M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, June 21, 1860, Image 2

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    fir cli~nnd from wh i ff ti : 6 ! l , ? rt q uo,
-xne or his . eolleagues
(Mr. 13 . 4eberfits,oti) came into , this
. 1-llonAe with 'a
resolution s -in .. expressly endorsing the
.; - -4iistiet,.t6.lbe,PletTlOWs:,6indict,. to ..0o be-.
ginning the War. .2 So; hi r t be, found,hims elf bettiSirAk tiarp,46eqaed .."to gitis the. Prdside,ni
oithing:itboo the original
j ()to was inclined .to ,go
•!. : with , a pa-,
.---'.;sitioit.'hii,ciiiiif:;ttaftife-eo.,:::1-te ahead feel
'e•leftlthnle le the "Pege•
!the , Abov,O:e*traernoti- , perhapi *soh
-000efliteriljtit4,iiet•tpo ideti'•'6f Mr. , Lincoln
could":not__veto for' supplies,
some'. ity
Previous ,tU this Mr.l.ineoln hid taken., issue
NrithlSfr:rcilk in regard - Jo the-inasSabtesUf our
citizens by , soldiers .on Ameripan soil;
okstited . to his 'in-
ti:odueing series:•of resolutiops, .requosting
the Prestdent to Tarnish the House With infer..
*nation -id Ai' sr in 'Toes's where
• • the i giassac took The' folio wins `are ..a
, re . •
portion'of thesevresolutiOnift• • •' •
'l, , Andirlitsresi;-This Riterse is desirOus to ob
. teln - a full knowledge:of the faCts,.,which,,go to
establiiitqWheitheithe,liarticoliir - sper on Which'
the bleitstrOroar citieess Was shed; was, or was
not, it . t at time;%our own soil ;:'therefore, •
Resolved ilb4ed offte presehea That
the • President of.the linked States respect
fully:requested' tkihfortii this Rouse 7-•:•
• • Ist :Whethe'ethir':ojie on which the • blOod•of
our - citizens Wai'shedi as •hii,,Blesintge de
clared; ,Waii:,or,Wtisliot Within' the. Terri tory .of
Spain, st,lassi 'after the trier or Villa,: until
•• the Mexican
~'•:' :
'spot Or. is not within the
•, Territery,which was mire - Steil froin Spain '.;by
thireYolutionity ioirerninent of Mexico. •
3il. Whether thic.iot II note within .t he set.
t r lsnuentet peiple,-whichtsettlement has ,side!
eiy . w
,gltieg lopg ). 5 9 0p r , the Texas Revolution, rind
tintilitsinhatnitaqts tled . ,liefoie the approach of
the United States Army ."
YettilOtStPlß4niMii:nyltirise : the remarkable
English above :iesolu t ions, and .which'is
in`every way unworthy of one sfiringing to the
dignity of the highest Orme in the
,world, We,
wouldetiliettY' st ihistii ihetnaniiefin WhieS
the iii!ortli, spot. *frequently .used.tn these
resoltitioo, whickt,hns ,ginen tri'Mr 7 - :Aincoln
the name of ixspcir,r.Liordts,?.,
Gitfti~sc§ ox riffs arch agitator
Aholitieriio'.ibs Drendeille:yasf week,
where 'he toila fortfi"'• large asseniblage
Of the Obi'Weiiiee .. of both serer.: ;:.
„ .
Alicint twilit years , ago; this-man Giddings
waaceniered House of Itiiprenen=
tatiees; for'presenting .a.,petition fora, the disio.:
lution . fif Abe Union.; and Probably escaped ex
palsOn by, resigning. his seat. He is
expoinder ;i4'S'venr-ttlie'properest.' thin in 'all'
the', world . to. give Utterance to the .tresson and
,fanitiCiatii 'Of :a crass 'Of. snivelling,:nigger.wer
shipilie dolts,whinie ravjogs brought, old John
Einwe to , the hilter,And would to.:day seek to
light the torch of ciVil War between the.Nerth
.4,rico'hi.;:rstrir:sirdent'lilak 'Republl . can i •whci
• was. somewhat exercised over the, report we,
'• made in:the.Repub,lic, that tii.nine. • American
Aldertrien:M;the,present„Cenocit .repudiated
• course of, , the.Contworint; and.siere.unanimous
in:their Jecision,.not , , ;.support the Chicago
tickset at,present, took ituPon't'•hitnself, to call
. rod, the gentleman 'separately io 'ascertain, the,
trutli,of; the assertion. learned fronri eight
of,thim Oat , it wail ,true, ';and.:; concluded he
would. not trouble himself - cibout Ending out
f;em the °thermember. The Amerieans say
ithey'wilkwither . be sold or traded 0ff.—844.-
• & I . Re 0 04 4.• • ' • • . •
;Tuts''. Heilat&i,ein flits,ht•The' ffomestead
Bill, hash been , lent to a committee of cOnfe,rencc
betrieenAbi - H'citise and the 'Senate', they, having
failed to agred'hiipir iti'iirOvisiothi. - pres s.
eat eiptiettianCes' thithie'nOt 'rtru eh ;prOl;ability
of the piatittee'of:a Homestead; Bill'at thie.see-:
siotc. f'Tile,llettubliCith jotirtudir annehtfre that
the:Haase:Will not 4code from its bill; - but
prefer 9ii;hatter 'Adult!' fall, ih' , .hitlei: to
• threw the'respohsibility Of defeatupon the Sen.
ate.'.' It is, calculated that this would tell hgaifist
,the Detiociatic-patt t ' in the iOnliag' campaign;
particularly in' the Western States: Rather
'than . 'be , : deprived; ' I so' mach 'el action Cori rig
capital; ithe.Reptiblichns of-the Hattie will .de-
Xnattd each concessions frotmthe: Senate as to
reader.thepassage woultbnot answer.. the;:de.
sigifso*ill is its defeat, they
Will ' take
' go
,care" to secure' te .
