M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, August 23, 1860, Image 1

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~• , '
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: I ;‘‘, . 4 ' l 14. W, , . ;isr; •• • ' *.•('
44 .
U r • •
VOL. 3.
.I:ll'.. : tic,al . l- .o,TOnoti).l.o6ilp.crti;,
• By J. B. OVIATT,
OFFICV,• conNint OP Y-11121:1 . 0 sQUAUI
TERMS:* •- $l5O in AdyanFo
Rates or Adveitising
~. , . . . . . .
. .
'3 (Minton doe'year ...... . ...—..,..,4-....--.. ... ~..$35 00
i.i...••••-;••.-7•-•••••-,- '' ....- - 2000
3( ••,, ' .st .' .44 ... •.. ':-..:-...-- - -----;---- 1900
1 44 ' , six m0nt10r.,.....,............4 ...... '.::...... _OOO
• 12 00
"-) i e s g iotro of 12 lines or less, 3 insertions,:........ 151I'
Earth subsequent rn5erti0n,....,.....:-...- ,
:......- .... .' 2ii
. , •5 00
tnirisiess Cards, with paper, .
.• Hole or sign - I.e work will be tlonklu:the above' rates.'
TwOlVe liner. liroler type, - or eight- Hoek
Ta1..111-n square. '-• . • . •
.. .
• .. .11.7' Those TermS will lio•stri etly adhered to. .•
• • • •
,Pitsiiiific.. - 1:: • gliratoq,.
Dit.lll., A. SraAGM; :could respec,tfulli announce to the
citizens of Smethport ntelvicinity, that ho has .fitted
tip nn billet?, and is prepared to, attend td.all bueinesS.
to his prolesSion`. Artificial, teeth inserted. toot] sci
: entitle pV,ingiples, and so as hi preserve the naturalex-'
• pression of the face All operations in Dental Surgery
dello in it' skillful 'manner, 10t1
. . .
.•1113N1 . 181', - .wonld rC'smietfelly.-inform • the inbabitanti
.1-Pof Olean and 'o„tirrounding coontry that he hes lo
eated himself, permanently in ,Orerell; for tho . practice of
' hip. profession, where ho will 'he prepared 0 . 1.710 on all
who cheese to
. glre him avail:. Qtlice over G ll.,'Thieg's
Dry Goods Store.. .. • . ' - . .
. (Mean, 'Nay 32, 356 . 3. • : :, . •.... • . -..• . 3-1
•A. F. BARD, .Propriotor..olokei DI: Y,,: Otili)lhon retie,
:to end from the Now' York and Erie Bail Bond. 13 . tegoe
'for Bmethpor,t nod gores:.
• - .
. ,
S: .1 OSGOOD Proprietor.. Rideira'y,•fa, thin ifetel .is
new.•nrut farnished• in mrelerzi etyle, lifts ample accent
.- 'nindations r and 10, in all respects, a first Clam lintel, .
Ridgway., Elk Co.' l'a. May 2.1.; 1.i=60 _ ' . ' .
, . ~.. , ... , ..
. .
, .
Jenti Wean, Proprietor.' This', house in situated -hal
' Way between Snietkipprt and .01ean. .A convenien ,
an cqnnnoilious houel, attentive , and 9bliging attend
.• ants, and lbw IWice9, . : ' . ." '. • : •
Eldred, May 17- 1800 " '' . .• . - •' : ••"
• .
Survivor, Draftsman ' ConveyaOcor,.. amt. - Deal ' Estate
SmettipOrt, WHean county, '
• - • TAYLOR, .•
,poillor in Dry Goods, Grocories, Pork, Flour, Salt, Fish
Ready-Made Olothank, Boots anl Shoes. :Sinethport,
• • • WILLIAM WILKIN ' • ' • '
•. •
. .
. .
P . iactiaal Mechanic, Britlgo'-1101,10r.,
Port.Alleglieuy;ll,lican •:.
• Estate.Agapt;WilliasVille, Elk renu'a
' - ni
--- - •
• ~R IIFERENCES-1311apiu
1311apiu Brzes.,
lion. Tlionuto. Btruthere,
AV. S.. Brownell,' Esq.;
Hon.' A. 1. ,Wilcox,
. .
Smetliport; Pa
'Buena Vigia,.l.'n
• . ' CARVER HOUSE, ''. • •• .
It. Itup. Proprietor. corner of Water andllickory
6trects, IV:trio:i f Pa*. 'General Stage 01lice.
. .
. . .
, Yronting the riddle Square, Olean, N. N. .3smau
.I%ltLtAnt. ProPrietor., The Fobes House is entirely new
and built of brick', and is.furnished'inmodern' style.
'The proprietor tliiters himself that his aeconniunkt ,
thong zero not • surpassed, by any betel . hi Western New
• York. Carriages run to and (reel the. New York tend
Erie Rail Road: • . ; • • as-ir,
• . .
.. .
ATT . QTrNET' AT' • L AW; :SITITOPOTT., .11PReati County, Pa.;
'Agent for Alwisra. Keating- & Co's Lands: Attends.
e:Modially to.t.Lo .Coillootion, of Claims; :Exami nation of
' hand Titles P,ayment of TaxeS,. and allAmkiness rola.
,ting to ited . Estate*. Wilco in lialplin Block. .. • '.
• - '
. .
. . . .
1). A. WRIORT, Proprietor ,— at. Itiuzna, Warren county
l'n. ILis Table will bc. supplied with the best •the
' country alrittls, and he spare, tki , p,aitk in accernpdatink
his guests.'.. -.-. - . . • •
. .
. . '
Attorney anal, Counscllorat Lasv;'Smethport, 111 , 11.eaa
County, ' Miaiuess.entrusted-to his care for,the
C , IIII3iIPS of 31. , 1 eaa,•retter clad' Elk . be.promptly
• 'attended to . .o.lllce th the . Court lipase, seeped floor,
• . .
, .. . .
rhy.iielati and Surgeon,':Sinotliporti Pa, wiltattend to
all professional calls with prOmpluess. , .0111 co lu Sart,
. ~ well Block, Second floor. . .
