dollar. •• Principal Depot and Manufactory, 188 Main St., Richmond, Ye. Branch, Office; Bank of Commerce Building; New.Yark. ' • • 'JOHN WILCOX -.4•C0. SMETHPORT WAGN AND .SLEIGH SHOP. ON MECHANIC. STREET NO. 1. HE • •undersigned , ;respectfull y T..ndunce'th the citizens 111'ICean county, that he is now prepared to do all ',kinds of wood work in' my line of linsines,s, at short notice; 'in' 'a: workmanlike manneriat reasonable prices. feel 'iatistied.tlint my work wilt: fully..meet the • requirementa of all who will favor mo with their patronage. •• • • • • Repairing' piomptlii t attended . - to, on short kinds of grain taken-in exchringo for:Work ; nlso,butter, pork, beef; Pinsiliimber and rood. CASH will not refused.. • y.•striTAßD. • Sinelliporr, Pa. ; Jan. - lb, lstn. : • ''.COURT PROCLAMATION:' TxT.IIIT.,REAS: , the:. Hon. 6.• While, 'P'resident ;fudge, 'and the • lions.' J*; Daf • lines and Jud ,, Z.s of "the 'Oliirts , of Oyer.& 'reeminei: and "General-Jail Dliveri, 'Quartet' Sassions of the :•I"bfice, , Oy pliansveoutt and' CoUrt . of Common - 1 PleasAr .the Country of M'RenithaVe issued their preCept,. bearing late Saturday, the ',3oth day of .June, in.. the .y.eai - of. our I.,Citti,•one.. thousand eight hundred - 'and' sixty; and to rue quolkling . a.ConrCof pycyan . tl :rem : liner And,Gen efat ADeliv.oy;- Quarter• 'Sessions. of the Peace,. Orphapss! Court, anti ‘cbtirt : of Comfiton the. ]Borough of Sinethport, on . Mon- . ;fay; the twenty-fotirth day of 'September ne x t, and to continue one' Week. • • • . - • Notice ,is therefote hereby •given to the Coro. : ners, - .lustices "of the Peace and donitables ,within the coitnty; thit'they - :be then : , and *there in their•proper . persotis,:at • 10'o'Heelt• A. IW. Of said day, with their yells, recoidi, inquisitions, examination's, and other remembrancei, to do 'those .things which their: offices appertain be done. - :And those who are bound by theft' ree ognizances to prosecute the priOn'ers that are or shall be In the jail or sai d . comity. ofPIC ISean, are.tobe then and_ there to proiecute against them as will be just. • • • ; •, Dated .at Striethport, - .Tuly seventh, 18 00, and the 85th y'ear.. of the Independence of the. United States of Ametjen.. , JOSEPH KORS, cabinet - Shop in. Mechanicsburg.' A • 'WOLTERS 'respectfully announces to' A •the: public that, notwithstanding these hard times, hais nianufactnring and kaeps.coM stantly onliand, all kinds of, furriktuie, such as ••' • • DIVANS; . DINING AND . • . • BREAKFAST •TABLES; CHAIRS .of all kinds and styles, Cana and -Cominon, Ready-Made' of the .very best paterial, zinc! manufacture.' . - : Smethport, Feb.`2s 1858 • , 1-tf.•. • , • ..If7:FRE:I"S DOUBLE.ACTING . • SUCTION. dc:FOACE. TURF' WITH India Rubber Ball Valves THE.. - SUBSCRIBER. Wlt HE .SUBiI3ER having: purchased the • right to: make and sell New 'Plimp, 'feels kcOnlidence that his efforts 'tobring, it into general use, in.this county, will be sccOn.- ded by all who •-see its construction and operd- Among. the many advantages secured .by" the use of this. Pump, ,the following, may be . . action r by,which:twiee the.wa ter earl be raised at the same time. 2. Great ease in working, thus adapting the Force Prbiciple to common wells. . ' • 5. The transformation, in a moment, of, the Pump into.an efficient cilt 'ENGINE; thus ren 'daring the lois of dwellings by fire, tottillkun necessary. , •. 