M!!!!!!=:= Sheiilfs Sales Irjß-TifE:4) f.'ssuroltk ‘yrits,rif Variditin ii .Exponrsii' , Atioi, , iroro/Noid and atirit'Leffariksime(tout.of tho,. Court of Plehrf'Of 'thO' coprity and gtiktd of Pertrisytyuriia . , tome "directed; . , . shall'. e.'xpoiq , puhrie oroutcry, •at. t he C'otirt:llense, in Siriethport, nt 10 d'cinek . 1n the tbrenoop, gont10; the 251 h. thty.of Jena ueict, the fOlipivini: tre:ieribefl:piokrty to . . • . . .'. All the right, title, interest and claim of de fendant to the following . .deacribed.. real estate, situatelir, Ceres township, :11PKeari county,' • Pennsylvania, hounded .and describe"a . ..as •liiws, to wit,' on the,north and east'bylands.rbf , joseplrHodgesi .or, the south and west 11?ylarids. brlllaniet . llu4l4y,:•.6qt4ibiiii nine and three; fourths. acres, including the: 'Mill race, all im proveil;;onwhiCh is elm Grist propelled by either . sti.ain : f;i• ~r vate'r or both; .cine . •steam Saw. mill, 'one blaCksmith • Ahip, .one frarne . bouse;•two Shanty hauses, and,one frame barn An . course of ereetion t irhaing•the lot foimerly •purehased by Charles . Graham • for hydraulic. ALso;—one'othei - bit bounded . on the north .by Keating lands;', on. the, east by lends . of . sepli:Hodgeti; •oCthe soath by of Daniel • Buckley; .and;contlie west by lands, 'of 'Theron 'Cooper aiul'AT...T. Hadley, containing' . twenty: •three acres, more or : less, it bring lot '-No. • IsB, Keatini'survey, unimproved. . • • ALscu—one other . lot . .I) 4 otiiitleci on dm: north • and east by.Keating . land9;...olill . le , ...4couth by. . E vans 'aad S; :Cooper; and on the west by 'Evans and.linward. and...Tames:C. Evans,, being Int N6..1 . 78 rezifing suivey, , n cinf: twining thirty-three. ac:re3 and. Morefive-tenths, or. less, unimproved: •• . ' • • • • . . ALgO;-0110 other bofinded -porch ~by Keating. lands-and landsof 'Knapri;.: Annt h. by Keating lands; 'and west by lapis of Niles Kin being, lot 176 'Keiiting• giirV . py; . con ,. .taining niretpen, and nine , tentbs acres, rricire'or leis unimprpved:—. • . • • ' ' .Seized and akoi.n Execittiinf and ..will.be , Sold as . the rioperl . jr :of ,Tbseph,Wileciic;jame4 Wileex;-and Roswell Miller; ai the'suit..of Ad-. ams gz . Morse.• : • -ALSO= The following, deSeribq. real : estate situnte . . . Noiwich township ; M'Kean countY,: Pennsyl- Vanin, bounded , and described as telleWs to wit: ComMencinv at a. and. corner;. thence, east -one himdred . rodi to a post. chrnerr,thence north One hundred and Sixty-rods _to a post corner; 'thence West one. hundred roils 'to , a post: corner; thence south one 'hundred. and sixty rodi to ihe place of: beginning; bontainind one 'hundred' acres more:or less being part of.-warrant warrantNo, about S or 9 acres' improved, and ohe old ALSO;—all of defendants interest in the fol lowing described lands, vii; one lot of land bounded north; east, souti : Land west by . Unseat ed lands* of, Bennett,' Winans, Jameson .8r: Smith containing 'fifty (5,4 acres, more 'Or . . less,.it being lot N0.'70 of the .alotment of, Binghatri lands in . Keating toWnship; and part of. warrant .Nos. 2270 and 3002.. ..;,Arco;—another lot bounded an the north.bY Bingham landaand 10t'N0,.202; ' on . the eait'by warrant'2o67 and Bingham lands; , on the south 'by Bingham lands; ;and *est by lot No. 202 and Bingham lands;;containing.' fifty-two and ..three-tentfis acres,' it being lot' No. ~80•: of the alOtment of I . 