•. .
'WholcaaWand 'total Dcalora. in Staple:and' Fancy .Dry
• Opoda, Carpeting, Rosily Mails Clothing, and • Calmat
rnitthingCooda Hoots and Shboa, Wall-and Window
:Paper, pc r,'Loolthig• Glasses Ac,' 'At °loan; •
.0 WlCean Co., Pa.. D. Prnptio
tier—opposite' th6Cotqt, nus°. A new, lafge,,ecan
~nw,dinua and well-furnirdied fic.uso.:
. . .
Attorney and Conuseliornt Last, Sinefhpnid; MCcaan, Co
.. Pa. Will attend to all business in hie profeasina in the
' counties Of APlCean, Polder and }
lk. .o(lieu over U. K;
Sartwell & Broiliero 7 'Lore.'.. ' : - . - • ,
•Cornor of Second and I,iLcrty strcots, ,Warren,.Pa......1: 7
• A.. 11.‘nuoa, Proprietor,: TravelerS will find good ac-..
• commodationa and reasonable charges,
. . .
Dealer in Stores, 'ptu Ware; Jappanea ‘Yaro", &e,, west
i,hle. of 'the Puhlia Priudro,- Solothithrt, Pa. Custom
uiorkrlono to order ou tho nhortent notice, tied io the'
.. ,
mOst'subAtaultal maniier.,• ' • ,- ..
, . .
On:aIor In Dry, Goods, groceries, erockory,
Nola, Shoop, ILats, Copp, Clans, Nails, fic:
East side 01. Um Public Square, SmuLliport,. Pa. •
St, lAIIIURt:', I'inpriotor,—Alleghonyl. l / 4 0, MU{ oho
, Pa. This houoo is situated aboul.nino milem from
.timethunit 'on Did 'roatl,,,to Ola'au; and will' be found a
c!iavemiout rgoppiug-pllea
Ohl;r, •6l'liean Co., PA. N. 1,, D19(11, Proprioloy
.A EttraugCrs
, an.l ti.tvelto.s will li ndgood accononottatio,o. - •
By I'. (1 ooDwzzi: Tliis:Wmisn Is sII tinted ttbniit
rointinietlipurt on tI o road to Olean. Plv'aAlcro pd,tlies
•-• end otliolm Can lie accommititod mt thesliqrlreitt tautlco•
poi.cgr, Proprietor, at. Pori ,Allegany, Mc
(Jaunty, Thin (Intel Insitualed at Um junc•
!ion o(, the 1 4 1nothport.: and Allegany Itivdr t was, ulna .
• Tilden oast • • •••
. . -
WEL :HASKELL : ProprietOr.
'Chic Iluunn is ,V I) f or the
the 'Prilvelliug Public; li.triow e.zoully i nu . repaired
w 9 .._1,),t hind 16:1'11r .1114 i St./filen • I \:.l-
...61h1,1110. cot likuni, f•' l,, in , cii to I
;:'meth poll. duly ISOk'
. .
• .Tlio Pike'S, Peak
. corresponclent of the - sf.
Lottii'Deinbcrat,. writing froth:Deaver: City,
speaks as follows, of. Kit. Cars° Ole factious
Aneritan 'frontier . . • .
. - itilybraye and-veritable...nrountainegr
arriv,ed.fiere. •fewdays'ago l irem-Taos.-: 11. M.
where he. resides, filling the oflice:of head In:
dian agent for the reg ion of Conntry,traVersed
• .by the Yiftes orEtit;hs. Although :over filty
. years, of age he, appearsaS spry andshrewd, as
polite and pleasant as•ii gentleman pf ' thirty.—
I-Te was, allowed a merit:ll'S .fiirlorigh- from his
official charge and conchidad he would
six days trip across to se.e•how . we :were :get
. ting. along, He was perfectly surprised to see
Stich a city here, and such a settled, systematic
style of civilization, like the older cities Of the,
Slates, : to -a considerable extent:. He wils..not
over these tr.:ilk since 1853 tiritil now, and .had
Paid Apollosinaphosied to him then that to
'day such a 'city would lie heio, lie would not
haVe ccgonefia . cent . .on' them;"' but, -considered'
them crazy '' • . , . • ,
lilt Carson is a' study;.- he combines all th 0
sagacity and Caution of the'red man, ,with the
Science and.ihreivdness.of the . Yankee 'and the
Suavity of the KerituekianYwhich lie IS by birti
alhtough - raiSed from his early' 'period- in 'Mis
souri... flaunt! 'him to he fiVe times more polite
more posted, -arid. mere 'peculiarly interesting,'
thari I-fancied he was froth hearsay: and now I
should rlelight .eXceedinglY in having the oripor
ttniity.of perusingliis life, and inbtintainadFen,
ttires,as:puhlished..lately :in a large:•volume in
'the States—mete so,...many Cif . * more "so than .
before' haviri‘ , seen hind. • Take - Sarn Medary',
Simon' Cameron, OrStephen ,A.' 'Douglas; , and
notice 'their manner and their Matter while
conversing yith'them .in an introductory. 'acr
quaintance, rl'you• cannot but .observe," by
conveising . with Carson,. but what -lie Under
stnnds, 'in his peCuliar departments, , . juSt• es
much of this saying' little and talking . eonsid
arnble,- this way ofinteresting and entertaining-,
while at the same-time you can't get him to
commit himself, or to communicate 'anything
He heitta cotiticil with the Arapahos 'Chiefs
'around here, and adviSed them to look . ' out- for
their 'scalps in case. foiir hUndredclf:them start
ed next day, as Abby talked of, to fight- the
Utes, his Indians.' HO told . them.there was •'a
ecvillage'?, of a thousand; (Res, forteilin a 'cer- I
Lain section of 'the...preciPitees ridges, a few
hundred miles south West of -here, and while
they botli - ilid net trouble and trespass on'white,
settlement, he wished . .cchoth - . sides.. success,"'
yet - she cantioned these .'Arapahos "to -lOok out
for the :Eutah.scalping knife. ' He' stated that
although he himself has fired: rifles' since his
'childhood almoit,•that.the Utes . warriors And
bravei can whip him or-any other white Man
you -generally gnir,' at'
they, in tactics, are up 011ie late '
Hundreds and hundreds crowded' areunciold Kit
Carsoti here on Blake-street; where he is new
stopping,. congratulating: him on .his. young
looks; anti his popularitramong he atimirer,s•of
pioneer Westerdadventureri and hriVe men.—
If Sables Buchanan, 'old Abe Lincoln, or: - even
those Japanese_ Embassy fellows :had.. arrived
here I don't believe the , people. would have.
cared half as much to Stop or talk with them,
Ilidgwayi rn
. .
