M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, June 14, 1860, Image 4
ti 4s a F ssi?l#~~J~~~~!~ WILVOX &EA N B-Ealzavz TO .ANNOLINCE" that::they SPRING-&.SUMMER.GOODS welcothe tirir.fiientl4 . CPt legl 4iili Oki nista* • New and desir-; Coubtrk Merchandlize IN ALT ITS VARIETY, SUCH AS . eor ''/"m1 4iiiPii . ~ .;tieg. . • D.RX , .:,:.'iooop. 840rr4,..A1s il .1-.lpgs,. ,CROCKERY. WARE r,'VL : • . • G ' , 1•••. , • ocertes „ . .. • 11fi;4111 not weary your•po . i . ouriitot . k •is ve ry bwli t l.llll . aod 'Com . plot e , and,and, r e o ubt : * * ,,o 4 ... r iiifi,nd. y-04 P • o ' irertisementa • ' will do for s me, _ but the . Truth' will Wear Better, -HO • .* 0 *only "slow .otamOiaifal! . and ate ; confident can do yoti.gikid; COME-AIVO •4 . , • =WO' E4TON. 1 ;0106' Airh Mutt ivalybody Wants. rifg . .F43 l rEY MUM R: If tPLE itiettbiih; ASTLY oRTAINED) FOR THE CURE OF DISEASE IN ~‘ .4W; FORMS. ''*'lPrer. MEM IP. ?MOE, 111. D. It Tells You Ho* to Attend - upon the sick, ' • . .and how to cook for them; how I to prepare Drink's, Poultices, infection from contagious disea- It'llllll,l yon Of thivarious diseases et chit dren, and gives the best' and • •• simplest mode of treatment . du. • I , ring .4elf6ing, ,Couvuldiond, . ' Vsocinatioa, Whooping-Co4h It Tag You The' symptoms of Croup, Choi- Threnterw, Diarrhea, ' Worms, 'Scatted Head, *or*, Chicken-pox Rec., - 'and • givei..yeaihe heat remedied for • their cure.. It Ma yo 4 The ; symptoms of Feve.; and • Ague; • Bilious,' Yellow, Tibhus, Scarlet and,other Fe .: vers, and gives' yen 'the -best and - simplest remedies for their cure. It Tolls You ThP syls l o9 l Us of Influenza, Consurtiption,•Dyspern , da,Astb-, ma, Drepsy,,Gout,•,ltheumatism Lumbage,'Erisipelas, &c, and giliwyou the best remedies for .their cure:, • ' • • It Ifialit'Yen The Sifinphims of Cholera,lHor ', bus; Malignant Cholera, Small . pox, .Dysentery,. , Cramp, , Diems wises of the,!Blidder, Kidnays, andliver,„ and the best retne .dies'ldr their Cure. - • Tens You The symptoms 'of Pleurisy, Mumps,. Neuralgia, Apoplexy, : • • Parelysie,;thil vatious diseases ;••of therThroat;Venth, Eat and • • I ••, Eye, and thebest tariiedies: tot •••• - • •their'cure.. • '• : • • *rift 744 - Tite Epilepsy; Htiptare; eases of the Heart, Hemorrhage • • , ; Venereal Diseases, and, Hydrot - • " phobia, Ind gives the 'best tem:- • , ediei hir. their cure. • • - It TlUa' You The best end simplest 'treat. • • • "misfit for Wonnds; Broken Bones -• and :, Disloeationii, Sprains, .• Lockjaw, Fever 'Sores, White " • ' •• • • flwellorigs; ‘ , Ulcers, .Whitlows, ..• . Boils, Sentry, Burns and Scrof . ' ohs: .If,•Tellg.lrati, Of the Satioui diseases peculiar to Women, and gives the' best • • •, • sad f aimpleit, remedies for their • eate, 4 thaitker with Many vain . '-c .alifejtiistalpr the preservation A p tiai * E i l t b wrieo, l o, l Oda linguagg, free • Inarkmedival tom ,t 0 . iso is.**Oly understima, wine its Meipls ieceipts may, ;soon save,. you midi times the cost of the book. Dip printed ::'`-ii a dear and open type' is 'illustrated with -s tr i tr i iiiits, arid will be. forwarded . . • ' iteatlyiniuntanCptitigcciaid tof ltieOr, ' AEAR7 an' made t! 4 4i t o „. • w s vetilhere; in selling the • .2., . • stierikkit Oir - ladetensent to till ;Such are • • . • i'f t ' : : '4 4 lA l , olll s_,,M i rlS_ s et 1141 1 0 40 W I . 