3ing,ham lands in Keating township and part at warrant N0.,3062: •• Arso;-another lot bounded on the' north by .T.'l2.idr.:way; on the east by J, J. - Ridgway•and ethers; .on the, south •hy D. A. Eitsterbrooks and others;: west by 3; J. Ridg way•and G. A, 13radbrook, :containing ,twelve :hundred acres more or less, being parts of war-. rants Nos. 2.tlt.and 2112 in NorwielLandSer 'gean't tonships. ':• .s. ,!AT..so;-sanother lot bounded. on the north . by • J. J. RidgWaY's lands; east by warrantline . No. 2 1 ki'; south and 'west. by J. J. 'Ridgway's lands 'etintaining friar ',hundred. and fifty alerf.s more or less,. being' theipart of warrant No.. 217.1'. ALso;--another lot. of . land bounded. on the' 'north by lands 'of J: ( . ..Ridgway; east by Coo per lands; south am),,West.hY Ridgway . landS; containing two.thousand amteighty-nine . (2oB9) acres,. mare or. lesS, being warrants N 0.211.3 r2S62' ;and the' "east 'part : of • warrants, Nos. .2701.and.'2705 in Nor . wich township.: . . Seized and taicen in rotectition • and will be, .-sold as the. property of J. H. Jaineson, R.% Smith; Z, W. Smith, Winns.and 1). R. 'Bennett &Wm, 13. Warner, Administrators of the estate. of .o.'R;.Bennett, deceased, :ot.the suit of Reuben S. Taylor.. . . The following - described real estate,,' situate • in Shippers township MaF.ean County, Pennsyl vania, bounded and .deseritied- as follows;' on itie.east by . Potter county;:_ on 'the south treat dial north bk:the Driftwo6il branch' of the. Sinneniaborijng creek, it bein.oll that -part Di an Island,iinown as Beyeiiimi Wand thatlieS. hi .M'lCean county,' Conteinik . abOut :three acres More - or leis; all' ,imprOved; one ,laite . - double' saw . - 'mill, . three. frame dwelling. ,hensea, one frame, stere. - hause, and.one . frame barn.: Seized - and taketi in 'Y.:petition and Will be soldaa the .prOperty. of. A.H. BoyentOn and S. G.' Hathaway; at.tbelsuit of Whithick; !Ogg. & :Carter, -ALSO-- The following described real .estate, to wit; a certain two story wood store bOUse, a . building situate on Main street between State and Fill ton.'Streetsi being,. on square, Istit- :59, • in the Borough of Smetliport,,M'Kean cOUnty,-now . in Progress of completion, containing in fronton said. Main street twenty-six feet; and 'in depth• fifty-sirt feet; , and the l'ot or plece•of ' - grOund and•cortiledge appnrteliant to Saul building 'Seized'and taken: in Execution and 'will be . sold as the property of Henry Williams, at the suit of,J. A. -Bright now -for the. use of Ghordis'COrwiti.. • • • • --ALSO The following described Reallestate situate in .Sergeant township, iW.Kean.