', 7 V.,:i.t7 A, '...:P."`!.• ths'iiiiiis Itiliaise. r ; , F ,`,' ,1 1:: -:,,,, ;Jr-. i , ' Pero . * fled' nforly" with .. '. lie 11 'tit errs' f the Oebt Li* b; m4r iiiiike. - , ~.-:, , - ., alone:-, es lame ' - iiiiiik4' ; ' 'el e' Of d ''' s all of ii ichl 2 i ' re more 0f,1''.. - z nteresh Init Awl:tamest do„ . „ l imt - ' itieieiit '* . pose to “ tlict im l tlitiesder:-- p • . Fraihp iiiick hit 1,-1 1 inisi:we l eiaraci'the follOwings - —, , ' - .. , . •• - , .. The'ilyagelitr,the Great E.astern, as will be seeniil ourieptrit ;.has been' substandal inc eels. ,:rhe...theert .01.. her sire is simply:-this : she can carry Avvice, as much 'cello as the Adri 'Kt atic or •the Periiikteldi the same horse-power and , coat simple On account of ,her, slice, the en-, gities,being the'ettnie.'`Her first trip has de mrinetrekcalbe lu t i,tiliatilel idifeetnese Of this 'theoii;, by Oliviitg'that the'ibip not only equals, but etteesde sitieller'yesseli in ,sca-worthiness and tbaiiitgeability. Xote'then'this—it demen _stratis the tiguall Y imPortantlacfthat the coin fortlind'siifety ,of 'passengers 'ere increased in propo ' r 'o r to' be„eiteof the vessel. The rnnd eratiimed ittaiiied by the Great Eastern on this'iiiiii (tilly"abitinted fir'by her purposely but not icecessarilylOW 'eteaM' pressure, hi a considerable deviaticin fromihe shortest course to avoid ice, by' a 'fob! bottom, sral•by other abnormal 'aircurnitanteet ' The positive facts , develoPed are the perfection 'of the ' hull ,and the excellence and reliability of the machinery. The,engines were not sitepped, for adjhbtment , , during tbe"iiitlitiMulage, Mi. Scott! Russell's • wave'-liperindre'beitiltiftilly 'llevelmied .On this vessel t'baltl ever' befor#; is such'.that, at het' highest'speed, the'vessel - does'not' raise a per ceptibliFiriiire; il,Oltqrt bY the action of her pro pellet's. ' 'Tife 'e`corrtrn erc ia P qUestion—Can large shipihe'fillerl:k=tiai hot yet'been reached. The'liatettiar between the announcement of the Great Ettitern's arrival Off the Hook and her pirilifge 'IA the . Bar was , long enoneh to rotise airtruci see:going, yatching and plea sure loving T pepufation'to,giie a Welcome to the mon ster. • ugs"of 'ell 'sorts and siz!‘:, •.reenters it ned4ltbshl4, CMWtrOir down the 'Bay 1 °wards 3 o tchick, and im/ely iris so ridtrinted a Betide been'phesented a's'OntOiled itself before the eyes of" itiF'krifirOllers: t 'im beard the great ship, when 'i.ifp' / , (dilly ‘ oprtrrid• the'harbor of New York fi'Orn 'the' nntroWo.4 The skill with (o ) i e b t - her Itlriii-"Viirlr''ol6f,"?‘ll l . Murphy; carried' her o ver''tholtbjfKlinvithitell : her throogh fur crowd ed denf',4fid Tt 9 "Atif tie,' In her moorings at the foot' Of',Cfririiinerid'R tri.ct,was them thee or gen 4al'clirt'm'Orlf'aiirl' adMiratimr. s Piatirret , , public. and titliOttP.adftirithid : hi.r rii‘preieh--111;. Her. He . 'tat t ii: l n;i4 Q e .'Clinard steamer. nt Jersey e ityp.ietidebtiqv distinguished dhemselves •in l e is r i n iti , t o'p:direness. 'l'We yacht squad tennds•haddantiiely reme.rnted, add , nwlon , ' r..ndl 1,46. b”Pll Irinte enrdial and festive than the t",eiTtlon'o'llich , vr s',6N'eurd,lll ott ail sides to the 'our iinnk.inalre'd • for visitots. The whsrves of the NMI h Myer iron , ' the Battery to Ofinat tit reel ; were t pd'eked clesely ' n it It .a n 'eazer iiiiiOniliaidstie erowd, *bleb eheeted the ship hrtittily as Slip slowly and maks, kill ly moved alor.`g, ;No accident necto4ed to mar t ha farisf o e'rinn of the day, although the great ship, orl itinninft alortgAide the 'dock rtarried 'nw•lV flille Ir fee t c of planking at the fi r st touch or ifie wharf. , ' ' . iternfaleanism Ailustriard. Connecticut, .hniler:. , llepuhlican'? . .matiage- . meat, ,eee,inti,te rogressing towerds. the point reached, already in ,11tiSsechusetts, whore the Idsek .man, is, elevated above the •white 'man ,The' 6,llepub liesii",:rnajorily.in.thejlouse;on Thursday, if ter ve(nsilgitp3i,lce. to a , milifaiy comps-.ny Fhit n e trien,, ! passeil the, amendment strilr ing ent„ . , ,f4he yrosfl`wilte i .? -from the C.onstiiii 2 lion; , poiti . .iinforturiately for these Abolition arherners„thepeople;are - entitled. to a, voice on , heap ,changes belure they are msde apar t ,df the , organic jaw—alidthey have, bitherta,,inveripbli kilted everything of this but-a few years singe the nneetientpeople, by a vote of six to One; frejsetedtbia. idea . of. allowing negroes' to vote i s. but.Vre i;rlSitme:-the John•Brownites trill'continne to.pash thenoestion even 'if the maforityagainst . thefr;plon. does not lessen.