9.rtOrik to " 1 "!!+ ,..!' ""P`I 1 0 1 . 1 " 011 0 01 41,01PlY4ta astral Moo •• • a . pa. • } . .;t .- {4 ' p: :` •, •." 0 - 4 ..attligthed,to the' - the subscribers are " 1 ' ,kind. of bliekimithin causauoikpiittetkoneshomog• • ' '• • 174 pr PYKE •At;tky~:tN:/::r.+.~.v+z~f+:+t~~^:4;a wr."~, ~x , . ~s~rv~,:,, .. .. +~n=. AVitaii t ": l 'VERISCIDY'i ( 4901/4014408, 441,..susizrzun Itt':01,10 RROSBY;':c or •roi`i4{4.?oii..;iii: , ' BAR. " • . . . . . .. ItTells..Tim- ilor.lo' drit'w•• op PA rivik RSlllr , f,.. - -... 1 . , :.: •. , PAl;ERS'fliil illie , ri AirOt:ll' fpfrpf4 - - '.'., for. • AGRFirOtis Of kiiitle; . 'l3lr.r.s' 9F. S ALE, LEASES and PE, . . ..,. . . • . , „,;• pT;olcs.. - .7 ,- - • ap :BONDS and ,• k r roii),i4 - 1• 1 ? pitrigs,;:apd ‘•:;"- of ftgoilits r •,.• ,•"; • ":.• Xi ' , OHS irott:T4e.,LaWe ,for",.tfle.l3,Ottiatrips pp the LIMITATIqN, and , . , • "t ' " • E , .proper y , XMPT Trom . . . , . . . '.. . . . - EXEOUiION in'eVerY State'. ....' I. . . t Tells. You pow to make an Memlimike . •- • •• ' properly, With., forma fot Coxii- . , . • •.• • rosvrioN • with 11.11:DITOlqt; and Abe. INsoLvEyr LAWS of every It Tells Toil rhelesal relations existing be tween GiiinnfAN and •VAnn, • • . MASTER: and.. APCRENTIOE; and • • LANDLORD and TENANT. •• It Tells You. What-constitutes LIBEL Rtld • ..St4rinen, end the Law .as to . • ' .MARRIARE DOWER, , the Wires ' .• . 'Maui PROPERTY,,PIVORCE . • .. / 5, and A 4 ustoriv.. • It Tells -YO,l Thit Law' for 'Macitn:Nic's LIENS . • ; • • in every State, and 'the N'Ttl . RALIZATION LAWS or this', con n • . try and hoW to . 'comply. with It 'Tells You Law cakariling l'arisloNS t-' hoyr to obtain one; and .• . "-.' Pac-EihrrioN LAWS to PUBLIC It , Tells 'Yon Tre.,Law (Or PATENTS,. Wjtl). mode of precedure in -obtaining , • one, With- INTERFERENCES, AS ' ti I 4 4 1164NTS RIO TALI.Lis FEES. It -TOW You 'How to-make your 'WILL; and - • how to Amtiriisica on an. Es r • Jars, with.thil law and the . • quiretnents Aliereof every State'. • • It. Ttgli YOl/ .Irilgt,4nCanin4,Of ; tow TER'ISSin .• • - genei'altae; and explains to, you • . the •Luotstacrivi, EXECUTIVE . 2 and JUDICIAL POWERS Or both . • • -• • • 'the cletieral and:§tato Govern ,y_lk Te Ton llowTO REEy'OUT; OP.LAW,' by • showing how to do'your' basi. • . liege legally, thus saving a vast : • ' . it lifblOy,lejtd-.vaxa , • tious litigation;' by • iti'timely conaulteition Single copies will be'sent by mail; postage paid, .to. Eydnir Tarrson, Eyntx • Mscuamc, 'EVERYMAN OP BUSINESS, and EVERY Bomr.pi EVEBV STATE, on receipt of $l.OO, or id law !style of binding at $125.- • . $lOOO A YEARc 11,abdeo by enterprisinerne . n everyvvbere, in selling the• above. w,ork, as our' indneements to all such are very liter to "I ‘, . • ' For, single copies of the. Book, or ,fOr . terms 10 Agents, with other. information, apply , to or JOHN 'E. POTTAlCPubliilher; , ' No. 817:Sansorn Streeti . Philadelphia, Fa. :::,..G.OO;D': - NS.WS .iIIST RECEIVED AT arm Vi'ioat does Tba 71,ip Wes elet 01;of Call be seen. vx °Feu Ot k lk.l 6l k l 043Sug. atthelfailding occe.vfibl the ' toOtybi. . . 