-cotintY, Penn sylvania, bOunded and described as Niows, . to . wit; beginniug at a sugar 'tree coiner being the mouth wed corner of the lot and the north west corner Of.the:lot.originally,mveyed and Owned by Benjamin B.. Copper; .thence east one bun dred rods to a post corner; thence north' one hundred and sixty rods to aTest corner; thence west one hundred rods to a post; thence South one htindrad and sixty rods tp.tho ,place of be ginning,•containing ono bundreiracres 'of land, more . or' less, 'being- part .of N0.•94, Cole •roite survey:of said township; about ..20 acres Tartly. improved,. and two' old log, houses there , , • Seized' and taken in I.:Xecution and will be •aold'as theTroperry.of John GlOver 011ie suit of James M.:Miller use of Johnson Shepard.l . -ALSO= , . . AU' the right,..title; interest.and claim ..of feridant'to tha following. described real estate situate in 'Keating., tOwnship';,WKeari eatinty Pennsylvania, bounded. end described` as fol-' louts, to .wit;' on, the. north by: Keating hindsk, • On.the.east by Potatoe,ereelii 7 . on , the.,south by. the State. road.. leading from Coudersport, to Smethpot!; on the. west: Amos, Bishop , and' === . . Ot . e e cohtainiog, about tnty , • . fry we acres tviore.oi•les!i,' abOut pre.nty neres im proved, orie p'ew.lFzule ftztne bap told rtboiti o ; doleii . froit.'rree's. ' eataken in I.lzeention.. and 'will lie sold as , the 'riri - perty or A . :" ,iti• the. 'snit of S. • • f 2 • • •,t•All that pieee'or.pa' reel ofrtand sititate la' the township of F.l.lredi,.'tounty of...X'Ketin, and 'OrPennSylVania;..l.funded on the north' by. land. of R . ....Lh0p; east byDaVid 6oOper; , south by . iteitting lands; antlr'westv lEdatmli, lands; said land being'-part oP yi-ariant NO: 2086i' sobp division' contaitting twenty-five '('2s) - ackes of land moteroiless; abont,teh aeresirriproVed .one . log: house, one,log. barn and:,shingle'sbanty.. Seized and taken in .FlkeeittiOin anil Ivoll be sold it s the property, of Tames Drake, at the suit of .E = . JOhn Fodes and Geerga N. Fobea, Ad- Ministrator4 oflohOTobes, deeeased. Thelo!lowing, described real' estate, situate `in Lafayette, N'Kean . county . ; ;Pennsylvania, bounded and . described'as . followe r •to, Witj, be. ginrihig,rit.a. post corner of the:lot lin•the rend leading to Olean ; and on the' south line of lot No. 29, atl.,afayette; thence west. by lotp Nos. 2 29 and 19 .two.hundred andthirty4liree perehrs to a poet; thence south, by let N0.,18, • 0ne -tired sixty-nine and ;six-teaths,:perehes tq a corner of tlienea east 'one handfed' and sixty rierchei (160). to the tifOrernenticined road; 'thence by. said . ioad'Aerth twenty T two degree's eastone hundred 'arid eighty perehes to the*place of 'beginnliig ; containing ono hundred and ninety-Pix4l7Cres.ancl one half ,a6;e,', be the 'amonore or less, claimed by dead ..from.',To 'seph Wash and. Sarah' his -wife, dated the 10th day day of March. 