4.. Capability of • watering gardens, Lawns, or sprinkling walks, .washing windows; with the - utmost C,ase and thoroughness. • • '5. Power to raise water with slight labor to any reasonable .heiiht, as in supplying chant- convenience of having the Pump, in 'a kitchen, or otheitoomS of your dwelling, with out regaril to the location of oc • Cis- 7. ' The easy ,protection of the 'instrument a~airist Frost. 8 . : The ease with whichit'pay be M ounted on wlieels, Or in other.wnys' be made portable. .'O. A iitriptieity •whicli ensures great ,dura_ bility, protects it from being thrown'out, of or der, and mukes any repairs easy and of little 10. Great Cheapness: , Tor the'. first time bringing the cost of. the Force Primp into the neighbOrhood or the common. ;Suction s and Chain 'Pumps, while it is immeasurably supe rior to both. Manufactured and for sale by,the 'subscriber, .only ,;at his shop in Mechanicsburg. • A. WOLTERS. Mechanicsburg,llarch 18, 1858: - , . . THY!: OLDEST,.WIDEST•CIRCUI,A' TED, end most C . OIVIPLETE, CORRECT and 'RELIABLE Bank Note. Reporter in existence: .' ... ' , TROA,IPSON'S • • DANK NOTE, AND 'COMMERCIAL REPORTER. EDITED BY JOHN THOMPSON. Quotationb corrected by TitomrsoN BizoinEns; 2 Wall Street Publiihed by.Cnis. 13LoN . IDELL; 117:TrakPn St • TERMS OF SIMSCRIPTION IN AtivANcEL To mail Subscribers. • • Somi-monthli,:...sl I Monthly.. ~ 75e. To Postmastiirs'or others„ who form • Clubs and for ward us the money in advance, we wilt send the Rinor ter Coin Clqut..lllanuel, and.pcscriptive List, as fol , .5 copies of the Weekly, one Year ' $B.OO, 5 copies of the Semi-m0nth1y...... ..... 00 . 10 copies of the .Menthly— •• • 400 ''We will.foiwaid gratuitously to'any , person sending aclub s22 . at the above rates, at any, one time, our Ainericgn Gold , Coin Tot Seale... Address, •.: • • • THOMPSON -BROTHERSi Bankers No. 2, Wall. St. - N. Y., Proprietors. W,L,S.M2YO Patented Sept. 9, 1856. Br RILEr •SellIT11.• THE WASHBOARD ; AND .BEATER • are 'the two first and most natural implements ever need in Washing Clothes. Notwithstand ing it has' been the study of inventors to do them attay, and for that purpose several hun dred patents have been . issued, yet it has been of no effect. They have failed in their At tempt. Their machinefilhave• been condemned and thrown' away,. and- the Wash . Board and Beater Again used in their' stead. ' • This machine' combines them together, at tached . to aprogressive leVer in such a . manner as 'gives great . power to the Beater, while either'elay be used as the:operator may•deeire. The motion of 'the Beater iF quick and easy, the pressure gentle and powerful, which gives it the advantage over all other.machines, and' is so decided by competent judges. Manufactured and sold at Mechanicsburg, by . • .. A. WOLTERS.- Mechanicsburg, March 18, 'lBsB'. . . . , . . NOTICE.. '. . . All persons . knowing themselvei indebted to, the.tindersigned by . Book. account, will save cost by settling the "same by payment or Note immediately. . E, ..MASON. ' , Decerntrer 1, 1859. . , Stere; f)PPOSlTLricersioA L . OO 10:1, • 'illy rin HE subscribersioffei , to the. citizens of Olean atut:.AselLaGlogi • stock of Hardware, at prices, that cannon, fail tO.sait the purchaser: • . • IRON:. Americau,, English, Siveties, RODS : . Notiregian, Nail . awl Spike. NAILS : ,Cut, Wrought, Clinch ud . T • A VIILL ASSORMENT' • CARPENTER and 11111.1.W.P.IGIIIC.001A; H. s. A: . 