M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, June 14, 1860, Image 3
Sheriff's Sales of .sundry Writs,of trea . tti!ieni .11) ; E:ri4iztq ? ..; 4 tlllo24 , ,viVedclitio hi ..E.iwonas and ' (7147.*: • Le , iidrel.reArias, ' ITstietr ant of. tke boof Cominon Pleiis of the connty.of.lll'Keen;: nit(' State of of Pennsylvania,und to me . directed, I •- • shall expose to public' stile'or outcry; . ; at the. 'VOurt House, in.Sriiethport;af 1p o'clock in the ;forenoonloflgonday; the 2.sth:day ()Vane next,' ciw the folling s described, property-to ''' All the righi.,.title„int.erest and.elaiin 'of de- . fentlint to I he:followimr de'sCribed 'estate, sitnato, in Ceres townihip,' M'Kean' County,, Pennsylvania, insuptieti;. and ..deactibed as fol lows.; tO . wit , . on the bort h and east. by.l ands of .foSepy . licidgearr. or. the „sc . , u i 11'. gad Iso t :by „lands .. ., of Daniel :Buckley, .containing nine and three =, fourths acres;.inoluditig the mill race, all irn proved, on which is 'one grisi . .propelled by either 'Steam orwater - or both;. one steam :fiats: mill, one. blacksmithpie *. frame n lio'se,t,wo.iihanty . :'hiiiiseii;end'Otie'fia'me•barn :ittcourse : of . erection, it.b.eing, the lot fornierly .purchased—by Charles Ciraharn• for - hydraulic Ar.sp;one other lot bounded on the . north by Keating lands; on •the ea . strbylands 'of „Jo sephliodges; on the.scitith - .11,Y lands of: Daniel Buckley;: and'on.the west. b y • lands .61 . Thelon, Cooper and ,T. Hadley, containing - twenty , three acres, more or being lot No. ISS,• Keating surliey, unimproyeit.. . . _ . ••• .:Ar.so;—one.other lot lManded. on the. north and east by 'Keating n the south .y Evans and Hmiard and S. A. Coopef; and on , t he .west-by Evans and. HoWard. and lames C. Evatts,.being.lot•Nn.'l7B Keating survey, eon- twining ,thirty-threelteres and five-tenths, More . or less; unimproved. • • • . • Ar •, -other , lot ,boUnded.. north ~bY keatiiig lands:and lantle'ofJ. mirth. by Keating lands; and west by'lands of Niles Kin ney, being lot-,No. 176 Keating:survey; con taining nineteen and nine-tenthsacriis, more or less unimproped. Seized ; and taYeri . in Exeention and' will be sold 'as the ri;opetty of Joseph; Wilcox, Wilcox, and Roswell.Millef, at. the suit: of,`Ad- —AT.Sn=. The colloviring daserlbed real, estate situate -NOrWicir foWnihip - ',llPKehn eotiirtY, 'vania . ; hounded' and 4lsciibetl' asfiil lows td wit: Commeneine; at a beech coriwri (hence, east one hundred. 'tad's tp.:a poSt corner; thence north one hundred .atl 'sikty ter , a;post corner;. thence westione-hdndred rods to a 'post. 'culler; thence smith one hundred and sixty redsto the place of.. beginning; contaitiinv - orte Am - Hired acres more or les's beiii,. part of %.a . rrant. No. .2386, about '8 gr. 9 acres improved,. undone old . - Aoso;'—all otdefendents interest fn• the 'fol ., lowine-deseribed . lands . , 'viz; one of ,land bounded north, , east,. south and west by' unseat ed.lands of Bennett, Winans, Jameson ik,Sanith containing• fifty (50) acres, 'mbre''• or less, it .being.lot N0..79 bf' the' alotment of , Bingham lands in Keating townShiP,'and parinrWarrant Nos. 2270 and 3902; :* .