", - .• - - •..- ...., .. . '.' ••,.,...... ! P 1 , , . , ~. . . • ..,. ....... 1 ...vii -...;,:::•.!.... ..:•.. :. •i i Y"•'•' ' ''; . '''..'.';- - ' c , • ,:•.:.,,,:!'..:..• ' .... .i •• • . • . -, •• 4 , !,., . .. : !q., : .g.., fir ,„• , , .„. . . VN.I , :. • .: • :. &tAXON J) - 1 7 .9 ,LE:AVE,Tp• ANNOTINCR that they lave fettekoed:their . first stock of , SPAING:&'SUMMER.COOPS Anti are taiw:rireintred to 'Welcome their' friends and i•ustomer:s . end offer them a 'neiv and desir rible*toiicof .1 , •;: ; •••:;lx• Co 3:14 • uountrpivierch IN 'ATV ,11:0It'I'Y, . 771. , ....f.' , . vl -- - ., . , • S .: - . 4;14- , ", .',' :TIC.II -A'S . Ray GOODS, BOOM OD .SHOES, SD, .C.A.PI, :UAW a . „ cROCKERY ...... ARE • I • . . ~'~--~'~Aii~t ~'c6oice 6to'ck of?~'~_ We will not weary your pritience.bTenurrie tatillltal*O6 and we doubt not you will dud something to please you both as to quality and price. .. Which, Aily N fflikfix ts do foraotna t (WOO 14444 , 70 d ;we onlYiilt an oxaiqbiation and are confident we can do you good. . • COME. AND . SEE. - ' 2 1911400X' & EATON ; . lalean k April IS, 1859. • ' /WOW 110 USC • BXETHPOET, M'KEAN COUNTY, " PEE NA Pro,prietop mill9Pflolititik.4l*unce,„ l to , the ~t;iElldp Indtbe g6tierallY`thitt he, has purchased the above named hotel, formerly occupo4 by Japtee Miller, and refitted it in a stilsisaited to the titnei atui wants, of the pub.- I - lIS TABLE Will always be supplied with the best. the no a r ket and the surrounding country Citniallord. , anS .BAR - Will be supplied with the choicest wines and' HIS S e I'AI3LEAS W 4140 inslke.rnate ,o l ,, Itttelltilis ' itostlers, re eponsible for their conduct., to their employer who will give the entire ' establishment his per sonal supervision. In shoir iiietfdentirinient- bf. . his !eitablish meet will be supplied with all the. CONFORTa. ATI figifVENIENCES the weary traveler can desire.• In the bepe,.that.be i will be able to , make his GUESTS tbelf visit at hislouse, he.respectfully solicits a share of ,public, patronage. o Smetimort, Jan. 1; : 1880. n3B•6en &`FLOT.TR FISH AND' SHAD.' • TALLOW STEARINE . CANDLES, • WARRANTED. TO STAND IN HOT .SALE 'AT - )340,WNELL'S August 12, 1859. VirMll=o . -Tatila !., • opt 9 1856. . Sionistu "• Bg)tTiß rehr - liitAtiHßOA*' ri'.. .. are .the miistriataial iniplementi e-reli used. in 11Tssbieg clothes; Npt withstand,- iriektins teen' the' study Ofiiiiiretitor's to ''do tbeniaivair,;and purpose several hun: dred patents have, been issued, yet it has been ' . O,A allwetroollik' ',May - .bevel failed .their at , tempt.TATheir beee-condeniried arid thrown away, and the Wash Board and Besterligiiin lied' ifitheir Stead. • . . • ThEs miebine combines them' logether, at , **eked to a progressive lever in such a manner as _gives, great - i!Oiriti'ltV , the'-'lleater, while . 