OLEAN N: . .vc14,c.Q.,x,-4...t',. , A11,9N Igp.LEAvE.To ANNPUNCE';that "tkey , have reeliv . eil 140 s. ork • • 'S.PI4INt*.SVABIKII , t9O . DS Arid ar41.n0 . 1 . ,ir • prepar64,to wercome their friendi . nod F o sto'rpers.an4.'otToi - th6m a ae‘ .i.arid .00irEto.mo•cholidi:o. ' -IN ALL ITS VA4IF,TY, ,FAMY'LIii) STAPLE DRY GOODS BOOTS AND SHOES, I-lATS & CROCKERY, -.6l,,Ags''.' • ..•? ' --. WARE And a choice stock of P l analy Groceties, .•• . . We will not Weary. your . patienee by enume rating', butbueetoek.is very Full and Complete and we *doubt not.you will , find something.to please you both to . quality and . priFe. Aitiertilethents will.do for some, bar tbe Tit.th Wear" Better, ''and,• we only ask an examination and•are confident can do you good.' ' • COME AND SEE. WILCOX & EATON. Olean, April 18, 1859. 'AST OR HOUSE. EMETNPORT,. ITISEAN COUNTY, PENNA. Wm. HASKELL,. - Proprietor EtiS leave tri innoun'ce . to . , the' traveling community and the publiodenerally that he hay purchased , the above named hotel, formerly occupied by James 'killer, and refitted it in' a "style suited to the times and wants of the p 4.- . HIS TABLE IViii always lid' supplied with the best the mar ket spa the surrounding country .cart afford.; HIS BAR Will be supplied with the choicest wines and HIS STABLES Will be in the care of attentive hostlers, •re sponsible for their conduct' to, their 'employer who will give•theentire establishment his per ions! • . . • • • In short Averi dePartment of his' establish ment will be supplied with all the- COMTORT6 ' AND CONVENIENCES. . the weary traveler can desire. • Inihe hdpe that he Will be able to.make his . , ,(}VESTS "COMFORTABLE; dining their visit at hiB house, lie respectfully . solicits a - share of publie. patronage Sibethport, Jan, 1, 1860 -PORK 'FLOUR WHITE F/SH-OD . SHAD TALLOW STEARINE CANDLES; ViTARANTED TO, ,STAND IN HOT. WEATHER,F6R SALE AT... BROWNELL' I S August 12, 1859. ' V . lO/04M0 :• I gialtrESZT ~,,:,,,;'.;:.•-.' Painted Sept. 8,.1856: . ...... •-, ' 0 it.. .RIL E, lvt' &min,: .... : T HE W.Oll/3 ()ARO ANII, BEATER are T HE two first and most natural implements ever used in Washing Clothes:. Notvvithstand— mut has been, the study of inventors to do thena away, and for that purpose several hun ,.dte.O.'ptstents have, been issued,:yetit has been of no, elfeet: Th.ey have failed .in their at feritit., - Their machinel have been cnndemned :40 thrown. ; aWay, and the Wish Board and . Beater again used in their:Steed: . This machtne combirfelf . theM together, at tached. to a. InlclEeisi 4tweir-Ju suchu manner as gives. great -pikwer, tO'. -- the . Beater, 'while either niay be, used as the Operator may desire: The motion prthia Betatei%lo ,. 'quick. and easy, the pressure gentle and powerful, Which- gives it . the a4v4tage;oier'alll, other achines; - and is so decided by competentjudges. • 'Manufactured and sold at. Afechanicsinirgi by : •• WOLTERS. Mechanicsburg. Match 18; 1858.' ~.- . 121E TONGS AND VIDE. E',SUSSCRCBtR wou'd inform the 'ci t L Pert Allegany; and the surround ' .14 couetry,.thet•ho prepered to do all kinds , • •..:• different branches in .a . workmanlike MiuMiiileitkotimptitstos end dispatch warren ':,.' " , , • WASONIVOIit""•I 6 ' •.:,, MILL IRONS io;:foftOff and 'et retiienable -'ntion'paW to —ti b,Pings , entire satis ."