--- The prop . ert y. of colered.persons. is. not taxable, aipresent;•beeatise thly baVe.not.the right. to . :vote—which is correct—but a propesition. give:the same exeniption''to . white men,, who are not . allOwed te.vote, was rejected the same day, So that; in the cake of some while men,. taxation and representation do hot go together. Ot.) - . " • • A , P45141:14411L1C i:NPIPENT. - r•Orl rays tium dattaraugus Ripubtkon-, a" child in that , placi . 4jied,as "kat% supposed, and on Mon . 'day preparatiOns were mado' fOr its burial.= Monday. afternpon:ths: funeral .vas; held, and the . . , .body of the. , a accompanied hy. ' large number Of; friends;'ivis..conYeyed to the grave; As the dirt'began .16 . ori the coffin, a feeble cr3i vvasjleard.'. Tlie coffin %Yes instantly raised rand . opened ~and a shriell of “Motbeil" burt from thO,•limiof , the resnsciteted:child. It is • VielOis• attOrMit 'te, describe • tilt, scene: tat , followed. • The child 'is in a s fair' way to CALL ,Fo attuoUv.— A The Lancaster - telltifeneereap:'.. • • , gBotriething ought to be done at'once to har marline the Dernisc ritie 'party in 'Pennsylvania; in vleir oethe' Gubernatorial electionr-if for notbintisla 'Sind vieiliniie that ,pfompt action Swill be :taken bythe StitMCentrat Committee to.thet effect., •In the *meantime, tet ineul est*f. 'of !ittririony aritongat. ootselvesi end let ne auppoit the • candidates %vie, inittliiediettethe'ti'ot claim to he con sid *red- the rektilirliberiiiieejf of the partykvilleth er'thq iectte,'"di choice betbre handl.".ln46'.'dOrni dieeharge the 4 air 'othi4iiiteiridyee ne'iiiDern'ocrets in the ejl iii iakAy, ebnfitet lion; arid • • , After the'above yrtiv type we ,received the, PsnOryfrarifon- iontain ink' a, gait fol. pioethir, of the Ststet" 'Central' W Caiiiipitta; On Monday Ii arelleat.tirty' plad:Of'this, .*, boor'' they ,rtibdOiVe 'sOiinseli'vyqj dcliie . that '.fa OtaliblilP'6l‘eillate and brini bout' union end thhatr have, ~but: on, 'candidatfO'for 'Or 'at least' bat 01(1.. I expect: ,to lb e.'Ci,e tOtier ;!ifoleriintti'efsotion's';';'''T . ije 'tate sirtd, ,sbripld `‘‘tiii.seitit ilik'l,o#'',:ttie‘ ?hale a'rid' holiiipg ;for. 61" 110, l,t i Pt • 4h2P, ((ler ,- mln) P l hurc h ' of tbißOli l f) f#l l c 4 § l Vh, mid Spt9Fe ' r4ir t)o l o 4 rW ' flf o POPY od ?)fire Ontlgiro ;4"011 714!ef t . Ttle v,alua ,af. l'f• Pid,Olify,o4 A!'itgbe%., 10 Alone vva• " 4, 4!:10 0 `ab9 0 ( St' t o o o 4Atitir"ft a tT'it - 040)004. ', • '. _' ' " : • Dowiniiratie • ' ' • 1 1 ) ACtlll . . .01111 1 r 11 . " ClllO Ctat... " l . 14 Tifie hiritint'tio44 :the I) ; „ap . theilomingcontest,' iiihtiti.le(l by, the State Ceptt.#l;pilirpitfee7;'; , .., ke:'b - ett't by - the •;1 'obtlestr; 2—.-7ii:.lll7.pErritN77.4iii—e,; -05;7s fie s sitee'essfolly. carried Ante 'eflV•er. • Whet • " • ' • • e • • .. •• nur.sov. . • net, embitt reel perr.ztris - tonytu • in ntr ' 7, OP? rIP " I r - en nsyl .do :.pot', m with any feir.iekttee the fur ne at• a "" ur robYemept tly tn Refeihtiean suce.ess,. . in irested 'or . the eerropt'rney' . tit in t1 , ;.4 2 1,4 1 ,-mt . • • • Denvipiatic•Nomination Of all • see.oni,..n fur s. relittde in the safety:of the ebnreilerlir v. iiTi-iTrvi t the opponents.of RejuthlirneNm. in thiK. KeY- Sttine Statle,:rpore.then fttiebt..• the, rnii'i hers of thatSeetionfil.: • er*anlzetio!l. The popular .vote ps yrp:havObefereshown,.. . ele.srly Strated Abet three. hundred • Red thirteen ,thou. , sand:citizens this .Cni-nn-nn.tveriltb'a re in di . •reet itOtagtiistn to4 ,, publiesn .ertintvill4m; and 'Oat, urider.the: best leed . ; , rship•t hey . r'ver, onlY. 6T:ie.:hundred: find votes out'of poi lOt r hu n dred tbousapd, could • be• (or' the Republican. " it worth while to iliSregard facts and.. fie , tires Such as these? . ... is lt . worth that . tWo 7 thirds of the rieonle!Of Pennsyl yertiearello9tile to any policy which seeks to Wealierilhe bonds of n'Union established .:fetir years ego—for those; whe reverence the aredt of our patrintikires, to bicker. over. tri , fin' piiinte of differance;'While the enemies et nationality are,oning to march to an easy vic tOrY throtigh.o . ur divided lines? There can be but one response to these. questicMs froin pat riot'tangues;:. and that response is, selling and sVrelLing iciihtinder'tonee in condeinnation of that narroW • partizanship: that will make . no sacrifice for thecorninon good, that will accept no terms which do not ' accord all that it. de sires. 'The public. : journals,here andthrongli mit the State, and the.peoPleaS well,-begin to appreciate to their follest scepe,..the . dangers which threaten the grand O . chievernent of those gianti of theAm , lilan pa4t, - andmon . e hit the wilfully blind cad-fail to. ser. that if the sane spirit' which iletnated our 'ancestors in framing . the great charternf our•riehts,.