Reich That Mr: Gteeley shOuld be aston.
ielted;etul, astounded, at the megnitutle of his
work 11 Chiertgo writee Webb; :
,does not
derprile - 481-,ard - . 'When, ad 'is most assuredly
destined'tit lie the Cale;•he-findi his enormous
villkeltlyviriolition-Aattailed,four.tiftbs in nnin
ber, aittl! his phltfical.,,Mience, gone.'forever,
beestue(ol his treachery en4;falsehood, he will
t4lilto:eeen';,more,thin. , •he now (Ines that he
' -
has schieved more titan he,hargained tor. He
alita4ltwtfellriOlte.,heedwriting. On the wall
Whi4h,rofb4....4tie certainty of hid punish.•
Ill rik,t o „Atti'Mliroi and .4 would fain dh'ide
w9h . 'PYliaitbereeponeihility‘Of, an set which
Wee WplOr, intre.'[.oottliequalte . e , ..of h i e; Intriviea,
"' , •
' '7 4l ! lt ietaitewPaat i !".Ttaintitlicanletwnal of the
bk 3 P 4 1 1 .4' 'olthe.,Ghicago
j P o6:e l'x i ." llo : oo " ..ol "iu'itY
A1 11 0 10 4 111 01"Aloi,W halo `: *noekell: - .Oe's
`',,Mtno 101 ki l ljnalrOill0 - p)er4iel'Oslasa7 of
r 1 1 11,1 4 , Z i kt ,0 111,1111 " i * l i tt; then
•4P 611 44 1 # • ,n,,, 4 ti , *4 1 ; 1 0 , 4 11 6; . for::.Tohn
end Litt
40 4!4 ' , ,,, ,." 1 - ' ,
:1414, 0' tn4ikSich'6diliad'ar
v 4 ;'•0 #lefiriftiet;iimir:Kiaias;
as a'siititititute,
,- • '
• .
girlitettlit '
' ‘h.' 4 4 , 4 s', • 44,‘
12, pgviriteitz'feil.c. 's - ';
. • DAkit9"6,. •
119 .- Missnu..str'n,,NotoPyik,'!and)ti
ItlrrT.ENGXtri: fak the,
AVV/Caikii .DliSinnnAt antl: the; innat influential and Tarawa
,tir.cnlating Newapaparsiii
Atlas. Thajr.iire autlitirlaed 19.-aontract.
'•-• • ..:•• • ••
- LATltth ' • • • '
ii.:46 : Corge. i
• itaOToll.6.
I . .traderick 'Serve'r . . J. 'l2;eoVA.i'. '
2. ym. C.,Pattar4om 15' Geo. Jaeklon. '
3 Jds. cr0dka,1i,":0 7 ..06 J. IT:
J•. Breoner„' j. 13. Daimer. •
5 W.lacohy. CkiMorcl.
6 Char Je ss Kelley.; 19 Lee. ' •
7"0. P.'James. ' B. flowol.
8 DtlYhr,Scholl. ..21 'N. P. PrlierMan .
9' j. - L.,,LightOer.„ .22. Samuel Morahan.
16, 8., 8 . ..8arber.,• 23. Bank.: 4
11:T. H. Waßier. '2l B. D. Hamlin.
12 S. S.• Winchester: '25 'Gaylortl 'Church.
13'Joaeph LaubOch.: ' • •
At.a meeting of:the citizens of SmethpoK,
.'and vicinitY, held rif the Court House,'on Tues.
day . evening list, for the . PurpoSe of making,
,suitabiearrar geMenta for celehrating the cam.
ing . 46 of. Jul y..:Enoi,'F'arsons-was called to
the Chatr,and 13. F. Wright chosen Secretary.
On motion,. Cooks, and C. ,K,
Sartsvell, were Chosen'tO•elect Speakers.
Ford and Lady; C: X. Sartwell .and lady,
PSrsons and lady, S. .C. Hyde and lady, H.
Hamlin and lady,' and R. , •S. Mason' and lady,
'were constituted a committee, for mahing gen..