'either may be' used as the operator may deedret, The, motion of tlig , iP.44ick an al, easy, the pressure gentld in*im*eithrobbiai, gives in Opli 4vgiogoiovegll T ttliei rpec.bines, and is stirielidelitylocimpetetit udges: Zdsoufsetnred and sold , at Mechanicsburg; , Mtfluitties,burg March 18; , 28,18: ;: THE TONGS AUKD VICE. Ttrittrae ß grn 9r! ' :4l4" hrt e: rro , in% country, Ant ha is,prOpsied tn,do,ali kinds , • B . L4(OPASU /Tr 11 I NG* /n all its ilititte,olNianelia' ln ,i' 'workmanlike Inumiek,„Aith Ininiotnete and tliapateli'vrarran f— d ;tp t i iv..ekalltraitik6.'' - ',' - - - ' ' ' r 'WA '' , W , -r MILL , IRONS ~, t ten iti IV.Of 10 44 IlYlee `ittla at reas9niblel ;' kafp0.',.4414110, 4 ,41tIlmpotr.paidlo, , -, '-' - •' - f* 'it•ii* - 0t#4444.1.6 hoeing' -.- '', Fit4*AeriiiiiiiilitAlle buitiVess, onlfre Retie , - ,: f 4 e , ti q p . . ! ,eiisifi'4o4* ,••! - :,:ir, 131 - l'J';'D, o'l'l'o., • if i t i 3 1 ,4,t A 4 Itr#lrtiti!iiii 1 4 1 4. --,/. . : riby .1„ . piti l tiflAvllli nee; having' u r n: 'l;.t a Pith. fir BA. otwroestiq 6tioe.sted to ',.. (*Pk: °,os l l. 4 7l l l . ''. i'frili lo . l •lt'idliV r , cilrPre ,it It eirgoltt,',,lnq trouble ' J. 1). crro.' ,-,-, '., ~.f, ' :.`ed":,'r--;:,'" • , •-.,' ' '-; c ' ''- - ' , , 4 - 0514000 - Mopies Alroadr gold! 't _A. • 03 7 ' . • ..„ . 0017,NEIELLOR . ,:IN BUSINES ! g; • ay:SWANK' toirt.axistpu tells -Yon Ho w to . draw t p.PA.t.Tputnsiil I ! Psiisns.and.gives . geocial forms for AcmEn4a AN* of Call film's,. of;Sar,E I-Ili/LSE:9 and PE- s'• ~'' • . It: To TOIL BONos. and .• of ATTORIVEY,,• . NOTES anJ . „ PIL.Kra ot, Eltait i t'ripl,:flscrarys •Tells 'TO ' . /1 . 14 1 -,Laiii for tile Coi.44Tiok , 4 •, 4 r :• 'P r rintek with STArrn.s . of ta-grrAtici,x, and ••Y, " ' )iin•dor property Extrait from • • Exec'uTioN, in. every' State. t Tells . You mo'w ..0 . .r0ak6 an ,AaSIGNMENT properl'y,:w4h - forms for Colt . • rostr.ioN with Cip , „Dirons,..,and' the INsotxtr.vi every State. It Tells•.:Yon the legal' relatinr,a be- GrAnninn nqd WARD, . . • MASTER and" .A'nnnEN'Ticr., and • • . L., ,, a9)Loan and, , ' ,lt Tells You What ' constitutes 'Lima. and StAr;:nan; and the LaW as to • PdArtaincin Downa; the: 'WI FR 'S , - RIMIT PROPEIVEY, . DIVORCE It Tell' s You The L _FCIIANIO!S LIENS to eve'riStut6, hnibthe • IC.ATu s 1.. •.:11411.12AT1074 LAWS of 'this' COUP ' • try, and how- to comply' . with ItTells You ThA.LaVV'COrICCIIing PENSIONS arid how to:obtain . one, 'and the t. !,J1 It Tells You The Law ;for: PA-rr.NTs, with ••• thede:of preeedare fn obtaining . • . . one, wit NlTnrEitErgeng, .• '..• *- As- SfGNM.ENTS and TAELE OP EEES. It Tells louill,inY An k rnak.e..Y o l l r • an d. • . .ADiwINI . STEIi on ait Es with'thelaw,hnd the. re . rn , • ,• Oireehts thereof •in every .•. •• It Tells Yoii . The rneaaing:of LAW Teams in • • general,tise, and explaies to you .• • • the 'LeGiSLATIVE ' EXECUTIVE. and 'ScipiciAr. Pownds of both • • • the• General and State Govern- Tells ?You ,iIOW To Knir OUT of j...AW, by Showing how Co do . your .busi.. '. • nesilegally : ,, thus saving;:! vast. • amount of property, and yexa ' ! i; ,t A tiaticlitigation,:l by timely • • :• .Single'copins will besent by .rriail, postage 'Maid,. to EVERY FARMER, EVERY. MECIIANIC, EVERY: MAN OF BUSINESS, , end EV*RY' Bony IN. EYRBv STATE, on receipt 0f.51.00, or in law style of - Minting at $1 . ..• . 1 .