11, ic?...: :W . '. :A, :..: : IV? I N ENDLESS Sash, Glass, Paints, Oils, Varidihes, iejligli,JG.E. GOODS,- • .. ENNMELE . D . CLOTI4,... .BROAD CLOTH, • • DAMASKS, • BOWS, SPOKES', FELL(ES, • • SPRINGS, . AXLES; AND A LAIiCIE QUANTITY OF Table and Pocket Cutlery, ' AO ESTE' ron TUE BOSTON BELTING CO., LEATHER AND BELTING , • WRIER. WE OFFER AT •., • MAN I i,F.A.c T.U, nitlit 8 11niev,s,. CIRCtE,NAIIi) AND CROSS CUT SAWS, , ; Frordstlie.ccielratcd Factory of Vilieclerißladderi- : PITCH AND CAKUM, •• , • DLACKSIKITK• TOILS . • DRILLS, VICES; SOKT•7 PLATES and ANYILS: '• . • • FARMING UTFNSILS, , , • ••- • • -FORKS, ' 'RAKES, • • .SCYTILES, •: :MAitUFACTUREII:3 • ' TIN SHEET . - I RON;:AND . COPPER: • • STOVES OR :ALL PATTERNS;` • . • WITII COOK AND PARLOR. - . • .•• We respectfully solicit share of yoxir . -:- patronagc. '0 a ive us a call beforo elleuttere. „ T.: W. ADAMS &.CO.' Olean,.May'fi, Is o . Tusr. CHURNS, and• .T . apanned Ware ,. Stove ip e" an d Tin Cat I.lolee.at..' What iveryboily Wants. THE FAMILY, DOCTOR: SIMPLE'REMEDIES, EASILY OBTAINED, FOR TRE CURE OF .DISEASE ALL • FORMS.' , .By Prof. RINEY S. TAYLOR, M. D. .It Tells You How to attend upon the, sick, •and how to cook for theme-how . to prepare Drinks, Poultices, ...gm., andlow to guard against • . • . infection froth contagious . . . It Tells You 01 the' arious diseases' of chi!- ' dren, and gives the best and airriplesrmode oftreatment du-• • • • ring. Teething, Convulsions,, . ' • • , Vaccination, Whooping-Congh, ' • . . Measles, &c. • It. Tells You Tke.pymptorns of Croup, Choi elrvaorlmnfsanttsimenil ,tViicieaDdiarirzhia . womb,hicken-pox Diarrhea, . • ' C, &c:, and ' give you. the best remedies for , , • . :their cure. .• It• Tells. You The .symptoms -of Fever • and . 'Ague, and. Billions, Yellow, .tybhtis, Searlet and other Fe . ' .. • vers,. 'and -gives: you the best • and simplest remedies. for ,their. It Tells. You The'symptoms of Influenza, Consumption, Dyiperria, A sth 7 • . ma, Dropsy, Gout; Rhenhnatism • . • ' Immbage,.Eiysipelas, Sze, and . • gives you,the best remedies'for their cure."' It Tells You The symptoms of Cholera•Mor . bus, Matignant.Cludera, • . Small pax; .Dysentery; Cramp, Disr eases of the Bladder, Kidneys, and Liver; and the best.reme- . . • • . dies for their cure.' • - It Tells You The symiitonis • of Pleurisy, • • Munips, .Neuralgia; Apoplexy, • . Partilysis;the various, diseases • • • 'of the Throat, Teeth; Ear and - Eye, and the best comedies for . • their cure. • It. Tells You The symptoms 91 Epilepsy, • Jaundice Piles, Rupture, Dis eases 9f the Heart, Hemorrhage • • Venereal Diseases., and Hydro- . . . phobia, and ives the.best ' • • reni edies" •thefr cure.. • ..It Tells You "The -hist and simplest treat . .1. • Ment for Wounds, Broken Bones . . . , • and. Dislocation's, Sprains, • Lockjaw, Fever :Sores t White Swellings,' Ulcers, Whitlows, foils, Scurvy, Zurps and Scrof It Tells You Of.the various diseases peculiar , • to Women, arid gives the best • and simplest remediesfor their' cure, together with many 'valu ' • ' • able hints for the Preservation of the hpalth. The work is written in plain language, free from medical terms, so as to easily understood, while its simple receipts may, soon save you many times the cost of the book. It is printed in a clear and open type; is illustrated with appropriate engravings, and will be forwarded to your address, neatly bound and postage paid on receipt of $l,OO. $1.00(rA) made n a b d e e by enterprising men everywhere, in selling the above work; as our inducement to.all such are very liberal... ' For single copies of thellook, or for terms to agents, with other , information, apply to or ad- JOHN E. POTTER. Publisher. No. 