,eral arrangements,'with. power to select such
assistance as shall he- neeessary ; and to ,pre=
Rama progiamine for pplilication in the county
As the, giUntilittee of IltringeinentS
failed to repoit• a programme; we take the re-:
aponsibilitY of extending - tr'general invitation
of attendance; , teleat and
drink—lemonade 'Of course—aad.plenty . of
• • : • .
italk." • It will undoubtedly-lie a•great time
andiftbe committee'=''do'not report, we can
Make our own. arrangen,enl3;.. we are bound to
•`celebrateiat all events: We have a word of
advice, however, : don't get tight ttfore break-
Ast!..the fonrth will be.a long day.
on our table, and as usual, is filled to overflow=
jag: with choice Matter and handsome' illustra=
tions"..-:The Publisher announces important
changes,ln the July' number: The form Will'
be changed .to a royal octavo of 32 pages ; and
Abe 'editim 411 charge :of the:Horticultural Pie=
liartment will he assumed hy•William Saunders,
;,the distinguished - writer.. In addition- to this,
a large - number of the iblestwriters on Agri
aulture in the country, have
,consented to '.con=
tribute'tti the-pages of the “Farmer and Para
.eatir.". With' these 'great . ' attractions, it Will
lie one of the hest, al it is now IMO of the hand.
summit and cheapest,publications, in the country.
Persons desirous orexataining the new Work,
`can proeure a copy without charge, by address.
• ing •the Publfsher A. AL SrApier.an,
IVizairns` informs us that,. he
has much difficulty' in : ohtaining .the 'necessary,
informstion from , the . citizens of the. c.onnty,
trein,ihe,fact ? that,not : .,Very' few of the. Men
are at their homes when, eaiij; anti there is
no person who can give the. proper answers,
and that . it Will be, almeit impossible to . finish,
I)ie'vvork in'the time p
limiter] rescribed; unless
. ,
answers are prepared beforehand; left
the houses.. hope no person' who reads
this piper will fail to Write out a list afis
were 'to the questioni,. which have beretrifores
been published, .and thus With Out inconve;
-Menet to themselves, expedite.lhe work. The
iniortnatiori,iiferded in the census. reports re of
great importance 'to all, and : all ought cheer
fully `work, and strive to :make
thereitirnS as correct i,s posiible.
Johan GAtrinArru:-.—lt is with sincere feelings
of regret . and Sorrow, that we announce the
deatti.of GAr.CRAITII, the respected
•Fiesident Judge of',Lrie pistrict: 11e
. djed at
.kiirlo4; Erie; on Friday morning . last, : at
about five o'clock,' „ Aged 66,years. • • .
. . .
Judge•Gitibraith was an able. Lawyer and an
,•, • . .
OPright . Jildge,. and it be erred,•it was ever on
the side of mere andOnlehallof the unfortn
nate: He wasi gentlemiti ..in his deportment,
and his ifinesoeial•qtittlitiesotiade him a favor
ite with all elasses. We ctip: the:. 'following
fivintbeErie Obserther :• '
c•Judge G's last.hours were peaceful, and he
died•without a struggler His last words were
•charaiteristic. .Turning to one of'hii attend.
ante; he said—ciOn account, of 'the illness of the
Judge, the Court will adjourn until the. llth'of
July.' . .Nr.•.•ll4—'----idjourn the Court." Soon
after, when his Phyriari 'arrived, he recog
'nizSd him by:amotion of the head, then closed
hiseyes, and Went, to, sleep like an .infant."---
Viro known him, long and ,
, who haye. intimately,
efoseour.liatity obituury , by Sayin; cpettie to
the,l7prightl ' udge; the Public Spirited 'Citizen,
to thiG4dltiaii , -
No-Ltestrsze:The judgesi Of Warren Coun
ty _Courts , haye decided not to graidany Been
iser tit ,qellliquor :in-that• •county; ••thepresent
- ' • • ,
•,; "At tho.p - lioidn . SaloPlP.ean be found all.sorts
b,,, ,,
of Fire..Wel . rlo', litic "ao,ROclcet4; Roinlin..Cele'
O l eei'ao ol ll l 4..:llibee . Crackeis, Sro.
are intended "foe potsi e use s all . within ` l Ol be
,"; ; • -• Gus in riumettiporG
:t4l‘!,wOek vre . rOtzhred
Ilatrr;!' stas rrianufar...
gna :for hik own rig", It .sitror its us' great
pleisaro'fiOtv to 'itate, that the voithy: enter
has. lieerGiri;;;tioewith
sodcsss,;,onti.the last 'eyrning;:.fer the first.
t#ne,im'ocir hi . story., Gas, mnnufnctOred
Itfiqreqa : Cool; Was ritaarly Atieit ~b y hi r 6 -for
• . • . , • •
Although the' wor}:e . uie: of; the mint
e:linratter,.got up withent 'the least
.part . di.'signor s
their yery.defee.tsgiya. .
undertaking itrimgest evideneU
bfctifei entire feasibility -. of the . ndertaking ;.
IliuVwd here havalhe',fact—,patentr to; all who.
will take the, trouble . to call and:aee:it-.-.that.
iVleKean Ccial:contairis . ..Gua.that can, be, adVin-.
,tageptudiused fOr iliutninatirtg;parpoaes; eitber .
„ .