HIS EXCELLENCY ON Al3nNnEn.--=While artists
are deveting their,valuable time.to the execii.
lion of busts of distinguished . personages, :it' is
a matter . of :no' small gratificatioa •to the 'conl
=ifty at large, that there is at least Ona' die- .
.tinguished individial who can commence, car
•rYciti and finish higown
. cOmst,".with a' degree
of perfection seldom.ttained by the. most scru
pulims - devotees
,of sculpture or painting:
allude to His 'Exgellency B.• Mi . Stewart, GeV:
ernor.of the State of. Missouri:' Rohert was' in .
toivii on Saturday last. fTo sooner had. he ar
rivgd than he was waited upon byii large num
ber of 4tbosom" friend's headed by Bill Rose, of,
strychnine whiskelyilotoriety.. He , commenced
his artistic Jabors at linearly hour en-Saturday
morning.. By ten o'clock hat might
tiavt beenneen hanging on 'his. ear: By half
past ten his 'capillary' Vegetable Was disheveled
.and a portiorrOf it covered his fin ahead. .By
twelve o'clock . his coat was whitewashed by
wall that staggered against it. .By one o'clock
.his • .ExCelleney. was .relmarkably . tiferocious;"
and was . engagedin a spirited debate' in a:Sub
terranean beer.ialoariwith a 'lleutouie .geritle-
Imani.whom he ,honored with Certain . .dignilied
titleg whicliwe thinlr.best toomit; and by two
o'clock Robert's: nose had tun itself against
Tetitort'g.ifit, and without..injoring the' bunch
of fiverOnaterially ili'sligure.d itself., At ., three
o'clocl Bill Rose was . busily engaged it dying
ilignasal. organ of the Governor of Missouri in
handkerchief. to Preserveit- for future.
The•ctbust" Was now complete, and any' artiit
who can equal it will please notify us of his
ability so to do.-117issotiii Democrat. • .'
A Thitebnian was relating hid matiielous. es
cape fr . ondrOwning,.When.ihirteen of-his com
panions were loit by dpsetting — the boat . , and
be alone wassaved.• ""And how Aid you es
cape, their fate?' inquired one of biss•hearerd;
c.tl didmot.go into tote,"-was the Dutchman's
dacid answer: . ,•: " •
three year 01d,,, the proPerty of my next
neighbor, sew a. drankeri man "tacking" 'the
street in.front their house. i , Motiter'' said he,
ctdid . God make that InanP! . . She replied in the
affirmative.•. The little fellow telleeted a
ment,..and. then -'Q.would'nt' hate
done - ' . • •
If, iu instructing
o ti child, you aro vexr.l6with
it for :tvant. adrciitnosi, .try, it: you nert.t'
hied befdre',l6 write tiidt. your; le ft, auii. I C.-
rrc . aiber that a "cflil,t-is all left hand: .
. ,
I .ll :miivamkee, IVis., a young man of teputid
wealth was drip hi love'-with
.a pretty !:;,
liked his money, his coniptintand the flirtation
but did not and t..csrultl 'net likehim: , . 11u tried
suicidehnt . .vas drakgel out of the. and
dried. Eveline vveprfor . the 5ti10,41119 spoiled
coat, and when.,'a little later her.irather .must
have $4,900 and . Augustus yould.fur
nisi the amount and marry, sfio tnade the be
:siovVal Of her hand.—=one•,hali cash' down. *ow
Oduli- side. Augustusraid. the two *.tholiAatid . ,
hint a iiinqay's honey rnouny , and:then backed
0ut2.. - :ll4 : 4uld'nt jay' the' balantei• says he's'
had eitoaitqEvOiltie under such eilcuiroances
bas giAie back , :1li":1.11u parunlaMont.
a+ions et e 1111 . 5 V pegil* lot
SM ErIPQRT . ,. -lIPKEAN:CONTY; :I')A.,; . llf URSI)AY, ..AUGUST 23...1.560
The. following extract is from a letter',Which
teas written , npon the death of. a childi . •
•I (went. in.the inorning-..--a bright aad 2:adiant
morning—rnany : Wentjesterdayi- inore. to-day,
and there are dews to' lie:shed - tor: the 'dep:F
-t-tires of 6-moil-0 W.... Andean it be wondd
that pleasant
. s'unliner :mornings - should' beguile
theminto ghing? Is it 'ainarver that tliey do
not wait Tor the '.burden 'and the , noon, but . fol
16W-the hit .and . hear her song . o'vei the. rnin of
the:rainhowl . - ... That those .Wordi ,'
they Shoulernalie sotrue,'“and :loy•cometh in
.the morning?" • • • . • •
Going in Ahe tnorning—a glorions".fitorning—
when the-sl4 all in beauty, and the World is
'all bliss,. ere the dewi haVe.g,otie to liraven, pi
ihe'stars have gone, to GO; • vhen the hinds are
singing,-and the'ecel- winds arc -blowing . ,
the flowers aro : out.thatwill.be shil(at neon,.
and the.Clonds that are•never rent in 'rain, and
the shadows : wit 1 . 1 .crimson away to
the west.:-':: .