1810; .about- eighty acres itnL proved, one frarrie house; two frarne-barns,:and about sixty - apple treeP and two wells of 'cater. . Seized and taken in'Forecutio.n. . .be sold as the prnportof 'Alpha Aforse at the Suit of Timothy 'reinter,' •: • • -A ESO-- AB the'right, title interest, and claim of the defendant to the following Acseribed Real Es tate,- bounded and ,dsscribed as folloWs,' Beginning at a'post at the N. W..corner of•lot No.'lfil ofl.he plotment de the Bingham lands in Keating township convoyed to Ezekiel T. Hdag; thence north 1 1-2, eastone hundred and - . sixteen perches; thence soutb.B9:east one Min- Axed and fifty-six percees and four...tenths 'of. a. : perch and thence south,,l 1-2 west ,one hundred • nineteen perches ~ and fonn : tenths of a •perch to a Beech; thence no4lBB west one hundred and fifty-six perc .a wo tenthcor a peva'to the place AL ;ling; Containing...one hinfdred 'aricrifing.eres . and four4enthe of an acre; be ;the Same. more •or less,'with an allowance of six per , cent. for roads,•&c., an d' being lot No. 57 of the Mot; mentor the Bingliain lands in Keating town, 7 ' ship, and - partof 'Warrant No.. 2 I:05, situate in Keating tainmship..M'Keati 'county Pennsylva nia; .abmit forty acres imprOved, one old franie, house and o ne •old log house ..and a few : small fruit trees; eiied and taken in' execution and will be Said as The properly of EnoCh Briggs, at the suit of Joseph Reed Indersoll 'and John Creel; Miller, Trustees of threeequal undivided fifths, and Charles Willing ,, Trustee . " of the .other,tivo eon! undivided fifths Or 'the Estateformerly of Bingham 'deceispd. • • • , -ALSO . . All. he . right, title, interest and claim of the' jefendant to the folloWing, described Real Es tate, - Bounded and 'described as, fOllciWS:-Be ginning at the . south-east corner Of lot tIIOL 178 of the aletrhent of the . Binghatin JandSitiKet ing.titrnihiii, conveyed toHirarn thence notth east. ono ,hundred and sixty-five per ches tp a. corner on the. bank:. of foal' Creek; thence; easterly the several .cotirses Said . creek tn. the Bust line Of Warrant '20.90;, thencesouth 11 . -1, west one hundred and forty six thence north 88 .I=2, .west one hundred fifty-one-one (151) petches to the ,place of. beginning; containing .1.455 9-140 acres,: with'en", allowance' 'of six per cent. for .romls, &c., be the : 14fle;rriore or le'ss; ..it.heing N 0.270 and 280 of the atotmeia of the . Bingham' landi. in Keating township and parlof.:l%iarr)nt No. 20,90,..ii Coate .in . .Ic.entlifg- township, .ilic- K6ake.ounty; PennSylVania;, a bout , forty' pores impreited, one fratrte . house . one frimie bare and .shed,.one spring bailie, and about 'one hur.dred. 'bearing fruit trees.' - Seiged and -taken in execution, and will be sold as . the property of Thornton'Barrett, jr:, at the suit of 'Joseph Reed..lngeieoll and John Crfieg TrUstees of the equal undivided three fifths, and:Charie's'•Willing; Trustee of the other two . equal tindividell fiftbsi of the . 'es: tate formerly Birgham,•decea..,ed,' , • ,TOSEPII'MORSE, Sniethport,..Tune 7th 1860: . P 0,1-1,1<• &;-.1.171_401TR • • WHITE EISIr AND SHAD..'' TALLOW . 4 s MARINE CA:NEO.I_,TES,. , • WARRANTED_ TO 'STAND IN' HOT WEATHER, yuii..ALE AT • 1146W51T.'.1.U.S August 13 , .1559 County Directory. Pres't ..rodge—HOh. R. G.White;.Wellsboro Tioga Co. Pa. Asseia . te Judges —lion..J.