'We' Will take Some.pains‘to post ouir.readers
On the quantity and cost of, light prodoc6d:in
'thisway•so soon assfolltritil enables Us to do
,it fairly . .. Meanwhile we.ask •all our -citizens
to call aid-see Mr.cllaskell'et . .works, ft:4 2 Iheim;
selves, and advise'theSe'who would tuu've. cred
it for enterprise, to:
imitate hiS exampe'•
It is • also AirOraly of, note. that the.•entire„
Werlis are 'of dornestie - -mantufeetUre— , all, 'With
the exception . of the, Pipe and' Murices,. having
been madehere... TO Mr. IlaFirell, : :is'dne the
'credit for flue design of all: Tl:44:2Puirnace and
Itetort.were cast.b.y-IgesSrs.iranDyke Rr. Wing;
at . the S'met . hport:VOundry, rind the Gasometet:
was maile•af the establishment of E.S.'Mason.
• .
, . .
ivho 'occupies sartAvall'i,.'Sthre Room ; 'offeia
• . . •. . .
,great indlinernnets, to theist wishing to pur,
ehrisenlothirig.: .lie has' aa , Mtteasiyn , assort
ment; which he ntreri._, to dell, at.. lower : prices
thannver sold , i,n this vicinity. Give 'him a'
We, again crill,the atfention of our farmers
to..thdfact that VA
'11 . 40, arid are constantly 'aiaaufactaring, at. the
inethport,Furnace;:a sopOrior article of Sholicl
.116%%5,,ns well as Caltiyators,4ad are' offering
them,st • . prii•eS.:•whiCh any man can atiOid to
:A: word from . Ai/IA.10;1 . g the
Regiatpr," infornis us that this isiahlishment,
is being with anew, stock of good's.
This. 'enterprising firm r ,are not_behind' the best,
in the inducements offered . purchasers,or in
the 'ainount'of,th'eir'sales,' • .
,We received an account •of.trlarge o
milk frOM a covvi•owried by ..a . resitlent of 'Aber
ty toWii.Alp,-Which is misplaced: If our friend
will . agnin give us the yparticblaiii . we will be
pleased, to giveit.a'place. . . •
Tbie,waek closes the legal :advertiaemeks,
after 'whieh : we sball'be able to make :the
OCHAT more' interestiag to its readers'.
Dr: §pnAava - has established• bimselt k in the
building adjoining. the'Citizan ofriae, and is now •
prepared to aq °work in the line of -dentistry.
.ADVOCATE.--LContrary to tbe general ex=
pectation,Dr. Curtin has prelcribed'a* potion,
not: to take, that has•succeeded in bringing
this concern int o the ring rigaik; although evi
dently weak, the leading' editorial
the result Of a s e vere menial. effort; on the part
of, the ,: . edifor; the .:Ailpocate.is Pledged to .the'
suppottnt Douglas, if.notiiirilited, and to'A G.
t'urtin...for.Governor'.: And id 'this 'Course he
"Id.es not'wish to : be understood . as'liaVing for
saken the:Dennocra tie .party.'? • • Brno means !
of eon rse'not ! 'But you support haGovern,
Or the sigh. Prieit of KnoW-t!fothingiitolL . .the
candidate of the Abcditionists = atnan Who
life long,haS bitterly Opposed Cvelythiiig, and
everybody, witk - the' least. ,equiOting towards
Derimeradyi and who has the . 'credit of doing,
Moie to breakdown thp SunburY • and • Erie
R: than any other liampire'lhat•• infPsted Dar
risburg last Winter. The fruits' of his .efforts
are.tolie.found along the woie . lifie*'orthei
work through youi. county, - and probnbli.you
expect' the People'of Elk to believe yotc,* when
prating about .uthe goOd. of their count at
E.lyaiGuT eelling an excgllciaquakity
Of.Flmily•Floprimade . fiorr Gepesee Wheatop4,
fies6ly ground. . * " • ,
County Orders:were par, last Week. If one
Deniociatic aommrssioner has thus raised the
credit of our County, What may .we expect
when ''.he whole board composed. of Demo
crats? - •
of importance from . the doings of .this
The question'of admitting the seceeding.dele
.g ates had not yet : been. , decided, Which is its
first businesa... ! Theilaltiniore S vit says. ccAl
together'we;thinicttie Convention has resumed
its 'sessions under more hopeful : auspices. than
those Whidhcharacterfzed the period and cir
'cumstanoes 'cif -the
. adjournment. at Charles--
. ,
The Bo,ston TrrrnscriFt -learns from parties
interested in the enterprise that some 50 miles
of • the' Atlantic Cable have, been taken up, to a
point extending seaward from the Trinity Bay,
and that , factures were.found in' the cable just
where' they.had been indicted by the instruments
on sliere. The intention is to underrun a simi
lar length' of the wire on the EUrepean 'side;
and it is thought, by the sanguine promoters-of
ocean telegraphing, that then the. Atlantic Ca
ble will , be made to work. ,
IMPORTANT TO FARMEAS.—Tudge Srayser, , re"
Gently degided.in , the carve of .Almn:P..Derttio
let vs: David !auk; al., lately tried in Norris
iown, thiltfarmera aro not liable to be taxed,
as such,, for state, county, or . 'scbdol purposes.
We anderstand that fitin.ers hitve been paying
this tax since 14(57, , v`vbichthis decision plainly
shows whs and . ought not to haye been
liai by them. .