. We haVe.scmetimes seen a little; eoflin,like
a casket for. jewels, . •
by,- itself in ci
lingehearSe;.-inclancholly with pltitnes; 'and
gloonly . os a frownend we have' thought,Thol
go,:sliould. we accompany those it* little -Way-,
who-go in the morning. We have , kvondered
Why • they did not take the little WO
carriage With_ them, aral: lay it gently, Upon
theirlaps,.the sleeper 'there . lulled to slumber
without M
hosopra•tradle. • We have Won- ,
,dered . What therh was for. tears in 'such a- going
—in the early-nriting from home : to home--;
like .fair; w . hite chives with' downy ,wings,
emerging from nether.night and fluttering. for
entrance tiethe window Of, heaven. Never has
.there been if hand wanting to take the wander;
er in, and shut-out the darkness and the storm.
. Ifpon theie little faces,, it never seemed, to
tts that"death•could place his great seal; there
is no- thought of the charnel-house in thoiC
young listeners to that invitation; Whose aceen
lance ive'are boun4 not 'to - forbid i there, should
be morning songs ith&not 'sighs; fresh .flowers
and 'not badges of mourning; :no' tears, nor
cleuds; . b.ut. bright dews and ; bright dawnings
together. •• •
..• .
Told tip. the'White robe; lay aside.the . ferget-:
ten.toy; smooth the little unpressedpilloW; and
gently smile as you think - of the garment, of
the harp of gold, and of the fair.. brow with its
diadem .of light;• smilelas you 'think that no
years can Make that memoryold....:An•eternai;
guileless child, waiting about the threshold' of
:Paradise for the• coming friend fret i,home. :•
•: Here: tlic glad lips would quivea
guish; the bright curls growgrizzled and grey;
the. youhg ..beart weary, and old, hilt there,
changeless as the.stars, and young as the last
new morning. • • • . • :
.. . • .. . . .
..The:po'et tells of. a green bough .rent :by Ile
terripest.frOm the tree, and Swept' rudely along
the breast of an angry river, and a, mother'bird
with cries of, grief fluttering': beside it, forher
nest and nestlings:Were Ihere'.. ... ()Ii! better tcr
be wafted away froth, earth; than thus that they
should drift.rirotifl the world in ,storm.
.When•,children I turn .immortal. we .should
write:.... ' ''• . ' .. .
('Gone he'tnorninq,
And Ptliere is' no . .night thpre!'.
The Buroh Divorce Case
. .
.. In commenting on the: Burch divorce -Case,'
the.Spritigfield Republican remuks.that women
want' love . m.orc . than . anything
demonstrative affectienatid the life eta' wife.
is utterly' tasteless . Witi,out it. In nine hun-•
Ared and ninety nine cases in a thousaMd i the
m an who :dins the love of a worrian blaine
if lie:fails to keep it. - IfsMrs..Bnich ever'loved -
Mr. Burch, arid•ccas'etl.to:love him, so far as.w.
yield herselfto 'a strange' embrace then Mr.
Burch can escape the blanrie..of losing that lore
by Only,one chance.in n'thousand. When a NVO•
man yieldsherself to' the 'husband she 'truly',
loves, her chastityis, to. all. intents . and :pur
'poses,. irphis keeping:,' Soao , ng na,lie is. a lov
ing 'husband to her, and makes her life One with
his owniso.long-ii she Safe. from all the is
satilts'of all the:Sten-arts and scoundrels in so..
eiety, It is not to the wiv'es'oftsuulind affee
tiOnata' husbands that libertinism is attraCted
A.loyal hiving huiband is the sure safegUard.of
a Wifes.virtup. - • So'we . , declare that: when a'
wotnan.demonstrtes,hy, an act, :that she'. has
ceaSed. to lave a.husharld • whom _she has once
honestly loved, her buSband's'blameivorthitieSS
is 'demonstrated, and he .. can only spread *his
wrong's before Sodiety .
.may,have been wronged, • •11 MN.. Burch ever
loved . she .has - pretty. Certainly been
wronged: -Without saying. a - wind fOr Mrs.
Burch, .whii may or' may '.riot be oiery guilty,
we confess that in this case; DS in . nearly all
similar cases, our -synipatlifes 'naturally. turn
toile wotnirinvol%;ed. -Somehow in all these
cases a inn stands in the position of. responsi
ble authorship. • .
Old Rowe kept n hotel in the .northern r part
of Yolk State; which:le.-boasted was Abe best
in thnse parts; where; as he Used sa3',•:ypo.
could getanythingdlin r was (plc:l.:made lii cat:
One day in came a Yankee; he sent. .his jun Ae
round - to the. SI ariloi and stepping up to, the bar,
asked old'Rowd what he could 'hint Tor'ilin.
~A nytkirtg; sir r " says Old Alowci.. any
thinfroir: a pichled..el;yphanpro a calmly bird's
tonitie:'? sayh the Yankee . ; eyehn,,
Rowe;'''l guess I'll take a. piece, of . pick led'. el
ephant,',' Ont.bostled. Rowd into the..dining
roout,. leaving our Yankee friend" nonplussed a t
dkis gravity:. Presently ; he cuines. back again,.
we',v'e got 'em; got 'end all ready,
here. in the house;' but you'll !lava - . to' take
'ealiSe•we The
Yanked thought be WOuld 'take 50111
)otatbes'.:'. , • , • ,
follimioc. arm.; .10s
iketi It! Pet. , rsliurg Ora,.).
1),.)in.) :Hid Intatigeneer. (ti. N.)
30/Nlldt:racy suri;ivp,!?-I'.re‘" , L " • .
ca - 1) doeg 1.1.10.-Ekvil:''---:bitellß.rot , .'r ! . • • •
i“AlltritS h(4.11 111.0 1101.%' the 110..1' for
the 'choose: ye - whoi9 yt: Will
Iwn evilichoo . sn yt.l the 109 1 —' : AVO . I I
!faitha •
Oppositinn .e4itor:i . go to (liedcyil as
4.duck tal e sto tha - wakr. The letchlf„,fri.