• 81000. A YEAR, . c m an a b de. by enterprising men everyWhei4e, ih' selling the. above workota our inclusemonts'to all sucb . are very liberal. For sing,le, copies, of the Book, or for . terms *to agents, with other information, apply to or, address ~ , . . JOHN E. POTTER. Publisher, No. 617 Sansom StrOet, Philadelphia, Pa GOOD.NT.,WB 'JUST. RECEIVED AT • • '4, • , lArhat aoest4tv Cat rttetin I. tO Vatt3 /iiVeAtt il‘ki a the bag, . can be seal in °Tien . i Pir,(1.1011 by eillhat st,thebeildies formerly oceizop, db .iel the ttts.laltl" • _ 0 H w •: Which IS filled from top to bottom with the BEST assortment of COOKING, PARLOR ,& BOX STOVES . ! EVER OFFERED• FOR• SALE ris; NORTHERN, PENNSYLVANIA, Whic:h will be sold at prices that cannot fail to uit. I will also as usual keep constantly on hand a good assortment of • . HOUSEKEEPERS dAlito WARE KETTLES, . , FRYING PANS;' • • • • •• •- • FLAT..IRONSi cANDLES'IjCKS, Which will VERY LOWEST PRICES .Thankful (or past favors, I respectfully so cit a continuance of the 'Same. • . Arrival and . Departure of Mails. • ' .smEnires.l eon . ossics• .„ ' • WASHINGTON NATIONAL,MONUMENT. Pleati—tecves . every morning at 8 o'clock; sir- T" ST/BSCRIBEHAS,INOW OFFERING ~. , • . ~• . rives every evening. '• : ' . l for sale, a.rosgmficerit steellilate'.engra. C oudersport—leaves Tuesday and . Saturday Ong of the PeClaration of iridspendenco, sur- 1 mornings; arrives Monday and Friday eves. rounded by lifeAllie'portraita ot; all the Presi_ S/ifppen -Leaves Tuesday, Thuisday and Sat dents,'arid • bearihgupon - ital. face: the tomb of ; urda y Morniiig,s , arrives .Monday, Wednes- Washingtom:at.Mr.'Vernon; ,and-,.facsirnile..4 of : day and Friday evenings ' • • ..- ' . ilm - signatures affixed to ifar'•Opolaration. , • .. ladAricrly--Leaves Monday, • Wednesday and i '[HIS ENORAVING,. , t Friday mornings;, arrives ,Tueisday, 'l,•lirs.: being 18X2 inches in size, is uaviiipavied by • day arid 'Saturday 'evenings. .any ever - publisheaoe64lll6l:4444ttiibie . very Warren—Le4yes Tuesday mornings,ind r rrives : low price of fi fti'eerii:': l price, - r .:,, . . •IrlpTsday.eYerlings. r Address.ali orders' •- • ' .• • . • • ‘, SARTNN with • encioscd and i S. ELL, P:. M. Cwo rents to . prepay postage r to •' • ' , C...N..TENNY, Am • r,. -, " ' ' • WANTED, . • ' • ' 'rk 70GS•OZD ctinnioNin air:hang° rm.. work; at i ••" ' ' . Smetliport,'lll'K.eamem • P 5,, ihe.. gmETltrott:r FIURNAOH. Striethpoit. Sept. 22, 185.9 'F'O,...IIT,S..jf.QT.TS '.@'..-.A.110-.6.:•:',C)....0. Jbhh'P. Ituseell,: 7 Proprietor. 0 IL7BAN, N. 'Y. :I,lr 110P,EgA LE:•• AND ...It DTA • DP:AP:IP Oysters, Clams,. Fresh. Fish,' Foreign • 03174 Do.' ELMIRA & MOFFAT'S ALE Kept constantly on hand'and for 'sale by taus) ,or draught. ' • .•• •(:' Oysters--Stewed; Roastodi br -Raw, served at all hours. • ' fl r. 7" Orders promptly iittetided.to 1860 - WAGON AND SLEIGH :SHP. ON MECHANIC STREET NO. 1. • . . rprir, undersigned : Woultrrespectfully -R:nounce to Abe citizens of M'Kean "county, that he is now prepared to.clo all kinds.of Wood ,work in' my line of I;u.siness, ats4ort.noticei in a Workmanlike manner, at reasonable prices. I satisfied that my work will . fullY meet n the requirements of all who will favorme with .their - patronage. ' n , ••.... n: ;.. Repairing promptly attended. to. on short notice.' All kitids . of.grain'taken exchange- for work'; also butter, pork, beef; pine lumber. and '3lt, wood. CASI-1,will• not .be refused: D. - V. SiIE.PARD. Smethport', Pa., Jan. 10;1E40.... • • SMETHPORT LIVERY STABLE. • • rpfiIf...S.I.!BSCRII3I! . :R has 'opened a fie*Liv. cry - Stable Smethport, at the res . idence of Dr. Wisner.'oti ,Kin Street, three dOorS east:of . the Court . 