-"hass place in ihn . hreiists of their' tons, not only will Black ,RepublicanisMhe.overthrowd; list the Union of these Sfates,Will'he stri itethened and seen.. red ag,arnst traitormis littackS• throughout all . . • . ...,The 'Public e'en readily understand the none eition of the open and. secret - friendS . of eowf to any measure, of Democratic`i recOneili- ' .lion and'union. :ft : is .especially JO comprehend, the aniinoSityfol the Repuhli ,ean:pensioney'ef the Pr f us, to,a united Demo• 'cratic When mem,barter - their' birth .004 and.their principlesior patege, or revenge the descent In darkei deeds .is.aS easy as it and sure.. . 13una *was, poWerless for when idatrenscin was, unveiled; ,and .Antioth sank ititothe grave accursed by the peOple When) he, soughtto hetraY, and:despi . ied by the hation,in Whose-aid his treachery 'was, knvo .•d. .Amopg eiVilized;mep,.,the.hypocrite..is avoided' 'as a leper; and his affectation of principle •fr the thin cloak"*ith 'which he hopes to crush and destroy the right. . .The trne : men of - Penneyl,veriia,despite the' ravings.Of:the,corruptand faithless; stand, firm in. their opposition to their. :country's enemies,. and direct their,,efforts .in Noverhber.in.sti . eh it wily as best.to.seenre Re. ~piildicao ihifeat.... With theni, peisonal prefer: 'erc'es are trifles which are easily set aside at.the Call of their Country: And in thia'heur, we do not believe; indeed, we know and feel,: that .no man• who reveres the ,Union Under which: we .haVe . achieVed sa.many, . . blessings, • .and..the.principles .on'. that Unionresta;'will halt in the •work . of Praiser- . wing, theft intact against 'Sectionalists end ihriee:pernicionailogmas which,'.,AutiAttaat CaLN* represent s.--Pennsylvanian , • • -Loou...AT Tun Rncoun:—.The Republieane de nouncit the. Fugitive Slive Law, lint do they in their platform of principles, - propose ita:altera„ tion' or repeal . ? . . , • . ~ • , They.denounee the . repeal of the Missouri Comprnin - ise; but do . they, *pee its rotora- individitals they pray over John'Brown as, a martyr'io the cause of freedom, and tolled 'church bells on the' day of his • execution i .while, - ns a partY,. they, denotipce his acts as rtmOng the gravest of .crimes. -• They declare themselves against all . Worts at disunion, and yet nominate a man us their ciinditlafe for President,,who . declares thdt the 11nifint must go down or slaitery be abolished. They sing praise's to.governMentareconorny,. while they pass resolutions in favor of the most extravagant Pans' for plundering the Treasury at the expense of the People. This Fs the Rapublican paity as it stands up on.the record, and we ask IMnest - men to look at and see bow far it is deserving,of their eon htlence add support: • •• • • MURDER.—The Crawford Journal . says that' 1110mati Mosier of Bloomfield tp., was commit. ted to Jail In Meadville, last•Thorailay week ; 'charged with an attempt to minder his icife.- It seems that they Were married but a few mantlis•and for some cause have twice. separe. tad daring that , time. • Dist Week she him ilioGreenfield, Erie county, and came to her faper's in .Bloomfield, H . e followed. her there add.endeavored fo persuade her to go back with him—bufwithout'euccess,' He - rettiaihed over . "Alight, and as he wis'leaving r he'discovered her ati window sewing., ;He'picked up an.axe at t4e"Wood-iiiiiitied:going round ,to the back door , reorit' where, she Was. 'She sprang e'hed ,atid a:ideal/p . .6d toliscape limn' him, knocked - h'ei . .dOwn'attil 'inflicted several wounds on her neck, face and head,. froth which'she has aince,',dieif. . , . Since the .notnination :of the. rail. splitter, been iutivtitoteil for itbricki" and it ismitiv said of - enf.man'ipider. the influence or liquor •that he lies'i;orcia- mit on Ifis in stead of les.brlcli hat."' • • Tliursday, jnly 12, 1860, • . 'Fon ii;o•vnnon,' Oi w.P.sTAT.ORELANp CO „ ELECTORS. Oen. - George .11.'Kr•int, !Lou.. ri.i.i'ht9",(YMlX 1. Friiiferivir.Server.•l I ;f. Iteekho~ri 2 'Win.. 06).•Jacki.on. • • .3: jr..' 113 .1: 11..A1,1... idremtivr: '• 17 • . '5 J. W. Joriii)r.. .1S .1. R.'Crii‘Oort. •G Charles •lI.'N. Lee.• • •. 0. 1!1 •• 2r) .1. 8.116we11... .8. David Scholl. N. P;.Feiteriziori • 0 .1. 1,. I.4ihrtic;r. • 2.q Samiled Marshal:. 16 F.'S:: ilarS . nr. • • Williarri• Boot:. II T. U. :WalirPr, • . IL: . b. Ilarnfin..•-• 12 S . . S. Wilicliesier.• 25 .oa3;lordehrtrch. 13. Jo.eph : • •• . • • •. En.'iMAs9::;; once Moir calls on) hose indebted to bun zwcpunts, ' will subject llfintist.lvs.to,. • . • Dnmrit or. G. P. R. ,T4:\ IF • F.; rq brinks.m.ws nt . ,tins iffnlitt of ' JA::nr.s.; And 0114 .itnt.dhPi.parne is added to the Inngdigi' or litn . raty.decensos.nf..the.t)nist . year.. '.:lhere•sertlisdp he..afutnlity among exit, inept m n, Phis yezi,•nic* . t 'strings and unac countahle.