Cakes IW p.lltY- 1.41'
Prait ' / Doan ' , zt, c. • ,
. ,
:."Kiss.mb•Mamma, do Kiss me." .:
, 'l'he child woe so Setisitive--so likt;•that little
shilnking pleritHlint the breeili
:shuts ite heart from light. The only , lictiuties
•i he
. .poseessed'll'as en exceedingly tran9atent•
:skin, anti the most 'Oyes.
beCii triiinCit by a: etcrti, .striet,consciinitious
.mother, alertly plant, rebounding, iit
ery.'shOck,,Misfortinne could net'daunt; though
discipiinelmned me. I - fancied, alts, flint 1
'mu.9t ga through.thesame. routine Ihis deft' ,
catecreatttry,so one day when hehaildisideased
me '
exceedingly b y . repeating relfqnqe; was
detertnioeil to very .
serious - all day; and on 'sending- to. her little.
couch, sjidi
. . , . .
“NoW, thy daughter, fri punish you, and shoW
Yoti hoW-very, yet). no - you:have. tree'',
Shall not kiss you to:night.!' ; • •
Site stood iobk lug at me,„ astonishment : p4-
sonifidd, with, her.' great
.mohrtilutleyeS 'wide
suppose site hadlergotten het. miscon' 7
diratill - them and left' tier with '.big tears
dropping &twit' her cheeks and her lips:quiver
Fug. ; .Presetttly .1‘ wtis Sent ;for— ,, ph
you will kin's me. cun't.go to sleep 'if 'you
don't," she sobbed ; every' tone.' of -het
trembling, as 'she belt out' her hands.
'cow caine the struggle • het Ween 109 . . and
what I falcky termed .- dtity, , _bath said
give her; thelr'iss Of p , :fre; my stern' nature
.irrg'ed the to persist" an My - correction that - I
might iropress the Sault_upon her Thal .
is-the-Way Iliad Wen trained untitl.waS:ti nub,
'miss.ive Child,:and.l.reniernber how idten I had
thanked jny, mother since for • her .straight
forward course. I .kr . lolt-by her
cato.kisS you, 'Elfrit," whispered,' thottgli'
oeery ivotd cheked me. . It:Md.:touched
tninc;. it waslery. luit; but • a 110 ltute:d
her excitement.. .Sit 6 ttlnlo.lier'gievieus ; face
to Coo
. -Ishlarried ;myself, as the fragile
form shook , with S.uppre.Ssed sobs,- mid saying;
c‘Mother hopes Ellen.Wili•Mind.her better after
t his," left the room fir'tlie. uigbto
It might have been about twelve - when F was .
awakened by the nurse. Apprehensive I tan to.
the child's'eliarnber.... I liad alearfril dreatM=-
'Ellen did :not knowrite. Site was, si tting
crimsoned from the' foreheeil to•the threat, her
eyes 'so:bright that I almost drew` brick 'aghast
at' their-glance. From that 'night a. - tagiug f -
.vet drank Mt tier. - life---:and what-do 'yott, think
wtis the. incessant plaint :poureeinto' my: nit
guished heart?.. '‘4oll.kiss me,MotlierVdo hiSs
me., l'eall't grr tO sleep. youll kiis your lit=
tie Ellen; won!t you? retWito to .
won't he naughty, if you'll kiss me.' . ..0hl kiss
Me; dear mamma, I can't go to •
'she':did' ;to
,sleep one
gray morning, mid .never -oke .figain-;--never.
tier hand was 'locked. in 'altrrikyeinp
icy NV!ch its'gradual chill. . Faintly ...the , lit , it:
faded out in the.beautiful . eyeswliiter,,wkite •
and whiter' grew the tremulous lipS. :She n&ver
knew me, but with her, last -Breath- she' *his.:
pered i good;mother, if you only. for-
Kiss het! Po knoWs/ . .1i0v0 .
Unavailing were-my kisses upenher.;cheek•Af...
ter that kital night. God knows .how
were my prayers, that she .might..knOw, if "only
once, that I would have, yielded. up my .very
life could.,lhave' asked forgiveness of that sWeer
Well, grief is unavailing now. She in
.her little tomb;, there, is a matble . .nrn at her
'head, and . a rosebush at her
.feet—,there. groat
sweet summer. flowers; ,there Wares t Imgentle
grasso hare birds 'sing theit Matins and vespers,
there 'the bliie sky shenedown to dab:M . o , oere
lies the freshness of my heart. . '
Parrfots; you should;havelfeard.the pathos . in
the. Of. that *stricken mother, as she said,
if There are 'plants that spring into great . :v.igor
if:the heavy pressure of.tt footstep crush heat;
but out there are others that even - the, pearls of
the light deW. bend to the'eartt. , ",
.•.A.'younff , malt . ; twenty-One-years-of hge, was
shot, on the - i\lechanips . Street- Bridge;iti ".this
eity r atan 'ea o
rly hour n'Thurday
The Character of the shooter or the shirt it is
.not present.purpos,e to sperik'of.,iTh' . ona
is a' homicide and the other is in his eollin, ow
..ing to ihe:impunit ies 'which attends the dii
gracefir(praetiee of carrying concealed deadly
weapons „ , :*.ft. is of this practice• :intend to
sneak, and to - callthe attention of 'our.- public
authorities and law makers, Rowdyism„Ospe..
ciallyin large, cities, cannot be :Prevented,
Weak desire for noterietyL—the vices anttfollies
of youth,, the prevalent disregard 'for parental
control, the temptations of rum,.
leWil - tvetrieti-: 7 -all tend to an in•creasoof rowdy
istn, 'Which the civil authorities find
to control 'or:reirress,... But the.lawcatiiiev.ent
rowdies from. traversing the stre.eis 'shoed "to"
the teeth like Spanish bandits and Italian assits.