-Dailing,..Stnb!hport, • Hon:'§. Holrries,•Brailfoid. ...Slieri/F-Joseph Morse, SpothiNift " Prothonotetry=Sanin'el C. I-Iydo, SmothtiOrt. Register and Recorder—C. •K".. Sartwel!iStiuith-, 'Treq.7itrer, (pirOlena:)--Enos Parginp; pr,adford Cohnik , sia»O.s.Daniel S. Keyeii, Eldred, W • Colegreni e .Norwich; 'WelsonPetkbody conimio,sioners.' Clerk ...Li'. R. Chadwick, Sl-tieth port. Amtiiici,;.s.-;;13. C,. . Corwin, Stnethport,, V. .P . Carter, Ceres. . • . . . . . . "Disttict Atti)Tey:—AVarren Cowles, Stnethpoit. Cure”er.--James Bond, Lafayette.. '. ' • .• THE TONGS AND VICE. THE,.SUBSPAII3Eit would infornithe citi .. • • tens of Port Allegany, ant - the Stirrount ing country; :that tie is prepared to do'all kinds I:TLACKSMITI.-lING, • In all its different branches, in a workmanlike manner, with morhptness dispatch warran ted to'give satigfaction, . • • " • -• • WAGON -WORK MILL , - IRONS I attended tci in..gooil: style, 'and 'tit reasonable rates.- Particular attention paid•to . " . , . . " Horse Sho6lll.cr, • • Frum experienee in the,business, :entire s'atis fee i guars titeed. .J. D,'OTTO..* Port Allegany, Mardi 1860. 4 . 11 persons owing meS, or 'haying un., settled "accounts, are. earnestly requested. to Call' and settle the same without delay . ; . there by saving cost and trouble. J. D . . OTO. ;*..t,40'::•00:'4,* SPRING, SALES. 111 3,..111141 It, . . RE po!..v.iirepsreddd,exhibit one' or.:the,lVi /I..get ariil. best selected stock of : .'• • FOREIGN . AND :.DOMESTIC I DRY GOODS evqr oiTered in Olean I*hC,iitirticuln! attgrition of ,customers is it to to 't:he:tbilloiying . tipa . ttments ot,' • NECESSARY, ant SEASONA GOODS SUGARS, DELAINES, • SA 1111Al'iTS, SHAWLS, CLOTHS, MO 'L ASSES, BLEACHED MUSLIN, CANDLES, STRIPED • SHIRTING, SNETE,'GrI4GHAIV,I, MEA GS'ND THREE SIIILLING.,GAITEIZS; TOIVFICCO'ANB RANCT. , SILKS, PEN ' PER,'.I , TIVEN , .TABLE:`CLOTHS, SPICE, LADIES CLOTHS, •'' • ;HENS BOOTS, BLACK' SILKONDIO9, - GRO:,. • CLOVES, DENIMS, HECK SHIRTING, CRtAM - TARTAR, [BLACK; WHITE, AND BL FIE FRINGE, PAPER AND -BORDERING TO' TC 'WOODEN WARE, • •POTATOP,S3I A SIIERS AND WILLOW. WAGGONS, • EMPIRE CABS. , . All of,,whieh we.are.prepnred to Offer at pri ces that will dify all Competition.. 'and see how much lOWer goods 'can be sold that 11T; paid for wheal:might: • , • • • • lOOP-SKIRTS,' SILK, CROCXERY GLASS WARE, A plEs- COLLARS, caAsp AND TICKING A eul! a'ssoriment.of IIEADIJAIE OLOTIIINC. ryill alivnys . kept on band ;a' the late6t want. T 911 can• find it for 50 cents, and the best in •'the Stitte One word , more :=We ' 'cordially invite .all who visit Olean to call and sea us . before pur chasing, as'it vvill,.no•doubt, be to. .your inter est.. 