• • : A democratic Stafe corirnrition, , :hrLdtl at' Jr. vibe, Till cOunty ) no'tlie.r.iih.iiiStanr . , in whicli 'thirty-one cow the itatevvere'ripresent edolnnnimonslY adopted resolutions in Nem. - Of Breckinridgg;iandLane,and reriudiat ing,Doug las and .Tol;ilS...on. • • , . Hon. John Son mittrz;nieriiher ni,congreas froni . Barks county, Pennsylvania, died'. at Washington Wednesday; the' L'Ttlt,ulL '. Major Schwartz' was a b out the 'age of the. President, anti .Waa the immediate successor of J. Glanc6 , "Jones.. He 'won many Metals in the Ifouse.hy. his dc6Otion . to his eonstiJnents. A - recent cernsus in Canada lhoWs that there are. 45;000 runaway slaves in Canada', West at thepresent time. The rowaiCity'Reporter counts up frorn the most reliable . data, one hundred and tWo ..per. inns killed in that state.by the tornadO; sixty. ftvehouies destroyed other than those bloWn down at' Carnanche and in • Clinton County, while 'the estimated amount• of property de stroyed reaches ahout's6oo,ooo, Thenunriber. 'wounded.ln lowa reaches M. . Ex•Presiderit Tylei :has written a letter,' in which he'comes °lt forlire'cicintiage and Lane. Ile is quite severe on Bells . . ' • =l=2 ' We learn that Governor PACICER: has .appoin ted ILyiSELAS BUOWN, Esqr"., of Warren to fill the vaeaney.in that. Judicial.Diairici, created by the death of the Hon , Jour; - GAT;II/2AITII: has. the . .renutation of being a sound lawyer, .and high-toned' and. honerable, He :will undoubtedly; be brought : before the' people r as the Democratic. nominee for t,hat:of fice, at.the-'ensuing election. There, has been_ no ,paper printed at this, Sit': five for two weeks past, Reason, lack of help and . ..a large amount of job work. .•: • F..H..AnNot.o, of. Port: Allegany, .bechme the purchaser of the "Bennett House, at four thoUsand dollar's. • , DANCE::--l'here,ivill be a dance at thellEs ysrr liocss on Monday evening next. At the late Session 'of Court but little busi ness was disposed of,l the time of the'Couit, cecupied' with. criminal %proCeedings. Mr . . Dunn pleaded guilty of murder 'in the'second _ degree and Was sentenced .12 years in the Wes, tern Penitentiary.:'. Fouttrii..-LAs the “Committee" . on arrangements has not' yet reported,' we have ne-ofTicial report;' bUt surmise: that it. passed much as other days do; with the exception Of few tpore boys in ton and a trifle more noise, The day cloied with.a . ball at the "As tor," which was . yell• attended. . Most of our business men, left the place, to celebrate else, .Where. . • . Mnsfms S4.Lowt, continues a popular resort for nur townimen. It is fitted up in good style and abounds in commodities that are. good for the Stomach. The . UNION .Saloon, .in these distracting tiinesis.a safe institution. Dr. SPRAGUE• has fitted up'an office, adjoin ing' Browneil's store, and is now prepared to . 'do work in the .best manner, and on reasonable terms.. See card in another column. - Hon.:Wm.-H. SE*ARD, remarked to a friend, recently,,' that 4, $60;000 had • hdeti offered for his head , for the benefit of the'Souiii, but that hia head:: Was taken off at Chicago, without costing the South n'eent," He might well. pray'deliiierance froin' his friends. .. ...The COrentissioners',appointedto focale the County site of Cameron; are expected to -ar rive'at §hippen .onFriday., and will'iirobablY „ discharge their duty during.the,coming 'Week. Quite .a spirited contest will belied, by land holders ,;in regard to its location. . Till: .B.ILTI3IOIt 1())11NATIC;;NS Siiiceour ~.lust he • • pelr;;ates of, the .I)etner retie Tarty. huve rnr t lit :Balifiiriorrc and itistrnd of . ll,frirnpni?,i'nF4 Ire • hhd feeling evinced Thf. i:Psiilt'tv 'a fkivisioti of the n'arty 'and t'he•najm . i nat ion o:fr:i .Presiffeht I CFliets,.fit:•lllwr, oh nliteh rah he r iinie) as rP ri v • nctii mit'ed :'••:toi).lif.o.:N.i. , Doo - 2111s is Iltt ollOice :of 06 . 0 (loovriitio ; . svLile tltr otlik!r . ving-,ooniin'Atio,l John: C. i 0 ( li. : of obOt.,ll:\yittylor . r:Oent;lio tho . .estotYlishyd:•tiStigOg.4 ., ( : • .tho Crate potty; polo..e9Ooott : " the' Stiete !tie seeiitist•iiijii.i r ttd 'e . .oll(;lAilt I a inn or , . trel,s,ol.llrnf,k,ner'nunealtlgEn. result. 'Of i;: - :',1e1iln•r . : , tions•Will:, he fatinil• in:anafher . • Thearrumft‘rnrutwelhink a_goyul :adeS and one that result in:the entWpleteUcce.s, at• be'nieratiCand tlieolee . tinif of . aur:Warthy e a far l nteroar,'ll i ri,v Fostin'. I I c.we.had .- u sua:lestion Io maka .it be that' ; eneh: ticket tar Pte>aii itt Presidential :Oat' the preference RF tht. t'uteysi'ol . tha . .. r two fie x t week •weshall • fflatiOrriii . ,adopH ted r by bbtk co . nvenrin'ns.: • , , • is it that the . Douglas 'OrgansJil . fltc . WagC9.llCit bitter scar againsit the Ailtuiti istr'n'tirin portinn of t liartyl. 