' r
'larr3c;ll . s ,,t in .
h e ie.;` . aril tpbst yprohahTyi'a '
mach lorfer:v.out.d';
have faken . 'np rriy pen ; tor , die'purfaise . .9l.
ring the ?tat h,an they. he able, lisfoiT
•th f :ptibli 6, .diilrother4'.who".daily and. lw'eckly .
soul forth.thd:rheuVationa.il;reigh the
pus. journal: : alunVa disposition Jo -
,d'i'scuss the
lerli)jegrl9l - lies.ef 'lhe;,'..(lll in a fair. and' honest
manner; or AVonlil thqy, speaking' of 'men
'end parties honestly
_nntlfrankly.give the . opin : ,
j6ii,q:antl.sp s eechessof such •rrten,:as ,well' Ns the
-position and .'principles - 0f the party they
../kt this 'dole', Mr.,Editer, s zlonOr : intend,
rieitheihave.futlpsife : to.trouble yon: . with ny,
asJo-the,itnnfl . ts ni,!lernnrite:of the
'dpetrinesfulrninated.litsuch 'men Seward,
Oreeltiy . ; - Sitrrs . ner„Waile,j,c haie,
liC;st : of.otherniand last,;though..not,lenst,
of et 'lsla" notoriety, but shall
'content' myself •ruith for.the . benefit of
your reacleys; a :fe •the pressions .
to.be•ibentl...in:that,.at .this timer. leading:Re,
Aociiinent, as sortie of the
"pings fro . in . thelip . s'..o.t those high in the
. .
It IS-well known that during theSevererind
. protracted ennteit . for . , the organization of the
preSent Ilense of Bepresentatives,• the PartY.
hoeing by far-the „greatest . number' of votesi
ihough nor qUitoa.rnajorfty over rill,:steadily
andperSistentlyladhered 'to one inan,.eVen.de . -
:elaring:thaCtleY would sticl to him...until
,Idesr.fili . trunip," .. but that he should be
'foisted 'open' t lie Ilitase,•:--afthough it Majority
of its Members were.oPpo4ed to Idin,.-4 . 0r there.
.shrinhi . be . no orgardZation, let the consequences
beryl:let they riiight,•even thcingh resulted iii
practical and effeetunl dissolution, of the
Union,;:..To .the: • unprejadieed. Observer the
question at. once arises„.Why:%:as,this7 Was.
there no other. man, .in that vast body capable
Of performing the,' duties devolving :upon; as ,
• well de holding. the: positlor of Speaker of tlie .
American ilouse of Cornidons,...but:thebrie so
fenaCiotisly . stuck to" by.theSerepreientatives,,
of the ) just
! ) Republican ptirty?: For an answer 'to,
the last enqniry I need 'only pOint to the, ac:tio.d
of the:presentatives' refered s to.. If any..one .
is ata)oss to Itiotv Why these, representatiyeS
of this pure 177 . 1 d uutlejfled party we're so, .very
tenacious for the eleetion'ot-the man Sherman
to ttle,Spe*eyship,4B need only riin'over the .
folloWinglirecioui morsels from .Helper's Im-
pending, 'Crisis," together with the, few choice
extracts trOm the, leadingspiritsof that party,
for enlightenment., lybile the representatives
of : :theother parties in' that' body,". not :only'
showed 'aWillitignesS
.to vote' for, almoSt , any
'sound - , conserOatieematf, .eleri f thogh
publican by profession; . .but.actually put for- .
wardand.vcited for si veral such men, the
organizing, 2 Urdon 7 dilsolying. :revolutionists
steadily refused to carry Out the solemn' oath
-they had so recently taken.... The Old: adage
Says that ".13ir,ds . , • ,f feather:will. flock to.
gother," and most surely intto action of these
Republiean representatives,'Weear see a Veil-.
fierition.Of this old but truthful, saying; The
GoOd Book says • that where the carcass .
there will the vultures be also, and,in the ,cor
"ilial".:recOrprilenclati9n. of the sizik:eiglit Co . );
gressmeo, - Or the foul; carcass; `(Helper's lm;
pending Crisis) We:find the truthfulness 'of the
statement of, the inspired writer., But teithe
ciFreemen of . .the North! bitbeito as- fiee
sailers you have' approached but half way to
the line of your
,fre6 o flor i s
only a tadpole in awed vanccd state of transfor
mation; 'an abolitiOn is the
.full and.. deyeloped
“Cordially endbrsed."'- ' ions SUER:II.IN,"
dad 6.7 Other republican Congressmen;
extraordinary crisis of affairs', no:
man can be.a true natriot -vithout first becom
ing an,abolitioniat." Page 1 . 1-6 of the Com-.
"We ioiylially , indorse the oMnion,". : .
„ • • :fowl SnErtm4l',
• and 67 calier.repubtican Congreisrnen.
((Not to be . tin.abolitionis t is to be' a digbolt
cal and tuited. t,r
instrrentent ) the'Dat:l4.' Page
303, of the Compendiam:
aordially' . inelarse 11a.°) rineon.• •'.
• . jolts Siii , :totAN,'
“We'rire not only,•itifavor of keeping.slavery
• oui • Of the
,Territories but earryir4 our oppo
sition to, the institution a step further, ye . here
unhesitatingly declare in favor. of .its
and zplonelpional abbli4on. in wiry State in the.