617 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. THE TONGS AND VICE. HE; SPBSCRIBER.wduId inform 'the t T zens of ! port Allegany, and the surround ing country, that he is preparetl to do all kind BLACKSMITIIING, In all its different branches in a:workmanlike manner, with, promptness and dispatch vvarrart ted tolive satisfaction. • • • WAGON WORK & MILL 'IRONS, attended to In' good style, rind at roasOnable rates. Particular attention paid to , ' 1-lorse Shoeing, From experience in the business, entire • satis faction ls guaranteed. • .J, B, OTTO. Port Allegany,•March 1, I 960:. N; B. peisons'owing tne, or having un settled accounts are earnestly., requested .to cnll.and Settle the•stitne s without delay ; there bysaying:so:A Tnd treuble. • J.. 1).. OTTO. GOODS ARE ~.:ciMAPI "I~tsw; , ;:; • AT . 1y4E49,1vS ...41tIGUI,ATOR. A. has now in . jar; the. :Luirgast •Stsock.:.of N'EW SUIVI.MER GOODS Ever:l7.o74kt into'irlds:Cotoit:y;'Proienti?ir UNEQUALLED AICTII ACTIONS' IN EXTEN,T; VAR.ItTY,,- . E.LEGOCE, and . - .BEAUTY of. qesign, and coloring. liPi $lll3 111 1131010 ARE HERE. Now tlie Tim.o TO Sc:lect:froill the Largest Stock aril 'Purchase. Goods while PRICES - ARgi DOWN! The. POOdj are: Ggilkg. HOT CAKF.S 01l a FROSTY MORNING, those' who wish to 'nigh CHOICE, SELECTIONS SHOULD CALL .EARLY FIRST COME, FIRST SEriVED t'llia I . mipoiso Eiock coitsists 'D .R,..T...:1-...G.'.0...0..13.15..., Endless' Variety. PARASOLS AND t!:9II3LLAS,' READY-MADE.CLOTHING, CLOTHS & VESTIN'OS, MILLINERY 'GOODS, LADIES' DRESS PRINTS, LAWNS, LADIES' CHALLI Ai LAWN ROBES, Flounced, at $l. DEBAIZES, at 10 eta lip fact a Cov;pleta: Assortment, DRESS , G-00.DS. IQ,OOO yds. BROWN SIIEET.IIVG, '5OOO BLEACHED SHEETINGS GR . OO,EICIES, SUGARS, _FLOUR) PORK, &c., &c. lIANS at,121 2 - cts:. TEAS at 31 to 621:,etc. BOOTS & SHOES, Largest - stock ever offered in this section'of country. Men's Kip Boots; a prime article. Women's • Calf Toots,. Ken's . : Brogin Shoes, Women's Gaiters, tipped, Women's. enameled la'addition to the above he has a large quail- STOVES. lIARDiVARE,CROCKERY, DR tnj.• lIIEDICINES,.YANICEIs NOTIONS, • 1142 S AND CAPS,.IRON of all ' • kinds—Nail Rod and Hoop Iron; • •• • - German dnd.Ccot Steck • • Wash Tubs • and Grain Iffeasurps,, • Patent Pails, Wash Boards, Vinegar, Fluid; Camphene, Turpentine / / AGRICULTURAL.IMPLE,kENtS, And a thousand other, things too numerous to• mention, which will be sold WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. 0:7" Country rneyahants supplied at as low prices as they cnn buy in New York or , any of the eastern cities, for iaskor .approved credit. Smethport, June, 1859. • • A CArt,D.. K. HAFFEYofthrs his seryices to parties . J . owninror w ishing •to purchase mineral lands in .IVl'Kearip.Elki Clearfield or Jefferson counties. o Itt'.Examinations made and flithfully re-. ported. Bradford; July 27,-16.11). • , • WASHINGTON NATIONAL NONIINENT. THE SUBSCRIBER. IS. NOW OFFERING for sale, a niag,nificetit ;steel-plate engra ving of the Declaration. of Independence, Bur r rounded by life-like pOrtraits of all the. Nair dents; and bearing upon face . the tomb of Washington, at Mt. Vernon, and facsieniles of the signatures affixed to the Declaraticin4 . . Tins_ ENGRAViNG, • . being 18X22 inches in size,. is unsurpassed 63r any ever published, and is ogered at the very !Ow price of fifty cents. Address all orders, with iriOtt enclosed . and two.cents'to prepay' postage, to • ' • C. N: TENNY, Atz., Smethport, M'Kcan Co., GINGHAAIS, COTTON, YARN,