'Our facilities for.' boying, are: unequalled' by . those . of 'any other dealers, in'the Country, as expgri.ence.. makes " perfect. N. 5,.. BUTL*R. has spent mach of hiSilme in theeastern'mar ketsrfor the.past ten , years ; he flatters him self of being thoroughly posted on ilie . :Cash yajtie of goods, in the' eastern citieS, and has selected' this stock with great poi°. • •- Thia large and commodious store may bb rotted 011 Moine gt., No. 4 . . Excelsior Block,, where" you will . always fled us ready to . give the best bargains in town: . :N. 13.:Blit . TLER',8c L. IV. G'invonu,' • PitINTS, COFFP y Nc AS; always has and idWay.awi!i•taka the lead, and reinlate the markei in Don't fail to call. and see . rile when, you visit Wean ; 'I shall not hurt yOu, - but shall, crtainly Ty to do you gOoO JOB: I-111.T.NrEING, , :, OT.EyII2I/' .D.ESCRIITION,• . . NEATLY, CI7AiLYANIi''.E.76.EDIIIOI7IILY . , . • • '..DEkto.oltA . .i'..:•'ol , 'l 7 , l . T.CE. • ) 1 .1 hi , ELI 4 • -11"1 .EIINB'D. HDKES • BLACKSMITHING TTAVING ren4 , 4 'the. ehoit.'attached; to the I - IS t h por t 'F,tll/..N AC the , spbsoribere are now prepared . to 0 ail , kinde or blackernithink. Par,liCalar attention paid tuhorseshoeitiet. • . • . VAN DYKE WING. Nuv. a, IS3U. : • 1-1 If; 0I4) KJ ;••"I.' 0 N ST OE, ,„ , "A:T,OUE'AN" STlTlL.,'"rilt .I .. .K.':'cOIIISTOCK nn ANNOTIN,i..7ES' 71'.01TIS . rt.- old frit.inds-i4l{lclCtiti Cotintli, that he is on.h . arid this Spiing With the -' • . LARGEST-AND B) ST' Selected stock qoods . in: the ()Ivan:Marko To..lThules.ale.fash .114ers''.11Vpuh . 1" . . 81$ can oiler ion. better induCe . nie nit; Ihn you tianget:'ivOstof - ' . . . It in,4l.:B,ty),diffetertCo . oil wTint,.any hiiig:in the line of G'l3.ociEgin,.s . 4. J .: To rtsbpiys, Call'ut the OLD, KEYSTONE . . . And yotl ivi)l find the nidicle.frinth:nnActiepit it's no use'tdlkiiig lUe KEYSTONE STORE Groceries and Provision, 01,1) FRFEtkinS,AND NEW : ONES, J. K. COMSTOCK. r.)-3 Olean, May 23d, 18110 • 0101 tit eie2 z rri CaP) F i C.) rt 4 111 0 H rt 3 oat IA • cit c 4 u 7/EN 0" 125 L°l ent& te 4 , Arrtv., • S YMCA Ur.'" •aL""' 0:0P, ~,%?,4.,:13: ' :37 MOM ..k.g604,1iit,.:;,.' , TliE'ONE.Pnict ....: , ..,, , . ,, i'-;' - '.:::: , ...• . : , ' , ,,: - ::„.': . ;.:„.„ . " . ;!:.'i,• • ••';' . ..".. R.. ~ , '...:..:'::,,...,, :.....,.:;.‘,.....::::,,,:"......- ..,." ......:.:„..: THE OLD PLACE,. THE CHEAP,STORE, OREAT IIARGAINS :::c:vsi , P 11: :1 .. '4i.0- *AT:'..TI-t44...; ONEyPRICEIGULATORTi. Wori are , Doie-mine . to Urictoi;g43ll •• ATNRK:THAT !.I: OLD FREENDS,KNOW AL ABOUT iT New Ones Nig Come And Judon'For Themselves. purchliso'vvilr esti* the most skeptical %hit there is only one place • to buy, fast ,clais, goods, at very loisr prices, and that place-is die ONE , POICE REGULATOR. The on . e . price eyetem'itvee ,the , beet entbitbc SUPERIOR. GOODS, ELEGANT STIiLES, NEW .EASHIONS, FAVORITES; : c. LOW PRICES., EVERY THfNG YOU, .WANT 'AT THE ONE PRICE REGULATOR, . . . . . • The real , head 7 quartere. of ;trade, iri Olean and the •grand Emporium of, eite!y thing, new, neat and s!ylish.... If you have the 'GASH and want.to buy the BEST • . DRY GOODS, FA NC Y. -0001)0, `GENTSFURNISHING .goons, ROUSE FUJINISITING GOODS, FIATS : ANtI . :CA PS) . ' BOOTS AND SHOES, EVERY . tiIING, 60:TO THE ONE PRICE. REGULiATOR, THEREI'OU will find -geode remarkable for their beduty,. , durability, superior ' • •-' manufacture and. They will be 'Ofeielf • • tq yea at the lowest pessiblej • ' figure; . die liist frenif that' • price :there can be 1V o T 7 0 N. Remember—one Prices—lier Stylia—Strl4 IntegiityL-cieh. • . THING & MILLER. Forraetly, THING :: N. S. ,HUTIR. Olean, April 23. 