• • , •.•, • . • Atho;—anotherlot.bounded on. the north by •Tlinghamlands andlot N0.,202; on the east by warrant 2067 and .13ingharn lands; on the•south by Bingham lands; . and west by • lot N0::.202 . .'-and Bingham lends,: containing filty-tWe and three-tenths 'acres, it being lot No: 80 of the • alotinent nfßingharn landsAn Keatingtowaship and 'partof warrant No. 3902', . • A r.so;—another lot bounded. on the. north by !midi Of J. J. Ridgway; 'cui. the . ..east by •:J. Ridgway and others;on the' south. A. Easterbrooks and other s ;. wea t by s: J. Ridg way and 41•: Bradbrook, containing twelve hundred acr es more orless, being parts of 'we r rants Nos. 21,11. and 2.112 in Norvvich and Ser.: • geant townships: . Acso;—another, lot bounded on the, north . by. ,J.S. , ftidgWaY'llandsi east by..warrint line No.' 2435; south and west by J:!. Ridgway's land's, containing four' hundred.and; fifty acres more less,' being the•part of warrant No, 2114. '. • Ar.sd;:—another lot of land bnunded'on•th,e north by lands - of S. J: Ridgway; east by Coo. per lands; . south .ahil west` by Ridgway lands, containing two thOusand and eighty nine (2055) acres, rpOre or, less,. it heing w.arrants No. 2113 2862.. and the ,east part of Warrants Nos: .2704 and 2703 in -Norwich. township: ' • .. 'Seized andlaken,:in` Execution ; and .• will he sold as the property Of , Jamieson, Srriitly,,Z. W. Smith', T. F.: Winans audli., Bennett 8; Wm. 13.. Warner;. Administrators of the estate of Bennett, deceased, et;the suit of Reuben S. Taylor:, • ' --ALSO ...ne following described real . estate; situate in:Shippen township 'McKean County; Petinsyl .irtnia; bounded,.arid' described folloWs, vi.t; on the ekit 'by Potter county;, on..tha South D West and north by the riftwOod branch of the Sinnetnahoning creek, it being all thatliart of - an Island known as Bciyenkiu island that lies in M'Kean eitiuntY, containing 'nbiout• three acres. More or less,. all improved; one' large double saw ' three .dwelling .houses; one frame Store hoilsei.'and one frame barn. • •Seiied and. taken in• iszerution and will be sold as the 'properly of ' A. - Boyentort‘ and S..o.:Hathaviray, at the:Shit:Of •Whitlnck', logg'& Carter. • •'•' • -ALSO The following described reel estate, to wit; a certain two story wood -store house, a building. • sltuate•on Main street bet Ween. State and Ful ton streets, being •on square .No, 59, in the Borough of Smethport, M'Kean county, now in progress, of completion, containing in front - on said Main -street twenty-six feet, and in depth fifty-six feet, and , tholot or'.prede'of. ground (•Ind cortiledge appurtenantto said Witting. Seized -and•taken in s f,:.xeCution and will be sold as the property of•Henty. P.' Williams, at the suit of J. A.. Bright now for the use of Ghordie.Coryvid.' •-• - ALSO . . The following described Real estate situate 'in Bergeant...township,./M'Kean'connty, Pennr sylvania,liounded' and described . as. follows,• to wit; beginning at a . sugar.tree Corner being the south west