'lllrhichlErfilled from top to bottom, with the BEST alsortmenf of • , COOKING, PARLOR & BOX STOVES EVER REFEREE , FOR. SALE.CN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA, which will be sold at pricea-ttiat 'cannot fail to uit. I will also as usual,keep constantly on hand a pried assortment of t HObSEKEXPERS HARDWARE, KETTLS, PRYING, PANS, - . • • PLAT IRONS CANDLESTICKS, Which will be sold at the VERIc LOWEST PRIG ~S Thankful for: past favors, I respectfulfy so ;At a. continuance of the same. , ,S E. S. MASON. t3methport. t3epi. 1 22;,1 850 SCOTT. & CONLON, PAEROHANT 'TAILORS OLEAN, 'N• Y. uwvi4 J .,4 Sulk winter, opolc. of goods, and 11.11 re sitaared to supply. their 'autumns customers sot those who favor than wittt their patronage, with any thing in their line. Their stock conshite of Cloths, Cassisisflt, 7Sitkilipi_o4lolo39 l , Shirts Collars, Crassatt,lrsokliestileil so. They have clad a large aualctatont of • , .11,2ADT-.ADV CLOTHING, Of the latlet style: Give them • cell before purchasing elsewhere. fIS- Orders from a distance promptly atten ded to. ,Outting done on short notice. JAS. CONLON. Olean, Jan. 12. 1860. ... .. ,_. ._.... ifOM,S:f...I I fOKSE. , ''...g,;-1:4-:(:)::':,:,,T.4,\\P, Jqtn P. Ruseell,'= - Proprietor: j, OLEIS-N, N•' 11 . 01;E . AL E, '.. AND, it iiTA . IL . . Oysters; Ohms; Fresh Fish, Foroign and Do• thistle ,Fruits. • • '• • . . . . . ELMIRA St MOFFATSALE . . . . Kept cOnstantly.on !rand and for' sale by. barrel' Oysters-Sla'wed, Roaated,.:Priad, or Raw, aan'ed at All ::" • '" •, .Orders promptly attended to lan. 11,1860 WAGON AND. SLEIGH SHOP, ON MECHANIC STREET NO. 1. . •• . . . . undersigned wotild . : re.spedtfullY, an-.. nounce tattle .citizens of ,Ikll{:ean eounty, that he.ignOwprepafe. l to do all kinds of . wood :Woik in my line of .business, at short. notice, in a . workmnnlike manner, at reasonable prices.; :satisfied. that my work will fully meet the reliiiretinents of all who will favor me with their . patronage. :.• • Repairing.; promptly attended •to ;on • short ,notiee. kinds of grain taken in. exchange. 'for work also butter, pork, beef, pine lumber and•pft. wood. CASH will not be - refused. .. Smethport, SMETHPORT•LIVERY . STABLE, •• THE SUBSCRIBER.•has opened 'a new'.l.iv ; ery Stable in Smelhport,.at the residence. ,ot Dr.' Wisner, on .King• Street; three doors .eSst of the Court House; where Can he fouad the hest or Horses and Carriages at low prices: Be'intends to make Smethport a permanent Tesidence;'and.asks a share of patronage.' • . . A. N. SMITH.. yiethport; August 2.4 1832. • n23tf. . . •StOne Coal. rrIHF: SUBSCRIBER keeps on, hand for .sale tond Coal. of the best qiiality, at the Grist' Mill, 'in Mechanicshurg. ,Grain of all 'kinds taken in exchange. • • ; • GIIORIMS CORWIN. COURT PROCLAMATION T7[']' HEREAS the *Hon. Robert .G. White, . President Judge, and. the Bons. J. Da'r• ling and S. Holmes, .;Associate Judges . of 'the 'Courts of Oyer Terminer and General Jail tDelivery,.Quarter . Sessioris of the Peace, Or-. phans' Court and Court of •Common Pleas -for .the COUnty of MiKean havi issued their precept; bearing date Saturday, the '3rd day of 'March, in the - year. of,our Lord one 'thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine; 'and to me directed, fors holding atourt of Oyer and Terminer and Gen eral Jail .Delivery,.. Quarter sessions of the d 3 eacii Orphans' Court, and Court of 'Common ,Pleas r in the Borough of Smethport, on Mon fiay, the tvvenly-fifth day of „Tune next, and' to 'continue one week: * , lb:4lc° is therefore hereby•given the Coro `ners;...Justices ,of the Peace and 'Constables Avitlaiatifecounty;lliat they be then and there 'in theitiiroper persons, at -10 o'clock.-. 4. M; of said day, with theirlolls . , records, inouisitions, cxamirtations, and other .remernbrances, .to do those Olin - kit : which their offices - appertain to - be ?one. ;;,And those' Who are,bound . by their rec 'nuisances to prosecute the prisoners that are or shall be Pt the jail of, said .couniy.'of M'Kean, 'are .to'be-then and ..there . to, prosecute against , ; them as will be just'. . • ' • ailed at Sm . ethport, April twenty-six 180, and the 84th year , of the Independence:of the United States of America. J. : -BARKER'S , STRAW - CUTTER , tFltf SIT BSC$ll3'gR now offers to_ the pnb, ; lie this Improved Straw-cutter, in full iconfidenee . .that all who take the trouble tO wit nefis its Operations Nvill..be ,convineed of its•su, , 'periority over any other now in.use. '• simply, kept constantly on .hand and man. 'ufacltired to order: . • • Ct:7 - As , no other ;pers6n' has the right: to make 'or. esei this-Cutter within M'Ketin eoue .ty, all Whoire tieing it in violation of. the pat ,ent 'lilt be prosecuted. A.. WOLTERS Mechanicsburg, August 27, 1859. , LD DOMINION COFFEE POTS AT ' OMASON'S . . . • 'INSURANCE -AGENCY. Kensington Insurance 6inpany, 'Philadelphia Cash— ' pf),oo' Farmer's Union Insurance Co, Athens, Pa,' ' Cish Capital ' 4 VOOiOCO Great Western Insurance Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Capital Stocks l , ooo , ooo • West flran0,(1110u0), Lock- Haven,Pa. Inkurances tan be effected in the above res . ponsible,'Stock Conatranies by . the subsctiber. AriY ''coMmialication addressed to him, at Smethporti Pa., will meet with worm) attention. B. F. DAVIS; Agent.. Sm,ettmort, Dec. 9, 'lB5B. . [o.otf.] . . .. ::"T . .. T . ..'T , . 4 SPLENDID LOT OF TEAS, at • '.. 11. . ' ' .WILCOX & EATON'S, . , . s.i'i»LF,s • • 31.1380SENE OIL, • It•A'ADY. from COAL, - With LAMPS to burn IVI. the sarne;it: NVII;CPX itc.EA'rON'S,• LAMPS, &c PAPER' HANGINGS. A CHOICE. ASSORTMENT 'at 13- Jr, . WILCOX & EATON'S, 'Oliftn, N. Y ,Arrival and Departure of Mails. SAIETEPORT POST OFFICE. .. • • . 0/ion - .—Leaves every.morning.rit 8 o'clock'; rivet every ' doirrisppore--Lertvcs.. Tuesday and Saturday 11 ?ittiriligs •arrives Mohday'and Friday eves. Siripis4r- 7 Leaves Tneaday, Thursday and Sat urd4.mornings , arrives Monday, Wednes day.. and Friday eve ni ngs. ' '• . Ridgway --Leaves Monday,, Wednesday and Friday .mcirnings; , ..nr,rlves.,'ruesday, Thurs day and Saturday evinlng*i . ' • Warren—teay.es Tuesday mornings and e rOves .'.Thursday evenings. • . • ,W.ANTit'AD, ' .• - - . . . r o TONS OLD CAST IRON in ,exchange rnr work, n rDIETLIPORT FURNACE.. SMETHPQRT JOSEPH 51.ORSE,'Sherilr. S. SARTWELL.:P. • .• 1.1 'Ili; •I; ; IN. 