-Ji..D: OTTO, 112160';:' ine, or having un :reqoested to toot delay ;;.'; there J., D. OTTO. SUCH AS 50,000 CopMq.Altledy.old! 'EVERYBOJAW , .:- LAWYER!. QouNSELLOB , .IN BUSINESS, :• • 'BY ;11t4iIIK ..CROSIiY, • • •.• TiI.G . VIIITADLPILIA ' . It . tellS You How to draw •up PAn.r:smtelllP • • , PAPERS arid gives general forma for AoREEMENTS of all "'kinds, . . BILLs 01/ SALE, LEASES Mid' PE • • It Yells Yall -10. w to dr°4 BON'OS 130 . • • . TittS Of ATTOENEY,.NoTne and • •:• • •" . .BiLLs of -Exenatima — REcuipts • :•.• and REIiMASESd • It Yells You. The Laws, for. the CiaLiatorio * N - . • of. :DEBTS, with the STATtrnisof • LIStITATION, • and amount . and • - • • •.-kind of •proPerty EXESrP - T from EXECVT/0:1 in every State.. It tells .. You.ll.o - w to..make an . ..A.sims.mcivr properly, with forths • . . roarrioN with CaEurroas, end • • the. INSOLVENT. LAWS of every It Tells you fhe legal relatioi,s existing lie tween GUARDIAN and WARD, • • • 111AisTim and . A PPRENTIVE; anti. • • , LA•Not.onb and TF::inxr. • . .; • It Tells you ,14,11rint constitutes nod •• , . • unit the Law . ..as to " ,- ..MAanzAciF. WiFrfs. • . ...• :•••Riour , P11.014:1t*, •. and ALtato,yr., • . • • It Tells You Tho • Lnw .• • in 'every Stut6 and ;the' -.NAT,v , • • t hi's, :coon- try; and how 'to' comply ieif~~ the same It - Tell 3 You Tn Law concertrinig• PENSIONS • and how to obtaiti'ope, owl the 'Poti . -Erurriou LAw's 'to PIYDTAC. . . . . - It Tells . You The f le '__aw _or _P .With . ' mode of . piecedure in obtaining •one', with IN'EF:III , EItEC,i:S, As- . SW.NMENTS and .Trmr, FErs. It Tells:Ion How W . :make .Vour . WILL:, and . . how 'to ArimiN'isTyin on an' Es . • • • :TATE'; With thela'w and [lie: re . qpirements theFeof in every It Tells" You The meaning of LAwTr.-.limS in . general use, and explains to you • .• the LtoisLi'rive, • ; and JUDICIAL PoWERS :. -of both the• General and State Govern . • • It. Tells'.You How To KEI4. :01;T or LAW,. by -.showing how to do your: ' • . "ness legally;thus'aaving a Vast amount of property; arid • finds litigatiOn„ by its timely • consultation,' • , ' Single copies well be sent by' mail, postage 044 to 'Emu , FATIMER; EVERY MCCOANIC, EVERY MAN OF BUSINESS, and 'EVERY BODY IN' EVEDY STATE, On receipt of $1:00, or in law style of.binding at $1.25.• 's Ito $100()'' A - YEARca."ido by enterpriiing men •evetywhere, in.selling . the .above'wcuic; as our inducements to all such are very liberal. '. For single copies of the. tocdc, .01* for terms to agents, with . other information, apply ..to or JOHN E. POTTER. Publisher, No. 017 Sansom Street, Philadelphia; Pa GOOD: :NEWS JUST :RECEIVED AkT IN; \Am mt can be seea io open trikNt g y 110' otthebulliling b 00 formerly oetapiedby the lag* (f 1 I l'\..- 3 , _— _ r r Ctl. filleil.ftoon to to tiOttom witAt to e REST assortment of COOKING, PARLOR & BOX STOVES giam.