cornerof the lottind,the northwest corner.of the 1,4 originittly conveyed and owned by ; B. Cooper; • thence east one hun dred pads to a post corner; thence north .one hundred acid sixty rode to a post corner; thence west one hundred rods. to a pinit; *; thence, south one hundred 'and iixty . rods to.the ideas of be ginning, containing one hundred acres of, land,' more' or"leis,' being 'part 'of 'lot NO . . l, f.':ole froVe'survey.of said, totsinship; , Aliout 20 acres partly improved, and two old log houses there-. .. • . Seized and taken in gxecittion and be sold as the property oi John Glover at the suit of Juries M. Miller,use of, Johnson & Shepard- -ALSO_ __. , • All the right, - title; interest end dorm of de fendant to the follm.ying , described real restate situate in .Feating eowrishiri,• 111'keamcounty 'Pennsylvania;: bounded and Aeqcribed as . fol lqws, to iniit;. on the north by Reatimi (antler on the east . by Potatoe ereck; 'on . 0e scititla by the 'State • rad leatliiig from Coliderspurt to' Smetlip26l; on tile . west by 'Alpo!, lii 3 h op anti . .. the Chadwick let, fontaining about twenty-five acres, more or lesi; aliont twenty .neres ifti proved, one new irnme house, frame barn and aboOt a dozen fruit trees.'' ' '•••• •.. . -.. Seized:and z fayen . iri Execution and will be 'sold : nig . qte property- of A. D. Alamlin; at the snit of S. Eaton & Co., .. ;;,-. . . ~, • . -ALSO= , piece or parcel Of land situate in ; the • townshir of Eldred;. cou nty of ; NVlc.ean,,,and state o f Pennsylvania, bounded ohilieiiorth'bY r land of R.: Loop; east by David Cooper; . south by.Keatiing lands; and .vrest - by.x..eatp;:lands; Said.land being part cifArayinnt int!ision Contoininiptwehty ; flye .(45) .'acres. Of !grid:More . ..or .16SS,•abOht,ieh acres improved logilbusti, one lei bafa and shingteahanty: Seized nhd taken in Execution and be sold : as the property,of - JaineaDrolce, at.the suit of F,.,.Johh . Folies and George N."' •Fobes,• .Ad ininistrators . eflobri To.bes, deceased) . The.fdllowing described real ,istate, - - situate in. 4 fayette; M %ea rt :CO PO; TerinsYlirs bounded - and - described as fellows, to..wit;; be ginning at a.nost: cornet of the lot on: the read leading.to Olean and on thesputh'line of lot. No. .9.p, - at-Ltifayefte ; .thence west by lots Nos. 21',' 29;and.19 tWci hundred and thirty-three perches to 'a post; thence:sOutlilhy.l6l No.:18, one hen : . dred ;sixly-nine and Six•tenths perehes -to . a ,corner of lot No.. 23 i thence 'east` one hundred and sixty perches (160 to the aforementioned road; thence :''by said road north tWenty r. two 'degrees east one hundred ancl,eighty Perches to the place of beginning, containing. one hundred and ninety-six acres and'dne half acre, be . the same more - or lessi'claim.ed by. deed' from Jo seph Brush and Sarah his .wife, Anted the 10th day of Mare 10810; aboat eighty . acres im proved, one frame house, 't avo freime barns, and alicitit sixty apple trees and two. Wells of Water. • Seized and .taken in Ex . ecutign and ; he sold.as the property of. Alpha Morse at' tile suit of Timothy Tainter: • ' • . aLso=. All the right, title interest. and eliiim - of. the defendant to, the following . . described. Rea'. Es"- tate, boiinded arid:described as •follo'ws,• Beginning at 'a• pig at the N..