'FULL, BLAST! UNDF:ItSI6IED - :WOULD' • PECTEHLLY .?ANNOUNCE TO THE crr.izENs OF• , , • .I:l3fit they have located themielvejat' , . .• For the 'purpose of Manufactering, PLOWS, .SCRAPERS, SLEIGN•SpDES,.:. And iii -fact every tliing us . ually made at a 'COUNTRY .'FURNACE:. Thorough eirperience in th'e business; wOrants us in saying that we can furnish:as GOOD IVORK;and Xit as REASONABLE, PRICES Aecan , be found elsewhere.. Particular atten- lion. will at all times be paid . to J.O• • The -celebrated FRANKLINVILLE. and DUCHESS . COUNTY- IMPROVED ' .PLOWS. constantly oh hand:. Farmers and .others, give •. E. VAN.DYLE & At. Au g ust 9, 1859. • . ..• ' • . • •Cabinet ahop . in llechanicsbnig. . A . WOLTERS • respectfully' announces to A . the 'public. that, notwithstanding : these . hard eirnes, he ls.manufacturing, and keeps. con- . :stanily dn hhod all 'kinds - of furniture, such as 0 F. 1 .8 • . OTTOMANS, •... • . • • • • - • .• • . CARD,CENTER, , • . • - 'DINING. AND • ' e • BREAKFAST-TABLES, CHAIRS of all kinds and styles, Cane and Common, Ready-Made Coffins, &c:, of the very. best materialltnd manufacture. .Bniethport; Fpb.25,1838 . I,if„ JEFFREY'S DOUBLE-ACTING SUCTION .& FORCE PUMP India Rubber Ball Valves .• - - HE ST.I43SCRIBEW having purchased. the T right to make :and sell this New Pump, feels a: confidence that his efforts to bring it into, general use, it( this county, will be secon. ded by all who . see :its'. construction and opera- Among the many advantages secured by the use of this Pump, the following, may be 'enu-. masted: . . 1. kdouble - action, bYw ,w hich twice the ,a ter can be raiiettat the same time. 2. Great ease in working,. thus adapting. the .Force Principle to common wells.. - • 3. The transformation, in a . mornent, of the Pump into an efficient Etna • Eivense,thus ren daring the loss of divelling:s by' fire, totally un ,necessary.• . . • - •' • 4. 'Capability of watering gardens; Lawns, or sprinkling walks, • washing.windows, &c., With the utmost ease and thciroogliness, • ' 5. PoWei to raise water with slight labor to any reasonable height, as in .supplying cham= bers &c. • .• • . •, , a. The convenience of having the Pump in a . kitehen; or other rooms of your dwelling, wiih ouf regard to the location of the Well. or . Cis .: 7.' The -easy. protectiOn' of the . Instrument 'against Frost. • • S. The ease with' which it niay . be mounted on wheels, or in-other ways be made portable. 9. A.'siinpii:ei:ty which closures great dura bility, protects . it from thrown'out of or der; and makes 'any repairs easy and •Of little 1.0. • Great X/cecipicess:- for the first• time bring,ing . the cost of :the Force Pump- into, the . neighborhood of the common.. Suction and Chain, Picrips,.while it •is immeasurably supe rior.to both. . Manufactured and for sale by the subSctiber, only, at shop . in Mechanicsburg. • ' . • ••• A. WOLTERS. Mechanics burg,.March 18, 1858._ • To Thoso . Interested in and Mineral Lands: . • . . WII..BARNES offers his services for the examine.: • Lion of Mineral Lands. in WM:an and Elk• coun ties, and tivlll give his opinion us to the VALUE OF MINES, &c.'