'F.TOrn - yotney's Pr es . .. dow n to the Wallet . ' Lag (7 We he .0 n e nontintrOil howl Of aliti§e toward the regui,ir Organ.i.zat inn,- .rctinq iliCip . le4 anti norniniiya,. and . , oppriF:fri g • ail c fro: ts . .' a t con cif tat toil On tho' pi her thosO.l)eir acrat pait in. the part uni . tornily trotted Douglas adherent's with courtesy' and cattilor.; . tnaking no' fasts- as qualification for ofilec, artd checiftilly.anit partie.sity salvor t g . the .noti nations... Tl)ls.bit ter. feclii)g-;ind. action,cautint . be tooanu h, de.precat'edtoo by 'all who lia:ye the gem' of 11reParty,at heat T.heaction.Of th'e. State Committee 'is viOlently opposed bythis. cla'si of journals. ft, woniti-.seem they .were, acting in conc . e . rt lalth the Black' Republica:tie, •to again defeat the Democratic party ! ..Solar . as bitli.ean Oita n ty. .one or two exceptions, the D.e.mociat•ic part . YlS a unit 'anxio'.ls: to ilefeat,thp cornmorrenetny,..:regiirtf ing the, principles of . the party mire than men. LITERARY NOTICE • ~:One'of the most interesting and yiseftil •ptib licationS which 'comes : to our, sanctum.: is•the• i 3t zr,i 9 ,tx,.. a :weekly .publication; devoted to . popularscience, new ir,veniions,and the whole range . of mechanic and Manulactur inverts.. The SCIF:TI - FiC A :tenic..t:s. has.been published for fifteen mrs;•by .the well-known . Patent Solicitoys; Messrs:` tlitt:sn Ez- , C 0 .., 37 Park•ltow,New York; and hPs yearlyjnereased in interest ant: circulation, untilit has attaiiied, we . understand, neatily . c,'3o;o33 subscribers, which iS•the best of 'evidence that' the publica tion is appreciated - by the-reading . . , • To those of our readeri who,May not bp fa-• .miltar, with .the .character the' paper, Ave will.stale' some . of the subjects .ot_Which it treats.. Its illnstyated deeeriptionc of till•• the most' important, insprOvernents in steam and agricultural machinery, will.corninend it to:the. Engineer and Farmer, while.the'new household inventions and shop . trols Which are illustrated by'engravings 'and described . in its coltimns•,. with the Practical' receipts contained in' ,every •nunti,er;'renderti.the 'work desirable! to 'hpuie.: keepers, and„almoSt* indispensable to every ree-• °Finnic or smith whO has a shop for martufac luring neW Work, or repairing old. •• • The SCIE:STIFIC-AMECICAIS is universally re gartled as the inventor's advocate and monitor; the rep . osi'tory of American inventions,, and the greatauthority on laW,..arid all. business.'con nected' with Patents..:' The, Pfficial List .of . Claims, as issued ‘yr:ekly.from the Vatent• Of. .fice, in Washington, are' publiAerl regularly.in its columnsi All the most irnpprtant. Patents issued by the United Statei:Patent.office are• illustrated anil..deseribed ~ pages,-,tbus. forniing unrivalled . Atistory of American inventions. .. • . It is no , . only the.best, but the largest:and cheapest paper devoted. in Science, Mechanics, ManufaCturers, and the Useful in the' world. Hon. 'JUDGE, MAsox, formerly Commissioner of .Patents, is• not only engaged 'with the publishers in` their • bun-19116e Patent Agency.department, but as' a writer. on Patent Laws and Practice, his•ability is forcibly • por.-. trued in:the colinfins of this paper: The 4:IIV.ITIFIC :.A . MRRICAN: is published .once a week,' (every Saturday,) number. con taining 16 pages of Letterpress; and frOm,lo to 12 original Engravings or New Inventions, conSisting....of the most improved, gines, Mills,•Agricultural Machines and House hold'Utensils, making 52 numbers 'in a year,. comprising 832 Pages, and over : 500 Original Engravings; printed on heavy; fine 'paper, in a form expressly for. binding, and 'all for 42 per . annum: • . A New Volume •corrimences on the .Ist - of July, and we hope a large number of our towns men will avail themselves* the present oppor tunity to subscribe. By remitting $2 by, mail to the publishers; Mmix'lic Co., 37 Park Row, New YOrk, they will send you their -paper one. year,. at the end of which time you. will have a• volurrie which' you would not part with for tre ble its cost. .The' 'publishers express their willingness to' mail a single copy of the paper. to such as may . wish to seeit without charge. It.may interest some . cif our readers to knout whatie included understhe name of the Empire of japan, which now, for the first time, sends a Embaisy to it distant nation,- and that nation; which is 'the more remarable, the youngest in the great , family of nations. Japan, proper consists ot- three'large. islands,Nipon, and Sikokci these, Nipon is.the-largest, and•confains the caPitalof the empire, Teildo. . . These are surrounded by a,,vast numbeer of Is lands, most of which little or - nothing is known of ; estimated by some at 7000, and , again by, :others at 5000. .The dimensions' of the em= pire are abOnt 171,000 square miles—a 'little larger-than the six New England States, and New York,'Pennsylvania, and. NeW Jersey to gether. 