51115.. It is a disgrace to . our . civilization that
the. practice of. ciirryiltg, , concealed deadly
weapons, shottlil lie so . geneial itisin all Our
large" cities; Qui own is by no' Means an
ceptiori, Mit here isscarcitly a rowdy, firemen
Or a ''fast" man iktlie city;.wlfose pocket doe's
not a'pair of knucklers, or shoe ether
timmeessarry and dangerous weapon. In coon=
cries where people .go about theirbusiness : with '
guns im their :sltbliters. and :rlaggert . in..their
belts, wo..are 'in the habit of.esteeming thepeo--
ple as barbarous, yet -the oPenond, undisguised
tisliihifiottof one'S. personal .atinery'is - ."decent .
and tlnistittn, compared with .our , praetiee of
'stowing away pistols and knives in our pockets,
isnot cow-airily; arr , r it is not ti - each,.
eras Itien avoid a seem . danger, but a con-.
.ceated of ethrows them off their guard....
In the last century men wore small :swords,
but the iraclice.Mgenerally supposed to have
-given 'way to strength and ,
ciclicy of. our laws, and the growing refinemeat,
pfotir the s \vottl-dinckler'nf the .
last cent it ry. was a 1 gent 101,14 'compai ed. with
the set nf men in Allis city, who, under,thil:garb
of gentleman', carry -the Weapolis -of the brliztr f
' . lie.old fashioned bully hangout his iign.
lie beldly•llanntedhis weaponsliefore theworld,
KaPiek 'clagger•.in ihe"
and (bog enabiki . pui)l4.l to keep Olit'orhis - way.
00- bullies walk about with the dreSs and "air
o f rvqpeetabEn.citizerts,ialk politics like la::
payers, ;rumble at the institliciency of‘ , .wat.cll.-
men and .police likc,doaoons, and
~keeps. his
for asSzy,ailiaiion6r.7lpllycenOaled
inrl lie hioast
of this bravo aid manly 6ns',..
every -clay.- street's
arc.tioi•y -6tli to...eters i frotti 4,1
till tlaivti; gfog-61torts . flih rerun all taght;" .
nail ashen had.ruinlias•Cxcitiyi•the worst. pai
shnfael,lld.frien, thiiy...tise their ever-ready,
Wen poni..on Tone
,tinnt,her; cry' upon "'tear t,ful tur;Oi
Withotit.callSC of•proVoquttottiex.tittpt th.ft Which
poses i brainaanall - and
-witisiroy. No one Ss ante:76 . oin ,No'otie
ser ore Train at tack. disgraceful. , e tis:totn
of carrying* deadly., fCcanons'causea mkt of
ten of rill the- natty - rows:which crulln 'murder'.
There is nn time fur ; deliberation or cooling.
when Nigel -sittings up ! • 'kite wortiioti i:tuttly
at hand i5u5e..1 . 1 . .5 the 'best itiollen
sire k nlaced.al. the mercy 'pi it 4. -, nrruin:
cry. 'year,•lll , o,.inumeiable accidents occur f trim
the practice:
. .
The fart Of. , its .beipg'• a ...pitniliabli;:ofleoce,
does' ot seem lo.toSlce thtt . Sli4lititst .
Nnone-seems lb fear * : Etury' - . .legal...conaegoenc , ? ,
tram t he' sUililen ti relation of his juittitte a rse
eves in the ti.r.eseuce. Of . all
inn whc; walk our streets yvtith . searchrti,,the .
number of thoke who WoUld..be found..in posses
Sion of. the.monna : of rmird'eringilteir neig:hhois
With Out a moments waining,,Would,..atitonlith
people who judge 'of iiiiittneti and iniirakliy tii r'
members 'of our..churches. It.geems . tinimpoV . :
Sibility,'but : life in .I,tittabttrgh.itf,.after . all. not
sO widely dircreutfrom life'.l%l.exico or theelti-.
nese !...teas, .
. . .
. .. .
No one" denies the propriaty of a man's arm : .
iiigbi inself whose nyocation tn-I cn him lifter night.
iato.flangerou'localities; or Nyho bbi charge or
',be protectiOuo( valuable property.. .It In a
Mair7s duty to arm himiolf againit oullawrs, but .
why should melt eohsrantly. armed:, against
. 0
acli (dhoti . : 'lt ia -.a..bartiaiioua practica, find
lireetls , inhicliirf ', --; ', , •.- • . .• .. ~ • '
The iinfortenatelvictim of Thursday „night's
Murder furnishes, ahother:illustration• or; the
extent ofcritno which thiS hopeful :Practice and
a,general disregard and recklessnesSuf taw: rre.
lites. "Vengeance is mine„ . and .1 will; repay,
saitli the Lord;" and Whateverprovoietion in
'this "case tray have been,, the murilprer.hatt .
physical;•social.or legal, to walk
about proviited with the means of :taking life in
his pocket, assurnidg himself the vengeful: pre.
requisites of the law and. the,..4lmighty:' . •
The practice...o6lod be made more. severely
penal .than it
,is; and the :,ollicers of:, Wt ,
e !Pi
should enforee it . more strictly and withmit re •
spect persens,'—l'itt4mfleh .Pogt
• .TIIr:BC . NC4 eai, rur DA.l2.—Jii4soti T. Mills,
of S'onth Carolina, 'was , a Judge of the • 'planet
Court inllsleithern Tests, fond of . ri . s joke,.bni
Veirdecideclin his dischaFge of duty r Thomas .
•Fannin Sniith whs a practicing latVyer.at the
bar, rind having shainefully •inisstated ihe law
in his 11(1(11'0.s : to the jury . ) : turned tp.,tbe Court
slid asked the judge to,chergdi . the ',jury
. aecor,
f4t43'. Thefudge iens . iUdignaat, alit! replied:,
f.Doeq.the counsel taktt the Court to be
Smith was not ahashsil by tha reproof, Int
instantly. rpsponileil;
,Your Honor. will not insist nn•.nn an
surer to that qUestiini, as' I might, answering
trulii be considered . guilty* of contempt.
counsel.ten. dollars, Mr. Clerk!"
said the judge • . •
'Smith immeilittely paid tho money, and :To
marked that it iyns len dollars more than the
Court could show: - .),.• •
chuneb r f' 7 ,llltriolharst" 'art' irt the
juqge.. •
ThC line; wrq entered by the clerk; and Strait
not being ready to.respand• that stinl i titklown,
The next morning, on theopcning oftha,.',o4stirti
Smith arose wall much deference, of rtigiter,
and began— . :: • •
May it 'please yOur Tioncofi.the ' iduk
that Mlle joke of y.ours yesterday, about,,the
fifty dollars, as,,Fliatis, as I preepiee from the
reading of. the.m
.your' Honor:be
pleased fo inform him, of the errci!and.imee:„it
erased?•"' .