(srFratED FOR SALE' rx NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA, which will, be sold at *ices that cannot - fail to. I will also as usuar,..keep constantly on hand a:go.od assortment of• HOUSEKEEPERS lIARD WA RE KEI"PLE';N, FAY PANS,... • • ' • . . • • FLAT IRONS. CANDLESTICKS, Whieh the VERYLOWE.ST Thankful for past. favors, ITespeetfulfy soli cit a continuance of the same. . • • ". E. S. MASON: .: Smethport. Sept..22,i•lfifig. • sgpT.T . 4-coNL'oN,, ..MERCHANT . ...TAILOR% . . IJust Wei ed their Winter §tdek of gooda,-and BA Are prepared to anppli their. humorous customers and thoie who favor them with their.patronagei with oily thing la their line,' • noir attickeonahtte of Clothe, Cassin4eres, Vostiags,.llats, Caps, Shirt° •. • • Collars, craiitis,.NeckTies, &o. • They have oleo d large as.aortmont • .. REAIY-ILADE 'CLOTHING; _Of the hiteit style . '( lire thema call before. purchasing elsewhere. • 11 Orders from n distance prninptly atten % did to, Cuttipidone on, short potter).- • - . CONLON: • • ••• Oloan, Jan. 1.1, ISt3O. .• . . •2. • . • . ,221 , 7:•:'.nr:- ".'",IO,,RVT-•••-- FOTIES,IIQS_III.., John Ruseell, - Proprietor --NC. 'OystM•s,•Clams,:FFesli:i 7 iSh, air-siDo • , • • 0- • • : . . ELMI It A. & - :ItIOFFAI"S ALE Kept: coilstantly-ori hand ai . ld(yr Side by Iwriel or, draught. . : . • Oysteri—Stewed Ito44ed served at .ell.liour's. IP — Orders iironptry attended 10;.. Jan'. 1,.1660: ' • ; ''.• :•.:WAGON:..AND: ''St.El.oo:.silop; ON • MECHANIC StREET, XO, 1 . . undersigm;' , l sespeet fully .. an nonnee tOdhe eitiaen Of 1111(eao -county, that. isAnaw prepare•l 10 do ald. kinds - of wood work in . my:ltne of hasiness, at:short notice, in a. Workitianlile.iniiiiter, at reasonable I feet. satisfied I hai Any work Wilt : folly : meet the yetfuireinents 61'811 who' v,•ilt fai , or.rne with their patronage. ' 'Repairing promptly attended to on short. notice, Alt:kinds Of grain taken in. exliange . tar worki also bolter,, pork,. lieel,-pine luipber and. t,tft. wood. .GASI - I will, not be .refused.. SIIEPARb. . . , Smethport, Pa., dan...10, 1500. • • • • •SMETHPORT LIVERYI.STABLE . *. VIE SUBSCRIBER' has opened .a.ne sy. Liv ery Stabfe in &net hport,..at . the;resileriO. of 'llr. Wisner on King Stre.o . ,.' three.. ilobrs east . of the Court: Hii oser. %there' can ,be found the best of. Ilorss' aTid;Carriages atlois. pric'Cs He inteK4 to . make S'metl pOit : . r. lieimanant. residence, apdaslts'ii sliar6'of patronage. •.,.. • • N . . SMJ:I.II. methiiit,,,August QI,IS.7tP. sunscm.ls,l;:ll keeps .in hand for sale _L Stone t'edl.' of the - ht•q.•tfuidity,. at 'the Grtst.Mill, in MeehatiieSbitt - g. • ~arain kinds taken e:Feh•dng.p.. Glimu j is.colzwiN. • TATII2IWAS 'thd Hon. Robert' G. White; V V President'Jtidge, arid the lions: J.. Dar: ling and S. Holines, Associate... Judges cif . ;the ' 'Courts -of Oyer & Terminer and. GerieratJail peliiiery„Quarter. Sessiohs.of the Peace, Or- : p'hans'.Court and Court. of . cornmon Pleas for' the Connty of.Nflilean have iimedtlinir precept; bearing dafel*SaturdnY, Alm 39th day or jnne, in the year :of - olii.:Lorif ohe thonsand .eight hundred - and sixty; and to me d irected;% • !hi . holding a•. Court of Oyer and Ternnoe'r and Gen eral 7nil naliv'ery, Quarter .Seisions of the Peace; -Orphans' Court, and t oprt.Of Cottubon Pleas, in the Borough .