• W.• corner nif:lot N0..18 I Of the . Ointment of the Binghanilands in-Keating township 'COnveyeil:lo •Eiekiel .T. H 64.; thence . north 11-2, east One.hundred sixteen perchs; thence.. south 89 cant. one , liiih•• ilred'and . fiftyteix perceen and 'four-tenths .of a perch to a Beech; thence south •1 1-2 west one hundred and.nincteen-perches and four-tenths of perch teiaf Beech; `,thence. . north BS. 1-2 .• . • west.ime hiindred,andlifty 7 si?r . perches and .two' 'tenths of •a• - perch to` the place of.• beginning; containini .one Mindred -and nine - aores' • and foitr-tenths . .of -an acre, be the same. more- or less, with'' an alloWance of. Six per cent . ..Tor' roads, Ac., and lining lot.. No. 57 of.th'e: ment of the•Binttham lands iriKeatinft town ship, and part of Warrant No: • 2 tO6', situate in Keating township, Argeao, cg t onty:PcOnsylvd.. nia; about forty: acres improved,- one - old fraine house and one old log. house, and, a feW small • . , . , Seized and taken '-in . execution and will be sold as the proncirty pf, Enoch Bri2tip, - at, the snit of Joseph.Reod,lngersoll and John Craeg . Miller, Trustees 'of three.equal . undivided fifths, : and Charles Willing:, TrUstee,.of.the :'other -two equal iindivided fifths of'the'ES.tate.fOrmerliOf, . • •'• • I • Ail tlie'ribid . title 'interest and claim of the defendant to thelolloWin.. describedßeal rg tate, Bounded and described as' iollowin—Be ginning at thesouth-east coiner Of lot No. .178 of the,ilotment of the Binghain.lands io Keatr ing township, conveyed to'HiraM Barn thence, north 1, east:one:hundred ..intf siXtY.five per ches to a earner onAlie.bank: of COal creek; thence, easterly, along 'the.seieral "courses: said ereek'to the laSt . ..e‘Vor'rant 2000; thence,sontli - 1 1-1, west.one hundreJandiforty. sik perches; th'enae mirth . SS 1-2, - west.. one hundred . and fifty-one , (151) petches to. the. place of beginning; 'cont aining 155 9.10. acres, with an ' alloirance of, six per cent for roads, &c., he the seine more. or less; -it being lot -N6.279 and.2Bo of the alotrnentof th*Bingham -lands in Keating township and part of Warrant'. N0..2000,. situate in Keating . tO‘Vaship, Me 7 Kean county, Pennsylvania; about forty acres unproved, one frame house. one frame barn, and shed; one spring house, and about' ne hundred bearing fruit trees. • .. • • . Seized and ' .taken' in execution; and will be sold as the property of Thornton Barrett,. jr.; at the suit of Joseph Reed Inge' soil and John Craeg Miller, Trustees of the equal undivided three-fifths ;. and Charles Trustee ;of tho other two equal tiodividell fifths of- the es tate formerly'of Wm. Bingbam,..deceased. '• . • JOSRP . H.MORSE, Sheri f'. . • ,Smotbpori, June 7th' 1860: •.: PORT:CA; FT:AO - UR WHITE FISH AND SHAD. I'llLLOii'. - STI: ARINE • • CANDLES WARRANTED . .TO - .FTXND AN' HOT WEATIOI4,, : FL/12 . 54t14 AT,. . • •''' 'Atigtu.st 1119 County Directory Pres't Judge-Hon: if. G. 