-Those engaging; his services will receive unnecessary and reliable information': Besilence,at the Bunker Mir Mines... , • 'Sergeant, sl'lleatiCo,.,.June 30, 1856: . .• ' -. ..AST OR HOUSE.:. • • ONETEIPONT, Nt'KEAN' COUNTY, PENNA. •Pik)priati.w iIDEGS leave. to, Announce •to• the traveling community and the public generally that he •has purchased the.above named hotel, fornierly occupied by James Miller, arid refitted it. in a style suited tothe times and wants of the pub . HIS TABLE Will alwaYsbe . supplied with the best the. m ar ket and the surrounding country can allor‘d.' HIS .BAR. Will•be supplied with the chOicest wines and liquors. HIS .STABLES • •.• Will be. in the care..of• attentive . .hostlers, re , sponeible for their COndect to their employer 'who will give the entire establishment his,per 7 sonal supervision: ' • In short every department of, his 'establish ment will be supplied with Alt the . COMFORTS'.AND._ CONVENIENCES the weary, traveler can desire. • • In the hope, that, lie will be able to make his •' •• GUESTS COMFORTABLE, ' during,their visit at his house, he'respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. .. - , • Stnethport, Jan. 1,'1860. • • n38.6m • ' PLOWS. , • SIDE -HILL AND SHOVEL PLOWS, ASp perior inenufaetured 'at the ". • -.• ' SMET‘FIPOAT FURNACE. . OVE, 1 . STOVES i ST S ' , , . , . I AM NOW RECEIYING THE LAHOEST, best selected, and checieit lot of Stov.es ever brought into this section. E. S., MASON ' • . . .• NOTICE. • • • All persone knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned 'by, Book account; will save cost ,by'settling the same by payment or Note immediately?. E. S. MASON. 'lletemberl, 1850. . Or iOS ITE EXCELSIOR O.LEAN x. ITlHEatibscribers'nffer,o the ;citizens of Olean t .!.. end Apieinityi a ',large . tind,Woll selected itock of Hardware; at . prices Hint cannon' fail tri.aait. the ptirefiaseX.' IRON; metican, • :RQDS. N,riveglak Nail and Spike Cut,::Wiought; CllO. aakßivet: • • A .FULL ASSOATMENT Or CARPENTER and DiILLWRIOIiT, TOOLS, Besides Sash,, Glass, ,Paints, Oils,. Varnishes, CaRiZZIGIB' GOODS, ENAMELED CLOTH, ' BROAD CLOTH, • \ DAMASKS,. •.. • BOWS, 1 SPOKES;.' :PELLCES, .SPRINGS,.,..AXLES, . . . *- • AND A LARGE QUANTITY. DB' Table' and Pocket Cutlery f AGENTsioR BOSTON BELTING - Co., • LENTAE.R: ANp•.BELTIAG . WIUOLI WE OFFER AT MANIJFACTURE'RS MILL, CIRCLE, 'HAND AND CROSS CUT SAWS From the celebrated Factpry of Wheeler, Madden • . . . . . . . . . . . PITCH AND . CKIISI,.' . :: :LiLA . OKSMITII TOOLS • DEILLS;NNES, SCREW PLATES andANVILS. ,- ' ' - PAWLING .I.ITFPISILS.. . . .. . POMO, - RAKES,: .. SOYTUES, ; dr,c . ' .. . . TIN, . SHEET' InOit..AlkiD • CONtli •• STOVES ALL PATTERNS ' • COOK AND PARLOI.!.. We•xespPotfull.k. solicit a sliaro of :puur.iiatronage.. Giye 1.13 a .call before . ptirchaiin , ;.ehwwliere.