-Stnetliliort,,.on .- Men, day., the twenty-fourth day of September next, nod to Tontinue one .week. - ••• • Notiee,is thereforelereby given to the Coro ners, Justices •of • the Peace and,' Cdnstables within the connty;that they be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clocic A. 1)t. of Said day,•With their rolls, records, itaprisitions, examinations;and other lemembrances, to do thOse things which their..officcsappertain to be done. • And . thosewho' are bound by their rec eg,nl7!ances 10 proSectite the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of said. county of .51'Rean., are to be.thed and there to prosecute :against them as will be just... • Dated at ,Stnethpor'„ . , July:seventh, -:1 . 00; and the' 85th year of. the . Independenceof the United States orAme.rien. . 'JOSEPH MORSE; Sheiilf. 7 t J. J.A..BARXER'S: " ' STRAW , CUTTER; THU:BSCRIBETt noW offers to, the this Improved. Straw-cutter;; •.in .full confidence that all Mir): take the trouble to -:%0- . ness itsoperatiols'will be convinced 'qf its su periority over any other now in use.•: • A supply, kept constantly on hatur and inan ufactnied to order: •• C:7' As no other person haS the right 'to make or uses , this.Cutter.within Wiieunsonn4 ty, all who are using it in violatiuri.of tho,Pat ent will be 'prosecuted U 1 H o A. AVOL'rERS. Meclanniqsbiirg; August 27, 180... • . . LD DOMINION COFFE,F. POTS AT 0 • • : .• • •MA SON'S • • • INSURANCE - AGENCY. . Kensington insurance Company, rhih n h.l l ,l,iii • Cash. Capitol .. .. ... . . .. ... slZ,o;til Farniees Union Insurance.'CO.i ,Athens; Pa. • Cash . Capitol . . • T.00.1K0 Great Western Imiitratice CO., l'hilatielithin. Capital. Stock . . ... ......... • West Brancli, (Mutual) Loch navel; Insurances can be',effectecl in the' Minya' res• rionsible Stock Companies by , the subscriber. Any. communication • addressed to him, at Smethport,l'a.; will meet with promp attention: . • . • B. I?..DAVIS.,,Agent. .Smethport,.Dee. 00558.. En49t1.1 .A • SPLENDID LOT OF .• . . WILCOX k EATON?S, Oleani N. Y. • • . . SPID RS ,KEROSENE OIL, . jrADE froth COAL, with LAMPS to burn IVI. the same, . at . WILCOX 8c EATCIMS, Olean, N. Y. • . r1,11‘,1P4,' ' • PAPER HANGINGS. ' CHOICE ASSORTMENT. at . • • WILCOX & EATON'S, Olean, N. Y Arrival aiid...Dopartura of Mails.. SMETIIPOILT VOST . , Olean—Letvics every Morning,at B,o'cloch;,ar ', :rives every evening. .• : • Couderiport—'-leaves Tuesday .and Saturday . , mornings;'arrives Monday . and 'Friday . eves.,. Sbippen—Leayes Tuesday, ,Thursday and • urday . :rnornings, arrives Monday,. Wedries. day and Friday evenings..• Ridgway---14ayes Monday, Wednesday- : and Friday niornirigi;errives Tuesday, Thurs. ; dayerid SatUrtleyevenings. ' 7, Werro. 7 ‘LeaVes Tuesday.morning4 and rrives Thursday evenings. . • . S. SARTIVELL,.P.,M. •. , • . -.. .. . . AvANIIII.I.), • •-• '. • !'TORSoLu..croir ptos iti exi•lianga for .work, at 0 1, t , til&.. . '. .SIET/It'oll'l' FURNACE. . ==;;1 IMMI AZM' TurrAti. DEA1.1:!: Ste e ttfo.t2 e. COURT. PROCIAMATION. Sonseihr4tag _ I.N SIVE:ErIa-IPORT t. ‘J. 11. TAYLOR'S OI.D IFUR'NACE IN FULL BLAST! rOtIE . UNDINsIGNtD, WOULD . RES • AN 9ETNC.E . ;,.TO THE GiTIZI!;NS OP • • . :• • ‘ • . . . ..:VEKid.:9 .C.OI:III.,LAT I , • tley..ll.ave'l6?cated themselves at SIIFTIIP.OR.T• • , .. , 17nr,the ilurnose.of Manufacturing 'I . PLOWS,. SCIII.4DERS; 5L1.1GH.