Confederacy where' it mow .exists.” . Page 25
of the Crisis: • • • • • •, •
"Cordially indorsed."• JiktiqSllElCATAkq,
and 67 republic n Congressmen.
"The great revolutionary ; overnent• •which
was set on loot in Charlotte, Meelclenburgeo.,
North Carolinb, on the 20th day of •May,..1775,
has not yet been terminated,' nor :Mil b i •
until evory slave in the United States, is freed
froth the tyranny of his master." Page 95 of
the Crisis . ..". • -
(6Cordially indersed." . .Tomg SIIROMAN.
and 67 other republican COngressnien.
"The North has just es good 'a right to ap-.
praise. the loptign immigrants.,
.as the South
have to 'seta price ori . the African
Page Si of the" Crisis, . •
“We cordially indorse the opinion,”
and 67 other republican Congressmen
"it seems tkat the total number of actual
slaVefie)ders, In . cludiOg ,their. entrre*.crew of
cringing liavittleJ, against whom we have to
contend, is but .3 , 17,4 . 525. Against this 4irrity
for the defence and,propagation,of .814 Very, we
.think it. Will be en easy . matter—independent of
the riegroes,' wno,in.nine cases ; out of ten .
would be delighted witlian opportunity of rut
ting' Iftair coa'ster's throats, and without accept . -
ing a, single, recruit from the free States v Eng
,land, Trance, or Germany,.—to muster one three
times no large fot its itteer,extittetion..
,Ar.e; hope
tke•m'atter in . dispute . may be adjusted' 'without
arrayingti4oAcarmics against each other in Ito -
tile itrray. B, t,.tne:are.wetlieil•to''nth purpose
front no'entratly power 'can divorce 1(
and '67 other republican Congressmen
AititY . AT'A LL
hitiorsg t. Oftin
- - • • Fat :ado:,
111)0'V : other Reim,bfkah
ctn . is.fOr 3011 wejtkre. tot
.hni4'justce peacenSly.or! , h7 viblietzfej for..ivhat: ,
eops.eqttenee. ruity. , Thllo we uie,,(.lster—
minid tOitiv'e,it, one may tI,
cordially o t'so ("pi n Voh." •
. • aeld 67: other reptitlipre.Cpngressmen.
“It is'eur honest . couvfctiOn . that all the prd
slavery: ltiveholtlers• wlio reipcin - sible
for the . cordinuance,of the inatitutioa,deserve
,to . be•aNtiCe recttierci. to :t pernilerwttli: the tia,
Fest criminals that fettered viltlfitV the Fells
i *1)
of our . pu prison e. Were t,possi le tha t
the• whole . number could he gathered together,
'era • timinefarried into four equal - .gangs of
rolbers, ihicvac, 6
. pFais air burglarb
;society *Ould - auffer'frias from their it.rocitieF.,
.•;!Wacordiallyiuderap , theopiaien;:” . . - ',
- •
and 07 other refialillean C'ongrreasmen.
ASt Once let the good encl.' true merC:of.thlii
'country, the' put'riots "sopa the patriot - fathers,.
tletermine - i that the, sua.which rises to celebrate
.the centeeniril.aanivereary of 'our national
depentlence; shall' not .sei 'onr.tlic ; head of Any.
shvad,witbiti the limits oftitii . republic,''• -Page
•, . •
.cz\Ve indole- the - .
and G 7 other republican Congressmen
, .
ciOnee loran, within'it reasonably:i/ore .2)e
-riod,let MAIM th . e...slaveholders do' Barrie- .
thing justice„to their negroes, by giving
eacle: and every. one. of them hi.+• freed. 67), and
It/it/Mid/ars:in Page 183.,
....c<eordiaPT.indorsed.'" • - . .
ahet . 67 cther reptiblic4n CQn'gressrnei
. .
eePrown, fret, s irs;. EOM., 'prepare youi.Wea
pims; threat, strike. shoot stab, bring. on'civil
agar;ilissolvo - thci - Union; nay,. annihilare the
solar system,. if Yon . will; •do what - you will,
sirs, i you. can- ‘rieithe'rfoil' nor intimidate us . —
ou- 'position is as firmlyfixedthe' eternal
pillars., of" Heaven,; 'AVE • HAVE. DETER
cTordially indorsed." •JoitN S4nm'AN, •
• ,•, 'and 67 other republican Congressthen..
These extracts', I think;
.are * full'y sufficient
to show the: deSign of the author of this most
infamous book, as well- es the feelings of the
prominent republicans with regard to, the sen
timents it promulgates. ~I will.nOvv give a few
choice droppings from the overflowing fountains
Washington City, Feb. 5, 1860.
Tc+ the Editor of the -Ashtabula •Sentinel:
Our friends it home should•be sloiv to censure
their representatives :for deserting.• Mr. Sher
man " • . They felt the hamiliatiati o(dis
carding a .candidate because he had inelo4'ed
Helper's • . book,—EVERY .SENTENCE OF
'tithe:times demand that we must have 'an.
anli-slavery eon sfitotion an ayli-slavery Bible
and•an ti-slanery Goib! .