• -* • • T. W. .ADAIVIS• & CO: •• Olean, May fi t :lB , s[l:. - ; • . -. • ' • . . . • TON CHURNS .and. Japanned Ware,. Stove Pipe and Tin Cat Holee at • MASON'S. AdriiiiiistrAtoi.'s Sale. NTOTICE ia• hereby' given:ibex the tinder si.ned, Administrators of: the Estate of O. R. 7Benilett:decegsed, , late `of • smethport 'Borough, in purstiance,of an order from the• O rphan's Court of IVl'Rean courity, tothern direc ted, ezpose to s ale or public' vendue, at the Court House; in SmethpOrt, lAl'Keari county, Pa.; on Tuesday; the ' twenty-eighth day of February next, at, one o'clock, 111., of said day, the folloWlng•real estate, to Wit: All that pieedikr parcel of land situate in the 13oroiigh of SMethport, Al'Kean 'county and State of Pennsylvania,' bounded and described as . folloWs, to wit: That part. of Square num bere'd seventy-nine(79) in the • general plan of said , town, within • the following boundaries., viz: beginning.at the north-west corner of said square; thence east one hundred and. ninety tico (192) feet .to the building now occupied-by Levi Wells, (now • occupie d J. C. -Backus seventy.-.tiiro feet from the north-east corner of Said square; thence south sixteen:• (16) •perches, to the • south tine of:said squarev thence . west one,hundred. and ninety . ..two (In) feet to. the south-west. corner of 'said square; ~ .thence north sixteen (16) Per ches to: the place of beginning. Contaiding one acre and tWenty-six perches, more or•lessron said premises there 'is one . : frame building known ea' the “Bennett liouse,?! . ,two •Barns, one Ice Rouse, and .other out-houses..,.:'. • .. TERMS:—Two thouiand dollars, cash, itt the time of:sale; one thousand dollars - at the •lat. J u ne, next,'ind the balance in $l,OOO pay ments; annuallithereafter. . •• . DAVID lI:BENNETT, . W3i.•B. WARNER; '• . Administrator; Brnethport,.Pa.r, January 2.1,.1860 • The above sale, is adjourned until the four' Mounday of... Tune next,•if being the 25th',da. at, the same hour aod place aboye.mentioned. DAVID R.••RENNETT, WARNER, Adininistrators. Sffiethilort, Feb. 29, 1860, 37 -- THE OLDEST, WIDEST dIRCHLA TED, and Most UOMPLETE,.CORRECT and RELIABLE . Bank , Note Repo'rter,irt_existenee. • TPOIVIPSON'S ' BANK - NOTE VD. 'Collate& REPORTER *Circulation, '100;000, EDITED BY JOHN THOMPSON .• . . Quotations'corrected by Tllomrsorg BitirrnEns, MM= Published by brss. - }jciONDELT., 1,17 - Frald'n S TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION IN 'ADVANCE;' .:To mail Subscriber's • •-• Weekly,..,s2 i Bemi.mouthly,. , .:s l i M0ntb1y....759.• To Postmasters or others, whci , forin Clubs .and for wind us the money In advance, we will send the Repor ter Coin, Chart Manua, and Jle . Striptive List, as fol. . . • . •• . 5 copies of the one :rear" •.•,• ••• $0 00.. 5 copies of the -Semi.monthly • .....4 00 • 10 cerise, the Monthly.— . ... 00 We will.fOrward - gratuitousiy to any person aending• a dub of s2l3,at the above :vates,•at any one time; our Amirican Gold . - Con Tait Seale. Address; "• - THOMPSON BROTHERS, ilarikerS, No. 2; Wall•St; N. Y., Proprietors. •. is- SVI 16(4222X2 Patented Sept. Eti 1856: BY' RILE ,Y SJIIITII , • WAblitiOARD AND BEATER are ,the two first and most.natural implements' ever used in Washing Clothes.. Not withstand "mg it hair beeh ' the study of inventors to do. them away, and kir that purpose several' hun dred patents. have been issued; yet it hap been of no effect. 