-BI ES, And .in faCt every . .thing ; usually. made at a COUNTRY.. FURNACE. - : Thorough 'experience in the.business; Warrants us. saying . thatWe:can furnish .as WAD 11 . 1111 . ....aa1..at as JIASONABLE PCICES Is carrbe.found.elsdwhere.. - Particular atten: . . • . .:•..•--. .1 0 a : a I At .•„ --- , The • eelebrilto FRANKJANVILLE and OUCH ESS; Cou:Nry....lmprzbi,,YED. PLOW eciiisjimilk .on hand,l '.Farmers and titheA give; E. VAN DYKE S. A. WING August 13, IS 9.:; . . Cabinet Eihop ,in Mechailiesburg. A-WOLTERS' announces • to the; public, that, 'notwithstanding, th - 05.0 hard times; he ii.nniaufaeuring and.lcecp con;. .staigly on h,hil.all , kino 'of furniture 'such as .8 0 • DID' • orrotANs,,'. • • : •. C.A RD,. CENTER, .• • ' ..• • ' • DINING AND • • IMEARITkiT TABLE,S., CHAIRS - of all. Idnds.:and..§tyles, Canc. and Common, 13.eacty-311adp : Coffins, &th., of the very hest watorittl - andqulqufacture. ... • • .Srnet.fillort,. I.tf. JEFFREY'S ,DOTIBLE-ACTINg .SMat.T.PN'A :FORCE. PUMP India Rubbet.l3all . . . rultl.E SUBSC,IIiBEP,.. haring MirehaSed. the _L aright to make' •and sell •this. IS'ew. PUrim, feels a confidence that his efforts to bring;, it . into gen4ral use, in.,this County; .will be .secori: tied 'by all.who see its . construction and 9pera-. the - many adyantages seetirea ty the use of .this. 'Pump, The following :may Ge, enu. 1. A double' action; by . wbiek : twice the wa ttir .can' be fa ised•at'llie 'same time..' • . . ' • 2, Great ease in,working,.tlais adapting the' Force Priuciple.to, eorninon wells... . 3. The' transformation, in a 'mOment, of the l'tinip into an efficient nar•. gv;is'ii„ thus ..ren det.iiig rho 10.55 . 0 f dwellings by..fire, totally-mhz: necessary 4.. Capability of watering gardens, Lawn's,. .or sprinkling walks, washing. windows',. gce".; Nviththe'btinost ease and thoronliness, • Power to raise water with slight labor to any reasonable height; popplying charm, . . . . 6. The convenience Of 'having the Pork) iil a kitchen., or other,rooms of your dwelling, with , , out.regard td thelOcation of the Well or Cis- . .7, The' easy protection.'of,the instrument .against Frost.. . 8. The ease with which irrriay be - mounted oq Wheels, of in other Ways:be made 'portable. A.4intjilicityj which ensures "great , protects.it front being thrown,ouf of, or ; Ater, and makes any 'repairs easy and.of little 10. Great Cheapness: fo . r the.• first': time. 'bringing the-cost of the Force yrimi,igto the neighborlyiod of, the :conimon„.Slction. and Chain linmps; While it „irnitieaiurably: sttPe• nor to both',_ • • " . , • Al anufactured.and . for Sale .by the subscriber, only, at his:shoP in- Mechanicsburg., ... • A. 'WOLTERS, :Mechanicsburg, March-18,1858; To Those InternsCeti in km' and ilinerai, Landsi .. .. . .. Av . IT. FIAIINER °tiara Ilia 'Heri•itaia.for Mb eaamina *Ve tion of Mineral bands in-,n' Kean and Elk coon tie4'; .iiial will give ilia opinion an to Up-VAT:UW.OF. itiliNki,t, .