11ouse;' where ea'o be found the bes.t of Horses and Carriagesal•lovit prices. fle'intends to make Smethport perthanenf residenud, and asks' iiitiare of •patronage.. m'ethport„ August 21, 1859.:': n23tf. . : z _ rrilE '§UBSCRIBER keeps on hand for sale 1. Stone',Coal. pf the .best quality, at the Grist Mill,. in Mech.anicslium • Grain of all kinds 'taken in exchange. • • , • • • ' GIJORDiS 6 . 011.1V1N;' . • . „.. . • • COVET 'PROCLAMATION. , • HEIiEAS the Hon." Robert- G:•lNhifa, , V V.Preeideptladge, and the J.' Dar • . . - ling and S. Holmes,' Associate, Judges .'of the Courts of Oyer Sc.:Terminer mid General •Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of. the. Peace,- Or phans' Court and. Court of Common Pleas for thie,ounty of M'Ketin have issued•their precept, bearing date Saturday the , 30th day of June, in the year of.our Lord .'one thousand. eight hundred .and' si x ty; 'and to Inc .diredted, foi holding aDpurt of Oyer and Terminer and Gen eral Jail 'Delivery, Quarter Sessions, of. the- Peace, Oridians' Court, and Court of Commion Pleas, in the. Borough of. Srriethport,. on Mon, day, the twenty-fourth day.of September next, and to continue one week, Notice,intheraiore hereby given to the Coro ners; laitices.of the Peace and Constables within the county, that they lie 'then and there in theitproperiiersons, at' 10 o'clock A. M. of Said day.;With their rolls, records, inquisitharis, exatinatious, and..ether rememlirenens, .todo those things . which their offices appertaiii. to be And those,who,,are bourid by their rec ognizances to prosecute the prisciners that are or shall be in the jail of 'said county of M'Ketin, are to he then ,and there to . Presecute against them just. . ' .1- • . • Dated . .at Smethport;:July ,seventh, ,:1860, inil.the 85th year of the Independence of the United States of Atnerica.' , . . 1, L. I.'s BARKER'S .STRAW-CUTTER epHI: SUBSCRIBER now offers ' to the pal) ,2.L lie this Ir o prov,ed Straw - cutter ,' in ful 4oadenco that all who take the trouble to wit Aess its operations will be 'COnvinced of its sa periority over any other now in use. 2 • A supply , kept constantly on' hand and ma n . ufactured•to order. " . , m H 0 Ai, no other 'portion :has the right to make or uses this Cutter within M'lCean come ty; all who.are, using it in violation of the pat ent: will be prosecuted: I - . A; WOLTERS Mechanicsburg, August 27, 1830. LD DOMINION COFFEE POTS AT O • . MASON'S ‘i.INSTRANCE AGENCY.. . Kensington Iniurance Company, 'Philadelphia Cash..... .. . ;460,00 Farmer 9 S Union Insuranee Co, Athens;Pa; Cash $100;000 Grcat Western Inaurance Co, Philadelphia, Pa. :•• Capital . .... ............ simoupo WeSt. Branch, (Mutual) Lock Maven Pa. Instirandes'carriSe effected in the above res ponsible Stock Companies' by the subscriber. Any communication addressed •• to him . ; at 'Smethriort,Pa.,.will meet with prerrip attention. .