'They have failed in their at tempt. Their machines.have been . condemned and Ihrown..avvav; and tht Wash •-Boird . and Beater again used in their stead. , This machine combines them together, at, tached to a progressive lever in 'such a - manner as gives' great power' to the. Beater, . while either may be.used ai the operator.may desire. The: motion of the .Beater IP quick and easy, the pressure gentle and.. powerful, which gives it the advantage over all, other machines, and is so decided by Competent 'judges. Manufactured. and-sold 'at Mechanicsburg; by • A. WOLTERS. Mechanicsburg; Match 18, ILK. PANS, all new and shiny—you can -4.V.,11:5ee an honest man's face in their) as soon asycinpay over 09 dor, at . MASON'S. • G. o'o D ARE • CHEAR., TAI 7 LCIR'S REGIILATOR. A. N. Taylor Large:rt. Stock of NEW S,UNINIER GOODS Ever broitest .into• tA Comity , •Freaentiirg. UNEQUALLED ATTRACTIONS IN . EXTENT,..' VARIETY, BEEOA NCB.; •.an4 BEAUTY of detign. and coloring. 110% 1%03 11 1,0311t1 ARE'' HERE: Now is the Time • • . To Select from' dm Lugo's' Stork mai •Pstrchami PRICES ARE DOWN! The:Goode.are dob w " Of :lite, ,10 . 1T . :: . cAKES: 0:4 4 : .P.I.OTY.IIAOHNIi.f.IO; And ikosi taleo.ttish Yo males CHOICE SELECTIONS SHOULD CALI, EARLY FIRSTCJOME, FIRS"r Ilis Initisensi:Stot:k ( . It;sisi,e of p . .:R..Y - :,._ .. , - . .C,1...().D. -S.. /a . ..Ead/iJa Variety PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, &-yESTINGS; MILLINERY GOODS,- LADIES'. DRESS PRINTS, LAWNS, LADIES' ICHALLI & LAWN RP,I3ES; Flounced;,.at $1 la fact ts Complete. Assortment 'of DRESS G,OOODS. 0,060 yjs.:BROWN SHETINGS; 5000 BLEACHED fSHEETINGS GROCERZES, SUGARS, FLOUR, PORKt &c. t &c at . 124 621 de. BOQTS: '& -.SHOES; . . . . Largest stock ever offered in Ibis section of country. Men's Kip Boots, a prime article.— , Women's Cog Boots, Men's Bxogan Shpes. , . Women'sGalters,.lippecl, Wornen's• enameled In addition to the aboVe he his a large coon'. S T .. 0 :V- E. S:-: • . • TrAnDWAt - IB t r CROCKERY, •• bletiG;S . MEDICINES, ' YANKEE :NOTIONS, 11A7:5 AND CAPS, IRON ()fall: • Rod and. • . Garman and. cast ? Steel, • .• Wash Tabs and `Grain ?demiles,. Patent Pails, Wash Boards, Vinegar, Fluid, Camphene, Turpentine, . ' . . . AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, And a thousand other things. too numerous to mention, which' wilt be . sold • , WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. I:Or:Country merchants supplied at as low prices as they inn buy in Neiv York.or any of the eastern oities, for cash or, a pptUvicr,crei:lit. Smethport, June, 1850. ... ... NEW'CAMIAGEAND WAGON SHOP; . , . , TAmEs MCDONALD-would infortn'thorpub- J lie that he has fitted up a shop' at the loWei• end of town, on thcpwirnise's recently occupied by N. Medburyi as a carding factory, and is prepared to build ail kinds of . . .. , • .., . • . CARAIAGES AND WAGONS • •• . - . . At short notice; in a workinan-like manner, and.at reasonable pricel.. Having had a large experience in.the business, he , fools sat i s fi e d that his work' will fully meet the requirement!, of all whO will favor hinimith their patronage: R e gis i ring prOmptly attended to, ' • Smethinn t, April, 10, ISSO. . A CA:RD ffAFEEY offers his services to parties J.. owning or wishing to. urchase mineral lands in hllKeaniElk; Clearfield pr Jefferson counties. • - C:7" . Examinations made and „faithfully •re ported. . •' 1 Bradford, July 27;1839: . . GINGHAMS, DEBAIZES, cts COTTON YARN,