&o.' 'noir , ' en.,••attinr,:liiA,sorvice mill receive all 111,025 4, 1 rs and reliable inforitiation. Itesilonce at the • lie oker.fitli 1:\I - ines; ' ... . .• . ' tiotgrtpi, :i1 , 1(olin Co., Jun0'30,1 . F350., ' - • ' ' THY. OLDEST-, WIDEST CIRCULA TED, and mostCOIPLETE - , COil ECT and RELIABLE Batik Note R9orterig; existence :.' ...... :THOMPSON'S: .• . . BANK NOTIi• AM) (I(III3IERCIALTEPOItTpt, Chculati:on; ,100,000 ..r.DITED'.I3Y JOHN :THOMPSON Quotations col7fected . ,by TitcAirsol.bnoniplts, '2 Wall .Street Published Fiaki!ii Si • TEIZAIS OF sunsentr . rroN IN ADVANCE;'' • . , .".„ .', •• Tp•mail Subscribers ... Weekly, ....-,§2 . I Setni-menthly,.....sl 1.7t10nt1t1y.... 75e. To Pesieuistiirs or' , otherS; who farm ,cfahs and for wa.id as the money in ntivance. we will send , the Repo?... • ter (loinChart : Manuel, and Descriptfri List, ss: fol • . 5, copies of the, Weekly, one Yeai....t . —$0:00 . :3 Comes of the Semi-monthly' • . '4 Oil - . 10 copies of the kleathly...- , .-. - .. ...... ... :.. t 0 09 We:will forward : gratuitously' to' any -person sending a club of $2O at : the above rates,.at any one.time; our Anteriegts. Oald • Colts : Test Scale. .: Address,•. . . , '... : VICPIPSON : BROTHERS, Bank e rs,'' • .- • . ',.No. 2,',Wall'St. N. It.i Proprietors. NILK PANS', all new and shiriy—you can see an honest man's lace in them as soon as you. ray over the doe,-at • MASON'S.. • PL()WS.' • • • • IRE-1-1111 ANDSHOVEL PLOWS, A SU perioi' manufaafuretl at tha • • SMETIIPORT VURNACE. 'S '- STOVE . STOVES ! • AM NOIV.,,RECEIVING THE LARGEST, l'bdst selected, and Cheapest lot of Stoves ever brotigllt into this section. E. S.'MASON NOTICE All poisons knoviring themselves - indebted to the undersigned by. 4300 k amount, Will save east by :settling, ON same by parrient •or 'Note immediately : : • • - 'S. MASON. December i J IS:tiO. • - til!ch - S 7 Cil' 0 . "8 tOre EL01:612 _4I:4iCIC; bLEAN Zsubscriberpoire.ito.lhe . .-citizens.of Olean 1.: A and vtciuitp, ,a . and seleeted stools of Hardware, at pr,i.C.es- that •dannOn. to salt the purchasei. ' • . . • American,.l,Engli§h,.swedes., , • 11 S orwe inl,: Nail and , Spike NAILS: Cut;lirrouglit, Clinili alitl Iliret,: • A. FULL; ASSORTMENT OF cinPEin'Eri and Besides Zs ENDLESS VARIETY. Sash, Glass, 'Paints, Oils, 'Varnishei, et 74 11 Itif.l G . in 6' 0 0 ENAMELED CLOTH, BROAD CLOTH, DAMASKS, 30y5, SPOKES,. FELLCES, SPRINGS;.: • AXLES, • • AND 'A 1.A116.1 QUANTITY OF. ' • Table and Pecket Cutlery, AUENTS F(711 TUE • TIMM BELTING (V, , . LEATHER .Alll` MELTING; WE OFFER AT- ..;, MILL, CIRCLE, HAND AND CROSS CUT . SAWS, Front the celebrated Factory of Wheeler, , ?iTCILAND CAKCII, -• BLACKSMITH TOOLS DRILLS, VISES, SCREW PLATE,S and ANVILS. • FAILMING ronKs, BAKES., SCYTHES, c „ DIANITEXCTURERS ON . : •, - ,SHEET IRON AND'. COP-PER. I , ••STOVES;OE'ALL PATTERNS, • :". . • DITLI COOk AND PARLOR.' . • .. • . )re reipecl.fulty Asll:tro . or yo4r . rattoilSge.- 7 Giro us a culnketure pu'rtzltitsinv,• 019ewhere. • • • • T.• W. 'ADAMS & Olem, MA) , . • • ." rr ` lN CHURNS and. JOanne'd Ware, Stove . 3- Pipe. and Tip Cat.Holee at • MASON'S.