The cbohiess of, the request find the implied
apology pleased the judge and remitted the
Judge Williamson, or' three logged
he was familliarly called, was.eine - ofthe early
Judges ofTexas: In hiS COurt a. lawyer by
the narneof.Charltenstated u ppint.Of law, and
the Court retesed.toadmit'the counselli.state
ment as sufficient proof. •
•t Your law, sir," said the.' , 3tul& . ;
'the book and the pai,,ie ;
This•is,rnY sir,"said Charlton;nulling
t•a pistol;, c'and this, boOlt," draw
in a' bowie-knife; that' 'is
.the 'page,",
Poiiiting the pistol towards . the Cotirt.
• ~Y our law is not good, sir," said -t ha ..unrti
. .
lied judge; "the proper.,authorily i Cohora7ic
volver,r," as le brought a - six . shOoter to bear oi .
the head of the counsel, who dodged :the point
'of the argument and turned,to the Jury.'
. On another oceasion the Judge conelnoted the
ttial of a Man for rnardei by seMencing him to
be Wong on that very : day.: petition .riati
mediatoly &isnot' by the bair,..jtiry and people;
praying that longer time might be stittard the
poor prisoner,
.The judge riiplind.(43 the peti
tllat..(4 the man .bad been 'found. guilty; the
ad.wa3'.. - Onsafe . , 9'031; Ii Sides, very
unee'ttifottabfe did 'not' (hink‘ any :!Mlll. ought
kr be. recolied to.s.tuy. iu itionser.thin:was'neer.
imslit . Y." The ut;:n:wasimps.' • •
Ar r • It.t.r , ritnizot;.:Notwithatertaing
:the prohibition cif •the Hera
'had..images - , the Sultan, Mohamed •thu -deend,
dad a fattev , lO.r-- the• - arts,.'end ordered Lentil
•Bellini, S'''elieliaa at list , to pain(a •Jaictute.:by
the Beheading' orf
ohn'the Baptist: • When . the
Ai;erk wasfinitilteci, the Sultiiit found fault with.
the•yepresentation of thr , . thn.tpdad t rs4 antl;.l6
prove that bid 0 1. •t, hn, dioN.
his_ t • icitnet at and :di urh•cdr.„ t,h4i• head: at ono of
lit sfitves. • .11alkitki, ort•l‘4o‘hit
thiolziOg he had caTz..ht, \ a'ri rnrierner.,"
•J;t ;ail.for"Venfc , ' , tha '•
. . • •
: IN had blitcic iTete's,vith long' laiibeti,• *red'
•cheelcs, and hair. Wad: ant.Viiimoltt • citrly, ie
wore a 'c ri tirpon ;On it) iiit:4qtr'..Nool - : 100iiro •
b tit ton ed i'
mid a ingrictitionh, ..1Y4 . 9 • !le COOKURO )IY . :
is dog. : - Otro.e .
he - a ppen'veit. ; I ha 4d a :yert.plo.ast,lt' '.hou
and mach company:. 'dtly'guestir•:.say v t . !Aht,•it
is pleaiantdierci - Everything has ettich•d4.9i- ,
deity, pot-away —not tring about - under I'm,
But my eyes ale u l frig fn't . the•eiglitof whit
tibigs titbit:tit. paper upon thu:floorvof
down" ebril :of wooden shePP:iind catlie;-
01.119NDiiis, bows apt! arrOws,:whipss,foi*. go 7,
eatts, blocks Mind trumpery. •1 want.
boots 4-Jigging, iiitee • a•prislEitig: I
to soo.ertirnbres•on the - comet, unii,Kittec.iipiii
on'tlio. toblc r.t W.i4ilt,t,fi,e`itojhtif,kikiell..
nod *told e !tie& the ..tytitiol;ol,o4o,l4of*iint .
tii (1: e Y PfljtV o o l l)it . t:. 1 441 f , U!'
hod jock • k iiiftetiAtd4lll44,, Jkl *Mg ray Mus'
ti atypt:t4loii
I;:•Li , Ocilit quietsrtoti'are, hatai Arne'
Bets non y , sot tlo !Soil :be 'at -peke,
lint myopia ate . itciiin4 fiirtheliattifhti oflittle
•feeir fir n'hosty-iiiiotit, n.ehrilPtithistft.ot
tin In hi t for . th.o c rock of little Whips fot tkie•
nni ii of drums, filet nitit•titt . trnnipels; Yet these
tlainig toolteryotts•otiee.• ,•• • •
. . . . .
. They ,sitY—ttA W. yotl have'. ',lis'irre-tioflting ...
to disteib)roir; what imaps of Sewing yOu have : :'
time for." But I long to• beneked - fora.liit of ,: • -..
string pr-tursold.rieWipapeef for' a - cent,.to.buY . a :
stale pencil - or peanuts.: •I - Want tO ...be.,criaxed
for n phice.of•newcloth fut . jilis or tri!iiii;.siile,•.., •
aunt then to hem the.serne;
. 1 want •to make lit—' .'.. .
tie flags -and hagS to holdmarbles,. I. want to :- ....
he folloWed by;llttle fent .all :Mier.. 'the. Irons - El' ••. , •
:lenieri fora :bit of aough tof-little cake, : er • to . --
. . u
.balre.a.pirrin a saucer'. ' Yet these things 'used' • •
to figit ; roe.•
•..'l!heY-eay.--'-tillif.yomare not tied nt,itome .. • -
'.lloOr delighifel tote alWays:nt libetty to . g'o.to .