'The Population is variously estimated at from 25,000,000 . to 50;000,000, and does not, probably, fallshort of 30,000,000. • ' of.the 1).-mgcl•ntle State:VutititiViieo. tnef;litt'g . el ..the •Illifto.cicintic St at Coin• nittee on . - ..yontlay; Jl6? ,?(I, at the .Alershan,t's Pb. i lattelphidi at .wlOch . mop Lep Ai'ere A net.co siilei= ablt• ilietissi - on; the, fnlloyeim,.. resolution' : was vote of 'J 5 1 . 4:!' viz: J'rofontully impressed with' the importance.cd prornpr,• rigoromr, alid patriotie . ; astiOn.on the Part of ilidDernocratic•Statmeommittee, iii or der' to ncert,-,• •possible,- the ; consequences' ylrirli !Mist inevitablY•yeSult from the,nnhappy .di . .%i4i . ‘rri:nror'existing in the ranks of the:De- . Ar‘foci,rey.itiivrprf.State and notion, we., cordially ,tut lmeeSrly -recommend - . Democracy . .or . the Stare 'duct Obey write. withimart .and ihe's•npp,; . rt of crur.ekeellipihand - coth , .peretrt'muninee tor.-.Goverecir, Henry Pos s terr: . tied that in . 'ell•dliclocaltelections the)' net a's 0 . 60 Pitt)" , Idrgiviit' and forgetting any'dder rnocr tb•cy•iii.ty have •Cntertainedforthe Pres-, iderWy; • but ill' . n.viCw•24..a. perfect. ..,unity * . agst.Hre'r . irpirrodenemy, rire recninnd to 'Om Pernor: . rady..of 'Pcnnsylvimia to nnire'theif :Vi!res•for Pre4itlenren the electoral ticket:for.- tiled at Reading:on thO lstc'ay: of. Mareli 1600, en OM •frilloWink:basis..and understanding.;:viz: That it Said , electriral tieket. sin-Aid:be elected. by'tho*.pcople, and it' should - ;linear:on ncer- Inining ,tho. result...in the other StatCa• of.. the Union, ttint tiy..casting .. the entire vote nfPenn q49nia for Ste Plreir. ..Donglai and. Herschel . :V. Johnstot, it, would elect , theni PI esiiient: 'and .Yice Prelsiitent ocCr..Messis:Lincolti and Ilnni-. lin;then . said • ClectOrs-shall'Aie under Oblig,a lintis so to rest said vcite;: if 'on:Hie other elect if should oppear that said vote Would not elect . Messrs.:Douglas and• Johnson, but would elect John, C . . .11reckinrIrige and Joseph Lane •P.i . esi-• dent . ad . yice•President over SlesSrs. Lincoln and Bamlia„ then said .Iv : ote sh4 . be'cast them;-and Ari . case the united . :vote vote of •PennsylVania Would not . elect either of.. these rickets,- thed Are' electots rnay • divide -it.... be , • t %Veen thern'aceortling..fo their - dwn ' jridgment . of . would he•..fire besstihr the country and the Democratic...parr y- T —JheYbasis-ol this' uni .ted action liOng..that.it is the first and highest• duty'of alt Democrats, however tkey. may fernbotft.men and rpinOr:pointsof to unite.'ngairfsf . d.commori enemy, and to avert, if possihle,:thet grentest. calamity that could befel the country, the eleCtion•of a, IllaekTtornibli(urn. PreSidentr: and 'firrther,. the Chairmen of• I his Committee ''is he'reby author ized to correspend. the several Eleetors in. •the State, arid' olitain. frotii 'each ,Llec-. tors - Iris written• pledge,. within thirty days' .fforn this dare, :that. he will faithfully carry out. the ol . Ject of this.resoiritioni. • On motion of Mr. .Icreiber,', of Dauphin,., resolution wa . s . • adopted . that.thirteep members of Ihe.ComMittee seed eimstitme:n. quOrtiM. On rnoi ion of Messts;Petrikin and,,Tnimson, the dominittec‘ acljOnyhed tneeta,t.Cressim the call.Of th . o Committee. ' 11:1VELS11, Chairman G. W. Cikr.ior;XN, . , • . 11. B. Bult.NitAmr, . } Seeretgries. : .•' . • ThC Opposition. Papers of. the State,are all touglas.memas opposed to Beckinridge. Of course. 'They, know BeckihriAge.• to be :keit' real opponent.; The abolition papers North'are , 'also sympathising tendetlY With Douglas:, .0f cdurse Democrats understand thisi sort:of thing. If PouglaS. Were , the' choice the' Democracy Of INdrth Carolina; then the oppoSitionists.and 'the disaffected all sy.mpathise mightily • yithfir6ekinridge,: 'lt is a good sign to see.the Onpo'siiiOniits'alreadylottlipg•dOwn. to' the, efd 'IMI to. injure and create distrust - of the no.inina tion of Breckinridge and Lope.—jrt/iiiing . ton . Jodepal • • , •. . l'ltforitn,ltevNe'd • Resolved,, That 'our -eandidate!i' name is • , 11.esol.ved, Thit for short we call him IcA Resolved, '!'bathe candidate. Resolved, That he is, the -. , .oldest" man in the . ' . That be:is. t he' hamlsomest man. in :Resolved, That Par . ' candidate: "has split rails." Resolved,. That he has "sailed a flat boar," therefore competent to manage,the“sllip of State." • . ' , • . • , . Resolved; That he . c.hates slavery as' bad as any abolitionist."' Resolved, That he does no(dielieve, this' gov 7 ernment can endure half slave ,and half: free.' . . - .The Sicilian 11 ,, yolution, - . it ,appears by.th . e last'arrival,frorn Europe, Was eteadity milking progress. of at Palen - no. took place 'on the 6th of June., - . The royal troops, retiring with the honors .of war from the city, committed' the moq . 