• W4at'Everithoily Wants THE Al.lll,1 7 .:DOCTOR: . SIMPLE 11.EMEDI EASILV,OBTATNEDi FOR THE CURE, OF DISEASE IN ALL 1 7 OR':\ By Prof. IiZiTRY S. TAYLPB; M. D. It-Tells You. •. .lTow to attend' upon the sick, . • • '.. and how to cook for thetnt how . to'prepare Drinks,'Poilltices; . ~• . , • .•&c , i and•how to guard -against infection from eontagiouddisca-. , . It Tells - You Of the various diseases ef, • • . dreti, and gives' the best - and • • simplest mode of treatment tin ' .• • • ring 'Deething, ,• ConVolsions, ~ • Vaccination . , Wheoping•Congh .• •• ' , • Measles, 'lt Tells: You: The symptoms of Crotiri, - eta Infantutri .Diarrbea,: • IN orrhs,.. Smelled Head, Ring . . .• worm, Chicken.pax, &c,., mid . • • gives youths rernedies for theirenre..' • It tells , You The symptoms of tevi:r and . .Ague f and: Dilliettsi• • ' • ' Tyblins, Scarlet2amf other Fe .• 'gives:you the best • ,* and si'mplest Temedies for their It -Tellg, - Yon The symptoms .of Influenza, •,. 'Consumption, Dyspeirda;:t.l.sth ,,.. ma, Dropsy, pout, Rhetimatism . Lurri.bage, - Erysipelas, &c; and ' • • ' ' - gives'yeti.the;best remedies for • . their cure:, • . . - It -Tells.YOit The syrnptoms of Cholera ITor.- , .. • • ' • bus, Malignant Cholera, Strutli.- ~ • • • , pox,. Dysentery; '.Cramn,. -.. •.. eases of. the Bladder, Kidneys,- . • . , and liver, and the besureme . dies loPthcir core. It , Tells You The symptoms. of -Pleurisy; • ; - - Mumps, Neuralgia, Apoplexy, . • - Paralysis, the Various. diseases' . • of the Throat; Teeth, tar and Eye, and the' besf rerriedies• for . • . their cure. .•.. . . It Tells-You, The. Symptoms of Epilepsy, -; . • Jaundice,. Piles, Rupture, Dis- . -• • eases of the Heart, Hemorrhage •Venereal Diseases, and Hydre .: : • .. • phobia, and givdS thd best rem . . edies for-their enre...• : It -Tells You The best and simplest, treat, ..•:. , ment forWounds,liroicen Bones ~.• .. • ; and DiSlocations,. .Sprains, , , Lockjaw; -te:Ver Bores, ',White , Swellings, Ulcers, Whitlows; Boils, Scurvy; Burns .andScruf . Tt Tells You-Of the-various diseases peculiar • tO . Women, and gives the' best • '• and simplest remedidi for -their . • .• cure,-together' With many vald . •able hints for the- preservation . • • of the.nealth.. The work is . writtenin_plain language, free from medical terms, so as to easily understood, while its.simple'receipts may.• soon .rave you mady . litnes the cost 61 the book. ItAS printed in a clear and open type; is illustrated with appropriate engravings; and.will be forwarded to your address, neatly bound and postage paid on receipt.of $1,00.. . $lOOO A YEARcnia'd'e by enterprising men everywhere, in selling the 'above.work, as our inducement .to all such are very liberal. • , . For single copies of ,the Book, or for terms to agents, with other ' information, apply to or ad . , • JOHN E, POTTER. Publisher.: No. 017 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa County Directory Pres't'Judge.=Hon. G. White, Wellabor', Associatv Judges—Han. Sinethiiort, Hon, S. Holmes, HTadford.• . Sheriff—Yeseph Morse, Smethpoit. ProtlionotaryScantioi C. Hyde, Srnsthiiort. • Register and Recorder—C. X. SartweH, Srneth- port. Treasurer, (pro tein.)