“Whin, we shall have elected, a Piesident, as
we will,, who wilt - be'the President of a, early;
not of a Secticiti,liat the tribune.of the people,
and after' 'we have exterminated a few 'more
doughfaces from the North, then. if the ',sla . Ve
Senate will rot give way, We will grind it be
tween the upper and, nether, millstones of: our
B arlinrnme 'Republican Mein
:Ler of :Congress front . .
"That when the enntest shall ccine,: when
the the thunder: shall roll 'and . the lightnings
flash,. and. when the slivei:hall. rise'-in - the
south:in intimation of thehortid.success of the
West Indies, : when the Southern. man..elia'll
turn pale and: tremble, when 'your 'dwellings
shall smoke with, the torch Of theincendiary,
dismay sit . on each c,ountenaiice,l: will hail it
as the•appreaching dawn, of, that political Anti
moral milleniuM which . l am' well assured' will
.come Rion the.world."—Joslata. It. Giddings..
{iThe 'negro is a - heevenly:institution, audit .
is God-like in man, to elevate him.toan equal
ity with the white." --Giddings, Speech, to' the
Ohio •Republican Connentisa.
.• • •
c , ,lt because I stand up for the 'erynality . of 'the
itegro, Joefizily anti' itolitiettl4: - with • the- it:late .
man, they call Me' negro t worshiPper; let
them'do rshall persevere:.to the end.—
S p eech of Mr. * . ash.burne.' ;, • . . • . .
. .
c , lf we. ( meaningn the.republieansyfail • there
(at the ballot hoir) what thehT.- We Will drive
thcinbackisword inAand, and go help me God!
believing. hat to be right; I,ane with thetn."—.
Gen..firelb nfate 1 V .I'. Cotirier4 En.
"1 loathe — from the bottom of., my soul, any
'man who refustes to•anything in• human shape
all the rights and privilageS" for" him.
Self. I. know no 'high, no low, •no "black, .no
,are created' by' ,one God, and all 'are
entitled to the same privileges:"—. F. Wade
Repnble:can Senator froth *Ohio. .•
deliberately sai,"better disunion, better
a • ciVil or servile war, ;better anything that .God
in his previdenceshall"Send,than.an extension
of the, bounds of slavery."----iforacn Vann Rd.
publican member 'of Congress from :Masi. • •
• • •
I have not a few, more , gleanings from the
speeChes ot leading republicans," as 'welt as
. .
from .republican papers • which I will furnish
you at a futura.day, proving beyond the chance:
frit doubt the abolition—disimionism"
those tvho shape and control the•action' of .lhe
partY, as well as furnish it its principles:
. .
Yours Sec., • . Intri Pray:
In Liberty township, omthe 16th instant, by.
Rev. y. Scott, Mr. Wmuma L. PEI:TON to
Miss At.arisin Giinvot.D.St all of Liberty..
We acknowledg,e therbeeipt of one dollar,
the 1/SUAI fee'accorded the printor, by all .right
minded men, .in such emergenCies. To, say
Wawish . the party the full .enjoyment of the
blessings of wedded life, ,would' but partially .
expreis our feedings... .
.. • • .
PTHEstockhtyers of .the' Srn'ethport ,Aced e=
. my. are herehy Will' he
an.election of•Trhatees, ter' the .enSuing year,
at the Court House, in Srriethpot . t; on Atonclay,
the 25th Inst., at .5 o'clock r-• • . • •
fly. or!ler.of, the Board-. •
G. B. IAb.ICITS . , 80 0 0/
- Smettmort, June 20th1
. .
. ' . Ett. •-•
• gs , , 77. Lt .
y •
.-1;-• 7.,
= 0 >°'.
co "
9 0 b.
0 8
.0 ,
g ,„•Po• •••••'
s " m
m 4(.4
• r t : r 04 , tzi •
°;G•H°' cc:r "
".77. tti , tr .
tr t"4
n. 4:.; r b r ri •
. c. ) 0 -
9 • z gr
, .t 4
`ll.- cD,"•
p, m g •
_rn l)4
a•;:,,' ;1; g - E. •
5 ra. g.e
! , June Terni,'lBoo.% •-. : .•
periOns Imre filed in •my.o . ffice their,
•J. respeatiVo yetalons fdr Titiern Licenses, according
Siiippen tchinsliip„Tavern: •
.Toifu Weis •'- Blared Tavern.
Itsssou *. " •.• Tavern.' ..
Libeity • , • " • : Tavern,.
BARBRA Oe're,B " '2 Tavern:
fit - hums TIOAIIIOR .••' . " " . ' Tavein:
D. R. Dcioilurr, "Soto , ' TaVern. .
' I4sr.llssicsi.t. ... Jr.. Tivern,.•
• " •ln testimohy• whereof:l. have toreulito set'.
_my hand.: and, the seal. of caw Court, this* 24th
day of Nay; 1860. • ' ' , • .
SAMUE I. 4.4I7I: O O4:O;Wy .
• • _I; S. 0 • '.•
• .having permaneritly located . himSelf at • .
. •".
, .