• B: r. DAVIS, Agent. • Smethport, Dee. 9,.1858. [n.lOtf.J . . . , 'T. --.. . T .- : T ' g Si'LENPID LOT OF TEAS, at ./-1. - . . . . WILCOX & EATON'S, Olii#o4. Y. . .. • . . SPIDERS KEROSENE OIL, sADE , from COAL, with LAMPS to burn L the same, at WILCOX & EATON'S, Olean; N. Y. LAMPS; A:c. : .• ' PAPER HANGINGS. A C H. ASSORTMENT at • WILCOX & EATON'S, Oleitia„N, Y MASON SMETHPORT JOSEPR MORSE;.Shetiff Interitititt. fitfeir IN:sA l itt-t - TPORT . ! , H. fr4.Y.ri.011.'k:014.#.1.7.101#13 • :IN .• FULL' 'BLAST!. HE'• - UNDERSIGNED WOULD.' RES ( ' T PECTFULLY ANNOUNCE. TO THE CITIZENS OF.• • ' • • , • .. .-" • MKei,~ Comity'; . That they hive located •theaiServe .I% s at• •• • • • • • ‘: • • M TO . H 0 Il„ . ' • • For the purpose Of.kandfactueing •. PLOWS, SCRAPERS, SLEIGH-SHOES, And •in 'Nei every' thing usually . mada..at,- a COUNTRY FURNACE. Thorough'exiterience in Ibe businas4 warrants up,in saying that can furnisla as „ • •-• COWIVORK and,at.isIEASONABLD PRICES As can be tound elsewhere: Particular atten— Aiop Will•at all times be paid to -• . •••' ••• ".1 O. B'l N • 'The: ceIebrafqd . •FRANKLINVILLE. and 'DU CHESS'. COUNTY"IMPIIOVED • kOWS Constantly on. hand. .Farmers and others, give - • E.' VAN DYICE.& S. A. WING. , . . . Cahinet .Shop .in..4eohanicsbnrg. A' WOLTER tespectfully announces to ..the pubic .that, notwithstanding these hard times, he is.rnanufacturing'and - keeps . con stoutly on.hand all-kindsof furniture, such as • - :,• z ... •.' AO. I' •11 S. . : . ... .. .OTTOMANS,'. • ..: CARD, CENTER,: • DINING. AND . • . • • • 'BREAKFAST TABLES; CHAIRS of all kinds and 'styles, Cane, and COrnrnon, Ready-M6de o,4:iffms, &c., : of the very h'est material and:,manufacture. Sinethport, Fe.b.2.5,1855 • .". JEFFREY'S bOUBLF,-:ACTING SUCTION 6: FORCE PUMP India Rubber Ball Valves. rtIHE • SUBSCRIBER having.purehaeed the right:to =Ore' and sell this New Pump, feels a ebnfidenee . tliat his "efforts' to•bring it into general use, in thilecourdy, wine . seenn daby.all who 'see its eonstructitin.and operit tion. . . Arriong the. many advrifitages secured by the use of this Pumps thetolb?wing niaybeenu.. 1. A . diiuble actiopi by which twice the wu ter can be raised at the same time. . . 2. : Great ease in working, .thus , adatiting.the Torte Prineilile. to common wells. ' '3. .Th . d transformation, inamoment, of .the Putrip into .an...efficient.Finc ENGINE, thus ren deting tbelciss of dWellings by fire, totallyfun, necessary. '4.. Capability of watering, gardens, • Lawns,, or spiinkling ,walks, washing windoWs,.' &e., with the utmost ease aoil,thoroughness.' . • 5. POWer.to raise, .water with slight laborto any 'reasonable height, as iii supplyiWg . .charm, beralkc. , . G.' The Convenience of 'hnving,thet'airip in a kitchen, or other rooms of your dWelling, with ont regard to the location of ..the • Well or Cis tern. 7.. Th; easy, protection of the instrument, again.st no . st. • . , B:',The ease' with which it may be, mounted on wheels, or in ocheey - ways be made. portable. 9. A•simplicity which ensures 'great dura bility; protects it . from being thrown out of or der,.ancl makes. ank rnpairs . easy and of little cost. 10. Great Cheapness: for . the.