4liSgraceftil and 'characteristic excesses'on retreat.,-: Great efforts were making' by the Neapolitan Governmen t•to secure .Naples. from .1 he cor.ta: gion of-revolt. by promises ofa liberal 'Canstf- . tation ; and it:was rumored that the.. Emperor ,Napoleon bad accepted a meditatiolt on the of Neapolitan; reforins and ofa.seperate 14'overnraerit for Sicily tinder a Bourbon Prince. Arlazzini:had 'sailed, it was saicl,for Sicily.; and Garibaldi, after establishing a Provisional Gov ernment; had -ordered•.4 levy eta bf the people, and was-'negotiating The horrors of an English pauper's life may be imagined:from an item tn. a London paper; which states.that Richard 111drinina, aged 62 years 'a lunatic. pauper in the Work'. House of St.'blatthew's' Bethnal Green; was taken to'ifie, .bath room and plaCediri . the bath, which, was scalding hot. He screamed, and when dragged. out Was:scalded over. the whole surface of the body, and 'in .a', shocking state. of suffering.— Medical aSsistancaWaslinmediately yendered, but Manning gradually sank and' died. At a•meeting.of the members of the Bar and the Officers-of the' Court : of IVarren county, held in 'Warren, on the evening Of the 16th ult., a series of resolutions, expressive, of. re spect .tor, llon. JOII . S Gamanarrir, deceased, were unanimously.adoiited. They were . olfered by . S. I'. Johnson, Esq.. .. • . Messrs. Joseph andßoberfrl3utton, editors of the Lynchburg yirginion; were shot 'on Sat iirdoy lasi, at that place, by the In:others Herd wich, of. theßcriblican:: Robert. Button •was morialiyjwou.n . ded ; 'end las since died'. :The other. was. seriously injured.: • • . :An American firm is said ~'to have . MTered to hire the Great Eastern for•oneinbnth!s tion in New Y.M.1)..., on.terins Which would have insured.the cO:npanya diVidend of . five per cent orupward:. 'The offer was • . . . . . . . A' DlFFErti.:NcE.—Lincoln, when in Congress, voted ogainet giVing bounty land, to thOse who seived in.the Mexi'ean . War,. r but ;the Coniord Pat/iot:says when he-was•on the .stiirrip in that State;!kst Spring; he: charged Slocl.u!'Peech. • PICTOktIA . r. says : pictorial indignity offerec 111. r. Liircoin, is , perlfet rated by:,..the' I,llyetpliee' Se;iiirtc7, a paper. Which• avower* . one of bit; warmest stipporters. yhis journal' beads. it's 'editorial columns' with a diabolically uklypic'- ture;'rind callsat Abraham . No bette,r plan could . he arlaritcd,fordefeati4-that gentle man's election. . Though.his*.pritati.characte'r t were Proven' to 'he that 'of a . saiot, few :Would he disposed to, vote for '- a man . .. W it so like the devil.. Lincoln, is by : 0 looke d rne.iil e nn minently . handsome. Maw; but, his counfehance .is at least h aml o ok e il" like t A b tirre a , the, Sellnd. gives,. hoWeVer,.. he: could spiit eats that sug t.sbY simply looking at them.,.' het. by'. kitting:l3n one. 'of bis.:•OWt t fences .near. a-cornfield, than by- piing toWash, ingtoti. There haye . . been a - good .many bad po - rtraits..of : Mr. I . .incol ri published,. but his, ..on the w:role . , is. Secidedly' the,' unkindest - . cut of all I".. .. , , 'DkvE f yrno.-.The Tariff that had pas,sed the House,tailed.in the Senate by two of.a.ma. jority. It is laid over'until the'meeting cif the next Congress., It had ardent and faithful friends•in the Senate-men ,of our party- who stood hy until last vot•esealed its defeat. member was, more steadfast'and unflinching in its sapport than our Senator; Hon: -Wm. l3igler, he defended: the:Bill: in the spirit arid. earnestness of.a true Pennsylvanian... For this .he -has won,morc brilliant honors, if pOssible, from•his devoted friends throughotit his native State. Senator has not failed on any ores-. sion to 'advocate.and 'defend Pennsylvania in terests. In counties, like clarion, his services are. felt, and aPpreciated. Ifite . fails . to please all,'it is not from•acts of his thargre not pure ly pMriotic...as he conceives themro be; 'for; he. ,is honest,,open.and fearless-in all- that - lhe.doei".- For his manly stand in, support of a, Protective tariff as suggested by Piesident Buchanan, the' Democratic partypf Pennsylvania will riot tail •fdaward him merited praise.C/arion _bent: .. . . :meeting rii the con r,regation of St. Pauly has'been called for Sun. day er Aur., at the Cathedral; 4 , t0 • take ,into. consideration the • unexpected resignation.' of 131 shop O'Connor ; and to adopt such , measure's .as may lie proper in Orderto,testity the feeting's* of • the Catholics lately under his,ehaege, con sr-quent - on the toss they' have snsLained."