—Enos Poisons, Bradford. Commission ers--jiai)iel. J. Keyes,. Eldred,: W. J. Colegove, Norivichr ,Nclson Nobody, gommi.sionees' Clerk-7: . R. Chadwick, Stiieth4, Auditors —11.,.C. ; .Smetliport', V. P ..Carter, • District i litorney.—Marren.CowleF, Solepipott Coi:oncr.—Jati)cs'l3.:uiv,l, Lafayette. • 6- - O'ODS A-E:.-:‘ . -.CHEAP TAYL4I.I3.:: : IIEGULATOIi f . . • , • A: N. Piylo . rlia,v ,ttoto 'in • Store tbe Eargest:Stoei:of NEW ,SUMMER, GOODS Egrr bro4ht . int6 . Coutn4; P..lenti;tg... . . L'NERUALLED'ATTRACTIONS IN VAR TETT, GA . NCI; ci itd , • BEAUTY. of design. and . coloring. tifO3 113i10111$ AR} jfERE .NoW i 5 the TiOie To ,Seleit from the Lat:fre.Ti Stuck oiirl Pu'rcha:r. Griods Odle PRICES ARE DOWN! 'The Goolls., , clre going 4-4,6. HOT . CAKES e l n iROSTY MORNING, And- Mao wija ri.ig to- make CHOICE SELECTIONS 'SHOULD. CALL. EARL'S VI 11l STC.! O.ME, 11 . .1.R5T .F,R\7":EI) InznoNsc Stock rntsists of n . . - 4,-.y......,.. , :0.0 o I.). ;$;::-, IA Endless Variety PARASOLS AND. UMBRELLAS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS :& VESTINUS, .111ILLIN . ERY GOOPS; .PRINTS, LANN Ns, LADIF.S'.CRALLI & LAWN 11011F,S, Flounced, at $1 DgBAIZES; at 10 cts Ijc fact a Coinpletd_Assortmeat of GOOODS. 10,000 BROWN SHE ETIIO, 5000 BLEACHED• SHEETINGS G 1 iIT .:0 C ....V: .R ..1 'E._ 0$1.:, SUGARS, FLoViz, PORA, &c.,. Sa lIANS f t( 121:cts'. TEAS at 3i, to 624 do 8QQT5...&:.. - SHOT.:S; Largest stock•ever:offerett in this .section of :country. • Men's Kip Boots,' a prime article.— Women's • Calf Boots, ,Men's Brogan .-Shoes., Women's Gaiters, tipped, :Women's enameled In additio6,tdihe above he has a large quitn • • • ST: ES.V..• . . BARD IV ARE,. 'ORocicERT, DRUGS 4- . XEDIG'INRSi YANICEIs, 'NOTIONS., 11A1 S AND 'CAPS, 'IRON 'plait ' • kinds—Wait Rod and.. . ; IrecT•lntn,. • • • German and Cast ~t.reel,'• " • Wash Tubs; and Grain Measures, Patent Pails, Wash. Boards, Vinegar, Fluid, Camphene, Turpentine, • AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Athl a thousand other things too numerous ,to mention, which will be sold• WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. ilk Country nnerchents supplied at as low prices as they cnn•bily in New York or any of the eastern cities, for cash or approved .credit. Snethpor't,•June, 1.80. • NEW CARRIAGE AND WAGON SHOP, TAMES McDONALD would inform the pub- J lic that he Ilan fitted up a shop at the lower endef town', on the premises recently occupied by N. Medbury, , as..a carding faatciry; and is. prepared to build all kinds . •, •• . CARRIAGES AND WAGONS At short notice,' in a workman-like 'Maulers" and rit. reasonable prices. 'Having .had .a large' expdrience in the business, ho feels satisfied that his work will (armee: the requirements of all whci will favor him with their patronage. Repairing promptly 'attended to. Smet 10,.11359. 2-5-tf A.CARD • . K. HAFtEY offers his servieits4p parties"' J• 'owning 'or . wishing Torches() minera l. lands in Al'Kean, Elk, Clearfield or Jefferson counties. • Examinations made and "faithfullyre' ported; • • • . , Bradford, July ..27, 1659. rz~~cxaais, COTTO.N . YARN;