• firk t time bringing the cost of the Force •P,amp into the neighborhodd of* . thp comthon :Suction and Chain Pumps; : while it is imrdeasurab. upe rior to both: . . • ' • ManufaCtured and for sale by the'su smiber, only, at hie shop in Mechenicsbtirg. • • *. 'A. WOLTF.rtS . . • Mechanicsburg,' March 18, 1858. To Those Interested in Xining .and 3lineral sands:., , . . lit H. )3AIINES offers'his services fur the exarninfl-. 1' tion of Minere.l Lands' in M'Kean' and Elk Coup ties; and will.kivo his opinion as to .the VALUE 01 0 -Those engaging his serviees will receive all necessary and reliable information... 'Residence at the Bunker UM • . • ' sergeant, lil'Hean Co., June Boossp. • 3:7' TLIE OLDEST, WIDEST-CIRCULA TED; and most COMPLETE, CORRECT, and RELIABLE Bank Note. Reportet in existence.' THOMPSON'S BANK NOTE MD.. COMERCIAL REPORTER. • Circulaoon, •100,000 EDITED BY JOHN THOMPSON Quotations corrpcte4 by Tuo:itrsciN . BapTuins, 2 Wall'Street. •• PLCNDET:T., 1 17..FritkPn:S TERmS OP SUI3SOnIi.TION'IN ADVANCE; • •• To mail Subscribers • • yEeeily,...S2 l Seml.monthly,....ll l Monthly To POstumeters'or others, who forim Clubs and, for. ward Us the money in advance, we will semi thellipor. ter Coin Chart .11.fanua . ,' and Descriptive List, as fol. 5 toping of ilieWeekly, one 'Year • copleA of the• Semi-monthly 10 copies of . the, M0nth1y......::. , We will forward gratuitously to any person sending a Club ca. $2O at the:above rates, at . any one. time; . our American Gold . Cove Tcst Scala. Address, THOIVIPSON BROTHERS, Bankers, ".: . No. 2, Wall Si. N. X., Proprietors. MILL{ PANS, all: new and,shiny—you can see anhonest man's face in' them as soon ai you pay over the . iloe,-at , MASON'S. PLOWS. OIDE-HILL, AND SHOVEL PLOWS, A SU 10:perior arhcle manufaetured at the ATETHPORT FURNACE. . DYES! STOVES v ' St . TT AM lOW •RECErVING THE LARGEST, best selected, and, cheapest Tot of Stoves ever brought into this section: S. MASON NOTICE. . .., mi All persons knowing theelves indebted to the undersigned by Book , account,. will' save cost by settling the'same by payment or Note iMmediately. . • E. S, MASON. . December .1i 1659. I-Ititraware Store? OPPOSITE OLEAIy 1-lE.spbscribers offer to ; the , citizens of Qlean. T: and vicinity, large and':i)•vell iefeCted stock'of itardWare, at rice's that cannon fail to sait•the purchaser. , ", •.: • :.• • • IRON : . 'American, Englisl(SiTedes,, • . RODS: and Spike:. NAILS: Cot, IVNiu g lit.Clin . cliind • • A FULL ASSORTMENT OF • CARPENTER and pIILLIVRIGILT TOOLS, Fr 4 1 - - _ i: , p :W: - :A.:.T:ti'l-F. IE ENDLESS VARIETY. Oaih, Glass, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, C.III.IILIGE ez.oopos, ENAMELED CLOTH, SPRINGS, AND AIAnOE QUANTITY OF Table and Pocket Cutlery, AGENTS FOE TILE BFATING Co:, .ILEATIIER An BELTIN,G:. ;LNIANUF'4.O',.I.'I3IIEIV:,.. PRICES. MILL, CIRCLE, HAND:AND 'CROSSCUT SAWS, From the celebrated Factory' of Wheeler, Madden PITCH . BLACKSMITH. TOOLS DRILLS; VICES, SCREW PLATE§ and ANVILS. • • FARMING. LiENSILS, RAKES, , SOETLLES, , &a , MANUFACTURERS OF; ' . . TIN .' SHEET .IRAN . ANDL COPPER. .. STOVES OF. P ATTERNS,AT.,h - E ...... • -. • ..: . WlTl.i,,boox 'Alb PARLOR.. : •... , • We • respectially Solicit a share 'or your patronage".