— A ,Ritei:ELT;;AN'lon.—The repOrt of. the CO vode.lnVestigaticin committee,"says.•the Lan. caster bitelli,geiicer,' will make a . volutite of. twelve hundred.pages.',- The Reppiilic - an'Heuse af.RfpresentaliVes'have • Ordered their Repub. lican printer to publish 109 ? 000 eopiee for.elec tioneering purposes inthe present campaign. This is .quite a..respectrible.RepubliCan job.. It is taking quite.a slice.of the public funds with Which to nianilfactureßepublican'capital. .The entire expense of the . printing, binding, direct ing, mailing and conveying in the mails. to Abe'. different.paits of ourex(ensive:ciniutry . , these . one Inindred 'thousand vOltunes . ,oll . ..erist .tween a half and three fourths Or of .This is 'quite anitenr, but as it is a• Republfcan job and a' Republican measure it is' all right, Had -the Democrats - ordered - it, the. country would hsie ben astonnileri by . the vvailings efthe . Republican presa.on.account of its unhearit•rif - enormity'and unmitigated fraud upon the'pebple.",. . KINDNESS rtcwartpt;o:—A „youth by:the name of Jno.•Butterwoi th,.of Bedford Co., Virginia,, a ,j'onr - or • too ago tatiiid - an old Englisliman,• then li'ving in Roanoke, laying , by the roadside. in intoxicated and 'freezing condition.— Young Butterworth' prOcured. a buggy,' carried , theold man home, Nvcarr;ed himancl.nursed him,. untii.reStOred..to health... When'the. yountruait was loaiiing 'the house, the old - ientierinan - re marked that-he would remember him.. The .old gentleman • afterwards. removed.. to. Texas,, invested his fltruli and, became.wealthy.' He died. a short time ago;leaving his whole estate to hi& yourig friend, who ihus, becomes worth about. one hu.ridred thousand dollars. - .. .; .THE W90I; Maadmii.--The•To9l . Market haS been unusually active for the:last ; ten At first hdyers i . lTeri.;(l from forty to fOrty;two cents for the beStgrades , ,.butscOn came: up to forty-fiyeland finally: to forty-seven and . :' forty eight cents. .Niiarly all the best lOta•have .. been; taken, and•mostl3 from forty-fiye to:forty-seven. Cerds...'.ThoSa who sold last baile.as a general. thing . done John : LarrOwe:of•CollOctoti . soldhis:clip of some 3,5,9 . 0 Ibs. o» Monday,., at forty-Seven, and Albert Lariowe of Wheeler, sold.hiann the Same - daY at•forty:„eight . ...Wool . • producers.have•haid a good' time year,'and we hope that the buyers will have'' an : rqually good time ;, but of this there, .is a.,sPeelt of: doubt.—l:ulh Courier. .• • • IVAsuiNii•io..4, July 7 • The hoard of medical officers assemble at Baltimore on the 20th of September; for the examinatiOn of assistant surgeons for promo tion, or of -sorb candidates for appointment foc the medical staff of the arm) . es may , he• invi- ted to present tbernselees. .• . Thereare now• thiee vacancies in the , grade of assita. - it surgeons... ' The Presidedt 'ha's recognized, Hen-: oings as vice•consul,of klanoiletldt New York. WASHINGTON, July 8 . • . The Constitution. to-day. announces •IVrn. H., Browne as editor and proprietor, Mr: Bowman having, in . putauance of the arrangements which had been in progress' some time, transferred to him all his 'propriatary interest•in that. journal. Mr. Breckinridge has :formally accepted the nomination for the Presidency.. His letter will ha Publisheid Tuesday. The programme of the Breelrinridge••and Lane demonstration to-niorrow night'. includes a serenade to and :an .address .from Presidebt fir. Pryor spoke two.hours in Phamix hall last . night, defining his position in,regard to, the .Presideney. He declared his preference:for Breekinridge,and Lane over the other -eantli•-• dates.. The building. vac crowded; and the ap 7 : plause great. • • An esteemed correSpendent,..wilting from Smithfield, Johnston county,-says:. g,,Breckin :ridge .andl:ane are undoubtedly the people's choice, but political .managers,are making entbree a Douglas ticketon the voters of . . . . . That, is • nreckinridge, and :Lane ore the 'choice of North Carolina—the clear choice; pn litical managers to the contrary 'notwithstand-. ing.. There isrio use in trY.ing . ,to . ,slue. it gver..: Breekinridge And Lane . ferrn the strongest tickt et in the . field. anywhere,. - or Upon. riny!grOdnd. They are . stronger in themselyes than" any other. They are.. stronger in their 'prineiples, and-t hey' are backed directly by the sure,Pern, neratiC States-and stand the best" chence - .fOr the doubtful ones. The 'game of brag and . 'management vron't:.pay.-117i/ini,G‘on