,- . •
concerts, lac ittre. and. parties; no .coullintmckw,: . ,
for yOM'P' lint 1 :want• 4:entitlement, Lirant t 0 . .•
listen for the school bell mornings; to give the .. '.:
ieSt. 4ilid - y Wash and brurili;•and then to watch,-,
from the windpw, nimble feet beiiiirlingtoschoel, -
I .vviafit frequent:rents to menif,'-rtnil liVrephica
lost but tons;:,.l won't:to Obliterate mud stains,,,..' '
es 'stains, and , paints_ of molasses_ , o ' ..- '
~ r's...l. •
want to he sitting by a.litile crib orovenings r .
weary ••
when little feet' Ara et.rerri,rind mothers ',--
may sing their lulluahlerti and tell: over ~their-
.. .-
oft-yepeated stories. . They .donit' - .know. illoir •.• .
'happiness then-those Mother's. •.1 didn't. 'All-..:'
.. •
these things I called confinement onto: t' ..• r:. • ' .
, 'A minty figure stands before - me. now.;'. He . . . . .
is.taller thanli has thick, black Whiskerti:ind., '.. •
weirs - a frock!coaf; bosomed shirt and - cravist.' •• ,
•fle hail just. eoine . from college. ' .110 brings Lat..' ...
in and Greek in• hirr countenance; and
.busts of ..: •
old philosOphefs'foi the iiiaihg-roonh , Ele 414...
me . mother; bUt..l - arri , rrithitr unwilling .to , • - •own- - ..•
He stoutly declares that he is -my boy; and
days ha will prove it. He brings • me a ,small,
pair pf white trowders, with gay Stripes at the,'
sides, and asks'if 1 didn't Mike • thdm for hint
'when he joined the'boy's militia? He say* he
is the very boy, toootiat made the bondfire near
the .barn, so that we eagle very near having a fire
in .earnest Ho brings his little:beat to 'hew
the red stripe on the sail . (it was tbe•end'of,tbe
piece,) and the name
. on the ' sternitLuer
Tow"— a little girl of our neigborhood,' who,
because of ber :long curls 'and pretty r rounit
face, was the chosen favatite•of my little boy: : :
Her edits 'were long mince cut off, and obi ..liai
'grown to he'a .tall, handsome, girl. ,Itow the
red.curnes t o his . face when he' shows' me.'the,
name on the. Wt'. • • Ohtl , see It all Elly pith' as '
ifit were written in Logic.,fify,- little - boy 11:..
lost,.and my big boy scion..will be.,' Ohb,l what '
i l iz,were a littlelifed bey in a-long White night'.
goWn; isinfein .414 lit tie oi*, twithl,itte; sitting'
by, holding hie ilatid:ln'ttitnlrnuAltiiittqfilicitrli;
beelektrom his' foiehead, watching -his . eyelids'''.
droop, itnit listening to his'deep breathiing.'s
If I onlitld my,little boy again, bow liatieriC
Iwould be.ow much I Woulibliearit net hoW -
little I would - Ittubseokl:- I kin, neier have'
'l ot
him beck again; diethere`aid stil! many nicothr"
ere who haven't losett r elrliHle bqyit:, • f - '-')Iroli:'.
der if theiltnow they iTiti 044!,ityY,,liteitt',.
days; that now is the tinioistAfilit 'stsdaYlhelet ,
children. I think iri bail heen more to ilk
Ile boy, I might now be more to my grown , *A.:,
one.—lrdvarlyitta g iz=ine,
.'' • • .., • • • ' ,
The following tri ticle ' from the Cayuga chi e f, *
contnins..many. valuable'suggestionst.,„,
• 'flint: nevpr'll. do, , you'npotant,
stand on the sidolk.antl.f.*4leCebrint;
'hick, and any that•everythina".o44dieslyee4;
you are not of halfztho. couserpteo:ol', your ..tkilk!..
would hold us to belinVo;.. , The hataii!t•
declared wai against Ypit. • You ate. Obi' •
rest of us.--a morn speck upon earth's surface:,
Were you this moment th,gutlown intheaiving
hnta bubble would linger for',.tt "mitetentr.
on the surface, and even tlint•wriuld.vanishkuti r
noticed. The heart i 3 full of'hope . and arriltd.,;.
thin, hut is not.missed when it ceases to 1?e0.;
etini such as you would not leave, a ,
You are n•eoWard—it coward—lMtha. ltatite•
There's no fight:in you. Y.0±.1 tidv.o
without a struggle; and ;now whine .:Areettellio•
beaten. You , re not yet worthtretalq#OW.,
for you have not yet earned it.. lii:kgOritliokiy,
and iliipping cellar, aro' ten: thottennit':
who would put you to, shame. Thoy uquiter-tok!.
or starve.• Th IS strife. is a desperate ont:r-4/10p,...
thin for, they wrestle with- went; white)regeit
Mot despairing Ones' watch. at :the
tit? rear fol. contest . .St roug loOk - idet . ithii*: ! ..
tho ,'ye' when. their sine wa.eie: •stritrig , :byv-016 4 =
wail of hungry
tiliamo•con you!, 'N. the -OW •
and Manhood, nomiMith but
no - bactf . ! - tut ythir - -Owtt ileVev: , :e#VOlar
crouching nude,' the .first scotirgingsMf ed*etroSe:',
ruinne.. You know Moihing,; : el-:theraterMilol:
you iiiive,-se en but the' *Min Met.: ' , .'''0,44•0 4 : 4 41' 6114 .1
fr igh te lied you, apid. you . thilakeyou
dealt byt You if-
darter shadows
Stand up;
your Poiket,,..,th`re idll,o4otit*it44o . ll!„,
tithe by- lig ir),4 { 14*.111*Au1 g ti.: 1 ".7.75.
aluNgoiO4 4 o. ll ol l an'Ci-"OVAW 6 n I4I , I .
ulite t hitt tlte. WO Id: ika
and ttati for. a gliiiiiaOrtv ,
;, ' '
'.• • • '
NO. 14.