— GiVe us a call bcforellurchnsing elsewhere. • , . ,• • • , T. W. ADA.MS: & CO. - . . Olean, May 5, 1555, • ':- : '.. . - • •• .. • TIN CHURNS' and Japanned Ware, Stove 1. Pipe an 4 Tin Cat Holee • MASON'S:- - What Everybody. Wants THE :FAMILY DOCTOR SIMFLEAEIVIEDIES, EASILY OBTAINED, FOR . THE CURE OF DISEASE 'IN • • 'ALL' FORMS. - • .By Prof KERRY S. TAYLOR, X. D. • It Tells You How to attend upbn the sick', 'and how,to nook for them; how • • to prbpare, Drinks,'Toultices, • • . &c., and how to guard, against • infection from contac , ious - disca- . It Tells. Yon Of the various diseases et chil• • . dren, and giies the best and • _simplest mode'oltreatment •du • • ." ring Teething, Convulsions, •. Vaccination, 'Whooping-Cor,gh. It Tells Yob. The symptoms of Croup, Choi 'era Infantuin, colic,' Diarrhea • ' Worms; Scalled . 'Head, • - ' worm, Chicken-pox,. &c.', and . • gives you the hest reinedies for It-Tells You The symptoms of Fever and • • Agrie,• and: Billions, Yellow, • • Tybhos, Scarlet and other Fe , , • ' vers, and : gives, you the best • and sit - iviest remedies for their It.Te'lls You, The' symptoms of . .Influenza,, ••• Consumption, Dyspepia, Asth . • ma, DropsY; Gout, Rheumatism • • • ' turribege, Erysipelas,. and gives you the:bestremedies for_ their cure. It' `Tells You The.S,YMplorns of Cholera Mor . • • . bus, Malignant Cholera, Soleil-. pox, Dysentery, Cramp, Pis . .. • eases of the Bladder,, Kidneys, . • , ,•end Liver,', and the.best reme • - .dies for their cnre. It Tells' You. The symptom's of Tleurisy,. • • • MUmps, Neuralgia; Apoplexy, • •, • Parelysis, the "various diseases -. • of the Throat, Teeth, 'Ear and . . Eye, and, the best remedies for Tt.Tells You The, symptoms of Epilepsy, Jaundice, Piles, Ruptiire,Dis - • - , • eases of the Heart, Hemorrhage, 'Venereal Diseases, and . Hydro .. • ' phobia, and gives the best rem '. • .- • edies for•their core, It Tells You The hest and simplest treat ' • . • merit for Wounds; Broken Bones , - and'.. 'Dislocations,,Spreins, • Locjaw, Fever , Sores, White Svvelllngs, •,Ulceri, Whitlows, • . • Boils, ScurvY,.Burns.and Seref it. Tells You Of the varions diseases - peculiar • . to Worinen,*end gives the best and simplest remediii, for their • .• cure,:-together with Many vain . • • able hints for the preservation • • . . of the neelth: • , The work is Written in plain, language, free from medlcal.term.s, so as-ta . easily.underatood, While its simple receipts may soon save you mady times the . cost of 'the book: It. is printed in a clear and openlype; • is illustrated with appropriate engravings, and will be forwarded to your address, neatly bound and postage paid, on receipt of $l,OO. . $llOOO A ~ .YEAR" n m n a b d e e by enterprising men everywhere; in selling the above Work, as our inducement to all such are. very liberal. For single 'copies of the. Book, or for terms to agents, with Other informatioh, apply to or ad dress $BOO . .. .. 600 JOHN E. POTTER. Publisher. No. 017 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Pres't Judge—Hon. 