7 pok igeal 4 t : • Li" '" ''‘ 4 • ~‘,r EXCELSJOIV-B K d 14: ; °LW; 410 ' ',qt. r, yot , Ickipping congimlly; 911 , 0.1 1 04 k MA,01101flikto: , supply' and itssortmept of -tht !melt ',41111. 11 4, 4 1 . * c . NII of llord%l'ore! gloe,rolly,' l sePt-4 the JobtliNg _ nd VISAIdr 41,t4Filitra , many bianufactui:art. • ti celebrated , " DON'T Miss DON'T• :FORGET IT, /111 - kDDRIV lk WIC10: fel' .e. A , • Also tpose of yr EIC ,& GRITFIHS,Iisn i , • other iniiers, Tt • .•. , .i.; A.. , . , :., , "..tni , -1 - . 'A.II;II,A.IIK'S"..SCALES;.,--4•'-'..0.§--4:'‘,)..! RUBBER . .4I;EAT 61 N 8 3 ' STE_AR .18 Opetii led) CO OKINWSTOVIIS • • ‘v ) 3. GIASFor, SO, gorte,se ? • , 1'44 IPit o lio § , EVO l SittitilL 4 ` • .; RT Lc LES AT JN,il4b2tifoCtitiitjis . . . . Alao ^ l iwopoie iconlall.l.CoMminioh from, my . LARGE imd• Wg,4l;,i3lktpertD -STOCK_of • ' SHELF iiiii'oihe;-HARDWARNO 1., ~.~'.. In*.the selection of tettieb t:kistre inich pains, gieen.:.mg . ::par,iintal attention' theyeto: ' " ' •-• HOUSE VRtmiVikos, • .. 'COOKING igiut.PARLOR r ofeveiy-desirablp . . • Low.PRICES, PECK AXES; SPADES, PITCfi;FORKB; LEAD Pirr,S; LAMPSfoipm,..CAMPHENE, FLUID, and ' - ; •-1 the My motto The'Largest Sales of e very,BEST 'OOOOE4 the LOWEST Es= eieneiatitre Erieee: l 4oree the Leigeet Profits to the Seller, .fninishes thelloyer with the Cheapest and Best'Ag#o, Iss4,4pit; gives the best.satisfaetionet , . , , .•,. ti8ER4L...615,600iT5.,',117.111.„13.E,MADi: • • If:people will p'ay 44!fot,no . better , articles; tithe! placei, it e t -own fault and nottnine. ' • In condoction . ..Witht e above, I aM able to ,sivply on atioit : ' CROCKERY; T/N,:,.."..., , ,. :),.. t, HEET-IRON , ' , 4.'VOPPER !Having in nyr;kni;f9:i.ppmieini aild:,,expvi eficed workrnen . who.so work ha? neyer ; h►ile~i ' • JUST . RECEIVED 50 • DOZEN v.— HOES; I ,'.-' ''ii , : y, -,,' , —. ' 30i' 's t SYTHESi.), ,t, , t'.1,,, 500. 1C.EGW0V.:..15T1A1.1.34 :;:' 4 "- - :',. l ' c -Y , NFW YOBK"PIVI • ' .' 'ADDING :TV: ANSP,OrtAT ''.' • • HIVE- . D 't ,g. 4 , 4..4 , ,4, ± km ; ~( 7 . , V '!,vAPANTEPAs:,•riI.yAR6,tt.dI,,' SOLID' SHANK . . .$6O- , 34. , .: - --AlolkgratlLXlll , V,•'.. ,-, ' i ' 7 °gaibefs?:o 44 ' 4 _, l 4*.iii. '4***:•11IVOI!. ; .!:. factotert prr01ic,:44,441074 . isiNirflYpi , "Vru : cAS/c4Aliritfirftift, " .#0.40,*1 ',. • .:. , C' . '"Nt - 33 13,2tat1 la ''' ' . ..'4'siAl'i_Or**o 4 / 40. :-,. No nd . 3'04i.5 1 03 0 4* ..,.:,.-. ~: _.,;.., , ,..; , : , .", ,, 0 .01iyin' c 'May l'.4;18 - 6C-' '. ' ' ' ••%' '':,-,''' ' .., . .•, . . • ~ FALL Itivit . ,,,N4ALs, - , MiMniM Pattern' ND ;• BLAWNIT/18 1 . AND T.o S; Of the Most approvedManataatir4:V . i . is iviAtioOts,- . ; ,RAKESI' :puctql.si; y,,,.:. - 'i :,..-. . :,.yi*.,,rx-BARROWS,. PTIAIRSi..I , -'':- • * if ...'" . ;.: . :',.',Tittiff(Gg FtER.OSEgE, TO DEAt/A4Si: ALL KINDS OF MOS ~i~y:}; .. ~. .. r : `~1:~ ~ ~..:~1'._.... PAINTS, WON' r. sH9VELS, ll= PAILS,