'White,. Wellsbciro AsTbei,dr.Tudges—l-Jon, Smethport • Hoe. S. Holmes, Bradford. ~. • Sheriff'—Joseph Prothonotary—Samuel C. Hyde, Smatlmort., TZegi,eicr and Recortlci—C.K. Seawall, Smeth Treasurer, (it"ro,teos.)-,Enos Pareops, Brodford. Com ntisiipper.e—Dithiel' :J. Keyed,` Eldretl; . lV Colegrovei Norwich;.' Nelson Peabody Ceres. Commi.sioners'. Clark—J. R. Chatleirick, Smoth • . , Anditors+-8.... C. Corwin, , Smethport, V. P • 'Carter, Ceres. DistrirtAttoritcy.—Wirrcn Cowles, §rifelifilidit. Corolier..l,ntnes . Bond, TAitty'ette.. THE TONGS VICE - - -• • . • HP. SU BBCRI HER , woOld inform the.. citi• T Of Port.Allegarry, acid 'thetsurtoorol fog country, that •ficiiig..prepaieti 19 . do'all kinds 1 1T , A.CRTS'A;ITTI-TING, in all its - different brabelles' n' ftvetiartailliko nisiliner, with pronnitriess ikartzin led to give 'slitiefactian.l' •• •• • WAGON. , WORK. &: MILL IRONS ; attenderho ia , georl : - style,. arid reasoniibie rates. 'Particular attention traiil to ' . , • . . 1 - 101',SCC . . Shollig:„ , '.. From experience in. the busine s s, 'entire . satis factiOn.is guarante;:!4l. ' • •1. D. OTTO: ' Port Allegany,Mareh 1,,1,890. . . . . ~ • N'..B. All , persnh s owing inP', or haw ing un-. sotto(' ite..cinintll, , aro earnestly requested .to call saying Ilin saint! without tklay 7 there-by saying .;u:it :awl trouble, J. D. OTTO., ID ARRIVAL ..,. ,:ki".llN,lr• - 6;000S SPRING SALES. . . . . . , . . . , A IZE.z . low preparedto.E' , xiiib,rt not; of .thr'l,ar ki: : gest..and best. seloi:ted "st.tiek of ' ..' F.011,140,,,A51) . .191(E5T1V151., GOON ever olTerettin Oleans The particularatteotion of customers . is jit vitedto:ta the following &pm ttnonts of, -NECESSA it Y §EASdNA IltE • POODS SUGARS, DEL AINES, SAT.ERATu,s, SHAWLS; CLOTHS MO • LASSES, lILEACI4F.D MUSLIN, CANDLES,,STRIPED . SHIRTING, SNUFF; GINGHAM, N'UT MF:GS AND T}InEE SHILLING GAITERS § TOBAIICCO AND FANCY SILK'S, PEP PER, LINEN 'TABLE CLOTHS, SPICE, LADIES CLOTHS, ' M'ENS BOOTS, BLACK • SILK; INDIGO, GRO. DE RHINE • • SILK, • • • • ctoyEs, • DrNIAIR, GINGER; ' • • ' • CHECK SHIRTING, cRT;AN TARTAR, BLACK; WHITE .A.ND 13L6 BORURING:TO MATCH, 'WOODEN WARY.; •• F'OTATOE. SMASHERS AND WILLOW .WAGGONS, • ..• All..af which we 'are prepared to offer . at pri , , cea.that: sill' defy all : competition. Call and hiitv m'ach,le;ver''gaods can•bc.icild that are 'paid for.wh . en boagld. . . . HOOP-SKIRTS, EMB. SILK, GLASS WARE, ADI.S . cOLLARS. S CRASH .A NO, :TICKING A full assortment of 11:111-MADE CLOTIIING. will alWays ; be,'kept our hp:ild. the ,fates AlI who iratit T T criii find It for cebts, and theliesiin the'State • . ) n e word cordially Invite - all who visit'Olean and, see us before pOr -chitsitet, as it.%vdil, do ttoubt;lie to your inter est', Our foe ili ties, for buying. are unequalled by those of alit', other ileolers. in the.,contitry, tiaexperidnee , rnalitte ,poreeet, 14;5. - Butr.sit has. speptiinudh,of his time in the eastern'ortar kets4forthe past ten • years ; iliWers' him self ihorotighly y pOseed :of( 'the cash •valtie'cit Bootle, in the •vastern . arid hoS seleqedihiss st'oek with great care 'This .dine unit coirimciilioths store'. iliac be found. on Maine N 4 ..rxeelsi'or whcre you WilIC kiwaysfurl us ready to give the, iiest:barkiirtsin down. w. .