'R. G.. White, Welisboro Tioga Co. Pa. '. • • Assoelate Judges - , ifon. J. Darling, Smathport, Hon. S. Holmeq, Bradford. Sherik—Joseph . Morse, Stneth port. • • Prothamotary—,Sarnuel C.,Hyde, Snaethport. neeimer and'l?ecor s tler , 7 -C. &neat - Treasurer, (pro tena.)gnoS Parsons, Bradford.. Commissioners—Daniel J. Keyes, Eldred,W. dolegrove, Norwich; Notion Peabody, Ceres. . Commi.Sioners' Clea—j. R. Chadwick, Snaeth.' Auditors—E.'C-:„ Corwin,. ,Srnothport, V. P . Carter, Carer,. District 'Attorney,--WarrenCowleg; Smellipar Coroher.—Jarres Bond, Lafayette, Besides BROAD CLOTH, DAMASKS; SPOKES, FELLCES, AXLES, WHICH WE OFFER AT County Directory. GOODS ARE .:••••.C..in'.AP.: TAYLOR'S REGULATOR. ,Taylor 1;as: !iota .StpriLtite Largest Sioc;r: of NSW .. . S.1)11gM1111:. 0.001)S guar Lroirolei, into, .this, Cowyx, Ptesciaing. UNEQUALLED ATTRACTIONS EXTENT, VARIETY, ELEGANCE, ..'.• BEAUTY 'of: flesign.:cour col.ring.• •r' 111113 11 IJ3IIOI ARE HERE Now is the Time TA ;Select ._the Largest:Siock Pwchas6 Goodi while PRICES. ARE DOWN! The Goods are Going Off !ifs OT CAKES on a FROSTY MORNING, And tho,w wh9 .to wiaka CHO IC E SELECTIONS SHOULD CALL EARLY, FIRST COMEOFIRgT SERVED Ilis Inzrheiisc . Sio,sl; 'consist s bf Di . „(;::y - ...G oi.a:ps--, Zlc?less . PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, vEsTikcs, MILLINERY GOODSi LADIES' DRESS PRINTS; LAWNS, LADIES' CHALLI & LAWN ROBES; Flgunce'd, at $1 DEBAIZES, at: lo:cfs In fact . a Complete. Assot . tMent of DRESS GOOODS. 10,000 yds. BROWN S4EETIINGS., 5000 BLEACHED SHEETINGS Cr it 0 C ILE 5. , .; SUGARS, , ' • FLOUR, PORK, &c.,. &c TEAS` at 31..6, 62 BOOTS & SHOES, , Largest stock ever offered in . this section of country. Men's Kip Bpots, prime.artiele.— . Women's' . Calf Boots,' Men's • Brogan Shoes, Women's Gaiters, tipped, Women's enameled addition to. the above he a large quan-• . . • S T. to. V E, • ‘• • lIARDW ARt,• CROCKERY, . DRUGS. (S. MEDICiNES, ;YANKEE'• NOTIONS, HA7S AND CAT'S,. IRON. af • . kind 3 . — Nag Rod and - • German and Cast Steel, Wash Tubs and Grain Measures,. Patent Pails, Nash Boards, Vinegar, Fluid, Cainphene, Turrienfine, ' • AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS; And a thousand other things too numerous' to mention, which will be sold , WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. • 07" Country merchants supplied at as low prices ns they cnn buy in New Yorkor any of the eastern cities, fur cash or approved credit. Smethport, June, 1859. , NEW CARRIAGE AND WAGON SHOF,.. TAMES' McDONALD would inform the, pub- J Jlic that he has fitted up a shop at the lower end of town, on,the premises recently occupied. by'N. Medbury, 'as a carding factory, and is, prepared to build all kinds of CARRIAGES AND WAGONS .' ' . At short . notice, in- a workman-like - manner;. and at reasonable ices: Having _had a large experience in .the usiness,' he feels satisfied: that, his work will folly 'meet the requixerrients: of all who will 'favor him with , their patronage Repairing o- promptly attended, to. Smetlyrt,April, 10, 1858. A CARD. T . . ,K. HAF . FEY'o ff ers his services to parties owning or wishing to.purchase mineral lands in 111'Kean, Elh, Clearfield or Jcfferson counties. ' . , Examinations made and. faithfully .re potted. • : Bradford, dilly 27, 18.59. , , . GINGHAMS, COTTON YARN,