' •
Wo d respect fu II y inform the
.. public:
is prepared to attend to businessr&all branches
of the MediCal Profession. Particular •atten
thin paid to Secret. Diseases,' both male
. .and .
:female, they will•betreated r in,accordrinei with
'the'latest'authorities and.praetis . e orbotli go-
Tope and- America:• All secrets intrusted to.
him, in his practice, • will be strictly kept by
him, in spite of money, law, frfends, enemies,
relatives or' neighbors. • "
Port Allegany, March 20th, 1800. •
Juriirs Dra-tr:fi for June Term 1860
• ..611AND . JURORS: ••' •--
• Borci—W. S. Brownell, George Darling.—*
Bradford—Edwin Colgrmie, James Doitt, E D
.Norton, E B . Pratt,' L R :Vaughan.. deres—
Horatio Bell, Hugh Bradley, Jas. C Evans.-L
Eidred—Neamiah Moody, Anson Ake., • Hain
iltonM N. Powell. . Keating—A S 'Swift,
Timothyß.'Tub.bs, C C Wright, Foster, Dow
ney.. Liberty—F.H Arnold, Geo...R.Moore.--
LafAyette--jamei Hoop. . Otto—J A Bunker.:
Shippen—Kellogg Hebbard,• 'Rufus l i geore,
13eni.,Morrison. •• • ' ,
. Bradford—Philo Ackley, Dyer "Cranmer, C.
C. A..T. Newell, Silas Sutton, 14 D
Turner; Phillip. L.- Web Stet% • Ceres—Daniel.
Buckley, Rowland Barber, Eugene Cooney, It
.Hinds;lsaec, Perkins, C H Smith. • Eldred—W
Brown,.-R. D.'Miller, John Partial], B
JoSep&Stull, Jr. ,
Daniel Brown,Jeremiah Chadwick. D. L' For- .
syth, . Alexander. Gifford, S' Moore, J. 'B
Stull,' G'B 'Webster,. Arthur :Young, Stephen
Bellows,. E Fitch,
'Smith " , • D R.• Vanderhule, C L Bellows.: La
faYetteWm. •• Hopp, G W Haiadorn, G W
Watrons: • 'Norwjeh- 7 , C RBurdiek, G W BUr-.
dick, J G Boyer, M Campbell, .V Denni
son; Nathaniel 'Rubbing: .Otto--Wm.LoVejoy.
J All Cord, Arthur Prentiss. Shippen—M :C'
: Liicore, NT: Miriard. . • • ,
The aboVe named lurtiri . will meet at, the•
Court House, in • Smethporti on Tuesday •tlie
26th day of June next; at 10 o'clock; A. m.
.‘ • . • JOSEPH MORSE, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Smethport,
April 20th; ' , • '
'every form and speciOA of
"Costar's" . •
"Costar's" Rat, Roach, &o. Exterminator.
` , Cortar's'" '
"Costar's" Bed-bug Exterminator.
I ,0.11
Pom der.fo k.
In •
.. .
Rats—Roaches-MiceMoles—Ground Mice--
Bed Bogs-Ents-Moths—Mosquetoes—Fleas
--Insects on ..plants, • Insects on animals, &c.,
,&.c . ;—in' short, evCrj, form and species of
R I-N . . . • .
10 Years established inNMv York city—used.
.by,.the City Post 011Ice--:the city Prisons 'and
Station Houses-4be City Steamers, Ships, &c.
The city Hotel-sr cc.Astor,".i4St.Nicholas,P , &C.
and 'more than 20,000..privafe
I,l:7'•;Drng,gists and
.Retailers everyyvhere sell,
0:7"' Wholesale Agents. in all the large Cities.
02. Regular 'sizes 2 . 11 c: 40e . and $l. . Boxez--
13ottles—Flasks. • .
BuwAUX ! I ! of spurious
Examine eacii.BoX;Pottle end Flask, and take
notldrig but “Epsrnit's.!' • • • '
$1 Boxes.sent by Mail.
0:7" $3 Rc $5 Boxes for Plantations, Hotels, i4co .
by Express; . • •
Address orders—or for ciCiretilars to Deal-
Ors" to. . • HENRY R. COSTAR; •
, .
Sold by. W .. S.:I3ItO3 , VNELte, at Smethport '
~. . . .
/TIRE' Subseriber having purchased this well
J•IJ knimM - stand, and re-furnished -, and' re-fit
ted the. House, is prepared M. entertain Board
ers and the Traveling - public. - • , ,
well supplied', and everything dione
to merit a Mien!, share of spatronage . • Raft
men will always : find the "latch-string" out.
endal, C °Jr, Tarim:try 2' 1860; 384
.trypfEity,AS Letters 'Testamentary to , ttie
YV EstateofiDayM .C ; ROW, genior, late of
IVl'KeLin County; . dticeased, hare:been grarited
to the, subseribei, All , persOns indebted to
said estate are .requestecl
. :tci, make .imrnediate'
paYnnent, end those haVing claims against the
said decedent yrill Make knewn the dame yvith- ,
out delay, to. . , .
DAVID: c'Ro tth,egii*
• Or to his-Attorney
• , • • fpn-lON D. HAMLIN !
Stnpthport, Awl], IL, ts;inn