• fc..BUTLER' & CO," • PRINTS, COFFE VALLNCIAS,. „r NEATLY, OPEARLY. EXPEDIYAIIISLY PAPER AND EiIIP,IRE CROCKERY EMB'D. BDRFS B L A CKSMITH.I - . r:ionted: the shop attadhed , to the .n. Sine t lip° rt the - subsdriberi are now prepared blacicsinithing.. • Particular attention ,paiit in hp. r r Ovieing. VAN Nt;v:.3, 1839 oLp 7.r i iON 1 , 1 sl.c)it,E, .A:111.01,111AN STILL TAKES THE LEAD ! ~.: J -K. :C93'1,70C14,-. , .. , .. .•- . . . ~.., . . . . RF: . SPF.c I T.FI7T.J.,.Y.,ANIIOUNCES ':.eo 'lll§ 61(1 frienils'lp NrcK.eonCfitritk,, hull • hplv . • . Pug -.•. ... , - 6n. Wind' Iluif! Sp! z i usual,v ,vrith't lie- '. I.ARC . ; EST . AN1:) 'B'EST §clectpd'itoa orp . ooils in tho . ol( . . ati MinkC To • IVlolesale - , .0011 ]Hirers <I ~IViiillll.. 8, I can oiler ) ; miloetter'jn,thicririents ihriri .you cdii get west of Nevi; [bakes iio diffisrenttl what. oa.waat;, any hinp iu`(he line of GROCIERIE.S.4. Pl?pvisio,ys, Call nt,the OLD KEYSTONE . . And you . will finil the artierelretal anir6helip It's no use talking the KEYSTONE STORE !ways has and nlw , ays will take the 'frac!, And regulate the market in Grocfkies:and..Pkovisions, • • • OLD FRIENDS AND NEW ONES, Don't WI to call and see me 'when yoti . visit Olean ; shall not hurt you, but shalt certainly ry to do you goOd. . . . . •. Olean, /8.6.041:,1r.!,..c0N.t11)6K..• j 0 1 .3 I?I,IIN3j,ING, OB SVAllpe DESCRIPTION; EXECU,TEI) 'AT T,IIE. .:()] . . , i;4 1 § e ; t 4 Wool pr• •=2 L 9; ..-. O...::• 1 : 1 C ).- :: 1 .'14:0. -...- :::•/1:' . .4'.':: . . L" O CIZ 1 :1 1 C 1 5 1 rn CC =31... 107. C? 3 cc 1.4 k• 21: .1* Fla ) r-0 2! toit c r - -;; , 4 WIN !.Otti:S:4 . .:.T#AOC .oliyi,.(3i:!mol7';'!. NEW GOODS AT THE .ONE 1111GRATM 11 THI!...OLD 'PLACE, THE' CHEAP STORE, afIEA,T, .B4RGAI,IVS FL•AD 4,17 ONE PRICE EGOLATORI'' We inn Dete .4 om . to Undo . 111, MARK THAT-!'! OLD FRIENDS KNOW` ALL. ABOUT IT Ticw . 40-1144 fime'..4ll;nigeioi-lhciseli:'th :One purchisti will satisfY, the, most. skeptical that there is only one plaCe ;.to ; buy first class goods, at •very low prices, and thet,plae.Cleth'e' ,oseruct: ; (fclo,ATOß, .The one Olio system gives the beet satiable SUPERIOR GOODS, ELEGANT' MIMS, NEW FASHIONS, LOW PRICES, EVERY THING.YOU WANT AT TfiF. OFE PRICE REGULATOR, The Hai head-quarters oU trude, ih Oleun and the grand Etpperhim of evely thing new ., neat and etylfah. If you have the CASH ati'd want to buy the BEST DRY GOODS,' FANCYC,Oons, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, • " - HOUSE F!JRNISHIIiG. (4(101*,....• HATS AND CAP§, BOOTS, AND SHOES, EVERY .THING CO .TO THE ONE PRICE REGULATOR, THERE YOU :• *lll find gob& rerbiriable 'for bga'uty, durability, superior . di!triufaetttre and ; • • L OW tdE§ ' • , Tbey.will be offered. • • " • the ii?vfef l . 4 ib)",;':';i ne t ' - .llure,iliir 'first tinte;:irict • , price_ theire cif( he ; WO 11..& t " .01 itet q N. j ( Rotrtembei 7 -00e Price-t : L'or Styles---Strlct,integrityA 7 Cop.', , • • :•,4t . • 10p1a.,44w4 ' H THINpv, ` ' Olean; 'April 23. 1: . : 0 0N?T MISS IT DON'T FORGET; ',' , 101 1 1 aid LEA MI MING , STEWART'S (unereelld) POPULAR cooktiO:"Sto u , vEr, If . ,Ainatty • CLASS of all Sim, Sorts aiol lestriptiols, PROPOSIWTOgELLAULs: I • v.' -4. aii4x4tl.l4llo Nrariaa ATlciiii;lipiilie4 s l,lll4 47 l am all , Pn l P4sOn from my,„,LAI V IGE .and: SgtErdTED • I - 1 r 'anew agit *ship 414 1111(4 I Prt,4 ; In !he selectlon kat•Whielk riffiette taken much ,t,c4yArkg. - glyp.r mrlogogniviiitortion thereto • ..,.7 ~.i .::.~ i9.p.' r•i' gnu i -- - OTM;TAVORITES dookikdlncliAntoß ot tivery desirible LOW:PRICF.S, ttfo,triop:t .4 % P ga , '04t) . F . ,.5, pITCH.FORZS, =0607)0; V•IIEEL•tIARROWS, PrA l P B ';' • -• LEAH P11)61 . , ei4e.4,,r 9 i.cnp f x,'454 , 44, num, and , emeg My trott? i!,:;t1) . Larg* Sales of the veil REPT;OOOattat . tWeIOIVEST Re , manorative =Priceslnsuro the Largest Trofits tothe Sellef,lhi es Oheafeit it* S•Ts'el: l 4 • ', l • *etettge 4BrikAk.#l,§co.4.4fk:•,,, 4 itt. BE MADE • - .TO.i - OPALEE • • • • 1. • ' ." 4 ' 4 4 ftl ) •,•• Ve , ,••• Witi;piy,,highimpricii; for no Getter atitielen..at otitet, plaeinCit it .0411 be their own faultintb .nonnbeljon:cgithitte!tibolte, I am able to stPPIY;ott t! , . • • CROCKERY; e .ra 15iiter4,40,1Y . 1 4t 4 5.'itertii, WORK . 'Fay ing:in "ifiy:empliir‘Coniptreilt inifdetiOri en'eMlutio. VisoOiCtiklit:§hiierfigion to give 4_6,14 et tirt „ I,,raota •i : • : ; , "I 14;alte JUST. , iItECE . ..,.0..„, „,,,.,4,..,..,. t ~,,L ii ...4,.......c.,50„Ert }KW .10.11 ' • '.' -- - '''SA 1 . 24 ' ) I:'SYFiIE • • 1 , •• s . ;,:.'I,Y O .0:4 ( 494.0AN1 , ,; fa.tsii) . ' f * ,i ~ .'-. 4A :' '.. ;NEW .160-llKtißdit - f's s evt-1.11 ADDING TRANSPPRD4VatiM•ry . IlyE'VEto - 410p,8 i ),: is : a a=,issOloii aut. ~ AvtAßlattlorrtgiiligsi .. .atittoccuna . : i t SOLID 0. SHAN 4§ 4 „ . • 1410.. at A . .„,.' -, V.i:iiir4" o ri Wan MiiiigtOt a' ItlMtrivi, IRCtu rem pogio, s ,Altati h isr grEr.r. CAS/Wkitititil UM el,l7v i :. Igo , m s , . q. ..., Ail „„.y.,-..;,..--.T.7,.., i c. •.,it.,,tf1.;;,...,:q.,.,.1-., ,a.-!•:„...51 . , . Y . :' li i: ~ .: Nii, , 2 , 6tiii. , :iaialitioti . . .... Oleiti,.May 15,'1 6 . trf ItGttt),NY,.,f4Cipms 1 aiAhe Old ',Rand .N0 Y4 142 &)311itt SL. g - . 1. EXCELSIOR' BLOCK eilad, , P 4.4 as Vat kaa'ph7o4 consta hit Odvilgi nit EtritutiO4iilirr supply aryl assortrnani of: the . haliaji*alnit!o:z, alas of Hard warp geharn Ily kept. by : SediiFeU.. t , h CeAOJ i Oglfltf a r Niet) Y :11+ - e i l) a ,N . . rna ay; Dirana lac tarere 7 I .IIW t celebrated 4 t.. J 7 F ItIiVaItVNAUS, V kiT .4 :O4 ittpt: 444414 N 14411 d L k 4, Fir4o/gA, 0h'i)4.14.1 Alsi) lii6ge 'oII" , ,AVELCIrk & GRiogurtip sy oilier rankers, . .• . "SvALES"' , r A mni AnOVE *RIYcYg"; „. 7."1 - 'i, .:.;i',r...:',...q.67::Af"M” ~•iy;:;,;. :.,715:::;% r .~~ i' •• .r:Ti. - .' . ...: '.'.-.! , i•-.. ,. ..',..•;' ~ 41 • . ',' 1 112.401011/211 4 AID 111480/11' ..• *.: ~ ,I~^:~ 'Podia s, IIAI!s,. icrAqigkt• /,•4" .v,si.e'; tv,•'%"1. , 1 , 2 PAINTS, SHOVELS;, I-10ES• fir( PAILS,